TandraChapter 95B free porn video

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My family and Carl's went to the pub in style after we took our time looking at the area close to the shore. We used a small cutter to give us a more intimate view of the city. In a few more minutes, we landed in the parking lot of the pub. I pushed open the large doors and found nobody around. From the back room I heard John talk about all the inconsiderate people that left his business to see a foolish ship. His mind told me that his employees had deserted with the customers.

Behind the bar I found the large coat that I had given him. It was all under glass and the label saying it was given personally to him for all his fine work in defending the Alliance from all attackers. Carl and Doris saw this too and started to laugh out loud. The rest of the family came into the pub and this meant that we had to move further into the bar area or be trampled.

Dog and his family along with twenty three Donai that entered with us. All of them sniffed the air. I could smell the old food and especially the stale beer odour that permeated the air. Carl talked to one of the adult Donai and sent her into the back room to let John know that he had some customers.

That is what brought John's attention to us. First there was a blood curdling scream and a large number of falling objects. The Donai came out and I could almost see her smile in her mind.

We all took seats and I called out, "What do we have to do to get some service out here."

We heard some frantic mental screams from the back and a voice much like a woman's saying, "There is a monster in the building. Get the police."

"Since when did you want the police to visit your premises, you old crook?"

"Is that you? Henry m' lad." John talked in an incredulous voice.

"Yes it is. Bring out that swill you call an ale."

We heard some angry muttering and John came around the corner very carefully with a baseball bat ready to protect himself. When he saw me then the rest his face changed into a smile and he started to put the bat down till he saw the adult Donai staring at him. He quickly picked the bat back up. The dogs didn't bother him nor did the cute Masa.

Doris tauntingly said, "Bring the beer and the girls and I will protect you John."

John just swallowed and then slowly put the bat down. He watched the Donai all the time and even dropped one of the bottles. He brought them over to our table but stayed away from the Donai even though only a few were adult sized. He set our bottles down and then his thick glass mugs.

He didn't even ask but quickly went back to serve the rest of us the same drink. When he came back he was amazed to see the children taking the bottles and drinking the potent beverage. His mind was waring about what was going on but didn't stop till everyone had on of his specialty ales before them.

Roger was beside me and in a moment he shifted over to sit in my lap. I said after I shifted over, "John, have a seat."

He looked at Roger and was not afraid because of all the television shows Mom had made, explaining about the Tandra and other races. He did sit gingerly and finally said, "It is nice to see you back Henry. You could have been a bit more considerate about my heart though."

I smiled at him and replied, "This is the first time you mentioned it. I thought you had lost your heart years ago."

"You hurt me to the quick, Henry. I was the one that saved you many times."

I had to smile again and said, "I think you have been listening to your own tales a bit too much. Now let me introduce you to my family." The adult wives down to Amy were introduced as wives and didn't mention the rest as either children or wives. Mom had been subtly slipping information into her talks about me and it eventually came out that I had embraced the Tandra norm and joined a female family as the head. This she stated was not normal but seemed to be the way things would be because the Humans were usually built to take the lead in most cases.

Dola was kissed too but there was no way for John to know that this wife was a male. The children presently numbered sixty eight were from Carl, Duc or my family. When introduced, I said a bit about each of them. Duc and Lam introduced some of theirs and Duc had a very proprietary air, the same as Carl and I had. The children that we had rescued from Earth numbered almost half but they now looked a bit Tandra and not distinguishable to any people that may have known them before.

"Now tell me about the city. How has it changed for you?" I said to John as I put my hand on his shoulder like old times.

John started to talk and as usual the more he said the more eloquent he became. There were a lot of new people in the city and most of the original population figured them for spies or the military trying to find out what they could. John groused that he had been questioned six times. All of the questions had to do with the people presently in the room.

Carl listened after finishing his brew and then helped himself to more of the drink. Doris got a different beverage and the children drank more of the Theakston's Old Peculiar. The alcohol would be burned up in the children's systems without any detrimental effects. The same thing was happening to ours too but the taste was still what I was after along with a quiet talk.

The children were polite and mindspoke quietly among themselves or listened to what was said especially how John was twisting the facts out of recognition sometimes.

When John had brought us up to the present time with his rendition of the truth I said, "Why didn't you just lock up and go see the ship?" I had made sure that he knew that Kitten was known not only as my wife but the nominal captain.

"That ship is scarey. We saw what it can do many times on television. Even the smallest ship could take out all of the world's militaries with ease."

Carl said with a very serious look in his eye, "You know that I am taking care of Epsilon Eridani for Henry. The planet is hot and much of it is dry but not a desert. We could use somebody with your abilities to entertain the troops or serve them beer. Are you interested in changing jobs?"

John looked like someone hit him. "You want me to go to that Masis of yours?"

"Sure. It is a beautiful planet and now it is quite safe."

"I... I... can't. I have the pub to take care of."

Carl smiled and said, "You sell the pub and immigrate. You have to join the military but that also means that you get to live quite a bit longer. You will have centuries to enjoy your retirement. Not everybody gets asked and this time we will overlook some of your more fundamental flaws."

John sat up straight and said, "I beg your pardon. I am a very respected person in this city and country."

Carl spoke low to him, "We read minds John. We know all about you but still want you. When I signed up for Vietnam, I had a poster of Uncle Sam pointing a finger at me. You have something much better." John paused for a moment without saying anything aloud. Carl continued, "Let's lock up here and go for a tour of the ship John."

John got up uncertainly but we all knew he was probably hooked. Carl reached into his pocket and took out a two ounce gold coin and put it on the table in payment.

After locking up a young man from the Academy came down by way of a tractor and escorted John up into the ship only a few hundred metres overhead.

Carl's family and mine started to walk through some of the streets. I got to hold Faith while the mothers and children carried the youngest. This was no chore because their bodies were very fit and strong. The children were the same way but not up to what had been done to the adults yet.

The few people not in the ship stared at us and at the four legged friends we had with us. An empty park was nearby and we went in. Carl had no children that were born yet but had adopted a few for his part in taking care of all the children that needed parents. I knew that he thought of them as his now in every way possible. We both sat on the swings and with a baby in our arms we were pushed by the wives. It was a little bit of turnabout but it was still fun. The children got on the other swings and they got to ride the odd device.

Moesha, Kimberly, Clarice and Michelle were from Earth and knew all about swings and played with the younger children including Sofia. Carl had played father to all five girls and only Clarice and Michelle were considered his before. Now they all were the same as they were all mine and my wives too.

We basically spent the day seeing the city with new eyes. Some of the children enjoyed the trip because it was the first trip to Earth. From time to time, Human children would run out to see us but stop short at the sight of the Donai. I could see the calculations in their minds. They knew all about them and the Tandra too. Usually one brave child would come then the rest. Our children had a fun time showing the Humans how to pet a Donai or hold a Maca.

It was really amazing how the Donai didn't inspire much fear in Dog or his family or in the Mecas. Even the Softay and the T'aut were not too concerned. The Dolson became accustomed to the little predator when they got to play with a young cub still in need of its mother's milk.

A vendor selling hotdogs made a killing when we came over. This was strange and exciting food to the family while the Earth girls tried to show the rest how to eat the food. I hid what I knew of the way the meat was made so as to not spoil the fun. The vendor was just a young man and hesitant about taking gold but readily accepted some of the paper money I had with me.

We walked up Main till we got to Ferguson then stopped by to visit 'Bay Variety and Groceries'. It had not changed names and was now quite famous. Tran Van Bao and his wife Tran Thi Anh greeted Duc and Lam as royalty even though they talked once a week on the phone. Bao had become the defacto community leader of the Vietnamese section by his having such famous relatives.

The children had just eaten but raided the shelves when they saw the familiar dried fish. Their mothers let them have what they wanted but retained the bags so their cost could be tabulated.

All this time, Duc and Lam introduced the Tandra children that had Vietnamese names. Bao and Anh had seen the children many times but not held the youngest of them. The young lunar males stayed by their father to be dutiful as both their parents thought they should be. When the preliminaries were done they were excused to find any fish if there was any left.

Carl and I were introduced later when there was enough room to get in. The shear number of individuals made navigating in the store very difficult. Susan was with me as well as the other wives and Susan was pleased to see that her relatives now thought a great deal of her. Susan's fellow wives and children were introduced. I could see that the poor shop keepers would not be able to keep many of the names straight.

Duc and Lam convinced their younger relatives to close the store and visit the ship. They had not been to the moon before thinking it was too dangerous and far. The ship though was close, in fact it was right overhead.

Duc and his family soon disappeared into the ship and I could feel the poor relatives apprehension but knew it would not last long.

The rest of us continued our walk. We visited the various bakeries and two of the three owners even refused payment. They were able to hold the babies though and this was worth much more than mere money.

Bank of Montréal now had a few million dollars of mine after Mom transferred a bit of my sizable fortune into this bank. We walked into the almost deserted bank and I explained to the children a bit about money. The manager and Vicky came from behind the counter to meet the family. They too had heard about the Donai and were not very afraid. So far Mom had never lied to them and this was good that they trusted her so much.

I said to Susan, "Should we invite Vicky over some night? She is a wild woman."

"I will scratch her eyes out Mr Buchanan."

I smiled at her and said, "I have all that I need now Honey."

Bassinda looked at the woman and said, "I can see some possibilities."

I moved away to let the two women work out what was going to happen. I was quite sure it was just a joke anyway.

I asked Vicky, "Why aren't you out visiting the ship?"

She smiled and looked down coyly and said, "I am the assistant manager now. We are the only two that stayed." In an afterthought she continued, "Mainly it was because we had to."

"As one of your more important customers, I demand that you lock the doors and then your bank. You should inspect the ship overhead."

I got a smile from each of them and they looked at each other for confirmation then the manager said, "I agree. Perhaps we can investigate the possibilities of setting up a branch in the ship."

We all knew this was impossible because Tandra and now the Alliance had little use for money and the troops could get whatever they needed. Usually Tandra made articles were much better but art was an exception. Music had fascinated the Tandra especially vocals. If music were made at all it was done on the computer and used to soothe the people listening to it. Many of the Human recruits now sang because their brain now could handle all the details that usually separated a professional performer from a person singing in the shower.

Human art now graced many walls or copies were stored in memory so that almost anything could be viewed on command. All the major art galleries on Earth and most of the minor ones had been extensively copied. This took in both paintings and sculpture of all kinds. Music in all its forms and been similarly mimicked. Early television had been studied and both the good and the bad saved for posterity. Plays and most forms of the written word had been analysed but the Tandra had long experience in this art form as well as dance. Most now viewed recordings of these art forms. Very few bothered to even act out a story told literally for millions of years.

Early Tandra society had all these forms and more when their minds grew in power and dexterity. It was only the predisposition to taking the easy path that had lead to the verbal languages falling into disuse then the reliance on computers to produce whatever article of beauty was required. It was this path which led to a stagnation and it was only recently that some Tandra felt compelled to present their culture to the Humans that would surely swallow them even with their small numbers.

The two humans soon were escorted to the ship and began a journey that would not end for centuries to come.

I watched the two raise into the air with no exclamation even though both wanted to scream badly. Inside they met many others in a boat bay checking out some of the now very famous fighters. Following their thoughts it was easy. I could see how they felt. I was sure they now considered themselves in wonderland.

It was easy to assume we would have visitors and they came into town very quickly from the two airports. They were dressed as civilians but they were all distinctly military. On scanning I knew that they were not here to take over but to infiltrate and learn what they could. The ones to come close took note of us but would rather gain access to the ship hovering over our heads. The Donai they just ignored if that were possible. The people from the Academy read each of them and even allowed the ones without hidden equipment to enter the ship. The ones with concealed cameras and other devices had to stay behind. We had to laugh that all the carefully concealed equipment was removed and handed to one individual before they were allowed to enter.

We continued our excursion through the nearly deserted city. We made quite a procession with very beautiful women, children and animals. The Donai and Dog walked ahead to sniff out danger and to protect their pack. The animals were intelligent enough to know that this was not quite right but close enough for now.

There were quite a few sporting goods stores and one happened to be open. Dog and his family stayed outside with the Donai. The rest walked into the store and the proprietor was too amazed to help us. Ingrid with her halo was the first to tip him off. He then saw the rest of us and he quickly matched our faces to the images in his mind from the news.

I handed equipment to the girls to see what they liked. Much of the equipment was cheap but there were some good rods, reels and other tackle. My memory dutifully told me all of my equipment at home. It would be much better to have Mom make the equipment I needed but this was fun for the family.

The children started to run about the store looking at all the colourful regalia used in this area and then running back to me to see if it were useful for our expedition. Most was for other purposes but some like duck calls would be nice for them to play with. The firearms were ignored even when the children wanted to try them.

Bassinda asked verbally because that was our intention this trip, "Henry, what is this for?"

She had picked out a deer rifle with a large scope mounted on the top. "It is a weapon for killing animals at close range. The projectile will go a few kilometres. It is not able to be influenced after it leaves the weapon and it rapidly falls due to gravity. It is more in line with what the children use when practising their stalking skills."

"I thought they may have been dangerous."

"Only if you are not wearing a suit. This is the kind of weapon Human soldiers have been using for the last few centuries to kill each other. They are not very effective and that is one of the reasons that most of them were able to survive."

When our pile of equipment was quite high a went over to the owner that was still quite content to just watch us. "We are ready to pay for our purchases now. Will you assist us?"

The man slowly walked to the cash register and kept looking at one person to another. Before the man actually started his tabulations I said, "I am not from Canada or Ontario anymore. I will pay the full retail price you demand but I will not pay the provincial sales tax or the Goods and Services Tax. Consider this purchase as one being exported out of the country."

This was difficult for the man to comprehend. The government went to a lot of effort to make sure they got their pound of flesh and the blood that was in it at the time of sale. I looked into the man's mind and saw that he would rather give me a discount and then pay the tax himself rather than get into trouble.

Same as Tandra
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Dave looked out at the class of students for his Circle 101 course. Those interested in ‘pledging’ the Circle were all present and including Cookie, Alan, Elton, Wes, Cord, and Barry – all six by way of a fraternity party some of the members attended. Also included were Chris and Jess Thomas – Nikky’s parents; Juan and Ann Carlos – Bill Lewis’s ex-wife and new husband; Adam and Jill Timms – the flight instructor and his wife; Nikky, Joyce, Bill, and Gene. Lastly, there was JR who he noted had...

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Vampires 1

Negative and positive comments encouraged… _________________________________________ Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad. I said as I started up the stairs to my room. They didnt acknowledged what I had said, as they continued watching the television. They act like I dont even exist. I thought to myself as I entered my eloborately decorated room, and through the door that led to my ensuite bathroom. I started to run a bath for myself, in the large, marble sunken bathtub. I walked out, back into my...

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Milf Allie

Allie lay on the bed, panting for breath – her brow damp with sweat. She was far more than damp elsewhere, as she recovered from a powerful orgasm. She’d knocked the remote for the camera off the bed during her throes of passion, but fortunately, the guy on the other end of the connection wasn’t asking for any special views. He seemed as content to watch her in the afterglow of her climax as she was to enjoy it. Her vibe lay next to her hip, still slick with her juices. She’d barely found the...

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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Jade Baker Victoria Voxxx Company Policy

Victoria Voxxx and Jade Baker are stars in a video regarding personal boundaries in the workplace. When Victoria mentions respecting her co-worker’s personal space, she reaches down and grabs Jade’s tits. April O’Neil, who’s filming the segment, yells cut, and reminds them that perhaps it’s not the best idea to grab her tits while they’re talking about the subtleties of personal space. April tries take after take but the girls are simply not getting it. Every...

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BBWs First Orgasm

Disclaimer — This story is not intended to offend anyone or mimic any situation. If this story upsets you please leave this page now. If this story is considered stolen or plagiarized please inform me and produce evidence to support your claim. Otherwise please enjoy this story and feel free to comment or criticize as this is my first submission. Thank you. * Glancing around the bar I was met by the same looks from the same plain women that I had seen in here a hundred times before. Don’t...

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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 21

"It's OK, Jack, they're dead. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Appleby were here to help. They drilled these cahoots good. They are both dead and none of us got nary a scratch." The Deputy cautiously entered, gun at the ready. He holstered his weapon when he was assured all was good, sliding the retaining strap over the hammer once more. He confidently stepped forward. The man was as tall as me, and weighed about the same. Jesse knew him and they greeted each other. He looked down at the bodies. He...

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Santas Unexpected Visit

The grandfather clock in Candice’s log cabin had just chimed out twelve musical ding dongs, followed by one loud peal; indicating the time was now 1:00AM on Christmas morning. The severe winter in Barrow, the most northern town in Alaska; had the temperature dropping to a gelid -35 °F. Barrow has a population of approximately 4, 430 people and is located at 71°17′44″N, which is some 330 miles above the Arctic Circle. Barrow is a mere 1,300 miles south of the North Pole. Ice fog had earlier...

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Sucking The Stress Right Out

I walked into the group meeting, late as usual, scouting the room for a seat. “Perfect, right next to Dan,” I thought as I took a seat at the desk next to him. I smiled at him as the meeting began. However, I could not pay attention at all. Nope. Instead all I could think about was the guy next to me. I couldn’t have been luckier to get placed in a group with Dan, and I didn’t even have to beg the professor. It was pure luck. But now, I had to snag him. “I’ll do that part,” Dan volunteered as...

Oral Sex
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Bunk Beds Chapter 11

Bunk Beds -- Chapter 11 By Isis Eris *** CHARACTER CHART: Loren: 5'6, longish dark hair. Small A-cup naturally. Currently questioning gender identity. Cindy: 5'2. Asian. A-cup. Hair that goes halfway down her back dyed blue. blue. Rebellious, but self-conscious. Karen: 5'10, athletic build. B-cup. Long blonde hair sometimes kept in ponytail. Pragmatic. Jenna: 5'6. Perfect hourglass figure. DD cup breasts. Optimistic, detail-oriented, and logical. Beth: 5'4. Top-heavy, a few...

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Lifes Little Curveball 3

Months had pasted since Sarah and Holly the little movie. Their love grew stronger everyday they spent together, and the sex was like going to heaven each and every night. Sarah knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with the love of her life, Holly. The week before valentine’s day, Sarah went to the jewelry store and bought Holly the most magnificent proposal ring they had. The perfect engagement ring. On valentine’s day Sarah took Holly to Beau Chattuo, an italian resturant. ...

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How I became BiSexual part 2

This is the 2nd part of a series on how I became bi sexual. I urge you to read the first story. “How I became Bisexual” This story is 100% true. A short synopsis of part one; My wifes and I sex life had become routine and rather boring, while trolling the internet one day looking for something to jerk off too, I came across a bi sexual video. I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight of 2 men and 1 girl going at each other. When the men started sucking and fucking each other, my cock grew so hard...

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The Passion Of Art Version AlphaChapter 3A

Two days passed before they painted again. They were long long days for both of them. Neither could get out of their minds the "relief" Valerie had provided that morning. After they broke for lunch that day Valerie ran errands, and she made a special effort to kiss her son goodbye on his cheek when she left. He slept, feeling completely relaxed for the first time in days. In the following days, both acted completely normally outside the studio. Valerie even had to scold him once for leaving...

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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 5 Road Trip

Mel woke, uneasy, unhappy, and feeling less than assured of what the future held for him. But Tracy was there, still asleep, sprawled sideways, naked under the covers, and looking beautiful in this wild unkempt state. The only good thing was that she was still here, still with him, still going with him, and that counted for a lot. He also felt good about copping a plea when she called him on all his bullshit, on his being a controlling love junkie that she just couldn’t handle anymore....

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The Sensation

"The Sensation" It was a sunny mid morning in the country a few miles from town. A few cars were coming and going on the highway, driving past a rarely used gravel road turn off that led even further out into the countryside until a couple miles in, a tree lined and fenced property came into view. A short turn off led to a security gate which offered country security and kept people from bothering Madge at her estate. It was a two garage affair, a two story, four bedroom ranch house...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 19

“Well, how was it?” Jenny asked me as I returned from the Harmons’ house to the home that I had just purchased nearby that night. Yes, I had paid in gold. I wasn’t worried. Money would always be coming in by some means or another. I was a vampire now and I could find ways to line my pockets. My finances would always recover. Besides, a house was a great investment and this one was now paid in full, no mortgage or anything, since it had been sold off by the county. I made sure that the house...

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The Rounds Ch 04

Bob started awake when his head drifted over to one side and clonked against a bowling ball, hard. He shook his head and peered out of the slats in the closet door to find that his young charges were awake and active again. After their session for the webcam, Allison Wallace and her partner, Dina, had napped, and so had Bob, trapped in the closet as he was. Sent here to spy on Allison for her parents, Bob had ensconsed himself here in the closet when the two girls had come back to this room...

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Ademas Shoes

Her name is Adema (Ah deem ah), and if you think with an Indian accent, it's a very pretty name. And she has the most beautiful of lady's feet, or so I imagine. She adorns them with a horde of girlishly feminine shoes. My problem is that she removes her shoes as she enters her apartment. She leaves those shoes outside of her apartment at her door. And I have to walk by those gorgeous shoes every day. I can't help but stare as I walk past her apartment. I have the strangest of desires,...

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Sex With Hot Punjabi Bhabhi

Dear friends, My self karan from delhi and I want to tell you something interesting about myself. I love to do sex with different kind of womens and girls,also I fucked more 100 girls and womens in my life. Direct story, Jaisa maine apko bataya ki I love sex to ye baat tab ki hai jab delhi me maine apna new office open kia or hiring start ki apne office ke lie. Ak din ak punjabi bhabhi sonika(name changed) mere office me interview ke lie aayi maine use select kar lia us time maine us bhabhi...

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An Unexpected Incest Vacation 8211 Part 1

Hello Readers, I am Vishal, from the beautiful city of Pune. A 27 years old techie, who works with an MNC and loves storytelling.I could be reached out at I have been a regular reader at ISS since the last couple of years. I’ve always enjoyed the variety of quality stories posted on this portal. This is the reason I decided to share one of my experiences at this portal. This is my first attempt as a writer at ISS. Hence, please bear with me and every constructive feedback is welcome. The...

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coast to coast with moms best friend part 5

I have been wondering if I should tell you about the last part of our trip but there it goes. We left the French Quarters heading west and we decided to make a side trip to Las Vegas on the way. It did take us two days and twice on the way we made trips up old ranch land roads so I could bend Shelly over the hood of the car and fuck her in the wide open spaces. The second time we did get caught by the rancher who wanted a piece for himself by settled for a blow job from Shelly. I found it to...

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Slave Mary gets the punishment she deserves

[Author's note: All the correspondence in this story is genuine. If you see similar in your own inbox either here or at another site you should consider the outcome in this case.] Henry scanned the arrivals board for the tenth time that day. The plane had landed twenty minutes ago, with luck Mary waiting for her bags to come off the conveyor belt. He could hardly believe it was less than a month since he had received her message. It had been short and too the point: Am a slave girl 27yrs...

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Sex for Debt

It was a Friday morning and I was called into Mrs. Collins office. She is my boss and I suppose also my saviour from financial disaster. I sat down and Mrs. Collins then told me some good news.‘Well Kathy you will be glad to know that I am very happy with your new attitude to your work. Also I am happy to tell you that I am going to give you a small and well deserved promotion.” She said. I was over the moon. Really happy about this good news. I had been a bit worried about things recently....

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My Best Birthday Gift Ever

During my college years I never really had a girlfriend. I lived with my mother which was the cheapest way to get through college. My mother’s best friend, Helen, often came over to visit. I liked Helen. She was in her early sixties and in good shape for her age, nice skin, not too many wrinkles.She did however have the largest, saggiest tits I’ve ever seen. Helen did however have one nasty habit. When my mother was not around she would ask me the most embarrassing questions.”Do you have a...

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My wife her brother and his friends

Sorry for the delay, everybody, we have had an extremely busy week. Anyway, thank you for all your appreciative comments after reading my account of Carole catching her brother David wanking, and what he told her he did to get turned on. Yes, having first blushed and been angry when her brother told her he used to sneak into her bedroom and pull her worn knickers out of her laundry basket, and smell her body on them as he masturbated, Carole calmed down considerably in her bed that night, and...

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Part 6 June School Holidays

Tuesday soon went by and our parents were back home and in a good mood. I told them that tomorrow night I would be going out with a few friends to a club and would be home before 2 which they said rather to make it by 1 which I didn't argue with. Cassi and I messaged each other a bit as I was dying to here that she started her period but by the time I said good night to her there wasn't any such luck yet. I had also been messaging Jessica who I initially was looking forward to see but with what...

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Nikki part 27

I take several deep breaths to clear my head as the smartly-dressed man looks at me with serious eyes. In all my life, I don't think I've ever been as terrified as I am now... "It'll be okay," dad whispers, squeezing my hand for support. I wish I shared your optimism, dad... "Nicola Christine Thomas," the man says, making me shiver with nerves. "You officially charged with one account of assault and battery. All relevant information is provided on the charge sheet I've given you,...

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Banging The Bus Driver

Pamela had been riding the school bus from her home, about fifteen miles outside of Sweetwater, Tennessee for several years. She had lived in the area since she was born and while it was great as a young child - she was a bit of a tomboy back then and could keep up with any other kid, boy or girl - now that she was getting older, she was finding the small town life a bit of a bore.Although she only lived about twenty-five minutes from the school, by the time the route had taken her home, with...

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A story about a retreat that caters to the rich and powerful to satisfy their perverted urges

This story is about a place and not about a person. It involves persons of great power and influence and must be kept confidential. If you can’t keep this confidence then stop reading now and go elsewhere. The Chateau is located in Luxembourg, and tucked away between Belgium, France and Germany. It is in a wooded area, isolated, but in a place of great scenic beauty. The Chateau is a converted castle dated back to the 12th century that has been tastefully enlarged to accommodate a...

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Unipart 1

At uni, Teresa or’Tess’ became by best friend. She succeeded my c***dhood friend Bethany who studied elsewhere. Me and Beth drifted apart. I met Tess on day 1. We were both 18 and we hit it off immediately. Drinks, laughter… …we are a similar size as well so there was plenty of dressing up together and clothes swapping. Tess never made any secret of the fact that she’d been intimate with a couple of girls in addition to boyfriends, and she would often make it clearly obvious that she was...

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My Elite sex escort work experience

I always got a lot of questions from people I know about my previous job… When I answered, they just asked more questions. On that basis, I decided to write the story about that in the format of interview, despite of fact that I had never been interviewed by any magazine.How and when did you first got into the sex industry?When I returned to Canada after my graduating from Princeton University, finding a job was very difficult, even for a good university graduate with the Master’s degree in...

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Flasher Girl

Introduction:If you like looking up girls skirts, then you will probably like this.I’m Pepper and please dont judge me too much for grammar and all that because Im not a professional writer and I don’t wana get all bogged down seeing if I did everything right. I mean jeeeeze, if you wana have great writing and sex then how about just going to your local library and blowing yourself some Shakespeare? Anyway, this is about when I got into flashing and its my first story here.……………...I’m 22 and...

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