Clicks R Us An SRU Story
- 2 years ago
- 52
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“Well, how was it?” Jenny asked me as I returned from the Harmons’ house to the home that I had just purchased nearby that night.
Yes, I had paid in gold. I wasn’t worried. Money would always be coming in by some means or another. I was a vampire now and I could find ways to line my pockets. My finances would always recover. Besides, a house was a great investment and this one was now paid in full, no mortgage or anything, since it had been sold off by the county.
I made sure that the house was light-tight as much as possible and kept all of the coffins in the basement, in order to reduce the risk of exposure to the Sun. We now had twelve coffins and room to store them, which was very handy for my purposes. We could all travel and operate together at night while resting during the day, and only I would go about in daylight. Even then, that was to be just often enough to allay fears of my true nature.
The availability of my companions for late-night activities would surely prove useful, particularly in terms of helping to lure sex partners into bed and entice humans into providing blood for our consumption. Nor would I limit myself to those from this universe. I fully intended to bring people from other worlds into this house and use it, among other places, as “dens of iniquity.” It could be my home base as I went from one world to another, one universe to another, in order to correct the various errors of the screenwriters and other creators of said programs.
“It was very nice, thank you, though I’m eager to hop into bed with Violet now, see if she’s as good as her mother in the sack. I especially want to lure her into an orgy with her parents as well as me,” I chuckled now, especially loving the image in my head of mother-daughter rimming action.
“Yes, well, don’t forget us ... and your other ... passions,” Jenny winked at me now.
“Oh, don’t worry ... I have many plans. Especially since I have more Westerosi to seduce, in more ways than one, and to convert to my cause, to say nothing of some folks in Bon Temps and Shreveport. Imagine what else I could do ... even go to the Republic of Gilead and wreak havoc on the Sons of Jacob regime there. It might be fun to visit the world of Deep Space Nine and meet Sisko, Odo, Kira, and the gang as well,” I laughed now.
“I wouldn’t mind a roll in the hay with Julian Bashir,” Carrie spoke up now.
“Or Miles and Keiko,” Jenny teased me.
“Jadzia Dax. Or Ezri,” I added.
“I would love to shove a shank into Gul Dukat for sure!” Carrie warmed up to the idea by this point.
“Ugh, Dukat, what a piece of work! Even Quark is more likable and that’s saying something!” Jenny rolled her eyes.
“Garak ain’t bad!” I observed, “but don’t forget the Buffyverse. I have a desire to try out Willow before she can ... discover her lesbianism. Maybe she’ll turn out to be bi after all. It was never clear to me if she was truly gay or just bi and suspicious of men. There is also the world of Highlander. That could be fun.”
“Or X Files. Think of Mulder and Scully!” Carrie teased me.
“Them, too! Lots of fun that could be had with that! Or the later episodes of American Horror Story. Or the world of The Walking Dead. Or Jessica Jones. Imagine a tryst with Jessica and/or Luke Cage,” I finally quit discussing shows, since the others in my company were confused by them.
“I don’t know what all you mean, but it is fascinating to hear you speak of it, especially since these worlds of yours turn out to be places we can go,” Bancey broke her silence as she hopped aboard my cock.
Yeah, she was in a horny mood and I had some time to recover from well, you know. I wouldn’t lie ... part of me thought of Violet, not to mention Vivien ... together. Then again, Bancey had more than her share of charms, as did Jenny, Carrie, Claere, Nora, Lara, Tenas, and Alyse. Thank Gods I had help from Justen and Damon to keep my fellow vampires satisfied. Of course, as a vampire, I certainly had more vigor and vitality than before, even if technically dead.
I finally fell asleep just before dawn, which was a good thing, because I could use the rest. Even a rising, increasingly powerful vampire like me had limits, and that little orgy proved to more than test those. Oh, but it was worth it, and so were the dreams that I had of bedding Violet at last ... and maybe a dream or two of Sansa. And Margaery Tyrell. And Myrcella. Not to mention Faith. Oh, and perhaps a dream of Misty Day. Or of Salome. And Nora. And Jessica. Hey, a fellow is only human.
Or vampire in my case.
I awoke several hours later, it being darkness of the next evening, fully energized as were those in my nest. And I had a choice to make ... where to go next. So many places, so much to do. But for now ... I just had to seduce Violet, didn’t I?
“Oh, Violet, sweetie, here I come!” I chuckled wickedly as I prepared to claim the youngest member of the Harmon tribe.
I arrived at the Harmons, just in time for supper, being met by a glare from Moira, especially as I wasn’t alone. My companions needed to be invited, for I had decided to expedite the process of bringing Violet on side. And why not? She was delicious. And I didn’t just mean her blood.
Violet herself met me at the door, completely unfamiliar with me, of course, and was stunned when I simply walked inside the house. Then I gestured to my company. She gave me a shocked and confused expression, even more so when her parents both greeted me with a lover’s kiss. I kissed Violet’s hand, just as I did Vivien’s, and then I patted both of her folks on the tush.
“What the hell?” Violet demanded, but I ignored her question for a second.
“Violet, look at me. You are not confused or surprised at my presence. I was invited inside by your mother and I am now an honored guest in this house. You will invite my companions into this house, as they need such an invitation as well. My kind tend to require that. My name is Roger Waters,” I told her, watching as the glamor took effect.
“So, Godric is in this church, preparing to be sacrificed, but you have found a way to rescue him, even if it involves, well, you know. A lot of blood and gore. So, what’s next, then? We have to find to barge into there from ... where, exactly?” Eric raised an eyebrow at my proposal. “You’ll see. Very soon. Now, meet some folks. This is Jamie Lannister, King of Westeros. Well, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. This is...
Well, as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men, right? I was minding my own business, sharpening my cutlass, when the door to my chambers opened in haste and in burst Cersei Lannister, Grand Maester Pycelle, and Qyburn, a conspiracy of three if there ever was one. It smacked of treachery to me, but even more so when three older members of Qyburn’s “little birds” followed them into my room. These were lads, not girls, of course. Clearly, they were in no mood to parley or...
The orgy with the Gallaghers and their neighbors was truly intense, of course. I loved fucking Fiona, Veronica, and Karen in turn, along with several other women, naturally. I also enjoyed seeing all of my vampire vixens and other companions have their way with the Gallagher men, even Frank. I ended up collecting Eddie and Sheila Jackson as well, widening the circle of lovers as the clusterfuck expanded. I finished up the evening by sinking my fangs into Veronica before she got too much...
It was well past nightfall where I returned to the Red Keep with my company, pleased to learn that I had calculated correctly and my authority hadn’t diminished in such a short space of time. Well, at least not too much, as proven by the eager fashion in which the guards greeted and hailed me. I was in no mood to deal with another challenge to my power in King’s Landing. Luckily, Cersei’s fate wasn’t clear to anyone yet, as they didn’t have a body to discover. That bought me some time, if...
I awoke at the next dusk in the Maidenvault to find Jessica Hamby staring at me. All around me, the ladies watched us as well. I chuckled as I clicked my remote and brought us back to the Harmon house to check up on Justen and Damon, plus Vivien and Violet. I found them in the now rather light-tight house in the master bedroom, all tangled in a heap with a strong smell of both male and female cum. There were also clear signs that they had exchanged blood, such as bite marks on both ladies’...
I was balls deep inside Melanie for several strokes while watching Melissa tongue Rachel’s ass, even as Rachel in turn rimmed Jill, who in turn licked Amy’s butt while Amy did the same to Sandra. That was wild enough, but there was also Chandler’s former fling Aurora, the Italian cutie who was now atop Dr. Green while Jack Geller slid in and out of her cornhole. Judy was busy sucking the lady’s tits. Ross was in the middle of humping Julie again while Bonnie sat on her face and Chloe was...
I took my pleasure with Bancey and Claere this time, having enjoyed some of the others already. Jenny and Carrie were busy servicing Nora and Lara their tongues, something that I decided would teach them some proper humility for once. They had been humbled somewhat, but deep-seated assumptions of entitlement and privilege would be tougher to shake and break down than that. A little time eating harlots’ pussies might well help remove their arrogance a bit more. I was inclined to pull that out...
Awake for a new evening, I now made my way to the Street of Steel and went after my newest target. Gendry, bastard son of Robert Baratheon, that was the boy in question. Sure enough, he was just done at the tavern, earning a few extra coppers by beating up troublemakers for the tavern keeper in question. He also earned a free supper and some ale by his acts, though there was a considerably higher cost to the ale for now due to the destruction of so much by the Sparrows. “Gendry, look into my...
I fell asleep after the Yahtzee, some time right before dawn. We all slept the morning away, of course. I awoke to wet kisses and noticed that Hayden was busy kissing my chest, the lust in her eyes rather intense as she kept planting her lips on my flesh. She might be a little crazy, as I recalled from AHS, but Hayden definitely loved to show affection. Of course, it helped that as a vampire, I could glamor her as much as necessary to keep a lid on her lunacy. “So, things are back to normal,...
Arising at dusk, I decided that it was high time to go back to Meereen, where I took my flamethrower out for a little trial. Finding the Sons of the Harpy in the various alleys of the city, my vampire posse (and Hayden and the Harmons) cut a path through those vicious bastards throughout much of the place, doing some real damage to their cause. Word began spreading for much of the night about a man with a “fire stick,” perhaps a wizard or mage of some kind, and the Sons of the Harpy melted...
I knocked a few times before Jason answered the door, with Justen and Damon in tow, along with the ladies. Their presence certainly got the attention of the young road crew boss. He was a man with a reputation for womanizing, after all. Even with Amy Burley in his presence, and I knew for a fact that they spent more time using V than having sex, if they even got around to that yet, it would be very tough for him to ignore that many lovely girls. “Jason, Amy, invite me in,” I glamored the...
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“So, who gets turned now and are we using the same hole?” Eddie Fournier asked me now. “Same hole and I would say that it’s Damon’s turn, and Justen’s to turn him. Justen, time to become a Maker,” I instructed Justen, who nodded as Damon knelt nervously and bared his neck. It didn’t take too long and the deed was done, at which point I clicked thrice and put myself in Dorne, particularly in Sunspear earlier at night. Why cut short my time when I could buy more for myself simply by moving...
I awoke that night, in the arms of Margaery Tyrell, my lovely bride, very pleased that she seemed to pick up a more nocturnal schedule now. I chuckled as I imagined myself in bed with Natalie Dormer, the actress who portrayed her in Game of Thrones, but I actually liked Margaery better in a way. She was a genuine delight, no doubt of that, charming and everything. She was certainly quite sensual, something that I couldn’t be absolutely sure about with an actress I had never met. “Shower...
“You’ve put several septons and septas to death lately, all on charges of sedition, I know. You honestly believe them to have Sparrow sympathies? If so, on what basis, Ser Roger?” the thrice widow Queen Margaery Tyrell asked me while I fucked her harder than ever in my bed. “Very much so. I have to pull up the remaining weeds of the Sparrow infestation, cut them out root and stem, my dear Queen. For the night is dark and full of terrors, but the fire burns them all away,” I quoted Melisandre...
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“Ah, Your Grace, how good of you to join us!” I feigned surprise when Bernadette, Mistress of Whispers and King Jamie’s paramour, led the monarch into the midst of our little orgy. “What ... is going on here?” the King of Westeros asked with a mix of astonishment and lust as he felt the kisses of my vampire vixens. “We are holding a quiet little ... banquet of sorts, one with which we are honored to play hosts to the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms! Bernadette has done her work very well, I must...
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“You know, as much as I’ve fucked you, I never tire of you. I just wish that your brother was alive to partake in this orgy,” I told Margaery while pumping furiously in and out of her in a fresh orgy at our chosen site. The Harmon house in the AHS Murder House universe, where else? I was very glad that Carol and Susan had joined us, though I had to glamor Caroline Bellefleur into watching Ben for us. I didn’t want anyone else whom I could entangle to stay out of the festivities. I also made...
I had to wonder just how I would even track Lucifer down, what with having to go back to sleep every morning, but that was my burden to bear. At least with the Colt, I had a fighting chance once I located him, and I would be able to waste anyone who got in my way. I used the vampire blood connection to locate Sam, and with him, Dean. I saw their Impala parked at a motel, nor far from where I found Crowley. Odds are, they were looking for him themselves. I knocked on their door, repeatedly in...
“So, Jeffary, I think that it’s high time to reward you for holding the fort during my brief absence. You’ve done a solid job of keeping this city and its malcontents in line. As a consequence, as the Lord of the Whispers, I ask that you kneel,” I instructed Jeffary, who quickly knelt for me. “Yes, my lord,” Jeffary clearly grasped what was next. “I dub thee knight. Arise, Ser Jeffary. Now, go find the King’s Justice and then release Lancel Lannister to go to the Wall. We have much work to...
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“How have you fared, my friends?” I asked Jason Stackhouse while fucking Amy Burley, his girlfriend. Emely, their lover, was double-penetrated by Justen and Damon, even as Jason took on all of my vampire vixens. I had to credit the former high school football star, who more than kept up with his undead companions, impressing me as usual. He definitely had some stamina, no doubt of that. I thought back with delight at how well Andy Bellefleur performed in spite of himself with my vampire...
“Having fun yet?” Clio asked me, much to my shock as I took a piss in a corner near an alley. “Actually, yes. I’ve managed to rally parts of the city that I haven’t even visited and people who I haven’t even met behind me. And I’ve fucked three whores since yesterday, no less. That’s a lot of action for a man with a recent dry spell. By the way, I didn’t think that you could visit me. What gives?” I asked the Muse, being very curious. “Well, I’m a Goddess and I can make or break rules at...
When I arose from my slumber, my vampire nest had literally doubled in size, from three vampires to six. Justen, Damon, Jenny, Carrie, Bancey, and me were all vampires now, and relatively speaking, we were all newborns. Officially, my progeny included only Justen and Jenny, but now my offspring were Makers themselves. We were already a potential menace to several folks, and not just humans. Testing the waters, we hit Merlotte’s just in time to see Andy Bellefleur pop inside there as Acting...
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The Twins, The Riverlands Three hours past dusk I laughed as we entered the dining hall and saw Lord Walder Frey on the dais, looking down upon everyone else. It was a feast of some kind, though I wasn’t sure what for this time. The Late Lord Frey (how fitting a name for him!) seemed very fond of throwing banquets, at any rate. A good way to show off his wealth and splendor and flaunt his growing power in the face of old rivals and foes, I thought, even as I pulled out my shotgun and aimed...
I awoke to Margaery kissing my face while she rode me good and hard. Never underestimate the lusts of a young woman pumped up by vampire blood and extremely attached to her husband, I suppose. My vampire vixens kissed and licked both of us all over the place as we humped, too, even biting her playfully on her bottom while she bounced up and down on me. I saw my two hostages from the Twins eyeing me as well and both of them looked eager to pounce on me like panthers or something. Hey, what...
This time, I awoke to find that my Frey hostages were atop me and quite eager to feed me their blood as well as feed off me. I cut myself and gladly fed them, pleased that they had taken to their captivity by now. I seriously considered turning them both, but at this point, I wasn’t too sure if I didn’t still need at least two more humans in thrall to me. “I’m giving both of you names. New names of my choice. My way of claiming you. You’re Melanie and Melissa. And you’re both mine, no doubt...
Author’s Note: I want to give you some background on this very, very, short story. Back in 2000, I had a roommate. We were both in a Yahoo! Club called Michigan BBWs and every now and then after I got home from work (around 2:30am), I’d get online and just post this really bizarre, off the wall stuff. I was bored and needed to calm down after a stressful day. When I think back to some of the stuff I posted, I wish now that I had saved more of those posts to share. Anyway, my roommate would...
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I was balls deep inside Lara when the next set of Sparrows broke in, clearly wishing to avoid their friends. What they didn’t reckon on was that all of my girls were armed, and we outnumbered as well as surrounded them. I pulled out of Lara for a moment, seized my cutlass, and began slashing at one of the Sparrows, even as another of his companions had his brains beaten out of his skull by Nora. Alyse skewered another one with a spear, too, making it clear that no Sparrow was safe in this...
Sure enough, I walked in on an orgy in a wide open space, with Maryann the Maenad sure enough leading so much of the town in the festivities. Indeed, their eyes were black orbs with no irises or anything of the sort, as they mindlessly humped each other in the grass and against the rocks, even on tree stumps. I would have enjoyed it more if it was just wanton debauchery, no human sacrifice or the like happening. “Well, well, well, what have we here ... an unwanted guest!” Maryann confronted...
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The battle was a true clusterfuck from the outset, as the desperately outnumbered Sparrows with their cudgels tried to fend off my urban, if not motley rabble with plenty of weapons between them. The Faith Militant was more than a little outclassed, yet they fought quite bravely, I would give them that much. The streets of King’s Landing already began to flow with blood, the gutters rather red with them in fact, as my makeshift army of angry townsfolk butchered many Sparrows in front of them...
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“So, what to do next? Oh, yes ... I know what!” I grinned as I appeared at the Bon Temps Sheriff’s Department just after dusk. “Excuse me, but the Sheriff’s Department is closed for the day,” Rosie, clearly in a rush to get home, tried to shoo me away from the door. “Rosie, look at me,” I called her by name, causing her to stare directly at the stranger who knew her on sight. The cute blonde police dispatcher wasn’t ready for what I did next, even as I glared intensely at her. “Rosie,...
I was in the middle of rotating from Violet Harmon’s ass to Vivien’s, swapping with Ben, making both ladies cream themselves from the constant anal stimulation. Suddenly, I saw him there. Tate Langdon. He was right there and he wasn’t alone. Moira O’Hara stood there with him, watching us. I smirked and just kept at it while watching them watch us. If he didn’t like seeing me fuck his crush (or crushes?), too fucking bad. It wasn’t as if I could impregnate Violet or Vivien and certainly not...
“Sansa, look at me. You are going to undress for me and I am going to take you to bed and take your virginity. Theon, look at me ... undress Myranda. Myranda, look at me and undress Theon. Theon, lick Sansa’s cunny while Myranda licks her bum. Yes, Sansa, this is going to be fucking, not making love. I’m going to fuck you. Theon and Myranda will prepare you for the act, get you nice and wet for me. “Sansa, I’m going to bite you now and feed you my blood as well. This will help us bond as we...
I returned to the Red Keep in a hurry after that change, eager to see how quickly the news of the new Lord Reaper, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, reached King’s Landing. Of course, people would assume that it had nothing to do with me, because after all, how quickly could I have traveled to Pyke and back? Surely, not even I, the mysterious Knight Inquisitor, Master of Laws, and Lord Commander of the City Watch, could possibly have flown like a raven to a distant holdfast on a salty rock from...
Hadley wasn’t thrilled at first to be taken like that by me, though hearing Sophie-Anne and Hayden moan with ecstasy certainly got her attention. Furthermore, tasting my blood and having me taste hers made her react a little more to my strokes inside her gash than otherwise. As for me, well, I enjoyed the slight farmer’s tan on her bum as she pushed back at me with her hips and buns. I yanked her hair good and hard as I bit her neck repeatedly. “Oh, my ... Hayden ... oui ... my petite ......
I was deep inside Rosie from behind while her boyfriend Kevin probed Jessica when I noticed that it got much closer to dawn. I also realized that even Sookie, Sam, and Bill were intimate in some capacity with someone, much to my pleasant surprise. They didn’t have the black bug eyes, of course, but they were very much caught up in a new kind of debauched frenzy. I mused about this for a little bit when I heard a cough. “Don’t worry ... that was us. We have far more power than any Maenad or...
I don’t know what I expected as I arose, but the incredible thirst was a huge part of it. It was a thirst that was also hunger, as blood was now my sole means of sustenance. I no longer craved human food at all and I thus knew that it had worked. I had been transformed from a mortal man to a creature of the night, a vampire. Sure, there was a price to pay, a few of them in fact. I was no longer free to walk in daylight at all. I was relegated to the moon, never to see the Sun on my face...
“So, what did you guys do during your second day in Bon Temps without your vampire Master?” I teased my pets, knowing that I had plenty of time on my side. “Not much. Just ... watched movies, ate what little food we could find around here, which wasn’t much in this house, had sex with each other, that kind of thing,” Damon spoke for the rest of them from the sound of it. “Yes, well, I think that it’s time to check out the area, don’t you? Except you two, unless you want to join us,” I...
Winterfell, The North Not bound by space or time, at least not in this dramatic multiverse, I found myself quite easily at the godswood just as Sansa Stark was supposed to wed Ramsay Bolton. Beautiful, I thought, even as I led my party of vampires and humans together in a sudden nighttime raid on the Boltons’ new holdfast of Winterfell. Sansa was just about to join hands with Ramsay and bind herself to her intended before the Old Gods of the Forest when we burst forth as if from nowhere...
I knocked repeatedly at the Harmons’ door, being alone as it was daytime and there was only one ring that could let us walk in daylight. I heard footsteps, and sure enough, Vivien Harmon answered the door, in her pajamas no less. I chuckled as she saw me, dressed as I was in a polo shirt and khakis, seemingly quite suburban and normal aside from my bag that I carried on me. She was a little surprised to have company and she looked at me with considerable doubt. Who was this guy,...
“Oh, damn, Seven Hells!” Margaery Tyrell exclaimed as I went back and forth from her arse to Loras’s. Both Tyrells really seemed to get off on being taken like this, side by side on Margaery’s bed. I buggered each of them rather ruthlessly, thoroughly reveling in the act of sodomy with the siblings. I also fed them some of my blood to ensure that they would be addicted to me and even more under my thumb. I couldn’t let my influence over the Queen and the Hand slip, could I? Thankfully, there...
I returned to Sunnydale at night, just in time to see Buffy and Xander in the midst of a heated argument. I chuckled as I led my company toward them, Xander not recognizing me at all due to the past glamoring. I rushed at them, flashing my fangs along with my nest, which instantly put Buffy and Xander on their guard. They knew that they were in the presence of vampires, after all, and that was Buffy’s specialty. “Woah, there, sport! Let’s back this down a little!” Xander tried to calm things...
“So, does anyone care to explain why this session is being held at night?” Ser Jamie Lannister spoke first, turning to Ser Loras in his capacity as Hand. “In deference to our Lord Commander of the City Watch, Ser Jamie. He ... has issues with sunlight. Or rather his companions here do,” Ser Loras explained patiently to the Kingslayer. “I ... see. So, where’s Cersei? I haven’t seen her at all since I returned from Dorne. I dreaded seeing her again because I came home empty-handed, but ......
After resting for what remained of the day, I arose at dusk and departed with my nest for the camp of the late King Stannis Baratheon, whereupon I found a young Princess Shireen Baratheon mourning her father at a funeral pyre. There was a special service performed by Melisandre, the Red Priestess herself, while Ser Davos Seaworth stood apart with Queen Selyse. I simply stood there quietly before the pyre and watched the flames burn away the King’s flesh. The hopes of the Baratheon host had...
“So, what’s new for you guys?” I asked Ben Harmon while swapping partners with him. For the moment, I was balls deep inside Vivien while he was buried in Violet’s snatch. I kept slamming into her while her hips bucked with every stroke and I rubbed her buttocks with delight. She kept throwing her auburn hair around, its sweaty waves landing stickily on her flesh. Meanwhile, Ben pushed furiously in and out of his own daughter’s hot and juicy gash, making her moan with satisfaction as her...
I awoke at dusk and led my party back to the Harmons’ house, where I found Tate still in the midst of screwing Vivien and Violet. I chuckled as I considered my options before collecting mother and daughter alike. I brought my group with me to Jason Stackhouse’s place, where we found Amy, Emely, and Jason in the middle of a threesome as well. It was hardly a surprise, of course, especially with Jason being, well, Jason. “Hey, guys, what’s new?” I announced myself while Amy and Emely both...
As I rose from my slumber, I decided that I actually had enough of Maryann Forrester. It was time to be rid of her and her craziness before she actually broke her deal with me and hurt Sam Merlotte, among other bad things. It was fun seeing the town of Bon Temps go wild with the orgiastic fun, but things had gone on long enough. I would have to get rid of the Sparrows and others by other means. The trouble was that I needed one more victim to trick her into thinking that she would meet...
Carol sniffed and sighed as the gleaming black car pulled away to the sound of rattling cans and shouts of good luck. At last she could relax following Eve’s departure. Perhaps I can change into something more comfortable than this flouncy purple monstrosity of a dress. Maybe enjoy a drink, perhaps a dance or two, relax a little and then go to bed. I am that tired, that I might even have a little bit of a cry and release all this pent-up emotion – those were her simple plans for the rest of the...
Carol sniffed and sighed as the gleaming black car pulled away to the sound of rattling cans and shouts of good luck. At last she could relax following her best friend Eve’s departure on her honeymoon. ‘Perhaps I can change into something more comfortable than this flouncy purple monstrosity of a dress,’ she thought. ‘Maybe enjoy a drink, perhaps a dance or two, relax a little and then go to bed. I am that tired, that I might even have a little bit of a cry and release all this pent-up...
If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!) I was 12 at the time of this story, and so was my best friend, Cameron, who this story involves. I didn’t think I was gay. Neither did he. In fact I...