RoomersChapter 12 free porn video

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Beautiful afternoon. I was in position on the rug, thinking about not very much: decided I needed a beer, but a cab pulled up outside so I put that idea on hold. A dark haired woman climbed out, moved to the rear door, hauled out two kids, straightened up and looked at the house. Jesus jumpin' Christ. Before I realized it, my feet were taking me to the front door.

'Annie, what the fuck have you done to your goddam hair?' She yelped and jumped at me, clung tight, her whole body shaking, while the kids stood and watched. They were real dirty, looked kinda subdued, not like kids usually are, tearing round and breaking stuff. Just stood and watched. Shit, friends are friends, but a coupla rug rats weren't part of the deal, far as I was concerned. First time I ever seen her cry though. I set her down, looked at her carefully, felt a pulse of anger.

Someone had worked her over pretty good. Coupla important teeth missing, swelling round her eyes, bruises on her neck like someone had tried to strangle her. She flinched under my gaze and began to say something. Click. Oh, damn. My fuckin' talent was part of this, and I listened, kinda despairing, as words came out of my mouth.

'Annie, you get the hell into the bathroom, take the kids, get cleaned up while I fix some grub. And don't fuckin' argue. Nothing happens till you're all clean and fed. Go do it, girl, or I'll hold you down and wash you myself.' She tried to smile but her face crumpled, and she didn't move, so I bent down to the kids, took their hands, hauled them into the house, not paying too much attention, I heard a gasp, then Annie cannoned into me, knocked me clean over. Banged my knee real painful.

'What the fuck... ' I looked up and she was stood over me, hands like claws, lips drawn back like she was ready to kill, then slumped suddenly, nearly fell. Movement at the top of the stairs: Kirsty and Donna standing staring. Looked like the weekend was wrecked whichever way I played it. Might as well draft 'em before they ran.

'Hey, girls, you wanna give me a hand, please?' I picked myself up off the floor, beckoned them down. 'This is Annie, friend of mine, been having it sorta rough, as any fool can see. Kirsty, take 'em up to the big bathroom, get 'em clean.' Better not to have my own bathroom looking like a goddam refugee camp. I checked the kids again, then Annie. Sure were dirty. 'Put their clothes in the trash. Donna, you come down the mall with me, buy some stuff for them while I get bunks and bedding. You good with that?' I realized I was sounding sorta fierce, but hell, I was under stress. They nodded, and Kirsty put an arm round Annie, pointed the kids up the stairs. Annie went with her like a zombie, never said a word, and I began to worry some about what this was gonna cost. Deal with that later. I stomped out to the truck and Donna followed me, looking kinda scared. I made an effort.

'Damn, Donna, I'm sorry. Annie's a good friend and someone beat up on her and scared her goddam kids to death, and it makes me fuckin' furious. Nothin' to do with you, girl, I promise.' She looked calmer and I hit the ignition.

It's amazing how quick things get done when you don't care too much about being polite. Forty minutes, we were back at the house. I sent Donna up with clothes, hauled my purchases through, began the self-assembly crap you gotta do nowadays. Bunk beds made the room seem kinda small, but Annie wasn't gonna be in any state to argue. I was fixing a big pasta mess when Kirsty slipped into the kitchen.

'They're in the front room, Doug.' Her eyes were wide, like the real world had suddenly goosed her. 'Your friend's got bruises all over her body, and the kids have got marks on them too; they're exhausted.' I nodded, pointed with my chin at the drinks cupboard.

'Give Annie a big Scotch over ice, fix some juice for the kids, tell 'em we'll be eatin' in about ten minutes. You mind hangin' in a little longer?' She shook her head.

'You're really angry, aren't you?' I nodded again. Small click in the back of my skull.

'Eight years, nine mebbe, I ain't seen her, but we're friends so I'm gonna fix her goddam life an' then I'm gonna make good an' sure whoever beat up on her hurts way bad. Now go sit with them, keep 'em calm.' She reached up, touched my cheek softly. Excellent. Loyal friendship, righteous anger push most women's buttons real good.

'You're a pretty good friend to have, I guess.' Way to go, Kirsty. You too, I hope.

Damn, the meal was weird. Kids were starving, ate like their plates were gonna be stolen any goddam second, made me wonder some about what their lives had been like recently. Annie hardly said a word, wincing every time she chewed, skinnier than I'd ever seen her, and that's saying some. Sure was strange seeing her with dark hair.

'What's with the dye job, Annie? Got tired of bein' a blonde?' Bad move. She raised her eyes and there was a well of hurt in them.

'Jeez, Doug, I didn't know if they were gonna come lookin' or not. Changed the color in Boise, took the next bus to anywhere. We been through half the goddam states in the Union gettin' here.' She dropped her eyes again and her voice wobbled. 'First time I felt safe for fuckin' weeks, Doug.' Tears began to trickle down her cheeks and I scooped her up, set her on my lap. Kirsty and the kids were staring and I wondered who "they" were.

'Kirsty, you wanna take the kids through, put 'em to bed?' I jerked my head and she got up and did it. Soon as the door closed Annie shuddered and began to cry for real. This was not how I'd planned for my dam' weekend to be. Me, I'd thought she was fed up with ol' Ray, just wanted to split, and instead I got a basket case on my hands. I let her settle, then stood up and carried her through. The kids were looking kinda spooked.

'Time for you to go to sleep, ' I told them, 'and we'll put Mom to bed too, everyone clean and safe, OK?' Kirsty began fussing, letting them choose top and bottom bunks, fetching glasses of water, while I shucked Annie's new dress off, slipped her between the sheets. Kissed her forehead gently, for Kirsty's benefit I gotta admit, told her to sleep, we'd fix everything in the morning. Ten seconds and she was out like a light. Kids were fighting it though: the boy was watching me real close and I was kinda glad when Kirsty waved me outa the room. I was on the couch with a big dose of Mr. Walker's famous tranquilizer when she came out.

'They're asleep now. Little Doug's been trying so hard to look after everyone, and he's scared to death, and Lizzie's been hurt badly: she'll hardly say two words without checking to see if she's going to be smacked.' I wasn't listening to the last bit.

'You tellin' me the kid's called Doug?' She stared at me.

'Didn't you know?' Course not, dummy, or I wouldn't be asking.

'Shit, girl, I didn't even know she had kids, tell the truth, and now I discover one's got my goddam name. Jeez, what a day. You reckon she'll be able to function tomorrow?' If ol' Ray was gonna come looking I needed to know. Kirsty was sitting opposite, watching me; I could almost hear her brain turning over.

'You haven't seen her for years but she named her son after you, and you've spent a lot of money and haven't said anything except that she's had a bad time.' Course I haven't said anything. You think I want this shit spread round the whole fuckin' town?

'Hell, Kirsty, friendship rules apply: I mean, I ain't gonna say anything about her less she agrees. Wish I knew what happened though. Toughest woman I ever known, and now look at her.' I drained my drink and stood. 'I'm gonna get some shut-eye. Gotta feeling tomorrow's gonna be another long one. Thanks for all the help, kid; you been a goddam rock. Guess I owe you.' She was still staring at me kinda intense.

'What happens if the kids wake in the night?' she asked suddenly. 'Men really scare them at the moment, and you in the dark in a strange place ... I mean, they'd have hysterics. I think I'd better stay.' She got up, looking determined. 'I'll be right back. You get into bed.' Well, shit. Someone's had her strings pulled, I guess. Best do as I was told.

When she came into the bedroom I noticed three things. She was carrying a box of condoms, wearing a robe, had a kinda warm look in her eyes. Observant Doug. The condoms went on the bedside table and the robe dropped, nothing underneath except skin. The warm eyes climbed into bed along with the rest of her, settled against me, one arm snaking out, cradling my head. Ruffled my hair for a second and I felt her soft breath in my ear.

'I saw part of the real you today, didn't I?' I shrugged, made sure she felt it.

'Hell, Kirsty, ain't a part of me gets used very much.' Time to find out what was going on inside that curly head. 'You wanna tell me something though? I mean, here we are, and one of my oldest friends is in the next room, in real bad shape. You're not dumb: you gotta know I ain't gonna be able to pay you much attention for a while.' See how she reacted to that. By surprising me, that's how. I swear I'll never understand women.

'It's not the quantity, it's the quality, ' she murmured, nuzzling my neck gently, 'and I don't know much, but I know quality when I see it.' She paused, and I wondered what was coming next. 'Not exclusive, ' she went on thoughtfully, ' because you've got other friends, and I've got a whole heap of catching up to do, but advanced classes sometimes would be nice. Would that be OK?' Well, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It never rains but it fuckin' pours. Better take out some insurance though. Didn't want my life screwed up.

'Long as you remember the rules, girl. No gossip, no obligation, no curiosity, no possessiveness, don't bring baggage with you unless you need to share real bad, no sulking if it's a case of not tonight thanks. I tried all ways and that's the only one that works; why I don't have a whole bunch of friends.' Like I said before, fake sincerity is better than no sincerity at all. Her arm tightened round my neck.

You know more than me about a lot of things, and not just sex.' She fumbled a condom out of the box, then scooted round and crouched over my groin. 'You know how we did it the third time the other night? Real slow and gentle?' Fine by me, but I was curious.

'Kirsty, tell me how come you ain't blushin' or I'm gonna take you by force, give you a complex for life.' She snorted as her tongue traced a delicate path down my thigh.

'I've used up a lifetime's worth blushing, the last few days. Not feeling stupid any more is probably most of it though. I don't know what made me ask you, but I'm so glad I did. Perhaps you've turned me into the sort of person I was meant to be originally. I was reading about... ' I stifled a sigh. She was probably always gonna need shutting up once in a while. Hell, I can do that. I reached down, put one hand gently against her mouth, stroked the curve of her butt with the other. When I dipped down into the crease below her asshole I felt moistness on my fingers. Slightly alkaline, I remembered. My cock was swelling and the thought of burying it in rich pussy was too much to bear.

'Turn the left side of your brain off, girl. We got a friendship to christen.' God knows, I deserved something after all the strain.

I gotta say, I know how to pick 'em. She shivered once as I slid into her, eyes opening wide as she felt herself stretching and the sensations filtering up to ol' Mr. Right Side, then raised her head slightly, slipped her tongue into my mouth, and pressed up gently with her hips. Girl was a goddam natural. Be helpful she carried on thinking I was numero uno, especially if she was gonna run comparison tests, so I kept it slow and steady, kinda wanting her to have a good time. Took longer than I'd have liked, but after a while she was beginning to thrash around, hanging onto me tight, so I knocked the safety catch off, started in hard, pushed her right over the edge; hell, she went so strong she took me with her and that was it for a spell. Excellent feeling, and I managed to squeeze another one out of her before I was done; she sure was pleased to find out girls can go round the track twice. Then it was oh Doug, I'm so lucky and this and that and that and this. Pillow talk, but real pleasing from a girl who never seen a dick before last weekend. Fell asleep finally, thank God, and I eased outa bed, put my robe on, went to make a cup of tea. There's only one place I can think straight.

The bay window was there like always, and I stood and sipped slowly, let the day drain away. Hell, the way things were going it was gonna be a goddam Chinese fire drill just keeping up. Mebbe once Annie felt up for a little activity, we'd see how much of the friendship part Kirsty had really taken on board. Kids were gonna be a handicap though. I remembered the only other time I ever been involved with a woman with kids. Only just escaped with my goddam liberty, and I still get a queasy feeling when I think about it. I wasn't gonna get suckered like that again, friends or no fuckin' friends. Trouble with memories, queasy or no, you can't put them back in the box till they're done.

Funny thing, but I was in the window when she came careering into my life. Wet day, summer storm, and she took the corner too fast, lost it, started going sideways. Now my truck's kinda solid, but Nova's aren't, and there was a real nasty sound as they said "hi" to each other. Course, she started running round in the rain like a madwoman, so I put on a jacket, went out to join the fun. Noticed she had a pair of kids in the car, staring out the windows. Right after that I noticed she was pretty cute. Smudgy reprint of a young Demi Moore was how she looked, so it seemed like she'd be worth soothing, see if she was due a follow up. She was still bawling so I tapped her on the arm.

'What's done is done, I guess, lady. Lemme help you get your car into the kerb, we'll sort out the insurance stuff inside. I'm gonna drown if I hafta stay out here much longer. Bring the kids with you: they're lookin' kinda tense.' Got her car wedged onto the sidewalk and herded them into the house, turned the gas grate on.

'I'll fetch towels, make coffee. Put the kids by the fire, lady, or they'll catch pneumonia and you'll be wasting half your day tending them.' Gruff but gentlemanly, hint of a twinkle. Dependable Doug. The kids were steaming in front of the grate and she was fiddling with her hair when I brought coffee and juice in.

'Best do names, I guess. I'm Doug Taylor, keen to know who I'm talkin' to.' She looked flustered.

'Jamie, uh, Legrande.' She glanced at the kids and lowered her voice. 'I only recently went back to my birth name, and I'm not used to... ' Just divorced huh? Way to go.

Well, shit; turned out her insurance was in some kinda limbo, because of the divorce she said; one phone call and I knew fighting the dam' system for a hundred bucks worth of filler and paint wasn't gonna be worth my while. Magnanimous Doug.

'Hell, Jamie, best thing for me to do is butt out. Looks like way too much work. Tell 'em you sideswiped a tree or something, is my advice.' Look of relief on her face, stammered thanks, shy glances, the whole gratitude package. Just divorced, huh? Summertime, house empty, Chrissie outa the picture for three months, working a due diligence in London for God's sake, no word from Candice and Ellen for a while, so I was ripe for a piece of fresh. Not greedy, you understand, but definitely ripe.

'Jamie, you had a bad day already. You sit a minute, lemme go look at your car.' A little footwork pushed the wing harder into the wheelbay and I was able to report back that steering was gonna be a problem, and why didn't we call a tow truck, I'd give everyone a ride home, save a lot of trouble. That went down pretty good too.

Turned out she lived deep in the subs, so I got twenty godawful minutes of her chattering on about how weird it was to be single again and how her boss at the bank had been so understanding and she had a leave of absence and how all her ex wanted to do was go on banging his new girlfriend seven nights a week. Nearly told her that if his girlfriend was a mute I could understand that, but left it alone. When I pulled up the kids were whining some and I was getting kinda tired of listening to her.

'Real nice to meet you, Jamie, but I gotta run. Stuff I oughta be doin', tell the truth. Couldn't have been interrupted by a nicer person though.' Then it was all apologies, hustling the kids out of the car, shy thanks all over again. I drove back feeling kinda smug. Always better to let them simmer a while. Tell the truth, the thought of someone my own age was sorta enticing. Been a while since I'd traveled that route.

Well, shit: maybe I made a bigger impression than I thought. Three days later I was stocking up on the basics, trying to decide whether to stay with Bud or maybe switch to Coors for a while. Laugh if you like, but you get used to something, it's often a good idea to change. Decided to go the Rocky Mountain spring water route and was stacking the sixth case into the cart when I heard my name.

'Doug, hi, Doug!' Didn't place the voice straight away, but she solved that real quick, came running up, everything bouncing real nice. 'It's me. Fancy seeing you here: I thought I recognized you. How are you?' Just fine thank you.

'All the better for seein' you, Jamie. You're a long way from home.' She smiled.

'Oh, I took Stevie and Lorraine to my parents for the weekend and I've been visiting a friend, just girl talk, and I needed a couple of items and this was on the way back, so here I am and here you are too. Would you like a coffee? My treat, seeing as how I owe you for the other day.' Is the pope a Catholic?

'Took the words right outa my mouth. Food court's this way.' Her basket was empty so I left my cart for some shelf stacker to deal with, shame about the ice cream, steered her to the exit. 'Car fixed already, then?' I asked. She shook her head.

'My neighbor hammered that bit on the side so it's not all bent in, and it runs OK. I guess I'm still arguing with the insurers, and I don't want to ask my ex. He'd be kinda nasty about it.' Her lips compressed for a second, then she smiled again. 'I suppose I don't want him to think I need any help.' Her eyes flicked towards me but I didn't respond. Slackers don't go for that sorta hook.

'You find a seat, Jamie, I'll go fetch coffee.' When I got back she was burrowing in her bag.

'I said it was my treat and... '

'Jamie, price of two coffees ain't gonna break me.' She made grateful, puckered up, blew me a little kiss, realized what she'd done, went rosy red and then giggled. She was looking pretty good. Summer skirt, some kinda skinny top, light sweater over her shoulders. Black hair glossy as a crow's wing, big dark eyes batting with embarrassment. Yum fuckin' yum. She took a sip of coffee, looked up at me.

'So what do you do, Doug? I mean, you were home Tuesday afternoon, and you're out shopping Friday morning: do you work nights?' Shit, that question again.

'I'm kinda semi-retired, Jamie, tell the truth. Inherited the house and rehabbed it, now I let the top two floors to college kids, collect the rent. I live pretty comfortable.' Not an inheritance but close enough; I never yet told anyone except Annie the facts. She nodded like she was confirming something. That shoulda warned me.

'So what do you do with your time?' Mostly I plan how to screw recently divorced women. Wanna give me any hints?

'Maintenance chores, friends, reading, gym; I'm doin' a doctorate, why all the books. Goin' real slow though, distractions and all.' Goddam lie, but college town, people tend to believe stuff like that, feel a little envious even. She nodded again.

'I guess if I had to hit a truck, yours was a good choice. You were very kind.' Peeping up shyly. 'Thoughtful too, with the coffee and everything.' Aw, shucks. She chattered on, established I wasn't in a relationship, made wry faces and allowed that was OK for a while but she was a people sorta person, dumb goddam statement, you want my opinion, pointed out that readjusting after a split was real difficult, and this and that and that and this. Kinda made my head ache, tell the truth, but it was plain to see that she was screaming "approachable" at the top of her voice. And like I said, I was ripe for fresh.

She was still yakking away about nothing and I was sorta wondering whether she'd be worth the effort when I half heard her saying how it was so difficult for a woman by herself to go to a good restaurant and didn't I think there was a sexist culture at work here. Total fuckin' nonsense of course, but no point contradicting her.

'You never been to Tony's then?' Tony's is the best Italian in town. Upmarket, discreet, stylish, food's excellent too. I get on good with Tony, even make polite to his wife: cooks like a dream, not to be offended; ugliest woman in the state though, you want my opinion. Maybe why Tony tends to play around. Place is only eight blocks from my house too. Jamie looked up at me through her hair again.

'Never. I mean, I know of it and everything but no-one's ever taken me there.' I looked at the clock in the center of the mall. Twelve thirty.

'You better follow me.' Always good to see if they can walk the walk as well as the other, and she was on her feet in a flash. Spontaneous Jamie. Way to go.

Well, shit. We left the truck at my house, her car too, walked down to Tony's. Lunchtime in summer's quiet, so he played the attentive host, checked Jamie out, looked kinda wistful when his wife hollered at him from the kitchen. She kept right on chattering, goddam purgatory, but the body language was real positive, eyes warm, little pats on my arm as she made some dumb point. I made sure her glass stayed full, nodded in the right places. She ran down as the coffee appeared, looked a tad embarrassed.

'I've been going on, haven't I? I'm always like this before I know people well, and you're a real good listener.' No point telling her I hadn't been.

'Jamie, truth is you're kinda interesting. Nothing wrong with definite opinions. Whaddya wanna do now? You got to be anywhere?'

'I'm a single woman whose kids are away, Doug. Where would I got to be?' Can't get any clearer than that, I guess. Sheets were only one day old too. Helpful. An apartment like a goddam pigsty is a good way of missing out on a second date.

I have to say, she was as good as she looked. We'd walked back up to the house, and after a block she'd hooked onto my arm, squeezed a little, didn't say anything, thank God. Turned towards me as I closed the door, hugged me, little kiss on the lips.

'Give me five minutes to pretty up?'

'Long as you tell me what refreshments you take at half time.' I can do cool as well. She gave me another peck.

'Fruit juice, water, coke, whatever. I'm not thinking that far ahead right now.' That was the second lie she told me.

When I took the tray in she'd arranged herself on the bed, bare ass naked but not indecent, that makes any sense, looking kinda eager. Little roll round the hips, coupla stretch marks, tits beginning to head south, but hell, so what? Slightly used model can still be a good drive. I set the drinks down, leaned over and gave her a kiss. Hell, she was minty fresh. Bitch had used my toothbrush. I hate when people do that. Hid my feelings though and straightened up, headed for the bathroom. Hands and crotch, asshole in case she was adventurous, wipe dry, fresh toothbrush from the cupboard, quick gargle, ready to rock 'n roll. Two minutes flat.

I guess I was throwing a chubby when I went back in the bedroom, hardly fuckin' surprising, but she looked pleased, opened her arms and pulled me down on top of her.

'That for me?' Is there anyone else here, dummy? I made like furtive.

'I didn't plant it, lady, honest. It just grew.' She giggled, twisted under me.

'You're kinda funny, aren't you, laid back and all? Can I tell you something?'

'Jamie, I ain't been able to stop you telling me stuff since you tracked me down. Why should now be different?' She flushed, and her eyes shifted, then looked at me again. Puzzling.

'And I'm gonna make sure you're glad I managed to do that. But what I wanted to say was that I'm an energetic person so don't hold back, please. It's been a while, I guess.'

'Me too, Jamie.' They always like to hear that. 'You want I should close the windows maybe, warn the neighbors?' Now she laughed properly, heaved and rolled us over, lay balanced on my chest. My cock was trapped between us and chubby was getting to be an understatement. She noticed and did a slow grind over it.

'You never worried about your neighbors in your life, so we might as well give 'em an earful. My ex always used to worry about that sort of thing but I... ' Jesus Christ. More gabbing. I pulled her mouth down to mine and kissed her hard, waiting for her to relax and cooperate, and in about four tenths of a second her tongue slid out to meet mine. I stroked her flank gently and let the kiss lengthen, put some English into it, and she pulled back, her breath coming a little faster.

'Jamie, you mention your ex one more time I'll throw your ass outa here. Now scoot it up here and lemme concentrate. ' Figured since she was on top already I might as well shut her up straight away, give her something to think about. Not a heavy girl, so when I heaved she didn't have much choice than to slide up my chest. Not stupid either: knew right away what I was up to and helped herself along, settled herself just outa range, she thought.

'Come and get me then.' She wasn't counting on the extra and my tongue made it to the top of her slit. She quit pretending, moved forward, game over, ready for the show.

Hell, the yakking and the time wasting had got me on edge, plus her using my toothbrush had riled me some, plus she was hot, so I reckoned to give her the party trick short and sharp, drill her good while she was still recovering, then relax, let her take her time with me. Usually works with the ones who think they're in control. I pulled her the last inch till her clit was scraping my nose, then fed my tongue slowly up between her damp lips and into the comfort zone. Seemed like her G spot was maybe a little easier to reach than usual, effect of a couple of kids stretching the gates, I guess, and when I felt the edge of the little raised patch and the change in texture I pushed up with my nose and forward with my tongue tip, trying to make them meet. She let out a screech that rattled the fuckin' windows and started to squirm real enthusiastic. I kept up the pressure, squeezed her ass hard to make sure she didn't escape and carried on, kinda enjoying her reaction. Made breathing sorta difficult, but that was OK too: maybe it had been a while for her after all. Way she was going, it was pretty obvious that she wasn't gonna last too long. Didn't either; only three or four minutes and she lost it, bucking like a spooked colt all over my face while the goddam wailing went on an on.

Course, she ran out of steam eventually, body sagging, breath ragged and fast, and I flipped and rolled, pinning her. I was hard as wood and she was wide open and soaking wet, and I pushed straight in, bottomed out and held it, letting my weight nudge the top of her mound, put some pressure on her clit again. She cried out and twisted away.

'Christ, Doug, give me a minute to catch my breath. What the hell are you doing?'

'Payback for hittin' my dam' truck, ' I grunted, then pulled back and stroked into her again, gave it a twist as I finished, and damned if she didn't start up again straight away, flinging herself about and yelling some more. Tell the truth, she was having such a good time that I loosened up some myself. She weren't as tight as some, but nothing wrong with the ol' Kegels either, and she was squeezing me pretty good right from the start, kinda begging to be hurried along, you might say. Hell, all she needed was one more push and she was gonna go bang again, so I shifted up a gear, lifted myself a tad, improving the angle some, and her face screwed right up as it overtook her. Dam' near threw me right off, she came so hard, but her legs were locked tight over my ass, sorta safety belt, so I stayed on board, rode her through it, let her finish at her own pace. As she slowed and relaxed I flexed my cock, just to show her that I had needs too. She groaned and wriggled, pushing my chest with her hands, and I eased out of her, my cock slapping against my belly as I came clear. She flopped back and looked at me.

'You didn't come yet.' It was a statement, not a question, and I didn't answer. Fact is, I was still breathing a little rapid myself. She reached down and stroked my shaft experimentally. 'Jesus Christ, hold still while I get out from under.' She wriggled round, wincing some, and kneeled carefully, her legs parted a little. Looked round and made a wry face. 'No-one's screwed me that hard for a long time.' Better late than never, then, huh? Didn't say that though.

'My pleasure, Jamie.' I twitched my cock to remind her what she was there for, and she took the hint, leaning over, gobbling me into her mouth, and I kinda sank into the sensation, got ready for long and slow and to hell with her jaw muscles. Guess her ex musta have been trigger happy though, because she kept glancing up at me, working my balls, stroking my asshole, looking like she couldn't believe I wasn't getting off in two minutes flat. Not the greatest technique in the world either, I gotta say: only took me in half way, had trouble with her breathing. Ten minutes of that and I got sorta bored.

Same as Roomers
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Charlotte could barely eat, wanting to slip her hands under her dress and masturbate. She had been aroused too many times by Bishop Samuel and Father John, each time she wasn't allowed to have an orgasm. She still remembered how Bishop Samuel had made her cum when he was giving her private lessons. She wanted to serve the Lord and Bishop Samuel in whatever manner they wanted, even if it meant giving up her virginity to him. In fact she almost welcomed it. It was the ultimate gift in serving...

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EvilAngel Avery Adair Young Tight Avery8217s Pussy Pounded

In a skintight mesh dress and hoop earrings, adorable, 20-year-old minx Avery Adair is a tight, young beauty that loves her job — namely, pleasing big cocks! Avery reveals her soft, natural boobs and perfect ass to director/stud Mike Adriano, and he hungrily tongues her sensitive asshole. The sweet slut bobs her head on the director’s giant dick, gagging and slobbering. Soon her greased booty is bouncing as her pussy rides his throbbing pole. After a thorough pounding, Mike lets...

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The Meeting Ch 1

~~This is my very first attempt at writing an erotic story…. hope you like it.~~ As I sit here, in my living room, waiting for you to arrive, a million thoughts race through my mind. I think back to all the times we have spoken online… back when we first met and became friends and I think about what our friendship has blossomed in to. Just as I start to get lost in thought, there is a knock on the front door. I stand up and nervously straighten out my dress before heading to the door. I take a...

5 years ago
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True Confessions Intimate Touches Part 2

What had happened between Jessy and I that Saturday forced me to accept the fact that my husband had never been able to satisfy me sexually, not even before I became pregnant and my hormones started running amok. That was more my fault than his because I married a man thirty years older. Believe it or not, I was still a virgin when I married him a few weeks after graduating from high school. Well, I had been a virgin in the technical sense anyway. I had never had a man's cock inside my virgin...

2 years ago
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Grandma Amazing at 70 Final Chapter Expanded

CHRISTMAS On Christmas eve we cuddled to enjoy a X'mas movie. It was close to midnight so I was prepared to get ready for bed when Grandma said, 'Santa brought a surprise Christmas gift to this smart young man for being good all year to his granny.' This sounded like the good old days but I noticed her foxy smile looking at my crotch. I kissed her cheek. 'Thank you Santa, you are all I need.' She turned, our lips touched and massaged each other. 'Take me to the bathroom to get your...

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The Preacherrsquos Daughter

Marie was shy and beautiful, and I was smitten the moment we met.When a prominent minister bought the house next door, I went over to introduce myself. Our properties are separated by a tall hedge, so I didn’t see them as they were moving in. That’s why I was so surprised when a beautiful girl about my age answered the door. She had long wavy black hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and a vulnerability about her that made me want to hold her.“Hi. I’m Bill Wilson, your neighbor,” I said as I held out my...

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Meeting Carol 4

Once we got back to Carol's apartment we were exhausted from our frightening experience at the bar and hotel.  I told her I needed to go home and get some sleep.Carol said, "Don't forget Pete's coming over tomorrow around noon.  Bring your camera." She then pulled her dress over her head and gave me a passionate tongue-twirling kiss.  It left me breathless.I drove home in an unsettled state of mind.  I loved the sexual part of Carol and my relationship, but I was also starting to feel like...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 75

"Clare, come quick, we got a visitor. Quickly! Please!" Mary Fogg's almost hysterical scream blasted over the intercom in Clare's office. 'What in the galaxy has got at that girl?' Clare thought to herself as she was moving in response — her mind had already concluded that "Sundowner" was not on fire or threatening to fall out of space as Mary and the rest of her crew reported those events in tones of absolute disinterest. {A visitor is arriving.} 'We get visitors all the...

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The Bathroom

Judy was relaxing in a lovely hot bath. There were candles burning and when Sue entered they both looked beautiful in the semi-darkeness of the candlelight. Sue’s robe was open and Judy looked lovingly at her to see her curves. The outline of her breasts, her nipples that were so suckable and her tummy with its soft white skin. Faint traces of her bush could be seen and then Judy looked up to the intense look of concentration on Susie’s face. She was staring at Judy to make out the movement of...

4 years ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 2 The first night

Something about eating hamburgers around a formal dinner table is just wrong. And, it's not fun when you're surrounded by three guys you don't even know, all family members you didn't know existed until recently. It didn't help matters that all three of them were watching me, trying not to be so obvious about it. I hated it when people watched me eat. Not that they were watching me eat. They were just watching me. I felt sort of like an intruder. It was quiet and awkward at the table...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 206

Jenny was in the living room looking through all the information that the doctor had given her, and there was a lot of it. I was carrying it in a shoe box until we had figured out how and when to tell the folks. Ching Lee and Vicky were in there with her, looking over the literature like excited kids reading the instructions for a new toy. This was going to be a learning experience for all of us. There would be so many changes to our lives. I had the grill out on the garage pad with six...

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A Time for a Change

Time For A Change by Paul1954 Cambridge University lodgings, 14th November 2008 Daniel Kerslake, twenty on years of age, was studying in his University lodgings in the town of Cambridge, Eastern England, when a postman delivered a registered package bearing his name. He was a little surprised by it as he was not expecting anything important at this particular time and he put it to one side whilst he resumed his studies. His exams were coming up shortly and, being single...

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Sex story of mallika sherawat

Today I’m going to tell u about the other movie in Indian cinema which was in news for many days. It is the famous movie of mallika sherawat murder. The film made a grant success in the bollywood & the credit goes to mallika sherawat for her sensual performance in the film. It was her sex appealing body which gave her a lot of success. Mallika is in fact the mallika of a sexy figure: 36-24-36. U all had seen the famous scene in which she is seduced by imraan the controversial scene which made...

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BlacksOnCougars Nina Elle 08242019

Moving really sucks. Nina hires 3 strapping young studs to get the job done. Shit she wasn’t gonna be lifting any boxes and her husband is kind of a pussy, so a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. The muscles, the sweat….almost seems like Nina hired 3 guys for something more than just moving furniture. Doesn’t take long for Nina to seduce these eager men. They quickly get her undressed and take advantage of this horny cougar. She sucks all 3 dicks with...

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A Wifes PastChapter 5

There was a darker side to things, as there always is. Suresh had no way of knowing that his wife, Sayali had a secret lover, one whom no one knew of, not even her masters at the sex company, Hedon & Venery. Suresh revelled in the candour of their marriage -- he believed she had no secrets from him, as he certainly had none from her. He knew that she was a full-time whore at Hedon & Venery, that she worked at a brothel called The Apistia, that she did live sex-shows and performed...

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Sophies Feet

I've known her since she was 13 and from day one I always wanted to see the soles of her feet, but I'd never ever come close really. Anyway her parents were away on holiday/vaction and she invited me around for a few days as she was bored and I swiftly accepted. I was looking forward to hang out as friends, but obviously I couldnt stop thinking about her feet. I knew I would finally get to see them for the first time ever. I will skip the boringness... It was late we were both pretty tired and...

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The Telephone

The Telephone. “Doctor, the frog settled in my ass. Please take her out. " "It's impossible!" “Doctor, nevertheless it is. Please, look inside!" “Well, I told you that you are wrong, I do not see any frog. There is only a brick. " "Doctor, frog lives under the brick." I love to walk along Green Street. These luxurious mansions always attracted me, because I wanted to be the same way as their inhabitants. And passing along this street I always imagine of myself as being one of those people...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 20

Duty Honor Country Family Part Twenty By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. I'd like also like to thank Kimmie who gave me some assistance. Author's Note- A Hong Kong Dollar is equivalent to a little under thirteen cents in American money. ***** The Slaters missed their connecting flight to Seattle at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. At Air France's expense, the couple and their grandson were put up in a nearby hotel and put...

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The rig

The rigA group of men starts a kidnapping business in an abandoned oil rig, but not all of them have the same aims. Will this bondage brothel have success? Or will the girls endure torture, rape and debasement to gain freedom?A story from Elago I welcome you to reading my story. Intending to make it sufficiently realistic, it might be slow sometimes, but it gains pace as it unfolds. It is about a group of people who start a bondage brothel with kidnapped girls on an abandoned oil rig off the...

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Hanging Out with My Brothers FriendsPart 1The Beginning

Nathan was gone for the summer.  He had taken a job as a camp counselor and would not be back until late August.  Not that I would miss him, but I would sure as fuck miss hanging with his friends.  Let me explain.  My mother was gone and Dad traveled a lot for work, which made Nathan responsible for me.  Not wanting to stay home, he took me everywhere.  That meant I got to ride around with Nathan and his friends.  I learned to drink beer and occasionally smoke some weed.  Once in a great while,...

First Time
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House Party

Lauren was never one to go to wild parties, even when theywere hosted by friends. The idea of watching her friends get shit faced was just not for her. The only reason she even decided to go to this one was because of Jack. Her boyfriend insisted all day that it was going to be the best night of her life. So far she has only been hit on 5 times while Jack went to get some drinks and look for the host. The color code that evening was black and red almost everyone was wearing some sort of sweat...

Straight Sex
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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 6 Visiting A Highly Conservative Mother

Walking with Dawn to the Penshaws was a mixed blessing. Her platinum halo seemed to attract male attention like flowers do bees. Or manure does flies, Buffy thought. She smiled wryly. Dawn's low riding miniskirt and prancing heels did nothing to make the male excitement flag. And her heavily lashed eyes missed nothing. There were whistles and catcalls. They only seemed to inspire the slutty teen to strut with an even more exaggerated sway. Whenever Buffy looked away, Dawn pouted her fat...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 9

Mom's Girl Redux Part 9 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 27 It took a few weeks but Kathy finally found someone to take my place but she has to give two weeks at her old job so I continued to stick around. I did get out to Mom's for my birthday. Seems a bit strange being 52 and starting over. Sure many have done it before as a whole new person? I have my cover story and all that but as I sat there I started to realize my past was in essence gone. They were just memories, charms on...

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My husbands friend was into BDSM

I had just bathed and settled down to watch a Porn movie and enjoy myself with a bottle of Red, one of the few little treats I give myself, when my husband was away working on the rigs, on his two on and two off schedule. I had spoke with him a little back around six, just before he went on night tower, and it had been eight days since I last was with him, so my juices were flowing. All day had been leading to this moment, a magical time for a woman, where her mind and body can go somewhere...

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Inspired by a friend

I started with your pics, the fishnets in the mirror, yummmmmm, then the boobs shot, got my cock nice and hard, started stroking my thick hard shaft over them, took in the pussy shots, nice and wet there, just how I like a pussy, imagining your finger sliding in as you finger yourself, two fingers, three fingers, pumping your soft wet pussy for me, telling me to stroke myself, you watching my thick cock as you fingered yourself and played with your boobs. You call me over and take my cock...

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Princess SaraChapter 16

She woke up at the very crack of dawn on the day she was due to start her return journey. The Sun's rim had just started to show itself in all its enormous early morning red circumference above the horizon, far away over the blue sea. The white horse had been awake even before the Princess and was pawing the ground, snorting impatiently through his thoroughbred equine nostrils in his eagerness for the great adventure to come. He was bored after months of comparative inactivity. Soon,...

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my first threesome part deux

Paul and i had both came looking and looking rather pleased with ourselves Sarah said we'll i hope i get to come too since you both have and let out a cheeky laugh, of course we we both said in unison then sarah said but you sucked him dry there's nothing left for me! i then said to Sarah well there's still some in my mouth and grabbed a hold of her kissing her passionately driving my sum covered tongue into her mouth tasting my juices and Paul's cum at the same time was bliss then i felt...

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Exhibitionist Sister Chapter 9

Ashley, Madison, and Brian find themselves having more fun in the bathroom together. Let’s just say that the following morning was pretty great. Ashley and I woke up around eight. We just laid in bed for a while. This is a little unrelated but truth be told, I was surprised at how readily Ashley entered a sexual relationship with her sister. At first they were basically hands-off of course, but Ashley and Madison had since moved to playing with each other’s tits and sucking each other’s...

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True Story Finally got it in with SILSo My SIL has been helping take care of me ever since my accident. I finally got to see he Perky tits a while ago and her Nice little bubble butt. Well things have since heated up and I have to share it because besides my MIL my SIL has been what I've been trying to get after and my persistence and timing finally paid off in a huge way.To set the stage since our first time playing. She has been flirting like usual but a little more then usual. Ever since we...

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New Wife Island

"A holiday?," you ask. "Yes, just for you. A whole month!" You flip the pages of the classy and elegant brochure and can't suppress gasping. As the young wife of a multi-billionaire, you are used to luxury, but the pictures you see are still breathtaking. The location looks beautiful, the sunsets are stunning, the resort seems to offer everything you'd ever want and expect from a holiday on an island. It's perfect. It's beyond perfect. "I told you I have a few very busy weeks ahead, darling,...

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Through the Window Again

I had the whole story written up and wanted to post it all at once, but unfortunately, people do not like long stories, as I have found out with previous stories. So I am posting this story in separate parts, sorry for the wait. *** How had I been so stupid. There had been so many countless indicators, her smaller size, her scared eyes, her different scent and taste, her shaved pubs, her tight pussy, hell even the orientation and feel of the room had been off. It was not Desma I had raped in...

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How My Life Changed

My wife Mary and I had been married for over eight years and I thoughtour life was very good. She was an attorney for an important law firmand rapidly rising towards a partnership. She made a lot more money thanI did in my job as a fast food worker. That didn't bother me as much asit might have many men. We had a nice house and lived well. Mary is 28,5'6", 120 pounds and had 38D breasts. She is a beautiful brunette withbrown eyes. I am 5'8", 140 pounds and used to taking orders from...

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First fuck for Freda

I'm such a slut. It's not easy to know where to start. I suppose my routine - that's what got me into this, I guess.Each morning, after my mother went to work, I had three or four hours before my shift at the factory started. I would get the box from under my bed and dress myself. The stockings, the suspender belt, the bra, the patent heels.I would brush down my long hair and apply my make up, slip into a short mini-dress and admire myself in the mirror. I loved turning from Fred to Freda in...

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fling with classmate p1

We enter my dark apartment and she goes straight for the bedroom. Tugging at her shoe, hopping one leg and tossing it as she went. I smiled and closed the front door. We'd been at it all week. She can't wait to get fucked. Hell the night before, we didn't even make it as far as the bedroom. I had her stripped and penetrated right there on the entry way floor. As I approach my room her other shoe flies past me, just barely missing my shoulder. I walk in to see her sitting at the edge of the bed...

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Portrait of a Wife as a MiddleAged Woman

Portrait of a Wife as a Middle-Aged Woman by Ashley B. D. Zacharias I don’t understand my husband. Not at all. I’m not a pretty woman, not a young woman, not a sexy woman but I try to be a good wife. I cook a nice dinner every night. I keep the house clean. I have a job; actually, a career as a marketing manager for a chain of furniture stores. Keeping the house clean and raising our two children on top of that took a lot of my energy, but even so, I have never refused sex when Bert asked for...

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Mucat Mariya 8211 Part I

Hello sukurthukale, Oru abhyarthana..! Yente jeevidha anubhavanghal pakarnnittulla mun adhayayangal mikkadhum ninghal vaayichirunnallo othiri othiri vilapetta upadeshagalum / vimarsanagalum kitti, adhu yennikk undaayittulla anubhava yaadhaarthyangal thanmayathamode ningalilekku pakarnnu nalkuvaan prerana aayi, adhinokke nallavaraaya yella vayanakkaodum undaayittilla kadappaadukal nanni yode smarikkunnu. Upadeshangal maathram alla vimarsanagalum thurannu parayuvaan yeaadhanum chila maanya...

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Kimron Mind Switch OuttakesChapter 4 Draken is defeated Kim Ron in the proper bodies

Almost as soon as the competition performance was completed, Kim got a call from Wade, sending her to Dr. Draken's newest hideout. Poor Kim (in Ron's body) limped to the Dr. Draken's lab. (Kim hadn't taken into consideration that Ron Stoppable had NEVER done the splits before, and by forcing his body into that contortion had stretched the muscles of his body to the point of agony!) Even so, Ron, Kim and Rufus in their respective bodies had engaged and defeated Dr. Draken and Shiego, and...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 7

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]A bomb could have gone off in the inn and Jade West wouldn't have noticed, her entire world crashing down around her head and nothing but buzzing in her ears had turned her perception off completely.She didn't hear the screams and the sirens that were now growing to deafening levels. Nor could she see beyond those blurry red and tear covered eyes. And she could barely feel her body...

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Housemaid for a Week

Housemaid for a Week A personal encounter By Monica Graz PROLOGUE Last Christmas I had a unique experience working as a housemaid for a week in a Victorian mansion in Melbourne which belongs to family friends that know and eagerly accept my 'domestic situation'. A few words as a prologue, to explain my 'domestic situation'. For a long time now I work as part time maid/housewife in my own house! It is a mutual agreement with my wife/employer and we both benefit from it. Every...

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Cruel Party Wife

We had only been at the biker party a few minutes when my wife and Bobby locked eyes. I saw the look he gave her and I knew he was going to fuck her. She knew it too. She gives off a certain vibe when in the presence of an alpha male, and I sensed it and could tell he felt it also.She was dressed very sexy, with seamed stockings and garters, no bra and a see-through top. Her skirt was barely long enough to cover the tops of her stockings, and when she sat a certain way one could see she wasn’t...

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Pilot in the Cock Pit

I’m 45 years old, average looking, 6 foot but with a little “heft” to me, not quite fat, but not bothering to be in shape, single, and have been a pilot for over 10 years. Around the 5 year mark I hit my stride and had a system going with a fast and easy flight stewardess where we’d bang in-between flights. But eventually I got moved to the big game flights, the long hauls and waiting until the aircraft landed for 7-12 hours for a quick fuck wasn't cutting it. My stewardess didn't have the...

2 years ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Anne Amari 11052018

Anne Amari is one horny lady. In fact, Anne is so horny, she’s pushed aside the porno she was jerking off to in order to get some real dick action over at her place!! Listen to this: Anne got online, started looking for “services”, and found a plumber! His picture was in his online ad, and sure enough, Anne loved his looks! The Plumber is tatted-up, and is built with lots of muscles! He’s a white boy, too! All this added up to Anne calling The Plumber to come fix her...

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WhiteBoi BBC Worship Guide

This guide is intended for every whiteboi out there wishing to please his black daddy or any black man bcz this is your duty. First you should be totally naked with a butt plug in your ass and chastity device worn. Then you must approach him while crawling with your ass sticking out and your head bowing in humility. You should kneel in front of him and ask permission to look at him. Once he says ok you should look him in the eyes with the most girlish way and ask if he will let you please...

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Life Of A Slut Part 3

In the earlier part, we saw how I got involved in group sex with the nurses and the female doctor. Then I met the handsome hunk, Dr Cyrus. Continued. Just then, he took up a device from a piece of equipment near the examination table. That device was exactly similar to the one Priya had used to make me squirt just a while ago. Is he, too, going to insert it into my pussy? Or is he going to put that big rod into my asshole? Is he, too, going to make me squirt again? The thoughts made me even...

4 years ago
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Oh Baby

Oh! Baby! When I first looked at my niece all I could utter was, “Oh! Baby!” Angela was everything that I had ever looked for in a young teenage girl. She was tall for her age, thin to the point of anorexia, and very shy. I had seduced a few girls like her over the years and each one had been well worth it. The very first one had been her mother. Angela was my sister’s youngest daughter. She was almost thirteen when I saw her after being away for a few years. It was at my coming...

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26 May 2007Chapter 1

Today is a beautiful, warm mid-spring day. A warm front was pushing the temperature up to twenty-nine Celsius degrees. “It’s about time we could enjoy the warm weather, come on Dad, we’re ready! A day like today and the park will be crowded in no time!” Diane yelled. “We could stay home and enjoy our own pool,” he reasoned. “We know that Dad, but then you wouldn’t be able to show off your two sexy daughters in public. Besides, the pool water isn’t warm enough to swim in,” Brenda...

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The Bar Pub Toilet

I am not the author, a friend isWell after lounging in the garden for the afternoon in the hot sunshine, I think it would be nice to head off to the local pub for a nice evening drink. We get ready to go out, I decide to wear a short skirt, buttoned at the front and a low cut top as the evening is warm. We have a nice long deep kiss and cuddle before walking out the door. We slowly walk to the pub and sit down at a table next to each other. Just sitting there next to you is turning me on so...

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Invisible Dead Prologue

A man stands at a row of complex machines, typing data into a computer. The machines take up two of the walls in the small room, which is cut in half by a wall of sturdy glass. The man is of about average height with brown hair, accented by grey at the temples. He is of average build as well. He wears glasses over his light blue eyes. His lab coat is an immaculate white without even a speck of dirt upon it. He wears his coat over a grey shirt and black pants. With brown loafers to complete his...

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My girlfriends step sister gets off on us

I laid back on the bed in her bedroom. "Fuck, that's good, Nancy," I moaned, with my hands going to her blonde covered head. Her tongue slid into my slit very deeply and the top half of my body began doing the worm in slow motion as her fingers were inserted into my cherry as well. They were thrusting in and out as her tongue was zooming up and down, too. My mouth opened up and I put a lot of pressure on her head. "Make me scream and maybe your mom and step dad will hear us." "No, I don't need...

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Love in Wisconsin

At twenty-four years old, Chelsea was a single mom to two young children. Her husband left her a year earlier, leaving their kids wondering where he was. Through it all, she kept her head up and was committed to giving her kids all they deserved.That was why she came up with a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. It was the middle of March, cold and snowy. The kids and she had been cooped up in the house all winter, they needed a break. She packed them up and headed out on the seven-hour drive to The...

Love Stories
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Georgia on My MindChapter 8

Jamie couldn't wait to get back to Aunt Ellie's the next summer. Emily had been writing him about the good stuff her sister was telling her. She had asked, "Can you get any rubbers. I suppose you get them from Walgreens or some other drug store. I can get the K-Y jelly." This latter caused Jamie to put the letter down and go into his bathroom. Upon returning to his bedroom he took up the letter and finished reading. "Mama just got a new baby that they named Olivia. Henry was thinking...

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Best Lecturer I have Ever Had

Hi readers. this is the first time i am sharing my incident publicaly. i am Rakesh Singh from delhi.i am a B.Tech Computers student.The incident i am about to narrate happened a week ago and it all revolves around my dream lecturer Radhika(name changed obviously).She is my programming faculty. Now straight to the story. It was good day,winter was just setting in. Cold was making every pretty sight covered in dense cloths (if you know what i mean) ;). I was with my friends chilling out and...

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Quick Flash Last Night Was Amazing

Last night was…amazing.I’m just going to write everything down in this email because I want to record it, but at the same time I had to share with someone just how amazing last night was.I think part of the reason why it was so amazing was due to the fact that it was so spontaneous. We were just sitting there talking and then it all just…happened.Last night we invited Sean over for dinner. I don’t think you’ve met Sean before. He is that neighbor who is a floor down from us. He moved to New...

Group Sex
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Who Wants to Be a Woman

Subj: Story-WHO WANTS TO BE A WOMAN? WHO WANTS TO BE A WOMAN? By Roy Del Frink "Tonight, ten male transsexuals will compete for the chance to switch genders, on FictionMania's most popular quiz sensation, Who Wants to Be aWoman? And here's your host, Phillip Regis!" "Thank you, thank you! We selected ten male transsexuals from around the country to compete for the chance at a magical transformation. And they are: "William Brewster of Bethesda, Maryland! "Charles Potter...

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