neighbour aunty
- 3 years ago
- 23
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My first college semester ended in Christmas break. It was a typical Wisconsin winter – cold, snowy, and dark, but filled with all the lights and colors of the festive season. Roberta arrived Christmas week with a surprise. She brought along Otto Muldenberg who she introduced to us as her fiancé. He was an assistant conductor with a major symphony orchestra and in his forties, about ten years older than her. He was smug and looked down his nose at me when we were introduced, as though he was doing me a great favor by shaking my hand. He did not give Mom the respect she deserved as a full professor at a major university. But most important, he seemed to take my gorgeous sister for granted.
To me, Roberta was perfect in every way – exceptionally bright, drop dead gorgeous, musically gifted, culturally sophisticated. But he barely acknowledged her presence except to give her instructions. It set my teeth on edge, and by the time we loaded the luggage into the car, I had decided that I did not like him at all.
Mom and Roberta played a beautiful duet that first evening before dinner. At the end of it, Muldenberg spent almost fifteen minutes critiquing their performance, ending with the comment that it was painful to his ears.
“Well, no one’s forcing you to listen to it,” I snapped. “You can go for a walk in the snow and leave us to our simple pleasures.”
“Johanna!” said Roberta. “Otto’s just being constructive. After all, he’s a professional. Apologize to him at once.”
I normally obeyed Roberta without question, but now I was too angry to be repentant.
“He’s just being an asshole,” I said, stubbornly.
“Go to your room, Johanna,” said Mom. “Don’t come down till you are able to apologize and behave yourself.”
I went up to my room with my head held high. I spent an hour reading a book on my tablet. But I knew I was missing spending time with Roberta and eventually my love for her overcame my pride.
I came down to find Mom and Roberta in the kitchen, cooking and chattering in French as they always did. Muldenberg was sitting in the family room with his headphones on. I stood in the kitchen for a few moments before Mom saw me.
“Are you ready to apologize to Otto?” asked Mom.
“Yes,” I said, hanging my head and feeling like a 6-year-old. “But he’s got his headphones on, I don’t want to disturb him.”
“You can do it at dinner,” she said.
Needless to say, it was tense and frustrating Christmas week for me. I did not get to spend quality time with Roberta as Otto was always with her. The way he treated her constantly grated on my nerves and I had a very hard time controlling my tongue.
One night, I sneaked up to her bedroom door at the end of the corridor upstairs and put my ear to the panel. I felt guilty about eavesdropping on my sister, but I hoped to hear that he was at least satisfying her in bed. I was only there a few minutes before I heard him panting and gasping along with the unmistakable sounds of head. Roberta was going down on him. It was all over in less than twenty seconds. He gurgled, snorted, and cried out in a high voice, almost a falsetto. It took a few minutes for his panting to stop.
“Really, Roberta,” he said in his grating, irritating voice. “You have no finesse, you give head like a whore. You never help me slow down and make it last.”
My hand tightened on the doorknob – I almost burst into Roberta’s bedroom. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to beat the shit out of him. I was sure I could thrash him easily, for he was pudgy and pasty. I controlled myself with a huge effort and slowly walked back to my bedroom. I picked up one of my pillows and pounded it to shapeless mass, pretending that it was Otto’s head.
“I hope she breaks up with him soon,” I said to Mom as we drove back from the airport.
“How can you say that about your own sister, Johanna? Don’t you want her to be happily married?”
“He won’t make her happy. He doesn’t appreciate her, doesn’t realize what a prize he has. She’s much too good for him. Come on, Mom, you know you agree with me.”
I looked over at her, away from the wipers working on the flurrying snow.
“There must be more to him, chérie. After all, Roberta has had many boyfriends before. This is the first time she has decided to become engaged.”
“Well, I think she’s making a mistake.
Sabine returned to her native Holland for the Christmas break, telling me that she would stay into late January in order to run in the qualifying races to maintain her place on the Dutch national team. She called me at the end of January to tell me that she had been selected for the Dutch team that would compete at the World Championships.
“They’ve asked me to transfer back to a university in my hometown of Leiden,” she said. “They want me to concentrate on training without the distractions of running in university meets in America.”
“But when will I see you again?” I asked.
“I don’t know, Johanna,” she said.
She didn’t seem overly concerned and we cut off the video link soon after. Sabine was my only close friend at the university. Her departure from my life made me feel very alone.
Several of my high school classmates were also enrolled at the local university with me for the same reason I had done so – it was convenient and relatively cheap. They had already spread the story of my hitting Michael Jones with the shovel. As the spring semester began, the stories circulating about me got worse, as both Lane and Parker told all their friends how I had threatened them with the hunting knife.
I had assumed that the university was a big, anonymous place where I could lose myself. But I soon learned that rumors and especially salacious stories spread very rapidly and I could not escape them. And I learned firsthand how stories got magnified as they were told and retold till they bore little resemblance to the truth.
Walt was a boy in my statistics class. I worked with him on the first assignment of the spring semester. After our first work meeting, he asked me out for a drink. He seemed very nice so I agreed. He was a junior, a couple years older than me. We went to a bar, where he ordered two beers and slipped one to me, as I was 18 (and underage), whereas he had just turned 21.
We were chatting amiably and I thought the evening was going very well, when I excused myself to go to the restroom. On returning toward our booth, I saw another boy standing by Walt and talking to him. Walt was listening intently and neither of them noticed me approaching. I was about say something when I heard the other boy mention me by name, so I stepped behind a pillar and waited to listen.
“ … Johanna von Eschenbach,” the other boy said. “Walt, you’ve got to be crazy dating her!”
“I’m not dating her,” said Walt. “We’re doing a statistics project together. I just asked her out for a drink, this is the first time. She’s very bright and seems nice enough.”
“She’s a psycho, Walt!”
“What do you mean?”
“Haven’t you heard? There’s lots of kids from her high school at the university. They’ve told everyone how she beat one of the football players at her school with a shovel. She beat him so bad that his brains came out of his nose. And last semester, right here at the university, she went up to the room of a couple of guys – athletes, apparently. She led them on, let them take off her clothes. They thought she was going to let both of them fuck her. Then she suddenly pulled out a hunting knife and threatened to cut their dicks off.”
“No!” Walt inhaled sharply.
“She’s not very hot, either. Skinny, no ass, no tits. Not worth the risk, dude! But make up your own mind!”
The other boy drifted off and I waited a couple minutes before returning to the table. Walt drained the last of his beer just as I sat down.
“I’ve got an early morning class tomorrow, Johanna,” he said, sliding out of the booth and rising. “I’d better go. I’ll see you around.”
“I’ll walk you back to your dorm,” I said.
“No need,” he said, a bit too hurriedly. “I don’t want to inconvenience you.”
“It’s no trouble,” I said. “I’d like to see where you live.”
“No, no,” he said, clearly worried. “There’s no need for that.”
“Listen, Walt, I know people say I’m crazy. But none of what they say about me is true –”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered.
He turned and walked out of the bar with quick steps without looking back. He seemed genuinely scared.
At our next statistics class, we got back our first assignment. Walt and I got 100%, a perfect score. It was the highest grade for the assignment. But after class, I discovered Walt had asked the professor to reassign him and set him up with another partner.
“No one seems to want to work with you,” the professor said to me. He sounded a bit puzzled. “Do you mind working on your own?”
“I’ll be fine,” I said.
“Good, good. I’m available if you have any questions.”
I had no doubt that I would do well – I was finding the class rather easy, especially after my experience with mathematical analysis in the previous semester. But it was a lot less fun working on my own.
After that, wherever I went on campus, I thought I saw people looking at me. I’m sure most of it was just in my imagination. But it inhibited me when I talked to anyone. Even ordering in the coffee shop, I felt like the barista was eyeing me fearfully. As the weeks passed, I began to feel very lonely and unhappy. My grandmother’s morality tale began to haunt me. She saw this rage in me, even when I was a child, I thought. Maybe I am a psycho, and people are right to be afraid of me.
I drifted into a new, fairly humdrum routine. I ran even more than before, often for hours. I went to my classes and studied the rest of the day. A couple evenings a week, I went to the stables. However, Robin now had a new crop of high school girls to help her and didn’t really need me. Misty Sue always found something for me to do, but she was not much of a talker. In any event, apart from our shared interest in horses, there was not much we could talk about. And even with horses, she wasn’t interested in talking about anything beyond the immediate practicalities of what needed to be done.
However, my experiences with Sabine taught me to read Misty Sue a lot better. I knew she wanted me. Her eyes followed me everywhere, especially when I took off my top and worked in my sports bra. I found her powerful physique a bit intimidating. There was no fat on her, but she was built like a tank – broad and square, her musculature almost manly in its bulk. She was only slightly taller than me, but outweighed me by a good 60 pounds.
I was pitching hay one evening in the late spring. The winter chill had worn off, and the with the longer days, the sun was still up. I was wearing cut-off jeans shorts, western style riding boots, a 10-gallon hat, and a colorful pink sports bra with a design of hearts and roses. I got hot with the hard, physical effort and sweat dripped of the tip of my nose. I took off my hat to avoid getting the hatband sweat stained and hung it on a peg in the barn. My sports bra was wet and clung to my small breasts. Misty Sue had just finished mucking out a stall and when she came out, our eyes met.
Like me, she was wearing a cut-off jeans and boots and had on a short sleeveless top that barely covered her breasts. She took off her hat, hung it by mine, and walked toward me. Her eyes never left mine and she put her hands on my bare shoulders.
“You’re 18,” she said.
“Nearly 19,” I replied.
“I want to see your tits.”
“Just see them?” I giggled.
“Smart mouth! How do you want it, rough or gentle?”
“What are you good at?”
She didn’t reply, but pulled my sports bra up, baring my breasts. I put my arms up to help her take it off. She kneaded my little mounds, licking and kissing my nipples. They reared up, hard, long, and meaty, and she growled her satisfaction deep in her throat. Her style was as different from Sabine’s as could be. She didn’t tease me, or make me wait. Her hands went straight from my breasts to the waist of my jean shorts, unbuttoning, unzipping them. I let them fall around my ankles and stepped out of them. I wore pink silk panties and Misty Sue slid a large hand under the waistband.
I gasped as her thick fingers found my pussy. Her touch was rough, but quite adept. She quickly worked me up into a heat, effortlessly making me wet.
“Omigod, Misty Sue! Omigod, Misty Sue!”
She pulled my panties down and I stepped out of them as well.
“I’ve waited years for this,” she whispered.
She pushed two fingers into my bare pussy and worked up a rhythm. My hands were on her broad shoulders, gripping her tightly. In her direct style, she drove me hard and I began to cum much sooner than I would have believed possible. My hips juddered and my legs grew weak as the waves engulfed me. I was only able to stay on my feet by holding on to her shoulders.
“Misty Sue,” I murmured.
“Shhh,” she said.
She picked me up effortlessly and carried me over to the tack room. She lay me down on the rough table and spread my legs. A moment later, her face was in my pussy, her tongue lavishing saliva on my vulva and my clit. Her style was workmanlike and efficient rather than artistic. But once again, she got the job done in short order. She held me down as I thrashed on the table, crying out wordless trills as another orgasm took hold of me. She did not prolong it, but sat back, and watched me wind down as the high slowly dissipated.
“Robin’s out shopping, won’t be back for a while,” she said. “Let’s go to our bedroom, you can show me what you’ve learned from that Dutch girlfriend of yours.”
“We’re both covered with sweat, Misty Sue,” I protested. “I can go down on you right here in the barn.”
“I’ve got to change the sheets today anyway. I’ve dreamed about doing a 69 with you for years.”
We sprawled on Robin and Misty Sue’s gigantic king bed, naked except for our boots. We explored each other’s bodies. Hers was a revelation to me. Her breasts were firm and hard like the rest of her. She moved me around the bed easily without manhandling me. Her hands seemed to be everywhere on me. Her shaven pussy was very womanly, and her thick vulva lips gripped my fingers when I pushed them into her. She was not loud or demonstrative, but her passions showed in her breathing – it grew labored, as I worked on her.
She was as good as her word, and rolled me on to my back, straddling my face with her crotch. She kept her weight off me, but ground her pussy on to my lips with just enough pressure to make it pleasant. Our sweat mingled as we stained the sheets. I was proud when I brought her off for the second time, my tongue working her clit. She lost control at that point, and for just a moment I felt her whole weight on me as we began to cum together. But she rolled off me quickly and came up to cuddle me through my afterglow.
“Is Robin okay with you cheating on her like this?” I asked as she held me in her strong arms.
“She pretends ignorance, but she knows I sleep with other girls.” She hugged me a bit tighter and kissed me. “She loves you too, Johanna. We should take her into bed between us.”
Over the next few weeks, Misty Sue and I made love regularly, mostly in their bedroom when Robin was out. We never did do the threesome that Misty Sue wanted. I don’t think Robin would have taken it well. While she may have suspected something was up between Misty Sue and me, she never let on. My work at the stables became a bit awkward, as I was always worried about the way that Misty Sue and I now looked at each other when Robin was around.
Eventually, I only went there to have sex with Misty Sue and only when I knew for sure Robin was out. Misty Sue asked me to wear feminine clothing when I came and I complied. I wore strappy high heels, stockings, very short skirts, sexy French lingerie, and silk choker ribbons. She particularly liked me to wear bandeau bras and to braid my hair so I looked even younger than my years. I took pleasure in the lust that burned in her eyes as she undressed me.
Every time I arrived, Misty Sue would drop whatever she was doing. She would guide me to the big master bedroom, lock the door, strip me, and make love to me with barely more than a “Hi.” Like Sabine, she took the dominant role in our sex, but she had much more bodily strength. I loved the way she could pick me up so easily, pin me down whenever she wanted, and yet make me feel so safe with her. She loved doing 69 with me, always on top, always careful not to crush me under her. She liked me half naked as we made love, in my stockings and high heels, my bra pulled down, but still on me, her lips tracing the lines of my choker on my throat.
In spite of her muscle, she was all woman, there was nothing trans about her. Her buttocks were hard, but her hips were generously wide as befitted a woman. Her pussy was sweet and her breasts rounded with nipples that puckered and hardened under my tongue. And she came like a woman with a slow burn that built to a smooth peak. As I learned her body better, I could get her to cum over and over again. In return, she brought me to mind-blowing orgasms. The highs of sex with her were addictive.
We would make love repeatedly, fulfilling our base fleshly needs and nothing else. The intense carnality that we shared was purely physical and we rutted together like animals. We exhausted ourselves in bed, driving each other to climax after climax till we were sore.
She always culminated our sexual romps with her one sexual device – a double-headed dildo with unbalanced heads. She would push the bigger cock into her damp pussy, groaning as she did so. Once she had it fully sheathed inside her, she would roll me on to my back and mount me like a man. She pushed the “cock” into me, using her weight to drive her thrust. Then, unlike a man, she would lie on me, gently moving her hips to work the dildo deep inside me. She built me up slowly to a very unique type of orgasm, deeply penetrated, but without actively fucking me. Then, after we both came again, she held her in her arms, both of us slippery with sweat and sexual fluids.
We showered together after we were done in bed. She always more sex there, wet and lathered. Sometimes I resisted, but rarely for long. Once she got me excited, my body ignored my mind.
As the weeks went by, the emptiness of our sex began to weigh on me. I wanted to talk it over with someone, but was not sure who. I was sure Roberta had never had experiences with women. I was afraid that Mom would get upset, since Misty Sue had known me since I was quite young.
As the spring began to warm up, I went the stables less frequently. But the memories of Misty Sue’s rough lovemaking were sharp, and thoughts of her often made me wet my panties in my bed at home. Every now and then desire overpowered me, and I gave in to the temptation. Each time I returned to her bed and her arms, I promised myself it was the last time.
I was home a lot now. I played the piano with Mom whenever she asked me, and helped her in the kitchen. Mom sensed something was wrong, and asked me about it. I was too embarrassed to admit the truth – that people on campus thought I was crazy, and that I was having intermittent, extremely physical sex with Misty Sue, a woman who had known me since before pubescence. So I brushed her off and told her everything was fine, that I was just studying hard.
A few weeks later, I was sitting in a campus bar, the same bar where I had had my failed “date” with Walt. I had just had an afternoon of sex with Misty Sue, so I was feeling physically sated and indolent. I was sipping a non-alcoholic drink and reading an article online. I heard my name, and looked up, unsure what to expect. It was Rudolf Schanzer, my math professor from the previous semester.
“Hi, Johanna. May I join you?”
I looked around the bar and saw that all the other tables were taken.
“Of course, Professor Schanzer,” I said.
“Rudolf,” he reminded me.
“Rudolf,” I repeated.
He sat down with his coffee and sandwich.
“How’s the semester going?” he asked.
“Better than the last one. I’m doing well in all my courses.”
“I had no doubt of that. But how about everything else?”
“Fine,” I said, cautiously. “How about you?”
“Can’t complain. My research and teaching are going well. My only problem is with my chamber group. I play the viola.”
“What’s the problem?”
“The conductress is not impressed with me.”
“I’m sure you’re not afraid of hard work.”
“I’ve been working hard, Johanna. But I think it’s talent that I’m missing.”
“I know the feeling,” I said, laughing.
I had an hour before class, so I sat and chatted with Rudolf. He moved on to talk about his latest research paper and I quizzed him about it. He was happy to talk about it in more detail.
“Explaining it to you makes me realize the holes in my reasoning,” he said. “You really seem to grasp the essentials of the problem.”
“Once you’ve framed the question, I can follow the logic,” I said.
“That’s precisely it, Johanna. Framing the question is the biggest part of research. If you’ve framed the question properly, answering it is just mechanics. Even graduate students have a hard time understanding this.”
It was nice to get praised like this by a super intelligent math professor and I basked in it. We talked on, switching back and forth between English and German. He gently corrected my pronunciation to try to get me to pick up his Heidelberg accent that he claimed was the “best” German. The intellectual stimulation of chatting with him was so much nerdy fun that the hour seemed to rush by.
“I really enjoyed that, Rudolf,” I said. “I’d love to see you again.”
Then I realized how forward I sounded, and blushed. But he just smiled.
“I was going to say the same thing. Lunch tomorrow?”
We met the next day for lunch. And the day after that. And every day that week. It was the polar opposite of my trysts with Misty Sue where I satisfied my bodily hungers and shut off my mind. With Rudolf, I was constantly talking, thinking, analyzing, and commenting. With him, I realized how much I had missed feeding my inner nerd.
There was only a month or so left in the semester, but in that short time, I must have seen Rudolf twenty times, often for hours at a stretch. I began to realize that he was quite a handsome man, lean and fit. He told me he had rowed and fenced competitively as an undergraduate in his native Heidelberg. He still worked out and kept in shape. I developed quite a crush on him and even dreamed about him a few times.
The day I finished my last exam, I met Rudolf at a bar. I prevailed on him to bend the rules and buy me a beer. “So macht man es in Deutschland,” I said. (This is how you do it in Germany.)
“As always, your German is technically correct,” said Rudolf, grinning. “But no German would talk like that.”
“Will you get me a beer or not?”
“Ok, ok, Miss Pushy, I’ll get you a beer,” he said.
I was pleased with my success. He came back with two beers and a bowl of mixed nuts.
“Rudolf, I’d like you to come to my house,” I said, spontaneously, as we sipped our beers. “I’d like to cook you a meal.”
“Your house?” he said, cautiously.
“I live with my mom,” I said.
Mom was in Chicago for a meeting and she was not expected back till late. I felt a little thrill of excitement as I waited for his answer.
“I’m not sure, Johanna,” he said.
He looked as worried as Walt when I had asked to accompany him to his house. I suddenly wondered if Rudolf had heard the stories about me.
“Rudolf,” I said. “Do you think I’m crazy? That I might harm you physically?”
“No, of course not,” he said, looking genuinely surprised. “Why do you ask that?”
“Well, there are a lot of rumors about me amongst the undergrads. That I’m a psycho, dangerous, and so on. I thought you may have heard. I know that I am kinda weird.”
“You’re a lovely person, Johanna,” he said. “I don’t think you’re weird or strange. I would love to come to your house for dinner. I know your mother – after all, we’re both professors at the same university.”
“She’s not home,” I said. “She’s out of town till late.”
“Oh,” he said, sounding relieved.
I felt an inner lift. He wants to be alone with me, I thought happily. I guessed he was in his early thirties, about a dozen years older than me. But it did not seem an unbridgeable gap to me.
We walked home and as soon as we got there, I ran into the powder room. I ran my fingers through my hair, freshened my lipstick, smoothed down my short skirt, and made sure my stockings were just so on my long legs. I primped in front of the bathroom mirror for moment. I was normally proud of my well-defined abs and always wore short tops that left my midriff bare in the summer. But now I worried that they would detract from my femininity. I tied a knot in my top to tighten it around my small breasts to make them stand out more and to clearly highlight the outlines of my bra.
I decided to make salmon meuniere, one of the few dishes I was confident of making without Mom to help me. I pressed Rudolf in to service as my sous-chef and opened a bottle of the Pouilly-Fumé that I knew Mom would have paired with the salmon. We drank and chatted in German as we cooked. I was having a great time. With my back to him, I unbuttoned two buttons of my top, to reveal the bridge of my pink bra with its little butterfly bow. After I turned around, I caught Rudolf stealing glances at me and was pleased with the success of my little maneuver. His looks got me into a bit of a state, and my nipples hardened, making obvious pokies through my thin bra and top.
We ate in the dining room. He praised the dinner with unfeigned wonder, and I brushed it aside, saying it was a simple recipe. He pressed my hand, insisting that he was right. I took advantage of his nearness to put my other hand around his shoulder. I pulled him toward me and kissed him.
He went completely rigid and drew both his hands away from me. I used my tongue aggressively, trying to get a response from him. He resisted for a moment, but eventually slowly opened his mouth and let me taste his tongue.
It was Mom’s voice raised high in shock and I froze. I released Rudolf as though he was red hot, sat back, and pushed my chair away from him. Mom was in the dining room door in a dark formal suit with a skirt and jacket. Her coat was over her arm, her purse in one hand, and her leather attaché case in the other. She set her attaché case down, threw coat on the bureau and put down her purse on it. She looked at Rudolf and pointed at him with one perfectly manicured finger.
“What are you doing in my ’ouse, Rudy?”
Rudolf had stood up looking panicked, truly frightened.
“It’s not what you think, Marie-Aude …”
“Is this your sick Nabokov strategy, Rudy? To sleep with me to get at my innocent daughter? She’s just a child. How depraved can you be?”
“No, no, Marie-Aude,” he protested, putting his hands up in an instinctive defensive gesture. “I have not touched Johanna …”
“I found you kissing her, Rudy!”
My mind was reeling with shock, but my response was kneejerk.
“He didn’t kiss me, Mom,” I said. “I tried to kiss him.” Then I stood up as well and put my hands on my hips. “And I’m not Lolita, I’m nearly 19. I can sleep with whoever I want. It’s all legal.”
“I think you better leave, Rudy,” said Mom, ignoring me.
“Yes, Marie-Aude,” he said.
He went out through the door to the living room. I made to follow him, but Mom held me by the wrist and kept me with her. I heard the front door open and close behind him. There were several moments of silence before Mom led me to the dining table. We both sat down.
“Did Rudy tell you that he and I are … lovers?” Mom asked.
“No, Mom.” I looked down at the tabletop. Then I looked her in the eye. “Were you sleeping with him last semester? When I was in his class?”
“No, Johanna. It all started this semester when he joined our chamber group as the violist.” She sniffed. “He’s not very good, but violists are hard to find.”
“Mom, Rudolf is the first person I’ve met at the university that I’m truly attracted to.”
“How long have you been … spending time with him?”
“About a month.”
“He should have told you he is seeing me,” said Mom. “That was dishonest of him.”
“Well, you shouldn’t be sleeping with him, Mom. He’s young enough to be your son!”
My tone and expression were resentful. Mom leaned forward and put her hands on both sides of my face.
“Yes, chérie, he’s too young for me. But he’s too old for you.”
“I don’t care!” I shouted. “I just want someone to hold me and appreciate me as a person! Someone to make love to me, not just fuck me! And Rudolf likes me, I know he does. But of course, he likes you better! I’m always competing with you, Mom! And I can’t win!”
I flounced out of the dining room, ran up the stairs to my room, and slammed the door. I threw myself in my bed – the bed where I had fantasized having sex with Rudolf – and starting crying. Everything had seemed so perfect just an hour before. Now it was all in ruins.
A few minutes later, Mom opened my door and came in. She sat on my bed and tried to run her fingers through my hair as she always did. I slapped her hand away – something I had never done before.
“I’m sorry, chérie. I didn’t know you were spending time with him. I won’t see him again if it bothers you.”
“What’s the use? It’s all spoiled now – every time I see him, I’ll imagine him in bed with you.” I felt fresh tears run down my cheeks. “Am I really so unattractive?”
Mom leaned forward and put her arms around me.
“You’re a beautiful girl, Johanna,” she said, kissing me on the lips.
“But only my mom thinks so,” I retorted. “Wes Collins, the boy who took my virginity, told me that you were sexier than me. Then last semester, Sabine wanted you. Now Rudolf would rather sleep with you than me. It never ends, does it?”
“You’re young, Johanna. You have your whole life in front of you. You mustn’t let a few experiences get you down.”
“It’s not just this, Mom! I’m just weird, everyone says so. Even I don’t know what I am. I don’t fit in anywhere. I’m too nerdy to be a cowgirl, so psychotic that I scare off all the nerds, not feminine enough to be real woman.”
“You’re just young for your age, Johanna, naïve and innocent. Someday, you’ll find a knight on a charger who’ll cherish your sweetness. Just don’t be in such a tearing hurry to find him.”
“I’m not young and innocent, Mom,” I said, thinking about my sexual romps with Misty Sue. “I know a lot about sex.”
“Come to my bed, ma fille,” she said, ignoring me again. “I don’t think either one of us wants to sleep alone tonight.”
I changed into a shortie nightie and went into Mom’s bedroom. She was sitting on her big bed in a one of her special long nightgowns. We got under the covers and I burrowed into her side like I used to do when I was little. She cuddled me and kissed me on the lips. I felt her body as a woman, not a mother. I recognized how sensual she was, even at her age. I was both repulsed and excited by my feelings of taboo excitement.
“Are you going to keep seeing Rudy?” she asked me.
“I’m not sure,” I said. “Are you going to sleep with him again?”
“I don’t know. It depends on you. I won’t do anything to hurt you.”
I held her tighter and pressed my lips to hers to see how she would react. She put her hands on my shoulders and squeezed.
“I’m your mother, Johanna,” she said. “I’m not your lover. But I’ll always love you. Remember that. Always.”
Sometimes I dream of Mom and when I do, I always hear her saying that to me.
Rudolf, Mom, and I worked it out that summer after my freshman year. I ran into him a few days later by the Union. I saw him out of the corner of my eye and tried to ignore him. But he crossed over and stopped me, touching me lightly on the arm.
“Johanna, bitte hör mir zu,” he said. (Please listen to me.)
“Okay,” I replied.
“Let me buy you a coffee,” he said, switching to English.
We went to a coffee shop in silence. We sat down and looked at each other over the rims of our cups.
“It was wrong of me to hide my affair with your mother from you,” he said. “But I was enjoying our conversations so much, and was afraid that you would stop seeing me if you knew.”
I did not reply, just kept my eyes on him.
“Your mother is an incredible woman, Johanna. I’m grateful that she chose to have me in her life. And in her bed.”
“She’s old enough to be your mother,” I said. “But she’s still more attractive and sexier than me.”
“I was already in an affair with her when we first spent time together in the spring semester. My connection with her made me look on you like a father. I still think of you that way – with the paternal affection, not sexual desire.”
“I don’t want you to be my father figure,” I said, my voice rising and breaking. “You’ll never be a patch on my dad!”
“I’m sorry, Johanna. I never meant to compare myself to your father. Let me take that back. Let me say instead that I think of you as a friend. A dear friend. And I hope you will think of me that way.”
“A friend,” I said.
“A platonic friend. Someone to talk to, to laugh with, to tell your troubles to, to trust.”
“What about Mom?”
“I have begged her to take me back,” he said. “But she will not see me again unless you forgive me.”
“So the only reason you want to be my friend is so you can sleep with my mother.”
“Don’t make it sound so crude, Johanna. Please. I have tender feelings for your mother. She was lonely when she met me.”
I gave Rudolf a long look and let a silence develop. He didn’t try to fill it and did not look away. The genuineness that I had felt about him from the start was still there.
“I want Mom to be happy,” I said at last. “If you’ll make her happy, I’ll be your friend.”
Mom took Rudolf back as her lover. I saw even more of him now, for Mom often had him over at our house instead of always meeting him at his place as she had before. It gradually got less awkward. He sometimes stayed over and I got used to finding him in the kitchen in the morning in his pajamas.
When Mom wasn’t around, he and I spoke more and more German to each other. I’m a pretty good mimic and under his tutelage, my Heidelberg accent improved to the point where he said I could almost pass for a native.
The three of us cooked together, played classical music together, and Mom put up with both of us. Both Rudolf and I were keenly aware of how much better she was. Our mutual realization of the reality of the situation made it work for all of us.
Mom and Rudolf looked happy together and that made me happy. Being cheery made it easier to resist temptation. But sometimes I would see Mom with that look on her face, humming to herself. And I just knew that she had just had good sex. Temptation would rear its ugly head again. And I would sneak off for an afternoon of mindless sex with Misty Sue.
There she was, on the corner of her dresser, wearing nothing but a shirt, a thick dildo suction-cupped to the dresser buried almost to the hilt in her ass. Her legs were spread apart, one foot on her bed and the other up on the dresser top, and the one hand not bracing against the wall behind her was at her crotch, her fingers frozen against her sopping wet pussy as she paused in mid-gasp to stare at me with scandal in her fiery blue eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My gaze jumped...
To say that Kelly was hot would convey the proper perspective on her being. With long, auburn hair, peachy complexion, blue eyes, nice figure she presented an imposing view to the eye of the occasional beholder. The outstanding quality of her professional work had to be the work of a near genius; yet, she had a flaw. . . a deep, dark secret! Since early childhood, Kelly had carried a deep seated fear of men. The mere touch of a man could bring an upset stomach or nervous tremors! It wasn’t...
He talk with such a calm voice and precise choice of wordsi was a third of is age, yet i felt like he understand me more than anyoneIn a week only id be 16 and it will be legal for me to.....suck my math teacherhe talk about it so casually with me by snap chat , i was dying to be 16 and older enought to have sexhis storries about how hard it was to like guys when he was young and how lucky we are now with society accepting it more than ever. just made me want to suck his cock more , my first...
“This is Smentafiantoara” Tara introduced me to the one of the twins. She curtseyed “People call me Smenta” “And this is Smintofiantoara” She curtseyed too “I am called Minty by my friends” “And I really hope to be your friend” I smiled back at her. They were both dressed simply in smock dresses which stretched at the front as the covered their extensive busts. Sandals on their feet meant that I could see their feet, all four were pretty, with the second toe slightly longer than the big...
Ben closed the bathroom door calmly and walked toward the door. He needed some fresh air. Some fresh air and he would be fine.He didn’t get five paces before he dropped to his knees, groaning in pain. His hands shot to his groin. He could feel the hardness fighting against the material of his jeans. His cock was so hard it hurt, hurt right up into his belly with a deep pulsing throb. He had never hurt like this before. He had never been this hard before.Fumbling fingers struggled and fought....
Hello everyone. This is an incident happened with someone else. However, he asked me to pen it down. If you like this story, please write to me on- or hangout/kik me on the same id. Archana was on the high sky today. It was her son Aman’s 19th birthday. The house was full of relatives and friends. Aman’s friend were all about to embark on an evening in town. Of course after savoring her skillful cooking. The evening had gone pretty well without any bummer and all of the guests were seemed...
Waking up, I felt refreshed for the first time since arriving. What with the jet lag and injuries, I hadn’t had the time to unwind and relax. There was still about an hour before I had to leave, just enough time for a shower and breakfast. I was drinking anything I could as being dehydrated probably played into me passing out the first day. That wasn’t going to happen again if I could help it. Moving also was a bit easier, and in another day, I might be able to ditch the crutch. Grandmother...
Dora taught me much of the ways of relations between men and women during the long nights and short days of winter. I taught her some happy frolicsome pleasures, which I had learned from Winnie, Mistress Barkley's native maid from the Sandwich Isles. Dora was uncertain at first, but the pleasures I induced in her convinced her to reply in equal measure. She worked diligently at domestic tasks also, and I had warm clothing, extra pairs of soft boots, and several pair each of my knee britches...
June 17, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, With florid fantasies of Dad and his cock, I worked myself through three orgasms, finally dropping off sometime after midnight this morning. I woke up groggy before 8, donned a T and loose shorts and headed to the kitchen. As soon as I hit the entryway, I stopped ... and then started shucking clothes. I had forgotten! However, the sight of Mom standing by the sink in her altogether and my shirtless Dad sitting at the table (the lower portion of his anatomy,...
Sophie is, let's say, someone to handle with care, she is definitely the dominant one in our relationship. I have to say that when having sex, that's great, as you can imagine, no complaining there. But outside of the bedroom, I sometimes have trouble to prevent her from walking straight over me, if you know what I mean. She knows and admits she is this way, but just tells me I have to become more manly. And I guess she is right, I am to sensitive at times, but you can't change that...
Hello guys, I’m roshan mai up ke ek chote shahr se hun. Ye desi hot sex baat tab ki hai jab mai 12th standard mai tha aur meri age 18 years thi. Mai shuru se hi thoda healthy tha zaada nahi sab mje cute kehte the. Isi vajah se meri chuchiyan bhi thi thodi. Mje ladko ke pant aur jeans ke dent ko dekhne mai bhut maja aata tha aur kai baar mai apne ghar ke saamne vale ghar ke bhaiya ki chat par jaake unki jockey sungha karta tha mje jockey bhut pasand hain. Ek baar raat ka samay tha lagbhag 9 baj...
Louisa and I were of the same age, lived with our mothers only a few streets from each other, and attended the same Secondary school. Yet, we had never met. In the 1950s, the belief that boys and girls should be kept apart and raised separately still held sway and was strictly enforced. Incredible as it may seem today, a boy or girl observed so much as talking to each other would certainly be punished for wanton behaviour. Believe me, there were plenty of busybodies and miseries around only too...
CrossdressingHey guys, this is Raghav , this is my second story after my story “lakshmi ko choda holi pe” which was based on my true experience(with little spice of eroticism). Agr apne nhi pdhi abhi to pls phle use padh lijiye taki is story ka 100 percnt mza utha sake. To ab story pr ate h. Mera nam raghav h Delhi ka rhne wala hu or ladies me both interest rakhta hu or interest milta bhi h samne se(if you know what I mean).Jaisa ap sabne pdha last story me kaise mene apni lakshmi aunty ko choda. Wo mujhse...
Ready for some trolling at 4 Chan? Some people would say if you’ve never heard of 4chan, you should consider yourself lucky. Well, that’s not really the kind of company we keep around here. I know you’re a pervert, just like me, and you like seeing the weirdest, freakiest, sexiest and nastiest shit out there. That’s one of the 4chan’s big claims to fame.The site has been around since 2004 and has had its share of controversies. I’ll touch on that a bit, but there’s always Wikipedia if you need...
Porn Chan Sites=================== Life isn’t fair. So when you fight back, fight dirty. =================== Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. I married young, and had two perfect daughters, but my marriage was far from perfect. We had been young and in love. I was entering the community college and Denise was starting her senior year when we decided to tie the knot. Her family’s ready acceptance of me was a huge factor – the family I’d never had, making me feel like a real member of...
julie answers a knock at the door jacks girlfriend dawn is on the doorstep'oh hi dawn so nice to see you i thought you had given up on my jack''oh no never its just that i don't know how to act with him with his casts on not sure how i can help if at all but i just wondered if i could take him to the movies or something''um well i don't know we have some doctors instructions that need to be carried out regularly soi'm not really sure thats appropiate why don't you come in and we can talk to...
You can call me ‘Jiiva’. This is the story of one of the readers on ISS. Her name is Gayatri. I will be writing the story from her point of view. She has narrated this incident to me. I always wonder what is my purpose in this world? Is this the life that I wanted? I have everything, a very loving husband, a great family and we make a decent living. We are from a very strict Assamese Brahmin family. My mom used to teach me music and dance when I was a kid. I am very fair with a beautiful face...
Hi, I am SWATHI REDDY. I would like to share a few experience of my life for all of u. I stay in HYDERABAD. We are 2 sisters. My aunt’s house is very near by. My cousin lives there. This happened when I was in my INTER MEDIATE. Once my aunt & uncle had gone to their native. My cousin hadn’t gone as he had to go to COLLEGE. So he was alone at home & we used to give him food from our house. One day night I had gone taking food for him. The door was locked from inside. I tried knocking for few...
IncestFirst the bad news: Jake is moving out of State and will no longer be the Special Agent In Charge of FUcking Chicks on a Couch (SAICFUCC). He might come back for a guest poke or two, but at the end of the day we’re having to train a new casting agent. Good news: enter…new dude. Still thinking of a name. Biff? Axel? AJ? Anyway, he’s in his mid 20s, ladies love him, decent size, and cums buckets. He makes Brooklyn cum 3 times today, and guides her through one of the most intense...
xmoviesforyouWell this story begin when Mrs Weller mother of Steven met me during the parents teacher meet, i was the teacher of homegroup of yr 11 student, steven was in my class who moved recently ine the sme term. Due to his being new to school he wsnt very good and active socially and academically. His mom was bit worried on this and asked if there would be tuitions available for maths in our city on th efact tht they wer new, i offered one of my uni time frn, but Mrs Weller wasnt confident enuf to send...
Incest“We’ll get through this, Al.”Alice and her sister stared at a three-by-three grid of monitors pinned to the Aspen Orthopedics exam room wall.“If I can’t ski, I may as well be dead.”X-rays glowed on the displays showing various angles of the broken bones. A nurse in aquamarine scrubs nervously flanked the doctor holding a metallic iPad as they entered the room.If the doctor was tense, he didn’t immediately show it as he addressed the women. “Morning, Alice. Rebecca.”Doctor Reid took a seat on a...
LesbianO Creampies! As a fan of Japanese girls, hardcore pornography, and dripping creampies, I’m often pretty goddamn frustrated with the censorship you find in Japanese porno. The country pioneered such kinky shit as bukkake and butthole-eels, yet they frown upon explicit depictions of wee-wees. Well, I’ve got some great news for my fellow sufferers of yellow fever: OCreampies has those cum-pumped pussies you’re after, unobscured and was registered in 2007, but their...
Premium Creampie Porn SitesAshley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward...but by who...and why...what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation...
ReluctanceI hit send and wait. Ding.You roll over to read your message. But, it isn't really a message now, is it? It is a video - of my glossy red lips, sucking on a candy cane.I see your brows furrow in confusion, followed by a smile as your brain registers what you are seeing. You bring your screen closer to your face for a better look. My tongue curls around the crook of the candy cane, pulling it inside my mouth. In and out the candy cane goes as your hand snakes under your covers to find your...
MasturbationHi everyone. This is Dinesh from Chennai. 25 years of age. This is indeed not a complete sex story. But a short romance between my girlfriend and myself. I’m writing this story to forget about the incident and overcome the love I lost. So let’s get into the story. My girlfriend’s name is Devi Priya (for this story). We both were in love for a couple of years. We were in a long distance relationship. So it’s was very hard for us to meet because of the family restrictions and other stuff....
When I started watching that XXX movie of my brother's, I never dreamed that I would wind up in a XXX episode of my own--with my own mother! I was only 17 at the time, a senior in high school. On a Friday night late, around 1:30, I couldn't sleep, so I got up and slipped quietly downstairs, wearing just a pair of jockey shorts. I had a video-porno tape that belonged to my brother, who was away at college. I popped myself some popcorn in the kitchen and then put the tape in the VCR and turned...
This happened 4 years ago when we first started sharing. I was 38 at the time and my wife a 37. We have good friends who have been in the lifestyle for years and until now I had never really been interested in sharing. I was always a little jealous when the wife wife would flirt. Although when she drinks she tends to show off her 40D breasts. This always turned me on though I would never admit it.It was the halloween party for a local swinger club and we got invited to go. We thought what the...
Waking up with John late that first morning had seemed good and natural with none of that "morning after" awkwardness. We spent most of the day in my bed, making love. John was a sweet and considerate lover. We just seemed to fit. The days and nights rolled by, and we spent most of our free time together, usually at my house. John always said my house was more cozy and seemed more like a home than his. I supposed that was because there was no woman taking care of his house, making it a...
Hello doston(lund+chut). Sorry mujhe story ka dusra part likhne me time laga, kyoki main busy tha. To doston main story batane se pahle bata du main ab 30 ka hu par jab ki ye story hai tab main 14 ka tha aur maine muth marna shuru hi kiya tha, par chut kisiki nhi mari maine apni 1st story me bataya tha main usse aage shuru karta hu. Is tarah main apni aunty ko kai baar nanga dekh chuka tha kyoki main tak me rahta tha jab wo nahane ya su karne bathrum ya toilet me jaye main bhi...
My Weekend As Denise - A Magic Depot Story By Cabinessence Author's note: I did go to college in the Hudson Valley area, but not to any of the schools mentioned. It all started as just another Friday afternoon in purgatory. I was waiting patiently for my girlfriend to call me so I could find out what our plans were for this weekend. Then it would be off to the campus ATM machine to get out the money to pay for it. I really loved Kathy and couldn't bear to be without her ....
100% fiction! I awoke in bed alone, still naked and wondering if yesterday really happened? Or did I just dream that my girlfriend and her 18 year old daughter seduced me? Wracked with guilt, I sat up, trying to decide if it was real or a fantasy. Did I really screw my soon to be step daughter? Was I some kind of a perverted monster? Did I really cum inside her? Did I really enjoy it? Or had I just been dreaming about that too? Did my girlfriend really let me do all this? Did she really get off...
IncestHey, everyone out there. Good day to you all. This is going to be my fifth sex story out here, and this one’s completely different from the others. This one’s about a mature woman, a reader of mine, an NRI, and how we ended up fucking like rabbits in the couch of a posh hotel. I’d be taking many of you out there on a fantasy journey, so lie back, get your dicks in hand, or maybe put your fingers on your pussy, and dream everything I’m going to say after this. Have fun reading. Firstly, I’m a...
Hello aap ne mere pahale wala part padha hoga ab age padiye.. Sabhi lig match ke bare baate karte rehate hai..kis ne kaise kichaa aur kya kya maza kiya Komal bhabhi aur sodi bhaisab ka dhyan nahi hota hai o log apne apne ishare me hi bate karte rehate hai.. Fir sabhi log frsh hone jate hai … Komal bhabhi showe room me shower lete lete sochti rehti hai.. Jo unhone maza kiya us ke bare me .. Sodi ke land ka touch apni gaand par aur haat me .. Is karan o garam ho jati hai aur aone ball daba ne...
Our story starts in 1980. That was the year that Floyd and I graduated from Business College, and got married. Since we were good Catholic kids who were taught that contraceptives were sinful, we got pregnant; boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. All were wonderful girls. Floyd had a job as engineer for Norfolk & Salem RR, right here in Roanoke. When my youngest started first grade, I took a position in Norfolk & Salem's main office. I had put on a lot of weight during the time that I was...
Darcy was a sophomore in high school and had just lost her virginity to a senior football player at a party in the trailer park in June, at the end of the school year. She had gone to the party, dressed in a too-tight camisole top, that showed off her firm tits and nips, over low-rider jeans that bridged across her hips and showed off her tight tummy. One of the football players had sweet-talked the teen into the back bedroom of the abandoned trailer where the party had started. She had been...
TeenAfter class on Wednesday Linda finally decided to go to the Bible study as suggested by the Father. She picked out a long grey skirt and a white knit top. She wore her gold cross but skipped most of the make up and settled just for some light red lipstick. She remembered the modest part of her promises. Picking up her Bible she walked towards the church. In front of the education wing was a girl from the college that she recognized. ‘Linda, I am so glad you came to the Bible study,’ said Mary...
November is fast approaching which means NaNoWriMo season will soon be upon us. For those that don't know about it NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a creative writing challenge whereby a writer tries to write a 50,000+ word novel in the month of November. Our challenge here will be a different one but in the same spirit of encouraging writing and creativity. The first major difference will be that this will be a community challenge. I invite all writers, particularly first time...
Emily and I had fought before, but never like this. We were both lawyers, not that it helped. Some people have this idea that lawyers always argue like they’re in court, presenting evidence and rationally posing objections. When Emily and I fight, we get mean. I recognize it in myself - I’ll snipe at her, never letting her finish a point. In turn, she’ll change the subject ... typically onto some slight I’d performed in the last few days. I’ll get mad at her for changing the topic, she’ll...
The next few weeks are the closest I have ever had to a relationship. Not because exclusivity had been promised, but because between work, and fucking Paul, and fucking Tam, and sleep I had no time for anyone else. Paul and Tam led very independent lives and so they each had plenty of time for me separately…. But I wanted both of them at the same time… I wanted my delicious lady love, and my hard fucking cock at the same time. These two had me obsessed.One lazy afternoon, while Tam and I lay in...
Bisexual"Whewww," Wendy sighed. The taste of Amy's pussy was still in her mouth. "I hope your mother didn't hear us." "It wouldn't matter," Amy said cryptically. "Anyway, mom left the house early. She told me last night." "How come she wouldn't care?" Wendy asked. "I'll tell you later. C'mon, let's get dressed and go out to the barn." Wendy, having finally experienced sex with another person, was now eager for anything. "Will you bring your friend over?" "Which friend is...
Susie grinned, checking her reflection in the mirror. Okay she was no model, but her sea coloured eyes and her freckles made her seem like she was as sweet and as innocent as she sometimes wished she was. She tilted her head from side to side and tested the way her hair fell, her teeth closing on her lower lip as she tried to practice a seductive look. She humphed and frowned as she just seemed to look more and more like a clumsy fool trying to be sultry and sexy. She shrugged at her...
Love StoriesTwice in the last 30 minutes Gail was cheated out of an orgasm. But the call from Sarah was important, as much was hanging in the balance. Gail picked up the phone with a hello, and Sarah asked what she was up to. Not really caring about the response, Sarah cut in to Gail’s response, “You need to meet me in 30 minutes at the Shell gas station on 30th and Park. Don’t be late if you want more pictures deleted off my camera.” Gail didn’t have time to finish what she had started, and barely...
He nestled his face in my pubic hair and kissed me. It was so hard for me to lay still, my legs involuntarily jerked at my side because of the sweet sensation building in my groin. With his lips at just the right spot and his tongue batting back and forth I arched my back in ecstasy. My husband Dan and I were about to celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary, but for some reason he’d been spending all his spare time volunteering for the ‘parent participation organization’....
MarriedCute, captivating blonde Kenzie Reeves playfully teases in tight shorts and a stylish fishnet top. The sassy teen flaunts her bubble butt and perky tits, soon spreading her fat cunt for Ramon Nomar’s big cock. Kenzie whimpers as Ramon’s meat steamrolls her tight slit. She chokes on his rod and laps his balls in a blowjob. Kenzie opens her tight rectum and Ramon wrecks her rectum, blathering sweet nothings through intense buttfucking. Savage anal action features drooling,...
xmoviesforyouThe port bustled with activity. Merchants argued with tax collectors. Venders haggled with customers. Slaves were busy loading and unloading goods into the ships. The merchant ships, filled primarily with goods from China and Persia, were heading west to Athens or south to Alexandria in Egypt. Only a few would likely have room for passengers. First she would have to locate the Port Master to find out which ships where heading towards Athens. She strutted along the port towards the Port...
Supper was great - after all, this was a five star restaurant. I sent Vicky to take pictures for the girls, Hanna, Melinda, their camera men and some of the security team to sight see the city as the sun went down. The security team I sent with them were from the first group I had sent here. I figured that they had explored the city by now and knew where the points of interest were. Although I did remark the strip clubs and casinos were not points of interest because of the political fallout...
At eight o'clock that evening the four youngsters, Frank and Gerald and Donna and Gloria, cleared the dinner dishes and tried to make small talk as they waited for Mr. and Mrs. Judge to clear out for the evening. They were going to see some friends in town, much to the delight of the younger generation. Dinner had gone quite well, somewhat to Gloria's surprise. The young woman had been quite well entertained by Donald and Catherine, especially for former, whose sense of humor had appealed...
ANNA I woke up late, much later than I normally do. I guess getting fucked six ways from Sunday will do that to a girl. I blinked my eyes and stretched while taking inventory. Yup, I was going to be sore today. My ass felt like someone had shoved a telephone pole up it, but the memory of the night before made it all worth it. I realized with a start, that John was gone. I was in bed alone and that seemed really wrong. I tried to hop up, but my muscles were in revolt and I only managed to...
If you haven’t already read the story called ‘mutual masterbating’ before you read this.After daisy and jame were married our mutual masterbating gradually faded. It had been 4 months since our last session which ended with Daisy saying that it has to stop.I agreed with her but I missed the sexual pent up frustration that it created, now we were just friends with an awkward secret.I still regularly stay over at Jamie and Daisy’s, last week I stayed over, it was the last weekend that I could...
A masturbation and suck storyThe following is a true story about a recent meeting I had with Suzi and another man in Arkansas.For those of you familiar with Suzi and I you'll remember that I met with her a few months back at her home, where she was gracious enough to let me masturbate for her view. She and I have collaborated in several Yahoo groups and exchanged some very racy e-mails, chats and photos. Another similar opportunity to meet her came up for me, but this time I wanted to go...
Vicki Sanchez My name was Victor Sanchez. My mother is Polish and my father was from Mexico. He was never around much as I was growing up, preferring to avoid our Chicago winters by going back to Mexico. I was about ten years old the last time I saw him. He just stopped coming back North. Mother had her own problems, mostly of a mental nature and when I was eleven I was placed in the first of a series of foster homes. In Illinois when you turn eighteen the state stops paying for...
Hi ISS readers this is the Excellent site for sex stories, I’m reading the stories in this site since two years..But unfortunately i didn’t have any experience form these days. Last week i had an experience with a lady in the bus from Hyderabad to Bangalore. Actually I love bus journeys especially when a lady sit in my side seat. In the journey i used to touch boobs with my elbow but in this journey from Hyderabad to Bangalore i saw the heaven for the first time. So without wasting the time...
"Mark's Diary, The very first page...Saturday, April 8, 1977Hi my name is Mark. I am 11 years old. I live with my Mummy in our house. Dad left mum when i was 5. I smile at my reading and I skip a few pages...Sunday February 4th 1979I started sleeping in bed with my Mum, which she likes. It is comfort for both of us, since I have nightmares often. Mum says that sleeping in bed together keeps her company. Also, when it gets cold, we cuddle to warm up. I love cuddling with my Mum. I skip a load of...
Diego Perez is having a hard time keeping his hand off his dick when it comes to his stepmom, Jennifer White. Jennifer is trying to be a good stepmother, so she engages Diego in conversation about boobs and nipples. Later, she walks in on him looking at boobs online and realizes that Diego has a pregnancy fetish. Not knowing quite what to do, Jennifer comes into the room and sits down beside Diego. After a bit of conversation, Jennifer offers to let Diego see her big titties. Diego wants to...
xmoviesforyouStill feeling relaxed by the effects of my favorite herb and now lightheaded from an intense orgasm, I barely brushed the towel over my damp skin as I headed for my waiting bed. With a quick flip of my head, my wet hair spills in front of me sending droplets of water dripping to the floor. I rubbed at it vigorously with the towel. There is no point turning the light on. The curtains are tied back, the blinds slightly cracked. The moon is full and riding low in the sky. It’s soft white light...
MasturbationCaught again by another friends mom! Almost very similar situation as the last. The trio of friends always at each others house as if we were brothers. Well growing up we knew we'd grow apart someway somehow. Charles had to work so Roger and I decided to take a dip in his pool. We knew Charles's parents were at work so we took advantage of the free open pool. Charles was suppose to meet us up after work and time should have evened out so his parents didn't catch us. Well swam, splashed, and...
Attention porn pervs that enjoy petite blondes getting visibly skewered by long black dong. You have found a scene to quench your thirst. No wonder it’s called cam soda. Little Piper Perri is putting on her show and she has Mandingo over to deliver for her fans. Piper takes control and Mandingo seems to approve. The starlet two hands her meat missile and sucks the end while stroking. She works up the courage to climb aboard and there is a clear discrepancy in size. Amazingly, tiny Perri...
xmoviesforyouPhillip was walking in a daze. All of the chain of circumstances that happened last night had finally taken a toll on him and he was ready to crash. The fact that he was suffering from a migraine helped wear him down as well. He could hear students in the kitchen area, probably getting an early breakfast. Two fellow students passed him in the hallway. "So, do you think he will survive?" "DUDE, he is Logan. He is WOLVERINE. Of course he is going to survive." Logan seemed to be the only...