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October 18, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written October 19]

I woke to the jarring alarm at 6:20. I grunted as I slapped it off, then turned to Rhee. I spent a half-minute getting her awake and up, then headed to our guest’s room. As I was walking in the door, the alarm there went off. Since I was already there and it was faster, I headed to the bathroom via Gracey’s and Liya’s room. I noticed a pair of panties on the floor that were certainly too large for Heather, but I was distracted by Heather’s morning greeting. I looked at her and noted an odd expression on her face, one I did not recognize.

As Shameka opened her eyes and looked at me, I said, “We’re going to shower. You’re both welcome to join us.”

“Join them,” Shameka asked in confusion.

“Sure,” Heather replied. “We’ve got the world’s best shower here. Yesterday, you chose to shower downstairs. Today, you can shower in our shower. Come on.”

I turned before I had to see Shameka respond to seeing her undies on the floor, joining Rhee, who already had the shower heads going.

“We’ll have company, but I don’t see any cause to change our shower MO.”

Rhee looked at me a bit funny but shrugged; we started on the process with me. Heather and Shameka entered the shower at the end of our washing me to switching to washing Rhee.

“That’s ... interesting,” said Shameka.

“Yeah,” Heather replied, “when we have the requisite even number, we do two-girl washing teams. One girl washes her own front while the other washes her back. Once the first is washed, the two turnabout and trade roles. We usually don’t do our hair in the morning, particularly Rhee’s, as it takes forever to dry. It doesn’t save all that much time, but it’s fun and something of a bonding element for us as friends. Come on. We’ll start with you. I’ll wash your back, although I may have to jump to get your shoulders. Once you’ve washed your front, we’ll turn around. Is that okay?”

I risked a glance at Shameka. She was silent and just looking at Heather. She surprised me by suddenly turning her head my way and caught my eyes. I turned my head, but realized that she’d caught me, so turned back. She shook her head and closed her eyes in something like pain.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”

I was about to reply, but Heather interrupted, saying, “She was in pain and couldn’t get to sleep. I was more than willing, and it eased her into slumber.”

I could see Rhee looking at me with furrowed brow; she didn’t know the discussion topic. I looked back at Shameka, then Heather.

“It’s not a problem. I was going to suggest you, Heather, but Shameka asked you before I could make the suggestion. You’re the best of us.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Rhee’s confusion clear, but then a parade of expressions crossed her face; I recognized a couple. I could also see relief in Heather’s expression.

Shameka turned to Heather and was about to ask something, probably looking to find out what we were discussing. However, she turned her head back around to me, then Rhee. I could see a slight smile on Rhee’s face.

Rhee quietly said, “Lucky Heather.”

I let myself smile a bit for the first time in this conversation and replied, “Ain’t that the truth!”

Heather lunged to me, wrapping me in her arms, then saying, “We need to talk about it. Not the details, but ... about ... it in relation to us.”

I nodded. Rhee joined the hug.

“Ohh,” Shameka grunted, then said, “Ohh-hhnn. I really didn’t realize. All of you?”

Rhee nodded at Shameka.

She inhaled deeply, then gritted her teeth before saying, “I should give up a secret in exchange for yours. I...”

I held up my hand and shook my head.

“No. Can you stay here tomorrow night? Dad ... and the Moms want to talk to you about options for you and your dad. He is planning to ask you to come here after practice tomorrow, but they could do that as easily tonight if you’re willing. If you stay tonight, we can do whatever horse-trading you feel necessary then. However, we don’t need a secret from you in exchange, as long as we have your word that you won’t share ours with anyone.”

“You have it, and, yes, as you might have discerned, I am now my own keeper. I can stay here tonight. I’m going to have to catch up on homework at some point, as I got damn all done yesterday. I’ve got a study hall; I’ll try to do most of it there.” She turned to Heather and stated, “I might need help from you on Calc, if you’re willing.”

“I’ll help with whatever I can, Shameka. I ... We’re all your friends. We’ll help you in most anyway we can.”

“Thanks. And thanks for your help last night. I might have gotten little sleep without it. You ... That was damned good.” She turned back to Rhee and me and asked, “And you consider Heather lucky because of last night?”

“Absolutely,” Rhee said with conviction.

“I’m flattered.”

We were dressed and at the table by 6:52. The adults had created a smorgasbord of a breakfast, with French toast and pancakes, sausages and bacon, hashed browns and toast. Two syrups and two juices were options.

Shameka asked, “What’s this one?”

“Boysenberry,” Dad replied.

“Oh. I love that. That was...”

She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

“I’m sorry. Little things like that hit me all the time. Boysenberry was my mom’s favorite syrup. I’ve avoided most situations like this for years, except for Katie’s family, although I...” She grimaced, then said, “Being with ... loving families brings back memories, memories that remind me of what else I’m losing.”

She sniffled, then wiped her left eye.

“Shameka,” Carol said quietly, “we don’t want to be the cause of any pain, but you really need to keep those memories. To keep them, you need to bring them up every so often. Yours was obviously a loving family. Those are somewhat rare these days and you should endeavor to retain as many memories as you can from a happier time. Other than those of Rhee and my early childhood, I don’t have a lot of wonderful family memories. However, I’ve been creating many since Rhee and I joined this family. We now consider you family. You’re welcome here at any time. We enjoy having you here. Perhaps, you can create some wonderful memories with us that are not etched with the pain of remembrance, although, again, I strongly suggest you retain as many memories of your family as you can. I know that it’s painful for you now, but I also know that you will appreciate it later in life. We can help you be strong when you need to be strong, but you don’t have to be strong at all times.”

“She’s right, Shameka,” said Sandy. “Even though they cause pain now, if you keep them, you will be happy for that fact in the future. I lost one of only two good friends that I had in high school. For quite a while after she and her family returned to India, the memories of her were painful due to the loss I felt. Now, they bring me pleasure as I revel in the good times we had, the experiences we shared.”

“Thanks, Carol, Sandy. I will keep your advice in mind. They’re painful, though.”

“We know, Dear. We know. As Carol said, you’re welcome here any time. If it gets to be too much, just show up on our doorstep. We’ll try to help you make new pleasant memories.”

Shameka looked at Sandy, trying to get out a response, but the memories got to her. She bent her head and sobbed. Again, Heather and I reached out to comfort her, putting an arm each around her, Heather putting her head next to Shameka’s, rubbing her cheek on Shameka’s. She cried for only a minute, marshaling control of her emotions quickly. She sat up and poured boysenberry syrup on her French toast and pancakes and dug in. Conversation around the table restarted, mostly by the Moms. I could see Dad keeping a weather eye on Shameka as he finished his breakfast.

When Shameka finished, she picked up her plate and glass and stood.

“Don’t worry about that, Shameka. I don’t have to be at work until 9:30. I’ve got it. You girls need to get going.”

Shameka looked at Carol, then said, “Thanks. Thanks also, you wonderful folks, for making such a great breakfast for me, for us. Beth has invited me to stay here tonight, so I will be. Beth said that you wanted to talk with me. I’ll be available after we get back from the game.”

Carol asked her, “What do you like on pizza?”

“I really like black olives and mushrooms, but I’m not really picky, as long as it’s not bell peppers. I do like jalapeños, though.”

“Okay. We figured on ordering pizza making it easier for all of us tonight. You should be back by 7, right?”

“Yes, and that late only if we go to OT, which I doubt will happen.”

We all got the nickel tour of Shameka’s house, being in and out in less than 10 minutes, Shameka locking the door behind us, a large gym bag over her shoulder.

The result of lunchtime, and of Liya and Heather running down Coach in the gym, was Liya introducing Brett to Coach and him becoming a third assistant.

“Gather ‘round!”

We gathered around Coach in the locker room, most, but not all, fully uniformed.

“Before I get into the reminder about the game plan, I have an announcement. Starting today, we will have a fourth assistant. His name is Brett Nichols and he’ll be joining us in here shortly. Those of you that aren’t fully dressed, please complete that process ... now.”

The few girls that were lacking uniform shorts donned those items with alacrity ... except for Shameka, who turned to me and smiled. However, she did finish pulling her shorts on before Coach continued.

“Liya, please have Brett come in.” When he was standing next to Coach, his face quite red, she said, “Again, this is Brett Nichols. His primary tasks, at first, will be to support you girls during practice and games. He’ll be in charge of fluids, towels, and other such amenities. He is a friend of Beth’s gang and is congenial enough, although he seems to have ... a bit of difficulty in dealing with ... well, girls. We’re going to help him with that problem, while he takes some of the tasks off Liya’s plate. He says that he’s able and willing to travel with the team, so get used to seeing him every day. I suggest that on home game days like this, all of you expedite getting into your shorts more quickly than, say, Shameka.”

There was much snickering.

“We did not have enough time to get the job done today, but he’ll have an ID badge like Liya’s, Civia’s, and Crewe’s before practice tomorrow. He’ll be learning the ropes today, under Liya’s tutelage. Please do not interfere with that and, where appropriate, help Liya. If there are other duties that he might take on, please let me know.”

“How ‘bout towel boy here in the locker room?”

There was some tittering and much chuckling, and Brett’s face, which had faded to near normal, became red again.

“I’m sure that the school administration would just love that. I think not.” She gave Shameka the hairy eyeball, then said, “Since it will be yet a while before Springfield gets here, please introduce yourselves ... here and now ... in an orderly fashion. He’ll be taking notes so that he can learn your names and... [she glanced at Shameka, again with a hairy eyeball] your positions. Liya, Civia, and I will be gradually teaching him more of the things that assistants do and will do for the team. My primary interest in his helping us is to enable us to record our own stats on possession and various other aspects of actual game play.”

We went through the process of the 25 of us introducing themselves to him, then headed out to the field for warmups and pre-game drills.

Shameka sidled up to me and said, “I didn’t anticipate this thing with Brett. I assume, given what Coach told us, that Liya was the primary instigator.” When I nodded at her, she responded, “She seems to have it bad for him.”

“I wouldn’t put it quite that way. Yes, she’s interested in him, but I think most of this is due to her plate being too full relative to the team’s needs and her interest in helping him learn how to ... co-exist with the opposite sex.”

When she looked at me, I just shrugged. Heather took that chance to insert herself into the conversation.

“Liya and I made up a form, of sort, in his notebook for him. We filled in all the names and positions. He’ll be filling in uniform numbers and whatever attributes he notes that will help him put names with girls.” She looked up at Shameka with a grin and stated, “I’m guessing that he’s having to be ... more circumspect about those attributes than he might have if there’d been no chance for any of the girls to see what he writes.”

The three of us chuckled.

Shameka smoothed her mien and offered, “He really does seem like a nice guy. Look at him. He’s writing down stuff, but he never looks lower than the girl’s face and that despite that he’s meeting Hope now, and boys can only rarely not stare at her chest.”

“Yeah,” Heather replied. “She’s only slightly smaller than Rhee. I don’t recall him ever talking to Rhee’s tits, either. He is a nice guy. That cousin of his taught him well.”


“He’s got what he calls a pretty girl cousin that spent a lot of time with his family this summer. She took it upon herself to get him more comfortable with dealing with girls and also teaching him what not to do when meeting girls or interacting with them. I can see it being easy for him not to talk to my little titties, and he never has, but Rhee? Virtually every other boy in our grade that has ostensibly talked to her has talked to her tits. I’d like to meet that cousin and give her a... [she looked around quickly] kiss. It’s too bad more boys don’t have cousins like that.”

We were up over Springfield 3-1 at the half, Rhee getting two goals, Jess the other. Shameka had been her usual monster self, perhaps more so, and the D had been nearly brilliant. Hope had even saved a PK.

We started the second half with Rhee, Heather, and Jess on the bench, being replaced, respectively, by Makayla, Jimena, and Lucia. Springfield had the second-half kickoff, from which they motored upfield with unfortunate ease, helped by bringing their entire midfield and half their back line. I had drifted downfield to help with defense. Although Springfield must have run a couple minutes off the clock, the tight coverage by Shameka’s line, Katie, and Gracey kept them from getting even a shot.

I was marking the center back of theirs that had come forward (the other was playing safety) and was watching Katie well downfield of me delaying their center half with the ball. Their right back was wide of their right half, who Gracey was marking. I saw Gracey note it when that right back initiated a run that looked like she would split between their center forward and right wing. She glanced back at the center half, then sloughed off their right half as their center half began the motions for what looked like a pass to the right back trying to split our defense. Gracey gauged it perfectly, intercepting the pass with her right foot nearly at waist level, the ball dropping at her feet, where she controlled it.

I heard Shameka yell, “Katie! Go,” at the top of her lungs, then saw Shameka leave the center forward she had been marking and begin sprinting upfield. I immediately saw the huge gap up the middle of the field that Shameka must have seen, so moved to the spot on the other side of the center back that I’d been marking, the defender and location that looked like it might be the second bottleneck that Shameka, Katie and, possibly, Gracey would encounter. Katie did not hesitate. She moved upfield to the vicinity of the right half that Gracey had left to intercept the pass. Gracey sent the ball on the ground to Katie who one-touched it on the ground to her right, then headed upfield slightly and curled around their center half. Gracey bolted upfield on the other side of their right half.

“Perfect,” I thought.

Shameka ran onto the ball that Katie had laid out for her, tapped it forward twice at her top speed, then booted it on the ground to Katie to our right of their center half. Katie completed the give-and-go by one-touching the ball behind their center half. Shameka again ran onto the ball, tapped it once ahead of her, then sent it ahead and left to me but continued her full-tilt sprint upfield, Katie trailing and angling a bit left.

I could feel the center back that I had been marking now coming toward me, so I copied Jess’s sweet maneuver for her assist to Shameka against Boynton last week, tipping the ball up into the air in front of me with my right foot, then kicking it with my left over my head and the center back’s head with my left foot to hopefully drop the ball in front of Gracey who seemed to be running faster than I had ever seen her run. As soon as the ball left my left foot, I wheeled around the center back and bolted upfield, Gracey with the ball upfield of me and to my left and Shameka hauling ass upfield ahead of me and to my right. Once we had completed the two three-person gives-and-go around the center half and the center back that were, I suppose, trying to catch up to us, there were only two defenders between us and the goalie: their other center back and the left back.

Gracey got to within ten yards of the penalty box with the ball in control when she initiated the most elegant, three-person, double give-and-go I have seen to date in a game in which I was playing. It was enabled by the strong offensive press that Springfield had made and the sudden and blazingly fast counterattack that Gracey had initiated. The center back had left Makayla, who had cleared out to field left, and come forward to challenge Gracey, while the left back had stayed behind to mark Jimena, who was now just outside the penalty box about on the longitude of the right post. While I was hauling to catch up to the play, I could see the shape of it and that I would probably not be needed but continued racing upfield just in case.

As she approached their center back, Gracey sent the ball briskly on the ground ahead and to her right to lead Shameka and then sprinted past the right side of that center back. Shameka, while pointing ahead of her, one-touched the ball ahead and to her right to Jimena, who wheeled around the left side of the left back, then laid the ball out ahead and to her left for the charging Shameka. Shameka ran onto the ball between the penalty-box line and the penalty stripe and smashed a right-foot rocket that crossed the goal line about waist high and about a yard inside the right post and which billowed out the back of the net with a loud, ringing “whackkk.”

In the scrum around Shameka, she grabbed Gracey and hugged her tightly.

“You read that pass perfectly. I was just about to tell you to cut that pass off, but you were already in the process. That was a helluva read!”

That spectacularly lovely goal highlighted a second half in which we completely dominated a reasonably good team with a good front line. Shameka would go on to add a goal off a corner-kick set play, and a penalty-kick goal, all in the first 20 minutes. Unfortunately, the PK was awarded because one of their center backs had, while trying to clear the ball out of the box, missed the ball and kicked Makayla hard just above her left knee. Makayla had to come out of the game, which was unfortunate, as she had scored two goals after Shameka’s second goal.

“Gather ‘round!” When that didn’t work as well as she wanted, Coach yelled, “Settle!”

“Better. There are many attagirls to give out. First, congratulations on a convincing win over a good team. A large part of that win, as per usual for this team, is due to the amazing defense of Hope, Shameka, Rachel, Kim, Katie, and Gracey. Springfield’s front line is quite good, but hampered by a less-than-stellar midfield. That line got a goal against our best, pointing out its quality.

“Thanks to the starters getting us a lead by the half and to most of the starters extending that quickly in the first 20 minutes of the second half, we were able to get most of the backups in the game. I was pleased with the showing made by the backup back line. You did quite well against a good front line and get the first attagirls.

“This win was due more to our defense than usual, as our defense scored more goals than they gave up. That defense, with some minor help from a couple of our attackers, scored the highlight goal of the season to this point, and I want to spend some time on it.

“The first of many attagirls earned by that play goes to Gracey for sussing their intentions when their right back started on a run to split our defense. She left the halfback she was marking and put herself on the path of that pass, controlling it quickly. While Gracey’s interception was certainly critical for that goal, it was not actually the most critical aspect. Hands, what was?”

Quite a few hands went up, including Gracey’s; Coach called on her.

“Shameka’s recognition of the possibilities.”

“Explain that.”

“I had only barely gotten the ball under control when Shameka yelled for Katie to take off. She obviously saw the huge space between me and the two fullbacks laying back on their side, with only two defenders between us that might cause problems. Once I looked up, I could see that we had three players in that space and, with Shameka immediately taking off upfield, it became four. All the rest of their team was either behind us or off to the sides with little chance to impact the play.”

“In one! Shameka, please run us through the rest of it.”

“First, I want to thank Gracey for recognizing the pass that their center half was about to make and which she intercepted. I disagree, somewhat, that it wasn’t the most critical aspect of that play, as without it, we don’t have the ball. However, I understand your point, Coach.

“Once I saw that Gracey had corralled the ball, I sent Katie on her way and got myself going. I also saw Beth recognize the possibility.

“Gracey, Katie, and I worked the ball among us to blow past their center half and then Beth, who obviously went to school on Jess’s pretty assist last week, did the same to complete that second give-and-go to beat that center back. At that point, the goal was almost a sure thing. We were behind all of their D other than two fullbacks and the goalie, and we had somewhere between four and six attackers, inclusive, that could be involved. We had also counterattacked so abruptly, and we had moved so quickly as to eliminate any chance of other defenders being able to have an impact. At the end, the precise mechanics of how we got the ball in the net were not at all critical. However, if it were me, I’d give an attagirl to Jimena for her part in the final give-and-go.”

“Indeed! That was on my list. Attagirls go to six players for that play. To Gracey for the interception, for her quick recognition of what Shameka saw, for her scorching path upfield at a speed I’ve never seen her reach before, and for her parts in the various gives-and-go. To Katie for responding immediately to Shameka’s direction, trusting in her teammate and abandoning defense to go on offense and for her parts in the various gives-and-go. To Beth for her immediate recognition of where the defenders running this play needed her to be and the pretty way in which she effected the give-and-go in which she took part. To Makayla for clearing out, giving our offensive defenders more room for maneuver. Finally, to Jimena for recognizing that they might need her to work around the defender that was marking her and for her pretty way in which she effected the give-and-go in which she took part, a give-and-go that notched her her first assist for this team.

“Of course, Shameka gets multiple attagirls for that one, the first simply for her recognition of the possibility, the second to get those around her to see that possibility, and the third for the two rockets involved in that play.”

There was silence until, finally, someone said – not quietly enough, “two rockets?”

“Thank you, Nicole, for voicing that so that I can come back with, ‘Yes, two. The one attached to her foot was obvious. Perhaps the one you missed was the one attached to her butt.’

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Lucy lay back on my leather sofa, her naked slim tanned legs were wide apart, showing off her wet used pussy that I had already fucked twice that day, but I wasn't finished and she seemed eager for more as well.I knelt between her legs, and then moved up until I was just inches from her, before I took hold of my almost completely hard cock, despite I had cum twice already, and then rubbed it up and down her wet slit, teasing her lips with my big bulbous head."Oh, god" she muttered flexing her...

2 years ago
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The Checker

I had become a regular at the local big box store near my office lately. It was easy getting in and out in the middle of the day while everyone else was at work. The store was well-stocked, and it was nice to be able to find the things I needed cheaply.I run so many errands for my boss that I was only in the office part-time anyway. It was my first real job after high school, and I would do almost anything they asked of me just to stay there. It was a good-sized manufacturing company that made...

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Pilgrimage to Norcia

Pilgrimage to NorciaIt was a cold, gray spring afternoon in the town of Ortona. A light rain was sprinkling over the people assembled at the cemetery behind the church, presenting their last respects to the widow Maria Pinetti. Not many people had come; The priest, who was here on duty, the coffin carriers, who would have much preferred to stay at home around the cozy fire, a few neighbors, mostly women, and a boy, Maria's only son.As the coffin was lowered into the grave, and the priest said a...

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Writers Forum

AUTHOR'S NOTES This is a re-write of one of my first efforts. Back then I thought it marvelous to knit improbabilities into spectrums of predilection. But of course it hardly worked, except maybe for readers with checklists. In my re-write, the stretch is a tad more bounded and takes just half the words. And my oh my! That earlier version reads as if I combed through 300 supposedly-erotic stories for sticky-wet adjectives to string together. I apologize to any of you who tried to read it....

2 years ago
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Young Teen Gay Experience

A few days went by and I was still thinking about that night. I had to go back, I wanted to feel that pleasure again, so I did. I waited untill Thursday night after my soccer practice and headed straight there, It was a few hours earlier but I thought it wouldnt be a problem. I eventually reached the bathroom not seeing anybody around I entered slowly and went into the same stall I was in before. I sat and waited for nearly 30 minutes without anyone coming in. I was starting to give up when...

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RebirthChapter 9

We were silent on the whole drive back to the hotel. I found it hard to fathom that she was still pissed at me, but then I have never claimed to understand women. We made a stop half way back at a random gas station that still had a bank of pay phones. I fed quarters I had just gotten from the store and dialed Robles number. It connected after a moment and I head, "Deputy Robles." "Robles, it's Taylor." I heard rustling in the background and his voice sounded shaky when he replied....

1 year ago
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My homeless step daughter Part 2

"So ladies, how was shopping?" Chelsea and Ronnie began talking about all the sales and outfits as I started to zone out. "Uh oh", giggled Chelsea. "I think we're losing him! Ronnie, how about a little fashion show?" Ronnie jumped up and ran to what was formerly the guest bedroom and now her room. Chelsea cuddled up next to me. "You're gonna love our new little fuck toy, daddy!" I smiled. "So when did you decide that she was gonna be our new toy?" "When I saw you looking at her...

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Friendship club

Hallo mai pramod mai nashik maharashtra se hu mai apko meri ek sachhi kahani batata hu .maine local paper me ek add padhi thi ki apke shahar me aphi ki age ki ladki aunti ke sath dosti (friendship) kijiye maine us number pe phone kiya to samne se ek sunder ladki bat kar rahi thi usne kaha ki apko hamari membarship leni hogi uske liye apko 3000 /- rupees icici bank me jama karne honge to maine kaha thik hai maine 3000/- rupees icici bank me diposite kar diya. Do din chale gaye lekin wo log phone...

1 year ago
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7 Clan Amir The U MAMA WarChapter 04

Patrick, Gina, and Shauna are very surprised to be walking up the stairs to the White House. Inside they’re formally announced, Gina is surprised to hear them announced as ‘General Mannheim and Miss Gina.’ Because no family name is given their announcement gets them much more attention. All there stop to stare at Gina in her new gown, very heady events for a sixteen year old girl. Shauna’s new gown isn’t quite as fancy, but she fits in well and she’s just as overcome by the situation. The...

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Banned to the Farm 2

The third week I was there a man brought his bitch dog to have her bred by one of our big St Bernard’s. My uncle gave the man the choice of the eight. He selected Bruno the biggest of the group. I watched as they brought Bruno into the pen, a small fenced in area, Bruno sniffed the other dog and began to lick her ass and cunt. The female kept walking away from him but Bruno was patient. Finally she stood still and seemed to part her rear legs. Bruno mounted her and my Uncle guided his dick into...

1 year ago
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Hi – my name’s Pete Davies. When this story began, I was twenty-five and working in IT security, which is only important because it meant I had enough money to buy, or begin to buy, the Victorian gate-lodge in which I live, and the motorbike, an Indian Royal Enfield Bullet, without which the story wouldn’t have happened. But we’ll get to that in a moment. You’ll find I tend to wander off into side-tracks from time to time, and I hope you’ll bear with me. The house, which I, or rather the bank...

2 years ago
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On the road

Dannielle had decided to finish work at dinner time and go for a drive the long way home seeing as the day was so nice. As she got into her car she thought "i will put the soft top down and get a tan". As she got in the car she looked at herself in the mirror and checked her make up, hair and her top. She had noticed how the boys in the office had been looking her up and down during the day, well she had dressed for the attention. Her tight white top that showed her black bra off really well...

4 years ago
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Plain old Bob

Plain old Bob Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name, like the rest of my life doesn't make me stand out. Bob. Plain old Bob. I'm only 5'7" tall, average to thin build, weighing maybe 135. I have light brown hair and blue eyes. Just your average fellow. Not big enough to play on a sports team, not smart enough to hide behind a geeky face, or even try acting. My tenor voice doesn't carry well I was told. I don't even have a girlfriend. All in all, I go through the endless...

4 years ago
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Guys Do it Better

So one day after school, I decide to go in my brother’s room while he is at work. Who at the time I think is 100% straight has his girlfriend over a lot and sometimes other girls and I hear them fucking. So I enter his room I go on his computer listen to some music go through files and I find some nudes of some girls he’s been with. So I keep searching like a nosey bastard and then I find some nudes of him, within seconds I got a boner I keep looking and then there is pics of him shoving a...

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Items of Power

Some examples of the Items that might appear in the reality of your choice: Ring of 3: A golden ring with three emeralds. When worn you can change a person through the use of a three word phrase. A person can only be changed three times before they are immune to further uses of the ring, however any transformations are then permanent. Reality Remote: Alter reality through the use of a remote control. Tainted Cube: The power within a Cosmic Cube allows whoever wields it to literally reshape...

Mind Control
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The TestChapter 2

I'm Mark and I'm engaged to marry my love, Karen in a month. That doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that we are not going to make love till our wedding night. Wow! Can I go a month without sex? That would almost be a record for me. Maybe I'll just have a last fling. I promised Karen that I would be monogamous after we were married, we're not married yet. What if she finds out? Then I may lose the only woman I believe I truly ever loved. Damn! Why did I agree to this? I thought I...

3 years ago
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Das Tor 5

Ich hatte wieder den Trainingsanzug an. Es war das einzige, was ?ber meine Br?ste passte. Und nur in dem Body wollte ich nicht nach drau?en. Ich schnappte mir den Rucksack und ging zu Sandra. Sie machte gleich auf und lie? mich herein. Zuerst sah sie nur den Trainingsanzug und schaute entt?uscht, dann bemerkte sie meine Oberweite und das geschminkte Gesicht. Ein L?cheln machte ich in ihrem Gesicht breit. "Hallo Tim! Du bist seit gestern gewachsen!" "Hallo Sandra. Ja, eigentlich ein...

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Entering College

I was preparing to move into my college freshman dorm at the University of Oregon. I was super excited to be living on my own. It's not that my parents were overbearing or anything, I just wanted to be alone, away from them. Though I was ditching my parents, I was unfortunately going to be stuck with a roommate.

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So I was on my way to the principals office for setting off a stink bomb in class but lucky me I got to wait after high school so I planned on skipping my little meeting with the principal. it was already five minutes after school, suddenly I saw my black principal looking for me: he was very black, bald and kinda heavy set looking. So as fast as I could i ran into the school bathroom and hid.... So while I was hiding I suddenly got horny and took out my phone and started watching gay porn and...

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Second ChanceChapter 13

Somewhere between Sioux City, Iowa, and St. Joseph, Missouri, I got over Cindi and Brenda. Cindi swept me off my feet. Her childlike enthusiasm and all out sexual energy were exactly what I needed to kick start my new self, and then Brenda came along with everything else I wanted in a woman, and it got me thinking about forever with two perfectly matched women for me to take care of, and for them to entertain me. When we were naked together, it was magic, but the farther I got from South...

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train sex

Hi friends I am Raj! (Name changed) I live in Karnataka. Now in final year of B tech had to use a fake name cause this story is about my first sexual encounter with my friend’s hot sister! Since my friend does log in to this site, I have used the fake name as I don want him to have even the slightest clue about it. Well I am a great fan of this site. is has such a juicy stories which just gives me a hard on when I read them few stories r fake n few r just fantasies but the real ones are too...

2 years ago
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A Dirty Discovery

I had left Tina sitting on the couch twenty minutes before, packaged in her new green sheath dress that hugged her curvy form so decadently. Not long before we'd enjoyed a few cocktails to get her tame for what was going to happen.“You get me too drunk I’ll be defenseless.”“And what would be wrong with that my dear?"I  teased her by kissing her deeply and touching her firmly.“What are you trying to do to me?” she giggled."Priming the pump.”I stood up in front of her.“Show me what panties you...

4 years ago
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Loving FamilyChapter 7

Jean Stevenson sang along happily to the music of her car radio, enjoying the beautiful day and the pleasant drive through the mountains into town. She felt proud of herself for being able to change her negative, worried attitude about her children's affairs and quite certain that tonight, she and Tom would more than make up for the past week of sexual frustration and disappointment. She chided herself gently for having been such a worrier, and let her thoughts drift and wander aimlessly,...

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Cindy takes me to an orgy

In high school and Cindy lives across the street. Waiting for the bus she tells me about an orgy. She was invited by a girl friend of hers. Told she could come alone, could bring her boy friend. At the time she did not have one. Feeling strange going alone she hinted I go with her. Before I can answer she steps off at school. I worry all day she might ask someone else. I wait for her that afternoon with excitement. Cindy steps on the bus and I pull her in the seat. YES, I will go with you. Well...

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From Saint to Slut Real QuickChapter 2

Well, I’m Margo Chiverton and people in these parts would recognise me as the nice lady who presents the Weather on TV each day. I’m a lone Mother with a son who’s been away at college. My life was moving along just fine until recently I returned home from a very hot day at the Studio; my clothes felt tacky on me and I was aching for a shower. In the kitchen I immediately slip off my heels and discard my pencil skirt, then drinking a glass of chilled water, I shed my blouse. Then going to...

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A World FoundChapter 18

Dani woke, for a moment she didn't know where she was but it soon came flooding back to her. She was still in the ambulance, strapped to the gurney. She could see out of the back and side windows but couldn't see anything other than stone walls. The bus wasn't moving, either. Dani's panic tried to claim her again, but her mind knew she had to help herself to get away. Panicking would do her no good. She started to think what she had that would help her. That was when she remembered. She...

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StepSiblingsCaught Bella Rose Sister Lost A Bet

Bella Rose has lost a bet and now she has to clean her stepbrother’s bedroom in a sexy maid costume. She makes good on her promise while Alex D. watches and makes comments. His room is littered with cum rags and used condoms, and as Bella bends over to clean Alex takes video on his phone and pulls out his big dick. The next thing Bella knows, Alex is behind her with her panties pushed aside and his cock buried in her always wet pussy. Once Bella realizes how much she loves her...

3 years ago
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Kya Tum Taiyaar Ho

Hello Dosto. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. ( sabhi naam badle hue hai). Mera naam Sachin hai. Meri umar 24 saal hai. meri shaadi 1 saal pehle Barkha se hui thi. Hamari shaadi ek arrange marriage thi isliye mai aur Barkha ek dusre se acchi tarah se parichit nahi the. Kyunki mujhe shaadi ke turant baad Banglore jana tha apni job ke liye isliye hamari suhaagraat thodi der se mani. Shaadi ke karib 15 din baad maine Barkha ko Banglore bulwa liya. Jab mai use banglore airport par lene pahucha to mai use...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 182

This one is a real groaner... :) Somewhere in Ireland a teacher asks her class: "Can anyone tell me the name of Robin Hood's girlfriend?" Young Paddy raises his hand and says "Trudy Glenn Miss". "No Paddy, " says the teacher. "The answer is Maid Marion ". But Miss, what about that song we used to sing, "Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding Trudy Glenn". Statistics recently released from The United Nations reveal that: • Australian, Canadian, UK and US men between 50 and 75 years...

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The hairdresser

This happened in 2010Donna used the same hairdresser for over ten years. She was an Indian girl, really pretty and only recently married. She's called Gina, 30 years old, 5'5", thin with dark hair and extremely pretty. As Donna wanted her hair doing for a party we were going to Gina offered to open her shop late so she could have her hair done the same evening.Friday came round quickly, as I dropped Donna off at 6pm, the town was quiet and there was no-one in the salon, I told her I'd be back...

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Dream Come True With Neighbour

Hello readers. I am Ansh, a 23 year old guy working in an MNC in Delhi. I have been an avid reader of stories at ISS and am a great fan of them. I always dreamt of the day when I would be able to share my experience and the day finally came when I got a chance to have my dream girl, Neetu Bhabhi (name changed) in my arms and feel her lusty body. Let me tell you about myself. I live with my family in Delhi and work in an MNC. After completing my engineering, I got placed in NCR and as I am a...

2 years ago
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Making DoChapter 8

Sonny had a tight grip on his phone. Sandy was obviously baiting him, trying to get him to admit to still having an interest in sharing her body with his friends. He knew that he had no chance of successfully denying having such an interest, but he hoped he could at least temper her fears in that regard. He knew also that he had to be very careful about what he said right then. Another misstep would undoubtedly land him right back in the doghouse with her, and he didn't want to give away any...

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Hypnotic Sex Slaves

On the bulletin board it was suggested that I was being too conservative. Okay, here is a story that could happen, but certainly shouldn’t happen. Unfortunately, I know of at least two criminal cases where doctors were convicted for taking advantage of their patients. One with drugs, one without drugs. In these stories we only deal with hypnosis. This story did not happen. * * * * * ‘Harry, you never spend any time with your family! You are always at your damned office seeing patients.’ ...

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The Rebirth Of Andrew Bishop Chapter 26

The telephone rang, and it made Dave jump as he lay in bed listening to Tess and Drew's breathing as they slumbered. He looked at the clock; seven thirty. "Good morning, Drew Bishop's phone," he said, as he picked up the handset. "You guys had better not still be in bed," Geoff's voice said. "No, we're up and about," Dave lied, "Drew is out in the yard, he said he was going to ring you in a minute." Tess and Drew were now stirring."Well, tell Drew that we will meet at ten o'clock up at the...

3 years ago
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From Tim to Carissa

"Okay, I'm Tara's here, I'm off, I left my keys on the counter if you need to use my car while We're in Austin, have a good week." Emily says as she opens the apartment door. "Bye" I say pausing the TV and leaning forward. "Bye" Emily says as the door shuts, and thus begins the events that lead up to my new life. My name is Carissa, now at least, back then it was Tim. I couldn't wait for my roommate to leave, the door shut and I was already in my room pulling out boxes. Under the bed,...

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StepSiblingsCaught Emma Hix Moka Mora Fucking With My Step Brother

Emma Hix and Moka Mora are hanging out in Emma’s bedroom taking selfies. The two girls take their clothes off and put other clothes on as they try them on with each other. Meanwhile, Emma’s stepbrother Logan Long plays a prank by putting saran wrap over the toilet and then starts recording the girls while masturbating. Later, Emma falls victim to his prank and the girls agree to get him back by drawing on his cock while he’s asleep. Later, when Logan lays down for a nap, Emma...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 36

Despite all the excitement of the previous evening they had not been late. Mark had been in bed by one and he was awake at seven aware of his two large brandies but by no means hung over. He had a bath, dressed and packed a suitcase. He was ready for the day by eight. He let himself into the main house and wandered through to the kitchen where he found Sergeant Roberts and the cook. He greeted them both. "Any sign of life yet?" he asked. "No, Sir, not yet" said Sergeant Roberts, "but...

3 years ago
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An Orphan No MoreChapter 2

We made love three more times that night, he was a fantastic lover just as I knew he would be and he told me I had the prettiest little cunt he'd ever seen. "Tell me that again daddy" I giggled as I lay in his arms, "It made me go all gooey" "It ain't just pretty" he said and eased me off his chest, "It's a beautiful little cunt" I shuddered as he lay between my legs and felt his warm breath on me, he kissed the flesh of both my inner thighs gently while I lay there in complete...

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Kusum Aunty Kho Pregnant Kiya

Here we go in to stories. I was working in M& C company, I use to go on deputation. When I was in Gujarat, I stayed in Apartment Company allotted. The aunt was staying just above my flat where from my door just claim 4 steps here house can be seen. I Checked with my mate Is there any one for paying guest and he introduced Aunty Kusum, the day I saw her my penis slowly awaken, somehow controlled & enquired about food & timings also asked for washing clothes too, she agreed. From next day she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 13 With A Little Help From My Friends

December 20, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “I didn’t know doctors made house calls these days,” I chuckled. “We usually don’t,” Doctor Robertson said. “But Al didn’t want Jessica at the hospital.” “That’s right,” Al Barton said. “She doesn’t need hospitalization and I suspect you know that the hospital is worse than a High School locker room for gossip.” “So I’ve heard,” I said, shifting my eyes to Alicia. It was just after 9:00pm on Tuesday, and Al Barton, Doctor Robertson, and Doctor Franco,...

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Whatever I Can Do What I Want

"Whatever! I can do what I want!" "I'm not trying to tell you what to fucking do!" "Fuck it, you stupid bitches, let's do this!" It was a busy night in the bar, and I was tossing bottles and making weird ass drinks for a crowd of college assholes. I'm a bartender. Some of these people are fine. I get that. But, Jesus, some of them are just so full of shit I want to take a bottle and smash it upside their head. You know? Ah, well. It's a living. The "conversation" that was filling the air right...

Group Sex
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is sweet

This story is brutal. It contains rape, torture and murder. If that isn't your thing, fuck off now. For those of you who are a tad crazier, enjoy. After almost a week of bawling like a baby, I managed to make it through the funeral with completely falling apart...until I walked through the garage door to my empty kitchen, my formerly warm, inviting kitchen. Now it was cold. No wife of twenty years, no eighteen year old daughter greeted me with hugs and kisses to welcome me home. ...

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How I Met A Girl In Facebook And Ended In Fucking

Hi my name is cool(fake) and the girl name is Swetha(fake). We both are from chennai(tamilnadu). I’m 5’3 and 4 inch tool. Swetha’s structure 36 boobs 28 hip and 36 bum. She is slim and sexy with fair tone. Her bum and boobs are huge to her body. I have finished my college and got placed top mnc it company and waiting for my call letter. So I really feel so bored in home. So I always surf net to have some sex chat with girls. I love chennai or tamilnadu girls because I love to chat in tamil. I...

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My workout fantasy

Last week I was at the fitness center of our apartment complex working out when this very lovely Indian mixed 30s something lady walked in. She walked over to the coat hooks and proceeded to strip down to her shorts and sports bra. By looking at her you can tell she took care of herself. She had dark skin and long flowing black hair tied up in a ponytail. she was about 5.10 or so and about 150 lbs with very long toned legs with a very ample round chest. at one point she got on the treadmill and...

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