Cronicles of MartosChapter 4 The Vampires Dusk
- 5 years ago
- 27
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The long awaited day arrived. He was completely free, and finally, he was free to start a new life. He then faced a difficult question, what to do now. The mayor was kind enough to offer him a place in one of the military labs on Mars, and he gladly accepted. There he worked on many new technologies and weapons for the Alliance, but stayed only a short time, due to the frequent quarrels with his colleagues that he is working on his own projects and is refusing to share research data with them. Although nothing was proven, the accusations were true. He worked on Mars for four months, and during that time, he and Dr. Wilkins got closer. One could say there was something between them from the start. After four months, John requested to be transferred to Earth, and a week later moved to the main lab on Earth. Here he managed to invent the vampire's most mysterious technology, the silicon reactor. This reactor used a reaction between silicon and anti silicon to produce energy, and the secret part was the matter-antimatter converter, that converted matter to antimatter with minimal input of energy, unlike the massive facilities of the Alliance that wasted enormous amounts of energy to make anti hydrogen. Having integrated special replicators that produced only silicon, the reactor needed only fuel at the beginning of the reaction, and was capable of producing its own fuel afterwards. This reactor would give them an uncanny advantage in the future. He remained in touch with Dr. Wilkins, and love grew between them, so three months later, he asked her to marry him, which she immediately accepted.
After the wedding, a small problem arose. In order for them to have children, she would have to be transformed. So, one night they sat down to discuss this.
She said she is ready and that he should give her his blood now, but John said she must be prepared for the process; otherwise she could get severe psychological damage, as the transformation is a real shock to the brain, and any damage made is irreparable.
- Ok. I will begin with the explanation of the process itself, and we'll begin the exercises later. — He told her.
- As you wish. — She replied.
- Alright. The process itself lasts for 46 to 48 hours and every system in the body is affected. In the first 24 to 28 hours one can use sedatives and painkillers to calm the person, but after the immune system is changed, their effect is nullified. After this, many are unable to withstand the pain, and those that are lucky, pass out. The first step is a special crystallization of the skeleton, which makes it a 100 times stronger. The second step is crucial for the next, which is the enhancement of the regenerative system. After that follows the change of the digestive system and the muscles. The digestive system is configured to process blood, and the muscle tissue thickens and strengthens, making it over 500 times stronger than human tissue. The next step is the change of the immune system. When this happens, your body will be cleansed of everything, from foreign bodies and toxins, to cholesterol and unnecessary body fat. After that, the teeth are dissolved, and you grow new stronger ones, including the two fangs with special muscles in the root. These teeth are exclusively for puncturing the victim's skin and blood vessels. Next step is the change of the nervous system. In this step you shall experience a new definition of pain, as your nerves and senses are recalibrated to a thousand times greater sensitivity. The last step is the change of the skin and the growth of the special organ for temperature regulation. The skin thickens, the sweat glands are lost and any looser part of the skin is tightened. The body temperature is changed trough a special organ that can chemically heat or cool your blood. After the transformation, there is a telepathic link between the vampire and its maker, but I can only see those parts of your mind you let me. To most, this part is the most difficult to adapt to. — John ended his long, but necessary explanation.
- I understand. That was... very detailed and informative. — She said.
- Yes. Do you want to start the exercises now, or would you like to rest first? — He asked her.
- No need. Let's start. — She said and sat across him.
He smiled and began instructing her in special exercises that were supposed to make her transition easier.
A week later, she was ready, but still a little nervous. If this happened in the 20-th century, there would have been over a hundred vampires telling her she had nothing to worry about, but now, she only had John.
They stood in front of each other, and with his nail, John slowly cut his vein and raised his hand to her. She took it in her mouth, and took two mouthfuls of his blood. A minute later, she dropped in his arms and he took her to the bedroom. In the next two days, he watched as his wife change, and as she did, he thought what to do next.
After two days, she woke up.
- How do you feel dear? — John asked and gave her a satchel of blood.
- How did you know I was thirsty? — She asked.
- We all wake up thirsty, my dear. Oh, yes, this is yours. — He threw her the wedding ring.
- I had to take it off as you kept cutting yourself with the diamond. So, how do you like the new you? — He asked with a smile.
- I like me, but I don't feel different. — She replied.
Seeing herself in the mirror, she said
- I don't look different too. Just my wrinkles are gone. I look ten years younger.
- You are different, dear. Believe me. — He smiled at her again.
- What do we do now, love? — She asked.
- Firstly, we wait for you to develop sun immunity, and learn all about the new you, and after that, we'll see. — John said and took her hand in his.
For over a month John helped her adjust to her new strength, and the link between them.
Two months after she turned, they asked all humans that wanted to become vampires to join them. For the transformation applied so many people, that John had to devise a test to see if they could adjust to vampirism.
After the test, of the applied 348.365 people, only 28.549 passed the test.
Seeing there were only two vampires, and so many candidates, John, decided to transform a hundred first, and they would transform the others afterwards. The big day came for the resurrection of the vampire race. A hundred people stood before John and Heather and waited for a sample of their blood. Of the hundred, John gave blood to only thirty, and when Heather asked why she gave more blood than him, he told her "Later."
She asked again a minute later, and he answered her
-Simply for control. High level vampires evolve faster, and the less of them, the easier it is to maintain order and control.
- I understand. Order must be maintained in the Link. — She said.
After the 100 candidates received the blood, they were placed in separate rooms during their transformation. The government agreed to grant them a building for this purpose, but the thought of a large number of vampires did not appeal to them.
After the hundred woke up, they took over the transformation of the others, and in six months all vampires were changed and trained in all aspects of vampirism. The new vampires began inventing and researching many new things, but, very few data was shared with the Alliance. The vampires perfected the silicon reactor John invented, and using parts of the reactor, mainly the converter, they developed the "Decimator" technology, a mighty weapon that will never be surpassed in firepower. This weapon used the matter-antimatter converter to produce a continuous barrage of antimatter that literally decimated every target.
Even though it was a powerful weapon, as a ship bound weapon it did not inflict enough damage fast enough compared to other Alliance ships to give vampires military supremacy.
This made it necessary to invent a secondary, more destructive weapon that would be used as an addition to the "Decimator"
Analyzing data of the Alliance, and adding their own ideas, they finally developed a weapon they called singularity torpedo. This weapon detonated a singularity on impact, making an explosion equal to the detonation of 5000 kg of antimatter. During the tests they also discovered that if two shockwaves of these torpedoes clash, they annihilate space itself for miles around, in what was called the "singular" effect. The Alliance banned these weapons as too dangerous, and forbid the vampires to use the ones they already had.
Seeing tensions rise, John decided to leave Earth with his people. He asked permission to colonize an empty planet. His request was granted after several days of hard debating, and he was allowed to settle a planet of his choice.
John chose a planet slightly bigger than Earth; with three quarters of it land, and most importantly, there were three other habitable planets in relative proximity. Within a year, all vampires moved there, and began building three cities on one of the continents.
The work was hard, as there was a lot to be built. They needed habitats, power plants, replication facilities, schools, labs, factories, etc.
The first five years were the most strenuous. The three cities were built, with all the support facilities, and the first labs were built, and several factories busily built everything that could not be replicated, and work had begun on the first orbital station. They worked tirelessly for years, and as their numbers grew exponentially work became easier, as new candidates were changed every day, and more and more children were born, and no one died.
After five years on Denstindeya, which in vampire language means "Warrior's home," John's wife, Heather, gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.
John named his son Glereon, in vampire language "Force" and the girl Sophia.
For twenty years they lived peacefully, but John knew that if they wanted to be truly strong, they needed independence. He declared the forming of the Vampiric Empire, independent of the Alliance or anyone else.
This decision was met with a wave of disapproval in the Alliance. Many Alliance politicians said that now that they can't control the vampires, they could produce fleets of ships made of unknown alloys, and armed with "Decimator" cannons and singularity torpedoes they could crush any opposition.
Similar thoughts had the other forces as well, but their leaders said that until the vampires don't show any aggression towards them, they can't do anything against them.
A hundred and fifty years later, the vampires had become a force to be reckoned with. They had settled several planets, and their capitol was almost covered in cities. Their independence gave them the right to keep whatever they invented, and their numbers were now well over 12 billions.
Their space ships were considered one of the most powerful in the quadrant, and the last generation of ships, made from the special alloys metalite and krelitium, of which the krelitium was used to build the hull, as it was an incredibly tough metal, and the metalite was used to build the outer hull and armor because of it's high thermal and shock resistance. Combined with the type VI shield, the vampire ships were heavily destroyable juggernauts. At the same time, their military and art academies were considered the finest in the known galaxy, and many of the best of the best came to their academies.
They had become the most powerful single race in the quadrant, but also the least numerous force in it. Most of all, their ability to communicate telepathically gave them a great tactical superiority in battle, and this way was also a lot quicker. Still, some public meetings or lectures can be eerily quiet for a non vampire, and the most comical sentence a mortal had ever heard on a vampire world was that after two hours of complete silence, a vampire told a human "That was one of the fiercest debates I remember. Don't you think so too?"
In the quadrant were of course many races that still had no interstellar travel capabilities, and the advanced races had an agreement to limit open contact with these civilizations, deciding that they should contact them after they managed to attain interstellar drives.
Then, on the 180-th anniversary of their independence John made the first step to an all out war.
His explorers were constantly searching for new planets for the ever growing population and they found a perfect one close to their border, but a problem arose. It was already inhabited by a race that had already begun space exploration. The vampires sent a cloaked ship to investigate the planet, the vampire's cloak technology was virtually undetectable by even the most advanced sensors, so taking detailed scans of the planet that had only primitive telescopes, assessing the military capabilities and analyzing the inhabitant's DNA was effortless. Further testing showed the race compatible for vampirism, so John decided to make a move on this planet full of potential vampires. This was, according to John, to demonstrate their military capabilities as well.
John took over 30 ships and over 200.000 vampires specially trained for assimilation of larger targets like stations and planets and moved to the attack.
A terrible war had raged the Alpha quadrant for the last century between the immortal vampires and the mortal races of the quadrant. The war lasted so long, with so many casualties, that very few thought the fighting should continue, and even fewer knew why they were still fighting. Finally, the peace offer was made, from the very person that started the war, the vampire leader, Jonathan. This step was something clear only to him, as the other vampires were completely baffled from this...
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This is the true story of vampires in the world today. You probably have heard all the stories about the centuries old vampires, who live forever once they have been bitten by another vampire. And they cannot be killed, except by a stake through the heart, or maybe cutting their heads off and keeping them separate. This story began many years ago when Vlad the Impaler was ruling over Hungary and fighting off the Turks. The stories all told of how he would impale his victims through the asshole...
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How it all began"Sylvia and Danny were neighbors. Danny lived next door to Sylvia with his parents and went to the local college. For the past six months Danny had known that his strange, beautiful neighbor was in fact a vampire.The two of them had come to a rather unconventional arrangement. In return for Danny providing a regular, if somewhat unsatisfying, supply of fresh blood, Sylvia gave Danny regular, and completely satisfying, supply of oral sex."Danny's heart beat faster and he sucked...
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Danny gave a small moan as he was awakened by a wet mouth sliding down his erection."Wow Sylvia," he gasped as she sucked noisily beneath the covers, her tongue swirling around the base of his shaft. "That's quite a way to wake me up."Danny moaned again as Sylvia swallowed his entire shaft, right to the base, making a slight gagging noise as her nose pressed against his pubic hair, her lips circling the very base of his dick.The eighteen year old had travelled across the country with Sylvia,...
Introduction: This was the first fic i wrote after a very long time…yet another vampire fic. Who are you? I dont know why I asked. I knew perfectly well who he was. Ian Somerhalder. The hottest guy on campus. Every girl was after him, including my best friend. What I should have asked was why are you here, at least I wouldnt have sounded like some uneducated freak then. I didnt need to know who he was, but why he was there, sat in my apartment, on my desk, half naked, when I dont even know him,...
1.2.3. CapsuleRichard liked the twitching of his prisoner under the latex sheeting. She seemed to like the vibrator. He was sure that she had just reached her first orgasm and was already on her way to her second. It took him some effort, but he took his eyes off her and turned to the small cube of Selene's skull.The cube with an edge length of one centimeter seemed to be a package made of some kind of plastic. The cube was almost entirely black, but had seven small white dots distributed...
I don’t know why I asked. I knew perfectly well who he was. Ian Somerhalder. The hottest guy on campus. Every girl was after him, including my best friend. What I should have asked was “why are you here”; at least I wouldn’t have sounded like some uneducated freak then. I didn’t need to know who he was, but why he was there, sat in my apartment, on my desk, half naked, when I don’t even know him, I did need to know. I had been drooling over this guy in the distance since starting at this...
By: DinoMagick ([email protected]) Introduction: This story is not filled with erotic happenings. It’s my first real story that my wife and I came up with one night after drinking wine. I wanted to try my hand at writing something different. Werewolves have always been my favorite meta-human/paranormal race, so I started writing it the way my mind worked. It is one of my first attempts at writing something like this and I am still learning. Hope you like...
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Danny couldn't help but tremble slightly as the gorgeous vampire slid her tongue over his windpipe and up to the corner of his jaw."Are you okay Danny?" Sylvia asked him as she gently nuzzled his earlobe with the tip of her nose.Danny gave a sigh. "Yeah I'm fine," his hands came up and held her by the hips, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "It was just a rather intense evening," he explained, one hand reaching down and giving her bum a squeeze through her elegant black gown.The eighteen year...
That morning at 5am, well before the sun was up, Danny and Sylvia hit the road.Sylvia and Danny were neighbors. Danny lived next door to Sylvia with his parents and went to the local college. For the past six months Danny had known that his strange, beautiful neighbor was in fact a vampire.The two of them had come to a rather unconventional arrangement. In return for Danny providing a regular, if somewhat unsatisfying, supply of fresh blood, Sylvia gave Danny regular, and completely satisfying,...
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This is the true story of vampires in the world today. You probably have heard all the stories about the centuries old vampires, who live forever once they have been bitten by another vampire. And they cannot be killed, except by a stake through the heart, or maybe cutting their heads off and keeping them separate. This story began many years ago when Vlad the Impaler was ruling over Hungary and fighting off the Turks. The stories all told of how he would impale his victims through the asshole...
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Caleb ran down the alley trying to make it back home. Lucien was in town and the master vampire wasn't very happy with him. Dodging a street merchant, he found the fire escape for his apartment and quickly climbed the three flights to his window. It wasn't always like this. Caleb had been the mate for a master vampire. The master of London if you want to be more technical, however he had always felt out of place in London. Lucien had tried to make him feel comfortable, but it never worked too...
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Danny's heart beat faster and he sucked in a deep breath as the gorgeous older woman loomed over his prone form. He was lying on his back on the woman's elaborate 4-poster bed as she straddled his legs and leant down towards him.The woman casually flicked her long, raven locks over her shoulder and bent forward, pressing the lush curves of her body against him. Danny gave a quiet sigh as he felt the heavy weight of her ample breasts press against his torso, he could even feel the hard jut of...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
The young couple Dem and Matt and lived a quiet life together. However, Matt had a dark desire, he wanted to be a vampire. One night on his way home from work he heard a strange noise coming from the alley. Matt headed to the alley. In the alley, a woman in a white nightgown stood before him. He was speechless. Before he could react, the woman bit him on the neck and disappeared into a mist. Matt hurried home where he was greeted by his lovely wife Dem. “Her neck is pulsing” Matt thought as he...
Fetish1 Family Foundation1.1 Goddess of the MoonAlthough the circumstances of the emperor's origin remain a mystery, we are certain that she was not born in Tunguska 200 years ago. Rather, we believe that she was sent from an alternative future to avert a major catastrophe. Even if her species deserves to be worshiped as gods, we must control and chastise them in order to make them useful to us.From Jessica's preface to the manual „Vampire Control through Lust and Tortur,“Pavonia, Mars 21081.1.1...
1.2.2. LaboratoryWhen Richard awoke the next morning after eight hours of sleep he found himself in Selene's bed. The woman next to him looked simply breathtaking in her latex catsuit. Her stunning beauty didn't even make him wonder how he got here or where he actually was. He wanted nothing more than to possess this woman. Selene sat beside him in bed and stroked him gently.”Did we?” he started to ask before she interrupted him. ”You would remember that, Richard. But we will. Because from now...
1.2.4. SubmissionRichard had been analyzing the documents on the chip for nearly ten hours, taking only occasional short breaks to eat and stroke his bound Selene. Only when he looked at the clock did he realize that Selene had been driven from one orgasm to the next for just as long. He was supposed to set her free and let her eat.Richard noted with regret that the records showed that Selene had not had an single orgasm, but that she had merely oscillated between hot and just before orgasm. So...
If the knocking was less of an attempt to kick down the door, I would have ignored it. "What?" I yelled. Ashley shook her head at me as she opened the door. An older man and Crystal ran in. "We have a problem!" they yelled. The way they looked at each other led me to believe WE had two different problems. "Out of the way!" John-John yelled to the people standing in front of my door. Joey, Elizabeth, John-John, Bianca, and Mr. Valence ran into the room. They were carrying the Left...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
This is the story of how my 18 birthday was beyond anything I could have ever imagined, at 17 I was red headed fiery 5 ” 2 with c cup breasts and a slim uk size 10 with a seductive curvy figure. My boyfriend Dave was 5 “9 brown hair an dark eyes almost black. I was pale even for a red head deathly pale, you see I had a secret I would never become 18, I was a vampire and I had been for the last 109 years. I was staying in a small town in Alaska; permanently overcast I had no reason to...
Negative and positive comments encouraged… _________________________________________ Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad. I said as I started up the stairs to my room. They didnt acknowledged what I had said, as they continued watching the television. They act like I dont even exist. I thought to myself as I entered my eloborately decorated room, and through the door that led to my ensuite bathroom. I started to run a bath for myself, in the large, marble sunken bathtub. I walked out, back into my...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
The second handjob wasn't the end of the night. We had to stop the roof action though because Ashley told me the Professor and his wife would be up soon. "Uh!" I said. "Didn't we fuck up our guard duty?" "Nah!" Ashley replied. "We're only here to keep an eye on the street. The zombies aren't a problem as long as a large group doesn't head directly at the door. We can hear the werewolves coming, so they're not a problem either. It's also not like any survivors are going to be...
I stepped out on the roof of the building. Bianca had sent me to get Professor James. I wondered if he would mind being called PJ. "Hey, Professor!" I called out. He stood at the edge of the roof facing the street. I preferred the river view since zombies couldn't walk on water. "We're ready to go." "So Bianca settled on you being her errand boy," he said smiling. I walked to his side to get a look down at the street. Not a lot of zombies. Too bad! "Much better than Stephen and...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...