Mistis Adventures Part 127
- 2 years ago
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Another two weeks later –Ben, Jens, Mira and Ira – At the cabin
Well, the day has finally come and it’s time for us to leave on our mission. My Farsi is practically perfect; Jens’ Russian has no American accent; Destiny has honed our martial arts skills (including those of Mira and Ira) to a keen edge; and Jens has learned to act her place as a wife. The most unfortunate part of leaving is that Destiny won’t be coming with us. We all practically begged her to come (Mira and Ira even tried to bribe her to come) but Destiny said ‘These are your battles to fight.’
I pull Thom to the side before we leave to say, “Thom, we’re leaving for an extended time. As head of security and construction on the cabin, keep up the good work.”
Thom asks, “I gather you don’t want me to know where you’re going or what your plans are?”
I smile at him and reply, “The fewer who know the better, so I’m not telling you. I will have my phone and it will work internationally and before you even try Gretchen says that you can’t trace it.”
Yeah I forgot to mention, Gretchen found us some great phones! They are Blackberry DTEK50s1. Jens loves hers and went on about how blackberry hardened this and that and how secure they were. I didn’t care since it ran Android and also my two apps, Strelok+ and Shooter just fine.
1 http://android.wonderhowto.com/news/pros-cons-blackberrys-new-most-secure-phone-ever-0172487/
Thom says, “Well take care of yourself and we are projecting the cabin to be finished in one more week.”
I congratulate him, “Thanks to you Thom. When we get back we will have a sit down and let you know where we were and what we did.”
Thom asks, “Should I run the Cobra and your new truck every week or so?”
I think for a moment and reply, “Thom, we’re not sure how long this will take so please run both the vehicles weekly. If we’re gone more than six months, get the oil and filters changed on both the Cobra and my new truck. Don’t forget we use Mobil 1 synthetic oil.”
That reminds me, the phone call I got at the end of the last chapter was the body shop. Jens’ Cobra was done, the name on the door was changed to her name and they did an excellent graphic on the trunk of the ready to strike Cobra. Ah and my truck? Unfortunately my old truck wasn’t repairable, but I still couldn’t stand to part with her so I had her hauled into the garage. I am now the owner of a new Dodge Ram 3500 with the Cummins diesel engine. It’s a good truck, but it’s not like my old girl! I had to settle for a fucking automatic transmission on this one plus it cost a small fortune.
Jens arrives with her suitcase, her carry on and says...
Ben’s talking to Thom who has been great help in getting the cabin finished. I come up and remind Ben, “Honey, we need to leave for the airport.”
Thom offers, “I could probably take all of you in the Crown Vic if you don’t have too much luggage.”
Ben offers, “Thom, we might have too much luggage for your car, why don’t we take my truck?”
Thom suggests, “Ben, I know you’re still breaking your truck in, so how about we take one of the vans instead.”
I prod Thom, “You know, if you brought Inga along with you, then you two could stop at a restaurant before coming back to the cabin.”
Thom shoots down my idea by saying, “Sorry but only one of us can leave at a time.”
Mira and Ira arrive with their suitcases, I look at Ben and ask, “Where’s your luggage?”
Ben says, “I need to go get them from our room.”
Ben leaves and I ask Thom, “Soooo are you and Inga going to share a room when the cabin is done?”
Thom smiles at me and says, “Not if I have my way about it.”
That was what I figured. While Inga was back because the restaurant closed and worked on our security team, Thom still hadn’t really been treating her any better.
I complain, “Thom, if Inga leaves again...”
Thom interrupts, “ ... Jennifer, Inga and I have come to an agreement and she’s not going to leave.”
Ben arrives with his suitcase with carry on and Thom looks at the luggage and remarks, “If you all are going on such a long trip, won’t you need more clothes.”
Mira interjects...
Thom has taken far too much interest in our trip which must remain covert. I reply to his question with our typical response, “Thom because of airline restrictions, we are taking the bare minimum of clothing. If we need additional or newer accoutrements, we will purchase them on the trip.”
Ms. Blaine confirms my cover story, “Mira’s correct Thom, there’s no way we can bring all the clothing that we will need.”
Thom asks another annoying question, “Don’t tell me you and Mira are leaving your Katanas.”
Ira replies...
I can sense my sister Mira is annoyed with Thom’s questions so I quickly reply to Thom’s question, “Thom you know that we cannot bring the Katanas onto the flight with us. They are in our checked luggage.”
Inga arrives in one of the vans, Thom acquires the driver’s seat, the rest of us climb into the van, close the doors and we leave.
I decide to become annoying so I query Thom, “Thom, when are you and Inga planning on cohabitating?”
Thom mutters something about hell freezing over and Ms. Blaine counters, “Thom we all know better than that. I bet it happens while we’re on our mission.”
Mira also annoys Thom with an old joke we had learned, “I think that Thom is so old he can no longer get it up.”
Thom swears, “That’s a fucking lie and I wish you all had never learned that term.”
Mr. Blaine is uncommonly quiet so I lean over and whisper, “Mr. Blaine you seem preoccupied.”
Mr. Blaine looks and me and replies, “Sorry Ira, I was meditating on our mission; trying to see if we would encounter any unforeseen circumstances.”
I was certain that situations would arise, but nothing that the four of us could not terminate to our advantage.
We arrive at Denver International Airport and Thom asks, “Which airline are you taking.”
Mr. Blaine informs him, “Thom we’re taking United.”
Thom follows the signs, pulls up to the terminal, we exit the van and Mr. Blaine says, “Thanks Thom, we will let you know through Gretchen when we’re coming back.”
We walk into the terminal and Mr. Blaine orders...
I see the restrooms point and say, “Okay, it’s time to change our clothes.”
Yeah, we had been wearing ‘normal’ travel clothing and that had to be fixed because of our destination. The girls went into the women’s restroom while I went into mine, found an empty stall and began to change. This was going to be one of my least favorite things to endure on the trip. I put my ‘normal’ travel clothes into my carry-on bag, came out of the stall and hated the looks that the other passengers gave me. But it was going to be worse later.
I exited the men’s room and Mira ordered, “Mr. Blaine, come with me into the family restroom so I can apply the rest of your costume.”
I followed her into the family bathroom. Mira did an excellent job applying the rest of my costume. As we exited the bathroom, I heard Jens giggle a little. I berate her, “Jens cut it out or you will stay here.”
I walk toward the ticket counter and the girls follow respectfully behind me. I swear I could feel the eyes of the other passengers burning with hatred for me. I walk up to the ticket counter, hand them my itinerary and diplomatic passport, put my checked bag onto the scale and the claims attendant asks, “Are the three behind you traveling with you today.”
I reply with my best Farsi accent, “Yes they are my wives.”
To her credit, she didn’t even give me a dirty look however she does ask, “I see you’ve reserved the entire center aisle of all four seats.”
I reply, “That is correct, we must sit together.”
She hands me my boarding pass and offers, “If your wives approach I will give them their boarding passes.”
Jens says with a damn good Russian accent, “Sorry Ms. we cannot approach our husband. We will come to the ticket counter after he leaves.”
I leave and wait while Jens, Mira and Ira go to the ticket counter. The ticket agent hands them their boarding passes and they walk to where I am waiting.
I lead the way to the security checkpoint. If we’re going to have a problem, it will be there.
But because of our diplomatic passports, we walk right through security and toward the gate for the flight. We find four unused, adjoining seats and take them.
People intentionally avoid us, other than a few children who point at us until their parents scold them. I hate like hell to be wearing the clothes I’m wearing and look the way I look but it is a necessary evil which I must get accustomed to.
Finally the boarding call is announced for our flight and we move to the line for people needing extra time to board.
Because I show the ticket agent my diplomatic passport, she nods her head and doesn’t challenge me. We board the airplane first, even before the women with children or the disabled people. We store our carry-on bags in the console above us and take our seats, with Jens being the closest to me.
She leans over and whispers, “Ben, I can’t believe they let us through security looking like this, it’s a joke.”
Ira pulls Jens, headscarf and scolds her in Farsi which Jens doesn’t understand but she does shut the hell up.
Jens fixes her headscarf, I close my eyes and begin to meditate then I hear Mira complain loudly in Farsi. I open my eyes and some man had bumped into her. I jumped up and yelled at him with my Farsi accent, “Do not touch one of my wives again you infidel!”
The flight attendants come over and one of them suggests, “Sir perhaps you would be more comfortable in first class?”
I counter with my accent, “No, I decry the decadence of first class and will not have my family subjected to it. What we do require is that the infidel men on this flight not touch my wives.”
The flight attendant nicely asks, “Please sir take your seat.”
I sit down but not before giving the man that bumped into Mira a dirty look.
The fasten seatbelt sign comes on, we fasten our seatbelts, the pilot comes on the PA and announces, “Good day ladies and gentlemen, I am your pilot Hank. We are lucky today to have some very special guests traveling with us, they are Valentin Sedankina and his three wives Dasha, Miranda and Irina. Valentin is a dignitary from Kazakhstan so please afford them every courtesy possible.”
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Nicole and Anna looked over the warehouse. Early that morning, Anna had decided that if she was going to be priestess of Love, she needed a place to preach. She told Nicole and called the bank to see how much she had to work with. She was amazed when the bank told her she had almost ten million dollars in her account. She asked Nicole, but the new Goddess of Love only smiled. The two then went out to check out places. After dismissing one place after another, the realtor, a pretty, but not...
When I was growing up me and my cousin Shawn was always close. We did everything together, from playing football to taking a shower. He was always like a big brother to me. He was always there. As we got into are teens we started to see each other in a different way. He grew really tall. He stood at 6'4 with solid muscles and brood shoulders. I didn't look so bad myself. I stand at 5'10 with a co cola bottle figure. Long hair down to the cent of back and an ass that just...
“...akey! Time to get up now!” A female voice pulled me from a delicious dream of my secret object of desire, Brandon. I somehow had ended up in the boys’ locker room alone with him, and, without wasting words, he had pushed me against the wall, his body taking possession of me, his strong thigh pressing between my legs, his large hand massaging my breast. For some reason or another, we had both already been nude. I was sweating and just an inch away from coming. “My, aren’t you two an adorable...
BDSMNot to be read by persons under 18 years of age. ** WARNING ** You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a woman and man. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story. Bb bb Mb Mb Wb WM young first virgin Written by EnglishBoy Contact me by email [email protected] Billy’s Mum teaches Sex Ed Chapter one Billy Jones was 12 years old last week. He lived with his Mother,...
Ten years ago... It was Friday night, a week before Bonnie was to head off to her freshman year in university. Earlier in the day, Bonnie’s dad had surprised her by giving her the car to take with her. “When we get there and get you settled in, I’ll take the bus back,” he had said. While she kind of wished that he had told her earlier --it was going to be a scramble to find a place to keep it at university on such short notice-- she couldn’t thank her dad enough. It made her a little...
Straight SexI answered the door in a robe, almost forgeting to put that on. I was surprised to see a young, handsome man in his early twenties. "Hello Mrs..." he began. "Smith. Stacy Smith." "Right," he continued. "I'm your plumber, Jason." I guess I was a bit shocked. Whenever I'd had a plumber over, he was much older, and usually sort of fat. Jason was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen. I showed him to the bathroom, where the head of the shower was leaking. He frowned. "Ok... this is going...
Cheating WifesLyrica's POVMelody and I FINALLY pulled into the high school parking lot after dropping off Harmony at her elementary school. We hadn't had any more problems this morning, since giving Melody a spanking and Harmony hearing it really seemed to change their attitudes. Melody and I walked to our first-hour class, AP CHEM. It was a two-year course and this was our second year in it, so we already know the drill. Before summer holidays started, our instructor told us that upon our return, we would...
SpankingAround three o'clock that afternoon a van arrived outside the house with the hospital bed. With it were a bedside table and a wheelchair. The two men that brought it set it up in the dining room and explained how it functioned. They also explained how the wheel chair should be adjusted. At half past four Ellie arrived. She was in cracking form, delighted at being out of hospital at last. She was moved into the house in the wheelchair and the ambulance crew demonstrated how to move her from...
The first few weeks of summer had been fine. Kristin and I were able to hang out together and keep our feelings for one another at bay. Kristin didn’t want to cheat on her new boyfriend, who she was away from the first time since she started dating him, and I didn’t want to start anything physical in fear of allowing my emotions for my past love to return. Over time, however, neither of us could hold back any longer. Our physical and emotional attraction for each other was just too...
For Lord Varys, the path was far more treacherous and he was far less sure of the outcome. Still, he had to test the loyalty of the little birds, whether they had truly defected to Qyburn to a man, or rather some of them might retain some allegiance to the former Master of Whispers. To the eunuch, this could well make a difference between a more decisive and imminent victory and a longer, more dangerous conflict that impaired their chances against the Night King later. If this meant his...
Scars don't just disappear. I'd had one since I was little - for as long as I could remember, really. It had been quite the odd one too: almost like a bracelet around my left wrist. At the risk of being grotesque and making it sound worse than it was, I'd come to think of it in later years as what might happen if an actual red-hot bracelet had been put on there for just long enough to leave a rough pattern. One could feel it were they to run their fingers over it, but it hadn't been so...
It was another day of searching for clients and making minor progress. I managed to get some new blood into the office for consultations. To be honest criminal law is a lot of negotiations and very little trial work. There are some trials however, and I wasn't nearly as good in a courtroom as I was sitting across from a DA playing let's make a deal. It looked as though Jane and I might be going to court, if we couldn't come up with Ansel. I could get her off the conspiracy, but not the...
Note: I love comments letting me know what people think about my stories, it's the only way that I can improve if I know what needs some work so please don't be shy and let me know what you think! "Great, just fucking great," I mutter as I lean backwards against my door and look around my sterile white studio apartment. I just got home from work where they told me they were laying me off for a month possibly even more. Not enough work right now, it's the slow part of the year for us,...