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They called her the "princess" and "duchess" but she really should have been just Lady M-- since her husband was Lord M--, one of the peace commissioner's aides, down from Upper Canada so we were told and parlaying with men from our much-depleted army and from the slow-poke Congress in Philadelphia. They arrived, the finicky lord and his luscious lady did, unannounced, asking to see the camp and talk to some of the officers. Someone obviously forgot to tell us they were coming which was typical of the army where some New Englanders treated Southerners like dirt and visa versa.
The man was a haughty, slim, periwigged patrician who sat his horse well and always looked as if he smelled something distasteful. He was forever picking non-existent lint from his coat and taking snuff from the back of his slim hand. His wife, perhaps a generation younger, had a body that would make a saint weep, a lovely face and a head full of thick, deep ringlets of golden brown. She was a fiercesome beauty, the kind young men dream about and jerk at their members thinking of when they are lonely.
Every morning that they were our guests, well, General Washington's guests really, she went riding on one of the Virginian's hunters, a big horse with good manners and a soft mouth. The first two days she attempted to mount side-saddle, hooking a hidden knee over the pommel and looking ill at ease, but later she rode astride under her flowing skirts, and she rode well. I must admit I wondered if her bare ass and womanly slit were rubbing the leather saddle.
Each day a different officer and two lower ranks rode out with her and came back to spread stories of the officer's failure to even strike up a conversation with the beauty much less get her off her feet. According to our boys riding guard, it was not from want of trying either.
On the fourth or fifth day of this much-talked-about event, I got my turn to ride as one of the casual guards while Lt. Foster was detailed to accompany the striking woman. To call him pleased would be to understate it by a mile. Since our officer had his reputation to maintain, as a seducer of females both old and young, I planned to be a close observer, hoping to either learn from the master or enjoy his defeat. I had never seen him so clean or his uniform so neatly brushed.
We mounted up right after breakfast, while the fires were still smoking and the ground fog lay thick in the woods. Foster adjusted the stirrups for the woman who tested them by posting, smiling at me as she did, her strong legs outlined by the breeze. My member tingled when her gray eyes met mine, and I felt like a shy schoolboy back in Fredericktown looking on the older girls with not-so-innocent longing. My feelings about her certainly not innocent. Only a saint's could have been, and he would have been praying hard.
She kicked the big horse and off we went, tearing up clods of dirt, and skidding onto a narrow trail that wound more or less northwest. George was in the lead briefly, but then the woman and our lieutenant passed him, bent over their mounts' necks and flicking quirts at the beasts' flanks.
"Damn'me," George said, reining up beside me, "ever see the like?"
I shook my head just as George's tired mount put his foot in a gopher hole and tossed his rider, coming up lame. I stopped and watched George brush himself off. "Best lead him back," I said. "I'll try to catch up with them. They can't go like that for long." I kneed my cob and lit out into the patchy fog and onto the scarce trail.
Suddenly Foster appeared on foot, blood on his face and holding his arm. "They got her," he yelled at me. "I'm going back for help. Get on, trail them. Don't lose 'em or it'll be your hide." He disappeared behind me, back where I had left George. I unlimbered my musket, checked the pan and then trotted on down the skinny trail, concluding that my officer had suffered one or more saber cuts.
I saw the horses first and then the knot of arms and legs down off the side of the road. An oblivious officer was standing on the trail, folding his red coat and watching while two British grenadiers wrestled with her ladyship who was doing pretty well in holding her own, kicking and clawing, howling occasionally and showing a lot of stockinged leg and frilly petticoat. All three were grunting hard.
I slapped my horse and rode right into the ensign, knocking him on his ear, scrambled off and laid into the struggling threesome, kicking ribs and bashing heads with my gun stock before I put it aside for my big bayonet. In short order the angry woman was on her feet, straightening her clothes and pushing at her hair while two men lay dead with gaping throat and chest wounds. A few blood spots marred her fancy riding dress and the lace at her elbows. I paused to admire her rapid breathing. She bulged entrancingly, nearly freeing her rich globes from her torn jacket as she bent over and sucked in air, looking up at me from the top of her eyes.
I glanced at her face, saw no fear, helped her up to the road and then went to check on the subaltern in the ditch. He was moaning and groaning, holding his arm as if it was broken. I was about to pull him up when I felt the woman come to stand beside me, using her hip to make room. She raised her arm, cocked her small pistol with her other gloved hand and shot the man in the head before I could say "don't" or anything else. It was a very small caliber weapon, and it barely made a popping noise, but it did the job. The ball went in just above his right eye, and he flopped, rag-doll fashion. I noted that his codpiece was undone.
She took a deep breath and said, "Fetch my horse." I hesitated, mostly in wonder, and she raised an eyebrow and said, "Please," her lips squirming as if she might cry. I scooped up the dead officer's purse and did as she asked, a bit shaken, my manhood stiff as any board.
I set aside my musket and calmed her big animal with a few pats, holding him steady and offering her my hand as she stepped up and spread her maroon dress behind her. "Thank you," she said, looking down at me, her eyes glistening, buttoning her torn-open jacket. A gold locket dangled at the base of her stately throat and golden rings were at her ears. I wondered again if her bare buttocks and juicy quim bestrode the saddle when she wiggled upon it. I also wondered where she hid her pistol.
Then we heard hoofbeats.
"Ah," she said, "Foster has brought reinforcements. I knew he wasn't a coward, your randy fool of a lieutenant."
I grabbed the reins out of her hand and yanked her horse and mine off the trail and deep into the trees and ground fog, ignoring the branches flaying my face and arms as well as her protests as she ducked low. The riders were British, more grenadiers with uniforms like the dead men's. They milled about, and then a few went north, on up the trail at a gallop, while the others got down near the bodies and spread out under a senior officer's shouted orders. The woman dismounted easily and stood beside me; her scent and body warmth enveloped me, her hand easily on my shoulder.
"Reload your pistol," I said.
"Can't," she whispered, her breath soft on my face, her firm breast against my upper arm, "don't have the balls with me." She produced the tiny gun from her dark boot.
I took the still-warm weapon, poured a thimble of powder in its barrel and found a suitable pebble I could ram down its muzzle and then primed it. "Better than nothing," I said, handing it back to her on half-cock. She looked at me, furrowing her brow as she holstered it, displaying a slit in her skirt and her bare calf. We moved deeper into the trees, as quietly as we could, watching where we put our feet.
"Over here," someone shouted behind us. "Two of 'em!"
We abandoned our horses and ran, her wide skirt catching every limb and bramble. Someone fired from well behind us, and the woman jumped and made a small sound as the ball flicked branches, but we kept running, stumbling and scared, at least I was.
When we came to stone outcropping, I scrambled up and then pulled her along, taking the opportunity to enjoy a fine view of her lovely chest since her jacket had been pulled open, and we ran up a hill where the trees were all pines and other conifers, the brown needles deep underfoot.
"Must stop," she moaned, pulling on me, her hair a wild mess. "Hurt my ankle." She sat down heavily and pulled off one short boot, rubbing at her foot, flexing it and ignoring the fact that one breast was nearly bare and the other was about to join it as her fancy shirt lay completely open, ripped asunder and her chest scratched.
I sat beside her, panting like a spavined mule, and we looked down into the foggy woods, seeing an occasional flash of red coat or a saber catching the light. The sun moved higher. We waited and watched until she yanked her dress together, tugged her boot back on and stood to test her foot, letting me help her up. She paused briefly in my grip, then smiled and turned away.
"They'll come looking for us, won't they?" she asked quietly, her shoulder leaning on mine. "I mean your Continentals."
"Of course," I said. "But it may take a while. Is your husband in camp?"
"No," she said, shaking her curly head, ringlets cascading over her forehead and shoulders, "went back to New York to meet with Howe and his coterie." She licked her lips. "Let's go on," she said, offering me her hand.
We trudged up the long, steep hill and at the summit paused to rest and to enjoy the spread of countryside beneath us, all around us in the afternoon haze. We could see for miles. "Amazing county," she said.
"Worth fighting for," I replied, trying not to sound heroic.
"Um," she said. "Look." She pointed. Tiny below us a scattering of British soldiers on horseback moved along a faint trail and then disappeared under the tree cover. "I could ask them for help, I suppose," she said, giving me a sly smile to show she was not serious.
"Why did you shoot that young officer?" I asked.
"He was getting ready to rape me," she said coldly. "Wanted those men to hold me while he did it, the bastard. Used vile language about his intent. Even showed me his puny weapon." She put her hand to her mouth and then laughed. "He was not well armed."
I held my peace, looking at her and seeing the color rise in her cheeks.
"He said they could have me when he was finished, the braggart." She took a deep breath, sucking in her stomach and thrusting out her pointed breasts. "I told him who I was, who my husband was. He laughed, actually laughed at me, may he rot in hell."
"We had better stay here until we spot some of my friends," I suggested.
"All right," she said. "I even showed him my ring." She held it up for me to see, huge and gaudy. "I'm hungry, skipped breakfast this morning." It was well after high noon by then.
I offered her my canteen and she drank deeply, letting water run down her chin, wiped her mouth on her gloved hand and smiled at me. "We can probably find some berries or roots," I said, getting to my feet. We went down the far side of the sloping hill and came to a small, open pasture with a lean-to near a tiny trickle of a stream, likely a shepherd's place. A thicket of blackberries grew behind the worn shelter, and we gorged ourselves, ignoring the scratches and staining our fingers and mouths dark red. We drank from the creek and sat in the warming sun which had long since burnt away all the fog. My thoughts turned to her body.
"This is nice," she said, "so peaceful." Our knees touched. My hopes rose.
I was about to agree when two redcoated riders came out of the woods on the other side of the grass, two hundred yards away. "Be still," I said to the woman, but they saw us at once and flapped their reins, getting their horses charging through the chest high hay. I rested my musket against the side of the lean-to, took a deep breath and fired at perhaps fifty yards. I aimed at the horse but hit the rider in the thigh. He toppled off and the horse dragged him aside as I bit open another cartridge.
I loaded as fast as I could, priming, spitting the ball into the muzzle and ramming it home, but the rider was on me before I could cock my piece and withdraw the ramrod. The woman fired at him, holding her pistol with both hands, as he swung his sword at me. He flinched and I blocked his slash with my musket, and then tossed aside my rod and shot him in the back before he could get turned around. He threw up his arms, slumped forward and tumbled to the ground.
I reloaded quickly, fixed on my bayonet, told the bent-over woman, who seemed to having a case of the dry heaves, to stay put and went to check on the two soldiers. The one who had chopped at me was done for, lung shot, so I tore out his throat to end his misery. I had trouble finding the other one until the woman screamed. The man, blood pumping from his leg and staining his white breeches from hip to knee, had crawled through the grass and gotten behind the lean-to.
When I turned, he was standing, one legs oddly bent, holding the woman in front of him, his arm about her waist, hand clawing her belly and his sword edge at her throat. "Throw it down," he yelled at me, changing his grip to her ripe breast, ripping her dress open.
I dropped my musket into the tall grass and raised my hands.
"I'm bleedin'," he cried at me. "C'm 'ere and bandage me up or I'll cut 'er head off."
"Right," I said as he tore open her jacket, leaning his weight on her shoulders while he groped her.
"You can use my shift," the woman said clearly as I approached. Her eyes held mine and her chest rose and fell quickly with her breathing. He was ripping at her ruffled shirt, clawing her high breast.
When I was within a step, she yelled "Now!" at the top of her lungs, elbowed the man hard in the belly and twisted away from him, leaving a piece of her ruffle in his hand. He slashed at me backhanded, nicking me just above the belt, and I was on him, battering him to the ground, twisting his blade from his hand and skewering him through the middle of his chest. He lay spread-eagled, nailed to the sod by his own sword. He coughed once and kicked his legs a few times.
The woman grabbed my arm. "Well done," she sighed, fingering a long red bruise on her neck, one white breast standing outside her torn clothes, the nipple swollen and poking up like a finger joint. "Are you hurt?"
I pulled out my shirt and looked. I was barely a scratch, but it did bleed and my good shirt was ripped open. She pulled her jacket together, dabbed at my stomach with a handkerchief she had produced from somewhere and then wiped at the wound with water from my canteen, tickling me a bit. I assured her I was all right and that we should move on since the shots would surely bring more company.
"Please," she said, crumpling against me, shaking. "Hold me."
I did and enjoyed the feel of her strong body, her hard tits, her firm bottom, her breathing, quivering warmth, smooth back.
"Make love to me," she sighed, lifting her chin and putting her lips to my neck, sucking.
"Eh?" I said, brilliant as usual.
"Swive me, you big fool, quickly." She clawed at me and dropped to her knees, pulling me down beside her, breathing hard.
"We ought to run," I said to her mouth before and after I kissed her.
"Do it, damn you, right now," she moaned arching back in my grip and then falling into the deep grass as I let her go to open my foreflap and release my quickly hardening yard.
"Oh yes," she said, looking up at my trembling weapon as she pulled her skirts to her waist, "get on with it, man. I'm ready. I need it." She lifted her knees and spread them wide apart, showing me her ruby treasures, lips parted, belly heaving and hips already moving, nubbin erect and throbbing.
What we did had nothing to do with love. It was all about survival, about being alive when others had suddenly become dead. Blood lust it was, something like that. I rammed and she surged, meeting my thrusts with her own, insistent and furious, clawing at my extended arms and clamping me to her cunny by wrapping her legs about my body, kicking my rump with her boots. I soon came, biting my lip to keep from crying out, and then she spasmed and climaxed soon after, releasing a howl of success and then slowing and panting, she pushed me from her. It had only taken a few minutes and she had never opened her eyes once we began. She wiped the drool from her lips and gave me a small smile.
She stood first, a bit unsteady, flushed and breathing hard while I was on my hands and knees, thoroughly spent, my prod hanging still engorged, wanting more. "Should we try to catch the horses?" she asked.
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Premium Shemale Porn SitesSince I know the majority of my public are the horny lads who are just looking for some delightful wanking, let me start this review by saying that r/ladybonersgw/ is not for everyone. If you did not get the memo, the name itself states ‘Lady Boners GW,’ where GW stands for Gone Wild. Now, I know that some of y’all might be expecting to see chicks with dicks, but that is not what Lady Boners implies.So, what the fuck is r/ladybonersgw/ all about? It is simple… it is a subreddit where dudes can...
Porn for Women SitesDo you know what time it is? It’s time for ladies to show that they can have sexual tastes too and that they can get aroused just like men have. That being said, chicks like to keep it a bit classier when they are looking at the content, which gets their blood pumping. So, if you’re a girl who wants to get her groove on and explore her sexuality in an inclusive environment, then you’ve come to the right place. Today we are looking at a sub called /r/LadyBoners, and while I’m not someone who...
Porn for Women SitesLuck Be a Lady By Anonymous "Dealer showing three. Player showing eleven." The woman dealer was quite expressionless, as most casino employees were expected to be. It was obvious she didn't like me, particularly since I'd spent the last hour cursing her existence for the cards she was dealing me. I was down. Way down. Down to my last $20,000, half of which I had riding on this hand. I'm a professional gambler. Blackjack is my game. My luck has been less than...
Just a silly story I wrote over a couple of nights. Completely fictional, hope you like it.NEW TENANTSJack started seeing Lorna and it became serious. Trouble was that Jack being eighteen was a little naïve regarding women and couldn’t see that she was basically selfish. They say that love is blind and it was in this case, fortunately Lorna wasn’t prepared to become tied down with marriage and suggested they merely live together. That would give her a get out clause when she tired of...
My LandladyI had been having a bit of a problem, uncontrollable erections around my landlady! I am in my thirties and found myself needing to work in London though I live out in the country, so I got a Monday to Friday room let in a nice place with a family. I am in the attic so get left to myself and all was fine. I miss my wife through the week and get a bit horny so my eyes wandered a little. At first it was the landlady’s daughter but then it became the landlady. She is in her early...
I fancied my landlady from the first time I met her. I had been wondering how I could orchestrate a situation where bye I could expose myself without making it too obvious and possibly being thrown out into the street. Then one morning my patience was rewarded….I was in the shower, lazily enjoying the sensation of the hot water spraying like rice grains on my swelling member which was resting in the palm of my hand. As it swelled I went into that world which is private to all except the one who...
Hi ISS Readers. Here I am back with a real sex encounter I had just few days back with my Boss niece Landlady. My Boss has asked me to locate a good house for her niece. With the help of my friends I was able to locate a good house for her Delhi. After finalizing all the things my friend has arranged meeting with Landlady to complete the formalities like security advance, agreement etc. I went there and had meeting with Saroj (Landlady) who told that she is widow and her only son is doing B....
IncestTo the Manor Born Part 2: How to Become a Lady Chapter 1 - Changes I struggled toward consciousness, trying to shake the cobwebs from my drugged mind. I shifted in my bed (at least I assume it was a bed) and winced in pain. My backside hurt like heck, my throat felt like sandpaper, my stomach felt like I'd been worked over by the Hell's Angels, and it felt like a large animal was sitting on my chest. All of this came as a significant surprise to me. The last thing I remember was...
Cathy Calusa, an exemplary teenage girl with high moral values, who took a vow to keep her virginity until she is properly married. She is an honor student at the Christian High School she attends. She loves tutoring young c***dren with their school work, and instilling them with good Christian values. Cathy is very thankful for her strict Christian upbringing by her mother, who taught her how to be a proper Christian lady. Cathy has been baby setting since she was twelve years old, so she...
A Lady's by Nefertari CHAPTER 1- ANNIVERSARY "The eternal feminine draws us onward" Goethe The cab headed downtown, then west, windshield wipers flapping, a cold rain falling. From my current prospective, it seems like another lifetime in another world. I was a young accounting clerk in my first real job on the way to an important company social function that Friday evening. The firm had always been involved in importing and exporting and was easily the oldest commercial...
Lake Lady, by Armond "And there I saw mage Merlin... And near him stood the Lady of the Lake, Who knows a subtler magic than his own- Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful. She gave the King his huge cross-hilted sword, Whereby to drive the heathen out: a mist Of incense curled about her, and her face Wellnigh was hidden in the minster gloom..." -Idylls of the King, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson "And when I was fifteen yeere old, then was I...
The Cleaning Lady Belladonna I had spent some of my weekends working as a cleaning lady in my own office from time to time for over 20 years. I began doing it not long after I started my company. No matter where the office was located, I always found time to go in and clean it up when no one was around. My company's office is currently situated in a building that the company owns. The office occupies a full floor of that four story building. I had built up the corporation...
This short story is a bit longer than my usual ones. But to take away events of the story to make it shorter, would take the integrity and true power of this story. Please read it careful and you wont regret it, this story means alot to me…it took me 6 months to write it, because I wanted it to be just right. thank you. London, England May 1785, Standing alone on the Stanhope terrace, Lady Georgia Kent watched, as the first ball of the season was in full swing. This was her coming out...
There is this liquor store in the mall where I usually do my shopping for groceries. I’ve been coming in there for several years every now and then to buy my booze. Most of the time when I came in the store, there was the same lady behind the counter, who really attracted my attention. She was in her early fifties, I guessed, not too tall and somewhat chubby. She wasn’t exceptionally beautiful. Her face was nice and friendly, with kind blue eyes and nice full lips, but rather plain...
Boss Lady by Tim Roberts Diane was the first female supervisor I had ever had. The first day she arrivedin the office I was stunned by how beautiful she was; early 30's, long brownhair and brown eyes, about 5'6", and slender with a great build. Yes, she wastruly very pretty. But what really turned me on was the way she dressed andhow she handled herself in the office. She managed to do a real good job oflooking business-like and sexy at the same time, wearing suits but with thedress cut short...
“Go piss off and walk your fucking dog!” My girlfriend shouted at mefor coming home drunk late last night. My girlfriend and I share a flat. A new place we recently moved into and a new neighbourhood for us. As you have gathered, we have, well it’s my dog. I had slept most of the day and it was around six o’clock Friday evening. Yeah I know, lazy bastard. Well we both had a few days off work for the move. It was Friday, and we had the weekend off. I was out with a few mates drinking, chatting,...
Mature"Lorenzo. So good to see you. I was wondering when you would be so good as to call."I am Lorenzo. I am an artist. I am Hispanic and my family have lived here in California for longer than any Anglos present here today. Only the Native Americans have been here longer. I am proud of my heritage. It had been a year's time since I painted Lady Gwen portrait. Always since then I had wished to come by her brothel and observe my work in its permanent home. My work is shown in many homes and salons...
InterracialWhen I came in on Saturdays, when it was always very busy, there often was a girl about sixteen or seventeen years of age with her. I always assumed this was the lady’s daughter who was helping her out, because there was a certain resemblance in both women’s facial features. They shared the same blue eyes and full lips. Otherwise the younger woman looked quite different, being quite slim and substantially taller than the older one as well as having much longer, curly blond hairs. Though she was...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...
It was a grueling two and a half day ride for Gryllos to where he was supposed to rendezvous with the Ruthani. They reached the spot in late morning. Leem simply rode up to a single man, standing alone in the desert, slid off his horse and then saluted. Gryllos wished he could be as elegant getting down from his horse, but he'd never have been able to do it on his best day. Gryllos saluted the old man, older than any he'd ever seen before. "Sir, Captain Gryllos, Sixth Mounted...
This is a story inspired by the striking looks (and sheer sexiness) of my friend Me_Pink_Girlie. Seeing her photos, I just had to incorporate her into a story. She is a truly beautiful lady! I used her photos to guide me as to the outline of the story. I hope you like it. Jan stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her. Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled, thinking: ‘You’re not ‘that’ bad looking.’ She turned away and walked into the bedroom, looking down at...
The maiden’s horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince’s castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun’s rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...
The maiden's horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince's castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun's rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...
Love StoriesI Want To Be A Glamorous Lady By: Darlene LeQueene Written: 3/3/2010 "I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said. "Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to do chores around here." "I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener." "There's no need for you to do these things." "Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the money either." "I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant." She appraised him slowly now,...
Older female cougar looking for younger man for an... interesting experience. Hey young man, are you looking for an experienced, older and sexy woman to spend some time with for a weekend full of unabashed, unfiltered, raw sexual fantasies made reality? Well, you can stop looking, you have found what you wanted. I am expecting interested parties to be between 20 and 30 yrs old and respond with 2 pics, one of your face and one of that delicious penis of yours, you can keep your name...
I was meeting several married ladies for just sex and had been asked to do some strip O’gram work for Mature Married ladies after I had been seen stripping for one of my friends mum’s at her party, It was just a strip and maybe a kiss that was needed , but I got to know the Ladies that where up for a fuck and got my fair share, When I stripped one night for this Lady I knew she was not one that would be looking for a fuck, but as I got dressed back into my jeans and shirt she came in with this...