- 4 years ago
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"Hi! This is Jessica. I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible..."
I waited for the voice mail connection and promptly forgot what I wanted to say.
"Uh, hi. It's John, from last Thursday? Anyway, I was wondering if you'd be free this evening. Not free, uh ... I mean, available? For a date? Um ... Maybe I'll email you. Shoot. But if you want to call me back, my number is..."
I hung up the phone feeling like a high school kid. I wanted to open Jessica's web page, just to see her again as much as anything else. She'd been on my mind for a week, like a growing infatuation pushing everything else aside, and I held her panties in my lap. I'd washed them by hand after our first and only "date" and kept the flimsy souvenir in my desk at work. It was the only place I knew my wife wouldn't find them; she hated coming by the office.
Between the lacy, feminine underwear now in my pocket and my celphone sitting silently on my desk, it wasn't easy concentrating on work. The computer distracted me as well. Jessica's beautiful face haunted me and I could find her right there on the internet, but everything went through the server and got logged. Even a vice-president would have to explain himself and surfing transsexual escort sites, well ... That would be unexplainable.
When my phone rang, shortly after lunch, I jerked upright and stared at the noise, getting a shot of adrenaline that wasn't going to help me very much. On the third ring, I caught it in my hands like a wounded bird, cupping the phone and glancing at my closed door. I half-expected my secretary to walk in, catching me in the act of ... What? My nerves were playing tricks on me. It rang twice more before I answered.
Hi John," Jessica purred. "I was at my aerobics class this morning. How are you?"
"I'm great," I replied. "Really, um ... good."
She laughed lightly when I didn't say anything else and plainly I should have. I'd called her after all.
"Are you at work," Jessica wondered, "or playing hooky? It's a nice day for it."
"Working," I said. "Stuck in the office."
"Ohhh..." she pouted. "That's too bad."
"Yeah," I agreed, clearing my throat and looking at the blue sky through my window. I had a nice view of the river, but I barely noticed it anymore.
"What were you calling me about, John?" she prompted after another awkward silence.
She obviously wasn't going to ask me on a date, although I wasn't exactly sure what the rules were for this kind of thing. I'd arranged our first meeting through email.
"Oh. Well, I'd like to, um ... see you again," I said. "Tonight? Maybe? If you're not, uh ... busy?"
"Ohhh ... That's sweet of you," she said, "but I've already made plans."
"You did?" I swallowed hard. "That's okay. I understand, um ... Maybe another time then."
"I really need a little more time," Jessica explained. "I'm sure you understand. Maybe we can get together on Wednesday or Thursday?"
"No," I sighed. "I'll have to, uh ... See, my wife..."
" ... she has a thing tonight, some sort of fundraiser, and..."
"I see."
" ... I just thought maybe I could see you again."
"I wish I could," Jessica said. "I had a lot of fun on our first date. I'd love to do it again."
"But you're busy."
"But I'm busy," she agreed, letting the disappointing truth hang between us for several seconds. "If you like, I do have a friend you might like to meet. I can give her a call and..."
"A friend?" I licked my lips. "You mean, like you. Right?"
"Very much like me," Jessica said. "You'd like her a lot, I think, and I know she'd just love to meet you."
"Uh, maybe..." I'd had my heart set on Jessica.
"She's a little younger though," she said. "Is that a problem?"
"How old is she?"
"Don't worry, John," Jessica laughed lightly at the suspicion in my voice. "She's eighteen, but ... Not by much. That's what I'm saying. She's going to college."
"I wouldn't lie about that," she teased me. "What do you think? Should I call her?"
"What does she look like?" I asked, knowing how shallow that made me sound, but Jessica didn't seem to mind. On reflection, she probably understood my interest completely, since this was a business.
"Like a sexy tomboy," she answered. "Dark hair, long legs, pretty in the face. She's very natural and, uh ... very healthy."
"Like me ... Don't you remember, John?" Jessica lowered her voice to a sexy whisper. "My cock remembers you perfectly."
"Uhhh..." I nodded into the phone.
"She's not shy either ... I'm almost home. Do you want me to call her for you?"
"Okay, um ... Sure," I said, deciding it wouldn't hurt to at least talk to this other girl. "What's her name?"
"Tabitha," Jessica said. "I'll call her right now. Okay?"
"Yeah," I replied, detecting a hint of impatience and I'd probably wasted enough of her time. "Thanks. I, uh ... appreciate it."
"You owe me a favor now," she said with another laugh. "Bye, John."
She disconnected and my phone went dark.
"Fuck." I'd really wanted to spend the evening with Jessica and it didn't seem fair to find her unavailable.
What did I expect though? She was an escort, a transsexual prostitute, and the best looking one in the city probably. None of the other shemales who advertised online had come close to matching Jessica's beauty. It's why I'd picked her in the first place and she hadn't disappointed me in the least. The idea of meeting her friend had sounded good at the time, but as I sat at my desk, I began to have doubts.
An eighteen year old college student? I should have asked how much this Tabitha charged. I wasn't worried about the money, I had enough of that, but it might have given me a better idea of what to expect. Jessica had been the most expensive shemale escort as well and I suppose I'm a natural born capitalist, believing the more something costs the more it's worth. Of course, being an investment banker I knew the truth about such things, or so I liked to tell myself.
"A sexy tomboy?" I muttered to myself. What did that mean?
Probably that she looked more like a man in drag than a real woman, which wasn't going to do anything for me. Transvestites didn't turn me on at all. I didn't have a fetish for clothes, although I could certainly appreciate a well dressed, or undressed, woman. I wasn't gay either. Men didn't excite me and I'd never had any experience that way, not even as a curious teenager growing up with my friends. I couldn't think of Jessica as a male, it's that simple. She was a woman with a penis, that's all, and I loved her for that.
We don't get to pick our fetish, it picks us; all we can do is rationalize it. Being with Jessica didn't make me queer, it only made me normal. I mean, look at her! She was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. How could a man not be infatuated with her? Her cock only made her ... What? Perfect. It made her dominant and reversed our roles, putting me on my knees with the overwhelming submissive desire to please her. The psychology wasn't lost on me, but it didn't make me homosexual either ... Just desperate.
I'd removed my cock from my pants, wrapping Jessica's panties around the swollen shaft while I remembered the things we'd done together. I wasn't jerking off exactly, but definitely masturbating and I'd told my secretary to hold my calls. I had to be crazy and if I got caught it would probably mean the end of my career. Stroking off behind my desk in the middle of the afternoon? Yeah. I'd lose everything because this business was built on reputation, but those satin panties felt so good...
"Ow! Shit." I winced as my celphone rang and I banged my right knee against my mahogany desk with a loud, painful thud.
My watch showed 3:35 in the afternoon and it had been over two hours since I'd spoken with Jessica. I hoped it wasn't my wife calling and when I saw the words "New Number" glowing on the screen I felt my stomach tighten.
"John? Hey! It's Tabitha, um ... Jessie said I should give you a call. What's up?"
I almost smiled as the girl made it sound like we were old friends. She really did sound like a girl too. Not a woman and certainly not a man, but a teenage girl and I hadn't spoken to one of those in a long time. That made an awkward situation even worse, considering the reason. How does one go about asking a perfect stranger for sex? At least with Jessica, she'd had a professional website and had taken much of the responsibility off my shoulders, but this girl ... I'd never even seen her picture.
I began thinking this hadn't been such a good idea.
"Hi, um ... I was, um ... I just got into town and..."
"You did?" She giggled softly. "I thought she said you're at work."
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything," she said, reading my mind it seemed. "Jess told me you're married too."
"She did?"
"Yeah," Tabitha sighed. "Bummer, huh?"
"I mean, not that you're married," she added quickly. "That's cool. Good for you, right? But she said you're pretty cute, so..."
"Jessica said that?"
"Uh-huh." She laughed again. "I'm kinda in the market."
"Okay, um ... For what?"
"A boyfriend!" she said. "God. You must think I'm really retarded. Never mind. Forget I said that, okay?"
"I'll try," I said, teasing her as I smiled into the phone.
"Can we start again? I'm Tabitha."
"I'm John," I said. "It's nice to meet you."
"You sound nice," she decided. "So, um ... Where do you work?"
"I just got home from school," she sighed. "It sucks. I can't wait to get out of here, you know?"
"Sure," I agreed, wondering what we were talking about.
"So, um ... Jessie said you're really sweet. How old are you?"
"Me? I'm thirty," I admitted with an inward wince.
"On the button?" Tabitha asked with a giggle.
"Well..." I cleared my throat. "I turned thirty-one last May."
"Cool," she said. "I hate all the guys I know."
"You do?"
"They're totally boys," she sighed. "Like little boys, you know? So boring."
"I guess college can be like that," I offered, frowning at a rapping on my door.
I looked up to see Janice, my secretary, peeking around it. I had no choice but to wave her in.
"I'm sure once you assess the market more carefully and allow your investments to mature..."
"What are you talking about?" Tabitha asked, laughing again and I wasn't going to get tired of that sound.
"Peterson sent these down," Janice said softly, laying a thick routing folder on the corner of my desk.
"Thanks," I mouthed, giving her a shrug and a bored look as I took a deep breath. My secretary would think it was just another client wasting my time, but Tabitha nearly spoiled my one act play.
"I'm still in high school," the girl told me. "So it's kinda awkward sometimes, like meeting guys..."
"Right," I breathed, watching Janice close the door behind her as she left.
" ... that I can get into, you know?" Tabitha continued with a sigh. "College would be cool though. Yeah."
"What? How old are you?"
"Seventeen..." she replied, " ... almost, but everybody says I act way more older than that."
"Fuck," I breathed.
"Oh. Nothing, um ... Yeah, you sound, um ... older."
"Thank you!" Tabitha said and I could hear her smile. "So ... Do you wanna like hook up or something?"
"Like ask me on a date?" she asked, teasing me with a soft laugh. "Or did I totally scare you away?"
Child prostitution? My mind reeled in seven different directions. Tabitha sounded cute as hell, even sexy, but ... Sixteen? That's the age of consent where we live, but if I got caught what would it matter? She still went to high school and I admired teenage girls, some of them, like every other man on the planet, I'm sure. I didn't fantasize about them though. I wasn't some perverted child molester stalking playgrounds. Why did she have to be sixteen? Jessica had told me she went to college and Tabitha was so open and outgoing, I seriously doubted Jessica didn't know the truth about her friend.
I felt rather manipulated, even angry, but Jesus, she had a sexy voice. She had a cock, that's what I mean. Listening to Tabitha talk, hearing her sound exactly like her age and knowing she had a penis ... The girl had to be as cute as she sounded. Sixteen wasn't that bad, was it? I wasn't twice her age, at least, but that didn't make me feel any better. I was still old enough to be Tabitha's father, technically, and she wanted to hook up with an older man. I understood that much and she sounded serious about it, but I suppose being a teenage escort gave her a perspective beyond her years.
"How, um ... much do you think, um ... that would be?" I stammered softly, barely getting the words out. "For, uh ... all night."
I just had to hear her say it, you know? I wanted to hear the proof from her lips, that Tabitha wasn't an innocent high school girl rushing headlong into life.
"I dunno," she said with a verbal shrug. "I guess it depends on what you wanna do, right?"
"Yeah," I coughed lightly. "How about ... everything?"
"Everything?" She really laughed at that. "You mean like dinner and a movie or something?"
"I like to dance, but it's kind of hard getting into the cool clubs sometimes," she said. "I kinda know the bouncer at Blue Lagoon. I'm on the cheer team with his sister, so we can probably get in there."
"Or a movie's cool too," Tabitha said and then, "Oh."
"What?" I narrowed my eyes.
"You probably wanna check me out first, huh?"
"Don't worry," she said. "I can look good when I want to."
"I'm sure you do."
"I mean, really good," she insisted. "Did Jessie tell you about me?"
"She said you're a, uh ... sexy tomboy," I admitted slowly, holding my breath until she giggled.
"Yeah! Sorta, I dunno ... I'm cute, though. I promise. I'm not gonna like totally embarrass you."
"You sound cute," I agreed. "I wasn't thinking about that."
"Good," she said. "Cause you don't have to. When you see me your eyes are gonna pop!"
"They are?"
"Uh-huh! I'm gonna start getting ready right now," Tabitha said. "What time are you going to pick me up?"
"Pick you up?"
"Well ... You're the man, silly!"
I smiled at her laughter and tried to figure out how this had happened.
"I don't know where you live," I said. "Do you want me to meet you somewhere or..."
"Just come to my house," she said. "It's cool. You got a pen?"
I wrote down Tabitha's address and already had her phone number now that she'd called me. I promised to pick her up at seven, but I honestly didn't know if I would or not. She'd given me a lot of time to come to my senses.
Did I really want to leave my car on the street? This wasn't exactly the bad part of town, but my BMW stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the rusted Fords and Toyotas that littered the street. Some black kids, young men really, were sitting on the steps of a brownstone opposite the address Tabitha had given me. They were smoking and sharing a brown bag with something in it. Beer, I supposed, and I almost didn't get out of the car.
My suit didn't help either. I'd thought about wearing something more casual, some slacks and a nice polo maybe, but I still hadn't made up my mind at that point. I liked my suits anyway. I'd been wearing them for years and barely thought about it in my normal day-to-day life. Seeing those guys in their t-shirts and sweat pants, however; I felt very uncomfortable.
"Yo! What you lookin' for, man?" one of them called out as I turned on the alarm with a sharp beep.
Tabitha lived in a brownstone like all the other buildings on this street and I ignored the guy, walking towards the steps and her front door.
"Lookin' for Tabby?" another boy asked. "She don't live there, homes."
"Excuse me?" I stopped and turned my head to look at them.
"She wanted to check you out first, man." The first guy jerked his head as the door opened behind him.
"Be nice," a girl said, Tabitha, as she stepped between them. "God! Look out. I'm trying to walk here!"
"Shit. We're nice," one of them said and they were all talking.
"He looks like the mayor,"
"You the fuckin' mayor, yo?" The first boy grinned at me. "When you gonna fix the fuckin' lights, man?"
"Just shut-up," Tabitha sighed, coming down the steps in a plaid skirt and black t-shirt. "You guys are so retarded."
She wore a red leather jacket over her shoulders, matching her purse and high heel shoes. It was a good look for her and with her short brown hair and narrow hips, her obviously flat chest ... Yeah. I could see sexy tomboy there. Not beautiful, not stunning like Jessica, but cute and even adorable wouldn't be an exaggeration. She looked like a sixteen year old girl, struggling between puberty and adulthood, which is a secret beauty all its own.
"Tabitha?" I stood frozen as her heels clicked on the asphalt and she offered me an impish smile and apologetic shrug.
"Sorry. I just wanted to see you first," she said. "I live across the street."
"Do I look okay?" she wondered, widening her sky-blue eyes and she had a pretty face full of expression. "Are you gonna change your mind?"
"Huh?" I blinked at her and woke up. "No. I'm not, uh ... You look great."
"So do you," she said, breaking into a sudden smile and she had small, sexy dimples that could come and go in a heartbeat. "Wow! What a great car. Is it yours?"
"Uhhh..." I shrugged, smiling helplessly. "I leased it."
"You rented it?"
"No. It's mine, I just ... I'm John."
"I know!" She laughed and stood close enough that we could shake hands, which we did. "I'm Tabitha."
"Yeah," I agreed, holding her warm fingers and I'm sure it must have seemed strange to her, but maybe not. I really didn't know what we were doing.
"You be cool, man," the boys told me, calling out across the otherwise quiet street.
"We got your back, Tabby." and "Be waitin' right here, girl."
"Don't mind those guys," she told me with a scrunch of her nose. "They think they're my brothers or something."
"Well, I guess it's nice they care," I said, for lack of anything better. Tabitha looked a little brown maybe, like she had some Hispanic blood, but she definitely wasn't black.
"That's how it is around here," she said. "Are you ready to go?"
"Sure. Yeah. Let me, um..." I pushed the button on my keychain and she laughed.
"That's so cool. Thank you," she said as I opened the passenger door for her.
"You're welcome," I replied, taking in her smooth thighs as the skirt rode upward for a second. Tabitha caught me with a smile, smoothing the pleats while I blushed and closed the door.
She looked good, but I knew her secret too and I can't lie about it. The idea that this girl had a cock and balls tucked away in her panties excited me far more than anything else. Passing Tabitha on the street or at the mall, I would have noticed and admired her, but that's all. It wouldn't have occurred to me to try and speak with her. As I said, teenage girls were nice to look at, but by themselves held no real sexual interest for me. But this girl, on the other hand, had already made up my mind and I wanted her badly.
"Maybe we should take care of the boring part first," I suggested before turning the ignition, remembering what Jessica had said to me.
I thought I could make it easier on Tabitha, maybe impress her with my experience in such things, but she gave me a blank look.
"What's the boring part?" she asked.
"Uh ... The money?" I shrugged as she turned towards me in the seat. "How much do you charge?"
"What?" Tabitha's eyes narrowed and her full, red lips turned down. I realized I'd just made a serious mistake, but I didn't know exactly how or why.
"For our date," I explained, my voice weakening with every syllable I uttered. "You mean, you're not a..."
"Whore?" she spat. "Thanks a lot! Wow! I feel special now. Let me out of here."
"Wait. Hold on a second," I said as she looked for the handle. "I didn't know. I thought ... I'm sorry. I really am."
"You're a jerk," she said, holding the door handle in her fingers but not pulling it yet. "I don't even make out on a first date, I'll have you know."
"I believe you," I told her. "Please. It's a mistake. It's my mistake, okay?"
"Oh yeah!" Tabitha snorted. "Now I get it. You want to do everything, huh? All night long. I remember what you said."
"That was different," I explained. "That was ... before, not now."
"Yeah?" She stared at me. "So what now then?"
"I just want to..."
"I'm not gonna let you fuck me!"
" ... get to know you," I finished, blinking as her words caught up with me.
"So you can forget that," she said. "Just because I ain't rich or whatever, I'm not a slut."
"I didn't say that."
"Jessie said you're a nice guy." She rolled her eyes. "What a jerk!"
"I'm sorry."
"I heard you the first time."
"Well, I'm still sorry."
We looked at each other for several seconds and they passed slowly.
"Do you want to start again?" I asked and when Tabitha made a face at me. "Hey, I gave you a do over."
"A do over?" She smiled for the first time since she'd gotten in the car.
"I'm John."
"Tabitha," she said, taking a deep breath. "This better be an excellent date, John."
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Gay MaleI wake up suddenly to the feeling of my white satin bedsheet sliding across my nude breasts as my boyfriend pulls it entirely away from me and off of the bed. "Get up, Wyvvs, we have to be going," he calls as I absently close my eyes in the morning sunlight and shyly cover my chest with my arm."Going where, what are you talking about Rick?" I slide my bare legs to the edge of the mattress and sit there for a moment in nothing but my black panties. He walks back over to me, fully dressed and...
CuckoldMyself Aj (name changed), a 22-year-old guy from Vizag. I am Bi-curious. This story is about how I got curious about entering into this Bi world and my experiences. This is my first story so please excuse any grammatical errors & mistakes. Please Enjoy..!! It all started in a movie theater were i was watching Jack reacher movie. An old guy was sitting beside me (i didn’t suspect any foul play at first ) as the movie was running he slowly started to feel my thighs. I couldn’t react as I’m...
Gay MaleSarah didn't show any eagerness to get down out of my arms, so I just carried her into the house, with her arms and legs wrapped around me. She hid her face in my neck as she turned bright red and shrieked and laughed all the way. Her Mom and Dad met us at the door, looking to see what all the noise was about. That made me turn red and stutter. Her Mom laughed. "Sarah! Are you molesting this poor man? How many times have I told you not to try to have sex with a guy until you've at least...
Donna and Nellie’s Tits (again) One evening, while waiting for Donna in the pub I was chatting to Nellie at the bar. It was quiet and no other customers were there. Nellie was moaning about her chest again. She had, so she told me, been out to a posh family do the weekend before and one of her tits had made a bid for freedom while she was dancing. She explained that her frock had not been suitable for a bra to be worn under it, since it had no back and she is singularly proud of that piece of...
LesbianHI I am Mike age 31 from Bangalore… It was a dream vacation that Mahesh had been planning for Kavita his wife of 16 years. Mahesh was a successful CEO of a multinational organization in Delhi the capital of India , and Kavita was an interior designer by profession. They were a handsome couple – Mahesh 6′ tall in his socks weighed 180 Lbs and was well built and muscular. Kavita looked anything but the mother of two kids that she was. 5′ 7″ tall she weighed 120 Lbs thanks to the regular workouts...
It had been three weeks since "the talk". Every time Jason's phone rang he snatched it up. "Cat?" It was never her.Finally, he called her. She answered on the fourth ring."Cat, this is Jason.""Oh, hey! How's it going?""Fine, I guess. I just hadn't heard from you in a while. I was getting worried.""No, everything's okay.""Oh. Um...well, can I come over?"Cat's eyes darted to the bedroom. The blonde was shackled naked to the bed, blindfolded with earplugs. Cat had come into the kitchen to gather a...
I was 24 when I met Susan for the first time. We initially met online from a personal ad she had posted.The only reason I wrote her was that she happened to be in a graduate program at the same college as I was and was just looking for someone to hang out with. After just a few short responses, she asked to meet in person. It was the first time a girl ever initiate wanting to meet in person first. We decided to meet at the food court on campus the very next day. She had described herself to me...
Mandy and Rick came to stay the following weekend this time on the Saturday. We took them out to a local pub for tea which helped us all to relax. Back home, we sat down together in the lounge. As we had agreed between us, Sylvie kicked off the conversation. “Look,” she said, “I know you two are close and that both of you would like the relationship to be even closer.” Both Rick and Mandy blushed at this stage. “Mandy asked me to explain to her about sex and how you get pregnant and how to...
White Slave boy in Africa part 2As left continued to slam his considerable girth and full length intoNickys rectum with increasing vigour, Nicky felt an odd thing happen. Theagony of having his anus stretched beyond it's limit started to subside alittle. Lefts cock was thicker at the base than at the tip and so as hewithdrew, Nickys anus was aloowed to relax just a fraction. In those briefmonents, as his rectum contracted, his body would relax also which gave anunusually pleasurable feeling....
By : Jasivender Hi friends mera nam Jasvinder hai may ISS koch time pehle hi read karna sur kiya hai isliye mene sucha kanyu na may bi apni story aap share karu pehle may apni body ke bare may bata hun height 5.10 well shaped body or smart bhi tik 2 hun mera apna business tha kisi karn mere business may loose hu gaya or mere ko job karni padi job thi marketig ki un dino hamare yaha relaince pco ka kam tha to jinke pass may job karta tha buh bhot badiya log the mene unke liye Din rat mehnt ki...
By the time school started in the fall, Ann (14) and Billy (15) were full time lovers, but they did a very good job of hiding the fact from strangers. About the only thing they did overtly at school was to eat lunch together. Most of the time, other kids, both male and female, joined them at the table, so they just looked like your average middle school kids who happened to be siblings. Ann had reached the point in her physical development where she was attracting male attention from the 9th...
Meeting Karen By MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This work will have additional chapters. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part II Preamble : Carrie has met Karen, and the two left the club...
I didn’t see my husband for a few days after Anne left. He arrived back one evening and instructed me to put on a black PVC bodysuit. As we headed out of the city I knew where we were going. One and a half hours later we arrived at Tony’s adult shop. I felt sick when I seen the cars parked outside. Tony let us in. He handed my husband an envelope of money. “Half of tonight’s takings.” We went into the back room. It was dark and there was an adult movie on a giant screen. Tony handed me a drink....
You've been drafted, Girlie! It's almost 11.00 pm. From where our unmarked, darkened van is parked we can see the light still on in the mark's bedroom. "It's watching porn movies," says Danni the IT expert through our earpieces. She has hacked into the mark's home computer, just as she had previously hacked into its school records. "Porn movies?" "Yeah, shemale porn movies." "Ooh, p'raps it wants to star in shemale porn?" suggests Sally. We all giggle. In the future it will...
Hello everyone! I’m Bhavna here to tell you the last experience of mine as a slut. It was more like others but very different in same way. I had to write this one as it’s a goodbye to you all too as I have no more experiences to share and don’t want any as I am a beloved wife of a very nice man. I am his by now forever. This one was when I left my school and went to another city for a few weeks. It was a new city for me where no-one knew about my slut phrase. I had to go to shop once and that’s...
Hi, I am Raja. Main engineering karta hu. Mera last year chal raha hai. Aaj tak meri koi bhi girlfriend nahi hai. Main simple sa ladka hu Mere mama ki beti Mina bahut hi sundar aur sushil hai. Padhai mein bhi excellent hai. Main aur woh bahut hi acche dost hai bachpan se. Magar ab bahut din baad us se mila hu woh bhi ek family ke shadi mein. Bahut hi sundar ho gayi hai aur uski umar bhi 21 saal ki hi hai. Mere mama farmer hai. Mere engineering ke 4 year mein hi Mina ne sarkari naukri nikal di....
Animatria might be kind of a vague name for a site, but since I’m talking about it here at ThePornDude, you probably already know what kind of animation the joint is going to be showcasing. I’d say I feel bad for the innocent gamers and cartoon fans stumbling onto the site by accident, but honestly, I’m happy for anybody finding new fap fodder that really gets them going. Based on what I’m seeing on their tour page, I’d bet money this shit is going to really resonate with the Redditors, deviate...
Premium Hentai SitesEnse??ndole a un Profesor Teaching a ProfessorChapter 1: The Course?That way, opposite sexes generate attraction between them. It is an enjoyable feeling that nature imposes us to instigate our instinct of procreation. Having intercourse is in its own a very pleasurable moment for both sexes, just because of the same reason, it is a feeling natures uses to encourage reproduction.?Scott Kendall, 33 years old and Licensed in Sex Education, gave this course year after year, and it was finishing ...
The tube is a circular blade that is pushed up inside the pussy, slicing the flesh from bone as it goes in. When inserted all the way it is twisted so the flesh is cut free and the tube is then removed. This is usually the final act when the butchered female realises that she is meat and there is no return. Angela was still crying quietly, she had come in her hair and her mouth had been filled on numerous occasions by myself, her brother and father. Her mum had done a great job of making...
Linda had always been the one to be the submissive type, wanting to please me whenever she could, that didn't hold true when it came to sexual activity, she still had her boudries which were non negotiable. Some time ago Linda had agreed to breast implants, this had been bourne outof her insecurity that they were sagging and were losing volume. She had a few sizes/shapes to choose from and we had finally opted for ones which she had thought would be too big for her frame, but which to my eyes...
“If you want to hang out sometime this summer, give me a call."I had graduated high school two weeks ago. At the end of the very last graduation party, I was walking back to my car. Laura had come running up after me, handing me a slip of paper with her phone number on it.“Okay. That’d be great,” I stammered. After a slightly awkward pause: “Uh, yeah it would be nice … I mean, I’d like to see you before you go.”She replied, “Cool. I'll look forward to it. I’m going to miss you next year,”...
Bisexual“We’re harvesting the fruits of the seeds planted by those before us. Make sure you plant the right seeds for those who come after you. Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett Jason looked down from the shuttle as they slowly descended towards Porquenta. “Why are we going so slowly?” Jason asked. “I handed control to Porquenta at his request, he is flying us.” Said the Captain. “We are getting close to the ground,” said...
It was Charles' day off, so Marty offered to take us to the airport. It was only twenty minutes from the house to Miami International, but those were the longest twenty minutes of my life. South Florida traffic is, at its best, a harrowing experience. It's a mix of people too old and blind to drive and people driving according to the law - the law, as Dave Barry says, of their home country. The speed limit is viewed as, at most, a suggestion. I was not a shy driver. I had cut my...
The previous 3 chapters detail how my hot, sexy Mom asked if she could be my cum-bucket, and wanted me to fuck her any time, any way I chose. Nobody would turn down and offer like that, and we spent three glorious days enjoying each other. That was until my sweet, 13 year old sister Rebecca came home from camp early, and caught me with my cock firmly embedded in Mom’s shit hole! Despite her initial shock Bec decided to join us, and she enjoyed her very first cum as I gave her sweet little cunt...
Long and luscious Evelin Stone is looking “fly as fuck” poolside. The gorgeous gal warms herself up for Manuel teasing the camera with her impeccable cheeks. Evelin goes inside and says she wants to taste Manuel. After a tasting session Manuel folds Evelin to the side and fucks her until she repeatedly asks Manuel to keep fucking her… Evelin mounts Manuel and he grabs her ample cheeks and bounces them up and down on his cock. Manuel lasers a constant stream of his goo ghosts...
xmoviesforyouI had been using the same cab service for a while and it was the third time this same cabbie had been my driver. We settled into conversation as he drove me the 120 miles home from the airport. I was in a bit of a bad mood as I hadn't had time (or energy) to get any sex (male or female) during the short business trip. He sensed my mood and and asked what was wrong. I told him and he laughed and said, you should be married, bud, you'd never get any then. You could play away from home, I told him...
Whitehall Primary School was in the last week of a mid-term break and with only a few members of staff on the premises and no obstructions from interfering children, it should make his survey a lot easier to complete. The car tyres crunched in the deep snow and the windscreen wipers squeaked across the windscreen as he manoeuvred the car carefully through a pair of black metal gates before pulling to a halt in the school car park. He waited until Lou Reed had finished singing ‘Perfect Day’...
MatureClub Inzest 11: Her Family’s Call Girl by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 We just welcomed a new member to our club the other day, she seems very upbeat and pleasant. She’s a ‘professional’ girl and while we don’t allow members to ply their trade in the Club — we don’t want any problems — I fail to see what business it is of the Government’s to tell anyone what she or he can do with their bodies. Madison made her choice and seeing as her entire family seems to adore her, I guess...
Hi, My name’s Jason and I’m a young atypical guy, not quite the Dungeons and Dragons living in your mom’s basement type, but not quite good enough to hang out with the cool kids either. I have spent my life stuck in the netherworld of loneliness. Not that I don’t have any friends, it just seems like mostly women want to be friends with me. I’m not really into sports, so most other guys think I’m a dweeb, and I’m not into geeky stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, so the nerds don’t like me either....
Part One The sea, it was always the sea that drew Robert back to the cape. Ah, the cool sea breeze and the warm nights watching the sun set in the west. The year was 1909 and the place is the island of Nantucket off the coast of Massachusetts. Martha's Vineyard was still a vineyard and the wealthy elite of the eastern seaboard vacation on the island of Nantucket. Teddy Roosevelt was president and the world was at peace. The Wright Brothers have flown their little toy and the entire country...
Boy was I ever lucky! It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I pulled up to her house for the first time. It was big for this part of town, a little weathered, tall fences, High on a hill, forest out the back. If it wasn't ten minutes from the city it would be the perfect country hideaway. I'd brought my laptop just in case, and as I leaned over to the passenger side to pick up my bag, I saw Kayly come out the front door. . . Now when a friend tells you that he knows a photographer who...
Bi orgyOne day I left my friends house about 10 pm. I got to the top of his road going past a shop and this fat bird was walking up to me. Then she stopes so I stop and she asked me if I had a spare fag. So I said yeah hang on a sec. As I reached for my fags she asked me where I was going. I said i'm going home. All of a sudden she asked me do you find me atractive with my big tits and my fat ass. So I said yes I do. Do you find me atractive. She said yeah do you fancy a fuck. I said where...
"Wake up lover! It is time for your breakfast. Wake up!" Carla sang as she had the guards open her cell door and turn on the light. Suzy sprung up from her cot and looked around in confusion. Carla laid the tray down on the bed beside her. "I trust you slept well lover? We have a long day ahead of us." Carla explained as Suzy shook the sleep from her eyes and attempted to comprehend where she was. She remembered the previous day as though it were a dream. She covertly touched her crotch...
Puffy nipple babe Sarah Kay tries on various bras to see which one makes her medium breasts look the best. She’s just moving on to putting on a matching pair of panties when Lutro joins her in the room. Smiling at her boyfriend, Sarah abandons her effort to cover her pussy and instead opens herself up for Lutro’s exploration. Cupping his palm to the heat of Sarah’s snatch, Lutro spreads the juices that are already weeping from her bare slit everywhere. Then he scoots her back...
xmoviesforyouIt was the Tuesday following our expanded Play Group's inaugural debauch and Melanie and I were over at Sue and Jake's place for a quiet evening at home – their home, that is, our second home. Jake was doing my wife Melanie doggy-style on the living room floor and my cock was deep in his wife Sue's throat as we all halfheartedly watched television, when Melanie's cell phone started playing 'Psychotic Girl' very loudly. Mel grabbed the phone off the coffee table and took the call without ever...
Group SexThis story takes place a few years ago when I was living with my wife at the time. It was a Saturday afternoon and my son had gone out with my parents and my wife and I had the house to ourselves. My wife was 5'3 130 lbs with long brown hair and fair skin. she was a beauty and that day was warm. she decided to take a shower and she left the bathroom door open while I decided to take a peek. she was washing her hair and I could see her trimmed pussy and ass as the water ran down her legs. her...
strooderHey Lateshay. Its the weekend again, so Im looking forward to some serious non stop wanking over your big hanging tits. My cock is throbbing and my balls are full to bursting point just for you. Order me to cum now and where you want me to fire of my thick hot loads.11:33 pm, October 3 strooderMmmmmmm yes. I can just imagine sliding my cummy cock into your tight asshole, I would leave all my cum inside as you squeeze your sphincter muscles while I slide out. Then you would push me...
I was so horny yesterday around 7pm, and constantly watching gay porn. I have only one experience with men, and that was last year at spa excess in Toronto. Last night I want to see if I could stop being shy and try men again. I was very horny and needed some action. When I got there I purchased some lube and poppers. I got in to the locker room and put my clothes up. I went straight to the shower and cleaned up. I went into the spa, if you have never been to a bathhouse it is very dark. I...
Jim had still not managed to say a word as he closed the door behind him and he couldn't take his eyes off Clara. She was stunning, as if she had just stepped out of one of his fantasies. God knows he gave her enough detail about them but she never seemed to warm up to them and then this. She was wearing a black satin corset, black garter belt attached to sheer black stockings and black knee high leather boots. Her hair was lightly curled and flowing over her shoulders and she had made up her...