- 3 years ago
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The boys must have talked, too, for they replied like gentlemen. Andrew even got up when he spoke to the ladies. He was beet red and stammered, but his message got across. Rita sat across from him.
The girls, too, were nervous, but fit into the social aspects much better. Rita, with one day's more experience, started a conversation that the rest of the table followed. The tables around us were mainly silent, as they listened to what was being said.
When the bell rang we all reluctantly left for health. This was what the single periods of Phys Ed were for. We sat in a room and Mr. Richardson stood at the front, dressed in sweats and runners.
"Well, class, we are going to talk today, again, about the boring subject of personal cleanliness. It has been brought to my attention that some of you do not smell like a bed of roses." He looked directly at me when he said this. "It is necessary to get cleaner after you exercise or play sports..."
"Basically, you stink and you offend people around you, unless they, too, stink, then it is ok."
I raised my hand and Richardson said, "Yes?"
"If you have some work to do in the back of the room, I could perhaps put a different slant onto the topic that would clarify the matter."
He thought on my offer and then stared at me with one eye more than the other. "Ah... I have to check some papers. Alex, will you do your song and dance?"
"Yes sir," I said. I got up and walked to the front of the class.
The teacher took a manila folder and squeezed into a desk in the back. I said, "Well, guys, the teacher is busy now and can't hear us." The students looked at me as if I was stupid. They looked around at the teacher and saw his head down looking at his work.
"You guys are not too bright sometimes. When a teacher works hard at his work, he has to exclude all outside noise. He can't hear us now." My smile helped and only the densest could not understand. The class laughed at this.
"You guys always talk about your dick being big, or all the hair you have got so far." This shocked the boys. Nobody talked like this with a teacher around. "I am younger than you guys, and I am bald down below and probably look like your little brother." This brought a laugh when the image came to their minds. "I am not stupid, though. I know that girls like boys sometimes. One is when they do not stink so bad that they have to hang their head outside a window to get a breath of air." This brought laughter again as they saw this in their minds.
"Girls stink, too, but not as bad as you guys do. The smell turns on lots of guys, though. Young people have a lot of different hormones going through their bodies. Sometimes there is too much of one kind or another. That makes us do irrational things. It makes us have difficulty sleeping at night and hard to get up in the morning."
"If I were to make a suggestion, it would be to get clean clothes set aside at night, have a quick bath, or better, a shower. Some of you guys are too lazy to even comb your hair. Brush your teeth after eating. Nobody likes to see green stuff or meat between your teeth. Some of your breaths could stop a train better than Superman. Your pits usually stink a lot. Wash with soap and water, not just water. Use a deodorant, but keep it light. You will end up stinking like a whore otherwise. You will bitch, because you never have time. Well, get up earlier."
"Now you guys have clean clothes, clean bodies, and are wearing some deodorant. You walk down the hall and see a pretty girl you like. Do you go up to her and say hi? No, you punch her in the arm as if she is a boy. That way you actually get to touch a girl. The problem is; she thinks you are an asshole." This brought the guys up short and Mr. Richardson looked at me quickly.
"Yes, she maybe is attracted to you, but she hates the rough stuff. Keep your hands to yourself. Maybe you can hold hands if she wants, but only then. She likes to touch as much as you do, but she is shy like you manly types are. Basically, be honest and just keep your deep feelings inside till it is time to let some of them out. Girls are just as insane as you guys are. One minute you are friends, and the next you are fighting. Just remember that to get closer to her; she has to not want to hold her breath."
"Any questions?"
Joe, the class jock, said, "How can you talk to us like this. You have even less experience than we do?"
"Joe, I can dance, I can sing. I do not find it hard to get up here and talk to you guys. I am not hesitant to talk to a girl and show her that I care. I may be young and not developed like you, but I have experienced many more things than you have."
"Name one," he challenged.
"I have flown a plane in the pilot's seat. I started a company worth a lot of money. I have even parachuted. That is three. I can describe in detail how each is done. This cannot be found in a book."
"Explain one."
"I will, but now is not the time. We are talking about you guys being clean enough to come close to girls. Then being nice enough to have them want you to stay. The only other thing to learn is what to talk about. You might be surprised that girls do not care much about cars, motorcycles, or sports. Talk about movies or what is on at the show. Mention some of your favourite musicians. And, best of all, let them see that you find them very important."
"Now, any more questions before I rouse our teacher from his studies?"
When none came I played the charade and walked to Mr. Richardson and said I had finished talking.
"Took your time about it."
"Yes, I did. But jock heads are harder to get through to than regular ones."
This broke the class up and even the teacher saw that he had gotten the dirty end of that conversation. We went on to talk about being physically fit and what that meant to each of us.
Mr. Creighton taught machine shop and this was the first of his classes this week. He was close to retirement and quite sharp in his knowledge. He did have his own problems, though. If you got his shop in the morning, then you had to put up with the alcohol on his breath. He was raised in Britain, and like the Germans, thought that apprentices should toe the line or get some immediate discipline. This took the form of a yardstick smacked against the head of the nefarious party.
I had not been 'kissed' by him yet, but many others had, for reasons ranging from not working like they should to goofing off in general.
We had made a tack hammer, a meat tenderizer, a mould to form a lead hammer and, at the end of the term, we had started on a small drill vice. I had not even started this project yet.
When the class split up to work, I stated to Mr. Creighton what steps were needed to complete the vice. He ran them through his head and said, "It looks like you are finally taking an interest in this shop."
"You are mistaken, sir. I have always liked this shop. I was just too shy earlier to work as I should. That has now changed. You might say that my work ethic went from high to very high."
I took the casting and ground the flashing so that it looked more like the body of a vice. I now wore safety glasses that were not mandatory. The machines I owned in the next century were much more accurate, but these could do the work within the tolerances needed. The tooling was not carbide, but tool steel. I flooded the cutting surface with coolant and ran what I would if this were a production job. By the end of the two periods I had the body completely machined. Most of the others were just a bit beyond me and they had well over a month to work on it.
Before the class ended, I put my things away and talked to Mr. Creighton. "Sir, I need some advice on a complicated project."
"What is that, Alex?"
"I have the money and resources to rebuild a highway bus for family trips. If I find a used one, it will have to be lengthened, strengthened, and get better brakes and suspension. The pusher engine is usually a 100 horsepower. A Cummins engine is one of the better ones around, and it can go into this bus with its transmission."
"That sounds like a very expensive project. Are you sure you can handle this? The cost would be in the thousands of dollars. That is not what the average student can afford."
"I am more than sure. I would like to start producing them for sale. I can afford to put half a million into this project if necessary. "
"Well, forgetting that you have that kind of money, do you really think that people can afford that kind of vehicle?"
"There are many fairly wealthy people that are going to retire and would like to see the world in comfort. What I wanted to ask you about is a business proposition."
"You want to employ me?"
"I want you to make me something that I have no time to make. A simple cash deal."
"What is it?"
"A large diesel can have a turbo charger to increase performance an even provides for more economical travel. The problem is that they do not make a good one for a small, 150 horsepower engine. I will draw up plans and, I would like you to fabricate it for me. There will be a few innovations, like a small sump and a heat exchanger. Ethylene glycol and water will go in at one side, and oil that is cooled much more than engine oil will lubricate the bearings on the exhaust side of the unit."
"Antifreeze and a heat exchanger?"
"Sure. If it works, I'll patent it, and then it gets sold to my company and to others. If you talk to the auto shop teacher you can see what I mean. Anyway, the turbo charger has to fit on the engine, and all of it must be crammed into the bus. The compressed air is now hot and I want another heat exchanger, similar to a radiator, to cool this air further."
The bell rang and Mr. Creighton said, "How much money are you talking about?"
"We will have to talk about that after you have your own talk with the auto teacher. I am a business man now, but I know that you don't get really good help by being frugal."
Mr. Smith was a tall, thin teacher of fifty. He had come out of the last war with a few peculiarities. He would bob his head and upper body and sometimes forget where he was, as he no doubt relived something from during the war.
He taught electricity. For grade nines, it was just house wiring and simple electricity. In the higher grades it changed into electronics with tubes. Transistors had not made it into consumer electronics yet. No products at all were available to the consumer market.
While the rest of the class learned about power factors, I wired a four-walled enclosure that represented a room in a house. Previous students had drilled the holes and I just had to run wire to lights, switches and outlets. Before this was done, I had to make a list of what I needed in supplies.
When I finished hammering in staples, Mr. Smith came in and looked critically at my work. The codes were rigorously followed. He took the wiring and tugged on it to see how well the staples had been seated.
"Good job, Alex."
"Thank you, sir. Did you get an invitation to a meeting after school?"
"Yea, some fool notion, no doubt. Just a waste of time."
"Not this time, I hope. I want to build some modular dwellings. Each piece is almost the same. The portions can be trucked to a site and assembled into a larger structure. This saves time and the building is easier to assemble on good concrete floors with good tools around, as opposed to a wet, muddy work site."
"You are behind all this?"
"Yes sir. I started a few corporations to handle some of my ideas and separate business entities. I need proper housing, and I need it soon. This means that everybody can work as if on an assembly line making the same parts all the time. The parts are assembled in the same area, by the same people, making the units identical. This should, after a while, become very efficient. Our local economy will benefit from the jobs and I believe we can start exporting these units to the rest of North America."
"I need open-minded tradesmen and apprentices. It is the younger ones who will work best. The old hands may not do things the new way, no matter what they are told. The units will suffer from this attitude. The apprentices will do as they are told and produce a superior product that many will want to buy."
"What differences do you see?"
"Heavy polyethylene sheeting has to be used. That means the there has to be holes in it for the electrical connectors and pluming. These joints need to be taped and stapled. Old hands, who think they know enough, will just make a hole in the plastic and let the paneling hide it. There are many more instances, but all relate to quality. That is the selling point of the future."
"How can you know that?"
"The same reason I am very rich now and most people are not."
History was the last class of the day. Mr. Lockhart sprung a surprise test and the class just groaned as he smiled and handed out the mimeographed tests. As usual, I was the first person done. Some of the questions were very simplistic and I remembered how complex the subject really was, when you wanted to dig. I didn't know what Mr. Lockhart, our resident monarchist, would think when I brought up all the foibles of the various royal families throughout history.
Our history homework was given and, as a treat, we were given class time to work on it. When the bell rang, I was one of the first out the door. I dropped off all my notebooks and looked at the five pounds of gold. That would have to wait for later.
Mr. Ross was in his room waiting for me. I walked up to his desk and said, "You wanted to talk to me?
"Yes I did, Alex. Have a seat. I wanted to know when, and how, you learned to do the mathematics you showed me."
"The 'when' is simple. I learned mathematics from a young age. When others were learning to add, I was working in what you are now teaching. When others were learning to divide, I was doing differential and integral calculus. Even our library here has some advanced texts. You would be surprised what can be found in periodicals relating to astronomy and engineering. You might remember that I never asked you questions except, I admit, when I thought a better explanation was needed for your other students."
"My adoptive parents, like my real ones, have very little schooling and no real wish to gain more. I have to scan books and edit the pictures in my mind to integrate the data later. Sometimes I just do math for the joy of working on a problem, like some people do when solving crossword puzzles. You are one of the few people who can actually assist me in getting more of an education."
"Science has possibilities, but all the rest, excluding math, are like being taught at a grade one level."
Mr. Ross said, "Well, I didn't get too far with your problem, but I do see some avenues to pursue." He handed me four sheets of paper explaining each possibility. I had solved the problem long ago, but I had used a computer that was not even invented yet. Three of the ways had resulted in dead ends. These I handed back to Mr. Ross and said, "These I tried. This is something I have not thought of. I will try this tonight, if I have time. By the way, there is a meeting downstairs. It is for a business proposition I have concerning the school, and some teachers and students. Would you like to attend? You will at least know about the meeting when you gossip tomorrow during your break."
"Young man, we do not gossip."
I just smiled at him and in a few seconds he turned red. "I'll come."
The meeting was in a classroom because it had so many people. Instead of being introduced, I simply went to the front of the room and took charge. Waiting around makes a person appear weak. I needed these people to be confident in me.
I did my own introduction. This time I had to drop my many titles and positions, because the companies simply did not exist, yet. My requirements were stated in as simple a way as possible.
Mr. Clark had brought the prints and I laid them on an empty table. On the blackboard I explained some of the ways that my construction would be different from what they did. My stipulations and requirements were even more stringent than the Ontario Building Code.
My pay scale was listed on the chalkboard. Further figures showed where monies were to be spent. Some were to be paid directly to the school, while others would be paid to the teachers and students as additional incentive to work. All hours worked by the students would be notarized and could possibly be used towards an apprenticeship.
A representative of the local labour organizations said, "Is this going to be union work?"
"The first eight pieces will be. After that, they will not." This caused a stir among most of the strange adults.
I explained, "A company will be formed to manufacture these units. The public has to see our product as superior to any competition. This will also take time and effort. I cannot afford to make units that will take years to sell."
"There will be no differences between similar units. Other units will be stamped from a similar type of cookie cutter. A tradesman is not needed for this type of construction. My business will be different from any other you have ever worked for. Quality will be very important. There will be jobs for journeymen when they do inspections on each unit. My pay scale will be fair. I will not fight a union but encourage forming one, but only one union."
"I recognize the need for collective bargaining to secure good wages and working conditions. The unit protects the workers from unfair practices, but it also protects the person who should not be working with us. In addition to wages the workers will share a fixed percentage of profits. This, I hope, will keep both the company and the workers fixed on similar goals. I do not want the adversarial approach to work being done."
The meeting lasted an hour and I offered to put up ten thousand dollars before this could get off the ground. This equated to almost twenty troy pounds of gold. I took out my chequebook and said that this sum was easily covered, though I did not make out the check yet. I could see dad giving me a lot of grief over this, even if our agreement said that the mine was my property.
After the meeting, I picked up my pack with the pill bottle I had left in my clean towel. It was only ten minutes to doctor Smiles' office. His long-time secretary pulled extra duty as his wife. The office, in my opinion, was run even better because of this. The doctor healed people and his wife, Janice, made sure everything went smoothly.
When I walked through the frosted glass door, Janice looked up and said, "Hello, Alex. How are you doing?"
"Bad from your point of view. I am very healthy, thank you."
"I am glad to hear that. What can I do for you?"
"When the doc has three free minutes, I want to talk to both of you."
"Both of us... ?" She asked.
"Yes, the boss and the doc," I replied.
There were three adult patients in the room and all of them tittered at the joke. They too knew that the office here was run as a partnership.
The only child was about four and looked to have been crying. She hung to her mother tightly as if afraid. Being in a strange place sometimes did this. I got up and pulled the coffee table with old periodicals away from the mother and child. I sat on the table so I was far enough away to not be a threat.
"Hi Sweetie, My name is Alex. What is yours?"
She just hid her face behind her mother's arm and said nothing. I said, "My little brother comes here sometimes, but he is brave. He gets yucky medicine and swallows it quick. When he was cut once, they had to give him three stitches and a lot of white cloth. We used the cloth afterwards to make the tail for a kite. Maybe we can get the doctor to give you a tail, too."
The mother said, "Nora is always shy with strangers, then won't shut up after."
"Inoculations... ?"
"Yes, and she feels what is coming."
Measles was the usual shot at her age and the amount was small enough that it was not that uncomfortable. Since she did not stop crying I wanted to help all of us from the sound she was producing.
"Janice, may I have your stethoscope for a few moments?" She just looked at me and reached into her second drawer and pulled out the old pair.
I put the device on and said to the woman, "May I check your pulse at your wrist and neck?" She gave me a funny look and nodded. Nora had quieted as I put the device to my ears and listened to the artery. It was strong and regular but that was what I expected. I looked at the mother again and said, "My nurse has to listen too. May she do so?"
The mother was perplexed but nodded. I took the stethoscope off and put it around the startled child's neck. "I am going to put it in your ears and you can listen to your mother." She did not resist and soon I placed the metal end on her mother's wrist. Her face changed as she listened to the strange noises.
"Let's listen to yours." The girl did not resist as the now warmer piece of metal touched her wrist. Her eyes got large as she listened. I moved her long dark hair and placed the metal over her artery. "You are listening to your heart push blood all through your body. Want to listen to mine?"
I got a much more eager nod. "Doctor Nora, do I have blood moving?" I said in a worried child's voice. She got off her chair and placed the metal end all over me. "Will I live, doctor?"
She smiled and nodded her pretty head.
I opened my shirt and took her hand and placed the metal so she could hear my lungs. "Can you hear my breathing?"
This time I got a "Yes." She moved the stethoscope around for a minute. I took her hand again and placed the metal over my larynx. I hummed low and she could feel the vibrations as well as hear them.
"Do me now," the girl said.
"Ok, but you have to be the patient now." I placed the head at her larynx and she dutifully hummed for me. Her pulse was regular now that she had calmed down. I checked her lungs through her back and found a little congestion in her left lung. Before I could find out more, Janice said that Nora could go in.
The girl got up with a smile and said, "Thank you, doctor."
"You are welcome, Nora. Give Doctor Smiles a hug when you are done. He likes that."
When the child and mother went into the back room I walked over to Janice's desk and said, "Thanks for the stethoscope. Would you please have the doc check for congestion in her left lung? My mail order medical certificate has not come in yet."
Again, she gave me an odd look, but decided to tell her husband. Five minutes later Janice came out with the same look again. "You were right, Alex. How did you know?"
"Because a kind lady gave me the use of her stethoscope. You haven't forgotten that I have a great memory, Mrs. Smiles. Well, in this case, the wind through the bronchial tubes and the gurgling were easy to spot."
"Well, the old doc in there wants to see you."
I walked back to the table and put it back where it was and retrieved my pack. There was a hallway with examination rooms on each side. There was an alternate entrance at the end of the hallway. The voices were coming from the second office on the right. I was not a doctor in these people's eyes, so I paused and called, "Doctor Smiles?"
"In here, Alex."
The two adults were on each side of the examining table and Nora was sitting with her shirt off. "Hello, Doctor Smiles." Then I turned to the girl, "Hello again, Nora. Did you teach the doctor how to use the stethoscope yet?"
She smiled widely but only shook her head no.
"Alex, how did you recognize this problem?"
"Doctor Smiles, you of all people have not forgotten that I have a great memory. You have let me listen to my own heart and lungs and of others. Nora's was just a bit different. There was a gurgling in one lung and it was not in my own. So she must have some congestion."
"That is very good, Alex. You might have a future in medicine."
"Thank you, doctor. That was one of the reasons I was coming to you today to discuss. I will let you continue with your examination and wait my turn in your waiting room."
"Thank you, Alex. I would like to talk to you next, though."
One patient who was waiting said, "Did you really find out what was wrong with that child?"
"No ma'am. I just found some odd noises and reported them. Doctor Smiles has to check and see if I was right and make his own diagnosis. I always wanted to be a doctor. It would be great if I was right."
I looked through an old National Geographic till Janice called me in. She followed me to a small room and Doctor Smiles asked, "What was it that you wanted to talk to us about?"
"This is confidential, for at least a few days." I waited for each to nod or accept my condition. "I found some gold. There is much more and I have staked a claim and my family has begun to extract some of the metal. I am now quite wealthy. I have looked at my last hospital bill and found that you did not put in for any money. This may have gone on at other times, too, but I have no records to find out. I want to correct this situation, now, with my own prescription."
They both looked at me strangely and I reached into the pack and handed the doctor a heavy medicine bottle that he had given to Helen a few years ago. He almost dropped the bottle because of the unaccustomed weight. He looked at it carefully and juggled the weight. "Is this gold?"
"Yes, it is, sir. It is my way of saying thanks for some of the things you have done for my family."
"Does your father know you are giving us this?"
"Sir, the claim is mine, and so is the company. The gold is my property. I did inform dad of my intentions, though. You should have found the gold, I think, when you panned for it. I think this represents years of going into the bush for your vacations."
"I understand the condition this is given, but I think this is still too much, Alex."
"No, it isn't. You deserve all of that, if not more. I just wish I could use more of my money to purchase a library similar to the one you have. Would it be possible to have you order some of the books for me?"
"Nonsense, Alex. You can use my library. I hardly ever need to dig into all those books. Just look on it as our library."
"Thank you, sir. That will make my training that much easier. I want to be a doctor like you."
"That is very good for these old ears to hear. If you run into any problem, just ask me. I don't know if I can give the best answer, but I can try."
"That is great. You don't happen to need an apprentice do you? I can tote haemoglobin and sharpen lancets."
Both adults laughed at the image that was brought to their minds. "I will see what I can do. But it cannot happen soon. Janice and I are going on a vacation. We have been planning on this for two years now. With our newfound wealth, the time away might even be more enjoyable."
We parted a bit more than just friends. With Doctor Smiles' help, my medical training would be much easier to explain. He also might give his endorsement to me, enabling me to enter the medical school much sooner than I had before.
The banks closed at a much earlier time than they did in the latter half of the century, and it was sometimes very difficult for a working man to make it to the wicket. There were no automatic tellers, and the only substitute was the credit unions, but they were not that much better.
I wanted to get some money from the line of credit and move it to the account for the new manufacturing concern. Lumber, shingles, siding, insulation, plastics and all the other things that a home needed, were on the list to acquire. I just wished I could get a simple shower put in at the house.
The Bell Telephone office was along the way. It took a while to get a manager to see me. Even with cash, it was difficult to get them to give us a service. Derrick MacNeil had to be called, and this time, at least, he did not have to come down. The phone service was expensive because I did not want the usual party line. They would have to run more lines. I did my best to get more lines brought to the house for further expansion, but they refused to believe that a residential dwelling would need more than one phone.
The house would be lonely with the family gone for two more days. There was no hot meal waiting for me and my stomach was starting to protest. Many years in the future, I had patronized a small restaurant that became very popular. As the city grew, the restaurant did, too. I decided to see if it had opened for business by this time frame.
Mario's was not on my way, but the city itself was not that big. I also needed some exercise. I pedalled over to the establishment and locked my bike to a street sign. The restaurant was fairly dark from my being in the bright sunlight. A waiter came to me with a questioning look, probably wondering what a boy wanted with this establishment.
I said in my best Toscana dialect, "A table for one by the window, please."
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Group SexAs I was headed down the hallway from my shower, I noticed the door was slightly ajar. Being a normal inquisitive 16 year old, I peaked in. Much to my surprise, she was lying on her back, stretched across the bed with a towel covering her face, completely naked. Now, I had seen pussies before, but nothing like this one. She had a forest of thick black hair and I could see her oversized clit trying to escape for mthe forest. Instand erection! ! I quietly walked into the room, knelt by the bed...
Kaoru: Yahiko! (Kenshin and Hanya continue to stare each other down. Hanya holds up a hand.) Hanya: Stop. I see to fight any further here for Takani Megumi is pointless. I myself want to collect these two and report back to the Okashira. Kenshin: You were the ones who started this. We won't stop you from leaving. But the little one will stay here to give us the antidote for> Hanya: I have no such duty to an enemy. Kenshin (charging): Then we'll have to take it! (Hanya...
It had taken me about twenty minutes to drive through the city across town to my house from where I'd just left one of my best friend's houses. I had dropped off my daughter to spend the night, had planned on staying for a bit to hang out and chat with Brandy, but little did I know how far that visit would end up going.She had been a friend for almost ten years. Married to a complete asshole, her husband Brian was a dick who treated her like shit. I had been married longer than she had, and had...
CheatingI Train My MotherAfter my Dad died my mother was devastated. They had been married since high school and he had been the only man she had ever been with. He'd left her a hefty life insurance policy that was plenty for the rest of her life but it could not replace her soulmate. With his death she became depressed for the first time in her life and seldom left her room. She stopped taking care of herself, drank too much, and just watched mindless TV all day. She had always been beautiful and a...
By Allison When I tell people I am a lesbian they think they know me. They think I listen to the Indigo Girls, that I cut my hair short because I'm acting like a man and they think I liked the TV show 'Ellen'. People assume lesbians are a separate species. They either think we are girls having endless orgies with each other or they think we are women who have yet to meet the right man. Some think we all write poetry while others think I must have had a tattoo by now. People might think...
I’m on my way over to Shelly’s house for the weekend. I’ll be getting there kind of late because I had to work. It’ll be a few hours until I get there. I’m so excited to see her. I can’t imagine all the fun we’ll be having. I know we’ll be having lots of sex so that’s always a good thing. I’m still pretty upset that I didn't get into the swinger club. I really was hoping to have a gang bang. I've been having all these very naughty dreams recently. I dream that I’m with all these men and we all...
Group SexIt all began one afternoon while I was sitting reading in the students' union coffee shop. I heard a voice I recognised. "Hi, Annie! Do you mind if I join you?" I looked up and saw Adam, a guy I knew vaguely through some other friends. I knew he was in his third year of a music degree, and he'd been to a party at our place a couple of weeks ago, where we'd had quite a long chat in the kitchen about the sort of music we both liked. He was doing a dissertation on dissident music in the Soviet...
Straight SexI was excited to be going to my first college party but I was nervous too. Ashley had picked out my clothes. To be fair about it, she was dressed almost the same as me. We were both wearing tight cut-off jeans that were so short the bottom of our ass cheeksshowed. She had cut out the pockets so skin showed through all four pocket holes. She did give me alittle black thong to wear under it. For my shirt I had a tight yellow crop top. She told me I would bebetter off without a bra. You could see...
Finding Her Master By: Ropetease c 2010 Chapter 10 She was on the verge of exploding when she felt the vibrator inside her going full speed. Robin's wave crashed as her fear turned real, someone turned the vibrator to full speed. "Who is doing this to me? Who are you?" her muffled screams demanded from behind her gagged mouth. Shaking her head side to side she began to panic, pulling against the bonds holding her. Her muffled screams of "Nooo!" behind the ball gag. Panic began to set in, her...
BDSMI had to raise money for my school track team by selling candy bars. I was crafty and had the perfect sales pitch for every crowd to would show it to. The parks for the sugar hungry k**s after school, and other places i had up my sleeve that other team mates wouldnt think to try. My sales were going excellent and i had almost sold all of my chocolate bars, however, 23 boxes remained. I went to the police station and the fire house, gave a sweet lil sales pitch and sold 8 of the 23 boxes. I had...
Howdy, all!! Having a great sex life?? This is an absolutely real sex story involving me and my own wife. I am a 46-year-old man and working as a CEO in a reputed company. So, naturally, I am very rich. My wife is also 46 years old. She used to work before but now she stays at home. My wife is a typical high-class woman but at the same time, very traditional too. She mostly wears sarees but sometimes suits too. At night, she wears nightgowns. We also have a result of our love as our...
Hello friends mera nam Rohan aur email ID Mere story ks part 1 intro tha. Part 2 me mane kaise usse chooda iske bareme he. Meri story ka part 1 please page. Ab story continue karta Hu. Vo apni security me bohot mahir thi. Fir jaise hi vo darvaja band karke vo palati, seriously me usko dekhte hi s rah gaya. Usne silk material ka gaon pink colour ka sleevless gaon pahna tha. Pink colour ka gaon uski gori skin pe bohot jach raha tha. Vo ek pari ki tarah dikh rahi this. Us gaon ka gala thoda deep...
Well me and abbie have been best friends for years and we stay at each others houses all the time but then this one weekend we planned that we would say to your mums and dads that we were staying at our friends house and actually go to a hotel and stay there for a night.Its came to the friday after school we went back to my house and got changed , I for a while has noticed that i had some sexual feelings for Abbie. She was perfect, her body was perfect ,her hair ,her eyes,her breast,her bum,...
First Time“What can I do for you, Mister? You look to be part Indian. Are you?” The man behind the window at the train station said as Eli walked up to the window to send a telegraph message back to Little Tree. “I need to send a message over to Little Tree, Texas. Can you do that for me?” Eli said, ignoring the man’s remark. “I sure can. Who is it for and what name do you want on it?” “Put my name on it, Marshal Eli Crow. Send it to Hoke at the livery. Tell him I need him to get word to my folks at...
I m 29 yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits.. I believe in making good friends.. And loves to explore new horizones of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned.. I love to spend time with like minded loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and descret.. I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet bm And like minded cpls and females for casual or one off...
Cheryl and I have been going together for about a year now. We have developed a great relationship together, especially our sex life. Cheryl has a very adventurous side to her. She also has a fascination for my ass. When we walk through the park, or down by the river, she always has her hand in my back pocket, which she has altered and removed the material so she can feel my ass as we are walking. One of the utmost demands she has is that I wear nothing underneath my clothes. She is always...
Hello Friends kaise ho, Mai aapka story teller Rajeev dubara aaya hu apni new story leke.Meri pichli 2no story Wechat se room tak and teenage ladki ko blackmail krke choda ko aap sabne bhut acha response dia uske lie mai aapko thanks bolta hu. Aaj mai aapko bataung ek married bhabhi ki story jiski age 35 jo ki Indian sex story se hi mili muje, Usne mujse kaise chudwaya ye padhiye aage story thodi lambi hai but padhna jarur isko padh ke aapko jarur maja aaega. Again meri Wechat ID hai...
I was a little confused when I heard the knock at my door at 2:37 am. I had just slipped into bed and was about to doze off when I heard the knock. I had a feeling it may have been my neighbor from the building across the way returning after she had tried to enter my apartment – by mistake, of course, since they look pretty similar. Especially when you’re drunk. “Can I help you?” I asked, noticing that she was dolled up compared to her usual attire that I had always seen her in. “What are you...
Yes....There! That One!A Very Risqué and Taboo Erotic PsalmJohn, “Big John” Gallivan Warrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist"Viking Gladiator"www.eroticpsalms.comI am John Gallivan, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,The defender of women, the hopeless romantic, and the modern day gladiator.I am here today indeed to poetically tell the female congregation this erotic psalm of love:To go down there on a pretty female, and passionately French kiss that other sweet area,Is the ultimate supreme without any...
Twas a fine evening, of that I am most certain. The wind was blowing ever so gently. I was to meet my girlfriend here, Anne, if I recall. She did not come to me in the way of car or foot, no, she flew down from above the trees. She was beautiful in so many ways, too many, to even go into detail. She was only wearing a bra and panties made of silk dyed red, ever so dark red, you would think the garments in which she wore were made of blood. Her lips were also the colour of blood, her cheeks were...
Erotic FictionThis is an original work of 'adult' fiction, for the entertainment of persons of mature age (+18yrs). It contains scenes and descriptions of 'intimate' marital activities, feminization and transgenderism, not intended, which some may be objectionable to some. Any resemblence to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This work was originally published by Empathy Press (POBox 12466, Seattle, WA 98001) in their books "Guys in Gowns 72 & 73". All applicable copyrights...
I met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...
"Okay then," I say to myself as I stare at the mountain of paperwork in front of me. "One written assignment, one practical assignment and about two hundred photos, and roughly a week in which to do them. Easy." "Umm... They don't have to be in until December," Katie reminds me. "Unless you plan on spending all of next week working and all your free time AFTER next week partying? Because, you know, I can kinda get behind THAT, it's just- you know? I'm probably going to be either...
Humor*** Chapter One: It seemed like any other Wednesday, and I drove my girlfriend home fromClass. I would have liked to spend some time with Lisa, even justdoing boring things like shopping, but she'd told me at lunch that her Momwanted her home early that day to watch her little brother. I offered tohang out with her there, but she turned me down. So, I figured it was as good a time as any to drop the bad news. It waschicken-shit of me, but when I told her something that was bound...
Chapter 1 Morning. The beginning of the day or the ending of a long night. I guess it depends on who you are and what your opinion may be on the subject. Mornings were never looked forward to by Everett Clausen Livingston V, Ev to all his family and friends. His full first name, a name handed down through the years in his family, was only used to irritate him or get his attention quickly. He never did like his name, but was thankful he wasn’t named Leslie, Ashley, or any other effeminate name....
Shorty and his friends hung out on the corners in the neighborhood. They would check out the girls and women who walked by going to or coming from the store, the bus stop or work, or those just looking for something or someone to do. The boys as they called themselves were always looking to hook up. They commented on the weaves, the Jeri curls, the fine looking mamas and most of all the bodacious asses that passed by. They were always courteous to elderly women and church going ladies. All...
It’s been a long day and I know that the train ride home is going to be long, boring and hot. I’m glad I wore a light weight filmy pink flowered sundress to work and even more glad that I pinned my hair up that day. I find a car that is pretty vacant and settle in for my hour and a half ride home from the city to the suburbs. I’ve just pulled out a book from my bag when I feel eyes watching me. I glance up slowly, seeing nobody watching me I go back to my book. I’m midway through the fourth...
“Are you sure about this?” I asked her. It didn’t really need to be pointed out that Johnny, her husband, had only left the room for beer, chips and dips, but I still felt the need to state the painfully obvious, “I mean…” Lisa looked up from where she’d just knelt on the floor between my legs as I sat on the sofa, my knees unresisting, as she pushed them apart, “Don’t worry, I’ll tell him you were depressed because your team are losing, and I am just being a good hostess.” She started to...
CheatingI had been driving for two hours up interstate 15 from San Diego to Riverside, heading to Cindy’s place. My wheels were spinning as fast as they legally could. My head was spinning faster. Cindy and I had been friends with benefits for years. The sex with her was always incredible. Cindy was twenty-one, a little on the plump side but wonder large breasts with soft, large nipples, her pussy was typically trimmed, not completely shaved and very small pussy lips. I was anticipating the visit with...
I lay on the lounger beside the pool. The sky was blue. The sun was hot, hot on my naked back. I was nude, of course I was. He didn’t like tan lines. I sipped my drink. Iced water, with a slice of lemon. I looked over the top of my sunglasses. My daughter lay a few metres away. She was asleep, flat on her back, her legs splayed. Her tanned skin glistened, a mixture of sweat and sun cream. I watched a bead of perspiration, as it rolled down her pussy, then disappeared between the cheeks of her...
Chapter 4"You´ll wear a strip of white, and we want it pretty on you." He gave them his sardonic grin. "Believe it or not, some men pay more for a cunt they can´t see than for one they can."It was like the stewardess on a airline demonstrating the oxygen mask. Amrah mounted the platform, her chains almost silent on the plush, and proceeded to work a feminine miracle upon her loveliness with a swathe of virgin white, potent against the black on which she stood. She was loving every moment."You...
Dave was looking along the platform edge and cursing. He’d wanted to have left the office early today but his boss had other ideas - even though they had agreed it in advance... he'd managed to pull out an “urgent task” five minutes before he had planned to leave, Dave knew his boss did it on purpose, just as a power play, knowing full well that he couldn’t say no. He needed the job, his boss knew this and had him by the proverbial short and curlies.So, instead of already being in the pub with...
MasturbationPrincess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...
So my friend asked me to go with him to a bachelor party. Always fun, so I wnet with. A few drinks and strippers later I was feeling good. One of the strippers was putting on a show, she grabbed me and my buddy pushed me forward. Next thing I know she is sitting on my face, so I obliged and my tongue went to work. When I sucked on her little pink clit she pulled off and with a grin she said it's always the quiet ones, I knew I had gotten her. Felt pretty good, knowing I pleased her.At the...
I tried to crane my neck to see who was behind me… who was inside of me, yet the bound position made it impossible to see. All I could see was Connie, that strap-on jutting out from her center, standing next to my naked wife, still suspended in the doorway. Connie then turned her attention to my wife, lifting her legs and impaling her drippy cunt, just as I had earlier. As I watched Connie thrust into my wife. I felt someone thrusting into me. I heard my wife scream out as an orgasm raced...
A Thursday around 3pm Dawn came to me and said “hey we are done with this project, lets grab a drink”. I’m in. Walking to our cars I suggested we head over to Applebee’s and see what the drink of the month was. So off we go, we get in and the place is dead. No one was at the bar so we grabbed a couple spots there. Constance; call me Connie was the bartender, cute looking gal. I asked what the drink of the month was she said its a Vampire. Dawn and I asked at the same time “ what’s that”?...
She was a somewhat chunky Puerto Rican chick with that bleach-streaked thing in her hair -- but her skin was a delightful light brown. The legs weren't great, but she had an ankle bracelet on her slightly thick right ankle and I'm a sucker for those. She had an ass on her, covered with a short skirt in leopard-spot stretch fabric that fit like skin and reported that there was a thong underneath. Up top was a red tube-top with a considerable amount of titty stuffed in it and a considerable...
When Heather saw the headlights of her husband, Tim’s, truck as it pulled into their carport, she went into a panic mode. She took her hands off of my cock, jumped off of her air mattress and seemed to figuratively run on the surface of the water of my swimming pool, as she rushed to get out, find and put on her robe and run through the gate of my privacy fence, to her house. When she got home, Tim looked at her and asked where she had been, dressed only in her robe and why did her body look...
Introduction: How it got started How it got started. How it got started Cindy tells Chris her side of the story. She explained It started one night Chris, when you and Tom where out of town. Julie invited me over for dinner. They had eaten, and were cleaning up the dishes when Julie spilt something down her top, she then went to change her clothes. I had thought nothing of it when Julie came back with just a silk robe on she giggled. It wasnt until later that i found out that it was all she...
Chapter Three What was with our relationship? Obviously, I was missing something here. Was I being punished or was this just an innocent expression of lust? Obviously, ignoring this situation was maybe a mistake. Nothing bad or dangerous seemed like it was going to happen, but, well, all the shit seemed to be falling on me. Maybe I should just cut and run. What was the reason to stay? I don't have much going here except for our relationship and my job. That was my life. I...
Hey all! Karishma again. I hope you missed me. I am back to narrate another sexperience of mine. This one took place in the first few weeks of my job in the USA. I joined my job in the USA and everyone there loved my cooking. I felt good when everyone appreciated me. One day while I was in my break, I received a text message on my number saying, “I know you are a good cook, but are you still good in the bed or have you lost the energy? Waiting for you in Room No. 1102”. I didn’t know who this...
IncestHi. This is bib and I am going to reveal a real story which happened recently. I have been staying with wife and kid happily for several years and doing well in job and personal. My Sex life has been good and I have a high sex drive and been watching lot of porn and reading all the stories in ISS. We had a maid servant in home who always took leave and this gave us lot of trouble as we both work . One day my mom decided to stay with us (she used to stay in another city alone) and she told that...
The sunlight was hot on my back as I cycled up the alley to 'Jack's' back yard gate. He had a glory hole in his back yard shed, and a back entrance you could use to access it. I'd made plans several days prior to going there, and before I left the house I double checked to make sure we were still on (and we were)!The gate was closed, but unlocked, and I pushed my bike inside the tall wooden fence and leaned it against the shed wall. My heart was pounding hard in my chest, but not so much from...
All sexually active characters in this story are eighteen years of age or older. She knew exactly the effect she had on men. Holly’s power didn’t come from a lipstick tube or a lingerie store—it amused and saddened her by turns when she realized most women thought so. It went much deeper than that. “how old are you, brian?” He was incredibly young. Doe-eyes—big, brown and beautiful—blinked at her as if she were the brightest thing in the room. Looking around the dimly lit bar, older patrons...
We were being couch-potatoes as usual on Wednesday nights. There was a comedy show running on the TV. I lost my interest in it and started caressing my wife Pam. I massaged her hips and kissed her neck.When I got her moody, I whispered to her ear, "Let's watch something dirty, eh?"She chuckled, "What sort?""The sort that makes you drool.""There are many sorts that makes me... wet.""I mean your favourite one," I whispered and started kissing her neck."Mmh... Which one is it?" She...
CuckoldFishnets: "I do recommend it for all girls, and boys, out there: put on a pair of fishnet stockings and find your inner sexiness!" - Nia Vardalos I am still me, I try to tell myself, as I look down at my burgundy nail extensions typing these words out on my computer keyboard as part of a therapy exercise my girlfriend Nia Constantinou has given me. Nia told me I needed to write my story down, both to help myself to understand who I now am, and to help other men to discover their...
I was bored with a hard-on and no woman around in my final year of university. I knew there was a party going on at the campus center so I decided to go for a walk. On my way I saw this beauty walking through the area of the men's dorm. What was she doing there?, I thought, so I said hi. She was very sweet and polite and said she was just going for a walk. I told her there was a party at the rec center and asked if she wanted to go. She said yes, so off we went. It was about a mile away so we...
I had been the water-boy for the varsity football team all four years and was pretty damn positive I loved women. I dreamed about them and saw a fair share of porn, but never actually had a physical encounter with anyone before. There I was a virgin, a senior in high school, and surrounded by dudes all fall season. During the whole season I saw my fair share of guys and their packages. This of course, got me curious and led me to view gay porn. I wasn't so sure about myself then. I was growing...
Gay MaleWell, Mom's meeting was as explosive as I expected. She started off with, "Nancy, your father has been keeping me posted in your progress as a superhero. Well, I guess I should say as a pair of superheros. I want you both to know that I am proud of you, even though I had some great reservations at first. We were testing you in various ways. The fact that you were kept in the dark about my knowledge of your adventures was one of the tests. We wanted to know if you two had the mental...
It has been an eventful evening, and a very enjoyable one much to my surprise. But it’s getting late. I stood up, intending to dress and return to my suite. I no sooner got to my feet, however, than I thought, “What the hell am I thinking!” I ordered Don to clean up the bottles and glasses and then join us in the bedroom. I pulled Kylie to her feet, picked up her diaries and ordered her to lead the way to her bedroom. I followed her upstairs, a very pleasant experience in itself. The way her...