Did you ask for room service
- 3 years ago
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I woke with a start as I had heard something. I listened and realized that some men were running in the hallway outside our door. The clock indicated that it was five AM, which would be seven at home. I sat up and swung my feet off the bed. Janet sat up and stretched before stopping to shake Fran before going to the bathroom.
I put my workout clothes and tennis shoes on. Janet came back into the room and put her new workout clothes on as well. Fran was having trouble getting going this morning, and told us, “I think Mother Nature is visiting me today, so I’m not going to be at a hundred percent. Let me use the bathroom and dress for some exercise.
The three of us went out to the hall and did some stretches and forms, and then went to the big hallway to run to the gym. Fran asked me if we were going to run the long way around or go straight to the gym. We went to the gym where I saw Janet going through a lifting regime that was vigorous and well-planned. Janet said, “I’ve been getting some help at our gym from Chuck’s women, as well as Sue and Mercy. The attendants at the gym are good at coaching those who regularly go there.”
That was good to know, and I hoped the four girls were also using the gym to their benefit. I knew their mothers used the gym with Sal every evening, and often showed up at the pool for some sun right after lunch.
We ran back to our room and did some more forms outside our room before going in to get ready for the day.
Fran was almost worried that I would get in the shower with her, but I didn’t. I let the girls do their showers first, and then I took mine before shaving.
We were ready for breakfast and had opened the door to leave when our tour guide showed up. He walked in and looked around. “You guys sure are neat. I’ll bet your room is the neatest of any in this wing. It must be the Marine influence.”
Fran said, “We only slept and dressed in the room. It’s difficult to imagine you can mess up a room doing that.”
We went to breakfast, dropped Janet off at a classroom, and then took Fran back to the firing range. I was taken to the hangar and introduced to two of the quiet helicopters they had. One of the helicopters had built in armament that had both guns and rockets. The other only had rockets and a door gunner.
We practiced doing speed runs and turns outside the hangar. The instructor showed me some things that I wouldn’t attempt with a helicopter, but he proved they could be done. I wasn’t expected to do them.
The period of time before lunch was spent learning about three different Russian attack helicopters. I was warned off one as I was told even the experienced Russian pilots had trouble controlling the aircraft. The other two were so similar to some of our aircraft and I could easily fly them.
Janet was excited at lunch, saying how she was learning some very valuable skills. She said she was going to go to the firing range this afternoon. Fran said, “I think I now know enough about various explosives to be dangerous. I learned how to make explosives from kitchen and household items. I learned how to make my own detonators that would rival the IEDs we contended with. I’m going to blow something up this afternoon, and then work on some range skills with a sighting scope.”
I wasn’t given anything special for this afternoon but one of the instructors said they were trying to get another instructor out to play with me. I wondered what the game was.
I was taken back to the hangar and told to get one helicopter prepared for some flying. I did the prestart inspection and didn’t find anything amiss. The crew chief seemed to be ready to help, so I asked him about the armament. He showed me how the forward-mounted guns were equipped with infrared lasers, and how the door gunner could be armed with a laser-aimed door gun.
Something was fishy by the way the man was discussing what was available. I asked, “How do I know if the laser weapons are equipped to fire and if they have sufficient ammo to fire for a continuous battle?”
The crew chief said, “Do you want your weapons supplied with ammo? Do you want your door gunner’s laser rifle to be armed as well?”
I told the crew chief, “I think you better load me for bear and hope that I don’t run out of laser strikes.”
My crew chief was smiling as I had guessed what the instructors were going to try to pull on me.
The instructor I had been working with came to me, and said, “I’m going to be the enemy and will give you a chance to hunt me first. I’ll hide and keep you from finding me for a half hour. I’ll come out of hiding at that time and try to strike your aircraft with the laser. We’ll reverse roles and you can hide after that.”
I spooled the helicopter up and was checking each of the instruments. The radar wouldn’t come up, so I told the door gunner, who was also the crew chief, “We’re not going anywhere until the radar is working. See if you can figure out what the problem is.”
I didn’t even think about it and shut the engines down. I began tracing the connections from the monitor back to the main controller. I climbed up to where the radar antenna was and lookie, lookie, guess what, the connector wasn’t even plugged into the antenna. Something like that isn’t on the preflight inspection. It would now be for every helicopter with radar I would fly in the future.
I told the crew chief to quit screwing off and get on board as I needed to be ready to do some serious hunting. He knew that I knew he was giving the instructor a head start, so I went out the big doors and rose straight up using the radar to search for anything indicating where the other helicopter might be hiding.
This bird had infrared imaging, so I turned that on and began doing some high level passes knowing that I could lay a trap if I picked up his signature. There was a huge glow around a dense group of trees that had to be the helicopter. I flew out and then around, and began settling the bird I was driving into the tops of some foliage just to the rear of where they were hiding. I saw the tops of the brush they were hiding in begin violently moving and the helicopter appeared as it rose to peek over the tops of the trees. I had shut the radar down so that it wouldn’t draw attention and watched as the helicopter rose to just over tree top height and began moving up the side of a very steep rock structure.
The instructor’s helicopter was now fully exposed and focused on surprising someone on top of the tall rocks. I rose from my position and stayed just above tree level and waited for the helicopter to begin rising to get to the top. It was easy to sight in using the heads-up display on the helmet and then fire the laser. All I heard was, ‘Oh shit’, as the helicopter wobbled then rose and headed back toward the main hangar.
“Follow me in ‘No Gas’ and we can put these birds to bed. You and your boss are the only ones to ever beat me at our game. We even sabotaged your bird, but you found us out. You didn’t prove that you were a master with a helicopter, but you did prove that you could think.”
We were all back on the ground looking at the aircraft I had been using. The crew chief said over and over that he didn’t warn me of any of the traps set for me. They assured the instructor I had been the one to query him about the laser cannon and door guns. He also told them how I had put the connectors back together and tested them for the radar.
I was told to ‘Get out of here’ by the instructors and was sent to the range where Janet was learning to fire rifles, and Fran was learning to use sighting scopes. The range officer waved me over to talk to him, and said, “Fran is outstanding and learns quickly. She’ll be able to disarm most bombs if she can get at them. She will also be able to blow up about anything you might need to do a job on.”
He turned and pointed at Janet, “That girl is full of drive and spunk. She’s picked up some tips along the way to get here, and can fire a .308 with the best of them. Yeah, she has a way to go before she rivals you or Fran, but she definitely is an asset. I think you guys are done. Let me get you into training command to make a decision.”
The three of us were driven to a conference room and sat waiting for four men who came in one at a time. None of them spoke until all four were present.
The man who must have been senior said, “All three of you completed the training we wanted you to have. You have all surprised us with your ability to be more than a robot to do as instructed. Each of you has demonstrated your ability to think for yourself within the situation you were in at the time those thoughts were required. You may stay over tonight or go home. Our runways have been repaired and tested, so you can leave with confidence.”
I looked at the girls who both smiled at me. “I think the vote is to leave now so that we can sleep in our own beds tonight.”
Janet spoke up to the four men and asked, “How can I get more training to be more like Fran and Chuck? Fran has practical experience in the field, and Chuck has been involved in many operations. How do I get more training so I can be a soldier like Chuck and Fran?”
One of the men said, “You can do a lot of this on your own. It will be difficult, and you will have to give up some of your personal spare time to learn. You must continue to maintain your exercise program that includes running, as well as lifting. Become involved with a local dojo so that you can learn personal self-defense. Find a local range and go there often to practice shooting the various weapons you’ll learn. Have Lisa work with you to learn how to be a backup to Chuck and Fran. They won’t need you often, but there will be times when your assistance might make a difference. Always follow directions and orders, and those things will get you a long way toward becoming the soldier you desire to be.”
Another of the four said, “Have Chuck Johnson get you videos of actions he has been on with Lisa. These will not be far from what you will do with Chuck and Fran. The three of you will be even more of a force than with just the two.”
Janet said, “I think I can be a value and I want to state that I don’t want to be paid for my contributions right now. Chuck will tell you when he thinks my efforts are worth rewarding. Fran and I know that Chuck is reticent about how he is rewarded. We know he will give more than 100% even before being asked.”
The four looked at us, and one said with a smile, “Get out of here. Come back and play with our aircraft, Chuck. Our instructors had a good time with you.”
I kept thinking, ‘Yeah, right’.
Our tour guide headed straight to the hangar and I made him stop. “We need to get our clothes and get something to eat.”
Our guide said, “Your clothes are on your aircraft and you have some dinners on warming trays. Get out of here before some kind of catastrophe happens that will send you on a mission. Go home, get back into your rhythm, and do your regular work. I know Janet will soon be back for some firearms training, but you other two may not. I’m to tell you that if you’re requested to come to training to follow the directions of those who come to get you, Janet. Each of your short sessions will only be an overnight with two days of training. You’ll enjoy the training and be safe while here.”
Both Janet and I did the exterior check and were soon in the cockpit with the door closed and stairs retracted. I sat in the right seat as Janet did the regular preparation and spooled our engines up. The big doors began opening as soon as we lit up. We heard, ‘Jazzy, Mother’, over the radio.
I almost broke up that they already knew her nickname. Janet said, “Mother.”
The control people gave her the field conditions that she used to set instruments as she taxied to the end of the runway where a ‘follow-me’ truck was parked. The control people told her to stay below five thousand feet until we picked up Amarillo’s VORTAC. We would then turn our transponder on and climb to the assigned altitude.
Fran asked, “How about some of this food? This is meatloaf, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, and there is even some apple pie for dessert.”
The three of us pigged out over the Gulf of Mexico on the way home. Fran had the galley cleaned and was sitting back smiling at how contented she was by the time we were ready to land.
We landed at eight-forty and put this baby to bed. The other nasty CJ4 was gone, but a really nice-looking one and a super King Air were in our hangar. Tiny loved to buy airplanes. They hopefully went through Jimmy before we took delivery.
We locked up, turned the aircraft logbook in, and drove home. The girls knew that we were coming, as both Janet and Fran had called them. The rest of the significant patio people would know if the girls knew.
We were greeted by our four women, and then by most of Chuck’s and Steve’s. Chuck said for me to get with him either tonight or in the morning.
Etta came and hugged me. This was unusual for her, but she said, “You have brought us a lost relative who will continue to refresh us all. Fran is just one generation removed from the Taskers. Her mother could have told us a great deal, but it isn’t to be. I’ll be talking to Fran and see if I can track her relatives down.”
“Don’t scare her off. I need her and her ability to sense when there’s danger. I know there are various degrees of ability to personally warn us, but I think she has that. I’ll be working with her.”
Janet, Kissa, and I agreed to talk in the morning to make sure that we were aware of those decisions Kissa had made. She told me, “I made Tiny keep a record of the aircraft he was trying to sneak in, and to give us a receipt for the junk that he took out of here. I know nothing about airplanes, but I can tell when someone has a pig in a poke. We’ll go over everything in the morning. I have all the courier duties covered for tomorrow, but Friday could be busy.”
Janet hugged me and said, “Using Kissa was the smartest move we’ve made, my Love. She’s prepared everything, and has aircraft ready to be used. She obviously has pilots to cover her workload. This is going to work, Chuck.”
The night ended without any of us having anything to drink other than water. Our girls were excited that we were home and wanted us to ravage them. We did.
A body relocated in front of me sometime during the night while I was on the outside of the pile of women. This body snuggled her butt back into me, and relocated my hand to cover her breast. A difference was the butt that wiggled into me was covered with panties.
I woke before six feeling as if I needed to run this morning. Janet was behind me and I was still hugging the person who had crawled in bed with us. It was Fran. I moved over the top of her to go to the bathroom and get some running clothes on.
I came from the bathroom and passed Fran and Janet who were headed that way. We three met on the patio and went out to the grassy area between Steve’s and Glenda’s place. We stretched, then began walking fast, which turned into a jog, and then running. We did the long run around the business complex and back by the houses before coming back to the patio.
Steve and Glenda were already at their favorite table with coffee. The three of us joined them about the time Tiny and Ruth came in the back door. The three of us with the sweat drying on us decided to take a shower and get ready for the day.
The three girls plus Kissa were all awake and appeared to have all taken showers. Nikki said, “We’re going to have to get up and run with you guys to stay in shape. We’ve been going to the gym, but not daily. We’ll have to figure out what the right amount of time to exercise is.”
The two girls with classes took off, but Gin had today off and was being lazy and wearing a loose tank top and shorts. She had a smile that told the world that she was going to be up to no good today. I was having a cup of coffee with Steve when I noticed Janet and Gin missing. I wasn’t going looking for them, but Fran decided that she should be a part of anything that was happening.
Steve noticed Mercy went down the hallway toward my suite and Kathy was soon heading that way. Steve asked, “Want to jump in the middle of something, or let those women enjoy each other without male assistance?”
I had to think about it as just the thought of my two and Steve’s two playing was enough to get me worked up. Steve said, “You need to bring your women down to our room and attack us one of these nights. I think we’re all ready for something like that. All Chuck’s ladies, mine, and yours are going to be ready at the same time one of these days, and we’ll have the wildest sexathon ever. I hope it’s here so that Charlie, Hank, Henry, Tiny, and some others can join us. Just the thought of that has me worked up.”
I was grinning at Steve when Chuck came and sat with us. Chuck said, “I don’t know what’s going on, but your women are broadcasting to the world, and my women have picked up on it. I think your bed is overloaded and will probably have to be aired out for a week.”
Gin was the first female to escape the fun of the back room. She hugged me and gave me a kiss flavored with a variety of pussies she had sampled. Gin said, “I’ve had them all, and now I need you. We need to find somewhere for you to help me out now.”
I was blushing really bad, and Steve said, “Use the bedroom next to yours. I think you’ll soon be getting some more activity.”
Gin and I made love until she was sprawled out with a lot of me running from her and down between her legs. Janet found me, and demanded everything I could give her. She didn’t last long and was splayed out, totally satisfied. Sheena was ready to be next, and became the Amazonian tigress that she had always promised to be. Someone I didn’t expect pounced on me as she wilted, and was soon groaning louder than the others. Fran was in a total orgasmic frenzy.
It soon was Mercy beneath me, followed by Kathy, and then Juanita. I knew Steve was enjoying each of mine who were ready for him, and then Tiani was beneath me. She was followed by Nancy, then Brandy, and then I was smiling at Lisa who was sitting on me as she mentally fucked me. That was an experience.
Frieda came to me and told me that I had to feel Gina’s softness. It was somewhere in there that I passed out from coming so much and having loved so many women.
I came out of my fog with another beauty sitting on my hips. Tina was smiling down on me, and said, “You’re not going to forget about the Doc, are you? I think you’ve awakened all the women’s libidos. Give me some of your juice so that I can let that greedy Tiani have what you give me. You have to make even more of us happy now.”
Missy came and gave me a very serious kiss with tongue, but smiled at me as she pulled back. “Get up, Love. I think you’ve pleasured every woman in the families who was available. Steve and Chuck wore out a long time ago. This was better than a hot tub party. Come have some supper. Don’t be embarrassed because it was us women who did this to you. We definitely need a sailing trip to have a few months of some nonstop loving.”
I looked at the woman who was actually older than my mother would be, and wondered if Mom would have been a part of this wild love-in that I had just experienced. I knew Dora would have sampled all three of the males that were there if she had been with us, but I also knew that it was because our mother gave her those exaggerated desires.
My head was full of happy feelings and flooded with images of Dora in a pile of females with redheaded Beth and the soft blonde Gabby. Then there was the sweet reddish brunette Colette who would give a dead priest a woody. Dora gave me her smiling face and said, “You are a real pussy hound, Chuck. I can’t believe you did them all and some several times. I had Colette eating me nonstop for a couple of hours. I love you, Brother.”
Janet was kissing and pulling me from the bed that was thoroughly soaked. My platinum-haired beauty had me shower and dress in shorts, t-shirt, and flip flops. Chuck and Steve were acting wiped out, but holding up a fresh glass of our favorite drink to me when we went to the patio.
Chuck said, “My women don’t get that way often, and they seemed to be totally involved with everyone tonight.”
A female snuggled to me and said, “This was more than I thought it would be. You and the others made me want some of what they were enjoying, and now I’ve sampled the other two main men here. Do you know that I went back to you at least twice, and enjoyed you giving me orgasm after orgasm? Lisa told me that it’s what led to all the girls’ demise.”
I hugged Fran and kissed her forehead, hoping we hadn’t compromised her ability to protect me. She smiled at me and whispered in my ear, “That’s some good stuff, but I think I’ll play with your women for a while instead. I’ll come for you when I need you.”
I don’t even remember eating supper, but it obviously was as good as always. I finally settled down and had a drink with Janet and Brandy. I didn’t understand what Brandy’s influence on Janet was about, but it was enough that I let it go without questioning it.
All the women with me were tired tonight. Even Kissa had become involved with all the loving, but she hadn’t let a male enter her. I had eaten her into an orgasm, but someone else took over the center point that was standing.
Going to bed wasn’t difficult as we were all almost overtired. I was asleep by the time I received the last kiss.
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In six years I nanny. One day being alone put a blanket on the bed box, I stripped the pants, skirt lifted up, and gave the panties down and started to rub her vagina for my tiny penis. Meanwhile mother groaned fire ... Do not know why this thing stayed in my mind. I heard that scream over years died of cancer ...I think at 10 years began to interest me girls. I began to feel "something" when I saw a bare foot or a beautiful girl. Pictures of women think that already excites me. How could I...
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"...and you can see our year-over-year engagement on this campaign...oh...mmphh..." Nicole's eyes go wide and she freezes in the middle of her sentence. Her lips slightly parted as she stares into her camera. The Lush 3 remote vibrator had started humming in her panties. "Nicole, everything okay?" Don, Nicole's boss, asks. She breathes in and shakes off the sensation. As long as the boys kept to the rules she'd only need to deal with the distraction for a full minute. "N-No, Don, s-sorry, I...
FetishThe following evening they almost ran to her apartment, and were there earlier than the day before. They had to wait, making small talk, until her roomshare went to work. Then Jacqui started a real conversation with Donald, just for the pleasure of making herself wait for her lovely spanking and her exciting turn with Donald's arse at her disposal. "I can't believe your girlfriend won't mind you sparing the time to come here and punish me," she said coyly. Donald seemed nervous as he...
The Years After World War IVBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]: The storyline takes place somewhere around the 2050s, where Sweden is the only country left in a post-Apocalyptic Europe. As a result, Sweden had expanded to the empty vast parts of Europe, having no inhabitants. In particular, some Swedish families had moved in to Turin, in Italy. But unbeknownst to them, a massive foreign army had marched from what was once Southern Russia and had then managed...
The single most important thing to any man is to perform. Now, we all know that perform means, a raging, solid, rock hard erection. Well, what about the old man who doesn't have the luxury of that in his life these days. What happens to the dirty old man that has all the experience he needs to do the job but his tool box is empty?He improvises. Tom figured it out and I can tell you the man got the job done and then some.Thomas is a seventy something. He represents a number of his fellow seventy...
Teenage Years Are Hardby Edipus (address withheld)***A boy spies on his neighbors and gets drawn into a bisexual, foursome. (mf-teens, 1st, bi, inc, voy)***I hit puberty late, as a result I was always smaller then most boys my age. This, added to fact, I was nearly six months younger than most of the k**s in my school.I discovered masturbation at the age of 13, and wore sores on my member and hand due to the amount of time per day I played with myself. I found that although sex and girls were a...
Wifes Journey part 5 Con't. It’s been about a week since my wife had her time away with T. The week was pretty busy with work, k**s and family stuff. It was now Tuesday and I always look forward to this night because it seems to be the night my wife and I have some fun with each other. It happens other times during the week but definitely Tuesday nights.We head back to the bedroom after our daughters go to bed. My wife asked me to bring the laptop back. I love when she tells me that, because it...
Nick smiled as he replaced the phone on the hook. He was still remembering how Cindi had reacted to hearing about the afternoon he’d spent at Matt’s. He’d been later than he intended to be and he was afraid Cindi would be upset about dinner. When he explained how he had helped a guy set up his new computer she seemed to understand. All through dinner he tried to figure out how to tell her about the rest of what they had done. Although they had discussed sex with other people, it was kind of...
BisexualWhen I went to university back in 1980 it was my first time away from home, and I was just a bit over 18 years of age. Unfortunately for me when I arrived at college I was told that due to an admin error my application for accommodation in the halls of residence on the university site hadn’t been processed and so I wouldn’t be moving into the college accommodation. I was told not to worry, the college had sorted out some temporary accommodation for me in the shape of lodgings in a f****y house...
It took me less than two hours to provide Kevin with a list of the sequence of components for the prototype. The next three hours were spent trying to come up with some dimensions for items that didn't yet exist. Kevin and I would be doing something he called a "SWAG." "Scientific Wild-Assed Guess," he grinned. "Used it all the time at L-M. They have a design place called the "Skunk Works" in Burbank. Been around since the thirties. That's how the SR-71 got built. It was the...
Slut Collars by Imperator Mentus Jeremy had a problem, and that problem was himself. He really, really liked slut collars. Now on its own, this wasn't such a big deal. Most guys were fond of them, didn't even count as a fetish these days. The difference between Jeremy and those other guys is that they imagined collars clasped around some hot babe's neck. Jeremy preferred them around his own. The collars had been around for just about fifteen years, and nobody had the slightest...
Selena was happy that Joe's homecoming Friday was a forgetful day at Polytech. One class had been canceled altogether and another was cut short when a professor was called out by the birth of a grandchild. Classes had reached a review and study phase anyway so Selena went through the day on an auto-pilot of sorts, her little notes of the where and how to meet Joe at the airport etched in her mind. Joe was coming in on a government charter and not going through the public terminal. She was...
Hi, this is Sagar. This is the second part of the story of my fun time with a hot divorced hot Indian lady. If you have not read the first part, please go and read it. Coming to the story, I stayed obedient after Khusboo sucked me off. I waited as I watched the TV. But my mind was not on the TV. I was fantasizing about enjoying her hot body. My tamed cock stirred up again. If she took longer, I would have entered the kitchen again for the second round. Was it me being lucky or not? Khusboo...
Hi Im Nisha and im back with another experience.It happened when my husband was on tour as usual.It was Saturday morning and my inlaws were leaving to attend a small function.The door bell rang and i was surprised to see dhobi come so early. dhobi is 5’6″ & well built.i told him to wait till i gatherered a heap of clothes. The dhobi was pretty incosistent and would visit only once a week as a result a huge heap of clothes was created.My Father-in-law was fed up of this and told him couple of...
CHAPTER 5: DAD'S CARD PARTY - OR NOT, AND WHEN A SUBMISSIVE ISN'TThe next day was to be the night of dad’s card party. And, even though he said the food and beverage was arranged and Tim just needed to have the ‘entertainment’ available, dad wasn’t quite as good about following through as we had hoped. And Mom seemed different when I called mid-morning that Saturday. I told her I would come over to help get food prepared for the card game and talk.Tim went with me into mom and dads. We found...
We knew we were wrong but that didn’t seem to stop my sister, Belinda, and I. Belinda moaned as she held her ass cheeks apart slightly bent over in her bedroom. I was on my knees with my face buried between her firm smooth ass cheeks. I too moaned, but her deep ass crack muffled the noise. Belinda had one of her tits hanging out of her sports bra as she held up her soccer jersey with one hand. Her other hand fondled and pinched her nipple as she felt my tongue alternate between her puckered...
IncestNow in my last story i told of my only almost gay experience of jerkin beside my buddy when we were younger. Ive always thought of what i wished had happened and today i decided to write it down. Read my other story first before reading this one :)....So there we were, two drunk teenager but naked jerking off beside each other watching some porn. As we continued to jerk i couldn't help but watch him stroke his cock. All i wanted to do was touch it. Eventually he looked over and noticed i was...
Hello to all ISS readers. I have been an avid reader of the stories in this site and felt that I should also try to give my story for the benefit of the group. I am now 50+ but the very first experience(Real incident) with my classmate is still fresh in my mind. Hope it will be to the taste of the like-minded people and will be a booster for me to come up with more. The story goes like this: I was just 18 yrs old boy from a highly conservative and god fearing family, groomed by my...
Gay MaleBeth's hands shook as she moved her hands upwards. Reaching the straps of Candys bra. As she unhooked it Candy raised her head and opened her mouth to say something. She was silenced by Beth's tongue pushing in. Her heart pounded as she slid the straps off her shoulders. Her head still swimming from the alcohol Candy stopped fighting Beth, and sucked on her tongue. Dragging her nails lightly down, Beth ground her pelvis against her friend.Candys eye widened as she felt Beth's thumbs slip under...
Thank Alphqwe for this short enlightening comment. Remind you of anyone you know????? For you to consider, He was born ignorant and has been losing ground ever since. ✧ ✧ ✧ Another one similar: He was born stupid and has spent all his life perfecting it! ✧ ✧ ✧ This one is from Cbarge Cute little blonde girl, five years old goes into the pet shop. “I want a bunny wabbit,” she says in her enchanting little voice. “I have a lot,” says the shop keeper. “Do you want a little bunny...
I'm Captain Thomas bloody Beckinthwaite, from bloody Yorkshire and I don't give a bugger what you bloody think because I bloody speak as I bloody find. We had a bloody bad trip back from America on Steamship and when we got back to Liverpool I made sure me brass were safe and went to see bloody Agent first thing. I went in his office.It stunk like a Tarts boudoir with furnishings to match. Agent were a slimy bastard with slicked down hair and poncy suit. He sat behind this over polished...
I took a job with a cleaning agency in Essex a couple of months ago. One of my clients Mrs Flanders was a well-off widow who lives a couple of miles away. I've been working for her twice a week now. She picks me up and drops me off, always slips a couple of extra quid in my wages, bless her. She's a young 65 year old, tall, curvy with blonde hair, still good looking for a woman her age, she looks like she's lived a bit, not rough, but not too fluffy round the edges. When I fist saw her she...
Dog-day Afternoon Katie snapped the waist on her bikini bottoms and turned to kiss Brian as they stood in the elevator. The 40-ish aged man in front of them turned to face them, his forehead wrinkled and eyebrows raised. “Ha, sorry, my friend here gets all excited when he sees me in this bikini,” she said in mock surprise, raising her short white skirt exposing her blue and white polka dot bikini. The man smiled and looked at the both of them before returning to face the front of the elevator....
Wife LoversKim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 1 - Kim's wet dreamKim Possible was lying naked in her bed. Her face was a little red, her breath was shortened, her nipples were pointing straight up in the air and had a familiar moist between her legs. The same moist she has had five mornings in a row. Caused by the same dream, every night. In the dream, Kim was tied on the bed nude with her legs spread wide. Next to the bed was standing Drakken's sidekick, Shego. She was also nude, except her...
Introduction: This story is not mine I do not want any credit for it. It was a story from another site that i thought was worth sharing. All Credits for the story goes to Alaska Wild. I will put this up in chapters. Chapter 1 : Introduction Heads up : This chapter is sll about the build up and does not have any sex in it. I cant say I really understand why my parents wanted children, my sister, Jessica, and I spent our childhood being looked after by a continually changing line of baby...
A couple of years ago I had a girlfriend named Sara, we met at work and were starting to have a great relationship. In the bed things started to get interesting and we got more and more kinkier ever time. We would tie each other up and and play with each other. Then we started using chains and gags and having a great time. Now, she has always had bisexual tendencies but at the time I didn’t know about them. One Halloween she asked me if I would dress up as a girl for her. I asked her why but...
CrossdressingNot so long ago, I was between boyfriends and it had been a few months since I had been fucked, so off I went to the local hotspot one town over, one night alone. I was dressed for success and after a few rebuttals I finally settled on the man I wanted to go home with. He was very engaging and funny and before long we were whooping it up pretty good. His name was Dan and he was about 12 years my senior but handsome and well groomed, maybe 20 pounds overweight was all. This was a Saturday night...
“Captain Williams, are your people ready to go?” asked the Marine Lt. Colonel in his clipped British accent. “Yes Colonel, they are,” replied the extraction team commander. “Do they understand and accept what we are planning to do down there?” continued the Colonel. “Yes Colonel, they do,” confirmed the Captain. The Colonel raised an eyebrow forcing the Captain to expand his brief comment. “Colonel, the only non-British members of my team are both from down under, a Kiwi and an Aussie,...
It was no task to gain entrance into the Keele mansion for Jack Heath, once he'd shaken off the worst of his drunkenness, and not finding his young wife, Carol, at home had served to do that. Quickly, the sudden realization that she had gone on to the Spaxton meeting without him dawned in his alcohol stupored brain, and with an abrupt sinking sensation gripping at his guts, he'd half staggered from the apartment to hail another cab. No one had answered his ring, so he'd opened the door...
Being at the game the next day was a surreal experience for Bob. He'd been to hundreds of football games. He'd stared at the cheerleaders even more times than that, since he also attended basketball and volleyball games. And he'd dreamed about what Kendra Bradford might look like under that uniform at least a thousand times. Now, as he watched her prance, dance, and gyrate, calling out to the crowd, chanting cheers, flirting with everyone in the stands, his brain kept telling him that his...
After he left it got slow, so I decided to give the place another look. Sure enough, it was just like my man had said. You go to the desk and give the guy behind the counter 6 bucks & tell him it's for the theater. He hits a button that unlocks the door, which you go through and find yourself in the darkened theater. I went in. It was around 11:00 pm. There were only a couple of older guys jerking off in solitude as they watched the movie on the screen. There are about a hundred seats....
“Hi I’m Mark, I’m your neighbor next door and I was wondering if you guys have any sugar? I’m asking cause I’m too lazy to drive to the store for my wife” Mark says, Sarah seeing this as a grand opportunity smiles as she let’s the tall neighbor in “Yeah let me grab that for you, come in. You’re lucky, my parents just left me about now.” “Yeah? Good thing I knocked” as Mark watches the young teen sway her hips as she walks over to the kitchen bending over to grab the bag of sugar from the...
******* Chapter 3 ******* I found it hard to concentrate in school because I couldn't stop thinking about my mother and what she might be buying for me. I knew it would need to be enough for me to wear to the salon on Saturday. And after that, she said we were going shopping for some more clothes. I thought about the old phrase that says you have to have money to make money. It was kind of like that with women's clothes. I need to dress like a woman in order to buy women's...
Hannah wouldn't be home until after 10, so George decided to drop in on Joanna and Dave. Dave was out and wouldn't be back until late; he had an evening meeting at his school, but Joanna and the children where home and made much of George. George noted they all had moist hair. "Yes, we're only just back from swimming down at the aquatic centre with Catherine's young man," Joanna said. "Mum!" Catherine exclaimed, colouring up beet red. "What young man?" George asked sternly. "Is...
The sun streamed through the living room window and passed over her eyes. She awoke with a start and looked around. The memory of what had happened came rushing into her consciousness and a smile came to her lips. Then she heard the sound of her husband's footsteps as he walked down the stairs. She started to panic as she sat up and looked at her disheveled clothes and the stain on her skirt. Quickly she tried to straighten herself as he walked into the room. "What are you doing on the...