The School Part 4
- 3 years ago
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“Did you not hear my words, Mr. Jones?”
“I did, Jeeves, but I could not make sense of them.”
“It was a conversation performed using a social code, Mr. Jones; a pattern of words where nothing is said outright, merely assumed.”
“How do you mean?”
“We agreed that should the teenage thugs get up to more trouble, their details would get to me and I will deal with them clandestinely.”
“Secretly, in such a way as to their attacker being unrecognised.”
“Oh, I see. You would duff them up without them knowing who you were?”
“Not quite, Mr. Jones. They would know perfectly well who I was, but be unable to prove it, especially from their hospital beds, or perhaps coffins.”
“Oh.” He decided he did not want to know more, and swiftly vanished from my sight. I hadn’t thought that Jones might be squeamish. It is amazing how supposedly tough men were less than happy at the thought of them or someone similar to them, getting their comeuppance. Men like that did not last long in the army. The army preferred men who were prepared to take it as well as dish it out.
Getting injured in a battle was part of the job, as far as us soldiers were concerned. It was when an injury forced us out of the army; that was what hurt, as I had experienced. Going up against a bunch of untrained toughs was nothing to me, as long as it was a fair fight; and I decided what was a fair fight.
Later, Dawes called me in.
“Jeeves, Miss Frobisher leaves tomorrow. She is packing all non-essentials at the moment into boxes or some such containers. You will take them and deliver them to wherever she specifies.”
“Yes, sir. Delivery today, or with her tomorrow?”
“Go and see what the quantity is, and decide for yourself. Either suits me, as I do not require the car today.” He paused. “I will check first with Mrs Dawes; in case she needs to be taken to her aerobics class or such. After all, it is her car, and she has first call on it.”
Like me, he could never keep track of his wife’s social calendar. She was a law unto herself that way.
Half an hour later, he buzzed me. “The car is available any time today, Jeeves.”
“Thank you, sir. I shall consult Miss Frobisher about her luggage quantity.”
It was still afternoon, and too early to start preparing the table, so I buzzed her office. There was no reply, so I next buzzed her room. She answered.
“Ma’am, I have been instructed to assist you, should you have a large quantity of luggage to be moved to another destination. Otherwise, we do the removal tomorrow in its entirety.”
“Thanks, Jeeves. Let me see, and ring you back.”
It took her some time before she got back to me, and this would mean today’s move, if it happened, would be after the evening meal.
I answered the phone, and she spoke. “Jeeves, I have rung my brother to see if we could do a run today. He will be working late at his job, but his wife will be able to receive my stuff, so we could do a run this evening, as soon as the meal is cleared.”
“That will suit admirably, Miss Frobisher. The approximate destination being?”
“Oh. Wimbledon, Jeeves. Does that suit your timetable?”
“It does indeed. We can get there without having to use the ring road. It is the same destination tomorrow; I presume?”
“Yes, Jeeves. Thank you for giving up your time to this jaunt.”
“I am pleased to be able to assist, my dear. Just give me an approximate time for your move tomorrow afternoon, and we shall fit it in. Today will give me a rough timing for tomorrow’s move, so the household schedule does not get interrupted.”
As we had arranged, I and Jones helped Miss Frobisher with her bags and boxes down the lift and out to the car, where we packed the rear seat. Miss Frobisher would occupy the front seat to be able to issue directions. She said little apart from directions, as if embarrassed at the situation.
When we arrived at Wimbledon it was still daylight, which helped with the unloading and carrying. Miss Frobisher called out to the lady of the house standing at the doorstep, “Deirdre! It is lovely to see you again.”
As we approached, the other lady declared in a soft voice, “Welcome to our house, Constable Frobisher. You know you are always welcome.” Miss Frobisher coughed slightly, and motioned with her head towards me, where I was pretending I hadn’t heard. Deirdre made her mouth into an “O” and looked embarrassed.
I intervened. “Deirdre, I do not know, officially, so please take care. MISS Frobisher is a dear friend and work colleague.”
Deirdre glanced at both of us in turn, as if assessing this, but did not know what to say, so just bustled about, indicating where the luggage should be placed. “You arrive properly tomorrow, my dear?”
“During the afternoon, Deirdre. I hope not to be staying too long. I know what an inconvenience this must be for you.”
Deirdre brushed this off. “I know what it means to you, Miss Frobisher.”
I intervened again. “Enough of the formality, Deirdre. If you want her to stay in cover, you should be using her first name – much though she may dislike it; eh, Felicity?”
Felicity grimaced, but declared, “He is quite right, Deirdre. Please use my first name for the present.”
Deirdre gestured towards me. “Who IS he, Felicity?” She was clearly concerned at how much I knew. Felicity answered, “I am not sure, Deirdre. He is officially our butler at the house, but I think he is undercover as well. Who for, I have no idea.” She raised her eyebrows to me in query.
I shrugged. “No-one you need be concerned about, is all I can say. I am a properly trained butler; I can assure you. I cannot say more.”
Felicity told her, “We have to get back to the house, Deirdre. See you tomorrow.”
We re-embarked and I drove us home. We were remarkably quiet once again, as if neither of us wanted to admit to anything. It felt tense, with only the occasional bit of chit-chat about traffic or weather.
Once back at the Dawes residence, we split up after agreeing on tomorrow’s final trip. I was hardly back to my own quarters to change back to my butler uniform, when my phone rang again.
Curiously, it was The Personalia. “Jeeves, can we ask you what you talked about in the car today, in both directions?”
“A curious question. Actually, not very much. On the way there, we mostly talked about the directions to our destination, and on the way back, we talked inconsequential things. Why do you ask?”
“It was sheer coincidence that one of us had a look down at your vehicle today, out of interest in the operation of such surface conveyances. Our Person noticed that the car was making radio transmissions, so took a closer look at what was being transmitted at the time.”
I surmised, “Probably a satnav unit, though I haven’t noticed such a thing in the car’s front panel.”
“It was not that. It was sending voice transmissions from time to time, so it appears that your car is fitted with microphones, linked to a communications unit that sends out signals of what is spoken in the car. We suspect that it was installed to monitor passengers, but might also have monitored your own conversations in the front seat. We wished to warn you about this, and to query what you might have said inadvertently.”
“I see. No, I don’t think anything either of us said in the car had any significance.”
“We suggest you keep it that way. As yet, we do not know the destination for these transmissions, so take precautions, Jeeves.”
“I will. Thank you.”
I was astonished, not so much at the eavesdropping, but that The Personalia could pinpoint one car among millions and listen in to that one car! That was a hellova powerful capability.
I closed the phone, and returned to my preparations.
Once suitably attired, I went to the kitchen, to see how chef was doing regarding the evening meal. She was satisfied with progress, and was keeping an eye on the news channel as she worked. Something caught her interest.
“Mr. Jeeves, did I not hear you say something about Egyptian objects recently?”
“Yes, chef. That is true. What of it?”
“It appears some odd occurrence has happened outside the British Museum, and it has to do with Egyptian things, or bombs.”
“Oh? Is it still on?”
“Not at the moment, but most of these stories get repeated ad nauseam throughout the day on the news channel.”
“Thank you, chef. I should pay more attention to the news, I suppose.”
“Oh, look. They have a camera there now.”
I watched, and the TV channel had a camera on site, focussed on a decrepit white van parked on the pavement, with police surrounding it at a distance. It looked as if they were treating it like a car bomb. The reporter was preparing to speak, so I switched the sound back on.
“This is a most peculiar event, Steve [the anchor man in the studio]. The Museum got a phone call to say that there were some ancient objects in a van on their doorstep, and when they looked outside, there was this van that must have been parked on the ‘no parking’ section overnight, but no-one had paid attention to it until now.
They had no means of seeing what was inside, so as a precaution they called the police. The police then gathered their men and surrounded the van with a wide cordon in case it is loaded with explosives. There seemed to have been some considerable delay before the bomb squad could come. It has been suggested that a couple of other suspicious vehicles were reported this morning, so their hands were full.
The bomb squad are on their way; I have been told. In fact, one man with the police now, is apparently the bomb squad liaison man. He got here earlier in a car, to suss out the situation before the squad with all their equipment were able to arrive. No one was willing to get too close in the meantime, quite understandably. The police have detoured the rush hour traffic for the moment, until the situation is clarified.”
“So it is a waiting game until the bomb squad get their hands on the van, Terry?” said the link man in the studio.
“I am afraid so, Steve. I will report further when there is more action.”
“Weird!” I exclaimed. “If it is ancient objects, why would there be a bomb?”
Chef gave a short laugh. “They take great precautions, Mr. Jeeves, just in case.”
“But I just don’t see the point of their being a bomb, then sending a warning, if they intended to harm a lot of people, Mrs. Hargreaves. And then, phoning the B.M. instead of the police; that is another oddity.”
“Perhaps hoping to excite curiosity, to tempt security people to come close, Mr. Jeeves?”
“But they won’t. They will send a robot machine to blow open the back door, so they can see inside. The museum people will be shitting themselves when they hear about that plan, if it really is ancient objects! Oops, sorry, Mrs. Hargreaves, for my unfortunate language.”
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Like most Sunday's, I was sleeping in... Knowing the alarm won't be disturbing my deep sleep… But there was something…It invaded my sub-conscious. In my dream state, it was hard to put my finger on it.. Flashes of a gently rocking boat... Warm splashes of water.. And of course a vision like that wouldn't be complete without a lovely Asian girl spread out on a towel. Slowly the images fade as I'm gently coaxed from slumber by something more in the physical realm. I start to realize my...
It was just like any other day for 20 year old Jason. He woke up, got dressed, went down for breakfast. Just before he got downstairs he heard his parents yelling again and his dad leave for work. His mom was sitting at the table drinking coffee and as he ate he asked her what was wrong ... she said "Nothing ... you know your father ... when he is late he gets cranky". Jason shrugged and finished breakfast. On his way to the local university, Jason was just sort of daydreaming, not really...
Hi, you may know my name . I am regularly writing comments to various mother son stories. This is my life’s experience. I have see most of the writers are south Indians. We Biharis are also top class mother fuckers. My English is little poor . This story is only middle part of the full story. I posted it first because this part matched with heading. Please-please write your comments— At 11.45 Pm,I went to Ma’s room. Ma was sleeping beside sister & nice. I shake her body. She waked up with...
IncestWe return once more, astute reader, to convey the story of poor Zack....or is it Zena...Greenburg. Whether or not it truly is that deplorable body odor removal device that has transformed him into her, or if its something much more scientific in explination. Zack has found a way to know for sure once and for all. ---- Zack had had enough. Pacing back and forth in the science lab after school, waiting for Spence to have some kind of explinatrion for his current condition was getting on...
There I was, naked on my knees Joes hard cock in my hand and realizing his neighbor Bill was standing next to him naked. Joe smiled as I looked up at him without saying a word he took my other hand and placed on Bills semi-erect cock. I started stroking both of them at the same time. It only took a few strokes and Bills cock was fully erect. Unlike Joe, Bill was completely shaven and uncut his cock was huge, I later found out he was 10 1/2 inches and thick. Suck his cock Joe says as Bill...
Misha Maver and Ginebra Belucci are two girls who love it in the ass. They start by licking each other tight buttholes. They eat each other’s holes until it’s real wet. Their beautiful round asses twerk all day outside. They come in for a surprise. Potro De Bilbao big fat juciy cock is wating to be fucked. The girls fight for the cock. They both suck him off at the same time. One of them gets what she wants and gets her asshole filled with Potro’s gigantic cock. She moans in...
xmoviesforyouHai readers! I’m Gautham from Chennai this is my first story please write your feedback about this story so that I rectify my mistakes and fulfill your expectation in my next story. My maid I’d Let me introduce myself I’m Gautham from Chennai good looking 6ft height and having a body like athletes. I’m a B.E graduate but I’m not interested to work in private sector so I’m preparing for bank and TNPSC exams so I started to go classes for bank exams. There was a girl her name is Kavitha; she is...
Waking up on my couch in the lounge at my parents' bungalow following the fractured knee at the start of the week, I reflected wistfully on the past five days. Packed with sexual imagery, it was like an x-rated version of the montage afforded to vanquished contestants on Big Brother, with some satisfying revenge thrown in for good measure. With five hours to find a date for the match, time was on my side to do what needed to be done next. After a brief exchange with the folks over...
When you hear the phrase “Naughty Ads”, what do you immediately envision? I actually think of two separate categories of adult-oriented advertisements, one a blessing and the other a curse. If you’re a regular internet masturbator, you’ve no doubt grown accustomed to the onslaught of spam you get from the free sites even if you’re running a good adblocker plugin for your browser. Those arguably suck, even if they do occasionally nudge you toward some high-quality fap fodder you’ve never...
Escort Sites‘Um…hi,’ John said. Perhaps not the most articulate of beginnings, but John felt like his brain had just dried up. Despite having exchanged dozens of emails and hundreds of instant messages, this was the first time he’d ever spoken with Deanna ‘live’, and he had to admit, he’d felt a rush of nervousness when the phone rang. Somehow, the thought of voice-to-voice contact felt more…intimate, in a way that made him worry that he was maybe investing too much into just one phone call. He couldn’t...
We finished doing the dishes and I said, winking at her, "OK baby, what shall we do with the rest of the day?" Lena had a wicked look in her eye and said, "Well, I must say you've shown great restraint. You haven't had a decent shag for over 24 hours, I thought you'd be gagging for it by now." I laughed and said, "But you frigged me in the car, remember." "Yes, but that was only a little diddle. It didn't exactly blow your socks off did it?" I thought Lena might be getting a...
Old Wife's Tail--Part Three--Uranus is a Gas Giant. Juliette Lima Well thanks do very much For all your kind attention I'm sure your belief's and such Are stretched to great distention. The six of us sat around Gayle Cockburn's table after finishing dinner. My cousin still wearing my wife's body typed industriously on a laptop. "Well here's a hell of a note!" Cindy's spouse exclaimed. "What's that Colonel?" I asked. "These files on the laptop our swarthy little friends...
I had a weekend of camping with the Scouts. We took a camp site with our friend Louis and Wendy. This was the first time for me to go out camping. The first day was exhausting we had many activities. The worst part of it was that bathroom down the hill had no privacy when showering. My hair was awful. I decided not to take a bath that first night. Wendy was different she did mind that there was no privacy. The second day had come. My husband and Louis wanted to take everyone down to the lake....
BisexualRichard asked for the Christmas to New Year’s Day week off and drove to Southport in two harrowing days, with extremely high temperatures. He was welcomed by his parents with the news that “Cat’s on a cruise to Auckland.” After unloading the Jeep he showered and re-dressed. It was a luxury to have real hot water on tap. “How are things?” Andy asked him. “Well, I’ve worked hard for two months and I think I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been talking to one of our Aboriginal drovers and learned from...