Money!Chapter 32 free porn video

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I was exhausted and ended up sleeping soundly until seven. I wouldn’t have gotten up, but the girls were all making noise and trying to get Kissa and Fran into some sexy gowns to show off for me in front of the rest of the folks on the patio.

Only Dora noticed me sitting up while she was trying to convince the two new girls that this was a tradition. She came to me and said, “Go shower and shave so that you can give us all some kisses. You fell asleep on us while we were gabbing with the two new girls.”

I didn’t think anything of it and got up and headed for the bathroom. Kissa gasped, and put her hand to her mouth while fixated on Mr. Happy saying good morning. Fran laughed and said, “I’d be showing off too if I were a guy and all this pussy was standing around.”

That was perfect as all the other girls were laughing. Kissa just said, “It just surprised me, is all. I’m not used to a naked man with an erection walking around in front of me and not attacking me.”

Janet didn’t have a gown on yet and followed me into the shower. We did some light kissing but not enough to give her whisker burn. It was enough that she needed me to help with her personal itch and fire though. It wasn’t a long shower, or the other girls would have been in there with us if they had known we were having some fun.

I shaved while Janet dried off and brushed her thick platinum hair out. You knew that it was natural as her thick eyebrows were also pure white. I put jeans, boots, and a t-shirt on, while Janet put on a very sheer sexy gown. I wonder what Fran and Kissa decided on.

Dora handed me coffee as soon as I came out from the house and told me, “It’s good to see and be with you up here. When are you going to bring all your women down for me to show off the restaurants and the two dance clubs? I think we have rebuilt the business in both clubs now, but I don’t think we were ready to have the responsibilities double on us. We tried to bring investors who could assist in the on site management in, but they all wanted to just put in a little cash and get out a lot. The girls and I have agreed that any new partner was going to have to be management, as well. I think that Colette almost has enough to buy her way in. She wants to be a partner with us as much as she wants to continue being a partner with us at home. She doesn’t even have her own place any longer. She has been giving us about half our rent and leaves cash out for food all the time. She’ll make a good partner. You should have come in with us and been one of the partners. Just think of all the pussy you missed.”

I told her, “Look around, sweet sister. Check out my girls right here. I have five of the sexiest there are not counting Fran and Kissa. I know that Janet and Gin rival any in your club. Donna and Nikki are about as desirable as anyone could want, and Sheena is gorgeous with her perfect dark skin. Just look at her loving expression and you know that she’s special.

Dora chuckled and said, “They could all be making five to ten grand a week if they were working for me. They have all told me what their aspirations are, so I know I won’t be getting any of them. I suppose I could buy an airplane and interest Janet, but I think you might be her one and only. I wouldn’t want to mess with her open loving attitude. I can’t believe how she so easily accepted the other girls. You two may have a long future together. You actually may have a long future together with five.”

Chuck with his crowd of kids and women came in. Peaches came over to me, and asked, “Are you taking care of my Sheena? She’s acting mighty happy lately.” The older dark lady hugged me then Janet, and said, “You two sure take the cake the way you gather the ladies. You have two more that aren’t bedmates yet, but they already act like they belong. Can you afford a house like Chuck? You could get Brandy to help you design a place just for you, but remember where we meet and eat every day, right here.”

Sue had heard that and told Peaches, “Steve already said that he’d just add another 14 by 72 foot addition in order to keep Chuck with us. He’s determined to keep Chuck here no matter how many women he has. Some of what he’s thinking is from Mercy and Missy, but the man truly wants Chuck around.”

Tiny was fixing Bloody Marys, and I was about to get one when Donna brought me my phone. There were three calls from the charter desk.

I called the desk number, and said, “You called?”

“Thank goodness you called in. We have a G-V that decided to have a problem out in California. The customer is on their way to Hawaii, and we were subcontracting to Dewey’s service. Can you fly your G650 out there and on to Hawaii? Dewey will appreciate it, and you will get the full distance fees for the six people who will be on the plane. There will be food to be picked up out there, so you’ll need at least one hostess. I don’t know the passenger makeup, but this is a high roller who has used you to go to the Island Paradise before.”

This was something that I hadn’t planned on, but it could be done. I told the girl on the charter desk, “Have my 650 prepped, and I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

Janet was already at my side, and Fran was about two feet from me, looking into my eyes. I said to Janet, “That’s a fare from California to Hawaii with food and a hostess. I think the customer will get two hostesses. Let’s see if Sheena can fly with us, and Fran has to stay in my hip pocket. Sheena can teach Fran what to do. I suppose we could include Kissa to learn too, but that might overwhelm the customer.”

Janet said, “Let’s take Sheena and Fran today, and we’ll take Kissa and Fran next time. I’ll get Sheena to help Fran get ready. Let’s change into some nice clothes.”

I almost didn’t grab my shoulder holster when I was dressed in a nice knit shirt and slacks with a good sport coat. It’s not a problem with us being Deputy U.S. Marshals now. I didn’t use the shoulder holster and put my gun into a belt clip holster. I had the girls pack an overnight bag since we would probably have to stay over somewhere because of flight hours. Fran and I carried our equipment cases, and I also had my flight case with an extra shirt and toiletries.

We were at the airpark within that thirty minute time frame I had given. A tech was finished with the exterior check, and another one had the APU running. I checked with the charter desk to confirm the airport we were flying into, and filed a flight plan from the pilots’ room.

Janet assumed the co-pilot seat and I made sure the two other ladies were buckled and slid into the pilot’s seat. The left engine was spooled up as soon as I had the headset on, and we were moving toward the end of the runway. This worked very well with two people familiar with the aircraft and willing to do everything a step at a time.

The flight out to California wasn’t bad, with weather all the way to Hawaii looking pretty good. We landed at Burbank Airport and parked at the customer pickup area as directed. No one came out and I called the charter desk after fifteen minutes to get a local phone number. The customer’s cell number went straight to voicemail when I called. I called the home number, and it was answered by the customer’s housekeeper.

Not knowing what to do, I called my Agency contact to find out the best way to handle this. It took a while to explain everything, and he said that he had people scanning to find the family that was supposed to be here.

I was told that two of the youths’ phones showed their location as being between the airport and Hollywood a minute later. The phones were stationary at this time, and they were dispatching a local team to check on the location.

I was waiting for a response when my other cell phone rang. The call was from the Marshal Service and asked me what my status was. I described what was going on and was told a ransom demand had just been made to the man’s agent and he had immediately called the FBI.

It took a few seconds to get the attention of the Agency’s contact to tell them what I had just found out from the Marshal Service. They told me to respond to the Marshal Service for now and to keep them informed.

I turned to Fran and told her, “Get a rental car company to give us a car with GPS, and have it brought to the airplane.” I turned back to Janet, “Taxi the airplane to another parking location as soon as we’re out of here, so that this area can be used for other pickups.”

Fran was already changing into her BDUs, so I changed into mine in front of the two girls. I think they got the idea that Fran and I might be more than we appeared. Fran asked, “What do we need?”

I shook my head and said, “Who knows until we see what we’re up against. This isn’t like anything we’ve been on before, because this is domestic, not terrorist.

The GPS location for the two children’s phones was sent to us by a text message. I used those numbers to insert into the rental car’s GPS. It plotted streets and roads to get us exactly to where the numbers were. I worried the kidnappers had discovered the phones and had tossed them out. The two pre-teens were savvy enough to hide the phones on their person and go into hysterics to cover their intentions. They knew their parents had given them GPS phones so they couldn’t hide from them. It was very important they had them now and that they were active.

We drove past the house where the phones were located.

A Marshal Service van and an FBI event van that held six men with good weapons were just down the street. Two men from the Ops section of the Secret Service were there as they were the bird dogs who had located the kids’ phones.

I asked, “What’s the plan?”

The lead FBI guy said that he needed more intel to be sure the kidnapped people are in the house and also needed some kind of knowledge of other potential collateral damage that could occur if any of us were to attack. I asked where his observers were, and he said that he had not put any out yet.

I walked away instead of becoming vocal or visibly angry because they had been on site for nearly an hour and he hadn’t done anything yet. I had Fran get into the car with me and we drove to the house across the street from the house of interest. We carried our equipment cases with us and rang the doorbell. No one came to the door even after ringing the bell and pounding on the door. Fran pulled her pocket knife and performed the trick taught to us at the Deputy Academy. She picked the lock and opened the door.

We quickly went upstairs and looked out the windows at the house across the street to see what we could see. Faces appeared at two different windows in just a little over a minute. I wasn’t sure of what they were looking for, but it did give us an idea there may be several people there.

I told Fran, “We need a sniper from here, and maybe one from the house behind the one we need to get into. Someone is going to have to go into the house and surprise these people, probably from the rear. We don’t know where in the house the kidnapped people are, but they are probably on the second floor. They wouldn’t let them be on the main floor as it would give them too much of a chance to escape. Let’s see if there is as good a view from the back.”

We left and drove around the block to a house behind the house of interest and knocked on that door. An older man answered. I showed him my badge and told him, “We need to use your second floor windows to check on possible criminal behavior in the house behind yours. Are you willing to let us come in for that purpose?”

The man became excited, but I told him I would relocate him while this operation was underway. I asked him if he would show us the best windows to look at the house behind his. We went to the second floor and were shown some windows without curtains in a room that only had some old furniture stored in it. Fran and I closely watched and didn’t see anyone looking out the windows, but we did see movement within the house. We were looking into the kitchen and watched as one of the people inside made coffee.

I told Fran, “Let’s get this gentleman into the FBI van and find a couple of snipers. We can lessen the opposition by a couple of people if we place the snipers, and they will focus on being attacked from the front. I can gain access from the back and we can rush them. We will have eliminated most of the kidnappers before they realize we are attacking if we keep it quiet.”

Fran worried, “The kidnappers may have someone watching the family and could harm them when we attack. How do you prevent that?”

“I’ll enter the back and go upstairs where the family is probably being held. I’ll eliminate anyone guarding them, and then call to have the rest of the force clean the house out.”

I had made up my mind and the plan seemed viable. “Okay, let’s get two snipers, and I’ll go in with a quiet MP5. You cover my back while I go up the stairs.”

We drove to where the two vans had parked, and I told the FBI Agent in charge what was going to happen. He became very nervous and jerky, but I assured him this was the best and fastest way to recover the family. There were two Deputy U.S. Marshals who were familiar with the .308s we used, so I took them with us. We had one on the second floor of the home we had jimmied our way into, and took the other to the house in back. We would text them to begin and they would shoot any faces that appeared in the windows and at any movement in the kitchen at the back of the house. Fran and I would enter the house and I would go upstairs while Fran covered my back as I went up.

You know how it is with the best laid or made plans. I was ready to go through the back door after we had sent the text to ‘go’. It was unlocked, but there was a man in the kitchen who dropped a large cast iron frying pan full of hot grease on himself and two other men. I shot two and Fran accounted for the third.

We heard glass breaking in the front room, but no noises that indicated injuries. We slipped into the hallway and I went up the stairs with Fran being the vigilant one watching my back. A man appeared at the top of the stairs that I immediately reacted to and shot him, and kept going up although he rolled down the stairs by me. Another man was sitting in a chair by a door, and looked up as I came into view. He couldn’t get his pistol into his hand fast enough and died as he grasped the handle of an older .45.

I turned the door knob and pushed the door open. Several rounds flew through the doorway from the room, but I was crouched down on the side of the door and not at the level the man was firing. I swung around the door entrance and did a triple on the guy’s head when I heard the slide of his pistol lock back. The parents and the four kids were tied up with duct tape over their mouths. I used my phone and texted to all the phones I had numbers for, ‘Parents and kids alive and well. Come in and clean the place.’

I hollered to Fran, “I called the men in, so find a place to be safe or come up here.”

I heard Fran’s feet hit the stairs on the way up, so I stepped to the door to make sure that it was her and waved her to me. I texted that the family was safe again, and that two neutralized troops were on the second floor with no living adversaries remaining.

The FBI and Deputy Marshals crashed into the house and swept it from top to bottom. Fran and I had untied the parents and kids, and had them sitting together so they could comfort each other. The FBI Agent in charge said they would take care of the people who had been kidnapped.

The man stood and said, “I’ve paid for a private aircraft to fly my family to Hawaii for a family vacation. Our clothes are still in our car, so take us to our car and let us get out of here. Please let us have this vacation. These men chose us because my last movie released was such a big hit and they figured that I would have a lot of cash. What they didn’t know was that I had just sunk most of what I’m worth into a big budget film that I hope will out-produce the last one.”

The FBI Agent wanted to keep everyone in order to get statements and to build his incident file. I told the Agent, “My boss said for me to get these people out of here, so I’m going to do that. Have your men in Hawaii get more statements for you If you need them. Let’s get these people into a relaxed and safe environment.”

I ushered the family to the car we had rented and told them we would take them to their car or to the airport. The guy pointed at a Mercedes SUV in the driveway and said, “That’s our car. Let me check if our clothes are still in the back. He went to the car and popped the rear. The clothes were still there. The key fob was in the console tray, so the man said, “We’re on the way to Bob Hope Airport in Burbank. We sincerely thank you.”

I waved as he took off. Fran and I didn’t even say goodbye to the others on site. We recovered our .308s before rapidly driving to the airport with Fran calling Janet to tell her to get the plane ready. We would be there in a few minutes and quickly change clothes.

Fran stuffed our weapons in our cases and was unbuttoning her BDU jacket on the way. We walked on the plane and changed clothes as Janet was preparing to move the aircraft to the operations building pickup location. Fran and I had changed and were looking very comfortable in civilian attire when the family came from the operations building toward the aircraft. The family was greeted by me, Fran, and Sheena. The man stopped and stared at me. He asked, “Do you have a twin who is in law enforcement?”

I smiled and told him, “No, Fran and I are Special Ops Deputies and we were asked to help in your release. I hope that you don’t mind if we are also your host and pilots for your trip.”

The man smiled and the woman lunged at Fran to hug her and then me. I told them to find their seats and buckle up. The girls will show your kids all the fun you can have while on the way. We have plenty to drink and some food for you. Sit back and let’s fly to Hawaii.”

The family was almost too exhausted to enjoy a lot of the toys the airplane offered. Mom and dad had several drinks and weren’t feeling any pain when they fell asleep. The twin boys, who were about five, grew sleepy watching a movie and fell asleep. The two older girls were busy with the computer and having fun trying to decide on a movie. Janet was watching as the two girls removed their phones from their panties and wiped them down. I wanted to tell the two that their phones were what gave the world their location and helped to save them. We didn’t mention it because we would want them to hide the phones if this happens again and they might be nervous about protecting them. That could tip off anyone who noticed their actions.

We landed in Hawaii and I thought that we might rent a car and go out to Chuck’s fancy house, but we found two rooms in a nice nearby hotel, ate a good meal, had a drink, and fell asleep at our ten PM Florida time instead.

I called the charter desk Sunday morning to find out if there was anything we could pick up on the way home. The charter clerk said there was a note from Dewey about someone willing to pay for a private trip back to San Francisco. I called Dewey, and he told me, “Let me give you the man’s number. I’m sure he hasn’t found other transportation yet, so call him and give him your rates.”

I called the number and a man obviously on a cell phone answered. I explained who I was and was returning to the mainland. He said he needed an immediate flight and was willing to pay the going rate for a charter. I told the man to be at the S&S Airport and we would board him after financial arrangements were made.

The man showed up holding an American Express card. I used the office’s reader to access the card and it didn’t have any credit available. I took the card back to the customer and he went through his cards and held one up. “See if this is enough.”

The card went through, and the man was relieved. He said he was short only because he had financed a film that had been made in the islands. The girls had purchased food from the in-flight kitchen and had the man board and buckle up. Fran proved to be someone special when she came to the cockpit and handed Janet a Glock of some kind. She said, “I saw the man with it, and I made sure the gun was in my hand instead of his holster when the plane lurched. I think that we should give it back when we reach California, but it’s ours until then.”

Janet was tickled that Fran was worldly enough to recognize the gun and slick enough to pick the guy’s pocket, or his holster in this case.

I took the gun, pulled the magazine out, and jacked the round in the chamber. I had Sheena get me a plastic bag to put them in, and then wiped the gun down after disassembling it. That reminded me; Fran and I still had to clean our MP5s and .308’s. She may not have fired hers, but I thought she had. That would be something we would take care of as soon as we reached home.

The man was searching around the cabin for something when we landed in San Francisco. While holding up a plastic bag with his gun and another plastic bag with the magazine and the shells, I asked him, “Do you have a permit to carry this thing? That you are so careless with a weapon like this makes me wonder. Why do you have this?”

The man rummaged through his wallet again, and came up with a concealed carry permit for California and Hawaii. He said, “My ex-wife was trying to knock me off a while back and I got used to carrying the piece. She was threatening again just before I left for Hawaii, so I took the thing with me. I promise to not be careless with the gun again. That could very easily have been misunderstood. Let me give you some cards for some free shows.” He gave each of us two passes for a theater in Hollywood.

None of us had the heart to tell him that we were going to be on our way to Florida in minutes.

We refueled and Janet and I did an exterior check. Sheena and Fran went to the private aircraft operations building to pay our fees and to get some Subways from the location in the building.

We soon were on our way home. Fran and Sheena used the communications terminal to look this customer up, and he was a major producer who was constantly creating films and documentaries that he sold to networks for fillers. He would be profitable, but it took a while for him to get his money out of the films.

Home sweet home. It was late when we landed, so we drove to Park Place for some decent food in the diner. Janet was joking with the girls about how on the other side of the tall fence was a village of naked people. She told them how some of the folks from the park had gone out there, and that Steve and family, as well as Chuck and family, had friends who owned property there. Janet said, “Chuck might even have an investment in this place. He has investments everywhere.”

We were early enough to get a couple of calzones and some weak chicken wings at home. The pizza was gone and a horrible thing had occurred. The keg had run dry, and there wasn’t a refill in Steve’s workshop. The bottled beer was vanishing fast, so Janet, Fran, Sheena, and I had some of our favorite drink. Sheena went back to our suite and came back to say, “The girls have made the couch up for Fran and Kissa. You should see them though. They’re all sprawled on top of the covers stark naked. They must have worn themselves out.”

Janet and Sheena snuggled to me on both sides, and together said, “More for us.”

We helped finish cleaning up and went down the hall to go to bed. I pulled the covers over the girls before I stripped and hung my clothes up. I took my equipment case out to the patio and used a table to clean the MP5s and 308’s, refill the magazines, and put them back into their cases.

I came back to the room, brushed my teeth, and slid in to hug Sheena back’s and be hugged by Janet. Sleep instantly got us.


I woke up at six and came out of bed excited to greet a new day and new week. I knew that Gin, Donna, and Nikki all had school obligations early on Mondays, so I kissed each of them into waking up. They were very loving, wanted to call in to be excused, and just play this morning. The longer they thought of it, the more they knew that they couldn’t do it. All three were quick to get up and get ready to leave.

I went out to have some coffee with Steve and Glenda. Tiny and Ruth were sitting at the table, and welcomed Janet, Sheena, and me. I had to go tell Fran and Kissa that they had to come to sit with us too as they were a part of the family now.

Tiny told me, “Janet had the guys out at the airpark create a weekly report for you two so that you would have a running total on the business. I looked at the report Friday, and you two are doing very well with the two aircraft and extra personnel you have. You’ve been using a King Air enough to justify one of your own. A couple of short runs have been done by some smaller aircraft, but you need a King Air for a lot of your courier drops. I think you’d be good for a King Air and another CJ4. I think you can handle most of the courier responsibilities and your island charters with those four aircraft. You have six men now according to your sheet, and could probably use a couple more. Your little company is doing very well.”

I looked at Janet, and she smiled at me. “What do you think, Janet? Should we look for a Super King Air in decent shape, or try to do everything with a couple of more CJ4s. It looks like we can get the men to fly everything, so let’s see what we can do. Tiny thinks a turboprop twin would be good, so we could get one of Wes’ twins. Those things are fast and have been pretty maintenance free so far. We can buy a new one of those for half or less than a five year old Super King Air with a lot of hours. Let’s talk to Wes to see what his delivery time is.”

Chuck had been listening, and told us, “You and Fran are probably free this week after your involvement in school and then out in California. You both need to write a report for those incidents and file it with my office. I need it in case someone bitches that we had Ops people come in and take over the operation. I know the feeling since so many of those people stick their fingers up their butts and do nothing. You two got the job done and that’s what you were trained to do. Write your reports on the secure internet website, and submit them to Wanda and me. I’ll send them to Tom’s office so that he also has a copy. Be thorough and exact so that he knows what cautions you took to guard against harming outside collateral persons and property.”

Both my phones began ringing at the same time. I answered the Agency phone first, and asked them to hold on a second. I answered the other phone and said I would be with them in a minute. I said that I was giving the phone to my backup and they could talk to her.

I went back to the Agency phone and heard the guy say, “We should go to the next man in line if he doesn’t come back to the phone. Chuck is the one who said to give this guy all the ops we could.”

So that’s the score. Chuck wants me to have a taste of everything as fast as possible. I said, “I’m back; what do you have for me?”

The man said, “We have a minor problem on the docks near New Orleans, and it could become a bigger problem if it isn’t taken care of. We need you to go to New Orleans and fix this. You will be alone on this one as too many troops will spook the people we want to catch. Hear that? Catch them, cuff them, and call the U.S. Marshal’s office to get rid of them. Chuck says you can do this, so go do it.”

“Hang on a second to let me find out what this other call is about.”

Fran was looking at the phone and said, “The Marshal’s office in St. Louis caught four people trying to sneak explosives into the arch. They also caught some men with vests trying to get into Busch stadium. The vests didn’t go off, but they were real and could have. They have a whole nest of these people bottled up, and no one to go in and get them. They want you or Chuck, and Chuck is unavailable.”

I asked the people from the Agency, “Can your capture wait twenty-four hours? There is a terrorist problem in St. Louis that is serious enough that you guys should be a part of it. I’m surprised that you haven’t heard about this yet.”

The man said, “We know about it, but the FBI thinks they can do it on their own with the help of the ATF people and the local Marshals’ Service. Go fix that, then call me when you’re ready to clean up down in New Orleans. We need more of you, Chuck. Be careful and make sure Fran is prepared.”

I told Fran, “Come on, let’s get out of here. We’ll steal another CJ4 or the Phenom, but we need to get to St. Louis fast.” I told Janet, “I think I need the fancy CJ4 so that I have the communications desk. Fran can look some things up on the way. Use a CS&S CJ4, or use a couple of King Airs for courier work.”

Janet said, “We’re really driving up the value of our aircraft, aren’t we?”

I dressed in Jeans, a knit shirt, and boots to deal with the St. Louis problem. I threw an extra pair of jeans, a knit shirt, and hung a sport coat in the closet behind the pilot’s seat to be safe. Fran and I had our equipment cases and were out to the airpark within twenty minutes. Fran had to run into the charter office and came back with a ream of paper for the printer. Janet had come out with us, gave me a hug, and told me to be safe.

Same as Money!
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We enter the bathroom giggling like school girls. Taking out our makeup bags, we commence to do our faces. We remove the light make we applied that morning and scrub our faces clean. Like sisters, we help each other to get just the right look, making suggestions and comparing techniques."I've got something new I'd like to try," you say."What's that?" I ask."False eyelashes," you answer."I want some, too," I exclaim excitedly."This is a three-pack," you say as you pull the package out of your...

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To say Bruce hadn't noticed Marion would be incorrect, however, she was twenty years his senior, was around five feet in height, slightly plump, short brown hair and not that attractive, sort of plain. She was the daughter of the woman he boarded with and even if there had been something about her nature that attractive him he wasn't that much interested. However, to be fare she did have a decent set on her and a very big backside; but he had a girl friend who was very co-operative and he...

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 11

Chapter Eighteen It had been almost a full moon cycle since Lucien had freaked out and forced them to leave Mama Goose’s home. Apparently, they had been found and needed to flee. Exactly who had found them was still a mystery to Alluna, but she did notice that Lucien stuck closely to Eriel’s side and was constantly looking over his shoulder, shying away from reflective surfaces and dark shadows. The second day into their Northbound journey, they stopped at a roadside tavern. Alluna was hungry...

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My affair with mom part 3

I am happy to note that the readers have appreciated my story “My affair with mom” published in 2 parts. I feel encouraged to write further so that readers can have a good look into my private life with my mom.On the night we slept together, I fell asleep soon, may be because of the fact that I had very little sleep in the previous night. I have already described how I felt in the previous night when mom got angry with me. I was also having a pleasing sensation in my mind that mom had accepted...

3 years ago
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From This DayChapter 2

The young servant girl blushed. Her own fantasies, though she’d had them for as long as she could remember, continued to embarrass her. She knew that it wasn’t proper of her role, to fantasize about her mistress like this. Her life was one of service, not of pleasure. It was not her place to imagine Sansa naked, or to ever think that she was worthy of being touched by the young Stark girl. Worse, she normally contained these thoughts for when she was alone, touching herself. She’d imagine...

4 years ago
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The PsychicChapter 17 Confrontation and Death

Victor landed on his side. His sister's screaming radiated in his thoughts. Before he could get up, Linda and Amber were at his side helping him to stand. "Vic, what's wrong?" Amber asked. "That bastard has Sasha and Mom. He's torturing them. I'll kill..." Victor stopped talking and clutched his head in pain. "Amber, Linda, get the girls and get the hell out of here. I'll find you, wherever you go," he ordered as he walked to the table and picked up his jacket. "Vic!" Amber...

3 years ago
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Slaved By Couple And Fucked

Hey, greetings to all my readers… This is Rajveer again with my recent fun which I had on 5th of march 2017. My email just8054 at the rate Gmail   About me – I’m a 26-year-old bi guy from Delhi but shifted to Kolkata due to my job. I am working in mnc and can take care of myself so no money involved.   So here I start with my real fun. Nothing is fake in this draft.   Sunday ….05th of march 2017, I woke up with my normal Sunday timing at 10.30 am and did all my chores by 11.45 and was just...

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Subway ride

A few years back when I was 19 years old, I was a college student studying tourism. I never really had girlfriends because I was too busy studying, working out, and hanging out with my friends. I was also freaked out by the fact I was physically attracted to a few guys in college. Not knowing how to deal with this situation, I certainly didn't want to talk about it with them, because I knew they would laugh and probably reject me.Everyday was the same old routine; take the bus, take the subway,...

1 year ago
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Sam HopkinsChapter 7

The EP&N (El Paso & Northern Railroad) was in a passel of trouble. It seemed like they wuz getting hit right an' left by train robbers. They wuz being hit by a gang of bandits what was makin' life Hell fer the people tryin' ta make an honest livin' off the railroad. Reports of the size of the gang varied between eight an' thirteen members, but the leader always seemed ta be the same man. I got a telegram from the EP&N General Manager offerin' ta hire me ta git rid of these...

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Die SBahn

Es ist Freitag,13:15 Uhr und sie stehst in der S-Bahn nach Hause! Sie trägst einen Rock aus dünnem schwarzen Stoff und eine weiße Bluse die fast durchsichtig ist und sie deswegen noch einen Blazer darüber trägst! Wie so oft trägst sie mal wieder keinen Slip unter ihrem Rock und den BH hast sie auch heute nicht an, weil sie das Gefühl so unter die Leute zu gehen erregt. Wie jeden Freitag ist auch heute die Bahn wieder sehr voll und der alte Türk stehst in einem dichtem Gedränge genau hinter ihr...

3 years ago
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Big Changes Swelling with Pride

Big Changes: Swelling with Pride Today was going to be a typical day. My alarm buzzed the time I had set it for, 6:30 am. I knew I'd have to get up this early if I was going to get my morning jog, a new tradition of mine, in, and it was pretty important that I make it to the campus bookstore in time for it's opening. A new feeling washed over me, though; I was still very sleepy. I had spent the previous night cramming for finals, finishing papers, and generally killing myself over...

2 years ago
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Sex with my aunt

Well I am Tarakesh you would have read my first sex experience. This is my second experience with my aunt. This is in my second inter in pongal holidays, then I was 16years. It is always like summer in my grandmother’s village, my entire family was at my grand mother’s house. Where my youngest uncle with his newly wed wife is there.We all went to farm where electrical pump from bore is there we all have been taking bath It was hot, and most of us were bathing under a pump which is used in...

1 year ago
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Good Friends and Lovers

My wife, Jean, is a smart, successful business woman at work and a sexual slut in private life. At home she always wears sexy, revealing clothes and enjoys showing herself off to me. I have always been turned-on by this behaviour and encouraged it. When purchasing birthday, anniversary or Christmas gifts for her I always include something sexy; stockings, stilettos, erotic lingerie or revealing clothing and her collection is extensiveAfter thirty-three years of marriage I can look back on a...

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Private Simony Diamond Anal Legend

Today we reunite you with the legendary Simony Diamond, a sexy pornstar who once came to Private Specials, EuroAnal Chicks, and finally we get to reveal this incredible scene right here on! Simony could put on a show all by herself as she masturbated and took a dildo to her ass, however this horny chick deserved more and so we gave it to her… Zenza Raggi was the perfect man for the job, a stud that would show her the anal fuck of a lifetime as she took it hard and deep in her...

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Chez Pierre

The car hummed comfortably. It did not seem to touch the road. The landscape flashed by. So did age old trees and even older houses. It drove through crumbling villages and past endless knee-high walls that were meant to protect them from a dive into the lake. The twilight had a golden touch. The sun had already sunk behind the mountains, but the sky still held on to the light. It painted a myriad of feathery clouds in a shade of apricot. Angique sat in the corner of the tan leather seat. She...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 53 Master of the House

January 25, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Well THAT is not what I wanted to hear,” I said, coming back into the sunroom. “What?” Jessica asked. “Dustin Brady died in an accident about four years ago.” “Who?” Abbie asked. “The photographer who took photos of the house after it was remodeled. And who Carla worked for.” “Why try to track HIM down?” Elyse asked. “We’re pretty sure he’s the culprit,” I said, being circumspect because of the kids. “The evidence is anecdotal, but it makes sense....

1 year ago
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Blacked Lily Love My Dream Hook Up 2

Lily has always wanted to be a sports reporter, but breaking in isn’t easy. So when she was asked to do a big interview, she found herself in a situation she never dreamed was possible. Since then, her transition has finally been completed and she’s loving every minute. She has bagged a dream interview with Rob and as tempting as it is to take advantage, she has a job to do. She wants the best outcome possible and she will do almost anything to get what she wants – off the...

3 years ago
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hippy girl

Sometimes I didn’t know which book to steal, so I’d just take both of them. As my pal John said, it wasn’t rocket science. All you needed was a sliver of silver paper and the right kind of look. Unfortunately, I had the wrong kind of look. I had criminal hair and a face that said don’t fuck with me because I’m stealing. I could see why Pablo Coehen was so popular. Everything he wrote was a fairy tail. And everybody apart from proper adults, with respectable jobs, liked fairy tales. The big...

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Chapter 2 Sir Cy explores Justine

It was a leather wrist cuff. He showed her the cuff by reaching around from behind her and handed it to her and asked her to put it on. She took it from him and the small lock he handed to her, as well, and placed the cuff on her wrist and latched it. She then put the lock in the latch, after making sure that the cuff was snug and closed the locking mechanism. He handed her another cuff and lock and motioned for her to put it on and lock that in place as well, which she did willingly. With the...

4 years ago
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Meine Fickstute

Wie der Zufall es will, so habe auch ich diese junge Verkäuferin kennengelernt. Schnell erkannte ich ihre Veranlagung. Sie steht auf schnellen Sex. Bereits bei unserem zweiten Treffen, habe ich sie auf der Herrentoilette abgefickt. Da sie auf ältere Herren steht, weicht sie mir seitdem nicht mehr von der Seite. Da sie ständig geil ist und ihre Löcher nach Füllmaterial lechzen, habe ich sie nach nur wenigen Wochen zu einer lasziven Dreilochstute eingeritten. In einem Pornokino habe ich...

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Becoming a Hotwife Pt3

When I got to my room, I sat on the bed wondering what I had got myself into. Things were moving so quickly, and into unknown territory. After going over everything in my head, again and again, I picked up my phone and called David, telling him everything. Talking to him made me realise I really wanted to see where the night went.Dave just said, “You’re in charge; do anything you want. But I want to hear every detail afterwards.”It shocked me how much he was into it, and that he wanted to hear...

Wife Lovers
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HobyBuchanon Brooke Johnson Brooke Johnson Is Daddy8217s Throat Fuck Meat

The scene opens with slave girl Brooke Johnson wearing a micro bikini and a collar and leash. She tells us she’s here to get brutally throat fucked! Daddy comes up and gives her a kiss then I put my cock all the way down her throat and put on a timer. I tell her this is her first test and to do everything I tell her. I begin to roughly fuck her throat and dick slap her and tell her not to take my cock out of her mouth. I slap her face and fuck it more then I put my fingers down her throat...

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Witching Hour

The character SweetWitch/Molly Wens was used with permission of the author. As far as I know, DanielleKitten has never written a novella called ‘The Soul’s Abyss.’ But if she did, I’m sure it would be excellent. * I managed to ignore the phone the first two times that it rang, on the theory that it must have been a wrong number. Anyone who knew me, anyone to whom I had given my phone number, would know that I had worked the late shift last night. They would know that I wouldn’t have arrived...

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My Glory Hole Encounter

It had been nearly four months since I last got laid. At twenty-three, I had no desire for a serious relationship and settled instead for casual flings and friends with benefits. The downside is, while it had been four months since I had last slept with my latest fling, I had not properly been fucked in over a year.I found myself becoming desperate for it. At work, I daydreamed about being called into my boss’s office and reprimanded which then ended with me pinned up against the wall and...

Quickie Sex
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 2 The Arrest

"Place both hand behind you neck and interlock your fingers, DO IT NOW!" he shouted. Debbie, her head spinning and having difficulty breathing, complied with his order. Big Al placed his body against hers and pressed hard preventing any movement. His erection was full now and he didn't care if she felt it. The smell of her perfume and the feel of that beautiful ass pressed against his hard cock sent more shocks throughout his body. "Please don't, you're hurting me," cried Debbie as...

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HELPLESS HUSBANDS WENDELL IS NOW WENDY Wendell was upset. His wife Talia had dressed him in an especially girlyoutfit. Perched atop his head was a yellow cap with a short brim in thefront. His upper body was covered -- sort of -- by a clinging apricottop with spaghetti straps. It ended several inches above his bellybutton. Below that was a pair of red mini-shorts that rode low on hiships and invaded the cleft of his bottom. His smooth shaved legs wereuncovered and on his feet he wore...

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Meeting on the bus

Introduction:This is a true story - with a bit of artistic licence thrown in - the first of many recollections of experiences I have had over the years.A few years ago I was travelling on a bus in a rural part of Scotland - it was a warm sunny day - rare for Scotland I know! There were only two of us on the bus - as well as the driver. The bus was struggling as it made its way to a place called Applecross - the steep road draining the life out of the engine. I was oblivious to this though, as...

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BangBus Becky Bandini Cinco de Mayo Bus Fuck

Becky Bandini was walking to work when the Bang Bus pulled up. They were giving away free Tacos for Cinco de Mayo. Becky tried one but she did not like it at all. Anyway they offered her some cash for a quick Cinco de Mayo quiz. Becky wasn’t a girl that would say no to money. Now they offered more cash for a traditional tittie flash. Go to work or earn easy money? It was Cinco de Mayo after all. So Betty flashed her big tits. Now the ice was broken. It was easy to lure her into the Bang Bus....

2 years ago
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The Leather Twins

THE LEATHER TWINS By Anne Gray Chapter 24 – The Piebald Pair Karen and I were down at the pond situated at the very back of our property.Behind the house was a large, fenced formal garden then a further half sectionthat was fairly heavily wooded with a path through it to the pond that markedthe back boundary. Amy and Susan were not with us; actually they were hanging around in thegarage, literally. After a breakfast that they had probably not enjoyed since,as we fed them, their arms were laced...

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Aversion Therapy

"Aversion Therapy" A near silent "mmff" could be heard from Tim as he began to stir. Madge excitedly pulled the white clothesline ropes causing them to whirl through the pulleys affixed to the sturdy eyebolts in the ceiling. Once the ropes were pulled tight and cinched off Tim dangled three feet off the floor as the spider web of ropes held him suspended. She gathered the gleaming white satin wedding dress she had put him in then tied it up and out of the way so Tim could get a good...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 206 Lilys Gifts

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 (Continued) Julia called me when the mansion shoppers started heading home, asking me to call for Lily to come with her presents. The mansion shoppers arrived first, Mom reporting, "We didn't find anything good this evening, but we didn't expect to. We've now seen all the possibly suitable properties that are on the market, so we'll draw up our shortlist and start reviewing them more carefully." Carol was especially looking forward to that, because she hadn't...

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Beth 1Chapter 18 Blizzard

It was snowing when I got up Monday morning just like the ten o'clock news said it would. I'd set my alarm ahead a few minutes since I knew getting to school would be a hassle. I was just pulling my jacket on dreading the thought of cleaning off my car when the phone rang. "Tommy, why don't I drive today? I'll use the Jeep, it'll work better in this mess." Beth was thinking ahead, obviously. "Okay, I'll be waiting at the end of the driveway on the top of Mount Snow Plow." Beth...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Emma Starletto Screws her dads best friend Uncle Ryan

Emma Starletto is supposed to stay with her dad’s best friend “Uncle Ryan” but no one mentioned this to him. When she arrives Uncle Ryan is a little annoyed, but he will do anything for Emma after all she is basically family. He sets the ground rules while she is staying with him but that doesn’t last long when she goes to interrupt his meditation session to get the Wi-Fi password. Little did she realize when she walked in that he was actually jacking off and she doesn’t mind it at all. Emma...

4 years ago
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The Auction

Liz was standing naked on the stage with about twenty other beautiful and sexy girls. The men were standing around waiting to bid on the girl of their choice. The money spent went to support the many orphanages around the world. The girls were blonde, brunette, Asian, black and Indian. They all had large tits and a great ass. It was a must to get into the bidding. The men paid thousands of dollars for a week end with the sexy bodies. The auction started with the girls parading around so the men...

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The Icon

My thanks to Constance Grant for her invaluable help in editing, and her constant support in my efforts. The Icon by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Caldi the woodworker sanded the piece with the rough stone, making the icon smooth, almost as smooth as glass. The icon represented his devotion to his Queen. She had been good to him when others had made fun of his badly malformed leg, taking him in, feeding him, teaching him to read and write, and this icon...

2 years ago
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My Sister Aur Uska Boyfriend

Hi friendz … Kese ho ap sab main aman apni behan ki 1st sex story apke sath share karna chata tha .agar ap ko story achi lagti toh muje pe mail karna main fb pe be hu ap vaha be muj se bat kar sakte hai.meri behan ka name jaspreet kaur hai hum us ko ghar pe jassi bolte hai . Mere ghar pe my mom dad me nd my sister rehte hai. Dad aur mon dono teacher hai.meri behan ki age 17 year hai aur body size 32 28 34 hai vo bhut he beautiful aur sweet hai vo abi +2 main school main study kar rahi hai...

4 years ago
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Balls Deep

I told you about my friend Mickey who introduced me to Liz. At the same time I met the owner of the Condo, Dee. Dee is 1/2 Italian and 1/2 Spanish, large breasts and an amazing amount of patience.A few weeks after I met Liz, I called the condo and Dee answered. Liz was not around but she was. I headed over. After a shower, I was laying in bed and Dee came in with a feather. She proceeded to get me hard and spit on my cock as she licked my balls, forced my legs up and licked my ass, poking her...

2 years ago
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Dementia Ch3 Violence Turned in on Itself

Warning: In the previous chapters you have seen rape and murder. You have seen the sinister side of sex. In this chapter the story begins to turn dark. NC, MC, Tort, M/f I honestly meant to walk a new path once I had gotten out of prison. Raping all of those women wasn’t my idea, but they were there and the job needed to be done. I had told my lawyer that I didn’t see anyone else taking care of the job so I felt that I had no other choice. The bastard lawyer was only in it for me....

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 2 Think Of The Future

In spite of her being closer at start of their sprint, Tenchi easily beat Kiyone to roadside. Not that she was really going 'flat out' mind you. When coming finally a breast to him however, it seemed to her that most of his sense of urgency was lost. Obviously reading her next question with a glance, Tenchi simply pointed. Allowing her to follow the line of his gesture. Before Kiyone suddenly felt a groan rising from within. "Kiyone!" Came a weak and distant wail. Staggering up the...

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Dark Side of the Force Ch 05

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series. Dark Side Of The Force, Ch 1-5. Feedback and constructive criticism is very...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Ashly Anderson 24525

When summer means water guns, water guns means bombs, meaning big tits bouncing in bikinis! Speaking of, Ashly Anderson’s bombs are jiggling around in her thong swimsuit as she’s battling her friend’s brother Kyle in a water gun fight. But when his shooter goes bone dry, Ashly’s got him cornered…until he sees a bottle of oil in plain view, grabs it and squirts it all over her. But now that Ashly feels her bikini’s ruined, she’s got no choice but to take it off, exposing her big fat juicy tits,...

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11th GradeChapter 31

Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Sexy Mom

I am Vinoth from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.I am 19 year old guy 6 feet height and 60 kg weight.Tall handsome and athletic body.To tell about my mom her name is lalitha 40 from coimbatore.She always wears saree in home and nighty sometimes.My .She has a sexy figure 36-32-38 that can make any guy to fall for her.She has a sexy ass that swings while she walks.My dad is 48 years old he never cares for my mom he is busy in makin money.My father works in chennai.He comes home once a month.I always wonder...

4 years ago
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When Internet Chatting Leads To Bed

Hi Guys & Girls/Ladies!! I have been reading the stories out here since a long time now. I can figure out a number of ones are simply fake or fantasies. However, I can feel there are a number of real life stories going around in ISS. Coming to my experiences, I have had quite a bit of them. I would love to narrate each one of them and in this write-up I am narrating a story of my experience with a house wife and a mother of a kid. This is my first story in ISS. However, this is not my first...

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Mims Cafe Part 2 Stephs Just Deserts

My café is set up nicely for these kinds of things. It's in a nicer part of town near the college campus and a high school, and is frequented by lots of nice people from the neighborhood. It's in a three-story building with the café and office on the lower floors, and a nice little apartment up top. Some truly devilish things have been going on behind these walls, and I'm here to tell you about them. I used to try to keep things separate from my employees, who are mostly attractive...

3 years ago
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Jack and the Rollercoaster Ch 09

Ally started her story. ‘I don’t know why, but six years ago I was really pissed off with my father, and wanted to do something shocking which would upset him. Stupid really, as he could never know what I did, but in my mind I was getting back at him. I had seen this advert asking for potential models, so I answered it. Thoughts of walking down the catwalk in all sorts of glamorous dresses filled my mind, but it wasn’t that at all. They were looking for girls who would do nude modelling for...

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Comforting the Brothers Pt 01

Comforting the Brothers (Part One) This is a two-part story about a transgendered (mtf) firefighter. It will be cover, both her journey to realizing who she is, and how she and other firefighters deal with a tragedy. My Lyft driver kept glancing in his rearview mirror at me. I used to get very self-conscience when that happened, now I understood it to be more of a compliment. I wanted to take a quick peak at my makeup, but I wasn't sure I wanted to draw his attention any more...

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, to be read only by individuals aged 18 or above. The events depicted herewith are fantasy and do not reflect real world events in any way. Part One For quite some time, I could not shake the feeling that I had done something terribly wrong. She was not, as I long had thought, perfect. My eyes found flaws where there were none, as though they had hidden themselves in the vibrance of her body in motion, only to be revealed as she lay...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 19 Rutledge

HENRY -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005, FINALS WEEK -- "Ohhhh ... fuuuuuucckk-ckk-ckk-ckk!" The beautiful blonde coed cried out, her entire body jerking forward with each impact of my pelvis against her bubble butt. Bent over my desk, she could feel the increased power of each thrust, feel the slight pain of my fingers digging into her hips as I tightened my grip, and feel me speeding up as I used her body for my own satisfaction. Her cunt was warm and wet, a pleasure tunnel of youthful...

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Schoolgirl Gymnast Sextoy SlaveChapter 9

Katie drove home carefully, making allowances for being a bit groggy. She’d never imagined a sex session like that: over two and a half hours, first being so stressed and aroused over Nikki, then being fucked by two guys with such big cocks, over and over again. So many times! Nikki and herself together seemed to drive them to absurd heights of endurance. Fucked so skilfully she couldn’t not cum with them - especially with Nikki involved - yet she wasn’t really sore or bruised. But she was...

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Orissa Ki Girl Ne Diya Jabardast Pyar

Hello dosto hope aap sab thik and maje main ho…..thanks a lot for liking my last story jisme maine apne pahele sex ka experience share kiya tha…I got very nice response specially from very special person ;) and others as well…so once again thanks every one. Apne bare main batadu I am strong build person with good long and hard dick so any lady ya girl mujh se milna, enjoy karna chahe to mujhe pe contact kare and yeah aap safe ho so don’t worry…. So ab agey….maine apni pichli story maine...

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