A Loner Mentalist Pt. 04 free porn video

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Over_Red has found some free time this month and he’s edited this installment of the series.


I’ve already sent him part five and he’ll edit it as soon as he’s done writing chapter ten of Dream Drive, so that’ll be up soon, too.



Jack Watts drove to the spot where he picked up Mia after school each day. He was too nervous to sit behind the wheel, so he got out. He paced the sidewalk as he looked off into the distance, hoping she’d come soon. He honestly didn’t know if she was going to show up this time. He had no clue what he would do if she didn’t, just as he had no clue what to do if she did. He had mulled over his options the whole morning long, even while he had been training his three new guard dogs and meditating to prolong his cloaking ability.

He had rescued her from getting raped by Ramon yesterday in the woods. He had used his powers on Ramon in a wooded area once before, but she had not seen it for what it was back then. This time, she had, even though she had jumped to the assumption that Jack was a witch. The ridiculousness of the accusation gave him hope that she would not repeat it to anyone else. Even if she did, people would probably not take her seriously. He had no idea how to disabuse her of the notion without using his power on her mind and he was terrified of somehow making a resonant connection with the cloaked figure if he did that.

His best chance of dealing with her suspicions would be to just blatantly deny them until she gave up. He still had doubts over whether it would work. She had been so fervent this morning. So zealous. He checked the time as he paced. She was the queen bee of the school and she would take some time to chat with her fellow cheerleaders after last period ended, or she’d preside over a gathering in the parking lot, making her arrival time to this spot vary by as much as ten minutes from day to day.

He again checked the time on his phone. She should arrive there in three to thirteen minutes. Usually, he played some music while he waited, but he was too nervous for that now. He kept pacing the sidewalk and lifting his gaze towards the corner, expecting her to pop out from behind it at any moment. He dreaded it at the same time.

When she finally came around the corner, she hesitated for a moment and then walked right up to him. Before he could say anything, she said, ‘I’m so sorry, Jack. Please, forgive me! I didn’t mean to blow up on you like that this morning. I don’t know what came over me.’

He nearly collapsed with relief. ‘It’s ok, Mia,’ he softly said. ‘You had a terrible shock yesterday and you needed to vent some steam. I get it. It’s to be expected. You’re under a lot of pressure, what with school and graduation and everything. I’ve been thinking, maybe we ought to find someone for you to talk with about what happened yesterday.’

‘What do you mean?’ She frowned and put her fists on her hips. ‘You think I’ve gone crazy?’

He gulped at her harsh tone of voice. ‘No! No, I don’t! That’s not what I think.’

‘Then what?!’

He held his hands up in a reconciliatory gesture. ‘I just think that… attempted sexual assault is a terrible thing and that anyone that goes through such an experience should be given every chance to work through it. That’s all.’

She glared at him for a few seconds and then firmly said, ‘I don’t need to have my head shrinked!’

‘Shrunk,’ he corrected. Off her glare, he quickly added, ‘I didn’t mean a psychiatrist, I meant a psychologist. You know, just someone whom you can go see and talk with, whenever you liked. No pills, no… anything. Just talking.’

She mulled over his words and then sighed and nodded. ‘Can we go home now? I need your help with chemistry.’

‘Yeah, sure.’ He opened the car door for her and then got behind the wheel.

‘I’m sorry for kicking you in the gut,’ she said as he pulled away from the curb.

‘That’s ok. I’m really sorry for punching you in the gut.’

She smiled. ‘It’s ok, I’ll live.’

He returned her smile and felt a tremendous sense of relief flood over him.

‘So, I asked some people,’ she said. ‘Turns out, the cops really are sniffing around to see who sent them a gun that was stolen, like, ages ago.’

‘You didn’t say anything, did you?’ He looked at her. He was surprised to see her impish grin. For an instant, he thought he could see an admiring glint in her eye. He quickly faced forward to see where he was driving. He ignored the urge to go reading her mind.

‘No,’ she said. ‘I didn’t say anything. Did you carry that piece with you everywhere you went?’ He squirmed in his seat and floundered for words. ‘Never mind! I don’t wanna know. You’re not carrying now, right?’

‘No, of course not,’ he emphatically said. ‘I don’t screw around with guns. Uh, I mean… I don’t do that anymore.’


All talk of the topic ended with that word. He drove them home, where they had some lunch and then worked on making her ready for her chemistry exam. Janice avoided them, as usual, and the day brought no new surprises.

That night, Jack sat in his room, going over Mia’s words and mood swings from earlier in the day. He didn’t know what was going on inside her head. He feared that she might lead the cloaked figure straight to him, if she still believed him to have supernatural powers of any kind. He needed to know which way her thinking was headed. He retrieved his stash of marihuana. Smoking it was out of the question, as the smell might alert Janice to it, so he chose to eat it. He grimaced at the taste and swallowed it down as fast as he could. He decided he’d never eat it again, unless it was baked into something tasty.

He washed the taste down with some water and then began his meditative exercises. Fairly quickly, he achieved a state of mental clarity and the high kicked in, activating his clairvoyant abilities.

Despite wanting to know what Mia was thinking, he first focused on the aspects of his power that he had recently discovered. The cartoon dog showed up in his room with a soft bark of greeting. Jack smiled at it and thought about seeing the future. The dog gave a series of soft barks, crushing Jack’s timid hopes of winning the lottery.

The dog told him he wasn’t precognitive. Instead of reading the future, he had been able to foresee the behavior of two people whose minds he had previously read. Mia and Ramon had made decisions that would have lasting, emotional consequences for Jack. Since he had been open yesterday and willing to allow anything to come into his mind, he had subconsciously picked up on those decisions.

Once Mia agreed to get in Ramon’s car, their actions had already been determined by their personalities and agendas. Jack’s subconscious had enough knowledge of both their minds to correctly predict their every action and reaction, enabling him to see how it would all play ahead of time, since the two of them were the only agents in the vision.

Jack was disappointed to learn that, instead of having precognitive abilities, he could only see what people whose minds he had visited would do when they were alone together. He bit back his disappointment and focused on the second new aspect of his powers. His ability to shut off pain.

The dog’s barks happily informed him that he had used his power on himself to make himself think his pain had lessened. It was just another application of his mind control powers. He could order his mind to ignore the stimulus, but the pain and its cause were unaffected.

This is bullshit! I can’t see the future, I can’t heal myself… He thought about using his pain management power on others.

The dog’s soft barks clarified that he could make anyone think they were receiving any kind of stimuli. With his power, he could make people think they were on fire, when they weren’t, or make them experience anything else he wanted to make th
em feel. He could project powerful illusions into the minds of others, but they were only illusions in the end.

‘You are such a buzzkill,’ he dejectedly said to the cartoon dog.

The dog’s yip sounded like a flippant, if wordless, retort.

Jack thought of what was going on in Mia’s mind, lately. The dog gave a growl and Jack understood the instruction. He closed his eyes and began a meditative exercise.

He found himself in a darkened movie theatre. Mia’s voice came through the surround sound speakers, saying, ‘Yes, Master.’ Jack looked up at the screen and saw her stripping. Her blue eyes were vacant. He frowned in confusion, at first, but then Mia’s naked figure was displayed before his eyes, in IMAX quality. His eyes eagerly devoured the sight of her body.

‘Kneel before me!’

Jack frowned. The commanding voice coming from the speakers sounded just like his.

‘Yes, Master.’ Mia knelt down before a dressed man and the camera zoomed out to reveal Jack standing before her.

‘What the…’ Jack muttered in his seat.

On the screen, Jack commanded Mia to take his cock out of his pants and suck it. Mia’s eyes were still vacant, but she wore a slight smile as she obeyed his order with a, ‘Yes, Master.’ Jack watched in confusion as the cock of the Jack on the screen was revealed to be a bit bigger than his, and also circumcised, unlike his own.

‘What is this?’ Jack asked.

‘Like what you see?’ Mia’s voice came from behind his left ear, making him jump in his seat. He spun and saw Mia sitting in the seat behind his and to the left. A faint, red glow illuminated her figure in the dark of the theater. She was wearing a red and black corset from which hung suspenders that were holding up her sheer, red stockings. Red, silky gloves covered her hands. Red, high-heeled shoes were on her feet. She crossed her legs and put an elbow on her knee to rest her chin in her hand.

‘Who are you? What’s going on?’

Mia grinned. ‘I am Mia’s libido. You wanted to know what was going on inside her head right now?’ She nodded at the screen. ‘That’s what.’ Jack spun around to glance at Mia obediently sucking his cock on the screen. He turned back around and gave her libido a shake of his head. ‘She’s imagining that you have cast a spell on her and turned her into your sex slave.’

‘Why would she do that?’

The red version of Mia looked at him like he was daft. ‘A girl needs a fantasy. How else is she supposed to masturbate?’

Jack’s eyebrows rose and his mouth fell open. ‘She… she’s masturbating? Right now?’

Red Mia nodded and smiled like the cat that got the canary. ‘Lying under your roof, not ten feet away from you, on the other side of a thin wall, her fingers are gliding over her bare skin. And her mind is embroiled in this scenario.’ She turned her attention to the screen once again.

Jack faced forward and watched himself on the screen give Mia the order to keep his cum in her mouth. Screen Jack came inside her face and then pulled out. He ordered her to stick her tongue out and show it to him. He said, ‘Good girl,’ to her, sounding like he was praising a dog. He then ordered her to swallow it down and enjoy the taste.

‘Yes, Master,’ was her reply after she swallowed his load.

Screen Jack ordered her to undress him while rubbing herself up against his body. After she finished, he ordered her to lie down on a big, four-poster bed that suddenly appeared behind them. With her customary reply, she obeyed. Screen Jack ordered her to spread her legs and masturbate, but not cum.

‘Yes, Master.’

Jack watched Mia’s hands slide down her abdomen towards the juncture of her thighs. She caressed the insides of her thighs before running her fingers up and down her slit. Gently, she spread her outer lips and began to slowly penetrate herself with a finger.

Her whole body was writhing on the pristine, white sheets as she added a second finger inside of herself and began to run the fingertips of her other hand in tight circles around her clit. Jack couldn’t help but be aroused at the sight of her self-abuse. His dick was rock hard and he adjusted in his seat to better accommodate it. He watched her masturbate and took note of how she touched herself and where.

‘That’s enough,’ Screen Jack said.

‘Yes, Master.’

‘Spread your legs!’ The Mia on the screen spread her legs wide and Screen Jack loomed over her. He guided his dick into her with one hand and then began to hammer away at her hips. He fucked her with a frenzied pace, but her blank expression didn’t change one bit. Jack didn’t like that.

‘Cum when I do,’ Screen Jack ordered her.

‘Yes, Master.’

When the Jack on the screen came, Mia did, too. She was something else. Her bronzed skin turned red and muscles coiled and uncoiled repeatedly under it, making her body shudder from head to toe. She screamed in ecstasy.

Screen Jack grabbed Screen Mia’s chin and pulled her face up, so he could look into her vacant eyes. ‘From now on, you are my sex slave and I will use you for my pleasure as I see fit. Understand?’

‘Yes, Master.’

The movie ended with that and Jack sat there, contemplating it with a raging hardon. ‘No,’ he said at length. ‘That’s one of my subconscious calculations, or something. There’s no way she’d actually be frigging herself whilst indulging in a fantasy like that.’

‘Really,’ Mia’s libido drawled. ‘Well, let’s take a look at the kind of fantasy she’s been indulging in the last few weeks, shall we?’

The screen came alive once again, only this time the movie was of him and Mia arriving from school. As soon as they went in, he locked the door behind them. Mia turned around and gave him a questioning look.

‘I can’t do this anymore,’ Screen Jack said, melodramatically.

‘What do you mean, Jack?’ Screen Mia asked.

‘I mean that you’re too hot for me to resist anymore. I need to touch that tight bod. It’s driving me crazy!’

‘Okay,’ Jack said, ‘now that is something I would never, ever say.’ Mia’s libido shushed him and the movie on the screen continued. Jack tuned out the terrible dialogue, but still got the gist of the fantasy. His version on the screen used his position of power over Mia to make her have sex with him. After that he made her agree to an arrangement where she paid him back for having a place to stay and getting tutored with sexual favors.

Jack enjoyed the part where he got to see and hear Mia cum on his imaginary dick again, but he was shaking his head at the screen after the movie clip finished. ‘Setting aside the atrocious dialogue, that still came off like something I’d dream up and then project onto her. Hell, I dreamed up stuff that was way worse than this back when I first learned about her flagpole stunt. Not to mention my harem fantasies.’ He sighed. ‘I’m just not convinced she’d ever fantasize about me enslaving her like that.’

‘Fine,’ Mia’s libido said with a huff. ‘Then let’s go further back in time!’

A montage of clips came alive on the screen. In each clip, Mia was either a Hollywood actor’s assistant, or a pop singer’s groupie, and they’d all treat her like a sex object. She’d be used for their gratification and then told she was hot enough to keep around. They’d have her sign a contract that made her their sex slave. Always, she’d resist signing it at first, but they’d coerce her into it. Sometimes, they threatened to have her arrested on trumped up charges by corrupt cops. Other times, they’d reveal a hidden camera and threaten her with releasing the sex tape. She’d wind up in their power, no matter what she did – a sex slave to a celebrity.

‘Ok,’ Jack said, ‘I’m starting to spot the pattern, here. I guess I believe that those are all her sexual fantasies, not mine. But, what’s with the contracts? That’s just weird.’

‘She read Fifty Shades of Grey,’ Red Mia said.

‘What’s that got to do with it?’

‘The gu
y in the book tries to get the girl to sign a contract that would make her his sex slave and Mia really liked the idea.’ Red Mia then talked some more about the book, but Jack tuned her out. He kept watching the Mia on the screen, getting taken and enslaved by celebrities. He could hardly believe what he was learning about the girl’s sexual fantasies.

A clip broke the pattern, taking place in the locker rooms at school and starring Lisa, a blonde from the cheerleading squad. Jack’s cock instantly regained what hardness it had lost from seeing Justin Bieber pawing at Mia. He devoured the scene of the blonde spanking Mia.

The clip ended and he raised both hands. ‘Wait! Can you bring back that last clip? Play the fantasy in full?’

‘Of course,’ Red Mia whispered in his ear. Her hot breath sent a small shudder down his spine.

The fantasy was replayed in full. Mia and Lisa entered the locker room and sat down heavily on a bench between rows of lockers. They both groaned in pain and rubbed at their bruised skin and the sore muscles underneath. Cheerleading practice was, apparently, very physical. Lisa offered to rub Mia’s shoulders and Mia accepted. Jack’s throat went dry from the sight of the blonde taking off Mia’s top and sports bra before rubbing her shoulders. Her hands rubbed down Mia’s sides and slowly began to venture to her front.

Mia reacted when the blonde’s hands brushed up against the sides of her breasts and seemed to hesitate for an instant. ‘Wait! Lisa, stop!’ Lisa responded by kissing Mia’s ear. Mia gasped and stood up. Lisa stood up, too, and pinned Mia against the lockers. ‘What are you doing? Let go!’ Just as Mia started to struggle to break loose, a door opened and indistinct female voices entered the locker room to talk in the background.

Lisa leaned in and whispered in Mia’s ear. ‘Keep still and quiet, or they’ll come and investigate the noise.’ Her hands ran all over Mia’s body with impunity. Mia seemed frozen in place, desperately watching the end of the row of lockers, praying no one would turn the corner and see what was going on.

Lisa slid a hand under Mia’s skirt, kissed the side of her neck, and whispered, ‘Cover your mouth, or they’ll hear you.’ Mia obeyed her and Lisa raised her skirt to slip her fingers into her panties. Mia struggled to keep still as Lisa fingered her pussy. ‘Did you think I would never see you looking at me? Did you really think you were discreet?’ She giggled quietly. ‘Silly little dyke. You like this, don’t you?’

Lisa pinched Mia’s nipple and bit into her shoulder. Mia stifled a scream as she came. Lisa held her close while she shuddered with aftershocks. When Mia caught her breath and the other girly voices vanished from the locker room, Lisa smiled a wicked smile. She sat on the bench. ‘Take off your skirt and panties and put your ass over my lap!’

Mia shook her head no, but Lisa glared at her darkly. ‘Put your ass over my lap, or I’ll tell the whole school you’re a dirty dyke!’

Mia obeyed, sniffing back tears. Lisa ran her hand over Mia’s firm, tanned buttocks, caressing and gently groping them, before suddenly starting to spank her. Mia yelped in pain at each stroke, but her yelps slowly lost in intensity and volume. Pretty soon, they turned into moans of pleasure and Lisa adjusted her aim, spanking Mia’s pussy, instead of her ass. Mia screamed as she came again and Lisa had to pin her down to keep her from falling off her lap.

Jack adjusted his rock hard cock in his lap. ‘Well, that was something else. I never would have guessed Mia to have such fantasies. One thing I don’t get about it is the dyke threat. Why would that be enough to make her meekly submit to a spanking?’

‘Because it is a terrible sin in God’s eyes,’ Mia hissed in his right ear.

He turned towards her and said, ‘But Lisa would also-‘ He stopped and stared at Mia’s hair, pulled up into a severe-looking bun. She was wearing a white summer dress that was just sheer enough to allow her perfect figure to be glimpsed through it. White opera gloves and pumps completed her ensemble. A faint, pale blue light illuminated her form in the darkness of the theatre. She was seated in the seat behind his and to the right.

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Friday Afternoon DelightAnother Keyhole Adventure… It had been about 3 weeks since Mom and my paths converged and the veil of sex had been raised for me. My time in school was no longer taken up checking out girls my age…I now had experienced a mature woman. From late summer until now, late fall, our exploration of each other escalated. No longer did I have to wonder what a soft, warm woman felt and looked like. I tried to keep my mind on my final year of high school and get good...

3 years ago
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My beautiful, 24 year old wife Becky, has started a new way to spice up our sex life and live out her fantasies at the same time. On the weekends she pretends to be my 15 year old daughter. Becky is only 5 feet tall and weighs just 101 pounds. On top of this she has a petite and thin body with very long blaze red hair. We have turned our guest bedroom into my "daughters" room, which she has decorated with all the usually teenage girl stuff complete with a full set of clothes. Usually Friday...

4 years ago
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My Uncle Edward Part 2

When I was seventeen, I received notification that I had been accepted by Oxford University for a three-year degree course in Business Studies and Economics. This meant that I had less than one year left on Edward's estate. Edward had recently got a new dog he was of good size and had a pleasing disposition. We decided to call him Brutus. Sometimes when running through the woods I found such an experience more than a little pleasing. As time drew closer for me to leave the estate I began to...

3 years ago
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Leia Heats Up Hoth

The medical facility in Echo Base on Hoth was beginning to warm up from rising tempers as a heated argument erupted in the recovery room. "Why you stuck up... half-witted, scruffy looking... NERF HERDER!" Princess Leia Organa shouted, her voice rising with each word. She glared daggers at Han Solo, the man who got her so worked up with his immature tauntings. Everything about her screamed anger, her posture tense and awkward with a barely controlled temper as her fists clenched and...

1 year ago
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Natasha Ch1

Natasha, age thirty, was born and raised on a farm in Nebraska. Today, she still resides near there with her husband Robert. Her five foot five figure isn’t the thin model type, but slightly heavier with the curves in all the right places. With a full firm breasts and large pink nipples that stand out an inch, when aroused, a slight puffy stomach, wide hips, and a pussy with thick blonde hair, large lips, and a big clit. When you look into her face you’ll see her flawless ivory colored...

2 years ago
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His Fairy Lover

Dympna of the Sí, is hungry. Her lover has gone west to meet the setting sun and to mourn her, she has taken no nourishment for seven full moons, one for every three years they were together.Even the fae of the otherworld must feed, and for her to feed she must take a special lover. She casts her net far and wide, and soon she smiles. She has found a poet, and this one has a penis. When did she last taste a fine, fat, meaty cock?*Dermot Fitzgibbon looks around the room and sighs. Surgical...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Angelas Garden Lover

As time flew by me and my wife Angela’s sex life was scintillating. Harry (Angela’s first lover other than me) whom she still dates for rollicking and titillating love making – had ignited a spark within us. We as a couple were having the greatest time of our lives. Our love making and desire for each other knew no boundaries. It was amazingly sensuous for me to know she was having a great time with her lover Harry and we would talk about how and what he did to her well-endowed body during...

Wife Lovers
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In a Dual Free Use World

Sex in this world is encouraged, you may 'use' anyone to accomplish any of the following: Strip Fondle Masturbate Cum on someone or something Kiss somebody Eat pussy Suck a cock Use a sex toy Have vaginal sex Have anal sex You may also finish anywhere you please, as that is your right. Even if it is on someone else's equipment.- - - - - - All rules are in sexy_pants' story found here: https://chyoa.com/story/A-World-of-Dual-Free-Use.8380 All characters in this story are 18+

2 years ago
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My son fucks my wife

I am 45 years of age, living with my wife aged 40 and son aged 18. One afternoon, feeling tired, I returned home from my business place. I had not phoned earlier. I opened the bungalow lock with latch key and entered. I went straight to kitchen, had a glass of water and headed for our bedroom. It was empty. I thought my wife had gone out for shopping and my son to college. Lying on my bed, I could hear noises from bedroom of my son. Out of curiosity, I peeped into his room and shocked to see...

1 year ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 38 Friends In High Places

Today started off like most days, but it could end up being one of the more important days in my families story. We got up and had a wonderful breakfast of pigs in a blanket. Afterwards, the girls took their bed sheets to the laundry and then, with the help of Erin, made their beds with fresh linen. When those chores were done, the girls gathered in the family room for school with Blossom. Erin went to the laundry room and started the wash. Lynn went to the office and did her Foundation...

3 years ago
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Cumming Of Age

As an active teenager back in the 70's, I was always on the lookout for sources of mental and visual stimulation of the female kind. I found the so called "Men's Entertainment" magazines (Playboy and Penthouse) photo and information-packed, which was certainly preferable to having to resort to the lingerie and swimsuit adds of the department store catalogs. For me, the former involved sneaking into my parents bedroom and rummaging through my Dad's nightstand, then trying to remember exactly how...

2 years ago
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GardnerChapter 5

It was two hours later before JJ had the winter cover secured properly. It took twice as long because he was unfamiliar with the structure, especially the adjustors for the doors to fit secure, and the various locking devices to stabilize the frame to keep it from shifting and moving. Everything was in its respective place when he completed the job, the gas container returned to the safe area, as Hilda referred to the storage area for the flammables. JJ walked into the house and Hilda was...

4 years ago
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Chance encounter

After college, I joined the hordes of unemployed looking for a job. Initially I had lofty choices and preferences but later was ready to do any job. I found work as a salesman and I was sent to the interiors of Chattisgarh to sell a bunch of stuff. I moved from place to place meeting shop keepers, distributors trying to push sales. It was a tough job. Most of these places did not have public transport or good roads. Some places did not have hotels and I had to stay in a rented room. On one such...

2 years ago
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The Truckers Load Pt 2

I’m eager and nervous about what I know is about to happen. Sleep won’t be the only thing going on when you share a bed with Edna. As we both climb into the back, Edna pulls me into the bed. My heart feels like it’s running a marathon as she kisses me. A lustful yet assuring smile beams on her face as she starts to pull my clothes off. “Baby, I’m so glad I found you on the road back there. It can be so lonely on the road.” I say nothing, just lean into those big strong arms of hers as she...

3 years ago
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Sow and ReapInterlude 11 Otogis Confession

I hate admitting it, I really do, but the truth is – I like Kaiba Seto. I'd never tell a soul that, of course – not even Ryou – but he's actually a nice guy if you can get past his ego. His very flexible both physically and mentally and that's the highest compliment I can pay anybody. People who are stiff break under pressure. You have to know how to bend, to weather life's storms. That's how I know he's not completely the bastard he wants people to think he is; he's weathered too...

3 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 4

I could barely contain myself until lunch, and I actually managed to get called out in class for staring off into space. When I got into the cafeteria at lunch, I marched to the table we all shared and grabbed a stunned Rachel from behind, lifting her off the ground. “Gah!” she squeaked out in surprise before seeing who grabbed her. “What the hell, Caspian?” “I heard you were the one who organized that counter protest, yesterday,” I said. I put her back on the ground, spun her around, and...

3 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 18

David returned to the Astor. For three weeks he spent his time reading, shopping and going to the theatre. Then, one evening he was sitting in the lounge of the Astor having coffee and a cognac when he struck up a conversation with an elderly man in his sixties who had served in India in the medical corps. The man introduced himself as Major Watson, retired. He told David harrowing stories of the mutiny and of the conditions under which he had conducted surgeries in the field. He said that...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 180

For days following her afternoon in bed with Mavis, Laura had a case of butterflies in her stomach. She had felt the same thing with Charise at first, and a few others. It was her sense of unbelievable good luck that brought the butterflies, as well as her continued astonishment at how easily it had all happened. She knew she was daffy to fall in love with these wonderful girls so easily, but she couldn't stop herself. She thought about Mavis all the time, and two days later she even took...

2 years ago
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Slutrification Ch 01

Monique was in trouble. She was fucked. Both literally and physically. She had lost a bet at work with her boss. Her punishment: she had to come to work the next day wearing the shortest mini-skirt, thigh high stockings, garters, fuck me pumps, and no panties. She wasn’t allowed to wear a coat to cover up either. She had to walk out in public like that. Apparently, the guy didn’t care what she wore on top, because it didn’t matter. As she prepared to leave work that day, she was embarrassed....

2 years ago
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The Favor

The Favor  by Miss Anonna JoAnn called me early one Friday and asked if I could do her a favor. Her boss was having a game party at his home office and all I had to do was dress business like but hot and sit at the secretary chair looking good and answering the phone. I had met her boss and he was a doll so being that I would see his house along with getting paid $500.00 I told her to count me in. I got out a nice black bra and semi see through black blouse, a tight leather mini and my arctic...

1 year ago
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PornTrex Lesbian

Up until very recently, I have never been a huge fan of lesbian porn. Don’t get me wrong, I was never opposed to the idea of seeing beautiful women eat each other out, finger each other’s beautiful assholes, or scissor themselves silly without any dicks there to block the sublime views, I just always struggled to see how I would fit into the fantasy. Lesbians, after all, contrary to the way the porn industry so often portrays them to be, want absolutely nothing to do with guys. So, therefore, I...

Lesbian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Jennifer Capriati at the US Open

These last several weeks have been the hardest of Jennifer's comeback year. Oh, the wins have come and the attention has been great. And the prospect of being ranked #1 after the U. S. Open keeps her head swimming. The hard part has been not being able to see Anna. With her still sidelined with a stress fracture in her foot, trying to explain her hanging around all the tournaments from start to finish was getting a little tricky. So, for the last couple of tourneys, Anna could only call Jen...

3 years ago
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A Spiders Web Ch 08

It was usually the cold air that woke him up, and if not that then a hot body grinding against him. If he was lucky, it would be Mary Jane, at least then he didn’t feel guilty. However, it rarely was her, and when it was Black Cat would be watching nearby, mocking the red head’s ‘poor performance’ and pulling her off so she could finish the job herself. Spider-Man had done his best to keep track of the time, able to see night and day through the windows on high. His guesses were only though,...

2 years ago
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Banging My Elder Sister

Hi this is Raj once again back with an exciting story how is screwed my own sister and took her virginity. I am raj living in Delhi. I am 6 feet tall with an athletic body and a well built body since I regularly go to gym and I have a well maintained physique and such a body that every girl will die for. Most importantly, I have a cock 7″long and 3.5″thick which is capable of satisfying any woman’s need. I had a lust for my elder sister for past two years but finally my dream came true a month...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Emma Hix Karma Rx Karma Cages Emma

What’s better than an unbelievably beautiful, submissive girl ready to do what she is told?? Another extremely stunning, busty beauty ready to completely dominate her!! Watch Karma RX take full control of her naughty little slave Emma Hix in the hottest girl on girl action you’ll find anywhere. Emma begs to be released from her cage and Karma happily lets her out for some hardcore pussy eating, ass spanking, play time. You definitely need to see these ladies do what they do best in...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 93

Ketty looked radiant in the way that expectant mothers often do and Niras looked proud, almost fit to burst. “How long?” asked Morgana before glancing at me. “Shut up, John.” “Yes, my Mage,” I chuckled. Another 7 months yet,” Ketty admitted with a smile. “He knew?” “He did. Apparently before you did, though kept quiet about it,” Morgana replied. “I thought you were my friend, John?” Ketty asked rhetorically with a woeful expression, followed by a grin. “You wouldn’t be the one getting...

1 year ago
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First time with brother

I traveled to my native in UP. My dad, mom, my sister and I. My dad’s elder brother and his family lived in the village. He had two sons, one was a year older to me and the other was 5 years younger to me. We three brothers would play all day, go and herd the buffaloes and cows while they went grazing. We’d sleep under a tree in the afternoon after having the lunch we had packed from home. We’d throw stones at mango trees and have them. In all, we were having fun. In the night we’d sleep on the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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With Her Mothers Consent Part 1

‘Mum it’s not fair! He keeps staring and trying to touch me!’ ‘Don’t be ridiculous dear,’ her mother said, fumbling with her handbag. ‘You know how Stan likes to flirt. He’s just playing with you. Why on earth would a fifty-something guy be interested in a 21-year-old? Especially one who dresses as drab as you. You should make more of an effort Melanie, then perhaps you’d get a little more action.’ Melanie looked aghast. ‘Oh, my God! I can’t believe you just said that! You know I’m saving...

3 years ago
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3 Cocks 1 wife

. 7 in morning, the alarm goes off. Jude and Kevin had some gardeners coming over that afternoon. Wonderful breakfast was made by the the lovely wife. The sweet smell of pancakes in the morning. Later on that afternoon, Kevin had to teach guitar for some students across town. "Bye baby, see ya when I get back.""I love you" she responded. It was 100 degrees and jude was working in the garage rearranging her books. She was completely covered in dirt, and of course sweat. Nice white bottoned...

2 years ago
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Sucking a black chub

I had just moved into a new town and found a small single room house to rent. I had recently broken up with a girlfriend and was ready to move on and find something to get my mind off of her. The neighborhood I moved to didn't have a lot of people walking around on the street. When I was moving everything into my place I noticed this chubby black guy walk by on the sidewalk a few times, like he was circling the block. He was about 5'10" and had to be over 300lbs he had a big gut that hung out...

3 years ago
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The game begins

"Ohhh baby, baby, baby, , , harder baby yes FUCK!"wait what? "FUCK"This word from my wife rang some bells that got rust all over them in past eight years of relationship I had with my wife.Yes I come from a conservative society where husband and wife are to be formal with each other. In past eight years I never heard my wife say Fuck while we were making love. It was always silent or only moans. I have to admit that my wife moans real good and at times only her moans can get me to spray it...

2 years ago
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It had to be

Jenny was the co-owner, along with her husband Jerry, of the Bize newsagents and grocer store on the corner of Strutton street. It was an up and coming business and just six months after opening the couple took on a part time assistant called Angela. And now, a year on, Angela seemed part of the furniture. At the rear of the shop was the store and the astute Angela began to put two and two together when, each time a delivery was made, Jenny seemed to spend ages in the store chatting up the...

3 years ago
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Friends Mom

This story is back from my teenage years and involves the same woman as my "A Friends Mom" story.When I was younger I used to go round to my friends house to play video games and have a laugh. His mom worked as an account manager so frequently wore business suits with skirts. She always wore either navy blue, smoky grey or black pantyhose with her suits as well. I enjoyed it when I was there and she came back in from work, usually finding an excuse to try and catch a glimpse of her in her suit...

2 years ago
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Our first time with a stranger

This is a true story that happened to my wife and I just over a year ago. It wasn't planned it just happened unexpectedly. I had booked us a show and a nice hotel in the west end of London. We have done this before and it usually leads to us having a few drinks after the show, stumbling back to our hotel room and having noisy sex. That night was no different. After our drinks, we took a walk through Soho and looked at the sex toys on display in the "naughty" shops. My wife took a shine to a G...

2 years ago
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Being A Team Leader Is Good 8211 Part I

Hello every one I’m Aryan this is my life incident about how i had sex with 5 beautiful women i have ever met. About me I’m Aryan from Hyderabad completed by engineering and doing a job in a reputed mnc. This is story is about how had sex with the first of the 5 ladies who in my engineering final year during our project. As i was good in studies i was the team lead of our batch which had 5 members including me with me being the only boy in it and our guide was also a lady professor.  In our...

4 years ago
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Virgin Ears and everything else too

What type of mischief and fuckery have you been getting yourself into lately? Since last time you skillfully and seemingly effortlessly managed to successfully empty my entire body of every single last drop of cum. Not only were you better at it than most woman who have far more experience (proving yourself to be a naturally talented sex kitten and kinkster) but you made it look easy like ‪Sunday morning‬, a walk in the park. This is a precise and powerful procedure that you somehow have...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Annika Eve 22975

Kyle’s letting his buddy and girlfriend stay at his place, but the thing is is they’re nudists, and you know what that spells — trouble! For instance, Kyle’s just chillin’ on his couch one afternoon Annika suddenly strolls around in her bra and panties. He gives her a big WTF, so she goes to the bedroom to change and she comes back butt-ass naked with her big natural tits and hairy bush hanging out! He freaks the fuck out, but Annika calms him down and explains that nudism isn’t about sex, it’s...


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