stay the course
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
The morning after the physical love-in with the three girls was almost funny. The three were strutting around like they had competed in some major event and won it all. I was smothered with kisses in front of Steve and Glenda, and then Sal and their mothers before they left for school.
Janet had courier duty, and I thought that I had a charter. My plane wasn’t even out of the hangar when I checked in at the charter desk, so the flight must be later.
Chuck came into the charter office and saw me standing, waiting for whatever it was that they had planned for me. Chuck told me, “You’re going for a ride out toward Amarillo with me today. This is something that could be important. You need to get checked out in the big ten anyway. Come on, let’s get started, the exterior inspection is the same as yours.” I put my logbook into a pocket of my flight bag and wheeled it out to the painted up Citation X.
We thoroughly went over the aircraft. I was impressed that Chuck was as detailed with his aircraft as I was mine. We used the checklist and double checked everything. We stepped into the plane and Chuck pointed to the cockpit and said, “Sit on the left side and start the inside preflight. The books are in the back pocket of the right seat. I’ll lock up and join you.”
The cockpit of the ten was similar to the four, but had everything duplicated on the right where the four didn’t have everything on the right side. I had to skip the flight management system setup as I didn’t know our exact destination. I was ready to spool the right engine up when Chuck slid into the right seat wearing BDUs with no insignia or name tag. It was a little strange to change clothes in the aircraft, but then everything this family did was all a little strange. I thought I fit in just right.
I told Chuck, “I couldn’t set the Honeywell FMS up because I’m not sure of the destination.”
Chuck said, “File for Amarillo, Rick Husband International, and set up for there. We’re probably going to be diverted to somewhere else, so just fly us in that direction.”
The Citation X is a bigger, heavier aircraft that is faster than the CJ4, but flies exactly the same. Our climb to our requested twenty-six thousand feet was unusual for an aircraft that could really scoot if we had the altitude, and we wouldn’t burn as much fuel if we were higher. We had just flown over Beaumont when the collision avoidance system began sounding. I looked ahead and didn’t see anything, then looked to my left and saw an F/A-18 sitting just off my wing. I said to Chuck, who had an amused smile on his face as he reached to shut the collision alarm off, “Holy shit that guy is close.” That’s when I noticed another F/A-18 off the right wing.
“What am I supposed to do, Chuck? I can’t outfly these guys, but I might be able to outslow them. Are they playing with us?”
Chuck said, “Salute the one on the left and listen.”
I saluted, and the pilot saluted back. I heard, “Go to 1xx.xx.”
I switched the receiver of the 2nd radio to the frequency he gave me and gave a couple of clicks on the microphone button. I heard over the radio; “Drop to nine thousand feet, close your flight plan, and shut your transponder off, No Gas. Make your heading 261 degrees.”
I clicked the mike to let the voice know that I heard him and was decreasing power while using the other radio to close the existing flight plan with Air Traffic Control. I shut the transponder off when I passed through ten thousand feet, and continued flying at the given heading.
“Go to 1XX.XX for instructions, No Gas. We’ll follow you in.”
I looked at Chuck who still had a smirk on his face. I said to Chuck on the intercom, “This is close to the area where I was refueled that time. What’s going on, Chuck?”
“Stay with it and see where it leads. You know how to follow instructions.”
My ILS needles began moving, and a voice said, “No Gas, Proceed to runway 26. Winds are light and variable, altimeter is 29.87. You’re on the slope. Watch for the ‘Follow Me’.”
I could only focus on landing the aircraft at this point. I set it down so softly I think Chuck was still waiting for the bump as I activated the thrust reversers and advanced power to slow us down. I saw a ‘Follow me’ truck at a runway exit just ahead, so I prepared to turn in there. The truck took off heading to nothing as soon as it saw me turning, and then some doors were opening as the truck drove into a huge hangar. I followed the truck until a guy with lit wands waved marshaling me to a location, and for me to turn around and then gave me the shutdown crossed wands. This was really strange.
A couple of carts full of armed troops came out to surround the aircraft the last time I was here. No one came this time. I completely shut down and heard someone plugging us into ground power. Chuck said, “Come on, let’s stretch our legs. We’ll be picked up in a minute or so.”
I looked around, and Chuck said, “You don’t need anything. I imagine they’ll get you something to wear like I have on. You’ll notice there is no rank and there are no names. Your call sign is ‘No Gas’ and mine is ‘Eyes’. This location is known as ‘Mother’. We’re going to confuse them as we’re both named Chuck. One of us is going to have to be Charles or Charlie. Do Charles if you’re the guy who gets to change his name.”
A cart came roaring up to Chuck’s aircraft, and a man got out and shook hands with Chuck. He turned to me, sticking his hand out to shake, and said, “Chuck thinks you should be a part of us, and our investigation of you says that he’s right. Let’s have some coffee and a roll while I describe who we are and what we do.”
We rode through some tunnels and stopped at a door that simply said ‘Supply’. The man said, “Go in there and get fitted for our uniform. Put your clothes in the luggage we’ll give you, and we’ll run them out to the airplane.”
It took the man in Supply about ten seconds to look at me. He left and came back with a set of BDUs a T-shirt, socks, and asked, “Shoe size is twelve?”
I nodded, and he handed me a pair of brogans. He said, “If we send you to the field, I’ll give you some field boots. These brogans are very comfortable, so enjoy them.”
Chuck and everyone just looked at me until I realized that they were waiting for me to put the new clothes on. I was impressed as the BDUs had been washed as were the T-shirt and socks. I stripped and put everything on and was given a belt that needed to be shortened, but it worked. Chuck took a knife from his pocket and flicked out a blade and had me fit the belt for the correct length. His knife must have been razor sharp, because he almost too easily cut the excess off the web belt.
I folded my good clothes and put them into the nice leather bag they gave me, and followed Chuck and the man who greeted us back out to his cart.
Our next stop was the cafeteria where we had some coffee and a roll, while Chuck began telling me about what this organization did. I was smiling by the time Chuck and the other man had told me about most of their activities. When Chuck asked what I thought, I replied, “This may be exactly what I need to become myself again. You saw how I tried racing again, and that isn’t me. I’ve had a couple of incidents since I’ve been home, but they were reactionary and not disciplined. I’m a Marine, and I’m still that same guy who is ready to be in front of his men although I’m retired. I won’t be someone’s butt boy if something crazy happens like last time. I will hurt someone and protect those with me.”
Chuck smiled and said, “You need to go through some training with the Marshals Service and be a real Deputy Marshal. You will also do some training with this group that will include some unique helicopter training. You have the talent and knowledge we need, and you will be taking my place in our field program.”
The man from this base said, “Chuck is still going to guide, but you will be the one on the line. There isn’t a lot happening right now, but you never know when something will come up and we have to use all our men like you. Chuck is going to send you to the Marshal’s Academy for training as a Deputy U. S. Marshal if you’re sure you want to do this. Do you think you can compete?”
I smiled and said, “I’ve been active and working out almost daily, so I should be able to work with men who also work out.”
Chuck said, “I see this guy run by my house almost every morning, so I know that he isn’t afraid to work. I’ll make arrangements with his company to have his charter flights covered while he’s in school. He should be back here for this training in six months.”
I was astounded, “Six months? I have a life, Chuck. I don’t want to leave it for six months. How important is it to become a Deputy? Can’t I do this work here for these people without being a Deputy? I’ve been through all the training for the Corps, including Scout and the special ops training no one gets to do.”
Chuck said, “So you went to the Black Ops training, huh? That is brutal physical training. Do you think you’re back to that level after your injury?”
“I’ve been running and usually run for an hour daily and do a couple of two hour runs each week. Figure I run at an easy six to eight minute mile, I’m running over fifteen miles a couple of times a week. My lifting regime is pretty strong. I do fifty pullups and fifty pushups daily. I think I can pass almost any physical test.”
Chuck said, “The guys who have just completed training said they barely passed all the physical training stuff. They are the same guys who barely pass the scholastic exams, of course. Do this, Chuck. Steve and I will make sure your charter company stays afloat and grows. You can always hire Janet to take over for you.”
“Let’s go home and let me talk to some people this will affect. I’d love to be one of your men, Chuck, but I do have to consider those who are now my family.”
The man we were talking with suggested that we have lunch before leaving for home. I was really upset that I had to be cautious about making this decision. It was more than about me now. This was about five of us, and six, if I included Dora.”
We had a quick lunch and then went to the aircraft. Chuck was going to have me fly back, but I waved him to the left seat after we had completed the exterior inspection. I read the checklist and had to focus as I kept being distracted by thoughts of being away from the whole family for six months. This was almost like a deployment. The difference was that I now had people waiting for me.
I felt Chuck probing me, and I turned to him and smiled. I told him, “I’ll let you wander around in there, but I’ll talk to you about it. I’ve been living with all of you for two years now, and I’ve found a family that I really enjoy. I have more family in Miami, but there are over a hundred people who I consider family in our park. Steve, Sue, Mercy, Juanita, Kathy, and even Mickey, have almost adopted me as a son, brother, or a close friend. You guys even took me to Hawaii with you on that awesome airplane. I’d be on my way if they asked me to do this, but I’d miss all that love. It’s like all your women, Chuck. They all look out for me and share all your babies with me. I get to lie on the floor to play with them, and let them sleep on me. I love that, Chuck. You’re like a brother. I know that we can delve into each other’s head, but we don’t. We respect each other. Just look at your family. I love every one of them, and not in a carnal way. Your women direct my few, but they have given me the courage to agree to be the man for four women, maybe five. I don’t need a bunch of women, but who would I throw back? It’s only been a couple of months, and we’re already acting like an old married couple or should that be an old harem.”
Chuck laughed, and said, “Can you imagine how I feel having fifteen women? I love them all, but I can’t do them all in a night as I’m getting older. I can if they let me go at my pace and they each don’t demand a deposit. I swear they all are swooning by the time we collapse into sleep when I do it my way.”
“I hear my ladies talk about you. They wanted you to be the answer to the big girls at my house, but those girls were never interested in you, or you them, so they didn’t give you much chance to chase them. I heard from Peaches how you were a fascination for Sheena, but she doesn’t know how you feel about mixed couples. Nikki is dark, but not as dark as Sheena. She and her sister are two fine looking girls. I think that they will grow up to be like Peaches. and she isn’t bad looking at all for her age.”
“Don’t even talk about more women, Chuck. You guys out here have this relationship stuff all messed up. Are there that many more women than men? How do so many men happen to have more than one woman?”
“Who knows Chuck, or Charles, or whatever you want to be called. My Freaky Five started it all for me. We were together before I ever met Steve and his group. Shoot, I think I had almost ten women hanging on by the time Steve and I became business partners. I loved them all then, and I love them all now. Just look at the family I have. It’s wonderful. Would I leave them for six months of training? I doubt it. You can still be a part of the other group if you don’t do the Deputy thing, but they will hesitate to use you in some cases. You’ll have to prove yourself.”
“I’ll talk to my family about it. I’ll also talk to Steve and his family about it. They should know how to help me make this decision.”
We entered the home approach path, and were about to touchdown, when Chuck said, “Take it and show me how you land so gently. You sat this thing down out there as if you were putting a baby to bed.”
I showed Chuck exactly how I do it. He was a little hot, so I slowed a little and dropped the gear. We were still too fast, but I didn’t want to completely cut power. I told Chuck that you fly into the runway nose high at this point so that the wheels glide onto the surface and then you gently drop the nose. I pulled the throttles into reverse and applied even more power to slow us down. I used the brakes a little and was able to turn off the runway earlier than I thought I would. Chuck took it back, and said, “I’m going to practice that a lot more. I love the idea that I couldn’t even tell when you touched down. That is uncanny.
We fueled the aircraft and put it away. I took my flight bag and put it into the trunk of my Mercedes. I would have given my personal logbook to the charter desk, but screw it, I should keep it with me all the time. Chuck said that he would see me later. I went home to the patio and was greeted by a lot of women. Mercy saw me and smiled. She waved at me to follow her, and we went back to my room.
Mercy said, “I know what you’ve been offered and what the cost is. You need to know that there is a higher cost. Chuck has been shot so many times that I can’t even remember the number. You’ll often be shot at if you go into that group that Chuck leads. You’ll have that same gift of luck Chuck has, and defy death every time. You’ll cause all your women and us hours and hours of worry whether or not you’ll make it each time. Every time Chuck, and later when Chuck and Lisa came back from one of their clandestine operations, we all wanted to smother them with love so that they wouldn’t leave to do that again. I feel that you are the same inside as Chuck is, and it’s almost as if you are destined to do this. I don’t want you to do it, but you have to be true to yourself. Janet is the same as you to some extent, but she doesn’t have the gift that will keep you and her alive. Don’t let Janet be a part of what you do. She’ll fight you, but don’t give in. My vote is don’t do it, Chuck, but you have to do what a man is supposed to do.”
Mercy walked out of the room leaving me almost in tears. I was staring off in the distance when Missy came in. “Mercy confuses everyone when she lets her emotions come to the front. You have to do what you feel you should. No one can make this decision for you. Talk to your new family and get their impressions. Make sure they talk to Chuck’s family so that they know what could be coming. We all love you, Chuck, but you have to make this decision on your own.”
I didn’t want to be in the room alone, so I walked out to the patio and didn’t see any of the babies. I saw why on the big screen TV. The babies were all in their room and were waking up now. I went to the bar to make myself a big glass of clear stuff over ice, and took a healthy swig. I called my sis knowing that I needed her to help me with this.
Dora immediately answered, and said, “I was wondering if you would call me. I’ve been with you, listening and feeling how you feel. Do you want me to come to you? How about I stay home? You guys up there and I can get together on Skype. Before that though, Chuck, I know that you’re not being fulfilled the way you want as far as what you’re doing with your life, and this might be a way for you to get some of that satisfaction you’re looking for. I’ll worry about you, but I worried about you on every one of your deployments. I love you, and I know you can take care of yourself from seeing you do it, Chuck. I’ll join your Skype meeting, but I’m not going to give any advice unless directly asked for it. Are you okay with that?”
“That’s probably best, Dora. I need to see what Janet thinks and then what the three or four girls think. Six months is a hell of a long time. Can this group handle it? Can Janet wait for me that long? I know that she’ll wait as long as the girls are concerned, but I don’t want to wait. I want our life to begin and be the loving group that I envision.”
With her smiling voice, Dora said, “Well, Champ, you need to go do what you think you should. Every opportunity and reward comes with a cost. Love ya, Bro.” She hung up.
Steve came into the patio and over to me after greeting those of his women who were visible. “So, Chuck is recruiting you for everything he does. I guess he figured that you need to work with him too now that you have a bunch of women. He told me that you’re hesitating because of the time you’ll be in training.”
I nodded while Steve went around the bar to make himself a drink like mine. He put more ice in my glass and filled mine again. He said, “It’s like when you heard that you were going to be in Scout training for almost a full year,” when he came back around the bar to sit next to me. “I’m sure that you were almost dreading how long that would be, but it seemed as if you were graduating almost as soon as you began. This will be the same. I know you were in the new black ops training program, but don’t know how long it was. I’m told that’s a very special group with very special training. You’re used to long training cycles, but you’ll have family here at home who will write e-mails to you this time. You can use Skype to talk with the girls and to all of us if you want.”
“I feel more comfortable about spending the time to go through their training listening to you, Steve. I hope I’ll like the Marshals Service enough to stay if I do this. I do have a lot of outside obligations that I can’t throw away. I’m not going to be their guy if they want me for a forty hour or more week. I’ll do all the crazy stuff they need done, but I still want to be a part of our household.”
“Don’t worry about the girls staying here in the house. This is your home too, and my women want you to stay as much as I do. They want your women to stay because they’re a part of you.”
Kathy brought Steve and me a platter of cheeses and crackers to snack on. Donna came and sat next to me while we were sitting there. She said, “I think everyone has heard that you’ve been offered a great opportunity to do what Chuck does, and that you’re undecided about being away for six months. Remember that all three of us have goals we’re working toward and will continue to do so. We’ll have to put our planned night of experimentation off, but what we’ll be giving you won’t spoil. We’ll still be here when you get back. Besides, you’ll be leaving Janet to be our toy while you’re gone.”
I hugged Donna, and kissed her before asking, “How do your two cohorts feel about this?”
She said, “I really haven’t spoken to Gin, but Nikki said that you being like Chuck would just be another tie to the whole family here. We don’t want you to leave, but going to school is acceptable.”
Janet and Gin were next to come in the patio. Janet fixed herself a drink and Gin indicated that she wanted one too, so Janet made a smaller one. Janet said, “We’ve heard all about Chuck’s offer to you before we took off for Gin’s three hours under the hood. We talked about it a lot, and really think it would be worth the six months to have a fall back occupation like being a Deputy U.S. Marshal. The girls have heard the stories of how many times Chuck has been shot and injured. He was constantly going on high risk assignments. I suppose you did that as a Marine, but you have to remember there are people who depend on you now. I’ll still be here when you get back, and I’m sure our three will still be here.”
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r/r4r, aka Reddit r4r, aka Reddit Personals! I can see how many people would not know what this place has to offer since the r4r subreddit does not really explain the overall function of it. Well, in simple words, this is a place where people can share whatever they want with whomever they want. Or well, whoever shares the same kink. Since if you dislike something, just block them.As a huge Reddit fan, I will try to write an unbiased review. I mean, that is why I am here, and whether you...
Reddit NSFW ListMarissa wasn’t sure what had awoken her. She’d been having the best dream. *** She was at swim practice but instead of the usual crowd she’d had the pool all to herself. She was doing laps, enjoying the solitude and marveling at the ease with which she slipped through the water when she paused for breath. Looking up she noticed someone in the bleachers. She couldn’t see much, just an impression of dark hair and a leather coat. She stared for a moment longer, trying to see more, but then...
Christy Sparks said she likes hard fucking and that’s exactly what JMac gives her, and then some. It’s a tribute to American furniture manufacturing that the sofa didn’t break while they did some of the hardest, loudest fucking ever seen at XL Girls. Was Christy thinking about what JMac did to her when she was on the plane going home? It was her first time with pro studs. They began in the kitchen, finding the best ways to enjoy fruit. Rubbing strawberries on Christy’s...
xmoviesforyouThe frigid, glacial cold slithers in through every pore in her body as she steps naked from the Jacuzzi. Then it slaps her full in the face, a stinging blow that reminds her of a nasty little French godmother that didn’t tolerate sneaking Macarons past bedtime as a child. She welcomed it though, even spread her arms wide to embrace it. Ivalo, Finland and the Northern Lights were a desperate ploy to save a failing marriage and to prevent the spiraling death of the one career she had always...
HardcoreSo, there I was,over at the car park at Kilbirnie Loch,on my knees,wearing my red latex head mask,black pvc mini dress and my favourite black patent knee high lace up boots,oh and my tight short black pvc gloves.The hook up guy I had arranged to meet there was in front of me with his hard cock in his hand and rubbing his cock head all over my rubber covered face,smearing his pre cum onto my mask,felt so good,feeling his hard but soft cock head rubbing on my face.It was just after midnight and...
The party was going to be low key. My wife, Dianne, only wanted something small to celebrate her fortieth birthday. Knowing she wasn't happy about turning forty, I reluctantly agreed.A few months back, when she announced she wanted to join a gym I backed her up even though I assumed it wouldn't last. I'd been wrong. For the first month she had been keen and then she started finding reasons not to go. Somehow she made friends with a real gym-junkie called Gemma. Gemma's enthusiasm rubbed off and...
Miranda stepped into her son's room. Her eyes roamed the walls, shelves and books, absorbing his essence. She sighed, stood, and started packing up the possessions. Soon his room would be transformed for the next generation, as a nursery for Adam's firstborn, and Miranda's first grandchild. As she cleared his desk she caught her reflection in his mirror. “Not too bad for a grandmother,” she smiled to her reflection. “Still not something I’m proud of though, at my age!” Miranda was a youthful...
SpankingHi friends,mera naam mann kaur. Main Gurugram , Haryana mein rehne wali sardarni hu. Main Baaki sardarni ladkiyo ki trah hot hu. Lambe baal, bhara hua jism, sexy honth aur nashili aankhein yh sab ladko ki pant mein tambu bna deti ha. Mera email id ha. Sabhi ladke apne lund pakad le aur ladkiya chut mein ungli daal le. Apne gaadi sikhane wale se chudne ke baad ab mere jism ki aag bhot bad gyi thi. Mujhe samajh nhi aa rha the kaise ise shaant kru.. Jo ladka saamne se guzarta tha nazar seeda uski...
Part 1: Before Tyler Where do I begin when it comes to Tyler Grayson? Before I met him would be a good start. Coming out of high school I was socially awkward, that has not changed much, but nevertheless out of high school I didn’t really know what college would entail. I’ve heard all the stories about “go out every night, get drunk, and bang girls” from countless movies and to be completely honest, all those three things didn’t appeal to me in the slightest. I am a lonely gay guy that has...
Sunday, June 3, 2007 (Continued) Donna approached me to say, "It's boring being stuck at home. How about you tell me what the 'thing' is all about?" She made a Guardian Angel-sized shape with her hands and 'floated' them, so at least she'd asked discreetly. #18: I decided on a different approach: I took her to bed, getting Carol to come with us as reinforcements. We activated the Faraday...
Mona Lisa Life 2003: Right Back Where We Started From By Heather St. Claire Claire carefully adjusted her wig, and checked over her makeup one more time. She was making sure the collar of her purple velour jogging suit was smoothed diwb when she heard her lover Melissa call, "Hurry, darling, if you can, the car's here." "Be right there, love." Claire stared back at the 75-year-old woman she saw in the mirror. There were lines in her face that hadn't been there a year earlier; those...
I’ve been trying to work out a little more lately, because ever since I turned 50 my body is starting to show it’s age a bit. Whether it’s sagging boobs or a little extra flab on my thighs, it’s obvious I’m not twenty years old anymore. I’ve been going to the fitness center pretty early about three days a week. Showing up at 4am, I seem to have the place all to myself. At least I did until recently when Cori, the manager also started her workout routine that early as well.Cori was a couple...
Brian and Joey sat on each side of Sabrina, feeling the quivering cheeks of her ass and along the backs of her long thighs. She rested with her head on her arms, eyes closed, a smile on her face. The pleasure still rumbled through her and her ass shivered with the hot ecstasy she felt inside her come juice- filled cunt. Her tits were smashed almost flat on the floor but her nipples remained rigid with desire. "She sure has a smooth ass, doesn't she, Joey?" Brian said. "The prettiest...
She was curled up on the windowsill in a short gown or dress of some sort. Looking out the window she shifted. Her bare legs extended out with the gown riding high up her thigh. She looked up and saw me across the way looking at her. Initially she started to shift away but something came over her and she turned ever so slightly in my direction exposing more of her leg. I am smitten. I am drawn to her body, to her face, to her eyes. As I stand from my desk, she is looking at me, daring me to...
Natalie was begging for my cock the minute she walked through my door. I seriously hadn?t imagined that anything like this could happen so fast.. especially to me. I mean, I?m a humble guy; I?m nice and sincere; I treat women with respect. I like sex but I don?t go around town wondering when the next pussy will come my way. It had been many years since I had done more than hand holding and the occasional kiss let alone down and dirty fucking. So when Natalie called and said she and her husband...
It was Sunday morning again, and the day before Pat and I were to leave Margaret's to return home. I awoke to the smell of coffee and bacon, and heard Pat and Margaret talking downstairs in the kitchen. I pulled on a t-shirt and sweatpants, and headed downstairs. "Well, good morning sleepyhead", Margaret said as I walked in. Pat was finishing his meal, and was dressed and ready to head to church. I sat down at the table, and Margaret made up a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast for me....
July 7, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Jocelyn Mills,” I said, “please meet Laura Sera Bragg, also known as Lara Sergeyevna Federova. Lara, Jocelyn Mills, my friend since kindergarten.” “I’m so sorry for you, Jocelyn,” Lara said, clearly suppressing a smile. “I know, right?” Jocelyn replied, a similar struggle obvious on her face. “You two are absolutely hilarious,” I deadpanned. “Clarissa loves me!” “Come on, Petrovich, let these two «культурный»,” she smirked, “women get to know each other!” I...
Making a Sissy By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter One "Aunt Lynne, I really have to go," said Tommy, racing over holding himself. "Like really bad." "So can you take him, honey?" Lynne asked. "Really?" Justin replied, leaning back. "I just got comfortable." "Seriously? You are so F--. I mean so lazy," said Lynne, shaking her head. "Now come on, the little guy is just learning and doing really good potty training already, so it's just a swim diaper you need to...
After we got back from Spain we went home. Jay was at home packing. I walked up to him and hugged and said, “We did it, we finally got what we wanted”, jay picked me up and was happy. I saw his bag and asked where he was going, “I need to travel to again but this time it’s for three months, we are shifting our HO to another country and they have made me head of business development and my responsibility to get things going there”, I just fell on the bed, “Three months, that’s a long time”,...
Cheating WifesThis will be a place for all my stories where you can pick and choose which ones you like. All the stories will have ballbusting in them. All the characters are 18+. So pick a story and enjoy. Will be trying to add new chapters everyday. Im having lots of trouble putting pictures and everything online has been unhelpful so i will be putting links. Also if you are going to add chapters to the story don’t stop after one but continue to put more and finish.
FetishAbout three hours later, we’d gone through our new routines, polishing them all up a bit—also going over every routine we’d won a trophy using. Some of those were quite fun, since we hadn’t performed them in such a long while. “LUNCH!” The three of us all came in to see a layout of food that was amazing; we had lasagna or meatloaf to choose from. Also, there were Pan-fried home-made French fries, which is a specialty of the ladies, and the usual Salad Bar, but it had more things to choose...
So... It all started with a dating site. I was trolling along. When I had the idea to look up gay men in my area. I had been a straight man up until this point. But I would always think to my self... (what dose a cock taste like?) So all the gay me for 50 miles pops up. I'm lookin n I see some privy boys... some hunks... and this one guy. No pic. We Charles for like 3 weeK's. Then we finally decided that we would meet. I told him during my chatting that I'm very shy. I wold need him to...
We all three met up at a bar having a few drinks, dancing, watching the guys come and go at our table, it was just a regular Saturday night. The three chicks I had chosen to spend the evening with were Shawna, Tish, and Melody. There was not a doubt in my mind that these 3 girls were very wild. Shawna had a sleeve tattoo done in fairies and dragons, Tish, was into being pierced in places I didnt know was imaginable at the time. And Melody was the quiet one, with big beautiful seductive eyes. No...
Vanessa stood in the foyer of the chalet, staring out the open front door in dread. The snowstorm that had been swirling around the mountain chalet since noon seemed determined to linger around the entire evening and through the night, as well. It was not a welcome sight outside, yet here she was about to venture out into the middle of it in nothing but a loose yoga top and shorts and a pair of winter boots.“Hey, the snow’s coming in. Gonna go out already, or what?” Jake goaded from the...
MILFWe both laid there not sure what to do. Mom just stared at us as if she was not sure what to do next. Meagan and I were laying on the bed with no covers, my semi hard cock still snug in Meagans cute cunt. I thought that if I removed it now, globs of Meagan's and my cum would come runnung out and really set mom off. Meagan was the first to speak, she told mom that this is not as bad as it looks. Meagan went on to explain that we were practicing, experimenting, she went into her sales pitch-the...
Taylor Sands is here to get some tender loving BBC to get her gears running. Big dicks like these are pretty rare and Taylor has wanted to get that thing to mess up her insides. There are spots inside her that only a cock this big can reach so it’s really her lucky day.Taylor enters the room already in her fuck apparel and the guy slowly gives in to her efforts. They started kissing and gets undressed to reveal some seriously nice bits of Taylor. She works her way down until she reaches the BBC...
xmoviesforyouWe found each other over the computer, things moved pretty quickly from a few emails to texting and then phone sex and then finally meeting the first time all happened within two weeks. We were hot for each other and couldn’t take not being able to handle one another. One night he had called and asked for me to come over because he was so horny and couldn’t stop thinking of me. I went, as I got closer the anticipation kept growing. I got there and no lights were on I knocked on the door he...
After a week or so of non stop afternoon sex, I was falling deeply in love with this dark skinned beauty. She satisfied my every need. I would go home in the evening, lay in bed thinking of Latisha and that glowing soft skin, the taste of her womanly juices, the beauty and size of those gorgeous breasts, and her willingly giving herself to me. I would get a hard-on and say to myself. "You don't need this, she will let you fuck her tomorrow", but I would find myself toying with my prick and...
BisexualCindy’s outfit was stained and dirty. She didn’t care, neither did the men. Madam had bought her other outfits. This time, she was in her little school girl outfit. Next time it might be her little maid outfit, or her baby doll outfit. It didn’t matter to her. She sat on the stool while Tik hid behind the curtain. Madam didn’t want her little one to lose her virginity just yet. Tik had given Cindy a safe word she could say if her face or her “innocence” was in jeopardy. Nobody pays for a...
When his fax machine whirred into action, Gale Harold didn’t even blink. He was so tired. He held the cigarette to his lips and sucked occasionally, blinking through the thick smoke but nothing else on his long, lanky body moved. He was so tired that he was beginning to wonder why he’d chosen to be an actor. After Queer As Folk and a quick jaunt to New York for a role in another movie, then a couple of quest spots, he was exhausted. And lonely. As always, his friends provided him with their...
The storm came out of nowhere. The ship’s white sails were billowing in the pleasant sea breeze, the sky was blue and peaceful, and the lookout hadn’t spotted another ship all day. Which was just as well, since Captain Johanna Stern was hoping to make good time getting back to the mainland. She had prisoners to deliver, her holds needed restocked, and, frankly, her crew needed to get laid. She had been sailing for well over a month at this point, and while the men of her crew were good and...
FantasySome countries exude a sexiness that others can't. There are many factors that determine a nation's ambient sexiness. Such things as language, music, dance, and, of course, genetics.FuckabilityIt would appear that Italy has all the ingredients, so it's no wonder they are known the world over as beautiful and passionate lovers. It's also no wonder that plenty of Italians are in adult entertainment.Can we take a second to talk about the accent? Fucking hell, it's sexy. There is nothing like...
Twitter Porn AccountsThe night before Thanksgiving I went out to one of the local gay bars. As I walked in around 10:00PM the first thing I noticed was how many people were in there. It was a nice combination of men and women. Most of the men seemed to be of what I was looking for (gay).I went to the bar, ordered a beer and looked around for prospects. I noticed a nicely dressed man checking me out, so I walked over to him and introduced myself. His name was Dave and he told me he thought that I looked good. I...
Gay MaleThe Flight Attendant... The flight attendant sees a suspicious looking couple on board, so she reports it to the Captain immediately. “Sir, I think we have a case of human trafficking! There is a very pretty, hot & sexy looking female passenger on board, who looks sad & quite frightened. The man sitting beside her is a fat old slob, who looks like a lech, very sullen, mean, and dangerous!” The captain responds... , “Patricia, I’ve told you this before. This is Air Force...