Busted Axle RoadChapter 110
- 4 years ago
- 32
- 0
The truck pulled away from the mine to be replaced by another as a bulldozer growled its way towards the new truck. Dust hung heavy in the air, kicked up by the huge tires of the truck moving through the desert. Ed blinked his eyes trying to rid them of dust, but it was a losing battle that would only be won when the dust settled back to the ground.
Outside of the trucks, it was hard to tell that this was an operational mine. Shouting over the noise of the bulldozer and truck, Calvin explained, “We are taking the wall away a little at a time, starting at the top and moving down to the bottom. The soil at the top is being sold as landfill. The next stratum is being crushed to form gravel for driveways. The layer below that is the one that we are interest in mining and we are processing that offsite. We can stop mining at any time and it will look like natural erosion.”
“Are we making money off each layer?” asked Ed.
“We are reducing the cost of mining. We can sell the soil and the gravel at market prices, which is less than it costs us to get it. We may be losing a little money on each truckload, but we would have to spend more to get at the ore any other way. Shoring up the vein would cost a fortune. We are reducing the cost significantly.”
It was hard to hear over the noise, but Ed understood the gist of what Calvin was telling him. The two men walked away to where they had parked their trucks, finding that Jack Clark was waiting for them. He approached with a hand extended and said, “Hello, Jack. I was just examining the mining operation.”
Smiling, Jack accepted the hand and shook it with a firm grip. He said, “Every night after they leave, I come by here to check out what they have done during the day. I’m amazed! You can hardly tell that they are mining here.”
“Are you pleased with the operation? Do you want any changes in how we are doing it?”
“I’m very pleased and can’t think of a thing that I would change.”
Calvin looked relieved to hear the property owner say that he was pleased and replied, “You’ve been very cooperative and that has helped a lot.”
“Hell, I’m making a fortune out of this,” replied the rancher. He was getting paid a percentage of every truckload that left the place and the amount was shocking. He had gotten a check for twenty thousand dollars at the end of the first month.
Terry, Ed’s protégé who had been put in charge of this endeavor, was proud to hear what the rancher had to say. They had established a fair lease that left them with lots of profit, and yet gave enough to the rancher to assure long-term cooperation. Ed turned to Terry and said, “You’ve done wonders here.”
“Thanks, but most of the credit goes to Calvin. Without his guidance, we’d still be planning how to mine this site,” replied Terry. The time spent with Ed had taught him the importance of sharing the credit with those that deserved it. Attempting to hog all of the glory had the opposite effect.
It was time to head back to the office and finish up the details there before leaving for North Carolina. Ed said, “Calvin? Jack? It’s been good seeing you. I’m very happy with how the operation is unfolding. If there are any problems, give me a call at the Arizona house and Cathy will get you in touch with me.”
Jack, not worried about having problems, replied, “Sure thing. I hope you enjoy it back east.”
Calvin laughed and said, “He’ll tolerate the east, but he’s a desert rat at heart.”
“You know me too well,” replied Ed. Turning, he went to his truck followed by Terry. The young man got in the passenger side and buckled up his seatbelt.
Driving away, Ed turned to Terry and asked, “So what do the early production numbers look like?”
“The mine pulled in a profit of a hundred thousand last month. That’s after all expenses have been covered,” answered Terry. He expected the monthly profit to increase since they had paid for a lot of the start up costs last month.
“That’s not bad,” replied Ed.
“We’ve been operating in the black since the second week of operations,” remarked Terry rather pleased by the accomplishment.
“Calvin knows his stuff.”
“Yeah, but you found a good site to dig.”
They rode comfortable with silence, each man enjoying the desert passing outside the truck in his own way. Sighing, Ed said, “I’m going to miss the desert. I’ve spent some time at the Druid College. It’s nice, but it isn’t the desert. The trees seem to swallow the sky. By the Gods and Goddesses, I missed the sky when I was there.”
“So you’ll be back here three times a year for a week each trip?”
Nodding to acknowledge the correctness of the summary of his plans, he knew that those future visits wouldn’t occur often enough to satisfy him. Saddened, Ed answered, “It won’t be enough.”
Terry, riding in the passenger seat, said, “Well, if you miss the sky too much, then you might want to take up sailing. Lots of sky over the ocean.”
Ed looked at Terry like he had just discovered a new rock. Very surprised, he asked, “Sailing?”
“Sure. An ocean is just another desert with water instead of sand,” replied Terry incorrectly remembering the lyrics to a rather famous song.
Ed was quiet the rest of the trip back to the office as he considered the suggestion. There were some nice aspects of that solution to his problem. It would still be a long drive to the shore where the boat would be kept. It was only an hour drive to Charlotte from the Druid College and would be a quick flight to the shore. That was doable.
They pulled into the driveway of his old home. Entering the house, he was struck by the fact that it wasn’t filled with his old furniture. For a moment, he had been transported back into time to when he had lived there with Kelly and Beth. He really hated leaving for the College since this town was his home.
Lynn, seated behind her desk, had waited all morning for Ed and Terry to return from the mine. She had gone through the books, checking and double-checking the figures she was going to present to him. It was her intention to give Ed a complete picture of his financial health before he left. When Ed had entered the office, she had been daydreaming of ways in which to thank him for all of the opportunities that he had given her. She wasn’t even thirty and been given responsibility for managing millions of dollars.
Startled by Ed clearing her throat, she looked up and blushed at the overtly sexual thoughts that had been going through her mind. Pointing to the conference table, Ed went over to it and sat down. Terry and Lynn followed him. As they settled around the conference table to begin the meeting, Ed noticed the tray with a pitcher of iced tea and glasses set out in the middle of the table along with a couple of bowls of mixed nuts.
After pouring glasses of iced tea for everyone, Ed took a handful of nuts and gestured to Lynn to run this portion of the meeting. With a smile, she looked over at him and said, “The last two months have changed your financial picture significantly.”
Raising an eyebrow, Ed wondered about her statement. He had reduced his investment in a couple of the more successful businesses and started the mine. Curious, he asked, “How much could it have changed?”
She said, “Well, you doubled your cash on hand and have become worth over a hundred million.”
“How?” asked Ed, incredulous that such a change could have occurred in less than two months.
“The software company that you had invested in, was sold for twenty-five million. You owned twenty percent so your share was a five million,” she paused to let that sink in. Getting pleasure out of the expression on his face, she added, “Another company just went public and your shares in the company are now worth about fifty million. One of the pizza companies has just franchised itself and they are opening offices across the country at a huge rate. Its value is now around fifty million as well. Your other company holdings have all increased in value to where they are now worth about twenty million.”
That much money bothered Ed and he sat back to think about what he could do with it. Sipping his iced tea, his mind worked on the problem. As Lynn started to shift in her chair, he answered, “Sell the shares in the company that went public. I don’t like investing in stocks. I prefer to invest in family owned businesses. Why don’t you and Terry take a million each as a bonus this year? With the rest, set aside thirty percent for taxes, ten percent for future investments, and use the rest for some national charity that is a little under-funded.”
Pleased at how well she had been managing the funds, Lynn was totally floored by Ed’s use of the money. She hadn’t worked so hard to take care of his investments to see him give all of that money away. Shocked, she sat back and said, “You want to give most of it away?”
He leaned forward with a smile understanding the nature of her reaction and that she hadn’t realized that she was now a millionaire. With a smile, he said, “Yes, give most of it away. Use the money so that it benefits the most number of people. Maybe use it to buy computers for high schools.”
“But, you are giving away almost half of your money,” replied Lynn still confused.
Sitting back, Ed said, “Let’s consider that software company that I helped start. That was an investment of about fifty thousand dollars. I’ve been getting about that same amount of money back every year since they started making money. The five million now is gravy that I’ve never seen or touched. Does it matter that I have it? Not really, I’m happy with what I have.”
Doubtfully, Lynn said, “Okay.”
“I’d rather think about what I accomplished with that money. For fifty thousand dollars, a young man realized a dream and produced a product that makes the world a better place. He now has fifty people working for him. Those fifty people have jobs, pay for houses, and take care of their families. Now that is really an accomplishment. Amazing what that little bit of money did.” Ed smiled as he thought about the last time that he had visited that company. It was a regular beehive of activity as people worked together to accomplish something bigger than anyone of them could have done alone.
Lynn looked at Ed, only then realizing what motivated him. The money wasn’t anything except a tool to make things better. She thought to herself how she would live if she were a millionaire and that was when she realized that he had given her a million-dollar bonus for the year. She screamed, “I’m rich!”
Laughing at her sudden realization of her new wealth, Ed said, “I wondered how long it would take you to realize that.”
Terry started to laugh and then came to the same realization about his situation. He was now worth a million. Ed said, “Before you get too excited, you had best look into the tax consequences of that bonus.”
Lynn was well aware of the tax issues associated with that much money. Every week, she had to go over to the house to work with Cathy and the IRS on Ed’s returns that he had to file every quarter. She would have to average that money over the past few years of earnings and follow the incredibly complex tax guidelines for paying taxes on that money. Still, the money that would be left over after paying taxes would be incredible. Glancing at Ed, she asked, “Would you be terribly upset if I chose to invest in the same companies as you?”
Shrugging, he replied, “Not at all. That might allow us to spread the risk around a little better.”
The news about the money had derailed her concentration on the subject of the meeting. For a moment, her mind struggled to find a reasonable way to get the meeting back on track. There wasn’t a good way to do that, so the change in topic was jarring. She said, “The mine is producing money far earlier than you expected. Two months ago we had halted reinvestment in other businesses so that you would have the money to build up the mine. Now that it’s making a profit, what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know. Let’s just sit on the money from the mine for a while and see if something interesting crops up. Use the money from the other investments to help other folks starting new businesses,” replied Ed. He really didn’t have any plans for the money. Thinking about it for a minute, he said, “You might want to hire some assistants with some of the money from the mine.”
“Pardon?” asked Terry concerned about having to hire someone.
“You need someone to help you cover the consulting business so that you have the time to watch over the mine.”
Lynn looked uncomfortable and said, “I don’t really need an assistant.”
“Sure you do,” replied Ed as he turned his attention to her. He knew that she probably viewed it as a comment that she couldn’t handle her responsibilities, but that wasn’t the case. She hadn’t been growing lately and that distressed him. He added, “You need someone to cover you so that you can take some vacation time. Also, it’s time for you to head back to college.”
The suggestion took her breath away. She had been planning on taking business courses in the evening hoping to get a degree in business. With an assistant working for her, she could leave early if necessary to take an extra course every semester. Rather than fight the inevitable, she said, “That might be a good thing for me to do.”
Happy that all was established to his satisfaction, Ed said, “Great. Anything else? If not, I had better go. If anything should come up, call me in North Carolina. Odds are, I won’t be coming back here to live.”
His words made her aware of the finality of his life here. Lynn sat there staring at the table in front of her in dismay. Her daydreams for a farewell gift and a chance to thank him for taking the risk to hire her had fallen apart. Now, after all that he had done for her in the meeting today, there wasn’t any kind of a present that could possibly convey how thankful she was for his consideration. At that moment, it truly sunk into her mind that he was leaving.
Ed noticed her sudden change in mood and asked, “Are you okay?”
At the question, Lynn covered her face with her hands and started crying with big sobs that caused her shoulders to jerk. Staring at her, Ed had no idea what he had said or done that would cause that reaction. Looking over at Terry to see if he had a clue as to what was the matter, he found no answer there. Concerned, he stepped around the table and put an arm around Lynn in a move intended to comfort her. Instead, she started crying harder. After a minute, she stood up and ran out of the room, going into the room where all of the computers were kept.
Shocked by her unexplained behavior, Terry asked, “What’s going on?”
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Korean Koolaid Confessions of a whoremonger. I am Writing this story as a mini-series. There is quite a bit to tell of the year that I was in Korea. Although I may refer to the girls in this story as young, I assure you that they were all over eighteen at the time these events occurred. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 3 – In which I learn the secret meaning of having a shower. I was on my knees. A Korean girl was on all fours and I was looking at a small, tight ass. My dick was being...
I was out of town overnight for a short work trip. I left the wife at home and brought some of my favorite toys to have some fun in my hotel room, a few butt plugs, lube, and a nice dildo. I also have a nice thong. It was hard to focus at work as I wanted to get to my room and start playing with my cock and ass.After my work dinner, I retired to my room. I got undressed and started looking at some websites to get worked up. I was surfing the Adam 4 Adam gay personals as well. I was getting...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil enathu officeku puthithaaga velaiku serntha paiyanai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal enathu kama kathaikul ungalai azhaithu selgiren, enathu peyar archana naan oru official velai paarthu vanthen. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan. Vayathu 33 aagugirathu, naan en kanavan udan santhoshamaaga vaazhnthu vanthen aanal en kanavanuku vayathu 40 aagi vitathu athanaal avar sex meethu athigam aarvam kanbipathu illai. Naan veetil viral podum...
Hi All, This is Venkat in Chennai now basically from Bangalore. I am 32 years old married man. Looks wise I am normal guy whom you generally see on the roads. Any girls and ladies please keep in touch We can make a decent and secret relationship without disturbing our regular family life. I am working as a Software Engineer. This is a true story which happened in my life 4 years ago. I went my village for an occasion where I met my childhood friends and relatives all of them were. After seeing...
IncestGigi knew her folks were having a few people over, so she wasn’t surprised at the cars in the driveway. She wasn’t supposed to be home tonight, but the sleep over at Mary’s had fizzled because a couple of the kids were sick, including her favourite guy. When the heads were counted, there was an extra girl, and she was it. It was the kind of sleep over that wouldn’t happen if the parents were not out of town. Gigi was a red-blooded girl, and trying to sleep with the sounds of sex around her...
Swinger"Unexpected Outing" Part 1. John returns home in female clothes following an accident. Fiction by Johnny Cumlately. John's earliest recollection of cross dressing when he was about 12. He would surreptitiously "borrow" his mother's underwear. She was even then years behind the times and wore pink satin knickers with elastic at waist and thighs. She also wore corsets with miles of lacing. John, now 35, had been happily married to Mary for about ten years. They lived in a pleasant...
I had just turned off my alarm to get around for work. Every morning I had a routine. I would slide myself out of bed groggy from just jumping out of a sound sleep. I would sit myself down on the porcelain throne to relieve myself before the six-hour shift ahead of me. After a quick body shower, to wash off the sweat from the night before, I would start to get dressed.It would be the same old way I put on everything. I would start with putting on my pants then to my socks, so I can put on my...
LesbianOn Sat 4th Aug 12, I was on cam flaunting myself, dressed as a sissy slut wearing white stockings, sussies panties and a little camisole top. I also put on my pink and black collar and lead. I had been hoping to entertain my very local buddy and give him a nice BJ to completion for the second time.I had had a few conversations with guys who wanted to meet me but I only wanted local friends to pop in. I had even opened up my own "Andover, Hants bi sub cd cock fun very local only"...
Hi to all and I have been a regular reader of indiansexstories especially the maid servant accounts. Why? Because maids make me hornier and I was always attracted to older females and after being seduced by a maid in my young age love to seduce and have sex with them. I am a matured man and still love fucking maids as its simple and they mostly have drunk husbands or have some other problem and so are servants and sometimes you can have great sex with them. Important thing is don’t treat them...
This is Sagar with another hot story. It happened when I visited B City. It was an evening flight. Sun had already set when I reached there. I had to spend the night in the city. And I was supposed to go to the industrial area the next morning to meet a manufacturer. I had already talked to my friend the previous day over the phone. I informed him that I was visiting the city. My friend’s name was Rajesh (name changed). He was working in an MNC in the city. We used to be roommates during the...
This is the daughter's story:When my younger br-other Kenny became the age where boys naturally become interested in girls, I noticed that he started treating our mother differently. It was obvious to me that he was physically attracted to her and she enjoyed his affectionate behavior.Anyway, my father is a doctor and works at the hospital. About a year ago, he divorced my Mom then married a nurse. I have met the nurse several times before, and wondered why my father chose to be with her...
I was living over at my then girlfriends moms placeAfter moving out of home.I was 21 and my girlfriends mom was 42, I had justGot home after work and Linda (my girlfriends mom)Said "I'm doing a load of laundry so why don't youJump in the shower and I'll wash your work clothes forYou" as she said that she bent over to grab some clothesFrom the basket and I could see right up her skirt and sawThat she wasn't wearing panties, I felt an instant rush andTingle in my penis as I became hard and said...
Hi, I am KABEER and here is my story that’s happen on my journey from Jabalpur to Delhi this diwali. So direct focus on the story. My seat was a side upper in sleeper class and in my compartment there was a family with having 1son with his newly married wife and his mother father, they were also travelling to Delhi. I boarded my train at aprox 7 pm in evening and I reached to my seat and the family is asking me to change my seat with their seat which was in next coach but due to it being a...
It had been a disaster. Just like everything else about us. We spent the whole holiday glaring at each other. Why not? It wasn't as though we married because we wanted to. One time, just one time I got lucky... and mom got wind of it. She threatened suicide unless we got hitched. She was crazy enough to go through with it. Of course it was the end of me and Mom. But what I have now is falling apart. True, Mary is still great in bed... but I don't get that close that often any more. And...
The moment of truth has come for Jade Wylde and she’s got five cocksman ready to put her to the test. Shes limber and eager and they start by folding her in half on the bench. Solo is first up and gets to try her tight little pussy out, but Jade’s hands and mouth are eager to get a grip on the rest of the cocksman. She comes for the first time on thee very first cock and that’s just the warm up! Turns out the she is a squirter too! Jade takes cock after cock from the guys as...
xmoviesforyouI was in the club when I saw you for the first time Kim. I will never forget. I looked around the room at to see who was there; those parked along the bar, at the tables in the dark corners, then to the dance floor. There you were, an exotic blonde beauty, dancing and moving erotically to the beat. Erotically? No, more sensual. No, it was primal, the way you moved, like you had a need that had to be filled, but it was obvious the man you danced with was not up to the task. Just watching you...
(Read parts 1 and 2 first. Honest, it's worth it!)Those of you have been following this story will know that my wife, Sue, works for a charity and had agreed, much to my amazement, to perform a striptease for a group of our (male) friends. This was in return for very generous donations to Sue’s charity and in guarantee of anonymity and that everyone kept it secret, e.g. from their wives who are also our friends! Sue had subsequently agreed to a further session where the guys took nude photos of...
One day, my husband had to go for an office tour for four days. My sister was not at home as she had gone with my niece for summer vacations to my mother’s home. I was alone at home. I called my sisters home and got my jijaji. Luckily, he was at home and I told him that no one was at home and it was the right time for both of us to meet. From his voice, I understood that he was as excited as me. He decided to skip work that day. It all started after my sister’s marriage. My Jijaji was a...
Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter or any of Jared Campbell's songs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cause fate, it's in my way and I don't have the patience to put life on hold, I think I'm holding out for something more. ~Fate, Jared Campbell Eleven-year-old Albus Severus Potter was standing in front of the window in the drawing room of his London house, Grimmauld Place. He had been standing perfectly...
“We need your help,” she pleaded. Your eyes sweep over the young, widowed queen. Golden hair falls to her waist and a thick white silk dress covers her buxom frame. Blue eyes, filled with desperation meet yours, as she takes in your wandering eyes. The dress falls all the way to the ground, covering up long, soft legs, just a hint of a belly, an impressive ass and the tits that put any whore you’d ever fucked to shame. Her arms were covered by a shawl, clutched in soft hands that had never done...
FantasyKatie leaned in and started to suck on mikes ear as she slid her hands down his chest. Mike was in a total daze not sure if he can believe what is happening. The thoughts running through his head about what is happening and, what will happen. Mike opened his eyes to see that Kristin had finally striped completely. She was locked in a deep kiss with his sister Missy. Missy hands were roaming all over Kristin’s body starting at her pert little breasts. Missy slowly moved her hand down...