Simple Life
- 3 years ago
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When the election results in November were known, President Truman and the President-elect Adlai Stevenson patted me on the back. Eisenhower was an older man of 61 and a real hero. His running mate was 'Tricky Dick' Nixon. He had an illegal slush fund but this was already known. I knew enough from what came out at Watergate to supply the Democrats with enough dirty secrets to let the voters know whom they might be electing as a Vice President. The Republicans' other 'hatchet man' was Dewey. McCarthy was one as well but he was conveniently dead.
In the first election there was a lot of talk about Stevenson being divorced and not a family man. With recent allegations against McCarthy, the family was not mentioned.
I remembered from some advertising that Adlai Stevenson had usurped a half-hour of prime time television to tell the voters what he wanted to do. This never happened but he did like Eisenhower and used twenty and thirty second segments instead. 'I Love Lucy' was very important to the nation and was not to be trifled with.
Women were for the first time actively courted in the election. Eleanor Roosevelt was only one of Stevenson's supporters. When Stevenson gave his word that he would assist in getting my contraceptive available to many more women, Margaret Sanger and Katherine McCormick started to campaign for him in earnest. Katherine McCormick's newspapers talked to women directly and not through male reporters. This and McCarthy's sexual preferences, is what I think won the race.
There were a lot of parties that I was invited to and I tried to go to the more influential ones. It was very evident that everybody knew I was a Democratic supporter. I did say before witnesses that I was fighting for a cause and not for any political party.
Four weeks after the vote, American troops were in Vietnam and American goods and war materiel were sold cheaply to the French. Eisenhower was sent over to see what he could do as a good soldier and a national hero. This dramatically raised the troops' spirits.
Hugh Hefner was now publishing his magazine through a small firm. The Picture of Marilyn Monroe was what sold the initial release. We had talked a few times over the phone and my donation of twenty thousand dollars could have made me a partner but I didn't want that. He did follow my advice and had many features that he would later find to be what the public wanted.
He had a forum on birth control and had some influential people contribute their opinions. Off-colour jokes and penthouse letters made me laugh at the theft of the idea from what would be Penthouse Magazine. Important and outspoken women told how they though women were unfairly treated. Segregation and racial intolerance were very common and the magazine was one of the ways it could be exposed and allowed to die before all the riots occurred in later years. All this was to educate a new generation of young males who would one day vote the way they should.
I personally ordered ten thousand of the original first issue and had them shipped to the men fighting for us.
In six months the British, the Australians and the Canadians were fighting in Vietnam as well as in Korea. Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, through their ArmaLite Division, sold twenty-five thousand newly made and vastly improved LAW M-72s. I had the production stepped up dramatically, because I knew the five-pound launcher would find a lot of use in the two wars. After only two months the orders really started to come in. We had to even import the explosive and rocket fuel from my company in West Germany.
The M16 had not become standard issue but some groups were using it as a test. Our stockpile of rifles, ammunition and rockets would soon be seriously depleted and I was considering getting other manufacturers to assist.
Many of the wartime weapons that were used in Vietnam were conceived on my drawing board. We did not have the high tech necessary for some things but we did have many of the simpler articles.
I was very productive and very highly valued in the military. I soon had 'Puff the Magic Dragon' but the song had not come out yet. I wrote that, too and both made it to the front lines at the same time. The AC-47 was the military equivalent of the DC-3. I knew how effective the plane was and used as many of the old planes as I could get my hands on.
I could not use .50 caliber machine guns because of the way the floor was constructed but I could use smaller NATO rounds in a smaller barrel.
I went for the big bang and started the development of many fuel/air bombs but the only one that got used was the one with diethyl ether. Another cluster bomb with thousands of small bomblets with antipersonnel or with armour piercing rounds, took out many tanks and trucks that could not accurately be hit otherwise. The bomblets had a good proportion that did not work and killed innocents years after a battle. My bomblets were designed to degrade after six months in normal wet conditions. These certainly were the conditions in South East Asia.
The smart bomb was developed and I sold three lots to NATO. France bought the most and I gave them a deal on some considerations at a later date.
During this time I was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine and shared one in Physics with William. I had planned on these awards for years and when the time came I pushed even harder for the world I wanted. The intellectuals heard me but I had to use other means for the man or the woman on the street to understand what I wanted.
Bell was still working on the lasers and I got the company to work on improved night vision equipment. Night vision was already in use even during the latter portion of WW2. It relied on a power-hungry infrared emitter to illuminate the target. The Soviets were already making a device to find the emitter and shoot the soldier using it.
I did not take the role of a REMF and went to the front many times to watch the tests of our equipment or innovations. I had been hit twice but they were mostly grazes. All were from shrapnel and not bullets, although many of the latter had come close.
My helicopters had not only made an appearance but were assisting in getting the war shortened. The Black Hawk and Apache were not ready yet but the Huey was. Before the funding ran out, I started working on a second generation of Huey using two large sets of blades.
At the negotiation table, it was now our turn to put things off. The Communists had always thought that given more time they could wring more concessions from us. This was a dramatic turn around and left the opposing diplomats a bit flustered.
The French did not get caught at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. The American military came in and destroyed almost all of the Viet Minh forces arrayed against the French. Puff crews were the major factor in making the battle change the way it did. In my previous life, this was the turning point where the French left Vietnam for good; most only got to be buried.
France had been encouraged to send in many more troops to the area in previous months. After the battle they mopped up what once would have been their victors.
Since I was in a good bargaining position with my weapons manufacturing, I negotiated with the United States and did a lot of negotiating as the main NATO representative. I tried not only for an armistice but tried to get a peaceful separation of the country. There was a lot of resentment about this, because we were now doing so well. The way some were talking, they could just keep going and take China, too. Cooler heads did prevail.
By the end of 1954 both wars came to and end and a truce was called. There was no threat of using atomic weapons this time, although the Communists knew they could be used and they were not ready, yet, for an all-out nuclear war.
The sheer number of casualties ended it for the Communists. We allowed a North Vietnam to be formed above the 20th parallel not the 17th as it was before. This would give much better logistics if and when, the Communists headed south at a later date. The mountainous region of what was the Ho Chi Minh trail in the northern area would funnel any insurgents into some easy killing fields. The new country, in itself, also gave a buffer area for China, which was why the war was first fought.
The trail had not seen that much use because of our efforts. France soon found uses for all the lumber taken off the land and helped finance farmers to turn the cleared acreage into flat farmland. Good roads were built and eventually sensors would be put all along it to find Communist activity.
There were a lot of mysterious deaths of politicians in the south. A much more representative government was set up and graft was punishable by death. I figured that as long as this was the case, the south would stay free and the people themselves would not want the Communists to come like they had the first time.
Japan and South Korea had gained a great amount of financial clout with the help of the United States. I pushed for the same thing in South Vietnam.
Sabin came back and we made the live vaccine three months after his return. His name as well as the rest of the multinational team was on the list of people working on this project. The news was not as exciting as for the first, mainly because I had already told it would happen at approximately this time. The public was learning to trust my word. I knew that I would need this in the future, not only to bring about what I wanted but simply to stay alive.
A year and a half after the peace accord I was called back to Oslo and gained a third award for my furtherance of the peace process. Quite an accomplishment, considering how much money I made selling weapons to the NATO forces. I had rationalised that by killing so many enemies so quickly, the sheer casualty figures would keep any aggressor from crossing out paths. Our own casualties had been much lighter. Only some of the decrease was from Kevlar vests and helmets, because the numbers that were produced were low.
My extended family went with me for a second time and now it seemed like old hat to dad and grandpa. He complained of the seats and then the food and finally his sore butt. I was again his true grandson because I heard him tell so to one of the stewardesses. I was quite sure he told the rest, too. He didn't know that this was a special charter flight I had arranged.
My own people had gone over the plane inch by inch. Everybody onboard was either an employee, or an influential person who was sympathetic to what I wanted to do. The Communists had not come to get me to see their way of thinking but that did not mean that they would not go to the final step and try to get me removed. Back in 'The Bay', many people who didn't appear on my list of employees were there for security reasons. This included the group I hired to protect the first production facility for my vaccine. Security had grown but did not rival Pinkerton because they only guarded things I had an interest in. This would change, for the men were actually the first members of my military.
There were a lot of people, during and after the war, who were shot down by their allies to remove them from the game board. I had not necessarily made too many enemies but I did have a lot of people that would rather see me dead so they could advance.
At every opportunity, NATO jets parallelled our flight. This was unknown to everybody but the flight crew, security and myself.
In the last year I had gone through a growth spurt and gained much of my adult size. I could not grow a decent beard or mustache yet, so I had to remain clean-shaven. The girls liked how certain parts of me grew, too.
My love life had been fairly tame. Seiko had assumed the post of number three wife and I didn't dispute it. With no legal contract, any of the women could leave if and when, they wished. They were all rich women, because I took what money they would have received working for me and put it into the businesses that showed the most chance of expanding.
Valerie had already married, had one child she called Alex and was expecting another. Linda had stayed with us for quite a while, till I finally found a man that would treat her the way she needed. In two months I would be at their wedding.
Yasuko and Akuro were now taking charge of one of my newest companies. They had close to a hundred and forty employees who were teaching various languages to my employees. Both had turned into career women and only dated the men they liked. I wanted them to succeed but I wanted them to be happy, too.
In between, I found some girls to keep me company in Vietnam and Korea. The wives knew about it and even talked to the girls on the phone. They all knew that they would not be coming with me when I left.
I was bored on the long trip to Oslo and I enticed one wife at a time into the small washroom. I didn't know if the mile high club had been invented yet and considered my wives and I being the charter members. This had actually happened last year, though, when we made our first flight to Oslo. I was going to make sure Hugh Hefner heard about the idea. He was already promoting my record company and the artists I had under contract. Elvis had not even graduated from high school but he got a contract after joining a local talent show.
He was now in Toronto or Memphis putting out some of the songs I provided him. Many other artists had come to sign up with me. Remembering about my inability to be where I was needed, I hired the best publicists and promoters I could. Sam Phillips was one of the men I was able to hire. It took a bit of money and my promise to develop the industry more to get him on board. Television, radio and even the movies did not impress the man but music videos did. In my company there would not be any shenanigans. If an artist was promised something, he would get it.
This time around, I was going to take the Japanese business model as my own. Artists were not given million-dollar contracts but then again I did not give that kind of money to me. A president of a company got twenty to twenty-five times the wages of the man on the floor.
If everybody accepted this, then musicians, sports figures and actors would not get multimillion-dollar contracts and the spectators would be able to afford to go and see the people they loved. The high cost of Hockey and Baseball tickets in Toronto still burned me from my previous life.
The only ones to make more money were the shareholders and my wives, who were shareholders. The companies, though, made a fantastic amount of money and used much of the funds to plough back into production and R&D. My dividends went in there too, for I knew that they could only grow.
As we landed, we heard one of Roy Orbison's songs that I had written for him. I sometimes sang it to my wives as I played the guitar at night. 'Oh, Pretty Woman' never failed in getting them more than just becoming sentimental before taking me to bed.
We took up three floors of a local hotel. The family went off to shop or to do some sightseeing. I brushed up on my speech and talked to my security people. In an hour I was talking to the same people I had spoken to last year and we discussed what arrangements had been changed. I left the arrangements with my people and had a short nap, because I knew the girls would be hyper and not able to sleep later.
The presentation was the next day and I was worn out. I was right about the girls and they made sure I was not able to sleep, either. More people could not sleep but for other reasons. Aron was in the next suite playing some Beatles music with dad. When the song ended, Aron sang 'La Bamba' with a Spanish accent. Richard Valenzuela or better known as Ritchie Valens was only a child, not much older than Aron was now. The song would not go public till I found a good Latino singer to be the first to break into Rock 'n' Roll.
When the time came for the presentation, everybody walked down a long line of sensors as if they were at a very modern airport. Six people were pulled aside just before they got to the door and asked about their guns. Five turned out to be security, while the local police took one away.
I may not have been his target and perhaps the man just liked carrying a gun. He happened to be Romanian and his consulate was quick to try to get him released.
The meal and the presentation was lower key than previously and I was able to enjoy it more. Even with a large room of very important people, I found the looks in my family's eyes to be what I needed to continue.
After the actual presentation I shook hands with many distinguished people. Some had come to me with ideas from others who had asked for favours or paid for the service. It reminded me of being in Mexico and all the vendors coming up with different things to sell. At least the people here were very polite.
My acceptance speech was next and I had come prepared. I spoke for almost half an hour on ways to keep people off one another's throats. I listed all the various reasons for fighting in the first place and did not leave out our basic instinct to fight and prove ourselves.
Like last year, I talked about oil, clean water and many different minerals being in short supply, no matter what governments wanted to say to the opposite point of view. "The day will come, when all our economies come crashing down when the price of fuel goes too high. Nobody can afford an automobile, if the price of copper is so high that wiring is too costly to put in. Unrestricted development and unmonitored industries are now poisoning our waters. What are future generations going to do to get water that is not polluted with industrial wastes or chemicals from farm runoff?"
I accused everyone sitting before me of being lax in what they did to stop or curtail all the despoliation and waste about us.
The reporters and photographers, though, were not as nice after the award ceremony. Film was shot as I was asked pertinent, then foolish questions. Outside, I found that many more photographers were around and very aggressive. Security had a difficult time making a corridor for us to travel. In a moment our limousines pulled up and we started to get in. When the three were full, we left for the official reception. Here, too, there were photographers. Seiko got angry with one and used some karate she had been teaching the girls on the persistent photographer. He suddenly fell to the concrete and nobody quite knew how it had happened, or almost nobody knew.
Grandma was close by and I saw her think before she put her foot down. This time it was beside the man. She had a Polish temper and I knew she would have liked to walk over his face.
There were quite a few people there even before we arrived. I shook hands with them and then they shook hands with my family. Before even ten minutes had passed more guests came to congratulate me. The Norwegian government, which had a hand in the selection of the Nobel Prize, came over and introduced their wives and even their children.
I was happy to try out my language skills with some representatives of other countries. They spoke slowly once they heard my accent in most cases but I could get along with most languages in Europe now.
When the Russian ambassador came over, I was pleased to talk to him in his own language. It was a Slavic language and if you knew Polish, the others are fairly easy to pick up. With him was a young woman of phenomenal beauty. She seemed to be Helen's age or perhaps a bit younger. Her eyes were green and her hair was platinum blond and went far down her back. Her dress was not something that somebody in her collective would wear. It was very expensive and exposed as much flesh as she could get away with.
The ambassador said, "Congratulations on your well deserved award. I believe you saved many lives by seeing what both parties needed and by working toward that goal." He looked at his companion and said, "Let me introduce Sonia. She is a relative of mine and has come to Oslo to learn about how their government works."
He turned to the girl and said in English, "Sonia, this is Alex Kramer. I believe he is the only man to ever win the prestigious Nobel prize three times."
The girl stepped forward easily and put out her hand to be shaken. I clasped hers and she said, "I am very honoured to meet you, Mr Kramer. Your speech was very inspiring and I wish the Capitalists took it to heart. I had no idea when I came to this city that I would ever meet somebody as important and as handsome as you. It is so lonely here in Oslo with all the older people doing everything."
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Sounds of pick axe and work fills the cave, expanding the interior of the already large chasm, hundreds of bodies work together to grow the already impressive structure as you have commanded your name is Sigard 'The Blackblade' Steeltooth, a intimidating name is needed for good are a orc. Not just any orc mind you, you are the most important one to the tribe, the leader, its boss, all manner of names of praise are given to you mostly from fear and respect, after all your the...
FantasyHi, this is my recent experience with a stranger which was always one of my fantasies. I have been a follower of ISS for a long time. I have shared one experience with my girlfriend on a train earlier from another account. Anyways, about myself. I am a 27-year-old guy from Bangalore with a height of 5’11 and fairly decent body, not the gym kind but the sports kind. I am on the wheatish complexion. About other measurements, not too sure of the specifics but surely filling enough. Firstly let me...
Hello readers i am writing plz let me know what u think about it this a very true story of my friend who live in u s a right now i just change place & names but all other is as is it so let me tel u r her story in her own words .My name is Sarthak i am from U.P. now i am 23y this all start when i was 18y but u at 18y we asian girls dont know much about sex so i was very innocent at that time it all started back when we were teenage…… My brother Javed and i . Javed & I were two of six kids...
"Hello, Mom? Why are you calling the house from your cell phone? Aren't you in your art studio with, um, the hunk?" "Yes, Peter is still here, but he's getting dressed. I mixed up some awesome colors for his painting, but it's finished now." "So why are you telling me this?" "Because I think those colors would be awesome for a painting of you too, but they're water based. They'll dry quickly, so you need to get down here in a hurry." "But I didn't agree to pose...
Friday night's orgy after our work meeting was refreshing and recharged the body and soul. Saturday and Sunday I divided my time up between my five mates. I had been gone all week. I felt they and I had been short changed out of our private intimate times together. I reinforced how much I loved them and missed them. We spent time together at home and over at the gym working out as a team. I made sure that all of us stayed proficient in the self defense training and the offensive skills I...
Alice was congratulating herself on getting her father involved with someone and David and Ellen were busy flirting, when the distant sound of the radio caught their attention. David quieted them so they could listen. “This just in, there appears to be a massive meteor shower sweeping across the country. It supposedly started West of here,” the announcer reported, signaling he was near Washington, “and it’s been sweeping steadily westward. It’s inflicted serious damage and has limited...
Tera stared into her mother’s bedroom through the space left by the partially open door. The door never closed completely. The latch couldn’t engage and when her mother would close the door it would always slowly drift open. Tera watched her mother undress after a late night out on a date with her new boyfriend. She watched as her mother reached behind her back to pull the zipper down on her dress. Tera’s eyes glared in disgust as she noticed how the dress formed itself to her mother’s...
I have my own 'Jackie' story. My Jackie, in this case Jonni, was very much the same. I heard rumblings that although we were about to be married in less than 60 days, Jonni was doing things she wouldn't do if I were there. What? The love of my life not being quite as in love as me? Truthfully, the idea never crossed my mind and when I heard the first few reports, I never gave them a second thought. Then I happened to stop by their watering hole, I'd misplaced our house key and needed to...
The story I am going to tell you is a true one. It happened to me a few days ago and since I was out of fictional ideas I decided to write this one although it has been edited slightly. The woman involved is a neighbour of mine, in fact she was the mother of one of my friends. The friend (Jake) was not my best friend, but since we lived close to each other I did know him best and saw his family frequently. Since we live close to each other my dad takes me, my brother and Jake to school and...
DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VIII Jessica ran to the bathroom and threw up. Rinsing her mouth and gargling, she did her best to rid herself of her failed attempt at punishing her disrespectful minion. Stubs followed her into the room, concerned for her. Brushing her teeth and repeatedly spitting, she just wished everything could be normal again. Standing with both hands grasping the sink, wearing clothes that were adulating unseen by anyone but the wearer, she gathers her strength....
A man can take only so much. That she was desirable, bald or not, had sunk into Bob’s bones. That she was clearly available, whether she actually knew what that meant or not, was also undeniable. Bob had never been on the side of being seduced ... at least he didn’t think that way. In actuality, Dannie had worked him like a saxophone, pushing his buttons until he was a helpless wreck ... and leaving him making some of the same sounds a sax could make. It had been one of her favorite things to...
This is to let all of the husbands out there know that watching your wife have sex with another man is not all it's cracked up to be. My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 5 years now, I am 37 and she is 28. My wife was a virgin when we got married so she had never been with another person before. We had actually met at my brothers wedding, she was a bridesmaid, and I was my brother's best man. I guess my fantasizing about watching her have sex with another man started when...
InterracialFraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 19 A Surprising Breakup After weeks of praying and soul searching Beth knew that she could no longer put off the unpleasant task of talking to Ron. There was no doubt that she loved Aaron, and if their relationship continued at its current pace they were destined to be not just in love, but lovers. She and Ron agreed to meet at one of the college hangouts on Tennessee Street. She agonized over what she would say to Ron, she knew...
Hi, ISS readrs. I am Rimi. Remember. I am back with my new story. But first thanks to all for you nice comment and also great thanks to ISS who always publish my story. Mere bare me aap log janate hi hai. So let’s start story. Bahot din ho gaye the mujhe chuttiyan liye hue. To maine socha ki kyon na is barshat me rainy vacation manaya jaye. Our maine 10 din ki chutti le li. Main pondichdery pahonch gayee. Wahan city se door maine ek cottege book kiya. Cottage ek floor ka tha our us samay mere...
So throughout his college days, Jason Smith tried like hell, but was totally unsuccessful in losing his most embarrassing character trait. He graduated with an impressive degree from a major university. The university only admitted perhaps seven percent of all applicants and had a significant flunk out rate, so being successful in attaining a Bachelors degree from this institution was in itself impressive and quite an accomplishment. Jason wasn't half bad looking, remaining trim and in fairly...
HumorIntroduction: Belles new Master works out a deal with her husband Belle – or it as John called her now – squirmed uncomfortably in her seat and slid herself closer to the car door. Even that slight movement sent a rush of desire through her belly. She closed her eyes and slid her hand up the inside of her right thigh. John turned his head and watched. A smile broke slowly across his face. The skirt – short and diaphanous – slid upward and he saw the naked skin between the top of her stocking...
Matilda’s labor had only been seven hours. Betty didn’t know that yet. Matilda had promised to tell her sister all about it when she got home, but, obviously, there hadn’t been time. As Bobby helped Betty into the back seat of the car, he noticed that the fluid leaking past Betty’s shorts was red ... not clear. He put his hand under her leg to help her heave her bulk into the car and his hand came away red too. He closed the door and looked over at Mirriam, who was searching in her purse for...
When I woke up in the middle of the night, my dick was half-hard with the head now pushed right at her vagina. The more awake I became, the harder I got. This girl's pussy was scorching hot on my dick as the head started to push in slightly. Since she said she did not want to screw when she came into my bed, I carefully pulled my hand off her boob to rearrange my dick slightly so it was pushing down along her pussy instead of up into it. I put my hand back onto her tit as she wiggled her...
DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at all times. Broken Fantasy (M/F, Intr, Cuck, Voyeur, Anal,...
Erotic“I’ve been secretly training to walk, talk, and practically move as a boy for months. I’m just not getting it. Can’t we do this a different way?” I asked Carter. Carter set his phone down and said, “Sure there is. There’s a built-in feature in the suit that will help you to automatically move like one of the guys. But let’s say if you have to go somewhere without the entire suit or it got damaged somehow. You’d need to know the proper way to move and act. You wouldn’t want to get caught...
I lay naked on the freshly washed bed sheet and tried to get comfortable. There was the faintest aroma of lavender still prevalent in the air. Outside the open bedroom window, crickets chattered relentlessly in the trees and bushes. The air was deliciously cool. Unable to get back to sleep, I sat up in the bed and reached for the remote control. Whilst channel surfing, I happened upon a channel that offered live horoscope readings by day, and soft-core pornography after midnight. Accompanying...
TransI woke up the next morning still inside her. My head swam. For a moment, I didn’t know who I was or what happened, and I didn’t fucking care as long as I could stay with this beautiful woman forever. It was her, the woman of my dream, Hearts. Hearts was a tall, slender Asian dream with great legs, perky breasts, tight ass and pussy, and fucked like a machine. I had assumed and dreamed all of that for months, but last night, I had seen and experienced it. I spurred a bet with her husband that...
Breakfast at the Hargreaves house became lunch that day. Once Alice sent Penny to awaken Paul and after she checked at the door to confirm that incestual coupling was going on her visit to John in Penny’s bedroom became a marathon affair. So that she didn’t disturb the two in the master bedroom she showered in Penny’s bathroom but made enough noise to stir John, not wake him. Then she went to the kitchen in her robe and started getting the ingredients together to make breakfast. Traditionally...
We sat quietly for a few minutes, and then Mother spoke. "I guess I'll start. After you left, Ginger told me all about what happened this morning. She is very upset. She is afraid you are in deep trouble and that she will lose you. She blames herself for everything. She was still crying the last I checked. Mary heard what was going on, and she stayed home to support Ginger. It turns out she knew a lot more than any of us guessed. "When Jennie arrived she was hysterical. It's a wonder...
The day daddy came home early from work and caught me spread eagled on the couch, my shaved smooth pussy dripping on the towel underneath me, I thought I was going to die. An eighteen year old daughter was never supposed to let her daddy see her naked. Mine not only saw me naked, but also saw the best of me. I thought my life was over as I knew it. There was not anything I could do though, other than to close my legs and cover my tiny breasts the best I could. In my mind, I had been caught....
IncestThis is a true story my new master ordered me to share; about how I was stolen from Master L by Master K and made totally his. Part One Master K found me almost as soon as he became a member of the site. His first message to me was an invitation to play Bondage and Discipline games with him, to which I responded as any well-trained and behaved sub would; he would have to ask my master. I gave him my master’s name, and basically forgot about it. He messaged Master L and asked if he could...
Laura Orsolya is a busty babe with a set of all natural titties that she loves to show off. Today she’s decked out in sexy lingerie as she poses for photos taken by handsome Thomas Stone. As Thomas encourages Laura, she pops first one and then the other breast out of her teddy. He keeps shooting as she lifts one jug and then the other to suck the nipples. Then he lubes her booobies up until they glisten. Instead of letting Thomas go back to his camera, Laura leans in to steal a kiss while...
xmoviesforyouBack when I was in high school I was a shy guy and had no girlfriend. It was just me and my hand back than.I had some friends i used to go out and friend which was a girl but not my girlfriend, her name was Ashly. As one day she invites me to go to a party and told me she was bringing her friend Anna. And when I met Anna i saw it was a tall dark hair girl with big round ass and nice tits and black lipstick over her lips.Her eyes where green and she was wearing everything black,black tight dress...
I was home from college and had been accosted by Bruce, yes Bruce from Daniel and Charlie. We were some what older and it had been some time since I had been back to the hood. Bruce was living alone in a rooming house and had told me he had a film he wanted me to see. Bruce had promised that there would only be just the two of us and that i could leave when ever I wanted to. I was sure Bruce did not know that I was still sexual active with male partners. My curiosity got the best of me, I went...
I had sweet dreams in which Jen and Laura met and smiled at each other while they stood on either side of me. I'm not sure but I took it to mean that Jen approved of Laura. During a break at work, I made a call, "Pastor George, it's Paul Sanderson." "Paul, it's good to hear from you. What might I do for you?" "I have a friend, the lady who was with us last Sunday, who will be returning this Sunday. She has made a profession of faith and wants to be baptized and to join the...
True story? You decide A couple of years ago, I decided to lose weight and bought a bike for exercise. A few years later, I got a gym membership. Last Christmas, because I got tired of riding the bike in rush hour I got an elliptical machine. Between the workouts at home and at the gym and the long bike rides, I was, if I do say so myself, turning into middle-aged stud muffin. As I was trimming up, my wife of fifteen years was making no headway. She was always on the heavy side. With the...
I did not return Friday, I lay in bed furious with myself for my inactivity and him for his abusive treatment of me. My butt still throbbed and each time I peeked it glowed red. Should I tell my parents, they would certainly call the police. But then I would have to admit to succumbing to another man, to being overpowered by a real man's man. My word against his, me single, small, barely shaving, unable to keep any girlfriend against him, married, virile, hairy, a masculine hunk of a man. They...
Gay Male