Lost With Nothing To Lose12: Setting A Conspiracy In Motion free porn video

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“Man, what the hell did you tell those women?” Lamar demanded. “Geez, guys are stopping me in the middle of the hall and openly flirting.”

“And you’re complaining?” Al asked, grinning.

“Well, no, not complaining, but I’m curious what stories your widows are passing around about me.”

“It’s an issue, because they’re ignoring me,” Mui added. “Someone needs to tell them there’s no deal unless we both agree to it. After all, this is pair-bonding, not a one-night stand.”

“She’s right. We agreed to this because it solves an essential problem for both of us. If we can bring a bi-male into our relationship, I won’t feel the desire to play around outside the marriage. I’m tired of living two lives. Yes, I’m gay, but I still love Mui, and I’m not about to abandon her. I’m sick of running around on the down-low. I know, I know, she’s aware that I used to engage in safe sex outside of our relationship, but I want everything to be above board, with no secrets between us. We need to be honest with each other, otherwise problems start to fester. Whatever you said, tell them explicitly this is a full-time commitment.”

“Adding someone to the mix would help,” Mui admitted, “but not if I’m still kept out of it. We both want to involve whoever we include into our marriage.”

“Don’t worry, it wasn’t anything serious,” Betty said, waving casually. “Mryzzl was astonished at Al’s size, so Al commented that human males possess unusually large dicks.” Xi couldn’t resist, and broke out giggling.

Lamar lost most of his outrage, leaning back and considering the implications. “Well, that explains the behaviors. I feel like a rock star who has never lifted a guitar. That’s a lot of expectations.”

“I suspect few Tandorian males are as large as you guys,” Betty continued. “They attract mates through displays, whereas we use physical endowments since we have so little to ... show off.”

“Wait, you’re telling me everyone will think I’m huge, even if I’m not?”

“To them you are,” Xi pointed out. “According to Myi, Al’s extremely large.”

“Really?” Mui asked, glancing skeptically at his crotch. “I’ve never seen any sign of it before.”

“Again, it’s not a personal thing, it’s a species thing. We have proportionally larger dicks than most earth species, since they have other means of attracting mates. According to Myi, we humans are pretty boring, with little particularly attractive physical traits.”

“Ouch!” Lamar responded.

“Myi?” Mui prompted.

Betty blushed. “It’s our pet name for Mryzzl. Since we consider her to be part of our extended family, we gave her a similar nickname.”

“This is interesting,” Lamar said, stroking his chin. “Most females wouldn’t be able to handle members larger than they’re designed to cope with. However, gay individuals—at least those with similar digestive tracts, have plenty of room for the extra few inches.”

“It don’t help me none,” Mui countered.

“Think of it as increasing our choices. Normally, everyone is skittish about associating with the ‘ugly humans’. However, in this case, the fascination with our sexuality means we have more candidates, which allows us to separate the wheat from the chaff.”

“Well, you’re plenty big enough for me,” Mui argued. “While I have no desire for anyone larger, it doesn’t mean I want someone miniscule either.”

“We’re searching for virtually anyone compatible at this point. If we can get more to choose from, we can also factor in personality, common interests and similar inclinations.”

“You realize, this means any bond-mate we accept will likely have a smaller dick as well?” she pointed out, which stopped Lamar in his tracks.

“I’m glad we don’t have these issues to cope with,” Ivan said, glancing at his partner, Kaci.

“Yo, Al!” Myi called from farther down the otherwise empty passageway outside their quarters.

The conversation halted as she approached, but accompanying her was a smaller furry creature, looking somewhat chimplike, who was literally scampering along the walls and ceiling. It walked across the ceiling, avoiding anyone larger walking beneath it, jumping to the walls as if it were nothing special. Although it wore distinctive boots, which Al surmised might be magnetic, its hands weren’t so equipped, and it used those as often as it did its feet. As such, since it jumped from one surface to another, it made faster progress than Myi, who hurried to keep up.

Al waved, before opening his door. “I suspect this is going to get involved, so why don’t we move this indoors where we have a little more privacy.”

“Hey, everyone,” Myi called, her words translating as ‘every species’. “Allow me to introduce Chich’k. You didn’t get a chance to meet her the other day, since everyone towered over her and she felt self-conscious dropping hair in people’s drinks. But I thought she’d be perfect for your friends.”

“Ah, so there was an ulterior motive in asking us over?” Kaci asked.

“Yeah, Myi mentioned she had someone you might want to meet,” Al explained, as he stood aside for everyone to enter. “We thought it would be better in our quarters, out of the public eye but with supportive people, just in case.”

Seeing Al motioning everyone in, Chich’k was the first one in, leaping over his head and clearing the doorsill, grasping the ceiling and turning to watch the others enter.

“Please,” Kaci said. “You first. This is going to take a little while to ... process.”

“Sorry to spring this on you, but Chich’k felt slighted, and I thought your common interest in engineering would make you an ideal partnership.

Ivan and Kaci considered the diminutive furry creature. Similar to many Earth primates, she had long arms and fingers. Although humans developed a larger cranium to augment their bigger brains, she carried hers on the back of her head, leaving the otherwise ‘monkey face’ largely intact.

“Pleased to acquaintance you,” she said, though the sound, in her native tongue, was mostly a series of rapid clicks and chitters.

“Pleased to meet you too,” Kaci said, stepping forward and lifting her hand in greeting over her head. “ChiChick, was it?”

“No, no,” Myi corrected, as Chich’k grasped Kaci’s hand. “You have to say it faster, like a giggle or a sneeze, so it’s almost a single syllable.”

“Uh, I hate to state the obvious,” Ivan said, stepping up and ‘shaking’ her hand the same way, “but won’t her small ... stature make physical intimacy difficult?”

“Same difficulty with other creatures all,” Chich’k said, leaping to the floor, before deciding staring at everyone’s crotch wasn’t going to work. She instead leapt to a nearby wall, where she was level with everyone. Upon closer examination, her fingers—long and thin, with only two fingers and an opposable thumb—had small suckers, like octopi, which aided her in grasping and swinging from walls. That allowed her to travel quickly, despite her small size. “All too big for little Chich’k, but she hear you into oral pleasures. She too share these, and,” she held her hands aloft, “small hands delicate areas enter more easily than large organs.”

Ivan and Kaci glanced at one another, crossing their arms and fidgeting in pace.

“She’s a phenomenal engineer,” Myi hurried to argue, seeing their indecision. “Given her small size, she can access compartments others can’t. Her thin fingers can reach connections you couldn’t, and they’re longer so she can grasp things in tight confines you never could.”

“Not that only,” Chich’k continued. “I warrior mighty in own right. I travel through alien ships via ductwork, surprise rather than attack outright. No one takes me seriously, until I’m on them, moving too quickly to strike.” To prove her point, she leapt from the wall, to ceiling to floor to the far wall before ending up on the ceiling again, almost too fast for the eyes to follow. “Laser knife equipped, few last such onslaught against.”

“Okay, I’ll concede she may be handy as a technician, but there are certain ... physical limitations we’ve got to acknowledge,” Ivan protested.

In answer, she hung from the wall by one hand, taking out three nuts from her mouth with the other. “Chich’k handle larger things than have you easily.” The nuts she held were large, easily the size of small oranges.

“How did you manage all of that with those in your craw?” Kaci asked.

“Easy. Ancestors stole eggs from nest of dangerous animals. Store in mouth to eat later. One distract animal. When he chase to tree, which climb able not, others rush nest, lay trap. When creature return, capture parents too.

“Our speed quick allow us fool larger creatures, provide for develop intellectual greater. With brains bigger, we outwit. Soon take on all comers, afraid of none, regardless of size.”

“You can seriously handle someone ... this big?” Ivan asked, holding his fingers a short distance apart.

“More realistically, about this large,” Kaci said, providing a more realistic estimate.

“Not even limit speech.” She reached into a pouch, pulled something out and popped them between her lips. “Finger, mouth,” she said, indicating the actions with her finger in case he was doubtful.

Curious, Ivan stepped forward, doing as instructed. His knees almost buckled. “Holy...”

“What’s she do?” Kaci approached, trying to see what was happening.

“Here, you try it,” Ivan said, yanking his finger out. Chich’k just smiled, keeping her mouth closed, forcing Kaci to press her finger against her lips, pressing it inside.

“Damn! Can you do that with other items?”

Chich’k pulled Kaci’s finger from her lips.

“Wow! Alright, I’m voting we give her a try. What’s in your mouth?”

“Small creature our planet from. Useful underwater items fix. Largely fluid, wrap around implements, apply pressure, manipulate.” She spit it back into her hand and quickly transferred it back into her pouch. “Smurl’k intelligent, mutual-beneficial relationship have we.”

“Well, thank Smurl’k for us,” Kaci said, examining her finger. “We could have used those on Earth, or whenever our bond-mates are busy.”

“Useful repair water generation unit,” she said, watching Ivan. “Squeeze through miniscule opening, bring lost items out.”

“What about you?” Ivan asked.

“Me like oral too.”

“So, you don’t mind Kaci and I ... screwing, while you can’t?”

“I participate where can. I still play.”

“So what do you think?” Kaci asked.

“Small fingers too help,” Chich’k offered,” holding her long digits up, swirling them around, giving Kaci all sorts of ideas.

“What can I say? She’s intelligent, shares the same interests, is quick witted, can help out, and will be useful anytime we have trouble, and she’s sexy as hell.” Ivan hesitated. “Would we need to bond with Smurl’k, too?”

She shook her head. “No, she rely on me for survival, used each other to. After we bond—”

“If we bond,” Kaci reminded her.

“ ... she get comfortable with you, but still listen me. We species bind long ago.”

“But, if anything were to happen to you, would we be able to ... care for her?” Ivan asked.

“Or if you become ill, could we care for her until you recover?” Kaci added.

“Not hard, but not live as long as we. I can bond with new, you ... not much so.”

Ivan looked her up and down. “And what’s your lifespan?”

She shrugged, waving her hand. “Ninety, one-hundred ten years.”

Ivan whistled. “Wow! That’s a lot more than I expected.”

“With our aids, our own lives are extended to around 150 years, barring accidents, of course,” Al offered. “You’ve got stop thinking in terms of normal human lifespans.”

“Longer than that,” Myi said. “Aids can repair damaged cells. Those that can’t, can often be regenerated.”

“Is that available to everyone?” Xi asked, intrigued.

“Sadly no, cost is ... prohibitive.”

“I still say, Smurl’k is a much handier pet than a cat,” Kaci ventured.

“And more cooperative too,” Ivan said.

“Say what you?” Chich’k prompted.

“I’m in,” Ivan announced. “We’ll need to schedule a date, like Al and his women had, but I’m looking forward to it. I suspect this is going to work out well for everyone involved.

“I’m curious,” Etta said. “Despite the variety we saw at the party, the ones we spoke with seem somewhat sexually compatible with humans. Is that by design, or is there some commonality between the various species?”

Myi shook her head. “Your sexuality with penises and vaginas is not common at all. However, everyone wants this extra pair-bonding experiment to work, so we chose to put our best candidates forward. Al had a point before, about there being certain consistent elements in most advanced life forms, but that includes more variety than you humans are accustomed to. Even then, we had to resort to others like Chich’k, who had at least some components of sexual compatibility, offset by other common interests, which hopefully will make up the differences.”

“That explains a lot. I thought it odd so many of you widows were so similar to us physically.”

“Now that that’s out of the way, how’s your situation going?” Al asked Lamar and Mui.

“We’re meeting with the widowers tomorrow. There’s ... a lot of interest.” Lamar glanced at his bond-mate, “Though I suspect not everyone will work out.” He turned to Myi. “I’m assuming bisexuality is rarer among the Tandorians than homosexuality?” She nodded, so he continued. “In that case, there are probably more gays interested than true bisexuals.”

“You’re not a true bisexual,” Mui reminded him.

“There is that, but I think it’s safer sticking with someone who’s interested in us both,” Lamar said, kissing her hand.

“What about the others?” Kaci asked, the two of them standing beside Chich’k, who now stood on the ceiling between them. “When’s the next ‘date’?”

“Gary and Del are getting together with Sisslistr tonight,” Betty said. “They’re looking forward to it, as they’ve been talking frequently.

“And Eli, Zita and Bisectl, and Theo, Etta and Adulla join each other the next night,” Xi added.

“Whatever happened with you and Lizkrr?” Kaci asked, hoping for some interesting gossip.

Lamar shrugged. “We got along well, but it just didn’t work out. Somehow, neither Mui nor I could envision someone’s horns as a sexual organ. It didn’t seem particularly ... romantic or endearing.”

“That’s what our experts insisted was needed for the secondary pair-bonding process,” Etta said, glancing at Al, Betty and Xi.

“Plus her skin gave me a rash,” Mui added, scratching her arm.

“She said lotion would minimize the splinters,” Lamar reminded her.

“But in either case, we remain friends despite deciding it wouldn’t work. She ... taught us a bunch about the ... Tandorian LGBTQ community.” Mui lowered her voice, although everyone could still hear. “They have a hell of a lot more sexual categories than we ever imagined!”

“I can imagine, our first date with Myi was eye-opening,” Betty said. “Still, we wouldn’t trade her in for all the vexxels in Rankor!”

Everyone laughed, even those with no clue—like Betty herself—what those were or where they were from.

“Ah, Sisslistr,” Gary said, open the door to their quarters. “Please come in, we’ve been waiting for this opportunity to get together.”

Instead of entering, she leaned forward, pressing her lips to his. Delilah, equally as excited to finally get to know her better, stood back and watched, fascinated at the change in what they’d been led to believe was a standard Tandorian point of view.

When the brief kiss ended, and Sisslistr pulled back, Gary grinned, but still raised a questioning brow, which she’d already learned how to interpret. “I’ve heard you humans are into oral pleasures. That was just to let you know I don’t object. While I’m not as familiar with them, everything we’re doing is completely new, so I’m not about to refuse anything. If I don’t like something—or I start acting goofy—we’ll know not to try it again. At least then, we’d both have learned something.”

“I’m glad to see you’re already thinking creatively,” Del said, coming forward to greet her with a kiss of her own. “Though as Betty aptly demonstrated, sometimes we don’t know what the hell we’re talking about! We can save the more intimate kisses for later, when we know these are still safe.”

“It’s wonderful joining you, Del. But that’s something else I want to change. Sisslistr is what everyone calls me. It’s hardly fitting for two people who are changing my world so much. You each use short pet names, I want you to call me Siss in the same tradition. It’ll be a private sign of how much we mean to each other, that the rest of the ship doesn’t need to know.”

“I must say,” Gary said as the women entered and he closed the door, the panels meeting in the middle with a firm twang, “you’re full of your own surprises. I take it you widows have been talking among yourselves?”

“Oh, we have, which is the other thing I want to say, and this is important. We’ve been gossiping about you. We haven’t said a word to anyone outside our little circle. And I’m not about to file any kind of report. But when I pressured Mryzzl on what you’re up to, she said: ‘They are planning something, but I’m not about to violate their trust. But don’t worry, I’ll tell them that I vouch for you, and that you can be trusted with the information.’”

“That’s very nice,” Delilah countered, “but you’re putting us in a bit of a bind, as we can’t confirm that at the moment. You didn’t give her a chance to contact us first.”

“I know, but I’m excited to discover what it is. Your suggestions have changed everything we understand, so I’m eager to learn what you’re doing.” Siss paused, looking worried. “Unless I’ve unintentionally alerted everyone by talking about it too much.”

Del hugged her, holding her until she relaxed. “Don’t worry. You always need to be careful what you say in public, but in terms of the authorities tracking your thoughts, we took care of that when we first met. Well, at least when we first took an interest in you. You’re free to think whatever you want. No one is going to come pounding on your door.”

“What’s more,” Gary said, guiding them to their seats, “as more people start to excel at their jobs because of our influence, the authorities will want to foster that same productivity. Which means, they’ll begin trusting creative thinkers again. When you propose new approaches, earning promotions and rewards, they’re likely to give the rest of you the same latitude they’ve given us. Assuming they don’t get any reports about a planned revolt.”

“And of course, they won’t hear anything bad from you, because your aids won’t report it,” Del added.

“Damn, this is why you’re all so exciting. You have so many new ideas, and they all seem to work so well. It’s like everything I’ve ever been told about how to act and what to think has been a lie. You’ve lifted the fog from my eyes, allowing me to see an entirely new way of doing things.”

“That’s just it,” Gary said, as they sat on their short couch. “We’re not telling you what to think. The Tandorians were much better at welcoming newcomers and fostering new ideas than we ever could be. But it’s just that, in the current crisis, they seem to have lost their way. We’re not dictating how you should think or behave. We’re trying to convey what we’ve observed about how this one technology has so radically altered your society. The aids weren’t intended to restrict you like this. They were to help you. We’re hoping to restore that balance—which is their design—once again. That’s the only way we’re going to win this unending war. We need to get the Tandorians thinking creatively, like Tandorians again.”

“I can hardly stand it,” she said, glancing between the two of them, her long neck twisting around, even though her body barely shifted. “What is this devious plot you’ve got in the works?”

Gary and Delilah traded looks, reassuring each other more than anything, since they’d already discussed it as soon as she first broached the subject. “It’s simple. We’ve reactivated the AI from our original ship, and installed it here on the Blissful Destruction.”

“Ah! That explains all the work with the electrical relays and conduits. But, how did you connect the two AIs together without them reacting to one another?” Siss’s snakelike strands of hair were moving around, her nervous excitement animating them.

“Simple, we never connected them. Instead, we rewired the sensors to run through our AI so he can record them independently. They then pass through into the Blissful Destruction‘s AI so he can process them.”

“But ... why? That’s a huge risk to take, if you’re not trying to achieve something bigger.”

Del grinned, since she didn’t seem to react to the fact they’d effectively hijacked the entire ship’s operations for their own agenda.

“That’s not quite as simple. Despite what everyone assumes, it’s all a misunderstanding. We don’t possess any magical ability to control our aids with our thoughts alone. However, we allowed them to think so, because it gave us more freedom to do things our own way. But this entire voyage is a test to see how we fare against the Zssizliq, who can read our minds from great distances. Since we’re bound to fail, ending in either our immediate death, or eventual humiliation, we used our greater latitude to ensure our success. We took the time to encourage everyone around us to start trying new things, so they’re not all walking in lock step. Now, you’re willing to work hard and take chances by doing something you’d never even considered. That’s how we’re going to succeed if it comes down to a fight between us and the Zssizliq.”

Siss’s snake hair suddenly stilled. “What do you mean ‘if’?”

“The reason why we rewired the sensors, is because we’ve decided the military high command have been lying to everyone all along. Somewhere, something went horribly wrong. Although the Zssizliq have always disliked the Tandorians, we couldn’t find anyone who understood why. Early on, they didn’t behave as they do now. They learned the Tandorian common tongue and taught them to speak theirs. But somehow, they eventually decided the Tandorians couldn’t be trusted, and stopped communicating. We intend to uncover why.”

“And how do you plan to do that?” she asked slowly, as if not daring to guess on her own.

“By seeking them out and requesting they personally meet with us,” Del answered. “If they refuse, we’ll have the battle everyone expected anyway, and they’ll read our minds as we knew they would. But if they’re willing to come clean to a new clan, who’s only marginally affiliated with Tandorians, we hope to crack the secret to what’s truly driving this conflict.”

“We’re hoping that, with that knowledge, we can broker a temporary truce,” Gary said. “If we can accomplish that, we can use it to enter into negotiations.”

“If that works out, everyone on the ship will be regarded as heroes. In the short term, it means a limited cessation in the hostilities, allowing the high command to refocus their resources where they’re most needed. In the longer term we can hopefully prevent both sides from actively intruding into the other’s territory and restarting the conflict.”

“Wow! That’s a lot to take in.”

“Nonsense,” Gary said. “You’re all very smart women. You guessed most of it already. You just weren’t prepared to make the final logical leap. You know how we don’t dance around potential problems, but instead confront them head on, trying new approaches. Surely you didn’t think we’d quietly face failure by doing exactly what everyone expected us to, did you?”

Siss’s squared her shoulders, and each of her snake-like extensions took on a more authoritative approach, as well. “Your actions have worked so far, and it’s clear you’ve invested a lot of time and thought in this one, so I’m convinced you’re on to something. Even if you’re wrong, and we’re heading into disaster, I’d rather we attempted something new and failed than die never having tried anything at all. I’m in. There was never really any doubt, but I just couldn’t guess what you were trying to accomplish. I suspected you had a new strategy, but I thought you were planning new tactics.”

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In the middle of the night, almost imperceptibly, a great change has come across everyone in the world. No one knows what exactly caused it. Perhaps a bored deity, or a powerful mind controller with a grudge, or even some cursed artifact. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that every single man and woman in the world, with one exception, has woken up this morning with the same funny thought in their head: that they should work together towards a common goal. Unfortunately for...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s Conspiracy Towards Family Part 2

Hi folks. This is story is continuation of Mom’s Conspiracy Towards Family – Part 1. I thank for all who wrote me mail and liked my story. Previously, that night I had intercourse with my sister-in-law. It was my first time having sex; I was totally tired, drained completely with sweat. Next day morning when I woke my whole body was stinking because of sweat. I went down inside house to take bath. My bro Ravi was sitting on sofa reading newspaper, mom asked me to take bath. After having bath...

3 years ago
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The Sisterhood Conspiracy

The Sisterhood Conspiracy By Ender Feeling just a little tipsy, but extremely excited, were the newlyweds Jacob and Sophia. For a couple years they dated. Then after a romantic night in their favorite riverside restaurant, Jacob got down on one knee and proposed to her. Six months later they got married at a lovely spot along a beautiful lake. Now after many hours of partying, the two stood before each other in front of their hotel room. While both silently looked into each...

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Delta Sodality Chapter 3 Conspiracy

Chapter 3 - Conspiracy Two Months Earlier "You're early," Dr. Juno remarked upon seeing the white-coat clad researcher enter the lab. "I like that. If only the men in this world would be as respectful," she exclaimed, returning to her microscope. Dr. Kristina Therapon walked through the large lab to where Dr. Juno was working for their scheduled 'stand up' meeting. Kristina was an accomplished biochemist and had come to Octa Genomics at the behest of Philip Krause, the...

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FITZChapter 9 Conspiracy and Duplicity

Jordan Miller loved to fuck and be fucked. It shamed him too. Not when he fucked his wife of course, and his joy in doing it over the past ten years had produced 8 children, six girls and two boys. But fucking Kat and Billy had been his biggest thrill and biggest shame. Being so different from his Teutonic wife, all flesh with huge breasts and butt, relentlessly toning them to please him, Kat's petite, tight form as she climbed over him like she climbed walls and pressed her tight little...

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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 13 Conspiracy Theory

After paying for our food, Whisper got us back to the hotel within ten minutes. Having parked in the parking garage, neither of us saw the mass of police cars out front. I wanted to bypass any spectacle going on. When we entered the lobby, the hotel staff had apparently put lookouts for my entrance. One young man immediately approached. He looked like he was a mix of curious, anxious and scared. "Mr. Setton. The ... uh ... the detective is in here." He turned and led us to the rooms where...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 13 Meeting the Enemy

Amanda watched the drone plane on her right as the drone flew not more than ten meters from the stubby air car's starboard thruster fans. An identical drone plane was on the left. Farther behind the sky car and almost invisible were two human-crewed aircraft and several more drones. "Amanda, release your safety harness and get in the back seat," Hank directed. "I need you to put on a slave collar, a dress and a pair of sandals because Eglin is a federal reservation. You know the...

2 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 16 the real story of that midnight raid

"Manny" was actually Herman Fredrick Herring, a fact that he gave up immediately when he was in the pod. "Manny" didn't have all the information that Hank Dalton desired. "Manny"--or Herman, as he prefered when he wasn't working--was expendable and was told only what the job required. Inside the pod Manny was made to believe that he was the only survivor of a raid gone wrong. "It was a trap!" Herman told his nameless boss. "They gunned us down. I managed to escape. If any of the...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 23 Hank Collects More Hungry Mouths

In 2106 a madam named Ellen Sterling was faced with a problem: some of her girls were quitting after making their fortune and starting families. In some cases, the girl's customers quit patronizing the Sterling brothels. Ellen did some market research and found out that the patrons would like to "make time" with their old favorites. The girls would have been willing if they could have a family. That is how Ellen Sterling got into daycare. At the same time, some of her working girls...

3 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 38 Fire One

Hank Dalton was going to break the conspiracy's back by removing certain slaves from the USR. These 54 citizens, wrongfully enslaved, were skilled specialists in mind control technologies. In a small compound outside Savannah, Georgia these citizens were working on the next generation of bio-digital slave control implants, the improved software and the other techniques of controlling slaves humanely. They were being held on a compound at the Old Hunter Army Air Field, part of the Fort...

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Miss Universe Pageant 2014 A Conspiracy of Damsels

After the terrible attack on the pageant in 2013, Mrs Univerce was almost cancelled in 2014. People were still could not get the images of women being forced to do unspeakable things right on their screens. The women involved were still being treated for injuries, both physical and mental. What is worse, the man who organized the kidnapping, Adolph Killgore, has still not been caught. Less than a year after the events of 2013, Killgore surfaced again, this time promising to once again take and...

2 years ago
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Trip of a Lifetime Book I I Grieve With TheeChapter 3 Conspiracy of Destruction

Apparently nobody found it necessary to explain, why they had to return to the ship all of a sudden. Captain Archer's frequent evasions of a straight answer told her that they wouldn't like it. -=/\=- After almost three hours of meditation T'Pol found herself back in Paxton's Prison holding baby Elizabeth. One of Paxton's guards pointed a phase pistol at her head. Suddenly the door was opened and a guard shoved in Trip's beaten up body. Blood ran down his face. "I should have known...

3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 009 Just Like You Imagined

Fuck, I really hope this is somehow the last orgasm I need and I’ll suddenly be able to focus.  She is very hot though, and I can’t imagine that will turn out to be true if I’m spending time with her.  I used to dream about dating her in high school kind of hot.  At least I fantasized about her.  Not sure if I ever actually dreamt of her, but I wouldn’t be surprised.  That’s why I’m so embarrassed that I still don’t really recall anything else about her.  I only remember wanting her, and now...

3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 008 Insatiable Curiosity

With sudden force I snap back into the reality which holds me captive.  I am sadly not even confused.  It seems as real as anything else, despite it’s multitudinous artificial qualities.  There is still something kind of hot about being trapped here, though…  About not knowing how I’ve come to this place, and having less idea still of how such a place could even come to be.  It’s hard to see why, but there’s even a mysterious something that turns me on about not knowing who or what has taken...

3 years ago
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A Medieval Conspiracy The Slow Seduction part 1

Surely, this thunderstorm that had suddenly come over the palace had to be a bad omen, a warning to the proud Marshal to abandon his plans. And yet, the stubbornness of the veteran warrior was nearly as famous as he; having fought fiercely in the civil war and winning his position as Grand Marshal to the crown when the war was won last year, it was plain for all to see that Girard was a man who prized stability in the realm beyond all else. And if he thought that this plan was the only way to...

4 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 007 Into the Haze

“We have to get back now.”“What?” I ask them.Xandra answers first. “We’re on duty. You’ve been introduced to what’s happening, but it’s up to you to learn more and demonstrate that you’re really able to travel through the fog without getting lost.”Emily jumps in now. “You’re going to do great. Go up the stairs directly down the hall to the right of this room, and go through the fire doors into a hallway. Once you’re there, you’ll be far enough from the epicenter that you should be able to think...

Quickie Sex
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 006 The Local Delirium

When I come to I feel very sluggish, and it is so hard to focus.  Being unconscious felt strangely like being awake, but I try hard to dismiss that concept as something best revisited later.  At least I remember where I am this time.  More or less…  Since I got here, there have been moments in which it seems like the fog might be lifting, but in others I know that I’m just scrambling on a slippery slope, trying to avoid what I worry more and more may be an inevitable descent into the very heart...

Mind Control
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 005 The Dissonance

“That was extraordinary,” I say, wide-eyed and fascinated, “I’m not even sore.”“Give it a few minutes,” Emily says, and Xandra smiles.“Alright,” I say, offering a reserved smile.“Don’t worry,” Emily says, “It’s a good kind of sore.”Seeing me wobble, Xandra takes me by the shoulders and helps me to the floor. I kneel with my back under the hot water and do some easy stretching. After a moment, a stupid grin curls my face into a ridiculous shape. Seriously. This is a truly idiotic smile, and it’s...

Oral Sex
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A Sex Conspiracy Begins

The naked partied out bodies lay where they collapsed the night before. A lone lively figure picked a path through the mess of bodies and movie production equipment. He noted observations such as smells and sounds as well as taking swabs of various secretions. It was easy to pick the different players in the group. A surgically perfect female with more semen on her than he had swabs had to be a porn star and the males with their oversized cocks and bronzed muscles were just as obvious. Porn...

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Family Conspiracy Chapter 5 Marcis Surprise

“She’s yours to do with as you please”, Brittany said, just as our daughter returned. Her blonde hair was damp from the shower, appearing darker. Her skin still glistened in the light, her body looking shiny around each of her curve, as if she had oiled herself. And there were no sign of any tan lines, the whole of her skin a faint bronze, from her smooth mound, to her growing breasts. Brittany seemed to take a few moments to look over the sultry teenage girl. “But I may have to borrow...

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Family Conspiracy Chapter 4 Marcis Awakening

Let me recap briefly how I found myself in a very awkward position. A week ago, I had discovered that my daughter had been working in an adult bookstore at a glory hole. This knowledge came after I did, if you’ll excuse the crude humor. For a few days afterwards, I was guilt-ridden at what I had done to my daughter, and potentially to my family. However, the guilt faded and was replaced with anger. I was furious that my daughter would do something like that. By the next Friday evening,...

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Family Conspiracy Chapter 3 Marci learns the First Rule

Marci was almost in tears as she retold the story of her first experience with a glory hole. To her credit, her voice didn’t crack once during the whole story. She had just shared her first sexual experience with her own father. I took another sip of my brandy. It was time she started learning the new rules of the household. “Marci”, I started in a commanding voice, “take off your clothes”. It was not opened to discussion. I had made plans for my daughter’s life from now on, and her...

3 years ago
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Family Conspiracy Chapter 2 Marcis Story

It was a week later, and I tried to calmly pour myself a drink, but my hand was shaking so badly most of the brandy splashed out of the glass. A week ago, for the first time in my life, I had visited a glory hole. I was sucked off, then fucked through a wall, until I came in the girl’s pussy. The store owner then gave me a chance to see who was on the other side of the wall, only to find out it was my own daughter Marci. At first, I was wracked with guilt, enough guilt that would...

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Family Conspiracy Chapter 1 GloryHole Adventure

I sat in my truck, in a nearly deserted parking lot that sat across the street from local adult bookstore. Though it was never advertises here, for obvious reasons, one could pay money for a private booth with a glory hole. At least, those were the rumors Mike, a friend and coworker was telling me. He had told me about his experiences, having some girl sucking him off through a wall, totally anonymous. Occasionally, the girl on the other side would be adventurous enough to slide his...

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The Conspiracy

Some things just aren’t meant to be. Physical impossibilities, like apples falling up, or frogs singing The Star Spangled Banner. Things that are way too remote to count on, like rolling twenty consecutive sevens. Or, at odds of one in 175 million, you could include winning the Power Ball in that category, too. You can add to that list the way my friend Jason was feeling about striking up a lingering relationship with Nancy Peterson. It just seemed totally impossible! Now I’d known Jason since...

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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 004 Unprecedented Pleasure

Clear water is finally flowing from the showers, and my new friends pause their activity and step into the falling water, summoning me to them with the movement of their glistening bodies. Of course, I approach them, preceded by the length of my cock.Just as I enter the edge of the water, Emily stops me with her voice. “So,” she starts, “where are you from?”“Huh?” I ask, a little distracted by the ladies returning the vibrators to their pussies.“We answered some of your questions,” Xandra’s...

First Time
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 004 Unprecedented Pleasure

Clear water is finally flowing from the showers, and my new friends pause their activity and step into the falling water, summoning me to them with the movement of their glistening bodies. Of course, I approach them, preceded by the length of my cock.Just as I enter the edge of the water, Emily stops me with her voice. “So,” she starts, “where are you from?”“Huh?” I ask, a little distracted by the ladies returning the vibrators to their pussies.“We answered some of your questions,” Xandra’s...

First Time
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 003 Caution to the Wind

I’m out of breath. That was extraordinary. Fuck, that was intense. I don’t know when the last time I came like that was. I’m not even sure I have. ‘Overwhelmed’ is an inadequate word for what I am right now. I can’t see, I can’t breathe, I can’t think. My senses are stopped cold. A number of seconds pass before I am even able to comprehend my surroundings, let alone contemplate what just happened.Smiling at me from behind a mask of still hot cum, Emily says “We can let you rest a while longer,...

3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 002 Slow Motion Blackout

When my conscious mind returns to the experience at hand, I am pleased that I allowed myself a bit of distraction. I am still as hard as granite, and now I am ready for more. It’s more than apparent that they are too. Emily’s mouth might actually be watering as she looks longingly at my the tip of my cock. She moves toward it as the moth to the lantern.At the moment she puts it in her mouth, my eyes roll backward into darkness. The second when I know by her hot breath that she has enveloped me,...

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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 001 A Splash of Cold Water

Bombarded by sunlight, my eyes flutter suddenly open. Blue sky. Wet. Am I in the water? Ughhh. Salty… Seawater? Yuck… Where am I?The liquid I’m immersed in is cool, but not icy. I try to sit up as I think about the last question I’ve asked myself, but fall backward before I am an inch off the sand, and determine that I am in fact, on a beach. As I collide with the sand once more, the water is disturbed, splashing outward. For a moment it recedes, drawing away from me, and for the peak instant...

Straight Sex
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The Nude Conspiracy

There is a secret society deep within the world. They have existed since the earliest civilizations, when man stepped out of his cave. They control our media and politics without our knowing. Economics, entertainment, religion, and social platforms are all controlled to their whims. They are the Nude-minati. A cabal of the world's elite with one goal: to make the globe a nudist world of free love and open sex. They have yet to realize this dream. Always when on the brink of success, a...

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Conspiracy to Wife Swap

Patty, Annie, Jason and Adam have been friends for five years. Jason and Adam met when they started working for the same company getting hired at the same time. Their wives met shortly after and became close friends as did their husbands.Both couples were married shortly after the guys finished college with engineering degrees. Patty and Adam dated throughout college breaking up several times due to each of them playing around with others. Annie and Jason met in their junior year falling in...

Group Sex
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The locker room conspiracy part 1 Giving the c

A cute Hispanic cleaning lady who looked about 30 walked in on me once when I was getting out of the gym shower. It was really early and the staff often cleaned before anyone was in the lookers so they don't run into people changing. I'm friends with one of the trainers and he lets me in early when ever he works mornings. I rubbed one out in the shower as I usually do after a good workout, so I was nicely chubbed up but not hard when I got out. She was cleaning the sinks as I got out of the...

4 years ago
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Glory Hole Conspiracy I

Connie looked her daughter Beth while she stood next to her friend Sara as both the teen girls looked at their moms. It was embarrassing to be standing there with cum stains on her dress and probably still in her hair from her time at the glory hole. Of course Sara's mom Lisa looked just as used since she had been in the booth just down the hall from her where she had sucked and fucked the evening away."What's a glory hole mom?" Beth asked as she looked at the cum stains on her mom's dress"It...

4 years ago
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Mom8217s Conspiracy Towards Family Part 3

Continuing further, I had the best part of my life fucking back to back two women with incest relation. I felt my life was satisfactory for now, feeling manly and proud of fulfilling women’s desires. After fucking my mom, I was tired very much. I had deep sleep that afternoon. When I woke up in the evening, I was still feeling pain in my manhood. I went down, I saw Jyothi; even she had waked up just now. Mom had prepared evening coffee, we all three had coffee together. Mom was bold enough to...

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Mom8217s Conspiracy Towards Family Part 1

Hi all, this is Raju. I’m back with one more series of incest story. I like the incest column very much. Again this series is purely fictitious, written entirely from my imagination. Read and enjoy yourself. My family consists of four people, myself Raju, mom, elder brother and my sister in law. We lost our father five years ago, he met with an accident. Mom is a housewife, brother name is Ravi; he works in logistics agency. Two years back he was married, sister in law’s name is Jyothi and she...

3 years ago
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The Conspiracy

Mr. Gupta is a 48 year old, widowed business man, and a billionaire. Even at that age he was fit and a possessed an attractive charisma. His wife had died 15 years ago and since then he had grown his once a small business to the billion rupee size. His 21 year old son was completing his studies in England, and he was the only reason why he never got married and spent a lot of time and attention towards his growth till a point he sent him to England for higher studies. Mr. Gupta was very homely...

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Conspiracy of Dreams

Chapter 1: Slave FurlongThe blue minivan was marked with the Silver Wolf Slave Advocacy logo. Inside were three people. Riding in the front were a man and a woman in fashionable business suits. Clipped to their jacket pockets were ID badges. Both were citizens—neither wore slave collars or Legal Resident wristbands. The naked man in the back wore a metal slave collar around his neck and was in the Nevada Department of Public Safety-approved 7-point slave vehicular restraint system. Metal bands...

4 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 009 Just Like You Imagined

Fuck, I really hope this is somehow the last orgasm I need and I’ll suddenly be able to focus.  She is very hot though, and I can’t imagine that will turn out to be true if I’m spending time with her.  I used to dream about dating her in high school kind of hot.  At least I fantasized about her.  Not sure if I ever actually dreamt of her, but I wouldn’t be surprised.  That’s why I’m so embarrassed that I still don’t really recall anything else about her.  I only remember wanting her, and now...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 010 A Unique Shade Of Violet

That was spectacular, but I am pretty fucking sore now.  It’s not so bad, but even if it had been substantially more painful it would still have been worth it.  He was great, even though he didn’t hold back at all once he got going.   It’s what I wanted, but now I feel like my whole body has been turned inside out and put back together ninety-eight percent correctly.  He is still breathing hard and giggling on the floor, but I have to stay upright or I’ll hurt more than I do now.  Just the...

Oral Sex
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 011 The Ashes

Enhanced by the heat of the sun’s slow fall from its apex, the water from these outdoor showers is liquid ice on our skin.  Literally obviously, but figuratively too… also obviously.  Whatever.  It’s cold.  Must have deep pipes.  Regardless of the skin tightening reflex of shock, it is a pleasant contrast from the radiative warmth around us.  I’m not all that excited by solar rays that are this bright and this close.  Never have been, but that much more as I age and learn.  Mostly I feel good...

Straight Sex
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 010 A Unique Shade Of Violet

That was spectacular, but I am pretty fucking sore now.  It’s not so bad, but even if it had been substantially more painful it would still have been worth it.  He was great, even though he didn’t hold back at all once he got going.   It’s what I wanted, but now I feel like my whole body has been turned inside out and put back together ninety-eight percent correctly.  He is still breathing hard and giggling on the floor, but I have to stay upright or I’ll hurt more than I do now.  Just the...

3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 012 Hypothetical Villainy

In time I come down from my heavenly, ecstatic orgasm, and when I do, he’s waiting for me… Holding me.  His hands are on my back and I realize that I’m sitting reclined against them.  With seemingly minute effort he lifts his knee and places one foot beneath him, then the other.  I barely feel the shift.  Now he stands and carries me to the bed, running his hands up my back as he walks.  Both of the couples on the mattresses make room for me as he tosses me gently on my back.  As I curl...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 014 Trudging Against The Wind

I approach the threshold of the door.  Within seconds it is technically open wide enough for me to squeeze through.  As I traverse the gap I have to pull my breasts to the side in order to flatten my chest and create the necessary space.  There is literally no time to waste.  Once outside, I look from side to side first, checking the illuminated space by the walls, hoping in vain that maybe he just desperately needed to relieve himself, or something else stupid and obviously untrue.Come on. ...


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