Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 297
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Roban groaned long and loud, a sound of deeply felt frustration.
Not kneeling on soft grass anymore, he lay flat on his back and the ground was cold hard stone. His wrists and ankles now were shackled. He could feel the heavy iron bands and chains between them. That was precarious, alarmingly so. He was no longer in the Underworld, which was partly good and partly bad. His visit had been premature, badly timed and it had hurt, a lot, but it had been a quick way to reach the Underworld and to reach the Underworld was a necessity to his plan. It still was and he would need to go there again.
None of this was the reason for his soul crushing frustration, though. His feelings of loss were almost overwhelming and he groaned again. Roban was sure, when he opened his eyes he would see the face of his sister, evilly grinning. She was the only one cruel enough doing this to him, and the only one brave enough as well. Roban opened his eyes to face his torturer and there was a face grinning at him, but it was not the face of his sister. Actually there were many faces and Ayphera’s was just the first he saw before he looked around. Oddly enough, none of those faces belonged to his sister. Ayphera knelt by his side and others stood farther away, surrounding him, and no one else smiled. Iane knelt at his other side, her hand on his shoulder. She was not smiling either. He thought she looked rather uneasy. Completely different to the purring Black Panther sprawled across his thighs and lap with her front paws on his belly.
“Welcome back to the world of the living,” Ayphera said and her smile became even brighter.
Roban did not reply verbally, but looked pointedly from her eyes to his chained wrists and then back to her.
“I’m sorry, but we felt these chains are a necessary precaution. We’re at war and you are at the Manthakin war camp, in the temporary throne hall and in the presence of the emperor. It’s actually a cave, funny, isn’t it?” Ayphera answered his wordless question. “Please don’t try to break these chains, they are very precious to me, a family heirloom. Force will be needless, they open on command,” she said and then touched one of the manacles with her index finger. Glowing golden glyphs became visible, engraved into the surface of the iron bands.
Roban raised his eyebrows in surprise as he saw the glyphs.
Ayphera leaned over him, and tenderly kissed his forehead. “You’ll be a good boy, Roban, won’t you?” She asked gazing into the dark abyss in his eyes.
Roban tried to keep an emotionless expression, but a traitorous twitch at the corner of his mouth escaped his control. “I will never break these chains,” he promised solemnly.
Ayphera gracefully rose to her feet. “Let’s make our guest feel more comfy. You’re smothering him,” Ayphera chided mischievously, looking first at Iane then at the Black Panther.
“He’s no guest, we are at war and he’s our prisoner,” Someone shouted angrily.
Ayphera waved her hand dismissively. “When his sister arrives I will tell her Roban is our guest. Feel free to make your dissenting opinion known to her while we discuss the future.”
Meanwhile the Black Panther had moved off of him allowing Roban, helped by Iane, to ungainly stand up. He looked at the collar Iane wore and smiled.
“That’s a pretty collar you chose to wear,” Roban said.
“The chains you wear are pretty too,” Iane answered. The unease vanished from her face and she returned his smile.
“Pretty indeed but they feel very constricting,” he replied.
“Nothing enchains us more tightly than a bond we choose to wear,” Iane agreed and stroke her golden collar, still smiling.
Three loud echoing knocks ended Iane’s and Roban’s amorous exchange as well as the squabble between Ayphera, and an angrily murmuring crowd. Ghergias, the emperor’s adviser, had risen out of his chair and held a long wooden staff in his hand, the obvious source of these knocks.
“We summoned Roban Maghon from the Underworld. We met our obligation. Now fulfill yours, Iane, Princess of Erylaness.” Ghergias demanded.
Roban’s mood darkened considerably upon hearing that announcement. The flames of torches and cauldrons flared but instead of brightening the illumination, the shadows grew and the cave became darker.
He felt the touch of hands laid on his shoulders. Ayphera and Esthera had walked up to his sides and those hands belonged to them. Kassja had stepped in front of him.
“I am Kassja. We have never met in this world. A long time ago, on another world, we were espoused to each other. I once was Harmony, Feya’s daughter, but your sister made me Deception. We are not espoused anymore but we still share a bond,” she said and stepped even closer. Kassja raised her hands and placed them gently on the sides of his face. Then she looked up into his eyes.
Roban watched as her light grey irises changed their color. Black, then green, hazel and purple, when they changed to pale-blue Ayphera and Esthera retreated. Kassja rose to her toes and her hands glided to the back of his neck. Her fingers intertwined and he felt the pull. They stared in each other’s eyes until they needed to tilt their heads so their lips could meet. The kiss started haltingly but soon became probing, and then greedy and demanding. Her fingers were in his hair and his fettered hands on her hips, the chain between the manacles painfully grinding between bodies trying to merge.
Three more loud knocks reverberated through the cavern. Not interruptive enough, the knocks were repeated even louder. More knocks were needed plus the combined efforts of Ayphera and Esthera to pull Roban and Kassja apart, finally. Kassja’s skin was flushed from her face down to her rapidly heaving bosom, and Roban’s groan was a repetition of its earlier expressed frustration.
Kassja straightened her askew décolleté and smoothed some wrinkles on her elegant, but clingy deep-red gown. Poise and dignity reestablished, she noisily cleared her throat.
“Let us proceed, there will be no more interruptions,” she declared.
Iane looked at Roban skeptically. His expression darkened again, but then he loudly exhaled - more like a sigh really - and nodded once.
“Our prisoner gave his permission to proceed,” a young priestess of Nuna commented sarcastically.
The reproach came in form of a whiplash. Literally, it struck the face of the priestess and left a long ghastly gash spilling blood. Ayphera calmly coiled the twenty foot long thong of her whip back up. Tiny but sharp looking silver wings were tied to the last foot of the thong. Silence returned as the crying priestess was carried away.
Iane opened the jewel case her sister had handed her and looked inside. What once was the mystical Atyseos Shard now was a handful of sparkling sand. A human soul imprisoned in every single grain of it, the essence of immortality. She carefully poured the sand on the open palm of her right hand, and then closed her hand around it. Bright light shone from between her fingers as she balled her hand to a tight fist. When she opened her fist again the sand was gone, but a multitude of light rays, in every color of the rainbow, shone from her hand. She walked up to the throne, and stared into the watery eyes of the emperor. He returned her gaze defiantly. Iane rudely slapped her open palm on Dharkuntis’ forehead and his golden crown fell off his head. The crown hit the stone floor, and rolled a few feet away from the throne before it tipped and laid still, the metallic sound loud and clear in the eerie silence of the cave.
Everyone watched silently as the emperor became an immortal. His watery eyes cleared, the parched and withered skin of his face smoothed out, his body slowly straightened and new flesh grew and filled out the clothes that had hung loosely on his frail, emaciated body. Even a new shock of dark hair sprouted on his head. Suddenly Dharkuntis jumped off his throne pushing Iane aside. He stood there and spread his arms widely, red light crackling along his forearms and between his fingers. He felt his magic, charged and powerful. His eyes shone and the smile on his face was wide. Dharkuntis tilted his head back and laughed, loud and boisterous, a sound of deep relief and triumph. He had fought human destiny and he was victorious.
Roban watched too. He did not smile and did not laugh. He scowled at the scene in front of him and his mood darkened with every passing moment. Suddenly something distracted him. A feeling, but it soon became more than a feeling, a sensation. He closed his eyes and looked around. It sounds strange, but that’s what he did. And then he smiled too.
“Hello, Jenaya,” he said.
Hassika fiercely hugged the tall young woman she had known as Rhabina all her life. Both of them were crying those dubious happy tears. Then Nirumy crashed into them and all three fell to the ground, crying and hugging each other. The joyful reunion was illuminated by the still burning Ogusi camp, but at least the screaming of thousands of men burning alive had died, and did not impede on their happiness. A little while later, and upright again, all three watched the motionless lone rider on the field north of the camp. Warriors and riders of the Ghallan Clans were all around, but every one moved in a wide arc around that lone rider.
“I have to talk to Athea,” Rhabina said, but sounded rather doubtful about that prospect.
“Give her a little more time. She still has that faraway look in her eyes. After this battle I don’t doubt that there is a lot going on in her mind, and you know she isn’t alone in there,” Hassika replied. “Look over there. Greet those three before you talk to Athea. Actually there is one more, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”
Rhabina turned following Hassika’s gaze and gasped loudly. Denyssa was coming holding hands with Menja. Bosko strolled behind and repeatedly sniffed the air. While one of Menja’s hands was held by Denyssa, her other hand dragged an ax behind her.
“Goodness, what happened to Menja?” Rhabina asked shocked.
“You can see her change from here?” Hassika asked surprised.
“Menja looks like the sun is shining inside of her, but her light shines from behind a dark cloud,” Rhabina said and shivered.
“To me she looks the same as she always did, most times. Sometimes golden sparks shine from her eyes, but that’s rare, and actually beautiful to see. It is just a little weird talking to her lately. You have to figure out if Menja is talking to you or to Ghania,” Hassika told Rhabina.
“Ghania?” Rhabina asked. “Ghania the Great Mother?”
“Yes, the one and only,” Hassika replied grinning. “You need to know though, Ghania isn’t much of a great mother. She easily fits inside Menja’s little head.” Hassika broke out laughing.
Rhabina watched the hysterically laughing Hassika, shook her head and looked at Nirumy to confirm her suspicion that Hassika had gone insane. Nirumy shrugged, not willing to confirm or deny anything.
When the trio came closer, Denyssa suddenly ran ahead and jumped in Rhabina’s arms. The heavily burdened Menja was forced to keep her rather sedate pace and Bosko stayed with her, of course. Rhabina and Denyssa were still hugging, kissing and crying, when Menja and Bosko finally reached them too. Menja waited patiently until it was her turn. A moment later it was. Rhabina lifted Menja of her feet and hugged the small girl tightly to her chest, of course spilling some more tears as well.
“It’s really you this time, I can see it!” Menja said smiling brightly. “But you’re no amazon anymore. You are a ‘Surinai’, that is the old language and it means you’re a guardian spirit of the light.” Menja told her proud and knowingly.
Her face was so close, her sea-green eyes shining brightly, and then Rhabina saw it, golden stars wandering over a turquoise sky. She put Menja back on her feet and knelt before the little girl.
“You are Ghania. You are The Light,” Rhabina said with reverence in her voice and bowed her head.
Menja and The Light just giggled.
Chaos watched the scenery. Dark grey clouds shrouded the sky and the air was cold and clammy. Ground fog crept through troughs, blanketed valleys and beleaguered high grounds and hills. A few scavengers had come to feast on corpses. Tens of thousands of corpses. Corpses of humans and horses. Corpses disfigured by festering and gaping wounds. Charred Corpses frozen and displayed to show the terror of their death. Corpses rotting and reeking nauseously. Broken corpses, squashed corpses, dismembered, torn or chopped corpses. All around, for miles, scattered corpses, and within their midst a little girl.
She wore a white dress and a girdle of blue and red flowers in her long braided white hair. She sang a nursery rhyme as she hopped from foot to foot between the corpses.
A lonely little bird,sang a song that no one heard.
If you ever hear that bird,
cover your ears or you’ll get hurt.
Cause the lonely little bird,
is the worst singer ever heard.
Sing that song,
sing and dance along.
Singing she hopped from blood puddle to blood puddle and every time she jumped, blood splashed around her. Her white dress was splattered, and its hem was drenched in blood.
Slow and measured Chaos applauded Athea’s presentation. The little girl slightly lifted her blood soaked dress and cutely curtsied.
“You’re good, little girl. It’s a shame we don’t have a white dress for you or you could perform for all of your friends out there as well,” Chaos said.
“Neh, my friends are still in awe of your show, that is enough excitement for one night,” Athea replied dismissively.
“You don’t seem impressed. No screaming at me, not even a few tears for all the horror and suffering I caused? Am I losing my touch?” Chaos asked skeptically.
“Oh no, I am impressed. You defeated fifty thousand enemies threatening the lives of the people I promised to protect. I doubt there is anyone but you who could have done that with so few casualties on our side. I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Athea replied and smiled at Chaos.
“You’re not just pretending to lull my vigilance, and then you’ll murder me in my sleep, are you?” Chaos asked doubtfully.
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This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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Amanda stood beside the tub, the air of the pristine white bathroom filling with steam and the scent of jasmine and rosemary. She had smiled as she poured in the aromatic oil as she recalled, 'rosemary for remembrance'. The suds threatened to overwhelm the sides of the freestanding antique bathtub even before Amanda let the flowery cotton dress fall from her shoulders to pile in a discarded heap around her feet, probably never to be worn again. With deliberate slowness Amanda peeled down her...
LesbianDawn walked out of the Lost Corner with a whole new look. She was all but unrecognizable in her tight, red dress. Unlike the one she and John had experimented with, this one zipped up in the front which made it much easier to slip on and off. Not that Dawn planned on doing much more of that today. Twice was definitely her limit. Dawn and John visited several more stores one after another in quick succession. From Blue Wing Shoes, she purchased a lovely pair of high heels. Dawn found them a...
Dawn barely noticed anything as she sat alone in the Sunnydale sun, at a lunch table in the schoolyard. Her mind swam with chaotic thoughts of how quickly her young life had changed. It was bad enough having to be the younger sister of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but now, she had to deal with learning that she was something called the "Key". Apparently, being the "Key" meant she was some sort of dimensional portal which was expected to usher in the end of the Universe. "Great!" thought Dawn. "Why...
Many thanks to my colleague Phil Gorman for his proofing and editorial assistance A Note I was in my last year of teaching in Ohio before moving to Florida. Everyone at school knew of my plan and it made for a different sort of year. I coached football and wrestling but at an assistant level, in order to assist with the transitions for the new head coaches. I truly enjoyed the less stressful seasons. I had visits with some of my former students; some of whom I shared a “special” bond...
(Dawn’s Story) Dawn sat naked on the restroom floor crying. It had all caught up with her at once. Losing Adam to that horrid woman, having to sacrifice her virginity to the sly John. And now maybe, no probably giving how her day was going, getting pregnant. “Everyone’s going to think I’m a slut.” Dawn huffed. John couldn’t help but feel sorry for the sobbing Dawn. Yeah he knew getting laid sometimes required playing dirty, but he’d never left a woman in tears before. And he found he...
I couldn’t help thinking about them telling me how they explored their new found pleasures .By the time I made it back to Feedville I was hard and horny,so I stopped at Matty’s bar for a drink to adjust my thoughts . Every chance I get I make sure I stop at Matty’s bar for a drink and a load up of what's been going on while I have been gone. The bartender there is really hot ,just 21 reddish hair, green eyes and a body that would get your dick hard just looking at her. I would have tapped...
The Importance of Sophie, Part 2: Dawn by SmokingMan =========== I awake with a start. I must have drifted of. That was a crazy thing. Must’ve been some type of half-dream. I mean, she wasn’t actually there, right? I suddenly realize how drained I am, and decide a long rest is my best option for now. When I open my eyes again, it's around 11 o’clock Saturday morning. I move to the edge of the bed and put my face in my hands. What is this, I think to myself. I suppose I should get up...
There is a lot of timing and luck involved in getting the chance to watch your normally reluctant wife suddenly turn it on for another man. But Brad, a forty-two-year-old professor, had that chance to see his twenty-seven-year-old wife perform at a convention last summer at an upscale hotel in Miami.Dawn wore an unusually revealing black dress that evening. It was shorter than anything Brad had ever seen her wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential...
Wife LoversDawn led Dan by the hand back inside the house just as the rain really started to fall, the young pair stood in the doorway and waited for chewy to come bounding in. He thought about his hands exploring Dawns body moments ago. He watched her shrug off the coat revealing the cardigan over her dress and the Nylon tights on her long legs and how good her bottom felt while they kissed outside. His hands on her body, hers on his, and their lips pressed together. His thoughts were suddenly disturbed...
RomanceChapter one:Neil’s Introduction:The first time I saw her was at the company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone’s attention as she glided through the room, making introductions to old friends and new alike. She was dressed in a figure hugging fantail evening dress in a deep blue colour. The dress was held up by two very thins straps which sat on her alabaster shoulders. Her skin was almost porcelain, so smooth and feminine....
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.It was one of those funny mornings, when it was still winter, but the sun streamed in through the window and the birds sang as if they were heralding Spring.Dawn sang to herself as she pottered around the kitchen, dressed in nothing but a polka dot apron and some shiny red heels."I'm too sexy for my apron, too sexy for my apron, and I'm making pancakes..." She sang softly, gathering ingredients,...
AnalWell, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
As most in the UK will know, just recently we have had some high winds.So I was holed up at home for the weekend.I don't do boredom too well and sitting still at a weekend is hard work for me.So it was with a pleasure when the phone rang.It was a friend of mine asking if I had a few hours free, her friends fence had blown down and since I had put hers up a few months ago she wondered if I would go and have a look to see what needed doing.She would be there to introduce me as the woman in...
It all started one summers morning in May . When I decided to venture to my corner shop in order to get my morning paper and some smokes anyway as I grabbed my coat and started to put it on I felt a sudden sexual feeling between my legs the groin area of course. Any way walked out my front door and it was sunny and warm the birds singing and I was feeling content . Just up the street was my corner shop I often go there for my paper and cigarettes and of course a chance to catch a glimpse of...
Erotic FictionStraight oral doggy Two married people seek something more.We agreed not to tell anyone how we met.Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemedmismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy thanthe one at home.It was craigslist.Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her funand erotic emails that grabbed my attention./Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?"//Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your...
We agreed not to tell anyone how we met. Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemed mismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy than the one at home. It was craigslist. Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her fun and erotic emails that grabbed my attention. Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?" Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your vegetables. lol." The first time we met we had dinner...
Straight SexDawnMy gym manager was apologizing while telling me that all of the massage ther****ts he trusted were completely booked. I asked him if they could give him any names and he laughed and said, “Yeah, each others....”He had stopped before finishing so I finished for him.“And you?”“It would be inappropriate.”“Why, because you are gay?”He gave me a small smile and shrugged his shoulders.“I didn’t think you knew.”“I was clued in by the blonde that sneered every time she walked past you. I asked her...
1900UTC: USS Nimitz - Sea of Okhotsk, Extended Sea Duties.The sign on the door read ‘Lieutenant Dawn Delaney’ and it stood out in a sharp contrast to the battleship grey innards of the aircraft carrier’s metal passageways. The air here was stale and cloying under the artificial lighting which illuminated the run of narrow windowless corridor. Seated at the small cluttered desk, the lithe officer rifled through the wad of paperwork unceremoniously dumped in her In-tray before picking out the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiDREAMING OF DAWNFaith couldn't help it - even as she ate the pussy of the forty-something woman splayed out in front of her, she thought of nothing but B's little s!ster. The bitch in the suit - dressed for power lunches and corporate shenanigans, not to mention tongue fucks by tramps picked up in seedy bars – barely existed outside her peripheral vision. She was just a meal, someone Faith had said yes to, simply for amusement. The bitch didn’t know it, but she was just a prop in Faith’s...
This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...
Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...
Amanda entered her bedroom, looking totally different to the confident, poised glamorous young woman who had so easily entranced Katie in the coffee bar, the very same girl who now lay sleeping on Amanda's king-size bed. Amanda had removed all of her makeup and tied her long red hair back with a black scrunchy and wore a button through flower print cotton dress that, for all it's simplicity, still showed off her large firm breasts nicely. The cotton dress was fresh and cool against her naked...