raped in my kitchn by an intuder
- 2 years ago
- 40
- 0
Mack Margo could hardly believe the letter he was reading. It was a notification that a story he had written and had submitted to a publishing company had been accepted for publication, and that he would be sent five hundred dollars upon publication of the story that would happen within the next month.
He reread the letter a couple of times. It was simply hard to believe, but there it was in print.
Mack was only sixteen, but he had been writing for a couple of years, and he had concentrated upon a certain form and subject. All the things he wrote were erotic in nature, and they generally involved stories concerning a teenage boy and an older woman in her thirties. He went the route of submitting his stories only to publications that published erotica and that paid money to publish. After two years of writing and submitting things he had written, one of his stories had finally been accepted.; not only for publication, but for five hundred dollars! He still found it hard to believe, but the letter was tangible proof that could not be denied.
"Mom!" he called out. "Mom, you won't believe this!"
His mother came into the living room from the kitchen. "Believe what?" she asked.
"This!" he exclaimed, holding out the letter to her. "Read this. You won't believe it! I'm going to have a story published—and I'm going to get five hundred dollars for it!"
"What!" his mother's exclamation almost matched Mack's. "Let me see that. What is it, what does it say?"
"Read it for yourself," Mack said, handing her the letter.
She scanned the letter, her eyes widening as she read it. Then she looked at him in wonder.
"This is amazing," she finally managed to say. "I knew you wrote and submitted things but I never thought that anything..."
She stopped short, not wanting to give him the impression that she doubted in any way his writing ability. She just smiled and wagged her head instead. "This is just great, honey," she said. They both gave out a laugh of pure joy. She instinctively hugged her son. He hugged her back, making sure he pressed his crotch between her legs and wrapped his arms around her waist. He hugged her tightly, pressing his chest upon hers. He felt her poking breasts, and his cock immediately began stiffening, growing hard.
He wanted to fuck his mom so much he couldn't stand it.
She was in her mid-thirties, with long sandy-blonde hair, deep gray eyes, a fair complexion, and full pink lips. She kept herself in shape. She worked out and belonged to a health club where she exercised a number of times a week. Although she was thirty-five, she looked as if she were in her twenties. Her body was in great shape, and she was so pretty in the face. Mack had lusted for her since he had undergone puberty. He had masturbated numerous times with her in mind as he stroked his cock. To say he was infactuated with her would be an understatement.
His mother Ann had been divorced for two years. She had married young--when she was eighteen, mainly because she had gotten pregnant, but the marriage had lasted for fifteen years before she was divorced. Mack was the only child she and her husband had had. She worked as an ad/rep for a newspaper. She did a great deal of her work at home on the telephone and the comp.
"Satyrican?" she asked, looking at the letter again
"Yeah, that's the name of the publishing company," Mack said. "They publish a number of different things, but "The Satyr" is its main publication, and that's the magazine my story will be published in."
"The Satyr?" his mom raised her brows "It sounds like a..."
"What?" Mack asked.
"I don't know," she replied. "It sounds kind of..."
"Erotic?" Mack said.
"Well, yeah, I guess, but it sounds rather classical too."
"It's really one of the few major magazines left that publishes erotica —and pays. What with the proliferation of the internet and e-printing," Mack explained, "there aren't many left that pay."
"It says here your story "A Boy's Best Friend." Is that the title of your story?"
"Yeah. It may give the impression that it's an animal story, but it's not."
"What is it about?" his mother asked, sitting on the sofa.
Mack sat down close beside her. "Well, in general it's a story about this boy and his relationship with an older person. Would you like to read it? I have copies of it."
"Yes, I'd like to read it very much. It must be a good story for it to be accepted for publication and for them to pay you five hundred dollars for it."
"I'll be right back. I'll go get the story. I've got copies in my room on both the comp and in print." Mack hurried to his room to get a copy.
When he reached his room, Mack went to his desk and picked up a copy of the story. He glanced at it, and then lowered his hand down to his crotch and stroked. This is going to surprise Mom, he thought. For sure.
He rubbed his crotch harder. His cock was stiff and throbbing.
In a number of ways, Mack was an average sixteen-year-old boy. He was average in height and weight. There was nothing "outstanding" about his looks. He had black hair and dark eyes, which he supposed he had inherited from his dad. He wasn't what would be called good-looking, but neither was he unattractive. He didn't go to a regular school; his mom home schooled him.
By now his cock was hard as a rock; his balls tingled and throbbed. He thought about his mom, and his prick jerked. It poked a tent at his crotch. He hoped she noticed it
He went back into the living room and sat down beside his mother. He handed her the story and moved over closer to her so that his body brushed upon hers. He made sure he spread his legs enough so that his hard-on could be clearly seen if she happened to look at his crotch.
She began reading the story, and Mack watched her face as she read. He wasn't sure what her reaction would be. The story was more than erotic; it bordered on porn. It was nothing more or less than a sex story involving a teen boy and a woman in her thirties.
He noticed his mom's face turning pink and blushing at times as she read, and she blinked her eyes a few times and raised her brows.
When she had finished reading the story, she didn't say anything. She simply gave out a wry smile and wagged her head.
"Well, what do you think about it, Mom?" Mack asked.
"I don't know what to think, honey," she finally said. "It's well-written, no doubt of that, but, the story is..."
"Is what?"
"It wasn't what I expected, to say the least," she gave out a small chuckle. "I didn't know that you wrote about ... well, about the subject, and the way that you wrote about it. It's an erotic story, no doubt about that. I'm just surprised, that's all."
"Surprised that I write erotica?"
"Yes. I assumed that you wrote I guess what would be called regular writing, regular stories. Is this all that you write? I mean, do you write other kinds of stories, other types?"
"No. This is the only kind of story I write. When I first started writing, I tried writing other kinds of stories, 'regular' type stories as you say. But I found pretty soon that this is the only kind of story I like to write."
She looked at her son quizzically. "You're a good writer, no doubt about that. And you have quite an imagination." She chuckled again. "How do you come by it? I mean, where do your ideas come from? I mean, you're sixteen, but you write like you're, I don't know, twenty-six? I'm assuming that this story is made-up, that it came out of your head, that you didn't really experience it."
"How do you know I didn't experience it?" he asked.
She gave out a small laugh and wagged her head. "Well, honey, for one thing, you don't know any older women—I mean like the character in the story. Do you? You haven't experienced anything like that, have you?"
"No, I've never experienced it."
"Well, that's what I'm getting at," she said. "I don't understand how you can write about a subject like this so ... realistically, when you haven't experienced anything like it. I guess you just let your imagination go, right?"
"Yeah, that's mainly it," he replied. "But it took a lot of work, you know. In writing, imagining something is really just the first step. After imagining something, you have to write it, and that's where the work really comes in. I spent over a month on this story—writing it, and then rewriting it, and revising it, and then revising it again." He looked into her eyes. "Are you upset about it? I mean, does it bother you that I write stories like this? Does it bother you that I imagine things like this, and think about them?"
"No, honey, it doesn't bother me," she replied. "I mean, you're sixteen, you've been writing for over two years, and you have a vivid imagination, and you're talented, no doubt of that. I just wonder why you write only so-called erotic stories. Why you're only interested in those types of stories."
He shrugged. "They're the most interesting kind of stories for me—to both read and write. They interest me the most. So I spend my time with them. I'm not that interested in any other kind of stories."
"Well, you know, far be it from me to tell you what you should read or write—or, for that matter, to imagine, or to think about. I know that you're intelligent and well read, and it's obvious you're a good writer. So, it doesn't bother me or upset me in any way. I just hope that you don't limit yourself to one certain kind or type of writing—or reading. But I'm not going to order you to read or write other things. I mean, when it comes to your free time, you know. Schooling is a different matter, of course."
"I know that, Mom. All the so-called erotic stories that I write and read, I do on my own—separate from any schoolwork. You know I'm a good student."
"You're an A student, honey, I'm not concerned at all about that."
"Let me ask you a question, Mom. Is this story the first erotic story you've read?"
"No. I've read other erotic works. Mainly novels, but what would be called erotic literature, I guess you could say. Mainstream erotic literature. But I haven't read many erotic short stories, and I certainly haven't read anything like your story." She chuckled.
"I have a number of other stories I've written," he said. "Would you like to read them? It would help me if you did. It would help if I could get an opinion about them, about their merit or lack of."
"Well, sure, honey, I'll read them. Are they all so-called erotic? Like this story?"
"They're all different. I mean, they're all about different characters and situations. It would really help me, Mom, if you would read them, and tell me what you think about them. It would help me in maybe revising them and improving the stories and my writing, and, who knows, maybe help me get some more published, and make more money—like this five hundred dollars."
He appealed to his Mom as if he were interested in improving his writing, but actually, his purpose was only to get her to read the stories, and—his imagination told him—get her 'into the groove" so to speak of his own mind and imagination, and if possible even turn her on—not only to the idea of sex in general, but sex with him.
"Can I ask you a favor, Mom?" he asked.
"Sure, honey," she replied.
"Can we celebrate this—my getting published and the five hundred dollars, and all? I mean, celebrate here—just a little celebration—like maybe sharing a glass of champagne."
She laughed outright. "Well, honey, I think champagne is out, but, I do have some wine."
"I know you do," he replied.
"Oh you do, do you?" she chuckled.
"Sure, Mom, I know."
"Well, I don't see why not," she said. "After all, this really does call for a celebration. You've become not only a published professional writer, but you've made a goodly sum of money from it. So I think this calls for a little celebration. I'll go get us a couple of glasses and open up the bottle. But, mind you, only a couple of glasses of wine."
He watched her as she got up and walked toward the kitchen.
He rubbed his crotch. His dick was hard. His mom was so nice-looking; it was hard to believe she was in her mid-thirties. She looked as if she was in her mid-twenties. She resembled a young Ann Margaret or KathleenTurner. It was hard to decide whom she looked like. She even resembled Cameron Diaz and Nicole Kidman. It was hard to determine. She was dressed in a short tight skirt and tight silk blouse. Her long sandy-blonde hair almost reached to her waist. Her breasts thrust against the blouse she was wearing. He didn't know if it was the bra she was wearing or not, but there were points to it that made it look as if it were her nipples that pointed out. She was so curvy and shapely. Her hips were flared, and her rump filled up the skirt from behind. It was big and rounded and upthrusted. Her face was so pretty. That was a common term, he knew, but it was the best term to describe her face. Overall, she was so sexy and lovely and pretty. He rubbed his crotch up and down as she was gone from the room. He wanted to fuck her so much; he was going crazy from the feeling. His prick was at its full length and thickness and stiffness. He had a good-sized cock; it was seven inches long when hard, and thick too. He kept rubbing it as she was gone from the room.
When he heard her returning from the kitchen, he dropped his hand off his crotch. But he knew his hard-on could clearly be seen. His dick poked at his pants. It formed a tent sticking out from his crotch.
His mother returned with two glasses filled with wine. She set them on the coffee table before the sofa and sat down beside her son.
He looked at her bare legs; Her short skirt had ridden up somewhat so he could see most of her legs. They were lovely and shapely. His prick jerked in his pants. He checked out her chest. He could see the outline of her bra through the tight silk blouse she wore. His cock was rock-hard; it throbbed and ached. His balls were full and tingling. Her sandy blonde hair fell in shimmering waves past her shoulders reaching almost to her waist. He didn't know how long he could stand this. He was going to have to do something; he just didn't know exactly what.
She handed a glass of wine to him and picked up the other, and tapped his glass with hers.
"Congratulations to you, honey," she said. "on becoming a published professional writer, and on receiving your first payment. This is really a special occasion. You deserve it."
They drank wine for a bit, and then she went to the stereo and turned on some music. They sat and drank wine, just talking of inconsequential things.
After a little while, she excused herself and went to the bathroom. Mack used her absence to go to the kitchen and refill their wine glasses and set them back on the coffee table as if nothing had happened. When she returned she seemed not to notice that he had refilled the glasses.
"Mom, would you read another story of mine? He asked. "It's shorter than the first one. It's only a couple thousand words long. I'd really like to hear your opinion of it. I'm not really sure about the ending of it; if it works or not."
"Sure, honey, I'll read it." she replied, sipping on the wine. Mack could tell she was getting a bit tipsy. He intended to make her even more so.
He went to his room and got the story and brought it back. As she was reading it, he took both the glasses to the kitchen and refilled them, and brought back some napkins.
She seemed to have forgotten the amount of wine they were drinking. She had drunk three glasses, and when she looked at the coffee table there was a fourth glass full to the brim.
She finished reading the story, which was a short tale about a sixteen-year-old male who had sex with his mid-thirties aunt. She chuckled and wagged her head.
"Your stories are so..." she began and then halted.
"So what?" Mack asked.
"They're short but they're complete," she said. "Basically, they strive for a single effect, which they achieve. This last story, for example, looking at it from a purely literary point of view, is very well written, and there's nothing in the story that's unnecessary. Everything in the story works toward an end, which is achieved satisfactorily. The only problem I have with it is the subject matter."
She took a gulp of wine from the glass.
"What's wrong with the subject matter?" Mack asked.
"Well, honey, to put it bluntly, it's about incest. It's a story about an aunt and a nephew ... uh—about them..."
"Having sex?" Mack asked.
She took another gulp of wine. "Yes, basically, that's what it's about. I'm not saying it's a badly written story. On the contrary, it's very well written. It's just that the subject-matter is so limited ... and so..."
"Erotic?" her son asked.
"Well yes, it's that too," she replied. "But do you understand what I'm saying? In the overall readership, erotica is maybe the most limited form there is."
"I understand that, Mom. But I don't care if it's limited. It's what I want to write—and read."
A thought suddenly popped into his head of how he could touch and rub her, with it looking totally accidental. He immediately acted on the thought.
He leaned over and "accidentally" spilled some wine on her leg.
"Oh wow, I'm sorry, Mom," he said, and grabbed some napkins from the coffee table and swiped her leg with them. He stroked the napkins up and down on her leg, making sure his hand touched and rubbed the bare skin.
"No problem, honey," she said. "Accidents will happen. But I think we've—you—have had enough wine."
"Let me just wipe all this up." he replied. He continued to swipe the napkins as his hand stroked up and down, touching and rubbing her upper leg. His cock was stone hard, throbbing and aching. His lovely mom was sprawled back on the sofa, her legs slightly spread, and her skirt ridden up almost to her thighs. His heart was thudding, and he was breathing hard. This is the time to try it, he thought. Now is the time.
He moved over and slid between her legs and began rubbing up and down, He thrust his crotch on hers, hunching his hard dick. He clutched her hips and lowered his head to her chest and pressed his face on one of her mounds.
His mother's initial reaction was one of total surprise and disbelief. The last thing in the world she had expected was for her son to move atop her and begin hunching her between her legs. She had noticed the stiff full bulge at his crotch, and knew he had a full-blown hard-on, but it hadn't really shocked her, or caused her any real uneasiness. But his actual movements and his hunching on her did shock her. She was at a loss for an instant. But then, after the initial surprise and amazement, and the realization of what was happening set in, she grabbed him by his shoulders and shoved and moved her body away. He clutched at her, trying to stay between her legs. She felt the fullness of his stiff thick prick pressing and rubbing on her crotch, and his face moving up and down on her chest.
"No!" she exclaimed. No. Stop it!"
But he wouldn't stop. He raked her skirt up and tugged down on her panties. He was fully determined to fuck her.
She heaved her body up and moved sideways. He fell over on his side, and she quickly dislodged herself and got up off the sofa and trotted from the room toward the hall that led to her bedroom.
For a moment, Mack lay on the sofa, debating whether to follow her. Something told him it would be best not to do so. It was clearly apparent to him that she was not going to allow him to fuck her without a struggle, and he wasn't at all sure he would win the struggle. So he sprawled on the sofa and stroked his crotch. For a moment he let his imagination go and even thought that she might return. But after a few minutes, he realized that that was not going to happen. Eventually, he went to his room and stripped and lay on the bed and stroked his cock, thinking about his mother. He reached over to the nightstand by the bed and grabbed some tissues and rubbed his dick up and down fast and hard till the cum erupted up his prick. He imagined he was squirting it deep in his mom's pussy...
The next morning, Mack awoke as he usually did—with a hard-on. He stroked his cock and thought about his mom and the events of the night before. He was unsure of what his mom's reaction would be. For all he knew she would be angry; he may have turned her off completely, so that their relationship would never be the same. He wondered for a moment if she would maybe even report him and what he had attempted to do. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that his mom's reaction and mindset would probably be something like this: My son and I drank some wine and got a little intoxicated; he's sixteen and at the full height of his "vigor"; he writes and reads erotica, and he stays "turned on" a lot; he's obsessed with it-- probably too much. He's obsessed with me. He wants to have sex with me. He doesn't understand the consequences and the implications of it. I need to have a talk with him—a serious talk.
Mack's thought about his mother's reaction turned out to be true. When he got up and went to the kitchen, his mom was at the stove. She murmured a "good morning" to him, but avoided his eyes. She fixed them breakfast, and they sat at the kitchen table and ate in silence, until she broke it by saying: "We should start this morning on the French Revolution." She was referring to their home schooling.
"Okay," Mack replied. "Is there something specific I should read this morning?"
"Yeah, I have a couple of historical articles about it I want you to read—one by Carlyle, and one by Hugo. But first, I think we need to have a serious talk—about something else."
Mack knew what that something else was.
"Sure, Mom, whatever you say."
"Let's finish breakfast first and clean up, and then we'll have a talk," she said.
They finished eating, and Mack went to the bathroom to shower. He stroked his dick as he thought about his mom. I'm going to fuck you if it's the last thing I do, he thought. I don't care what happens, what the consequences are. I've going to pump my cock deep in your cunt. I've just got to think how best to do it. If I can just get my prick stuffed in your pussy, I know you won't resist it for long. It might be rape, or whatever you want to call it. All I know is, I'm going to do it to you.
After he showered and dressed, he went to the living room. He noticed that his mother was sitting in a chair and not on the sofa. He sat in a chair opposite her and waited for her to open the conversation. He had a pretty good idea of how the conversation would go.
"Honey, about last night," his mother opened up.
"I know, Mom. But what can I say? I could say I'm sorry, and that I got carried away, and I wish that it hadn't happened the way it did. But that wouldn't change anything. I don't really know what to say."
"Honey, I want to ask you a specific question, and I want a specific answer," she said. She was silent for a moment, and then she said: "Do you believe or think that incest is wrong?"
Mack thought for a moment. He decided to be totally honest with her. He instinctively felt that it would be best if he were completely honest about how he felt.
"No, Mom, I don't. I don't think or believe that incest is wrong. I don't understand what's wrong with it."
She gave out a sigh, and looked into his eyes. "Honey, I don't want to go into a sermon or whatever about it. All I'll say is this: It's wrong. Throughout history, and in most every civilization, incest has been a taboo; it's been forbidden."
"I understand that, Mom, but tell me, why? Why has incest been considered a taboo and wrong?"
His mother was silent for a moment, trying to think of a reply, but she couldn't come up with an answer. She finally said: "I don't want to get into a psychological or historical discussion about it, honey. It's just something that most people have recognized as being wrong, as being not right. Most people have condemned it since civilization began. We could spend hours discussing this, but it wouldn't accomplish anything. I want to be totally honest with you. If you sincerely think and believe that there is nothing wrong with incest, then you are—I hesitate to use the word—but it's the only one that fits—abnormal, and totally immoral. I don't think you are. I think that overall, you're normal, you're bright and intelligent and talented, and you're a good person. You're a great kid—excuse the term kid. But you are. And what I can't understand is your obsession with it—with so-called erotica in general, and with incest specifically. Because, let's face it, honey, you are obsessed with it. It's not healthy. It's not healthy and good to become obsessed about anything."
Mack chuckled to himself as she spoke. She had said exactly what he thought she would say. It was if he could read her mind.
"Mom, I understand what you're saying. But you still didn't answer my question. Why has incest been considered a taboo and wrong? No one seems to know. All the theories and the opinions—ranging from it will cause birth defects, to it will result in in-bred abnormalities and all that--have been shown to be essentially incorrect. It boils down to this: it's a moral argument. Some consider it wrong; some consider it all right. Now who's to say who is correct about it?"
His mother looked at him in silence. There was really nothing she could say in rebuttal. Deep down inside she knew he was right. But she wouldn't admit it to herself.
She gave out a sigh again, and wagged her head. "I don't know what else to say, honey."
"Are you mad at me?" Mack asked. "For what happened last night?"
"No, honey, I'm not mad at you. I'm just trying to understand. The obsession you have," she replied.
"The obsession I have with writing about incest, or the obsession I have with you?" he asked.
"Both, I guess," she replied.
"I can't explain it, Mom. I just know that I experience it and feel it. I know that you think it's wrong, but I don't. So where do we go from here?"
She looked into his eyes. "I don't know, honey," she finally gave out a wry chuckle. "As long as we understand where we're both coming from, I guess that's all we can really do."
"Well, regardless of what we both think and feel, I love you, Mom."
"I love you, honey," she replied, "and I only want what's best for you."
"I know, Mom. I know you do. You're the best mom in the world. You're the best mom a guy could hope to have."
Inside, Ann felt good, because she thought she had cleared up some things with her son. Inside, Mack felt good, because he knew that sooner or later he was going to fuck his lovely mom; would rape her if that's what it took.
After their conversation, Mack began planning the best, most effective way to fuck his mom. He had learned from the night before that she would resist if he tried to fuck her outright. He gave it a great deal of thought, and he came up with the idea of letting her see his cock at its full stiffness, thickness and length.
He began leaving his bedroom open and stroking his dick. His mom's bedroom was down the hall from his; the bathroom was located beyond his room. She had to go past his room to get to the bathroom. He began lying on his bed in the nude. He stroked his dick a lot, and it stayed hard most of the time. Whenever he heard his mom's door open, he began stroking his prick.
The very next day, he was rewarded. He was lying on his bed completely naked, rubbing his cock. It was stiff and throbbing, extended to its full seven-inch length, and thickness and stiffness.
He noticed his mom as she passed his opened bedroom door. He saw that she took a hesitating step, looking in his room. He knew that she couldn't help but see his big stiff throbbing dick. He rubbed it openly as she passed by his door. When she came back down the hall from the bathroom past his room, he continued to stroke his prick. He saw her take another hesitating step and look into his room. His dick was at its full stiffness, thickness and length.
That night he watched some films and videos; some old, some new. He was especially struck by the resemblance of his mom to some movie and TV stars; especially a young Ann Margaret and Kathleen Turner, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, and even Heather Locklear. He couldn't quite understand the resemblance among all of them, but there was something about them all that was similar. He couldn't put his finger on it; he just knew that his mom resembled them all in some way. His cock grew so hard from watching all of them. He would have given anything in the world to lick their pussy or fuck them. He beat his meat till the sperm erupted up his prick, imagining all the time that he was squirting it deep in his mom's cunt.
He began openly masturbating in front of her, in that he kept his bedroom door opened when she passed by, and when he went to the bathroom. He began standing in front of the mirror in his bedroom with the door opened and stroking his dick, and going to the bathroom and leaving the door ajar as he rubbed his cock. He tried in every way he knew for her to see his stiff throbbing cock. And she saw it a number of times.
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Hi friend I m Vikram ek bar fir se aap logo k leye ek real story la k aya hu Ye story mere mom or mere ek frnd ki hai is na mere story pdhi or mere se mila or fir mere maa se mila or us se dosti kari mai aapne dost k bare mai bhi bata du name Ashish hai Delhi se hai height 5.11..tall..brown Color..athletic body..good looking..6.5 land ka size Mere maa k naam sapna hai hum ek midail class family se fairdabad mai rehta hu mere ghar mai mai mummy papa hai bs papa ka aapna kam hai mai kabhi kam pe...
Hi mera nam kamran he. Ye story mere aur ashish ki hai.Ashish mera padosi hai.About me me 1 gay pure bottom hoon. Mujhe gaand marana bohat pasand hai aur meri gaand bohat bari aur naram he aur mere boobs bhi kaafi bade aur naram he bilkul girls ki jesi body he meri. Mere body par baal bohat kam he. Agar aap janna chahte he ke me gay kese bana to meri pichli stories parh le. Story parh kar feedback zaroor de mera email he Coming to the story now ye 2 mahine pehle ki bat he jab me rajiv se...
Number 34 of a series of individual stories. Raped by SONIA Chapter 1 - A Bad End to the Day Sally Anne and I had many fun times when I was crossdressed as Sonia. I loved sexy, frilly and lacy clothes and enjoyed taking every opportunity to wear them in public. I had been working hard yet again and had not had the chance to dress as Sonia for some time. On Friday it was my birthday and we were planning to go out with Kate and Karl, all en-femme, for a meal in a...
Hello friends, I hope aap sab thik honge, and enjoy kar rahe honge. Aap sabko mai batana chahta hun meri maa kaa name Vinni hai. Wo ek gathile badan ki maalkin hai. Uska figure 36-28-38 hai, aur height 5.5 hai, to aap khud andaza laga sakte hai ki wo kya maal lagti hogi. Ab mai zyada time waste naa karte huye seedhe story pe aata hun! Meri maa kaa affair mere ek dost ke saath chal raha tha. Ye baat mujhe kuch time pehle hi pata chali jab maine apni maa ke phone me WhatsApp pe uski chats padhli...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
Introduction: Not satisfied by her husband, Karen starts dating. Raped By A Gang And Their Dogby po469 My husband is a pantywaist, a mommas boy, a woos. We were married when I was a 20-year-old virgin. He made love to me very gently, kissing and treating me like I was precious and fragile. He gently put his little five-inch pecker in me in the missionary position and slowly slid in and out for about three minutes till he came in me, all the time telling me how wonderful I was and how much he...
My story starts on a Friday evening when I got home from college. I found a note on the table telling me my parents were on a trip and wouldn't see me this trip home. Sorry, it said. As I was coming in my brother was on his way out saying hi Ange as he passed. I ask where he was going and he said date, see ya tomorrow. Great I thought, I should have just stayed on campus. Looks like it will be just me and our German Shepard Rocky. Later in the evening and after my shower, I put on my...
Introduction: part 2 of my favourite story First of all thanks to everyone out there who like my stories, it means a lot that ppl are out there that have the same fantasies as me. I always thought I was just sick or something. So I seriously appreciate it. It had been 2 weeks since I had my first really truly fantastic orgasm, it was forced on me by the dirty old resident hobo, the bearded scraggly old man had ambushed me on my way to the park and molested and groped me until I came into his...
The minute Linda was perched on her dad's lap, right on his growing hard-on, she knew she was in for it. He wasn't going to let her watch TV at all. How could she when his hands were all over her body? As he licked his thick tongue into her little ear, he mauled her tits with his big hand, squeezing and fondling them. He chuckled and drew the front of her light nightie way down and bared her jutting, pink-nippled tits so he could kiss and lick and suck them even as he mauled...
There he was, sitting near the rocks, whittling a piece of wood. Naked. Half the time, he was naked. I guess that was the perks of living in the woods by yourself. He was a real mountain man. A big, rugged fellow with tanned skin and dense dark hair all over, from his chest to his ass. He had a bulky body, but his arms and legs had natural muscle carved purely from physical labor from living out in the wilderness, and his thick uncut cock hung low like a third leg down between his...
Hi all readers my self from Tamilnadu and going to share my real life experience with you all:) let me introduce about myself am presently working in a MNC and this happened when i was doing my second year college. My family consist of my father , mother, myself . This story s about how i become a lucky son to make love wit my real own mom, i don want to share name for privacy reasons. Let me tell you about my mom she was just 38yrs at the time this incident happened and i was 20yrs, am mom...
IncestHi this is Jyoti again I am very thankful for your warm response to my first story. For new reader I would like to describe myself again is I am 17 year and 5.6 ft tall with good curved figure ie.32C-26-34. I love to where western cloths and when every I wear tight top and jeans my curve become more attractive and I got hot comments also… My colour is fair and has long silky hair… my breast and bust are in good round shape and my brother is Ashish Bhaiya was 21 with handsome looks… his height 6...
Incest"No bro the sale ended yesterday". Two male clerks were outside chatting as i was walking past them. Im not any one to brag about what i look but ill admit i am a hit with the guys at my school with my brown hair in pigtails and my emerald green eyes curvy shape and big ass. I dont know why but i am shy about boys so ive never been out with any of them although i have a feeling theyve been wanting to. "Hey baby where you going so fast?". One of the guys said. I turn around and...
Melissa's Lovely Mommy: Just like Mommy Miss Samantha Love Styles placed the corset around her dainty demure son's waist ensuring it was properly centered. She then began to pull and tighten the lovely rustling ruffled trimmed red silk laces confining him further within it. Johnny could feel the corset tighten as the lace was pulled through the stainless steel eyelets located on the back of his constricting corset. He looked at his reflection with awe as his waist continued to shrink...
Just before they went into grade 11 Lily was told that she was being sent to a priavate school on the other side of the city. She packed up her room and said good bye to Dylan. She ran before before he could she her cry. Dylan begged his parents to send hik to the same school, but said that it was to expensive, so Dylan got a job and saved every penny so he could go to the school next year. Lily pretty much stuck to herself at the new school, she missed her friends, but mostly she missed...
Jim Simmons pressed his daughter's body down on the bed. His big hands moved with lightning speed, empowered by his pent-up lust. One hand pulled the top of her dress down in front. The other shoved her dress up high on her flat belly. Then his glazed eyes devoured her cute little blue panties and matching bra. The bra was delightful, just two small triangles of filmy blue stuff. He could see Linda's nipples through the cups and her pussy through the light panties. Linda gasped as his gaze...
My father is a alcoholic and once he started to drink he will drink for days. My mom is a simple lady. I’m the eldest and I have 2 sisters and the youngest is my brother. My mom really gone through difficult time bringing us up. I didn’t continued my studies to the higher level because I wanted to help my mom with the finance. So I started to work in a factory. After her SPM, my sister started to work and help and 1 year later she got married. The other sister also got marry 2 years later. My...
IncestIntroduction: This is my first story Im posting. Please feel free to comment. The critism (both good and bad) This is the first of hopefully many more chapters. This story includes rape, and beastiality, so if this isnt your thing please keep it moving. This is not MY true story, but its not to far from the truth, I will let you use your imagination! so without further ado…………….My first baby!!!!!!!! I felt the pain before I could protest the girth I felt pressing against my pussyhole. I thought...
Introduction: I worked on the format and put them all together. Please feel free to comment. this is my first baby here. However this baby deals with beastiality, rape, racial play , violence, and even mentions smallchildren, so if this is not your thing please move on I felt the pain before I could protest the girth I felt pressing against my pussyhole. I thought I was dreaming at first. I laid there frozen, on my stomach as I felt my pussy being stretched beyond its capacity. Short, quick...
Jenny was an extremely shy girl. She only had one friend at school. Her name was Megan. Now, one would wonder why Jenny was so very shy, so let me explain. She was a 15yo girl. Like all the other girls in class she had started her period already. Her hips had started its development giving her a very beautiful pear shaped body. The problem was, unlike the rest of the class she was a late bloomer. Her tits were so small they were virtually flat, barely registering as a mean nipple stand. She...
Hey guys this is a fictitious but a great story i hope u all will give it thumbs up.When my wife left us it did not catch me completely by surprise. I had opened separate checking and savings accounts and had the materials ready to cancel everything with her name on them.She chose our daughter’s first day in Intermediate School to leave. A neighbor told me that soon after I left for the school with my daughter riya an eighteen-wheeler had pulled up to the house. A dresser, a chair and several...
IncestHer parents had always struggled with her, warning her of her wild behavior; so it was no surprise when she got pregnant. To keep her boyfriend from getting in trouble for having sex with her, she kept his name a secret. She only kept telling them he was responsible and that he had promised he would help her with the baby. However, before the baby was even born, he graduated and accepted a job out of state. He never had any intentions of returning, but told her the usual story. He would...
I am a teenager boy , after some months I m not teenager I gone next level. .I completed my Xth from reputed school in Bangalore. Presently I am in 12th standard. I am basically from rural place in Karnataka. Till my 10th Standard I studied in my rural place then I shifted to Bangalore for my 12th. Till my Xth class I don’t have any bad intentions towards my mom. My mom is typical Indian lady always wears silk sarees and we know silk sarees how much transparent. She is a good looking lady...
Melissa's Lovely Mommy: Silk, Satin and Sissy Delights Johnny entered the office with his magnificent mother holding his lovely delicate hand. The click - clack - click their stiletto high heeled shoes made on the marble floor announced the two wondrous women had just made their fashionably late grand and great entrance. The women looked in awe of Miss Styles, the power she commanded on this day left the ladies she employed stunned, shocked and speechless. She looked divine in...
y mom and dad were married for 41 years until my dad died of a heart attack last year. He was a preacher but he was very abusive to me and my mom, who was very submissive to him. Mom is 61 years old now, wrinkled, graying and a little bit frail. She wears glasses, has false teeth (my aunt says my dad knocked her teeth out) and lately, she has started drinking a with my aunt, who is her twin sister. Mom and her sister both have big boobs although you can tell they sag and hang to their sides....
_______________________________________________________________________ This work of fiction (pack of lies) is copyrighted by the author. Permission is hereby granted to re-post it to any FREE site provided the title, text, and author's name are unchanged. The names and/or descriptions of all persons, locations, firms and events are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any resemblance, or perceived resemblance, to actual persons, locations, firms, or events is purely coincidental and...
The Whist DriveBy DummersPrologueMrs Diana Fortescue-Slagg was very pleased. She was chairing the Annual General Meeting of the Middle England Whist Club, and there had been a highly satisfactory agenda item. It was the Treasurer’s Report.The Treasurer, Marjorie Snatch, wasn’t a very exciting speaker. (She was a Chartered Accountant, you see.) And the Whist Club was skint. But Marjorie was a great planner and forecaster. Which is a kind of ‘creative accounting’ term for fantasist. And...
I would come home from exercising one of the horses, my fanny wet with the constant rubbing in the saddle and she would be there to finish me off! She would take the horse from me and untack it and make it comfortable. In the meantime I would go upstairs to the privacy of my tack-room and wait for her there. By the time she came up the stairs I would have peeled my tight jodhpurs down to the top of my boots and would be sitting on one of the trunks waiting for her to finish me off. She...
Sasha darted clumsily down an alleyway, hoping somehow she could lose her stalker. He loomed intimidatingly a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than her. This offered him an unfair advantage plus his intrepid motivation to kidnap the little slip of a girl. Preston guessed by the look of her, she had to be about fifteen. Her dark black mane of hair whipped over Sasha's shoulders as they sprinted across busy streets, through parking lots and over footbridges. He spotted an...
Hi friends, I am ramesh from bangalore and this is a story of how my friend and i, raped my elder sister. i am 21 and doing my engineering. My sis Kavya is 23. Let me first describe her. She has fantastic tits. They are 36c size. and her waist is of 28 size. She is 5"5, very fair and short pony tail hair. On the whole she looks extremely sexy and fuckable. Unfortunately for me, we are in the same family and she is my sister. For the last 3 years, i have been noticing her huge tits. She...
Hi to all SS readers I am Jyoti and I will share here my true experience and this is my first story. I am very fan of ISS and regularly read all update so I think I should also share some my experience. May you like please send you comment to my id This incident happen when I was 18 years old and we are family of 5 members and I am younger them all. I have eldest sister Veena who was 24 years old and brother Ashish who was 21 years that time and we have 2 bhk flat at Ahmedabad. My sister and I...
IncestHi this s raj and i m here to express my sex adventure with my mom. My mom s a house wif. My dad working in dubai.. Me and my sister with my mom staying in a home outer of the town..i m now 20 years of age doing engineering.. My mom s very sexy lady.. Her sizes are awesome..her age s 40 now.. Most of the time i mastrubate my self by thinking about mom… But one day it happens really.. I cant forget those days. And now I am here to express with u all. My dad went abroad before 2 years. We are all...
IncestPrologue Mrs Diana Fortescue-Slagg was very pleased. She was chairing the Annual General Meeting of the Middle England Whist Club, and there had been a highly satisfactory agenda item. It was the Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer, Marjorie Snatch, wasn’t a very exciting speaker. (She was a Chartered Accountant, you see.) And the Whist Club was skint. But Marjorie was a great planner and forecaster. Which is a kind of ‘creative accounting’ term for fantasist. And Marjorie’s report hadn’t...
EroticHello every one. I have been a constant visitor to this site and i appreciate its work. I have an experience of a lifetime that i want to share with you. First of all let me introduce you to my self. I m Siddharth,22 , doing my BE from pune. This is the story of my incest experience with my mom.she is a nice built lady with a 5′ 6″ height and 44 years of age now. My father is a govt. Class 1 officer. My mother is a housewife. She has a very sexy body. She is a bit chubby, but she is too fair....
IncestI’m half way through my second year of college, and unfortunately, I live in a crowded dorm with shared rooms. My roommate is, in many ways, great; she is very clean and respectful of my things... The problem is she Is ALWAYS here! I am horny as fuck all the time and I have no where except the shared showers to get off. Sometimes I discretely carried one of my dildos in my bag to fuck myself in the shower. Although effective, it was not always fun trying to be quiet. One evening my roommate...
was younger. His dog was a 1 year old boxer that he was given as a 6 month old puppy. Jimmy named him Frosty because they gave him to him at Xmas. Jimmy was always playing with his dog. He was playing fetch with him in his room one day when the ball rolled under the bed. The dog was trying to get it but couldn't get under the bed to retrieve it. Jimmy went to the edge of the bed and bent down to look for it. As he was bent over he felt his dog jump up on him. He started tugging at his...
po469 My husband is a pantywaist, a momma's boy, a woos. We were married when I was a 20-year-old virgin. He made love to me very gently, kissing and treating me like I was precious and fragile. He gently put his little five-inch pecker in me in the missionary position and slowly slid in and out for about three minutes till he came in me, all the time telling me how wonderful I was and how much he loved me. Then he would pull out, go wash up, cuddle up and go to sleep. I thought that this...
Raped by bigfoot It was a freak accident that brought me to this predicament. I was somewhat cold, completely naked, had a pounding headache, a sore ankle, and was trapped in a cave halfway up a mountain. I don’t remember being brought here, but the creature that must have saved my life had to live here. I did not see him much, since he left the cave at about dawn. All I remember was slipping on a mossy rock...
Raped virgin bride. By po469 FMMMMM Paul and I had been going together for about four months. He is 30 years old and quite a hunk. He is six feet tall and weighs 170. He has brown hair and dreamy brown eyes. About a month ago he asked me to marry him and I said yes. My name is Brenda. I am 19, 55 and weigh 120#. I have long red-brown straight hair and many people have told me that I am very pretty. We live in a small town in New York. I am still a virgin but I know that Paul is far from it....
Olivia had a lot of opportunities due to her family’s wealth. She had various hobbies, but her absolute favorite was horse riding, she had ridden in various competitions and personally cared for many of the horses. Olivia exclusively dealt with mares, as her dad considered them to be easier to control. She’d wandered over to the stables, where some of their best racehorses were kept. Earlier the same day, unbeknownst to her a stallion had arrived, at great expense to her father. Successful...
It was 4:30pm on a Friday. School was let out at 2:30pm, as it is everyday, and mostly everyone except for the janitors had already left the building by 3:00pm to get a start on their weekend. I had decided to work late at school since I finally had an uninterrupted chunk of time. It was nearly dark outside, being that it was winter, and I didn't have any plans to go out this evening anyway. Tonight would be the perfect time to get some of the items checked off my To Do list. I'm the band...
"Please, Daddy! No more! Stop! Ohhh, don't make me cum anymore now!" Jim Simmons sat up on the bed and surveyed his pretty daughter's vibrant young body. "Just wanted you to know who's boss around here. Gotta start the day right, baby. With a wet pussy." He stared at her cunt and grinned lewdly. It sure was wet! Linda felt embarrassed by both her moist pussy and her father's wicked stare, so she shut her pretty legs. Jim just chuckled and said: "Come on. Get up and fix us some...
Jim Simmons needed a coffee break badly. He was pretty well fucked out by his daughter's young and vibrant pussy. His old cock wasn't accustomed to such energy and vitality in a cunt. He was used to his wife's dormant, almost corpse-like fucking, unresponsive and unwilling. Linda's pussy was not only inviting and eager, but lively and active, a tight, clenching cunt that literally sucked the jism out of his balls! Linda was relieved when her father released her from sexual bondage long...
"Goddamn it!" Tim said bitterly. "Can't you guys keep your mouths shut?" "But I want to get on it," Carl protested. Tim stood up with his hands on his hips. Carl looked down at the ground. "You four take a walk down the path. I'll call you when I'm finished." "But what if she gets violent again?" Tim looked down at Erica. "She won't. She doesn't like getting beaten up, and she knows that'll happen if she tries anything again." The other four looked reluctant to leave. Tim...
Erica was exhausted. She had no idea how many times the boys had fucked her, but it seemed like hundreds. She was covered with their white seed. Now they were gathering up their clothes. "We'll see you later," Tim said. "Maybe you won't be shaking that ass so proudly in school any more." "You're just going to leave me here?" "Sure. Why should we take you back? We're done with you. "I'm going to the police," Erica said. "No, you won't," Carl said. "You'll never go to the...
"Okay, bitch," Rebus said. "Put your blouse on. We're going to the house." "Can't you just take me home?" Erica asked. "Didn't you get what you wanted?" "Hell," Rebus said. "I've just started. Now put your fucking clothes on." She tugged down her skirt and pulled her blouse around her as well as she could. He started the truck again and drove her down to his house. "Get out," he commanded. She climbed wearily out of the truck. A woman came to the door. She was about ten...
Adele was very proud of herself. She couldn't have been any happier than when she looked into the mirror that afternoon and saw the new coat her husband had bought for her. It was a beautiful mink and though he really couldn't afford it on his salary it was something he wanted to do for her. She brushed her red hair back over the collar of the coat and studied herself. "You're beautiful in it," her husband said. "I know that," she replied. "But we really can't afford it,...
"Jesus!" Erica said softly. "I would've never thought Adele had it in her." Erica was feeling a little warm after Rebus' story. Rebus was good with words and Erica could see the action going on in her mind's eye. She closed her legs tightly together. Rebus noticed it and laughed. "What's the matter, baby? You getting a little warm. His huge hand came up and cupped her titty. His fingers found her nipple and massaged it to hardness. "I can tell you liked my story," he said....
It was a hot Saturday morning in summer. I was sitting on the porch playing cards with my cousin Dave. Well we usually play on money and this time wasn't an exception. The problem was that he was winning. Well you don't notice how much you've lost until you run out of money, and when I did I realized that I had lost over thirty bucks. Dave was overjoyed (who wouldn't), and he was trying to make me play more. I didn't have anything left and I had to get back what I had lost. Suddenly Dave said,...
IncestScott's had recently turned 18, for his birthday his father and his stepmom decided to get his own laptop so he didn't have to share the family computer no longer. Scott resented his stepmom, he hated the way she made him address as her as Mom or Mommy. Scott's real Mom ran out on him when he was little boy, so now he lives with his father (40), stepmom (52) and two half sisters both younger.Scott was a total nerd, top of all his classed, member of the chess team, and the AV club. He had never...
Before starting, it is necessary to tell few words about me and my family. I am Hriday Joshi, aged 26 years from Vadodara. My father is a businessman having whole sale and retain cloth shop at God dhod Road Surat. We stay at far off locality from Surat Called Olpad. My father gets clothes from manufacturers and sells at his show room. I am 19 years old and is studying in MS University in first year of engineering and staying in a hostel. In fact, I am son of my father’s second wife. My father...
Hi folks, I am Rajiv, 24 yrs aged and I live in Tamil Nadu. I would like to share my great sexperience with my brothers’ wife. I have two elder brothers and both are married. My elder Bhabhi is Punya, she is 26 yrs old and have two girl kids. Punya bhabhi is fair, cute and bubbly with coconut boobs and round ass. My younger bhabhi is Seema, same age as mine. She is slim, fair but has a good body shape. She has a baby boy. Both my brothers are outside the country. So in my home my bhabhis with...
IncestHi Iss friends this is Sandeep. I am 20 years of age and I stay in Hyderabad. This story of mine is all about how I fucked my bhabhi. Friends my bhabhi is too hot and white in complexion. Her actual name is Pooja. She married my cousin brother 1 year back. My cousin brother and Pooja bhabhi stayed in Bangalore. They are staying in a rented flat. My brother works in a software company. He goes to job at 8 am in the morning and returns back at 9 in the evening. Now at present I am staying in...
IncestTitle: lovelylaura22Rating: NC17Summary: Not k**ding. I keep getting these emails in my spam folder from "lovelylaura22" with the subject "Looking For A F-Buddy??" Well, what if this was the real thing?Always Jan got these email messages in his "spam" folder. Always he immediately deleted them without a single thought.But as Laura's birthday got closer and closer, he imagined that one of them did contain the real thing, that it really was from the Laura Dianne Vandervoort that he was in so very...