Thank you Hank
- 3 years ago
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In 2106 a madam named Ellen Sterling was faced with a problem: some of her girls were quitting after making their fortune and starting families. In some cases, the girl's customers quit patronizing the Sterling brothels. Ellen did some market research and found out that the patrons would like to "make time" with their old favorites. The girls would have been willing if they could have a family. That is how Ellen Sterling got into daycare. At the same time, some of her working girls realized that it was possible to have a family if they could meet the requirements of the Statement of Financial Responsibility.
Capitallia was founded on the principal of "take what you want, but YOU pay for it." There was no government-funded safety net. One controversial issue in the old United States was caring for unwanted children--orphans, unwanted pregnancies, children of convicted criminals in prison and the children born to foreign mothers on American soil. In keeping with Capitallia's founding principles, mothers were required to file a Statement of Financial Responsibility. This document was intended to ensure that someone would provide support for the child if the mother died or became incapable of caring for her children due to injury or disease or enslavement. Normally the requirement would be satisfied if the woman could get a citizen or three non-citizens to sponsor the child as "godparents" and agree to take in the child if the mother cannot care for it. The mother had the responsibility to keep her child's Statement of Financial Responsibility updated. It was recommended that the update be done annually.
In Florida, Ellen Sterling lobbied for a corporation or non-profit trust to be counted as a citizen for the purposes of the Statement of Financial Responsibility. Life insurance was one way to guarantee an income for a minor child, but mere money wasn't enough. Ellen founded the Ellen Sterling Foster Home to provide that care which money couldn't buy. Staffed by retired prostitutes, the foster home was an extension of the day care operation. Ellen Sterling died in 2129, but her chain of brothels in Florida employed more than 6000 prostitutes. Of those 6000 prostitutes, there were 637 single mothers that used Ellen Sterling Foster Home as their "citizen" for Statement of Financial Responsibility purposes. So far this hadn't caught on in most of Capitallia.
Due to near-perfect fertility control the number of unintended pregnancies in Capitallia was almost nil. The requirements of the Statement of Financial Responsibility had all but rendered the traditional foster care system obsolete. The Ellen Sterling Foster Home had a maximum capacity of 60 children--all girls. There was another foster home for boys, totally separate from the girl's home. Besides, selecting a child's gender before conception was virtually foolproof in the 22nd Century.
Florida's age of consent was 14 and Floridians were legally adult at age 16. Age of Consent only affected the age that a person was legally regarded as able to give informed consent for private sexual intercourse. Commercial sex as either a prostitute or as a prostitute's customer required being legally an adult. "Children" were prohibited from participating in commercial sex as a prostitute. Only adults could purchase prostitution services.
This had some unintended consequences on child actors and children photographed for art's sake.
In Florida a person was eligible for a prostitute's license at age 16--it was older for other states. Commercial sex included the shrinking category of pornography. In 2134 kiddie porn was legal with some restrictions. The major federal restriction was that the images could not be published until the child had reached age 18, even if the images had been made a decade before. The images had to be carefully documented, registered and sealed until the child reached federal adulthood--the kiddie porn vendors in the early days of Capitallia would pay a stipend for the initial images on speculation, an advance on the imagery royalties. Federal laws stipulated that simple nude photographs of children of any age were okay. "Sexually provocative poses", those photographs blatantly exhibiting the genitalia or photographs emphasizing the sexuality of even fully clothed children, were limited to ages 10 and above. photographs of actual sex acts were restricted to the local age of consent and older.
Exempt from these requirements were "naturist" photographs, medical documents and a segment of scientific studies. If none of the three exemptions applied, the wise photographer would document the session and would wait until the child was 18 and had, as an adult, signed a contract to publish the photographs. As always, the burden of proof was on the accuser, but photographers who failed to abide by the rules wound up enslaved as a sexual deviant. Following the rules did delay gratification; there were many children who refused publication when the child finally gained the legal right to say yes or no to publication. On the other hand, digital photography was cheap. It wasn't really much of an investment to do the appropriate paperwork that defended a child's sexual innocence and then store the digital photographs for a decade.
By 2134 kiddie porn peddlers had sufficient inventory that they could afford to simply contract to produce the video and still images without offering any money up front. No money would be offered until after documentation, registration and being sealed until the child's 18th birthday. This would give a child a useful nest egg--at age 18—if the child turned adult chose to have it. Many parents did present their kids for nude modeling or more explicit modeling--but only out of a desire to give their kids a possible nest egg for later.
Two exceptions existed--emancipated children and the old family "bearskin rug" photos. Emancipated children, those children granted "adult" status, could contract for the more explicit "kiddie porn" shoots--as with prostitution, emancipated status permitted the child to authorize publication and receive payment as if 18 even when the emancipated child was otherwise underage. This emancipated child status also permitted the other form of commercial sex-- prostitution. "Adult status" included economic activity as an adult. The other exemption existed primarily because the naked child family photos were never published. Taking photos or making videos of children, even "sexually provocative poses" or even actual sex acts, was not criminalized unless there was economic activities involved. Of course, such photos and videos could have been evidence of criminal sexual activity with underage children, but the videos and digital still photos themselves were not criminal acts. Simple possession of nude child images was not criminal.
With the ready availability of a wide variety of cheap sex, one reason for preying upon children had vanished--that the child was more vulnerable to sexual exploitation than adult sex partners. In Florida the number of nude children didn't result in increased child abuse--like the concealed firearm permit laws of the late 20th Century, the nightmare predictions of the public nudity laws resulted in the opposite of what the opponents to the laws forecast. The concealed weapon laws didn't result in gunfights--violence dropped until the general federal US handgun ban of 2044.
After the formation of Capitallia in 2089 when Florida passed laws protecting the rights of legal resident and citizens to be nude in all public places, about 4% of Floridians (and a lot of tourist) went naked all of the time and another 22% went nude in public frequently. The percentage of naked children on Florida's beaches, in Florida schools, even in Florida shopping centers and amusement parks sometimes exceeded 100% in the younger age categories. The most severe impact was on children's clothing--especially children's swimwear. For example, children under the age of 8 seldom wore anything while on the beach. Florida schools mandated nudity for certain activities--with parental permission, of course.
Naked teens seldom shoplifted. In fact, juvenile crime in Florida was either a tourist's child or was newly arrived in Florida as a resident--in about 90 days, the new resident child had become a Floridian and was a well-behaved child. With all these naked children in public there was no practical way to prevent adults from taking photos of naked children on the streets, beaches, in shopping malls or around commercial swimming pools. It was a violation of federal pornography laws for any such photos to be used commercially in any media including websites --except after the child model had reached legal adulthood and had authorized release of those photos and videos themselves.
Rape was rare in Florida. Child abuse was very rare because most Florida primary schools (grade 1-8 covering ages 6-14) featured several hours per week of mandatory school nudity. Bruises and other injuries were not hidden by bulky clothing in Florida. Few adults could abuse a child undetected. Children who bullied other children were quickly attended to. This may have occurred more because people were more aware of children in Florida--not ignoring children as in other states. It may have been that adults were more actively looking out for children. The low rate of crime against children in Florida was a selling point--bring your children to Florida and raise them in safety.
The major funding for the Ellen Sterling Foster Home was a trust established by Ellen and run by Brian Forsythe for 25 years. Ellen charged a nominal fee for her girls to join her program of sponsoring their children. This was enough to keep the foster home solvent as long as Brian Forsythe was running the trust. Eventually everybody retires. Brian didn't age well. In 2131 he turned the reigns over to a Toland Dashrolf. Brian was physically unable to prevent Toland from stacking the Board of Directors and siphoning off the trust funds. Suddenly there weren't any more checks from the trust coming in.
Ellen had established separate corporations for her foster home and from the other operations so that if one went broke, the foster home was safe. The trust owned the land and buildings outright and the life insurance policies on the prostitutes provided some income. The trust having no income wasn't a disaster. That disaster came a few weeks later when it was discovered that the trust funds had been totally cleaned out by the new fund manager who had also mortgaged their real estate to the hilt, left the state and was nowhere to be found.
Suddenly there were no more monthly checks coming to the sisters to pay the ongoing expenses. The bank was threatening foreclosure if payments were not brought up to date by a certain time. When the sisters could not meet this deadline the bank took title to the real estate. Once it became clear to the other creditors that the home was broke they joined together in a "Petition for Enslavement of Debtors" against the three sisters. The last straw came when a court officer delivered papers telling them to vacate by September 1.
Three retired prostitutes were the remaining staff that cared for 17 orphans aged 6 through 14. Young orphans would be snapped up by citizens who wanted children, but few wanted children age 8 or older. Even prostitutes suffered from reduced income--there was no help from the prostitute community. They didn't have money either. The adult caretakers, three retired prostitutes named Rachel (age 54), Netta (51) and Lara (44), looked for alternatives. The three women had retired from prostitution because they had used up all of their sexual capital.
While looking for alternate caretakers for the 17 children in their care, one of their customers mentioned that the Jakefield Cosmetic Surgical Clinic sometimes helped people in need--for a price. Joan Jakefield had been Hank Dalton's slave for a while and now was a full citizen and Hank's partner. A new medical technique was undergoing clinical trials, but due to liability insurance costs the clinical trials were open only to full chattel slaves. Netta was the leader, Lara a stolid if unimaginative follower and the eldest, Rachel, was still mentally a teen, but they felt that Joan Jakefield was their best option. There were outstanding debts of $33,487.29 when the three women agreed to indefinite period of full enslavement in exchange for paying off the foster home's debts in full and for taking in 17 orphans.
What did Hank Dalton get out of taking on 17 orphans? Were three old women, work-worn ex-prostitutes who could no longer work their trade, fair payment for taking on 17 more hungry mouths--one pregnant? And really--the three old women could have been bought as slaves at auction for far less than $33, 487.29-- Hank's accountant claimed that the women could have been bought at auction for a nominal payment of $99 each. This was the situation that Hank had been called about while flying his sky car from Silver Orb, Nevada to Pensacola, Florida. It took a few days to transfer guardianship of 17 minor children to Joan Jakefield and Hank Dalton, to put the three adults through a baseline physical, to transfer funds paying off the debt and to pack out the pitiful few worldly goods that the three women and 17 girls had. Meanwhile, Hank and Joan were battling a vast conspiracy to destroy Capitallia.
The pay-off for Hank was that his sense of fair play had been satisfied. The prostitute single mothers had followed all the rules--and 16 of them (two of the girls were twins) had become victims of Murphy's Law. Besides, Hank saw adopting 17 girls as a means to shape the future. Paying off their debts and keeping the 3 new slaves in contact with their former wards provided 3 very willing slaves. Doctor Dalton's medical experiments had better results than the competition because his medical subjects had positive mental attitudes. Hank thought that paying $33,487.29 for three willing subjects and for changing the world was a bargain. Explaining it to his accountants was a problem.
Even though it was not quite September 1, Netta vacated the old foster home three weeks early. The girls had reported prowlers lurking in the bushes-- bushes that could no longer be trimmed due to lack of funds. Their final night in the foster home would have been dark and without water--since the bills hadn't been paid, the utilities shut off. Netta tried to phone Joan but the foster home's phone didn't work either. Joan had been calling the foster home three times a day to get an update on events there. When Joan couldn't reach the foster home, the Pensacola Amazon Militia (PAM) investigated. Finding that the girls and women were safe but without water and power, the militia woman on the scene persuaded the three adult caretakers to pack up, lock up and move into the PAM compound. PAM had a school on the compound so it was a simple matter to dispatch a school bus to the Ellen Sterling Foster Home. When the white bus with the PAM logo on its sides pulled up to the rear doors, a line of 20 females dressed in little more than rags carrying an assortment of boxes and bundles left the building and walked into the bus. Two nude militia women were in the bus--one driving and one directing the girls to seats. Had the orphans lived sheltered lives in other states, the sight of two nude adult women might have shocked them because of the "modesty" in the rest of Capitallia. As noted previously, a quarter of Florida adults, nearly all children and many tourists were nude in public because of Florida's "right to bare" laws. There were plenty of empty seats on the old 44-passenger bus.
The drive to the Pensacola Amazon Militia compound was forty minutes, but it wasn't boring. A short orientation film informed the children that the compound was headquarters for an all-woman militia, for a commercial detective agency, and for a bodyguard service. Also there was the Joan Jakefield Cosmetic Surgical Clinic, a grade school for children in grades 1-8 with 49 day and 43 boarding students, a high school with another 53 day and 17 boarding students, a headquarters for an on-line community college, and a small private zoo. While this video orientation was going on, Netta was talking to Joan on a cell phone borrowed from a nude Amazon.
The occupants of the school bus didn't look as if they were legal residents of the richest and most-powerful nation on the planet. Their clothes were ill- fitting hand-me-downs that were patched but clean. The cardboard boxes carried by some were battered and worn, some repaired with a mix of adhesive tapes. A few carried their things in shopping bags, there were two with trash bags, and many had made rolls out of bed sheets and pillow cases. The younger ones carried second-hand dolls or teddy bears. All had shoes, even if they had to wear two pair of socks to get the shoes to fit. Some of the shoes had holes or broken laces. The three adult women wore sari-style dresses and had bare feet. The only other things they wore were their legal resident non-citizen ID bracelets. None of the children wore non-citizen ID's because children were exempt from the demeaning requirements to display their status.
The school bus was admitted to the compound with no delay and pulled up to the door of the dormitory building. The two naked Pensacola Amazon Militia women opened the bus door and started unloading.
The dormitory door opened and a curvy blonde with brown eyes stepped out. She was naked except for a slave collar.
"I am Slave Amanda," the woman announced. "May I ask for the following people to come with me? Rachel, Nitta, Lara and Elena?"
Slave Amanda was slightly taller than the average woman at 1.75 meter. She had large, firm breasts and lush curves--but had the normal female fear that she was carrying too many kilograms. Amanda did weigh 60 kilograms--proportional to her height, given her hips and breasts. Her eyes were brown and her hair blonde. Other than eyelashes, eyebrows and her shoulder-length corn silk hair, Amanda's body was smooth all over. No hair hid her labia, slightly distended from constant arousal. Amanda's nipples were nearly as big as her little fingertips and she was flushed--not blushing, but the sexual flush from excitement. Amanda couldn't help herself as she padded her way barefoot down the corridor leading the four women to a small conference room. Amanda was completely naked--she wasn't required to wear a slave collar in private. Her owner and master, Hank Dalton, had commanded Slave Amanda to remain totally naked and fully accessible while on the compound.
Rachel was fleshy, too, but had seen better days. She was barefoot, had white hair, and wore only her Legal Resident Identification Bracelet and a sarong in a faded blue that matched her eyes. Rachel was obviously missing one breast and limped noticeably. She was the normal 1.65 meters tall but tipped the scales at a portly 82 kilograms. Despite her infirmities, Rachel acted more like a teenager than a shopworn 54 year old ex-prostitute.
Nitta, the leader, was emaciated and her white hair was thinning. The whites of her brown eyes were yellow, her skin sallow, sagging and scaley. Nitta was also quite short at 1.5 meters tall and she weighed only 35 kilos. Beneath her patched green sarong her breasts had shriveled to mere flaps and her thin limbs had knobby elbows and knees.
Lara was much younger than the other two at age 44 and her hair was black salted with white. She had brown eyes and was average height (1.6 meters) and weight (55 kilograms). The two reasons Lara had retired from prostitution was a severe untreatable case of vaginitis that made all intercourse painful. When Lara smiled, half her face was paralyzed and her right arm was withered.
Clearly the three prostitutes had exhausted their sexual capital.
The fourth woman was actually still a girl a few weeks shy of her 14th birthday. Unlike the three retired prostitutes, Elena wore no Legal Resident Identification Bracelet--by Capitallia law she didn't have to until her 18th birthday 4 years in the future, and if she gained proto-citizen status Elena didn't have to wear that demeaning bracelet. Citizens weren't required to wear a legal resident bracelet or necklace. It was hard to guess Elena's weight of 44 kilograms in her bulky clothing. She wore a pair of holed Wave Rider running shoes with one white and one brown sock, a pair of patched and faded baggy pink sweat pants, and a grey sweat shirt that hung on her short 1.5 meter tall body like a tent. The sleeves had been rolled up above the wrists. There were yellow stains on the pillowcase hugged against Elena's chest--her worldly possessions. Regular features, brown eyes, auburn hair that fell just below her shoulders, Elena was not unlovely, but without makeup was not a raving beauty. With just a little work Elena had several decades of sexual capital in her future.
The trip was long enough for Slave Amanda to inquire about food allergies--more for conversation than out of need. All 20 girls and women had been given physicals the day that Hank and Amanda arrived in Florida. As naked Slave Amanda led the four women down the corridor a door opened and a line of seven people walked out. The first four were women with big, obviously fake breasts and very pretty faces under garishly colored wigs. One wig was leaf green. One was sea blue. One was carrot orange and one wig was banana yellow. Their eyes were abnormally large in their child-like faces and they had neatly trimmed pubic hair that was the same color as their scalp hair. Behind the women were two men, one white and one black. The white guy had shoulder length blond hair and sparkling blue eyes in his almost feminine face--he was smoothly muscled and his body was completely free of hair. The black man's eyes were deep brown and he was entirely bald. Both men had large jutting erections and big testicles. The last person in line had both breasts and an erect penis, but no testicles. It also had oversized eyes like the four women. Slave Amanda greeted the seven as they passed. The clothed women shrank against the side of the hallway, putting as much distance between the naked creatures as they could.
"Don't be afraid," Amanda said brightly. "They're fembots and they work at the brothel. Joan has them come in once a week for their preventative maintenance. Yes, they look like Japanese manga characters, but they're in high demand at the brothel. Besides, they're programmed to be happy and friendly. Hank gave them their personalities. He only leases them because Hank believes that they are self-aware, that they have feelings. Hank protects them as if they were human slaves. After last night, I believe my master. If they aren't human, they are almost human."
A pair of doors at the end of the corridor slid open and Slave Amanda led the four shaken women into the conference room. It was not a large room, just enough space for an oval table featuring an interactive display surface and leather-like high-backed swivel chairs around it. Slave Amanda directed the four women to the four empty seats. There were eight other people around the table. From left to right around the table the people were Doctor Joan Jakefield, Mr. Reage of the Florida Department of Youth Intervention, Ms. Cesar of the Cesar & Santini Underwriter firm, Mr. Fiske of the Pensacola Slave and Indentured Servant Advocate Agency, Sophie Shields, Slave Crissy, Deputy Director Robin Tyson of something identified only as OMI/CDO and Doctor Hank Dalton. All 12 seats had a desk plaque with the name of the person seated and there were four plaques in front of the empty seats with the names of Rachel, Nitta, Lara and Elena. When the four women got into their chairs, introductions began.
Joan, Hank, Sophie and Crissy were nude. Mr. Reage wore a white linen business suit with a miniature set of handcuffs for a tie tack. Ms. Cesar's somber gray business suit was brightened up with a fluffy peach ascot and a blue shirt. Mr. Fiske wore a brown polo shirt but and was bald. Director Tyson wore a powder blue female power suit with white blouse.
"You are not in trouble because Dr. Dalton wants to bail you out, Elena," Mr. Reage said. Elena hugged her stuffed pillowcase to her chest. "He is offering you a third alternative to the normal two for girls in your condition."
"I don't want to give it up!" Elena shouted.
Elena trembled as Amanda placed a reassuring hand on the frightened 13 year old.
"I don't believe in abortion and I'll run away if I have to. I'm keeping my baby."
"So you do know," Mr. Reage said.
"It's okay, Elena," Sophie said. "I'm pregnant too, and I am here to help you."
"I'm your underwriter," Ms. Cesar announced. "Your guardians authorized me to represent you. Dr. Dalton has a deal for you that will allow you to keep your daughter and raise her. You will have to work hard, but Dr. Dalton and Ms. Shields will sponsor the child for the purposes of the Statement of Financial Responsibility. This keeps you from being put on trial for irresponsible pregnancy. What Dr. Dalton is offering you is concubine status and a chance to qualify as a citizen on your 25th Birthday."
"I've just earned my citizenship last week," Sophie said. "I am a full citizen now and I have been working as a teacher here for three years. I came here as a Legal Resident with a problem--my twins were having sex with each other."
"That's against the law," Elena gasped. Her face immediately got red.
"On the desktop you'll see photos of the people I suspect were the father," Hank said as the tabletop lit up. Two of the faces Amanda recognized--Manny (Fredrick Herman Manning) and Diego and Amanda thought the other four looked familiar. Hank continued speaking. "I have a 90% certainty of who the father is. You need not tell us today. If you accept my offer to be my concubine, I will want you to have your daughter and two more. I will want to educate you so that you will have a career and can pass your citizenship exam. I'll pay your initial taxes, but in exchange I will have complete control over your sexuality and your fertility. You normally won't wear any clothing at all. On your 25th birthday and after earning your citizenship you will be required to renegotiate your concubine contract."
"What's a concubine?" Elena asked, her voice quavering. "Is that some sort of slave?"
"A concubine can be a chattel slave, an indentured servant, a free legal resident or even a citizen," Ms. Cesar said. "Dr. Dalton is offering you a full apprenticeship as his concubine. The difference between a mistress and a concubine is that the man agrees to support the concubine's children, but a mistress is on her own. I'm here to go over your concubine contract until you can answer a few questions."
"Because you are a minor," Mr. Reage said, "I am here to see that your rights, and your child's rights if you carry your daughter to term, are protected. Dr. Dalton and Ms. Shields will adopt your child in order to satisfy the support requirements of the law. There is no safety net in Capitallia."
"I'm here for three future slaves," Mr. Fiske said. "Dr. Dalton and Dr. Jakefield called my agency to protect the rights of three free legal residents until they begin their enslavement. Sister Nitta, if I have your title right," Nitta nodded, "you are the director of the Ellen Sterling Foster Home. Dr. Dalton and Dr. Jakefield originally contracted with you to enter slavery on 2 September of this year."
"As I said on the phone I need you three to remain free women for a while," Joan said. "Mr. Reage wants you three to approve Elena's apprenticeship as her legal guardians. The apprenticeship will be as Hank's concubine. There are four of us concubines sitting here in this room--Amanda behind you, Sophie, Crissy and me. We all have our stories to tell. For instance, I was once a man and I had the duty of interrogating my poor master. Oh, just so you know, Sophie and I are free women, full citizens, but we willingly submit to Hank fully, as if we were slaves. I used to be a slave, too. I see that I'm confusing you. Sophie?'
"As I was saying, I was living in Sparks, Nevada and I got off work early," Sophie said. "I had just lost my husband. I was a single mom and both my children were in the 6th grade. They were supposed to be in an after school activity, but I came home and found them in bed together having sex. I lost my mind. I was so frightened that they were going to be perverts," Sophie chuckled. "Well, they are perverts. Anyway, I put them in Juvie Hall more to keep from wringing their necks than anything else. I misunderstood the law--as long as they were not forcing each other, statutory rape didn't apply because they were the same age. Incest is no longer a crime. Hank was recommended as a specialist and after talking to him, I agreed to become his concubine, move here with my children, and we'd raise them right. Hank told me that losing their father and being abandoned by me led my twins to seek comfort in each other's arms."
"I've been following their case since they arrived," Mr. Reage said, "and they are well adjusted, even if their therapy isn't mainstream. As you know, Elena, Florida is a clothing-optional state. There are six states that are clothing optional, but Florida has the strongest tradition. It is too cold in Alaska to run around naked. Vermont is too cold, too. But Florida not only protects the rights of nudists to walk public streets naked, all public buildings are clothing optional. Commercial enterprises can opt to require nudity or to make clothing optional or to adopt any dress requirements they choose, as long as visitors are given fair notice what the policy is. A person entering commercial property is deemed to have consented to whatever policy is posted at entrances to such property. Anyway, Dr. Jakefield's primary school mandates school uniforms at least 16 hours per week-- that's four hours in the morning. The primary school also mandates 6 hours per week of nudity in the classroom and in the school gym. The Shields twins were provided with clothing but they only wear them when on field trips."
After my girlfriend returned from London trip, we broke up saying she wanted to explore her life. As with all my break-ups, I took it hard and just dived into work – becoming a workaholic to keep my mind off everything. I got a promotion and started to report the Bob, the senior partner around the same time. I was given an assignment to do due-diligence on a small chemical manufacturer in Fort Wayne, IN. I would be there for a week arriving Monday mid-day and returning Friday morning. Tuesday,...
After their threesome, Sally suggested that Hank include her Aunt Connie and her best friend Yasmin, saying, "Hanky panky, I want you to have the most sex ever in your whole life as my boyfriend. That means fucking around, so I will be honored to arrange that for you, as I planned our ménage a trois." "Why, thank you, Sally- you are such a sweet girl, and I think that, if you are as sincere as I believe you to be, you should be the next Mrs. Henry James Leicester. What about you? Do you...
Group SexTwo of Mina's slave girls were in deep trouble with her, having lost track of time in the kitchen that night. They ate each other out when they were supposed to be using Pastor Gilbertson. She punished them rather severely later that evening, when she caught them red-handed. They were made to perform cunnilingus on her, but she refused to do the same for them. There were supposed to have been at least four women besides Mina fucking Guy, but he only did three that night counting her. The...
Introduction: Hanks wife dies leaving him alone with his beautiful 12yo daughter Rebecca. PART 1: Hank Stenson was a very wealthy businessman, so wealthy in fact that he didnt even need to work anymore. He could oversee his company from home, occasionally holding video conference calls with his executives from his lounge in his mansion. His home was a fourteen bedroom monstrosity in rural Colorado. It had a restaurant quality kitchen complete with a live-in chef, a movie theater, an Olympic...
Hank Stenson was a very wealthy businessman, so wealthy in fact that he didn’t even need to work anymore. He could oversee his company from home, occasionally holding video conference calls with his executives from his lounge in his mansion. His home was a fourteen bedroom monstrosity in rural Colorado. It had a restaurant quality kitchen complete with a live-in chef, a movie theater, an Olympic sized pool, and a sauna. He was only 40, but he was already a multi-billionaire. Then Hank’s...
Hank fucked his neighbor Sally, a freshman at the local community college, for about 3 hours, in a series of acts that his wife Penny, a hypocritical religious fanatic, would have considered "depraved" and disgusting. That was one reason he was fooling with various girls, including Sally. The other reason was the nature of his wife's hypocrisy- she was having an affair with her pastor, and Hank knew it, because a disgruntled parishioner had seen fit to film the tryst (unknown to Penny and her...
Group SexIntroduction: Hank Stenson dies of a heart attack leaving his enormous family in the hands of his son. PART 2: For the next fifteen years, Rebecca was continuously pregnant. She had twenty-five children in total. There were two sets of twins, and one set of triplets. Rebecca was now twenty-seven, and Hank was fifty-five. When Precious turned twelve, Hank began to breed her also. She had three babies of her own. Rebeccas next three children after Precious were boys, so he had to wait until Hope...
I met Jenna Warren in High School, Central High. She was the prize female among all females on the campus. She was maybe five-three and not an ounce over ninety pounds. She had beautiful auburn hair, A-cup breasts, and a bubble butt. Her arms were so slim it was a wonder she was able to hold a fork to feed herself. In a word she was the prototype of the helpless damsel, and every boy on campus dreamed of receiving one of her smiles and being allowed to die for her. And, after having met her,...
After their threesome, Sally suggested that Hank include her Aunt Connie and her best friend Yasmin, saying "Hanky panky, I want you to have the most sex ever in your whole life as my boyfriend. That means fucking around, so I will be honored to arrange that for you, as I planned our ménage a trois." "Why, thank you, Sally- you are such a sweet girl, and I think that, if you are as sincere as I believe you to be, you should be the next Mrs. Henry James Leicester. What about you? Do you...
2 of Mina's slave girls were in deep trouble with her, having lost track of time in the kitchen that night, eating each other out, when they were supposed to be using Pastor Gilbertson. She punished them rather severely later that evening, when she caught them red-handed, by making them perform cunnilingus on her, but refusing to do the same for them. There were supposed to have been at least 4 women besides Mina fucking Guy, but he only did 3 that night, counting her. The next morning, she...
Group SexFor the next fifteen years, Rebecca was continuously pregnant. She had twenty-five children in total. There were two sets of twins, and one set of triplets. Rebecca was now twenty-seven, and Hank was fifty-five. When Precious turned twelve, Hank began to breed her also. She had three babies of her own. Rebecca’s next three children after Precious were boys, so he had to wait until Hope was twelve until he could start impregnating another girl. There were twenty-eight children in the house,...
Four identical vehicles sped along the old Interstate 10 westbound from Eglin Air Base in Florida. These armored limousines had three axles and six tires. They had three doors per side. At seven meters long, two meters high and almost three meters wide, they appeared too massive to be cruising at 150 kilometers per hour. In the fading Florida daylight the four vehicles seemed to change color from dark blue to brilliant red. In the third vehicle from the front a woman drove. Her name was Toni...
I called Bethany. We made an appointment for Monday after 15:00. Both lawyers were in Florida finalizing some kind of contract for an Island firm. Any calls after 15:00 are handled by a service and directed or recorded as needed. I wrote a note to Fran but she arrived from school a few minutes before Bethany arrived. Fran knew the drill. Homework, be sure to eat something healthy and call Rick if you wish. Keep the laptop ready to receive phone calls. I introduced Bethany and Fran. “Fran,...
Director Robin Tyson had intended to keep her star contractor out of trouble. Robin was going to keep a close eye on Hank Dalton even if she had to bend a few rules. Government regulations prohibited public officials from accepting more than a cup of coffee from contractors. Sexual relationships were strictly prohibited. These Draconian restrictions were out of step with Capitallia because they were inherited from the old United States of America days. Back in those days before Capitallian...
He groaned as the pain streaked through his head. Rolling over his eyes opened as slits and quickly closed again. The body laying next to him moved and he started.“Oh wow,” he groaned again. “Who are you?” he asked of the person next to him.“Good morning Ted. You don’t remember me? I’m Vicky, Hank’s mother. You do know Hank your best friend?” She rose up on one elbow and looked at him.“Oh, Mrs. Franklin. How did you get in my bed?”“You might ask how you got in MY bed,” she smirked.Ted looked...
It was a lazy monday morning, Hank was just getting up reminiscing about his weekend. It was getting hot in Arlen, Texas real texan weather so hot that his son Bobby came up with a few strange ideas to fight of the heat. Bobby had always been a somewhat peculiar boy, whose intrests were not in line with Hank's. But that Sunday afternoon he fellt an odd sense of pride when he discovered his sons new masturbatory practice. Bobby was jerking his little noggin to a Strickland propane calendar. In...
Hank is a 45 yo dark complected black guy about 6 feet 220 lbs with a Short beard who works as an auto mechanic. His tools include a nice 9 inch cut rod with a dark pointed head and big set of lug nuts he sports around and he loves to service rear ends especially white ones as he says....See you is lookin to gets yo ass spanked he said while on the phone with him. Yeah been wanting a good spanking from a black man I told him..... Yeahs I seen yo ad when you wants that ass spanked ? I'am free...
GUY’S PRIZE-WINNING “HANK BURGERS”It wasn’t more than a few days after I met him than I learned that Hank liked to cook. So we sat around in his Arkansas trailer in the hills above Hot Springs, sucking each others’ dicks and watching Food Network.On a Saturday morning, I was fucking Hank’s ass over the sofa in his trailer, and what comes on over his satellite TV but fucking Rachel Ray! Man, does she have cock-sucking lips- all glossed up and everything. For a minute, Hank and I stopped banging...
Back when the aol chat rooms were still active , I used to go on the local m2m ones when ever I was alone , looking to play . Since I had just realized that I liked cock , I was willing to do almost anything the guy wanted . One day my wife was working and I was off so I went into the chat rooms to jo maybe hook up . One guy I was talking to asked me my stats , not sure what he was looking for I told him I was a m/w 38 yrs 5'10 225 had a 4 in dick . He said great would I like to come to...
Peter was an indentured servant. Once Peter Strange had been a successful lawyer, but he fell prey to gambling fever. Eventually, Peter recognized that his debt load was excessive and put himself on the auction block as an indentured servant to avoid being involuntarily reduced to the status of a chattel slave. A committee of his creditors accepted the terms of the voluntary indenture, which Peter drafted with the help of an underwriter. Provisions were that the proceeds of the auction go to...
Trey emerged from the medical pod slack-faced. Gordi embraced the naked eunuch. "Trey, your mother is here," Gordi announced. "So is your sister Mirabelle. Your stepfather, too. Hank wants to reassure them that you are cared for." "I don't want them to see me like this," Trey whined. "Like what?" Phyllis was Gordi's partner. Both woman appeared to be 19. Both women had large, perfect breasts and both were naked. All three slaves had brown hair and brown eyes, were medium height,...
My problem, well there were many, but my most immediate one, was Dixie Wexler. Who, Sarah Meriwether swears, was on a mission that she didn’t initiate and that she couldn’t cancel. In her RightWorld office, she told me, “It’s not that he’s brilliant, he isn’t. But our people say he’s dogged — he believes his reputation, his image as a man, depends on delivering on his promise. He keeps his word.” Swell. “Of course he screws up, he’s no criminal mastermind. But he keeps at it. Just keeps at...
"You need to know my story," Joan told Amanda as Dawn and Eve led Amanda into a small room. The floor and walls of the room were cushioned. The door slid shut behind Joan. "This is a secure padded cell, ideal for our use. Would you rather hear about how I met Hank and became a woman for him or--" "Make love, Mom," the twins chorused. Amanda was feeling like a bloated cow beside the three women. All three had golden tans and perfect skin. About the only thing Amanda felt she had over...
While Hank and his combat team waited for the green light from President Proctor they used the time to recharge their emotional batteries and to get clear on some of the background information they would need to know. The worst thing about military operations is the waiting. Experienced soldiers know how to wait productively--even when all they do is sleep. For soldiers, "sleep is when you can get it." Doctor Henry James Dalton, sometime militia colonel, was leading a commando team of 15...
Joshua Luceno was the president's chief of staff and personal secretary. At the moment Josh was baby sitting Hank Dalton aboard Air Force One. The Capitallian edition of an official state aircraft was a gigantic flying wing with a span of 110 meters and a length of 80 meters. On board was a full video studio that was eight by ten meters with a two and a half meter ceiling. It wasn't an extravagance. The President of the Capitallian Republic used the secure studio frequently when traveling,...
Introduction: Sorry for the delay but here is the much awaited second part to my king of the hill story I hope you enjoy. It was a hot day in Arlen Texas. A heat wave had hit the town and it seemed no body was immune to its merciless blaze. Even Hank Hill who had lived in Texas his whole life was sweating under the hot sun. The heat had pretty much cleared out Strickland propane for no one was caught dead in front of a grill when the mercury was rising the way it was. Hank sat at his desk...
Conspiracy To Emasculate Kenny By Marion Several weeks had passed since Kenny had his prostate unnecessarily removedby Lana's lover, Doctor Kathy Carter, as part of their conspiracy to totallyemasculate him. The two women had conspired to take everything he had financiallyand then destroy him emotionally, mentally and physically. Lana was having a delightfully erotic time converting her one time arrogant,womanizing husband into a subservient worm, through severe physical...
President Proctor had called two emergency meetings of the Capitallian National Security Council. Like the old United States National Security Council, the primary stated purpose of the Capitallian National Security Council was to advise the President of the Capitallian Republic on courses of action. Military, law enforcement and diplomatic actions were not the same as in either the old United States of America or the current United States 'Remnant.' Only Capitallia's Congress could make...
Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 1: On the Trail to Trouble Chapter 1 -- "Prolog: September 1871" Tuesday, September 12, 1871 A chunky, sandy-haired man walked into the Prescott, Arizona...
Herbie, my best friend called me just as I was leaving to do some casual work on property surveys, like lines and laying out housing tracts for developers. Real estate is always good and busy in the San Diego area, it’s got a certain kudos ring to the address. I was glad of the occupation, not really hurting for money but it’s all useful and good money. Previously I had a dead boring job for an ambulance company, transporting little old men and ladies from their rest homes to the hospital and...
The next morning, Connie was in the shower, when she suddenly felt a hand massaging her butt, followed by another- it was her sister, Mina. "Hi, sis. I've wanted to fuck you for years- now I get my chance; what do ya say we go for it?" "Ok, but who will dominate whom?" "Let's not worry about that, right now. We've both experienced each side, so let's fuck as equals- sisters." "Alright, sis, but how do you want to fuck me- eating, strap-ons, or both?" "Both, of course. I want to have you several...
FetishStreet and Smith's _New York Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks -- Outlaw Queen By Nicholas Varrick As Told To Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson (c) 2003 Chapter 1 -- "Riders in the Night" "One... Two... Three!" Jessie Hanks yelled, as she swung the saddle back and forth, then upward. This time, it worked. The heavy saddle went over the top of the tethered horse, settling unevenly on the blanket on its...
Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 2: Finding Their Way Chapter 6 - "Crossing Arizona" Friday, June 7, 1872 Jessie slowly - regretfully - opened her eyes. "Uhh," she moaned, putting her hand to her head. "Why the...
Amanda watched the drone plane on her right as the drone flew not more than ten meters from the stubby air car's starboard thruster fans. An identical drone plane was on the left. Farther behind the sky car and almost invisible were two human-crewed aircraft and several more drones. "Amanda, release your safety harness and get in the back seat," Hank directed. "I need you to put on a slave collar, a dress and a pair of sandals because Eglin is a federal reservation. You know the...
"Manny" was actually Herman Fredrick Herring, a fact that he gave up immediately when he was in the pod. "Manny" didn't have all the information that Hank Dalton desired. "Manny"--or Herman, as he prefered when he wasn't working--was expendable and was told only what the job required. Inside the pod Manny was made to believe that he was the only survivor of a raid gone wrong. "It was a trap!" Herman told his nameless boss. "They gunned us down. I managed to escape. If any of the...
Hank Dalton was going to break the conspiracy's back by removing certain slaves from the USR. These 54 citizens, wrongfully enslaved, were skilled specialists in mind control technologies. In a small compound outside Savannah, Georgia these citizens were working on the next generation of bio-digital slave control implants, the improved software and the other techniques of controlling slaves humanely. They were being held on a compound at the Old Hunter Army Air Field, part of the Fort...
The next time Guy Gilbertson showed up at Mina's house, sure enough, there were several men present. Among them was the parishioner who had originally disclosed the affair to Hank. His name was Seth, and he was an open homosexual, which was why Pastor Gilbertson had him expelled from the church. "Now, Seth, Murray, Roger, Jim, and Lewis will all fuck you as they please for a couple of hours, while I tape it, slave! How does that sound, slave?" Mina asked him. Guy did not much desire the...
The next time Guy Gilbertson showed up at Mina's house, sure enough, there were several men present. Among them was the parishioner who had originally disclosed the affair to Hank. His name was Seth, and he was an open homosexual, which was why Pastor Gilbertson had him expelled from the church. "Now, Seth, Murray, Roger, Jim, and Lewis will all fuck you as they please for a couple of hours, while I tape it, slave! How does that sound, slave?", Mina asked him. Guy did not much desire the new...
FetishNote : This story is completely fictional! When she got drunk on beer Lorie let her her before her mom got home. When he filled her cunt with cum he said."Next time I'm going to let my friends use your hole""If you do I want some money""How much do you think I should charge them" replied Carl."Twenty dollars apiece would be nice" she said."I think they will pay that""Mom's leaving on a business trip next Saturday" said Lorie."How long will she be gone?""She said she would be gone a week""Good,...
IncestPenny did not really know what to expect from her 1st night as Connie's slave, after Hank had her pack up her clothes and move them into Connie's house. Sally and Yasmin moved in that very night, while Pastor Gilbertson went about his business as normal for now, fully aware that he would have to show up at Mina's every time she wished. He dreaded the thought of what she would do to him, since he had earned her hatred by attacking her verbally for being an unwed mother. Connie met Penny in a...
FetishHello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story. Main aapko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi Jacob (24 years) ne uske college friend cum businessman Shashank Chopra ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko new sex story batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha. Anamika ke sath mere Abu Dhabi based hotel ke personal suite mein sara din sex kiya. Uske baad hum dono raat mein dubai wapas...
Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek sex story. Iss part mein main aapko bataunga ki Aditi aur Shashank ne ek dusre ke sath kya kya kiya. Uss din Aditi ke iss decision ko sunkar main andar se tut gaya. Mere Aditi ko time nahi diya. Iski wajah se hi Shashank Aditi ko emotionally weak karke apne sath extramarital affair shuru karwane mein successful ho gaya. Fir Shashank ne Aditi ke chehre ko apne dono hatho se pakda aur apne hoth ko uske hoth par rakhkar...
Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra (27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Agle din subah 8 baje main apne ghar se nikla. 9 baje Anamika ke ghar ke gate par pahuncha jahan. Woh mera wait kar rahi thi. Anamika ne us din grey blazer, black full sleeve shirt inside, grey pant...
Sythmour High School is located in an upscale Texas suburb. Student enrollment is just under sixteen hundred and over ninety percent of their graduates go on to college. Troy Flynn was headed to Notre Dame on a football scholarship. He was Sythmour's star quarterback. Mrs. Moreau was his French teacher.Mrs. Moreau had finished her fourth year of teaching at Sythmour following graduation from Smith College in Massachusetts. Her students call her Mme. Moreau. She married her high school...
SeductionHello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra(27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko apni kahani batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri kahani mein padha ki maine Anupriya ke sath usi ke ghar mein sex kiya tha. Aur din bhar sex karne ke bad hum...
Patty, Annie, Jason and Adam have been friends for five years. Jason and Adam met when they started working for the same company getting hired at the same time. Their wives met shortly after and became close friends as did their husbands.Both couples were married shortly after the guys finished college with engineering degrees. Patty and Adam dated throughout college breaking up several times due to each of them playing around with others. Annie and Jason met in their junior year falling in...
Group SexChapter 1: Slave FurlongThe blue minivan was marked with the Silver Wolf Slave Advocacy logo. Inside were three people. Riding in the front were a man and a woman in fashionable business suits. Clipped to their jacket pockets were ID badges. Both were citizens—neither wore slave collars or Legal Resident wristbands. The naked man in the back wore a metal slave collar around his neck and was in the Nevada Department of Public Safety-approved 7-point slave vehicular restraint system. Metal bands...
A Murder Earthshaking Hank Dalton hurried through the underground passage between his home and his office. The scanner had announced TWO people in the visitor's conveyance. Hank glanced at the data link in his hand, a device known commercially as a Palm Slave, and tried to discern the people carried in the slave compartment of the government-issue sky car. Normal people never paid attention to the contents of a slave compartment. They thought that nobody important was back there. As Hank...
From the Mouths of Babes Across town another member of the Department of Youth Intervention inspection team, Officer Hardy was at the school observing a class in session. He was in constant communications with the other three officers from the Nevada Department of Youth Intervention, a state organization that was charged with investigating and preventing child abuse—especially in the mostly-privatized school system. Corporal Culp had notified Officer Hardy that she was going to investigate...
Holly in After Care Holly's eyes fluttered open. She saw a pair of blue eyes in a face framed by a blonde pixie cut. "Kelly," Holly exhaled the name more than she spoke it. With her eyelids at half-mast Holly looked around the room. "How do you feel?" Kelly asked. "Foolish," Holly giggled. "Wrung out. Foolish. When will I learn? If Hank tells me something, I need to listen. This time being proven wrong was fun, though. All of Hank's lessons are fun." "Can you sit up? You've...
The Sweatshop "Sweatshop" remains a curse word in modern Capitallia. It is only muttered out of the hearing of the "bosses" because the rejoinder is "you're FIRED!" The alternative to the sweatshop staffed by Legal Resident labor is slave labor, instituted first in Capitallia's constitution of 2089. Yes, slavery was contemplated in the old United States—an amendment repealing the 13th Amendment was six states short of ratification when Aztlan and Capitallia seceded from the United...
Amanda existed on the verge of panic. She kept repeating to herself: 'Amanda is a good girl.' Amanda's blush extended from the roots of her scalp hair to her belly button in front, down both arms to the wrists, and down her back to the crease at the bottom of her buttocks. Amanda's skin twitched and was covered in goose pimples. At the same time Amanda's skin bore a thin sheen of perspiration. More than mere sweat trickled down her inner thighs. Amanda was in distress over being naked,...
Ned wanted to refuse the instant sobriety treatment. He deserved to get drunk. He wanted to be hung over. Like his daughter Karen Amanda Coalfield, Senior Agent Nathan "Ned" Clifford of the Office of Military Intelligence felt a need to be punished. Ned tried to argue with Beverly Albertson and her enslaved husband Emmet about becoming sober. But then Ned held his head and groaned. "Damn you, Hank Dalton! Get out of my head!" Ned growled. "Okay. I'll take the cure. Thank you Beverly....
Kelly and Nancy guided Amanda to the edge of the stage in Silver Orb's Great Hall. Amanda's face looked blank as a last-minute make-up touch-up was done for the lights and cameras. "Amanda," Ned pushed his way through the crowd. Ned stood out because he was one of the few clothed people in the Great Hall. "Amanda, it's almost time." "Amanda, one more thing before you go on stage," Kelly extended a velvet-covered jewelry box, a rectangle that was 40 centimeters long and narrow....
"Kandi," a voice said. "Time to go to work." "Yes, Mommy," Kandi opened her dark brown eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry." "That's okay, hon," the other woman said. "Give my nips a suck. I want to do you for your coffee break. It makes you more productive. Besides, it's fun." "I like it, too, Dot." "Good news. Hank's coming to Tampa and he has a new girl that he's bringing from Silver Orb." Dorothy was a petite blonde tanned by the Florida with blue eyes and small breasts, but...
Amanda was silent as she knelt beside Hank's chair. Hank was sitting in the center of a long dining table. "Are you uncomfortable Amanda?" Hank asked. "No, Master," Amanda responded. "You are going to be fed sitting on my lap today, Amanda. Just lean against me when Lucy serves me." Hank smiled at the nude girl when Lucy slid a bowl of broth in front of him. "Do they have to do that now?" Corporal Culp asked. "What are you looking at?" Hank asked. "Isn't she a bit old to...
Hank had just closed communications with the Florida girls when his Palm Slave beeped again. "There goes the lakeside picnic," a horse named Tornado groaned. "Go, Monty." Hank said into the mike. "Two unidentified humans are walking down our road." The speaker had a distinct upper class British accent. "Descriptions: one point three meters tall, estimated 25 kilograms, female, wearing shorts, tee-shirts and tennis shoes and carrying a shoulder bag and a canvas shopping bag. They are...
Hank lifted off in the pre-dawn sky. Hank wore a tan flight suit and his slave girl Amanda was naked except for her slave collar. Amanda struggled to remain awake, failed. Sometime later the bright sky woke Amanda. She blinked, shielding her eyes. "I can turn the screen down," Hank offered. "The canopy is clear only when all power is shut off. It can opaque, darken, even show cartoons." "Where are we?" "About 30 minutes from Colorado Springs. I'm going to refuel there. Too bad we...