Money!Chapter 24 free porn video

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This next day was as if I had never left courier duty. Janet was going to be all over the Midwest and out west, so she was going to use the small Citation. I was asked to use the Phenom to leapfrog up and down the eastern seaboard. I had a first by being given several boxes of parts for military locations. I was told that someone on base would be notified as soon as I was on final approach, and the aircraft would be met so that I could keep rolling. The only time I had to shut down was to get fuel.

This was fairly normal for courier duty, so I was in the air for nearly ten hours when I finally turned the aircraft in. I was advised that one of my charters was ready to return tomorrow, so I was to be in Costa Rica by ten in the morning. I was also advised that I was to pick up a package in Miami when I refueled and had a Customs check. I could do a courier drop-off after discharging my passengers.

All went well to the Resort and back, but I was handed a printed flight plan when I gave the package away, It was for a pickup in Kansas, with a drop off in Arkansas, another pickup back up in Tennessee, with the drop off of a package and person in Atlanta, followed by a pickup in Virginia with a drop off in Pensacola. I called the charter office while I was waiting to be fueled. DeDe answered, so I asked, "What's with the overnight courier assignment? I don't have any fresh clothes or toiletries."

Without sounding apologetic, DeDe said, "You'll have to wear day old clothes and buy a razor. These need doing. There is nothing after Pensacola so far, so you should be back by noon. Janet is stuck out west chasing packages from Washington to New Mexico. She may be out a third night the way it's going for her. She had eleven hours the day before and over ten again yesterday. We're going to have to have a second dedicated pilot for these runs, but whoever it is has to at least have a commercial license to do them. We need more crazies like you and Janet."

I told DeDe, "I don't mind the work, but I'm putting a lot of hours on my aircraft. I don't want to use up my aircraft time running around and not doing the taxi charters the way I hoped."

"You're getting paid, your aircraft is being subleased, and I know you're getting the CS&S discount on your insurance. You'll be fine even when your first major overhaul is due. The charter business will come, Chuck. Be patient, and you'll soon be too busy to keep up."

I didn't get home for two more days, and I had stayed at cheap hotels near airports to save time. There was a Walmart near the hotel the second night where I was able to buy a pair of pants, shirt, underwear, and socks. Although you don't move around a lot, you still get into a sweat every time you're in weather, so you start to smell.

I arrived home at three in the afternoon, and was greeted by DeDe who told me that I had a charter down to Costa Rica, and that one of my customers was coming back, so I was going to be busy with my own charter work all day the next day.

Laundry needed to be done, so I hurried home and found that all the clothes that had been in the hamper were washed, ironed, and hung in the closet. Even my dressier clothes were cleaned and ready to wear.

Knowing that I needed a shack pack, I folded a pair of jeans, an extra pair of socks, shorts, and a knit shirt for the next time I was caught out doing something like courier work. I looked at the pickup location for my charter going to Costa Rica and it was in California, so that meant I needed to fly out there tonight, sleep whenever, and fly south via Mexico to get this customer down there so that I could pick up the one who was returning to the States. Hmm, they were going back to Chicago, so it wouldn't be too bad at that point. I would have to stay over in Chicago or somewhere enroute, or take a chance of being too tired to make the flight home.

I could have really used a nap, but I needed to get it on to get to California so that I could sleep on the plane tonight.

I called the California customer and was told by the man that an unexpected emergency had arisen so they couldn't leave tomorrow, but would probably leave Friday or Saturday instead. I still had the charter to bring a customer back to Chicago, so that would work out.

The kitchen always had food in it and more being prepared. A sandwich or something would magically appear if you were nice to the ladies in the kitchen. I was told that something would be ready soon, so I got down on the floor with the little ones. This batch seemed to be rapidly progressing, and were crawling now. They were kept in a controlled crawling area by a short fence that was fairly sturdy.

The little ones loved it when an adult lay with them so they could pull a nose, ear, lips, or hair. They made a lot of cooing noises, but they also were busy with some mental noises. I realized that Chuck's and Lisa's kids were gifted and wondered how that would affect them as they grew. Dora and I didn't know that we had that gift, but it had affected our early lives. Our mother used the gift to keep us in line and to teach us to be good kids. Our friends all fought with their siblings, but Dora and I never did. We always invited each other to join with our friends to do things, but we didn't get together with them often until we were older, since the other sex had cooties when we were young.

I fell asleep with the little guys and napped for an hour. I woke and had half a dozen little ones using me for a pillow. Nikki woke me with kisses, and held a little girl over my face to give me slobbery kisses. Nothing will put a smile on your face if that doesn't. She said that Gin was out at the airpark taking her flight lesson and Donna was the secretary/receptionist at the R&D shop today.

"I didn't know Gin wanted to learn to fly. I could be teaching her."

Nikki told me, "Don't tell her that I told you. She wants to get her instrument rating before she tells you. She says that she wants to be a flying doctor. You know that she's a little nutty about doing things. She becomes obsessed with an idea and it doesn't leave her. She'll finish her license and then brag to you about it. I think Janet knows and is planning on giving her instrument flight lessons.

One of Chuck's women, who I think is Gina, said that she had given my sandwich away because I had fallen asleep. She told me that Kathy and Mercy were cooking wings for a snack and I might want some of those.

Nikki said, "Come on, have some of those killer wings, but don't kiss me. You did that the last time and my lips burned for an hour."

I went to the bar and found both Kathy and Mercy with surgical gloves on while they poked holes in the wings and put them back into a huge bowl of marinade. Mercy said, "Help get these wings ready for the fire. Chuck and Sal will be here before long and will hog all the wings, so we need to have at least a hundred ready with another hundred on the grill.

Sal and Gerry both came from R&D, smelled the wings, and headed to the bar. Kathy put some on a platter and the two began stripping the meat from the wings with tears running down their face. Gerry grinned and said, "My Donny just loves it when you guys cook these wings. He says that he gets a month's worth of loving in one night."

I ran out of raw wings to puncture and went behind the bar to make myself a drink. Sal said, "Make me one too. I love these wings."

Juanita came from the kitchen with a platter full of raw vegetables and a couple of big bowls of ranch dressing to dunk them in. Chuck came in the patio, greeted his women, and went in search of Lisa who was changing babies before giving them a breast treat. I was still making drinks when he came out and I made him one too. Steve came home and was mobbed by his kids, from Sue Ellen up.

Janet arrived to make my evening complete and gave me a very nice kiss. She told me, "Wait about five minutes, and make me one of those. I'm going to take a shower."

The people from the business park soon began coming in along with Donna, and then Gin came from the airpark. The place was in a very festive mood, so I innocently asked, "What's the party for?"

Janet, Nikki, Donna, and Gin all came to hug me while Steve was surrounded by his women. Mercy said, "You sure don't pay attention, do you? This is Steve's birthday."

Sue kissed Steve, then came to me and said, "It's your birthday too. Can you imagine the two of you with the same birthday?"

Well son-of-a-gun. I had forgotten all about that. I wasn't on the Internet with my sister who would remind me of these important events every night.

Steve said, "That's another reason for you to stick around. We can celebrate our birthdays together."

He actually came over to hug me, and said, "I have a son like you in JJ, but you are really like a family member. I want you to be around. I want you to be a part of us here. My ladies love you and really enjoy the way you try to be a part of us. You're a little on the bashful side, but I think I might have been that way too. Every one of my crazy friends enjoys having you around and with us when we do things."

Chuck came to me, and said, "You solved the problem of the three crazy women Sal is the acting dad to. You've redirected their unwanted attention and brought us Janet. You know that you established some new rules out at the airpark by working more hours than you should, but not quitting until the job is done. I'd love to have you as a Deputy Marshal, but I understand your hesitancy. I do need you to come with me out west to find out more about some things that you can do. I'll talk to you more about it."

Steve had saved me a plate of the vicious wings and also freshened up my glass. The man said, "You share your gift with Mercy, Missy, my triplets, and my son. You don't push yourself on people, and seem to never invade our minds. I'm really proud to have a son like you."

Steve shouldn't say that as it made my eyes water. Damn, I was such a softie.

Supper was Steve's favorite of pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and some delicious rolls. That could become my favorite too. Everyone had a piece of the giant birthday cake that was made for Steve and me after the dinner plates had been collected.

The men adjourned to the bar after dinner, and the women went to some tables probably to talk about the men. I was more interested to hear what the three girls and Janet had to say.

We had been so busy that Janet hadn't had the chance to talk to the girls about our trip to Miami and the meeting with my family and friends. I didn't catch all of it, but I think Janet may have embellished my youthful activities. Nikki ran to a tall black lady while she was talking, and brought her back to the group. I think her name was Deana. The tall lady kept looking at me, and finally came over to me, "Are you that 'Buddy' that was here before Daytona a couple of years ago?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Why didn't you drive for Gene? He offered you an Xfinity car and you turned it down."

All the women in the group had gathered back around me along with the two girls known as the 'Andies'.

"I was into racing to help a friend promote his shop and get his name out there in front of the team owners. I was also into racing to help a little girl become the driver she is today. Everyone knows Peanut now. I truthfully wasn't that good of a driver. The other drivers made so many mistakes it made me look good every time I drove a good car. Gene was offering me a job because he thought that I was attached to Peanut. She was my friend, not my lover. We made a good team until she found a better one, and that was Gene's."

Deana said, "You could have been picked up by any number of teams. You were scoring way up there against drivers who were supposed to be better than you. I think NASCAR missed out on a good driver."

"Thanks, Deana, but look at me. I'm about the happiest man alive. Tell me how it could be better."

Sandy of the 'Andies' came to me and said, "We have an open wheel that is really hot. We want to run it out at East Bay and maybe up in Ocala and over in Volusia. How about driving it for us to see if it's as hot as we think it is? We've put a lot of love into this pile of used parts. We've been salvaging wrecks for over a year to make this car and just know that it's something special. Please, drive it for us."

I looked around, and Janet said, "Oh, come on. Do it for all of us. We all want a hero and here you are. What do you need to do this?"

"Practice. You can't get into a fresh car and lead or win a race. You have to know what the car can do and what its limits are. I have to have at least four or five hours of practice with the car before I can race it. You all also have to know that I could flinch the wrong way and send that thing into cartwheels. All that work prepping a car and its junk from a twitch? Are you sure you want to try me?"

As she slid up next to me as if we had something going, Mandy said, "Sandy and I love to twitch. Get in our car and stomp that accelerator and stay twitched until you're carrying that checkered flag. You're not going to win them all, but one would be more than we've won so far. Damn, I'm so excited that I'm ready to join Janet in putting you to sleep."

Gin was quick to remind both girls that they had their own men who they put to sleep at night. They finally left me alone after I agreed to practice with their car out at East Bay and race it Friday night. They made sure that I would be willing to go to Ocala for the Saturday races if I did okay Friday, and that might lead to Sunday afternoon at Volusia. I couldn't talk them out of it when they said that they had tires, fuel, and were ready.

I flew my route the next day and returned back to the airpark. Sandy met me and said they had track time, so we needed to go straight there. I left my key fob so they could give it to Janet when she returned.

The ladies had my safety gear and buckled me into their creation. I checked the gear lever on my left side and found it easy to reach, yet still strange to have it to my left. The two girls showed me how to start the four wheels and motor, and said for me to get used to it. I was told the microphone in the helmet I was using was voice activated so that they could talk to me while I was driving.

My first lap was just getting used to the car as I drove it. The way the car was set up made it want to slide up on the track, but the trick was to keep it down when you were at top speed and keep the car sliding all the time.

I drove lap after lap, slightly increasing my speed each lap. I was finally sliding around the track in a constant four-wheel drift while keeping the accelerator on the floor. This car was hot and it was also perfectly built to handle the track. I practiced sliding up and diving inside, and then running up inside and sliding around the outside. Someone who didn't know racing would think that I was being a few bubbles off, but those who race knew that I was practicing to take on a slower competitor who wanted to block the track.

Driving on an empty track is a lot different than when there are a lot of cars competing. I felt pretty confident, but also knew that I would be on the track with experienced drivers who could make a rookie look silly. I've always been a little wild and crazy, so I was thinking that this could be fun.

I had a short run Thursday and was back to practice Thursday evening and able to run with another car doing the same as I was. The guy was in a fast car, but wouldn't stay with it to keep his drifting in the right line. Someone was going to rub one of his rear wheels and make him do somersaults.

We unloaded the car and thoroughly checked it Friday evening. The 'Andies' were more nervous than I was. I thought it was funny the way they had time trials on a short dirt track, but they did it to get position. My time was over a full second faster than anyone, so I was given the first row and chose the pole. I could set up my drift quickly and should be able to stay in front until I began to lap cars if I could get a quick start and get ahead. That's always the tough part. No one wants to be lapped, so they try to block you. That was why the practice of sliding out and diving to the inside.

The race was anti-climatic. My start was so fast that I was twenty to thirty feet in front of the car in the second position. The guy couldn't get his car sliding or drifting and went straight into the railing. The caution and red flags to stop the race so they could get the junk off the track were waved. The car on the outside tried to rub wheels with me on the restart, so I let him begin to get close and punched it when he dove at me. Another caution flag waved as he ran into the low rail in the corner. He was able to get off the track at least. The rest of the race was as expected, with the only problem being lapping cars. It becomes a guessing game of whether or not someone has caught up with you. I ran a lap with the 'Andies' hanging onto the car and waving the checkered flag. I think they just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't do some silly burnouts and ruin good tires.

We were home reasonable early, and had a drink with a plan to leave for Ocala by ten in the morning. The 'Andies' made sure that I would pack my toothbrush since they wanted to go straight to Volusia if we did well at Ocala. That was pretty wishful thinking, considering that they were sponsoring a rookie driver in an overpowered car.

Saturday morning was almost amusing as there was a caravan being organized to go to Ocala to watch the girls' car. I noticed how no one was saying to watch Chuck race so that they wouldn't jinx me. Janet hadn't been able to watch me race Friday night, but was going to be in my car with the three girls on the ride to Ocala.

Same as Money!
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Didir Bibahitoh Bandhobi Keh Chudhlam Didir Bieh Teh

Hi ami krish kolkatai thaki age 25 ami ek jon computer hardware engineer ami amar prothom sex experience tah share korchi apnader sahtheh r setah holo amar didi r bandhobi jar naam soma ami didi bollei dakhtam prothomeh kintu ahkhon seh amar sex partner r tar figure tah bolleh di 28-30-38 ehbar asol gotnahtah bolli ami prothomeh soma keh khubh sonman kortam karon amar didi r bandhobi r woh der barir sahtheh amader khubh bhalo somporkoh chilloh prothom amar moneh wor protti chintah dharonatah...

3 years ago
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Stories of a Post Apocalyptic World Part 8

It had been months since Erica had been lowered into the bunker with nine hundred and ninety nine men and zero women, but she was still in disbelief. Nearly all of them had hit on her at least once and several of the men had resorted to homosexuality to fulfil certain needs. At first she hated the thought of being the only woman but after months of constant compliments she was beginning to see the upside to it all. She stood at around five foot five, weighed a little over one hundred and ten...

2 years ago
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Raped TeacherChapter 14

"Take me with you, Jeff!" Erica pleaded. "Please take me with you." Erica had never begged anyone for anything in her life. She'd always done things on her own, with little help from anybody and really not wanting any. But she was begging Jeff because she knew she couldn't live without him. "Please, Jeff." The only man she cared about was Jeff and she was willing to do anything he wanted. "I'll work hard," she said. "I'll take care of you. I'll do anything you ask." "We'll...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 20

The Beginning of the Beginning The sound seemed to come from very far away, although the horn was just across the street. On all seven continents, those who remained claimed to have heard the piercing blast. Stripped of earthly trappings, the Angel Gabriel was light, sound, and energy. His appearance was glorious beyond the descriptive skills of even the world’s most talented, prophetic painters. The sky changed in an instant. Pitch-black clouds and blizzard were transformed into sunshine...

1 year ago
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Use me as you like

"Hmmm, I like it like this", I say while you're standing behind me, while we're watching the sky. You hold me close and place your head in my neck and I lean back with my head. Your arms just below my breasts. "Yea, this is nice". At some point you lean very close in and I have this urge to suck your cock. I turn around and kiss you. "What are you doing?" you say, "You will see...". Kneeling down I open your zippers slowly. Seeing your underwear. Your cock is soft and small. "Wait, don't tell...

3 years ago
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I Became A Slave To My Master

Hello ISS readers. I have always enjoyed going through the stories, published here and I wish to present my experience too, that happened during my school days. Hope you will like it and give your comments. I was studying in 12th std., in a govt. Boys’ school, and a topper in the class. I was popular among my classmates and my class teacher used to like me a lot. I was 5 ft. 3 inches tall, very fair in complexion, with round face, rosy lips and twinkling eyes. I was m edium-built in stature,...

Gay Male
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Enjoyed Neighbor Working Aunty

Hi Sreejith here am basically from Kerala but located in Mumbai. I am married and father of one kid , am 32 years got married 4 years back. I am leading very happy married life though I was always thirsty for good sex but luck was not in my side till last month. I am 5:10 height healthy body n athletic body though age has given me slight tummy ???? . I am mixed complexion and average looking guy. This incident happened with one elder lady who is in her 40 and working with some reputed company in...

1 year ago
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Minor AdjustmentsChapter 4

Beth and I were waiting for Emily and Greg to come out of the school building on a Friday afternoon. “Hey, Steve, can you come over and pick me up tonight at about five?” “Yeah, I guess so. I didn’t know Emily and Greg were planning anything. I’ll pick them up first and then be right over.” “Ahh, could you just pick me up? I don’t want Emily or Greg to know. It’s kind of something special I wanted to do. Here they come. Don’t say anything to them, okay?” “Yeah, okay.” I figured what the...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Kimber Lee 23347

When Peter overhears his neighbor Kimber in an argument with her husband again, he takes it as an opportunity to try to slide right into her red-hot pussy! He sees her alone outside and tells her that she can come over to his house for some coffee and a chat, and that he’ll show her how such a beautiful woman as herself should be treated. Kimber laughs it off, but a few nights later she shows up a-knockin’ at Peter’s door, ready to make the place a-rockin’! Chillin’ in his boxers, Peter can’t...

2 years ago
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Faye Chapter Two

Even before I opened my eyes again I could feel that she wasn’t there, and when I did open my eyes and my vision cleared it was confirmed. I could have just stuck out my bottom lip and cried right then had I not heard the unmistakable sound of water. I knew it was not raining outside because my flat has windows, and so it must be the shower!Either Sally was in there or I have a very self-conscious intruder.Suddenly feeling elated that she was still in the flat, I gathered my senses and stood...

4 years ago
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Fat FarmChapter 11

Day 91 Tuesday Denise looked across the table at Susan and said, "How many more days will you be here?" "About thirty," Susan answered. She was going apartment hunting in the hopes of finding a nice place to live that was close to where she worked. The apartment needed to be big enough for her and Chuck. She was convinced that they were going to be getting married soon, although he hadn't yet asked her. "It is hard to believe that you're going to be leaving," Denise said with a...

3 years ago
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My girlfriends little sister part two

So, yeah. Jennifer was pissed at me for fooling around with her little sister. I assume she was pissed at her sister too since obviously I didn't undress her. The two of them left in a huff with Jennie ignoring me and Mary looking directly at me as her sister pulled her into the car.Later, I was unloading my bedroom laundry hamper and, what's this? A pair of white panties! White cotton panties! Yes, they were my girlfriend's little sister's panties and, yes, I seriously checked them out. I...

3 years ago
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Venezuelan Paradise

Her name is Venezia Martinez and, like me, she’s twenty-three years old. We met on an online hookup site that caters exclusively to those who take their sex lives seriously. We have no interests in selfish sextivities, ignorant or dishonest sexual experiences, or foolish practices. With that being said, I have had quite the number of mind-blowing acquaintances. But when it comes to Venezia, I get the feeling she’ll be more than just a fun acquaintance. Perhaps it’s because our profiles match...

2 years ago
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What the FuckChapter 13

The monitor on the stand next to the rail left a green spike followed by smaller spikes both above the line and below it. The attendant had the sound turned low ... just loud enough to be disturbed by the absence of sound than by the sound itself. Clamped to the stand were various pumps injecting various liquids into the back of both strapped down hands. On an extended hanger at the top of the stainless steel stand was a bag of whitish thick liquid that had taken hours to adjust correctly....

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 02 Ch 04

Very little was said as Katie and Matt went to free Tony from exile in the sports bar. The only significant exchange between them was when he looked at her with a conspiratorial grin and arched eyebrow and commented, ‘No panties?’ She grinned back, hugging his arm, ‘It seemed more convenient!’ When they got back to their suite, however, the conversation was considerably more effusive. Katie was first, saying with relief, ‘She certainly was under tonight again. I assumed that she would be, but...

3 years ago
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Lost Virginity To A Junior Boy

By: Superhothd Hi! Friends I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories and developed the courage of sharing the real incident that happened to me. I have lost my virginity just 5 days back. For a girl loosing virgin is a great thing and everyone remembers this throughout her life. Friends, it is not any story but the real thing happened. Now I am going to share with you what has happened. I am 21 years old, 5’5 height with almost fair complexioned female. With 34 28 32 I look too sexy and...

2 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 3 A Place to Talk

I've never been much of a joiner, but my carpool mate, Ted, was the opposite. He hungered to be in a fraternity, while I wanted no part of one. Neither of us was what could be called the "in crowd," so we weren't likely to be rushed by any of the elite houses. However, Ted was a science fiction fan, and he found there was a weekly discussion group that anyone could join. He wanted to find out what it was about and in doing so, dragged me along with him. It was my turn to drive, so I could...

1 year ago
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godess Yeidi Collins

My experience with Yeidi in Amsterdam:The perfect date.You have to know that i always was falling for her beauty and her shapes, and have seen each video on the net of her, you can say that I am an admirer too. I have dated with Yeidi in Amsterdam on her last day of staying at Holland. I just found out that morning she was working in Holland as escort till yesterday before.. She was allready packing but she made a special case for me, after telling her how big fan I am of her.When she opened...

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Alyssa 3 Moms trap

I had to talk Morgan into keeping it low-key at school. There would still be a lot of flirting. One time we were sitting at the lunch table and she practically had her hand on my pants. I wanted to just take her right then and there on the lunch table! My friends knew, her friends knew, but everyone just kept their mouths shut about it. I would always grab her ass when I passed her in the hall. She would whisper the naughtiest things in my ear, or slip the sexiest notes into my hand. Every...

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we 69

as u lie on the bed on your back i pull myself up & turn my body around so i kneel on the mattress above your head & my rock-hard cock hovers above your face... i lean my upper body 4ward at the waist& place my hands on your lower thighs as i press your quivering legs wide apart & start 2 lick the inside of your thigh... i slide my tongue from your knee 2 your crotch & leave wet & glistening trails of saliva all the way up your trembling inner thigh then i suck the...

4 years ago
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Erica Goes Down the Rabbit Hole

Erica batted her long eyelashes and smiled as she placed her customers orders on the table. It was chilly inside the crowded restaurant and her long nipples strained against her uniform top. She had small, perky A cup breasts and she rarely wore a bra to work because she'd learned over the years that her tips were much better when she didn't."Is there anything else I can get you gentleman?" Erica asked in a pleasant tone. She had a sexy southern drawl, pretty brown eyes and a warm smile. She'd...

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A hot summers day with Sarah

This day in particular was quite warm, about 95 degrees. Why the hell I was outside hurling pieces of steel at a hunk of wood in that heat, I still don’t know. Maybe it was fate. So needless to say, she was pretty caked in sweat. Her nipples poked through her tight sports bra as the sweat had softened the fabric. I’m not gonna lie, it was pretty hot to see. She moved down the steps of the elevated wood porch and moved over to a cloth hammock they had strung between two trees. Then it...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 136

I put all the boys in the rubber jock and told Juicy, Bunny and Greedy to fill theirs. None of them had any problem with the instruction - in fact they all seemed pleased with the idea. I told the rest of the boys to use Hunk, Juicy, Bunny and Greedy for relief. I wanted all four pre-loaded since I knew they were scheduled for overnight. I beat my own record, and fucked at the boys at least once before lunch. None were long fucks - just quick bangs in corners or a few group moments back in...

3 years ago
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My Slave Lesbian Maid Part3

Hi iss readers. Ye meri 3rd story h . Aap sabne kafi saraha meri stories ko so thanks. And please suggest me some more fantasies so that I can write more stories and satisfy u all. Ab main story continue krti hu. Mujhe piche se 2 log ne pkda hua h aur vo sb has rhe h ab aage: Ek dum se kmre ki lights band ho jati h. Main chilla rhi hu lekin unhone mera muh cover kr liya aur mere kpde phaad diye. Mujhe sirf bra aur panty me bed pr patak diya aur bandh diya. Aunty boli saali tune bhot maze liye...

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A Maid to Play With

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just ends up as shit? Well imagine the worst of those shit days, multiply it by ten and then you will maybe come close to how my day is going. Let me put it this way, I am royally screwed, I know it, and there is nothing I can do but take it. I guess in the end I should have expected things to end this way, but when you are on top of the world its hard to see what can happen when you fall. The last thing I remember is eating...

4 years ago
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Brother Takes Control

Introduction: Sister finds love, brother finds a piece of ass It started when I was 7 years old. I loved my brother more than anyone in the world. He is 5 years older than me and his name is Alex. My name is Angela. We were at our grandfathers house for a family gathering and we were sitting in the upstairs bedroom alone. I crawled up to him and we started snuggling. Alex? I wish I could marry you. Like mom and dad He kissed my head and we laid like that for a bit. That night our parents...

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Neighbor Was A Fucking Machine

Hi Friends, I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and I have previously shared some of my experiences if you have read. About me, I am an IT guy, well settled working in a reputed organization at a respectful position in Hyderabad. I just love girls with bog boobs and sexy swinging ass. We this story is about a neighbor of mine and me. I took a 3 BHK flat on rent in a posh locality in Hyderabad. However, I stay alone in the flat since I need to work from home as well during nights sometimes...

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Enjoying His Daughters Episode Two

Laura was Jerry's 17-year-old daughter and of course Mindy's sister. Once she entered her teenage years, she began to be more distant than in the past. Her room became an institution that only she could enter. Jerry and his wife accepted the change of behavior, because they too did the same thing when they became her age. But now that Jerry became aware (Read Episode One for more details) that Laura was not the chaste, naive girl he thought she was, it opened up his curiosity. ...

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Trained to be a slut down on the farm

When the front door open my legs turned to jelly the guy had piecing blue eyes his voice made my heart skip a beat, he was what l would call drop dead gorgeous even for a 70yr old, if he had asked me there and then for a fuck l would have been on my back knicker-less with my legs spread within seconds. He introduced himself as Tom then invited us inside, Tom showed us into the kitchen, l found myself listening intently to his every word, l couldn’t believe he was 70, but my jaw dropped...

1 year ago
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Summer Hire Ch 15

Lazy AfternoonMelissa walked back into the house, the screen door banging shut behind her. As her eyes adjusted to the dimness of the house, she wandered over to Erik’s study on the top level, to see if he was there. In the yellow pool of light from his desk lamp, she could see that he was sitting in his chair, talking quietly with a woman standing next to his desk. She wore high heels and a pencil skirt, and she stood with a hand on her hip.The woman was facing away from Melissa, and the...

3 years ago
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Dominique Ch 05

Friday morning. I loved public holidays. It's funny, but I wasn't even thinking about the weekend. Lying in bed watching the sun come up, my thoughts were on the previous twenty-four hours. Closing my eyes and replaying it in my mind, I was getting horny all over again. Two cocks. Two! God. I'd seen the porn. I'd wondered what it would be like. I could see it so vividly in my mind. It was almost like it happened to someone else, and I just watched! Except, I was sore. Not stingy sore. More achy...

4 years ago
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SRU The Shop Keeper

Author's note: I've always liked the SRU stories. This is my contribution. I hope you like it. LS SRU - The Shop Keeper By Lord Stormbringer "Damn, look at all that lost business," Tony said as he looked out of his storefront in the mall. Shoppers were bumping into each other in their hurry past his clothing store. He turned around and surveyed the few women shoppers comparing clothes. He went into the office at the back with the two-way glass window. Tom was reading a girly...

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