Heaven's Reach - Brandon And TracyChapter 1 free porn video

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As they exit Riverside Outpost for one last time ( at least for the foreseeable future), Brandon and Tracy head to their nest, where they cultivate, non-stop, for nine days and nights while immersed in their tub of HCSE. This is made possible by having reached the Yellow Earthen Temple stage of cultivation, which allows them to cultivate/meditate for three days, without the need for food, water, or rest, per stage obtained.

At the end of the nine days of cultivation, the amount of Běnzhí they still need to absorb and circulate in order to advance to the Golden Vestibule stage of Qi cultivation is 20,578 units for Tracy, and 19,120 units for Brandon.

HCSE is considered to be of the “Divine” level of Běnzhí (or Spiritual Essence), which is nine times as dense as the same volume of Rich Běnzhí. Rich Běnzhí being the basis of measure used to determine how much Běnzhí one needs to cultivate to advance. The tub, when filled, holds about 719 liters. If the two of them did nothing but sit in that tub for twenty-four hours a day and meditate, it would take them close to sixty days to break through to the next level.

While they are cultivating, their connection allows them to partition off a portion of their combined mental capacity, which they can then use to better understand the workings of Radiant Green Lotus of Healing, Mana-bolt, and Mana-explosion. When they complete their nine days of cultivation, they have dismantled all three spells and studied them to the extent that they can use each one without relying on the original spells. Instead, they can manipulate mana to achieve even better results. As an example, they can heal anything from a small cut to a severed limb using a minimal amount of mana based on the severity of the injury. This is possible because they can focus on the specific injury rather than the whole body, which is what the spell does. Brandon and Tracy have similar results with the Mana-bolt and Mana-explosion spells. They are no longer confined to a single shot. Instead, they can cast multiple bolts in a row, so long as they have the mana to do so. The bolts are not limited to mana. Instead, each bolt can be formed of any element they have learned to use. Thus far, they can cast mana, fire, water, metal, and air element bolts. The same is true with Mana-explosion, in that they can control the element of the blast.

Before leaving, they eat some berries and nuts that they have in abundance for the trip. There is no need to drain the tub as all the HCSE within it has been entirely absorbed by them.

Their final action is to make sure that they leave no trace behind. Once that is done, they situate their maps within their awareness, but not within their field of vision. This allows them to keep track of their progress, update the maps as they go, and to stay on course. Looking to the horizon, Brandon and Tracy their trek in the direction of the rising sun.

Their destination is a city that is about a month’s distance at a casual walk. Based on the information that they have compiled, the area surrounding it should be an excellent place to test their skills and act as a whetstone to the dull-edged blades that they are. The cross country trek will begin the process of turning them into skilled and accomplished adventurers, as their path will surely be filled with many dangers to be overcome.

The trip takes closer to sixty than to thirty days, when all is said and done. This is due to the many encounters along the way, and taking time to recover and recuperate after some very fierce battles.

Early on during their trip, they encounter a Golden Mountain Bear, which is at the Golden Vestibule level of body cultivation near a cave one day. They defeated the bear in this life and death battle, though barely.

Battle over, Tracy places the bear carcass in one of the extra rings they purchased through Magi Noragami during one of her trips to Kuang Chu city. Each of the rings cost a vial of HCSE. While the price is high, each ring has a volume of twenty-five cubic meters. In all, they acquired four such rings. They also obtained a Mortal Jade Pendant of Wealth (MJPW), each. Every MJPW can track a balance of up to 5000 platinum and can be used in trade anywhere in Heaven’s Reach, much like debit cards back on Earth. At the moment, they have less than 500 gold between them.

The victory over the Golden Mountain Bear was possible thanks to the help of Tracer and Bounder, in the end. The two of them helped draw the bear’s attention away at a critical moment, and though it had strong defenses against physical damage, it lacked a good defense against strong magic such as used by Brandon.

From the outset, Tracy moved in ferociously with her Jian and fought in close quarters, while embuing each blow with Qi. At the same time, the hounds worried at the beast’s legs as they attempted to hamstring it. Brandon stood back, pulled out his bow, and manifested arrows of mana that exploded as if they were miniature shaped charges, which were quite effective, but not enough to bring the monster down.

The effect of his mana arrows was enough to pull the bear’s attention to Brandon. And, when that happened, the bear rushed at him with a roar, and the killing intent that erupted from the beast stunned Brandon for a moment. That was enough time for the bear to reach him and nearly take Brandon’s head off. Seeing this, Tracy immediately began healing him, which took her out of the fight in order to keep him alive.

It was at this point that the dogs, as they liked to refer to their canine friends, managed to get in some vicious attacks that proved to be instrumental in ending the fight. Tracer attacked the bear’s testicles, biting and shaking its head wildly. Apparently, the bear’s genitals are well protected, and this assault on its family jewels caused the bear to roar in pain and thrash about in an attempt to remove the offending hound. This gave Bounder the opening to leap up and tear open the bear’s throat. Normally, this would not have been possible due to the differences that existed between the dog and the bear. However, one of Brandon’s arrows had done enough damage to the neck to cause Bounder’s attack to be successful.

As the bear was falling, Tracer dashed in and grabbed Brandon by the arm and pulled him out of the way. This saved him from being crushed under the considerable mass of the beast.

They rested for a day after the battle and then moved on once again. Oh, and they fed the bear’s genitals to the dogs, which they seemed to enjoy with enthusiasm.

It should also be mentioned that over the course of their cross country trek, Tracy and Brandon manage to build a much stronger mental link to the Bounder and Tracer. This proves to be a Gods send as it allows them to better direct them during combat.

The connection proved its worth during an encounter with a pack of Black Baleful Hyenas, which are quite similar to those found in Africa. Thought, they are even more intelligent and stronger by a wide margin. This pack was made up of the Queen bitch, three junior females, and five males of various ages above juvenile.

Brandon and Tracy could have avoided the encounter, but that would be going against their purpose in making this trip. Thus, they set up an ambush with Tracer and Bounder targeting the Queen bitch from the beginning.

From the outset of the fight, the dogs waited in quietly for the right moment to strike, or for an order from Tracy or Brandon. Brandon used his bow to launch mana arrows at the three younger bitches, while Tracy, Jian in hand, rushed in like a whirling devil that slashed and impaled its victims with cruel accuracy.

Within a minute, two of the males were dead, and the remaining three were injured. One was incapacitated and incapable of fighting, and the remaining two were bleeding from multiple wounds. During this same moment, one of the junior bitches was taken out of the battle, but not outright killed, by a well-placed arrow that entered under the jaw and pierced deep into the chest where it grazed the heart. When the Queen heard the bitch cry out in despair, its focus on Brandon was broken for an instant, and that’s then the hounds attacked.

Bounder and Tracer rushed in from each side, one going for her mouth and the other for her neck. The intent was to take her out of the fight right that instant. If it had been just one of the dogs, then this would not have worked as the Queen bitch was much stronger and faster than the two them combined. With them acting as a team, guided by their combined senses and telepathic awareness of what the other was doing, Tracer and Bounder hit her at nearly the same instant. Bounder ran in and rolled over onto his back, arched up, and sank his teeth into her neck. At the same instant, Tracer closed her mouth over the Queen’s muzzle, forcing it closed. Then, as the Queen struggled, Tracer carefully repositioned herself to cover the Queen’s mouth and nose with her own mouth, cutting off her ability to breathe. It was only a matter of time now.

The other two junior bitches had also been struck by mana arrows, but they did not receive mortal wounds right away. With the Queen and one junior bitch out of the way, Brandon swapped his bow for his Jian and strode into the fight like a vengeful god. His targets were the two remaining bitches, who were after the dogs. He did not want the Queen to be freed.

Casting a bolt of ice at one beast, hitting it in the front right shoulder, he thrust his blade at the other bitch, striking it in the eye. Though this was not a fatal wound, it gave him time to strike out at the first bitch and open a terrible gash across its muzzle.

As this was going on, Tracy ended the life of the remaining male hyena. That done, she rushed over to assist Brandon by killing the half-blind bitch as he finished off the other. This left the Queen.

Rather than take the kill from them, Brandon and Tracy sat down and watched as the Queen died from lack of oxygen to its brain. This took a lot longer than either of them expected, but Tracer and Bounder refused to release her until they were sure the bitch was dead.

Tracy was the first to realize why it took so long. When she reached out with a strand of mana to check the Queen’s body for signs of life, Tracy discovered that though she appeared dead, the bitch was actually alive waiting to be released. This was an intelligent beast playing dead and doing it well.

In the end, the fight took eight minutes, that felt like an hour. Quickly storing the carcasses in the rings, they continued on with their journey.

Bears, hyenas, wolves, large cats, snakes, gazelles, water buffalo, wildebeests, and a variety of monster-sized beetles and rodents were among those creatures they happened upon along the way. The worse were the rat-sized fire-ants they encountered while they were too focused on titan sized anteater. Really, they should have known better and been on the lookout.

The fire-ants were like a plague that burst out of the ground when they trampled across one of their tunnels. Perhaps the ants wouldn’t have bothered, but that anteater was up there, too, and they were trying to protect their home. There was no way for them to successfully fight and win against their numbers. Especially when their bites were capable of penetrating their flesh, as Brandon discovered to his dismay.

The four of them managed to escape with some nasty bites and being poisoned. The physical wounds they had no problem with. Brandon and Tracy’s bodies would heal from those in quick order. The poison was another issue. It burned and caused intense pain that made it difficult for either of them to heal the wounds and remove the poisons that the dogs suffered. Fortunately, they had been able to reach a safe plateau some three kilometers from the ant nest.

If it weren’t for the vials of healing potions they carried, they might have lost both dogs to the ravages of the poison administered with each bite the ants landed. This did have a positive effect. By the time they recovered, Bounder and Tracer had become White Purity of Merit stage body cultivators. This would be a boon in future fights.

When the city of Hu Qing Chen finally appeared on the horizon, the four of them had achieved the rank of Journeyman Adventurers. Brandon and Tracy had also earned the skill of Journeyman Beast Tamers thanks to the connections they shared with Bounder and Tracer.

By the time they entered Hu Qing Chen city, they had nearly filled their storage rings full of a variety of medicinal plants and the carcasses of beasts they had killed along the way.

Their first order of business was to find an inn with baths. After that, they would see about some treats for their animal companions and themselves and then sell-off everything in their storage rings from their trek.

The cost to enter this city is15 silver for each of them. Not just Brandon and Tracy, but their companions, too. They didn’t ask about it, as it was good to not have to wait to get a permit.

As they entered the city, sixty silver lighter, the first thing they did, instead of looking for an inn, was to find a good map of the city and the surrounding area out to 500 kilometers. Vendors were hawking their wares along the road to the gate. Splitting up, T and T went one way, while B and B went the other. Each checked to see what each vendor had in the form of maps. In the end, they settled on a single map for five gold that was barely worth the cost. It did have one redeeming factor, it showed all the inns and merchants within five kilometers of the gate.

Putting off finding an inn, they sought out a cartographer, where they each purchased an interactive map of the city with the ability to scroll in and out, showing specific locations based on search requirements. These maps cost them 200 gold, which brought them down to less than 100 gold. With the contents of their rings, this would not be a problem for very long, fortunately.

Maps in hand, they thanked the cartographer and exited his shop. The city of Hu Qing Chen covers an area of 256 square kilometers, has outer and inner defensive walls, and houses close to two-hundred thousand individuals, the majority of whom live in the space between the inner and outer walls. This is accomplished by building downward as well as upward, as dictated by ancient law. Which, of course, does not apply to those abodes located within the inner wall, where the wealthy and nobility reside.

The streets are crowded with people going hither and yonder as they go about their business. There are street vendors selling everything you might imagine, and possibly some that you cannot. There are food vendors, clothing vendors, and many more who trade in finished goods.

For those who want to deal with large volume purchases or sales, they are best served by going to a merchant with an actual storefront. To be safe, it is always good to verify that such merchants are not fly by night and have a long term presence within the community. This can be determined through the maps they purchased.

With such a mass of humanity, at least they have not seen any non-humans yet, pressing close, Brandon and Tracy attach the leads to the dogs to prevent them from being separated and taken from them. This turns out to be the right decision as someone attempts to grab Tracer and take off with her. The thief doesn’t get far before finding himself on the ground with a blade to his throat.

In less than a minute, two city constables arrive. Seeing the weapon at the man’s throat, they tell Tracy to put it away. Tracy doesn’t argue and sheaths it. They then begin to ask what happened. Of course, there are no witnesses, as the thief is known to them and has a reputation for being vicious.

The constables are well aware of his reputation and are not prone to go against him without sufficient proof. In this case, they have no choice but to arrest him and take him in as it is difficult to claim ownership of an animal that is sitting obediently at the side of the woman holding its leash. Even when she drops it and allows the man to attempt to pick it up, the result goes against the man known as Heavy Handed Huan.

Dropping Tracer’s leash, the dog sits there looking up at her, with its head against her hip. When Huan reaches for the leash to “prove” the dog is his, he nearly loses his hand when she snaps at it while radiating an intent to kill.

The moment he lands on his ass from the aggressive move by Tracer, she is once again calm and pressed against Tracy’s hip. This is pretty damning and causes the constables to bind his arms and legs so that he cannot fight or run. They then lead him away and out of sight. These two are not only familiar with Heavey Handed Huan but know him quite well as they take bribes from him to allow him to operate. This time is no different. They made a show of taking him away, but that’s all it was, a show.

Ten minutes later, the three of them are sitting enjoying a cup of tea like old friends. No report will be filed against Huan. Once they finish their drinks, the constables return to their duties, while Huan calls on some children he pays to do various jobs for him. In this case, he has them put together a team to watch the movements of the two with the dogs. He intends to make them pay for getting in his way.

Within a short period of time, Tracy and Brandon have a tail following them around town. The children are difficult to notice as they are well-practiced in the arts of clandestine operations. In this way, the pair are under constant surveillance at all times, until Huan calls them off.

The children are so good at what they do that some of them directly approach the couple and ask for money or food. This gains them a few coppers, which makes them smile in their hearts. No one child stays within view of the pair for more than five minutes while they move about the city. At one point, they actually ask one of the children who has approached them where a good inn is. The child knows plenty of inns and asks what kind of accommodations they are looking for, and with that information, she grabs onto Tracy’s hand and begins leading them to a place that will allow the hounds, has good food, a bath, and reasonable prices.

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Carmen and Brandon

I noticed one day at work that a new young man had been hired and over the course of several days noticed he had been eying me from time to time. So one day I wore a particularly short dress which showed off my cleavage very well and went into the copy room. After a few minutes I went back out and asked if he could help me with some papers. Once inside, "You're new here aren't you?' I asked him "Yes maam" he replied. Smiling at his formal answer, "Carmen's my name" I followed "You can call me...

2 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 100

By Bob Chapter 10: Is Jon Really Mad or Covering Up? "Where the fuck is Tom?" Jon asked in a very stern tone. I really didn't know how to answer so I told him that Tom and Dave had spent the night in our room so that they wouldn't bother him. He seemed to accept that for which I was very grateful. I stepped up to the urinal and went about my business. I really had to pee and I wasn't really concerned about what Jon was feeling at that moment. As I started to pee, I felt that...

2 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 11

By Bob Chapter 11: Being True to My Love and Myself "Ah, Jon, can we talk somewhere else," I said knowing that chances were that others would be coming into the bathroom. "Sure, let's take a walk," Jon said as he made his way to the door. "Maybe we can hit the lake and talk." There was a very bright glimmer in his eye as he said that. I wasn't sure whether that was a good idea, but getting out of the washroom was. I followed him as he made his way down the stairs. As we left...

4 years ago
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Carmen and Brandon 2

The three of us sat there for a while relaxing from the session; me sitting on Brandon's right side while Joe sat on his left. After a bit I reached over and started to caress Brandon's cock, gently rubbing it and lifting it up in my hand. I knew Brandon was going to be my new lover and from the look he gave me as I fondled his cock, he knew it too. "What a nice fuckin' cock you have" I finally said to Brandon as I took it more in my hand and started to jerk it. I moved my hips over away from...

3 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolWednesday part 1

Coming into school on Wednesday was different. I've read accounts about how people would line up and wait for the Program participants to show up—basically you're supposed to do a striptease—but that didn't happen to me. I mean, there were people around, but they didn't pay me much mind. Who's interested in seeing Brandon Chambers naked in school anyway? And it was fine by me, because I doubt I could strip-tease if my life depended on it. Who exactly would I be teasing? Everybody's gag...

2 years ago
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Doing Brandon

After our first "encounter," Nora and I had fallen into the practice of meeting for coffee about twice a week at her house.  We would sit at her kitchen table sipping coffee and swap gossip and share fantasies.  Sometimes they would get us both quite horny and we would end up in her bed.  One time we didn't even make it that far, finding ourselves naked and pleasing each other on the cold kitchen floor.  But one Monday morning upon my arrival, Nora warned me that her son (Brandon) was home that...

3 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolThursday part 1

Waking up was a slow, luxurious process, cocooned in warm, soft sheets, hampered only by the fact that I had no idea where I was. I had never seen this room before—at least, not from this angle. It looked vaguely familiar, but... Where was I? And whose chest was that up against my back, whose arm across my waist? Whose clothed erection just barely brushing against my rear? I stretched to look over my shoulder. Oh. Brandon. It's all coming together now. Remembering where I was,...

3 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolTuesday part 1

If you really stop to feel it... Being naked is actually a really fun experience. The way the fashion industry is now, you sometimes forget that you can go around without clothes on (and what girl isn't aware of that stuff?), and until you take 'em off, you never realize how... Confining they are. It's really nice to feel the sunlight on your skin, the wind. You feel... Liberated. Hi, I'm Arie Chang, and I'm naked in school. I don't really know how this program came about. The...

2 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolWednesday part 3

Open House was hardly a new experience for me; I've done three of them so far. But in some ways it was utterly new, because for the first time, I, Arie Chang, was naked in school. Naked in Open House. And boy, did people stare. I was just glad that none of the parents could see my scars. We musicians were the opening act, so we had to be seated and ready on our metal chairs under the gaudy yellow-white neon lights before Dr. Zelvetti went up on the little stage that had been erected...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and Sasha

It had been three long years since that special summer when I was introduced to the glorious world of sex with an older woman. That's actually incorrect, as I had the pleasure of fucking two of my Mom's best friends during that same time period. For those of you who don't remember, and those who never knew at all, my name is Brandon. I am a concert sound engineer for some of the most popular rock, pop and country acts in the music business. During that summer I was involved with both Jeri and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chap 5

By Bob Chapter 5: The Big Game, Part 1 Morning came too soon. I didn't want this night to end, but as the sun shone through the window my normal instincts to wake up were initiated. I turned to find Brandon also beginning to awake. I put my arm around him and kissed him. It was almost like Sleeping Beauty, because as I softly pressed my lips to his, he awoke. "Ummmmm," is all I could distinguish. "Good morning my love," I whispered. "Time to get up, Bran." "As if I'm...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and Sasha Part 3

We arrived in Sunnyvale the day before Mom's procedure. She was happy to see us, but saved her biggest joy at finally meeting Sasha for the first time. To say that Mom was impressed with Sasha would be a major understatement. The way she carried on with her, you'd think that she was her long-lost daughter. In a way, I believe that probably summed up Mom's feelings, because I had never seen her quite so happy in a long time. Sasha certainly did her part, making sure that Mom's favorite flowers...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and SashaPart 2

The telegram from Jeri unnerved me a little. I'm sure that she and Brenda meant well, and a night in bed with the two of them would be perfect here in Paris under ordinary circumstances, but these were no ordinary times. I have fallen in love with Sasha, and I had to let them know that sex was out of the question. The band had a three-night engagement in Paris, so I could have passes held at the door for them. I quickly composed a reply to give them this information. Jeri, thanks for the offer,...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Brandon Part 3

Later that afternoon, Brandon and I were back in my room sitting on the bed together talking about what had happened between us the past 24 hours. I was still dressed in my plaid skirt white panties and nothing else. Brandon had his boxers and a t-shirt on.I gotta say, Taylor, your mouth is amazing. You know how to please a cock.Thank you, Brandon. I rubbed my hand over his bulge. The thought of your cock makes me so horny.Since your mouth is so good a pleasing my cock, maybe your ass is too.I...

1 year ago
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My brother Brandon and I Part 4 Having sex at school2

I get out of bed, grab my clothes for school and head into the bathroom and quickly take a shower. I step out, towel off and put on my clothes and head downstairs to make myself breakfast. I grab a box of frosted flakes out of the cabinet along with a bowl, and a spoon out of the drawer and the milk out of the fridge. I put it all together and start eating my breakfast. Brandon comes down the stairs and into the kitchen and I hand him a bowl and he starts to fill it with cereal. “I want you...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon 2

By Bob Chapter 2: My Dream Comes True! A knock on the door - FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. "Hey Dave. What's up?" the voice I had been waiting for resounded. "Not much guy, just doing some crap for history," was Dave's reply. "Yea, hear that. Actually I need...

2 years ago
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Brandon Part 4

Brandon and I weren’t able to see each other as much as we wanted to the rest of the summer. Between his work schedule and my baseball schedule, it was hard to find time. When we could find time, it was hard to find a place. We would send each other sexts every so often. I dressed up in my yellow bikini from our first night, remember this?He texted back with a picture of his hard cock, now look what you’ve done!Brandon was a student manager for the college football team so he had to get to...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon Series Chapter 2

A knock on the door – FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. “Hey Dave. What’s up?” the voice I had been waiting for resounded. “Not much guy, just doing some crap for history,” was Dave’s reply. “Yea, hear that. Actually I need to talk with Bob about my science. He has Mr. Knop and I know that he...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and SashaPart 4

Following the aborted orgy with the women, I hurriedly apologized to Jeri and Brenda for our abrupt departure and took Sasha's hand. We never looked back as we made our way to the car. On the way back to Mom's place, I focused on driving. Sasha sat in the passenger seat, quiet except for an occasional sniffle. She was silently crying as I drove, but I wanted to wait until we got back before I spoke to her. Once I pulled into the driveway and shut off the car I turned to her. "I feel that I owe...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolTuesday part 2

It was a short walk, only a couple minutes, between the Nurse's Office and Dr. Zelvetti's. None of us said anything, and Steve and Shannon, one of the school's most recognizable couples (completely aside of their lack of clothes) weren't holding hands. I guess we were feeling subdued. It was only in the actual office (Had we truly all been in here only thirty-six hours ago?) (Oh, and fancy that: as it turns out, she too graduated with a degree in Psychology) that we finally spoke, and it...

2 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolThursday part 2

Around the time my lunch came surging back up my esophagus was when I also got my brain back. Meredith was a dear—she drove slowly and carefully, trying to avoid sudden starts or stops, and never once complained about the mess I'd made. Forget Brandon Chambers, Naked in School: let me be Brandon Chambers, Boyfriend of Meredith Levine for the rest of my life, and I'll be happy. Except for that whole nausea-in-the-aftermath-of-anti-pot-treatment. Ugh. Have you ever tried to drive the 220...

3 years ago
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Brandon is one of my husbands best friends. Why is it that it's always the best friend that makes the moves on a guy's wife? Well, it happens to be the case with us, too!Brandon is just an average guy, but with a strong build. Not tall, not fat, but stocky. He doesn't really even know his own strength.He has always been the "touchie, feely" type, giving me a hug every time he sees me. I didn't realize it, but often when he would come over in the evenings, I would already be in "comfortable...

2 years ago
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Brandons nervous habit helps out Gina

Everything started a few months ago, if I was stressed at work I would quickly silently get an orgasm out when nobody was in the bathroom. Now it's a normal office setting so I make sure nobody else is in there,( try and predict nobody will go in) and started as a way to calm down in the evenings when I worked late. Anyhow, when I would feel really slutty sometimes I would do it on lunch in my car or in the bathroom but over months I found myself looking forward and doing it routinely. This all...

4 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolMonday part 1

There's this word in the English language, "Apocalypse." It doesn't mean what everyone thinks it does. Well, actually, that's not true. It does mean what everyone says it does, because that's how language works. If everyone suddenly decided to call a pig a tree, then "tree" would mean pig, and the dictionary can go fuck itself. Kind of like how when someone bitches out a bush or a shrub, they mean the president, not the greenery on their lawn. But when the word "apocalypse" was...

2 years ago
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My brother Brandon and I Part 3 Having sex while mom is home

“Brandon is home already from hanging out with his friends?” Julie asked. “Yeah, he got home not longer after me. Which is surprising considering he’s normally home late on Tuesdays. What are we having for dinner?” Kathy asks. “I was thinking of making Lasagna if that’s okay with you guys”. Julie says as she sets down the groceries. “Can you grab the last couple things from the car? And I’ll start dinner”. They both look up at the ceiling as they hear the water shut off in the bathroom. I...

2 years ago
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My brother Brandon and I

We met in summer school last year, I was an honor roll student trying to take summer classes, so I could graduate early, and he was a stoner who only took summer school because he had to, so he could graduate on time. We had most of the same classes, and he was/is the class clown. He always made me laugh, which drew me to him. We started talking and hanging out, and before I knew it we were having sex in the back of his car on school property next to the football field. He asked me to be his...

1 year ago
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Brandon Part 1

Brandon was a friend of mine that grew up just down the block from me. He was a year older than me and just finished his freshman year in college. He came back to town to work at his old construction job over the summer. I had just turned 18 in April and graduated in May. I couldn’t wait to get out of that town. In the fall I was going to the same college as Brandon. We weren’t going to be rooming together though. He was an equipment manager for the football team and lived in the student...

1 year ago
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Brandon and Megan

Brandon Jamison liked many things about hanging out at the gym. Not the least was taking off the tight constraints of proper underwear and letting his cock swing free in flimsy gym shorts. He liked to feel his cock swinging in his shorts. He was big and liked being big. It made it far easier to get girls into bed and Brandon really liked getting girls into bed. Of particular interest was a tall brunette he'd seen at the gym. Her workouts made him chuckle. She didn't take her workout too...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolMonday part 2

As Arie and I and the dark-eyed girl walked away from the cafeteria, it suddenly struck me that, for the most part, I hadn't noticed all day that I was naked. I hadn't asked for relief, I'd barely had a hard-on. Considering the circumstances, that was probably okay. Arie and her stories—me and my stories—were hardly conducive to things getting hot and bothered. Basically the only time I'd gotten an erection all day was during break, when Jane was near. (I wonder why Zach hadn't teased me...

1 year ago
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Brandon the delivery boy

I was 52, retired, and living in a small town in Montana. My wife passed away last year and I was falling into a depression. I didn't really have a lot of friends in the area. Social events were more my wife's thing. I'd tag along on occasion, but mostly she bore the brunt of talking to people. After she passed, the friends slowly stopped coming around to check on me. That was fine, since I enjoyed my solitude. Heck, I bought this house in the countryside just so I wouldn't have pesky...

2 years ago
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My brother Brandon and I Part 2

Umm…. Well…. You remember a couple years ago when I caught you masturbating in your room, and then the bathroom? I watch you walk around the house in nothing but shorts and it turns me on. Well, I’ve had a crush on you since then. We’ve had a connection since we were little, and we’re close despite being 2 years apart. I’ve been watching you since then, why do you think I got into anime and video games? I want you to notice me. I want to do stuff to get me close to you. I look up to you. I...

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