TimeChapter 6 free porn video

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The boys must have talked, too, for they replied like gentlemen. Andrew even got up when he spoke to the ladies. He was beet red and stammered, but his message got across. Rita sat across from him.

The girls, too, were nervous, but fit into the social aspects much better. Rita, with one day's more experience, started a conversation that the rest of the table followed. The tables around us were mainly silent, as they listened to what was being said.

When the bell rang we all reluctantly left for health. This was what the single periods of Phys Ed were for. We sat in a room and Mr. Richardson stood at the front, dressed in sweats and runners.

"Well, class, we are going to talk today, again, about the boring subject of personal cleanliness. It has been brought to my attention that some of you do not smell like a bed of roses." He looked directly at me when he said this. "It is necessary to get cleaner after you exercise or play sports..."

"Basically, you stink and you offend people around you, unless they, too, stink, then it is ok."

I raised my hand and Richardson said, "Yes?"

"If you have some work to do in the back of the room, I could perhaps put a different slant onto the topic that would clarify the matter."

He thought on my offer and then stared at me with one eye more than the other. "Ah... I have to check some papers. Alex, will you do your song and dance?"

"Yes sir," I said. I got up and walked to the front of the class.

The teacher took a manila folder and squeezed into a desk in the back. I said, "Well, guys, the teacher is busy now and can't hear us." The students looked at me as if I was stupid. They looked around at the teacher and saw his head down looking at his work.

"You guys are not too bright sometimes. When a teacher works hard at his work, he has to exclude all outside noise. He can't hear us now." My smile helped and only the densest could not understand. The class laughed at this.

"You guys always talk about your dick being big, or all the hair you have got so far." This shocked the boys. Nobody talked like this with a teacher around. "I am younger than you guys, and I am bald down below and probably look like your little brother." This brought a laugh when the image came to their minds. "I am not stupid, though. I know that girls like boys sometimes. One is when they do not stink so bad that they have to hang their head outside a window to get a breath of air." This brought laughter again as they saw this in their minds.

"Girls stink, too, but not as bad as you guys do. The smell turns on lots of guys, though. Young people have a lot of different hormones going through their bodies. Sometimes there is too much of one kind or another. That makes us do irrational things. It makes us have difficulty sleeping at night and hard to get up in the morning."

"If I were to make a suggestion, it would be to get clean clothes set aside at night, have a quick bath, or better, a shower. Some of you guys are too lazy to even comb your hair. Brush your teeth after eating. Nobody likes to see green stuff or meat between your teeth. Some of your breaths could stop a train better than Superman. Your pits usually stink a lot. Wash with soap and water, not just water. Use a deodorant, but keep it light. You will end up stinking like a whore otherwise. You will bitch, because you never have time. Well, get up earlier."

"Now you guys have clean clothes, clean bodies, and are wearing some deodorant. You walk down the hall and see a pretty girl you like. Do you go up to her and say hi? No, you punch her in the arm as if she is a boy. That way you actually get to touch a girl. The problem is; she thinks you are an asshole." This brought the guys up short and Mr. Richardson looked at me quickly.

"Yes, she maybe is attracted to you, but she hates the rough stuff. Keep your hands to yourself. Maybe you can hold hands if she wants, but only then. She likes to touch as much as you do, but she is shy like you manly types are. Basically, be honest and just keep your deep feelings inside till it is time to let some of them out. Girls are just as insane as you guys are. One minute you are friends, and the next you are fighting. Just remember that to get closer to her; she has to not want to hold her breath."

"Any questions?"

Joe, the class jock, said, "How can you talk to us like this. You have even less experience than we do?"

"Joe, I can dance, I can sing. I do not find it hard to get up here and talk to you guys. I am not hesitant to talk to a girl and show her that I care. I may be young and not developed like you, but I have experienced many more things than you have."

"Name one," he challenged.

"I have flown a plane in the pilot's seat. I started a company worth a lot of money. I have even parachuted. That is three. I can describe in detail how each is done. This cannot be found in a book."

"Explain one."

"I will, but now is not the time. We are talking about you guys being clean enough to come close to girls. Then being nice enough to have them want you to stay. The only other thing to learn is what to talk about. You might be surprised that girls do not care much about cars, motorcycles, or sports. Talk about movies or what is on at the show. Mention some of your favourite musicians. And, best of all, let them see that you find them very important."

"Now, any more questions before I rouse our teacher from his studies?"

When none came I played the charade and walked to Mr. Richardson and said I had finished talking.

"Took your time about it."

"Yes, I did. But jock heads are harder to get through to than regular ones."

This broke the class up and even the teacher saw that he had gotten the dirty end of that conversation. We went on to talk about being physically fit and what that meant to each of us.

Mr. Creighton taught machine shop and this was the first of his classes this week. He was close to retirement and quite sharp in his knowledge. He did have his own problems, though. If you got his shop in the morning, then you had to put up with the alcohol on his breath. He was raised in Britain, and like the Germans, thought that apprentices should toe the line or get some immediate discipline. This took the form of a yardstick smacked against the head of the nefarious party.

I had not been 'kissed' by him yet, but many others had, for reasons ranging from not working like they should to goofing off in general.

We had made a tack hammer, a meat tenderizer, a mould to form a lead hammer and, at the end of the term, we had started on a small drill vice. I had not even started this project yet.

When the class split up to work, I stated to Mr. Creighton what steps were needed to complete the vice. He ran them through his head and said, "It looks like you are finally taking an interest in this shop."

"You are mistaken, sir. I have always liked this shop. I was just too shy earlier to work as I should. That has now changed. You might say that my work ethic went from high to very high."

I took the casting and ground the flashing so that it looked more like the body of a vice. I now wore safety glasses that were not mandatory. The machines I owned in the next century were much more accurate, but these could do the work within the tolerances needed. The tooling was not carbide, but tool steel. I flooded the cutting surface with coolant and ran what I would if this were a production job. By the end of the two periods I had the body completely machined. Most of the others were just a bit beyond me and they had well over a month to work on it.

Before the class ended, I put my things away and talked to Mr. Creighton. "Sir, I need some advice on a complicated project."

"What is that, Alex?"

"I have the money and resources to rebuild a highway bus for family trips. If I find a used one, it will have to be lengthened, strengthened, and get better brakes and suspension. The pusher engine is usually a 100 horsepower. A Cummins engine is one of the better ones around, and it can go into this bus with its transmission."

"That sounds like a very expensive project. Are you sure you can handle this? The cost would be in the thousands of dollars. That is not what the average student can afford."

"I am more than sure. I would like to start producing them for sale. I can afford to put half a million into this project if necessary. "

"Well, forgetting that you have that kind of money, do you really think that people can afford that kind of vehicle?"

"There are many fairly wealthy people that are going to retire and would like to see the world in comfort. What I wanted to ask you about is a business proposition."

"You want to employ me?"

"I want you to make me something that I have no time to make. A simple cash deal."

"What is it?"

"A large diesel can have a turbo charger to increase performance an even provides for more economical travel. The problem is that they do not make a good one for a small, 150 horsepower engine. I will draw up plans and, I would like you to fabricate it for me. There will be a few innovations, like a small sump and a heat exchanger. Ethylene glycol and water will go in at one side, and oil that is cooled much more than engine oil will lubricate the bearings on the exhaust side of the unit."

"Antifreeze and a heat exchanger?"

"Sure. If it works, I'll patent it, and then it gets sold to my company and to others. If you talk to the auto shop teacher you can see what I mean. Anyway, the turbo charger has to fit on the engine, and all of it must be crammed into the bus. The compressed air is now hot and I want another heat exchanger, similar to a radiator, to cool this air further."

The bell rang and Mr. Creighton said, "How much money are you talking about?"

"We will have to talk about that after you have your own talk with the auto teacher. I am a business man now, but I know that you don't get really good help by being frugal."

Mr. Smith was a tall, thin teacher of fifty. He had come out of the last war with a few peculiarities. He would bob his head and upper body and sometimes forget where he was, as he no doubt relived something from during the war.

He taught electricity. For grade nines, it was just house wiring and simple electricity. In the higher grades it changed into electronics with tubes. Transistors had not made it into consumer electronics yet. No products at all were available to the consumer market.

While the rest of the class learned about power factors, I wired a four-walled enclosure that represented a room in a house. Previous students had drilled the holes and I just had to run wire to lights, switches and outlets. Before this was done, I had to make a list of what I needed in supplies.

When I finished hammering in staples, Mr. Smith came in and looked critically at my work. The codes were rigorously followed. He took the wiring and tugged on it to see how well the staples had been seated.

"Good job, Alex."

"Thank you, sir. Did you get an invitation to a meeting after school?"

"Yea, some fool notion, no doubt. Just a waste of time."

"Not this time, I hope. I want to build some modular dwellings. Each piece is almost the same. The portions can be trucked to a site and assembled into a larger structure. This saves time and the building is easier to assemble on good concrete floors with good tools around, as opposed to a wet, muddy work site."

"You are behind all this?"

"Yes sir. I started a few corporations to handle some of my ideas and separate business entities. I need proper housing, and I need it soon. This means that everybody can work as if on an assembly line making the same parts all the time. The parts are assembled in the same area, by the same people, making the units identical. This should, after a while, become very efficient. Our local economy will benefit from the jobs and I believe we can start exporting these units to the rest of North America."

"I need open-minded tradesmen and apprentices. It is the younger ones who will work best. The old hands may not do things the new way, no matter what they are told. The units will suffer from this attitude. The apprentices will do as they are told and produce a superior product that many will want to buy."

"What differences do you see?"

"Heavy polyethylene sheeting has to be used. That means the there has to be holes in it for the electrical connectors and pluming. These joints need to be taped and stapled. Old hands, who think they know enough, will just make a hole in the plastic and let the paneling hide it. There are many more instances, but all relate to quality. That is the selling point of the future."

"How can you know that?"

"The same reason I am very rich now and most people are not."

History was the last class of the day. Mr. Lockhart sprung a surprise test and the class just groaned as he smiled and handed out the mimeographed tests. As usual, I was the first person done. Some of the questions were very simplistic and I remembered how complex the subject really was, when you wanted to dig. I didn't know what Mr. Lockhart, our resident monarchist, would think when I brought up all the foibles of the various royal families throughout history.

Our history homework was given and, as a treat, we were given class time to work on it. When the bell rang, I was one of the first out the door. I dropped off all my notebooks and looked at the five pounds of gold. That would have to wait for later.

Mr. Ross was in his room waiting for me. I walked up to his desk and said, "You wanted to talk to me?

"Yes I did, Alex. Have a seat. I wanted to know when, and how, you learned to do the mathematics you showed me."

"The 'when' is simple. I learned mathematics from a young age. When others were learning to add, I was working in what you are now teaching. When others were learning to divide, I was doing differential and integral calculus. Even our library here has some advanced texts. You would be surprised what can be found in periodicals relating to astronomy and engineering. You might remember that I never asked you questions except, I admit, when I thought a better explanation was needed for your other students."

"My adoptive parents, like my real ones, have very little schooling and no real wish to gain more. I have to scan books and edit the pictures in my mind to integrate the data later. Sometimes I just do math for the joy of working on a problem, like some people do when solving crossword puzzles. You are one of the few people who can actually assist me in getting more of an education."

"Science has possibilities, but all the rest, excluding math, are like being taught at a grade one level."

Mr. Ross said, "Well, I didn't get too far with your problem, but I do see some avenues to pursue." He handed me four sheets of paper explaining each possibility. I had solved the problem long ago, but I had used a computer that was not even invented yet. Three of the ways had resulted in dead ends. These I handed back to Mr. Ross and said, "These I tried. This is something I have not thought of. I will try this tonight, if I have time. By the way, there is a meeting downstairs. It is for a business proposition I have concerning the school, and some teachers and students. Would you like to attend? You will at least know about the meeting when you gossip tomorrow during your break."

"Young man, we do not gossip."

I just smiled at him and in a few seconds he turned red. "I'll come."

The meeting was in a classroom because it had so many people. Instead of being introduced, I simply went to the front of the room and took charge. Waiting around makes a person appear weak. I needed these people to be confident in me.

I did my own introduction. This time I had to drop my many titles and positions, because the companies simply did not exist, yet. My requirements were stated in as simple a way as possible.

Mr. Clark had brought the prints and I laid them on an empty table. On the blackboard I explained some of the ways that my construction would be different from what they did. My stipulations and requirements were even more stringent than the Ontario Building Code.

My pay scale was listed on the chalkboard. Further figures showed where monies were to be spent. Some were to be paid directly to the school, while others would be paid to the teachers and students as additional incentive to work. All hours worked by the students would be notarized and could possibly be used towards an apprenticeship.

A representative of the local labour organizations said, "Is this going to be union work?"

"The first eight pieces will be. After that, they will not." This caused a stir among most of the strange adults.

I explained, "A company will be formed to manufacture these units. The public has to see our product as superior to any competition. This will also take time and effort. I cannot afford to make units that will take years to sell."

"There will be no differences between similar units. Other units will be stamped from a similar type of cookie cutter. A tradesman is not needed for this type of construction. My business will be different from any other you have ever worked for. Quality will be very important. There will be jobs for journeymen when they do inspections on each unit. My pay scale will be fair. I will not fight a union but encourage forming one, but only one union."

"I recognize the need for collective bargaining to secure good wages and working conditions. The unit protects the workers from unfair practices, but it also protects the person who should not be working with us. In addition to wages the workers will share a fixed percentage of profits. This, I hope, will keep both the company and the workers fixed on similar goals. I do not want the adversarial approach to work being done."

The meeting lasted an hour and I offered to put up ten thousand dollars before this could get off the ground. This equated to almost twenty troy pounds of gold. I took out my chequebook and said that this sum was easily covered, though I did not make out the check yet. I could see dad giving me a lot of grief over this, even if our agreement said that the mine was my property.

After the meeting, I picked up my pack with the pill bottle I had left in my clean towel. It was only ten minutes to doctor Smiles' office. His long-time secretary pulled extra duty as his wife. The office, in my opinion, was run even better because of this. The doctor healed people and his wife, Janice, made sure everything went smoothly.

When I walked through the frosted glass door, Janice looked up and said, "Hello, Alex. How are you doing?"

"Bad from your point of view. I am very healthy, thank you."

"I am glad to hear that. What can I do for you?"

"When the doc has three free minutes, I want to talk to both of you."

"Both of us... ?" She asked.

"Yes, the boss and the doc," I replied.

There were three adult patients in the room and all of them tittered at the joke. They too knew that the office here was run as a partnership.

The only child was about four and looked to have been crying. She hung to her mother tightly as if afraid. Being in a strange place sometimes did this. I got up and pulled the coffee table with old periodicals away from the mother and child. I sat on the table so I was far enough away to not be a threat.

"Hi Sweetie, My name is Alex. What is yours?"

She just hid her face behind her mother's arm and said nothing. I said, "My little brother comes here sometimes, but he is brave. He gets yucky medicine and swallows it quick. When he was cut once, they had to give him three stitches and a lot of white cloth. We used the cloth afterwards to make the tail for a kite. Maybe we can get the doctor to give you a tail, too."

The mother said, "Nora is always shy with strangers, then won't shut up after."

"Inoculations... ?"

"Yes, and she feels what is coming."

Measles was the usual shot at her age and the amount was small enough that it was not that uncomfortable. Since she did not stop crying I wanted to help all of us from the sound she was producing.

"Janice, may I have your stethoscope for a few moments?" She just looked at me and reached into her second drawer and pulled out the old pair.

I put the device on and said to the woman, "May I check your pulse at your wrist and neck?" She gave me a funny look and nodded. Nora had quieted as I put the device to my ears and listened to the artery. It was strong and regular but that was what I expected. I looked at the mother again and said, "My nurse has to listen too. May she do so?"

The mother was perplexed but nodded. I took the stethoscope off and put it around the startled child's neck. "I am going to put it in your ears and you can listen to your mother." She did not resist and soon I placed the metal end on her mother's wrist. Her face changed as she listened to the strange noises.

"Let's listen to yours." The girl did not resist as the now warmer piece of metal touched her wrist. Her eyes got large as she listened. I moved her long dark hair and placed the metal over her artery. "You are listening to your heart push blood all through your body. Want to listen to mine?"

I got a much more eager nod. "Doctor Nora, do I have blood moving?" I said in a worried child's voice. She got off her chair and placed the metal end all over me. "Will I live, doctor?"

She smiled and nodded her pretty head.

I opened my shirt and took her hand and placed the metal so she could hear my lungs. "Can you hear my breathing?"

This time I got a "Yes." She moved the stethoscope around for a minute. I took her hand again and placed the metal over my larynx. I hummed low and she could feel the vibrations as well as hear them.

"Do me now," the girl said.

"Ok, but you have to be the patient now." I placed the head at her larynx and she dutifully hummed for me. Her pulse was regular now that she had calmed down. I checked her lungs through her back and found a little congestion in her left lung. Before I could find out more, Janice said that Nora could go in.

The girl got up with a smile and said, "Thank you, doctor."

"You are welcome, Nora. Give Doctor Smiles a hug when you are done. He likes that."

When the child and mother went into the back room I walked over to Janice's desk and said, "Thanks for the stethoscope. Would you please have the doc check for congestion in her left lung? My mail order medical certificate has not come in yet."

Again, she gave me an odd look, but decided to tell her husband. Five minutes later Janice came out with the same look again. "You were right, Alex. How did you know?"

"Because a kind lady gave me the use of her stethoscope. You haven't forgotten that I have a great memory, Mrs. Smiles. Well, in this case, the wind through the bronchial tubes and the gurgling were easy to spot."

"Well, the old doc in there wants to see you."

I walked back to the table and put it back where it was and retrieved my pack. There was a hallway with examination rooms on each side. There was an alternate entrance at the end of the hallway. The voices were coming from the second office on the right. I was not a doctor in these people's eyes, so I paused and called, "Doctor Smiles?"

"In here, Alex."

The two adults were on each side of the examining table and Nora was sitting with her shirt off. "Hello, Doctor Smiles." Then I turned to the girl, "Hello again, Nora. Did you teach the doctor how to use the stethoscope yet?"

She smiled widely but only shook her head no.

"Alex, how did you recognize this problem?"

"Doctor Smiles, you of all people have not forgotten that I have a great memory. You have let me listen to my own heart and lungs and of others. Nora's was just a bit different. There was a gurgling in one lung and it was not in my own. So she must have some congestion."

"That is very good, Alex. You might have a future in medicine."

"Thank you, doctor. That was one of the reasons I was coming to you today to discuss. I will let you continue with your examination and wait my turn in your waiting room."

"Thank you, Alex. I would like to talk to you next, though."

One patient who was waiting said, "Did you really find out what was wrong with that child?"

"No ma'am. I just found some odd noises and reported them. Doctor Smiles has to check and see if I was right and make his own diagnosis. I always wanted to be a doctor. It would be great if I was right."

I looked through an old National Geographic till Janice called me in. She followed me to a small room and Doctor Smiles asked, "What was it that you wanted to talk to us about?"

"This is confidential, for at least a few days." I waited for each to nod or accept my condition. "I found some gold. There is much more and I have staked a claim and my family has begun to extract some of the metal. I am now quite wealthy. I have looked at my last hospital bill and found that you did not put in for any money. This may have gone on at other times, too, but I have no records to find out. I want to correct this situation, now, with my own prescription."

They both looked at me strangely and I reached into the pack and handed the doctor a heavy medicine bottle that he had given to Helen a few years ago. He almost dropped the bottle because of the unaccustomed weight. He looked at it carefully and juggled the weight. "Is this gold?"

"Yes, it is, sir. It is my way of saying thanks for some of the things you have done for my family."

"Does your father know you are giving us this?"

"Sir, the claim is mine, and so is the company. The gold is my property. I did inform dad of my intentions, though. You should have found the gold, I think, when you panned for it. I think this represents years of going into the bush for your vacations."

"I understand the condition this is given, but I think this is still too much, Alex."

"No, it isn't. You deserve all of that, if not more. I just wish I could use more of my money to purchase a library similar to the one you have. Would it be possible to have you order some of the books for me?"

"Nonsense, Alex. You can use my library. I hardly ever need to dig into all those books. Just look on it as our library."

"Thank you, sir. That will make my training that much easier. I want to be a doctor like you."

"That is very good for these old ears to hear. If you run into any problem, just ask me. I don't know if I can give the best answer, but I can try."

"That is great. You don't happen to need an apprentice do you? I can tote haemoglobin and sharpen lancets."

Both adults laughed at the image that was brought to their minds. "I will see what I can do. But it cannot happen soon. Janice and I are going on a vacation. We have been planning on this for two years now. With our newfound wealth, the time away might even be more enjoyable."

We parted a bit more than just friends. With Doctor Smiles' help, my medical training would be much easier to explain. He also might give his endorsement to me, enabling me to enter the medical school much sooner than I had before.

The banks closed at a much earlier time than they did in the latter half of the century, and it was sometimes very difficult for a working man to make it to the wicket. There were no automatic tellers, and the only substitute was the credit unions, but they were not that much better.

I wanted to get some money from the line of credit and move it to the account for the new manufacturing concern. Lumber, shingles, siding, insulation, plastics and all the other things that a home needed, were on the list to acquire. I just wished I could get a simple shower put in at the house.

The Bell Telephone office was along the way. It took a while to get a manager to see me. Even with cash, it was difficult to get them to give us a service. Derrick MacNeil had to be called, and this time, at least, he did not have to come down. The phone service was expensive because I did not want the usual party line. They would have to run more lines. I did my best to get more lines brought to the house for further expansion, but they refused to believe that a residential dwelling would need more than one phone.

The house would be lonely with the family gone for two more days. There was no hot meal waiting for me and my stomach was starting to protest. Many years in the future, I had patronized a small restaurant that became very popular. As the city grew, the restaurant did, too. I decided to see if it had opened for business by this time frame.

Mario's was not on my way, but the city itself was not that big. I also needed some exercise. I pedalled over to the establishment and locked my bike to a street sign. The restaurant was fairly dark from my being in the bright sunlight. A waiter came to me with a questioning look, probably wondering what a boy wanted with this establishment.

I said in my best Toscana dialect, "A table for one by the window, please."

Same as Time
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The following morning proved to be remarkably normal. Too normal, in light of what had happened between Sara and Mark; and it worried him. It was a Saturday, and Mark's parents were up early as usual, laying out the weekend work chores for everyone. Mark noticed the conspicuous absence of Sara, although he knew that she was home. He was very conscious of not making obvious his concern though, but all through the weekend he could feel that Sara was avoiding him. By Sunday evening, he felt...

1 year ago
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Mom seduced me

Hi I am ramesh. I am 22 years old. I was an innocent boy untill something unusual happened.My dad works in private company, he is real hard working guy. Mom is house wife. She is beautiful. She has beautiful features.I am graduate and looking for a job. I had to stay at home which disgusted me. Mom had so many friends. Mom likes to wear every kind of dress.Once she was wearing a cool top a skirt above her knee. I loved her very much. I used to help in house hold activities.Once she was...

4 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 13

Reputation is life or death in high school. Students are labeled by their extracurricular activities, and judged by their relations. A name can open doors, and it can set you on your path in life. Or it can take you down the wrong road, and lead you to your fate. My sisters understand the importance of social order, and they accept their place in our little town. Probably better than me. It’s been ten weeks since I left the hospital. Emma and Payton are well into their second trimester, and...

4 years ago
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Visiting the sexy fat granny in Oregon

I met a nice older woman in the desert who had a flat tire, she paid me back with a nice roadside encounter. She gave me her number and told me to call her if I ever in the Medford area of Oregon. I was going to an event in Grants Pass which is slightly north of Medford. I got a hotel room in Medford hoping she will be available to meet. I gave her a call and ask if she remember me. She said I think about you and the great time on side of the highway and that she use up a few sets of...

2 years ago
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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 9

The younger children raced back to the playroom. Amy and Janice disappeared. The adults split into small groups, touring the pod and discussing possible modifications. The room on the first floor that was intended to be an office was presently without furniture. Elizabeth asked the AI for two sofas, against two walls at right angles to each other, with an occasional table between them. She also asked for a desk and chairs, soft, plush carpet, a change in wall colour and some wall hangings....

3 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 1

Gina Caligano rolled over onto her side, still panting from the swirl of erotic images from her dream. She shivered not from the late October morning chill, but from pleasure denied, her pussy wet and wanting. The covers shifted as she moved, her musky arousal teasing her nose. Her thin negligee shifted and pulled taut across her nipples, drawing a low moan from between parted lips. Her dark brown eyes blinked open as she rose to full wakefulness. Milky morning light washed over pastel pink...

3 years ago
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June 21 Part 1 of 3 A Day of Fun

I had about an hour and half drive to the beach. I left my house around 10:00am. I brought along my big cooler. It was stocked full of beer, wine and mixed drinks. I brought a fruit tray and some cheese to eat at the beach. I was wearing a black, short sleeve shirt. Some knee length white swim shorts. I was wearing some black leather sandals, and a pair of shades. It was suppose to get up to over a hundred today. I worked for about 14 days straight without a day off. I was looking...

3 years ago
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The Life and Times of an Expatriate Chap 8

Introduction: This is a story of a widower rediscovering young love overseas. It is not pure, graphic sex continuously. Some chapters do not even contain any sexual matter. But it does build to a strong finish that should satisfy the reader. This is my first written story of this type, so constructive feedback is appreciated. CHAPTER EIGHT As I drove Anita to school the next morning, she seemed a bit different like she was holding a secret. I was a little concerned and her wild lovemaking the...

1 year ago
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The body wasn’t there when I got to the warehouse. That was the first sign that she was back. I stood looking at the blood stained floor with my arms folded whilst the foreman tried to make excuses, my mind filled with thoughts of her. “It was the shift changeover and you know what Gerund’s like, a slow change is worse than a time thief.” He tried a smile which I didn’t return. “Anyway, I was only gone for a minute and when I came back it was gone.” I pulled out my tape and hit play. The...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Four Stars

5 STARZ Please note that the following fiction is intended for ADULT ONLY entertainment. Do not read further if you are easily offended, or your local community codes do not permit such suggestive material. This fiction is intended for your use only. Any further dissemination of it must first require the author?s permission. Thank you. Faibhar      FOUR STARS? ?You don? mind, li?lady, we thenk you fer yer list of ?daily specials? an? all, but this bein? a special occasion, you think we...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Jenny Wild Home Alone Cheating Teen Jenny Wild has Pink Pussy Fucked by Dads Business Partner

Jenny Wild is bored, horny, and alone at home when her fathers business partner unexpectedly shows up at the house. Having just been rubbing her clit in the other room, Jenny doesnt bother getting dressed to open the door. Naked and with a wet pussy, she quickly lets Erik into the house and comes onto him. Even though shes his business partners only Erik is powerless to resist and doesnt put up a fight. Within seconds, Jenny is squirming and moaning as Erik licks her pussy. After fucking her on...

2 years ago
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Through the Looking GlassChapter 8

It was like a roller coaster ride in a nightmare with the deafening roar of rocket engines, nearly complete darkness and a lot of screaming. It only lasted for a few minutes, but it felt like an hour! As soon as the engines were cut off, the feeling of gravity was gone again. Sarah grabbed her tablet and tried to access the computer network, Kaito was almost pounding on the intercom button in a futile attempt to contact the pilot and Danielle was trying to calm Alice down. Maren seemed to be...

3 years ago
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Good Son

You groggily woke up and looked at your phone to see that your alarm wouldn’t go off for another half hour or so. You tried to turn over and get a little extra sleep but found yourself just laying there listening to the sound of cars driving up and down your middle-class street, along with Mrs. Johnson’s dog yapping away presumably at the mailman but who knows with that thing anything seems to set it off. Giving up on sleep, you stand and look around your room, it’s pretty big and has...

4 years ago
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Sisters hit the shower

Julie and Jennie giggled as they entered the locker room. They were the last girls to leave the pool, Julie giving Jennie a little lesson that would help her make her turns a bit tighter and faster. All the things Julie had been teaching Jennie over the years had paid dividends. Jennie was in particularly high spirits. It wasn’t everyday that a freshman made the varsity swim team and her exuberance was contagious to her cousin Julie and they both were getting very silly. Jennie had...

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GingerPatch Lauren Phillips Creepshots Of My Friends Ginger Mom

The sexy red haired lauren phillips was doing some chores around the house dressed in some super skimpy clothes. Just as she was about to start the dishes, her sons friend Rion came over awaiting her son. She had him chill on the couch until he arrived. Rion noticed how she was dressed and had to savor this. He snapped some pics of her ass while she was cleaning the oven. This was going straight into the spank bank! Little did Rion know Lauren was wise to his creepy ways. She had him check...

2 years ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 26

Melissa said, “I told Paul to talk with his dad. I took my suitcase and went out to the car. I don’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t have money for a bus or even know where the bus station was located. I looked back and Paul was behind me. His dad was following us out.” Paul picked up the story. “Dad wanted me to come back inside. I told him that there is no ‘me’ any more. There is only ‘us.’ Then I said, ‘If we aren’t welcome, then we will not stay.’ I think he finally realized that...

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Husbands Fantasy Becomes Hers

Husband's Fantasy Becomes Hers by Mannyjackie This story was written for and with the help of a wonderful lady from Kansas named Carol. I enjoyed writing her story and hope that I can share other fantasies with her in the future. I will forward all your comments to her. The story really begins about six years ago when my husband introduced a little fantasy to me in our bedroom. His latest dream work was to watch me and another man! Well I have to say that I was more then a bit shocked, I am...

1 year ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 11

The next morning Peter awoke not really sure where he was. He was still under thirty so it was more that he was just disoriented than any else. Sleeping on the floor in a totally different place left him shaky, even after three safe houses. It was just too much for his sleep drugged mind to process. After he rolled off the bed it took boiling water poured through coffee grinds to finally remove his head from his ass. Whether it was manipulating the non electric coffee maker, the time it took...

2 years ago
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HOW HUMANS DO IT a fisheye view of sex

What the hell’s going on around here? Bronson (the Big-Mouth Bass), having just stuck his head above the bayou's calm surface, now stared, even more dumbfounded than usual, at the new arrivals. Why had those two in that fancy fishing rig slipped past the screen of willow branches and tied up against the trunk? It was mid-day and too damn hot for any respectable fish to be feeding. Even the dumbest human must realize that. He glanced up at his buds, Freddie (the Frog) and Pasquale (the Possum)....

3 years ago
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The acceptance letter wasn’t the only surprise to arrive in my mail box that spring. I was even more surprised when I received an invitation to apply to a Harvard Finals Club, all before I graduated from high school. I was also confused. Finals clubs are for the elite, the aristoclass. Not me. You also join them after you get to campus, not before you graduate high school. When I googled the club there was no information online. The group didn’t seem to exist. I wondered if it was some kind...

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BlacksOnBlondes Aria Banks 07202021

Aria is shocked to discover she has been thrown off the most popular social media platform going – Dik Tok. She had over a million followers and now none. Well this little aspiring social media superstar is not going to take this without a fight. She immediately gets on the phone with the powers that be at Dik Tok and gets in touch with a social manager who agrees to meet with her and find out why her account has been suspended. Showing up he immediately sets Aria right. She cannot be...

4 years ago
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Sex With Teacher And Her SisterInLaw 8211 Part 1

Hi, guys and girls, this is my first sex story and it’s 90% true. I am 27 years old and staying in Mumbai. you can tell me about my story at (double I and double c).  Now without boring you much let me come straight to my story. All this started in my third year of engineering. Till the second year I was a studious guy and also was in a relationship. In the third year, I had a breakup with my gf as we were in distance relationship and we were not able to give time to each other. This breakup...

3 years ago
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Sweet Revenge Chapter 9

The Concluding Part.Seriously....where's Frank?" I asked ogling them both and stripping off my tie as I asked."Seriously.....I called him a few minutes ago." Shelly stated simply, walking over to help Cindy in removing my jacket. "He's in a meeting, and won't be here until sometime after six. I told him I was bending the rules just a tiny little bit." She said. "Seriously...."Cindy was already down on her knees at this point unzipping my fly and fishing my already hard cock out of my jockey's....

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my best tabu sex so far

THIS IS A TRUE STORY NOT MADE UP ,NOT GET PAID FOR IT ,AND SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH BUT IT IS A SECOND LANGUAGE TO ME ,AND ANYWAY I HOPE IT STILL WILL AROUSE YOU AS MUCH AS ME ,JUST BY SHARING WITH YOU… i’m 19 years old having sex for the last 3 years ,i have tried everyway i could but the most i reached is a mild orgasm..or later i realised not even that …i lost my virginity at a party ,i saw the guy first time at that night ,i were drinking a lot and i honestly do not know why i let it happen as...

1 year ago
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Heather Peace and Roxanne McKee lesbian sex

After her successful role as Louise Summers in the UK soap Hollyoaks she was offered a major role in the BBC drama called “Lip Service” which is set in Scotland and is about lesbian relationships.Although Roxanne has always been a sex symbol she’s never really shied away from, not-only playing, raunchy roles but also stripping off for glamour mags as well. All very tasteful but she had been approached many times with cash to go further but she’s always said no.Now just turned 30, she’s a 5ft...

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Anu8217s uncle is her father

Hi everybody, this is Tania writing for Anu about her experiences. Hope you liked the previous 2 incidents. I now take Anu’s place. Malli was narrating how Ashok had screwed her and she was asking for more and had been getting it for the last 16 to 17 years. malli narrated the story about my family. Two weeks after my parents got married, my dad met with an accident and was injured on his private part that he lost erection and sexual desire was out. It was only an organ for peeing. Now my...

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Young Virgin Maid

Hi Friends, I am about to narrate a story that took place long time back almost about 10 yrs back. I had a close friend than who was married to a beauty I am not exaggerating but she looked like Manisha Koirala she was a flirt she liked me a lot even i liked her a lot, although I knew that she wanted me she used to give me all the signs but I was very shy than and I could not muster the courage to go any further. Anyways they had a maid she was little chubby but nevertheless she was very fair...

2 years ago
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My Daughters Friend Natalia Part 17

I hear Natalia giggling and ask Rachelle " Well! Now that you are no longer a virgin! (giggles) When do you want to try it with your dad again?" Rachelle giggles back and says; " I thought maybe tonight, since your mom had left the pills in her purse and you were able to get a couple more of them for me." Natalia says; " Now remember! If you decide to give him the pills tonight, you text me on my phone or e-mail me, and let me know when I should come down. Ok? " Rachelle says; " Ok,...

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Karas Spring Break 3

Kara pushed open the door to the shower and took a couple of steps inside. Stopping abruptly at what she saw, she quietly stepped back out and carefully closed the door. She looked at it. Stenciled lettering clearly said 'Women'; it even had the correct international symbol below it. Looking about she reaffirmed what she had seen on her walk from the boat; the marina was deserted. It was seven in the morning and the few marina guests, likely spring breakers, were still asleep. She was beginning...

Straight Sex
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A Love Letter From My pet

I assign my pet nightly homework. This normally involves some self training through sissy videos as well as the occasional wind warping task. As she is not allowed to touch her sex, all of this is a wonderful tease for her. Making her sissy eggs swell and ache in beautiful need. I awoke one morning to find this love letter in my email. Enjoy :)==========================================================Dear Mistress's huge, yummy, wonderful, thick, delicious shemeat, No matter how hard I try, I...

1 year ago
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As a kid, James Patterson always loved Halloween. I mean, what kid doesn’t love Halloween? Of course, there is the obvious — lots of candy. Next, you’re going out ‘trick or treating’ with your friends and you get to be noisy and raucous. You get to wear a fun costume and see what your friends are wearing. You sometimes stay out past your bedtime. Did I mention the candy? As you get older, there are Halloween parties and you start to notice how some of the girls look in their costumes. It...

4 years ago
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She thought she was alone

famale friend told me a fantasy she had, that's where this story came from. These are not real people and it didn't really happen. She came home from work and was glad another busy work week on come to an end. Jenny loved her new job despite the long hours and the fact that she had to move to a new town far from her home, she was making good money and had a position that gave her a lot of pride. A quick shower watch a little TV and get to bed early, she was exhausted from the long work...

3 years ago
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Fornication With My Sexy Curvy Girl

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I was riding inside her wet clean shaven pussy. My manhood was fully inside hers. She moaned and shouted in pain.“ hmmm. Fuck da. Fuck fast man. Fill my holes you fucker. ” I squeezed her milky big boobs and licked her erected nipple. She moaned in the mood. The liquid was flowing heavily from her pussy. I moaned, “ you bitch. Get my strokes di. I wanna fuck you daily bitch. My lovable bitchy teacher. ” Yes ! She is my teacher....

2 years ago
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Can You Hear Me

Writers Note: As emphatically requested (and many thanks to all those who expressed such desires), here is chapter two in Don’t Think, Breath… the story of Jack and Abbey. I hope it’s as enjoyed as the first apparently was. I was losing my mind. It was an undeniable fact. Perhaps, but isn’t it a lovely way to go? * I heard Abbey’s voice clearly in my mind, and it just further proved the point. It had been a week since we’d seen each other, a week since that incredible night that had...

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Double TwistChapter 175

“I need to be alone. I need to ponder my shame and my despair in seclusion; I need the sunshine and the paving stones of the streets without companions, without conversation, face to face with myself, with only the music of my heart for company.” —Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer 31 OCTOBER 2021 I’m barely keeping up in my classes. And none of my teachers are particularly happy with me except Mr. Richards. Even he grumbles a little about his class having been interrupted. But our...

1 year ago
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A Walk in the Woods

'I can't wait, ' she said in a soft voice with a big smile on her pretty face as she looked to the man she loved with all of her heart. 'It is going to be so much fun getting away for three long weeks, ' she added looking to his rugged face hoping she could at last get him. He smiled, lifting the cold bottle to his lips to drink, wondering why someone as beautiful as she was wanted to spend such a long time hiking in Yellowstone with him. She could be with any man she wanted, but she...

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just a story

I met this Hispanic girl through a dating site. She approached me actually, and I thought for once I could get lucky. She was very forward, and invited me out for drinks sometime. I like it when a girl makes the first move when it comes to dating. If she likes to make the first move with a date, she may be a little more aggressive in the bedroom. We'll call her Anna. So, the night came when Anna and I went out to get some drinks.We didn't spend much time at the bar. We just had a few drinks,...

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Caught him on the DL

He was a delicious, rich, creamy bar of Hershey's milk chocolate. Only three to four inches taller than I am, he was a sensual, erotic partner who enjoyed giving oral sex well before sticking his thick cock inside of me. He always rolled his hips in a slow, locomotive sway when he knew I was close to orgasming and right when I screamed, he would grip my body with his rough hands and pushed faster inside of me to intensify the orgasm. Once I've calmed down, he would lean forward onto me and look...

2 years ago
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Rebecca Are You Ready

Rebecca Are you ready Rebecca Are you ready? Part I ?Stop, please!? She begged him. ?You always do this.? He sighed and slid his fingers out of her pussy. ?Look, I told you already. I don?t want to cum until I know I love you for sure. I want to share it with the right person.? She pulled her panties up and leaned over to kiss him. ?Does this mean I can?t cum either?? He looked over at her, his eyes pleading with hers. She got on her knees and crawled in between his crotch. She slowly...

3 years ago
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How I lost my virginity to my best friend

DISCLAMER: This is a Fictional story based on a dream. It features preteens and young teens. It also includes some brother, sister sex. So if your not into that stuff, just pass on this. Also if the grammar is not great, it's because it was written as if a 12 year old actually wrote it. As for spelling errors. I use a spell checker, and proof read it, but occasionally some miss spells get missed, sorry. My name is James. I’m 12 years old, I stand five feet four inches tall with a...

3 years ago
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An incest birthday chapter 14

I couldn't believe what we just walked in on. Rita and I had went to tell Stephanie and Chris about our relationship only to find them fucking each other, something we did not expect. To say we were shocked would be the understatement of the year. We watched mouths open as they grabbed their clothes off the floor and put them on while using the blanket on the bed to hide their naked (but already seen) bodies. After now forgetting why we went there in the first place, we finally...

4 years ago
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Online Part 2

As arranged, I turned up the following week.I was nervous not sure what to expect and would it be as exciting as the last time.I knocked on the door, the door opened and thee was Jimmy dressed only in a white dressing gown. He invited me in and ushered me to the living room.To my surprise sat on the settee was another gentleman, also dressed in a white dressing gown.I was introduced to Evan, Jimmy said he had invited him because 5 years ago Evan would have been me and he knows what I was going...

2 years ago
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The next time

It had been a while since we last seen our friend. One day he came over.. we had been talking about how hot pur last time was.. the more we talked about it the more we all became horny! she went to the restroom an when she came back she was only in her panties.. she sat between us an asked who wanred to taste her wet lillte pussy.. we took turns eating and fingering her wet cunt.. she was moaning an wimpering an loven it.. she pulled my cock out and started sucking it while he ate her.. we...

2 years ago
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Angry Sex

As I slammed the door of my car and slumped into the driver’s seat, I could literally feel something inside me snap. Tears sprang to my eyes and I began to shake. This was not only a bad day, it was one of the worst days I’d ever had. My boss had chewed me out for something that was out of my control, my favorite colleague announced she was putting in her two weeks’ notice, and my deadline for a high-stakes presentation had been unexpectedly moved up. To make things even worse, my asshole...

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The Neighbors Suck Like UsChapter 4

Jerry slid back onto the seat. Debby was smiling with dreamy contentment. The boy sure as hell hoped that he hadn't done the job too well-that now that the sexy girl was satisfied, she might have lost interest in further action. But he needn't have worried. The kind-hearted girl didn't even tease him for a few minutes, she reached right down and opened his pants and hauled out his cock and balls in one solid handful. "Oooooh, nice!" she sighed. His cock was large and hard and...

1 year ago
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As I Was Walking in the ParkChapter 6

One night did the stars explode We saw the outside world implode We were lovers but still were friends Though the world was never quite the same again I had made a decision back in August but I didn't tell even Erik. We continued our activities throughout September and into October. In October we both turned eighteen. Since everyone knew we were a couple anyway we decided to throw a joint party. We held it at my house on a Friday night in the third week of October and invited about a...

2 years ago
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Rachel McKnight

Pop pop popThe heavy bag moved significantly. The man striking the blows was Brad Johnson. At 43, he had an impressive physique. He stood no shorter than 6’3” and weighed in at 205. With 5% bodyfat, his well defined six pack and muscles left little to the imagination regarding the physical power he possessed. He had a long day at the office, as he is head sales manager for the Katsuragi corp. regional office in LA.His second most favorite way to relieve stress, especially after a long day’s...

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bais sa kin

elle sais mettre en valeur dans ses leggings (que je sais savourer quand elle ce baisse pour ramasser quelque chose ...) qu'elle porte tout le temps au travail, elle porte le plus souvent un t-shirt assez moulant un leggings et une chemisier par dessus son haut. C'est une femme assez attirante, souriante et joyeuse de vivre, de ce que je sais a en discuter avec elle, elle était marier avec un homme un peu plus jeune qu'elle avec qu elle a eu 3 enfants, mais la situation c 'est tendue et elle...

1 year ago
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Tushy Adria Rae Cassidy Klein I Just Went With It

Adria and Cassidy are really bored. It’s the summertime, and both of their families think that the girls are a bad influence on each other. Until Cassidy has the idea of sneaking into the neighbor’s house and having some fun while he is out. He’s a hot European businessman and is never home. While they are checking out his awesome property, he comes back unexpectedly, finding the girls being intimate in his bedroom. These naughty little troublemakers are going to be punished....

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Fabulous Guy Fabulous Cock

About ten years ago, I regularly chatted online with a younger guy. When I say younger, I am talking about a considerable age gap: fifteen years, in fact.Anyway, I’d been chatting with Mike for quite a while when, early one Thursday morning, he mentioned that he was free that day. As it happened, so was I, and he immediately encouraged and coaxed me to meet him. Over the weeks that we’d been chatting, I’d come to like him and this opportunity to meet up seemed too good to waste. And, being...

Gay Male

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