UncoveredChapter 2 free porn video

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After breakfast Bill quietly slipped away and into his office for a few minutes to make a phone call. He never kept secrets from his wife, Debbie, but he needed her help to exact his revenge on the two co-workers who ruthlessly conspired to drug him while tricking his wife into having sex with both of them. His efforts of persuasion fell short but he did not give up.

"Honey, with everything going on, I forgot to tell you, I invited Annie and Greg over for Sunday dinner," said Bill hesitantly. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, I forgot all about it." Bill already knew her answer to the next question or he wouldn't have asked it. "Do you want me to call and cancel?"

"No honey, of course not. We haven't had them over in months, it'll be fun. Maybe that's just what we need right now," said Debbie with that sweet smile.

When Bill answered the door Sunday evening he was a little nervous. He knew once Annie did what he asked, Debbie would see right through his little masquerade. After the trauma she had been through, even if she didn't give in, he hoped she wouldn't be upset by his underhanded attempt.

Annie and Greg really were very nice people and Debbie liked them a lot. The evening was filled with fun, laughter, and good food thanks to Debbie's great cooking.

After dinner they all retired to the living room with a glass of after dinner wine and enjoyed each other's company even more. "Hey Greg, before it gets too late, how about a couple games of eight-ball?" asked Bill.

"Yeah," answered Greg, "that's sounds great, I haven't shot a game of pool since I was here the last time."

"Excuse us ladies," said Bill, "but I must continue with Greg's pool lessons." Everyone chuckled as the two men disappeared down the stairs to the basement.

"Would you like another glass of wine, Annie?" asked Debbie, always the gracious hostess.

"Yes, please," replied Annie. Well it was now or never she thought. She knew Bill took Greg downstairs to give the girls a chance to talk. As Debbie returned with her refill the smile left Annie's lips.

"I imagine Bill told you about the plot I overheard the other day?" she quietly asked Debbie.

Debbie lowered her glass then her eyes. "Yes he did," she answered.

"Debbie I never liked Dave Wilson but I had no idea he was capable of the horrific things they talked about. Did Bill tell you about Barbara Cunningham?"

"Barbara? No, what about Barbara?" asked Debbie. She had met Barbara on many occasions and considered her a friend. Barbara was the salt of the earth as far as Debbie was concerned.

"Well Dave drugged her a while ago using the same drug he intends to use on Bill. He got her to do all kinds of nasty, perverted sexual things with him and video taped them. He made DVD's of it and is keeping them to blackmail George if he ever needs something."

Debbie thought she heard it all this week-end but this was too much. How could anyone do something to hurt that woman, she thought. "Annie are you sure about all this? I mean, I know Dave is a womanizer and a jackass in general, but it's hard to believe he's capable of something so vile. What you're talking about is criminal."

"Yeah I know," she said, "the problem is, like Bill said, there's no real proof. According to Dave it looks like Barbara is a willing participant. Even if they could prove she was drugged, having that DVD come out in public would absolutely destroy that poor woman. Thank God she has no recollection of what happened."

Debbie knew she was right. If that video was discovered Barbara wouldn't be able to live with herself. George would also be shattered. It could easily cause the end for one of the nicest couples she knew. Debbie just sat there dumbfounded and shaking her head. She couldn't ever remember having the hate for any person that was building in her for Dave. "Hell," Annie continued, "you should have heard what he said about you."

"Yeah, Bill said he made it sound like I was in on his little scheme. What did he say?"

"Well, for one thing he kept telling Frank and Terry what a little slut you were in college and that he had intercourse with you several times."

Debbie could literally feel her skin crawl. "That son of a bitch, I wouldn't let him touch me in college or anywhere else," she said vehemently.

"Well according to Dave, you're just looking for an excuse to cheat on Bill and jump in the sack with him, actually him and Frank. He said they would double team you and make you cry for mercy."

Debbie had heard enough. "Can we talk about something else?" she asked.

"Oh sure, Debbie," said Annie. "I'm sorry, I know it's been a distressing week for both you and Bill. Let's change the subject."

The girls talked and laughed some more about a host of different subjects. Annie never brought up Dave and Frank again. Finally Bill and Greg came up from the basement. It was getting late and everyone had work the next morning.

Bill caught Annie's eye during the good-byes and raised an eyebrow. Annie knew exactly what her boss was asking. Was she able to convince Debbie to go along with his plot for revenge. She subtly shrugged her shoulders. She honestly had no idea.

Bill helped Debbie clean up a little before bed. "There's just about enough wine left for two glasses," she said, "we might as well finish it off." They emptied the bottle and sat on the couch in the living room to relax.

"You set me up tonight you bastard," said Debbie looking at her wine glass.

Bill couldn't tell if she was angry or not, so he just asked, "Did it work?"

"I sure hope your plan is a good one, because I want that cocksucker's head on a stick," she said without batting an eye.

Bill smiled. He had only heard her use that term two or three times during the whole time they had been married.

"Just one thing," she said looking over at Bill.

"What's that honey?"

"If you come moaning to me in a couple weeks saying we shouldn't have done that, I'll kick you right in the balls," she said seriously.

"Don't worry about that honey," he said confidently, "both Dave and Frank deserve everything that's coming to them."

Bill sat together with his lovely wife as he laid out his blueprint for revenge.

"So tomorrow," he said, "you make the call. Also see if your brother will let us borrow his pick up. If you could also check the Salvation Army stores that would give me more time for bar hopping. I don't know how long it's going to take me to find what I'm looking for.

"You know," Debbie said looking into his eyes, "you're kind of sexy when you're being merciless."

Bill smiled. "Do you like it?"

"Well, just in this one case, then I want my kind, generous husband back, okay?" Her hand brushed against Bill's stiffening love tool.

"You got it, honey," said Bill softy stroking her face. "When this story gets out, I doubt very much anyone will want to screw around with you or me ever again." Bill took her chin in his fingers and held it while gently pressing his lips to hers.

They had one another already half undressed before Debbie suggested they continue upstairs.

Debbie's entire body tingled under her husband's erotic touch. Slowly, meticulously he paid homage to the only woman he ever loved, or ever would.

Their bodies dripping with the sweat of their passion, they both laid cuddled together. "Who says revenge isn't sweet?" Bill said softly. Debbie just smiled and pushed herself a little tighter into his warm body. Tomorrow they would launch Operation Uncovered, but for tonight they would simply rejoice in the rekindling of their souls and have a peaceful and restful sleep.

Bright and early Monday morning, soon after Bill left for work, the kitchen door opened and shut followed by the warm and familiar voice of Stella. "Howdy neighbor," she said cautiously. She looked at Debbie who was sitting with her coffee cup and who now had a smile on her face. "Well," Stella said, "that's a much better expression than I saw the last time I was here. I'm guessing you worked things out with Bill?" she asked while pouring herself a cup of black java brew.

"Stella, sit down. I'm going to tell you a story you're never going to believe. I'm still finding it hard to believe myself." Stella just sat and listened in shock, never had she heard of anything so bizarre.

Debbie looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. "You want to stay for my performance?" she asked Stella.

"Are you kidding," she said with excitement in her voice, "I wouldn't miss it."

Dave sat in his office still going over his sales figures. If he couldn't increase sales in the next month, he thought, he might be using that video of his boss' wife sooner than he thought. "Mr. Wilson," he heard through his intercom.


"There is a woman on the phone asking to speak to you but she won't say who she is," his secretary told him.

Probably one of his many married conquests, he thought. "Okay, just put her through," he impatiently replied.

"Hello," was the greeting from the seductive voice on the other end. "This is Debbie Conway."

Once again his declining sales figures were the last thing on his mind as a broad smile stretched across his face. "Hi Debbie," he said trying to contain his voice, "what's up?"

"Well," she said coyly, "I've been thinking about what you were talking about the other day. Are you sure Bill wants to watch me have sex with somebody else. He's never said that to me."

"Debbie I swear, when we go out to lunch together it's all he talks about. Hell, Debbie, you saw the websites on his computer, that should convince you I'm telling the truth."

"Okay, okay, you're right. I believe you, but I don't know who I'd have sex with, Dave. I don't know anyone who would do something like that," she said baiting the hook.

"Debbie I'll tell you what," he said still trying not to sound too anxious, "you remember Bill wants you to have two guys at once. I have a good friend. He's clean and trustworthy. He'd never say anything to anyone. I figure I'll come over with him on Bill's birthday with a bottle of champagne. We can all have a glass or two to mellow out, then when I give you the word, you tell Bill you have a special gift for him on his birthday. We'll all go upstairs where Bill can sit in a chair and watch. What do you say?" said Dave holding his breath.

"Boy, you sure have it all worked out," she said.

"Well like I said, Debbie, he's been talking about this for a long time."

"Well, okay. That's sounds good. Am I going to enjoy this Dave? How big are you and your friend?" she asked winking at Stella who was trying her best not to laugh out loud.

"Oh yeah, We're both plenty big enough, don't worry about that. You'll enjoy yourself, I promise. Since the conversation was going so well he decided to ask about the video. If she said no now, he could always try again Thursday night. "Hey Debbie."


"I just got a brilliant idea. How about we video tape the whole thing so Bill can watch again and again whenever he wants to?"

"Ah," she paused for effect, "yeah, I guess that would be okay."

Bingo! Damn, Dave couldn't believe how well this was going. He felt like jumping up and down like a little kid.

They finished their phone call and Dave couldn't wait to tell Frank how well his plan worked. They took an early lunch across the street. Frank was so excited with the news he almost came in his pants just thinking about fucking the beautiful Debbie Conway.

"Hey," said Dave, "since you're going to screw her too, how about coming up with half for the drugs."

"Sure, how much?"

"Two hundred bucks for three grams," he said, "which is what you need to put one person under."

Frank was shocked. He had no idea the stuff cost that much. He was actually entertaining the idea of buying some for himself so he could get laid without Dave's help but that was out of the question at those prices. "Ah, yeah, I guess. Wow, that stuff is expensive."

"That's only because the only guy around with the stuff is Terry. I checked, the shit sells for next to nothing in Hong Kong but they won't ship it. The only way you can get it is like Terry did, go over there and ship it back yourself. So, two hundred a pop is a lot cheaper than going over to Hong Kong."

Frank certainly couldn't argue with the logic. He dug down deep in his mad money and handed Dave his share for the drugs.

After her phone call to Dave, Debbie sat and talked some more with her friend. She still had more calls to make but she had time.

Bill, on the other hand, had no idea just how long he would have to scour the local neighborhood dives before finding exactly what he was looking for. Before that though, he had one other important stop to make.

Thursday morning Bill woke up with Debbie's warm, moist mouth working very diligently on his morning hard-on. He had yet to open his eyes. His head still rested comfortably on his pillow; he smiled and enjoyed the beginning moments of his thirty-first birthday.

Debbie sensed her man was awake and took his stiff cock in her hand as she scooted up and kissed him tenderly. "Good morning birthday boy," she said in her most seductive voice. Bill finally opened his eyes. Once again, just briefly, he wondered how he could have suspected this vision of loveliness of doing anything to hurt him. Still holding his steel like penis in her hand she leaned in close to Bill's ear. "Since it's you birthday," she whispered, "I'll give you a choice, you want top or bottom?"

He smile as he raised up to kiss his wife. Without saying a word he rolled over on top, their lips still locked passionately. Bill finally broke the kiss only to start the process over. Not one erogenous zone was missed as he slowly worked his way down her soft, smooth skin. Debbie arched her back and sighed with euphoric delight as he stopped to suckle her nipples.

Her body gave off little electric shocks of pleasure as he maneuvered his talented tongue to the center of his universe. As he orally orchestrated her building climax he suddenly thought of Dave's words. 'The best birthday present he could have, would be to see her have the time of her life.'

Those words spurred Bill to new heights for sexually gratifying the woman who's body writhed under his erotic accomplishments.

"Oh God," she moaned as Bill slipped his manhood into her wanton pussy stimulating ever fiber of lust between the two of them.

Together, as their bodies stiffened, they came in a chorus of intelligible screams and moans each proclaiming their undying love for their spouse.

Debbie was the first able to speak. "So my diabolical plot master of retribution and vengeance, you really think your plan will work tonight?"

Bill smiled. "I'd say there's a good chance of it. Dave's enormous ego plays in our favor. If something does happen and it falls through no big deal, we'll just throw him and boy wonder out the two story window," he said with a chuckle.

By seven o'clock everything was in place. Bill and Debbie looked at each other as the doorbell rang. "Show time," said Bill with a grin.

Bill went to the door with Debbie close behind. "Dave! Frank!" Bill said faking his shock. "What are you two doing here?"

"Hey Bill," said Dave salivating over tonight's expectations, "we just found out it was your birthday today so we thought we'd stop by with a bottle of bubbly to celebrate."

"Well come on in, damn that's awfully nice of you guys." The three shook hands. Dave pressed his luck by hugging Debbie and kissing her on the cheek. She wanted to punch him but she managed to keep her cool.

"So," Dave blustered, "I brought a cork screw with me, just show me where the glasses are. I'll pour us each a glass and we can toast to our colleague."

Before Dave realized it, Bill took the bottle from his hand and gave it to Debbie. "Here you go, honey, I'll get these guys relaxed in here if you'll pour us four glasses for a toast."

"I'd love to," said Debbie heading for the kitchen.

Frank gave Dave a worried look. "Oh, ah, Debbie," Dave said, "that's alright, why don't you and Bill stay out here and I'll pour the champagne."

"Nonsense, we don't give our friends kitchen duty," said Bill, "come and have a seat, Debbie will bring it out to us." Dave and Frank looked at each other. This wasn't going quite how they had it planned. Dave just figured he'd have to find some other way to slip Bill the drugs.

A minute later Debbie came out with two filled glasses for their guests and handed one to each of them. "Here you go gentlemen," she said with a bright smile. She disappeared into the kitchen and in a second reemerged with two more glasses for Bill and herself.

"Where's that toast you guys said you were going to make?" Bill asked. Everyone raised their glasses in a toast to Bill's birthday. Dave was thinking hard. He would simply slip into the kitchen in a few minutes and give Bill another glass.

Debbie sat sidesaddle on the arm of their couch with her arm around Bill. They both smiled like Cheshire cats while keeping their two, unsuspecting victims busy with small talk. After a short time Bill noticed a change in Dave's demeanor. He wasn't talking as much and when he did talk there wasn't as much inflection in his voice. It appeared Frank was experiencing the same effects.

Bill and Debbie looked at one another. Bill decided to test the influence of the drug. "Dave," started Bill, "I know you came here hoping to screw my wife tonight, is that true?"

Dave seemed as though he was between a trance like state and being normal. There was nothing normal about his answer however.

"Yes Bill, that's true. Both Frank and I want to fuck her."

Bill reached in his pocket and turned on a small digital voice recorder. "Dave," he continued to question, "I also heard you drugged then raped Mrs. Cunningham, is that true?"

"Yes," admitted Dave, "I have a video of it." This was an unexpected side effect of the drug. Bill guessed, since a person's inhibitions were lowered, thereby removing fear of reprisal, and it made its victim susceptible to suggestion, just the nature of a question solicited the truth.

"What do you intend to do with the video?"

"Blackmail Mr. Cunningham," he retorted.

"Dave, how many copies of the video do you have and where are they?"

"I just have two, Bill," said Dave politely, "One is in my briefcase in the car and the other is in my bookcase at home, third row up and the fourth book from the left."

"Okay Dave, that's good. You've been a good boy so I have a treat for you tonight. Having sex with my wife is not going to happen, but I have two beautiful women waiting downstairs for you. They have volunteered to have sex with both you guys all night, isn't that nice of them?" Bill asked sarcastically.

Both Dave and Frank sat smiling as if they were in their own little world. "Thank you, Bill," Frank said. Frank really never cared who he was going to have sex with as long as he had sex.

Bill had the basement rigged with several video cameras to catch the action from every angle. He also had a hand held camera that he took out of his pocket. "Alright guys, before I take you down stairs to meet your dates for the night, I want you guys to undress each other up here first. I want you to take your shoes and socks off first, then stand facing one another in the middle of the living room."

Both Dave and Frank immediately followed Bill's instruction. It was clear to Bill they were fully under the influence of the drugs now. Bill pointed his camera at them standing in the living room. "Now, Dave I want you to completely undress Frank. When he's done, Frank, I want you to do the same for Dave."

As it turned out, Dave didn't lie. Debbie truly was having the time of her life watching each man expose the other while her conniving husband got it all down in living color.

"Very good," said Bill as the two men stood naked in front of him and Debbie. "Now it's time for you to meet your dates for the night. Oh," Bill added, "and just in case you guys get tired, I have some Viagra for you."

After taking their Viagra like good little boys, Bill lead the two men down the basement stairs to the two women waiting. Bill was proud of who he found. He had searched every raunchy, back alley bar in the area for three nights before finding two of the filthiest, ugliest women he had ever seen. The first woman, Blanch, was in her late fifties. Bill guessed she was about five foot, four inches tall and weighted about a hundred and ninety pounds. Her black kinky hair was so thin you could see her scalp but her eyebrows were thick and bushy. She was sporting a pretty good mustache under her nose, and as far as Bill could tell, had only three of four teeth left in her head. He could smell her breath from ten feet away and could only imagine how her pussy must smell.

The other woman was Bertha. It was a fitting name. She was two hundred and fifty pounds if she was an ounce. Her ass must have been three feet across and her boobs hung down to her bellybutton. Her breath smelled like stale cigarettes but the rest of her smelled like pee. Her hair was so dirty it was matted to her head, and the few teeth she had left were stained a disgusting yellow.

Bill made the introductions and could see the girls were anxious to get started. He figured neither of them had sex in a very long time. "Okay guys, here is your passion pit. I know it doesn't look like much, just a couple of old Salvation Army mattresses. I apologize for all the stains but it was the best they had. Okay ladies, they're all yours for the entire night. Just remember, if they seem reluctant to do some of the things you want, just give them instructions and I'm pretty sure they'll do as you ask. Debbie and I will be checking in from time to time but don't let us bother you."

Dave and Frank stood there in all their glory looking at the girls like two scared rabbits. They both looked like they wanted to run as fast as they could, but were unable to move. "This one's really cute," said Blanch as she approached Dave. She put her hand around the back of his head. "Open up honey, momma wants some tongue." Bill wondered if her mustache tickled or hurt as she smeared her face against Dave's.

Bertha was wasting no time. She was already undressed and telling Frank to lie on his back. Frank was hesitant, but obliged anyway. "Honey, I have not been eaten in years so guess what you're going to be doing most of the night," she said. Every time she moved layer on top of layer of loose, overhanging flab collided into itself. The bottom rolls of fat hung so low, her pussy was completely hidden. Bill had no doubt though, that she would help Frank find it.

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Part 1  PART 1 I race to a halt and stand panting outside the office.? My feet are killing me.? These new high heels are not made for sprinting.? Gulping a few nervous breaths, I smooth down my pink top and white mini.? The door is ajar but I knock anyway then take a few steps back.? I look down at my fluffy pink purse swinging back and forth across my thighs as if it?s as anxious as I am to get this thing over with.? The door jerks open and I watch two slightly scuffed, black shoes step...

2 years ago
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My First4

When I was around the age of 13 I began watching porno’s, I couldn’t get enough of them, id wake up watch a porno and wank, id wank at a porno hours later, and again and again and once more before I went to sleep, I absolutely loved porn. But as time progressed it became harder and harder to for me to ejaculate quickly at normal porn, and I would end up racking off for almost an hour and only a drop of semen would exit my penis, I didn’t know what to do until a friend of mine sent me a link...

3 years ago
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Four Days in October

INTRODUCTION My wife said to thank all of you who commented on my first story. I wasn't permitted to read the remarks, but she did say they were mostly positive. She said as well as the thoughts about the story, there were also suggestions, and she appreciated them all. However, she wanted me to particularly mention the thoughtful advice from 'Rowena'; and I've been instructed to thank you, too. As I understand it, my trip to the salon would have been vastly different without your...

3 years ago
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My First Landlady Part 2

I sipped the tea she handed me and wondered what to say to her, what do you say to a woman who 10 minutes ago sucked your cock, swallowed your sperm and who just handed you a cup of tea? So we sat in silence, I didn’t know what the next few hours would bring but I guessed she had something in mind. When she finished her tea she took my cup and put them both on the tray. As she turned around, she pushed her panties down her legs and stepped out of them. “I don’t think I’ll be needing these...

4 years ago
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Feelings with Lust for my hot Mami aunty

Hi to all Iss readers this is “Kolkata Ice” again () from Kolkata. Pls write your feed backs & interests to my mail. My favorite time pass is still surfing net only with my choice & good music. Hitting road with out any plan is cool & end up with a cooler time as expected. This story is about me & my aunt / mami (Piu).I was in Delhi for an academic course when my mama got married to Piu (a gorgeous & beautiful lady). I got transferred after 7 months of their marriage. One Sunday when I was at...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anie Darling How Sweet It Is

Ricky Rascal is working from home when his girlfriend, Anie Darling, emerges from the bedroom wearing nothing but one of Ricky’s shirts. Grabbing a lollipop, Annie observes the situation and tries to determine the best course of action to get her needs met. She decides to tackle Ricky’s inattention head on with an approach that may not be subtle, but which is effective. Strutting to the mirror that Ricky can see just out of the corner of his eye, Anie peels off her shirt and slips...

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Silkie spins a tale for her lover from Silk

"Well, your lab partner Sylvia Greenburg is that kind of girl, okay? Lets's say you have a little movie projector in your brain, Bruce, and when you are alone in your bed at night, you run this movie you like on it, and it's your movie, it's about a girl you like or want...............I hope it's me...........and in the movie she is blowing you and all the other stuff in these pictures...........and you are a boy, so, of course, you are jacking off to that...................Bruce.............I...

4 years ago
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Breakfast with Mom

Breakfast with Mom I woke up. The sun was shining in my window and I was hungry, but it was comfortable under my covers and it was vacation time, no school, so it felt good just to stay in bed for awhile. Dad came in my room and picked me up, ruffled my hair like he always does. It was time for him to go to work. "Good morning, tiger!" he said. "There's a pop tart and juice waiting for you on the kitchen table. I gotta go now, but I'll pick up some chicken and we can eat together...

3 years ago
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The Price For Being A Bitch Chapter 5

‘I have to tell you that this violence worries me. Men are stronger and shouldn’t take advantage of that by being brutal to women, especially not their lovers.’ Hearing him refer to me as his lover warmed me, but I really wanted to add spanking to our sex life for two reasons. I felt that if Charles could take out some of his pent-up frustration, anger and distrust on me, a little bit at a time, it would speed the healing. There’s that expression ‘take (what is owed) out of his/her hide. The...

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Light of Hellfire Chapter 71

Chapter 7 Upon sensing Abaddon’s raised energy levels, the four stationed-Archangels took flight, rushing to the scene. Flying in formation, they zoomed towards the site but were suddenly stopped as Baltoh appeared before them with a stony expression on his face and sword in hand. Raphael drew his claymore and pointed it at him. “What the Hell are you doing Baltoh?” “I’m sorry, but I cannot let you pass,” he said softly, raising his arm and holding his sword to his side....

1 year ago
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My Chachi 8211 The Punjabi Whore

By : Jaansingh Hi everyone, my name is Sanjay but all my family and friends call me jaan. It’s a nickname my parents used to call me and it just got stuck. I am 25 years old and studing at Mumbai Medical College to become a doctor it’s my parent’s dream which I share as well. I’m 6 feet tall built Punjabi guy with average or above average size lunn its 7 inches enough talking about my lunn haha. This story is about my mean and always angry chachi how I accompanied her to a wedding of her...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 22 San Francisco

-- SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2008 -- The sky outside was dark and gray, not only because “foggy” is the standard daily weather forecast for San Francisco, but it was still quite early, way too early for any reasonable 23-year-old to be awake on a weekend morning. At this hour, the sun had not yet cleared the horizon, its rays not yet angled properly in accordance with simple geometry to shed any light on the floor-to-ceiling windows of our apartment’s great room, and even then they would need to...

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After the FallChapter 4

We got through the winter with considerable ease, everything considered. There never was any snow, and the temperature dropped to freezing only on one night. Other than spending more time in the cave, our winter was very little different from our summer. We did spend a lot of time getting to know our home cave. We followed every one of the branching tunnels to the end, and those ends were often holes that were simply too small for us to get through. We even explored the "cellar," which was...

1 year ago
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The Story Of Dylan And Kelly

I was laughing on my way out of Psychology and suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist. I heard Dylan’s voice in my ear asking me if I was ready for this weekend. I turned around and we locked lips. It was our six-month anniversary and Dylan had planned a romantic getaway for us. “Of course babe. I’m ready for anything that you’ve got for me.” “Oh, is that so? Can you handle what I’ve got?” “I guess we’ll see this weekend.” We arrived at a beautiful log cabin amidst snowy mountain peaks. I...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 348 So Long Until Next Time

Oh? Is that you losing control of your bowels? The other parents in the park enjoyed giving the guy threatening to sue me a lot of shit for it. “Well, that is not the fun-filled day with my cousins that I wanted to have with you,” I told them as we headed home. As I drove home, I called my dad and had him put me on speakerphone. I explained the gist of what happened, and then the girls gave the blow-by-blow details. Terry’s ability to knock a guy out with a football to the chest wasn’t a...

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Hiding Leah

Nazi Germany invaded Denmark on April 9, 1940. For a few years, Danish Jews dealt with discriminatory laws but were essentially safe and allowed to continue living their lives and operating their businesses.By mid-1943, however, the Danish government resigned, and Jews were no longer protected. On September 28, 1943, a German diplomat, Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, leaked the Nazis’ plans to round up all the Jews and send them to concentration camps.On September 29, the day before Rosh Hashanah...

4 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 9 The First Night

I brought the 15 ladies to my quarters. On the way, the birthday spankings were being discussed, especially with Julie who still had that deer caught in the headlights look. Jackie asked her what she was so worried about, and she said, "I have never climaxed like that before and I am not sure where the next step is going to take me". The ladies just encouraged her. Amanda, Lori and Victoria were looking out for her. I said, "Ladies, this birthday girl stuff leaves me with a problem or...

1 year ago
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Moni on loan

Moni on loan Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to...

2 years ago
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I have a high sex drive and thrive on sexual excitement, be it dressing and undressing to please my man and our guests, flaunting my naked body to turn on people I have just met, the visual turn on of other naked bodies, the foreplay (or lack of it), to receiving and giving sexual pleasure, not to mention verbal interaction. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t...

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Double Delight Part 1

Double DelightPart 1I’d never been obsessed with big boobs: a B or C cup was ample I’d always thought. “More than a handful’s a waste” one particular ex-girlfriend had said. But that was before I met Sarah ...................or more to the point, her twin daughters!Sarah and I had been at school together but in that five year period I don’t believe we had ever spoken a word to each other. When we met through a Social Networking site 25 years later she didn’t even remember me, but I remembered...

1 year ago
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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 4 Deep in the state

Like I said at the end of my last story I was about to do something real stupid!! After having my vasectomy I didn’t have any worry about pregnant lady friends and the word got around about me shooting blanks.. so what did I do..propose marriage to my “girl friend” of a couple years.. Cheryl and Carmen were pissed and two that I worked with but hadn’t bedded yet weren’t real happy.. I had lost track of Michell and Linda..the ladies that worked the houses were very mobile and Cheryl was making...

2 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 39

"Is he alright?" Hope asked, as Shawna emerged quietly closing the door behind her. "I think so. He's calmed down a bit — that many unfamiliar people threw him a bit." "That's what I figured." She slumped down into her chair. "Bang goes band practice tonight." She frowned. "We'll get there." Shawna smiled, pointing to the kitchen and getting a nod for the implied offer of a drink. "The music'll probably help him get out of it." "That's true." Hope admitted, with a...

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Starwars the complete erotic saga

Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you.... (No score in game mode it just prevents weird stuff from happening in some of the chapters) Please Add to the story. Anything goes

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Samantha Hayes Sophia Grace Worlds Dirtiest Dads Pt1

Dirty Dick and Filthy Rich were some pretty scummy dudes, but you would think their grimey nature would not trickle down to their families. It turns out it did. Their daughters Samantha Hayes and Sophia Grace were getting pimped out by them! Talk about an all time low. They ran into each other working the same corner one day and could not have been happier. Since they were now both in the same business, maybe they could team up. This could mean big money, but of course they would have to test...

2 years ago
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The CandidateChapter 3

Rupert Falls On our hour-long trip up the somewhat shoddy track, at a maximum of 30mph, Frank started in on his briefing of Ms. Roberts. 'Barbara, may I call you Barbara?' 'Of course, Mr. Frank. Lead on.' 'My railroad has taken over many of the tracks in this state, either by directed service or because the state had bought up many abandoned lines and was looking for someone to take them over and make them operative again. 'Directed service' is where the state or the Feds decide a...

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the mailman and Friends

Introduction: part 3 The next morning, I couldnt hardly wait for the mail to run. My pussy was wet all morning, just thinking about several guys watching me fuck a dog, then gang bang my hot sweet cunt. I had a nice big walker hound already picked out. My cunt was ready right now. At 2 pm the mailman pulled into the driveway. I jumped up, and ran to the door. My mailman was standing in the door, just grinning. Hi!!, I said excited. Well tell me, how many guys have you got lined up? I asked. ...

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Group Fucking Session At Rajeshwari Theater 8211 Part 1

This is a story about how I got my match from a B-Grade theater. This happened when I wanted to visit the famous Rajeshwari theater. About me, I am a slim guy, 5’6″, flat belly, small man boobs but a big ass. My cock is 6″ long. This story happened long back. I always wanted to visit Rajeshwari theater and finally, I got the chance. I went there for the morning show. I got the ticket and moved to the entrance. There were so many people blocking the way. Anyways, I tried to go in through them....

Gay Male
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Two Raped WivesChapter 4

Rena felt frightened and confused as she followed Dave into the other room. She didn't like the way things were going. She didn't like the way Jennifer had acted. She had never seen her friend like that before. It was as if Jennifer had turned suddenly into another person. "Very nice," Dave Madden said, "isn't it kind of nice being alone?" "No," she said. She didn't like being anywhere alone with Dave. She knew he had ideas that she was afraid of, and she wouldn't have agreed...

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The Find Book 3Chapter 16

Aaron called Meg and said, “Tell me he didn’t try to blow up our plane?” Meg said, “I can’t! I want him to go like he took out the others.” “What did the others say,” Aaron asked? Meg said, “Only Sally knows and won’t say anything.” Aaron asked, “How is Cindy doing?” Meg said, “A call came in from the General for a pickup! She called to verify and went and got him!” Aaron said, “Yeah I know, he is sending you your road stuff and is allowing us to land the fencing there. So....

2 years ago
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A Little Girls Christmas Wish

This is a tale of how a middle aged man down on his luck, becomes Santa. It I hope will entertain you. I'm writing it for my friends, who tell me that it is a true story, and as wild as it is, Who know's for sure. Now on to the story! There was a man named Jonathon Klasley, he was a fifty two years old, fat, balding man. The only child of Meryta and Sam Klasley. He started working at the early age of ten, cutting lawn's for neighbors. He bought his first computer at twelve, and worked hard...

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Getting caught Twice Chapter 2

Mrs. O' Connor was a beautiful woman. Standing 5'6, with a slim figure, what looked like 34C tits, amazing golden hair and an ass to die for. She had been a friend of my mother's since their childhood, seeing as the town was very small and both families had lived there since the town was established over one hundred and fifty years ago."Mrs. O' Connor I... I'm so sorry! I didn't think anyone would come around the house today so I thought it would be OK!" I said, in a very upset tone."Shunika...

3 years ago
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Old friend calls

Sandra was a mature 51 year old who you would definitely class as a BBW. She knocked on John‘s door, when he answered it, he was so surprised to see her (John was 30 years old and very athletic). He gave her a huge hug and kiss. He invited her in for a brew, she removed her long trench coat to reveal a nice pair of knee length leather boots, nylons, a black skirt that sat just above her knees and a black blouse. He commented on how nice she looked. She gave him a sexy shy smile as she sat down....

4 years ago
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Seducing Stephen Chapter 1 Morning Wood And First Contact

Introduction: I love young men. I love their innocence, their energy, their lust for life. I love how excited they get, and how hard they stay. I love the embarrassment they experience if, and when they cum too quickly and how with the slightest encouragement, they are hard and ready to go again after they cum. But most of all, I love knowing that they will never forget the intimacy of their encounters with me and that they will be better, more considerate lovers after spending some time with...

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Kamiyah Diamond 03182021

Kamiyah has been itching to head back to the club since last week. Just as she was leaving last week her friends told her there was a Glory Hole in the back. Now she knew she could not try that with her BF with her so she waited. The following week she got all dressed up in her naughty wear and headed back down there solo. There it was in the back like her friends told her and she got right down to it. She was ready to take all the cock in every hole she had to offer. Not long and she was...

4 years ago
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Our Long Journey Into The Lifestyle Part One

The only way to really start this is at the beginning, though it takes us back a good 20 years. Right now, my wife Samantha and I are in our late 30s, but when we first met, we were teenagers in high school. I'm a year older, and had dated around a bit before we got together, had a few serious girlfriends I'd slept with, but she'd only had a couple of boyfriends, none of whom had gotten past "second base" (hey, we were k**s, that's what we called it back then). We hooked up when she was 16 and...

1 year ago
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The Whore and The Gentleman

Saturday, 7:45 pm, At The BarThe Joe Walsh song “All Night Long” came over the loudspeaker. That is a different song than the Lionel Richie one of the same title. I smiled, knowing most everyone in here didn’t even know who Joe Walsh was, or that he joined the Eagles for the Hotel California album.“How’s that Gimlet, Mr. Dawson?” My bartender, Ted, was taking very good care of me. I nodded at him and held it up in a small toast.“Best I’ve ever had!”He laughed. The arrangements Rico made...

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Young Guy Fucking An Indian Wife In Toronto

The story I am narrating is completely true except for the names and is being written as soon as it is experienced ;) to give the viewers timely updates, this story has been written with the consent of the female half as well. I’m 6’2, a 20-year-old male, broad shoulders with wheatish skin, an average size cock of 7 inches. It has been 2 years since my first story of how I lost my virginity in a threesome (MFM) in a Sex club Like every other young guy, I’ve always had the fantasy of . It has...

2 years ago
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Horny for my new Black Boss

On those days I was a bit aggressive in bed with my loving hubby. Several times I woke Victor in the early hours by my soft insistent wet mouth working his cock to full erection and then climbing on top of him as I rode myself to orgasm, almost disregarding his desire... But I was still horny after a good morning fuck. I needed more…I told Victor that a new manager had taken his new position at my office; but I never told him that this man was a middle aged black man; self-confident, smart and...

4 years ago
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Love Making Between Two Virgins

Hi guys. I’m new author to this site but regular reader of Indian sex stories ..If there is any mistakes adjust that..This is my real story no imaginations were included… I’m Beasty from south Tamil Nadu (Covai) athletic body with dick size 7 inch length and 3 inch diameter..Finished my college at 2016..Now looking for a job…The heroine of this story is Ammu (name changed for privacy issues) with stats 38-30-36… We both were studied in the same college and in same department…We were good...

1 year ago
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Middle East perversion

A deviant and perverted whore The following story is pure fiction, has been written for your entertainment and doesn't have a happy ever after ending. Not for the squeamish! I was in my early forties, English and worked as a financial adviser mainly in the Middle East. I am divorced and in the U.K. I was a closet crossdresser. However, on my travels and staying in five star hotels I became Sarah who dressed in clothes and underwear appropriate to my age. No one ever saw me as...

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