Teddy meets Roger
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Waking up in Grand Rapids, while I was glad to be home as this week was busy, with both good and bad stuff happening. First of Iran folded like a cheap tent that just happened to be set up in the path of a F5 tornado. The tornado carried the name of OPEC. I was asked to sit out of this first meeting as we were assured that most likely our position would be made very clear to any and all concerned parties involved in the OPEC community. But we were advised to find someone that we could trust to be our contact to deal with the Iranian Government. Also until further notice my Dad was to consider both Iran and Iraq places not to be visited. Though ALL OF OUR INTERESTS everywhere in the Middle East region would be treated as MasonGroup property. Needless to say the Oil Companies that lost their properties in Iran were upset that I didn’t use my influence to have their interests returned to them as well.
My first order of business was to get my women and children back home today. The Widows and their group of helpers were going to be in Washington D.C. meeting with Jack Kent Cook to complete the purchase of the Los Angeles Lakers. Larry O’Brien and the other Owners all held an emergency meeting after hearing from Jack Kent Cook about the MasonGroup’s intention to purchase the Lakers franchise. The only stipulation that came up was that I Theodore Daniel Mason Jr. could not be involved in the day to day running of the team. But the unwritten understanding was that my signature may not appear on any documents until after my 18th birthday though my business sense could not be ignored, outright just because of my age. Of course a call from Mr. Jimmy Carter helped our cause greatly. It sure is nice to have the President of the United States of America among your friends is always a good friend to have on one’s side.
My team of lawyers were going to meet my Dad and myself at the Hall of Justice downtown at 10 am to put a quick end to this Blodgett mess. My legal team advised the Blodgetts and their legal team be present to confirm their story with all my legal representation present. Also all of the other Blodgett family members were told that the Blodgett company interests were going to be involved in a civil suit that we were planning to file. So they could either become partners with the MasonGroup, or taken over by the MasonGroup if this rape case fell apart. MasonGroup family members that were in simlar business interest in other states will be our members to handle this new business venture for the family interest though the Blodgett name would be retained, as it was good for business. Though the Blodgett family members involved in this FARCE were to be removed from all Blodgett Medical business IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY. The Blodgett family was responsible for making said removal happen within 24hrs of our meeting with the Grand Rapids Police Department.
When I walked into the ballroom of the Pantlind Hotel where the meeting was moved to as more room was needed as all the boys involved along with their lawyers, the Police Detectives. Because I was involved Chief Haggerty was also in attendance. The District Attorney also had a few faces in the room. With all the needed support players in place we were about ready to start. I was shocked when I learned that representatives from the National Basketball Association arrived with thier own little group of people. This could either delay or stop the purchase of the Lakers if I was found to even remotely be involved in this drama.
As I had the most skin in this game, I would speak my piece then hide behind my team of legal minds. Needless to say everybody on my team was nervous for as many different reasons as there were members on the team. Each member had his, or her reason for their nerves to be on edge. My legal group was truly upset as I was no lawyer. ‘Fool for a client’, was spoken out loud in a level of volume only heard by those in our area.
My legal group took over as I was in danger of doing something real stupid. My Dad just threw the look at me along with my Grandfathers, with more than a few of my Uncles. The immediate thought that sped through my mind was to sit down and shut the fuck up unless I was asked a question. As violence upon my person was an imminent possibility. Though I was the the tallest man, and one of the actual biggest men in the room, I had real old fashion home training, thus I knew the ice that I was standing thin. and melting more each second that I was standing around trying to be in charge. My custom-made chair was brought into the room by then and my ass couldn’t get close to it, to sit down in the chair fast enough. Which brought laughter from my kinfolks. Nobody else knew what the laughter was all about though. I all sure some of the smarter folks were trying to add 2 + 2, whether they ever added up to 4 I wasn’t sure. What I really cared about right along through now was that I was not in a painful situation, other than maybe some serious shame.
A little over two plus hours later my alibi has been strongly laid out from the telephone calls from both of the calls from both California, and Washington D.C., and the return calls made to both of those lacations, the film footage of me arriving at my office downtown, as well as my departure later in that day. Chief Haggerty called the White House and confirmed with someone concerning my telephone conversations. Michigan Bell confirmed the telephone logs of that day. Add to that none of the other gentlemen were saying who was or wasn’t in the gym under their legal supervision. Miss Blodgett was no longer talking as she was too busy crying, and didn’t want to talk about what happened that day, anymore.
Though my legal minds were clearly pressuring both the Grand Rapids Police department, as well as the DA’s office to release me from this mess as nobody was willing to attempt to drag the President of the United States into this mess, for any reason. And about that time some raised voices could be heard in the Blodgett camp that were loud enough to be heard all through the room. It seems as though the Blodgett family was closing ranks against Mr. Arn Blodgett and his daughter Sue Ellen. The rest of the Blodgetts were making their position crystal clear to anybody listening that they weren’t going down standing on this sinking ship. As the daughter’s word against the information that had been introduced this wasn’t holding any water at all.
Now one of the questions going around this very large room was, would the rest of the rape cases fall apart, now that Miss Blodgett’s honesty was now in some very serious question? The powers that be have decided that I had nothing to do with whatever may have happened at Ottawa Hills High School that afternoon. The NBA crowd left after shaking hands with my father, and told him that the sale of the Lakers to the MasonGroup could be concluded without delay, and that the call to Larry O’Brien had already been made. The media would be alerted within the hour of the sale with no mention of this meeting, or it’s outcome. The OPEC representatives said the samething as well.
My legal team would set down with the local WOOD TV channel 8, WZZM channel 13, AND WKZO channel 3 television media as well as the Grand Rapids Press at a press conference, that I wouldn’t be attending. To let them know that a mistake had been made, and that I was in no way involved with Miss Sue Ellen Blodgett in any way shape or form. Police Chief Haggerty as well as the DA’s office would be making similar statements, concerning the statements that had been made made by Sue Ellen Blodgett and her father Arn during the past week. My reputation was still going to be clouded until this young Lady confessed, and or went to jail. My camp made in clear that we were expecting arrests in this case just like the Blodgett’s were demanding when they were pressing to have arrests made not so long ago.
Sue Ellen Blodgett and her father Arn Blodgett were told not to leave town until this matter has been resolved. They were told that come Monday morning they were both expected downtown at that time to answer any and all questions, as they had stated repeatedly that I was involved in this incident. Now that their story and my story didn’t match and I seemed to have overwhelming proof of my innocence, the Blodgetts were going to need to show some proof other than her words that I was really there at the time that this incident was happened to her.
Pam called at noon to let me know that. “As of noon the MasonGroup will own the Los Angeles Lakers, the Los Angeles Kings, the Forum, and the Ranch house.” “And we were also buying a minority share of the Washington Redskins National Football League franchise also with first right to acquire the rest of the team at a later date, in the future. We need to get busy looking for a Major League Baseball franchise as well so that we will have the 4 major sports groups covered.” I was just trying to buy the Lakers, these women are real competitive, deciding to buy into the sports world. Not to mention we are putting together a multi car Nascar race team in both Busch Grand National, and Winston cup divisions. Come to find out there quite a few Masons family members on the various race teams, doing just about any job you can think of. Such as mechanics, car builders / fabricators, and various pit crews. Nascar had already approved of the new large full-sized AMC Javelin, it’s new size was size of the Mustang of the late 1960’s. We had done the wind tunnel testing a few times already. We are rushing this process a little bit, as we are trying have our race cars on the track for the next Daytona 500 in February, as well as testing our first racing engines from Nascar approved designs.
Desiree spent the day with her Uncles until school was over for the day. I went to my office along with my Dad, as we had to handle the new family situations. I had eight suits, six pairs of jeans, nine shirts, three pairs gym shoes, and two pairs of dress shoes, and a pair of cowboy boots. Everything was in nearly new condition. The suits would have to be altered to fit as I was taller Wil, also the sleeves would need some attention also. Although our waist sizes appeared close to the same size. They would need to visit Rogers Department Store’s Big & tall department to get dress shirts, and ties for the suits. Though there is no telling just how the suit coats will hang off of Wil, until he was fitted by my personal tailor as my height was made up in both my legs, and my extra long torso, in other words, my height wasn’t just because I was blessed with very long legs alone. Most people of above average height tended to just have extra long legs. Though the way that my body was built actually helped in my overall athletic aptitude, namely my hand, eye coordination as well as my incredible balance, as well as my ability to move as quickly as a much smaller person. As I am able to move as though my weight was a lot less the the weight that actually I carry around.
Both Larna and Wil Sr. looked like a couple that were very uncomfortable meeting this morning with my dad and me this morning. “Look I am not going to drag this out any longer than necessary, I want to be in Wil Jr.’s life as he is a Mason. In addition his Birth Certificate will have be changed to reflect his true parentage. I am sure a trip to court will be required as the Federal Government takes our tax-free from birth status very seriously. Just our word of how his conception really happened will require proof as in blood work from you, me, and Wil Sr. to prove that he is not possibly Wil Jr.’s father. Next you will need to get busy house hunting as you are going to have to move to Grand Rapids so that Wil Mason will be in the city near his kinfolks.” Dad said.
“I called Michigan Kenworth and they told me that you picked out a truck that barely qualifies as a Kenworth. I guess you did the right thing as in your position I would have also did what you have done. You have shown that you are grateful for my help, and you didn’t want to seem to be abusing said help. All the while wishing that you didn’t need said help. Believe me I am not trying to rub your nose it at all. Before you say anything let me assure you that I know exactly how you are feeling right now.” Dad said. “How in the hell can you possibly know how we may feel at this moment?” Larna as my Dad, somewhat loudly. “I have been my own man for over 20+ years. While I can’t say that my little family was well off. We were a long way from hurting, or living paycheck to paycheck. So just imagine my shock when my then oldest child, my only son suddenly becomes indirectly my boss, without much warning to me, or him.” Dad said.
“Add to that fact that he has yet to enter high school, let alone graduate said school. Add to fact that Marilyn and I would be Grandparents in the near future. The house that I live in was both bought and built by my son, down the street from his somewhat larger home. As he bought an entire sub-division that we have quietly building out. Then he goes and gives both me and his Mama enough money so that we are both independently wealthy in our own right. Neither of us asked him to do any of these things. Then he forces me to take a job just because I Love him and will always have his best interests at heart. I am paid very well to do said job even though I just told you that he made sure I was wealthy before the job came to be.” Dad said. Now Larna had no words to say at the moment. So Dad pressed on.
“Anyway moving right alone Wil, Michigan Kenworth will have the truck that I picked out ready by day after tomorrow as it is being repainted as the color was kinda drab looking to me. It is a cabover model like you picked out, with a much larger sleeper berth, but sadly it does happen to have a big Caterpillar 3408 V-8 rated at 520 horses, though. Wil I took upon myself to change the truck that you ordered to the same truck that I drive. I am not trying to step on your manhood in anyway, but I would hope that I would be gracious to accept the interference, rather than object because of my pride or any other reason. Larna and I will never be what we once were for any reason whatsoever. Yes she is still as lovely woman now as she was in our past, but I am not in the home wrecker business. If you were not around any longer for any reason I still wouldn’t be the man offering her that type of comfort to her, in your place. I want this fact to be crystal clear to everyone in this room. Teddy knows of my home life so this is no shock to him. When you are introduced to the our large family groups you will understand what I am saying very clearly at that time.” Dad said, as he was confusing his target audience.
“No for some more of this deja-vu type situation that we are now in I have 3 grown daughters that are substantially older than both of my sons that are in this room. I also have a daughter that just came to light about the same time as Teddy got his inheritence. She is older than one son and younger than the other one. I have three much younger daughters with Marilyn and a brand-new son with Marilyn and three more sons all born with-in hours of each other, with the mothers of my three oldest girls and none of these children is named Theodore in any way.” Dad stated, somewhat bluntly. Larna and Wil Jr. looked as though they both needed a drink, very badly.
“Wil my brother you have been very quiet throughout all of this new to you information going around this morning. Do you have anything you might want to add to the mix? I personally I have enough of my own business than to be stepping into our parents business. Though you have to admit that I have threw a foot or two in here and there since your Mama stormed into my office.” I said.
“I told you that I would get you a few clothes from my closet that I can no longer wear. You will need to go to Rogers Big & Tall department for shirts and ties belts in other words the things that go with a good suit. Those garment bags are for you and the leather trench coats I am giving you as I will be replacing them as you will need a coat to go over the suits. Feel free to get some slacks and polo type shirts as well as these things will be charged to Dad as he has his own account there also. Though the suits and most of our clothes come from our own clothing line. Hopefully you will enjoy them. My girls pinned a slip of paper telling what they matched to the suit originally. As I rarely pick out my clothes for the day. I have been told that I can’t pick out my own clothes. I am barely trusted to dress by myself. When you as out numbered as I am you don’t try and fight City Hall, though there are days when I do actually fight City Hall.” I said.
“Well Ted, Larna and I didn’t think about everything that declaring Wil Jr. a Mason would bring to the light. Neither of us ever though that you, nor your family would want to go public about any of this situation. We really thought that this would remain a private matter between us and you and your wife, and all of our children. We were thinking with the possible embarrassment factor you would want to keep this matter as hush hush as possible.” Wil Sr. said. “Well between going to court, and changing his Birth Certificate, as well as his name, the press is likely to get wind of this story fairly quick, and easily. Thus making it an even bigger story than it already is. When I found out about my teenaged daughter my name had been listed as the Father on her Birth Certificate, and she already carried my name. Her Mama remembered my name as I told it two different times. My older girls just changed their names recently. So Wil would be the only child that doesn’t carry my name, and I would expect all of my children to have the same last name.” Dad said. Those were the last words that were spoken on the name change issue, with everyone understanding it was going to have to happen, now that we knew about Wil being a born Mason.
I was so glad to get that meeting over with. My dad and I were making plans to be in Lansing, Michigan this evening, for an informal meeting with a certain young man about a possible job.
Tomorrow was to be a test day for several classes. Just before I left to go home for the day I met with the International Harvest Corporation representatives. The MasonGroup was looking to buy the rest of the company we didn’t already own lock, stock and barrel. Or as much over controlling interest as possible, as their commercial semi-truck brand, was a commercial fleet favorite. But as I had plans for both the commercial trucks and their light-duty trucks as well. The farming division continues to have a strong base as well. I wasn’t exactly looking to set the world of fire with this acquisition per se. My intention was to both upgrade the comfort level while still keeping them a fleet class semi-tractor, but also trying to rival the best of Kenworth, Peterbuilt, or Westernstar Trucks had to offer in both size and comfort as well. Thought my goal was using the International brand with my Nascar teams as well as trying to link the brand with the various Nascar tracks. As the France family was looking at the trucks that we wanted to build as in safety trucks as well as 1-ton wreckers. I was also talking to PPG Cart Indycar Racing series for a similar deal also. Since these races would soon be on television every week we needed to get our trucks on television sets every weekend. It would be nice to see our own nameplate on televison each week also.
But as Nascar was born from the south many a farmer had bought either a International farm tractor and or and or a pick up truck over the years we just needed to be seen by Nascar’s loyal fan base. My plan was to greatly expand my contracts with both General Motors, and Ford though we owned both Chrysler, and the American Motors Corp., the deal would be the same to buy complete power trains to put into our updated light-duty pick up trucks. As no other Automotive company had approached Nascar with a idea to provide trucks for the safety teams, and wreckers, after a little bit of back and forth a deal with all 4 companies was hammered out. We a little over 7 months to get a fleet together and a way for that fleet to get those fleets to the tracks for all of the races, next year. This would stop the practice of trying get local Wreckers lined up race by race, all season long.
We had begun to update the 1975 versions of both the Scout, the 150 Pick Up truck, and the Travelette would merge with Travelall to become both a four-door crewcab, and a four-door station wagon to compete head-on with the Chevrolet Suburban, and the Jeep Grand Wagoneer, that Jeep would updating as well as keeping a model with it’s historical look. While the Scout would compete the FORD Bronco, the Chevrolet Blazer, the Dodge Ram Charger, and the Plymouth Trail Duster. I was less concerned with profit, and far more concerned with building and pleasing a possible loyal fan-base, and gaining both old, as well as new truck buyers. I wanted to turn trucks into something family thought of when buying a new vehicle. And as many women that may want to buy our products were very welcome in our showrooms The International trucks would be sold in same 3 weight levels as before 150 = ½ ton, while 200 = 3/4 ton, and the 500 = 1-Ton versions. I already had deals in place with Holmes, Century, and Vulcan, for both cable and Hydraulic Wrecker bodies, and as Flatbed Wreckers. My hope was to get a few Jeep wreckers built for Jeep dealers to both showoff heavy-duty uses for their pick up trucks as well as use at their Dealerships.
All these new ideas started after I saw the Chrysler Corporation’s plans for a small passenger van that Lee Iacocca wanted to build as he saw women as an untapped market that he wanted to become friends with. After his K-Car success I refused to stand in his way on the project. Though the muscle car man trapped in me demanded that the power trains be improved, and made more reliable. As we wanted these cars to still be on the road in service until they fell apart from old age, with reasonable maintenance. My goal was a wish that many a new sale would be a result of the first K-Car being given to a child in the family as their first car. That was the hope for the new Plymouth Horizon and the Dodge Omni, also. Though many Omni’s, and their Horizon counterparts were being purchased by first-time buyers, and fixed income, older buyers.
Desiree was still getting over the shock of how my girls were free to come and go, unsupervised. When my dad and I got home I spent a few hours studying for tomorrow’s tests. My tutors put me through my paces. We stopped before I got frustrated, too much.
My dad and got into my truck and headed out for Lansing. When we arrived, we were quickly ushered into the house that we had arrived at. Mr. Johnson asked. “Are you here to get my son to help you meet Judd Heathcote?” “Sir I can tell you that isn’t why we are here. I am highly sought after but any college that you can think of. But as I am only a freshman my time is still years away.” I said. “Are that young man that won the National Championship and named Mr. Basketball?” Mr. Johnson asked me. “Yes Sir.” I said. “Now that we know who each other is. What do you want from me tonight?” Mr. Johnson asked me. “I would appreciate you calling your son to visit tonight as soon as possible, as it is a school night for both of us.” I said.
“Dad I was studying for a big test, and my tutor wasn’t happy to cut our session short.” Earvin said to his Dad. “Well I called you because there is a young man and his father here at the house that want to talk to you as soon as possible, and as he put it, it is also a school night for both of you, also.” Mr. Johnson said.
“Let me cut to the chase, and save us all some time please?” I asked everybody in the room. With nods all around the room, I asked a few simple direct questions. After we all had introduced ourselves, we took a few minutes to get comfortable with each other. “First of all this is not an ambush. You saw me at the State Tournament and you dropped a few hints about Michigan State even though we would never be on the same team there as you were going to graduate before I could ever arrive. I was just excited that you took the time to talk to me and my teammates, and told us to try to enjoy the game, win or lose. Of course this was after you gave us the business of winning over your old high school team in the state playoffs.
“Well I am here to do the samething that you did. I want to recruit you to join my team.” I said, Only Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson was jumping onto the page of what I was about to ask him. “As you probably know I just bought the Lakers today. Jerry West has already acquired the first pick in this year’s draft. I would like you to think about being that pick. With both you and Kareem Abdul-Jabber as a base with-in a year or two at most a Championship should either be near or won. So you would need to announce your intention to leave Michigan State and declare yourself for the draft. Find a good reputatable agent that you would feel comfortable with. But like I said earlier this is not an ambush in any way, shape, style, or form. I am just giving you the same type of information you gave me a few weeks ago. I know you had no idea that the Lakers would have the first pick just to sign you. Also I am not involved in the day to day front office, so we won’t see each about this matter any further, unless you decide to enter the draft an become a Laker. I have spoken my piece and hope that my information is something that may be of interest to you. As you and your family have things to talk over, my Dad and I will take our leave now. You obviously know, what I am hoping your final answer will be. But I will still both respect you and be glad to call you a friend no matter what.” I said,
“May I speak to you in private for a few minutes, please?” I asked ‘Magic.’ “Yes Teddy.”
I know that this I a lot to take in as I was a poor overweight kid over a foot shorter than the person that you see now a year ago. What I am saying to you is please don’t just think about the money that a NBA contract can bring to you. This about your future, not just a paycheck that will come to you, whenever you are drafted, whenever you enter the draft. Your overall happiness means more to me, than where you end up playing basketball next year. Suddenly become the richest person in your family isn’t as much fun as you think. For all the good that it brings, there are some headaches that will show up and make you both unhappy, and uncomfortable. Learning to say no you to your kinfolks is not pleasant at all, sometimes. I am telling this from personal experience. You will see when you become a Millionaire, whether it’s this year or three years from now. I am not saying, don’t your kinfolks help out. What I am to you saying to you is don’t start something that you may feel forced to continue.” I said.
“You will see what I am talking about when the time comes. I am going to leave you to your thoughts now as this a choice that only you can yourself can make, when everything is all said and done. So be sure the choice made is the choice that is made by you and you alone.” I said, before we rejoined everybody else. As the rest of the Johnson children had arrived during our private meeting.
My Dad and I left them chatting excitedly about this sudden turn of events that I had unexpectedly dropped off, in their laps, without any warning, at all.
Hell I was excited myself, and I hoped that ‘Magic’ Johnson was ready and wanted to become a Laker. The trip home was uneventful, other than the hour that it takes to travel between Grand Rapids and Lansing. I wanted to study for about an hour then head to my bed alone, as tomorrow was a day that I needed my wits about me. (In 1979 the federal speed limit was 55 m.p.h. So when the speed limit was raised to 70 m.p.h. years later the travel time is now less that 1 hour. M.P.H.= Miles Per Hour)
(Friday, Morning.)
I woke up to 1140 AM DJ Frank Grant introducing a new song by Teddy Pendergrass called ‘Turn off The Lights’ (A follow up to the mega hit ‘Close The Door’ from last year’s Album ‘Life Is A Song Worth Singing’ No I didn’t make up either title, and yes that really is how I learned about the new song, one May morning in 1979.)
I was shocked as I was allowed to dress myself this morning. I chose a pair black jeans one the orange team jerseys with a with a pair of black cowboy pointed boots I was tested in my girls in the office conference room with three teachers watching over us to insure that no cheating was going on.i was just glad to get my three tests done. On Tuesday I will test out of my other three classes. I felt that I had achieved better than a just passing grade, though I highly doubted that any of those three tests would graded with an A as a final grade.
The first thing that I did when I got to the office was to call Curtis Mason and tell him to let Jerry West know that ‘Magic’ Johnson was now aware that the Lakers would have first pick in the upcoming draft and that Mr. West was real interested in drafting ‘Magic,’ if he became eligible. Prior to my phone call I would later learn that Jerry West was considering trading down to get Sidney Moncrief. Who at 6’ 4” at is still considered a big Guard. While Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson is a 6’ 9” Point Guard, no other team will have a Guard his size to match up with him.
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This story took place long ago when I was 18 years old. I had, for various reasons decided to leave home. I find one rooms for rent with connection door but with its own entrance to appropriate money. The owner of the apartment was a woman 37 years with a 6 year son.Even when I wrote the contract is confirmed that she wasn`t a lady in my taste. Short almost Old fashioned hairstyle, freckles and no boobs to speak of. I've never been a tit cowboy but a bit feminine you'd like to have.She was also...
Government was more interesting. It really concerned "ethnic conflict." South Africa, the US, Israel, and India were among the areas to be looked at. And "ethnic" didn't just mean color: the religious differences in Indo-Pakistan were part of the fabric. By the third meeting we were talking about major papers. One of my fellows wanted to write about Bangladesh, another at Sudan's breakup. "Can I write about Australia as post-colonial England, with Shakespeare's Tempest as the...
Daniel was a perfectionist. No seriously!! A perfectionist since birth... An easy birth without complications, did'nt cry though his eyes kept trying to open and was clearly taking in lungfuls of air. He never cried without reason as a c***d, never laughed without one either. He was neither needy nor clingy and expressed his needs in complete sentenses as early as he could. He studied and learned what was taught at school from grade school to high school, always, with the perfect grade, perfect...
Chapter 4: Meet the QueenDimillah smiled at the terrified way the boy walked in between her and the other ladies. Naked and, though tall, standing shorter than they did in their high heels. Pulled by the leash around his neck, as slaves did in Mučenia. A lovely sight, with whip marks crisscrossing his smooth, shaved skin. Delicious, youthful complexion.He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him."You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the...
Well today is the fourth of July, we are both off work today and that a good thing. Yesterday ( Sunday ) we when over to a buddy's house for a swim and fireworks party. Everyone was either in the pool or setting around it and we where all drinking and having a big time. At about three o clock my wife came over and told me that she was going back to our house to get another bottle of Rum. I told her she didn't need to be driving due to she had already had a few. She told me she had a D.D. to...
Introduction: Falling in love with Eric This is a continuation of part I. If you have not read that, you may wish to do so before reading this one. Eric spent most of the day with us. We were riding on the boat, fishing, and swimming. We got back to the campsite around 5:00 and shortly after that Erics mother arrived at her site. At that point Eric went back to spend time with her. A few hours later Eric came back. He then announced that his mother said that if we would have him, he could...
Never wanted to try dogging, the videos are ok but half the time the cunts they use are totaol pigs - so if they cant even pay good looking cunt to do it what are the chances that you will find a decent looking piece of cunt doing it for free?Two weeks ago i read on a site that a pub on the end of a bus route near me had some dogging going on in the car park beside it. went along to watch the match and kept an eye out, went outside prentending to make a phone call and saw a few others looking a...
As Jane pulled her tight black dress up over her firm bare bum she shivered with excitement at the thought of the night to come. She always had a good night when she went out with her two friends Nicole and Susan. Pulling the dress over her firm breasts the material brushed her bare, erect nipples. She loved the thrill of not wearing underwear on a night out. As she walked into the bar heads turned as her curvaceous hips and long legs were the only thing to distract from her generous smile and...
"Typing speed?" the pinched-faced employment-office lady snapped even before Sandi had a chance to settle herself down in the squeaking metal folding chair. "Shorthand speed? Telex experience? Dictaphone?" she continued as though reciting a litany, never even glancing at the nervous young blonde. "I... I'm afraid I... I never worked in an office," Sandi stammered, trying to smooth her short navy blue skirt down over her ripely rounded thighs. She'd chosen the skirt, a relic from her...
Over the past year, I had been flying out to Las Vegas on a once a month basis or more, to perform at parties or for individuals to whom I’d been referred by some of my other clients. I had picked up quite a bit of business since my first Vegas vacation almost a year ago and it was the perfect town to handle all of my escort work. I was able to meet my customers and take care of their needs and desires without worrying about someone I know seeing me with different people. I also enjoyed the...
Hot Blonde Part 4 The restaurant was pretty busy tonight, so we had to wait an extra 20 minutes. Paige and I went to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks while we waited for our table. I was looking into her pretty green eyes and noticed that they are darker than normal. They have a beautiful gloss look to them. You can definitely tell she just got fucked and had a great orgasm. We had a few drinks by the time our table was ready. The service here is outstanding and the food is great.
My wife Gina is a beautiful woman. She is My a great wife and a good Catholic girl. She is in her 30's but still looks like she is in her early 20's. She keeps in shape and looks like she should be posing for the front cover of a catalogue magazine. She is hard working, sweet, and kind. I am lucky that I have her with me.I have come to find out that Gina has a special lust for a specific thing known as BBC. Big Black Cock. At first I was grossed out. She used to say bad things about those...
‘Just don’t—’ ‘Screw it up again?’ I nearly yelled into the cell phone. I wasn’t angry, it was just hard to talk over the crying in the backseat. I actually laughed. ‘I didn’t mean that,’ Helen answered in a wounded voice. ‘It’s just that you can be so . . . so . . .’ ‘Flighty?’ I offered, accompanied by a snort. I turned my head and told the two girls back there to pipe down, but that had no effect at all. You can’t reason with a Siamese cat being subjected to something it didn’t choose. ...
Nikki was the first to blow. S/he caught me square in the eye."Oh! I'm cumming," s/he shouted.That caused a chain reaction. Francesca splashed me on one side while Zaza got me on the other.************************************************************************"Fuck!' shouted Nick in frustration. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!""I'm OK!" I assured Dennis. "Now what do we do?" asked Zaza.And with that one of Gigi's favorite movies popped into my head."Come on everybody! It's like what Judy Garland...
She couldn’t resist standing in front of the full length mirror to get a complete look at her new dress and make some final adjustments to the belt and neckline. Austin had bought it for her birthday, today. He said he had seen it in a window downtown and had gotten excited thinking about how the rich purple silk would lie on her beautiful body. He loved her body and she was pretty happy with it herself. She studied her figure in the mirror. She was 40 today. Her breasts weren’t large, but...
**This story is completely fictional and doesn't depict any real life figure.There's a small town in eastern Colorado by the name of Holyoke. It's a quaint little town with a friendly community. This is where Jared Robinson had lived for all of his 17 years. He had been brought up in a middle-class household where hard work and honesty were regarded highly. He was in his 2nd semester as a Junior in high school when this story begins.It was the middle of May, the hurdles were out and Jared was...
First TimeSera is just so playful in the mornings and cannot stand being ignored. Her boyfriend Mazee is trying to handle some business but she cannot help herself and starts playing a little footsie under the table with his cock. She has the prettiest little feet and really knows how to work them. She pulls his sweats down and starts rubbing his cock and balls with her feet. Rock hard he is very turned on and is having a difficult time dealing with his worker on the phone. Soon he gets off the phone and...
xmoviesforyouWe had enjoyed a nice dinner and carried on going to a bar for drinks.It was a warm night and my sexy wife had dressed to kill, as usual…She was wearing a very short white skirt that showed off her tanned legs.A tight hugging top covered her nice round tits. She was braless.A couple of high heeled sandals completed her sexy outfit.Standing beside my wife at the bar, I noticed a hand was running its way up the back of Ana’s thigh and underneath her skirt. I looked to see the owner of the hand...
Now 23 years this story is nine years old and. I used to live in a small town in Tamil Nadu. The incident that I am going to narrate, rather series of incidents took place when I was in my 10th class. In our school, though it was in a small town, we had computer lab and computer was one of the subjects too. It was a girl’s school and as the town is very conservative; all the teachers were women except the computer teacher. Mr. Swamy among my classmates, for my age, I had a grown-up figure. By...
By Jax_Teller It was Aglom 32.870 and I was just getting underway with the retrofitted space craft Deflax. As a corporation Morox had spent a lot of money to repair this old ship, bringing her up to date and they had done some inventive upgrades. I took the job as Captain because this ship had a better than not chance of completing its mission. Often these journeys lost crews along the way and continued on remote for years before a new crew caught up with the ship. Often during...
She strolled in one day and took my breath away. She was wearing a white dress with makeup that would just make a man’s heart stop, which is exactly what mine did. “Do you like my outfit?” she said. “I love that,” I said. “You look sexy.” “I was hoping you would like it. That was what I was going for.” “Why did you dress like that just for me?” I asked. “I wanted to get your attention.” “You certainly did.” My cock was getting hard and I was trying to conceal it. Her outfit and choice of...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal – Qina, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I wrapped myself up in spirits of enhancement, making myself invisible. I flitted on ahead of the party to make sure it was safe. That there was no trap that would endanger my husband or our slave-wife, Zanyia. I left Sven, riding at the head of a column of Kivonethian soldiers, behind. He looked so impressive and handsome. Zanyia riding behind him somehow enhanced his...
“Don’t do it Julia.”After a second, Julia pried her eyes away from the door and looked back at me where I sat on the couch next to her. “Don’t do what?” she asked innocently averting her eyes again.“Don’t go throwing yourself at Jackson!” I said.To her credit, Julia didn’t bother playing ignorant again. It was obvious that she was into Jackson from how she always talked about him. She just stared back at the door through which Jackson had just left and sighed. “I know.”“Know what?” I scoffed....
CheatingHi friends main Puja Kaur hu aur main Punjabi hun. Mere ghar mein mere alawa meri mummy, badi didi, aur mera bhai. Jo mujhse bada hai aur didi se chota hai. Mere papa bachpan mein hi hume chhod kar chale gaye the. Uske baad meri mummy ne hi hume paal posh kar bada kiya. Meri didi ka naam Rani hai. Abhi 23 saal ki hai aur woh private job karti hai. Unki salary 8000 rupaye hai aur aj kal unki salary se hi hamara ghar chal raha hai. Kyunki meri mummy aj kal kafi bimar rehte hai. Mere bhai ka naam...
I will start with the first “fantasy” I had, which I have thought about ever since I began masturbating a few years ago. This actually started as a bad dream/nightmare, which I had when I was younger, and used to recur every few weeks. It would wake me up during the night, and I would be in a state of terror and panic, sweating and gasping for breath. But I would also feel sexually aroused when I awoke. When I got older and began masturbating, this dream/nightmare became my regular fantasy. I...
Let me start off first by explaining a few things. My dad divorced my mom when I was 10. My mom was originally from northern Italy but moved to the US when she was in her 20's. She has green eyes and long black hair, thin waist(she always ran when i was at school) and 2C breasts. She dated a few guys but the relationships never lasted more than a couple of weeks. One day, i think it was in the spring, when I was 16, I came home from school and saw my mom sitting at my computer. She gave gave...
It was in the summer holidays just after I graduated and I went around to my cousin as I was bored at home. His mommy invited me in and hugged me remarking on how much I’d grown up since my last visit and how handsome I’d become. She was wearing a towel and told me that she just got out of the shower now as Stephen and his dad went fishing.Aunt Kate was somewhere inher 40s but she takes good care of herself as she still had a voluptuous figure,long tanned legs, the ass of a 18 year old and...
Incest"The Public Adventures of Mark" Phone Written by Rikki It had been nearly two weeks since Cindy had taken Mark out for his initial frolic in the public arena. It was the first time anyone other than Cindy had seen him dressed as a girl, and it had been staged so that it appeared as if he was a man who had been dressed as a girl shopping at a large department store. Only Cindy knew when the next little excursion would take place, and she was taking her...
2076 a.d. – The last day of Autumn The Festival of Lights The goddess leaned against her consort's bare chest, his arm around her waist. They stood naked on the balcony of the manor watching the southern crystal sun. In the last several hours, it had dimmed enough to be viewed directly, and was emitting very little heat. In another hour or so, it would go dark; the beginning of winter. "The transformation from day to night is phenomenal," Jeff told her animatedly. "You can actually see...
USUAL DISCLAIMER: Very serious love story. This is part II of the story. If you haven't read part I, you probably should. Also, the glossary of Hindi terms and pronunciations is given at the end of both parts. Needless to say, please report all grammatical errors to [email protected]. Without further ado, please read on! - brand new writer ****** Avi's dragging me up the stairs by the hand. My head is already getting woozy. "Hey, are you two going to eat dinner--" Arjun is asking....
LesbianAfter the costume party at Tom and Gloria’s house, Jennifer, Jerry and I both rested quite well that Sunday afternoon, good weather and all. Monday at work was a grind and I occasionally let my mind wander to the events of Saturday night, eliciting a smile or a grin at times. I decided to skip happy hour Monday evening and headed home from work. I wasn’t in the door five minutes when the phone rang. It was Jennifer and she wanted to drop in for a few minutes to chat. I definitely had no...
Group SexDaniel Waring was back in the basement. In theory he was supposed to find a supervisor as soon as he got back from an assignment in one of the suites but in practice it was easier to wait for one to turn up. There were three others waiting for the Supervisor to arrive. "Any chance of a smoke?" one of them said. "I've got a half," another replied, unfastening a button of his blouse and fishing the remnants of a cigarette from where it had been concealed in his bra, "if someone can keep...
-- SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- 2:47 AM It was well into the middle of the night, and I was in bed, but I was still awake. Such a state of consciousness was not altogether unusual for me, though there were typically two or three naked females in my bed with me and we customarily would be fucking. Not this night. Tonight there were no females in my bed, and I had been all alone with my thoughts. At least, I was all alone until the door swung open and Sasha poked her head inside,...
The weather report said that we were expected to get four inches of snow last night. We got the dreaded phone call that school had a delayed opening. The kids slept in and their bus picked them up at ten o'clock. I looked out the window and saw that my husband hadn't shovelled the driveway. I really hated him for just leaving without bothering to help me out. I guess since I was a stay at home mother, he figured I had all the time in the world to take care of it. I really did think he thought I...
CheatingEro ancora nudo vicino a Marianna e dal mio uccello colava ancora sperma, lei fu la prima a parlare e disse "wow!!!" col respiro pesante io riuscì solo a sorridere. Vidi i suoi seni con i miei schizzi sopra e le passai un pacco di fazzoletti,esce il primo,poi il secondo e infine il terzo con il quale pulisce la sua vagina ed ecco....sangue! L'avevo appena sverginata e lei con aria serena dice "è successo!". Mi sentivo quasi in colpa e le chiesi se andava tutto bene,mi rispose di sì e ci...
Hello, my name is gajendra. Is site ke sabhi readers ko mera pyar. Me is site ka phut purana reader hu. Mene bhut si kahaniya padhi and muje incest kahaniya bhut pasand hain. Ye kahani meri ek female dost ne muje batayi thi. Ab bina time waist kiye aapko kahani sunata hu usi ki jubaani& hellip Mera naam suneeta h. mere pariwaar me meri maa, bade bheya, bhabhi or me hi h. mere papa ka dehant bhut pehle hi ho gya tha. Ab me aapko sabhi k bare me batati hu, meri maa gaon me hi primary school ki...
Like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun. It was my downfall. And again, like Icarus, it was my own fault. I made a bad decision, and I came spinning down from the heights of passion to the depths of despair. My story was going so well. Ursula cared deeply for me, her Roger, and I adored her with my complete soul. Who would have thought it would end this way? Cynthia and Carl had broken up. Who was to blame for that? I hadn't a clue, really. Perhaps nobody was. Perhaps it was just life...
BDSMwhat a day. i had a nice young lady come into my shop this morning needing some work done on her car. me and my guys came to inspect, we went under the car from the front. she was standing close to the front bumper. after diagnosing the problem, i moved and tried to get up, but, she was standing right in front of me.she was wearing a short denim mini skirt, a white shirt and white bra. about a 34b cup bra, and flip flops. she had sexy feet. so, i was getting up, not concentrating on what i was...
Hi friends it’s me Suhasini again. After the 2nd night of my marriage with Srinivas, with so many doubts and fears I am avoiding him. He was angry for 2 days and again he started his pleasing and teasing behavior. But he never tried to come near me even though we are sleeping on the same bed. After 5 days every thing came to normal and we both joined our duties and now we both are living in the same house. I shifted to his house. Before marriage only he took a two bedroom flat and arranged only...
I awoke suddenly. The girl who has been quietly sleep-spooning with me on the couch was stirring. In my half awake state I couldn’t quite make out what feeling I was experiencing, but I certainly liked it. As I blinked my eyes adjusted to the dark. I finally made out that she was now facing me, and rubbing my cock. I moaned softly, trying not to wake anyone else in the room. My best friend and her husband were sleeping on a couch no less than ten feet away from me. There were other party...
Continued from part3.. Nothing sir…..”lets go to bed i am very sleepy… we will talk while sleeping…” “Okay sir..What happened …when i slept with this big boy…adrian..He always…bothering me…some times he hold my dick…some he said…he like to kiss …me and sometime….He on top and try his cock to enter in my covered ass…he always….Holding my cock…and sometimes…sucking….And also he take my hand to his black big cock…and told me to suck…but i never suck his cock…. Then he is keep saying scotty…i...
Gay MaleThe first part shows how a simple housewife discovers her sexuality at a doctor’s clinic. She gets involved in group sex. Continued. I took her hand and put it on my boobs. Allowing her to fondle my boobs and show as if her punishment is over. Now it’s time to enjoy. Now Manu was freely squeezing my boobs, pinching my nipples. Then she started licking my boobs crazily. Priya tried to come forward. But perhaps she forgot that her pants were down to her knees. So she tumbled and fell on the...
It wasn't long after Jimmy and Jennifer arrived home that the telephone rang. Jennifer was already in bed, waiting for Jimmy to join her. "Hello," Jennifer answered. "Jennifer, this is Rhonda," Rhonda said, whispering into the telephone. "Is everything okay?" Jennifer asked, concerned when she heard Rhonda whispering. "Everything is wonderful," Rhonda exclaimed, clearly excited but restrained. "Why are you whispering then?" "Because my daddy is in the bathroom and I don't...
In the last episode, I suggested I wasn’t totally without morals. Well, I lied, I do have morals, but they can, at best, be described as loose. My new customers, Jenn and her husband Roy, had clearly led me astray. But as you will have read in the last story, it was the business meeting to end all business meetings. Jenn and I had worked closely together, with Roy just putting his oar in from time-to-time when called on, if you know what I mean.Jenn was hooked. I was the first pussy notch on...
LesbianOctober 18, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written October 19] I woke to the jarring alarm at 6:20. I grunted as I slapped it off, then turned to Rhee. I spent a half-minute getting her awake and up, then headed to our guest’s room. As I was walking in the door, the alarm there went off. Since I was already there and it was faster, I headed to the bathroom via Gracey’s and Liya’s room. I noticed a pair of panties on the floor that were certainly too large for Heather, but I was distracted by...
It had been a long day at work and youhad been fucking with me all day long. Every chance you gotyou were kissing my neck or shoving me in the bathroom rubbingmy clit and getting me frustrated as hell. It was about 5 o’clock when a man came in and wanted a PrinceAlbert, you asked him if he wanted a male or female to do thepiercing and he stated that he did not care. I came out fromthe back and saw this tall good looking black man; he wasabout mid thirties and looked like a bad boy. I winked...
On July first I returned home from our health club. Ann was packing my suitcase for a mini vacation at a bayside resort. My suitcase was filled with all my girlie things: lubes, vibes, wrist and ankle restraints and the paddle she used on me when I was bad. She also said Ben, his brother Josh, and two others were joining us. Before continuing, I should mention how I became the man I am and how Ann took charge of me. My wife Ann and I met in college and had been married for twenty-five happy...