LucianChapter 2 free porn video

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Why do we think in absolutes so often, like good and bad, fire and water? Why, for instance, do we insist that there only should be men and women, and call that the natural order?

Isn’t that just a lack of imagination?

Lucian sat on a bench in the shadow of a big tree with a crown of flaming leaves – a sycamore, maybe? He loved the word, but he knew nothing about trees. It wasn’t an oak, surely – there were no acorns lying around.

He looked across the vast lawn to the school building.

“So you’ve been here for a while?” he asked the black-haired boy next to him.

After coming around from his exhausted fainting, Harper had taken him to Dr. Kurtz. “Just to be sure,” Coach insisted.

The doctor listened to his heart, and checked his blood pressure.

“You’re fine, honey,” she said, smiling. “Just hopelessly out of shape.”

Then she’d checked on his penis.

Lucian watched it rest on her gloved hand, pink on blue, feeling an embarrassing rush of blood starting to fill it out.

“You won’t need your jock strap anymore,” she said. “Unless you got attached to it?”

She chuckled, flashing her weak, ambiguous grin. He knew he blushed while pulling up his shorts. The slick nylon slid over the exposed head, increasing his erection.

Harper then took him into the labyrinth of the school’s belly, through corridors, dozens of doors and past halls until they arrived at what the boy called the library.

“To get your books and things,” he said.

The girl at the desk was thin and blond, a Barbie, he guessed. She wore an open dress shirt over a silk top and shorts – and ballet shoes, of course.

She could be any girl he’d seen before, and she smiled.

“You are Lucian, aren’t you?” she asked, offering her long, narrow hand. “I’m Aubrey, welcome.”

He grunted a reply, touching her fingers.

“We have your things here,” the girl went on, turning to a cardboard box on the desk. It had a sticker with his name on it. She picked it up and handed it to him.

“Good luck,” she wished. He smelled the school’s standard lotion on her.

“Ehm,” he said. “Shouldn’t I check?”

The girl shrugged. He put down the box and went through its content.

There were books on fashion, he saw, and a book with a large, beautifully made up eye on the cover. ‘Beauty 101’ it was titled.

“Are you sure these are for me?” he asked. “There must be a lot missing.”

The girl seemed puzzled. She leaned over to look into the box.

“Like what?” she asked. Lucian shifted through the books.

“Like math?” he asked. “Geography? Physics?” The girl’s smile returned.

“Ah yes,” she said. “We don’t have them.”

Lucian looked from the girl to the books. There was French and English. Music too. Etiquette and a book called Grace.

“I see ... I guess we get those on computer?” he asked. “iPads, maybe?”

She frowned, looking from Lucian to Harper, who shrugged.

“No,” she said. “We, ehm, we don’t have those classes.”

The boys already sat around the table in the small breakfast and lunch hall. They welcomed him with a lot of noise, calling him the Amazing Runner.

News spread fast.

There was a salad with crunchy bits, and a smoothie. There also was a lot of iced water – and pills. Dessert was fruit and yoghurt.

And now they were here, he and Harper, sitting on a bench across the big lawn – digesting. On the grass were groups of girls, lazing or studying, talking and laughing. On a distant lane he saw a number of joggers again, ponytails dancing.

“So you’ve been here for a while?” he asked the black-haired boy.

Harper smiled, turning his eyes to Lucian. They were dark and liquid, living in the shadow of his bangs.

“Been here for a year,” he said. “But they have this other school. Let’s call it middle school. I was there for two years. So were some of the others.”

“They?” Lucian asked. The boy shrugged.

“You know... , “ he said, letting the word dangle. Lucian watched the boy’s fingers fumble in his lap.

They were long and narrow.

“I know nothing,” Lucian answered. “I came here, what, three days ago, dumped by my mother, and I’m confused ever since. This school is weird man ­– silly clothes and ballet lessons and no math or physics. Are we the only boys?”

“No,” Harper said. “Lots of boys.” He shirked a bit closer and laid his left hand on Lucian’s.

Lucian removed his hand, causing the boy’s fingers to fall on his thigh. They started moving on the bare skin.

“I like you, Lucian,” Harper said. “Could we be friends?” Lucian looked from the hand on his leg to the boy’s face.

“Are you gay?” he asked. Harper didn’t respond, but his fingers drew a slow circle.

Lucian jumped to his feet.

“Fuck you!” he cried out. “Leave me alone. I’m not a faggot!”

Harper’s face flushed; his eyes grew huge.

“I... , “ he said, bringing his fingertips to his mouth. Then he slid off the bench, stood for a second and ran off.

“That wasn’t very nice, Lucian,” a voice said. He turned around; Drew was standing behind him.

She must have been one of the girls he saw running.

The loose tank top she wore had dark sweaty blotches. Her chest heaved as she panted, her throat gleaming with sweat. Nipples poked into the sticky fabric.

She frowned, causing a vertical crease to appear between her eyebrows; there was no smile.

“He ... he touched me,” Lucian said, hating how the word rose into a whine. “I’m not a faggot!”

The smile returned to Drew’s face. She stepped forward and held his shoulders. Her hands were hot.

“Of course you’re not,” she said, her face quite close to his. “But what if you were? Who cares?”

Lucian shrugged in a halfhearted effort to shake off her hands. Her scent rose like steam from her soaked body. He tried to avoid her eyes.

“So you prefer girls?” she asked, her head tilting as her gaze searched for his.

“Of course,” he said. She chuckled.

“Ah yes ... because you’re not a faggot.”

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. The touch felt electric. Then her soft lips found his. He trembled.

“Come,” she breathed. “Let’s walk a bit.”

She took his hand and led him down a narrow path into a thicket of trees and bushes until they reached a small clearing. No one could see them there. The sunlight was filtered; it was like a little green and gold and copper copula.

“I bet they called you faggot all the time,” she said, standing in front of him – close. “Or sissy.” She sighed. “Ah well, bullies all over the world have such a small vocabulary.”

She smiled.

The place was quiet; the sounds from the lawn were distant.

Lucian felt a drop of sweat trickle down his temple. He had never been this close to a girl as pretty as Drew. Her scent, her voice and her slow smile caused tightness in his crotch. He looked down; there was a bulge in the shining satin of his shorts. Drew chuckled. He blushed.

“Let’s kiss,” she said.

Her lips were soft and yielding; they also were hot and moist and open. He closed his eyes; his face seemed to sink into hers, like being absorbed.

Her tongue entered, finding his. A moan vibrated inside his head. Then her body pressed into his; he was touched by every square inch of her flesh.

He’d never kissed like this.

Maybe he never really kissed. The world vanished. There were only mouths kissing and arms embracing, hands feeling.

One of her hands took his and led it up her slick belly. It slid under the loose damp fabric of her top to find her breast. It was quite modest, not even a real breast, really; just a patch of softness on her ribs. But it had a hard center – a stiff, erect nipple nudging the palm of his hand.

Another moan caused new vibrations.

Led by hers, his hand made slow circles over her nipple. She pushed her chest into his palm, moving against the pressure.

Then she pulled it over to her other breast.

Lucian tightened at the very core of his being; a hot, sweet cramp radiated from the center of his crotch, spreading over his body.

It was an erection and yet it felt different.

His orgasms had always been fast and hasty affairs – lonely races towards release. But this was slow and subtle, centering at his crotch, but spreading through his body, making his fingers tingle and the hair on his neck prick.

“Good, so good,” the girl’s voice breathed into his kiss. He felt a pang of pride.

Her hand pushed his down her body, finding the waistband of her loose running shorts. Her belly was flat and firm under soft skin; there was no hair on her mound – and there were no panties.

The skin felt slick, damp even, and very hot.

Then he found the nub, and as soon as he did, she stiffened in his embrace, crying out.

Lucian had fondled a girl only once before.

It had been a hurried and sweaty affair in a dark corner at school. The memory was a mixture of throat-clenching excitement and utter humiliation. He’d felt the girl’s little breasts through her top, and her pussy through her panties. She’d humped against his fingers. Then her cell phone beeped.

She’d pulled it out, looked on it and pushed him away.

“Thanks,” she’d mumbled, and she’d left him standing.

He hadn’t felt a nub in the girl’s crotch, back then, but he hadn’t been into her panties, had he? He knew about clits, though. He’d read they were usually tiny, but they could vary a lot, like nipples.

What he felt on Drew was big, he guessed – the size of maybe a finger’s first joint. It was wet and slippery. And, according to her reactions, it was very sensitive.

He rubbed and she humped. Then she said: “Lower.” Her hand pushed his hand lower while she spread her thighs.

“Put it in,” she panted. “Put your finger in.”

Drew leaned back onto his supporting arm, pushing her pelvis forward and spreading her legs wider. An opening yielded to his probing fingers. Two of them slipped inside. Her pussy was tight around his digits, but it seemed to inhale them.

His fingers slid into a hot tunnel with moist, satiny walls. Soon he was up to his knuckles into her vagina.

Drew started humping.

“Fuck me,” she breathed. “Fuck me deeper.” And her open mouth found his again in a greedy kiss.

In the tight space between them he felt her fingers fondling her own nipples and her clitoris; the backs of her hands bumped against his chest and belly. She arched and stiffened. Then she cried out.

Her spasms strangled his fingers.

She came and in her throes she slipped out of his embrace to fall on the ground. Her shorts were down her thighs. Her crotch shone with a whitish liquid that still welled up from the stubby nub. It leaked into the crack of her ass cheeks. He saw the opening where his fingers had been.

The nub looked purplish and at its center was a slit, producing the milky liquid.

Drew wasn’t a girl at all.

She groaned and scrambled to her feet, pulling up her shorts. She stood panting, looking at him and then turning her eyes away.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “So sorry.” And she ran off, becoming a rustle in the bushes.

He was alone.

Standing under the roof of leaves, his ears seemed to pop open. Sounds returned – the birds sang, he heard a distant airplane. His hand, still slick from the girl’s orgasm, moved over the satin crotch of his shorts, cupping his bulge.

It felt like holding a hot little animal.

When he squeezed, incredible sensations spread through his legs and belly. There was no hard cock to hold onto, just this soft swollen creature rolling and roiling inside his hand. And then it started – like a private earthquake, shaking in slow motion.

He trembled.

His knees gave in and he fell to the earth, his body feeling like a high-pressure cooker with no lid to pull off. His ears buzzed. A scream wanted out, but his throat blocked its way.

Lucian fell forward, his brow to the earth ­– musky, moist earth.

One hand kept squeezing; the other pushed a fist into his gasping mouth.

He exploded.

It was the slowest explosion ever, creeping into every niche and crevice of his body. It sang in his ears and pounded in his temples, going on and on – and on.

Sobbing he crouched on the fragrant earth. His body convulsed, his teeth bit his fist and his hot breath gushed around it.

Lucian had no idea how long his orgasm lasted – or if it was an orgasm at all.

It felt quite different from what he knew.

It gathered from the extremities of his body – his toes, his fingers, the hair in his neck – like a summer storm on a sweltering day, taking ages to gather before pouring and thundering down.

As he lay on his knees shaking, his mind needed minutes to clear. Still squeezing his cock, he heard squelching noises. The satin crotch of his shorts looked dark and soaked. Liquid leaked down his inner thighs – tears poured down his cheeks.

So the girl was not a girl. And if she wasn’t a girl, what did that make him ... kissing her, fingering her, coming hard?

Lucian rose to his feet.

His legs trembled. All he saw were sun-dappled leaves as he looked around. How could he walk across the open lawn, looking like this – disheveled, flushed, his crotch a big stain?

Falling to his knees again, he fought new tears.

He jerked off a homo and fucked him in the ass with his fingers. He stared down on his hand and brought it to his nose.

All he smelled was his own sperm, he guessed.

In his mind he repeated ‘homo – fucking – ass.’ The words added up to a sickening truth, and yet, he couldn’t tie it to Drew; he just couldn’t put her sweet smiling face on it.

Faggots were guys, weren’t they, maybe with limp wrists and hysterical voices, but they were never like Drew.

Drew might not be a girl, but she wasn’t a guy either, was she?

Lucian rubbed the tips of his fingers together.

There had been a knob in her crotch, a distinct nub. He had never felt a girl’s clitoris, but he was sure it hadn’t been that – and not a penis either.

He knew his own penis, didn’t he? And he’d seen others’ in school showers – small ones and intimidating thick and long ones. He’d felt his own penis grow and get hard in the grip of his jerking fist.

Drew’s had been soft; her whole crotch had been a soaking swamp; no hardness, no hair, no ... balls. No balls? He tried to retrace his chaotic memories.


There had been this little slippery bump, poking up like a baby’s thumb from soft, swelling flesh. Feeling lower there had been slick skin, soft like a pillow until his fingers entered a tight hole, sliding in – no balls, no sac, nothing.

But there had been sperm.

A cold ripple ran up his spine. What did he know anyway? He’d seen the sperm; it had looked and smelled like his own. His fingers had been sticky with it. It welled up from the slit in the knob’s head, flooding and ebbing like a pulse.

Lucian groaned.

The faces of elegant, ballet-shoed girls popped up in his mind; they were all smiling. He recalled Harper’s smoldering gaze under the ink-black bangs, feeling the boy’s fingers on his thigh, drawing circles. And he saw Charlie – the petite porcelain puppet.

Lucian knew he had to get away.

His clothes were gone from the room; the suitcase too.

In his closet he found piles of neatly folded satiny outfits, pretty panties and ballet shoes. On a rack hung a number of standard oversized dress shirts in whites and pastels. His old teddy bear sat perched on his pillow, its one remaining ear bound with a satin bow.

Lucian pulled off his sticky shorts.

He’d run across the lawn as fast as he could; there hadn’t been many people left. No one stopped him or even called out to him. The corridors were busier, but he ignored all passers-by until he stood panting in front of his own door.

Lucian walked into his bathroom and washed his crotch.

Studying his penis, he saw no changes but for the missing foreskin. His ball sac might be tighter, but his balls were there.

He wondered what to wear.

He could hardly see himself out there trying to hitch a ride in short shorts even if they weren’t pink, or in ballet shoes either. There was no money and nothing to eat. He sagged down on the bed when knuckles rapped on the door.

“Go away!” he yelled.

The door opened; it couldn’t be locked. The boy Harper stood against the light.

“Sorry for what I did,” he said in a low voice. “I didn’t know...” Then he took a step forward, tilting his head as he studied Lucian’s face. “Have you been crying?” he asked.

“Go away,” Lucian repeated, averting his eyes. But Harper didn’t leave.

Lucian felt a weight depressing the mattress next to him. An arm slid around his shoulder. He jumped to his feet.

“I said go away!”

Lucian stood panting – trembling.

Harper looked up at him from the bed, his eyes calm. He wore a tight lycra sports outfit. It made him look thin, but toned. His black hair was a mess. Why was it so hard to admit the boy was gorgeous and that his beauty touched him?

Lucian shook his head.

“They are all boys, aren’t they?” he asked.

The boy on the bed said nothing.

“Aren’t they?” Lucian repeated.

“Depends,” Harper said, shrugging. “You mean Kelly and Mu and Jo, Cassidy and Taylor and us, the Bobs?”

Lucian groaned.

“Don’t act stupid. I mean all of them,” he said, raising his voice. To his frustration the boy shrugged again.

“I guess so,” he said.

Lucian took a step closer, trembling from the need to shake the boy.

“You guess so?”

Harper leaned back, looking afraid.

“I don’t know what to call them!” he blurted out. “They look like girls, I mean the Barbs, don’t they?”

Lucian sank to his haunches in front of Harper, his hands resting on the bed at both sides of the boy’s sleek, strong legs.

“Drew is not a girl,” he said, slowly. “She has a penis and no vagina. I saw it.”

Harper slumped, looking away.

“You knew,” Lucian said, rising.

Harper looked up; his black eyes liquid.

“Yes,” he said. “Drew is not a girl; but she isn’t a boy either, is she? You must have seen that too.”

Lucian recalled the tiny nub and the lack of balls, the softness. But he didn’t want to talk about that.

“Are the others like her?” he asked. Harper was silent. “The other Barbs?” Lucian insisted.

“I only know of a few,” Harper offered, almost whispering. “Just one more, really – Nico, and Drew of course.”

Lucian recalled the Asian girl waiting at the table, yesterday – the way he’d watched her ass. He sat down next to the boy. The bed squeaked.

“What are they, Harper?” he asked. “Are they born that way? Is it an accident maybe? Or were they... ?” He could not finish the thought.

“I don’t know,” Harper said. “You should ask them.”

He rose from the mattress.

“But I came to pick you up and take you to Mamselle,” he said. “We have to run.”

Lucian stalled; then he followed.

The room Harper took him to didn’t look like a room at all.

It was huge and tiled from floor to ceiling. There were no windows, just a horizontal glass slit that let the daylight in. It ran all around, high up where ceiling and walls met.

It was a public bathroom, obviously, with showerheads on two walls, maybe twenty of them. One other wall was covered by a row of open closets. Lucian saw rungs and hangers.

The last wall had wide ledges carrying neatly folded towels and piles of satiny garment.

Everything was white – the tiles, the textiles and the closets.

The red-haired boy, Kelly, was already there, naked, his skin a riot of freckles. He greeted Harper with a cry, embracing him in a bear hug. His skinny limbs were everywhere. His groping hands helped Harper to strip.

They wrestled, grunting and groaning.

The redhead’s pale body made a striking contrast with the dark boy’s olive skin. They were both thin and hairless but they sure were boys, penises and balls swinging as they wrestled.

Their groans and screams echoed off the tiled walls.

“Come,” Harper said, panting as he pushed Kelly away. “Let’s get showered.”

The classroom didn’t look like a classroom either.

When they sauntered in, only clad in short white robes, Lucian saw a row of mirrors along three of the walls. Below them were ledges carrying all kinds of pots and bottles and things. He saw brushes and sponges.

The air was a riot of sweet scents.

In the open space at the center of the room were barber’s chairs. Next to one of them stood a tiny woman and a tall, blond girl – smiling.

“You are Lucian,” the small woman said.

She pronounced his name ‘Lucièn,’ putting the emphasis on the last syllable.

“Lúcian,” he corrected.

She ignored him, turning to the blond girl while raising her eyebrows, questioning.

“Hair,” the girl said. “And the usual intro.”

The woman’s dark button eyes were all over him.

“Pas mal,” she said. “Not bad.”

She took quick, silent steps toward him. Her blanched skin seemed spotless, her round face void of any wrinkles. She might be thirty or she might be sixty. A small, bony hand reached for his hair, touching the curls.

“Si mignon,” she whispered. “How cute.”

Her eyes squeezed into slits as a smile touched her cherry-red lips. Then she stepped aside and pointed at the chair.

“Assied-toi, chéri. Please be seated.”

Lucian looked from her to Harper, who shrugged. The boy pointed at his own hair.

“You’ll get a haircut,” he said. “A bob like us, the usual.”

Lucian leaned back, closing his eyes as hot water hit his scalp. Fingers ran through his hair, getting tangled up in its curls.

“I’m Mackenzie. Everyone calls me Mac.” He supposed the voice belonged to the hands washing his hair.

“Lucian,” he mumbled. The fingers massaged his skull; it felt good.

“So thick and curly,” the girl said. “You have lovely hair.”

He didn’t respond, having heard the compliment often before, usually accompanied by the line ‘like a girl’s.’ Keeping his eyes shut he sank deeper into the chair’s cool leather. One by one his muscles relaxed; all sounds seemed to drown in the gurgling water.

The hands started massaging the shampoo in, before once again rinsing it out with a spray of hot, soothing water.

Perfume hung around him like a cloud, stirring an uneasy mixture of arousal and embarrassment. He knew the feeling; it hit him whenever he relaxed enough to stop minding. It caused a tingling of the skin, and a tightening of the crotch, always followed by a rush of shame.

He sighed.

Then a sticky, warm fluid engulfed the fingers of his right hand. It startled him. He looked and saw the blond top of another girl’s head. She knelt at his side, her fingers rubbing the stuff over and around his nails.

A freckled face looked up at him, smiling to show braced front teeth.

“Hello, Lucian,” she said with a lisp. “I’m Honor; I do your nails.” She started filing. He just mumbled, as a towel sank over his head and hands started drying his hair.

This was all wrong, he knew. He should pull himself free and run.

“Call her Honey,” the other girl said. “We all do.” The girl with the brace looked up, smiling.

Scissors snapped at his hair; a girl filed the nails of his fingers and toes. Then a blower sent hot wind through his hair; a hand lifted it, pushing it left and right. He should feel irritated, embarrassed, alarmed – but he didn’t. He just felt woozy from being handled, taken care of with so much attention.

It was all, just, well, too much.

Then hands tugged at the sash on his robe. He tried to stop them, but was too late. Cool air caressed his exposed body.

“You can’t,” he said, but it was a whisper, drowned in gasps from the girls.

“Il est beau, non?”

It was the voice of the petite woman. He felt fingertips run over his skin. “Doux et blanc – soft and pale, hardly any hair at all.”

As the hand reached the skin over his penis, Lucian pulled free and jumped off the chair. His hands covered his crotch; he trembled.

“Don’t!” he said. “Just don’t.” His voice sounded higher than he intended. Closing the short robe around him he made for the exit – pushing aside the girl Mackenzie.

The door was locked. He turned around.

“Open it!” he yelled. “Let me out.”

The girls looked at him in silence; so did the boys who were in the back of the room. The petite lady shrugged.

“Don’t be a fool, Lucian,” she said, her accent almost gone. Her small hand patted the chair’s armrest.

“Come and sit. We obviously need to talk.”

Lucian didn’t budge. His hand pushed down the door’s handle – to no avail.

“I don’t want this,” he said, glad that his voice sounded almost normal. “None of ... of this.” He made an encompassing gesture indicating the room.

The woman smiled. God, he got sick of the omnipresent smiling. She turned to Harper.

“Show him... ‘Arpèr, please?” she asked.

Harper flicked the dark bangs out of his eyes. He rose and, walking forward, opening his robe. It fell to the floor.

“You too,” the woman said, addressing Kelly as she snapped her fingers.

Kelly rose too, dropping his robe. The two stood together, arms crossed at their backs, showing their naked bodies, one slick and olive, the other spangled with a myriad of freckles.

Harper’s penis was dark and quite long. Kelly’s was pink and stubby.

The petite woman turned back to Lucian.

“You see what I see?” she asked. He didn’t respond. His hand still held the door’s handle.

“I see two boys,” the woman went on, walking over to Harper on her soundless slippers. She let her tiny hand run over his shoulder and down his arm. “And they aren’t ugly, not even clumsy or bony like many boys their age.

They are beautiful.”

She stretched the last word, emphasizing the last syllable. It allowed her accent to crawl back in. Flashing a smile to Lucian she said:

“And you don’t want this?”

Lucian watched her hand touch Harper’s hip. The boy looked straight ahead.

“You make them into girls. I don’t want to become a girl!”

The words left him like a hoarse, raspy groan, curling up into a whine. The silence it created lasted for two seconds before it was filled with a chuckle.

“Ah oui!” the woman said, turning the word into a hissing sigh. “Who’d ever want to be a girl?” Her hand reached for Harper’s crotch, cradling his soft penis and balls. “Do you, ‘Arpèr?” she asked him. “Do you want to become a girl?”

The boy never looked down.

“Of course not, Mamselle,” he said.

Mamselle kept her eyes on the dark, rather plump penis. Her thumb started caressing its exposed head. Then she smiled up at the boy, whose face blushed deeply.

“Don’t be ashamed of its size, it’ll get better,” she said, nodding. “Undress please, Mackenzie,” she went on, pronouncing it Mackahnsíe. “You too, ‘Onór.”

There was a soft rustle of clothes when both girls obliged. They stood straight, hands on their backs like the boys. Their feet stood in a silk puddle of discarded clothes.

Mackenzie was a head taller than the other blonde; she was also more tanned, except for little pale triangles over her nipples. Her chest curved softly, but there were no breasts. And in a triangle frame of whiteness over her crotch Lucian saw a stubby knob against bare, hairless skin.

The girl Honor was all-pale and petite. Her nipples were pale too, surrounded by areolas of pink – and in the cradle of her thighs rested a soft little penis.

They might not be boys, but they certainly couldn’t be girls. They had the hair of angels and the faces of cherubs, but the crotches of a boy child.

Lucian’s fingers tightened around the handle.

“I’m not... this,” he insisted nodding to the naked couple, but there was a hesitation in his voice – a question mark?

“No,” the woman said, losing her thin-lipped smile. “But you will be.”

“I ... won’t.” Lucian heard his hesitation. “Ever,” he added.

Mamselle nodded. Then she turned to the naked foursome.

“Please leave us for a bit, mes enfants,” she asked, handing Harper the key. They picked up their robes and hurried off. Harper touched Lucian’s hand as he went for the handle to open the door.

Lucian withdrew as if stung.

“Sit down, please, Lucien,” the small woman asked when they were alone, giving his name a French ring. “We really need to talk.”

The longer he stood, the sillier he felt. The door was unlocked now, he could leave. The woman seemed to read his mind.

“Yes,” she said, walking closer. “You can run, chéri. No doubt you’re good at that – done it a lot. But what is the point? Where would you run? Or even more precise: what is it really that you run from?”

Same as Lucian
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A First Time For Everything

Elsa was a customer of mine, or rather she worked for one of my customers. This was on a Caribbean island where everything was imported, mainly from Holland. Many such islands don't grow their own produce, but there is no real reason why not; you just have to spend a bit of money on water and make sure your soil is rich enough.I had set up a little business growing tomatoes and cucumbers and herbs, firstly selling it at a roadside stall and then, as word got around, supplying restaurants as...

4 years ago
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Introduction: This is the story of my first affair and my sexual awakening. Although I learned to use dirty language during sex, I did not use any in this story, because when it happened I was still very innocent and never used any dirty language. At the age of 13 I had an operation to remove a tumor at the back of my brain. After the operation I was left blind. It was a great shock and it took me months to come to terms with it. Sometimes I still rebel against the fact, but what the hell, I am...

3 years ago
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E025 Tuesday

Somehow knowing that Donald is there watching her, and perhaps the pale glow of the phone with his wonderful face looking down on her Emma does drowse off to sleep rather quickly.  Well, the almost full bottle of wine she had drunk while reading her mother’s story didn’t hurt either. Since spending the night with Donald holding her in his arms, Emma is now able to again sleep on her side, with a pillow at her back to imagine it is Donald there against her.  For Donald, seeing her face in front...

Love Stories
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Tina Is Disciplined Once Again

Tina was fifty-eight-years-old with a lovely body for a granny, grey hair, a lined face with sagging skin, bat-wing arms, large drooping breasts, an almost flat tummy, and fleshy thighs. However, she was the chummy granny of policewoman Miss Cindy, who was nineteen-years-old and who was sexily dominant and, indeed, the one unquestionably in charge of their relationship.Tina loved being submissive to Miss Cindy and loved the way she dealt so strictly with her, with spanking and caning the most...

4 years ago
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Coimbatore couples

Me and my husband once went to Brazil to enjoy, he had second honeymoon there then after one fine morning he went to business work, I roamed around RIO city with FERRARI, it was noon I took nice Mexican and Arabian, my hubby called and said he will not come back for 2 days due to projects. I rode my Ferrari, as I passed near 10 miles I saw a revised forest area, immediately I stopped the car and went in to deep forest, it was very cool. I saw huts and went near. There was a few tribe girls and...

2 years ago
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How Has It Come To This

HOW HAS IT COME TO THIS? Here I am, after my now regular, Saturday night out, at the local pub, with my .... I have to call him my boyfriend now, as he is all I have ... boyfriend, a man I hardly know, in bed, wearing only an inexpensive red 'silk like' nightie, the hem pulled up over my waist while my boyfriend, lying on top of me, rhythmically plunges his large cock in and out of my tight tender bottom, or my 'girlie pussy' as I think of it now, while I have my legs wrapped around...

2 years ago
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Dark Nites

DarkNites IThe slap reverberated around the room. Jason gritted his teeth tryingdesperately to keep hold of his temper. Daphne started towards the door butJason caught hold of her wrist, his eyes steely."You're not going anywhere until we've got this settled. Daphneglanced coolly at his hand and then back to his face. Then she brought herfoot down on his. Hard.Jason gave a furious growl and exploded into action. Grabbing her,he swept her off her her feet and headed toward the bedroom....

3 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 11 Bound and gagged

Though I was pretty sure they had certainly finished dinner, and had gone downstairs to their bedroom, I was quiet as a mouse coming in. As the alarm hadn't been set, I knew there wouldn't be any problems coming in, and having Steven seeing that. (Though at the time I had no idea he wouldn't be able to anyway). I stood at the top of the stairs listening for a moment, smiling when all I did hear was the sound of music playing, coming up from their bedroom, which told me two things. One ......

2 years ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 4 Seeing the Darkness

The world was dark to Tim as he awoke. He lurched up from the cement on which he lay, and gasped in a breath. Looking at his surroundings, Tim was having trouble seeing anything. "What time is it?" He wondered allowed. As if in answer to his question, the entire universe exploded. Sounds from everything within three miles came crashing in through his ears, laying siege on his brain. Cars whizzed by office buildings, cats walked in the alleyways, hearts beat in each and every one of the...

4 years ago
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Public Pillory 6 Day 2 starts

At 5:45 AM noname woke up when the sprinklers went off. He didn’t know if it was intentional but one of them seemed to have a direct line to his ass between his spread legs. The worst thing about the sprinklers was that the water was cold. He was surprised that he had slept so well. He had been exhausted from all the fucking and sucking and pain he had endured from all of the people that had abused him during the day. Even his own family had fucked him. At 6:00 a chime went off and he was...

2 years ago
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Corrupting My Younger Boss

I started a new job in hopes of finding something more satisfying in a career, and while I didn't find that in the job itself, I just so happened to find it in my manager. So you can imagine my disappointment when only two weeks later, I find out that you're leaving in a week. You tell me that you can throw away the management experience for the degree you've always wanted because you aren't that old. What I didn't expect was those next words to come out of your mouth: you're 19, and just...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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love those truckers

Jess had been on the road for many hours, and knew that he needed to take themandatory break that all truckers had to abide by. This being a new route,which was taking his through Kentucky he had gotten on the cb and asked for somerecommendations from the other truckers, and one of them told him about a dinerjust outside of Lexington, that had dam fine food, and the waitresses weren'tthat all bad looking either.So as he parked his rig and signed out in his log, he got out and stretched hislegs,...

3 years ago
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Return of a HeroChapter 9

They both had that special kind of smile on their faces when they arrived for work. The guys in the parking lot were clued in immediately with some whispered comments in Spanish. None of those guys missed a trick because staying alert was the best way to avoid a calamity. It was obvious that Amy was walking a bit stiffly like she had something lodged in her backside. There wasn't anything there except some soothing cream and a pad under her panties. Diego had switched to her pucker hole...

1 year ago
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My First Time With Multiple Girls

College was a great time for me. I probably averaged sex three times a week. Every straight guy imagines having sex with multiple girls. I've always dreamed of having a threesome with two girl but I never really thought I would get that lucky. I was a freshman in college and I had friend named Samantha. She was about five feet tall, had light brown hair, 32DDD breasts, and a butt to die for. She was absolutely beautiful. We used to hang out a lot but besides hanging out, she was my fuck buddy....

College Sex
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MousetrapChapter 2

They went back to Sonja's place for the afternoon, as Rajata was still somehow reluctant to return to her own home. With them went a completely mundane business card, bearing the name Cynthia Wallace – no rank or affiliation – a mobile number and an anonymous e-mail address. Despite herself, Rajata obsessively played with the thing throughout the journey and, by the time they were sitting in Sonja's kitchen, she'd memorised both contacts and could have described the type face, the ink...

1 year ago
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Second date with a gorgeous woman

This is a tale of a fantastic night I had a few years ago. It was our second date and we’d been having a great time. Any pause in conversation and laughing was quickly turned into a kiss or what can only be described as “social petting”. It’s only fair I describe this girl for you now. She had greeny brown eyes, and was only 4 foot 11 in height. From her height you can guess she was little. This girl was little in every sense, small waist, slim figure that although she didn’t have a...

1 year ago
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Housewife1On1 India Summer 23323

You’re going away for a while soon, and your wife India Summer wants to give you a memorable sendoff! Follow her into the bedroom where she’s going to show her new friend, the vibrator that’s going to make her pussy nice and wet for you. And while she’s playing with the sex toy, she knows your big dick is getting good and hard under those pants. After you slap her ass a few times, she’ll be ready for you. Your horny wife will suck your dick so good that you’ll want to cum before entering her...

1 year ago
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Morning shower

Dave was running with his best friend Alex, they were both did this every morning now, because they were trying out for the schools Under 19’s football team. The coach always told them to do as much extra exercise as they could. After the run Dave invited Alex over to his place, he told Alex he can wear some of his brother’s clothes to school. At home they went to into Dave’s room, took of their shirts revealing their sweaty chest, they then began stretching out their muscles, still in their...

1 year ago
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Hot bhabh fucking ceremony

My first experience was with my girlfriend when i was 21, but my real good & satisfactory one was with my mami from gujarat. (mother’s brother’s wife, i call her bhabhi).i was 23 at that time & she is 6 months elder to me. She got married when she was 18 & my mama (mother’s brother) is 10 years elder to her. She looked very shy and homely girl when she got married in our family. I got close to her in all this years as we were of same age & attended many family functions together. To all about...

1 year ago
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Two Married Guys Ch 5

"Jesus fucking Christ, that is the best blowjob I've ever had," Tom said and blew out a big breath. "In fact, that may be the best orgasm I've ever had. You're going to be sucking a lot of cock the next few days."He reached over and fondled Mark, getting him good and hard. He then rolled over and grabbed the younger man's head, bringing his mouth down hungrily, sucking Mark's tongue into his mouth to savor the intoxicating taste of his own salty, pungent cum.Climbing fully on top of...

1 year ago
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Summer of Discovery Ch 05

***Alex*** Alex Stone sat wearing just a pair of basketball shorts in his room, blaring music and playing Call of Duty on his Xbox when his parents returned home from work that evening. His father was the first to arrive, parking his precious Jaguar in the garage, coming inside, and heading straight to the fridge for a beer. Alex heard him shout to turn the music down but ignored him and continued his attempt to numb his mind with the video game and clear his mind of Nina and their...

3 years ago
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Caught sniffing my panties

This is a story from my second year at uni. I think there’s something about the sophomore year; sneering at the freshers, but still clambering for attention among the sorority. As it happens I had gained a lot of respect from my performance in our hockey team, which would stand me in good stead with the seniors. At the time I was sharing a house with two girls and one guy. There was me and my two friends – fellow hockey players as it happens. They were Gemma (no not that one) and Hayley, who I...

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I Need to RememberChapter 5

I woke up to a banging on my door. Stumbling downstairs in my pyjamas I opened the door a crack and saw Wishes standing there looking stunning in a long white skirt and green blouse. She grinned at me and held up a bag. “I got some breakfast, you hungry?” she asked. As the smell of bacon reached my nose my stomach growled loudly. “I guess that answers that.” she laughed as I opened the door for her. “Um, thank you, come in, uh how did you know where?” “Where you lived?” she laughed...

3 years ago
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GunfighterChapter 4

I hate funerals! I won't dwell on John's funeral, except to say that it was your usual sort of ceremony. Jane was surprised at the number of people who turned out; pretty much the whole town of Hixville and all the ranches around the area. John had more friends than any of us realized. I just hope he does as well in heaven. We returned to the ranch and tried to get back to a normal life. Jane moped around a lot, but seemed to be coming out of her funk a little each day. Ten days after the...

1 year ago
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In Her GenesChapter 21 A Blessing in Heavy Disguise

During the next four days, both David and Melanie were busy catching up with their classes. The American opening of Lockout was scheduled for Friday evening, but Melanie had to be on the set of a popular late night show in Burbank for the 3 p.m. taping. They showed a clip from Lockout after which she was interviewed. You look great, great movie, how was it shooting in France, will you go to the next Clippers game? She answered the benevolent questioning, smiled a lot, showed a bit of leg in...

3 years ago
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Pleasing Chloe part 2

At the end of part one Chloe had finished sharing herself with Dan and company, and she headed home to Dave. After I, Peter, had finished relaying the story to Dave, he asked me if I wanted to know what happened when she got home. “Of course,” I replied, thinking he might have some excuse for why Chloe behaved like that, that maybe she was getting revenge for something he had done. I was wrong. “When she got to the car she called me on her cell,” he said. “She instructed me to go to the...

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Jamaican Holiday Ch 15

2010 Memoir 1st Meet with Robert i have been chronicling the history of how my wife and i went from Mid-West Vanilla couple to willing Black Cock slaves since an anniversary vacation to Jamaica in 2004. Our Bull and Master is Robert -- 32 when we met Him in 2006, about 6'2" tall, 270 lbs, with broad shoulders tapering to narrow hips, powerful arms and chest, a rounded belly and small man-boobs, and a 9" uncut very thick Black Cock backed by a massive set of balls. More important, He has a very...

1 year ago
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My best friend Jase

It had been months since I had been in his house. Our last meeting hadn't been on the best of terms. I mean, it's not easy getting accused of sleeping with your girlfriend. "You have some nerve showing up here" he hissed at me as he open the door. He had seen it was me through the eye piece, and the fact that he still opened the door told me he either wanted drama or that he actually did want to see me. "Hi" I said sarcastically. "What are you doing here anyway? Come to lie to me some more?"...

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This will deal with a type of mind control fetish I'd like to call 'anti-social mind control', or 'patheticism'; more than just the depravity or eroticism of sexual desire in a functional, yet still conventional, construct, this is one that feeds on a desperation of power and control which is generally considered incompatible, minor, and superficial/non-erotic within other sexual or asexual fixations, but technically present in all of them. In other words, when taken separately, its anti-social...

2 years ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 18 Will Power

“What should I do, Pete?” I asked my husband anxiously over rather poor phone line.It was eight thirty in the evening and I was sitting in my car in the darkest corner of the sports club car park, still in my gym clothes. I could feel my body cooling and stiffening from the exercise I had just finished but I couldn’t wait to go all the way home, shower and change before talking to him.As it was, I had only just managed to catch Pete at his conference in between dinner and the tedious ‘thank...

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Selfie Stuck

Just a few more months, he thought as he erased the blackboard, avoiding the show that Sabrina was no doubt putting on as she rose from her desk at final bell.  Only when the room was empty did he breathe a sigh of relief and put down the eraser.Jacob picked up his things in preparation to leave, but there was a new vigil to observe first.  He waited for a half hour, watching out the window, until Sabrina’s red Audi pulled out onto the street.  Only then did he make the trek to his own car.The...

3 years ago
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Camping part 1

Introduction: she gets more than she more than she bargains for Camping (with Uncle Thomas) Part 1 Dear Diary We are going camping as a family today. Well at least we were until Dad told me that our car had a broken something or other and wont make it. Instead he said that rather than hold back the family I can go with my cousin Siobhan and Uncle Thomas and Auntie Pam and my cousin Paul. I hate Paul cos he keeps looking at my tits but Siobhan is okay although she is a year younger than me...

4 years ago
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My First Pet My Naughty Pet

Really sorry to al those that have patiently waited on this, some real life things got in the way of my writing. but here it is now. I hope it was worth the wait. This story is about the first time I had to discipline my pet. As always, any and all comments are welcome, enjoy. It had been two weeks since my pet had agreed to be mine, to give herself completely to me and do anything I told her to. We had spent the time trying out more of the things Steven had taught me, as well as a few...

1 year ago
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The chatroom

Sarah nervously reviewed the instructions that Megan had written for her on the back of a restaurant napkin. Hit "enter", wait for the screen to load, then make up a chat room "handle", type it in, then hit "connect me", and you're in! A live sex chat room! "I must be out of my mind," thought Sarah, how did she ever let Megan talk her into this?!? "Well, no harm in just sitting in, I don't have to talk!" As she focused her eyes on the screen, she could see at least five people trying to contact...

1 year ago
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My Brother and I Get Closer Chapter 9

In case you haven’t been following along, my brother Tommy and I are lovers. We do it all the time, whenever we can find a place to be alone. Back then, we lived with our dad, who owned a biker shop and so we managed to find quite a bit of time alone. This part of my story happened just after we met another couple and had become close friends. After a night out drinking and a risqué game of truth or dare, Alison the athletic softball goddess and her boyfriend Nick fucked in the same room while...

4 years ago
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Thrilled to be alone at last, the door is scarcely closed before we are kissing furiously, pulling at each other’s clothes, getting to skin as quickly as we can. Falling together onto the bed, I press one knee into you and feel your warmth, hear you moan through our kiss. Still energetic, moving quickly, I kick my pants off my feet as you reach down and wiggle out of your panties. I am all over your breasts, kissing licking sucking your brown nipples. ‘Oh god!’ you whisper. Your hands touch...

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My first timean unexpected pleasure

I spent the summer of 1983 in New York with my dad and stepmom. I was 18 and was in between my freshman and sophomore year of college. I had a cool job as a bank messenger on Wall Street and plenty of time on my hands. I used that time to hang out in Times Square which, at that time, was porn heaven. Many hours were spent looking at all kinds of loops in the peep booths. Everything from guy/girl, lesbians licking and sucking sweet pussies to shemales and crossdressers. I had seen my first...

2 years ago
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Adultery Heaven 11

“What!!! What’s the matter?”, she demanded as she awoke from my touch. I kissed her on the shoulder, “Just saying good morning.” And I preceded to kiss down her spine and working towards her ass. “Please stop. I am trying to sleep. We had sex last night. That wasn’t enough for you? Besides, the kids will be up soon.”, she barked at me. Kill joy. I was upset, but not surprised. As much as I love my wife, I am lucky now if she wants sex at least once during the week. Heaven forbid...

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iStartLife chapter 11

The next couple of weeks turned February into March and along with it, Carly's schedule became full as the PAC-10 tournament started and the Lady Trojans were a favourite to win since they had won the regular season title outright. Then after the Pac-10 tournament, the WNCAA tournament was to start. Now the men's version got most of the headlines, but the USC Lady Trojans were getting some airtime of their own thanks to their unexpected breakout freshman star that was voted regular season MVP...

4 years ago
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The Bi Beach Clan Chapter One On the Trail

Ten hours and two diversionary loops off the trail and we haven’t shaken the four Hybrids that are tracking us - one man and three women. They're good, no doubt, and even with Lainey’s seemingly unshakable belief that I’m some kind of a superhero, she’s beginning to sense my concern. As a hunter, I’m hardly a match for a Hybrid at my very best and our shortage of quality victuals as of late has left me less than ready for such an encounter.I stop, raise my field glasses, and take a look back....

4 years ago
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My love with my dream women

Hi am sharing my first experience. My aunty (Nithya she is my neighbor I’ll call her as aunty) is very beautiful, cheerful and nice lady, with a big bobs, nice & sexy hip with size of 36,28,36, she is a malayali they r living my upstairs, I noticed that she use to stare at me and started giving me mysterious smiles, I thought it was my doubt, but then one day I noticed that she is taking interest in me in a very special way. She would very often call me in her house with some reasons and would...

2 years ago
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Cute Little Thing

I've had my crossdressing fantasies throughout my time at college. I had dreams of being tied up, gagged, streams of tears running down my face ruining my make-up while a big cock slams into my asshole. He'd demean me, and call me names like sissy, or bitch. I'd always experiment in my room with dildos and butt plugs, and I'd chat with other guys online, but I was too anxious to meet with anyone. That was until someone threatened to expose my secret. I didn't know how it happened, but...

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In Her Service 3

In Her Service 3 ? by: azsub1 (a.k.a. X. X.) After the last blow is landed she steps back from the sobbing figure before her and realises she is winded. Tossing the cane onto the bed, she unloops the rope that pulled his arms upward from its anchor on the wall. "I'm going to let you rest a moment," is all she says as she exits the room. For his part, once the white lightening pain from the cane had begun to fade, the ache in his shoulders returned anew. he realised that he...

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Nick and Jake

We had just moved, and Nick was coming out to see the new house. We have known each other for around five years. Neither of my parents were home, and Nick was just getting dropped off. I was going to show him around. A tour. When we finished the tour, we had gone into my family room to watch a movie on the new 42 inch plasma. I just so happened to glance over when he was sitting that his dick was making a small bulge, which ALMOST made mine explode. “So…..Nick…..can I…ask you something?” I...

1 year ago
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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 21 Niitakayama Nobore

On 2 December 1941 the following message was received aboard Admiral Nagumo's flagship: Niitakayama Nobore. That was the signal for Admiral Nagumo to launch the attack on Pearl Harbor with his carrier planes: "Climb Mount Niitaka." To my knowledge the message was sent several times but Nagumo wasn't supposed to reply—radio silence was one of the methods used to achieve surprise. Nagumo's attack was coordinated with an all-out offensive throughout the Pacific. When I received the...

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The worlds longest joke

in the World * * * Lost in the Desert So, there's a man crawling through the desert. He'd decided to try his SUV in a little bit of cross-country travel, had great fun zooming over the badlands and through the sand, got lost, hit a big rock, and then he couldn't get it started again. There were no cell phone towers anywhere near, so his cell phone was useless. He had no family, his parents had died a few years before in an auto accident, and his few friends had no idea he was out...

3 years ago
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Os Odyssey Episode 0 Prologue

The moon shone in through the window by my side. I was in bed, in my room, sleeping with my naked nineteen-year-old body tucked under my cozy and warm blankets. It was the middle of the night. I do wake up at night often, that was no big surprise to me. But where did the light come from? I knelt up to look out the window, but there were no police cars passing by. Lots of snow covered everything, but this was residual snow from the day before; right now the sky was fully clear, not a single...

2 years ago
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Can Librarians Change Their Ways

Moving to a new city can be a great chance to check out the local flavor. I was 65, retired, and spent my time cruising different places for mature women who hadn't experienced life to the fullest. They could be found anywhere, sitting alone in hotel bars, singletons in the finer restaurants, cruising the aisles of the late night supermarkets, or even, as I was to find, the local library.  This city had several libraries, big and small. Some stayed open late, until 10:00 p.m or so. And they...

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Donrsquot turn your self into a black cock craving fag

So I have not had any sexual contact with anyone but my own hand for nearly 3 years and I’m pretty sure that I will never get to feel the torch of a woman ever again and I have no one else to blame except myself So I was married to the love of my life for 21 years and we had an amazing sex life and what I lacked in the cock department (4.5 inches) I definitely made up for it with my tongue and fingers skills and the fact that I have always liked to get kinky and I was really lucky to have met...

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Bus Train Public HOME TRIP

This was my time when I was late to catch train to my home due to pending office job.So, I went to bus stand to catch any bus to my home, luckily I caught last bus from the stand, the bus was too much crowded, hardly I got last corner seat of bus where lot of booked luggage placed already.I hardly move to window seat and two more person also came there and stand infront of me, they talked on some topic.After sometimes bus was moved to destination and atmosphere of bus was cooled down.Bus was...

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The Fishing Spot

When I was in my late teens, I used to spend many a summer's day fishing for trout beside the river that circled around the outside of the town. My favourite spot was a 30 minute bike-ride from home, in a clearing down from the parking lot and bike path. It was great exercise getting there and back 3 or 4 times a week, kept me in good shape and put a healthy tan on my skin.There were a number of regulars like myself who I would see from time to time and we were all on a somewhat friendly...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Snack

John looked up from his daily and, behind a small-framed pair of glasses saw a pretty little face, belonging to a blond female of what seemed to be about 29 or 30 years old. Light red lipstick, just a bit of mascara and a small bloom on her cheeks. The blond, curly hair was pulled tightly back to where it was bound by an elastic band, and the rest of the hair hung from the back of her head in the form of a ponytail. The body underneath this head was well shaped. It was slim, but not in the...

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My Box pt7

''Tony, I was finishing all the closi...'' he stopped me mid sentence. ''Shut the fuck up , get yo shit. We fenna take you home,'' he started gathering my things ''Why you so mad,'' I said getting my stuff. ''If this shit go right this will be my first child, now do you think I want my child and my girl in bad health?'' I looked over and saw that Mr. Big Fella was standing behind him. ''I can take myself home if you gon' have a attitude,'' I started walking off he...

1 year ago
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Never to old

It was a cool and clear Sunday. Everything had been quiet all day and the evening patrol was no different. I came on duty at 3:00PM to start my shift. I had to cover until 11:00PM so I figured that if the day watch was an example, then it would be a very long night for me! I was assigned the 304 district over on the east side of the city. A mixture of residential, light commerical and some warehouses. The residential was middle clase, working people. Normal calls for service, and sometimes a...

3 years ago
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Saagi Maami Ko Choda

Hello guys ,ye meri pehli story hai or ye true bi hai,,mera naam tejash hai or mai delhi se hu or meri age-23 hai, lets start the story, ye baat 4 saal pehle ki hai, ai apne mama k ghar kuch mahino k liye ruka tha kyoki mene unke ghar k pass ek coaching institute join kiya tha or vo institute mere ghar se bahut dur tha, jab muzhe vaha rehte hue 2-3 hafte ho gaye toh muzhe pata laga ki mama or mami ka kisi baat par jagda ho rakha hai, isi liye mama mami ek dusrie se baat nahi karte or isiliye...

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