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After yesterday's strangeness, Paul wasn't all that shocked that Nikki had disappeared. And it wasn't like she vanished without leaving a trace. There was her scent in the bed and a few long blonde hairs on the pillow.

Naked, he got out of bed and examined himself, noticing that his pubic hair was matted with dried fluids from last night. He picked up his clothes from the floor and threw all but his shorts, which he put on, onto the bed. He went to the bathroom to pee, went to the kitchen and got coffee started, noticing the table was bare of the tablecloth and candle from yesterday. Back in the bedroom, he sat on the floor, hooked his feet under the bed and did fifty sit-ups.

The coffee was done now. He filled a mug and took a couple of sips. When he went to the front door to get the paper, he saw the inside security chain was still on. He remembered noticing the chain on the kitchen door was also locked. Deciding not to worry now about how Nikki had got out without opening the chains, he switched the TV onto the morning news, got on the floor and did fifty push-ups. That's why he got up at six, for the exercises. Three days a week - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - he ran in the afternoon. And each weekday morning he did sit-ups and push-ups.

He sat down and read the paper for a few minutes while he finished his coffee, then went to take care of business in the bathroom. He had a second mug of coffee while he dressed, then left, walking out back to the parking lot.

Nikki's car was still where she parked it yesterday. Was she at home? If he knocked on the door, what sort of greeting would he receive? Better not chance that this morning. Whatever might happen, he didn't have time to deal with it now.

At school, he went to his classroom and started preparing for his first class. He continued working while the corridor filled with students, some entering his room early. When the bell rang, the room slowly filled with students laughing, chattering, and because today was Friday, talking about their plans for the weekend. He waited till they quieted down, then took attendance.

The rest of his day went normally, with none of the strangeness of yesterday. From time to time, he thought about what happened with Nikki. He was sure he wasn't hallucinating. The idea that Nikki had a schoolgirl crush on him that she was finally acting on made sense, except for the doors locked from the inside. Finally, he decided he couldn't explain it till he got more information.

Before leaving school, he used his cell phone to call his favorite pizza place and ordered a medium with all the toppings for pick up. He wondered for a moment if he should get a large in case Nikki showed up, but decided that probably wouldn't happen, and if it did he could have another pizza delivered.

He was just getting out of his car when Nikki parked her car in the space behind him. She and her roommate got out. Paul watched quietly while they unloaded several bags of groceries. He was about to go up to Nikki and say something, when a pickup, going fast, pulled into one of the nearby visitor spaces. Two guys, young, big, good-looking, got out, grabbed two cases of beer from the pickup bed and went over to the girls.

The guys, they looked like college men, were greeted with laughs and obvious affection from the girls. They took some of the grocery bags, and then they all headed toward the girls' apartment. That's when Nikki noticed Paul, standing by his car, watching them. She gave him a friendly wave, then turned and followed the others up the walk.

Paul waved at her before turning and walking to his apartment thinking about what he had just seen. Somehow, though he knew it didn't make sense, he felt jealous.

He dropped the pizza on the kitchen table, went into the bedroom, kicked off his shoes, and changed into shorts and a tee-shirt. He grabbed a beer and switched on the TV. He watched the local news for a few minutes, then he remembered, remembered what happened yesterday. Could he do it again, make her come to him? He closed his eyes, thinking of Nikki as she was today. How was she dressed, in shorts again? No, today she had on jeans, and so did her roommate. What was her name? Kim, yeah that was it.

Keeping his eyes closed, thinking about Nikki, mentally summoning her, he waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing happened, no knock on the door, no Nikki miraculously appearing. She was with those guys, and he could never compete with those college men, he was sure of that. Even with his exercises and his bigger dick, he could never match their youth, their strength. No, better forget about it, forget about her. It must have been some sort of anomaly or an illusion, or fantasy.

He got another beer and watched more news - not much interesting on Friday nights. He had a couple more beers with his pizza, and then one more beer. And now he was horny.

He grabbed another beer, checked the TV schedule and ordered a softcore pay-per-view movie, Hot Orange County Housewives. He didn't really pay much attention to the movie, except for one scene with a girl - pretty, blonde, big tits - who reminded him of Nikki.

In the scene there was one man with two women, the blonde who looked like Nikki, the other girl a brunette. First, the three of them were together on a bed, one girl on either side, kissing the man as he fondled their breasts. Then they were kneeling while the man fucked each girl from behind. Of course because it was softcore, the viewer couldn't see their genitals. Most of the shots were from the front, showing the girls' tits swaying as they moaned in simulated passion.

He watched that scene with the Nikki lookalike a few more times. After he tired of the movie, in his bedroom, he moved his clothes from the bed to the chair, stripped to his shorts and fell into bed.

Paul awoke to the sensation of something soft and warm pressing against his groin. It was bright enough in the room from morning sunlight filtering through the curtain that he could see Nikki's blonde head on the pillow beside him, and it was Nikki's smooth bottom he felt as she spooned against him.

He paused for a moment before reaching around to cup her naked breast. He kissed her temple, feeling her nipple growing hard against his palm.

His touch awakening her, Nikki sighed, turning to him, kissing him deeply. "Umm, last night was so wonderful," she breathed.

"Yes, wonderful," a second voice echoed from his other side. Then he felt soft lips kissing his shoulder, the back of his neck.

"What?" Sitting up he saw the second naked girl was Kim, Nikki's roommate. Resting his back against the headboard, he looked from one to the other. "How ... two of you?"

"You don't remember?" Nikki said, raising up, her heavy breasts swaying with her movement. "I know you had a few beers last night, but you didn't look drunk."

Kim kissed his chest then moved the sheet so she could rest her head on his bare belly. Paul couldn't help touching her long, chestnut brown hair, stroking its silky smoothness.

"You didn't really forget, did you?" Nikki continued. "How I told Kim how great you were, and ... well, she just couldn't resist finding out if it was true."

"It was true, very true," Kim said softly, kissing his belly.

Paul looked from Nikki to Kim, then back to Nikki. "But those guys, your boyfriends, at your place yesterday."

"Were did you get that idea?" Nikki asked, raising her voice. "There weren't any guys at our place. Silly, you know we don't have any boyfriends, except now I've got you."

"I dumped my last boyfriend over a year ago," Kim said. "I've been concentrating on school. Besides, he was an asshole, and I decided that with Nikki I don't need any guys."

"And I haven't had a boyfriend since Kim and I moved in together," Nikki added. "I thought that as long as she was here, I wouldn't need to put up with guys, they're too much trouble," touching his chest. "Not you, Paul, you're not too much trouble. Course now I'm hooked up with you. Actually," giggling, "I'm hooked on you."

With Kim's head on his belly, and Nikki's naked breasts on display, Paul couldn't help responding. But he was confused and didn't want to start anything until he understood more about what was happening, or at least felt more comfortable with it.

"Uhh, I've gotta go ... to the bathroom," he said.

"Paul, you're not mad, are you?" Nikki asked, touching his chest again.

"No, it's only I need to use the bathroom, and I'll put coffee on. You two just take it easy."

Kim lifted her head off him, pausing for a second to glance at the lump his half-hard dick was making under the sheet. She pressed herself to him, her naked breasts soft against his bare chest. Gently, she kissed his lips, saying, "You know, we can do more, if you want."

Paul dropped his gaze to Kim's breasts, a little smaller than Nikki's, but just as well-formed, with tiny - tinier than Nikki's - pink-brown nipples.

Nikki suddenly touching his chest again, "You're not upset because we're bi?"

"You told him about us before, didn't you?" Kim asked, looking at Nikki.

"Yeah, but you know it's different seeing us doing it, like last night, from just hearing about it."

"You seemed to enjoy watching," Kim said smiling at Paul.

"And joining in," Nikki laughed.

Paul had already figured out they were bi-sexual from what they said earlier. And in fact, he wouldn't mind watching them together, though they seemed to think he already did that last night.

He looked at them. "No, that's not it. It's that I need some time to get used to all this ... everything that happened. But now, I really need to get to the bathroom."

As he moved off the bed, the girls lay back. "Just remember we're ready if you want either of us again," Nikki said.

"Or both of us," Kim added.

"Okay," he said smiling at them as he left the room, closing the bedroom door behind him.

He got coffee started, then went to the bathroom. While he peed, Paul examined his dick and pubic hair for any evidence he might have had sex last night. There was none of the dried fluids he found yesterday morning after being with Nikki, and no other evidence of sexual activity. In fact, he was still wearing his shorts, while the girls seemed to be naked. Yeah, he recalled seeing their clothes, their panties on top, piled on the chair in the bedroom.

At the front door, Paul saw the chain was still on. He stepped out and got the paper. Back in the kitchen, he glanced at the back door, seeing the chain there was still on too. The coffee pot was filling, the coffee dripping into the pot. He got a mug, pulled out the pot and quickly slipped the mug under the coffee flowing through the filter. When the mug was full, he slid the pot back onto the hotplate.

He took a couple of ibuprofen with his coffee to offset the hint of a headache he could sense starting from the beer last night. He got two more mugs from the shelf placing them next to the coffee maker, and set out the creamer and sugar. He didn't know how the girls liked their coffee.

Back in the living room, he took his seat in the easy chair, put his feet up, took a sip of coffee and opened the paper. He scanned the headlines but wasn't able to focus on the news.

His mind began to wander to the mystery of the girls in his bedroom. It was almost like there were two of them, or two sets of them - the normal Nikki and Kim outside, in the parking lot and their apartment - and the Nikki and Kim in his apartment who believed, no were sure, they had sex with him. What would happen if I walked over to their place now? he wondered. Would I find another Nikki and Kim there? Or would I find it empty because they're in my bedroom?

But how could there be two sets of identical girls? They couldn't be twins, could they? No, that was unlikely. Could they be clones? No, human cloning wasn't possible yet, and who would clone two girls just for him? It was almost like they came from another world, a world where they weren't the girls he knew - or at least he knew Nikki - but where they were his lovers, the kind of ideal lovers he desired.

The girls were moving in the bedroom now, he could hear them talking, giggling. Then the door opened and they came out, both dressed in just their tee-shirts and panties. Seeing the coffee on the counter, "Paul, you're so great to fix coffee for us," Nikki enthused.

They got coffee and came over to where he was sitting, Nikki first, Kim a little behind. He moved his feet so Nikki could sit on the footstool. Setting her mug on the table, she put her arms around his neck and gave him a deep kiss. As they parted, she pressed her cheek to his whispering, "I love you so much."

As Nikki sat on the stool, facing him, Kim then put her arms around his neck. Moving closer, she smiled a little, then she too was kissing him, her tongue advancing, retreating in response to the movements of his tongue.

When they parted, Kim moved back, perching on the edge of the footstool next to Nikki. After the kisses, and with two beautiful, willing girls before him, Paul was becoming aroused. Nikki looked at where his hardening cock was pushing up the fabric of his shorts. She touched his bare thigh. "Looks like you're ready for seconds."

"For him, it's gonna be thirds and fourths," Kim laughed.

Now Nikki was stroking his thigh, getting closer to his growing organ with each movement of her soft fingers. She leaned toward him, her hand grasping his now erect cock, stroking him through the fabric of his boxers.

Kim again moved close and wound her arms around his neck. They kissed, Kim moaning softly in the back of her throat as their tongues and lips melded together. When they parted, both breathing hard, he slid his hand under her shirt to trace his fingertips up her soft skin, caressing her full breasts.

"I like your hands on me, you're so gentle," Kim said. With a quick movement, she pulled off her tee-shirt and tossed it to the floor. Turning back to him, she cupped her breasts, pressing the fleshy orbs together, then took his hands and again placed them on her breasts, sighing as he caressed and squeezed.

All this time Nikki had been stroking his cock, watching with an amused expression on her face. Still smiling, she moved her hand away and, as Kim had done, quickly lifted off her tee-shirt, baring her large, fleshy breasts. "You like these too, don't you?" Nikki asked, cupping her breasts as though offering them to him.

Paul swallowed audibly. "Uhh, yeah, I love them," he said, his voice shaky as he reached with his right hand to fondle Nikki's flawless breasts. Now he had one hand caressing each girl, they sighing in unison as he moved his hands over them.

"You know, you're overdressed," Nikki said again stroking his cock through his shorts.

Paul lifted up and moved his hands to slide his shorts down. Within seconds, the girls were kneeling in front of his chair, kissing, licking, sucking his erect cock while with his hands he continued fondling both girls' beautiful breasts.

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“Hey, Will, how—um ... I take it things didn’t go well?” Will lay spread-eagle on the bed, staring at the ceiling, his eyes unblinking. “Uhh ... you didn’t come get me after she left, so I figured I’d give you some time, and...” Will didn’t move. “Will, you’re scaring me. Is this like ... that time? Will, please—” Will blinked, then looked over. He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, Rissa, I was a bit lost in my thoughts. I’m okay, you don’t have to worry.” He sat up, moving towards the edge of...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyTwo

Chapter Twenty-Two - Adventures in San Francisco When her flight was at altitude, Laura accepted champagne from the stewardess. She used the four hour flight to go over the week ahead and the past few weeks of her ever more hectic life. Her first thought was Dan is really getting short changed by my new jobs. Laura hadn’t spent a full week with just her husband in a month. She knew she had to take steps to maintain her primary relationship. Greg is showing strain too was Laura’s next...

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Judith Will and the bear skin rug

****************************************************************************************************************** Let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. William L. Frost. I’m a 31 year old professor of ancient history at our state university. Between my salary, paid lectures and royalties from my scribblings my income exceeds $200,000. I own, free and clear I might add, a beautiful 5,000 square foot Colonial home situated on 5 acres overlooking the river. At my dock is tied up my...

4 years ago
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Wide Open PlainsChapter 6

Neither man carried a bounty, but we did pick up $66.81 in total cash. Their other stuff looked like it might be worth as much as $35, so we had a nice little haul from this dustup. It was late in the afternoon, so the women wanted to camp. Our clothes needed washing and there was a stream handy. The connection was obvious, and we stopped for a little necessary housekeeping. I had an uncomfortable feeling about what was going on, but I could not put my finger on it. We were late enough in...

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Neighbor Girl Needs Help 4

Jemma then takes her hand off my cock, pulls it out of my shorts, and offers it to Miranda, who slowly lifts her hand off her mound and accepts Jemmas, who pulls her in and then shuts the door.“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing, why I’m even in here, I just… I don’t know, maybe I should go” Miranda says as she walks further towards the back of my living room, turning to face us.“Do you want to see his cock or not?” Jemma replies, pushing me forward away from the door, towards Miranda.“I….I...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Anya Olsen Playing Hooky

Anya Olsen is playing hooky with her boyfriend when her stepdad Preston Parker walks in on her. He bends her over his knee and flips up her miniskirt to punish her with a spanking, but Anya can feel how hard Preston is. She asks if she can’t work something out with him, and the next thing Preston knows his certified nubile stepdaughter is on her knees giving him the blowjob of a lifetime! It’s not long before Anya has pulled her miniskirt around her waist and slipped her thong to...

1 year ago
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Saras Awakening

This is part one of what i hope will be a long series of stories. Its going to be a slow start but hopefully you'll bear with me. Sara woke suddenly. She tried to be very still. Then pretending to still be sleeping she did a little roll in her bed so she was facing the door to her bedroom. Very carefully she cracked her eyes open so she could see the door. As she had expected and had hoped it was cracked slightly open. She could barely see the top of her father's form through the small crack....

3 years ago
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The autobiography

The story I am going to narrate is not a story. In fact it happened actually in the manner I am going to narrate it. Though it started as an accident but the subsequent developments can not be said to be accidents. I can not disclose my real name as I am a rich and famous man in India. For convenience you may call me B. Chandran, nick name Balu. The story starts when I was a 14-year-old boy studying in class 10. My father used to work in Railway as an officer. His duty hours were not defined....

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Out of the Shadows Ch 02

Hello everyone. I hope you read chapter one and enjoyed it. This story is a continuation of the Shadows of Resentment series. Thank you for the feedback on chapter one. In this chapter Darius enlists and goes through basic training. Just to let you know I am no expert on anything military, so I read a little and wrote the story based on my interpretation of what could happen. It is not my intention to offend any of the great people who have sacrificed and served in any branch of the...

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Sensuous Lessons for Life

When I was just sixteen years old, growing up in Germany, we had a single woman with two daughters renting a room in our house. She was about the age of my mother (who was a war widow). This woman, her name was Frau (Mrs.) Rach, was supposed to take care of our household and my little sis when my mother was working.I was a pretty innocent high school student with a sweet girl friend, who liked kissing and petting on dark park benches, but I did not have the guts to go any further with her at...

4 years ago
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The Look in Her Eyes1

It was strange to have the entire office empty. But she also enjoyed the silence. She could get work done quicker without anyone to distract her. Sitting on her desk, next to her computer, was a book. Beautiful Bastard. She’d been reading it on the train, and sometimes at work when she wanted a break from looking at her computer. People would stare, when they knew the content of the book. She could see them looking. But it didn’t matter. She wanted to read the book more than worry about...

1 year ago
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how i met my wife

this is our first story.About how i met my wife and how we ended up having a wild time at worki knew a member of her family as a co worker, my wife came in for an interview i just said hi as she went past but thought to myself she looks sexy as hell i wouldnt mind fucking the arse off her. A few days later i was told by the boss she had got the job and i would be her mentor to show her the ropes, as she would be working nights i would have to stay over. after she had been in the job for a week...

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Vixen Kenna James Honey Gold My Hollywood Threesome

Aspiring actress Kenna has a good feeling about this trip. The casting calls she has lined up are perfect for her but she just can’t focus. She finds herself watching her hot neighbors – and the more she watches, the more she wants to see. Fantasising about them both has become a regular pastime, and no matter how hard she tries she just can’t stop thinking about it. It would seem that her reasons for this trip are becoming somewhat blurred, so when she is asked over for a...

4 years ago
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Lesbian teen mom8217s lust

Hi all enjoy this lusty story. Susan’s pager beeped its distinct tone as she came out of a business meeting in Zurich, signaling that one of “her girls” had left a message on the hot line she set up in case they ever got in trouble, or needed help. Once back in the hotel she immediately made the call. “Hi Susan, this is Kara. I’m all right,” the message on the machine back in California began. Smart Kara – to state that important fact first, so that Susan would not suffer unnecessary anxiety....

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Honey Gold Wildly Fucking And Squirting All Over

Honey Gold gets ready for her St. Patrick Day party and she’s in love with her sexy outfit. She catches her stepbrother spying on her and gets furious. She pins him down on the bed to let him know he’s a dirty perv and all. He tells her that he didn’t mean it but couldn’t resist looking at her great body which she takes as a big compliment and decides to feel him up to see if she can have a good dirty time with him. She shoves her pussy onto his face before she got a surprise in coin pot. She...

2 years ago
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Annette by request

When I was in the 4th year I did part time jobs to keep afloat taking on just about anything going. I was mowing someone’s lawn one day when a head looked over the fence and this woman asked me if I could do hers. Of course I could! I told her I’d call round when I’d finished. I carried on with the work and when I’d finished I put everything away, collected my money and went next door. I rang the bell and waited and eventually she came out apologising for making me wait but she was just going...

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Anal sex fisting and degradation Part 2

I almost overslept. Hectically I took a shower, put on some make up and got dressed. My mum asked where I was going and I told her, I was attending a sleep over at Anna. Anna! I had totally forgotten about her. A second time within 24 hours. While sitting in the bus, I read her texts. More than 50 messages since midnight. I texted her back and informed her about the events. She replied immediately and wished me best luck. A few minutes after 7 o’clock I rang Andy’s bell. The dog barked and...

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The Sleeepover ndash Chapter 2

by samslam"Okay girls, on to the next event." I call as I walk back into the living room. Maybe I should tone this down a little. "Turn around! We're ready to look at your lovely asses." The girls line up with their backs to me. Okay, maybe I won't tone it down. What a lovely line-up of flesh!I go through a similar routine, running my hands over their bare cheeks and telling each one what I think of their ass."You have an amazing ass, Alex," I say quietly. As my hand glides over her smooth,...

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Perfect Stranger

The nightclub was packed with people. Bodies were writhing together in time to the beats blasting over the speakers. All the flashing lights made it impossible to tell one face from another. It was like looking out over a sea of androgynous people, and she loved every minute of it. Her friends were down there somewhere, grinding up against the fellow of their choice. It mystified her that they would all probably hook up with someone tonight, and she'd be left alone again, tending all the...

Straight Sex
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sissyboy jake is harshly used part 1

sissyboy jake is harshly used – part 1 It’s two o’clock in the morning. The story I have to tell you started at noon yesterday and ended just after midnight. Twelve hours. The most incredibly intense twelve hours I’ve ever spent, though I can’t tell anybody about it. Except anonymously, which is why I’m writing this and hoping you will read it and enjoy it. There is only one other person who knows the whole story. That person is Tiffany, my Goddess. Tiffany is watching me as I write this....

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 28

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Julie appeared a half-hour later. “Hello, beautiful,” Jake said to her with a smile. “I was just thinking about you.” “Oh?” “I’m looking forward to us being together tonight.” “About that...” “Yes?” “Emily wants to be with you.” “Be with me?” “Be with you.” “For sex?” “Maybe, but not necessarily.” “She decided that herself?” “She’s been talking to her mom. She’s not certain that sex is what she wants. She’d like to ease into it, maybe try kissing and...

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Her daughter, Wendy, came in and saw the expression on her mother's face and immediately knew something was wrong. She saw the bills in her mother's hand, and had a very strong suspicion of what was causing that pained look. She hesitated a moment, then went to her room without speaking. Mother would talk if she wanted to. Wendy would give her the space that she wanted and went to change her clothes, trading the uniform for sweats. As soon as she had left, Miranda put her face in her hands...

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The Facility

Megan was only vaguely ware of what was happening. She struggled weakly against the scarred leather restraints attached to the gurney she was currently being wheeled along on. She craned her neck back willing her eyes to focus on the figure pushing her. It was female, wearing something black and glistening with patches of white. A maid perhaps? The drugs coursing through her system proved too strong, however, and she never got a clear look at her captor. Her vision faded to black. She jerked...

1 year ago
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Wonderful Time With Hot Neighbor Lady

Hi. This is Souabh from Bhopal, 25 years old and definitely not a virgin. This story is about how I had sex with my neighbor aunty, 33 years old, let’s call her Sunita (figure must be 34-26-36). This happened a few days ago only so all memories are still very fresh!! Now, let’s come to the story. Please spare me for my poor storytelling and grammatical errors. So the story goes like this. I live with my family in a very good locality and all persons are friendly and so is this lady. She lives...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Sarah Chapter 11

“Hey, I said I was next.” Hank heard Jennifer say as she waved her foot in the air. Hank saw Jesse hand Kaylie’s foot to Tyshawn and scoot over to Jennifer. He took her small white foot and started to rub it slowly. Jennifer leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Oh God, that feels good.” Jennifer said. Jesse smiled as he stared at her. She was perfect, her body could not be any better as it was curvy in all the right places but yet tight and smooth. Her face was exquisite, and her...

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A poke for Sis

All through my high school years, I worshipped the ground my beautiful sister Karen walked on. I wasn't the only one. Every guy in school wanted to get into her pants, but, as far as I know, all but one failed. Karen was a year younger than me and one grade behind. When I saw her in the halls between classes, I invariably got a hard-on. I don't think she was intentionally a prick-teaser. She dressed like the other girls but she filled her clothes out better than they did. For example, her ass...

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Couples Holiday

Each year we took an annual holiday with our friends. There were eight of us who went each year and we have done for the past seven years. We’re a very close group. Three of us have known each other from our school days and the rest were friends and partners that we have met along the way. Most of the eight now have kids but this is an adults-only holiday, for fun laughs and recuperation that is always needed.As soon as we arrived, all eight of us settled into our large four-bed villa in during...

4 years ago
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I Hope You Dance Ch 02

Black. There were no other colors. Just black. A deep, dark black that spread from one edge of her brain to the other and back again. A black so dark that it took her weeks to wade through its depths, fighting against the waves of pain until they finally dulled enough that she could open her eyes and rejoin the world as she knew it. Except that she couldn’t see. ‘Chantal? Chantal, can you hear me?’ Her mother’s voice sounded strained and that wasn’t something Chantal was used to hearing from...

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