MageChapter 16 free porn video

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It was getting close to supper time when I returned to the gym. I sat among the girls and talked about what I wanted to do and why. With the Plugga as an example they came to understand that this may not be as bad as first thought. Some had the religious hangups of Earth, others had fairy stories to guide them and this had to be pointed out.

The two worse damaged trainees were too damaged to even attempt this type of spell. The next most damaged had been dead for twenty minutes before I had placed a time spell over them. This one would have mental problems if any of them did and I wanted to find out how much a healing spell would work after he was revived.

The Plugga came back and took up stations while the trainee's body was brought it. This happened only after I got both the girls and myself warmed up. A Plugga body is not as horrendous as a human one. Making love in the same room as a human body is not that easy.

I used the same spell as I had just used on the Plugga. The energy used though was considerably more. The large crystal had to supply most of our power but the procedure seemed to work. The trainee was now breathing and the heart was working. Reanimation had to take care of a great many details that were not encountered when dealing with a living creature.

The final healing was difficult too but after a certain point it was the same as repairing a damaged human. All the spells on the trainee had gone when his life was extinguished. If I had to deal with them then the process may not have been possible.

I took very tentative steps to enter the mind of the trainee. In a way I needn't have worried. He was now childlike in intelligence. The memories were still there but were not being accessed by Yossup. The trainee was not like Hondilas and was an evil man struggling to get higher in a corrupt society. On impulse I called for one of our amulets and cast the spell to gather all of his memories.

The former personality was completely absent. When the process was done I manufactured a new personality from scratch and used the better fragments of memory form Yossup's mind. I was going to do something similar to Malochuck and this would give some practice.

Yossup was allowed to sit up and had great difficulty controlling his muscles and I could smell excrement from him. Like an infant I called out a spell to clean him and his clothing. His voice had not come back but I thought it might in time. He said, "Master!"

"Hello Yossup. I want you to move over to the wall and sit beside one of the Plugga until I am ready for you. I do not think it is time to learn to walk yet."

"Yes, Master."

I examined the amulet and the information on it for depth and clarity and found it only a bit less concise than Hondilas' or Malochuck's. Both of course were more adept at magic though.

We had a rest then began once more. This time the mage Milsa was brought in. He had been exposed to time less and his injuries had been less too though they were still fatal. Again it was only the fact that we had the large crystal that allowed this to succeed. When he was breathing on his own I used another amulet on his memories before continuing.

Milsa was almost as bad as Yossup. His personality had died with him too. I made his personality the way I wanted. Since he was dead I thought it only proper to do this to him.

Milsa sat up easier than Yossup and his mind was much clearer. The shield that was on his fellow mages was not present. I saw variations in what Hondilas had shown me but nothing was important. I figured it was just a matter of perceptions when the memory was first stored.

I cleaned Milsa as I had the trainee and sent him to sit by the wall and out of the way. We continued to make love and try to fill what was taken from the crystal. At the same time I tried to quantify how Milsa was different from a human that had not died. Short term memory was completely gone which was understandable. The thinking process was not as good but there was a chance on improving this.

The health of the body and mind would have to be monitored. They at least were not grey of skin and the slight smell of corruption was gone from them.

With a few orders to Yossup and Milsa I had the Plugga assist them to where Sonya, Sara and Hondilas were working on Alison. Instead of barging in I called to all of them, "If you guys are not in the middle of something, will you come out into the hall?"

In a moment they came out. Hondilas immediately put up a shield and prepared to hurl a bolt at Milsa. His actions and frame of mind carried on to the girls.

"There is nothing to fear. Milsa and Yossup have been revived. I was able to use an amulet on each of them with no problem."

Surprisingly it was Hondilas that said, "They were dead. I saw this."

"They were, and so were the five Plugga. I modified the old spell that was used on the Plugga and found that their memories are still retained. They can now remember the past. We haven't found if this is beneficial or not yet but I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. This same group of spells were used on Yossup then Milsa. Their former personalities were totally obliterated and I made new ones for them. The same was true of the spells that were placed on their minds."

The three of them slowly explored the minds of the two that had been dead just a short time ago. Sara said, "I have never heard of reanimating humans."

I said, "It was not in the books or computer either but there is references to the process and the results."

Hondilas said, "This would sure be a quick way to work around our present problem."

"Let's talk to Alison and find out if she wants to give in now or later?"

Sonya came close and whispered so nobody else would hear. "Are you really going to kill her?"

In the same way I said, "No, but I can threaten." She seemed to relax then.

Alison was asleep when we came in. I could see that we were even closer to a break through than where we were before. I said to the group, "Let her sleep. Her mind is the way we wanted but it will take a conscious effort to decide whether to accept our offer."

I woke Alison up and said to her, "Hello Alison. Some of your friends came here to rescue you. While some of them had the misfortune of dying in the attempt, others are alive and in custody."

The woman groggily looked at the two carefully but her mind was not clear enough to think much on the matter. "These two died and I reanimated them like what is done to the Plugga. A curious thing happened. Death seems the negate their shields. When they were revived and all the other spells on them were neutralised too. I used two amulets to record all of their memories. You can think on this until tomorrow then you will lower your shield voluntary or I will kill you and get the same results." I just turned and left now and the others followed me.

We spent the next hour talking about what I had done and what I had done differently. The Plugga had been uncharacteristically nice in answering questions. They not only gave full answers but added points of their own. The remainder of the Plugga were ordered to come with us to Toronto. Yossup and Milsa went into storage like the trainees. I had nothing for them to do until tomorrow and that would be to talk to Alison.

It was a tight squeeze getting through and nobody wanted to be too near the Plugga. A similar thing happened when we arrived. The Plugga though sat with us and ate our food. We talked of our day but I glossed over the revivifications.

The Plugga were taken back to their quarters in Houston after they talked about their race to the rest of us. I found that what I knew about the people seemed to be slanted. They were indeed very vicious but not all the time. They were much like humans in this matter.

The next day Yossup fed Alison by hand while she frantically read his mind to gather all the current data. When she was fed she scanned Milsa even deeper. Instead of asking her now I just brought her to the gym and with some new volunteers brought in the next most damaged dead trainee.

She was very surprised with the size of the crystal we had. The closest one she had ever heard of was only a sixth of the size. She knew the body was indeed one of the dead trainees and watched intently as it came back to life. I used no amulet this time and contented myself with giving a new and much better personality.

When the process was done and Tanso communicated with us I said to Alison, "You knew the trainees, even if it was not well. Milsa had a shield that was similar to yours. I can only surmise this because I never made his acquaintance while alive. His shield is now gone completely."

"I am going to offer this once. You will lower your shield completely. I will use the amulet on you to get a copy of your memories. I will then remove those tendencies that make you cruel. You will then be my slave but you will have a chance to be happy and enjoy certain freedoms. The alternative is to die and give me everything you have but then you have to have a completely new personality. All of the old Alison your friends knew would be completely gone."

"Do you have some questions or anything to add?"

"You... you are not even an apprentice."

"That is true but it does not mean that I cannot do as I say. You saw that I have enough power to reanimate a body including your own. Do you somehow think that you can hold out against death or that I will not cause you to die?"

She was now thinking fairly clearly. She uttered two syllables before a Plugga reached forward and quickly twisted her neck. The snap was readily heard by all. I could feel the spell that she was going to cast and I foolishly was not ready as I should.

The woman slumped to the floor and the Plugga stood ready to die if need be. I said, "I thank you very much for saving my life. I was not fully prepared and it is a good possibility that I would have died."

I cast a time spell over the body and said to the rest. "Let's use the occasion to do what needs to be done."

It took much longer to get started. I was amazed at the woman's speed and at my own ineptitude. I should have been ready for this. You trap a rat in a corner and it will fight to survive without another way out. When we started we had to stop and have a break.

There was one possible good point in this and I went to get Elaine. She was standing alone in a corner still under the influence of the time spell. This was the room that the trainees and Milsa had worked so hard to get to.

Another Plugga got behind Elaine when I cast the counter spell but she was still asleep. She was simply picked up like a child and carried to the gym. She now wore some beryllium restraints and a ball gag. I was not going to allow her the chance to get herself killed before I was ready.

When Elaine awoke she found herself beside the body of her compatriot. It was easy to see how the face was turned completely around that the woman would be dead. I could feel her mind going out but rebounding off the field.

I said, "I brought you here to see this, Elaine. I have a good time spell. You have been under it for a while. I offered Alison a choice and she refused. Now that she has made her choice I want you to have the same options. With the cooperation of a lot of family members I have more than enough power to reanimate a body. I found out recently that when a person dies the spells and the shield on the mind dissipates along with the entire personality."

She mentally screamed at me, "What do you want?"

"I want you to lower your shield. I will make a copy of your memories. You will become my slave but some of your more detestable traits will be toned down considerably. You will be happy and relatively free. Alison will get a personality of my choosing and it will be far different than what it was. She didn't choose to cooperate."

"How can I trust you?"

"I have you in my power completely. One of the Plugga will gladly twist your neck as Alison's now is. You of course will get a personality with none of what you now are in it. I am not asking you to choose yet. You will see that it is indeed Alison when I remove the time spell then you will see how I will get a copy of her knowledge. You can ask questions to prove that it is indeed Alison before you are compelled to make your choice."

"I will do what you want. Just release me."

"Alison had her gag removed and she tried to kill me. That is why she is now beside you. You will stay as you are and observe. If you try to disrupt then I am afraid more people than you know how to inflict pain."

We had problems starting and Elaine was dragged from the circle. The Plugga casually kicked the head to make it face the right way. Out of the circle he held Elaine with one arm around her head and the other around her chest. She made no move to attack. Sonya and Sara stayed out of the grid and just monitored Elaine so she could not gain control of the power we were producing.

We had a practice run to generate power for the crystal then I removed the time spell on the body.

Sonya said, "Look now to see if it is not your friend. You will be the same if you don't do as you are told."

The spells began to be chanted. This was somewhat easier seeing as the woman had died so recently. When she started to breathe once more I called for the amulet and started to chant the spells.

Sonya got quickly to her feet and held Elaine by the hair on her head and put two fingers an inch from each eye. I heard her say, "Try something and I will pluck your eyeballs out of your skull." It was lucky that the spell to grasp the memories was simple and in a few minutes the process was finished.

More spells were now cast to hasten healing while I began to make a personality for the woman that tried to kill me. I was still angry and to tell the truth it was mostly at myself. Alison's real name was Uula. I made her the type of slave that most mages wanted. She would do exactly what was asked of her no matter what it was. For good measure I temporarily made her intelligence far less to emphasise the fact that she had been dead a few minutes ago.

It was only well after the spells were done that Sonya backed away from Elaine. Sonya said, "Look into this thing's mind. See if she has the same memories as the person you used to know." Elaine did as she was asked and started to cry. Uula did too when she was first questioned but it didn't work.

I too examined Uula and found that Elaine's real name was Sisla. They had both very bad childhoods. The two women were lovers. Uula thought that men had forced her to do all the despicable things she did but that was only partially true. There was very little we would learn from Sisla that would be new but I wanted to give her the chance.

Sisla eventually pulled from her lover's memories. The woman that now held them was not anywhere near what the former personality was like. She cried till Sonya slapped her hard.

"You have nothing new to offer us. Lower your shield and live with some of your personality or die and lose it all."

I said to Sonya, "Let her have some more time. Look at what I have found buried in Uula's mind. It is the identity of Calldas."

Everybody including Sisla followed my lead and found the various faces of Calldas. He had worked very hard to hide the identity. The two women we had were his favourites or at least that is what Uula thought. They were his extra hands and eyes and many people died in his name.

It was Hondilas that said, "What! It can't be."

I let them continue to find more and more small pieces of data until they all knew for sure.

Sara said, "We had him all along!"

I said to Sisla, "We have your master, Sisla. He is going to be offered the same options that you were given. He will probably die but he will still be my slave. You can save part of yourself and I will try to make you happy or you can be the same as Uula. Choose now."

It took a moment but she said, "I will try. There are many spells within my shield that have not been removed. I know they are there but I do not remember putting them in place. I can only think that my master put them there for his own reasons."

I said, "That sounds like a dangerous place for you and for me. From Uula's memory I know how tricky Calldas really is. I think he should simply die and we can remove your spells with his knowledge. You are going into a time spell until this is taken care of."

To the Plugga I said, "Put her gently on the floor and against the wall." When that was done, I chanted the words and concentrated on what I had to do in the forth and fifth dimension and Sisla froze into position.

Sonya asked, "Are you really going to kill Calldas?"

"I can see no other way. Uula has very good memories of what he is really like. I feel that it is more like stomping on a cockroach than it is a killing a human."

Hondilas said, "I agree Master. Calldas is a very bad person. For personal reasons I would like to see him dead. He will be the person coming after me now that I have shifted my allegiance to you. He is also the person that will look to kill you too."

Sonya said, "The world of Sookra will be thrown into turmoil if Calldas does not come back. Fassie is currently the stronger country but that is partially because of what Calldas does to make it strong. I think he has to go back and he still has to have the ability to fight and kill or he himself will die there."

Sara said, "Master, have you considered that he may have a spell that destroys his mind if he dies? I have heard of this when a mage gets strong enough to require this protection."

I said, "I have heard that too and now that we know about reanimation I can see the reason why. We can take some precautions but we have to proceed. He dies."

Calldas came back to us and his sleeping body was put on the gym floor. I still saw him as Vessio, a promising trainee that would soon make the apprentice level. I knew that in reality he was setting up Earth for a takeover. Maximus was the only person that stood in his way. Both were evil men and though I ordered an execution I hoped that I would not end up the same way.

With the intent in mind, it was difficult to get started and Sonya had to help me. We built up a very large shield around Calldas and looked again for small crystals. One was found under the skin of a finger but it was still the size of a grain of sand. Three smaller ones were found in his head and I worked to drain the power rather than remove them.

The only reason I had looked is because of the information in Uula's memories. The woman herself was now part of the ring and providing power with the rest of the women. She was shunned but she still knew her place. Uula now provided assistance of other tricks and we worked through them to remove other spells we had not known existed.

With the shield the strongest possible, a knife controlled by my PK stabbed his heart. It was distasteful to do and my Plugga training helped. It was also not a job that could be given to somebody else.

I waited three minutes and after a thorough check began the revivification process. As soon as possible the amulet was put in place and the memories extracted. This took much longer than any of the others. I continued with both spells but I knew that the amulet was the more important.

The healing spells had to be used very quickly now because it didn't look like we were going to make it. I realised that Calldas must be very old and he himself must have had many spells to keep away the ravages of time.

Hondilas and then Uula worked frantically with me to save the man that we wanted to die. The energy consumption went very high and we were taking energy from all the crystals we had. Sara and Sonya came in only slightly slower. The pain in my mind was excruciating because of the power I was handling. When the amulet finished I grabbed full control of the grid and shifted power to a shield to protect the amulet.

Same as Mage
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"Do you think Mrs. S will be O.K.?" Lizzie asked. "I'm sure she'll be fine, Lizzie," Nate responded. "She was just a little shocked at what she walked in on. And she didn't realize Alexa was involved." "Why did you tell her, Dad?" Alexa asked. "I didn't want to keep secrets, Honey. Besides, she was honest with me about something and I wanted to do the same with her." "What was she honest with you about?" Alexa asked. "You guys will hear about this, I'm sure. So there's...

3 years ago
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House Staff Are Sexual Predators

Arthur Holden was looking out the window in his master bedroom into the backyard of his East Hampton estate. He could see his gay 20 year old son Douglas standing with two of the house staff Miguel and Estefan. Miguel at 23 and Estefan 22 were strapping young men who were both well endowed. The three of them had their swim suits down around their knees and they were all sporting erections. Douglas had a cock in each hand jerking off the two Brazilians. Estefan was stroking Douglas's cock and...

2 years ago
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Chris BeakerChapter 11 War What is it good for

When I returned to the house – and went through the normal floral password check – I arrived into the hallway and signed in. The solider on duty saluted me, "Sir, we've had notification of your promotion. Captain Bolland would like to see you, Sir." He said. I returned the salute – although since I was in normal clothing there was no need for either of us to salute I subsequently found out – and went to the Captain's office, I knocked on the door. There was a moment's delay and then...

1 year ago
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Tranny Fuck

This is a true story. Its about midnight, and I'm horny a fuck. Couldn't find one of my late night freaks to come over and milk the cow, so i headed over to the east side to see what was going on at the strip club. As I get off on the exit, there's this long road that leads to the strip clubs. Its dark, on this side of town there's no street lights, so you can barley see who's who. I approach a stop sign and to my surprise its 4 or 5 woman hanging on the corner. This one particular female...

She Males
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 228

This one is compliments of Oz!... Three friends, a Rabbi, a Hindu holy man and a lawyer, had car trouble in the countryside and asked to spend the night with a farmer. The farmer said "There might be a problem; you see, I only have room for two to sleep, so one of you must sleep in the barn." "No problem," chimed the Rabbi, "My people wandered in the desert for forty years, I am humble enough to sleep in the barn for an evening in their memory." With that he departed to the barn and...

3 years ago
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Doing Moms Job 2

I went back into the garage and began to work. It was very hard to concentrate with the fresh memory of my cock between my daughter’s lips. The memory kept my cock in check. It was neither hard nor soft. After a couple hours, I was done. When I went back into the house, Kimberly had dinner ready. She had the food on the table and she was putting the final touches on setting the table. She was wearing nothing but a silky white thong. The white material was illuminated against her tanned...

2 years ago
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At the big House by Golden Gate Park

I soaked in the tub and listened to some woman singing about "Try Trans-Love Airlines, gets you there on time..."I was still on my back in the tub. I'd had had several intense comes, had watched Ida and Dulce get DP's a few inches away from my face, so close I could smell it and taste it, too. I was relaxed, I didn't need any more sex. Ida came to see me in the tub."You have tits that float, Sylvia, that's really cool. Are you totally done? I'm still buzzin' from that fucking I just got. Damn,...

4 years ago
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No Means NoChapter 6

Representative Laurie H. Wright, (D IL-21) Tuesday, November 2, 2010 I wasn't particularly worried about my chances for reelection. My opponent had launched an ad attacking me for my support of Michelle Black and it ended up backfiring by making him look like an apologist for rape. In the only debate of the campaign I had given him just enough rope to hang himself and the night ended with him declaring that "some girls are just easy to rape." The last poll we took showed me with a seven...

2 years ago
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Anne spanked by old gardeners Part 2

After my first experiences of being chastised by our gardeners, and being fucked by an old man, I was a different person. I was happier, livelier and usually the one to instigate sex with my husband, Eddie. I masturbated more and relived my adventure with the old men. Rather than feeling guilty or embarrassed, I was actually looked forward to the chance of doing it again. It was not a guilty secret, but more of a new private indulgence. Unfortunately the next few times the men came,...

1 year ago
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Private Marica Chanelle After Class Anal

Blonde, tattoos, big tits, there’s nothing not to love about Marica Chanelle and today this beauty has come to Private Gold, Sexy Yoga in Paradise ready to get hot and horny with instructor Potro as they head to the Jacuzzi after class for some post yoga fun. Watch Marica show off her spectacular body in the tub as she gets to work with a sloppy blowjob and titfuck before taking things over to the bedroom where she enjoys a hard and deep anal pounding that has her moaning with pleasure until...

1 year ago
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Young love is the best

Peggy was five months pregnant when she married an older man. He was divorced had two sons. His ex-wife didn't want them so now she was a young step mom. They were twelve and sixteen for christ sakes. Frank Pinelle worked as an over the road truck driver and was often gone for weeks at a time. He owned his rig and made a lot of money. He spent most of it on prostitutes on the road. Karl, his oldest boy looked just like his dad. She caught him sniffing her dirty panties. Earl was just as bad. He...

3 years ago
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It’s very late at night when you answer a knock at your door. On opening, you see me standing in the little pool of light in the darkness; a young, above average height girl, with shoulder-length dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I’m wearing a pretty dress and in my hands I’m holding a pair of strappy heels and a clutch bag. I’m a bit mud-splattered and bedraggled. “I’m so sorry for disturbing you but I need some help. My car broke down a little way along the road. I saw your light and hoped I...

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My father in law

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am young, married to a guy, well, yes a guy, who was also 25 and I met him at the college. His name is Osman, the younger of the two brothers. I was taken away by his naïve nature and his seriousness for his career. His elder brother, Aslam, who was 34, was a decent man. He was happy with his wife, the skinny bitch. Well, the one who had a constant interest in me was my father in law, who was 54 with still an athletic hairy body and two lustful...

3 years ago
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Sitges Encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. I had to go to a conference in a small city near Barcelona called Sitges. It was early March and my home town was covered with snow and ice cold. In Sitges spring had already started. It predicted lots of sun, nice temperatures and no wind. Something to look forward to. After a short flight I landed in Barcelona and...

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Sarah Chapter 1

All participants in this story are 16 years of age or older. This is a work of fiction/fantasy. Any resemblance to any person - living or dead - is purely coincidental. This story is published strictly for the entertainment of Lush Stories members and guests. It may not be published or copied in any form or format. * It has been at least five years since I’ve seen little Sarah, my granddaughter. I was to fly out west to attend her Sweet Sixteen Birthday party. My daughter Jane called and...

2 years ago
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Teens experience first time while parents are away

John and Lauren didn't have the typical high school relationship that died out shortly after it started because of some petty lie or something of that sort. They had been dating seventeen months and very seldom partook in anything sensual. Yes, John had received a couple of blow jobs from Lauren and he had eaten her out in return, but that was nothing compared to what they were about to do. John's father was away on business and his mother had gone along with him, leaving John all by himself....

First Time
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the song that became true

I woke up one sunday morning thinking about what i would do today. I was thinking while taking a bath and i decided it... i will just go out and walk in the street, maybe go to a park to lie down on the grass. So i ended up having breakfast and get dressed and i went out. I just started to walk and walk while i was listening music, i looked down to see the time on my phone and when i looked up i saw her... a Beautiful woman walking in the street perhaps aimlessly like me. When i saw her, the...

2 years ago
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Caught Mom Giving Stranger Blow Job

Coming back from the pub after last orders one night, I heard the groans of a courting couple down the ally on our housing estate. I took a quick look and was totally dumbstruck when I saw it was my mother on her knees sucking this fat bloke off.“What and the hell are you doing,” I shouted at themMom let slip his semi hard cock from her mouth and stood up, pulling her skirt down as she did.“You get home,” I shouted to mom and grabbing her arm “And you can fuck off and leave her alone” I shouted...

4 years ago
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A Kinky Vacation

After 3 years without a vacation for ourselves, my wife and I were finally able to book a cruise in the Caribbean for an entire week. It was to be a much needed break from a stressful job and the full time 24/7 commitment of being parents. I was also hoping that it would be an opportunity to spice things up a bit. Our sex life wasn't bad, but the commitments of work and family rarely left us with the time and energy to play. Even then, we had gotten into a rut of doing pretty much the same...

3 years ago
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The need for the ultimate depravity

My experience with gay sex had only just begun. I was thirty-six when Diane arranged for my first experience with Jim, Allan and herself, recounted in a previous story. Prior to that occasion, I do not believe that the thought that I might enjoy sex with other men, had ever entered my mind.I was not repulsed by the idea - it's just that the idea had never even been contemplated. The episode that Diane had arranged, had me as an accomplice, merely because I felt obliged to grant Diane's wish to...

Gay Male
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My first Time88

My first time with a girl was a while ago, I was actually only 15, I had sex with a girl before I discovered boys….here’s how it happened When I was 13/14 I started to get invited to the usual teenage parties. You know the sort of thing, your mate’s parents are persuaded by constant nagging for months on end to let you have the house for a night “Aw mum, it’s only me and the girls from school honest” and the moment they relent you start deciding which boys you can invite. It’s not that...

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How I fucked three generations and made a fourth i

I met my girlfriend through her daughter and my daughters friendship. Right away I could see where she got her looks. That fall our daughters left for college and we were fucking all the time. Life was good. One day as I had just gotten her off from circling my tongue on her asshole the phone rings. No big deal it was for her so I continued by entering her tight little ass. God I was ready to cum when I heard "of course MOM you can stay in Candace's room". My cock went from just about to...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex With Cousin Kavya

I am Jananjay Kumar and Jacky is my nick name. I am an engineering studient. I am smart good looking boy with long hair and well build body. This incident happened when I am in 9th std at my uncle’s house. That was a summer vacation. My father goes to a business tour. I and mother move to my uncle’s house. There was uncle aunt and her only daughter Kavya 21years old 34 28 36 with sexy breasts. She is like my elder sister at last vacation we met her and enjoy our vacation. But today I changed a...

3 years ago
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Breakup Therapy

Nicole pointed at a picture of me and Peter. “Isn't is about time you forget about him? It’s a bloody month, time to move on!” “He was my first love.” I knew Nicole was right but I wasn't ready yet. “Oh, come on, Ellen. You’re in your early twenties, right? You should have men crawling at your feet with a body like yours”. I knew she was right. Many women look with envy at my body. I hardly have to put any effort in it but I remain slim, and at my age, my breasts aren't influenced by gravity...

2 years ago
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How I became a blk cuckold

Mine started like 5yrs ago. I'm a blk male and was dating this hot white female. Man she has a body for days and had a big sex drive. I was trying to get her to do a 3 some with another fm. So from time to time I would ask her if she wanted to try. She came around saying maybe. We started watching a lot of porn together as well. So the thought of a 3 some didn't seem so crazy as it might have in the beginning. We were having a hard time finding the right female cause she was real picky. ...

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Johns DilemasChapter 2

John looked up as she walked barefoot into the kitchen. She seemed smaller, younger. She was beautiful even with her hair wet. The robe swallowed her up. I t looked big enough for both of them. He smiled and got a huge smile in return. Damn she was cute. He sat a plate in front of her and dished out a large helping in her plate. He poured the coffee and then filled his own plate. She was already eating when he sat down and started. They ate in silence, both of them eating as if they were...

1 year ago
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Out and about part 2

I won't explain about everything that happened while I was alone in the house over the rest of the weekend. But by the time I went to bed in my new nightie on Sunday night, there were several pairs of knickers in the washing basket. On Monday morning I arrived at the office wearing the undergarments as instructed and with shaved pubes. Audrey touched my back in a friendly way. But, of course, she was checking I was wearing a bra. I realised that when I sat down my nylon-clad ankles...

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my friend ex gf toy

''stop moving, stop it , its going in you and you gonna train with it until you can take my cock''''Sebbbb my god no stop im not ahhhhh fuckkk please im str8 i was just currious'''arm tied in the back at the mercy of my black friend roommate''shut up, str8 dont watch sissy porn , they fuck pretty sissy ass like yours'''wow you open up easy , i bet you love the feeling ''''im gonna be fucking you so often now you will become a pussy''''shit noo noooo please ahhhh my god nooooo ''''oh yes oh yes...

3 years ago
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A Planet Is TornChapter 18

When Ben awoke he quickly checked on how things were progressing at Aetherkraal. He had tasked a dozen drones to build the satellite — possibly overdoing things a little — in an effort to get it ready as soon as possible. It was a pleasant surprise to find that the entire thing was finished and ready to lift up into orbit. Ben carried out that task straight away and then returned to the great house to have a look at the images the satellite was already sending. The miniature communications...

1 year ago
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NaughtyMag Jasmine Jasmine Bangs An Older Guy

Jasmine is the girl-next-door of your dreams. She’s busty, flirty, gorgeous and game for just about anything, even if she doesn’t have a lot of experience. “I’m single for the first time in a long time, and I want to get out and try new things. My biggest goal is trying a gangbang or a blowbang.” We didn’t have a gangbang unit available to pair with her, but we did have an older guy willing to bang her until she came. “I’ve got big tits, so I get...

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Young and Old

I had numerous encounters with middle aged and elderly gentlemen in public toilets throughout the years, sampling many different cocks. Most were on the smaller size of the scale, but I never complained because they were easier to fit into one's mouth. But then there were a few guys who had some very impressive members, and most of the time they were only too self aware that they were packing some serious meat in their pants! One such guy was the elderly gent who'd masturbated me to my first...

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The creep show

The first camera feed zooms in from the wide, usual pan of the starters cave, to the games newest contestant. All contestants are chosen for their stunning good looks. This new entry is no different.

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Healthy Behavior 2 A Normal Relationship

Healthy Behavior 2: A Normal Relationship By Brett Lynn The former Khalil Stanford stretched out her impossibly long, athletic legs, primed to start another day. She brushed the long hair out her eyes as she made it to her feet in her large bedroom, making a point to avoid the large amounts of sunlight that streamed in from the skylight above her. Slowly, and on unsteady feet, she made her way to the bathroom, where she pulled down her basketball shorts, ambled her way to the...

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Womb by milkman

Hi guys n gals I write this story on behalf of 1 girl who send me this story n tell me 2 submit. Its really a hot fucking session by that man so hope all u can read reply me soon I have an elder married did, named Sudeshna Roy(27). My Jija is totally impotent. During 2 yrs, they were trying to take a child, but failed. My Jija was aware about our milkman who was highly potent having 4 children. My Jija planned to hire that Muslim cock to make my did pregnant. He expressed it my didi about it...

2 years ago
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Gf Ki Virginity Break Kiya

Friend kaise ho ho app log. I hope sabhi log thik honge. Mera name rakesh kumar hai, meri age abhi 23 years hai. Mai bachpan se assam me raha hu or yeh story assam ki he hai. But abhi mai 2 years se bihar me rahta hu… Mai average body wala boys hu.. Mere lund ki size 7.5 cm hai.. Aaj mai apni 1st real story batane ja raha hu ki kaise 3 years pahle maine apni gf riya ki verginity tori. Meri gf riya us samay 19 years ki thi, uski body 34-30-38 thi thori moti thi. But dekhane me bahut he beutiful...

2 years ago
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A husband8217s fantasy of tying his wife to the table ends with her becoming a gangbang slut

One evening my husband Tom asked if he could tie me naked to the kitchen table and fuck me. It seemed a bit silly but if that would make him happy, I didn’t mind. He stripped me naked, blindfolded me and put a gag around my mouth. Bent me forward across the table, spread my legs wide and tied each ankle to a table leg. I was laying across the table with my arms either side of my head and my hands clutching the far edge of the table (It was a narrow table.). He then put rope around my...

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