HandsOnHardcore Tori Dakota Hot Russian Anal Sex Addict
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“I am about to ring the company, sir, to make such an arrangement.”
“Right. Permission granted for her to go with you. She will be safe with you, but you might not be safe with her, Jeeves. You can take the car to the station, by the way, as she is with you.”
“Thank you, sir. I am aware of all possibilities, and am prepared, sir.”
“Finished, then?”
“Indeed sir. Thank you for listening. I shall get back to my duties now.”
As soon as I had the table cleared and everything put away, I phoned the Company, explaining the problem. I needn’t have worried.
“Jeeves, we shall have a female staff member to keep her company while you are otherwise occupied, and she can join us for lunch as well. It is not a problem for the company.”
Next morning started well. As soon as breakfast was over, Miss Catherine got her outdoor clothes ready, and I prepared the car for the short trip to the rail station. We got there in plenty of time for the train schedule, and we were in London with time to spare. I guided Miss Catherine – sorry, I guided Catherine on a route that passed a couple of interesting historical buildings, so she had something to gawk at as we walked.
I kept my eyes open for questionable characters as we ambled along like tourists. No-one appeared to show any offensive propensities, so it remained a pleasant walk for the pair of us. Catherine several times took my arm, possessively. I let it pass without comment.
Arriving at the company offices, Catherine expressed surprise at the minimalist décor of the arrival hall. I explained, “Catherine, our Company has no need to advertise or show off to the general public, as our clientele are self-selecting. We pride ourselves in that our offices are just that – offices, nothing unnecessarily fancy.”
“Cool.” She commented. “So what do we do now?”
“Wait for instructions.” I raised my voice, “Jeeves (Dawes) present with Miss Catherine Dawes.”
A disembodied voice responded, “Go to Room one: left side of the corridor on this floor. You will be met.”
I led Catherine into the corridor and opened the indicated door for her. We entered, and found ourselves in a comfortable waiting room. Standing there, waiting for us, was Felicity Frobisher, wearing a smart business suit.
I expressed my surprised pleasure. “Miss Frobisher! How nice to meet you again? What are you doing here?”
She responded, “I had contacted your company, looking for a job. I thought that knowing Jeeves might be a help. They asked me along for a chat this morning, and have engaged me for today to assist Miss Catherine while she is here. I suspect this is part of my examination for prospective employment!”
Catherine was delighted to encounter Felicity here. “Frobisher! How are you coping with being unemployed, dear?”
The two sat down in easy chairs and began chatting like old friends. I stood aloof until Mr. Jeeves walked in and introduced himself to Catherine.
“I have to take Jeeves away for a long chat, Miss Catherine, but Miss Frobisher will keep an eye on you, and make your stay as pleasant as possible. If time permits, we may have lunch together on the premises.”
“How nice of you to offer. And it is a great pleasure to find Miss Frobisher here as well.”
“Wonderful! I shall now escort Jeeves to the interview room, and get down to work.”
Catherine laid her hand on my arm and said, “Good luck, Jeeves!”
We exited, and moments later were in our debriefing room. I asked, “How do you want to hear from me today?”
“Just start at the beginning, and give me a summary of your time in the household. Expand only on matters which may be relevant to the company, John.”
So we sat there, and I regurgitated my exploits in the Dawes household. It took nearly an hour of talking.
Coming to the encounter in the street with the youths, I asked if that was deemed relevant, and Mr. Jeeves said it was, so I included that saga as well. By the time I had come up to date, he was frowning. I raised my eyebrows at him, and he told me, “You have gone beyond what was expected of you, Jeeves, but I cannot fault you in any of your actions. Everything you did appears to have endeared yourself to the family, which is not a bad thing.”
I wanted to know things as well. “What can you tell me about what was happening to Dawes’ assets? How much was due to you, and how much mere serendipity?”
“The spiriting away of the cash was performed by The Personalia, at our request, and the removal of the Egyptian artefacts was instigated by us, as soon as we identified them as a stolen collection. Your pictures were excellent, by the way. The follow-on at the British Museum was not done by us. Our military friends, who did the extraction of the goods as a useful training exercise, thought it would be a bit of fun with the van, and they were right about that.
The clamp-down on Dawes’ recovered funds was done by the correct authorities. All we had to do was tip them off, and they did the rest themselves. Dawes would find it difficult to get them released, we thought, but your brilliant ideas have undermined that. We can persuade the authorities to take their time over his claims, I am certain. Having the accounts solely in his name undermines his custodian claim somewhat, but we can get the financial bods to insist that the released funds be placed in the name of his wife and daughter, and not in HIS name. That will make things awkward for him.”
“Mr. Jeeves, may I point out that my inability to make a report with ease caused me some problems. I was unable to access advice when I needed it. That should merit improvement in future.”
“Pardon?” He seemed to be inattentive, then I spotted the speaker bud in one ear. He recovered. “Good idea. We will sort that out shortly.”
Mr. Jeeves had been listening to the conversation in the waiting room, and had become distracted. This is what he had been listening to, as I discovered later:
Frobisher: “What are you and Jeeves doing here today, Catherine?”
Catherine: “My Jeeves has to have a review of his work with us, so that the company can see if any improvements can be made. I volunteered for a day out in London with him to protect me. Daddy approved, and I get Jeeves to myself for most of the day.”
Frobisher: “How do you mean, to yourself?”
Catherine: “I have decided he is my boyfriend, as I have fallen for him.”
Frobisher: “But he is MY boyfriend, Catherine?”
Catherine: “Since when? I saw no signs of affection between you.”
Frobisher: “He did and said nothing in public, while on duty, but after I left, we had a discussion, and came to an understanding about the future.”
Catherine: “He didn’t commit himself for ever, did he?”
Frobisher: “No, it was an agreement for him to be my boyfriend. We haven’t got around to going further than that.”
Catherine: “So I could be his girlfriend as well?”
Frobisher: “Pardon?”
Catherine: “If he is not committed at present, he is free to be with both of us, isn’t he?”
Frobisher: “Are you trying to take him from me, young lady?”
Catherine: “Not as such. You have the prior claim on him, but I don’t see why we can’t share him.”
Frobisher: “You mean; both be his girlfriends until he decides which one he wants to be with permanently? That sounds very bad for the other girl – which may be you, Catherine!”
Catherine: “I hadn’t thought that far ahead; but if he was in love with us both, we needn’t split up.”
Frobisher: “What? You mean behave as if both of us were his wives?”
Catherine: “I don’t see why not, if you and I can get along. I would be happy as long as I was with him.”
Frobisher: “And both of us bear his children, Catherine?”
Catherine: “If we have a commitment, and honestly mean it, then why not?”
Silence while Frobisher thought, then, “All right, Catherine. Let’s see how you and I get along first, and we can take it from there.”
Catherine: “Do you have a first name, Frobisher? It would be more friendly, if we are to be friends.”
Frobisher: “I don’t like my first name, Catherine, which is why I don’t use it. Why don’t you and John see what you would like my first name to be, and if I like it, I’ll use it?”
Catherine: “John?”
Frobisher: “Oh. I stepped on my toes, there, sorry. I forced him to tell me his real name, which he would only do once I had left the household. While he is still there, you must keep calling him Jeeves. When he is no longer in your father’s employment, you can call him John.”
Catherine: “John is a nice name. I like it.”
Frobisher: “But for now, he remains Jeeves. O.K.?”
Catherine: “Can I kiss you, to show we are friends now?”
Frobisher: “You can hug me as well, in fact you should.”
Of course, I knew nothing of this at the time. Mr. Jeeves was party to the discussion through microphones in the waiting room, but he said nothing to me. We decided we had got to a point where we should break for lunch, so we joined the ladies in the waiting room, to see about that meal.
We stepped in, and at once Frobisher came over and gave me a hug and kiss; and then Catherine came and did the same, to my surprise. I looked at them both, and got a smile in return from each of them. That didn’t help me one bit to work out what was going on.
Mr. Jeeves nonchalantly announced, “Time for lunch, ladies. You are invited to our staff canteen for lunch. You sit at a table, consult a menu, and a Jeeves in training will take your order to the chef, and serve it once prepared. As this is a training venue, there is no charge for the meal. Order whatever you like from the menu.”
Frobisher turned to Catherine. “Sounds good, doesn’t it, Catherine?”
“It does indeed. This is almost as good as being taken out to a nice restaurant with our boyfriend.”
OUR boyfriend? What the hell had happened? I need a word in private with each of these girls, a.s.a.p., but I could not do that at the moment. Lunch was awaiting.
Mr. Jeeves escorted as to the staff canteen, led us to a table with four seats, and he seated Frobisher gracefully, while I did the same for Catherine. We then took our seats, and a Jeeves appeared beside us, offering menus, first to the ladies, then to us gentlemen.
We all selected our starter and main course dish. This enable the main course preparation to start as we consumed our starter. Interestingly, our Jeeves only offered us non-alcoholic beverages, explaining that the lunches were non-alcoholic as company policy.
Mr. Jeeves was an affable host, telling the ladies humourous takes of errors in butler training; things like interrupting the client in mid-speech, correcting a client in public, and spilling a soup tureen.
“Balance is an important talent in a butler, but common sense recommends the avoidance of problems. We encourage the use of trolleys to convey meals to the table. It is easier to dispense items at the table than half a dozen feet away. Dogs can get in your way, and even small children can trip you up.”
The others laughed, and Catherine admitted, “I am the youngest child in our household. I sometimes get in the way of Jeeves doing his best, but it is deliberate on my part.”
I commented, “You did that sort of thing most delightfully, my dear.”
“I just wanted you to notice me, Jeeves; to see that I was a lovely young woman.”
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"Good morning madam" the receptionist looked to be about eighteen or nineteen, a beautiful girl who was immaculately turned out in a short white smock coat which displayed a generous cleavage as she bent to check my name on her register. "Ah yes" she smiled, "If you'd care to take a seat, I'll call for a girl now" I sat and leafed through one of the mildly pornographic magazines I found on a low coffee table until another girl came through and announced that she was Sonia. "Call me...
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Bobby gazed lovingly at his date for the prom. Paula Wilton looked stunning in a black satin dress that clung to her wonderful curves but had a lot of gathers and a deep cut in the back. Her waist length blonde hair was pulled back into a simple pony tail and she was wearing understated makeup. She was so lovely that looking at her made it hard for the young man to breathe. He had the problem the whole time her parents, who’d met Bobby and seemed to like him, were taking pictures of them....
Hello all story Lover friends I am raju 26 years of age, slim built, fair colour, avg height indian guy. You might have read my earlier stories some of readers also appreciated my efforts. Some of my stories are very popular at ISS and regular ISS readers must have read those stories. This story starts my last trip to GOA with my friend Sanjay, now I start my story in Hinglish. To dosto ye last winter ke time ki baat hei mein aur mera dost Sanjay Delhi se Goa ghoomne ke liye gaye. Doston mein...
The Dover mail coach was almost empty, allowing Krish and I to have seats inside with the only other passenger, a rather corpulent cleric, who must have dined rather well as he slept the entire journey. As the coach pulled away from the Red Lion tavern I reflected on the day's events. I had scarcely got out of the mail coach from Portsmouth when I had heard the terrible news concerning Woody. Two hours later, after collecting a change of clothing from the house, I had boarded the Dover...
I went out for lunch with a married friend of mine from work on Monday. While driving there out of the corner of my eye I caught a small glimpse of her thigh as I noticed her stockings only went half way up her thigh - I love those and think it's so sexy to know she is wearing them under her skirt so I reached over and put my hand on her leg, feeling the stocking then moving up and felt the skin of her amazing legs. This made both of us smile, and both of us even hornier as we had already...
Mike and Corra visit Mike’s step-grandma, Sophia, for the holidays. Sophia wants to ensure Corra has been “taking care” of Mike in every way possible, so when they have a moment alone together, she whips out his cock and gives him a handjob. But before Mike can cum, Corra walks into the room. Later that night, Corra jumps at the opportunity to suck Mike’s cock, but again, before he can finish, they are interrupted by Sophia. The raunchy step-grandma wants to finish what Corra started and lets...
xmoviesforyouWeaver Nilles is, in many ways, a typical young adult girl. She has a lovely body, slim yet curvy hourglass figure, shapely legs, C-cup (nearly D-cup) breasts, a bubble butt just the right balance between bounce and firmness, all capped off with her flowing brunette locks, heart shaped face, and piercing green eyes. Overall, a very cute yet alluring girl, just like many of her friends. However, Weaver Nilles isn't quite like her friends in more than one way. To start with, despite being 20...
Cockatoo Part 7Shane stuck out an enormous hand and I instinctively shook it, hopingfor the first time in my life that my handshake would be a little limp.‘G’day girls. What a coincidence,’ he said. ‘I thought it was you on thedock but I couldn't be sure. I know you said you were leaving today, butwho would have guessed we would be on the same ferry. I didn't knowmyself until this morning. Had an urgent call to get back to Bangkok.All the flights are full, so I had to scramble to get this ferry...
Hi folks, this one is a shorter one. As usual I'd like to thank everyone who read and commented on last week's story whether you understood what I was trying to do or not. Always remember, writing is like a conversation. I throw an idea out there and you may see it completely differently than I do. There are sometimes aspects of stories that I never knew were there that you guys point out to me. A great example of that is Chrissie. Which I've recently touched up for another project involving...
A few days went by and finally the day came that he was coming to town (he lived about 40 minutes away). Dave had to drive to me because I didn't have my licence yet. We agreed to meet by a bus stop on the main strip. I didn't live far from the bus stop so Dave messaged me when he was close. I got the message and headed to the stop. I waited there for a few minutes before he got there. While I was waiting I couldn't stop thinking "what if I knew this guy" And "is he going to be a...
Hi folks. I have no idea what happened last week with the double posting. It was supposed to be another roughly four or five pager. This one is even shorter than last week and should be less than five pages, that is for all of you who actually bother to read the story. I'd like to thank as always mikothebaby for her usual editing prowess. SS06 Like most guys, during my lifetime I've looked at some porn ... okay, I've seen a lot of porn. But I've also been on the internet and read some of...
On Sunday morning, the six of them gathered at the tennis court. Sharon was the first to play and the others became her cheering section. Sharon was greatly overmatched and lost in straight sets. She was greeted with hugs and kisses and words of kindness. Diane was next to play. This match was more even and the play became intense. The third set came down to a tie-breaker and Diane lost. Once again, the hugs and kisses and kind words greeted her as she left the court. The group settled in to...
The next morning, Chrissy was still in bed asleep when I got up and prepared breakfast for my three friends. I knew she was literally fucked from the night before’s activities, so I left her to recover. The delicious aroma wafted around the house and the men came down shortly afterwards. They tucked in hungrily to the bacon and eggs and toast I’d cooked. Before they left, we discussed a plan to get the awesome wench’s virgin arse fucked. I told them she wasn’t a fan of the idea at all. The...
Manuel Ferrara is the “Ginger Bedded Man” in this scene from “Raw #41”. Starring Lacy Lennon, the red-haired, blue-eyed beauty shares her excitement with Manuel about being ready to give up her asshole this year. All this while Ferrara has in and out POV of her bushy, copper colored cunt. After finishing their “conversation” Manuel mounts Lacy. He eventually places her on her side and whomps her twat. Lennon sits on Ferrara’s face then mounts Manuel and...
xmoviesforyou♂ Input your first and last names! Just One Day –a Rayne2 Production Staring John Doe! ..... ♫ The Beginning ♫ ..... "You've got just one day John Doe," came the voice from the darkness, "then I turn it all back." "Do what you want, when you want, to who you want, and then the clocks will turn back." "No one can refuse you, for you will have the power to bend thoughts and control minds." "Get some sleep, I don't let just anyone do this." .....
Mind ControlI've dreamed of being a man slut for so many years but wondered if it was ever really in me - pardon the pun. I think I now know the answer.I have taken pleasure from fucking many female sluts in my time, especially in my 20's. Later in life I did find women that warranted respect but loved being slutty when the opportunity presented itself. I've had mfm and fmf meets but I was always the dominant one of any encounter. I always did wonder what it would be like on the receiving end.Fast forward...
I'm the last one left after the evening shift at work, just finishing mopping the floor before i lock up.I hear someone enter, but think nothing of it, the others often forget their stuff.I keep mopping, and am shocked when I'm grabbed from behind.'Hello whore' You breath into my ear.I shudder as your breath tickles my neck.'Stand still whore' You command, and i do as you say.You take a knife from the kitchen and cut my uniform from my body.I try to protest, I will need it for work tomorrow,...
My name is David and I am 14 years old and I live alone with my 30 year old Mom. My Dad accidentally got my Mom pregnant so they decided to get married. From what my Mom tells me my Dad was a loving and proud father but he passed away in when I was a baby leaving my Mother as my sole parent. She did the best she could but her job as an elementary school teacher didn’t provide much for us. We made due though, we bought a one bedroom rancher out in the country, it was small but we liked to think...
Melissa had been sexually active since she was a pretty young age, by the time she was 16 she had already had several partners both male and female. She once had a threesome with her cousin (f) and a friend of theirs. It got her wondering how it would be to have multiple male partners. Now a normal person wondering this would just seek out two guy friends and go for it. But she was far from your normal girl. So what did she do you are asking yourself??? She started researching aka watching tons...