Making My Mess With Tess
- 2 years ago
- 34
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We were going to be in the air for just short of 12 hours -- all night, overnight, on only the Tokyo leg of the trip. From there, after a long layover, the flight to Seoul would take another four hours.
All this, and another golf tournament on Thursday.
Somewhere over the Pacific, three hours into the flight, Tess returned from an upper-level trip to (I assumed) a restroom and smiled sweetly at me in my window seat in first class. Kim was directly across the aisle from Tess.
"That's better!" Tess said.
"This is the longest time, ever, I ever plan to be on an airplane. I lost the bra."
Tess' fashionable, colorful blouse was silk or some comparably thin, flexible, flimsy fabric. It was draped over her ample chest with several folds and gatherings, so it covered her decently enough, although I knew there would be some major-league swaying going on, if she were going to walk around.
But it was the middle of the night, the plane's lighting was very subdued, and most of our fellow passengers were asleep. I wasn't going to make a federal case out of Tess' wardrobe choices.
It wasn't difficult, however, to detect that the only thing between her and our processed, high-altitude air was a piece of fabric that was -- perhaps -- one millimeter thick.
"We can't join the mile-high club," Tess told me.
I hadn't been contemplating joining, but I wondered why Tess had brought it up.
"You know why?" she said.
OK. Here it comes. She wanted me to ask, so I asked. "No, why?"
"Because this rig is flying at 35,000 feet!" she said. "We're gonna have to join the seven-mile-high club, instead!"
"Hey, Kimmy!" she whispered, leaning out into the aisle. "You want to join the seven-mile-high club?"
Kim looked past Tess at me, and the look said, "Here we go again."
Tess leaned back over in my direction. "I found a really big restroom," she said. "Well. It's not that big, I guess, but it's really big -- for an airplane!"
"People will know what we're doing," I said.
"Yes. But we won't be the first ever," Tess said. "That was probably one of the Wright brothers."
"I don't know, Tess. Won't you be a little bit... embarrassed?"
"Nope. It's the middle of the night, Will! People aren't paying any attention to us!" She was wearing a flowing, lightweight long skirt with a wrap-around panel. "Look," she said, pulling back the panel and showing me her bare leg, all the way up to her waist.
The bra hadn't been the only article of clothing she'd ditched in the spacious upstairs restroom.
"Tess!... C'mon!"
"Nobody's looking," she said. Not entirely true. I was looking. Kim was looking.
"If you won't go with me to the restroom," she said, "you'll have to do me, right here."
"I'm not going to 'do you' in an open seat in first class," I protested.
"There's more room here than in coach," Tess said. "And it's really crowded, with people, back there. Somebody would surely see us... But if you don't want to... sully... first class, I guess we could go back there and try to find a place."
She was kidding, of course, about going back to coach. But I knew her. She wasn't kidding about the other. It was going to be the restroom, or right here in our ridiculously expensive seats.
Hell, at these prices, who could possibly object?
"OK," I said, finally. "Where is this roomy restroom, exactly?"
She described it. It wasn't difficult to find, evidently, once you'd gained the upper level of the plane. It was right up front, near the top of the winding stairs, behind the piano, second door from the left.
"You should go first," Tess said. Go in, lock the door so it'll say 'Occupied.' And then, when you hear two little faint knocks, open it."
"It'll be a few moments," Tess said. "Look casual... make it look good."
"OK." I went to the nearby winding stairwell, climbed it, and located the second door from the left, behind the piano. Happily, at 2:30 a.m., nobody was playing the piano.
I waited for what seemed like a long time. I opened the door once, to be certain I hadn't just failed to hear the light knocking. No Tess.
Finally, I heard the little knock-knock, and unlocked the door. Instantly, she slipped in, closing the door behind her.
Only, it wasn't Tess. It was Kim.
"Tess couldn't make it?" I said, with a measure of sarcasm.
"She's coming," Kim said.
"Later, you mean? After we... ?"
"No. Not later. Now... In a few minutes."
I looked around the "large" restroom. It was a little cramped, with the two of us in there. Now, Tess was coming, too. "This is crazy!" I said.
"I know," Kim said. "But you know how she is. She can be... persuasive."
"There's no room in here!" I protested. "Anyway, I can't... do both of you, like that. Not without a break, at least. Maybe 45 minutes. Is that too much to ask? We've got eleven hours. Can't we do this in... like, in shifts?"
"Tess wants us all to join the Club together," Kim said.
"Somebody's going to get the soft end of the stick," I warned.
Soon, there was still-another soft two-knock knock on the little door, and Tess joined us in the now totally inadequate room.
"Whew! Kinda tight, huh?" she said.
"Tess. How about you and me now, and Kim, later?... Or Kim and me now, and you, later? I can't get it up for both of you, just bang-bang, like that! I don't think everybody will want to wait around, in this space, for the second coming."
"Will, we know you're not Super Stud. Me and Kim, we know that, better than anybody. But, I have reviewed the rules of this game with some care. It isn't essential that everybody has to actually have a cum. It isn't even essential that everybody has to receive... ejaculate. It's more like the elements of the crime of rape -- there just has to be penetration."
"OK -- So I penetrate both of you, and then everybody puts his or her underwear back on and we go back to our seats?"
"Well, two things about that," Tess said. "I'm not putting my underwear back on until we get to Tokyo. That's one. And the other thing is, you penetrate both of us, but you get to come, in only one of us."
"Maybe it better be Kim, then," I said. "At least when she goes back to her seat, she'll have her underwear on."
"I've already thought about... that," Tess said. "No underwear, but I've got a cum-catcher." She reached into her bag and fished out a belted sanitary napkin.
"If you're willing to wear that thing, why not just slip on some panties, too?" I asked.
"Will. Oh, Will, haven't you ever done something, just based on principle?"
"OK, I said. "Who gets 'mere penetration, ' and who gets to cum, or try to?"
"Well, you -- Will... You definitely get to cum," Tess said. "You always get to cum. You men have all the advantages. Life is so unfair!"
"I meant, who else?" I said. It was crowded in there. None of us could sit down -- not even on the toilet, because a person, sitting down, took up too much of the available space.
"You want to flip for it, Kimmy?" Tess said. "Winner gets sloppy seconds. Loser has to go first, but Will can't cum. And, Kimmy, as we both have sadly learned, if Will can't cum, probably his partner can't, either."
They flipped for it. Tess was the "winner," so presumably her belted sanitary napkin would get some use, later in the flight.
"You ready, Kimmy?" I asked. Kim dutifully began to shimmy out of her panties, although the cramped space and her tight skirt made it difficult. Finally, the skirt got hiked all the way up over her hips, her panties went down to the floor where, for lack of an alternative, she had to step out of them and leave them there.
Now Kim was, indeed, ready.
"Hey," Tess said, "as long as we're all here, why don't we make this a group mile-high club event? Will, try to sit up there, on the counter, and put your feet in the little sink, there.
With some bumping and maneuvering, I finally managed to get my butt up on the counter next to the sink, and to lift my feet off the floor -- one of them in the sink itself, the other pressing the forward wall, next to the door. I was now wedged into the cramped space above the sink cabinet, but I had left more adequate floor space available for the two women.
Tess first squatted down and rescued Kim's panties from the floor, placing them on the counter next to me. Then she stayed down there, grasped Kim's buttocks in both hands, and gave the standing Kimmy a very nice tonguing-in-place. Kim gave out a little sigh and allowed herself to just let it happen, if it wanted to.
Tess was in no particular hurry, it seemed, to stop, but I think both of them despaired of ever getting off in that near-impossible posture, so Tess finally gave Kim's clit one last loving lick, kissed her tenderly on the abdomen, and -- with some difficulty, rose back up to her feet.
"Now, me," she said.
Kim dutifully sat down on the toilet-seat lid, aligned herself with Tess' underwear-free snatch, and administered some wet and enthusiastic return licks. "Nice," Tess said. She gave a couple of little jerks, indicating that pay dirt was being hit, from time to time, but -- like Kim -- she wasn't going to get all the way off, and she knew it.
Didn't matter that much. In principle, they'd both had girl-girl sex in an airplane restroom, at very high altitude. How many women could say that?
Probably several hundred thousand, but, hey, who's counting? Anyway, they were both flushed with excitement. No pun intended.
"OK, Will. We're ready for your manly shaft, now," Tess said. Tess turned Kim around, so that, skirt once again up over her butt, Kim was standing, facing away, and leaning over the toilet as far as she could, for maximum ease of entry.
I unfolded myself and made my way down onto the crowded floor.
"I can't get up there," Tess said, gesturing at the top of the sink cabinet where, so recently, I had gotten out of the way of the girl-girl couplings. I thought she was probably right. The best Tess could do would be to back off into a little corner, near the door, so that I could get in the middle and access Kim's waiting wazoo.
Kim was wet, and I slid home easily. It was very pleasant in there, and I'd have been pleased to have just started driving recklessly and try to make something happen.
But my instructions were clear. This was just penetration -- no orgasms allowed. Theoretically, I could give Kim an orgasm, as long as I didn't cum, myself, in the process.
Yeah, right.
Anyway, making certain I didn't get too excited, I laid a little pipe for Kimmy, holding her hips and getting as much penetration as the circumstances permitted. We had several mutually pleasurable ins-and-outs, and Kimmy gave me a gratifying little moan of appreciation at one point.
But the time came when, I knew, I had to either pull out or fail with Tess, moments later.
One more sweet little tingle as I drove home for the final thrust, and then, slowly, reluctantly, I withdrew. "Thank you, Kimmy," I said. "I hope that doesn't leave you as frustrated as it does me."
Tess overheard. "You two can always come back later," she said. "It's a long, long way to Tokyo."
Kim reclaimed her panties, and, despite the cramped conditions, put them back on before leaving the restroom. "You sure you don't want to stay and watch?" Tess said.
"You're going to need more room, Tess," Kim said. "We've fulfilled all the conditions of membership in the Club, haven't we? All the conditions -- and a few extra."
"OK, Sweetie," Tess said. "But, if I were you, and got left hanging like that, I'd go to the bathroom next door and finish myself off."
"I'm going to be all right," Kimmy said. "I can always just cover up with a blanket, back down in my seat."
I wondered if Kimmy would actually do a thing like that. Maybe. She'd been around us for a long time, now. She'd picked up a lot of bad habits.
Kim slipped out of the little restroom, and we re-locked the door. Tess' loose-fitting blouse was, by now, in complete disarray, as was her skirt. She finally decided to take both articles off. "I'll start over, getting dressed, after," she said.
But we had already hooked up -- it was going to be another modified doggie -- when there came another knock on the door. This one wasn't quite as soft as Kimmy's, or Tess', earlier knocks had been.
"Is everything all right in there?" An accented, female voice inquired. Flight attendant, no doubt.
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John teases the wet opening of my pussy from behind, sliding the tip of his cock up and down as my tongue continues to plunge into Tess. Sasha, near by strips until her perfect body is exposed and she crawls onto the many choices she has, but she reaches for Tess's face, pull shed up and presses their lips together.Tess moans into the kiss, just as John finally pushes forward, his massive cock spearing me from behind. I fell my face pressing harder to Tess' ass as he pushes into...
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I stayed awake on purpose, enjoying my unexpected and totally pleasurable access to the buck-naked body of this large, sexy, wonderful young woman. As big and intimidating as Tess' body was, there didn't seem to be an ounce of fat on her anywhere. I could have stayed there indefinitely. Well, I did stay there. I stayed flush against Tess' warm back and butt and my erect cock stayed nestled right there where either one of us, with the least bit of initiative, could have put it to excellent...
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Morgantown, West Virginia is not that far south of the Pennsylvania state line and it was an unchallenging two-day run from New Hampshire. I concentrated on driving the RV and Tess kept her distance, puttering around in the interior. We never had done that much talking while I was doing highway driving, and we both listened to NPR a lot, so the silences didn't seem all that unusual. Except when we stopped for the night. The RV park had a coin laundry, and I pointed it out to Tess. "Maybe...
Tess' tee time was pretty early -- 9:12 a.m., but many groupings had teed off earlier, and there were many more to come. The field at the CIGNA tournament seemed bigger, and the first-tee craziness more unnerving, than it had been at the Hammond tournament. Maybe it was because I was so much more invested in Tess' success than I had been. In Hammond, I'd been her caddie, her driver, and her newfound friend. Now, our friendship, if that's what it was, had become more intimate by light...
He leans over my ear and whispers: ‘Are you going to obey me, or am I going to have to hurt you?’ His blue eyes glimmer in the twilit room. I am gagged and roped. I know I’m sitting down, but I can’t move her arms or legs. ‘Do you want me to untie you?’ He asks. I nod instantly. ‘Then you will not try to run, because, for one, you would get nowhere, and second, I will punish you.’ I slightly nod again. He suddenly removes the tape that was gagging...
"So, Will, tell us about yourself," Roy Senior said to me, handing me a fresh cold one. "Well, sir. I just graduated from UNC. I met Tess just recently, while caddying at your club, and that's how we got together." "Yeah, well, Tess has told me that much. I mean, tell me about your plans. The stuff you're interested in. Your family. What's your father do?" "He works for the Coca-Cola Company." "Really? In Atlanta?" "No, no. He's right near by, in the Raleigh area. He...
When Tess eventually came back from her forced march in the woods, she was dry-eyed and more-or-less normal looking. We all three lazed around for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I wasn't feeling communicative so I broke out a novel I'd been neglecting and used it as an excuse not to engage in conversation. There was a pall over the proceedings, and I'm sure Kim noticed that something was amiss. But she didn't say anything. After dinner I needed a shower. I first considered...
No surprises. That had to be either Tess on the phone, or the National Security Agency. "Yeah?" "Can you come back here?" It wasn't the NSA. "To the RV?" "Yeah." I looked at the clock. "Something wrong?" "I'm alone here," she said. "What happened?" "He's gone. Hal. He's gone back to Virginia." "It's the middle of the night." "I know." "You'll need the car. You'll need a ride to the tournament. Don't worry. I'll be there to pick you up, first thing in...
Tess: A suit you grow into Andrew examined himself in the mirror. As short and scrawny as he always was. He looked to nurse Joyouse nervously; she smiled back reassuringly. "Don't worry you meet the physical requirements." Andrew smiled sheepishly. "Sorry if I'm fretting just really need this job." The nurse smiled. "Hard time finding work?" Trying not to seem desperate Andrew nodded. "Any work is hard to find these days." The nurse marked something on her clipboard and then...
Female superior was shockingly good, although Tess' massive body straddling me, with those breasts within easy reach of both my hands, was not exactly a formula that encouraged a 60-minute-man performance. Her strength and athleticism were as evident in bed as they were off the tee on those long par fives. But I soon dropped her breasts and instead grabbed her ass in both hands, trying to be sure I stayed inside her while she fucked me silly. We never did get to missionary or doggie that...
Our three-person accommodations at the Jomtien Beach Hotel in Thailand ran us 16,000 Thai Baht a night. Pretty impressive, even when converted to American dollars (in the neighborhood of 500 of those suckers), but the hotel was first-class-plus, and the suite -- on a high floor in the gorgeous tall structure, with views of the sea from two directions -- would have been worth it, I thought, even if the rent were coming directly out of my pay. Kim was paying her full 1/3 share these days, and...
Roland's presence didn't interfere with Kim's golf game -- if anything, he was a good-luck charm for her. She finished the first two rounds at a combined six-under par 138, and was tied for the lead. It was a three-day tournament -- Friday through Sunday -- so everything would depend on Sunday's final round. Tess did less well, but made the cut Saturday at one over par. On Sunday, however, Tess' back went out on the fourth hole and she was forced to withdraw. I took her back to the...
Tess bought my lunch at Applebee's and I was expecting to join her afterward to complete the front nine on Course One, but instead she just drove me back to the Club, gave me my fee plus a $20 tip, thanked me for the 27-hole workout, and made a date for another round late Wednesday afternoon. She was there on Wednesday, again playing alone and again playing solid golf on the difficult second course. She said she would be back on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and asked if I was going to be...
We had been in and out of Phoenix so much during the past month that it felt as if we ought to register to vote. Now, the week leading up to the Safeway International had finally arrived. But Tess and Kim were in for a horrific double-shocker. Superstition Mountain was a 72-hole event, but, for both my girls, it was 36 holes -- and out. They both missed the cut! It wasn't particularly close. More time, preparation, and well-spaced practice rounds had been played at Superstition Mountain...
On a golf tournament's final day, the leaders go out last. By the time we reached the first tee, word had spread that Donna Fregosi, a three-year pro who'd barely held onto her tour card the previous year, was burning up the course on the tenth hole. Fregosi had started the day well back, seven strokes behind Kim and Tess. Now she was only two behind and looking good for another bird on the tenth. Karrie Webb spoke quietly to Tess and Kim as they waited to be introduced by the event...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Saturday night was surprisingly low-key. Tess and Kim wanted to eat in, but we all had spent a lot of physical and emotional energy during the long day of play, so we ended up putting away seven Lean Cuisines between the three of us. There was no sex. Nobody felt like having sex. Well, I did, but I could tell, right away, that neither of the women did, so, naturally, I just tried to stay out of the way. We knew that the final group's start time on Sunday would be after noon. It was too...
Saturday night was low-key and comfortable in the RV. We all sprawled around the big front room, each of us at ease, doing whatever felt right to us as individuals. Kim suggested a game of chess, and we played two, but, as always, she beat me so quickly, and with such consummate ease, that we both soon lost interest. I buried my nose, thereafter, in a book, while Tess was surfing the 'Net. Kim read the "Fri-Sat-Sun" edition of USA Today, which, at that point in time, was already 36 hours...
Tokyo, in January, was fantastic. Tess was kept busy, but her schedule with TESLA wasn't unduly demanding, and we had time to see the city and, occasionally, to get away from Tokyo and visit other beautiful and historic places. It was a far more enjoyable foreign travel experience than any we'd had, during the season. Tess played some golf, but it was mainly to socialize with the TESLA brass, and to continue her trial period with their equipment. I was pleased to hear her say that she was...
By the time I got the door open and all three of us, plus beach equipment, piled into the RV, we were all giggling uncontrollably. "You knew that suit couldn't be worn in the water!" I said. "What are you talking about?" Tess said. "I wore it in the water, and it was fine!" "I've seen windows that hid more than that thing!" I told her. "I could tell that you had a partial shave," Kim said. "That's pretty transparent." "It's kind-of a novelty item," Tess admitted. "I...
As the weather guys say, "Warm air is coming up from the Gulf of Mexico, and we will be experiencing increasingly warmer temperatures and high humidity over the next few days." Or, as we caddy-types would say it, "Holy Christ! It's like a fucking sauna out here!" That's what Day Three was like. It maybe wasn't so awful for the groupings that went out early, although the humidity was a bear, right from dawn on. But when Tess' next-to-last threesome hit off the first tee, it was after...
Being hooked up with Tess was as stimulating to the senses as being an astronaut, or maybe a movie stuntman. Our little romance had been torrid throughout the last half of the previous year's Futures Golf Tour, where Tess had tried -- with considerable success -- to make her mark as a rookie pro golfer, despite only having been on the tour for a little more than half a season. We were living together, in her bus-sized luxury RV, whenever we were on the road, and the intimacy hadn't seemed...
Tess and I eventually dropped the subject of Sex with Kim. It was, after all, the wee hours of the morning on Day Three of the Qualifying Tournament. It was cut day. The chances of Tess missing the cut were slim and none. She was, in fact, in a great position to actually take away prize money from this tournament. To my surprise, it turned out that cash was awarded to the top finishers in Q-School. I thought getting the LPGA card would be prize enough (and I'm sure the competitors felt the...
Tess, it turned out, had the course record for the Women's Open at St. Andrews. Of course, this was the first year in which the championship had been staged on the Old Course, so all it really meant was that Tess was low scorer for opening day. We were assured, however, by several somewhat excited officials of the facility, that it also was the low women's score for any competitive round in the history of the course. It made all the papers in the British Isles, and I imagine that it was...