- 2 years ago
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During our leisurely breakfast, John inquired as to the availability of bathing facilities.
“Does your village have a bathing facility that we might use?” he asked.
“Yes, certainly, Master Bard! The village has a fine community bathing facility, and I will have it ready for your use after breakfast: hot water, attendants, and everything,” the chief assured him before sending one of the men off to arrange it.
The bath building was at the end of the village’s main street, and was built of stone like most of the village. It had two sides, one for men, and one for women, each with its own dressing room. There was one common entrance. All was ready when we arrived some time later. John’s saddle pack had been moved into the front of the building, so we could change clothes and pack the ones we were wearing.
We went in and John went to the left (men’s) side with two slave girls to assist him. I was not happy about that, as I was worried they would try to steal him. Ever since I had seen the gold from the purse that he had paid for me, I had been more confused than ever. Obviously, he intended to take me with him, but he could have purchased me from the village for less than half of one of those gold pieces. Why had he paid so much? I didn’t know, but I turned right after I entered to go to the woman’s side of the bath. There were two slave girls there also, girls that I knew.
“Myrna, we heard a rumor that it was you, but no one believed it. How can this be? Did he really pay twenty pieces of gold? Where are you going?” asked the girls, Zena and Cara.
“Yes,” I replied, “he did pay twenty pieces of gold. I don’t know where we’re going, only away from here. I don’t know how it happened. He called me into his room last night after Aron threw me out. He has the warmest blanket. He was so nice, and this morning he had me dress like this,” I told them indicating the fine new clothes that I was wearing.
The girls helped me out of my new clothes and took me into the bathing room. John had given me soap, shampoo, and perfume from his saddle pack. I was to use these, and not the brown soap of the village. The hot water was a real luxury, and the soaps were absolutely divine. I let the other girls use them also. It was the cleanest any of us had ever been. When we finished washing, I dried off with the large, fluffy towel that John had provided. The girls used our regular village towels, and as we finished, one of the other girls brought in another package from John’s saddle pack.
I had thought the first clothes to be fine. These new clothes were exceptional. The under garments were of the finest silk, and were a pale green: camisole, panties, and a bra. I had never had a bra before, and this one needed some adjustment, but I wore it proudly. It wasn’t until I got them on that the girls noticed the emblem on all of them. It was the Royal Emblem, that of the King himself, but how could that be, we wondered?
The rest of the clothes were just as fabulous. The skirt was of a forest green wool. It went a double hand span below my knees. The blouse was again white but of a thicker softer cotton. The jacket matched the skirt and was snug around the waist but showed off my breasts and waist to advantage. There was a cape of Maroon wool. It covered me from my shoulders to a hand span above my feet. The stockings were a light green and made of fine wool. The boots were of the softest leather, and, like the stockings, came up just short of my knees. They were brown in color. Finally there was a forest green wool cap for my head. All of these garments had the King’s seal also!
Just after I had finished dressing, and the girls were putting the original clothes away, there was a great commotion in the village square. There was much shouting, and the sound of many horses and men. We had moved to look out the door when John appeared. He was the handsomest man I had ever seen. He was dressed in burgundy pants and jacket, with a pale blue shirt. Black leather boots, and a purple cloak completed his outfit. There were two pistols stuffed in a sash at his waist.
“Little One, please wait inside until I call you,” he instructed me.
“Yes, John, is there trouble?” I asked.
“No, just please, be patient a few minutes,” he told me. Then he went and stood blocking the door, but I could see out past him. By this time, men were hurrying toward the building, large men. There were three in the front, and several behind. Those in the rear were in cavalry uniforms. Those in the front were in the dress of Nobles in fine clothes. When John appeared in the doorway, they all dropped to one knee. The cavalry unit was called to attention, and then to present arms. Everyone in the village was astonished. I had moved back away from the door in fright.
“Well Lord Harriet, I see you have found me,” John said from the doorway. Everyone knew that Lord Harriet was the Prime Minister. He had a reputation throughout the Kingdom as a very hard man.
“Majesty, you must give up this search and return to the capital immediately. There is urgent business that requires your personal attention,” Lord Harriet said addressing John. My shock at the things I had just witnessed and heard left me speechless and frozen in place. Was it possible? Could it be? Was John the King, himself? No, things like that don’t happen to me, not to Myrna the simple village slave girl.
“It wouldn’t be dear cousin Albert that requires my attention, would it?” John asked.
“Majesty, there will be panic in the financial district if your cousin declares war over your not being married and therefore unfit to rule,” the second noble said.
“Lord Emerson, have no fear. There will be no panic, and no declaration of war,” he told them just before he motioned to me forward from the door. My feet were frozen to the ground. It wasn’t possible to move; I was a statue. It was then that both of the girls with me pushed me in the back and got me started, and my feet moved automatically after that. As I approached the door, John stepped out of the doorway and took my hand to escort me out. He then addressed those present in a raised voice for all to hear,
“Gentlemen, I present to you, my queen.“ Those who had risen to their feet and advanced toward the King, immediately fell to one knee again. The cavalry detachment was again called to attention and presented arms. The villagers were just shocked and fell to the ground.
Lord Harriet was amazed. It appeared that the King had not lied, or been delusional. He had known exactly what he had been in search of, for the girl before him fit the description that the King had given him months before. The description from his dreams of the woman he would find and marry.
The apparition before him fit the description as closely as he could remember. The young woman, no girl, that Lord Harriet saw, was not beautiful in the classic sense; cute, but not beautiful, nor tall like a grand lady. She was short, being only 5’-0” or 5’-1” at most. Young, at around 17 or 18 years at most. Petite. Her long red hair and freckles were contrasted by the green outfit she wore. The same outfit that set off her green eyes so well. The clothes were a near perfect fit, and the colors were precisely right to show her off to perfection.
He saw a look of confusion on her face. When he went to kiss her hand, he noticed her flinch. Her hands were rough and callused. This was a girl who had worked and worked hard. Where had the King found her? What was her lineage? Where was her family? There were too many questions, but he was sure of one thing though, and that was that this was what the King had sought for so long. He HAD KNOWN in advance what he was looking for, and he was more hardheaded than his father had ever been.
I was in a panic. Men were kissing my hand. They were also appraising me like horse traders at a sale. I must speak to John. Could I ever call him that again? My brain was in a tizzy.
“Please, Majesty,” I begged, “I must talk to you in private. Please!” The distress in my voice was enough to alert John to a problem.
“The Queen needs to speak to me in private,” he told those gathered around, and we returned to the bath building.
“Majesty,” I started, but that was as far as I got before he interrupted me.
“Remember, you promised to call me John,” he gently reminded me. His admonition had managed to calm me down some.
“But that was before I knew you were the King! I’m not a queen. I am but a simple country girl. I don’t know how to act, or what to do in a city, let alone in a palace. I won’t know anyone, and I’m frightened, John. Please!” I wailed in misery.
“Little One ... Myrna, my love. All of these things can be overcome. Please trust me. I have a sister. She is close to your age, and will be more than happy to teach you all you need to know. As for not knowing anyone, don’t you know these two girls? Do you like and trust them? Well?” he asked, expectantly.
“Yes, I know both of these girls. We have worked side by side for many years. We get along well. Why do you ask?” I answered in a whisper.
“How would you like to take them with you to the capital?” he demanded. “I’ll arrange it. They’ll be your ladies in waiting.”
“Yes, that would be very nice. They are both good girls and excellent workers,” I told him. John called Lord Emerson in then.
“We will also be taking these other two girls with us to the Capital. You are to pay five gold pieces for each of them,” he instructed him. Before he went to arrange it with the village chief, Lord Emerson resisted, however.
“Surely one gold piece for both would be sufficient, Majesty,” he argued, but the King was adamant.
“For ladies in waiting, five gold pieces is the bare minimum to compensate the families for their absence,” he told him, and it was soon arranged.
Quickly then, everything was packed up. The bard’s horses were brought up. A white stallion as large as the cavalry’s horses for John. A pack horse that the pack saddle was placed on, and finally a mare. She was the color of butterscotch, and smaller than the cavalry’s horses. She was fitted with a fine bridle, and a side saddle. It was the kind that ladies rode, and she was to be mine! The other girls would ride with two of the cavalry officers, wrapped in their spare cloaks to keep warm.
The advance column had already moved out, when Aron came into the village square. He was still drunk. He saw me, and recognized me even in my new clothes. He shouted loudly at me.
“Slut, get over here now.” he hollered. His brother, the village chief, blanched when he heard him. He and several other men immediately grabbed Aron and dragged him behind a building. There they proceeded to beat the daylights out of him. They all knew that their village would now be famous, and didn’t need a fool like Aron to mess things up. The village chief returned, while the others continued on Aron. He approached me and fell to his knees.
“Please, Lady!” he begged, “ignore my stupid brother. We’ve dealt with him. Don’t be hard on us.”
“Chief,” I beamed at him, “there is no problem. Besides, if you had not acted so promptly, there are four cavalrymen who were ready to eliminate him.” Turning, I indicated the four who still stood behind me, each with a hand on his saber. The village chief smiled and bowed again.
On the way to the capital, Zena, the taller of my ladies in waiting, rode with the troop sergeant. He was a large, older man with a beard and a mustache, and was rough around the edges. She seemed to find him a match to her personality, and stayed near him the entire trip.
Cara, the shorter of my ladies in waiting, rode with the troop lieutenant. He was a young man from a wealthy family. His bearing and manners proclaimed his heritage. Cara was charmed by him. It was also clear that he was very interested in her. He kept her close for the entire trip also. Both cavalrymen would do very well in the future, and marry their lady in waiting.
The ride to the capital took three days, even for cavalry. The first night, we stayed at an inn out in the country. The soldiers took over the inn. We slept upstairs in a large chamber. The second day, we stopped early at an inn near a fair sized town. The lieutenant went to fetch the local dress makers. They soon arrived with their wares. Cara and Zena had new clothes for the final day of the trip. They had been offered horses at the first inn, but still rode with their chosen cavalrymen.
The second day’s travel, and then the last day’s travel, had been much different from that of the first day. On the first day, we saw few people along the way. However, riders must have been sent ahead that first night. For the rest of the journey, there were people out at every village or road crossing. All were waving and appeared happy. Even people in the fields came out to the edge of the road to stare and wave. Especially memorable were the children.
The reception increased, as we approached the capital. People were everywhere, waving, shouting, laughing, and happy. It was truly amazing that so many people came out to see us. I mentioned this to John, and his answer surprised me.
“It’s not us, they are here to see. It’s you, Little One, that they are here to look at.”
“I ... but, surely that can’t be. I ... I am only a poor country girl,” I objected.
“Yes, a poor country girl who will shortly be the Queen. Haven’t you noticed the young girls? They all adore you. You’re their greatest fantasy come true,” John assured me.
The capital itself was just as jubilant. People everywhere were celebrating. It was hard for me to understand, until Lord Harriet spoke to me.
“They are all glad that there will be no war now,” he told me. “The King will be married before the two years are up, and all would be well.”
“Two years?” I asked not understanding.
“A part of the law is that a new King must be married within two years of ascending to the throne to ensure the continuation of the Royal line, and must have a heir within four years. This has not been much of a problem in previous times, but King John is a young man, and younger than his predecessors who were all older and already married when they ascended to the thrown,” Lord Harriet explained.
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Please leave comments below. Thanks.. =========================================== September of ’99.. As a single person with a major in marketing & a minor in American literature, I’ve couldn’t’ve asked or have been blessed with anything more. Even though I was born with a physical disability, I'm still to hold down a decent job. And with a job as a manager at a gift shop in a big hospital in SE. Michigan, you might say I have a lot going for me. I just finished what would turn to...
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GaySailors in Silk, Chapter 11 B ? By: Bevetly Taff List of Characters. Myself: Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth: My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure: Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina: Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia: Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga: An African Princess, freed from...
Here I was living another new life. I was up in the hills overlooking a beautiful snow filled valley far from any touch of civilization. This was my third winter since I disappeared. I'd better explain a bit. My name is John Martin (this time). My name has changed so many times that I almost forgot what my mother named me when I was born. I was the usual clueless spouse. My wife of 15 years had been in love with another man, Louie Amico, for longer than we had been married. She had married...
After a rather eventful night of ‘firsts’, I awoke early, around 8 a.m. the next morning. Melissa was still sound asleep next to me. She was lying on her side, facing me. Her full breasts, with those succulent nipples, only inches from my face. I thought about giving them a nice long lick, since I was still a bit horny despite the fucking we did only six hours ago. She looked like a naked sleeping goddess with such wonderful sexual curves. But, I was hungry as can be, so I decided to let her...
As I walk by you I notice your eyes glancing at me quickly then looking away as you see me catch your gaze. I smile as I walk towards you , examining your gorgeous body as I get closer to you. As I introduce myself you slowly back up as I get closer and closer to you. As we talk with you becoming slightly nervous as you back up as I attempt to closer while we talk your eyes open wide as you feel the cold wall against your back. You notice my smile then takes on a more sinister look as I reach...
As I and Shilpi walked in Ranbir’s huge farmhouse we both were already trembling with excitement. Shilpi on the way had told me how Ranbir had called her on our flat when I was traveling and fucked her from 8 in the night to 6 the next day morning making her ill with stomach pains and fever for the next 4 days. Last time he had fucked her ass too so she was broke there also. We both went straight to the master bedroom where we knew Ranbir would be waiting for us. Closing the door behind us...
* * * * * * * * * * Saturday * * * * * * * * * * The woman pulled a few last times at her dark orange trademark overall. She appeared nervous though those who knew her from TV thought of her as confident and outgoing. Eventually, she pushed the doorbell and then did some adjusting to her short brown-haired bob. A girl in her late teens answered the door. She looked confused for a moment before she asked, "May O'Connel? From channel six news?" "That's right," the woman confirmed. "I...
I'd been thinking about getting a tattoo for some time, nothing big or fancy, perhaps a small heart on my upper arm. There was this parlour near where my wife and I lived and I would often stop and look in the window as see the wonderful works of art displayed there. It was my day off and I was looking forward to a nice quite day. I put my coat on and decided a pub lunch was in order after all my hard work I had put in over the last few weeks. As usual, I stopped outside the Tattoo parlour...
A few minutes later, it was awfully quiet in the bedroom and I got curious again. I got to the door and Marcus was on his side next to Kelly and they were kissing. Marcus was removing Kellys top and then her bottoms and slid on hand between her legs and had his hand over her cunt and started to rub her cunt. Kelly had her hand on him, but from this angle, I could only guess she was rubbing his cock as well. After a minute of this, Marcus slid his middle finger into Kellys cunt and she...
Rob's turn: It's been a heck of a week. I nearly missed my flight this morning because the desk misunderstood when I intended to leave. They thought I was taking a day for local travel and sightseeing. This was my first time in Hawaii and I've had almost no time to see the beauty I know was around me. The most I did was look out the windows of my suites. I can't complain, this was a business trip not a vacation. I saw enough to know I want to bring Kay here sometime soon. I got a lot...
Du bist eigentlich eine junge Frau, die bisher ein ganz normales Leben führte. Als fleißige Studentin der Geowissenschaften bist du ein intelligenter Kopf, und deine Erscheinung ist unauffällig. Deine hellbraunen Haare lässt du dir unregelmäßig auf Schulterlänge schneiden, deine gräulichen Augen richtest du am liebsten auf Bücher und Tumblr-Blogs. Du trägst stets Jeans, denn du hasst Kleider und Röcke, und ziehst am liebsten Tshirts oder lockere, weite Tops an. Du bist single, warst es schon...
Day at the Beach A DeeDee adventure By: Lyrissa The heat inside the small house was oppressive. Outside the early morning sun was relentlessly scorching the well-trimmed lawn that separated the house from the sidewalk and what few pedestrians that had braved the heat wave were going around as scantily clad as they could get away with. With a deep sigh the person living in the apartment released the blinds through which he had been peering and they snapped shut, leaving the small...
My New Life, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places or people, either living or dead,...
It Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time Chapter II Juliette Lima After I was allowed to arise from our bed Marie grasped my penis and led me into our en suite bathroom. "Well now Juliette, you do call yourself Juliette when you write your stories, don't you? Are you enjoying your escapade? I found your writings online and then found the thumb drive you stored them on. When I saw the fundraiser I knew that you were the perfect candidate. Now I don't think the folks raising money...
Hi guys, this is my first time posting a story so please bear with me if I make any mistakes and do let me know about it.All This had actually happened with me and it is a true story. This is from about a year ago. Well, I will tell you about myself, my name is Ajay (Name changed), I am 5’7 in height, brown in colour I would say, not too tall I would say and I am lean but I am very athletic. Right now, I am 21 years old. I study engineering in one of the colleges in Bangalore. I belong from...
Eventually they arrived at their destination after a one hour drive, a twenty-minute walk and down a long, long, set of steps set into the cliff side. They had finally reached the secluded bay and the beach that John had seen on the map.John and Sarah were brother and sister. He was twenty-one and she eighteen. Sarah had recently split from a long-term boyfriend and John was ‘free and single’. John, therefore, suggested that they have this sunny break on the island of Ibiza to “get away from it...
IncestWe kissed for a few minutes, Rick stroking his fingers gently along my breasts and nips, and me just loving the way his cock felt inside me. His body temperature was alot hotter than my recently-missing boyfriend Alan's had been, and his shaft throbbed inside my pussy, making me squirm with desire. My pussy was on fire, and i began to slide myself up and down his length, groaning each time. I tore my mouth off his and brought my hands up onto his shoulders, staring into his blue eyes as i...
College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...
My wife started early. Three weeks after our wedding , a neighbor fucked her in our trailerShe was 16 and I was 18, The neighbor was 19. He, his wife, my wife and I were all from the same town and went to school together. We were living in a married student trailer park at a state university. He dropped by one evening when I was gone to a night class. He wrestled her down on our sofa and date ****d her.My wife went out on a boat with a builder to sell him the carpet for some houses he...
The next day Scott kept the appointment he had made two weeks ago with Doctor Kevin Brady. Doctor Brady was the older brother of Scott’s friend Kyle Brady and had been Scott’s doctor ever since he had started his medical practice. Scott hadn’t had a complete physical exam in the time he was in South America. Scott was sitting in an exam room while a nurse took his blood pressure and updated his medical history. After she left the room Doctor Brady walked in and said, “I haven’t seen you in...
If hardcore backdoor blowouts are your thing then don’t miss this filthy Hands on Hardcore scene where Brittany Bardot enjoys an XXXtreme threesome with Steve Q and Kristof Cale. Desperate for a thorough stuffing, the voluptuous beauty starts off by filling herself up with two absolutely massive dildos, one for her pussy and one for her ass. However, there’s no substitute for the real thing and once the men arrive, two cocks pounding those holes gets her groaning with pleasure,...
xmoviesforyouThis completely true incident took place years back. It was a daring act and my friends, even those hardcore womanizers much senior, appreciate my act. But to tell you frankly, i did that only due to the courage given by alcohol.Those days i was drinking daily and alcohol always used to make me horny, horny almost always was my condition. Of course i was in mid thirties.I was married at that time but was separated from wife for sometime. I did not have the habit of visiting prostitutes and i...
It was the fall of 1992, I was in the Navy studying at Naval School of Health Sciences to be a Corpsman as the Marines called us (DOC)! I never had a real serious girlfriend in high school and didn't experiment with sex at all being raised Catholic it was supposed to be for marriage. Well, I soon found out about being away from home and family how fast some values can change when it's put to the test.I had been playing pool by myself at the club on base, also drinking a couple of beers. The...