WhirlwindChapter 06 free porn video

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Helen looks at me and says, “Look, I know we’ll have some money from the payout you organised from Robert, but I can’t afford to send Jacqui to an exclusive and expensive school like this.”

I grin at her, “Helen, one, the money from Robert is much more than you realise, but less than it could have been. Two, Jacqui is now my unofficial adopted daughter so I’m paying for her to go here. I’ll probably get a discount as I’m now a staff member, but I don’t care. I’ll be working here for the same reason I was fighting, something to do. My family is rich so I don’t need to work. After my winnings from Sunday I now have about twenty-seven million in the bank I now have to organise investing or doing something with. So have no doubts about my being able to afford what I get for her.” Everyone is staring at me with very surprised expressions: a multi-millionaire teaching for fun, wow. “Three, this school has the best curriculum in the country with the best teachers because they pay them well above award, that’s why the fees are so high. I think Jacqui deserves the best, don’t you? Also, it makes it simpler to have all of the girls attend the same school. And four, I knew Jacqui would be accepted at this school no matter what, even if all of the classes were at maximum. The school would’ve built more classrooms and hired more staff to accept Jacqui simply because I’m the one enrolling her and the school board won’t refuse me anything. So get used to the idea Jacqui is going to school here.” Everyone is staring at me as I turn to Jacqui, “And you, young lady, don’t think you can lord it over anyone or get special treatment because of our relationship. I know how to spank naughty girls, and I like spanking naughty girls’ bare bums, right?” While she gulps hard she nods as the grin on her face vanishes. “You behave yourself and study then all goes well, get uppity and you’ll have more trouble than you can imagine.” Both Jacqui and Helen nod their agreement as I smile at them because I think they both like the idea of her having a strong father figure around and actively involved with her.

Mrs Bellows says, “Sensei, why would the school board expand the school to suit you?”

I turn to smile at her as I say, “Because the school isn’t part of the family trust, despite the family trust board sitting as the school board. For some reason unknown to everyone except her, my grandmother left the company that owns the school to me as a separate inheritance in her will. I let the family trust manage it for me so that the school is better run than if I managed it directly. I do that because they did such a good job while they managed it as my trustee when I was still a child. So don’t expect me to get involved in the day to day operations of the school, as that’s what the board and the principal are for.” She slowly nods her head and smiles while the rest of the people stare at me. I look around the room and add, “All of what you just heard about my finances and ownership is not for discussion with anyone else. Got it! Don’t worry, if I hear you talked I won’t fire you for talking. I’ll just give you a very thorough spanking every time something happens that I think is related to the leak.” They all nod and a few are scared, so I think they just changed their minds about some gossip.

That seems a good point to leave on so I head to the door, followed by Helen, Jacqui, and Sugar. As we leave the office the bell for morning break goes and the girls pour out into the grounds for the fifteen minute break and a snack. I look up to see my girls heading our way. I smile and wave them to us; they smile and run in response to my calling for them. Some of the other girls look up and grin at their behaviour. When they arrive I take time to give them all a hug and a kiss, getting stares from some of the girls. I move us off to a quiet corner to talk.

They get their snacks out and start eating when they sit down. After going around the group to make eye contact with them all I say, “OK, people, for your confidential information, I just lost my cool a bit and let slip a few things in the office. Since the office staff know you need to know. If you say anything about my financial situation other than being able to afford to send you to this school you’ll be in big trouble, understand?” They all nod. “Ellie, I’m sure you’ve always wondered how your mother could afford to send you to this school. Well, that’s because I was paying for the fees while she thought it was my mother.” Ellie’s eyes go wide, so do the rest. “I told Ellie recently I’ve twenty-seven million in the bank and I’ll be working out how to invest that soon. Also, my family is rich and I have many other assets, one of which is this school. I own the company that owns it.” Some stunned looks. “None of that information is for public use, no talking about it except at home and amongst us. You need to know so you can know money is not an issue for this family of which you’re all now a member. The next information is for public discussion if you want. I’ve told the staff that I’m engaged to a student and we’re getting married, so I don’t mind if people know about Ellie and me. Several people now know the face of Whirlwind and he’s now officially retired. So I’ll tell the news people later today. I just got employed as the new martial arts instructor and I’ll also be helping out where I can with either martial arts, PE, computing, or my business management and accounting studies. So feel free to let the others know the new martial arts instructor is good. I’ll also look to make some private lesson times available for selected students.” They nod again with grins through most of this, but they nod hard at the bit about selected students. I’m sure they intend to do some student selecting. “More private information, I’ve two more slaves, Merry and Aggi, you know them as Missus Bellows and Meredith from the main office.” A group of huge grins. “We’ll be having some visits by Linda, the previous martial arts instructor, and Alice, the PE teacher.” Bigger grin. “Now, I’ve to go to get some other things done so Jacqui is ready to start classes tomorrow.” Standing up I give them all another hug and kiss. They give Helen and Jacqui hugs before we head off to the car park and the mini-bus.

From the school we go get an early lunch at a nearby mall food court then on to the uniform people. While at lunch I call Highball to set up some media meetings for mid-afternoon. He grins when I give him approval to sell off seats at the media event.

The uniform place is a small shop that does exclusive tailor-made clothes, they hire extra seamstresses during peak periods but manage with just the two owners at other times. The owners are women in their mid-twenties and they both smile when I walk in the shop doorway. The smiles contract a bit when Jacqui follows me in. They smile again when I say, “We’re here for Jacqui’s uniform fitting, are the first ones ready for fitting?” One ducks out the back to bring back two full uniform outfits and she takes them into a fitting room off to the side. The owners’ smiles return when I wave Jacqui into the change room and hold the curtain back. Sugar keeps an eye on the street between joyful glances at Jacqui’s cute arse. She strips and pulls the panties on, I stop her there and have her do some exercises in them, then I ask for the next size up for her so she’ll have room to move. A quick change of panties and then she tries a bra on, the school has strict rules on underwear so all of the girls get their underwear here. I check the bra for correct fit, making the owners smile again, and I approve the bra. The blouse is a good fit, but it needs a quick adjustment to make the collar fit right for the school tie. The skirt is a good fit while the slacks need an adjustment. All done and ready within forty-five minutes for both sets. Three more sets will be delivered to the school by lunch on the day after tomorrow for her to bring home. We take five sets of the underwear, and also the slightly tight panties she tried first because they’ll do for other wear around home as you should buy what you try on as underwear.

With that done I ask the ladies to measure Helen for some clothes, and I enjoy watching her strip for measurements, and the same with Sugar. The ladies really love it when I strip to be measured, although they keep glancing at Jacqui when she admires me standing there nude. Once they note the measurements I say, “I need a couple of decent suits for the boardroom tailored with room for my holster and gun without being obvious. I also need a full set of the school staff uniforms and ten sets of training gis with the school crest as I’m the new martial arts instructor there. Both the gentleman and the lady will need nice clothes that suit personal assistants for a senior board member and allow for concealed handguns too. The gentleman will need three or four suits while the lady will need a few business suit style lady’s outfits and several dresses. I need three school uniforms and gis a.s.a.p. with the rest by this time next week. Thank you.” Eyes wide they add up the cost then they present the bill. I pay it in full for what we’re taking, and I also pay for half of the rest with the remainder to be paid when done. That should keep them busy for a few days while it makes their revenue target for the month. They’re very happy when they show us out.

Next stop is the conference centre where I’m to meet Highball while the rest return to the school to collect the girls since they’ll be finished before I am.

Media Meetings

In the conference centre I meet up with Highball and we go through to the suite he’s booked. In one of the back rooms I get changed into my fight outfit from Sunday night with my normal fight outfit under it. About ten minutes later I hear noises from the main room as Highball opens the door to wave me out. This is only the third media conference I’ve had, so the half dozen reporters present are very busy with their recorders while their photographers are making sure they get plenty of photos. We go through a few questions to make sure they can confirm I’m the real Whirlwind. Although they trust Highball they do need to be seen to confirm who I am to make their audiences happy. Then they start in as to why the new uniform and the conference.

Highball waves at me and I say, “I called this conference to make a few statements. First, I got this new outfit solely for last Sunday’s fight because I thought the fighters of that particular promoter cheated in some way but we could never work out how. After I’d accepted the fight for the reasons mentioned on the night one of my new training assistants raised the idea of contact poisons while we were discussing how they could be cheating. This made sense to me because we always test winners for drugs, but not losers. So a contact drug of some sort to slow a person down could be used. I got this suit just in case that was what was happening. I also decided not to use a towel or any water in case it was something being put in them at ringside. I don’t know if they cheated this way or not, but I took the precautions in case they did. After the fight I told the organisers of my concerns and I believe they’re conducting an investigation. I won’t make any speculation on that, but I expect they’ll make a statement of their own when the investigation is finished. Since that fight I’ve been told no one wishes to enter the ring against me, and I don’t blame them at all. Because of that I called this media conference to announce my retirement as a fighter so now the other fighters can all have a fair shot at winning the title.”

The reporters are like sharks with blood in the water, a fighter retiring undefeated in his first year of fighting, it’s never been done before. “I know it’s unusual, but when I started fighting I set myself certain goals, monetary goals, and I reached those on Sunday night so the money incentive isn’t there any more. I did want to win the title, but if no other fighters will fight me how can I earn enough points to be in the title series? So, with no chance at the title that goal is unreachable. Without fights each month or so I’ll lose my edge and not be a good competitor. Thus it’s better to go now while still successful and not when on the wane from lack of practice. The other fighters will now know the title is open to all and they’ll give you very good fights for the rest of the year since they don’t have the knowledge of my sure win of the title hanging over them; and the community deserves to see good fights for the rest of the year. I’ve already signed up to take on being a martial arts instructor at a school, so that will be my main work from now on. Also, I favour certain charities and I know Highball has handed out the list of them. I’d like one of your organisations to manage a fund raising auction or lottery on behalf of those charities. I want you to guarantee a minimum of one million dollars to be raised in the event, if it isn’t raised they’re to make up the difference. What they’ll have to auction off are three items.” I take off the new one piece suit then I place it on the table while saying, “This suit, my mask,” and I take it off to place it beside it before I put on a robe and slip off the swimsuit I usually fight in to place it beside the other items. “And my usual fight suit. I’m sure one of you can organise this fund raising for me.” While the photographers go crazy taking pictures of Whirlwind without his mask the reporters are all busy talking to their editors on their cell phones. Highball is grinning because he loves it when he sees a feeding frenzy like this: the exclusive management of the disposal of my fight gear has the media executives going crazy for it.

In a few minutes Highball is in his element conducting an auction by phone as different media editors and managers bid for the rights, the bidding is done by raising the amount of the donation guarantee. It takes about ten minutes for one of the big international sports media affiliates to win the rights with a bid of ten million dollars. We doubt they’ll get that amount at the auctions, but the promotional aspects while they take their sweet time building up to the auction will boost their circulation enough for them to pay the extra. Once that auction is over I take a permanent marker from one of the reporters then I sign my fight name on each item so they’ll know for sure they’re the originals.

Handing the pen back I say, “Thank you all for attending. We expect a senior representative of the winners to be here to collect the items for auction very soon, so I guess you better wait around and report on them collecting them. Highball will stand guard over them, with your collective help, until they arrive. Miss Denning, I seem to remember promising you a special exclusive interview when I first stood up to enter the cage. If you care to leave your assistant here with your photographer and have your photographer’s assistant join us outside with another camera we can organise that interview while I travel to where I need to be next.” She smiles as a lot of the others groan at the exclusive. When I started she was the only one who turned up at my first conference so I promised her a special then, and I always deliver on my promises. She has a quick word with her people then a young woman races off to get their spare camera from their car. Miss Denning turns and follows me into the back room.

Once the door is shut and locked I say, “Please excuse me, but I do need to get dressed and I bet you don’t want to let me get out of your sight until I give you the exclusive.” She nods then she smiles as I remove the robe and start to get dressed. A little later we leave by a side entrance then we go to the main entrance to find her new photographer waiting for us. “We shouldn’t have long to wait for my driver to arrive, but let’s move over to the side a little and get organised for the interview.” We move over and place a row of shrubs between us and the entrance. “Why don’t you write down the questions you’d like answers to then I’ll read them and deal with them in the interview.” A smiling Peta Denning pulls out her notepad and starts writing, she soon has a couple of pages full of questions, luckily it’s a small notebook. She hands the notebook to me and I read them.

We’re about to start when my phone rings, I answer it to be told by Highball he’s just handed the gear over and the media people are now announcing how they’ll be handling the lottery. To simplify matters they’ve already handed him a bunch of cheques made out to the four children’s charities and the cheques are for three million dollars each. They decided to up the ante and are doing that as part of their promotion, so he’s now off to the local offices of the charities to hand the cheques over with the whole media contingent trailing along too. He’s not been this happy in ages. I pass that along to Peta and she smiles. The winning media organisation may be her greatest competitor but the real winners are the charities, two of which are her favourites; and she has the exclusive with me. Just then Sugar arrives with the bus and my girls.

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My mom used to have a good and close friend over for dinner with her son. Tom was so very HOT! He had the cutest smile and a rocking hard body. At dinner, we would secretly flirt with each other.One night I felt something under the table. He was sitting next to me while our mothers were talking to each other. His hands touched my leg softly but insecurely. I looked at him and smiled.From then on, at every dinner, we sat next to each other. He started moving his hand higher up my thigh and...

4 years ago
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Pulling back, breathless and flushed, from the kiss, Laura couldn’t quite believe what had just happened. ‘What’s the matter?’ Paul’s voice was concerned, but tinged with a sardonic amusement. ‘I can’t do this – I can’t believe you want to… it’s just, I don’t know – this is just the last thing I expected.’ ‘I don’t know why, I thought we’d connected. I thought you wanted this. I wouldn’t have kissed you if you hadn’t wanted me to.’ Blushing with silly pleasure she turned away, smiling. ‘I...

1 year ago
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I Cum To London 3

After we had gotten ourselves back to normal Paul grabbed me around the waist throwing me over his shoulder, so that I wouldnt step in the mess wed made, or so he says. Back into the bathroom we go, I guess its our next favorite spot, after the bedroom (for now). He puts me down on the floor, on my feet, and starts the water running in the tub. Once the temperature is where he wants it, he puts the plug into the tub so that it will start to fill up. As soon as its full enough Paul turns off...

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Jessica 1

It had been almost twenty years since winning the state lottery and I was still being hounded, especially after my wife’s death had briefly put my name back in the news. So I explained why to my k**s, sold the house and vanished for six months before buying a piece of property I had had my eye on for several years. That was five years ago. That was five years before she walked back into my life. Age was now wandering at the edge of the forest of doubt where youth had once rushed in.It was...

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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 22 Daddy Daughterrsquos Amateur Video

John Preston I sat in my office in the federal building with my associate, Gina Brand, going over the strange activities in a nearby town. We were both U.S. attorneys. Federal prosecutors. We had been tipped off about some heavy level of police corruption going on. “I can’t believe this town,” said Gina. She shook her head. “How does this get allowed to happen. A cop car drove by in the footage.” We were watching the cell phone footage of our suspect, Dean Michaels, having sex with a...

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PenthouseGold Gizelle Blanco A POV Afternoon With Gizelle Blanco

In this action-packed premier Penthouse porn video, Tommy Pistol gets everything from a POV blowjob demo to an unforgettable pussy fucking afternoon with Hawaiian hottie Gizelle Blanco. The stud can’t believe his luck when the blonde beauty gets down on her knees to worship his big cock and then removes her bikini top revealing pierced nipples before sliding her tight wet pussy down on his slick dick. After going for a cowgirl ride, the sexy nymph gets pounded in the doggy and gets a...

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Rescue Climber

I swung from one hand and reached up and over to catch the narrow ledge. I looked up at the overhang and the stranded climber hanging from his harness. I did not bother looking down since it was over two thousand meters to the base of the cliff. I pulled up and shifted as I swung and reached and shoved my hand into a crack. Slowly I worked my way to the climber and hung from one hand and clipped a follow me rope to his harness. I continued to move out and up and finally caught the edge and...

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Sex with sister and her maid

I am telling for the first time in my life the incident that turn my life towards a new direction. I am a 24-year-old guy from mp. I use to be a shy person by nature. This incident happened when i was in second year of my engineering degree in the region al college. I went to my uncle’s place in delhi in my summer vacations. My cousin (the daughter of my uncle) was my only friend whom i trusted more than myself. Her name is poonam. She was studying in 11th standard at that time. We were so...

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I slumped wearily down in the bus seat and quietly dreaed the lengthy walk from the bus stop to my apartment....and dreaded more that my girlfriend Neela would be waiting there to resume the discussion we started earlier in the day and one that was becoming more contentious. Marriage was the topic. I have been dting Neela for over a year now, six months of that we have been living together despite the fact that her parents were more than a little angry with her that she had not found a good...

4 years ago
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Consummation of the Past

‘Does it hurt?’ The answer was a pinched groan, followed by a short stream of obscenities. The wounded man slumped further in the wooden chair. One hand grasped a swollen gut, crimson honey spilling over his splayed fingers. In the whitening fist of his other hand, a bottle of amber liquid hung half-gone. From the bottle the man took a healthy mouthful, swallowing it down with a hacking cough. ‘You gonna finish it now?’ the man said with a leer. His shaking hand set the bottle on a table next...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 71

Ken was not sad to see the last of February -- it was his least favorite month of the year. He'd kept a careful eye on the girls, as had Sensei, but since his run in with Brent, he hadn't heard a peep out of the Tankers. He had the strong feeling that it wasn't because they'd given up. In the mean time, he was receiving something today that he'd put in an order for several months ago. He hadn't told anyone about it, not even Jane or Ari, because he wanted it to be a surprise. Well, a...

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Family Love 8211 2

Hi dear readers,am continuing my story of my family,for a quick recap,me ramesh now having made my mom radha pregnant,things are going fine mom is now three months pregnant,but she has found new love in me,with my buisness going good,we are all happy. Last week this incident happened it was my birth day,there was a surprise gift waiting for me,as soon as i came home,mom asked “ramesh are u tired shal i give u some oil massage”.i said its ok mom i am not all that tired.she came with a cup of...

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A Few Wild Months 1

This summer my husband Gary and I were really pushing the limits of our "open" swinging relationship but I was very keen to balance things a bit and ensure my husband got his fair share of fun too. He was very happy and turned on when I told him what I had been up to meeting my old friend Kim for a "girly" night in bed together and together we'd had fun with a guy we met at a hotel. Also we loved having fun with Jason, a friend of ours on the swinging scene. It has always been our favourite...

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Racial SwapNight 4

Chapter 7Nina Marsdale received Eddie and Alyce Frampton at the door of their magnificent home with grace and tact, not revealing for an instant her wild adultery with Eddie. Her restraint was remarkable. She knew that she would get him into bed again before the night was over. She knew also that her husband, Clay would have Alyce. Where it would go from there was anyone's ballgame.They moved easily into the crowded game room and were served drinks by the bartender that Alyce had seen at Nina's...

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Hard PromiseChapter 3

And so it began. We started hanging out after our respective practices ended, talking for as long as we could. Missy's mother would always pick her up from cheerleading practice, and Brad was just as happy to stick around and wait for me since that gave him and Lindsey more time together, too. Missy told her mom that practice was being extended by twenty minutes, a little white lie to buy a little extra time for us. When she saw her mother's car pull into the school lot she would jump up,...

2 years ago
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No Reason Just Nasty

Nelson pushed his hard cock towards the juicy hole that was being held open for him. Kristy licked her dry lips as the bloated, extremely hot, purple head leaked a long silver string of pre-cum into her parted pussy lips. She was so wet that bubbles from her dripping cunt was forming and had raised enuff for anyone to easily see. It had coated her inner lips and they were slippery and shiny. Yet she felt Nelson's air cooled pre-cum, as it made contact in her hole and snaked it's way slowly...

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Agent Chase Agent Chastity Chapter One The Ground Below

Agent Chase, Agent Chastity CHAPTER ONE: The Ground Below By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1 In the not too distant future ... AGENT CHASE BINGHAM Chase examined his shoes. They had not been shined in at least a couple of days. This would never do, he decided. He detoured from his brisk walk down the hall into one of the few restrooms open to the public. Grabbing a quick handful of toilet paper, and throwing his feet one at a time onto the sink, he buffed vigorously at the...

3 years ago
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Mourning Routine

Mourning RoutineShe ran her tongue along the smooth skin as she stroked him. Her mouth pulled as she sucked her way up and then back down his length. Her mouth drew him deep and then deeper still into her. On her knees before him, she performed the task designed to please. Little drips of spit ran along him as she sucked on his member. Plopping noises as she drew back the large head coming free from her suction, she drew her tongue along the length and watched him shudder and look at her before...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Watching Darcy Die1

written by Jimmmy D. "Just me and God, watching Darcy die." A high school filled with students. It's in between classes and everyone is going to their lockers. There's a cute, slightly chubby, girl with glasses digging into her locker. She's a senior, and it's her last day of school. She starts college next year. "Darcy, c'mon." Caleb whispers. "What? What do you want?" Darcy asks, irritated for being harped on. "Just come with me, we said we'd lose our...

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That Carnal Hunger

That Carnal Hunger Olivia sat at her computer, staring at a browser page for some unmemorable website - art blogs updated on a daily basis by vapid former stars, upcoming savants fresh from their teen years, 'social justice warriors' as the media called them. In her gut, a deep feeling of longing and apprehension had been growing for some time, but until this moment -- 7 pm on a Sunday, much like any other -- she'd let it fester and grow without any action on her part. In a spontaneous...

2 years ago
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Public Restroom True story

My then bf and I were at the hospital, had to wait anhour for them to fill the Rx they gave him.. I knew he would get anxious, doesn't like sitting around so I got the bright idea of how to keep him happy. I took him into the lady's public restroom. Inside a stall I started to suck his cock while he was seated and i was on my knees (sort of)... As I was working on, people kept coming in and using the restroom, running the loud sinks and talking, etc., women and sometimes their c***dren so we...

3 years ago
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Flash back

FLASH BACK By Tender Cowboy I sat at the kitchen table reading the local paper, sipping my second cup of morning coffee. The price of crude oil was up and cattle prices were down, nothing very newsworthy, I thought as I quickly scanned the obituaries. Well, my name’s not in here so I guess it’s a good day, I thought to myself with a chuckle, but one name sort of caught my eye: J.P. Forester (Smoky), 63. I recalled that name from somewhere in my mind so I continued reading. It stated he had...

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Sissy Escape

You are John Doe An average man, not too young, not too old. You have zero money, no car, no girlfriend... Basically a real loser. You live in a dive apartment downtown. It's not a great place to live, but it's home. Everything you need is right nearby. Groceries, Bar, Restaurants, it's near a park, and there's even a porno shop down the road. Because it's downtown, a lot of weirdos and shady characters seem to hang out nearby. It doesn't really bother you though, at least it's never boring....

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Imagining You

I woke up and stretched lazily under the fluffy down comforter as my alarm softly buzzed next to my head. My dark brown eyes peek out from behind shuttered eyelids and gaze out the window. The day was just starting, and the suns first rays cascaded into my room warmly. I reluctantly slide out of bed and pad down the hall to the bathroom. I stand in front of the full-body mirror and remove my night clothes. My eyes travel up and down my curvy body. I'm of average height, but my body is chubby...

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New Client is my Dad Ch1

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEPI rolled over and reached for my phone so that I can shut off my alarm.Thank god it’s Friday, I thought to myself as I laid back on the bed.Unable to even open my eyes yet, I rolled over on my husband’s chest being cautious not to let myself fall back asleep. Just in case though, I always have three alarms set on my phone…Yeah… I’m not a morning person. My husband Neil wrapped his arm around me and pulled me tighter against him as he kissed my forehead.“One more day,”...

1 year ago
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The survey

Debbie Warren sat quietly in her large easy chair when she was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. She quickly bent back the corner of the page, closed the book, and crossed the room to the desk where the phone was located. "Hello, this is Debbie, how may I help you?" A soothing feminine voice on the other end of the line replied smoothly, "Miss Warren, my name is Miranda Gaines, I work for a company that specializes in doing survey work for large companies all around the world." "I was...

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DeannaChapter 25 Dee Adds Six for Nine

We sat in the restaurant chatting, drinking whatever it was that was in front of us, and generally re-hashed old times a little. I was feeling a little better about things knowing that I had Dee. She is an amazing young woman and as much as I loved both Marie and Lisa, neither could really stand up to Dee in my mind. Some of the pain was slowly being washed away already. After a few hours, we decided to adjourn to the house and continue there. This could turn out to be a very long night....

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Tina came in from shopping and immediately heard her father call for her. He was not a happy camper. She set her bags down in the hallway and went to meet him in the living room. "The credit card company just called. Do you want to tell me what you spent $2,000 on this afternoon? Tina broke down and started crying."Oh daddy, Bryan broke up with me. The prom is next weekend, and he just told me that he doesn't want to be with me anymore! He won't even go to the prom with me, and now I'll be the...

2 years ago
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TalentChapter the Thirtyfifth Terra Nova

Due to her husband's complete incomprehension that he would ever die, Jacqui suddenly found herself to be a rather rich widow. The excitement in Jacqueline's eyes when she discovered that the whole of the Shaw business empire was legally hers, was unbridled. We spent weeks with lawyers and other finacial advisors, poring over the details and discovered that much of the empire was built on solid business foundations. Shaw had undead executives still active in them but we would be able to...

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