Kissing Kenny
- 1 year ago
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Conspiracy To Emasculate Kenny
Several weeks had passed since Kenny had his prostate unnecessarily removedby Lana's lover, Doctor Kathy Carter, as part of their conspiracy to totallyemasculate him. The two women had conspired to take everything he had financiallyand then destroy him emotionally, mentally and physically.
Lana was having a delightfully erotic time converting her one time arrogant,womanizing husband into a subservient worm, through severe physical punishment,humiliation and degradation. She was training him to be totally subservientto her sadistic desires and Kathy, who shared her male hating lust, was thereto guide her through her journey.
It was Kathy who had come up with the idea to deceive him by telling him hehad prostate cancer so that she could remove it, knowing that the surgery wouldmake him sexually impotent! They knew they could capitalize on his love forLana. They would use his devotion and love for her to destroy him as a manand vent their sadistic desires!
Shortly after he returned home from the surgery, she kicked him out of theirbedroom! He actually cried and apologized for offending her with his inadequacies!His reaction stirred her sadistic lust and she found herself experiencing anorgasm as she slapped his face! Her excitement grew as tears filled his eyesprompting her to continue to slap him until blood dripped from his nose andcut lip! He looked so pathetic and she felt a power and excitement she hadnever known before, which provoked an orgasm! As she beat him, he was naked,on his knees, wearing his catheter bag around his leg, with the tube stuckup his cock into his bladder! He looked so fucking helpless she wanted to crushhim! She had never felt such exhilaration and realized at that moment thatany reservations she ever had regarding his emasculation and death, were forevergone!
She related every episode to Kathy who was delighted and encouraged her, aswell as provided innovative cruel ideas. It was erotic to see him walk aroundthe house naked with his catheter bag filling up, pulling on his cock as hesloshed around the house. She would yank on the tube, provoking considerablediscomfort for him! She wanted him to remain naked, since it was easier tohumiliate him by poking fun at the way he looked and scolding him.
It was Kathy who suggested that the best way to gain total control of himwas to act like a mother to a child. Lana convinced him he was just undertoo much stress and to emotionally unstable, as a result of the surgery, toexercise good judgment! She said it would be best if she took over all of theirfinancial responsibilities and that he put all of their property, investmentsand savings in her name. She led him to believe it would only be temporary. Hecried but admitted that she was probably right.
She even convinced him to have his name removed from credit cards and theirchecking account! She made him cut up and burn his credit cards, so he wouldn'tbe tempted to purchase something foolish.
Within two weeks following the surgery he had nothing, but his plastic bagaround his leg. He didn't realize it, but he was destitute and totally dependentupon Lana for everything.
Doctor Carter told him he had to keep the catheter in for at least four weeksto heal the surgery. In truth, she knew that during the additional two weekscalcium would build up in the tube, backing up into his penis and causing himincredible pain wherever his bladder released piss! Lana told him the doctoralso wanted the bag to fill up before he emptied it. This weight of a bag fullof piss hanging from his cock provoked constant pain, which proved delightfulfor Lana!
To further humiliate him she suggested it might be dangerous for him, givenhis state of mind to drive. Reluctantly he agreed and gave her his keys tohis BMW and burned his drivers license. He loved his car, so he bawled likea baby when she insisted it must be done for his own good.
Just as Kathy suggested, she found this maternal approach proved to be a success.When he balked at a suggestion she would whip his ass with a leather strapand scold him for being a crybaby. One day when he balked at one of her smalldemands, she grabbed a small wooden cutting board and beat his ass until itwas blood red and covered with welts! It was exhilarating! Abusing him wasa wonderful aphrodisiac and addictive! She beat his back and the back of histhighs well after he passed out and she achieved a volcanic climaxed! Makinghim scream and beg and cry provoked wonderful orgasms!
She sat him down one evening and explained: ?Kenny, I have a confessionto make.?
?Yes?? He responded as a devoted loving husband. ?You know youdon't have to confess anything to me my love.?
?Well, it's just that even though you can't satisfy me like a real man,I wanted you to know that there is something we do that really excites meand I have wonderful orgasms when we do it.?
?Yes? What is it? Oh God, I'm so happy, what do I do to make you feelthat good??
?You know when I make fun of you or punish you when you're selfish ordo things that make me angry??
?Well, when I do that, I mean punish you and I can see that I'm hurtingyou, especially when I make you hurt so bad you scream or cry, I cum!?
?You do??
?Yes! I get all wet and the more I hurt you the more beautiful the orgasm!Oh it is so wonderful!?
He swallowed not sure how to respond.
?You hate me for being that way, don't you?? She pressed, knowinghow far he would go not to offend her.
?Oh no! No! I'm so glad I can make you happy! It's okay, honest! I cantake it! Oh I'm glad I can make you cum!?
?Oh, I'm so glad, it makes me feel so good. Of course it's not reallya replacement for having a real man, but I do love hurting you!?
He swallowed another lump. ?I love you Lana! You know I'll do anythingto make you happy.?
Even after beating him bloody, all she had to do was explain that what shewas doing it for his own good, and not only would he apologize and thankher for correcting his bad behavior, with a little coaxing he would offer suggestionsas to how she might enhance his punishment. One kiss, one caress and he wouldsubmit to whatever her devious mind concocted.
After taking away his worldly possessions, she told him, in her own malicious,compassionate manner, suggested: ?Kenny, I'm so sorry to have to tell youthis, but I know you'll understand. You must know you are an embarrassmentto me!?
?I know.? He responded with tears welling in his eyes.
? After all I'm still young enough and I think pretty enough to attracta real lover.?
?You're very pretty, you're beautiful!?
?You know you can't fill my needs. And, to be honest, sometimesjust the sight of you makes me sick!?
He knew it and acknowledged her with a nod.
?I mean, just look at you, you're an impotent eunuch! I'm marriedto a worthless, impotent, eunuch!?
?I know.?
?Look at me!? She spread her housecoat to expose her firm beautifulbody. Reaching down she caressed her cunt! ? I need to be fucked, Kenny, bya real man!? She dipped her finger into her hot cunt and began to massage herclit as she continued. ?I know you'd love to kiss me and lick my pussy,but God, what woman would want a man who can't get a hard-on even touchingher? Kenny, the thought of your mouth touching my vagina makes me want to puke!?
Swallowing the lump in his throat he acknowledged her needs.
?Just having you watch me like this spoils everything! God, it's not evenany fun to masturbate with you around!?
With tear filled eyes he agreed that such a beautiful woman like her shouldnot go without love and sexual pleasure just because he had had cancer andcould no longer be the man he used to be. ?I know. I'll do whatever youwant, just, please, please don't divorce me! I love you so much!?
Feigning tears of appreciation she responded. ? Thankyou Kenny, I knew you would understand. It's just that, if I bring a loverhome, what do I do about you? I mean, you being here would spoil everything.It wouldn't be fair to me!?
He looked dumbfounded, then with false bravado. ?Oh! Oh yeah, it wouldn'tbe too cool! I couldn't.. I wouldn't expect you to. Geeze , if youbrought a man over and I was sitting there watching TV, that would be awkwardfor all of us!? He chuckled.
She countered. ? I don't mean to sound mean Kenny, but what would I do,say oh, this is my impotent husband, ignore him! He can't even get a hard-on!? Asshe said it, it was all she could do not to bust out laughing. As it wasa slight smile broke across her lips for a brief second. ? So, whatare we going to do? You can't expect me to abstain from sex just becauseyou got cancer and can't get a hard-on! Shit! I should just divorce yourass and kick you the fuck out of here!?
He swallowed the lump in his throat. ?I know! I know and I understand,Lana! .Let's just not talk about divorce, please! You're such a beautifulwoman, you don't deserve to be saddled with a impotent husband! God, youdeserve so much more than I can give you!?
?You can say that again! Boy did I get fucked when I got stuck with you!
He thought for a few moments before responding: ?What if, I mean if itis okay with you, what if I went down into the cellar when you have company.That way I wouldn't be a bother, would I??
She could not hide the smile that cut across her face. It was exactly whatshe had been planning on suggesting, if the dumb shit hadn't come up with ithimself! She was so pleased she wet her pants in excitement!
?Why that's a wonderful idea, darling!? She responded. ?See howexcited that makes me?? She said as she spread her legs and stuck afinger in her vagina and pinched her nipples with the other hand! ?Ohyes! Lock you in the basement! Oh I love it!?
?Yeah, I'm not totally stupid you know!? He smiled, filled with beingpleased with himself and making her happy. ?You are so beautifulwhen you play with yourself like that, and I love you so much, you deservea little fun in life and I don't want to get in your way.? He said ashe choked out the words.
?Oh shit!? She exclaimed, ceasing masturbation, as if the world hadcrashed on the idea. ?Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! But what if my lover wants to go downthe basement? Shit, you'd be right there and I'd have to explain everything.Can't you just see it: I'd have to explain: Oh this is my impotent husbandhe doesn't care if I fuck you!?
?Why would he want to go down the basement??
She kissed his cheek and said: ?Jesus Kenny, don't be stupid! I don'tknow, but he might. It's possible, isn't it??
?Yeah, I guess. What about, what about the old fruit cellar under theporch! I could hide in there!?
Attempting to contain herself and allow him to dig his hole deeper she pursuedthe thought. ?Fruit cellar??
?Remember it? It's under the back porch! Been locked up for years!Geeze , that room hasn't been used for thirty or more years!?
Jumping on his band wagon. ?Of course it is darling! It's perfect! Wehaven't gone in there for years so why would someone else? I bet it's damnnear sound proof and you being back there I wouldn't have to be concernedabout you hearing anything we say or do!?
Proud of himself, but apprehensive because of her response he force a weaksmile.
?Yes, it's perfect! Jesus, I bet, we could fuck right outside the doorand you wouldn't hear us and we wouldn't be bothered by you!?
Kenny began to caution. ?Of course we'd have to clean it out, fix it upa little bit! I mean, you know we have rats down there, Jesus, that roomdoesn't have any lights, no windows and with those limestone walls and thatheavy door it must be damn near sound proof! If the door accidentallyclosed while I was hiding in there, you wouldn't be able to hear me and letme out!?
?Oh don't be silly. First of all, if I was making love to someone, Isure as hell wouldn't want to hear you whine, let alone stop to let you out,no matter how scared you were! And second, don't be so fucking selfish! God,you can get so fucking selfish at times, just thinking about yourself andnot about me! Jesus, would you just stop and think about my pleasure fora change! It's a great idea, come on, let's go look at it!?
She took him by the wrist and led him down into the cellar. She was wearinga housecoat and slippers, but he was naked. As they descended the oldwooden stairs into the cellar they seldom entered, splinters of wood stuckin his feet! She insisted he remain naked all the time, even after the catheterhad been removed. Being naked made him so much more vulnerable to humiliationand a good impromptu beating!
The old eighteen-room house had a limestone basement and a combination ofdirt and cement floors.
The basement was made up of several rooms: The coal bin, the wash room, theroom for hanging and drying clothes, a workshop room, the furnace room andway back, under the back porch, a previous owner from the depression era hadbuilt a food storage room to keep canned goods, vegetables and meat. Consequently,the room was designed to be very cool in the summer and a freezer in the wintermonths.
She told Kenny to get the flashlight from the workshop room and he returnedwith it, handing it to her, as he embraced himself, bounced on the balls ofhis feet and slapped his biceps in a vain attempt to keep warm.
The door was heavy and made of a couple thickness of heavy lumber to keepthe room cold enough to preserve meat and it had a latch ready for a lock.She smiled to herself as she examined it. It had been constructed by depressionera craftsmen and would make a secure, isolated jail cell for her to lock Kennyaway! There was an old padlock on the door and a rusty key hanging on a hookbeside the door. Lana smiled when she pulled open the door and took in theroom.
The room was only about three or four feet deep and maybe six feet long. Thestench of dust mildew and mold filled their nostrils! Bugs and rodents scurriedas the light hit the room. Spider webs laced the room and large black spidersalso scurried away from the light! Lana pushed him in ahead of her as his armsswept the cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and blocking the doorway! The floorin this room was dirt
Sweeping her hand across one of the shelves she raise a cloud of dust andher hand was covered with dirt! ?Whew!? Lana exclaimed, wiping thedirt off her hand onto his chest! ?Little dusty! You stay inside, I'llclose the door and you yell as loud as you can to see if it is sound proof!?
She pushed him inside closed the door on him. She inserted the latchof the old lock and snapped it shut! He was pleading and begging in the darkness.
?Lana! Please, open the door! Jesus, it's so dark in here!? He startedby tapping the door with his knuckles but soon the tapping turned to poundingand his pleading turned to loud begging! ?Lana! LANA! LANA, PLEASE! OHGOD LANA I CAN FEEL THE FUCKING BUGS CRAWLING ON ME! LANA! LANA!?
Leaning back against the door she could feet the vibrations of his fists poundingon the door as he screamed and pleaded with her. She smiled as she massagedher clitoris, whispering to herself?: ?Oh yes! Yes, beg you mother fucker!I've got you! I've fucking got you, you son-of-a-bitch! Oh Kathy, I need you!?
His pounding on the door was incessant and his voice was filled with panic!Lana pinched her nipples and probed her wet cunt, relishing every scream! Hewas alone now, so fucking alone in the darkness, isolated from the world! Sheenvisioned spiders crawling all over his flesh as mice and rats licked andtasted his withered cock! Oh, this is what she had dreamed of! ?Rot! Rotyou worthless piece of shit! God, why don't you just die?? Humping herfingers, all to quickly she achieved orgasm. She decided to go upstairs, fixa drink and enjoy the peace of life without him.
He had no idea how long she kept him in the room. Finally, realizing she wasn'tgoing to let him out, he stop pleading and pounding. Feeling his way in thedarkness he tried to brush off the top shelf, knowing it was still filthy!He thought of bugs crawling up into his rectum and into his bowels! Carefullyhe climbed up onto the top dusty shelf, the old wood creaking under his weightas he snuggled in the corner. He pulled his knees up to his chest and embracedhis legs as he listened for the sound of the filthy rodents. He could hearthem. Their tiny sharp claws on the digging into the dirt floor, climbing upthe wooden supports for the shelves! He screamed and kick at them as he brushedhis hands on the shelves and over his vulnerable flesh! ? Aaarrrggghhh! Go away! Go away! Arrrgggghhh !? And then we would listen.In the total darkness it was impossible to discern even the image of his handwhen he held it directly in front of his face! He grew tired, but fear kepthim awake. He could feel insects and spiders exploring his body. Crawling intohis ears, across his face and in his hair! His hands were busy brushing hisbody, trying to keep the insects at bay! Something bit him on his penis andhe jumped and tried to brush whatever it was away as he screamed!
As time passed he grew weak from the lack of food and water and would beginto doze off, only to wake in a start with the slightest noise. Minutes seemedlike hours. Hours were like days! It was an unending darkness! He screamedand cried and cursed, but no one answered his pleas! Was Lana going to keephim in this hell hole forever? How long must he endure this black dungeon?Desperately thirsty he finally urinated into the palm of his hands and sippedthe acidic liquid.
Cramped into the corner, his body grew stiff and he ached to move his legs,but he was terrified of the rats or even mice that would take advantage ofhim exposing himself. He felt something cold at the base of his testicleshe brushed his hands against it in hysteria and felt a hard slick fur! A rat!Oh God, he screamed as he hit it and heard the squeal of the rat as it hitthe floor! He pounded his feet on the shelf and screamed curse words at therats and Lana! He prayed for mercy and release, but neither came. He couldhear the rats as they squealed to each other, probably planning on how to feaston his flesh, he surmised. Would they seek vengeance for hitting that one offthe shelf and together they would attack him? One arm at a time he would brushthe air and the shelf while the other arm continued to embrace his legs. Hepulled his legs up so tight against his body that his heels were touching hisrectum! He could hear the mice and rats scurrying on the dirt floor. He knewthey were plotting how to attack and feast on his flesh. He didn't dare movewhen he had to move his bowels so he shit right there on the shelf and satin his own excrement!
Even though he had no idea how long he had endured this isolation he couldfeel the growth of whiskers on his face and along with being incredibly hungryand thirsty, he surmised that he had been left there for at least twodays. Somehow, exhausted, after an unknown amount of time he passed out fromexhaustion! He collapsed against the wall, his legs had fallen open leavinghis groin vulnerable and exposed to the exploring vermin. He was awaken whenhe felt a rat crawling up his groin, digging sharp claws into his testicles,a cold nose probing his rectum and a heavy rodent probing the hair on his head!He screamed and kicked! The rats also screamed as they scurried for protectionfrom his flailing feet and arms! Suddenly, the lumber of the old shelf crackedand gave way, sending him and the rest of the shelving to the floor in a loudcrash! Slivers of wood penetrated his body, including his rectum and testiclesand the back of his thighs! He tried to remove them. After pulling out a couplehe thought, blood! He could feel the dampness of his own blood running downhis legs! Rats will be drawn to blood and he was bleeding! He stood up in thecorner on top of the wood pile, cupping his groin, sobbing uncontrollably! ?Comeon you mother fuckers! Come on! Kill me you sons-a-bitches! I give up! Youhear me? I fucking give up!? Finally, exhausted and starving he collapsedonto the pile of broken lumber on the floor and passed out!
The bright light from outside woke him and blinded his eyes when Lana openedthe door!
It took several minutes for his pupils to adjust to the light and he heardher laughter long before he could even discern her silhouette in the doorway.
She was laughing hysterically! ?What the fuck did you do?? She asked,finding great humor in his ravaged body lying in the rubble of broken planksof wood! ?My, my what a mess! What the hell did you do??
Shielding his eyes he was almost too weak to respond. ?Rats! God, therats were attacking me! Lana please, I can't do this again! The rats werehorrible! Please! Not again Lana, please!?
She broke into laughter. ?Jesus! You are a fucking mess! You're filthy,your beard is awful, you smell, the room smells and the room is a fuckingdump! Looks like you lost a little weight, that's good. Well, tell me, didyou get a nice big hard on and cum??
?No. I was too scared to even try. The rats tried to eat me and bugs andspiders were crawling all over me! I thought about it, but? but I couldn't!Please? Do I have to be locked in there again? Please??
?Of course you do darling, don't be silly, this is your new home!?
?No! God no!?
? Don't be stupid, where else would you go? Oh Kenny, it was so wonderfulto be free of you for a four days!?
He was struggling for breath, his eyes still shielded by his hands. ?Four?Four days? I'm so hungry and thirsty!?
? Here, I figured you'd be!? She pushed a metal dog dish towardshim across the floor. ?I thought the dog food was a little dry so I addeda fresh pee, a little spit, some snot and that sausage is a fresh piece ofshit, so you eat and enjoy! I hope it's okay. God, I thought that pieceof shit would never come out!?
He crawled to the dish and buried his face in the dish! As he began, he noticedit was also coated with salt! He was so hungry he didn't care and began todevour the piss, shit and salt soaked dog food! Using his hand he began toscoop the food into his mouth when she stopped him by stepping on his hand!
?No, no, no! No using your paws! Eat it like a nice doggy!? Sheslapped his naked ass as she scolded.
He looked up at her towering above him, so cruel and yet so beautiful. Shewanted him to resist and he knew it. Her jaw was set and he knew any reluctanceto obey would find the toe of her shoe inches from his face would be unleashedupon his sore and tender flesh. He didn't care if she pissed and shit in hisfood, he had dreamed of drinking her urine and eating her wastes numerous times,back when he could get a hard-on. Burying his head back in the bowl,like a ravenous animal, pulling the small pellets into his mouth with his tonguehe devoured the entire bowl, even licking up a few pieces that had fallen onthe filthy cement floor.
?Did my little pet enjoy his meal?? She asked.
Nodding affirmatively. ?I was so hungry! God I've never been so hungry!Thank you!?
?Was the seasoning all right. I put a little salt on it for flavor.?
He forced a weak smile. ?Yeah. I love salt, but ah, I'm a little thirsty!?
She chuckled. ?I thought you would be. Here.? She handed him a gallonjug that was full of an amber liquid with little flecks of brown floating aroundin it. ?It's fresh urine from just a couple of minutes ago! I'm afraidwhen I scooped it out of the toilet I picked up some of my poop! I knew youloved me and wouldn't mind.?
?I don't care, I'm so thirsty! I do love you!?
? Go ahead, drink, it's a full gallon, just like I promised.?
He picked up the jug and took a swig of the acidic liquid, tasting her urinemixed with tiny flecks of shit! It was warm and tasted rancid, but it was wetand he gulped it down! The tiny pieces of shit got caught in his teeth andhe found himself chewing the small turds as if they were small bits of peanutsone gets caught in their teeth. He chug-a -lugged about a quart before settingthe jug down. He had never felt so degraded, so humiliated! Almost immediatelyhis stomach started churning, attempting to digest the pungent food!
?Did you like that?? She asked.
?Yes Mam . But, forgive me, I think, I think, Oh God, I'm goingto be sick!?
?Well, you know what? Since you liked that, tonight I'll fix you a realspecial treat. I'm going to give some hot, fresh shit, right from the oven!, Nicefresh shit from my asshole into your tummy! You'll like that won't you??
He just looked at her listening to what she had planned, as he felt vomitboiling in his stomach and beginning to back up his esophagus! He tried toswallow it back down, but within seconds he was gagging! On his hands and knees,his body was arching and thick acidic fluid filled his mouth! He coughed andgagged uncontrollably until it came! First a thick yellow slime oozed out ofhis mouth and then the vomit gushed from his mouth onto the floor!
Lana laughed! ?Something not agree with you ungrateful mother fucker??
His body continued to arch as he coughed, gagged and spewed vomit onto thefloor! The nausea continued for several minutes until he spit the last fewdrops onto the floor! As he finished he was breathing heavy, staring down atthe pool of thick yellowish brown vomit speckled with tiny pieces of shit,the acidic rotten taste penetrating his taste buds!
He knew she was angry as she approached him. Stepping carefully, so as notto get any on her shoes, Lana stepped beside him and grabbing a handful ofhis hair pushed his face into the slime! She screamed at him! ?Eat ityou fucking pig! Lick up your fucking mess or I'll fucking kill your dumb asshere and now!? She pushed his head down into the yellow slime and rubbedhis face back and forth in it so it covered his face! Stepping back she droppedkicked him in the stomach! There was a sickening sound as his ribs crackedand with a sickening moan, he fell forward, his chest and abdomen splashinginto the thick liquid! Droplets also splashed onto her black pumps, which infuriatedher!
?Look what you've done! Look what the fuck you have done to my beautifulshoes you mother fucking slob!? Again she began kicking him! She grabbeda large piece of wood that had once been part of a shelf in his room andbeat his body with it as he screamed in agony, rolling around the floor helplessto defend himself! He rolled onto his back as she slammed the board acrosshis abdomen, sending additional droplets onto her shoes and her housecoat,not to mention her bare legs! This only further enraged her as she slammedthe board against his cock as piss and blood spurted up like a mini old faithful! Shecontinued to curse and kick him until he passed out, lying limp in his ownvomit and piss!
It was obvious to even Lana that he could never clean up the mess he had made,so she ran a hose from the deep sink and with a hard forceful spray washedthe floor, sending the vomit down the drain. She then turned the hose on him,taking delight in the sight of the hard spray of water pushing deep pocketsin his flesh! She aimed the hose at his testicles and shriveled bloody cockand punished them with the intense pressure of the water! Soaked, her shoesruined and her beautiful housecoat now a wet rag, she turned off the water.Turning him onto his stomach she carefully stuck the nozzle up his rectum asfar as it would go. She then lifted his head and slapped his face until heregained consciousness!
?Hey! Hey shit head, wake up!?
Opening his eyes, she cupped his face in her hands. ?You ruined my shoesand my housecoat and I'm soaked, you know what that means/?
He tried to shake his head no, but his eyes couldn't focus and body was rackedwith pain and he was confused and disoriented.
?Means your going to get an enema! A real good enema! Enjoy it you bastard!? Shewent over and turned on the faucet as a sadistic grin crossed her face!
The brass nozzle was pushed deep in his rectum and the cold rush of waterripped through his anal passage and colon forcing it's way deep into his abdomen,as he screamed in anguish, rolling across the floor and reaching to pull thissnake like intruder from his rectum! His stomach was swelling to enormous proportions!It was only in there for seconds, but it seemed an eternity! Finally it cameout, whipping the air like a wild snake, spaying water throughout this chamberof the basement! Foul smelling excrement uncontrollably poured from his rectumonto the floor as he embraced his abdomen, moaning and enduring unspeakableagony! He was covered with shit and vomit!
She kicked off her soaked shoes and removed her satin housecoat and threwthem at him before she left him to endure his pain screaming: ?Fuck you!I've had it with you, you sick mother fucker! You'll pay for this, I swearit! I fucking swear it!?
Kenny had no way of telling how much time had passed when he finally raisedhimself off the floor. Turning the hose on he took a long drink of the coldfresh water. He then began to clean up his mess. He knew it was his responsibility,even though his body ached. His left eye was swollen shut and he was sure atleast one rib was broken, maybe more, because it was hard to breathe and hisright side hurt like hell. His lip was swollen and he wondered if she had brokenhis nose when her shoe smashed into his face. It was extremely difficult towalk with his groin and rectum having been brutally punished, but he knew shewould be pissed if she returned and found a mess. After washing down the floorhe removed the broken lumber from his room and stacked it outside the door.He stopped to enjoy another drink of the fresh water, trying to savor the tasteknowing it might be a long time before he would once again taste it.
Spotting one long, narrow piece of lumber he looked to make sure she wasn'tspying on him and he tucked it in the corner of his dungeon to fight off therats and hoping she would not discover it. Just looking at the lower portionof his body, he could guess what his face and upper torso looked like. He wascovered with welts and bruises! There were open wounds still bleeding! Limping,with considerable difficulty, his wet body freezing, he limped his way throughthe cellar in the hope of finding a something to keep him warm. Coming to thefurnace, he felt the warmth of the heat and leaned against the gas furnace.Then he spotted a small box of wooden matches! He scanned the basement beforegrabbing them like a prospector discovering gold and quickly made his way backto his dungeon cell. Scrapping away a small patch of dirt in one corner heburied the box. He chuckled to himself with delight. They would bring lightto his pitch-black cell! He also tried to cover his stick of wood withthe dirt on the cellar floor. He needed every possible advantage over the ratsand those filthy bugs and spiders. He was still very cold, but delighted athis discoveries. Standing against the limestone wall, outside his cell, heembraced himself seeking warmth when he heard the sound of high heels on thecement floor of the cellar. He froze.
Within moments the silhouettes of the two women appeared at the far end ofthe cellar. It was Lana and Doctor Kathy Clark. Lana was carrying somethingand it took him a moment to identify it. It was a shovel. The two women approachedhim and with each step Lana let the point of the shovel hit the concrete floorsending a metallic ring echoing through the basement.
?Well, looks like you've been a bad boy and Lana had to punish you.? Doctorsaid touching his head and turning back and forth examining the bruises andlesions.
?Yes Mam .? Kenny responded, grimacing from the pain.
She then tapped his side and he doubled over in pain as she touchedhis obviously broken ribs. ?You've done quite nicely, Darling!? Shesaid to Lana. ?I hope he is fit enough to finish his work.?
?We'll see.? Lana said with a smile as she handed him the shovel. ?Darling,I was so delighted to see your new home had a dirt floor. Would you minddigging a hole in it for me??
?A.. a hole??
?Yes Darling. Just big enough for you to curl up in. Maybe four feet bythree and a couple feet deep. Doctor Carter has had a wonderful idea.?
?I? idea??
?Well Kenny, given how shook up you were from your brief stay in yournew home, we don't know how long you'll last down here and when you, youknow, die, well, this will save me the problem of deciding what to do withyou.?
? Shhhhh !? Doctor Carter shushed, holding her index fingerto her lips. ?Lana has told me all about your suffering and let's justsay we're preparing for the future. It's best for you and for Lana. After all,nobody lives forever now do they??
?No. No, I guess not.?
?You better get started.? Lana urged.
Frightened and freezing, Kenny entered his dark cell and began to dig, pilingthe dirt on the floor just outside the door to his cell. All he could thinkof was them discovering his stick and his matches. As he dug he wondered ifthey had plans to kill him tonight or when would they do it. In a moment ofdesperation he thought that maybe he could prolong his life by showing gratitudeto the doctor. He stopped shoveling for a moment.
?Doctor? I? I know you probably hate me as much as Lana and want me outof the way so the two of you.. well, so the two of you can be happy.?
?Yes?? Kathy said, reaching out and taking Lana's hand in hers. ?Ithink that's the right conclusion for you to draw. I'm glad you understand.?
?Well, I know that damn cancer is the cause of all this and I? well? Ijust want to thank you for taking it out, even though it? even though it? itstopped me from being? you know, stopped me from being a? a man. I just wantedto thank you, Mam I mean, I feel like I'm going insane, not being able toget a? you know? a hard-on or to cum like a real man, but you did save mylife and I guess, now, if?if the two of you take it, it's okay. I mean Iwouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, would I!. ? He said swallowinganother lump.
Kathy smiled and looked at Lana. Together they burst out laughing! They continuedto laugh as they doubled over! They tried to speak, but they couldn't get thewords out for the laughter they were sharing!
Kenny stood there, dumfounded, confused, embarrassed and humiliated. ? Mam, did I say something funny?? He tried to force a smile as if he understoodthe joke, but he felt foolish and stupid.
They continued to laugh for several minutes until finally Lana mocked himby saying: ?Thank you Doctor!? Again bursting into laughter! ?It'sworse! He's going insane!?
Kathy responded by also mocking him: ?The poor boy can't get hard!? Againthe two erupted with laughter. ?Perfect! Fucking perfect!? She saidraising her hand and meeting Lana's for a high five!
?He can't cum! Do something doctor, please, please, please!? Lanamanaged to insert in her laughter as she dropped to her knees laughing! ?OhChrist, tell him! Tell the stupid shit!?
?No. No, you tell him, you wanted him this way!? Kathy said as herlaughter subsided. ?God, this is too, too funny!?
? Mam ?? Kenny spoke as his eyes searched both women for an answer. ?Tellme what, Mam ??
?Nothing.? Lana said, regaining her composure and rising to standbeside Kathy and resume holding her hand. She tried to control her laughteras she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. ?We're both very..? laughtererupted! ?we're both happy she cured your canc ?cancer!? Againshe broke into hysterical laughter, burying her head in Kathy's shoulder, gaggingas she tried to catch her breath!
Going along with the lie Kathy continued, interrupting herself with laughter. ?It'snothing Kenny. I mean, I was happy to cut out your?? Tears of laughterwere pouring down her cheeks! ?I was happy to do it! Oh God, Kenny youhave no idea how happy I was to cut it out!? She stumbled backwards,her eyes filled with tears of laughter!
Lana was laughing so hard she was choking and coughing and she too had tearsin her eyes! ?Me too! I was happy too, Honey! We're all happy, aren't we!? Shemanaged to say amid her laughter! ?Please! Please, please!? Shecontinued to mock his plea for help! ?He can't get hard, Doctor!?
?Oh yes, Kenny, it's too bad you can't?you can't get an erection!? Kathy'swords were almost incoherent. ?Oh Kenny, you have no idea how funny youcan be!? Gathering her composure she continued. ?Kenny, as I toldyou at the hospital?? She looked at Lana before erupting in laughter again!
?I know. I know, it's just wish I could get some relief! Something! Please,can't you do something?? Kenny was confused as he pled for some relief.
?Nothing! There's really nothing?? Kathy responded as shebit her lip to hold back her laughter, as she saw Lana snickering out of herperipheral vision. Lana was pretending to jack-off an imaginary cock! Kathygently pushed her away! ?Stop it you whore!? She continued. ? Kenny,there's nothing I can or would do! God you are so fucking stupid! Oh Tell himLana, it was your fucking idea!?
?That damn cancer!? Lana said. ?I want to cum to! Please doctorKathy, can I cum?? She mocked as she wiped the tears of laughter fromher eyes. Then, playfully pushing Kathy on the shoulder amid her joy: ?Youbeautiful sadistic bitch! You did it, you tell him!? She continuedto laugh as her robe remained opened from when she fell back against thewall. ?Oh Christ, I'm getting all wet! See how hot you make me Kenny!? Shewiped her fingers in the slit of her vulva and held up her wet index finger! ?LookKenny! See how happy the doctor made me by cutting out your fucking prostate!You fucking useless eunuch!? She tried to lick her own body fluid offher fingers, but she was laughing too hard!
Kenny stood there ignorant as to what was so funny. He felt stupid and vulnerable!He knew they were ridiculing him, but he didn't understand the joke! As hiseyes fell on Lana's beautiful pussy he ached to touch his cock and to feelthe pleasure of masturbating. He did know that the humiliation along with hiswife so exposed was turning him on and he ached for relief!
?Slut!? Kathy charged with a smile as she reached out, pushing Lana'shand aside as she probed and tickled Lana's wet cunt!
?Yes, I'm your slut and you love it!? Lana responded. ?You loveit that my poor husband is going crazy! Please, please, please help him!He can't cum!? Choking back laughter she stuck her wet finger in Kathy'smouth to suck!
?Oh! Look at who is feeling sorry for her poor husband! God you are sucha bitch!? Kathy countered.
The verbal jousting continued for a few more moments before Kathy finallyregained her composure. ?Oh shit! Kenny, the truth is, you never had cancer!Shit you were as healthy as a fucking horse!? She crossed to the edgeof the cell door where he was digging and spat in his face! ? It's a joke!Get it? Your loving wife wanted to destroy you as a man and I had the meansand the talent! We made you a fucking eunuch you stupid bastard! We took awayyour mother fucking precious manhood and now were going to bury your stupidass in this fucking hole and feed you to the fucking rats! Now you understandwhat so fucking funny, you stupid shit??
?On.. on purpose? I didn't? I didn't have cancer? I DIDN'T HAVE CANCER??
?No, you fucking simpleton, you didn't have any fucking cancer!? Againshe spat in his face! ?You wimp ass mother fucker!?
Kenny didn't think, but he felt the rage surging though his veins and withoutthinking, brought the blade of the shovel up and with incredible force, buriedit in the doctor's throat! It sliced through her flesh rupturing the arteriesas it sliced open her neck, sending blood squirting into the air as she reachedout for Lana and collapsed on the floor!
?YOU BITCH!? He screamed as he continued to beat the metal face ofthe shovel on her face turning it into an unrecognizable bloody pulp!
Lana was screaming in horror!
Finished with his beating of Kathy he turned to Lana he was sobbing: ?Onpurpose? Just for fun? I didn't have cancer? YOU DID THIS TO ME FOR FUN!LANA, I WOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR SLAVE I WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING FOR YOU, WHY??
Lana didn't respond to him but continued to scream in horror as her eyes remainedlocked on her once beautiful lover lying dead on the floor!
?YOU BITCH! YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH! I LOVED YOU! I'D DO ANYTHINGFOR YOU!? Kenny screamed as he drew back the shovel and with all hisstrength sent it smashing into his wife's temple! Her scream was silencedas her eyes locked open, and she crumbled to the floor like a puppeteer hadlet go of her strings. She too, in an instant was dead! Blood spilled fromher ear onto the floor as her blank eyes, fixed on the cement floor, staredat death.
Kenny fell to his knees beside his dead wife. ?Why Lana? Why? Oh God,all I wanted was a hard-on! That's all, just a hard-on! Jesus Lana, I lovedyou! Why couldn't you have your lovers and just let me jack-off? Why?? Hefell down beside her and sobbed.
It took a couple of hours before Kenny to regain his composure. Finally, realizingwhat he had done, he dragged both ladies into the storage room, covered themwith dirt and closed the door to the fruit cellar for the last time. Snappingthe padlock he leaned back against the door and looking down saw a clear dropof cum forming at his piss hole! He wiped it off with his index finger andlifted it to his mouth. Oh it was good! It was so good!
Four identical vehicles sped along the old Interstate 10 westbound from Eglin Air Base in Florida. These armored limousines had three axles and six tires. They had three doors per side. At seven meters long, two meters high and almost three meters wide, they appeared too massive to be cruising at 150 kilometers per hour. In the fading Florida daylight the four vehicles seemed to change color from dark blue to brilliant red. In the third vehicle from the front a woman drove. Her name was Toni...
Director Robin Tyson had intended to keep her star contractor out of trouble. Robin was going to keep a close eye on Hank Dalton even if she had to bend a few rules. Government regulations prohibited public officials from accepting more than a cup of coffee from contractors. Sexual relationships were strictly prohibited. These Draconian restrictions were out of step with Capitallia because they were inherited from the old United States of America days. Back in those days before Capitallian...
Peter was an indentured servant. Once Peter Strange had been a successful lawyer, but he fell prey to gambling fever. Eventually, Peter recognized that his debt load was excessive and put himself on the auction block as an indentured servant to avoid being involuntarily reduced to the status of a chattel slave. A committee of his creditors accepted the terms of the voluntary indenture, which Peter drafted with the help of an underwriter. Provisions were that the proceeds of the auction go to...
Trey emerged from the medical pod slack-faced. Gordi embraced the naked eunuch. "Trey, your mother is here," Gordi announced. "So is your sister Mirabelle. Your stepfather, too. Hank wants to reassure them that you are cared for." "I don't want them to see me like this," Trey whined. "Like what?" Phyllis was Gordi's partner. Both woman appeared to be 19. Both women had large, perfect breasts and both were naked. All three slaves had brown hair and brown eyes, were medium height,...
"You need to know my story," Joan told Amanda as Dawn and Eve led Amanda into a small room. The floor and walls of the room were cushioned. The door slid shut behind Joan. "This is a secure padded cell, ideal for our use. Would you rather hear about how I met Hank and became a woman for him or--" "Make love, Mom," the twins chorused. Amanda was feeling like a bloated cow beside the three women. All three had golden tans and perfect skin. About the only thing Amanda felt she had over...
While Hank and his combat team waited for the green light from President Proctor they used the time to recharge their emotional batteries and to get clear on some of the background information they would need to know. The worst thing about military operations is the waiting. Experienced soldiers know how to wait productively--even when all they do is sleep. For soldiers, "sleep is when you can get it." Doctor Henry James Dalton, sometime militia colonel, was leading a commando team of 15...
Joshua Luceno was the president's chief of staff and personal secretary. At the moment Josh was baby sitting Hank Dalton aboard Air Force One. The Capitallian edition of an official state aircraft was a gigantic flying wing with a span of 110 meters and a length of 80 meters. On board was a full video studio that was eight by ten meters with a two and a half meter ceiling. It wasn't an extravagance. The President of the Capitallian Republic used the secure studio frequently when traveling,...
President Proctor had called two emergency meetings of the Capitallian National Security Council. Like the old United States National Security Council, the primary stated purpose of the Capitallian National Security Council was to advise the President of the Capitallian Republic on courses of action. Military, law enforcement and diplomatic actions were not the same as in either the old United States of America or the current United States 'Remnant.' Only Capitallia's Congress could make...
1. Compare him unfavorably to other men (his lovemaking skills, his endurance, his penis size)2. Make fun of him, tease him, and belittle him… especially in front of others (like your girlfriends, people you meet in public, his friends and family)3. Let them know that he’s not necessary, and irrelevant.4. Let another man be your hero. And your cocksman.5. Fuck one of his friends. Make sure he finds out about it, but not right away… give it a few weeks or months. And...
Brandon is a 16yo boy growing up in a rural area. Him and the neighbor k**s like to hang out together. He especially likes hanging out at his friends houses that have hot moms. A few of the moms in the area have taken notice that when Brandon is over he'll stair at their ass whenever he gets the chance. One day three of them happen to be talking and one of them brings up how she has noticed Brandon is always staring at her ass, and the other 2 say he's done the same to them. They all agree that...
The 3-hour drive through appalling winter conditions seemed illogical but somehow I had to escape the city and regain myself in the solitude of the Victorian High Country. I arrived at a small clearing beside a stream and knew that there was nobody around for at least 50 miles. Who would also be stupid enough to camp under these cold wet conditions? Nobody, I reasoned. I set up a large tent; I like headroom, and piled my double mattress with a good supply of blankets and rugs. A small lamp soon...
Amanda watched the drone plane on her right as the drone flew not more than ten meters from the stubby air car's starboard thruster fans. An identical drone plane was on the left. Farther behind the sky car and almost invisible were two human-crewed aircraft and several more drones. "Amanda, release your safety harness and get in the back seat," Hank directed. "I need you to put on a slave collar, a dress and a pair of sandals because Eglin is a federal reservation. You know the...
"Manny" was actually Herman Fredrick Herring, a fact that he gave up immediately when he was in the pod. "Manny" didn't have all the information that Hank Dalton desired. "Manny"--or Herman, as he prefered when he wasn't working--was expendable and was told only what the job required. Inside the pod Manny was made to believe that he was the only survivor of a raid gone wrong. "It was a trap!" Herman told his nameless boss. "They gunned us down. I managed to escape. If any of the...
In 2106 a madam named Ellen Sterling was faced with a problem: some of her girls were quitting after making their fortune and starting families. In some cases, the girl's customers quit patronizing the Sterling brothels. Ellen did some market research and found out that the patrons would like to "make time" with their old favorites. The girls would have been willing if they could have a family. That is how Ellen Sterling got into daycare. At the same time, some of her working girls...
Hank Dalton was going to break the conspiracy's back by removing certain slaves from the USR. These 54 citizens, wrongfully enslaved, were skilled specialists in mind control technologies. In a small compound outside Savannah, Georgia these citizens were working on the next generation of bio-digital slave control implants, the improved software and the other techniques of controlling slaves humanely. They were being held on a compound at the Old Hunter Army Air Field, part of the Fort...
I have been thinking and fantasizing a ton lately about meeting a girl who gets turned on by sissyboys.. Ideally, this girl would really get off on taking a boy with feminine features, such as myself, and totally feminizing and emasculating him.. I want a girl who doesn't just tolerate it, but who gets really turned on by dominating, teasing, and humiliating a sissified male. She sits me in front of a mirror and give me a makeover, applying generous amounts of makeup.. She makes comments on how...
It’s not everyday you see a tanned Amazonian woman giving head to a lanky teen behind a large boulder at the beach. The semi drunk couple staggered over to their usual spot and found it heavily preoccupied. The woman was really determined to make his pipe burst into a wild frenzy. It didn’t take very long as he gazzed inside her mouth in the form of a thin white stream. Pleasure. Pure unadulterated pleasure was plastered all over his young man’s face. Gradually, the well built female stood over...
Patty, Annie, Jason and Adam have been friends for five years. Jason and Adam met when they started working for the same company getting hired at the same time. Their wives met shortly after and became close friends as did their husbands.Both couples were married shortly after the guys finished college with engineering degrees. Patty and Adam dated throughout college breaking up several times due to each of them playing around with others. Annie and Jason met in their junior year falling in...
Group SexChapter 1: Slave FurlongThe blue minivan was marked with the Silver Wolf Slave Advocacy logo. Inside were three people. Riding in the front were a man and a woman in fashionable business suits. Clipped to their jacket pockets were ID badges. Both were citizens—neither wore slave collars or Legal Resident wristbands. The naked man in the back wore a metal slave collar around his neck and was in the Nevada Department of Public Safety-approved 7-point slave vehicular restraint system. Metal bands...
A Murder Earthshaking Hank Dalton hurried through the underground passage between his home and his office. The scanner had announced TWO people in the visitor's conveyance. Hank glanced at the data link in his hand, a device known commercially as a Palm Slave, and tried to discern the people carried in the slave compartment of the government-issue sky car. Normal people never paid attention to the contents of a slave compartment. They thought that nobody important was back there. As Hank...
From the Mouths of Babes Across town another member of the Department of Youth Intervention inspection team, Officer Hardy was at the school observing a class in session. He was in constant communications with the other three officers from the Nevada Department of Youth Intervention, a state organization that was charged with investigating and preventing child abuse—especially in the mostly-privatized school system. Corporal Culp had notified Officer Hardy that she was going to investigate...
Holly in After Care Holly's eyes fluttered open. She saw a pair of blue eyes in a face framed by a blonde pixie cut. "Kelly," Holly exhaled the name more than she spoke it. With her eyelids at half-mast Holly looked around the room. "How do you feel?" Kelly asked. "Foolish," Holly giggled. "Wrung out. Foolish. When will I learn? If Hank tells me something, I need to listen. This time being proven wrong was fun, though. All of Hank's lessons are fun." "Can you sit up? You've...
The Sweatshop "Sweatshop" remains a curse word in modern Capitallia. It is only muttered out of the hearing of the "bosses" because the rejoinder is "you're FIRED!" The alternative to the sweatshop staffed by Legal Resident labor is slave labor, instituted first in Capitallia's constitution of 2089. Yes, slavery was contemplated in the old United States—an amendment repealing the 13th Amendment was six states short of ratification when Aztlan and Capitallia seceded from the United...
Amanda existed on the verge of panic. She kept repeating to herself: 'Amanda is a good girl.' Amanda's blush extended from the roots of her scalp hair to her belly button in front, down both arms to the wrists, and down her back to the crease at the bottom of her buttocks. Amanda's skin twitched and was covered in goose pimples. At the same time Amanda's skin bore a thin sheen of perspiration. More than mere sweat trickled down her inner thighs. Amanda was in distress over being naked,...
Ned wanted to refuse the instant sobriety treatment. He deserved to get drunk. He wanted to be hung over. Like his daughter Karen Amanda Coalfield, Senior Agent Nathan "Ned" Clifford of the Office of Military Intelligence felt a need to be punished. Ned tried to argue with Beverly Albertson and her enslaved husband Emmet about becoming sober. But then Ned held his head and groaned. "Damn you, Hank Dalton! Get out of my head!" Ned growled. "Okay. I'll take the cure. Thank you Beverly....
Kelly and Nancy guided Amanda to the edge of the stage in Silver Orb's Great Hall. Amanda's face looked blank as a last-minute make-up touch-up was done for the lights and cameras. "Amanda," Ned pushed his way through the crowd. Ned stood out because he was one of the few clothed people in the Great Hall. "Amanda, it's almost time." "Amanda, one more thing before you go on stage," Kelly extended a velvet-covered jewelry box, a rectangle that was 40 centimeters long and narrow....
"Kandi," a voice said. "Time to go to work." "Yes, Mommy," Kandi opened her dark brown eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry." "That's okay, hon," the other woman said. "Give my nips a suck. I want to do you for your coffee break. It makes you more productive. Besides, it's fun." "I like it, too, Dot." "Good news. Hank's coming to Tampa and he has a new girl that he's bringing from Silver Orb." Dorothy was a petite blonde tanned by the Florida with blue eyes and small breasts, but...
Amanda was silent as she knelt beside Hank's chair. Hank was sitting in the center of a long dining table. "Are you uncomfortable Amanda?" Hank asked. "No, Master," Amanda responded. "You are going to be fed sitting on my lap today, Amanda. Just lean against me when Lucy serves me." Hank smiled at the nude girl when Lucy slid a bowl of broth in front of him. "Do they have to do that now?" Corporal Culp asked. "What are you looking at?" Hank asked. "Isn't she a bit old to...
Hank had just closed communications with the Florida girls when his Palm Slave beeped again. "There goes the lakeside picnic," a horse named Tornado groaned. "Go, Monty." Hank said into the mike. "Two unidentified humans are walking down our road." The speaker had a distinct upper class British accent. "Descriptions: one point three meters tall, estimated 25 kilograms, female, wearing shorts, tee-shirts and tennis shoes and carrying a shoulder bag and a canvas shopping bag. They are...
Hank lifted off in the pre-dawn sky. Hank wore a tan flight suit and his slave girl Amanda was naked except for her slave collar. Amanda struggled to remain awake, failed. Sometime later the bright sky woke Amanda. She blinked, shielding her eyes. "I can turn the screen down," Hank offered. "The canopy is clear only when all power is shut off. It can opaque, darken, even show cartoons." "Where are we?" "About 30 minutes from Colorado Springs. I'm going to refuel there. Too bad we...
His name was Diego Norte when he was in Florida. At the moment Diego was in a secret clinic after having a gunshot wound sewn shut. An 8mm bullet from a caseless-cartridge machine gun had imbedded itself in Diego's derriere sideways- -obviously after the misshapen slug had punched through something hard and bounced of another hard object. It was barely recognizable. The old 20th Century forensics would not have been able to positively match bullets from those 8mm folding machine guns to...
Colonel Mary Chamberlain was waiting in the small interview room when Second Lieutenant Gordon Brian Venters the Third, also known as Trey, was escorted in by the guards. "Lieutenant, I need to show you something," Colonel Chamberlain stood as she spoke. "I intend to scare you senseless. Follow me soldier." "With all due respect--" Trey began. "Your objection is noted, Lieutenant," the colonel snarled, "now MARCH!" Trey's objection was cut short by the colonel's finger on a...
Hank kept it quiet; an unidentified cruise missile had been launched from a ship on Gulf Coast of Florida at Pensacola. It wasn't a big deal--the Pensacola Amazon Militia detected it, took control, diverted the missile to land in the Gulf Coast away from the city and near a yacht named the Wacky Wench. Colonel Charles Jackson leaned over the rail and dry heaved into the Gulf of Mexico. After gagging, Jackson raised his bloodshot eyes and stared at the American ship standing off a mere 500...
Kelly Dalton was not one of the community leaders of Silver Orb, Nevada, so when Lieutenant Lester Boron of the Capitallian Marshal Service requested a visit with her, Kelly turned to a slave for advice. Nancy was Hank Dalton's personal assistant and better-educated in the laws of Capitallia. Kelly was the citizen, though, and the decision had to be hers. Nancy could advise when her advice was requested--nothing more. Nancy recommended that Hank be notified and that Kelly ask Lieutenant...
A Rat Line is slang for an underground escape route for criminals. After World War Two Nazi war criminals fled using the Rat Line. Fredrick Herman Manning was following his own rat line out of Florida. He very carefully employed counter-surveillance techniques and was sure that nobody was tailing him. "Manny" was right--no human was following him. Nor was Herman being followed by a robot. A fisher eagle named Binky flew from perch to perch, keeping Manny in sight as the fugative walked...
When it was six in the morning in Silver Orb, Nevada, it was nine in Pensacola, Florida. Hank in Pensacola was going over the latest spreadsheets from Operation Goldfish Bowl and the intersection points with the investigation on the recent senator assassinations when his virtual desk signaled an incoming priority call from Nancy in Silver Orb. "What's the bad news?" Hank said when Nancy's face appeared on the wall opposite the desk. "It's Charles and his wife," Nancy choked up, put...
Hank Dalton walked into the banquet room with four naked women surrounding him. Even in Florida, all naked women look alike. If someone had bothered looking at the "slave bodyguards" they would have noticed that all of them were identical except for their scalp hair--all four had different hairstyles and haircuts. They wore slave collars and were barefoot. Hank was professionally dressed for a presentation in a dark pinstripe suit, contrasting striped shirt and a print tie. One would have...
Muffin and Timothy were a pair of ponies. Muffin was white with brown patches and Timothy was brown with white patches. The two ponies were working with a pair of dogs--a poodle named Britches and a boxer named Buttons. They had a comedy act and then they'd mingle with the audience with a pair of human handlers, Jane and Larry. The act and audience interaction took 20 minutes, the cast would rest for 10 while the audience changed out, and the next show would begin. From 9 AM to 5 PM the team...
The small flying robot circled the Gulf Snow Birds Flying Club at an altitude of 1000 meters, virtually invisible to the naked eye. No sound reached the ground from that altitude as the robot looked through several electronic eyes. The on-board radar was able to peer through some abandoned buildings but unable to see through the roofs of others--that was a significant bit of data for an intelligence analyst, though most people wouldn't understand the importance of that information. Also...
Trey had cried himself out. He sat naked in his cell, numbly staring at the wall. Trey was under a suicide watch, but he wasn't wearing a control harness. The door to his cell slid open and two women entered. One wore a military uniform with a nameplate that said 'Chamberlain.' The other wore a simple slave shift, a steel slave collar and sandals. "Second Lieutenant Gordon Brian Venters III," Colonel Mary Chamberlain of the Massachussets State Militia said, "you are required to come...
Chief Master Sergeant Luther Masterson had time to think on the drive back to Eglin Air Base. Masterson mulled over the list of people who knew that Trey was being enslaved. He kept coming up with the same name: Captain Sonny Bower, the commander of the Air Force Security Squadron guarding Eglin Air Base. Bare suspicion wasn't enough. Masterson planned a trap. "Colonel, I need your help," the chief master sergeant said as the base's front gate came into view. "I need two things from...
Davy Baker was watching the naked people at breakfast. Most were athletic young women--or so they appeared. School children of both genders from the boarding school filled trays from the serving line and clustered around tables. Males were in the minority--many of the adult males present were slaves. Normally the talking animals didn't eat with the humans, but a red fox named Copper was at a large round table beside Hank. There were almost 20 people sitting at the table and six naked slaves...
Peter was confused and frightened. As he regained consciousness he recalled his last waking moments. Peter had taken the bus from the Governor Grimes Indentured Servant Dormitories to his workplace as he did every morning from Monday to Saturday. He got off the bus, checked through Security, and collected his office key card. Upstairs, Peter made coffee and started the daily office routine by booting up his data system and scanning reports. Lieutenant Lester Boron was was more agitated than...
EVENTS SEVEN MONTHS EARLIER Secretary of Defense George Zently had a concern that high technology inventions having military applications were being stolen from Capitallian inventors and patented by USR scientists and engineers. His preliminary information suggested that the USR was intercepting Capitallian communications and tapping into the private data bases of Capitallian firms, learning the details of Capitallian inventions as the Capitallian corporations and individual Capitallian...
Seven months after the inception of Project Goldfish matters had come to a head. The project had yielded a rich dividend of actionable intelligence that was now in the hands of the President. The official residence of the President of the Capitallian Republic (POTCR) was a large sprawling estate situated on high ground in the Borough of Queens and commanding a fine view across the East River to Manhattan's skyscrapers. The Capitallian Federal Government Complex was located in what used to...
Who was Glory Rose Morganstern? Until her enslavement for copyright infringement three years ago, Slave Rose had been the premier theorist in learning techniques. Her fall from the highest circles of Capitallian academia was held up as proof that 'it can happen to anybody.' Rose protested her innocence--but at her trial she pled guilty and had become the property of the man who had privately prosecuted her, one Neville Pugh. Neville Pugh was also the owner of record of three dozen of the...
The rescue operations ended before noon. Hank commanded that full communications be restored to the USR and Aztlan from the bridge of the Wacky Wench, Jim Mackerel's yacht. Within minutes all the USR communications channels cleared, but that served only to increase the chaos as frustrated bureaucrats jammed all channels with demands for information, for action, for revenge. The other 276 Capitallian captives were taken to pre designated zones and turned over to Capitallian federal marshals....
Was in Kilkenny on business recently and had to spend yet another boring night in a hotel.After dinner I went to the bar for a quiet drink and to watch some tv in peace and quiet.Just after ordering a whiskey and soda a group of 20 something women came into the bar - full of fun and merriment.At least I'll have something to look at while the ads are on I thought.As the women shuffled around and picked a spot to sit I noticed that some were wearing skirts and dresses and high heels like they...
Real or imagined, conspiracies have been around for about as long as people have been gathering. I know. I've put a lot of thought into this, and lately I've done a tremendous amount of reading on the subject. It seems that every generation has had their conspiracy theories, most of which involved the government (people's favorite entity to blame conspiracies on). For instance, did you know that President Lincoln conspired to place himself as king over the United States? Oh yes. And it was...
Emasculating the Evening: "Do you know that most rapes occur at night?" Stacey asked me. I didn't like the way that her eyes seemed to look right through me like she could read my thoughts. Stacey was, after all, someone I really wanted to have sex with. I had never, after all, forced myself on a woman. I had no idea I told her. "Why do you think that is?" she asked me. I said I thought it was because there was a fear factor, rapists were scared of being seen and they had...
I met Madeline, who was 50, online in a People Who Love Golf chat room. At 52 I'd recovered from the loss of my first wife and was seeking companionship of the female persuasion. I'd had a couple of one night stands but nothing that even felt close to being a candidate for a relationship. Most of these one night stand women had much more emotional baggage than I was carrying. I'd had a short but hot long distance affair with a woman from Tennessee that fucked my brains out when we could...
It's early morning, I'm slowly waking up in our warm bed...I can feel your body against mine, you are gently spooning me.. Your warm breath on my shoulder... I move just a little, and you tighten your grip... Pulling me against you when you lift your thigh over my legs... I gasp as I feel your hard cock against my butt, and I smile to myself... I reach for the alarm clock to check the time, and I see it would go off in 5 minutes or so... As I reach you let out a groan and squeeze me even...
It was nearly a month since Nikki fucked her dad, Ben. Her cousin's wedding was the first time she would be seeing him and she was nervous because she didn't know how things would be between them. This was the longest they'd gone without speaking that she could remember. Even when she was in college they spoke often. She was beside herself with worry that she'd destroyed her close relationship with her father. 'I have to find a way to make things right,' she thought.But that would be easier...
I was walking down the hall to my condo. I passed this cute little fun size redhead with a backpack. I went in & Chrissy greeted me at the door naked. Hi. Did you run into my friend Cassandra? I saw a redhead in the hall, why. That's her.You seem more cheery then usual what's up? Cassandra just fucked me. WHAT? Cassandra just fucked me. What do you mean? Fucked me, as in fuck. Chrissy bent over showing me the small gape in her asshole and pussy.How did this happen? Remember I told you Sandy...
"Alright everyone, settle down. Today were going to be discussing the reading assignment from last night, which I'm sure none of you did." the class let out a nervous giggle, a confirmation that he was right, and his smile widened. john loved his job, he had know he had wanted to be a teacher ever since he was in high school, back when he was a young, awkward teenager. That had only been about ten years ago, but he had already been teaching for five years now. He was the youngest member of...
Rachel watched in horror as she saw something unbelievable. Vlad was scared. His face was straight and stern, but she could see it. His eyes betrayed his true feelings. Vlad turned and marched towards Rachel. He pushed her towards the car. They climbed inside and drove away. "Vlad what's going on?" She asked. "Eckhart!" He said sharply. "300 hundred years ago when i gained my power, I used it to conquer my enemies. Eckhart's family. A family of thieves, murderers and rapists. The...
The High Schooler Chapter one Another day...Fuck... It is not like I'm not good at school because i am, straight A student, parents pride, kid of the year...screw all of it! I was to fucking smart, I was trapped by it. I walked in a cloud of nothing all day nothing really mattered.. i absorbed and gave back all information passed my way, but did not feel anything acting and most of the time just sat there wishing i was in collage or something. "i need something to numb my mind...
Haley, ‘The Hitter’ Lester, took her punches her arms raised up over her face her opponent trying to punch Haley threw her guard. Despite the sweat running off her forehead, she was remarkably focused, dodging away from her opponent until she saw an opening and jabbed out striking the girl she was facing in the toned flesh of her stomach. She dropped her right arm slightly, enough for Haley to strike out with her right hook, angling her body slightly to bring her left arm to parry the defensive...