Graduation PartyChapter 2 free porn video

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Having my cock sucked by my sister was going way beyond my wildest imagination and I was enjoying every slurping second of it.

Jackie and Kate were busy kissing and fondling one another until Kate moved between her friend's legs and began to lick her friend's pussy. This turned me on even more which is something that my sisters and their friend managed to work out for themselves. Stacy was eager to make me come again for she teased the head of my cock with the tip of her tongue and then to make it even more exciting she took the head of my cock and rubbed it against her nipples.

"Oh my god Stacy!" I cried with delight for I was about to come again. "I can't hold it much... longer!" I didn't hold it any longer than it took for me to get the words out of my mouth and Stacy, much to my surprise took it full in her mouth swallowing as fast as she could. "Holy shit Stacy where the hell did you learn to suck cock?"

"I saw it in some movie," she said with a sheepish smile. "Did I do ok?"

"Hell yes you did ok." I said complimenting her for doing such a super job. "It was great. I didn't think I could have another orgasm so soon." I would have to remember to talk to our Uncle Freddy about his strange formula when I had a chance.

By now, Kate and Jackie were on the floor and they had positioned themselves so that they could lick each other's pussy. Their mutual moans and groans and their writhing young bodies was a beautiful sight to behold and that was what I did, I watched my sister and her friend get off on one another while Stacy climbed onto the sofa bed next to me and snuggled nice and close smiling knowing that her plan went better than she had hoped for.

With one last moan of pleasure Kate and Jackie had their orgasm and for the time being the four of us seemed to be sated for as far as sex went at least for the moment at any rate.

"Did our dear uncle say how long this stuff is supposed to work?" I asked as I joined the girls on the floor.

"Nope, he just said that we should try it and find out." Kate replied.

"When you say "we" do you mean to say that you three tried it as well?" I asked somewhat surprised that my sisters had contemplated more than just having sex with me.

"Of course we did," Stacy added as she stood up and stretched her arms over her head. "Uncle Freddy told us it wouldn't do us any harm and it might just enhance our enjoyment."

"And did it enhance your enjoyment?" I asked.

"You bet it did," Stacy said with a smile while she worked her finger into her own pussy. "I'm still horny as hell honey."

"There is nothing quite like being surrounded by three beautiful girls," I said appreciatively before I exchanged kisses with each of them. "I must be the luckiest man in the world."

"Do you really mean that Steve?" Jackie asked me as she crawled onto my lap and thrust her breasts at my mouth.

As I lovingly kissed each offered breast I said, "Of course I mean it honey." And why wouldn't I after all I was surrounded by three very lovely young girls so as far as I was concerned you couldn't ask for much more than that. "I don't know about you girls," I said lifting Jackie off my lap and standing up. "I think it's about time to reappear at the party or people will begin to talk."

Jackie laughed and said, "If I know these people, they are probably out in the backyard swimming in the pool."

As we dressed I knew that I had to ask Jackie one very important question and it had nothing to do with keeping quiet about what we had done for I felt sure that she would but I had to know what she felt when she saw my sisters and I making love. "You must have some thoughts about it Jackie after all it isn't every day that you see brothers and sisters going at it."

Jackie shrugged her shoulders and told me that she had known several people in school for whom incest was as normal as breathing air or eating. From what I learned from Jackie the ones involved started out as a kind of experiment in sex between cousins or a brother and a sister that carried over into a full blown physical relationship so the fact that Stacy and Kate told her of their plans made it even more important to her that she should become involved with me because she had dreams about the two of us together.

"I hope I didn't disappoint you Jackie." I said giving her a hug.

"I wasn't disappointed at all Steve. I loved every moment of our being together."

I felt a blast of cooler air as we exited our temporary love nest and back into the main part of the house. "Does that mean that you wouldn't mind being with me again?" I wanted to know.

"Of course I want to be with you again Steve, I wanted to be with you since the days on the softball field." She said then hauled off and kissed me.

"Oh my, look at the love birds." Stacy said as she joined us near the empty bar. "Jackie and Steve sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g..."

"Ha, ha, ha, that's very funny Stacy." I didn't want her to get to the "first comes love" part after all it was a tad to soon to speak of love. "Now what are your plans from here? I don't think I can chance swimming with you three for someone is bound to know that Stacy, Kate and I are related."

"That's ok Steve we have it all planned out." Kate said with a wink of her eye and a smile. "You are going to drive us to Jackie's house right this minute."

"I see, and why would I do that may I ask." I said scratching my head trying to figure out what the girls had in mind.

"I told you that my mother has the hots for you Steve." Jackie said reminding me of what she had told me earlier. "And I have the feeling that you still feel the same way about her as you did back in school."

"Hum, I do believe that you are forgetting something very important here young lady." I told her as politely as I could. "Your mother is married so whatever feelings that I may or may not have are immaterial. Besides, what makes you so sure that she would even have the slightest interest in me?"

Jackie gave me a look as if to say that I was being obtuse and that I had better get my act together. "Hello, I live at home so I've heard my mother argue with my father a number of times and she is always saying that she made a big mistake when she turned you down for a date." I tried to tell Jackie that just because my name is mentioned it doesn't mean that her mother would act out her feelings. "You don't know my mother Steve, I've seen her play with herself once or twice when she thought she was alone in the house and your name always comes up just before she has her orgasm." A sly smile appeared as she said, "I just bet you would love to watch my mother have an orgasm wouldn't you."

"Let's get one thing straight young lady," I said as I held the car door open so the girls could enter my car. "Whatever we talk about stays between us is that clear?" The three girls nodded their heads in unison. "There was a time when I dreamed of doing more than just watching your mother have an orgasm, I wanted to be her boyfriend and lover but she decided on your father instead."

Jackie didn't say anything more, she just smiled a knowing smile while my sisters giggled away in the back seat while I wondered how the hell I was going to get out of the jam that I had put myself into.

"Did you really have a good time at the party?" Jackie asked as she leaned her head back against the seat's headrest with her eyes closed and her hand resting gently against her crotch.

"You know I did Jackie," I said trying my best not to take my eyes off the road. "I never knew such pleasure like this before."

We drove in silence for a minute or two before I spoke again. "I am a bit concerned about your parents finding out especially your mother." I could just about see Jackie's closed eyes fluttered rapidly as I spoke. "Don't misunderstand me, I want to see you again, I want to make love to you again but you should know that the more we see each other the chances of getting caught increase."

Without opening her eyes she reached out and patted my hand moving it to her crotch saying, "I won't worry about it if you won't." This was an obvious sign that she wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her.

I looked in the rearview mirror and noticed that my sisters heads lolled back against the headrest in the back of my car, their shirts were disheveled and as they breathed I could clearly see that neither one had put their bras back on and they both had smiles on their faces.

I pulled into the driveway of Jackie's home and got out of the car. Of course I made sure that the girls were awake and that their clothes didn't look out of place. I walked them to the front door and knocked.

I felt my heart jump into my throat when Mary Connelly opened the door she was wearing a shirt that she tied off above her abdomen and wore a scarf around her head. I figured that she must have been cleaning the house before I knocked on the door. Seeing Mary like that proved to me that no matter how she was dressed Mary could without effort still look desirable.

"Hello Mike, would you care to come in?" she said.

By now the three girls squirted by us and ran into the house laughing and having a good old time. As for me, I was tongue tied.

"I don't want to disturb your household..." I finally managed to say. I figured that her husband was home and while I wasn't afraid of him I did have some concerns about that elixir that my crazy Uncle Ed concocted for with my luck my penis would come to immediate attention right in front of Mary.

"No, no that's ok I need the break." Mary stood aside allowing me to enter her home. "My husband is out with some of his pals doing who knows what." She turned and led the way to the kitchen.

"You have a lovely home Mary." I said as we entered the well appointed kitchen. I couldn't help but notice how big the kitchen was. There was an island in the middle with a sink and a beautiful counter top. "This is some kitchen. You could feed an army from here."

Mary smiled. "This house belonged to my mother and father in-law, they gave this house to us as a present when they moved to Florida." I thought that it was all she could do to maintain the house considering her husband's predilection for drinking and screwing around but I kept my mouth shut.

"Thanks for bringing my sister home from the party Steve..."

"Not a problem Mary, don't forget that my sisters were going to be spending the night here." I replied. "Well, I guess I better go the girls are probably tired from all the fun they had and you look like you could use a rest yourself."

"I wouldn't worry about the girls Steve they have more than enough energy to run an entire town." She said with a dry laugh. "As for me, it's all I can do to keep this house going."

I couldn't think of a thing to say.

"Are you sure that you wouldn't care for a drink?" I though that I detected a need for her to talk so I said that I would have one drink before I hit the road.

I will say one thing for Mary she was not one of those airheads who talk just to hear themselves talk, I found myself listening to everything she said and she said a lot without the dramatics that some people employ. We even managed to talk about the past but we made sure that we didn't touch on the one part of our mutual past when I tried asking her out on dates. (Not an easy subject to avoid but somehow we managed it.)

With my drink finished I stood up and made ready to leave. "Thanks for the drink and the talk Mary." I said as I made my way to the door. I felt her hand on my arm so I stopped.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner Steve?"

"That is a lovely invitation Mary but I really can't stay." I replied. What I meant was that if I stayed I might try and make a play for you. "I have to stop at the drug store on the way home and pick something for my father." (It was a lame excuse but none the less true.)

My drive to the pharmacy was filled with visions of Mary and I in bed making love with abandon in fact the damn dream seemed so real I almost drove past my destination. I had to keep telling myself that I had best get a grip on myself before I get myself into deeper trouble. I quickly picked up the items that I needed and started for home until I decided to stop in and see if my uncle was still at his lab after all I had two questions to ask him, one was what are the chances of marketing his discovery and the other was what kind of side effects should one expect when using his very potent elixir. I was too late, for it seemed that my uncle had gone for the day so I left him a message to call me on my cell phone or at home for I really wanted to talk to him after all there could be big money in this for all concerned.

I dropped off the medicine at home and instead of staying there I decided to go to the dreaded mall. That's right, I hate the malls for they are crowded and the lack of fresh air is most disconcerting but if I wanted to go to the movies it was the only place left in town that showed them.

At the last moment I stopped in at a local pizza parlor for I found that I had the urge for a slice or two of pizza. I picked up my order and found a place to sit. I was lucky in that regard for I knew this place was popular and had I been a few minutes later I probably wouldn't have found a seat. But as it was, I did so I let my mind drift, thinking of nothing in particular until I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up and saw Mary standing there along with my sisters and Jackie. "Hi Mary, girls, I didn't expect to run into you here." I said making room for Mary to sit while the girls went and retrieved their own meals. "I was thinking of going to the movies tonight but I hadn't really decided on what I wanted to see."

Mary chuckled and said, "I don't think there is one movie that you would be interested in Steve, the theaters are showing a chick flick and a horror movie."

"Hum, you could be right there, I never was big on horror movies." I laughed along with Mary. "I see the girls managed to drag you out of the house after all."

"They insisted that I needed a break from being in the house all day." Mary said as she brushed a loose strand of hair from her eyes.

I was wondering what kept the girls so long at the counter after all I was in something of a quandary for I dreaded being left alone with Mary for any length of time for I was afraid of saying something stupid such as, "How about a long overdue kiss." However it was Mary who surprised me when she informed me that her husband was last seen driving around with some brunet in his car and heading out of town.

"I'm sorry to hear that Mary." I told her meaning every word of it. "Does Jackie know?" Mary nodded her head yes. "I wish I knew what to say Mary, I mean I was in something of the same position when I was married." I never cheated on my wife and yet two years after we married she filed for divorce and that was the last that I ever saw of her.

Mary didn't bat an eyelash even though I was certain that she was angry and frustrated. "My parents warned me about Nick and I was foolish enough not to listen."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know but I will do one thing and that I plan to enjoy my pizza when and if the girls ever bring it to the table." Mary never lost her smile.

The girls must have heard Mary talking for no sooner had she finished speaking Jackie and my sisters showed up with the pizzas and the sodas.

"Sorry it took so long sis." Jackie said as she sat down across from me while Stacy and Kate sat next to her. "It was kind of busy at the counter." "You mean it was busy while you were flirting with the young man behind the counter?" I said. That made Stacy and Kate blush. "Listen, I'll get out of your way." I turned to Mary and said, "It was really nice seeing you here..."

"Oh come on Steve, you don't really want to leave do you?" My sisters asked.

I guess Mary didn't want me to leave either for she told that I wasn't in the way. "It is kind of nice to have another adult to talk to." She said.

So that was how I stayed while the girls ate their pizzas.

It didn't take my sisters and Jackie long to eat their pizzas and before I could bat an eye they disappeared from view.

"Would you care to go for a walk around the town?" I asked after all I figured that she would say no but in my case whenever it came to Mary hope sprang eternal. "Or are you afraid to be seen with a divorced man?" (I know, I know, it was a lame attempt at a joke.)

"No, I don't mind at all Steve." Mary said with a reassuring smile. "It's a nice evening and a walk would do me good."

Mary and I walked down by the town lake and the whole time all I could think of was that I wanted to hold her hand in mine before I kissed her. I wanted to feel her body press against mine. But I didn't act on these thoughts but we did talk about life in general. In short we enjoyed each others company. I for one was feeling more relaxed as we walked along until we stopped at the edge of the lake. "It'll be a beautiful sunset over the lake tonight." I said not really expecting any kind of answer. "I always loved being by the water for I find it so relaxing."

"Yes, it is relaxing isn't it?" Mary replied while skipping a stone across the water's surface. "I think that this is a great place to come and just forget all the cares in the world." I silently agreed with her.

The two of us walked in silence enjoying the scenery.

The path that leads around the lake is quite long and there are parts of it where the view of the people on the path are blocked from the view of the general public and it was at one of these blind spots that Mary stopped, turned and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Uh, what was that for Mary?" I said knowing how dumb I sounded but until that kiss the closest we ever got was shaking hands.

"Don't you ever wish that you had a chance to make up for past mistakes?"

"I think all of us feel that way every now and then." I replied as I bent down to pick up a stone which I tossed side handed making it skip across the smooth glass like lake. My emotions were at full boil and I knew that complications from a relationship between us would be disastrous for the both of us.

"Have you ever thought about us?"

"Yes I have," I answered without looking at her. "It isn't easy not to think about what might have been."

"I saw Helen the other day..." (Helen was my former wife and a friend of Mary's.) "She wanted to know how you were doing."

"Probably after more money is more like it." I replied testily. "We were only married two years before she decided that she no longer loved me."

Mary was quick to tell me that Helen was only in town for the day. "She told me she and her boyfriend were headed for Hawaii or some such place."

"I feel bad for the men where ever she ends up." I said wishing to change the subject.

The two of us moved a little further along the path around the lake and I pointed out one of the places that I used to have a fort. "It was no girls allowed." I said laughing at the memory.

"And what about now Steve would you let girls in now?" Mary smiled an almost wistful smile as she spoke.

"Of course I would, it was a silly rule even then." I said with a weak laugh. "You would have been the first one allowed in."

I hadn't realized that we had moved off the path and stood close to the spot where my fort once stood and I felt Mary take my hand without a word I turned and bent my face to hers and kissed her and much to my surprise and joy Mary responded with a kiss of her own.

"It must have been a nice fort Steve." She said in between kisses. "Do you think you would have allowed me in?"

"I Sure would have just as long as I had you to myself." I replied laughing softly.

"We're alone now Steve."

"Yes we are." I said while we began to unhurriedly undress one another.

Our discarded clothes became our mutual blanket as we sank down on them.

Without a word I started on her lips and went to her throat kissing and licking until I heard a soft sigh escaping from her lips. I moved onto her breasts working each nipple until they were nice and hard. I could feel Mary's fingers run through my hair while she gently pressed my head to her breasts.

"Umm, ah, oooh, suck a little harder please." I could hear the urgent yet pleasurable plea in the tone of her voice.

I moved over her heaving flat stomach sending shivers through her body until I stuck my head between her legs and began to lick her pussy and her whole body seemed to explode with passion as she egged me on telling me where to put my tongue to give her the most pleasure.

"Steeve! Ahhhh... mmmm... I'm coming! Yessss!" Mary bucked and moaned as she reached her climax.

I don't know how it happened but before I could say a word Mary had me on my back and she was lowering herself onto my erection.

"Oh Mary, I..." I tried to say before she sealed my lips with a kiss.

"Hush darling, hush." She said as she slowly moved up and down my shaft.

Mary knew what it took to draw a man out until he felt like he would loose his mind. I could feel her muscles grasping and releasing my cock until she paused holding herself for just a fraction her were closed and a smile played across her lips like water over a stone. Her movements became quicker, her breathing sharper and I was trying to drive myself into her as hard as I could. "Mary I'm coming!" I groaned as I shook and bucked my way through my orgasm.

Mary didn't move from where she sat instead she slowly stretched herself out on top of me pressing her body firmly against mine. We exchanged kisses and I for one didn't want to move for I liked having Mary where she was. "Don't move Steve." She said. "I want to feel your cock slide out of me slowly."

I don't know how long the two of us held that position but neither one of us seemed willing to move.

"Mary," I said once I found the nerve to speak again while brushing her hair away from her face. "I wonder if you have any idea how long it's been since I stated to dream of holding you in my arms like this."

"Have I fulfilled your fantasy Steve?" she said in between kisses.

"Hell yes Mary," I said giving her another kiss. "I never expected something like this to ever happen between us." "I heard my sister and the twins talk about you and the party. I even heard them say that you had a crush on me." I liked the way her hand felt as she rubbed my stomach.

I started to laugh. "My sisters told me that you had a crush on me and Jackie confirmed it."

"So it looks like we were both hoodwinked." Mary said laughing.

"I don't think we were hoodwinked at all, at least I wasn't for I have loved you for as long as I have known you." I sat up and leaned my back against a tree. "What about your husband?" I asked when we both started to gather our clothes together.

"Knowing him he's probably out chasing some blond bimbo and drinking up our household money." Mary took my hand in hers and said, "Please don't tell me that it's too late for us."

"No, it isn't to late for us honey but you must know that this change in our relationship could cause some problems for you at work." I said wishing now that I had some of my uncle's special elixir for I really wanted to make love to Mary again and again.

"Not to mention the ribbing that we will get from Jackie and your sisters." Mary said lightly. "I'm just sorry it took us this long to get together." I told her that I felt the same way myself.

We returned to the path that lead around the lake and began to finish the walk we interrupted. I was feeling like a million dollars and from the look on Mary's face she felt the same way I did.

I stopped at the mid point of our walk, turned to Mary and asked. "Would you ever consider moving in with me? Jackie is welcome to live with us as well."

Mary didn't pause for a second. "I would love to move in with you and I will as soon as I divorce my husband. I don't want us to ever be apart again."

As we exited the path around the lake we were greeted by Jackie and my sisters and they were laughing and pointing at us. As we approached I heard Jackie say, "They did it, look at their faces, Mary and Steve did it in the woods."

"No they didn't." Kate and Stacy said in unison.

"What are you three arguing about?" I asked as we neared the trio of girls.

"Jackie said that you and her sister just made love in the woods and we say that you didn't." Stacy said. I could feel my face burn from the embarrassment.

I looked at Mary and she looked at me shrugging her shoulders as if to say that sooner or later the whole town would know about us so we had better tell the truth.

"Not that it is any of your business but yes Mary and I made love in the woods and if we have our way we plan to make our relationship permanent."

"All right way to go you two." The girls said as they danced happily around us.

"Very funny girls, very funny," Mary said laughing a deep throated laugh. "It wouldn't surprise me to learn that they were watching us the whole time."

"We weren't watching!" The girls said in unison.

"Would you care to come back to my place for dinner?" Mary asked.

"Are you sure that it would be all right?" I said hesitantly. "I wouldn't want your husband to suspect that there is something going on between us."

"It wouldn't matter honey he's suspected me ever since I started working, besides I can tell him that you were there to drop your sister off for her sleep over."

"Very well then, I will have dinner with you," I said with a smile. "I am kind of tired having to eat alone."

With the arrangements made we went our separate ways. I could only hope that her husband wouldn't show up.

I arrived home and headed straight for the shower and not once did my feet touch the ground and this time I did without the help of my uncle's odd elixir. It had been a strange but remarkable day.

The phone rang as I stepped out of the shower, I went to answer it and as soon as I said hello I heard my sister Kate on the other end and she sounded frightened to the point of panic. "Steve, you have to get over here quickly! He's here and he's trying to hurt Jackie's mom."

"Whose there, her husband?" I asked. Kate said that it was Ned. "Did you call the police?" She responded by telling me that Jackie was on her cell phone calling the police. "Just hold tight sis, I'm on my way over right now but I want you to promise me one thing." I heard her breathing hard. "Just stay out of harms way."

I did my best not to break any traffic laws on the way over to Mary's house and much to my surprise the police hadn't arrived yet. I made my way into the house and I could hear a lot of yelling and glass breaking. I eased my way into the kitchen where I say Mary backed into a corner and Ned throwing things at her and missing. I felt that I couldn't wait for the police to show so I spoke up. "Hello Ned, what's going on?" Ned turned and snarled at me. I could see the uncontrolled drool on his lips as he spat more than spoke. "Well, if it isn't Mr. Big Shot himself, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"I got a call from my sister telling me that she was scared and needed help." I said as I moved to a chair and sat down. I was doing my best not to sound judgmental. "Listen to me Ned if you have a problem maybe you can talk to me about it, there's no need to break the dishes in the house."

"I know why you're here you fuck, you want to fuck my wife." Ned was really on a bender. "Christ, that whore will fuck any cock she can. Won't you bitch!?" He screamed.

"I'm not here to do any such thing Ned, I came to get my sisters and take them home." I said waving my hands in the air. "You don't want to be doing that Ned." I said as he picked up a chair in a threatening manor.

"Why the fuck not? I'm the fucking boss in this house, not you and not this bitch of a wife." Ned obviously had a lot of issues.

"Well, if the police see you swing that chair they may very well shoot you." I said praying that the cops would hurry up. "And another thing, I couldn't just sit here and let you take a swing at your wife or anyone with that chair. It just wouldn't be fair."

"Fair!? What the fuck do you know about fair? Were you destined to be a pro footballer? Were you the one with women dripping off your arms? No, but I was damn it and none of you showed me any respect. Hell, I bet you just laughed when you heard that I was cut by the pros didn't you?" I wanted to tell him that I didn't laugh because I didn't care about him or football but I kept my mouth shut.

"Drop that chair Mr.!" A voice called from the doorway. It was the police at last. "And who are you?" He asked me without looking.

"It's Steve O'Neil officer, I came here to get my sisters out of here if I could."

I knew who the cop was for his brother works at the plant.

"Is there anyone else here besides your sisters and the victim? And do you know if they have been harmed?"

"Yes, Mary's sister Jackie is here as well." I answered. "To the best of my knowledge no one has been hurt."

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Graduation and beyond

Graduation and beyond This story happened when I had just graduated from high school, I also had just turned eighteen. I was very happy to graduate since I didn't always have a pleasant experience while in school. I never really fit into any of the in crowd groups, instead I was more of the type that mostly fit into the background. Of course I had my share of getting picked on, I was not built for sports, I wasn't six foot plus in height, and I certainly was not the biggest kid on...

4 years ago
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Graduation The morning of June 20th was sunny, with the searing heat of a summer solstice that burned the desert earth a gleaming red and created shimmering air waves on the horizon. The brightness of the Sun was almost blinding, and the hot air made it hard to breathe. Any sweat that could be procured from my glands had completely evaporated, leaving my skin feeling dry and my lips chapped. Yet in spite of the harsh conditions, life still flourished here in the serenely beautiful...

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Graduation Present

Ms. Kerigan was a young, fresh out of college business teacher in my very rural high school circa 1990. With a graduating class of 49 and total school enrollment of less than 200, it was easy to become close to your teachers in such small class settings. In the mornings I had Ms. Kerigan for a typing class and later in the afternoon, she would observe my study hall. We talked and joked most every day. Ms. Kerigan was short and curvy, her breasts were the talk of our study hall tables and her...

1 year ago
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Graduation party

Note : This story is completely fictional! Graduation partyBy NastyOldSlob When the high school boys finished fucking Nicky she lay on the grass and let the boys piss on her. She loved to be humiliated. It was her punishment for being . "I want to swallow it" she begged.A boy stuck his limp prick in her mouth and pissed a gusher. She gulped it down and ask for more."That fat slut is nasty" he laughed.The boys put on their pants and went home laughing and Nicky staggered to her feet. This after...

4 years ago
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Graduation Day and Beyond Part 1

Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part I By Janis Elizabeth Prologue: Janet stood in line in eager anticipation outside the auditorium waiting for the processional to begin. Under her gold graduation robe, she wore a short-sleeved white dress, which fit nicely across her teenage bosom and then flared at the waist into a knee-length skirt. Beneath her dress, she was wearing a lovely white satin bra ad panties set and a white satin garter belt that her mom had gotten her especially...

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Graduation Night

Mother always said I was gifted, I just never knew it was like this. It was my high school graduation, class of 2002. My mom had brought her new digital camera that she bought just for special occasions like this. I was one of the school's best and brightest student's. Every teacher loved my work ethic, amongst other things, and always called me, 'their favorite student.' During the graduation, I noticed some things that seemed strange. Mrs. Summers left her long, sexy legs uncrossed and I...

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Graduation My Slutty Senior Nandini 8211 Part 1

Hello Everyone. This is Arshaan, back after a long time. I’ve been quite busy with work post-covid and have a lot of adventures for you guys and girls. Stay tuned, as I’ll be posting many stories this year. Let’s jump into where we left off last time without further ado. This is a spin-off from ‘Nandhini, My Slutty College Senior.’ Finally, the day of graduation came for my sexy senior slut. It was the last day that I’d be able to meet her post which the holidays were planned. I picked her up...

1 year ago
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Graduation Day

This is another story of Zach and Kyle. After me and Kyle’s hot escapades in the locker room we fell in even more love, we both were horny all the time and pleasuring each other was no problem. We were in love, and nothing would break us apart. We hadn’t told anyone about it yet so we kept it a secret. Well it was the end of our senior year in high school when we got caught for having sex. We were getting ready for graduation the day before graduation actually started. Well me and Kyle finally...

2 years ago
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Graduation Night

Allie and Kara walked excitedly up the sidewalk to Mike's house, where the big graduation bash was already going on. Allie wore a short, white frilly skirt with a pink halter top and pink strappy heels to match. Her long blonde hair was up in a messy ponytail, and she had pale blue earrings that brought out her blue eyes. Kara, a few inches shorter than Allie and curvier, wore her plaid "Catholic school girl" skirt with white knee socks, a white tank covered by a partially unbuttoned white...

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Graduation Ch 1

Will had lived next door to me for as long as I could remember. Our parents had been friends for just as long. Will was five years older then me, at 23. He has brown hair, and deep chocolate brown eyes, and a body that had been driving me to distraction for a while now. I had started to notice Will’s attributes as early as 12 years old. I can remember in the summer before grade eight, lying back in my sun chair, in a blue bikini, my first two piece. Will would come over to use our pool every...

2 years ago
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Graduation Present

All characters named and any actions taken are fictional. Graduation Present 90%, bloody hell, bloody fucking hell!! 90%. I had done it, I had achieved the percentage needed for the best present that is on offer, I was a grade 1 student! Let me explain, I have been a total shit bag for a few years now, no qualifications and in trouble with the police pretty often. After a short stint in prison I was offered a chance to take part in a new rehabilitation scheme. This scheme teaches you a...

2 years ago
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Graduation Gift

Our kids and their kids hit it off pretty well and became good friends, or cousins, as they referred to themselves. Our oldest daughter graduated from high school last year, and our other daughter just turned sixteen. Christa, my wife’s step-sister, graduated from high school in May. For graduation, my wife and I decided to take our girls and Christa to the beach for a week. We also agreed to allow Christa’s best friend, Brittney, to come alone. Christa and Brittney had been friends since...

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Graduation Night With Kelly

Kelly has been an incredibly sexy and horny girl for as long as we had known each other, which in the summer of 1978 was going to be three years. However, since we started having sex with Yvonne and Patrick on a regular basis, and since she'd been with nearly a dozen different men, Kelly’s vagina was taking over her thoughts. They say guys think with the little head well, Kelly was being driven by her pussy. She knew she was headed to college in the fall and would need to crack the books. I...

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Graduation Party

You've just graduated from high school and your friend Brad invited you over to his graduation party. You've been friends with him since grade school and know that this could be the last time you see him. There's also other people you know that are going to be there and you're hoping to have a great party that none of you will forget. Maybe, you'll even get lucky with someone tonight. You leave for college tomorrow to get everything settled before college starts as you will have your own...

5 years ago
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Graduation Party Fantasy or Fact Ill never tell

I taught high school history one year at a private school here in town. I was between jobs and a friend asked me if I would fill in. It worked out and they asked me to stay on for the year.It was a small private school and the kids were mostly nice but some were snotty rich, if you know what I mean. Hubby went down with me to some of the parent teacher meetings and they asked him to coach football after work twice a week. He liked the idea, and one day he came home and asked me if I'd seen some...

Group Sex
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Graduation Day and Beyond Part 4

Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part IV By Janis Elizabeth Mother's Day Janet was looking forward to celebrating her first Mother's Day with her Mom. In the past, as Josh, she never really felt such closeness to Mom on this day as she did now. Of course, as Josh, she had expressed her appreciation and given her a big hug, a card and a nice gift, usually something for her bath. This year, though, would be different. Since this would be the first Mother's Day that Janet celebrated...

2 years ago
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Graduation Day

It was the last day of High School. Twelve years of hard work finally complete! The Senior Class' morning would be nothing more than outprocessing everything (turning in books, emptying lockers, last minute paperwork, class standings finalized, and last report cards issued), and the afternoon would be a chance for the students to say goodbye to favorite Teachers and share a few moments with friends. (Of course, the lower class members were stuck in class. Ha Ha Ha.) Graduation would be that...

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Graduation Party

AnneMarie stood on the middle level of the garden deck. Some guests walked on by. Others stopped to offer congratulations. This was not her party, she too was a guest, but many of those in attendance knew she had also just graduated. As she accepted the well wishes of several people, she frequently glanced to the level above her. In the far corner was a small group of men, including Andrew Benson and a few of his friends and associates. She had felt his eyes on her for most of the afternoon,...

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Graduation Exam

“Thank you and now get the hell into your room. I can't work with you beside me,” Claire scolded her roommate Christopher with just a hint of desperation in her voice.“Come on, you didn't even receive the e-mail with your exam questions yet. Besides, it was you who came to me almost crying because your internet connection wasn't working. How did you accidentally delete our Wi-Fi password from your computer?” Christopher replied with an undertone of growing frustration.“I said thank you for...

Quickie Sex
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Graduation Party

Not you, though. You’ve always been more elegant and mild-mannered. The decadence and irreverent nature of teenage years had seemed to pass you by. You always were the quiet one, frequently blending into the walls, the type of girl John Green would model his novels after. It would be a lie to say that I never noticed you, though. In the fleeting moments of the day where my brain wandered, it always seemed to wander towards you. I’m such an outspoken and brazen guy, an active participant in the...

2 years ago
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Graduationeasier reading

Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost track of most of them anyway, and it didn't seem worth it anymore. Arriving in town, I looked out the window thinking about how nice all these houses looked. We had money. But even...

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Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost track of most of them anyway, and it didn't seem worth it anymore. Arriving in town, I looked out the window thinking about how nice all these houses looked. We had money. But even...

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Graduation and Ch 20

Lois Tillman found herself in a situation she wished she could have avoided. Several months earlier, before she and her husband Rod split up, she agreed to let Dennis Livingston, the teen-age son of a friend, stay at her house for a few weeks while his parents traveled in Europe. The young man didn’t want to go on the trip and her friend thought having the bookish, unathletic boy spend some time with Rod and Lois might be good for him. Dennis was stocky and soft-looking, and he wasn’t homely,...

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Graduation and Ch 18

Bobby couldn’t wait for the graduation ceremonies to end. Afterward, he and Paula were going to spend the weekend alone at a beach house her parents owned. He was surprised when both his parents and hers agreed to let them do that, but they had and, as soon as they could, he and Paula would be on their way. As the young man sat there, listening to the commencement speaker drone on, and his thoughts drifted to what happened between him and Mrs. Dennison a few days earlier. He’d been making...

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Graduation Ch 2

I partied well into the night, relishing the end of high school. All night I couldn’t get Will’s note out of my mind. I had put it in my purse, not wanting to lose it. I had decided to phone him when I got home. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but if it was anything that made me feel as good as his fingers on my nipples had earlier, I was game. There was a party at one of my classmate’s houses after prom, but I didn’t want to go, I had something waiting for me at home. my date went with me,...

2 years ago
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Graduation Party

It was my high school graduation party. All of my family and friends were there and we were really enjoying ourselves. It was also one of the first times I had been allowed to drink, and I was really taking advantage of that. I mingled and socialized with my family friends, men and women who had watched me grow up from a young girl. There were a couple of my father's friends who kept inviting me back to chat more and give me more elongated hugs and congratulatory kisses on the cheek. I didn't...

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Graduation By Julie O. It was the last day of school and I was busy in my classroom. I was entering the grades from the final into my computer. It was the end of my first year teaching US History & Econ at Eastview H.S. When I started I was ecstatic about getting hired here. It was a brand new school in an upscale suburb in Southern California, but after being here a year I was debating on whether or not it was a smart move working here. At the time I was in my early 40's and...

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Graduation Day and Beyond Part 2

Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part II By Janis Elizabeth School days It was the first day of school and Janet was excited about the prospects of wearing feminine apparel to class, although her choice of attire was limited. All freshman girls, either by gender or apparel, had to wear a blue uniform dress each day. The dress had short sleeves trimmed in white, a white Peter Pan collar, a fitted bodice and a full skirt that fell to just below the knees. A white cardigan sweater...

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Graduation Day and Beyond Part 3

Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part III By Janis Elizabeth First Date, First Kiss Janet looked through her closet searching for just the right outfit that would make the right first impression on Megan. Although they rode to school daily, and Megan helped her mom do Janet's and Elizabeth's hair, Janet still considered tonight her chance to make a good first impression. After looking at several skirt and blouse combinations, Janet looked at her dresses. She selected one in green...

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Graduation PARTY

After graduation Mrs. Haven invited all of us to her and her husbands house for a huge party. Everybody was drinking having a good time, and of course Mrs. Haven looked as hot as ever wearing tight shorts and a skimpy tank top she changed into. I couldn't help but stare at her, for an older woman she was stunning. She stood at 5-6” tall, large breast and descent body that made all the boys turn their heads. I think she noticed, because as the night went on and everyone got drunker she...

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Graduation Party

The Graduation Party!It was such a wild party! We had just passed the last exam with flying colors and were now fully fledged technicians and that called for a huge celebration.The school had arranged for buses to pick us up and drive us to a "secret" location, where the party was to be held. It turned out to be a large, old inn way outside the city, where we could throw the wildest party without bothering the neighbors, 'cause there weren't any."School is over" was the most played tune that...

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Graduation ball

There were 10 of us. Female teachers standing along the walls of the gym in our bras and panties. When I had reached my assigned spot, I was told to put my legs together. One of the guys took off his belt, coiled it around my ankles and buckled it, so that I could not move my feet. There we were. Ball-gagged, handcuffed and unable to move. Ready for inspection. And inspected we were! The students strolled back and forth giving us the elevator look. It was immensely embarrassing. But it was also...

1 year ago
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Graduation from Fag School Magna Cum Laude Chapter 1

graduation from Fag School - Magna Cum Laude - Chapter 1 Eventually a fag knows and loves that he is a fag. Sometimes the fag follows a long transition from straight to bi, to shemales, to shemales and guys, and finally to just great guys with those beautiful great cocks. Then the happy fag should reflect on his fantastic erotic voyage and thank those who helped him to his all-dick destination. In my case, believe it or not, I mostly have a woman to thank in helping me become the finest fag I...

2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 17

A man Bobby Draper didn’t know was about to do help the young man solve the problem of breaking things off with another of his adult lovers. The man, whose name was Lee Barnes, pulled into the parking lot of the hall where the Jamestown High School reunion banquet was being held. He had been divorced for a year, so he was attending the reunion alone. He hadn’t been back to his home town in years and hadn’t been to a reunion since he graduated from high school. As a result, he hadn’t seen most...

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Graduation from Fag School Chapter 2

Good morning class. I am the school's co-owner and a shemale with a very large cock that we will use in a lesson in a few days. Today, I am going to bring some of my boyfriends over for your fag lessons. You will just love kissing them, dancing with them, slowly undressing them. Then you will get to suck their beautiful cocks and swallow their cum, load after load after load. For one special person in class, I will bring out his boyfriend for the day. That man will have a romantic encounter...

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Graduation and Ch 27

Lois woke up horny. That was nothing new. Ever since Dennis had come for his visit, she’d been waking up horny. But, the delightful thing was that the young man’s presence gave her the means to do something about her horniness. There were things that made this morning bittersweet for Lois, though. This was the last time she’d be waking up next to Dennis for a while. His parents were returning from their European trip, which meant he was going to have to go home. Later that day, she and Dennis...

1 year ago
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Graduation Cruise Vacation

My name is Stacy. My twin brother Matt and I had just graduated High School. After the parties and family get together, my parents surprised us with a Caribbean cruise vacation. Matt and I were booked for side-by-side cabins in the lower decks of the ship. The trip consisted of 7 nights with stops in St. Thomas, Salt Cay, and St. Maarten. Matt and I boarded a plane leaving Newark, NJ headed to Cape Canaveral, Fl. A few short hours later, we were looking at the biggest ship we had ever seen in...

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Graduation and Ch 12

Helen Parker and her husband Dave were in the process of getting a divorce. When the couple first separated, the woman did get a restraining order, but as the divorce progressed and things went well, she dropped it. Unfortunately, her estranged husband had begun to drink more and more and, as the divorce proceedings continued, he began behaving more and more irrationally. Finally, Helen, frightened by her estranged husband’s behavior, had the restraining order reinstated. Then, one day while...

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Graduation Doctors Visit

Now Shannon, 22 years old, is the all around best girl. She's one of the most personable girls in her class and knows just about everyone since she was on the volleyball team as well as the honors society sorority. Shannon is about 5 foot 9, thin, with dark brown hair, green eyes, and that southern tan skin. She has an athletic body, perfectly sized C cup breasts, and the toned butt any girl would die for. With the semester coming to a close, Shannon's mother has been on her case about...

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Graduation and Ch 04

When Linda arrived home from work that afternoon, Lois, wearing only a filmy robe, was in the kitchen, working at the kitchen counter. Linda looked at her friend and felt a shiver race through her body. ‘Lois is so beautiful!’ the slim woman thought as she gazed at her auburn-haired friend’s lush body. ‘She’s always had such a fantastic body. I wish I wasn’t so skinny. I wish my body was more like hers.’ ‘Hi, Lois,’ she said. Lois turned and smiled at her friend. ‘Hi, Linda,’ she said. ‘I...

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Graduation and Ch 13

Lois Tillman lay on her bed, her lush body quivering with unsatisfied desire, while she watched her lover, Doreen Ingalls, disrobe. Her husband, Rod, was away overnight at a coaching conference, so they didn’t have to worry about him catching them together. Lois was actually looking forward to spending the whole weekend making love with Doreen. Lois needed loving so badly! Her hand stole to her yearning pussy and she began stroking her clit. If no one else was available to satisfy her, she’d...

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Graduation and Ch 21

Bobby Draper awoke from a fantastic dream that someone was making love to him. The dream was so real that, even after he was awake, he could feel warm wetness surrounding his cock. In fact, he realized as sleep left his mind, he wasn’t dreaming at all. His stiffening organ was deep in Paula’s mouth and her lips and tongue were doing what they could to make it swell even more. Bobby decided to pretend he was still asleep and see what Paula intended to do. Her insistent, arousing oral caresses...

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Graduation and Ch 24

Paula was out on the beach and Bobby was getting ready to join her. Before he went outside, he stopped and looked out the beach house’s huge windows. His heart sank. Paula was lying on a blanket on the sand. Standing over her was a muscular, good-looking blonde young man. Jealousy flared in Bobby. He and Paula were supposed to have this time alone. ‘What the hell is that damn beach bum doing here?’ he thought. His jaw tightened, he turned, went downstairs, grabbed a beach chair out of the...

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Graduation and Ch 14

Helen Parker paced back and forth in her living room. She was nervous and couldn’t keep from wondering if Joe Denton, the police officer she’d met that afternoon, really would return that evening as he promised he would. Was what happened between them a one-time thing? Was he one of those jerky guys who’d take advantage of finding a woman at a weak moment and… The phone rang, startling her. She picked it up and stammered, ‘Hel…hello?’ ‘You still want me to come over?’ Joe Denton asked. ‘Of...

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Graduation and Ch 28

Stacey Dixon was lying in his bed, reading a magazine, when the phone rang. He was home alone, so he grabbed the phone next to his bed and said, ‘Hello?’ ‘I’d like to speak with Stacey Dixon, please,’ a sultry voice on the phone said, sending thrills down the young man’s spine. ‘Ah…that’s me…I’m Stacey,’ the young man replied. Who was this? ‘My name is Rita Meckler,’ the caller said, ‘Nicole Everett suggested I call you.’ Excitement rushed through the young man. If Mrs. Everett told this...

3 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 08

Bobby gazed lovingly at his date for the prom. Paula Wilton looked stunning in a black satin dress that clung to her wonderful curves but had a lot of gathers and a deep cut in the back. Her waist length blonde hair was pulled back into a simple pony tail and she was wearing understated makeup. She was so lovely that looking at her made it hard for the young man to breathe. He had the problem the whole time her parents, who’d met Bobby and seemed to like him, were taking pictures of them....

2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 06

Lois and Rod Tillman were attending the traditional year-end get-together that was given for the Jamestown High School faculty and staff by Maxwell Cartwright, the chairman of the school board, at his sumptuous home. The Cartwrights, an extremely wealthy couple, had a magnificent home, a mansion, really. Lois had attended the party there for several years, but she was still dazzled by the home’s opulence. Lois was disappointed that Doreen Ingalls, the assistant principal, wouldn’t be there, but...

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Graduation and Ch 22

Detective Sergeant Joe Denton parked his car, got out, walked up the sidewalk to Helen Parker’s house, and rang the doorbell. Helen opened the door and her eyes brightened when she saw him. ‘Hi, Joe,’ she said. ‘Wow!’ Joe said, ‘You look fantastic!’ His date had on a turquoise dress, loose-fitting, gathered at the waist by a sash. The looseness accentuated, rather than hid, her voluptuous figure. ‘Thank you,’ Helen replied. She felt her face get hot and knew she was blushing. It had been a...

3 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 01

As the end of Bobby Draper’s senior year approached, the young man was looking forward to the festivities that would wind up his senior year at Jamestown High School. The senior prom was coming up soon and would be followed by commencement a few weeks later. He wasn’t forgetting the parties that were usually held at the end of the year, either. He’d already been accepted at a college, so that problem was solved, but he had a lot of other weighty matters on his mind. His girlfriend, Paula, was...

2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 02

Lois Tillman’s life was in turmoil. She was married, but growing more and more dissatisfied with her husband. Every day brought her closer to the courage to take steps to end her marriage. But that wasn’t her only source of distress. During the previous summer, she’d begun a forbidden affair with one of her students and, in a weird set of circumstances, that affair led her into an affair with the new assistant principal at the school where she taught – a female assistant principal. Then, while...

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Graduation and Ch 16

Rod Tillman was in a rush. Carol Dickinson called him at his office at school and invited him to her house for the afternoon. ‘I’m just sitting here alone,’ she purred into the phone, ‘and I’m at loose ends. You think you might know some way of alleviating my boredom?’ ‘You better believe I do,’ Rod replied, smiling. His cock was already getting hard, just from hearing her voice. ‘You know where I live,’ Carol said, then the phone went dead. Ten minutes later, Rod parked outside the...

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