Money!Chapter 26 free porn video

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Being used to getting up early is a curse sometimes. Your body waits to tell you that you need the potty until it becomes very important to get there fast. I slid from bed to use the toilet at ten to six. I was used to the early morning run and physical training that included pushups and pull-ups at the academy. Stretching was the one thing that they didn’t sufficiently do in my opinion. I would go to the large training field on weekends and do forms for a couple of hours to give my body the relaxation that I enjoyed.

I wanted to spend some time with Steve and Glenda this morning, so I put some shorts and a T-shirt on and went out to the patio. The light wasn’t on yet, and Steve was sitting at the table with a naked Mickey straddling him and doing some heavy duty kissing. I decided to go back into the kitchen and sit at the counter and wait for the light. I’m not sure whether or not Steve saw me. A very large-breasted female leaned up against me and kissed me on the cheek. Sue whispered to me when she had both arms around me in a hug. “That’s so sexy. I should take you to bed and the four of us can turn you inside out. I think Mercy and Kathy are in there fooling around now because Mercy can feel what Steve is doing and is so turned on that she’s ready for a hot tub party.” I still hadn’t witnessed or experienced the much talked about hot tub parties. Sue was dressed in an almost sheer gown that gave me a lot of lustful ideas.

We both heard Steve and Mickey groan their release, and from the look on Steve’s face, he was depositing all his available seed deep inside Mickey. Sue gave me another kiss and left to go out to the couple. She kissed them both and was talking to them as Steve aimed the remote and turned the patio lights on. There were simultaneous screen doors slamming as Sue took Mickey back into the house. Tiny and Ruth beat Glenda into the patio, and were drawing coffee for themselves and filling Glenda’s mug. I heard the barely covered Ruth say, “Smells like some good sex out here this morning. What have you been up to, Stevie boy?”

Glenda came through the door and said to Steve, “You should give out invitations for a real audience if you’re going to have a morning orgy out here. You had Sue and Chuck watching from the kitchen as it was.”

I came out of the kitchen to refill my mug. Steve said, “I saw you when you came out to get coffee,” as I sat down. “You should have stayed. Mickey loves to be watched. I don’t know what had her wound up this morning, but she would have taken you on too. Don’t tell her that I said that; she’ll kill me. Ha, ha, ha.”

I had just sat down when a very dark young lady in a very sexy gown came and curled up on my lap. Sheena hugged me and gave my chest a kiss through my T-shirt. Tiny asked, “Did I do something good when I put her on your plane as a hostess? I know that she’s been hanging out with your other three women and Janet while you were gone.”

Ruth asked Sheena, “You finished at HCC last year, are you going to go to USF now that you’ve taken off a while?”

Sheena said, “I finished my initial nursing school and passed the RN State boards. I think I want to do what Nikki is doing and become a physician’s assistant. I need to finish my bachelor’s anyway if I’m really going to be a good nurse. I might as well do something that will be good for the family and everyone out here. Nikki said that she might try to work for Tina, but I might just work at a hospital or office somewhere until Gin becomes a doctor and then be her assistant.”

Steve said, “All Chuck’s girls are still in school with some good goals in life. What is your sister doing at USF, Sheena?”

“She’s two years ahead of me now, and is working on her Masters in accounting. She thinks she can do the CPA exam now, but will wait until she graduates. She’s already working part time for Henry. She has a steady guy who is also an accounting student. Our dad, brother, or whatever he is, that would be our Chuck, has made sure we’ve had every opportunity to succeed. Lisa is the one who has pushed us through high school and HCC. Our whole family tries to help us girls. We’re lucky to be able to enjoy so many things and still be able to go to school.”

Peaches came to the table in a silky gown the same as Glenda, and sat next to me with her daughter still curled up on my lap. “My, oh my, she do look comfortable on your lap, Chuck. Who would guess my little Sheena would want to be hooked up with a white boy like you? You’re not pushing my youngest into anything she doesn’t want to do, are you?”

“He’s not, Mama. I think I want him to do more, but I’m treated exactly the same as Nikki, Donna, and Gin. We’re all going to become women together when it’s time.”

That was the cue for the last four of the women in my life to come from the house and give Sheena grief for hogging my lap. The three younger women were dressed for school. Nikki said, “I have a lab this morning, but I’ll be done by noon at the latest. How about you, Donna? What do you have to go in for on a Saturday?”

Donna said, “I tutor makeup groups for an earlier accounting class. I get two hours credit for doing it and it gives me a chance to study. Our law classes are becoming pretty intense.”

Gin said, “My hospital time is already starting. It’s going to be eight years of this, so take a number if you want some of my time.”

More and more people came to the patio for coffee, and I had to make Sheena get up when Steve and Glenda said that it was time to make breakfast. Glenda said that we were a little late, so I should begin making biscuits and shoving them into ovens, and then began pouring pancakes on the griddle so the kids could begin eating before they went for their motocross lessons and crazy time on the track.

Janet had come in to help, and was cutting potatoes while Steve had what looked like a dozen pounds of bacon frying in a huge skillet. Glenda was sitting at the counter directing the activity and cracking eggs into a huge bowl. She said, “It’s good that you’re back, Chuck. Steve missed having you here. Our other Chuck has so many women and kids that it’s difficult to get them all here in the mornings, so he’s not much use unless he abandons his women.”

I think I was way over two hundred pancakes and was mixing up another huge bowl of batter. Steve had the bacon out of the pan and had dumped all the potatoes into the hot grease. The original Chuck showed up and immediately began getting the baskets for the biscuits and bacon out. He rolled out another batch of biscuits to put on the pan to slide in the oven as he pulled one out.

Sheena, Gin, Donna, and Nikki were taking platters of pancakes out to kids dressed in motocross coveralls. The older toddlers were mooching pancakes as they circled the tables hunting for a treat. Gallon jugs of milk were being taken from one of the refrigerators to pour into sippy cups for the little guys and plastic glasses for the older kids.

Glenda came to the working side of the counter and began making gravy. She was making a lot because she was using almost two gallons of milk and a very large quantity of flour and corn starch. She was ladling it into big bowls and sending it to the tables as soon as it thickened.

Janet said “I have to get my mom over here,” when we finished. “She would go nuts preparing food for all these people. We just made enough food for what you would think would be for several hundred people. We have less than a fourth of that many, but look at those baskets and bowls. There isn’t going to be anything left. Come on, we need to eat if we’re going to get anything.”

Tiny wanted me to sit with him a few minutes after breakfast and helping with the cleanup. Janet sat with me and listened as Tiny began. “Your airplane has been doing exactly what you intended it to do. It has very regularly been ferrying people down to the Island Paradise. The two men we put on to take your flights have the plane in the air enough that it may be time to consider another aircraft. I have you set up as a separate company, but operating under the CS&S FAA Part 135 air taxi license, that the charter office subcontracts to when we need your aircraft to do something.”

Tiny smiled as he leaned toward me and said, “I think you need to consider leasing a Gulfstream. Having the second pilot on board will be good so that long flights are easier on the pilots. You wouldn’t have to refuel between Canada or California and the island. You can keep your CJ4 for courier flights and shorter charters. It will earn enough to justify keeping it. Janet has her Airline Transport Rating now and with a whole lot of simulator time has been certified to fly the 737, 757, 747, and the Airbus A320 family of aircraft. What I’m saying is she can now use someone with a commercial license to fly right seat in the Gulfstream, and we have another experienced pilot who can be Captain when Janet needs a break.”

“Your Citation will still be making money doing short hauls and courier work. We have several young pilots wanting to get hours, so the courier duty is perfect for them. What better life could there be? Fly a tricked out CJ4 and get paid decent money.”

“There is a G650ER available from a leasing company that can be a great deal. You’ll actually be buying the aircraft as a foreclosure, selling it back to the leasing company, and they will lease it to you. CS&S will co-sign the lease for you the same way we did the Citation.”

“Your company could use Janet as a second owner if she wants to put herself out on a limb with you. You’re going to be busy with our other Chuck for a while from the way he’s talking, so let Janet run your private airline and let CS&S charter keep your aircraft in the air.”

Janet said to me, “I can do this and we can have half a dozen pilots to use for our flights. We’ll be paying them hourly the same as we are paid. The difference is that we’ll be signing checks too.”

Tiny said to the two of us, “Your Chuck didn’t take any money from the company, so he has a lot of capital right now to work with. CS&S will still handle the payroll and bills for you. The accounting guys out here who do that work are almost always here, and Henry and I watch over what they do. Go to their office when you need an answer about cash flow, and one of their people can find the numbers for you.”

Janet was shaking her head as she said, “This isn’t the way I learned how it all worked. Is my business degree totally worthless?”

Tiny told her, “Not in the least. You learned to evaluate dollars and cents situations and you know to look beneath the surface before you give an answer. The two of you are going to be one hell of a team. You guys will be a great group to have working with us if you add those other girls to your team. Now go have some fun. Chuck is going to be busy come Monday, so enjoy your time together while you have some.”

Tiny got up and left with the two of us staring at our empty mugs. I got us more coffee and sat back down. Janet looked at me and said, “I hope you don’t mind that the girls and I invited Sheena to stay with us. Those three girls have a very voracious sexual appetite. They were instantly seducing Sheena who didn’t require any convincing. Donna was hit on by Mercy and Sue one day, and all four of the girls were all of a sudden being ravished by Steve’s five. I’ve had some very nice times with Mercy, Sue, and some of Chuck’s girls. His Fab Five are really wild even with all their kids. That family knows how to find time for play. Like I said, I hope you don’t mind Sheena being a part of our group. It’s going to be a full bed with a bunch of horny women if Dora comes to visit which she said she would when you returned.”

“This is going to get out of hand, isn’t it? I now know how Chuck ended up with so many. Even Steve didn’t start out with so many at the same time. Sal did, but his women chose him and convinced him that they were a good choice. I was so happy to think that you and I were going to be a pair. We almost were able to only be a pair, but the trio walked in and said they were staying, and then Sheena shows up and decides to stay too. I thought you would object, but you didn’t. You just smiled and held your arms out to welcome them in.”

Janet said, “Wait till you see the darling girl I’m teaching instruments to. I think she would be a perfect candidate to be dinner for the two of us. She even flirts a little, asking what I do in the evenings and that type of comment.”

“No, no, no. No women. No more women. You girls may occasionally enjoy some variety, but make sure the one you want to play with is clean. I’m sticking with playing with the other girls and thoroughly making love with you. No more women.”

Janet didn’t say that she agreed or even looked like my answer was the end of the discussion. She just smiled and bumped against me.

I suggested, “How about going out to the airpark and seeing how the CJ is doing. You do know that I haven’t flown anything for six months. Now that’s withdrawal. I kept thinking that someone would fly up to see me in a helicopter or something, but you guys have been busy. Let’s get something to fly for an hour or so. How about a helicopter?”

Janet said, “Can we go see Mom and Dad? I’ll call to see if they’re home. They might be down on Key West this time of year. It’s really beautiful in the early spring, and Dad loves to go lobster diving. He knows where the best unrestricted hunting is.”

Janet had the keys to the Mercedes and told me that she had been using it most of the time to keep it running right. She called her mom before we went out to the airpark and found out that she was home, but her dad was in Europe for some meetings. Her mom said she would love for us to come over and have lunch with her. Janet asked, “Can we bring a friend with us? We might be able to bring two friends if they’re available.” Her mom was obviously in the mood for the more the merrier. Janet went looking for Sheena and found her in our suite with Nikki. I changed into jeans, knit shirt, and boots. Janet did the same, so Sheena followed the dress code. Nikki was already dressed that way.

I asked Nikki, “Should we wait for Donna?”

Nikki said that Donna was tutoring until about three this afternoon. I called the airpark and asked for the little Bell 407 helicopter that had room for up to five passengers in it. I was told that I could use one, but I had to drop a passenger off at St. Pete/Clearwater Airport. I told the charter desk that I was on my way to the airpark right then. They said one would be out of the hangar for me. I thought they only had one or two. Things can change in six months.

Sheena was excited because this would be her first helicopter ride. Nikki had flown with Gin’s brother, and Janet still hadn’t begun learning to fly the rotary wing aircraft.

The passenger was a harried looking man in a suit pulling a reasonably-sized piece of luggage. I picked the logbook up for the beautiful blue bird we were given and went out to begin doing the external inspection. There were a couple of things that were suspect, but not critical yet. The flying weather was perfect, so we wouldn’t be buffeted by heavy winds or beat on by rain. No one had written up what I found, so I was thinking that this could be a Jimmy, Joy, or Hank trick. I even went back over the areas that I thought could use some additional work and decided that they weren’t critical.

I saw Hank and Joy watching me as I went over those points of interest one last time. Loading up everyone was a tug of war. The paying passenger first wanted to ride in the right seat, which was my seat as pilot in command, then the first seat by the door, and then on the most comfortable seat in the middle of the passenger area. I looked at the guy to make sure that I didn’t know him. The man was almost like a testing examiner. I completely shut down when we landed to make sure that the man didn’t have a problem getting out of the helicopter. The guy really freaked me out when he began walking off without his rolling luggage. I caught up with him and gave him his bag. He looked at me and smiled before going into the private aircraft operations building.

I went over the areas I was concerned with earlier and all were within spec, so we spooled up and took off for Janet’s mansion on the beach. I noticed the palms begin to move around when I circled the top of Janet’s folks’ home. No big wind yet, but it could get worse. I promised myself to watch the weather. I didn’t have all my confidence back yet.

I anchored the aircraft to the big anchors on the roof. There’s no sense in watching your helicopter take off on its own and fly into the ground. We all followed Janet down the stairs and into the kitchen where Janet’s mother was standing with her hands on her hips.

Janet introduced her mother as ‘Martha Peterson’, and qualified her mother as one of the best cooks in Florida. Martha grinned at her daughter’s bragging, and directed us to the kitchen counter where lunches were normally served. Martha was like Janet and was not bashful about asking questions. She couldn’t get over how our group contained an Oriental girl and an African American. Janet said, “What’s even more amazing, Mom, is that these two will be sharing Chuck with me when it all settles down to a normal life.”

“What do you mean sharing Chuck? I thought you two were maybe on your way to having that special ceremony that ties a couple together forever.”

“It seems the love of my life is the person four other girls want to consider as theirs to love forever too, Mom. Three of them have been special friends all their lives. Nikki is one of those three. Sheena came to light when she found a way to be Chuck’s hostess on one of his flights to the Island Paradise.”

“You’ll like this, Mom. These four girls are saving themselves until they can all become women at the same time. I suppose that would be the same day or night, but the same general time. Think about it, Mom, these girls have been saving themselves, and they have chosen Chuck.”

Martha was having a difficult time wrapping herself around what Janet was telling her. “You’re always so strange, Janet. Your brothers are worthless, while you have always gone after what you wanted to do with your life. Now you find a man who is compatible with you and you find four other women who also want him. How does a man take care of five women? I suppose your dad could have done that when he was younger, but I seriously doubt he could be of much help now.”

Martha’s hand went to her mouth, and in a meek voice asked, “Are you still enjoying other women? Is that how Chuck will be able to take care of five women?”

Janet gave her Mom a superior look and said, “He can do all of us right now, Mom, but he might need our help when we get older. I know this is really strange, but it’s accepted where we live. Who could believe that I would be okay with sharing my one and only?”

Martha looked at Nikki, and asked, “Are you okay with sharing Chuck? You have two other friends who also have the idea of becoming a woman at the same time as you?”

“Yes, Ma’am, my friends and I have always thought it would be perfect if we were to become women at the same time. We have a precedent as our mothers were all divorced single parents and were looking for one man who they could enjoy together. The man is really a great person who all of us enjoy calling ‘Dad’. So our five mothers have one husband, and they have had babies that are now toddlers. They are very happy and seem to have really prospered. Dad has excelled with many, many patents that have made him very wealthy. You see, we know what it is to share a man and recognize how it can be done. Our moms’ choice was Sal, and we chose Chuck. We’re going to have to watch the twins who are close to becoming adults. They have indicated they want what we want. They want Chuck.”

Janet was grinning, and Sheena was trying to get closer to Nikki to align herself with her. Martha looked at me and asked, “Are you normal? You have all these girlfriends, and you aren’t sleeping with them. Does that mean you don’t sleep with any of them?”

Janet settled that by telling Martha, “The girls are saving themselves for Chuck, but I was not as prim and proper as they are. I know what’s it’s all about and I want all the loving I can get from Chuck. We are very busy with our business, so we don’t have much opportunity to play. Chuck just finished a six month school to become a Deputy U.S. Marshal. He’s supposed to report to begin working with the office in Tampa on Monday morning.”

Same as Money!
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PART – 7 WITH BOYFRIEND (2) My boyfriend dropped me at my home with a good night kiss and by that time, we have already made next day's programmed to visit our farm house. Our Farm house is about 30 kms from my house and we went there in my car. I told my parents that I want to show Ramesh our farm house and will return by evening. I got permission from my parents. While I was driving the car, Ramesh was continued to play with my boobs. He even removed my panty in running car as I was...

4 years ago
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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pts 9 and 10

IX: Hangovers Maggie remained quiet as she drove Tammy away from Cincher's. She could hear Tammy still sobbing over what had transpired. In her sorrow, Tammy did not notice that the car was not only distancing itself from Cincher's, but from the city Bullchester...and the surrounding a whole. They drove well into the night, and once Maggie ran her car across a large bridge, with Bullchester far behind them, she decided to pull into a hotel. After parking her vehicle,...

1 year ago
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Eves Night with the Boys

My name is Luke and I have to tell you about the night I had with my drinking buddies. They come over every Saturday night to have a few beers talk about sports, weather, and which girls they fucked that week. Out of all the guys I am the only married one, but my wife Eve always takes off with her girlfriends on guys night. This time however, two of her friends were sick and one was out of town for the weekend. So she some how talked me into letting her sit in on guys night. The guys were kind...

Group Sex
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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part IX

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

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a night on patrol

A night on patrol It was a typical sat night. Josh was sitting in his patrol car, bored. No much activity on highway 41 . he had been there for 2 hrs without seeing a soul pass by. He yawned as he thought of why he was here, he had been late for his shift again, so he got the worst area to patrol that day. His sergeant had warned him that he needed to shape up or he'd be looking for another job. But now he had another problem, he really needed to take a leak. Well, a few minutes away wouldn't...

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Private Lenna Ross Debuts With An Interracial Gangbang

Brunette, sexy and very horny, that’s Lenna Ross, a wild nympho who debuts for today in Private Specials, Cheating With Black Cocks 2 and this is one interracial gangbang you won’t want to miss! Watch this Private new girl impress in her first ever scene as she surrounds herself with three BBCs and gets to work with round of deepthroat blowjobs to warm up. Then enjoy Lenna in some hot gonzo action as she goes on to take a hard anal and DP pounding all the way to a couple of...

2 years ago
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Pokesex Chapter 1 Mays dismay

May woke up with a jolt. She was pouring with sweat and panting like mad. She had been having the same dream for years but it had never had gotten so far before. Never had a tentacle actually gotten inside of her. May reached down and felt her pussy it was very wet. The excitement of being touched like that must have sparked her interest. She sighed a sigh of relief after all it was just a dream. She looked around the room and saw her Warturtle was still sleeping in it’s bed. It must have...

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Mothers Submission Chapter 21

But when he'd read the text saying that she was pregnant with his child, he knew he had to come back. "I'll just have to push the pain down", he said as he opened his car door and got out. He walked up to the door and knocked. Alicia answered the door quickly, looking very shy, almost as if she were afraid to look him in the eye. "Thank you for coming", she said as she stepped back, letting him into the house. He stepped in and couldn't help but look at the living room sofa, which...

2 years ago
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The Bad Babysitter

I met him in the town Facebook group. He was looking for a baby sitter and I was looking for easy money. It seemed like a good match. His two kids, were well-mannered kids and it was evident that Tre, even though a single dad who worked full time and was taking online classes at the community college, raised his kids with pride and dignity. Their house wasn’t in the best part of town, definitely not somewhere I would go on my own accord. Tre was a bus driver for the city, he worked the...

4 years ago
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My teacher

Hii Indian Sex Stories Readers, I am Pratap from Lucknow and my age is 28 years. This is a true incident happened long back with one of my teacher’s wife. At that time my age was 24. Her name is Vibha. A very beautiful lady of of age 29 years. She has sexy shapes in her body. She will certainly look very admiring to everyone. She talks very politely and her laugh is very attractive. Her size must be around 36-30-36. She always use to wear saries and blouse. From this a small portion of her...

2 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 14 Triplet X Love Times Two

When the kids finished their rehearsal, they entered the house to find that Amy was not only finally awake, but that she had a four course meal waiting for them. "It's your first official dinner as brothers and sisters and it should be something special," Amy said as she finished setting the large dining room table around which 12 people could comfortably sit. "So what are we having," Ron asked expectantly, "some lobster, ham, or roast duck?" "The main course is meatloaf and...

3 years ago
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Sex with my maid

Hi, I’m max. 6 ft tall and well built. This is the story of my maid Sita. This happened many years ago when I was working as a manager on a large farm. We, the senior staff, had bungalows and were given one of the lady workers to do all the housework. About 2 years after I joined, a new maid Sita came to work for me. Sita was about 32, pretty, with a figure of 32B-24-34. She was a mother and had a drunkard husband. One day she didn’t come to work. I sent for her and she came with her husband....

3 years ago
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Life Of A Rich Boy 8211 Part II Malaysia

We reach the Malaysia and its private villa in 5* hotel. As soon as we reach our suite I hug my sexy SIL from behind, Me : I will never stop until tomorrow morning. SIL : Oh my sexy handsome fucker I don’t want you to stop. I’m all yours and fuck me until I stop breathing. But u need to wait some more time. Me : What??? I can’t… SIL : Listen my hubby, I promise you its going to be nonstop fucking night but you need to go and have good shower in any other room in this villa and come to main...

3 years ago
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My sexy sister in law

Me , my girlfriend Amy , her brother Alan and his girlfriend Harriet had all booked a weekend to Cornwall to stay in a caravan each, I was driving with everyone in high spirits, me an Alan in the front, with the girls in the back.As we drove along I could see Harriet in the rear view mirror, the wind blowing her light brown hair, slightly tanned face, but lovely juicy lips and come to bed brown eyes. I'd always wanted to fuck her and wondered if she thought the same?We arrived at the caravan...

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WednesdaysChapter 2 Sunday Fantasies

They lay naked in bed after breakfast on a lazy Sunday. They were quiet together, side by side, occasionally touching - her breast, his thigh - enjoying the closeness. Ed rolled onto his elbow, looking into Dana's face, haloed by her rich brown hair. "Tell me something?" "What?" "What do you think about when we make love?" She looked up at him evenly. He didn't seem to be playing a game. "How serious are you?" She lifted a little to brush his lips with hers, reassuring him. His...

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Tartan Blanket

“Tartan Blanket” (circa-1968) From the day their mother and father informed family and friends that their daughter, Victoria had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, it took less than four months before her battle against the disease finally ended and her life slipped slowly away. In the last few days of her life her body had been reduced from a nine stone beautiful young woman to a weak and helpless skeletal frame. With skin hanging like soft paper tissue from frail bones, she was...

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The Aliens Gift Part 1

The Alien's Gift Part 1 By Toxic Allie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Prologue - Contact "Damn, what was up coach's ass today?" I asked my best friend John as we walked along the open field after the hardest practice that we had ever endured. I rubbed my shoulder and neck. "I don't think this pain is going to leave anytime soon." John looked stood up straight and winced in pain. "The hell if I know dude. I don't get it... we didn't lose the...

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old mr dravey 2

As mr dravey stood there naked my eyes were fixated on his now limp wet cock just hanging there,i couldnt believe i had just had it in my mouth it made me even hornier.get undressed he said ,i will be back in a minute,i am not finished with you my boy yet.with this he left the room and i could hear him go to the toilet and have a seemed to go on for ages.then he flushed and i heard him go down stairs.i wasnt sure what to do ,on one hand i was so turned on i didnt know what to do on...

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Touching my sisterinLaw

Two grown adults who should know better cross the line and have anintensely erotic experience./I had fantasized about my sister-in-law for years. There was nothingwrong with my wife but the thought of doing something naughty and taboowith my sister-in-law was such a turn on for me. I did wonder when Ifirst met her if she found me attractive; there were a few signs but itturned to nothing. My wife and I even had sex one night while she wassleeping downstairs on the couch. It turned me on so much...

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qaiser dekho me paiso k lye chudi

Hi mera naam divya hai.Meri age 45 years ki hai.Mai ek prostitute hu.Mai aaj bhi jism bechne ka kam karti hu.Mai aap ko bare me batana chahti hu.Mai aapko batana chahti hu ki kaise me Dulhan banane gayi aur randi ban gayi.Pehle me aapko mera family background bata ti hu. Mere family me mere pati aur ek beti aur ek beta hai jo abhi apne mama ke sath rehte hai.Mere pati ka nam deepak hai. Mere father ki family me mai jab choti thi tabhi mere father ka dehant ho chuke the.mere se ek chota bhai aur...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 11 A Test for Nina and New Rules

After entering the massage room, Gretchen had Nina climb on the table, on her back. She adjusted the arm and leg extensions, and strapped Nina down tightly. "Don't go away now," she said as she left the room. When she returned, she was pushing a small cart with a large steaming bowl, and some other things on it. Moving between Nina's legs, she changed the angle on the leg extensions to spread Nina's legs very wide, and then shifted a lever under the table. The pad under Nina's buttocks...

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Sharing The Bed With Shawna

'My sexy little sister wants to sleep with me?' I thought, licking my lips from the inside of my mouth. "I know if our parents asked, you'd feel obligated to say, 'Yes.', so I'm asking," she uttered, slowly peeking at me. "How am I supposed to say, 'No.' to you, sis?" I wondered, leaning up on my bed. "You can't, but I promise I won't cramp your style. Although, would it be out of line to ask if we could just sleep in your bed? You have that queen-sized bed, and it is big...

1 year ago
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Teacher mom and her colleagues are taken

Hi, my name is kishore patil. I stay with my family at in a village name dombivali near thane city (maharastra state, india). My mom’s name is vaishali patil. She is a teacher in government school by profession. The incident i am going to share happened when i was 18 years old. My mom’s school is far from our house. It takes 1 ½ hour to travel. She has to take a bus from her school to railway station and then travel by train to a station near our home. Now by mom is bit of miser. Her school was...

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A return to innocence

I’ve been looking at Maria since she started working here a month ago. I’ve been hanging around the aisle where she’s stacking shelves. Twice when I’ve been doing that, although she hasn’t looked directly at me, her hand has gone inside her shirt to adjust her bra, which I always think is a sign that a woman has been made conscious of her body and particularly the sexual parts. I’ve found myself standing in the queue for her checkout when another queue is shorter. I’ve said good morning to her...

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Players Trickbook Chapter 3

Please read previous chapters 1 & 2 Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Victoria picked up her phone disappointed to see no text, emails or calls from Jeremy. She was not heartbroken per say, but she did feel it in her gut. She wasn’t in love and she knew it, but she could not bring herself to not focus on this man. She needed to hear from him, she wanted to know that she...

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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 7 Hot Spell

Monday was hot. Even in the morning I could feel the heat. It would be in the high nineties today, maybe even hit three digits. The clouds were gone, and I could feel the sunlight almost like physical pressure. It reminded me of the summers in Kazallu. Back there, when the air heated up, so did the tempers. There were more fights, and more injuries and deaths. People talked of the evil spirits of summer. We sorcerers knew that the spirits didn't care about the heat; it was men's nature that...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 32

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Although that came damned close.” I chuckled. “Remember, I’m not actually a politician until there’s an election. Technically, I’m simply a benevolent dictator right now, operating under an actual written codicil of laws.” She raised a finger to argue, then paused. “Um ... nope, you’re right.” That got a round of laughter, then a raised hand from Alan. She nodded at him. “Miss Cabot, I’m guessing that since the Director...

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Ranjana8217s Experience

Hello Friends this is Bobby here again. You must have read my last experiences and I am still waiting for the response from your end. Today instead of my experience, Rajee experience will be shared with you. I am writing on behalf of her and she is narrating me the incident of her college.Hi Friends this is Rajee, actually my name is Ranjana but people call me by the name of Rajee. I would like to tell about the incident which happened to me when I was in my 2nd year of college. I was 19 at...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 3

Michelle pulled her seatbelt a little tighter, not caring if Nick saw it or not. The man drove like a maniac. She had felt safer being in a car with Sam, even though the man was a pervert and lazy as hell. She felt her stomach tighten as the light in front of them turned yellow and he sped up, going through it just as it turned red. "Is this your way of trying to back out?" she asked him through gritted teeth. Nick looked over at her, sitting stiffly in the low slung passenger bucket seat...

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The Professor and the CheerleaderChapter 2

He hadn't pressed any further. He thought she was only teasing him, probably as punishment for his inquisitiveness, and the fact that he'd gotten personal. He already knew she had a brilliant mind, and was capable of humor that came from a wry, witty place that she only seemed to let out in public occasionally. So he knew she was capable of gently punishing him with that wit. These little, harmless chats did not affect him in little, harmless ways. If you're a man, and you've ever been...

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Waiting Game revised

I think back to how we met and how long it has taken us to get to this moment. I’m kind of a geek and I played games online and found him in one of those games, we met and chatted for a while and became good friends but eventually we realized that we had strong feelings for each other. From the moment we confessed this attraction I have wanted to meet him and after he got off time from work and me from school we finally have made it happen. At that moment he looks up and smiles...

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The dedicated customerPart 2

One day during a an unusually hot and sticky summer a girl was out and about doing her normal daily routines. After a long session of working out at the gym she decided it should be rewarded with some ice cream to help fight the blazing day. While still at the gym she didn’t want to be seen around town looking like she sat in a sauna and swam in warm syrup because her hair was all messed up but at least she knew she got a good work out in. She immediately went to the locker room opened up her...

Straight Sex
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From Boy To ManChapter 3

I hadn't been back two days before I was once again on fourteen days punishment. There were two other boys who spend as much time as I and the so-called punishment had become a pastime. Whether it was a laid down rule but Boy Seaman F. Bourne spent his work hour at the Commander's house. As usual I reported at the kitchen door, but this time a young/girl woman came. She was tall and lanky, with the breasts that were just bumps on her Angola wool jumper she was wearing. Her nose was big and...

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Heating mechanic

Often I have the same fantasy when I have something delivered, when a repair has to be done in my apartment or when I order a pizza. He (always a he) comes in, does what he has to do, I offer him something to drink and then I sit on my knees in no time between his legs. His (always very big cock) deep down my throat. This time no different. I had made an appointment for an annual service on my boiler. 'It will be the last address on Friday afternoon, says the friendly lady of the installation...

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Payment In LooeChapter 15 Friday 6th August 1971 A Very Pleasant Surprise

Roger looked around the room, everyone was quiet as they waited for him start the latest story. With the help of Doris of course. Naturally they were also awaiting the return of Derek and Larissa. Roger didn't know how many, if any of them, knew of the reason for their sudden disappearance or if they were just as ignorant as he and Doris were. Everyone had showered and changed into casual clothes. Roger and his two son-in-laws Christopher and Allan were dressed in slacks and polo shirts...

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The Glory Hole Story

This is my first attempt at a story so I hope it is OK! This story is completely fictional. It was a first time I had been in this toilet and with good reason. I always tried to stay clear of public toilets because of their general maintenance; as in they don’t have any! This toilet was particularly scum ridden and smelt of various bodily fluids but if I didn’t use the toilets soon my kidneys would explode! I entered the toilet through the weather beaten grime coloured door that had only one...

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CollegeSexDiaries 01 Zeldas First Fuckover

The following is a TRUE STORY about an amazing college fling I had — I recently helped a lovely young woman, Zelda, discover her sexual maturity: i.e., lose her virginity. Other than the names have been changed and the exact locations disguised — everything described herein is true and correct and happened the summer of 2015 in western Massachusetts. ZELDA AT AMHERST I think the term, “losing one’s virginity” is a bit old fashioned and has negative connotations of very traditional gender...

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