UniversityChapter 40 free porn video

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Edwards came through. The flight to Tibooburra was comfortable. We had three mining executives for company – actually two executives in suits and a bloke with a sun-browned face wearing a safari jacket and a slouch hat.

"Headin' fer Isa?" he asked.

"No. Wedding in Tibooburra on Wednesday."

"Warm place. Might be 40. Still two pubs?"

"I think so."

"You getting' hitched?"

"No. Done that already. I'm best man and she's matron of honor."

"Waal. My best wishes. Hold on." He rummaged in his leather carry-on. "Here. Give this to the couple from an old prospector." He handed me a small rock – about 6 cm. long. "It's real. Them streaks are gold."

"Thank you. Thank you very much." I put out my hand and shook his. "I'm Patrick Hollister. My wife's Rachel [she smiled]. You want to be careful on this trip. Especially near that zinc find."

He stared at me.

"You nungungi?"


"Thanks. I'll be careful. Good meetin' you. Ma'am." He moved a row further back.

"What was all that, Alf?" I overheard.

"Jes' chattin' wi' them young folks."

"What did you give the boy?"

"One of my samples."

Rachel looked at me, but I shook my head.

The flight took just under three hours. I reread White's The Tree of Man, because it's full of Australian folklore and cultural myth, and is White's attempt to infuse the way of life in the bush with some sense of the cultural traditions and ideologies that Western civilization has bequeathed to Australian society in general. Rachel was reading Flood's Archaeology of the Dreamtime. Just prior to landing the co-pilot came back and told us that the hotel was sending a ute to fetch us. Rachel gave him a smile and a thank you.

It wasn't over 40 [104F], but it was hot. And bright. Our bags were unloaded and we walked towards the nearby building. There was a bloke and a car (not a ute!).

"Hollisters?" he asked.


"I'll get the boot open."

Baggage stowed, we got in and ten minutes later we were at the hotel. Actually we were in front of one of several cabins.

"We've put most of the weddin' party in the cabins," the driver said. "Couple more'll be comin' today."

"Thanks. Do we register or sign in or what?" I asked.

"Jus' come in any time. Have a cold 'un. Whoever's there'll sign you in and run your plastic."

"Great. Thanks."

It was slightly cooler inside. Windows provided a slight breeze.

"Is there anything you want to do here?" Rachel asked.

"Two things: there's a local museum and Cameron's hand-carved cornerpost is somewhere in an office. Gerry's dad will know about that."

The Tibooburra Local Aboriginal Land Council Keeping Place is a unique museum displaying traditional indigenous artefacts and selected photographic material from the Tibooburra district.

The collection consists of wood, stone and fauna materials from the Wadigali, Wongkumara and Malyangapa tribes.

As its name describes, the museum is a 'Keeping Place' for the remains of the tools and artefacts found in the Tibooburra Corner Country district.

"Well, let's wash our faces and go up to the pub," said Rachel.

"What was that with the bloke on the plane?" she asked as we emerged into the heat.

"He asked about us and where we were going. But I suddenly knew that he was journeying into danger, and told him. He gave me a piece of crystal with gold in it for the bridal couple."


"It gets stronger away from the city. Maybe the great serpent is more powerful away from the steel and concrete. I'm invigorated here, despite the dry and the heat."

She laughed. "I'll look at your great serpent later and let you know."

We were laughing as we entered the hotel building. I signed the Registration Book and we looked about, Rachel's eye being caught by the paintings. But I spotted Gordy in the pub, and recognized the couple he was with as his parents.

"Come meet the important folks," I said to Rachel. Our movement caught Gordy's eye, and he gestured to his folks. I jumped in before he could say anything.

"Rachel, these are two very important people: Jacky and Alice. I've known them all my life. Jacky, Alice, my wife Rachel." Alice didn't say a word, just turned and gave Rachel a big hug. Jacky was a bit more stoic.

"Patrick was at our wedding; I was a childhood friend of Gordy – your father-in-law, not this rascal."

"Is Weena here?" I asked.

"Of course. Primping, I'm certain," Gordy said.

"Will the ceremony be here?" Rachel asked Alice.

"No. There's a church, and a local domine will officiate. He'll fly in tomorrow and out after the ceremony."

The Church of the Corner was erected in 1963 by the Australian Inland Mission now succeeded by the Uniting Church Frontier services. It is open for use by visiting clergy by arrangement. It is a church for all the people of the area.

I took Jacky's hand. "Don't fret. The yeaning will go smoothly."


"You're worried about the ewes. They'll be fine. And so will the new lambs."

"Still doin' that, eh?"

"Only when I feel it. You're here as Gordy's dad; don't fret about the stock."

"What's Patrick doing?" Alice asked.

"He's being nungungi."

"I thought that was a joke." She looked at me, smiling. "Do you have other powers?

"No. Rachel's been trying to spin gold from straw, but it just doesn't work." Everyone laughed.

Just then Weena arrived. She was extremely pretty and even paler than her mother. Her grandfather's genes must have prevailed. She was wearing jeans and a tee shirt and was taller than Rachel.

"Laughing at me?" she asked.

"Not at all," I said. "You must be Weena; I'm Patrick and this is Rachel."

"Hey. I was hoping to meet your mum and dad, but I guess not."

"I can hear it already," Rachel said. "Gordy and Weena, I'd like you to meet Weena and Gordy. And the other way round, too."

"Let's sit down and have a drink," Jacky said. Alice was still looking at me strangely.

I sat between Alice and Weena. "What's the problem?" I asked.

"I don't understand about your being nungungi," she said.

"Nor do I. Do you understand your being here?"


"You're here because you got married and had two children and one of them is getting married the day after tomorrow. I'm nungungi because at your wedding the grey kangaroo named me. There you are."

"That doesn't mean anything," Weena said.

"In some ways, that's true. In others, it's an exact description."

"All my teachers have said that abo stuff is just tradition, like fireworks on Australia Day."

"Celebrating Easter and Christmas is just tradition, too. But many people go to churches and others at other times to mosques and synagogues and pray. And the ceremony's in a church."

"It has to be!"

"No. Rachel and I were married by a clerk in an office in Perth. Someone, probably more than one, opted for the church. And though I don't recall them, I was at your parents weddings – both of them: tribal and religious. And they were both on my granddad's station."

"Too true," Jacky added. "The Kangaroo asked for Gordy to tell Weena to bring Patrick to the ceremony. And, in front of the band, he called her 'Weena-nungungi' and Pat, 'nungungi-to-be'. And so he is."

"What can you tell me?" Weena asked.

"I don't know. It isn't a water tap. I don't really control it, it controls me."

"Have you a totem?"

"Yes. I am a carpet python. My skin is in Perth. We did not move it to Sydney."

"Don't you need it?"

"I don't think so. The Great Serpent didn't tell me that I needed it."

"The Great Serpent? You're weird!"

"Perhaps. You are quite pragmatic."

Weena glared at me a bit.

"She's the family cynic," Alice said.

"I can see that. But she should be more open to things that are unfamiliar. That the earth was a sphere revolving around the sun was lost between the ancient Greeks and the sixteenth century, but it was so anyway. Bruno was burned at the stake in 1600; Galileo was sentenced by the Inquisition in 1633. The Church was wrong in both cases. It's important to recognize that we don't know everything."

"Liven up," interjected Rachel. "We're here for a wedding celebration!"

"You're right? Drinks anyone?"

"I think tea or coffee," Alice said.

"What powers do you have?" Weena asked. She sat next to Rachel.


"What do you do?"

"I'm a second-year at Sydney and I work at the Art Gallery."

"An art gallery?"

"No. The Art Gallery. The Art Gallery of New South Wales. I do independent study with the curator. She's had me work in several different departments. It's wonderful! I get to spend time three days a week among works of art!"

"Haven't you ever been to the Queensland Gallery on Melbourne Street in Brisbane?" I interjected.


"I've been there," said Alice. "I thought you'd been on a class excursion."

"Oh, yeah. Big modern building with paintings." Weena turned back to Rachel, "So you go about and look at paintings?"

Rachel sighed. "No it's far more than that. I've been learning how each work fits into a pattern. It has a place in the work of its artist. And a place in the genre – painting or drawing or wood carving or sculpture. And a place in the wider world of art. Do you know who Fred Williams was?"

Weena shook her head.

"Williams was from Melbourne, but spent time studying in England. He died about 30 years ago. When he returned from England, he saw the potential of the Australian bush in its inherent plasticity. He wanted to find a 'language' with which to express the Australian landscape, as it was very un-European. This was grounded in setting up a pictorial equivalent to the overwhelmingly vast, primarily flat landscape like around us here, where the traditional European relationship of foreground to background breaks down, and makes necessary a complete re-imagining of space. In this, Williams looked to the approach taken by our Aboriginal artists. It makes his work unmistakable and highly original. But you've got to see it in the light of European landscape painting, of Williams' own work, of the open, flat, barrenness of much of Australia, and of the traditional representations. It's not just looking, you have to learn how to look."

Everyone was looking at Rachel. "Wow," said Alice.

"I'm sorry. I get carried away."

"It's your passion," I said. "Remember, I got carried away explaining the Williams at Winnie's."

"Those two awful women!"

I laughed. "They weren't awful, just idle and predatory."

"Anyone for a walk, it should be beginning to cool off?" asked Gordy.

"I'm going to lie down before dinner," said Alice. "Coming Jacky?"

"'Course. Let the youngsters go out."

The four of us went outside. It was still fairly warm, about 30, but about half the road was in some sort of shadow.

"What will you do after you get your degree?" Weena asked.

"I'll most likely try for a real post at the Gallery but, depending on other things, we'll start a family in a few years." Rachel paused.

"And you, Patrick?"

"Oh, I thought everyone knew. I'll get my degree, article for a year, take the exam and be a lawyer trying to win back what the original Australians have lost."

"It's in their family, you know," Gordy added. "The band's territory and our station came from Pat's grandfather. His dad protected ours in school. His ma saved Jimmy's life. That band, our band, our family owe everything to the Hollisters."

"Well..." I began.

"No!" Gordy said. "I'm serious. You are the best. The girls have both told me about you. You know," he turned to Weena, "It must have cost a lot of dosh for them to come here. They didn't pause ten seconds before saying 'yes.' Big Gordy's got a medal for service. Hollisters don't ask questions except what can they do."

"True," I said. "But my grandfather made good money from the station. Both my dad and his brother went to uni. Ecclesiastes tells us to 'cast bread upon the waters.' And Proverbs adds 'He who is kind to the poor, lends to the Lord, and he will reward him.' The Great Serpent is the same. We have what we have because we do what we can."

Gordy clapped me on the shoulder; Weena just stared; Rachel smiled.

I broke the silence. "So, what do you want as a wedding gift?"

"I'll wait till my boss gets here tomorrow."

"She's trained you well, already," Rachel remarked.

By lunchtime, several utes had arrived: Audie and Gerri and their parents; Jimmy and his wife; Sam, Jimmy's nungungi; after lunch, Allison and Mark appeared. It seemed that Allison had driven north to Manilla and Mark had driven from there. They'd spent last night at a motor inn in Cobar. I'd not seen Mark since our party six weeks ago. I was glad to see him.

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I Learned

I Learned Tiffany Scott 95' In hindsight I can see that suggesting to my wife that she bring her boyfriend home might have been more than she was ready to accept. I mean it had taken her quite a while to reach this point........ Oh, you want to know what my wife was doing with a boyfriend in the first place huh? Well, I'd better start at the beginning so you aren't so confused. We...

3 years ago
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Santa Baby

Santa Baby I live for feedback [email protected] It was the last Friday night before Christmas, and the pub was packed with office workers intent on celebrating the Christmas spirit by drinking as much as they could before closing time. Slade were belting out "Merry Xmas Everybody" over the speakers and the whole pub was raucously joining in with the chorus. People were kissing under pieces of plastic mistletoe and more than one office romance would begin, and probably end,...

3 years ago
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Trip to work

As you, John Smith Doe drive to work, you notice a "NOW LEAVING PLOT CONTINUITY ZONE" on the roadside. Odd. You never noticed that one before. It's at about this time that you also notice that...

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From the start

Sorry if this is not very exciting, but I want to share my story from the beginning.I truly believe that porn was the trigger that turned me from the normal straight acting teenage boy, the person I am today. Over the years I've had lots of different experiences with men, women and couples. Which I would love to share if you like what I've written. I had a normal family life a girlfriend who I had lost my virginity with. No thoughts of other boys men or wanting to wear women's underwear had...

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Photographs Ch 05

DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on. The next day was Friday. Steve left for Miami. It was also the start of spring break for Danny, and Christie had decided to...

3 years ago
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chapter 1 Finally getting what I want

I first met charlie a couple of years ago. He was a friend of the family, and the first time I laid eyes on him I knew I was smitten. We grew closer over the course of around 3 years and eventually I built up the courage to tell him I liked him. He declined my offer to become ‘more than friends,’ but at the age of just seventeen I knew we were both young and fragile, so decided I would just live with him being my friend. That was okay for another couple of years, and I would do anything to be...

3 years ago
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petite evil part 1

When i was four years old i started wearing stockings on my bare smooth legs. I didnt have any hair on them at all yet as i was an extremely late bloomer. Sitting at the shoe store with my gramma i would take the nylon socks they give you to try on ,which are nylon knee high stockings, and pull them up past my thighs. I had very very petite girly legs with very balanced curves that drew your eye very hard to the depths of your sexuality to fight the demons that plague men their entire lives....

2 years ago
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Very Erotic Family Saga Guaranteed

Hello reader, I live with my bhaiya and bhabhi in Bangalore. Ethnically, we are Gujarati, from Ahmadabad. Our father had bought some land in Bangalore about thirty years ago. He built a building for office spaces about twenty years ago. My brother has been looking after it for last ten years. I am 27. My brother is 33, bhabhi is 30. And a few days ago it was their third wedding anniversary. Those are all the ages, reader. We threw a party. The party was attended by our parents, our relatives,...

3 years ago
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The Todo List Part II

Part Two There I was, blindfolded and my wrists handcuffed to my ankles, on my knees on our coffee table. With my forehead against the wood and my red ass high in the air facing the door. And with my little sister running her fingers over the stripes on my ass. It was all my own doing--I had handcuffed myself on top of the coffee table, to please Hatch. “Why did he spank you? What with?” “Sis, please. Hand me the key.” She laughs. A good laugh, with a touch of cruelty mixed in. This sends a...

1 year ago
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A Mothers Dream Chapter Five

I slept in between them that night after fucking Mum whilst she ate Dolly out again and this time it was Dolly's turn to drink my cum from Mum's swamp-like pussy and when I awoke in the morning, I was seconds from spurting into Dolly's warm mouth. The pair of them were insatiable, incredibly sexy women who just couldn't get enough of each other, or whatever else was on offer.Eventually, though, I escaped and invested the money I'd taken from Granville in a second-hand Rover, it took just one...

1 year ago
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14 February 2007Chapter 3

Dan, Karen, and Wendy finished making love just in time and giggled like teenagers about to be caught by a parent for having sex. They scrambled to get dressed as Diane, and the others entered the front door. Jake gave his mom a knowing smile and wished her Happy Valentine. She gathered up Timmy and Jake, thanking Dan and Karen for a wonderful night and a promise of repeating the evening very soon. “What’s up with you tonight? For most of the day you’ve been acting giddy like a little...

2 years ago
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Sex is on mind Its been a long time sigh

Laying here thinking about all the things I want to do and be done by my love. First off I wanna take my time on his body. A tall lean, heavily muscled black man with dark chocolate skin as smooth as butter. Kissing him from head to toe. Teasing him and grinding until I feel his dick begin to bulge in his shorts. Strocking him through the fabric while I suck on his wide juicy bottom lip. Then begining my slow trek down south. licking and sucking ob his neck then his chest and nipples. Teasing...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 3 Answerless Tests

The next morning, I found myself wrapped up on my now unzipped sleeping bag with a young girl hanging on each side of me. I was dressed in boxers for sleep while my sister and her best friend had found long t-shirts they used to cover their bodies. They each had a hand on my chest and my hands were resting on their hips as we cuddled under a blanket. Absently I gave each of them a few tender rubs before I sat up and turned the alarm off. Kelsey shifted and growled in annoyance, but neither...

3 years ago
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A Million Wishes

So that Babylonian artifact I found in my dad’s garage is now my keychain, and I just need to put a hand in my pocket to get anything I want. The little stone dude went from holding up three fingers, to two, to one, and now he’s permanently holding up all three again and forever because he fell for the oldest trick in the book. There are rules to this thing, but you can experiment and find the loopholes all you want once you’ve wished for a million wishes. The first thing I found out is that...

4 years ago
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Oooh so close

This ended up being longer than I first thought it would be!I briefly mentioned in part two of my first story that not long before that happened I had an experience with two women that *spoiler alert* went nearly, but not quite, the whole way. Having just about gotten over the disappointment I thought I'd write about it. As usual, it started in my local pub. I spent most of my 20's and early 30's there so there have been quite a few occasions that have led to hook ups of some description.I was...

4 years ago
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Sexy College Girl Dominates Junior Guy In Bed 8211 Part 1

Hello to all horny guys and girls of this lovely site. I am Simraan, a young Bengali girl living in Delhi who is enjoying life to the full, before getting married one day. I love dominating guys in the bed and due to that, you could call me a BDSM-lover. I have a lot of such erotic experiences in my life which I will be telling you in my stories. I have achieved various things in life which I can openly speak of. But what I love to speak out but I don’t do it in public, are my bondage ventures....

3 years ago
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My Initiation to the Sorority Auxiliary Part 2A Sunday

Synopsis: Jerry, a rather nerdy college Freshman studying electrical engineering, is flabbergasted when a very beautiful classmate, Samantha, invites him to try out for her Sorority Auxiliary. She strongly implies that sexual favors will be bestowed on the winners, the final three of a field of 18. Other hints lead him to research “female domination,” about which he, a virgin, knows nothing. The tests, described in earlier installments, were quite severe, but Jerry was one of the fortunate...

2 years ago
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Garbha In Mumbai

It was Navratri season. The entire Gujarat was agog with celebrations all over. Why Gujarat, every part of India celebrated Navrathri in their own way. Durga Pooja in West Bengal is their national festival in Tamil Nadu they display Kolu in each home in Andhra, Karnataka and in Kerala All nine days and nights are full of cultural celebrations but in Gujarat it is something special. All the girls come out in the streets to sing and dance. Items like Garba, Ras are famous. Girls especially teen...

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Hardcore threesome Comment Please

Hello Roy here , writing this first time so please excuse me as it is group sex so please do understand and enjoy my real encounter, this story is about my group sex with my teacher and her friend, well i used to have sex with my neighbor teacher aunt (also my teacher), i had seduced her once after sex we both were taking bath together she told me that shes gotta friend who knows about this,I asked her why did you tell her she replied that day she had come to my place and i was happy after...

4 years ago
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A Game of FootsieChapter 4

Minor fears and some trepidation entered my life in the following week. To all outward appearances, our relationship was its usual one. Yet, there was a subtle change, a hesitancy in our interactions that had never been there before. Neither of us talked about Sunday night. In truth, in the harsh light of day, I was nervous about openly discussing it. Sia was slightly more subdued, her beautiful eyes full of questions I couldn’t answer. I worried about how to start the discussion we now...

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Sex with coworker

My 15 year marriage ended in divorce. Of course I gotbinto another relationship right away that ended after about 3 months. A work convention was the last place I wanted to be. Past conventions had been boring and uneventful. Upon arriving at the hotel the first day the "team building" exercises (getting drunk) were underway. The small bar in the hotel was filling up quickly as the night went on. Met some people from another dept in the company and we decided to get a big booth. As we all sat...

2 years ago
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Happy Harry

Sired by man and born by woman, a baby enters the world armed only with the genetic gifts bestowed upon it by its parents. Naked, defenseless, and unable to communicate, infants are vulnerable to the outrages heaped upon them by society, environment, and chance. Society molds them, the environment hardens them, and chance tests them. Then comes the day when the infant becomes an adult. The character of the adult reflects the forces that battered the child even if some of those forces were...

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Karma Part 8

Karma part8 Saturday morning 9:35am. The beginning of what I believe will be the most uncomfortable day of my life. I just lay there in my bed dreading the beginning of the day. Tonight I was supposed to go out with Mike. I don't think mere words can explain how much the thought of going on a date with a guy grossed me out. But I was committed. So I was going to do my best to keep my word and behave. However, just to add to my misery, first I was doomed to spend a few hours baby...

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brothers gift with passing

Last year my older brother passed away un-expectantly at 50. It was only he, my mother and I as my sister lives away and our father had passed on. He was a free spirit, divorced living in a modest apartment complex. He and I weren’t real close however, it’s still tough to face this. In the weeks following I was left to resolve all his issues. He had everything under the sun on that apartment. I began the task of sorting, dividing up and cleaning the apartment. I came to his bedroom and in...

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First gloryhole pt4

I was deepthroating it and would pause when the head entered my esophagus just to lengthen the feeling and to press my lips against the denim. I was so horny, I wanted to literally swallow his cock. I was getting a good rhythm when I was startled by Philip entering the room without my knowledge.Seeing only the back of my head bobbing inward, my ass, and the bottoms of my bare feet, he asked, "Hi Honey. I figured I would find you back here doing your thing. I was going to order a pizza. How long...

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