Homespun FunChapter 2
- 4 years ago
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"Well, what's all this about?" Ken asked, closing the door.
"We waited supper for you," Dana said. "We didn't know where you were or when you'd be back, but we waited anyway."
"That's not what I mean and you know it." He crossed to his chair and sat down. "Why don't you have any clothes on?"
The girls exchanged glances, then Dana said, "Daddy, Nan and I had a long talk while you were out. We, well, told each other what we'd done with you. We didn't mean to, but it just sorta came out."
Ken felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. For some reason, it hadn't occurred to him that they would exchange confidences about his escapades with them, though he should have known that they would since they were so close. He nodded and said, "Go on."
"So we, uuuhhh, talked about it. About what we did and how we felt. And we talked about your going away again, too. Both of us were pretty shook up when you said you might take another job and leave for another six months or so."
"And?" He was going to take it slowly and play it by ear.
"And, we decided that you must need what you did to us awfully bad or you wouldn't have done it. We don't know why you wanted us instead of grown women, but you must have some reason. We're dumb about a lot of things, but that's what we thought, anyway."
They had gotten a lot closer to the target than they knew, and it was making Ken nervous. "So you think I need a woman, huh?"
Again it was Dana that spoke. "Daddy, you're probably not going to like this, but I saw you and Miss Sims in here on the rug when you... when you fucked her. Nan and I like her a lot but we didn't know she was like that. If you wanted a woman, I bet you could have her any old time."
It was getting to be a little too much for him. Here his two daughters were, sitting in front of him stark naked, talking about fucking as though it was the most natural thing in the world! When he lit a cigarette, his hands were unsteady.
"I think I could use a drink."
"I'll get it," Nancy said, jumping up so quickly her tits slapped together. "The stuff's all ready."
While she was gone, Ken asked Dana, "Why didn't you tell me you knew about Miss Sims?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I guess I didn't think it was any of my business."
"How could you see us, anyway? You still had the patches on."
"I took one off," Dana replied sheepishly.
Nancy came back with a glass full of dark amber liquid and handed it to him. "It might be too strong. I didn't know how much to put in."
He wanted to say the stronger the better, but instead smiled gratefully and took a healthy swig. It burned all the way down to his stomach, and he shuddered.
"So, now what?" he asked when Nancy had taken her place.
"We want you to stay," Nancy said simply. "That's all. Like Dana said, we don't know why you want to do those things to us, but we'll do anything you say if you'll only promise not to go away again."
Ken was still reeling at their matter-of-fact attitude toward the whole business, and wasn't precisely sure what his response should be. He took a drag off his cigarette and a sip of his drink before he said anything.
"I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more clear on that, girls. Exactly what do you mean?"
"Well," Dana said, "it seems like you get a big kick out of... messing around with us, even though we both think we acted like a couple of silly little kids about everything. We promise we won't be like that anymore."
"All you have to do is tell us what you want, and we'll do it, Uncle Ken," Nancy said with sincerity. "We just want to make you happy."
He looked them over carefully while he thought. They were built more like young women than girls, and they were discussing the subject rationally and intelligently, more so than he would have ever expected. Their curvaceous bodies, full tits and furry cunts were enticing, and their offer became more appealing by the second.
"It sounds as though you've gone over carefully what you're saying, but have you considered Lynn and Toby? What if they found out about what you've planned?"
"They wouldn't have to know," Dana said. "We've already got it worked out. Nan could come to your room at night after they're asleep, and I could do the same thing the next night. Aunt Lynn and Toby wouldn't know a thing about it."
Ken searched each of their faces. "And what about you two? Do you really like what I've done to you, or are you only doing this to keep me here? It makes a lot of difference, you know."
Both young ladies were silent for a while, glancing at him, then turning their heads away. Dana shifted on the cushion, and Nancy twisted her fingers together. It was obvious the matter had come up between them.
"Daddy," Dana said finally, "we're not sure. Not really. Nan hasn't put her mouth on your... prick, yet, and you haven't put it in my behind. The only thing you've done to both of us is... fuck us. We don't know about the other stuff."
"We do like the fucking part though, Uncle Ken," Nancy said. "We really don't know how to, but we like it."
"I see. And you went over all this in the short time I was out?"
"Uh huh." Dana looked at her father plaintively. "What do you think, Daddy? Will you stay if we do it?"
He emptied his glass and held it out. "Tell you what. Make me another drink, then let's eat. I'll think about it, and let you know after supper. All right?"
"Sure!" Nancy said happily, coming over for the glass. "It'll be ready whenever you are."
Dana went to help her, and Ken leaned back with a sigh to light another cigarette. His nerves were shattered, and it would take him a while to get back on an even keel.
One redeeming fact had come out of their presentation to him, however. It was quite evident that neither of them were in the least aware of his relationship with Lynn. Of course, they had always been discreet, but now he was certain that neither of them had the slightest suspicion.
Nancy came back with a fresh highball and reached across him with bare tits swaying to set it on the end table. "Why don't you take your clothes off, Uncle Ken? You'd be a lot more comfortable."
He contained a compelling urge to throw her down on the floor and fuck her right then and there. "Yes, I think I will. I seem a little out of place this way."
He went to his room, hung up his clothes, then returned to finish his drink. One of the girls kept a constant watch on his glass, and as soon as it was empty, they called him in for supper. When he strolled into the kitchen, his prick was at full erection, and the young ladies looked at it with admiration.
Throughout the meal, Ken contemplated their proposal and the pros and cons. If he agreed, he would have to perform like a ring master for a circus to make sure the three females didn't run into each other coming and going from his room. Still, the promise of three ready cunts was an opportunity that few men had, and he would be more than foolish to turn it down.
When they were finished, Ken folded his arms on the table and viewed the two ripe pairs of melonlike tits with their salmon- colored nipples. "Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this?"
Dana and Nancy looked him straight in the eye and nodded simultaneously, the expressions on their faces proof of their sincerity.
"All right. We'll give it a try out till Lynn gets back. If you still want to continue at that time, we'll consider it a deal. Agreed?"
"Sure!" Dana said gleefully. "That's a good idea!"
"But we're not going to change our minds," Nancy said. "We've already settled on that, haven't we, Dana."
"That's right, Dad. Don't expect us to chicken out."
He grinned and stood up. "Now that that's settled, I'm going to go shower and shave while you clean up in here. Come back to my room when you're through."
Ken had hardly reached the door before they were scrambling to clear off the table. He went to his bedroom, turned the covers all the way down on the bed, then took a long shower under a hard stinging spray. After shaving for the second time that day, he slapped on some lotion, he stretched out on the bed, and smoked a cigarette while he waited for the girls.
He watched his cock do a jig as he thought that this would be the first time in his life he had ever had two females in bed at once. It was one hell of a prospect, even though they were both his daughters. The strange thing was, he was no longer troubled by it. The hell with sluts like Mary Sims. As she said, she could never compete with what he had.
"We're all done, Daddy," Dana said as they came through the door. "What are we going to do?"
"I've been working on that," he answered, crushing his butt in the ash tray. "I think I'll fuck you, Dana, and eat Nancy."
"Which one first?" Nancy asked.
"At the same time."
"Huh? I thought we'd, you know, do it separately!"
"Why?" He saw that both girls were blushing. "Would you be embarrassed to do it together?"
They shot a look at each other, turned back to him, and Dana said, "No, I suppose not. How could we do it, though?"
"I'll show you. Come up here on the bed."
Ken positioned them in the form of an A, with their heads together on the pillows and facing outward. Then he laid down across the bed, pushing his cock into Dana from behind and lifting Nancy's upper leg to put his head between her thighs.
"All right," he said huskily, "put my prick in your cunt, Dana, and I'll eat Nancy while I fuck you."
Dana parted her thighs, reached down to grip her father's big organ, and swished it around in her dewy canyon until it was lathered with her milk. Then she slipped the head in, sighing with pleasure as the thick muscle expanded her vaginal opening.
Ken put Nancy's top leg on his shoulder, then pushed his face up to her fur-rimmed gash, resting his head on her soft thigh as he began to nuzzle into the girl's pink valley. As he lapped up the dew-drops of cream that clung to the slick flesh of her slit, he thrust his hips forward to impale his dick in Dana's slippery sheath. Both girls squealed and groaned at the same time.
"Gggaaahhh!" Dana cried out. "Ooohhh, Daddy! Oh, Jeez! I like it this way! Ooohhh, wow! It really went in me!"
"Ken!" Nancy shrieked when his tongue began swabbing up and down her delicate furrow, prying her inner lips apart and teasing her hard little clit. "God, that's exciting! Oh, my gosh! It makes my nipples tingle! Oh! Oh! Right there!"
As he slurped wetly in Nancy's frothy crevice, working his tongue into her hole and rubbing his nose on her clitoris, he began spearing his organ into Dana's flaming tunnel, banging her firm ass cheeks with his pelvis as he hammered at her womb with the tip of his piston.
"Fuck me!" Dana whimpered loudly. "Ooohhh, fuck me! It's so different like this! Jjjeeeeeezzz! It feels like it's a lot farther in! Ooohhh, Dad! It's not like this morning at all! I can really feel it this time!"
Multitudinous thoughts were rolling around inside Ken's head as he rummaged through Dana's dresser drawers in search of something for the girl to wear. He found shorts, panties, bra and sweater, then in the closet he came across a pair of sandals. All the time he was hunting, the pretty nymph remained on the bed, hands clasped, listening to his movements quietly. "There, I think that should do," he said finally, bringing the things over and laying them next to her. "Are you going to...
After phoning for a cab, Ken mixed two highballs and took them back to Lynn's room. She already had two suitcases open on the bed and was packing them with things from her dresser drawers. He set her glass on the dresser, then found room on the corner of the bed to sit down. "Any idea how long you'll be gone?" She shook her head as she took a quick sip of the drink. "I really don't know. It all depends on how Dad is, and how Mom feels when she gets home." "Give me a call and let me...
The sound of a ringing telephone penetrated only dimly into Ken's booze-drugged mind. He started to rouse himself, but then the raucous sound stopped and he sank back into deep slumber, glad that it must have been an illusion. Then he heard a loud and clear voice, and tried to clear his pounding head. "Uncle Ken! Ken!" Nancy was calling him from the doorway. "It's for you! The phone! It's Doctor Larson!" He was flat on his stomach, and had to twist his head around to see her....
"You'd better go help Nancy with lunch," Ken said. "And bring me a beer, will you?" He switched on the TV and sat down to catch the news, trying not to think about his youngest daughter and all the problems his screwing her in the ass might have caused. He was in so deep with both girls now that it seemed hopeless, and the prospect of getting out of there looked better by the minute. "It'll be ready in about ten minutes," Dana said when she brought him a cold can of beer. "Fine....
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*************************************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: All credit goes to the original author of the story Mr. Bayisle66 his page can be found at this is a favourite post with a few fan edits as tribute to the originality of the author. please visit Mr. Bayisle66 site for more of his great work. I Do not own, nore claim to own the characters, plot, or any part of the story that is the authors original work.This is...
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When our temporary sojourn was over, we returned and I dropped her off at the apartment that she had rented as her ‘Nashville’ residence when she was still technically with the Adam’s scion. I hoped that soon, even before we married, that she would join me in my house where we could start our life together. But first, Aurora had to return to Chicago to tidy up the odds and ends of her PhD. She also needed to talk to her parents about finally planning her wedding; but not with the man who had... some of you have asked about my family and well...I thought you might like to know how I met the father of my 3rd c***d :) Almost all of this is true...though I embellished the location and tried to write this one like a real story rather than my usual "account". Let me know if you like this style or my usual (frankly it was much harder to write this one). This story is from 2003. I will even post a pic of me in the dress :)------------------------Okay, so I was pissed off and that...
Slut Wives! Do you get off to the thought of watching your significant other getting fucked by random dudes? Or perhaps the better question would be whether you fantasize about watching your partner get her pussy spread by a bigger cock than you’ll ever have? Well, you must be horny for some cuckolding pornography!This is a pretty common genre, and perhaps watching cuckolding videos is becoming a bit monotonous, so you want something different. Well, how about a forum where you can interact...
Porn ForumsThe only time Jacqui's Place was closed was on the night when they all went next door to a wild and wonderful drunken party in the New House of Joy for Hugo's and Martha's joint sixtieth birthday party; everybody who was anybody was invited to the party and everybody came. The girls were giving free fucks to their favourite clients and taking even greater delight in refusing those they didn't like. Nobody thought of the morrow and it was the first time most of them had seen everybody so...
This is a true story:The day after my teacher emailed me is a day that will go down in history for me. My teacher wanted me to come in after school. I had her 2nd hour and was the first person to walk in since my first hour was right next store. I walked in and went to my spot when she came up behind me. I sat down and all of a sudden she was there. She leaned in front of me and came face to face with me. I could easily see her boobs and I was definitely caught looking. "You have to wait for...
This story may not be altered or reposted without the express written permission of the author. Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. Comments are always welcome. New e-mail is [email protected]. Rescue Me 2 By Lindsay Hart "Hello?" "Hi, Beth. This is your little sister." "Kelly!! Oh, wow, sweetie, I was just thinking about you. I've been trying to call your apartment for a couple of days but your phone has been out of order. I've been so worried...
Looking back at my early days at college, most people that met me then probably wouldn't even recognize me now. At the time, my hair was a basic shoulder-length cut without any coloring or styling, and I wore some dorky-looking prescription glasses. My wardrobe consisted of ankle-length skirts, some loose-fitting pants, and several long-sleeve blouses. My attire was considerably more conservative than that of other girls in the rural Midwest because my family was rather strict about enforcing...
Hello all of indian sex stories dot net , welcome back to one more sizzling hot episode of Kanan. Thanks for all your support and welcome mails. Hopefully this episode will make all of you rejoice the real love between me and Bhabhi. So as per the last episode she already paid for one mistake heavily and after that luckily she never had to do that again as Amit Sir left the town and she was the one most relived. But it was always back of my mind also and her mind that we should not involve...
IncestScott's two remaining wives and his two sons mourned with him. Normally he would have taken Hella's body for burial at Iona but the winter snows made that impossible. Instead the difficult journey was made to St Andrew's and the monks there performed the burial for him. Afterwards they returned to Loch Leven and Scott ordered a vast feast to be prepared so that all might honour Hella's passing. Alone with his wives once the boys were abed, he knew they had something to share with him...
My husband Mike and I have lived in downtown Atlanta for over 6 years. The crime is uncontrollable. Every night we go to bed and hear the sirens of another shooting or the cries from another mugging. Thanks to the recession in 2007, our house value dropped so much that we were trapped. We would lose too much if we moved so for the past 2 or 3 years we have been saving every penny, trying to get out of this town. We want to move somewhere open and safe. Finally, this might be the year we can...
Deborah had told me one time that she’d love to sit on the beach and watch the waves crash with me. So today, we set off for a beach area nearby. There weren’t any hotels or houses on this beach, just trees, miles of sandy shores, and the Atlantic Ocean. We took a short path from the parking area, and walked hand in hand and headed down to the beach, taking just a towel with us.I’d known Deborah for some time, and always found her incredibly gorgeous and so sexy, but never really got to see...
Quickie SexPART SIX: GARBED What is this supposed to mean? I stare at the laundry basket and the piece of clothing I was stuck in for several hours yesterday. That stupid, bright-ass pink, ruffled, girly-girl set of plastic panties. I hate them. A minute went by, and I finally pull the basket in to my room and push it out of the way. I have to move, the bus was coming. I run down the stairs and into the kitchen. Jenny is here, playing with her food, as usual. Mom hands me my lunch, a...
Bart, an eighteen year old high school senior, can't wait to get out of his parents house and go away to college. Being a typical suburban teen he is anxious to spread his wings and explore the world without his parents constantly looking over his shoulder. Another reason that Bart can't wait to move out is his sister, Britney. She is only a year older than him but being the more mature one he ended up living in her shadow because she demanded so much attention from his parents. It wasn't so...
Aldren awoke just after the sun had started down the west wall of the canyon. Ameni was getting dressed quietly in order to let him sleep. He rose up on his elbow and greeted her. She came to the bed and gave him a kiss, telling him to take his time getting up. He considered doing so until he felt hunger pains in his belly triggered by the smell of breakfast being cooked. When he arose, he felt a difference in his body. A feeling that his limbs were lighter yet stronger than they had been. He...
A month after the euphoria of being at Buckingham Palace we were grounded. We were well into the second series of 'A detective called Grantham' when Ashley left the set to take a phone call. Fifteen minutes later she came out and told the crew to pack up for the day. She then caught my eye with a sideways nod of her head. She mouthed, "Office." I joined her in the office and could see from her expression that this was serious. "What's going on, Ashley?" "John has buggered off to the...
Main jab 18 saal ka tha,to meri mausi bhi 18 saal ki thi dopeher mein jab ghar ke log thak ke so jate to main aur meri mausi ghar ke pichhe bane ek kamre mein husband wife ka khel khelte khana pakate aur kha lete, to meri mausi kehti ke, khane ke baad husband wife bachchhe paida karte hain,to main kehta ke woh kaise hota hai, To mausi kehti main batati hoon,yeh keh ke usne mera lund pakad ke kaha ise khada kar,lund uske choote hi khada hogaya tha,uske baad mausi ne apni shalwar khol ke apni...
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