A Thousand BucksChapter 4 free porn video

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To understand this story you should read it from the beginning. A special thank you to Estragon for making my story a much better read.

After Jenny graduated she started working full time at the motel. I had a talk with Harold and he went in a couple hours a day to see if Jenny needed any help. He told me he felt like he was more in the way than helpful. Jenny was doing a great job.

I raised Jen's salary to six hundred a week. I gave Harold three hundred but he and Emma would be moving to Florida in two weeks. I would miss them. They were good friends that I could trust.

I talked to Jen almost every day. Most of the time it was about business. We sure missed Harold and Emma, but they wanted to move on to their new home in Florida. Jen told me that there was a retired couple asking about renting an apartment. He had just retired and they wanted to downsize and not have all the work of keeping up a house.

I told her that she could lease the apartment that Harold and Emma vacated for six hundred a month. The couple jumped at the offer. Harold told us he was looking for a part-time job to help keep busy. I talked with Jen and said she could offer him the weekend desk job working Saturday and Sunday during the day. We'd pay him eighty dollars a day.

He liked the idea and Jen worked with him the first weekend to show him what to do. He knew that if he had any problems that Jen and I both lived in the complex. His wife worked part-time as a clerk at the local drug store.

Business things were going pretty good, and I enjoyed the time I spent with Jen but it was either impersonal chatting or business. She would be getting weekends off and I thought maybe we could date once in a while.

She told me Al was working out fine. He and his wife Mary were satisfied with their apartment. They sold their home to one of their two kids so they had room to store their belongings till they got settled in. Mary told Jen that if she ever needed someone to watch Jerry to let her know.

As of right now Jen took Jerry in the office with her. She had a playpen set up for him and had no problem watching him. Our motel wasn't like some kind of Holiday Inn. We had our renters and the contractors or other people needing a room for the night. We didn't have a pool so we didn't get a lot of young family business. Our guests, but we didn't get that fancy, were mostly businesspeople or contractors working regular jobs.

We didn't get too many of the hooker-for-the-day business since we stopped renting rooms by the hour. However, we did get some of the cheating husband/wife type of business since our rooms were cheaper than the big luxury places. Those types were easy to spot. Usually they had an overnight bag or no luggage at all.

We had our rooms paid for up front in case some people decided to leave their room early. If they gave us a credit card they could pay their bill when they checked out.

The first Saturday that Jen had off I asked her if she would like to go dancing and out to dinner. She looked at me with sad eyes.

"What's the matter Jen?" I asked.

"I'm going out with Audrey and Phyllis. They asked me yesterday. I'm sorry. Jarrod, I didn't think you wanted to go out with me anymore. You haven't asked me out since my graduation. I figured you wanted to be just friends."

I wasn't sure what to say. Audrey and Phyllis were two older women who cleaned the apartments for us. To the best of my knowledge they were both divorced. They had told me one day that they really liked Jen and she listened to their complaints and saw that things got done.

"I would like to be more than friends but I guess I'm not a great people person. Maybe we can go out next week? I'll ask Bill and Shauna if they might like to go."

"That would be nice. Let's make it a date," replied Jen. I figured we were both lost for words at the moment. She did tell me that Mary said she would watch Jerry since Al would be working.

That evening I went by myself to the lounge down the street. I thought about calling Bill but he was spending more and more time with Shauna. It was pretty much a county western music place, and they always had a lot of people line dancing. I wasn't much good at it but I liked watching.

When I got there the place was crowded. It was always like this on a Saturday night. I went upstairs in the balcony area so I could watch the dancers better. I was on my second beer when I noticed Jen and her friends come in. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want her to think I was following her. I didn't know where they were going.

She looked so cute in her jeans and a cowboy hat. The three of them got a table and ordered a round of drink. I wasn't sure whether to stay or leave. I didn't do anything wrong but would Jen see it that way. I was out of the way so I decided to stay.

The three women got up and were dancing with the rest of the group. Seeing Jen smiling made me happy. After a couple of line dances they sat down. I watched some local guys asked them to dance. I almost felt hurt seeing Jen in the arms of another man. What the hell was wrong with me?

They were just dancing, for Christ sake. No one was doing anything wrong. I stayed for about another hour and Jen had danced with a number of men but always went back to her table. There were a couple of guys that I saw she had to push back a little and two tried touching her ass but got a stiff 'no' from her.

I felt like I was invading her privacy and left. I went back to my apartment and watched TV. I couldn't concentrate on anything. All I could think of was Jen in the arms of another man. The next morning I called her.

"Jarrod, is there something wrong?"

"No, why? I just wanted to ask you something."

"Well, I've known you for months and this was the first time you have ever called me. You usually just walk down a couple of doors and knock. What did you want to ask me?"

"I wanted to know if you had a nice time last night? Also would you and Jerry like to go out for lunch or dinner today?"

"Jarrod, let's clear the air here first. I saw you in the lounge last night. Yes I had a nice time and all I did was dance and have a few drinks."

"I didn't follow you. I was alone and just went out for a few beers. I didn't know that was where you were going."

"I just wondered why you didn't come down and ask me to dance. As far as lunch, I'll be ready at noon. Jarrod, thank you for being honest with me. That's why I love you so much. I can always trust you. See you later." Then she hung up.

Did she say she loved me? What kind of love was she talking about? Some people throw the word around pretty easy. I have to admit that no woman affected me the way Jen does. Right now we're friends but I think I want it to be more, much more.

I picked her up at noon and she and Jerry were ready to go. I had bought a car seat for my car but never told Jen about it. "We have to take my car because Jerry has to be in a car seat."

She looked in my car and saw the seat and just shook her head and smiled. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to use the dang seat. All the while Jen was standing there laughing at me.

"I can do this," I said. Finally I had it on Jerry. He looked at me like, "What took you so long?"

We got in the car and Jen asked if we could go to an Italian restaurant. She said that Jerry would make a mess but loved spaghetti. So Italian it was. Jen ordered spaghetti and got an extra plate and gave some to Jerry. She brought along a tiny fork but he was doing better with his hands.

I was having a great time. I can't remember the last time I laughed like this. Jen did tell me that she did enjoy herself the night before but it was just because she had a chance to get out and actually had friends. She did tell me I was her best friend of all.

We took a drive by the airport so Jerry could see all the airplanes. He kept pointing in the air saying "pane, pane." I was beginning to really like this kid. I wanted him to have a better chance at life than me or his mother had started out with. We got back to the motel and Al called Jen and told her the night guy called in sick. That meant that Jen would have to take his place.

At around seven I wasn't doing anything and decided to go visit Jen in the office. I was in the back room out of the way playing with Jerry when a customer came in.

"Hi beautiful, I see you're here again tonight. Too bad I'm with a date, I'd much rather be with you. Maybe I'll let my date go early and you can stop by after work."

"Look, I've told you before I have a boyfriend and I'm not looking for someone else. Would you and your friends please leave me alone or I'll report you to my boss. Now, do you want a room for tonight or not?"

"Baby, quit playing so hard to get. I know you give out, you have a kid and no ring so quit playing hard to get." He was now grinning at Jen.

I recognized him from the gym. We had to tell him a couple of times to stop flirting with the female customers or he would be prevented from coming into the gym.

I had enough already. I got up and asked Jen if there was a problem. This asshole's grin changed very quickly, and he started asking for a single room for the night when he saw who I was. Jen took his money and gave him his room key.

He got ready to leave when I spoke up. "Sam, isn't it? The next time you come to my motel and talk to my girlfriend like that again, I'll knock every one of your fucking teeth down your fucking throat. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Jarrod, I'm sorry, it will never happen again."

"Make sure your friends understand it also. I'd hate to have to repeat myself." He walked out the door and I watched him take some girl up to his room.

"I could have handled it, you know," said Jen.

"I know, but I didn't like hearing him talking to you like that. I'm sorry I interrupted you."

"Apology accepted. Did you mean it when you called me your girl?" She stood there staring at me waiting for an answer.

"Jen, I'm crazy about you but I don't know what kind of boyfriend I would make. I want to do so much for you but you don't want my help. I'm not sure what to do or what not to do. I'm mixed up when it comes to you. I better go back to my apartment. I'll talk to you later."

She never said a word as I left. I meant everything I said to her. I wasn't sure what to do or say. I had the money to pay off all her debts ten times over, but she had told me no. She did thank me for filling up her gas tank the one time. She tried to give me back the five hundred dollars I gave her to give Mildred but I told her I didn't need it and wouldn't take it.

She didn't talk to me for a couple of days back then. She was beautiful but also very stubborn. She seemed to want to prove she could do anything without help. I knew I had to wait for her to make the next move. I didn't know where our relationship was going.

I was at my apartment and noticed it was midnight. That meant that Jen would be going back to her room. About fifteen minutes later my phone rang. The caller id said it was Jen. I quickly answered the phone.

"Jenny! Is everything all right?"

"Jarrod, could you come to my apartment please?"

I quickly hung up the phone and hurried to her apartment. She opened the door as soon as I arrived. "What's the matter Jen? Where's Jerry? Is everything all right?"

"I put Jerry to bed. I need to talk with you. I don't like the way we left it when you went back to your room. Jarrod, remember when we first met and you asked me if I wanted to really have sex with a stranger and I said no?"

"Yes, I remember."

"You're no longer a stranger and I don't want to have sex with you for any amount of money." She stopped for a few seconds and then began again. "Jarrod, I want you to make love to me. I've wanted you for a long time. I wanted you to know that I didn't want our relationship to be about your money. I want it to be about us."

I stepped forward and kissed her for the first time. It was a long, soft and yet passionate kiss. "Jarrod, I want you to make love to me right now. I may not be very good since I have only been with one man but I promise to do whatever you ask."

"Jenny, it's not about how good or how bad sex is. I love you and I have never loved anyone. I want to make love to every inch of your body. Just do what you feel comes naturally."

She smiled at me. "We have a slight problem. Jerry is sleeping in his crib in the bedroom, so we have to make love on the couch and we have to try and be quiet."

I kissed her again. As we stood in the middle of the room I undid her blouse and pulled it off her shoulders. She had goose bumps on her arms so I put my arms around her and hugged her. I unhooked her bra and for the first time I saw her perky breasts.

"My turn," she said as she pulled off my shirt off over my head and threw it on the chair. She reached down and undid my belt and unzipped my jeans. I let them fall to the floor and stepped out of them. She could see my cock getting hard through my briefs and put her hand against it.

I undid her jeans and pulled them down over her hips and down her legs. She stepped out of them. While I was stooped down I kissed her panty-clad pussy. I got on my knees and put my hands on her ass and pulled her against my mouth.

I rubbed my face back and forth against her mound and pussy area till I could smell her sex. She put her hands behind my head. "God, that feels so good," she said.

I felt her tremble as I slowly pulled down her pink panties. I again buried my face between her legs. She moved backwards and sat on the edge of the couch. I lifted her legs and pulled her ass forward; she leaned back. I spread her legs and put my mouth on her pussy and embedded my tongue in her moist sweet spot.

I felt her shudder as she held onto my head. Her juices were flowing. I continued to lick and tongue her pussy. When her spasms slowed I got up and slipped off my briefs. I sat on the couch and asked Jen to sit on my lap and lower herself on my hardened cock.

"It's big, Jarrod. Please take it easy with me," she said as she faced me and slowly lowered herself onto my cock. I was helping hold her up so she could go down slowly.

The head was in and she was biting her lower lip. "It's ok, Honey, I have you," I said to her. She lowered herself some more and leaned forward and kissed me.

She continued to lower herself tell she was totally impaled on my cock. She had an immediate orgasm. I wrapped my arms around her and held tightly to me. I held her for a couple of minutes. I then picked her up with my hands under her ass and my cock buried in her.

"What are you doing Jarrod?"

"I'm walking you to the bed. I want to make love to you properly. We'll be quiet and not wake Jerry." She laughed as we entered the bedroom. Jerry was in his crib sleeping away.

I put Jen down and my cock came out of her. She went to the middle of the bed and I lay next to her and we began kissing. In minutes I was on top of her with my cock buried deep within her.

We made love and she met me with every stroke. I saw her reach for her pillow. She was about to come again and bit into the pillow to muffle her orgasm. I came in her at the same time. Her pussy must have spasmed for a good five minutes. When she came down from her high I kissed her and told her that I was in love with her.

I rolled over to the side, pulled up the covers and slept with the woman I loved.

When I awoke the next morning Jerry was standing next to the bed staring at me. I looked up and Jen was already dressed.

"Morning, Sleepyhead," she said to me. "Coffee's on and we're having cereal for breakfast." She pointed to my clothes on the chair in the bedroom and smiled as she called to Jerry to come eat breakfast. I watched him waddle out of the room and I quickly got dressed.

Jen had poured me a cup of coffee and Jerry was busy eating his cereal. I was handed a bowl so I guess I was having Trix cereal for breakfast.

"I think we need to have a long talk today," said Jen. "By the way, you were wonderful and I do love you but we have a problem."

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It was snowing when we left the house on Sunday afternoon and there was an accumulation of six inches on the ground when we arrived at the school at 6:15 p.m. Driving was hazardous, there was a layer of ice on the road surface before the snow started to fall, and I was concerned that Ned would be stranded on the road before he got home. At seven P.N. it was snowing even harder and another four inches were on the ground. The Sunday evening formation was cancelled for the first time that...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 16

I awoke early once again, and was able to be on the patio outside our suite to watch the glow of first light on the horizon. Hands snuck around me again, and I pulled the owner of the hands around to sit on my lap. The two of us didn't speak, but we mentally joined as we both enjoyed the closeness we shared. It wasn't unusual that we heard Missy or Mercy say something to us as we sat together, but we often heard from the triplets, Marion and Virginia, or Aunt Etta. Our lives had another...

3 years ago
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An Incestuous Episode Happy Fathers Day

Father's Day falls on the third Sunday of June and this year it happened to fall on Samantha's 13th birthday. What made this an extra-special occasion was that her older brother had just returned from oversees and was discharged from the service. With the joyous atmosphere, it didn't seem strange that the new teen was allowed to drink wine at the outdoor family barbeque. Later in the day, after his son had decided to go visit some friends, Stan started to get ideas. After first noticing...

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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 02 Skinny dipping surprise

Troy looked around. There was nothing else in sight. No other people or zombies. Fucking that blond girl last week was a lot of fun. But now it just made him crave real sex even more. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Troy snuck closer to where she was, using the tree line as cover. He was able to get within feet of her pile of clothes. He decided to make his presence known. He lifted up his AR-15 and pointed it directly at her. “Well hello missy” he said casually. “Drop the...

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by Joey, 18As everyone knows, most k**s my age don’t spend a lot of time visiting their grandparents. Nowadays, teenagers are way too busy to give any time to the older folks. They’re boring, most k**s would say. I say different. My grandmothers are hardly boring. In fact, they’re both a lot of fun. That’s why I spend a lot of time with both my grandmothers. Then again, my grandmothers aren’t like other k**’s grandmothers. They both fuck for me. It started with Grandma Evelyn, so I'll...

4 years ago
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Jocasta Pills

It's been six months now since Nympharm flooded all the major world markets with their game changing Jocasta pills. These little pink pills would cause women to develop extremely strong sexual desire for their sons to the point that they would cry and beg their sons for sex if they were not fucked 4-5 times a day. The pills took about a week to turn these women into mindless cock whores who would do anything to please their sons and get fucked in return. The women would not feel any change for...

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Mom In The Backyard

Hi friends, this story is based on real events. My mom Ratna is a traditional South Indian woman with dusky complexion and great curves. Unfortunately, my parent separated after 10 years of marriage. Mom was well to do and raised me and my elder sister. At the time of these events, mom was 39 years of age and I was 19. I was a voyeur and tried to watch neighborhood women through various windows of my second-floor room. I noticed that it was sexier to watch my own mom working in our...

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Pleasant Street Ch 07 Pt 05

‘IS MEL AROUND?’ V. V. When Carla woke up it was daylight and something was poking her bottom. At first she thought it was Mel, then she remembered. Mel wasn’t home. The man in bed with her was his best friend, Bert. Bert’s hand slid over her, cupped her breast, and a rush of heat swept through her as he played with her nipple. ‘Good morning,’ he said, nibbling at the back of her neck. ‘Good morning yourself,’ she replied and pushed her bottom back at him. ‘What’s that I feel?’ ‘My...

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The first of many sweet nights of pleasure

My dear wife is so good to me in so many ways, but especially the way she indulges my harmless sexual fetishes. Straightforward fucking has always been good and I love the way she writhes and moans as she surrenders to the intensely exquisite pleasure of a prolonged orgasm impaled on my throbbing cock. Sometimes we will fuck slowly for over an hour whilst I hold back on my explosion of joy and repeatedly send her to the Gates of Paradise until she almost faints with rapture. We have always...

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The Banquet snuff tale by Jennifer Kilmey

The great room had been but a dark, damp cavernous stone chamber. Marcus had done his best to make it into an acceptable dining area. He had his soldiers scrub the walls, the floor, even the ceiling in an attempt to rid the stones of as much mold as possible. With the addition of a large fireplace and nearly a hundred candle lit sconces, a tapestry adorning one wall, and furniture fashioned from oak harvested from the nearby forest, the space had become reasonably comfortable. Not Rome......

4 years ago
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Unexpected encounter with wildest PoliceSP Ramya 8211 Part 2

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here with a story of a curvy hot Bangalore girl. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for my stories. I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore...

2 years ago
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Her First Day on the Job Prostitute in the Alley

I lived in the building for a short time. I had rented a small loft on the top floor. Only one other person lived on the top floor and he was usually away for long periods. I would pick up his mail in 9G until he got back. I had a great view of the Space Needle. I had some simple furniture around my living room. I had a big red leather couch. 2 big black bean bag chairs on the floor. A huge metal Papasan Chair with a black pillow top. That I put next to a a big glass window that overlooked the...

1 year ago
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Fucking Komal

Hi This is Rocky again from Delhi First of all thank you very much for the response given for my previous stories.Yeh do din pehle ki baat hai main apne mama ke ghar kisi kaam se gaya tha.Mama kahin bahar gaye hue the aur ghar par sirf mama ki beti sonia aur uski saheli komal thi main beth kar unse baten karne kaga.Komal ek 21 saal ki big boobs wali lekin bahut hi sexyyyyyyyyyyy ladki hai usne khuli top aur tight jeans pehni hui thi aur ek dam sex bomb lag rahi thi.Sonia chai banane ke liye...

3 years ago
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Oh So Friendly Part 2

I left home to attend Texas A&M and study animal husbandry and business administration. I enrolled in those courses by chance. My original choice was to get a liberal arts degree just so I could say I had a college degree. Then I met a young woman named Colleen. She took me to bed, learned I knew how to make sex last for an hour or more and was interesting to talk to. She invited me to room with her. Not long after we began to room together Colleen pulled a fast one on me. She had a slut...

2 years ago
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Long Distance LoveThe Final Chapter

Those of you looking to find sex in this story, will be disappointed, but it is the final chapter, one that needed to be written, to end the story for the readers who liked the first three chapters, and for the characters, who also needed their own ending.   This is the final chapter of this story, and the final chapter of this part of my life.  To Jack, who was a wonderful lover, who is a wonderful man, and who will always be a wonderful friend.  Thank you.   Jack and I had been trying to...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 288 the Awards and the Prize

When I looked up the editor had gone. I heard him getting dressed, so I wasn't surprised. Jennifer was snoring, so I left her alone. I gave some serious thought to going out for coffee. I didn't want, or need, to fake breakfast but I did want the coffee. I happened to be sitting beside the phone when it rang. It is possible that had I not been, it might have awakened Jen, but I had my doubts. She was pretty much still inside whatever kind of stupor she have fallen into. I did make sure she...

1 year ago
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Colette Lyra Law Lena Anderson Threesome of Our Dreams

For their debut with Colette.com, Lyra and Lena want to give you something that is fucking fabulous. What could be better than two blonde, hazel-eyed American fashion models caressing and nibbling each other as they get naked. But wait: Lena told us once that she loves threesomes. Lyra is excited by the idea, and they decide to put on a show for Ryan. Lena becomes orgasmic when her girlfriend licks her pussy and ass as he watches, and then these slim, delicious babes turn their attention to a...

1 year ago
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Futa Naked in School 09 Innocent Girls Futa AwakeningChapter 2 Lolarsquos Accepts Her Passions

Lola Lovell’s Week, Wednesday Sandra and Asuka supported my best friend. I wiped the cum on my finger off onto my belly as Macie lay slumped in Sandra and Asuka’s arms. They stood in the doorway of the class while the rest of my escort for the Purity Society gasped in the background. “Lola had sex?” “But she’s supposed to be pure!” “If she couldn’t do it...” “It’s that pill Principal McTaggart made her take.” Anger murmured through my supports as I bit my lip. It was the pill’s fault. I...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood SlutChapter 4

Marcy moved up and knelt down behind Tracy, between Jim's knees. She spread the girl's firm young ass-cheeks apart with her open hands and began to run her slurping tongue up through the teenager's hot little ass-crack. Bobby was astounded. After what happened so far, he was pretty certain that Marcy Morris wasn't a lesbian, and the naive youth couldn't understand why on earth the gorgeous woman was licking Tracy's ass. He knew that Tracy wasn't a lesbian either... and yet his...

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Batman v Poison Ivy

Batman slipped stealthily through the skylight and dropped to the floor of the arboretum, the abode of his arch enemy Poison Ivy. He knew it was a trap but since she had recently and quite blatantly robbed the Gotham nation bank she had to be brought to justice. The path into the tangle of greenery looked the easiest route but Batman knew this would be laden with booby traps so he slipped quietly into the undergrowth. Ivy's pet plants snapped at him but he did not give them a second...

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The Au PairChapter 11

"What am I going to do about Tim?" Kathy stomped back and forth across the back yard, working out her frustrations by aggressively cleaning out the accumulated brush and trimming back the trees around the pool and patio. "I can't be in love with him," she reasoned to herself. "I just can't! One date ... I mean, it was just one date!" She picked up a pair of hedge clippers and started to attack the bushes which bordered the pool deck. "Life just isn't fair! Why did he have show...

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Lost With Nothing to Lose11 More Machinations

‘Alright, the power is shut off for this section of the ship, as approved by the Captain. It’s late enough there aren’t many people active now, so if we work fast, hopefully we won’t be observed.’ ‘You realize the extent of the risk we’re facing here,’ Kaci reminded him. ‘All the more reason to shut up and work, so we’re less likely to be discovered.’ “Just get those cables stowed and I’ll connect the necessary communication links,” Zita said aloud. “Okay, those are the last of the...

1 year ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 16

While Veronica continued her initiation to cocks at the lakeside cabin, Jughead snuck out of his bedroom a bit after 11 PM that night. He checked Hotdog's doghouse and saw that the three pooches were still there, sleeping apparently. Being careful not to be seen, he made his way towards the Cooper house a few blocks away. When he got there, he picked up some small pebbles and tossed them against the window of Betty's bedroom. Seconds later, her window opened and she crawled over to the...

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WeaklingChapter 4 Adapt and Overcome

It is the third Friday in November just before Thanksgiving week, when everyone goes home for the holiday, and the last game of the season. My life is getting back in somewhat of an order. I have adapted and overcame the life that was thrust upon me. I am making friends and I find myself really liking this school. I am making friends and the girls are always flirting with me, which makes Martina giggle. Martina and I have become great friends, although some would say that we are...

4 years ago
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Powered People

The world changed five hundred years ago when the first powered was born. Damien Watts was a baby born in North America that was born with electricity powers, at first it was believed to be a strange birth defect before similar cases started popping out all over the world and in five hundred years nearly everyone has some sorta power. Now, a hero is a government-funded job, and using your power without a license, especially destructive powers is a crime. There are also schools to teach the...

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I owe it all to my aunt

I owe my love of lingerie to my aunt. When I was young I used to spend my school holidays with her and as I grew older I noticed more and more how sexily she dressed.So, she was in charge of a small private hospital and her house was attached so even if she was working I still stayed with her as she was never far away. I remember the crisp white uniform she wore, but it wasn't until I was probably 12 or 13 that I started noticing what was underneath. Obvious outline of the bra, sometimes the...

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High School CD Part 2

High School CD Part 2 By Vicki Anne Stevens I struggled mightily for awhile, hoping against hope that I might find a way out of the ropes that held me, imprisoned as a girl. But I had been tied very well, and the ropes were not getting looser, if anything they held me tighter. It had happened so quickly, and at first I was furious with them, but with nothing to do but reflect on my situation, I was soon back to the way i had been feeling only minutes ago, when I was being...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Holi With Mom

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great and will enjoy this story of with my mom. You can call me Hunter, and I’m 22 years old. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 46 years old. Her figure is 36-34-38. She’s a school teacher by profession and a single mom. As we know that during this lockdown, everything was closed, schools, colleges, malls. And during this Holi festival, after seeing the number of corona cases, our society decided not to host Holi and everyone should only play in their...


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