An Assumed InheritanceChapter 1 free porn video

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Esfalan trotted up the street towards the market square, chasing the two pretty elven girls that had caught his eye. He had been slouching against a doorframe, watching a card game that he had really had no interest in when they had passed by. The card game had been a convenient way to pass some time while he was waiting for evening, his favorite time to make mischief.

He caught up to the two girls, dressed in simple garb appropriate for the city. They were wearing short jerkins that accentuated narrow waists, short mid-thigh-length skirts and calf-high boots over leggings - one pair was a powder blue, the other a pastel green so light as to almost be white. A tight woven shirt with long sleeves was worn under the jerkin, concealing and revealing the curves underneath; both girls wore a blue and black pattern on the shirt that must indicate their House. Both these elven lasses were wearing their hair high, coiled in two braids, and pinned to rest over their necks.

Esfalan danced around them as they walked along one side of the market square, his practiced patter cascading about, he would try a gambit on one, then another equally outrageous gambit on the other. Both girls blushed and averted their eyes, but Esfalan did not relent. He snatched a bouquet of flowers from one merchant's wagon stall, and offered them in turn to each girl, showering them with flattery. The girls were not yet angry at the attention, and each did not seem to mind that the other was being included in Esfalan's attentions. He began to have a hope that they may be interested - though they must be from out of town, as they did not immediately spurn him or call for the guard.

Such is the price for a reputation, Esfalan groused. He was nearly fifty-one years of age, and had had his reputation for close on twenty-five of those years. It seemed like a long time to have a reputation to Esfalan, but when his family pointed that out to him, he shrugged and wondered aloud how long before a reputation became a legend?

He dropped the flowers in the spot vacated by a bolt of pretty cloth - the trade did not go unnoticed by the clothier, and Esfalan ignored the cry behind him. The press of the crowd was greater here, and there were enough humans in the crowd that Esfalan felt certain the clothier would not follow him for fear of his remaining stock.

Yet, the small flowers picked out in gold on the light linen cloth did not garner any more goodwill from the two, and in fact, it began to look as if they disapproved of the minor theft - narrowed eyes and thinned lips could convey that better than words, Esfalan realized.

With a sigh, he turned to return the cloth, and the flowers as well, not really wanting to be known as a thief as well as a rascal. Yet, before he could return the bolt of cloth, the clothier was shouting "Thief!" and pointing at Esfalan.

He tried to calm the man down. "Look, Sir, I am returning it. The ladies said they were not interested..."

The irate human was having none of it. "Guards! Someone arrest that man!"

Now Esfalan was becoming irritated. "Sir, this is Ehladriel. We elves do not thieve. It is only since we have seen more of you ledetreli, you humans, these last ten years, that we have even needed a civil guard." He felt the indignation in his very bones, and dropped the cloth back in its spot. He snatched the flowers, and was about to return to the flowerseller, when he saw the burnished bronze helms of two of the guild-supplied city guards making their way towards the stall.

Esfalan had been a street child for thirty years, playing on the streets when he was not in school; his attitudes had kept him from an apprenticeship with a craftsman, and free of apprentice duties, he had had more than sufficient time to learn some skills.

He called on those skills now, to sidle away through the crowd, and to keep an eye on the Guard's progress. He meant to be far from the stall when the Guardsmen were given a description, even though he felt he had not wronged the clothier. Good intentions get you nowhere, he thought to himself for the umpteenth time.

He had only made it a few dozen yards away before the random milling of the crowd left an opening between himself and the clothseller he had been making his way from. At a sudden shout, he turned, and was shocked to see both Guardsmen looking in the direction the clothseller was pointing - straight at Esfalan. His shock turned to dismay as both Guardsmen began to run towards him.

Esfalan began to trot, appearing unconcerned. He turned a corner, down a narrow alleyway between two buildings facing the market square. He was grateful for the recent tax that had been levied to pave the market square, his footing sure and nimble on the great paving stones, leaving no mark behind while he ducked down the alley.

He walked around behind the building to his left, and reentered the market square closer to his home, since it was getting closer to the dining hour. He had only gotten about twenty strides before a group of two more - he was sure they were not the original two - Guardsmen sighted him and gave shout.

Esfalan began trotting away, trying to appear unconcerned with the noise behind him. These two were closer to him, though, and the crowd began to react to their shouts. Quickly, he ducked under a wagon stall, and ran back the other way behind the row of merchants, between their stalls and the building wall. He ducked back down his last alleyway, and stopped to listen. He calmed his breath, and heard running feet in both directions.

He cast about himself, looking for a doorway, finding none that was obvious. His eye fastened on a copper downspout on the corner of the wooden building, meant to carry rainwater from the roof to the gutter down the side of the street. Not for the first time, he found himself in appreciation of the order that the Ehladriel city guilds imposed on the buildings and streets once again working in his favor.

Quick as lightening, Esfalan scaled the wall, wedging his soft boots in between the copper pipe and the wood siding of the building. Two stories in scarcely ten seconds, and he was on the low-pitched slate roof of the building, crouched low, on his feet, ready to move, but trying to listen. He was fairly certain no one heard him climb, or saw him as he went over the roof from the wall.

It was then he realized he had been carrying the flowers all along. The bunch was bedraggled, the stems bent and bruised from the climb. At least now he knew why the Guard had found him again so quickly.

He set the flowers down on the roof. A second later, he cursed silently, as the bunch of flowers began to roll down the pitch of the roof - pitched enough to shed rain and withstand the relatively severe snowfall winters in Ehladriel brought - the flowers rolled down faster than he dared lunge for them on the slippery slate.

He watched in horror as the flowers rolled over the edge, and bounced out of the rain gutter on the edge of the roof, disappearing out of his sight. He heard the soft 'plop' they made on landing. And, he heard, clear as a bell, the exclamation of the guardsmen below.

Wishing he knew shorter curses that did not take as much breath as the flowery elven curses - the ledetreli were good for something - he ran over the roof, and jumped the wider street on the side away from the market square.

This was dangerous, he knew - many roofs might not support his weight and momentum landing, and he might misjudge the width of some street. He had to find a way down... and he had it. Three more jumps, and he was near one of the many places the street gutters emptied into the sewers under a few streets. Those carried storm waters and street waste down to the bay, and out into the Abian Sea. More importantly, there was a nexus of sewer tunnels not far from the home of his parents, and there was a large oaken grate that could be moved enough for a man to climb out.

He slid down another copper drainpipe - the abrasion was hard on his boots, he would need to ask his mother for another pair - and then was moving the small woven wicker grate over the sewer hole. He jumped in, feet first, knowing the drop was only about six feet, and landed with a large splash in yesterday's rainwater. Quickly, he slid the wicker grate back in place, and, feet, boots, and leggings sodden, trudged back to the center of the sewer system, splashing leaves and water and worse as he went.

Mealtime was not the favorite time of the day for Esfalan. For years, he had had to listen to his mother harangue him on his lifestyle, and withstand his father's disapproval. He knew he was approaching the end of childhood, and there would come a time when he must either become serious about joining society, or leave.

He had snuck into the house, and up the back stairs. He had had to make a second trip to fetch a pitcher of water to wash his clothes. He had just been taking off his boots when his younger sister caught him.

"You must know Mother will not be purchasing your clothes for much longer. You should treat the ones you yet have with better respect." She sniffed at him, from his room's doorway.

He looked up from what he was doing. "Have a care, sister mine, for though I love you dearly, there are still secrets we share that would cause us both grief to be shared further." The unsubtle reminder earned him another sniff, but she left him alone.

Changing into a new tunic and clean leggings, he descended the stair barefoot, and joined his family at the table.

This night was no different than many other nights in the last ten or so years. "Esef," his mother began, "Have you given further thought on the pursuit of Art for a vocation?" She ladled out a rich soup, almost a stew, created from fish and shellfish, in a chicken broth.

He winced at the diminutive familiar name his mother had used for years. "Mother, truly, I shall never be a poet. And while I have some skill at the pencil and brush, I do not think I have the temperament to study architecture or flowers, let alone draw any image on canvas or paper that anyone would care to buy."

She tsked, in the manner of mothers since time immemorial, convinced her son had more talent than he believed he did.

It was his father's turn now; in the dance they had all perfected over the last five hundred meals. "I have spoken to the shipmasters' guild, these several months, now. There is a place reserved for you, for the chandlery and accounts of any ship or fleet should you simply ask for it."

Esfalan ducked his head. "Father, I have naught but the greatest of respect for the shipmasters; surely you know I shall fear to meet their lofty expectations. For I have not the temperament to sit still on a glorious day. Nor do I possess the temperament to peer at numbers on a long winter's night. I have not yet grown out of the impetuousness of youth; I fear that anything you set before me shall fail to capture my imagination." He spoke seriously, and quietly, for he meant each and every word. He used the lull in conversation to eat the soup his mother had served.

The difficulty was not a lack of respect for tradition and the elven ways of his parents, nor even the sedate nature of the entire city. Esfalan simply was too carefree and wild to be tied down. And there was the matter of a certain voice that argued with his better judgment; a voice that did it's best to cloud his moral judgment when he was confronted with a decision he must make.

Esfalan found it difficult to silence that voice sometimes. And as carefree as he was, sometimes it seemed harmless to let that voice guide him. And, he did admit, while he did have to run from the resulting mayhem, that voice led him to a certain amount of fun. Could it truly be time to end that fun and become an adult?

Esfalan knew his father would never approve of his son as a common soldier, but without higher station in life, he would never be an officer. Yet, his only real skill - the only one he had ever studied with any real dedication - was bladework. He knew better than to bring it up.

He finished his soup, and, rising, kissed his lady mother on the cheek. "I shall return later, Mother, there is no sense in keeping a light burning." He ignored the tightening of his father's jaw, waved at his sister, and trotted out the front door as the sun was setting.

This day was his day for rooftops, he reflected grimly, watching in the moonlight the loose association of youths gather in their meeting spot. From up here, he could eavesdrop on them, and drop in unannounced and unexpected. He saw with grim satisfaction that they had posted guards out on the various alleyways that led out between the warehouses. He had been exhorting them to show some discipline, and it was indeed a sore point.

For many of the street youths of Ehladriel were now of a mind that discipline was for older adults, and not for youths. And they were of the growing opinion that Esfalan was entirely too close to adulthood for comfort.

He had been watching a youth of some 35 years; one Gileath by name, for some months now, suspecting the young buck was readying himself for a challenge against the herd leader. And sure enough, at least for this evening, eavesdropping was worth the effort of climbing over the eave.

Esfalan was having a less than wonderful day, and Gileath was not making it better. "All know I will be leader when he is no longer among us," Gileath was stage-whispering. "He soon shall be leaving, and I can but only wonder why he should not be helped along the path?"

"Well, here is one reason why," said Esfalan, dropping off the rooftop lightly onto the street by the youth. "And here is another." The soft ring of steel echoed through the street, as nearly three feet of naked hyandrel appeared in Esfalan's hand.

He adopted a high guard, right hand fully on the grip and by his right ear, and the other resting the grip near the guard in the vee between thumb and forefinger of his left hand, over his head. It was an aggressive pose, but not a dangerous one, as he could quickly drop down into a more traditional two-handed guard. "I challenge thee, Gileath of Two Hills Street, to a duel for supremacy."

The look of surprise on Gileath's face quickly disappeared, followed by a grim glance at the rooftop. Another trick of mine taught to my successor, Esfalan realized. In truth, I cannot stay in control of these lads much longer.

His blade answered Esfalan's, and quickly, Esfalan's lieutenant stepped in between the two. Anathel held up his hands, and nodded to Esfalan when he acknowledged him. Anathel, like Esfalan, was nearly fifty-one, and knew his days in the streets with these youths were nearly ended. When Esfalan joined the Army, he would also.

"No more than first blood, and a nick at that, avow?"

Both youths holding weapons chorused, "Avowed."

And Anathel stepped out of the way.

Gileath sidled in a mincing half-step, circling to Esfalan's left, watching his hyandrel tip circle in small motions. Esfalan chided Gileath, "Hark. The boy carries a sword he knows not how to wield. Does anyone care to bet on how much time passes before I mark his skin?"

The crowd was silent. Tiring of the game quickly and lacking popular support for the verbal comments, Esfalan feinted towards Gileath's right ear, a quick twisting flip of the point, and Gileath overcommitted to the defensive parry. Esfalan stepped in quickly, and using Gileath's blade as a pivot point from his parry position, sent the pommel of his sword crashing into Gileath's lip, to the left of center. The lip split, blood dripped, and Gileath was stunned.

Esfalan quickly stepped back, grounding his point in front of himself.

"Victor, Esfalan," Anathel pronounced. There were no congratulations for Esfalan.

After the excitement, many of the youths slipped out of the warehouse district, heading home. Soon only Anathel and Esfalan were left.

"Walk with me, Anathel. For this night, I feel the days of my youth slipping away." The two headed towards the center of town, where the Citadel of Ehladriel stood on it's hill. Legend had it that many great campaigns were fought from the Citadel as a base, that the Ehladrihim had ranged far and wide across the continent, and that many of the Emperors of Syrisia had counted themselves lucky to have had the Ehladrihim as ally and friend. But now, there was less and less news from Syrisia, and more and more human men from the Empire coming to take refuge in the Elven lands. Their brothers the Windiirhim reported many human men were in the lands facing the Windir Sea as well. Esfalan worried about it to some degree, as a soldier he may well need to know about it someday.

Anathel agreed. "Truly, Esfalan, our days of freedom from care are numbered. Soon enough it shall occur that your father shall turn you out to fend for yourself, on the occasion of your fifty-first year."

Esfalan sucked air through his front teeth. "Truly indeed, Anathel. And yet, I have the mind to make one more night of mischief. For on the morrow, I shall have to kiss my lady mother and make my choice before my father can suspect my intent. Still a full moon before that unhappy anniversary of my birth, and I shall surprise my sire one final time."

We make mischief? the small voice deep within Esfalan asked. One night only, Esfalan told it.

Anathel had a half-smile playing on his lips. "And what audacity do you have in mind for us this night?"

Esfalan smiled, showing his teeth. "Anathel, friend of mine, this night we get a close view of the artifacts in the Room of Ceremony deep within the Citadel. One has a certain urge to see what one is fighting for, does one not?"

Anathel stopped dead in his tracks. Then he shrugged. "What is the worst harm they may do us?" he asked of the stars. "Could it be that they insist we join the Army for discipline?"

Laughing, the two youths trotted uphill along the Avenue of the Birds, toward the Citadel.

Creeping silently, the two youths peered around each corner. They had scaled a roof near the wall, then jumped on the wall, and crept around until they had found a stair into the yard. A trellis with ivy on it, and they had gained access to a darkened window. Five minutes of wandering, and they had found a main corridor that went in the direction they wanted. For fifteen minutes, they had advanced down the corridor, and now they had come to a semicircular room where ten other corridors met before a large bronzed door.

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The first day of spring was upon the land. Birds have returned from the south, tweeting happily in the trees. A cool breeze floated through the valley, making the weather absolutely perfect. And to top it all off, the first flowers of the season have begun to blossom. Everyone in the village knew what that meant. In three days' time the yearly breeding festival would begin. During the three sacred days, the men of the village were tasked with spreading their seed, ensuring that the children...

1 year ago
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The courage son

Note : This story is completely fictional! *** Hai readers the different tasted story read and cum with your thoughts. The front door opened. Elvis turned around to see his mum walk in. She was carrying bags of groceries. "Hey, mum," he called out. "Let me help you with those." "Thanks, son," Solly said. She stretched her back. "These bags were killing me." Elvis took some of the bags while Solly took the rest. He followed her into the kitchen. As he walked, his eyes traced her figure. She was...

2 years ago
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MomIsHorny Yum Thee Boss A Real Ass

Yum the Boss is looking for Johnny everywhere but he’s too busy jerking off to big asses on XVideos. Yum Can’t deal with his nonsense. Why look at porn when he can have the real thing. Yum offers her gigantic ass to him. She sits on his face suffocating with her butt and pussy. She starts rubbing his meat. She sucks his dick hard, dominates him, and eats his ass! They they finally get to fuck. She presents her hole in the doggy. Then to ridding and then missionary. He finally cums...

3 years ago
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Annabelle Returns

I hadn't seen or heard from Annabelle for about two weeks. It was late on a Saturday afternoon that she and her husband walked past my home again. This time they didn't stop, and he completely avoided eye contact. But Annabelle, who was walking behind him, stared longingly. I raised my water bottle as if to toast her and watched as her nipples hardened through her skin-tight top. As she reached the end of my fence line, Annabelle mouthed, "Two hours."I assumed that meant that we'd be doing...

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freaky biday

I kissed him when I passed him on my way to the living room to wait for Trevor. Tony followed me. We say on the couch and started to roll up a blunt while we waited. By the time the blunt was rolled, there was a knock on the door. Tony got up to answer it, he opened the door and greeted our new friend. Tony stepped aside to let Trevor inside and they both sit on the couch. Trevor is an attractive man with a medium build, a little smaller than Tony but not by much. He was slimmer, not athletic...

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Anitas RescueChapter 1 Return

Atlantic Ocean March 1985 Under a quarter-moon Kalliste whistled through the calm waters almost inaudibly. Spray-on soundproofing in the engine compartment had, along with other changes, dampened any vibration in the newly refit yacht. The fiberglass coating on the hull from the waterline down had done the same for water noises against the hull; it was an unplanned but not unpleasant surprise. At 18 knots the faint whine of the turbos on the new Caterpillar six cylinder engines was about all...

4 years ago
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The Punishment Game

THE PUNISHMENT GAME by Cuirnoir The train would enter Paddington Station about ninety minutes late. An inauspicious start to my return home after my first term at University. I had timed my arrival so that my mother, who had offered to pick me up, did not have to hang around for too long in central London after work. Since we had quarrelled before my departure in October, I was anxious to avoid irritating her at the very beginning of the vacation. I had texted her, and she took the...

2 years ago
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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Shona River 10222018

Prince Yashua loves feet. Like you, it’s one of his fetishes. Now, before you watch this scene, you might want to heave over to Black Meat White Feet’s sister site, Zebra Girls. Not only is the lesbian sex between Shona River and Luna Corazon hot hot hot — you’ll understand a little more of the storyline here. You know, it all starts over at their Zebra Girl’s scene. Essentially, Prince has set up a shoot with Shona River, Luna Corazon’s personal...

2 years ago
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Pajama party

A friend of mine sent me an invitation to a party he was throwing Saturday night. Reading it I seen it was going to be a pajama party, and everyone was to come in their pajamas. Not owning any I asked my mother if we could go to the store and get a pair. She said money was short this week and said to call him and tell him I couldn't make it. I called his house and his father answered the phone. I explained that I couldn't make it due to the fact I didn't have pajamas. Mr. Roberts said not to...

4 years ago
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Years Between Blow Jobs

Lately I have been thinking about it a lot. It has been years but I keep fantasizing about sucking cock again. I don't remember the first time I thought about it. It's just kind of been there, lurking in the back of my mind, wondering what it would be like. This thought had been happening more and more lately. I'm not sure if it was my desire to try it that was growing, or just the influence of the internet on my mind. I can remember having gay/curious thoughts as far back as my teens. Once...

3 years ago
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Personal Free Use

(Everyone in this story is at least 18) One normal morning you wake up and head downstairs, only to see a surprising story on the local morning new. “ John Doe, a seemingly random local male, has been given the power to do whatever he wishes to anyone.... it is unknown how, when, or why this seemingly random legislation..... compliance with Mr. Doe’s wishes is mandatory, regardless of circumstance....” You stood there silent, completely in shock. Could it be? Your wildest fantasy finally coming...

2 years ago
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Small Opposites Part Two

She watched the result of their desires that happened on the pool’s concrete deck wash off of him and down the drain of the hot shower in which they both stood. Even though having got him off happened minutes ago, the thought of it was still hot to her. She kept replaying the moment over and over in her brain as she watched the water flow over his hard body. The thought of his small cock pulsing that hot long stream of pure man-juice invigorated her. Just went to prove that a man did not have...

Straight Sex
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Transformation in Reno Part 4

Transformation in Reno - Part 4 - by: DeeWet I lost track of time as I waited, bound, gagged and diapered, for John and Nina to return from the casino. Surely, I fell asleep for awhile because I do remember waking up with a full bladder and the pleasant feeling of relieving myself in the waiting thick diaper. Finally, they returned. "Daddy is in a good mood," said John. "He won over ten thousand dollars." I almost choked on the rubber cock in my mouth. Where was he getting this...

2 years ago
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A Bumbling Suitor

CHAPTER 1 Shea’s elder sister arrived home from two years working in Europe. Douglas Jones had been invited to tag along with the family as he’d been going out for Shea for three months and everyone was expecting him to pop the question anytime soon. At the airport Douglas watched with a grin as Betty, Shea and youngest sister Annie ran screaming at Bella as if she’d been away from home for twenty years rather than two years. The girl’s father, Luke, standing with Douglas smiled and said,...

4 years ago
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The cdren of the Watchers

This is a story about myth creation and syncretization. If you're offended by stories where your sacred texts are reinvented, then you may not wish to read this."Once upon a time, a long time ago before the Flood, the Watchers were on and above the earth. The Watchers' job was to observe and report the doings of human beings to God...""But they were really aliens instead of angels, weren't they Nadiya?""Yes, Sam, they were. You already know the story. Why do you want me to tell it again?""I...

3 years ago
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Salmas welcome home

Salma came home from a long day at work! Putting the key in the front door she opened it as usual glad to be finally here! As soon as the lock clicked shut she felt a set of hands grab her roughly round the waist and another grab her wrists! "Keep quiet you nasty little fucking cunt" hissed a voice!Salma realised she was not alone and now had the company of two large dark dressed men wearing ski masks as they dragged her upstairs towards the bedroom!"Hope your ready to be used as our nasty...

1 year ago
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Grandma gets a hand

Note : This story is completely fictional! Two weeks ago, this sex story happened to me, so I had to write about it. I'm a 35year old, married man, who enjoys sex when I get it, which isn't much after 18 years. I jack off alot to porn, and internet, but always look for new ways to enjoy my 7"inch cock. My grandma is 71 years old, 4'10", 85 lbs, nice 36c tits(I know!), and a really nice, round ass, and still hot for her age. She had recently broke her right leg, and right wrist in a fall, and...

2 years ago
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Frankie meets her Coffee Shop Man

Frankie was on her usual Friday night out with the girls, having fun and chatting to everyone and anyone around her.The pub they were in was exceptionally busy and she kept getting pushed from side to side, she was starting to get pissed off with all the shoving, when she felt someone push her from behind she turned round quickly as she said “Excuse me!” Just as she turned back towards her friends she heard a breath in her ear.“You didn’t say that when I was licking that beautiful pussy the...

3 years ago
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Newlywed school nurse helps student

"Ow!" Tony grimaced, twisting on the bed as the school nurse rubbed his back. "Be careful! That really hurts!""I'm sorry" Veronica sighed. She sat straddling his hips, kneading her thumbs into the aching muscles paralleling his spine. "I'm doing my best. I'm afraid you're just going to have to get used to this kind of pain if you keep playing football."Tony said nothing. He lay naked on his stomach, a towel modestly covering his bare ass, a tall, lean, handsome teen who wanted nothing more than...

2 years ago
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My Sons Best Friend

Kate watched her eighteen year old son, Jamie playing basketball with his best friend. She had known Danny for most of his life, watched him grow from an awkward boy to tall, toned man. Danny, although very attractive, was shy around women, and Kate knew this from all the conversations she had overheard Jamie have with him. It was wrong to eavesdrop, but her room was next door to her son's. Danny spent most of his time here. His home life was upended when his parents divorced a couple of months...

3 years ago
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Frenched By Milf French Tuition Teacher

I was a nineteen-year-old student in junior college, in Hyderabad and I had a French language teacher Ms. Nancy, an attractive woman around 42 years, whose house I used to go for tuitions, one day after teaching me for an hour, we finished. We were sitting at a table in talking about my performance when, surprisingly, she brought the conversation around to the subject of masturbation. When she started talking about it I was quite embarrassed and found myself sweating. I had always thought of...

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The First Day of school series A week later

My phone vibrated and I looked at the message from Luke. It said that his parents had to take an emergency trip out of town because his grandmother had been taken to the hospital. They would be back Sunday afternoon, and he had the whole house to himself. I was excited as hell, and told my parents I was going to my friend’s house. I hopped on my bike and rode as fast as I could. I knew that I could finally have sexual contact with him. That was the one thing I had been waiting for, for...

2 years ago
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Aunt Abby

Summer break from my junior year at college meant heading up to the mountains with my family. My mother, father, and my mother's sister Abby, crowded into our pickup dragging a fifth wheel motor home up the Colorado Rockies. We camped on a high plateau for three weeks of outdoor adventure. We started off from New Orleans in the morning and we figured to arrive in the early morning hours of the next day. We were one fewer than last year. Uncle Al had run off with his secretary and left my Aunt...

2 years ago
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The standard edition of a porn tube site, is pretty much everything that you’d expect. It’s free, it’s got loads of porn on it, and it’s readily available for you to use. Really, with so much of the site being exactly what you’d expect, there aren’t very many defining features that it has which would differentiate it from the rest of the sites on my porn lists. That being said, let’s check out everything that has to offer to see if there’s something that you can potentially...

Latina Porn Sites
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The Penalty Box

The Penalty Box The Penalty BoxBy Tyjord Alexandra applauded, almost giddy over the last minute goal, as the conquering hero skated in her direction. She stood up and waved from behind the plexiglass barricade that separated her front row seat from the action on the ice. Suddenly, Alexandra winced as number 23 leaned back sharply, sending a wave of ice crystals pelting against the clear shield in front of her. Looking around in embarrassment, Alexandra saw that most, if not all of the...

3 years ago
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Using Sara Part 2

After sleeping the best I had slept in years, I woke up more excited that I was last night. I cannot stop thinking about last night. I cannot even believe that my wife went along with it. Not only did she go along with it, she seems to be enjoying it. I looked over and found my wife still sleeping. I snuck down into the basement to check on my newest toy. I found her still strapped down to the table where I left her, and awake. She began to plea to be let go. Poor Sara, I couldn’t let her...

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Heaven Waiting

Heaven Waiting By Carol Collins Joseph Roytch, a twenty-year-old apprentice steel worker, easily shifted his heavy metal toolbox from one muscular shoulder to the other as he stepped from the open construction elevator onto the third floor of the new six-floor office building under construction next to the Westside Elementary School. Joe called out to Allen Smith, the elderly journeyman steel worker who had been assigned to train Joe, as he moved to their work area. Allen, a well...

4 years ago
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Juniper JonesChapter 4

After I got back to the hotel from dinner alone that night, there was a message light on my telephone. When I called the front desk, they told me that Paul Warren wanted to see me. I was to call him whenever I got in. It was late. I'd gone directly to the steak house from Fenway. I wasn't surprised that the manager wanted to talk to me. I knew that something along these lines would be happening. But I had sort of expected it to happen in the morning. The club had a one o'clock road...

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From Kitty With Love

Kitty supposed she'd been good lately. It had been months since she'd bitten or even felt the desire to snap at one of her master's friends. Recently he'd unbound her hands, apparently no longer seeing her long nails as a threat. Lucy (Kitty to her master and his friends) hadn't analysed the reason for her good behaviour too much, afraid that she might discover the reason and dislike it. "You are such a good and obliging little kitty!" Her Master said as he patted the space on the couch next...

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Card PartyChapter 24 Pryzckrsquos

Sally was in the kitchen when Alice came in from work. “Hi, honey, what’re you doing?” Alice asked. “I thought I’d get started on dinner. You said you were going to do pirogi, so I’ve made the dough,” Sally replied. “I was just going to start the filling.” “Oh, no, Sal, I’ll do that. Where’re the rest of the guys; where’s Kyle?” They’re still over at Davidson’s, they’ll be over soon. Rob’s there, too. I just wanted to come home and get a head start.” “Nothing wrong with you two, is...

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Summer Vacation Ch 04

When Tommy got up Sunday morning he discovered that he and Aunt Karen were no longer alone. His cousin Kim had arrived home in the wee hours of the morning while he was sleeping. Kim gave him a bright smile when he walked into the kitchen. ‘Hi, Tommy,’ she said. Aunt Karen was making breakfast, so the young man went to the kitchen table and sat down. ‘Hi, Kim,’ he replied. He was surprised she was up already, given how late she’d gotten in. His cousin looked a lot better than he remembered...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Destruction the Taking of Aunt Diane

Michael only thought of two things the entire week, and it wasn't work either. He thought about how he had sex with his four favorite cousins, in the same room at the same time! He also thought about how his Aunt Diane had come on to him and how he had vowed to take Aunt Diane with her massive mammaries during the following weekend! It was now that next weekend. Michael's cousins had not come around during the week, so he'd thought that he would visit some of them after popping by Aunt...

4 years ago
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Legends of the Fel Prelude

IN THE PALACE OF THE GODS (atop Mount Venusia)The Queen of the Gods had been treating her two lovers, the demi-goddesses Herena and Hastashia, to a hot golden shower over their lusciously formed bare tits when she had received her summons from her lord and master. ‘Would you like a sample?’ she offered Lermes, the winged messenger who was smaller than most of her cousins yet still commanded a body built for all manner of sins, her pert breasts playing host to a very erect set of nipples as she...

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The quarantine elder house

I've volunteered and now im stuck in quarantine , with a group of elder to keep safe and wellespecially Mister Henry and his cousin Joseph, both retired rich elder black guys it went normal during the first few days and after 2 days of getting to know themthey wanted to say thanks to me for being such a ''good boy''I was quite not sure but he insisted , saying he could give me an allowance if i choose to take care of them during the crysisi refused saying it was fine i was here to helpHenry and...

3 years ago
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Kathy And Surprises part three

Since Kathy and I had lived together sharing the same one bedroom apartment at our community college we had become an item. An unusual item. Kathy had a cock. A huge cock. Bigger than my seven inches. But I adored her and we were really good together. I’m Greg and we had completed our first year. We had gone our separate ways and then I was invited to Kathy’s home to meet the family. It had went so fucking well. Her mother and father had the master bedroom downstairs. I had a guest room...

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