String of Pearls
- 2 years ago
- 24
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Part of our relationship was based on teasing. My reference to calling her a scrawny little girl is an example. We teased each other a lot. She called me old and fat. She’d say something like, “You’re not stupid, Uncle Bob. You’re just ignorant. There’s a difference, you know.” I’d say something like, “You couldn’t hit the ten ring if you put the muzzle on the paper.”
I was pretty stupid about it. I say stupid rather than ignorant, because I was not ignorant of the fact that all girls eventually start exploring their sexuality. They get curious, and they’re often self-conscious. A lot of them have body image issues. They want to be noticed as a female, and yet that terrifies them. They want to try things, but are scared to. I’m fully aware about all the angst involved with puppy love and broken hearts and crushes and all that stuff that’s completely normal. It’s how the vast majority of girls claw and tear their way into womanhood.
I just don’t think I thought about Chastity doing any of that stuff. I think it was a can’t-see-the-forest-for-the-trees situation.
Well, I couldn’t see the forest until I smacked into a tree, anyway.
And Chas had access to men that the average girl doesn’t have. By the time she was fourteen and fifteen, she was on a first name basis with a couple hundred men, who she saw at the range all the time. And they were men of varying ages and experience, too, from young bucks in their early twenties to hoary old men in their late seventies. We had four of the local cops as members, and practically the entire local VFW post belonged to the range. I had members who were plumbers, accountants, teachers, a bar owner, just about everything under the sun, and she was pals with all of them. The prosecuting attorney is even a member, though he doesn’t show up all that often.
I’ve heard her giving men marital advice. I’m not kidding. Of course, from her perspective, she was just telling the man what women wanted, and why his wife was probably mad at him, but you get the idea. She had lots of men to talk to and be around, so men weren’t that much of a puzzle to her.
She got good grades, but she had very little interest in extracurricular activities at school. She could deal with a cranky old Vietnam vet with no problem, but she complained constantly about boys her own age. She called them vapid and egocentric. She actually used the word “vapid”!
Okay, so I hope, by now, you have some feeling for what our relationship was like. I was her uncle. I was her boss, at the range. I was a shoulder to lean on. I was her sounding board. I was somebody she felt comfortable hugging while she was half naked. I was all these things to her, and we were very close.
And no, I didn’t become all these things to groom her for having sex with. I didn’t even think about them.
Nor did I think about the fact that she was probably my best friend. We were even closer than Amy and I were. I knew everything about her. I liked her, and I liked being around her. She was fun to talk to, and a huge help at the range, even if it was on an unofficial basis.
In a sense, I think she replaced the closeness I’d had with Lucy, after she died. I didn’t intend for her to do that. It just happened.
Sitting in a jail cell gives you time to think. Upon reflection, I’ve remembered some things that, at the time, didn’t mean a lot, but with hindsight were important. They don’t go in any real order. I just remember them happening. So I’m just going to put them on paper. It might seem a little disjointed, and it certainly doesn’t provide a narrative that illuminates the path I took. But the steps I’ll describe got me where I am.
And yes, I’m aware that nobody made me take those steps.
I think one thing that started the train going off the tracks was on her sixteenth birthday. Her mom said she could have a party, but she didn’t want anything big, with lots of guests. I know she had friends at school, because she talked about them. But she didn’t want that kind of party. She just wanted her mother and me to be there and for there to be only one candle on the cake.
“Why one candle?” Amy asked.
“Because this is the first year of my adult life,” said Chas.
“Nice try,” said Amy. “You can start dating, but you’re not an adult.”
“That’s not what I meant,” said Chas. “This is the first time I’ve felt like I’m becoming an adult. That I need to start thinking about being an adult.”
See what I mean? What average sixteen year old thinks about things that way? Most kids that age just want to have fun and get away with as much as they can until the world forces them to become an adult.
But not Chastity. Chastity was thinking about her future in an entirely different way.
That year also started a shift in the kind of teasing Chas sent my way.
She started flirting with me.
I recognized it as flirting. I fully admit that. I just thought she was testing the waters, you know, practicing. I saw her flirt with guys at the range, too, though the flirting she did with them was very subtle. With me it was more obvious. I say more obvious, but it’s also hard to describe.
Take her hugs, for example. They had always been tight, and long. Now there was a very subtle grinding to them, as if she was trying to get comfortable and there was something in my pocket that was in the way. Her fingertips often rested on my neck, instead of my shoulders, like in the past. She turned her head, to press her cheek against my chest, instead of just bumping her nose into my shoulder. She started reaching up on tiptoes to kiss my cheek.
“I like your beard,” she said, one day. “It’s soft.”
“I like my beard, too,” I said, a little confused. I’d had a beard ever since Lucy died and I was too distraught to go through daily rituals like that. It turned out having a beard wasn’t so bad, and then I found out it had some advantages, so I’d never shaved after that. This was the first time she’d talked about it, though.
She reached up and brushed the back of her hand across my chin.
“I wonder what that would feel like...” Then she stopped.
“What?” I asked.
“Never mind,” she said.
I didn’t think anything about it then, but six months later I was dragging my beard all over her naked body - at her request. Now that I think back on it, I think that’s what her unfinished comment was about. She was interested in exploring her sexuality with me back then. You’d have to ask her about that, but that’s what I think.
She wanted me to take her shopping for a new bikini. If I’d have thought about it then, I might have realized that was odd. I mean she certainly didn’t need my help in picking out a new suit. I think she wanted to see what was in my eyes as she modeled suits for me. I remember telling her one of them was a bad idea, because it had ties on either side of the hips.
“Why is that bad?” she asked.
“Because some boy will be tempted to pull them,” I said. I reached and pantomimed tugging at a string. “Presto,” I said. “A treat for him, and embarrassment for you.”
“No guy would really ever do that,” she scoffed. “And I’d kick his ass if he did.”
“And yours would be naked while you did it,” I said, grinning.
She eventually selected that suit and bought it. I thought she just didn’t believe me.
Later that summer she stood in front of me and pulled those strings herself, asking me if I had ever skinny-dipped.
There was one time when we were getting ready to go to the range and she came out of her room in a tank top. She had clothes at my house and had appropriated a bedroom for her use. I didn’t mind. I wasn’t using it for anything anyway. When I looked at her, I could see her nipples poking through the shirt.
“Are you not wearing a bra?” I asked.
She looked down at her chest.
“I don’t have any clean ones,” she said.
“Well you can’t go like that,” I said.
“They’re just boobs,” she said.
“In this case they’re just nipples,” I pointed out.
“Don’t guys like that?”
“Of course they do, but I don’t want men staring at your nipples. Your mother would kill me.”
“Not if she didn’t know about it,” said Chas, as if that was a reasonable position.
“I do not want strange men staring at your nipples, Chas,” I said, firmly.
“Most of them aren’t strange. I know most of them,” she argued.
“Chas!” I yelled.
“Okay, okay,” she said, turning around.
She came back in a halter top that was way too small.
“What are you doing?” I asked. She’d finally gotten my attention.
“Going to the range?” she asked, with exaggerated sarcasm.
“Why do you want to show your breasts off?” I asked.
She looked down again.
“They’re just boobs, Uncle Bob. Every girl has them.”
“Yes, but every girl doesn’t flash them around like you’re doing.”
Chapter One I write short stories for a living. It’s a modest living and it’s not likely I’ll ever be anything even approaching famous but it’s fun, profitable, I can work wherever I am and I can set my own schedule. How much better can it get than that? Well it certainly could be more profitable. My life style does not provide for high end cars, long exotic vacations or expensive toys but I have healthy savings and checking accounts and investments that I hope will provide for me by the time...
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Nathaniel woke slowly, his mind foggy, his head aching and his stomach roiling. Really, he thought it should be much worse – he’d started drinking early, and while he didn’t remember how much he’d had to drink, his actions the previous evening indicated that he should have stopped much sooner than he had. Given that he’d apparently drunk until enraged, then pathetic and sloppy, and then blacked out, he was surprised he wasn’t feeling more ill – he would have expected to spend the day with his...
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Nathaniel watched the bard surreptitiously through half-closed eyes, forcing himself to focus on her face, and not the long expanse of pale skin on perfectly formed legs that he’d been unable to avoid noticing in the night. It was clear from her frenzied movements and her quick, shallow breaths that she was anxious, and he couldn’t blame her – when he’d asked to have Leliana directed to his tent once she’d arrived, he hadn’t expected to find her undressed and dead to the world in his own...
Leliana had almost managed to resign herself that her – increasingly ardent – fantasies were just that: fantasy, and pure fiction. Nathaniel had shown no sign of wanting more, and as she kept reminding herself, he was a Fereldan Arl – he was never going to choose her, even if he was interested. And he’d made no overt moves to show that he was interested in her; he’d been friendly, and he still watched her the way Alistair looked at cheese, but he’d done nothing else. But it was only ‘almost’...
If he hadn’t been turning to look at her, Leliana knew, he would not have missed the pack of Blight wolves that suddenly appeared in their path – and he’d never have fallen off his horse. He’d shown himself to be a good horseman, and she was experienced enough to know from his stance that he was probably better than she’d seen so far. But he’d had his mouth open, his eyes wide, and he hadn’t known the wolves were there until he’d been airborne. She thought she’d probably always feel a little...
Nathaniel woke with a terrible but familiar taste in his mouth: elfroot. His head ached worse than the worst hangover he’d ever had, and he tried to think back to what he might have been drinking that would have affected him like this. He gradually became aware of the rest of his body, as he thought; his leg was sore, the ribs on one side felt bruised, and he was almost unbearably cold – and slightly damp. It was this last that convinced him to do something despite the pounding in his head;...
She giggled and turned her head, lashing him with her damp hair, and he sputtered while she laughed. When she settled back down, she tilted her head back until he could press his forehead against her skull, his breath ruffling her hair. His heart was in his throat, and he felt deliriously short of breath. “Leliana?” “Yes, Nathaniel?” He could feel the vibration caused by her voice against his forehead, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled, her scent somehow exotic despite the undertones of...
When she finally pulled away, panting, Leliana’s lips were tender and swollen from kissing, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck as he adjusted his position and wrapped both arms around her again. She was surprisingly comfortable, his strong arms cradling her against his chest and sharing his warmth. She was still cold, not that she’d paid any attention to that recently, and he shuddered as her cold nose pressed against his skin. He was an incredible kisser, she had to admit –...
He watched her sleep for hours, in the end, reluctant to wake her after everything she’d been through during the day. She slept with her mouth slightly open, her face looking younger when slack, and he’d contented himself to hold her, shifting his grip periodically to avoid cramping up – and to make sure he warmed all of her as much as he could. He hadn’t been joking when he said she’d saved his life; he’d seen what happened to people who’d been bitten by Blight wolves, and it wasn’t pretty....
The morning dawned sunny, for the first time in forever. Leliana woke, still wrapped in Nathaniel’s arms, finally starting to warm up as warm sunlight shone through the cave’s opening. She heard snoring, and realised that the handsome archer must have finally fallen asleep. She blushed when she remembered the night they’d spent, the kissing…Andraste preserve, had she actually bit him? She rolled her eyes at her own impulsive antics. She sat up carefully to look down on the nobleman,...
Now she’d managed to distract him with imagining their first time – and the second, and the third, preferably all in the same night. They’d both laughed uncomfortably, and then avoided eye contact as they’d extracted themselves from the rather intimate embrace they’d found themselves in. Getting dressed had been somewhat awkward; there was little room inside the tiny cave, so they nearly couldn’t avoid accidentally bumping into each other as they attempted to don their respective armour....
Returning to camp took less time than Leliana would have liked; they were discovered by a patrol after they’d walked only a few minutes on the trail where they’d been ambushed. King Cailan had noted that they – or really, Nathaniel – was missing and had sent out search parties at sunrise. As the patrol hadn’t realised they would find Leliana with their missing Arl, they’d only brought one spare mount, but neither archer could bring themselves to complain about sharing. As they rode,...
The whole thing had gotten completely out of hand. Nathaniel sighed and tried to object for what had to be the fiftieth time since this plan had been suggested. “It’s simply too dangerous, Leliana. I won’t allow you – or anyone else – to be hurt in my stead. This is my problem—” “And this is how you’re going to solve it, yes? You’re going to get help from others who have more specific experience in this area.” He turned to the King, hoping for some support. “Your Majesty, surely you don’t...
Leliana yawned, fighting the urge to stretch. Unlike Zevran, she’d never trained for stealth or ambush; her strengths ran to seduction and manipulation. She’d never practiced lying in wait, motionless, for a target. But there was no one else she’d trust to do this, no one with her aim – or her motivation to do the job well. So she stifled a sigh and remained still, watching over the darkened camp like a hawk. She was grateful for Anders; he’d known a spell to temporarily sharpen her vision,...
Nate’s smile fell, his hands clasping into fists at his side. “Maker take me, we had him. If I wasn’t such a blighted idiot...” Leliana turned to him, her smile sympathetic. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known—” “You did.” Nate sighed. “I’ll bet you all did. And I’ve just ruined any hope of pinning this on Esmerelle.” “He wouldn’t have talked.” The Antivan seemed completely confident in his assessment. “I know the type. Anyone willing to poison themselves to avoid capture...
She made a small, pleased sound when their tongues touched, and he swallowed her gasp as he nipped at her lips. Before she realised what had happened, she found herself sprawled across his chest, her knees on either side of his hips, as he laid back unceremoniously in the middle of the tent. They kissed for an eternity, lips sliding deliciously against each other, their breath intermingling. He was a good kisser, not too aggressive, but nicely assertive, his tongue teasing hers, his breath...
He sighed. Any other time the woman had asked him to take his clothes off, he’d have been thrilled. However, she’d made it quite clear that nothing was going to happen that night, and as he got a whiff of the alcoholic stench coming off his clothes – to both disguise the liquor he hadn’t drunk, and also hide the fact that his breath didn’t smell very strongly – he admitted she was probably wise to decline. But now he was supposed to shuck his trousers so she could inspect his bare skin –...
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She led him through the tree the way she’d come, to another, smaller clearing just out of line of sight. She had laid everything out already – two tarps for standing on, one already wet and one dry except for a few small, damp footprints; a clean towel; soap and shampoo, the scents he favoured; a blade to use as a straight razor; and a pile of new, clean clothes that had been harder to obtain than she’d admit. She turned to face him from the edge of the tarp and held out her free hand,...
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BDSM© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Caught in A Good Romance, 5 of 10 By Leslie Lowe Chapter 5 Early the next morning, I dressed in jeans, tennies and a white polo shirt and arrived at the marina on time, having no trouble finding Lance's boat. After I announced who I was to several buff guys standing on the deck, they invited me to jump aboard, which I tried to do, almost falling in before one of them caught me by the hand and...
It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing, simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished...
After I came in Mom’s mouth, I woke her up. Then, I came in her mouth again. It was everything I’d dreamed of. Lucy’s blowjobs were different - they were more slavish; she used every part of her body to serve as she fellated me: her hand, stroking my shaft; her tongue, swirling around my head; her shoulders pushed back, to emphasize her tits. Mom was, weird though it sounds, much more ... inexperienced? I had no idea how many guys she’d blown, and I suspected I’d never know. The pleasure...
It had been three months since my wife went away for four days giving me the opportunity to be a free woman. I was missing that wonderful weekend of unbridled sex and cross-dressing. There were no more opportunities on the horizon leaving me quite hopeless. In my despair, I surfed the internet for porn and cross-dressing sites when I came across a site called “Joann’s Shop”. It had the greatest selection of clothing, wigs, undergarments, and breast forms I had ever seen before. They also had...
CrossdressingI sat on the edge of the bed staring at my husband who was very much asleep. My pussy all gooey from the load he just spewed deep in me. But he failed to get me off, he did not even try. I wanted him to fuck my brains out, and all he did was push his cock in me and drain his balls and then went to sleep. I am pretty sure he did not make it a full minute inside me. I need release. I got up to clean my pussy and make myself a drink, then I will take care of myself. I stood in front of the mirror...
Famous porn star Francesca Le auditions new stud Logan Long for an upcoming movie. The stunning MILF wears a short skirt and a tight top to show off her large, luscious breasts. The cheating hotwife sizes him up and tells him to drop his pants, quickly concluding that Logan will be perfect. Francesca gives a blowjob, gagging and gushing slobber as she worships his massive cock. Young Logan crams her cleavage in a titty fuck. She rides his prick, complimenting him through a savage pussy...
xmoviesforyouThis is the story of my ex-wife, Hafida, whom I had married following atrip to her small home town in the south of Morocco. After reading this,you may think I'm being spiteful, but what the hell! She was no sainteither! We had only been married a few days when I found her arguing vehementlywith her younger sister, Amina. Now, if Hafida is a quiet, seemingly shygirl, then by comparison, Amina is a mouse! I was very surprised then,when I found them engaged in a heated argument! I managed...
Overworlder by ~Daguss WARNING: Contains Racist Comments, mildly used, but still present. The Author asks that you be patient and approach the story from a non-biased stand point. No offense is intended to any party of differing ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The view expressed in this story do NOT represent the views of the author. Thank you. ************************************************************************* The old man limped down the empty side walk, a long, ornate...
Hello Friends, This is an unforgettable incidence in my life . Let me explain it ! I was admitted in a college in Pune that time(4 years ago). I was living with my cousin sister’s home ,who was married 2 years ago. It was Love marriage. Minal(thats her name)was unhappy as her husband had gone to abroad 4 months after her marriage and was not keeping contact with her. She was so upset about that because they had love marriage and still he did like that.. ! Whenever we talked about that guy...
IncestI looked up as she slipped off her jacket and sat down several tables away, and while she was looking away I quickly scanned her face and figure unobtrusively before returning to my book. She was dressed to the nines in a conservative business suit, her jet-black hair curling under at her shoulder around an elongated face of the sort widely sought in Asian cosmetic ads. She had only briefly glanced at me as she looked around the coffee shop and then took on a forbidding manner with a clear...
Straight SexWeek Six:R & R Trin did not like being bedridden. She detested being waited upon, and she sure as hell hated the compression stockings affixed to her thighs. Since she got home from the hospital she would doze all day with Violet, and then allow herself to be dressed. Together they walked outside for a set number of blocks, then returned home. Violet had installed an air-conditioner into their room despite her own discomfort. Trin emotionally was withdrawn. She did not do much, mostly...