TandraChapter 95B free porn video

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My family and Carl's went to the pub in style after we took our time looking at the area close to the shore. We used a small cutter to give us a more intimate view of the city. In a few more minutes, we landed in the parking lot of the pub. I pushed open the large doors and found nobody around. From the back room I heard John talk about all the inconsiderate people that left his business to see a foolish ship. His mind told me that his employees had deserted with the customers.

Behind the bar I found the large coat that I had given him. It was all under glass and the label saying it was given personally to him for all his fine work in defending the Alliance from all attackers. Carl and Doris saw this too and started to laugh out loud. The rest of the family came into the pub and this meant that we had to move further into the bar area or be trampled.

Dog and his family along with twenty three Donai that entered with us. All of them sniffed the air. I could smell the old food and especially the stale beer odour that permeated the air. Carl talked to one of the adult Donai and sent her into the back room to let John know that he had some customers.

That is what brought John's attention to us. First there was a blood curdling scream and a large number of falling objects. The Donai came out and I could almost see her smile in her mind.

We all took seats and I called out, "What do we have to do to get some service out here."

We heard some frantic mental screams from the back and a voice much like a woman's saying, "There is a monster in the building. Get the police."

"Since when did you want the police to visit your premises, you old crook?"

"Is that you? Henry m' lad." John talked in an incredulous voice.

"Yes it is. Bring out that swill you call an ale."

We heard some angry muttering and John came around the corner very carefully with a baseball bat ready to protect himself. When he saw me then the rest his face changed into a smile and he started to put the bat down till he saw the adult Donai staring at him. He quickly picked the bat back up. The dogs didn't bother him nor did the cute Masa.

Doris tauntingly said, "Bring the beer and the girls and I will protect you John."

John just swallowed and then slowly put the bat down. He watched the Donai all the time and even dropped one of the bottles. He brought them over to our table but stayed away from the Donai even though only a few were adult sized. He set our bottles down and then his thick glass mugs.

He didn't even ask but quickly went back to serve the rest of us the same drink. When he came back he was amazed to see the children taking the bottles and drinking the potent beverage. His mind was waring about what was going on but didn't stop till everyone had on of his specialty ales before them.

Roger was beside me and in a moment he shifted over to sit in my lap. I said after I shifted over, "John, have a seat."

He looked at Roger and was not afraid because of all the television shows Mom had made, explaining about the Tandra and other races. He did sit gingerly and finally said, "It is nice to see you back Henry. You could have been a bit more considerate about my heart though."

I smiled at him and replied, "This is the first time you mentioned it. I thought you had lost your heart years ago."

"You hurt me to the quick, Henry. I was the one that saved you many times."

I had to smile again and said, "I think you have been listening to your own tales a bit too much. Now let me introduce you to my family." The adult wives down to Amy were introduced as wives and didn't mention the rest as either children or wives. Mom had been subtly slipping information into her talks about me and it eventually came out that I had embraced the Tandra norm and joined a female family as the head. This she stated was not normal but seemed to be the way things would be because the Humans were usually built to take the lead in most cases.

Dola was kissed too but there was no way for John to know that this wife was a male. The children presently numbered sixty eight were from Carl, Duc or my family. When introduced, I said a bit about each of them. Duc and Lam introduced some of theirs and Duc had a very proprietary air, the same as Carl and I had. The children that we had rescued from Earth numbered almost half but they now looked a bit Tandra and not distinguishable to any people that may have known them before.

"Now tell me about the city. How has it changed for you?" I said to John as I put my hand on his shoulder like old times.

John started to talk and as usual the more he said the more eloquent he became. There were a lot of new people in the city and most of the original population figured them for spies or the military trying to find out what they could. John groused that he had been questioned six times. All of the questions had to do with the people presently in the room.

Carl listened after finishing his brew and then helped himself to more of the drink. Doris got a different beverage and the children drank more of the Theakston's Old Peculiar. The alcohol would be burned up in the children's systems without any detrimental effects. The same thing was happening to ours too but the taste was still what I was after along with a quiet talk.

The children were polite and mindspoke quietly among themselves or listened to what was said especially how John was twisting the facts out of recognition sometimes.

When John had brought us up to the present time with his rendition of the truth I said, "Why didn't you just lock up and go see the ship?" I had made sure that he knew that Kitten was known not only as my wife but the nominal captain.

"That ship is scarey. We saw what it can do many times on television. Even the smallest ship could take out all of the world's militaries with ease."

Carl said with a very serious look in his eye, "You know that I am taking care of Epsilon Eridani for Henry. The planet is hot and much of it is dry but not a desert. We could use somebody with your abilities to entertain the troops or serve them beer. Are you interested in changing jobs?"

John looked like someone hit him. "You want me to go to that Masis of yours?"

"Sure. It is a beautiful planet and now it is quite safe."

"I... I... can't. I have the pub to take care of."

Carl smiled and said, "You sell the pub and immigrate. You have to join the military but that also means that you get to live quite a bit longer. You will have centuries to enjoy your retirement. Not everybody gets asked and this time we will overlook some of your more fundamental flaws."

John sat up straight and said, "I beg your pardon. I am a very respected person in this city and country."

Carl spoke low to him, "We read minds John. We know all about you but still want you. When I signed up for Vietnam, I had a poster of Uncle Sam pointing a finger at me. You have something much better." John paused for a moment without saying anything aloud. Carl continued, "Let's lock up here and go for a tour of the ship John."

John got up uncertainly but we all knew he was probably hooked. Carl reached into his pocket and took out a two ounce gold coin and put it on the table in payment.

After locking up a young man from the Academy came down by way of a tractor and escorted John up into the ship only a few hundred metres overhead.

Carl's family and mine started to walk through some of the streets. I got to hold Faith while the mothers and children carried the youngest. This was no chore because their bodies were very fit and strong. The children were the same way but not up to what had been done to the adults yet.

The few people not in the ship stared at us and at the four legged friends we had with us. An empty park was nearby and we went in. Carl had no children that were born yet but had adopted a few for his part in taking care of all the children that needed parents. I knew that he thought of them as his now in every way possible. We both sat on the swings and with a baby in our arms we were pushed by the wives. It was a little bit of turnabout but it was still fun. The children got on the other swings and they got to ride the odd device.

Moesha, Kimberly, Clarice and Michelle were from Earth and knew all about swings and played with the younger children including Sofia. Carl had played father to all five girls and only Clarice and Michelle were considered his before. Now they all were the same as they were all mine and my wives too.

We basically spent the day seeing the city with new eyes. Some of the children enjoyed the trip because it was the first trip to Earth. From time to time, Human children would run out to see us but stop short at the sight of the Donai. I could see the calculations in their minds. They knew all about them and the Tandra too. Usually one brave child would come then the rest. Our children had a fun time showing the Humans how to pet a Donai or hold a Maca.

It was really amazing how the Donai didn't inspire much fear in Dog or his family or in the Mecas. Even the Softay and the T'aut were not too concerned. The Dolson became accustomed to the little predator when they got to play with a young cub still in need of its mother's milk.

A vendor selling hotdogs made a killing when we came over. This was strange and exciting food to the family while the Earth girls tried to show the rest how to eat the food. I hid what I knew of the way the meat was made so as to not spoil the fun. The vendor was just a young man and hesitant about taking gold but readily accepted some of the paper money I had with me.

We walked up Main till we got to Ferguson then stopped by to visit 'Bay Variety and Groceries'. It had not changed names and was now quite famous. Tran Van Bao and his wife Tran Thi Anh greeted Duc and Lam as royalty even though they talked once a week on the phone. Bao had become the defacto community leader of the Vietnamese section by his having such famous relatives.

The children had just eaten but raided the shelves when they saw the familiar dried fish. Their mothers let them have what they wanted but retained the bags so their cost could be tabulated.

All this time, Duc and Lam introduced the Tandra children that had Vietnamese names. Bao and Anh had seen the children many times but not held the youngest of them. The young lunar males stayed by their father to be dutiful as both their parents thought they should be. When the preliminaries were done they were excused to find any fish if there was any left.

Carl and I were introduced later when there was enough room to get in. The shear number of individuals made navigating in the store very difficult. Susan was with me as well as the other wives and Susan was pleased to see that her relatives now thought a great deal of her. Susan's fellow wives and children were introduced. I could see that the poor shop keepers would not be able to keep many of the names straight.

Duc and Lam convinced their younger relatives to close the store and visit the ship. They had not been to the moon before thinking it was too dangerous and far. The ship though was close, in fact it was right overhead.

Duc and his family soon disappeared into the ship and I could feel the poor relatives apprehension but knew it would not last long.

The rest of us continued our walk. We visited the various bakeries and two of the three owners even refused payment. They were able to hold the babies though and this was worth much more than mere money.

Bank of Montréal now had a few million dollars of mine after Mom transferred a bit of my sizable fortune into this bank. We walked into the almost deserted bank and I explained to the children a bit about money. The manager and Vicky came from behind the counter to meet the family. They too had heard about the Donai and were not very afraid. So far Mom had never lied to them and this was good that they trusted her so much.

I said to Susan, "Should we invite Vicky over some night? She is a wild woman."

"I will scratch her eyes out Mr Buchanan."

I smiled at her and said, "I have all that I need now Honey."

Bassinda looked at the woman and said, "I can see some possibilities."

I moved away to let the two women work out what was going to happen. I was quite sure it was just a joke anyway.

I asked Vicky, "Why aren't you out visiting the ship?"

She smiled and looked down coyly and said, "I am the assistant manager now. We are the only two that stayed." In an afterthought she continued, "Mainly it was because we had to."

"As one of your more important customers, I demand that you lock the doors and then your bank. You should inspect the ship overhead."

I got a smile from each of them and they looked at each other for confirmation then the manager said, "I agree. Perhaps we can investigate the possibilities of setting up a branch in the ship."

We all knew this was impossible because Tandra and now the Alliance had little use for money and the troops could get whatever they needed. Usually Tandra made articles were much better but art was an exception. Music had fascinated the Tandra especially vocals. If music were made at all it was done on the computer and used to soothe the people listening to it. Many of the Human recruits now sang because their brain now could handle all the details that usually separated a professional performer from a person singing in the shower.

Human art now graced many walls or copies were stored in memory so that almost anything could be viewed on command. All the major art galleries on Earth and most of the minor ones had been extensively copied. This took in both paintings and sculpture of all kinds. Music in all its forms and been similarly mimicked. Early television had been studied and both the good and the bad saved for posterity. Plays and most forms of the written word had been analysed but the Tandra had long experience in this art form as well as dance. Most now viewed recordings of these art forms. Very few bothered to even act out a story told literally for millions of years.

Early Tandra society had all these forms and more when their minds grew in power and dexterity. It was only the predisposition to taking the easy path that had lead to the verbal languages falling into disuse then the reliance on computers to produce whatever article of beauty was required. It was this path which led to a stagnation and it was only recently that some Tandra felt compelled to present their culture to the Humans that would surely swallow them even with their small numbers.

The two humans soon were escorted to the ship and began a journey that would not end for centuries to come.

I watched the two raise into the air with no exclamation even though both wanted to scream badly. Inside they met many others in a boat bay checking out some of the now very famous fighters. Following their thoughts it was easy. I could see how they felt. I was sure they now considered themselves in wonderland.

It was easy to assume we would have visitors and they came into town very quickly from the two airports. They were dressed as civilians but they were all distinctly military. On scanning I knew that they were not here to take over but to infiltrate and learn what they could. The ones to come close took note of us but would rather gain access to the ship hovering over our heads. The Donai they just ignored if that were possible. The people from the Academy read each of them and even allowed the ones without hidden equipment to enter the ship. The ones with concealed cameras and other devices had to stay behind. We had to laugh that all the carefully concealed equipment was removed and handed to one individual before they were allowed to enter.

We continued our excursion through the nearly deserted city. We made quite a procession with very beautiful women, children and animals. The Donai and Dog walked ahead to sniff out danger and to protect their pack. The animals were intelligent enough to know that this was not quite right but close enough for now.

There were quite a few sporting goods stores and one happened to be open. Dog and his family stayed outside with the Donai. The rest walked into the store and the proprietor was too amazed to help us. Ingrid with her halo was the first to tip him off. He then saw the rest of us and he quickly matched our faces to the images in his mind from the news.

I handed equipment to the girls to see what they liked. Much of the equipment was cheap but there were some good rods, reels and other tackle. My memory dutifully told me all of my equipment at home. It would be much better to have Mom make the equipment I needed but this was fun for the family.

The children started to run about the store looking at all the colourful regalia used in this area and then running back to me to see if it were useful for our expedition. Most was for other purposes but some like duck calls would be nice for them to play with. The firearms were ignored even when the children wanted to try them.

Bassinda asked verbally because that was our intention this trip, "Henry, what is this for?"

She had picked out a deer rifle with a large scope mounted on the top. "It is a weapon for killing animals at close range. The projectile will go a few kilometres. It is not able to be influenced after it leaves the weapon and it rapidly falls due to gravity. It is more in line with what the children use when practising their stalking skills."

"I thought they may have been dangerous."

"Only if you are not wearing a suit. This is the kind of weapon Human soldiers have been using for the last few centuries to kill each other. They are not very effective and that is one of the reasons that most of them were able to survive."

When our pile of equipment was quite high a went over to the owner that was still quite content to just watch us. "We are ready to pay for our purchases now. Will you assist us?"

The man slowly walked to the cash register and kept looking at one person to another. Before the man actually started his tabulations I said, "I am not from Canada or Ontario anymore. I will pay the full retail price you demand but I will not pay the provincial sales tax or the Goods and Services Tax. Consider this purchase as one being exported out of the country."

This was difficult for the man to comprehend. The government went to a lot of effort to make sure they got their pound of flesh and the blood that was in it at the time of sale. I looked into the man's mind and saw that he would rather give me a discount and then pay the tax himself rather than get into trouble.

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It was our mother. After finishing the day as regularly as possible and retrieving into our own bedrooms. My mind no longer was sure of what was real and what wasn’t. The rest of the day was too ordinary for what happened before to be true. But as my thoughts were revolving around the images of my brother’s hand between my legs, my panties were filling up with more moist.I took off all my clothes, and for the first time in my life decided to sleep fully naked. I enjoyed one corner of the...

3 years ago
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Rope Marks Part Two of Three

Cyra was filled with mixed emotions as she made her way back to the bar to meet Jake. She wondered if he would sense that she had engaged in a sexual act mere moments ago. “A very satisfying and intense sexual act,” she coyly grinned and thought to herself.As she pulled her hair back and tied it in a ponytail, the thought of being alone with Jake filled her belly with a flutter. She liked Jake; she was very sexually attracted to him. He was tall, handsome, and had a great physique. The thought...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 461

This is compliments of Bill W. It is all in how you explain Satisfied!!! The three partners in a law firm showed up early one morning all with self satisfied smiles. They all agreed that it was an excellent day. The youngest of the partners said, I got up this morning took several breaths of the morning air and got this urge to go back in the bedroom and my wife and I had sex for about an hour. The next partner said I know you mean. I was on the balcony when my wife hugged me and we never...

2 years ago
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Charlotte part 17

"Remember when these lessons used to be just for the two of us?" I ask Charlotte as we tie our shiny satin pointe shoes to our feet. "Barely," my BFF giggles. "Then again, who is it who's always saying 'you can never have too many friends'?" "Yes, yes, okay," I laugh as I return to the barre, flanked by over a dozen of my friends. As we run through the remainder of our steps, I smile as I muse on what Charlotte said, and how right she is, especially at this time of year. In exactly...

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I slid the keycard to the house into the little box and watched the dot turn from RED to GREEN. Just like a hotel. My heart was racing as I waked into the grand living room adorned with dark, deep, red curtains which covered the floor to ceiling windows. A fireplace stood against the far wall, next to a large, comfy looking couch. As I looked around I saw very little decor, but what I did see had a rather dark tone. Against the opposite wall from the fireplace there was a large collection of...

4 years ago
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Is She Cheating

On that one fateful night, John’s fiancee Mandy had gone out with her friend Kate. John himself had decided to stay home for a few reasons. The primary reason was just that he didn’t really feel like going clubbing. He’d felt down for the past few weeks. Maybe it was a chemical thing, he told himself. Or maybe it was because of the increased load at work. It might have been due to how he and Mandy had been arguing more and more. Perhaps it was that feeling he had been having recently at Mandy…...

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RevengeChapter 18

That was how it went on for a while. She spent every second night in Alexa's and every second night in my bed, and she sure wore me out those nights. She met the lawyer several times in order to make sure that everything would be okay for Alexa. I had a short meeting with her, during which I informed her where the trust fund for her was, and how much it would be. She was a professional and did not ask any more questions. I didn't know and I did not want to know, what Manuela had told...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

4 years ago
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i fucked her fat pussy like a Dirty Cow

inti weyn bil farche sorti Yes ehhhh w inti mhayaje kamen sarlik yawmein Yes ehhhh bas ana yimkin hayjik ktir mich chwey ya kalbe inti 2adey mzawam Lwosi5 yale nikt 7arimo min jim3a Ehh ya manyouk mzawam bado 2ayrak Niko ya chlikit zibi inti hal2ad basato la 3ichik bil nyeke Ehhh ya kaleb yala le7wesle 3eche w...

2 years ago
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The girl looked over at the sky. It was going to rain. She almost considered calling off the whole thing, picking up her cell phone and telling her boy friend that this wasn’t going to work out, that this was something that she hadn’t wanted to do after all. He’d understand, he always did. He was so good, so caring about things like these, and he had been so happy when she had made the offer for him to come around and that she would give him the best night of his life. She hadn’t wanted to...

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MILF Master

It was my 18th birthday. I was in my dorm at State. My roommate and best friend Mike was fast asleep. It was the third week of my college career. I was a math major, taking fifteen hours of class and working part time in the evenings as a bus boy at a nice cafe within walking distance of campus. I got up and reached down and shifted my morning wood. I was having an erotic fantasy about fucking the dean of the college math department over her desk in her office. She was in her mid-forties, a few...

Mind Control
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Hard Fucks

Haley laid there on her side in the dark in bed nursing her sore inside. She felt the fuck he had given her with his fist and cock that night. Falling off to sleep, she slept until morning. Waking, she stumbled in the dark trying to walk properly around the bed out of their room to another where she sat waiting for the coffee to brew. The feeling of him was still there. It made her smile, thinking of his hard-on the night before. She laughed to herself. It had just been since he finally found...

Love Stories
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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 36 Jack Hammers

I got a hilarious letter from Jake the second week I was back. He wrote about some of the fallout from our confrontation with T.J. at Mike's. It turned out that Mr. Jorgenson really was a hotshot lawyer, but he was a hotshot corporate lawyer for an underwear company. As Jake put it, "When your business card reads Underoos or Maidenform or some such, making threatening noises and ugly faces doesn't work very well, does it?" Anyway, according to Jake, T.J.'s father started making a big...

4 years ago
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A Nervous First Time Part 1 2

Jack slid his arms around Emma's waist. 'I'm so glad you've decided to do this, baby,' he whispered into her ear, his masculine hands sliding up her body towards her luscious breasts. Emma closed her eyes, her nerves on the brink of taking the poor girl over. She knew one thing for sure - either now, or lose him. For her, time paused for a second, as she took in the last few moments of being a virgin. She gazed around the hotel room - well, they couldn't have sex around either of their houses...

3 years ago
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Wanting EveryoneChapter 9

Cabin did not describe the luxurious split-level home that Phil's friends had provided for their weekend holiday. Four bedrooms, an immense kitchen, three baths and a large den complete with fireplace provided enough space to get lost in. It was more than either Susan or Phil expected. However, the chill filling the cabin was something they hadn't expected. It was the type of chill that a roaring fire couldn't dispel. "I think we blew it, brother," Susan whispered to Phil while they...

4 years ago
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Bus me mili mast bhabhi chodne ke lie

Hello friends I am rahul from delhi ek nayi ghatna ko share kar raha hoon. Sab jante hi hai ki mera naam rahul hai aur main 25 sal ka ledka hoon delhi main job ke liye aaya tha. Baat aaj se sirf 4 mahina pehle january ki hai main sam ko 7.30 baje ke ass pass nizamuddin se dtc main baitha room main aane ke liye. Bus main normal bhid thi to utarne main subidha ke liye main bich main khada ho gaya. Ek do stop ke baad bus bilkul bhar gayi thik se khada hone ka bhi jagah nahi tha. Main dhire dhire...

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My fingering experience

Hi, Friends I like to share my experience when I was in my college. After marriage incidents, my Life changed a lot. I became an addict for some time for such pleasure, Praseed was a support for this, and he always encouraged me. It was not only at velliyamma’s house but Praseed took me to his house, even some cinema theatre where we had fun for hours. However, luckily we did every thing with lust and love. However, Praseed was a kinky person who made me wear his Short Trunks and other...

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Stewardess Cindy Ch 2 a Frankel Humour story

Originally written by Frankel Stewardess Cindy pushed the drinks trolley into the first class aisle. She liked working first class normally but today the other stewardess had come down sick at the last moment and she was having to work it alone. At least it was a reasonable crowd. Old Vietnam veterans on their way to a reunion. Cindy was still a little nervous though. The purser had told her that, as they were seniors, they had quite a few medical issues that needed to be attended to...

4 years ago
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Blowjob in the Car

When I saw her coming towards me, I had a big smile on my face. She was wearing a white dress (mid thigh length) which had a plunging neckline, so a great deal of cleavage could be seen (she wasn't wearing a bra). It was a form fitting dress which accentuated her curves, but past her hips it was loose and flowing. As the dress was of a thin material, the areolas of her nipples and her black thong, were clearly visible though the dress. Coupled with the high heels, well what more can I say. I...

4 years ago
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Naughty Girl Panties

On Thursday, Vivian Hannity eagerly awaited the arrival of her friend Cathy Morrow. Vivian knew they were going to participate in an unofficial tradition: the wearing of “naughty girl” panties under their Catholic school uniforms. Cathy had gone and purchased new underwear for both of them.No one could remember when this practice had started, but it seemed to be a way for many of the girls a way to express their repressed sexuality. They were supposed to all be dressed uniformly. At this time...

2 years ago
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Turnabout is Fair Play

"Turnabout is Fair Play" (Another Terry and Joe Production) (Kinda, sorta, the sequel to "Jolene") Joe adjusted his tie as he checked himself out in the mirror in the waiting room. "Not bad, if I do say so myself," he smiled and winked at the handsome devil looking back at him. "You can come in now, Joe," came a feminine, but very stern voice from the other side of the door. Whistling a happy tune, he took one last look at the sharply dressed guy in the glass and they...

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PART 2 After the beach Dawn was not happy and all i could say was we will sort something out for you about 3 days later we were sat in the house and i said why dont you walk round nude see how you feel she loved it so while i was at work Dawn was naked at home i asked her how far would she go to show her self all she said was only if there yng or over 60 then nothing is closed i said ok left it at that One day while at work i called home told my wife the car needed petrol could she go fill it...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 109

The clock, next to Sandra's bed, was doing its best to wake her. After a few grunts and moans, Sandra finally woke up. She looked at the clock and noticed it was already 11 minutes past 7 o'clock. Sandra sighed and thought, 'I'm too tired!' When she remembered why she had set her clock this early; she just turned her back towards the clock and wanted to go to sleep again. However, then she also remembered that she needed to talk to that guy she had been with yesterday, and that they...

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Murphy 5Chapter 5

“Do you like Murphy?” “Yes, he is a handsome man and I can see it in his eyes, he is a kind man. I can look at you and Gabriela and see how much you both love him too.” “Will you meet the rest of the family? They will want to hug you and help you too Tia.” “Are you sure?” “Tia, they will all love you, you will see. They’re all beautiful women that just love to help girls that have no home and no job. If you’ll agree to go with us to Florida, we’ll help you become a citizen, that is if you...

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Squirted Katie Kush Katie The Cock Rider

The only thing Katie Kush enjoys more than Toni Ribas fingering her till she squirts is riding his big cock till she cums, and Toni can’t believe how good it feels as she throws that booty back as she grinds on him. He strips her out of her pink bikini and fucks her mouth, making her squirt and licking her pussy, then fucking her nice and deep. Katie just keeps cumming over and over, especially once she finds a hot pink vibrator to use on her clit while Toni pounds her! This cowgirl gets...

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Seducing an innocent pakistani housewife

Seducing Zara the Muslim lady This happened about 3 years ago. My name is Saleem khan.Im am a Pakistani muslim guy in bradford. Quite religious generally.I have a loving relationship with my wife and we both go yo work every day and as you can imagine we miss each other and text each other . Some new neighbours moved in about a year ago and it seemed like quite a religious family. The lady was called Zara and i didnt see much of her. She wore a headscarfs and had a nice figure but spent a lot...

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Ruby Ki Mari Jam Ke

Hello friends mera naam yavesh hai, rajnandgaon Chhattisgarh se ho me btech ka student ye ek real kahani h isme ek bi baat jhuthi nai hai bus mene larki ka naam change kiya h bus ye aaj se ek saal phele ki baat hai me apne dosto ke sath chopati me bheta tha to mere frnd ki gf aayi usse me phele bi Bahut baar mil chuka tha par iss bar uske sath me ek larki aayi uska naam Ruby name changed tha me jab usko dekha to dekte hi rahe gaya yaar kya mast lag rahi thi 5.3 height hogi aur figure to kya...

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SyntheticChapter 9

Renee sat cross-legged on a teal bedspread, watching the door. She had been there since arrival, heeding Katie's warning that she shouldn't move. She was nervous. At the opposite end of the room, a muscular man with two knives at his sides leaned against the wall. He had given her a cursory evaluation as he entered, then stared at the door. Waiting. Neither Katie, nor the man, had said a word- not to her, and not to each other. He must have been the 'brother' Emilee had spoken of, but...

2 years ago
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Humping Sexy Babe Sunitha

This is rahul again coming to share my sex encounters with my hot sexy young girl Sunitha. Readers may recover the stories of my encounters had with my colleagues Madhavi and Sujatha and with Pranava, the horny daughter of Sujatha. I also submitted my other encounters/fuckings with my Aunt Lalitha and neighbour Aunt Seetha and horny servant Rajeswari. Now coming to Sunitha, she is a friend of our servant girl Rajeswari and of 18 years age with 32-28-38 size. Readers can imagine the figure of...

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Juanita The Sexy Maid

Juanita Lopez was Ethel and Max's maid. She had worked there for the past year. She was a good maid and did excellent cleaning. Ethel Greenberg liked her to wear the traditional maid uniform. Juanita found the uniform to be matronly looking. Juanita would bring the stuffy uniform with her, but later changed in a sexy French maid uniform. She liked to clean in a sexy and hot outfit. She liked to feel good in her sexy clothes. She made sure nobody ever saw her in it.Ethel Greenberg had amazing...

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First time Mutual masterbation malemale

This is the story of the first time that I felt another cock.When I was in my teens, I had a friend who would trade penthouse magazines with me. Generally these were magazines that we picked up here and there (I had an enormous supply available, but I don't feel like explaining). Anyhow, one day we decided to look them over together while I was sleeping over at his house. My favourite pictures were the lesbian photos, but his was boy/girl.It was late at night (well midnight or so) and 'Mike'...

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