Stockholm Syndrome
- 3 years ago
- 22
- 0
I was up early this morning running my medium route that took me by the back of the Holiday Inn, around to the back of the business park, past the special housing area, and then back to the patio. I really pushed this morning because it seemed that I needed to. I had coffee with Steve until he turned the light on and then went inside to get the girls moving.
We had an orgy in the shower as I had some invasive fun with every one of the girls hoping it would help make them happy babes all day. I was going to be weak-kneed all day after that ‘orgasmathon’. My girls were all smiles and happy people when they had juice and coffee before a pastry and a breakfast sandwich. Mercy figured it out and said, “Okay, big guy, you made all your women feel good, but there are others with the same problem. Make us feel good. Steve used to drag us into the shower and almost drown us when he found out that we could play in there and not mess up any sheets or towels. He still will, but he gets up too early.”
This was only Tuesday, but it felt like it should be Friday. Janet had a noon pickup in Los Angeles going to the Island Paradise. She said this was perfect since the customer requested two hostesses because of their three small children. Both Sheena and Kissa were going to be busy all day and wouldn’t have to worry about what to do with themselves.
My plan was to get Hank to work with me on the Sikorsky S-76 so that I would be more confident and knowledgeable about an aircraft that CS&S might invest in buying more of. Some of the Bell helicopters were becoming expensive to maintain because of parts availability. Aftermarket parts had become scary after several key component failures. Bell made a lot of their operating capital from replacement parts on some of their early models that were still in use, but had problem of late with delivery and the secondary market quality wasn’t there yet.
I was told that the aircraft was going to be busy today, so he might not get the chance to work with me on it. Tiny said to me, “Go over to your new hangar and see what else you might need. We just finished sprucing it up, so it should be ready for you. You can figure out where you’re going to park your aircraft. Wes might even want to store your twin in there while waiting for the final certification. Your next CJ4 should be here this afternoon, so you’ll have to go over it to make sure that it’s ready for service. Give it to Jimmy and let his men check it out. He’ll probably want to fly it to make sure it’s right. You might as well start the aircraft out right. Tell Shawna if you want it painted, and let her make it as unique as all our aircraft.”
I asked Steve, “You guys don’t stop, do you?” when Tiny left for an appointment. “You are both pushing Janet and me into more and more. We’re so deep into what’s going on here that it’s as if we’ve been surgically attached to your family and your operation. Janet and I aren’t anything special or have any special skills, but you’re creating a growing company within a company. I’m going to be busy doing Marshal stuff, as well as for the other Agency, and will now be worrying about having four airplanes and a dozen pilots flying around the country. Janet doesn’t seem fazed by all the activity, but it does worry me.”
Steve told me, “You’ve proven how you can multi-task during crisis situations, so you shouldn’t have any problems. Tiny and I think that you will be doing a lot more charters to the Island Paradise, as well as more charters to Hawaii. The G650ER is perfect for coast to coast charters and trips to Hawaii. I can’t wait until you’ll have two 650s and a CJ4 all making runs to Costa Rica at the same time one of these days. Your demand is increasing and it’ll be that much more very soon. Those big money Hollywood types won’t have to pay their pilots to luxuriate in the Paradise crew hotel. They can charter their aircraft out, and cut some costs so they can stay down there to recuperate from their crazy filming schedule. Those same people will realize that it’s cheaper to charter with you for a week in Hawaii. A family can charter you and your aircraft for less than four or five first class tickets and be pampered the way you already have a reputation for. The courier demand is increasing, so you may be short on aircraft for that. The addition of a new CS&S twin is going to be big. Wes is planning on having Shawna paint it up to advertise the cheap operational costs and how inexpensive the aircraft is to buy new. You’ll get some revenue off what Wes sells, and might possibly be in line for another twin. Wes is planning on building eight hangars to build all his aircraft. He’s going to reduce his space where he’s at now so that he can use that one entire hangar for simulators and he’s going to keep the hangar where they’ve been working on the new helicopter they’ve been building. I’m not sure why, but he’s building three of them at once. Please know that your little growing company is going to be important to CS&S.”
Steve said, “Let me prove something to you.” He put his cell phone on speaker, and called the charter office. DeDe cheerfully answered, and was excited that Steve called. Steve asked, “Tell me about courier traffic today. How are you handling it?”
DeDe said, “The CJ4 is on one of those endless runs from base to base out west. They rented a B200 for a bunch of Midwest packages. We aren’t that busy, so I had the third team use the Phenom for the upper east coast and we were able to find another guy who has his new instrument rating as well as his commercial. He’s been through the CJ4 simulator and checkout, and is doing a bunch of pickups and deliveries in the southeast. CS&S is making a fortune renting some of our aircraft to the kids. I heard they were getting one of Wes’ twins, and a CJ4 should be here any minute. They need it. We have routes for five or six aircraft tomorrow so we’ll have to sub some out.”
“That’s great, DeDe, but tell me how are we being compensated for the extra work you guys are doing to help them keep up?”
DeDe had a smile in her voice, “Tiny set up a cross payment method for us to help them out until they get their own person. Shoot fire, Steve, we girls in the office love the idea of selling ourselves to Chuck and Janet. They are fun to work with. We would all like them to take advantage of our availability too.” There was a giggle then, “But I’d rather have my Wes and Star instead of someone else.”
Steve laughed and said, “Thanks, DeDe, I just wanted to see how it was going out there with the new company.”
DeDe asked, “So what are they going to name themselves? They need to have a name so that we aren’t just referring to them as the kids.”
“I’m sure they’ll pick a name soon. Keep looking for pilots for all their aircraft. They might be shopping for another 650 since they’ve been so busy.”
My eyes glazed over with the thought of another sixty to seventy million dollar aircraft.
My cell phone began ringing. It was a local number, so I answered, “Miller.”
“This is Wanda, Chuck’s office manager. The station has a problem and Chuck is in a meeting in DC. I need you to go help them. Find a pen and write this number down. This is the man who is leading the team that has a problem. I haven’t called the Agency, but they would call you out on this anyway. Help the station, Chuck.”
“No problem, I’ll change and call the number on the way to make this happen.”
Wanda said, “You don’t have to go far. The problem is out your way, so call the team leader and find out where to meet him.”
I called the number and said, “This is Chuck Miller,” after it was answered. “Wanda said you could use my help.”
“No shit, we need your help. Chuck would know what to do. I hope you do too. We were picking up a guy on a warrant, and he has two hostages in the Bargain Barn out on 41, just a little farther out than where Chuck lives. The man is being a total asshole about giving up, although he knows he’s in a no-win situation. How soon can you be here?”
“Fifteen minutes. I’ll help get it fixed.”
I put nice clothes on so I would be favorably compared to Chuck. Fran had changed to business clothes and followed me to the car. We arrived to find the Marshal Service, County Sheriff’s department, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and all the local TV networks represented.
We spent five minutes getting briefed on what had been done so far, and then I said, “Let’s see how volatile the situation is.”
I went out in front of all the cars and took my sport coat and shoulder rig off. I put my badge on its lanyard and hollered at the building. “I’m coming in to talk to you. You can see that I’m not armed. Let’s talk a minute to see if we can work this out. Let me get up close so others don’t hear what we’re agreeing to.”
A voice from the barn hollered back, “Keep your hands in view and don’t do anything stupid. I don’t want to go to jail, so I will shoot. I’d rather be dead than in jail for ten or fifteen years.” I could understand how the man felt.
I stopped when I got up to the door that was open and saw the two petrified hostages who were thinking the man might shoot them. The two hostages looked to be Latin, and were holding their hands clasped in front of them. I smiled at them, and said “Hola.” They both smiled and seemed to relax a little.
The man said, “Forget these two beaners or wherever they’re from. I want a car, a little cash, and you guys to leave me alone so that I can make a getaway. That has to be worth the two lives I have here.”
“It is worth that. Tell you what, I’ll get all these people to pull back about a half mile, and give you a clear path out of here. We’ll find a car for you and you’ll be on your way.”
“No tricks or I tap these two, Bud. You’d kill me anyway, so wasting a couple of Mexes is no big deal. They could be Ricans or Cubans, but who cares.”
I told the man that I care. I said to the ladies in Spanish, “When the man takes you from here to the car I will point at you and you both drop to lie down on the ground. We’ll take care of the man so that you won’t be hurt. It will be easy. I point, you drop.”
The two ladies smiled, and I told the man holding them, “I told the ladies that you would let them go at the first rest stop you took.”
“Smart. I won’t be stopping soon. Get me a car.”
I backed away and went to the group of law enforcement. I told them, “I said that we would back away about a quarter mile to give the man what looks like an open avenue to leave. We need a car for him to think he’s going to make a getaway, and then I have a way of disabling him. Do we have a car to use?”
All those men just looked at each other. One Marshal Deputy said, “We didn’t bring any stakeout cars because this was supposed to be an everyday warrant.”
I said, “I’ll give him my Mercedes. I handed Fran the key fob, and said, “Put the fob in the console and use the starter button. I’ll tell him the same thing. I had backed up to the car where my Glock was in my shoulder rig. I pulled the gun and put it in my back waistband without turning my back on the building. All the law enforcement did as I asked and moved away. Fran parked about thirty feet out in front of the building, got out of the car, left the doors open, and walked back toward the other law enforcement people.
I told the man inside, “Okay, this is my car. You only need to push the start button that is just to the right of the steering column. The tank is full, so you have about five hundred miles before you need gas. Be careful with the car and don’t wreck it. My sister gave it to me. So get out of there. You only need one hostage, so only take one.”
He bought that, which I thought was strange, but this guy wasn’t an experienced runner. He looked around and was still holding his pistol to the woman. I noticed the hammer wasn’t cocked on his pistol so he probably didn’t have a round in the chamber. I still liked my idea, so I stepped back a step to invite him out.
The man came from the building looking all around him and eyeing the Mercedes. He looked back at me and then toward the Mercedes. I pointed at the woman as I pulled my pistol from my back. She dropped to the ground which surprised the man, but it gave me enough time to put two in his chest and one between his eyes.
The woman screamed, but I was right there to pick her up and hold her. There wasn’t a lot of blood spatter from the rounds hitting the guy. The other woman ran out to hug the woman and me. Both of them kept thanking me in Spanish for saving them. I actually felt bad because the man couldn’t have shot me without cycling the slide. Better him than me so I left it for the other groups to clean up.
Fran came up and got into the driver’s seat. I gave a sort of salute to the Deputy Marshal Team Leader, and let Fran drive us out of there. Fran said, “Don’t you think you should let a sniper do some of that work?”
I told her, “I didn’t know the man didn’t have a round loaded or I might have. I couldn’t take a chance that the guy could have shot a hostage. The man seemed to want a way out, so I gave him one, but he still wanted to wave his gun which is the scary part. He died because I felt he was a threat to innocent people.”
Fran nodded and finally said, “Do exactly the same if I’m ever a hostage. Point at me and I’ll drop like a rock. I know what you told those ladies. I heard you. That guy might have shot you for just suggesting that they escape if he had understood Spanish. It all worked out though. Now another report we have to write.”
We arrived at the patio in time for the lunch time party. Chuck’s running kids were all sitting and being good while having a small bowl of soup and two quarters of a sandwich. The boys were stuffing themselves, and the girls were eating slower with them all having some great conversations about their morning. It seems that they were all in class with the older kids up at the recreation building. This made them all feel as if they were almost big kids.
(I’m sure that we can all remember when we were age three or so and wanted to be a big kid.)
Chuck came in and went down the line of that age group, and gave them each a kiss that made them all giggle from the intimacy. Chuck gave his ladies a kiss before he went to check out the pile of crawlers who had been fed and were now falling asleep.
The man came over to me, and said, “I get emotional every time I come back to my family because I’m so proud to be a dad to so many. I’m proud to be the man for these women as well. Two hours in DC, and I feel like I want to just kick back, be with my family, and not do any of that other stuff. Oh yeah, I heard you took care of a volatile situation the way I would have. It was clean, and I don’t think anyone is going to bitch. Good going. Make sure you send a report.”
The man was right back to his women and talking to Lisa about doing something in the studio. I wished I was a musician like him so that I could contribute to their creativity.
Fran told me, “You know that something is happening to me here. I’m hearing your thoughts and almost know what you’re going to do before you do it. I’m not sure what’s going on, but Mercy wants to talk to me about this. It’s almost scary, Chuck. Shoot, I’m even thinking I want to snuggle with you at night. That ain’t happening, but I’m thinking about it.”
“Only keep thinking about it, Fran. We can’t be doing anything like that together. We’re too dependent upon each other for our safety.”
I was laying down with the crawlers as they pulled on my nose and ears, and then lay on me to go to sleep. There is no way on earth to feel more loved than have a bunch of babies lying on you. The T-shirts helped as they identified the kid, as well as the mother. I drifted off to sleep hearing my sister telling me, “Mercy is going to tell you about your partner. You’re amazing, Brother. You keep finding people like us. It’s as if Mom is still giving us special people for us to be with.”
Lips were kissing me. I looked up and saw Mercy as she was still over me with some misty eyes. She told me, “You need to get up. Your phone is ringing on the bar, and no one wants to answer it. Fran doesn’t even want to.”
I moved the little ones from on top of me and was able to get on my hands and knees. I went to the bar to look at my phone. It was one of the Agency numbers. I did a redial and said, “This is Miller.”
“Good, I’ll bet you were having a midday nap, you lucky dog. You need to get out to Oakland where we’ve discovered a problem. This may not be as easy or cut and dried as your previous stuff. Tom and Chuck think you can handle it. Take Fran and get out there. Download the file when you get in the air.”
I called out to the airpark to get my CJ4 ready, but it was out. The new CJ4 Tiny promised wasn’t in yet. I was still at the bar when Chuck came up to me. “Take the ten. You can fly the ten if you can fly the four. Sign your logbook off with the type certification and I’ll ratify it if anyone asks. You’re needed, so get. I have something to do today, tonight, and probably tomorrow. Go get it done.”
I went back to our suite and woke Fran who was enjoying an afternoon siesta. I explained what was going on and she wanted to know if she should dress in nice clothes the same as me. I called the contact and asked if this was pure Agency work, or was my being a Deputy important on this. The contact said, “Wear your BDUs as there will be others from the Agency who will be following your lead. You can change into regular clothes if the situation requires it.” I hoped that I wouldn’t ruin any more good clothes. We both dressed in BDUs, packed some extra clothes, grabbed our equipment cases, and waved goodbye as we left the patio.
Fran asked me, “What’s the deal? Do you know what we’re going to be doing?” on the way to the airpark.
“I don’t know yet, Fran. We are supposed to call in an hour after takeoff to get our instructions. You call our contact when the time comes and see if we can be briefed.” I filed a flight plan to Oakland while Fran put our bags away. One of the maintenance techs was going over the aircraft. It had already made a roundtrip to DC today and now we were going to push it to California.
This was definitely an ‘Up, up, and away’ flight as there seemed to be an urgency, but my internal alarms weren’t going off. An hour out Fran used the satellite phone to call in. I put the conversation over the intercom so I could hear. The contact said, “We’ll be able to brief you in about twenty minutes. We’ll talk then.”
We were flying at about five hundred and fifty miles an hour so we would be almost two hundred miles closer.
Fran said, “We have company on my side. There’s a military looking airplane next to us.”
I looked to my left and saw another aircraft on my port side. Those frequency numbers were embedded because of the way I had been flown into their location that first time. I put in the frequency number and keyed my mike on the headset, “Are you a mother’s helper?”
“Hey, No Gas, we were waiting for a CJ4, but it looks like you have Chuck’s ten. Cancel your flight plan, drop to ten thousand feet, shut your transponder off, and follow us in. I think you’re here for some more training.”
Fran asked, “That was a pretty sneaky way to get us to move fast. It’s as if someone is always watching us so they can pull our chain when we’re trying to relax.”
I had to agree with her and said, “It does seem that way, but you have to remember Wanda, Chuck’s office manager, knows what we’re doing all the time and I’m sure she reports in to these folks.”
We landed and parked the big ten where directed. A couple of men with rifles came on board the aircraft and looked around. One man said, “Bring your toiletries, another set of BDUs and your equipment cases. We’ll get you checked in before you begin your training.”
I didn’t know what this was going to be about so Fran and I took what was directed and got aboard a cart that whizzed through the hallways that I wanted to call tunnels and stopped at the entrance to the quarter’s area. The man said to leave our equipment cases and bags and he would drop us off at the locations we needed to go to.
We went to an area only marked as ‘Briefing’. He told me to go in and I would be directed from there. He took off with Fran, who I could hear, as she was thinking to me about where she was going to go. That was confusing, as when did Fran find the ability to talk to me? I needed to find out about this.
A man greeted me and said, “Go into the door at the end of the hall. You get to learn some fun things.”
I opened the door, an older man greeted me, and said, “You already fly helicopters, but you’re now going to learn how to fly helicopters from other countries. Have a seat and let me start this first video. Pay attention to the different aircraft so that you know which one will do what.”
I watched two hours of videos about Russian helicopters. The announcer was very exacting about the various instruments and locations of necessary controls. The instructor quizzed me about the controls of each of the aircraft that had been shown when the videos were over. He used a large projector to point at various controls and asked about their function. He then handed me the pointer and asked where certain controls were. I’m sure glad that I stayed alert and listened well during the videos. I think all the computer classes I had taken helped me to absorb and retain information when given in this manner. The single biggest difference in terms of actually flying the aircraft was that the main rotor spun in the opposite direction on the Russian (and French, I was told) helicopters, so I needed to make pedal movements with power changes in the opposite direction from what I was used to on US helicopters.
The man looked at his watch, and said, “You’ll meet your partner for supper now. You’ll also be having supper with your primary contact and backup, along with one of your training pilots.”
It was a little after seven back home, but only a little after five here. Fran was standing at the door of the chow hall waiting for me. She said to me, “We have to find a private place to talk about what’s happening to us,” before we went inside. “I’m hearing you, and I think you’re hearing me. This is something like what Mercy and her kids do. This is supposed to be hereditary. My mom came from a small town in the Midwest. She met my dad in college and I was born right after they were married. I lost both in an automobile accident right after I joined the Navy to become Recon medic, so I can’t ask her or Dad about this. Mom never did talk much about her youth, other than she was glad to be away from that town. I never did meet my grandparents.”
I told her, “Let’s not openly talk about this while we’re here. I think we should talk to Mercy and Missy about the problem. Chuck’s aunt Etta is very knowledgeable about this thing they call a ‘gift’. Let’s wait to delve into it.”
We entered the chow hall and decided to let our contacts find us since we didn’t know what they looked like. We walked toward the serving line but were stopped by a man in a flight suit. He said, “Come sit with us for a while before eating. You’ve been here before, so get something to drink if you want.”
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"How do I look, Gareth?" I giggled, entering the living room knowing exactly how I looked. I was wearing my little black party dress, which fell short, just below my waist, and hugged every outline, contour and highlight of my body, from my pert arse to my plump breasts. I never wore anything underneath it and relished the liberal touch of the fabric against my skin; it always made me feel so sexy. Gareth, the bassist in my husband Neil's band, whose birthday was the very reason for our going...
CheatingAfter her husband had at last swaggered back to his hut, Lady Demure reclined between her slaves lost in thought. She barely registered their presence, however much Quagga loyally cuddled up against her. It was an uneasy silence while the slaves also appraised the significance of Lord Valour's news. Although the death of the cruel and malevolent King was surely welcome, Glade was anxious of the consequences it might have for her. She had almost forgotten any other way of life than that of a...
By Lamia Lobato Since few months ago, I have new neighbors in the house next to mine, they are a small family: both parents young and beautiful with two equally beautiful little children and a big and obedient dog which the kids take out for a walk every afternoon. The girl may be around 16 years old, tall and slender, with a young body but yet fully built with a round butt and a good pair of 34C boobs, and the younger brother of about 12 or 13 years old with blond hair and blue eyes. He...
Mirror Karma A Mirror on the Door Story by Kristine Roland Claire's good friend Jeffrey went through a mirror in the door, what effect did that have on Claire's life? Authors Note: This story is complete and can be read stand-alone. However The Mirror on the Door precedes this story in this universe. If you read The Mirror on the Door when it was first posted last year, at the suggestion of a number of people that story was revised recently, and the revised version is...
One of these strangers was a girl named Lisa, who was a few years younger than me. I never really paid attention to my new step sister, not until we went on a holiday to Italy some years later. Now being a horny adolescent, my interest in girls had certainly grown over the years. I'm not sure why it happened then exactly, but the first time at the beach I couldn't help but notice how much Lisa's body had changed over the years. She had grown up to be a beautiful young woman, about...
The Sunday Coin Toss The Toss As I watched, the coin seemed to flip in slow motion as it looped lazily through the air. It was Jane's turn to call it, and this time the said “tails” just as the quarter reached the apex of its flight. As the coin began the drop into my hand, before it even landed, I sensed I had lost the toss. A sense of excitement sent a rush of adrenaline into my stomach. Tails it was. Jane smiled with a sense of satisfaction, as if she had been waiting for this moment....
TransI've always had a secret desire to be abused by another man while Joe was away and when I finally confided in him of this, he agreed to it as long as I knew it might be painful and humiliating. I said I understood and he set about getting another man to fulfill my fantasy. I awaited the day and soon Joe said he had to go out of town on a business trip and wouldn't be home for a day or two. When he left, I kissed him good-bye and went into the bedroom and came back out wearing a short black...
Catherine began to fuck her with the strapon, Susi's insides clinging to the strapon as she dragged it from her clenching asshole, only to push it back in again, each time going deeper. Each time Catherine forced her open to the large strapon, the bottle can sized head of her strapon tearing her open. “You have half of it now, Susi, can you feel my strapon in your hot and tight asshole,” fucking her with a powerful thrust that knocked the air from her lungs.“WWWHHHOOOSSHH, OOOWW,” Susi yelled,...
It was a shitty day. My attempts at finding a job were as pointless as vacuuming your lawn. I just wanted something that paid enough to get the fuck out of my parents house, and stop dating Rosie palm. As I turned onto my street I was glad to see my parents car wasn't in the driveway. I DVR'd one of my favorite movies last night. It was one of those B movies where the bimbos drop their tops every time they turn around. This one had a fairly decent plot, and I desperately needed the stress...
Ron’s Point Of View POV Things really started to change when my lovely domme said the following, “Ron put on my panties!” That indeed as hard as it may seem to accept is what a feisty Hermione said to me. It was with those words my current events teacher in private held in her hot hand the trump card. While it may sound insane it once I put on her panties the die was set for me to do whatever she may say because this, woman who happened to be my teacher held my life and future class room...
Ive never told this before but wanted to now. Sandy was the girl i dated for nearly 2 years and i thought i would be with forever [ when your young thats how it seems to always feel!!] We met in high school and began dating and we enjoyed nearly everything together, friends, school, everything. We were both teens and innocent. Neither of us had ever had sex and we sort of agreed until we got to 18 we would not. We made out a lot with a lot of hot kissing and learned together how to kiss and...
Johnny was disoriented for a few seconds when he woke up. Disoriented because for the first time he went to sleep in the dream and woke up in the present. The dream was also the longest and most involved yet. Johnny sat up as he remembered all that happened in the two months they were in ancient times. Johnny’s sitting up awoke Hala. “Come back to bed, Alarec my husband, it is still dark outside,” she mumbled, and she was speaking the language of her ancestors. Johnny did not know whether...
I was fifteen and sitting in my bed waiting for mom to get home and go to sleep so I could jack off. It is no fun to be right in middle of jacking off and get interupted. Mom and dad divorced seven years ago. Mom went thru a phase of going out and getting drunk and fucking anything with a dick. Sometimes she would come home with a man, sometimes two men, sometimes her friend and a man. You get the idea. After a couple of years she grew out of that phase and now comes alone most of the time. ...
God did not bless me with looks, personality, features or riches which are all the pre-requisites for wooing women. But what he gave me as compensation were innumerable chances for satisfying my lust. I have had quite a few casual encounters of sexual intercourse with women. All women in my stories are above 26 yrs of age, quite beautiful with well-endowed feminine features.Today, I am narrating another true incident of mine, where I had a spontaneous sexual intercourse with a close family...
KERRY AND KATE is the sequel to KERRY AND THE SECURITY CHECK, a long wait I know for which I apologise, but these things take time, especially when done in secret for I find I write better when I am more suitably dressed. The soft hair of a wig against my face, the constriction of bra (and sadly given my girth a corset) the light flow of an A line skirt and the softness of nylons around my legs feeling feminine gives me the power to type and so here it is please enjoy. Kerry and...
This a copyrighted original work and the exclusive property of the author. You may use this work for your personal use only. If you wish to use it, or a portion of it for any other reason, please contact the author for permission. This is a work of fiction written for mature audiences only and if you are 18 years of age please do not go any further. The author hopes you enjoy it and if you have, or have a particular plot you would like to see developed let him know at [email protected]. ...
Straight SexWorking construction in the north Texas heat can take its toll on a man. Our nine man crew was about 60 miles from nowhere building a small natural gas refinery. We were always the first ones at the job site. It was up to us the break ground, set the forms, pour the concrete and then we’d move on to do the same at another job. Trouble with this job is that we were so damned isolated there was nothing out there but snakes, cattle, and scrub brush. There wasn’t even water anywhere near the...
Kenshin: Hanya. Shikijou. Beshimi. Hyottoko. They made your heart weak! It's not for them, it's because of them you're wielding the sword of a murderer! Aoshi: Sh--shut up! (He backhands Kenshin with the butt of his sword.) Kenshin: Taking me seriously and denying it, isn't that proof that you yourself know it to be true? (Aoshi hits him with the other sword.) Aoshi: What the hell do you know! Kenshin: I don't know much, but I know that because of your goal of winning the title of...
There I was knackered from the journey and our fucking in the shower and now here I am three hours later, slowly being woken up by my g/f sucking on a very hard cock – my very hard cock – bliss.The aching in my balls had spread to all over my groin area and my first thought was to get hold of a hand full of hair and push down on the back of her head.But no, I wanted a cock at the end of this session and if I were to do that, she’d bite the fucker off and spit it at me – she really hates that...
“Come on Susie we talked about this, you agreed it would be fun.”“Yes well talking and doing are two different things, l’m nervous, l’ve never done anything like this before.”“You agreed we should spice things up a bit, we don’t want to get bored with each other.”“So you are bored with me then,” she said accusingly, “what are you saying, that you fancy someone else, that tart that works in the office perhaps, she looks like an easy lay with her false boobs and short skirts.”“Don’t be silly...
Andrea Coming of Age By Robin Y. "Stop right there young lady! Just where do you think you are going? I thought I told you that wearing lipstick was required for dinner. I believe in looking our all times!...Hush! Don't interrupt me again. Just put your lipstick and compact in your pockets and you can fix it after what was I saying? Oh yes! I see you are wearing eyeliner and mascara as I instructed, but to be well dressed you must have on lipstick....and...
My grandmother is attractive for her age. She has kept very fit and has a pretty nice body. Her hair has that blondish white tint and she tries to look young, all while avoiding acting young. It always confused me. I would drop by my grandmothers once in a while and let myself in. She always liked seeing me and I enjoyed seeing her. Especially those 60 year old boobs in those cleavage baring dresses. But she was very straight forward, very strict. So sure, I always thought in the back of my...
Lucia looked around at the happy smiling faces of the rich and beautiful. They were here to see and be seen. Her Sunday outdoor ritual had been going on for two months now. There was only one more month to go and her genealogy study for the government would take her to a new place, a new set of surroundings, offering the same empty and unfulfilling experiences that dragged her down now. Lucia had grown up in a negative home environment and that was the filter she wore. Lucia had exemplary...
Esmeralda a had just said to me, "Just go ahead and say it. You've been fantasying about having a three-way with Teresa and Cheryl, right?" Before I could answer, Teresa said to Kayla, "It's not fair for you to ask Bruce to share his private fantasies with us unless were all willing to do the same thing." "I'll do it if you will!" Esmeralda retorted. Alex looked at her and said, "Why don't you start things off then?" "Fine, I've always wondered what it would be like to fuck...
Louis's Mistake By Margaret Jeanette Tracy Webb hurriedly finished cleaning up after breakfast to do her Saturday thing- hit the mall! She told her husband Louis that there was a real good sale at Dayton's that she couldn't miss. Louis told her he had to work on a new program for work so have fun shopping. As Tracy was backing out of the driveway Louis was watching her leave. As she started forward down the street he headed for their bedroom. Entering the bedroom he headed...
Carrie opened the key to the apartment and stepped inside where it was refreshingly cool compared to the summer heat outside.Still wearing her sunglasses she glanced at herself in the hall way mirror and smiled.She was lucky she thought that while slim and toned she also had inherited her mothers large breasts which at 36c she enjoyed displaying.It suitedher sense of humour to catch the admiring glances of men as they stole looks at her thinking she did'nt notice. Under her sunglasses she could...
100% fiction! When I was 18, I met a girl. I had just come out of the closet the previous year, and not everyone knew that I enjoyed the company of other girls. But I truly saw her. I realize now it was just lust, of course. I called her Z. After three years of me pining after her, a night I would never forget came to pass. Now, Z was amazing. Shorter than my 5 feet, which only fed the attraction, as I hated being short. Her perfectly shaped body was evenly tanned everywhere but her bikini...
LesbianThe rain fell in heavy beads from a concrete-colored sky. Melancholy, he trudged along, the rain piercing him with thousands of wet, tiny needles.All around him the world was an explosion of color. The grass had never looked greener, the flowers had never been so vibrant, yet inside he felt monochrome. Much like the sky above him, he felt gloomy and gray.He marched on in the rain, trying to fight back tears and several heavy sobs. It baffled him, and he was confused more than anything. How...
VoyeurFriday night came, and with it, Mr. Parsons. He sat down to dinner with us and that was supposed to be all I saw of him for the whole weekend. Mrs. Parsons made a comment that he was under enormous pressure because of the pending merger, and she told me not to bother him during his stay. As if I would seek him out for anything. I went up to my bedroom after dinner, and sat on my bed, listening to my radio, and thinking about my next idea for "accidentally" running into Brenda. It had been...
You only get so many years and then it's over. Even more important, you only get so many good years. I was beginning to worry that my good years were quickly running out. Don't misunderstand me; I didn't have a bad life, far from it. I had two children I adored, a husband I still loved and a gratifying career in which I was quite successful. But it paled in comparison to the exciting life I led just over twenty years earlier. Even after we married, we would have dinner out, go to clubs,...
I’d been preparing for the ritual for the last week, and I finally had acquired all my supplies and set up a space in the guest bedroom of my apartment. I had acquired a large vanity mirror through craigslist and put it against one wall of the guest bedroom, and on top of it I arranged my materials for the summoning. I set several cones of incense alit in plates arranged around the room and let their intoxicating scent fill the room. I lit the black candles I had on the vanity and turned off...
Two weeks had past since my sisters last slumber party. Tonight she was having just one of her friends sleep over with her. Gina wasn't able to make it to the previous slumber party and I had never seen her before. She was a very pretty girl with reddish brown hair, a slim build with great legs. The thing I really liked most about her were her were her fantastic full round tits that must have been 36C's, they looked like two g****fruits perched under her top.When she first arrived she was...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru kama kathaiyil ungaluku oru azhagana 26 vayathu akkavai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Surya, vayathu 22 aagugiarthu. Naan en veetil kastam endru en amma velai seithu kondu iruntha veetil velaikaaranaaga velai paarthu vanthen. Angu sendru veetu velaigalai seithu kondu irunthen, naan velai seithu kondu iruntha pozhuthu angu oru samayal kaaran irunthaan. Antha veetirku oru pazham koduka oru akka vanthaal, avaluku vayathu 26 aagi irunthathu. Naan...
Alene stormed into the house, she cared not for the cum that stained her dress. As she reached the cum covered girl she remembered what she learned in first aid class. First, she felt for the girl’s pulse in her right wrist, under the cum covering her skin she could feel her pulse, it was steady. Next, she moved her hand in front of the girl’s mouth, she could feel her breath. She made sure her airway was clear and lifted the girl’s legs as she learned in class. “Is she OK?” Nadia said in...
Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...
IncestIntroduction: Wife gets into the action I Love Hookers – Story 3 We used to have a lot of Peep Show places around town. They ranged from a small shop with maybe 10 little viewing booths, to few big ones that have up to twenty viewing rooms, sold sex toys, and even some live girl rooms. I first went to one of the smaller ones for my first adventure. I got a hand full of quarters from the guy behind the booth and made my way to a booth. It was quite dark, because everything was painted black,...
"Don't take all the romance out of it, Mum." Mrs Jackson smiled inwardly at her son's unexpected wit. "I think we just ought to get on with it," she said as she turned to go out to the airing cupboard. She regretted her matter-of-fact tone, but it wasn't easy to strike the right note for what was about happen. She could hardly say, "Right, my lovely rutty boy... Mummy's going to give you a jolly good wank, so you must be good and shoot all your warm creamy spunk for her," could...
They breathed heavily beside each other until John had to take care of his post orgasm piss. When, he was done he stopped at the honor bar. Sophie breathed normally with her eyes closed, but her pelvis shifted every few seconds. "And I thought I knew what sensitive was before? Now it's like my body's a thousand broken power lines stitched together. A thousand different lines showering sparks, snapping and flailing about and taking my body for the ride." She opened her eyes and rubbed...
We sat silently in the lounge as the rest of my guests finally leave. As you rise to go and leave the room you turn and slowly hug me, kissing my cheek to say goodbye. I smile and hold you slightly longer than I should. As you try and start your car it attempts to turn over but dies, popping the hood I look under, several wires are fried, its not working tonight, the nearest garage is 40 miles away, and the storm is threatening, your not going to be able to get home tonight. I take you back...
Buxom Blonde Australian Babe Savannah Bond meets Manuel for her First Fuck on Camera! Some of the prettiest chicks on the planet come from Australia and Savannah does not disappoint. With her perfect round ass, giant tits, blonde hair and stunning looks, Savannah is sure to make any warm blooded guy pitch a tent in his pants. She’s dressed in sexy black lingerie with matching stockings and heels as Jules intricately examines ever inch of her curvaceous body. In her sexy accent, Savannah tells...