Mistress WatchingChapter 5
- 2 years ago
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Beautiful afternoon. I was in position on the rug, thinking about not very much: decided I needed a beer, but a cab pulled up outside so I put that idea on hold. A dark haired woman climbed out, moved to the rear door, hauled out two kids, straightened up and looked at the house. Jesus jumpin' Christ. Before I realized it, my feet were taking me to the front door.
'Annie, what the fuck have you done to your goddam hair?' She yelped and jumped at me, clung tight, her whole body shaking, while the kids stood and watched. They were real dirty, looked kinda subdued, not like kids usually are, tearing round and breaking stuff. Just stood and watched. Shit, friends are friends, but a coupla rug rats weren't part of the deal, far as I was concerned. First time I ever seen her cry though. I set her down, looked at her carefully, felt a pulse of anger.
Someone had worked her over pretty good. Coupla important teeth missing, swelling round her eyes, bruises on her neck like someone had tried to strangle her. She flinched under my gaze and began to say something. Click. Oh, damn. My fuckin' talent was part of this, and I listened, kinda despairing, as words came out of my mouth.
'Annie, you get the hell into the bathroom, take the kids, get cleaned up while I fix some grub. And don't fuckin' argue. Nothing happens till you're all clean and fed. Go do it, girl, or I'll hold you down and wash you myself.' She tried to smile but her face crumpled, and she didn't move, so I bent down to the kids, took their hands, hauled them into the house, not paying too much attention, I heard a gasp, then Annie cannoned into me, knocked me clean over. Banged my knee real painful.
'What the fuck... ' I looked up and she was stood over me, hands like claws, lips drawn back like she was ready to kill, then slumped suddenly, nearly fell. Movement at the top of the stairs: Kirsty and Donna standing staring. Looked like the weekend was wrecked whichever way I played it. Might as well draft 'em before they ran.
'Hey, girls, you wanna give me a hand, please?' I picked myself up off the floor, beckoned them down. 'This is Annie, friend of mine, been having it sorta rough, as any fool can see. Kirsty, take 'em up to the big bathroom, get 'em clean.' Better not to have my own bathroom looking like a goddam refugee camp. I checked the kids again, then Annie. Sure were dirty. 'Put their clothes in the trash. Donna, you come down the mall with me, buy some stuff for them while I get bunks and bedding. You good with that?' I realized I was sounding sorta fierce, but hell, I was under stress. They nodded, and Kirsty put an arm round Annie, pointed the kids up the stairs. Annie went with her like a zombie, never said a word, and I began to worry some about what this was gonna cost. Deal with that later. I stomped out to the truck and Donna followed me, looking kinda scared. I made an effort.
'Damn, Donna, I'm sorry. Annie's a good friend and someone beat up on her and scared her goddam kids to death, and it makes me fuckin' furious. Nothin' to do with you, girl, I promise.' She looked calmer and I hit the ignition.
It's amazing how quick things get done when you don't care too much about being polite. Forty minutes, we were back at the house. I sent Donna up with clothes, hauled my purchases through, began the self-assembly crap you gotta do nowadays. Bunk beds made the room seem kinda small, but Annie wasn't gonna be in any state to argue. I was fixing a big pasta mess when Kirsty slipped into the kitchen.
'They're in the front room, Doug.' Her eyes were wide, like the real world had suddenly goosed her. 'Your friend's got bruises all over her body, and the kids have got marks on them too; they're exhausted.' I nodded, pointed with my chin at the drinks cupboard.
'Give Annie a big Scotch over ice, fix some juice for the kids, tell 'em we'll be eatin' in about ten minutes. You mind hangin' in a little longer?' She shook her head.
'You're really angry, aren't you?' I nodded again. Small click in the back of my skull.
'Eight years, nine mebbe, I ain't seen her, but we're friends so I'm gonna fix her goddam life an' then I'm gonna make good an' sure whoever beat up on her hurts way bad. Now go sit with them, keep 'em calm.' She reached up, touched my cheek softly. Excellent. Loyal friendship, righteous anger push most women's buttons real good.
'You're a pretty good friend to have, I guess.' Way to go, Kirsty. You too, I hope.
Damn, the meal was weird. Kids were starving, ate like their plates were gonna be stolen any goddam second, made me wonder some about what their lives had been like recently. Annie hardly said a word, wincing every time she chewed, skinnier than I'd ever seen her, and that's saying some. Sure was strange seeing her with dark hair.
'What's with the dye job, Annie? Got tired of bein' a blonde?' Bad move. She raised her eyes and there was a well of hurt in them.
'Jeez, Doug, I didn't know if they were gonna come lookin' or not. Changed the color in Boise, took the next bus to anywhere. We been through half the goddam states in the Union gettin' here.' She dropped her eyes again and her voice wobbled. 'First time I felt safe for fuckin' weeks, Doug.' Tears began to trickle down her cheeks and I scooped her up, set her on my lap. Kirsty and the kids were staring and I wondered who "they" were.
'Kirsty, you wanna take the kids through, put 'em to bed?' I jerked my head and she got up and did it. Soon as the door closed Annie shuddered and began to cry for real. This was not how I'd planned for my dam' weekend to be. Me, I'd thought she was fed up with ol' Ray, just wanted to split, and instead I got a basket case on my hands. I let her settle, then stood up and carried her through. The kids were looking kinda spooked.
'Time for you to go to sleep, ' I told them, 'and we'll put Mom to bed too, everyone clean and safe, OK?' Kirsty began fussing, letting them choose top and bottom bunks, fetching glasses of water, while I shucked Annie's new dress off, slipped her between the sheets. Kissed her forehead gently, for Kirsty's benefit I gotta admit, told her to sleep, we'd fix everything in the morning. Ten seconds and she was out like a light. Kids were fighting it though: the boy was watching me real close and I was kinda glad when Kirsty waved me outa the room. I was on the couch with a big dose of Mr. Walker's famous tranquilizer when she came out.
'They're asleep now. Little Doug's been trying so hard to look after everyone, and he's scared to death, and Lizzie's been hurt badly: she'll hardly say two words without checking to see if she's going to be smacked.' I wasn't listening to the last bit.
'You tellin' me the kid's called Doug?' She stared at me.
'Didn't you know?' Course not, dummy, or I wouldn't be asking.
'Shit, girl, I didn't even know she had kids, tell the truth, and now I discover one's got my goddam name. Jeez, what a day. You reckon she'll be able to function tomorrow?' If ol' Ray was gonna come looking I needed to know. Kirsty was sitting opposite, watching me; I could almost hear her brain turning over.
'You haven't seen her for years but she named her son after you, and you've spent a lot of money and haven't said anything except that she's had a bad time.' Course I haven't said anything. You think I want this shit spread round the whole fuckin' town?
'Hell, Kirsty, friendship rules apply: I mean, I ain't gonna say anything about her less she agrees. Wish I knew what happened though. Toughest woman I ever known, and now look at her.' I drained my drink and stood. 'I'm gonna get some shut-eye. Gotta feeling tomorrow's gonna be another long one. Thanks for all the help, kid; you been a goddam rock. Guess I owe you.' She was still staring at me kinda intense.
'What happens if the kids wake in the night?' she asked suddenly. 'Men really scare them at the moment, and you in the dark in a strange place ... I mean, they'd have hysterics. I think I'd better stay.' She got up, looking determined. 'I'll be right back. You get into bed.' Well, shit. Someone's had her strings pulled, I guess. Best do as I was told.
When she came into the bedroom I noticed three things. She was carrying a box of condoms, wearing a robe, had a kinda warm look in her eyes. Observant Doug. The condoms went on the bedside table and the robe dropped, nothing underneath except skin. The warm eyes climbed into bed along with the rest of her, settled against me, one arm snaking out, cradling my head. Ruffled my hair for a second and I felt her soft breath in my ear.
'I saw part of the real you today, didn't I?' I shrugged, made sure she felt it.
'Hell, Kirsty, ain't a part of me gets used very much.' Time to find out what was going on inside that curly head. 'You wanna tell me something though? I mean, here we are, and one of my oldest friends is in the next room, in real bad shape. You're not dumb: you gotta know I ain't gonna be able to pay you much attention for a while.' See how she reacted to that. By surprising me, that's how. I swear I'll never understand women.
'It's not the quantity, it's the quality, ' she murmured, nuzzling my neck gently, 'and I don't know much, but I know quality when I see it.' She paused, and I wondered what was coming next. 'Not exclusive, ' she went on thoughtfully, ' because you've got other friends, and I've got a whole heap of catching up to do, but advanced classes sometimes would be nice. Would that be OK?' Well, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It never rains but it fuckin' pours. Better take out some insurance though. Didn't want my life screwed up.
'Long as you remember the rules, girl. No gossip, no obligation, no curiosity, no possessiveness, don't bring baggage with you unless you need to share real bad, no sulking if it's a case of not tonight thanks. I tried all ways and that's the only one that works; why I don't have a whole bunch of friends.' Like I said before, fake sincerity is better than no sincerity at all. Her arm tightened round my neck.
You know more than me about a lot of things, and not just sex.' She fumbled a condom out of the box, then scooted round and crouched over my groin. 'You know how we did it the third time the other night? Real slow and gentle?' Fine by me, but I was curious.
'Kirsty, tell me how come you ain't blushin' or I'm gonna take you by force, give you a complex for life.' She snorted as her tongue traced a delicate path down my thigh.
'I've used up a lifetime's worth blushing, the last few days. Not feeling stupid any more is probably most of it though. I don't know what made me ask you, but I'm so glad I did. Perhaps you've turned me into the sort of person I was meant to be originally. I was reading about... ' I stifled a sigh. She was probably always gonna need shutting up once in a while. Hell, I can do that. I reached down, put one hand gently against her mouth, stroked the curve of her butt with the other. When I dipped down into the crease below her asshole I felt moistness on my fingers. Slightly alkaline, I remembered. My cock was swelling and the thought of burying it in rich pussy was too much to bear.
'Turn the left side of your brain off, girl. We got a friendship to christen.' God knows, I deserved something after all the strain.
I gotta say, I know how to pick 'em. She shivered once as I slid into her, eyes opening wide as she felt herself stretching and the sensations filtering up to ol' Mr. Right Side, then raised her head slightly, slipped her tongue into my mouth, and pressed up gently with her hips. Girl was a goddam natural. Be helpful she carried on thinking I was numero uno, especially if she was gonna run comparison tests, so I kept it slow and steady, kinda wanting her to have a good time. Took longer than I'd have liked, but after a while she was beginning to thrash around, hanging onto me tight, so I knocked the safety catch off, started in hard, pushed her right over the edge; hell, she went so strong she took me with her and that was it for a spell. Excellent feeling, and I managed to squeeze another one out of her before I was done; she sure was pleased to find out girls can go round the track twice. Then it was oh Doug, I'm so lucky and this and that and that and this. Pillow talk, but real pleasing from a girl who never seen a dick before last weekend. Fell asleep finally, thank God, and I eased outa bed, put my robe on, went to make a cup of tea. There's only one place I can think straight.
The bay window was there like always, and I stood and sipped slowly, let the day drain away. Hell, the way things were going it was gonna be a goddam Chinese fire drill just keeping up. Mebbe once Annie felt up for a little activity, we'd see how much of the friendship part Kirsty had really taken on board. Kids were gonna be a handicap though. I remembered the only other time I ever been involved with a woman with kids. Only just escaped with my goddam liberty, and I still get a queasy feeling when I think about it. I wasn't gonna get suckered like that again, friends or no fuckin' friends. Trouble with memories, queasy or no, you can't put them back in the box till they're done.
Funny thing, but I was in the window when she came careering into my life. Wet day, summer storm, and she took the corner too fast, lost it, started going sideways. Now my truck's kinda solid, but Nova's aren't, and there was a real nasty sound as they said "hi" to each other. Course, she started running round in the rain like a madwoman, so I put on a jacket, went out to join the fun. Noticed she had a pair of kids in the car, staring out the windows. Right after that I noticed she was pretty cute. Smudgy reprint of a young Demi Moore was how she looked, so it seemed like she'd be worth soothing, see if she was due a follow up. She was still bawling so I tapped her on the arm.
'What's done is done, I guess, lady. Lemme help you get your car into the kerb, we'll sort out the insurance stuff inside. I'm gonna drown if I hafta stay out here much longer. Bring the kids with you: they're lookin' kinda tense.' Got her car wedged onto the sidewalk and herded them into the house, turned the gas grate on.
'I'll fetch towels, make coffee. Put the kids by the fire, lady, or they'll catch pneumonia and you'll be wasting half your day tending them.' Gruff but gentlemanly, hint of a twinkle. Dependable Doug. The kids were steaming in front of the grate and she was fiddling with her hair when I brought coffee and juice in.
'Best do names, I guess. I'm Doug Taylor, keen to know who I'm talkin' to.' She looked flustered.
'Jamie, uh, Legrande.' She glanced at the kids and lowered her voice. 'I only recently went back to my birth name, and I'm not used to... ' Just divorced huh? Way to go.
Well, shit; turned out her insurance was in some kinda limbo, because of the divorce she said; one phone call and I knew fighting the dam' system for a hundred bucks worth of filler and paint wasn't gonna be worth my while. Magnanimous Doug.
'Hell, Jamie, best thing for me to do is butt out. Looks like way too much work. Tell 'em you sideswiped a tree or something, is my advice.' Look of relief on her face, stammered thanks, shy glances, the whole gratitude package. Just divorced, huh? Summertime, house empty, Chrissie outa the picture for three months, working a due diligence in London for God's sake, no word from Candice and Ellen for a while, so I was ripe for a piece of fresh. Not greedy, you understand, but definitely ripe.
'Jamie, you had a bad day already. You sit a minute, lemme go look at your car.' A little footwork pushed the wing harder into the wheelbay and I was able to report back that steering was gonna be a problem, and why didn't we call a tow truck, I'd give everyone a ride home, save a lot of trouble. That went down pretty good too.
Turned out she lived deep in the subs, so I got twenty godawful minutes of her chattering on about how weird it was to be single again and how her boss at the bank had been so understanding and she had a leave of absence and how all her ex wanted to do was go on banging his new girlfriend seven nights a week. Nearly told her that if his girlfriend was a mute I could understand that, but left it alone. When I pulled up the kids were whining some and I was getting kinda tired of listening to her.
'Real nice to meet you, Jamie, but I gotta run. Stuff I oughta be doin', tell the truth. Couldn't have been interrupted by a nicer person though.' Then it was all apologies, hustling the kids out of the car, shy thanks all over again. I drove back feeling kinda smug. Always better to let them simmer a while. Tell the truth, the thought of someone my own age was sorta enticing. Been a while since I'd traveled that route.
Well, shit: maybe I made a bigger impression than I thought. Three days later I was stocking up on the basics, trying to decide whether to stay with Bud or maybe switch to Coors for a while. Laugh if you like, but you get used to something, it's often a good idea to change. Decided to go the Rocky Mountain spring water route and was stacking the sixth case into the cart when I heard my name.
'Doug, hi, Doug!' Didn't place the voice straight away, but she solved that real quick, came running up, everything bouncing real nice. 'It's me. Fancy seeing you here: I thought I recognized you. How are you?' Just fine thank you.
'All the better for seein' you, Jamie. You're a long way from home.' She smiled.
'Oh, I took Stevie and Lorraine to my parents for the weekend and I've been visiting a friend, just girl talk, and I needed a couple of items and this was on the way back, so here I am and here you are too. Would you like a coffee? My treat, seeing as how I owe you for the other day.' Is the pope a Catholic?
'Took the words right outa my mouth. Food court's this way.' Her basket was empty so I left my cart for some shelf stacker to deal with, shame about the ice cream, steered her to the exit. 'Car fixed already, then?' I asked. She shook her head.
'My neighbor hammered that bit on the side so it's not all bent in, and it runs OK. I guess I'm still arguing with the insurers, and I don't want to ask my ex. He'd be kinda nasty about it.' Her lips compressed for a second, then she smiled again. 'I suppose I don't want him to think I need any help.' Her eyes flicked towards me but I didn't respond. Slackers don't go for that sorta hook.
'You find a seat, Jamie, I'll go fetch coffee.' When I got back she was burrowing in her bag.
'I said it was my treat and... '
'Jamie, price of two coffees ain't gonna break me.' She made grateful, puckered up, blew me a little kiss, realized what she'd done, went rosy red and then giggled. She was looking pretty good. Summer skirt, some kinda skinny top, light sweater over her shoulders. Black hair glossy as a crow's wing, big dark eyes batting with embarrassment. Yum fuckin' yum. She took a sip of coffee, looked up at me.
'So what do you do, Doug? I mean, you were home Tuesday afternoon, and you're out shopping Friday morning: do you work nights?' Shit, that question again.
'I'm kinda semi-retired, Jamie, tell the truth. Inherited the house and rehabbed it, now I let the top two floors to college kids, collect the rent. I live pretty comfortable.' Not an inheritance but close enough; I never yet told anyone except Annie the facts. She nodded like she was confirming something. That shoulda warned me.
'So what do you do with your time?' Mostly I plan how to screw recently divorced women. Wanna give me any hints?
'Maintenance chores, friends, reading, gym; I'm doin' a doctorate, why all the books. Goin' real slow though, distractions and all.' Goddam lie, but college town, people tend to believe stuff like that, feel a little envious even. She nodded again.
'I guess if I had to hit a truck, yours was a good choice. You were very kind.' Peeping up shyly. 'Thoughtful too, with the coffee and everything.' Aw, shucks. She chattered on, established I wasn't in a relationship, made wry faces and allowed that was OK for a while but she was a people sorta person, dumb goddam statement, you want my opinion, pointed out that readjusting after a split was real difficult, and this and that and that and this. Kinda made my head ache, tell the truth, but it was plain to see that she was screaming "approachable" at the top of her voice. And like I said, I was ripe for fresh.
She was still yakking away about nothing and I was sorta wondering whether she'd be worth the effort when I half heard her saying how it was so difficult for a woman by herself to go to a good restaurant and didn't I think there was a sexist culture at work here. Total fuckin' nonsense of course, but no point contradicting her.
'You never been to Tony's then?' Tony's is the best Italian in town. Upmarket, discreet, stylish, food's excellent too. I get on good with Tony, even make polite to his wife: cooks like a dream, not to be offended; ugliest woman in the state though, you want my opinion. Maybe why Tony tends to play around. Place is only eight blocks from my house too. Jamie looked up at me through her hair again.
'Never. I mean, I know of it and everything but no-one's ever taken me there.' I looked at the clock in the center of the mall. Twelve thirty.
'You better follow me.' Always good to see if they can walk the walk as well as the other, and she was on her feet in a flash. Spontaneous Jamie. Way to go.
Well, shit. We left the truck at my house, her car too, walked down to Tony's. Lunchtime in summer's quiet, so he played the attentive host, checked Jamie out, looked kinda wistful when his wife hollered at him from the kitchen. She kept right on chattering, goddam purgatory, but the body language was real positive, eyes warm, little pats on my arm as she made some dumb point. I made sure her glass stayed full, nodded in the right places. She ran down as the coffee appeared, looked a tad embarrassed.
'I've been going on, haven't I? I'm always like this before I know people well, and you're a real good listener.' No point telling her I hadn't been.
'Jamie, truth is you're kinda interesting. Nothing wrong with definite opinions. Whaddya wanna do now? You got to be anywhere?'
'I'm a single woman whose kids are away, Doug. Where would I got to be?' Can't get any clearer than that, I guess. Sheets were only one day old too. Helpful. An apartment like a goddam pigsty is a good way of missing out on a second date.
I have to say, she was as good as she looked. We'd walked back up to the house, and after a block she'd hooked onto my arm, squeezed a little, didn't say anything, thank God. Turned towards me as I closed the door, hugged me, little kiss on the lips.
'Give me five minutes to pretty up?'
'Long as you tell me what refreshments you take at half time.' I can do cool as well. She gave me another peck.
'Fruit juice, water, coke, whatever. I'm not thinking that far ahead right now.' That was the second lie she told me.
When I took the tray in she'd arranged herself on the bed, bare ass naked but not indecent, that makes any sense, looking kinda eager. Little roll round the hips, coupla stretch marks, tits beginning to head south, but hell, so what? Slightly used model can still be a good drive. I set the drinks down, leaned over and gave her a kiss. Hell, she was minty fresh. Bitch had used my toothbrush. I hate when people do that. Hid my feelings though and straightened up, headed for the bathroom. Hands and crotch, asshole in case she was adventurous, wipe dry, fresh toothbrush from the cupboard, quick gargle, ready to rock 'n roll. Two minutes flat.
I guess I was throwing a chubby when I went back in the bedroom, hardly fuckin' surprising, but she looked pleased, opened her arms and pulled me down on top of her.
'That for me?' Is there anyone else here, dummy? I made like furtive.
'I didn't plant it, lady, honest. It just grew.' She giggled, twisted under me.
'You're kinda funny, aren't you, laid back and all? Can I tell you something?'
'Jamie, I ain't been able to stop you telling me stuff since you tracked me down. Why should now be different?' She flushed, and her eyes shifted, then looked at me again. Puzzling.
'And I'm gonna make sure you're glad I managed to do that. But what I wanted to say was that I'm an energetic person so don't hold back, please. It's been a while, I guess.'
'Me too, Jamie.' They always like to hear that. 'You want I should close the windows maybe, warn the neighbors?' Now she laughed properly, heaved and rolled us over, lay balanced on my chest. My cock was trapped between us and chubby was getting to be an understatement. She noticed and did a slow grind over it.
'You never worried about your neighbors in your life, so we might as well give 'em an earful. My ex always used to worry about that sort of thing but I... ' Jesus Christ. More gabbing. I pulled her mouth down to mine and kissed her hard, waiting for her to relax and cooperate, and in about four tenths of a second her tongue slid out to meet mine. I stroked her flank gently and let the kiss lengthen, put some English into it, and she pulled back, her breath coming a little faster.
'Jamie, you mention your ex one more time I'll throw your ass outa here. Now scoot it up here and lemme concentrate. ' Figured since she was on top already I might as well shut her up straight away, give her something to think about. Not a heavy girl, so when I heaved she didn't have much choice than to slide up my chest. Not stupid either: knew right away what I was up to and helped herself along, settled herself just outa range, she thought.
'Come and get me then.' She wasn't counting on the extra and my tongue made it to the top of her slit. She quit pretending, moved forward, game over, ready for the show.
Hell, the yakking and the time wasting had got me on edge, plus her using my toothbrush had riled me some, plus she was hot, so I reckoned to give her the party trick short and sharp, drill her good while she was still recovering, then relax, let her take her time with me. Usually works with the ones who think they're in control. I pulled her the last inch till her clit was scraping my nose, then fed my tongue slowly up between her damp lips and into the comfort zone. Seemed like her G spot was maybe a little easier to reach than usual, effect of a couple of kids stretching the gates, I guess, and when I felt the edge of the little raised patch and the change in texture I pushed up with my nose and forward with my tongue tip, trying to make them meet. She let out a screech that rattled the fuckin' windows and started to squirm real enthusiastic. I kept up the pressure, squeezed her ass hard to make sure she didn't escape and carried on, kinda enjoying her reaction. Made breathing sorta difficult, but that was OK too: maybe it had been a while for her after all. Way she was going, it was pretty obvious that she wasn't gonna last too long. Didn't either; only three or four minutes and she lost it, bucking like a spooked colt all over my face while the goddam wailing went on an on.
Course, she ran out of steam eventually, body sagging, breath ragged and fast, and I flipped and rolled, pinning her. I was hard as wood and she was wide open and soaking wet, and I pushed straight in, bottomed out and held it, letting my weight nudge the top of her mound, put some pressure on her clit again. She cried out and twisted away.
'Christ, Doug, give me a minute to catch my breath. What the hell are you doing?'
'Payback for hittin' my dam' truck, ' I grunted, then pulled back and stroked into her again, gave it a twist as I finished, and damned if she didn't start up again straight away, flinging herself about and yelling some more. Tell the truth, she was having such a good time that I loosened up some myself. She weren't as tight as some, but nothing wrong with the ol' Kegels either, and she was squeezing me pretty good right from the start, kinda begging to be hurried along, you might say. Hell, all she needed was one more push and she was gonna go bang again, so I shifted up a gear, lifted myself a tad, improving the angle some, and her face screwed right up as it overtook her. Dam' near threw me right off, she came so hard, but her legs were locked tight over my ass, sorta safety belt, so I stayed on board, rode her through it, let her finish at her own pace. As she slowed and relaxed I flexed my cock, just to show her that I had needs too. She groaned and wriggled, pushing my chest with her hands, and I eased out of her, my cock slapping against my belly as I came clear. She flopped back and looked at me.
'You didn't come yet.' It was a statement, not a question, and I didn't answer. Fact is, I was still breathing a little rapid myself. She reached down and stroked my shaft experimentally. 'Jesus Christ, hold still while I get out from under.' She wriggled round, wincing some, and kneeled carefully, her legs parted a little. Looked round and made a wry face. 'No-one's screwed me that hard for a long time.' Better late than never, then, huh? Didn't say that though.
'My pleasure, Jamie.' I twitched my cock to remind her what she was there for, and she took the hint, leaning over, gobbling me into her mouth, and I kinda sank into the sensation, got ready for long and slow and to hell with her jaw muscles. Guess her ex musta have been trigger happy though, because she kept glancing up at me, working my balls, stroking my asshole, looking like she couldn't believe I wasn't getting off in two minutes flat. Not the greatest technique in the world either, I gotta say: only took me in half way, had trouble with her breathing. Ten minutes of that and I got sorta bored.
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Hey my name is Sanju, i been reading these indian sex stories for a while and quite frankly i really enjoy them alot. Some of them are true or i want them to be true but others are crap. But i dont b.s. My story is 100 percent ture. Believe it or not. Like i said my name is Sanjay Singh, i am from UP Bihar but right now i am located in Bombay i work as an engineer. Will i am 23 built buff and smart that is a deadly combo ladies pay attention…oh yea my lunn is 7 inch long and 2 inch wide wow… So...
IncestHelping Mom's Ex I had broken up with my ex for about 3 years. I kept in contact with her little brother and visited/hung out every so often. I felt bad for the k**s. He was 21 and not to be mean but his marbles were just NOT there. Years after dating his sister and even him walking in on us plenty of times he asked me “Are you still a virgin?” I didn't know what was in store for him in life. So I stayed around because I felt bad for the k** honestly. Their mom always had questions about cars,...
The wailing cries of the baby were slowly driving her insane. She had fed him no more than an hour ago so it couldn’t possibly be that he was hungry again. He was just like her husband, she grudgingly thought, always wanting something more of her and yet, never giving back. She knew it was an awful thought but she was weary and the entire situation was getting to her. At least, she mused, her baby will grow up and become a better man someday, or so she hoped. The new mother got up from the...
While Tiffany was asleep Kim took the precaution of rummaging through her future client's purse, looking for ID's, cash, and drug paraphernalia. Sure enough, she found all three, along with some pictures of Tiffany with family members and some others with young women who must have been co-workers from Dirty Grampy's. Kim's heart skipped a beat when she came across some worn pictures from high school. There were photos of Tiffany with Kim and Susan, and another with a friend who had been...
Sally Brightwall looked at her fiancé’s boss and an immediate feeling of anxiety swept over her. Although he was smiling pleasantly, the dangerous glint in his eyes told her enough. "What do you want Stephan?" she asked coldly, already suspecting the answer. "If you think I'm gonna get on my knees and beg for forgiveness, forget it. I'll take my chances. When Peter finds out what you've done, he'll kick the shit out of you." Stephan looked disdained. He'd expected some resistance, in fact it...
ReluctanceThe big day is closing fast, final preparations are being made, but trouble befalls Pixie, who reveals some details she really wanted to stay buried... Less than a month to go now, I really wanted a June wedding but we couldn't get the time off during the exam period, so we're having a July wedding instead. Julie and Jackie are chief bridesmaid and best man, but we're not sure which way round, luckily as they're twins they're the same size and shape, so will fit either outfit, we'll...
I had just finished work after a long and headed to my oh so lonely hotel again. Another week and I will be going back home to my wife. I went into my room and had a shower to refresh myself. I got out of the shower and dried myself..Sat on the edge of the bed put the TV on. Aggghh no fucking soaps need to do something else. So I got dressed and went down to the bar. Got myself a beer. It was quite in there another man and his " girlfriend maybe. I liked to people watch and thought he was the...
Hi, all this is Rohan from Nagpur. I am Rohan 29 years old, 5.10ht, some dark, slim guy with a 7″ cock. Thanks for your lovely comments for appreciating my true story with Reema. I am here to satisfy you all. Coming to the story. this was the time when I posted my last story and received some reply from lovely people. One of the emails was from Rohini (Changed Name). She told me that it looks like my story was fake. I just replied if you think so then you can. But I can’t share personal pics of...
Coucou, Hihi! Je voulais vous raconter quelques petites choses intimes de Milla la travestie soumise en formation pour devenir salope.Il y a quelques temps, Milla fait la rencontre d'un homme séduisant sur un réseau social. Plus la discussion avance, plus l'excitation envahit Milla. Et plus elle se livre à une soumission de plus en plus complète. Lui, apprécie beaucoup les propositions et encourage la soumise à dépasser encore davantage ses limites. Elle mesure 5'6 avec un poids de 150lbs, 28...
After a couple trips to the coast and our well documented hot tub adventures, Amber and I wanted to expand our horizons and try something a little different. What better place to explore new sexual adventures than Las Vegas? We made our reservations at the Bellagio, bought our plane tickets and headed for Vegas. Amber packed some of her most sexy and skimpy outfits, as well as some of her sexiest lingerie, and a few of her favorite sex toys. Our first night in Vegas we were both very excited...
This a story I had published on a different site under a different name. Please enjoy.I approached the adult store with my girlfriend's words ringing in my head, "Pick me up something for me to play with when your not here, and don't be embarrassed, everyone visits these store". I had been with Jenny for a few months now and she certainly wasn't like any other girls I had been with before; confident, self assured and extremely sexual. She had taught me a thing or three!! Little did I know this...
I had always been a bit into the voyeurism/exhibitionist scene. I had never done anything; I had always just wanted everyone to see me masturbating, getting off to me getting myself off type thing. I just had never had the courage to speak my mind. Until tonight.We were all college students, usually horny, always having sex or masturbating. There were five of us hanging out in my dorm tonight. Two of my best girl and guy friends. We were having a few drinks while flirting with each other when I...
MasturbationI have always been an introvert. When I was a kid, I preferred to be alone during breaks at school and over the weekends I would stay at home reading or playing in my room. My parents tried to make me go out but I didn’t want to. In the end, they gave up and didn’t seem to worry much about me. I had good grades and went on to university where I got my degree a year before the stipulated schedule. I got a job as an accountant in a small firm that produced high-end kitchen furnishings, such as...
InterracialPart 03: Indoctrination of the Slave This is a work of fiction, the names used are fictional. Any relation to any person, real or imagined, living or dead, is purely unintentional and accidental. Answering the bell, Robert opened the door, and was not surprised by what she had dressed in. He had assumed she would rebel, and show her independence. Good, he liked that, it meant she had spirit, and passion. He wanted both from his submissive mate. Sherri entered without saying a word, and once...
"Bio today was a bitch," she said, taking a bite of the fruit. "Another pop quiz?" Mark asked. "No, just more dissection. I swear we have the fattest cat I've ever seen. I feel like I can smell formaldehyde all over me." Mark leaned over and went to bury his face in Julie's chest until she laughed and pushed him away. "What? I was just trying to smell, tell you if it's noticeable. Besides, I think they use Formalin these days. Less toxic." "Whatever, genius," Julie replied,...
GRANDPA TAKES IN HIS GRANDDAUGHTER The initial characters:Grandpa: Dan is 68, a widower, very healthy and alone for several years.Granddaughter: Jane, 18, a pretty, very beautiful teen, unmarried with anew babyGranddaughter's best friend: Misty, 16, petite but very pretty, Asian,High school student Misty's friend: Lisa, 18, cute, very petite and also Asian, High SchoolStudent CHAPTER ONE: At first, when Dan found out about his Granddaughter's pregnancy, he wasshocked and a bit angry,...
Master Mold Plastique SurgeryBy Darqside Her blindfold was removed and she could see before her a laboratory with several computer panels and monitoring devices. ?Miss Williams?? a voice from behind her crooned. ?Roger Vaincroft!? Her eyes were now filled with hatred and anger at the sing-song man standing behind her. ?Ah?so you remember me, my dear?that?s good!? I was hoping the very reason my career as a plastic surgeon ended would at least remember my voice, if not my face.? The man...
Anne headed to the bedroom, scrambling in her eagerness. Before she left, I had given her instructions on what she was to do and as she walked, she thought about how best to accomplish it. I had caught her dead to rights, having seen her masturbating to one of my porn videos when I came home that evening from work. Now I wanted to see her do it again for my pleasure! I knew the idea of "performing" in front of me both scared her and excited her at the same time because when we talked about the...
VoyeurDusty Rose 4 CHAPTER 1 "I am so proud of all you girls," Margo's dad was saying to the band members, Allan Bennett, Willie, Mark and all the parents who had gathered for brunch in the lobby restaurant before the parents returned home after last night's soir?e. "And you, young man," he said to Chris who was wearing his hair the same as Terry was today, a high ponytail with a headband and a few wisps of hair hanging on either side of his face, "if I hadn't met you before all of this h...
MY NYLON GODDESS This story is part autobiography, part fantasy. I haven't yet decided whether to continue it, but any feedback or suggestions would be very welcome! ================================ I stopped dead, hand still clamped around the head of my cock. Had she seen me? As she'd tilted her head to gaze up at the high window from which I was looking down into the garden, I had been nearing the point of orgasm. Instead of bobbing down out of sight as I would normally...
Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate another fictional story. This story is how I got lucky at a party full of girls. Sounds complex, but let me explain. My colleague invited me and a couple of my friends to her birthday party at her house. Her name was Swati. She was the most beautiful girl in our office. She was tall and slim with an eye-popping 34-26-34 figure. She had a nice accent and always smelled awesome. She was casual drinker and a smoker. She...
Quinn Wilde and Alex Legend are still asleep in bed when Karlee Grey joins them. Decked out in lingerie, Karlee is a picture of seduction that Quinn is happy to embrace. Within moments the girls have begun to caress each other’s big breasts while licking hard nipples. When the glance over and see that Alex remains asleep, they decide to wake him in the sexiest way possible. Crawling across the bed, the girls take Alex’s hardon in hand and start sucking. They share nicely, taking turns and even...
xmoviesforyouKay and Dan had managed to surprise each other constantly over the past week. Each one, in turn, taking the other to a new level of arousal and fantasy fulfilment. It was now time for the final evening before their anniversary. Dan had half a day for their erotic teasing and Kay had the other. While to most people this would seem excessive, this was the way they had celebrated for many years.Dan had decided that for his half of the day he would take in the latter half and give his wife the...
InterracialBen pushed his face against the locker’s metal grille, desperate to get one last look at Amy as she strode away. She had such a sexy walk with her swinging hips hugged by tight white cotton trousers. He could see the slight bulge of the keys in the back pocket as her body pulled the fabric one way then the other. He watched her dark hair flow behind her, desperately hoping for one last turn of the head and one last smile. Yes, there it was.All too soon though, Amy had disappeared from sight and...
BDSMThe Secret (Part 1) By Lauren Westley Somehow he had found out. But how? I pondered the question as I sat reading my email. How did he know my home address and where I worked? How did he know the pictures I had downloaded from alt.sex.trans? Or the stories I had read at Fictionmania? I couldn't believe it, but he did. But he also said he had "fingerprinted me" which he said, meant he could "prove where I had been." The email continued with a statement how he could easily...
As Ben walked back to the beach for the afternoon session of shooting, he found himself in a real dilemma. Although he hadn't told Chrissy, he'd just met a girl who might be suitable wife material. For a long time after Chrissy's mother had died, Ben had played around, with no thought of ever marrying again. But the time had come to settle down, and he just might have found the right girl to do it with. So it was a helluva time to start an affair with his own daughter. Meanwhile back at...
As I rolled out of bed Thursday morning, the scene on the floor looked like the aftermath of a blue light special. Clothes were strewn all around. I looked back at the blissfully sleeping beauty on the bed. I was taking care of business in the bathroom when I heard a soft sweet voice begging for coffee. "Sex for coffee... sex for coffee. Please!" I started laughing and came out of the bathroom to see her scratching her scalp, which in turn really mussed up her hair. "Relax, I'm headed...
Barbie Gets Caught By Trans Vest Part 1 The beginning I had always had those feelings and desires to dress. They had been with me since I could remember. I enjoyed the feeling when I was dressed, and I liked to dress very sexy and slutty. It made me feel submissive when I was dressed as a slutty whore. This weekend was no different then the other ones when I would get all dressed up, except for one thing... I had decided to go OUT as Barbie. It was to be just a quick...
My story actually started a few weeks ago. My wife Anjali and I have always had a very fulfilling sex life. We have a son and daughter aged 8 and 6. But Anjali all of a sudden decided she didn’t want sex as often, she said it would be more satisfying and special if we held sex to once a week. Little did I know I was the only one holding off? One morning, after the kids were off to school, the phone rang. I answered and the line went dead. I didn’t think anything of it and went about getting...
Chapter One – The Beginning Brad and Lorie met on line a few years back, off one of those friends sites. An exchange of emails developed into an outline chatting which moved to some camming together. Both loved their chat and cam sessions and each session became a bit hotter than the next with more and more of each others’ bodies becoming exposed until finally they watched passionately as they both came on cam. What a hot session that was. Lorie,in her 40s, was married, living in Arkansas in a...
Hi indian sex friends. This is rahul54545 with my continuation of my first story my sexy aunty seena. As I had narrated in my first story I seduced my horny aunty seena who is a sex bomb of 32 years old. I was 18 at the time and she called me to help with something in the kitchen. And I just played her by covering her eyes and my cock rubbed her ass and as she was a horny bitch who didn’t get regular fuck, we ended up having sex in the kitchen floor until her children called for her. As I had...
IncestIt was Scott’s turn to drive, and we were heading east. I was holding his hand and humming a happy tune. ‘Scott that was a great time with your Uncle and Aunt. For me it was a busman’s holiday working on their house. But I think that you and I got to know both of them, and in such a short time. That was really good to have close family like that.’ ‘Emma, I can see why Max keeps you around. Tim and I are talking about a dip in the floor, and you talk him into fixing the support beam, new wider...
No person is an Island, and as Kat and Josh lay in hospital, others lives are touched and they react. This is a story full of Characters, with two lovers at its centre. As in life nothing is sure, and I have not yet written the end, so if you have suggestions on what should happen to the people in my story, please let me know and I will try to incorporate some suggestions in the story. * In the scuffle with Alexei, the grey haired portly man, still wearing his pyjamas gritted his teeth and...
Erica North sat in front of her mirror putting on her lipstick in nothing but a bondage harness that kept her breasts exposed. Her hair was down over her shoulders and fresh whip marks was on her back. her night's fuck had left hours ago but she didn't care he was pour excuse for a master. She stood up and removed the harness and looked at her sweater and knee length skirt. She walked over and was about to put it on when she remembered she had almost gotten fire from her last job for...
BDSMUgh, today is so hot, thought Maria, sitting on the couch in the living room. She was home by herself today while her parents went to the hardware store so her father can pick up tools to fix the central air condition unit outside. Her mother went along as well, she needed to pick some things up for dinner that night. Maria looked down at herself and saw she was bathed in sweat, she had a bikini top on and very short, cut off jean shorts. The sweat was making her body shiny and red, she wiped...
"That's George and his gals coming back to meet us. He moved two other pallets on up closer to where we live and farther from where you and the others were put." "George who, and what others?" "George came in the same bunch you did. He was the only one of you on the other side of the river. He joined us not long after he got here and we moved all his stuff up to our cave on the shelf." "I came by myself and what the hell are you talking about a shelf?" "Bill, I don't really...
My name is Mark and I am a 14 year old boy in my freshman year in high school. I was always looking at my mother as just my mommy, until I was half way through my sex education class when I start to look at my mother in a different way. I was starting to see her as a woman, a sexual object. I learned how to masturbate from my sex Ed class and I have been doing it quite often fantasying about my mom, but something just don’t feel right. How does it really feel like to be inside a woman? That was...
Until this point she had admired him from afar. Their relationship had consisted of a few long telephone calls, some in depth private messages between them on the computer and a few pictures shared. His pictures were always inconspicuous never showing too much of the true him and she played his game, only showing parts of herself. This was just enough to keep him interested and chatting. Sometimes months would pass before she heard from him and she often wondered if a man really could be that...
A day in the life of a house slave told from the viewpoint of her master. Comments welcome!I awake as daylight is beginning to creep through the blinds of my bedroom, the bedside clock reads 6:10am. I roll out of bed leaving Tiffany sleeping, knowing that she will be up in a couple of minutes after hearing me stirring. After a quick piss in The John I head down the hallway toward the kitchen to get my morning soda, I like something cold to start before I inhale a pot of coffee. I hear the bed...
She was exactly 20 years younger than me (I’m 46). I didn’t know she was my wife’s sister when I first saw her. She was back after finishing her PG from Australia. Everyone was shocked to see her change so much in just 2 years. When she left, I’d only seen my wife getting emotional and saying it’s hard for her sister because she’s so naïve. We met for the first time at my place in Chandigarh. Immediately, my Saali came across as promiscuous. My cock stiffened at her sight. She was quite...
IncestThis is my point of view to a story in Mara’s blog. Ménage à Trois: Chelle’s View So, I’ve been living with Mara for about two weeks now. Its been great! Don’t get me wrong! but she has yet to break my hymen. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to beg her to do it when she mentioned Ramiro. ‘He’s damn good looking!’, I said with a laugh. Mara’s smile gave away the fact that she was stirring up something. That’s when she proceeded to tell me about how she couldn’t bring herself...
We are a Gujarati couple from Mumbai aged 32 and 30 respectively. We have been married for seven years and now we seem to be getting the ‘seven-year itch’. To spice up our sex life, we decided to spend a full week in Goa at a five-star resort to explore our sexuality and be open to fetishes, fantasies and flamboyance. We got together several sex toys and downloaded porn on our laptop. We were planning on playing sex games, role-play (roles of bhabhi-devar, teacher-student, maid-maalik,...
Glamour girl Scarlett Fay isn’t afraid to go after exactly what she wants with her boss Marcus London, seducing him easily with her short skirt and “come to bed” eyes. In this premium Penthouse scene, the flirty floozy can’t wait to get on her knees and suck cock, stripping off to reveal her perfect perky titties. The raunchy babe rides him cowgirl as she fingers her clit and moans with pleasure, keeps her man hot, hard, and ready to bend her over doggystyle before an...
xmoviesforyouI heard the shots coming from the principal’s office. I hurried down the hallway and ordered all the teachers and students to get into a classroom and lock the door. Before I got to mine I saw that the special education teacher was having trouble getting her students into her room. I had to chase one down and drag him back. The shooter saw me before I got to my classroom door and fired at me. I didn’t have time to close the door before he got there so I grabbed my fire extinguisher and sprayed...
At 28 years old, Emily was in the prime of her life and she knew it. She had just stepped out of the shower and was now looking in the mirror as water dripped off her body. She liked the look of the person who looked back at her. Her wavy brown hair hung down to just below her shoulders where water drained from it and followed a path down over her full breasts to drip off onto the floor. Her brown eyes were the shade of chestnuts and they twinkled with mischief. Her eyes moved lower, down over...
Straight SexBe yourself, see yourself I can see others like me Be yourself, see yourself Try and find peace of mind Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself Be yourself, see yourself I can't find peace of mind Be yourself, see yourself I can see others like me Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself Gary was sprawled on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He glanced down long enough to give me a small smile, and to pat the bed...
Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...
Hello Everyone! It is Amit again here. First of all I want to thank all the love and feedback that I received for my stories Helping My Mother- Part 1 & Helping My mother- Part 2. I was seriously overwhelmed by the response. Many people asked me if the story was true? The answer is Yes, the story was not a fiction, but was actually true as it happened. Today I am going to narrate the story about what happened after that. Well after having sex and loosing my virginity to my own mother, I got a...
IncestLOVE THE FEEL OF NYLONS 3 BY PAUL G. JUTRAS ?Thanks for the coffee.? Mike senior sat at the kitchen counter in a gray tee shirt and shorts. His wife sat beside him with her hair down in a bun with a flower clip. She wore a black tank top and flip flop with a pink skirt that had black and white print flowers on it. ?You're welcome,? George said in his red and black checkered shirt, blue jeans and spike boots. ?What?s that bottle of pills?? ?Oh...
We were invited to a New Years party for some of the people I was now working with. I had just started working for a new company 3 weeks prior to new years. I only new 3 of the people I worked with and I found out that night that nobody was going to be there. We arrived at 10:00 PM and found the party in full swing. There were more singles than couples and most of the people that showed up were from the programming and IT groups. Many of them were either fresh out of college or still attending...
I was headed to the bathroom when I saw Becky waving for me. She was at the back door with Patricia and Melinda. When I went over to see them, I saw Patti and Polly Perkins. “Patti – Polly, I didn’t even know you were here. Where is your mom?” “She’s with Miss Sarah and your Mom. I don’t know which way they went. We arrived about two hours ago and we’ve been busy meeting all your friends and volunteers.” Becky told me, “Eddie, we need to slip away for a little while before supper if we...
Hello readers. This is a true story, which happened to me a few weeks back and somehow, i just can’t come over it and now my desires have given way to a more sedate lifestyle. I am 35 years and have been happily married for the last 4 years but somehow it’s only when i had this venture with one of my aunties recently, did i realize the value of sexual gratification. As far as i can remember, i have always fantasized about having sex with matured ladies. I cannot really explain why this should...
IncestThis past weekend saw the realization of two of my fantasies at the same time. Both were with a young lady who calls herself Fonda, and Fonda is a member of a group who affectionately call themselves "animal-lovers". Not the basic Humane Society variety of animal lover, not the devoted owner variety of animal lover, Fonda was truly an animal lover! We had talked several times about her "adventures" and fantasies, each time getting to know one-another better. Several weeks ago, Fonda...
Girls’ night in was the decision for tonight.Cat and I have been going out a lot recently.Clubbing, picking-up and general abusing our bodies with all-nighters mixed with copious amounts of alcohol. All leading to situations where you quickly put on your clothes in the morning and leave as fast as possible.DVD’s, takeaway Thai, white wine, popcorn and chocolate were scheduled for tonight… and I was looking forward to an easy weekend for a change.I walked into Cat’s place - a two-bedroom...
Copyright© A TIME OUT OF LIFE Our platoon was pinned down by a VC sniper hidden on a hill at the end of the valley. No one had been able to get a hard fix on his location. It was Thanksgiving Day in 1965 but no one was eating turkey. We were in a long valley near the Phu Bai airfield trying to locate a Viet Cong force that had been sending harassing fire at planes taking off and landing. Earlier the lieutenant had tried to send out a small patrol and the SOB picked off two of them before...