Hilary Irvine s African OdysseyChapter 1
- 3 years ago
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Hilary was left alone in her cell for a couple of days. Days of dread as she waited for the Negro to come and take her off for more abuse.
Eventually when he did it was almost a relief.
He entered with a leer on his face - something that sent a chill thru
Hilary's heart. He unlocked the chain from the bedpost, attached a leash to the collar and led Hilary out. Outside the room Hilary and the Negro were joined by two of the harem girls.
Thru room after room the group went until the Negro made them pause as he knocked loudly on the great door in front of him. When he heard the permission to enter the big black stepped aside and motioned the girls forward.
As Hilary was led into the room on her leash, she found herself in a cleared, empty space. Around half of the room were arranged couches and chairs filled with several seated men. It was hard to tell their ethnicity or indeed numbers as there was so much smoke filling the room.
Before Hilary could peer thru the smoke the harem girls grabbed her arms and her plunged face down onto the floor, a process helped by the Negro who kicked the back of her knee to make her fall. All three females were now prostrating themselves before their male masters. Hilary could feel the cold stone floor as she lay down, face to one side.
There Hilary and the girls were made to wait until the meal had ended.
She tried to raise but the girls held her down with a surprisingly strong grip. Hilary could feel her heart pounding. She tried to control her breathing. Stopping herself shaking was impossible.
After what seemed like ages to the naked white woman she heard a sharp
Arab male command that made the girls pick themselves up and Hilary allowed herself to be pulled to her feet.
It was time for the entertainment to begin.
She found herself standing in front of the old Arab she'd spat at earlier. He was regarding her with utter hatred and contempt. Hilary swallowed hard and tried to stay calm. Bravely she met the monster's eyes.
The fiend himself seemed to pause for a moment, thinking and then nodded permission to the harem girls waiting on him. Hilary was turned and pulled lightly back to the centre of the room.
Behind and around her the men leaned back and began to laugh and talk quietly amongst themselves, lifting their drinks. There seemed to be some discussion and Hilary assumed that they were talking about what was planned for her. As it was all in Arabic, of course, she could not understand any of what was said. She guessed that she was about to be beaten or gang-raped. Such treatment would be par for the course judging by what else she'd endured recently. At some point she be forced to get on intimate terms with the old Arab's cock.
Hilary's suppositions were wrong. The horrific reality beyond her comprehension.
Hilary's collar was attached to a chain that ran to a heavy stone block in the centre of the room. The chain's length was set to allow her freedom to move anywhere within the cleared arena. Behind her a manservant pulled a small jar of reddish liquid from his trousers and a soft brush. Opening the jar and dipping his brush, the servant watched as two other men dived for Hilary's calves.
"What the?" Hilary demanded as her legs were seized and pulled apart.
"Oh-OHH!" she gasped as the man with the liquid scooped some out and shoved between her legs.
As Hilary's arms flailed about uselessly more liquid was shoved deeply into her cunt. The liquid tingled but Hilary was still too shocked to pay any attention to it. Too shocked and indignant to notice that two hunting dogs had been brought into the arena from opposite sides.
One dog was the pride of the old Arab's hunting pack; the other was the champion of one of his guests. They were here to compete and the sexy body of Hilary Irvine was the victor's prize!
It was as the men around her withdrew that Hilary caught sight of the dogs. Big beasts snarling and straining at the leash.
Wide-eyed in abject terror Hilary couldn't do anything beyond shaking as the male audience chuckled and jeered at her. Even now she could only imagine that these vicious beasts were here to tear her to pieces.
At a signal from the old Arab the hounds were released. Hilary shrieked in terror before realising that the hounds were going for each other. At least they were until their senses were hit by the irresistible perfume from the liquid in Hilary's snatch. This had been taken from bitches on heat and instantly overwhelmed and confused the great dogs' chemistry.
Breaking off from their attack they both moved to sniff at the human female's rear, one eye on each other, watching for a challenge.
"Get off!" Hilary jabbered, "Go away!"
She bolted.
As soon as she ran the dogs chased her, used to hunting down helpless prey.
Hilary twisted and turned, dodging from one side of the arena to the other while her audience cheered and encouraged their favorite dog. As the terrified white woman thrashed about the dogs' instinct was to close her down and capture her so that there was little competition between them. One would pounce towards her from one side, while the other would chase from the other side.
Sharp teeth closed round Hilary's arm and she froze to a halt, terrified of having it torn off. The dog holding her arm in its jaw panted and held her still, concentrating on bringing the human under control.
Immediately the other hound took his chance and pressed its cold black snout deep into Hilary's crotch.
A long tongue had reached into her and lapped into her soft insides, opening and invading her intimate region. Further down the hound's prick began to grow, excited by the heady smells of bitch on heat that soaked
Hilary's cunt.
The dog holding tight to Hilary's arm felt the aromas and chemistry too.
Unsure as to whether to let go of her and drive away his rival, for the moment he growled his warning and continued to hold on tight.
"Good God!" Hilary gasped wide-eyed as she caught sight of the throbbing doggie dick of the beast that held her.
Possibly thankfully whatever part of her brain that could still think straight assumed that the beast was been aroused by the fighting.
"Back! Back!" she yelped, bravely pushing away the head of the hound between her legs whilst being careful not to move her captured arm.
The dog on her arm suddenly let her loose, barked angrily and moved towards the other, snarling a challenge.
This started a fight between the competing hounds and that allowed
Hilary to pull herself up again and scuttle to the end of her chain.
But there was nowhere for her to hide, the length of her chain never letting move far enough away from the battling pooches.
After a good deal of growling and biting play the two dogs were again overcome by the delicious, urgent smell from between Hilary's legs and loped over to chase her.
Now working together one dog would seek to seize the shrieking Hilary's arm, while the other sniffed out her rear. Cooperation would collapse as the canine doing the holding became jealous of the one sniffing. A snarling, barking fight would ensue. Three times this pattern was repeated until it was clear to everyone that one of the dogs was beginning to dominate.
At a signal from the old Arab handlers stepped forward and held on to the collars of the hunting dogs, holding them back. Hilary fell to her knees, exhausted and tearful. She watched with bewilderment as a low bench was brought into the arena and placed just in front of the old
Arab and his guests.
"Wha-What now?" Hilary panted as she was dragged to it.
Rough hands strapped her down, belly to the bench top. Her legs were pulled forward and tied so that her peachy butt was left hanging out and exposed. Twisting her head round Hilary caught see that the dogs had been brought round behind her. Surely... "Ohhhh!" she gasped as yet another brush load of the reddish liquid was pushed into her cunt.
She wrenched her head round again.
Once again she noticed that both dogs sporting massive erections...
Hilary's shock broke as she woke up to what was planned for her.
"No! For the love of God no! You can't do this! It's inhuman!"
She was shrieking now, desperately pulling at her bonds. She tugged at the bonds round her wrists. No movement!
She tried to wrench her legs off the bench legs. No movement!
She couldn't escape!
She twisted her head round to look where the old Arab was sitting.
"Please! Please!" she begged, "let me go!"
She was sobbing now, and the old Arab loved it. This infidel bitch had spat in his face. She dared defiance. Now she begged ... Hah!
"I'll suck your cock! You can fuck me all night!"
The old boy raised his hand...
"I'm a good fuck! A great fuck! Please!"
The hand came down and the dogs were released and pounced towards the prostrate Westerner. Although they snarled and paraded at each other it was clear that one of the dogs had given way and made no real attempt to hinder the leader as it moved to claim its human prize.
"Ahhh! Nooo!" Hilary shrieked as the beast began to lick his long tongue deep into her vagina.
Hilary tried to wriggle but found that as before she was too well tied.
As the perfume worked its powerful effect on the beast at her rear its swollen, mottled meat - like a salami sausage - reared out beneath her.
Hilary felt the front paws of the hound on her bare back.
"Oh God! Someone help me!" she jabbered.
With a last growl over its shoulder at its defeated rival the triumphant hound hunched in closer and stabbed at Hilary's opening.
"No-uh-no-uh-no!" she panted as she tried forlornly to wiggle away.
Three or four attempts later the doggie his prick found her sopping hole and plunged in.
Tears exploded from Hilary's eyes. A dog had just stuck its dick into her!
Around the sweaty panting woman the audience cheered. The entertainment was about to increase a notch.
Tongue lolling out from his drooling mouth, the beast began to drive his prick into Hilary in a fast rhythm. The bench and Hilary tied firmly to it was shuddering with the strength of the great dog's urgent stabs as he forced into her again and again. In time to the beasts' efforts
Hilary sobbed and blubbered. Her inner walls were stretched wonderfully wide as they gripped around the dog's insistent meat. She panted and gasped in time to his dominant thrusts, no longer conscious of anything but the huge bestial cock fucking her.
The bulge at the lower end of the hound's prick emerged from its sheath and began to expand. It pressed deeper into Hilary and she became aware of this new, greater pressure forcing her to expand even further. Tied as she was there was nothing she could do to close herself against the invasion, even had she really wanted to.
Even if she wanted to?
Somewhere in Hilary's almost unhinged mind was the horrific realisation.
Her body was starting to enjoy this. She was been raped by a dog and liking it. Hilary despised herself. Hopefully this hound would hump her to death and end her shame.
The now-welcome cock hammered against the muscles of her inner lips on every thrust and the flesh gradually gave way. She opened and now the bulge was inside her, her cunt gaping wide.
Hilary could feel herself becoming overcome by the rising torrent of her own passion as she raced towards her climax. Her cheeks burned red with shame. Tears of utter degradation flowed freely as the dog fucked her relentlessly.
Suddenly Hilary could feel the beast begin to slow. She braced herself.
The dog pushed up on its hind legs, getting as far into Hilary's pussy as possible. She felt pre-cum leaking out, and then...
The dog blasted its mass charge of cum into the human female.
The sudden sensation of Fido cumming brought a howl of horror from helpless Hilary. It rushed in like a torrent after a dam had exploded.
The hound threw back its head as deep inside her it began to squirt powerful jets of fluid against the mouth of Hilary's womb. Hilary bit her lip as she felt herself filling up. The dog growled in proud contentment and pushed forward with all its might just to make sure it was as far inside Hilary as it could be. All the while more canine cum was shot into Hilary's womb. It spread out inside her and clung to the sides. The dog had nearly emptied itself. The impact of doggie cum had broken Hilary's own tension and spasms of passion raced through her womb and vagina. Frantically her muscles gripped the meat inside her as if to swallow it into herself even deeper.
Panting, the hound began to pull out from her as the spurts and trickles from the end of his prick wound down. But his bulge was still held tight by Hilary's instinctive needs and his prick would not slide out from her. Growling he tried again and then clambered up on her back and away.
Once her sex partner had gone Hilary suddenly felt empty, panting with exhaustion, dripping with sweat but at least relieved it was over.
Around the room the audience cheered and clapped as the dog moved off.
This was the way to treat white women! You could actually see dog cum dribbling down the dumb bitch's legs!
With a blank face Hilary asked herself what could be so evil in the world to put her thru this. She asked herself just how much further abuse she'd be forced to endure before the nightmare was over. She also enquired in her mind if a dog could fertilise. She became unbelievably depressed, almost convincing herself she would be giving birth to a litter of puppies in a few months.
Hilary was so lost that she was unaware that the second dog was released to have his turn. Spreading her legs as much as possible to accommodate a dogs cock in her cunt would have been utterly shocking and reprehensible to Hilary Irvine ten minutes earlier. But now she realised its what she should be doing. For the beast on her back was jabbing at her shit-hole...
"Nooo... ," she gasped as she felt the cock push in.
"NOOOOOOOO!" she shrieked as the dog began fucking her from behind like a jackhammer, ripping and stretching her ass while it growled in an aggressive manner right into her ear.
Gasping for air as the dog plugged up her asshole, Hilary tried to wrench her wrists free of their bonds. Sobbing with despair she couldn't get free as the dog just rode her back and continued pounding away against her ass. Nothing she did could shake the dog off of her back as its massive member stuffed her anus, gradually working all of the length of its dick inside of her.
It had to pound with relentless force just to get it inside of the tight crevice to begin with, but by now it was easily halfway inside of the human's body.
Suddenly, a sharp pain pressed against the walls of her ass and Hilary knew the reason why - it was pushing its way into her asshole. As it pushed its way past her entrance, it quickly began stretching the inside of her ass to unimaginable size. Whenever the dog would attempt to pull out, the cock would tear and pull against the inside of her ass, causing
Hilary to whimper in pain as her short breaths became more erratic. The area around her ass was getting red with irritation as the dog's disgusting prick ripped her apart. There was nothing she could do but lie there as the dog fucked her mercilessly.
When Hilary woke up the first sensation that assailed was the stench of piss. Drearily she looked around her. She was in a dank dungeon, humid and dusty. Both her wrists and ankles were free so she tried to rise. Gingerly she got to her feet but the moment she tried to walk the iron manacle around her slender neck made itself known. With little real hope Hilary tugged at it to try to get it loose. Wouldn't budge. "Bugger!" This noise elicited a low moan came from the other side of the...
“No no, don’t shoot,” Benjamin Jacobs pleaded, holding his hands up in surrender.“Bang bang,” little Luca Comrie said.“Oh, you got me,” Ben cried, grabbing his chest. Stumbling around on his knees, he made a show of gasping for air before toppling over and rolling onto his back. Coughing, he closed his eyes and let his tongue loll out of the corner of his mouth.“Wow, impressive,” Hilary Duff said, laughing in the doorway.“Mommy,” Luca said, rushing give his mom a hug.“Were you a good boy?”...
CHAPTER 1“Oh shit.” Hilary cursed into her cell phone as her car quietly rolled to a dead stop.“What? What is it?” Her sister asked on the other side.“Oh this fucking car just stalled, and I have no idea where I am.” She explained. She looked around the dark street. The run down part of LA was far from where she was planning on heading, but she had taken the wrong off ramp, and wound up lost in the far corner of the city. “Look. I’m going to call you back in a bit. Okay.”“YOu’d better. Be...
The heat of the Nigerian sun assailed Hilary Irvine as soon as the blonde Englishwoman exited the plane. An oppressive heat that momentarily rendered her breathless. Her heart was pounding, partly from the heat but mostly from trepidation - she just didn't want to be here. For a time it had seemed that Africa didn't want her either. It had taken a week to get her visa approved and Hilary had hoped her trip wouldn't take place at all. Then the bliming thing had turned up and off she'd...
Hilary Duff was smiling at her big sister, showing off her gorgeous dimples. She was such a pretty and beautiful blonde celebrity. Unlike other white female celebrities, she didn’t try too hard to be liked. Her sister Haylie Duff got into the acting business a few years after her sister was a total actress mega star! It was usually the other way around. Hilary was prettier when it came to the face, but her older sister, Haylie had a nice pair of knockers, and she knew it. She exposed her sexy...
Now alone Hilary collapsed in tears, sobbing her heart out. Sobbing because she'd been kidnapped, beaten, and raped. And because her future seemed to only hold more of the same. After a tearful while Hilary had cried herself out. So she wiped away hers tears and took a deep breath. "Today has been shit," she sighed out loud, "But tomorrow is another day!" With that determined thought she climbed onto the mattress, pulled the coarse woollen blanket over, and swiftly dozed off. The...
Hilary Duff closed her hotel room's door, walked over to the bed, and flopped down onto the thick comfy duvet. It had been another whole day of exhausting promotional appearances and repetitive interviews. Despite her tiredness over the last few days and the unfamiliar chill of a European October, she was enjoying being in London and the signs were good for her new singing career.Her first single in the UK, "So Yesterday" had been received well and was set for a respectable chart position. So...
Hilary Duff closed her hotel room's door, walked over to the bed, and flopped down onto the thick comfy duvet. It had been another whole day of exhausting promotional appearances and repetitive interviews. Despite her tiredness over the last few days and the unfamiliar chill of a European October, she was enjoying being in London and the signs were good for her new singing career.Her first single in the UK, "So Yesterday" had been received well and was set for a respectable chart position. So...
Still on her knees Hilary could only stare at Umbatu as he moved into the room. Her mouth opened and closed but she couldn't think of a single thing to say. "Told ya, Boss!" jabbered Corp as he appeared from behind the Katgina Governor, "Told ya Sarge was gonna betray ya! Blondie too! Typical bitch-whore!" "Betrayed... ," intoned Umbatu slowly, his eyes glazing over. "BETRAYED!" he roared, seizing Hilary by her bare arm and pulling her upwards. "L-listen h-here!" she stammered,...
It must have been a combination of exhaustion and the fact that she was at least somewhere that caused Hilary to drop off to sleep - it couldn't have been from a feeling of security. When the bound blonde awoke it daylight was streaming in thru the dirty windows of Tinga's office. She tried to rise and immediately felt the cruel, hard embrace of wire mesh on her bare arms and butt. She sighed. The subsequent breathing in was a mistake as the pungent aroma of sweat and piss assailed her...
Hilary duff had just finished filming a scene for her latest movie a Cinderella story she was wearing some olive colored loose trousers a dark blue tank top and some normal shoes as she started to walk down the hallway of one of the sets smiling to her self as she thought about the kiss she had just had with Chad Michael Murray in the past scene, her hazel eyes glanced around the set as she saw a man walking towards her the man was around about 6’3 had short black hair and was 24 years of age...
Hilary duff had just finished filming a scene for her latest movie aCinderella story she was wearing some olive colored loose trousers a darkblue tank top and some normal shoes as she started to walk down the hallwayof one of the sets smiling to her self as she thought about the kiss she hadjust had with Chad Michael Murray in the past scene, her hazel eyes glancedaround the set as she saw a man walking towards her the man was around about6’3 had short black hair and was 24 years of age and...
Hilary and Kim had been hanging out with me a lot. Mostly individually. We had been having threesomes regularly, but one weekend the girls decided that we should go away. It was winter so we went to a beach town and got a hotel room with a king size bed and jacuzzi very cheap. The girls brought very few clothes with them, and on the drive down they talked about staying in the room all weekend and just getting room service.They had also put me on a special diet. It was to produce more ejaculate....
The alarm on Hilary’s phone went off and she sat up in bed. She momentarily wondered where she was and then it came back to her. She was at the Farm that belonged to a friend of the family. She had asked if she could stay for a few days to unwind and get away from Hollywood. She gazed out the window and smiled. The sun hadn’t come up yet. She got out of bed and headed for the shower. As the hot water cascaded over her firm young body, she washed her hair and scrubbed her soft skin. When she...
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African culture regards the seduction of sexually active women totally different that that of the western hemisphere. Sadly, there are few laws enforced to protect women in some countries and this appalling practice of sexual humiliation has torn families apart. A lot of k**napped teen women, wives and daughters, have been forced into prostitution and sex slavery.... especially the young white ones. Many rich black African men lust for white women and have forcefully impregnated many of them...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! African culture regards the seduction of sexually active women totally different that that of the western hemisphere. Sadly, there are few laws enforced to protect women in some countries and this appalling practice of sexual humiliation has torn families apart. A lot of kidnapped teen women, wives and daughters, have been forced into prostitution and sex slavery.... especially the young white ones. Many rich black African men lust for white women and...
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Premium Lesbian Porn Sites[ This one is especially written at the request of Jamal, who, as a 42 year old Congolese man (along with a group of five of his fellow African males, from various countries) are going to make very sure that they impregnate a young and eager and married white female from Europe! This is dedicated to this being their first ever taste of that formerly 'forbidden fruit' of white females! Kudos, and the best of luck on this wonderful adventure---and may there be others to follow! ]Jamal was very...
The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter. His orchestrated news conference was turning sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage to impress to show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. ?I?ll repeat my question,?came the annoying voice of the young...
Africa 2007Although this is based on fact, I have added additional characters. Only to fuel my desires after the event and when we got home. I wrote the account for my wife who was and is still amazing.After considerable thought and discussion (also some disappointments from unreliable contacts in Yorkshire & the UK in general) We can safely say that the place to find large and very well hung willing blacks for a white English wife is the Gambia. Mixed in with a great and fascinating...
AFRICAN RETRIBUTION By JoetexPrefaceFrom an actual report of the BBC:Dateline: 26 October 2004REPORT SHOWS DR CONGO RAPE HORROR?Fighters in the Democratic Republic of Congo have raped at least 40,000 women over the past six years, human rights agency Amnesty International reports. All groups involved in the civil war committed extreme sexual violence during the civil war throughout the east of the country, it finds. Despite a year of peace, survivors lack adequate medical care and many are...
The Lear jet touched down softly and the blur of African bush slowed down to recognisable shapes. Majestic Camel-thorn trees mixed with Mopani and Baobab stretched towards the Mountains in the distance. The heat was visible from the air-conditioned coolness of the plane. It was Jenny and Paul’s first visit to Africa but the trip was clouded from the word go. Paul was here to investigate yet another investment opportunity and insisted that Jenny accompany him on the trip as his duty-bound...
The Lear jet touched down softly and the blur of African bush slowed down to recognisable shapes. Majestic Camel-thorn trees mixed with Mopani and Baobab stretched towards the Mountains in the distance. The heat was visible from the air-conditioned coolness of the plane. It was Jenny and Paul’s first visit to Africa but the trip was clouded from the word go. Paul was here to investigate yet another investment opportunity and insisted that Jenny accompany him on the trip as his...
Straight SexDeep African Hell By Omar Lothaire CHAPTER 1 It was a relaxed, romantic evening at 'Old Bernardo's'. Beautifully adorned with fresh flowers, the secluded restaurant oozed a refined and sensual touch. As a gentle, soothing music played in the background, the amorous silhouettes of a number of couples flickered in harmony as they happily sat at candle-lit tables chatting with verve and getting to know each other. In his early thirties, average-looking and...
Tanya looked completely in shambles. She was only dressed in a shabby jacket from a uniform. Her face was tear stricken, her mouth was gagged, and on her legs were white blotches of something sticky. A lot of it. Her arms were handcuffed behind her back. Her expression was terror stricken. Tanya looked at the general with pleading eyes, desperately hoping he would help her, whimpering behind her gag. The scruffy condition of the white woman could not hide the fact, that she was very...
********************* The sweltering island looked more like an international airport than a private playground on the day of the wedding. Lear jets and helicopters taxied between the military buildings as an array of jewel encrusted dignitaries most fat with the trappings of power were each dutifully fawned over by Mobana's guards and his island madam. "This way your highness, " the oriental Chui said as she bowed to the King of a close by third world state, "and welcome to...
It was an unbearably hot day and Maria Atkins’ body was perspiring heavily, causing droplets of sweat to trickle down her milky-white skin. She placed her key in the front door lock. Turning it without effort, she made her way through the doorway after another long day at college. She threw her satchel down on the couch before heading to the fridge. She took out a cold bottle of water and brought it to her mouth. Gulping the liquid down, she proceeded to slip off her flip-flops. As her feet met...
InterracialMichelle sat in her brand new house paid for by her rich husband and thought of her past life on a council estate.As she sat pondering the phone rang, “hello” Michelle answered.It was her son’s boarding school headmistress, apparently Cal her 17yr old son had gotten into a bit of trouble and the headmistress had arranged for both set of parents to attend a meeting on Friday morning.Arriving with her husband Tom they made their way to the headmistress’s office. Tom was a self made millionaire...
SOUTH AFRICAN GANG RAPEBy Shabbadew2002 Contact me at: [email protected] Five white wives were lounging and gossiping at the home of one of them in Polokwane early one Friday afternoon. Four were married to businessmen who made their living as vendors selling to the South African National Defence Force. All of their men that week were away on business. Colonel Binda, commander of the Mechanized Brigade stationed in Polokwane, had been having them watched and decided he wanted the five...
[ This is dedicated to a young couple from Poland (who's name's I am changing for privacy reasons, etc.). Though I have only just begun getting to know 'Paula' and 'Stefan', as I will call them here, many of the details contained here are at least very close to being true and factual. So, to 'Paula' and 'Stefan'---I hope this does justice your experience as an emerging interracial cuckold married couple! You are, by no means, at all alone it such a quest! ]Paula had known Habib for quite...
Mark opened his eyes, slowly waking up from a deep sleep. He twisted his whole body and stretched his arms and legs and sucked in a deep breath of fresh air to wake his systems up.Hmmmmmwoooaaaah Mark yawned and reached for his rock hard morning erection. As soon as he touched it, he felt horny. He scratched his scrotum with his left hand and his beardy stubble on his face with his right hand, like most men do every morning. A little fart espaced from his butthole. Oopsy Mark schuckled…….He...
I was intrigued by a message I got from an African man, here in the UK and coming to visit my local City. He was very flattering saying he had never seen such a lovely white booty before as mine?I nearly deleted the message as it started with enrich your life by offering me the chance to help you and was from a gent offering me this in Africa. He went on the say he was a wealthy man in a high position of office who traveled to the UK in his position. You know the type of Spam mails we get that...
Hey guys, I am back with the next part of my African girlfriend story. I hope you guys enjoyed the first part. Guys who have read the first part of my story probably know me. For those who don’t know me, here is a short one. I am basically from Mumbai working overseas on a ship. I am 25, stand 5’9″ tall with a lean beach body. So, let’s get started with the story. My African girlfriend licked my saliva and spat on my lips and gave a naughty smile. I held her back strongly in the same position...
It had been three years since Veena was married to Ravi. Her husband was always busy with his construction work and had no time for his wife. This thing left Veena very frustrated. She never wanted to marry and wanted to have a life full of sex and orgy parties. She had some while she was in her college but it was all over now. She was what we call “the girl next door”. She was too hot to handle but she cursed herself for marrying so early, she was just 22. She lived in Nairobi, Kenya. They...
Note : This story is completely fictional! These are the adventures of Rachel Goodbody. Once a sexy reporter for a media giant; but now believed dead, lost with her film crew in an unfortunate air accident while deep in the African jungle. However she was not that lucky! And now she is the personal toy of the evil dictator she once crossed. If you would like to know how she started on this insane journey and what it took to get this over confident TV babe to become the "African Slave Queen"...
FetishIt seemed to be forever that we had been searching for the slavers. In fact, for five weeks now, we had been cruising the southern islands of the Caribbean. We had sighted them once, two ships close to the horizon, but near enough for the best top man to be able to make out their sail rig, we knew it was them.Their course had suggested that they were making for Guiana in South America, they were trying to run the blockade of the Royal Navy, that had been set up after most European countries had...
InterracialIt seemed to be forever that we had been searching for the slavers. In fact, for five weeks now, we had been cruising the southern islands of the Caribbean. We had sighted them once, two ships close to the horizon, but near enough for the best top man to be able to make out their sail rig, we knew it was them.Their course had suggested that they were making for Guiana in South America, they were trying to run the blockade of the Royal Navy, that had been set up after most European countries had...
InterracialGrowing up i have always checked out various milfs in my city as well as my mums friends and even my friends mums, i have undressed so many of them and even fucked then hard till they begged for mercy in my head in my various masturbating sessions. Last year for the the first time ever i travelled on vacation alone without my family and i was super excited about what adventures i would have, before travelling i had gone on craigslist to find milfs around where i was and i was super excited to...