It s My PartyChapter 38
- 4 years ago
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I was having lunch with my mom one day and I asked her how she had managed to hide what she had been doing from dad for so long.
"I'm not so sure that he doesn't know."
"I he knew he would have done something about it."
"Maybe or then again maybe not. He knows that I love him – I've never left him in any doubt about that – and I give him all the sex he can handle. Maybe he knows that my sexual appetite is so much greater than his and he lets me run knowing that I'm his and that I will always come home to him. Maybe he knows, but won't bring it up because he is afraid it might change our relationship."
That gave me some food for thought. Was it possible that Stan knew? I didn't know and I hoped that I would never find out.
A couple of months went by and one week when Stan was out of town I swung by his office to pick up a copy of some insurance papers. It was noon and the office was locked. Everybody gone to lunch I thought. I had a key so I let myself in. As I was walking toward Stan's office I passed by Ralph's office and saw Patty on her back on Ralph's desk and Ralph was pounding her pussy while she was sucking Bruce's cock. Bruce saw me and said:
"Just in time. I'd rather have pussy than mouth any day."
I was there and I had locked the door behind me so I said to myself "What the hell, why not" and I walked into the office and started undressing.
"Not here" Bruce said and he led me into Stan's office and cleared a space on Stan's desk. He helped me up onto the desk and then he fucked me with my legs up on his shoulders. He pounded me hard and got me off twice before he got his rocks off and by then Ralph was there and he stood watching while Patty sucked his cock. Bruce pulled out of me and Patty went to work on his dick while Ralph buried himself in me. Bruce was busy fucking Patty when I left. I felt just a little unclean as I left the office. I had defiled my husband's office and for some reason that really disturbed me. Fucking Bruce and Ralph didn't bother me, but doing it on Stan's desk did. I was back during lunch hour two days later and when Bruce tried to take me into Stan's office I told him no fucking way. If he wanted me it would have to be on his desk.
Then came the period that changed me and forced me to see the analyst. One night Stan came home and told me that the firm had won a lucrative contract on a bridge that was going to be built in Alaska and he was going to be the site engineer. He was going to be gone for almost a year.
He would be able to fly home for ten days every three months or so, but for the most part I was going to be a 'work widow' for that year unless I wanted to quit my job and go with him. He warned me that there would be nothing for me to do except stay in the house trailer and wait for him to come home from work. We both knew me well enough to know I couldn't do that so off he went leaving me to my own devices for a year.
Bob was overjoyed to hear it and so were Abby and Patty. "We are going to have so much fun" Abby said and we did. I introduced Abby to Patty and they took to each other and soon were out partying together and when Stan left they asked me to join them.
Between Bob's customers, Ralph and Bruce (yes, I was back to doing them on a regular basis) and going out with Patty and Abby I was getting all the meat that my cock loving self could handle. I had some pretty wild nights with Patty and Abby. Abby had kept in touch with some of the guys who we had taken on at frat parties and occasionally she would set up a 'reunion' of sorts and Patty, Abby and I would be the centerpieces in gangbangs of as many as twenty-five guys.
There was one really memorable time when one of the guys who banged us when we were in college asked us for a favor. His younger brother was a member of the same fraternity he had belonged to and his brother had heard rumors of how wild things had used to be and he asked if the rumors were true. Bart had said yes they were and then his brother had told him that things like that didn't happen any more and he wished they would. Bart asked Abby and me if we would do a frat house gangbang with a bunch of young guys. Abby immediately said "Hell yes!" but I wasn't too sure. I'd be pretty loose after pulling a train and Stan was due home for his first visit and I wanted to be nice and tight for him.
One of the advantages of fucking Ralph and Bruce and partying with Patty was that they talked with Stan almost daily and they were able to update me on what was going on. My personal calls from Stan only took place two or three times a week and we had only talked about his return in general terms because he wasn't exactly sure of when it would be. With Ralph and Bruce he talked in more specific terms. Things like "The north pylons will be poured tomorrow" and the first shipment of re-bar will be here day after tomorrow" and "I might be able to make it home on the first if (fill in the blank) happens on time." So, knowing that he might be home on the first I told Bart and Abby that I could do the frat party if it was held no later than the twenty-fifth so I'd have a week to get ready for Stan.
Bart and Abby set it up the twenty-first and it turned out to be a good thing. I needed the extra days to recover. There were twenty-one young studs at the party. Twenty-one young men between eighteen and twenty-one with fast recovery powers and youthful exuberance and they damned near destroyed me. My jaw hurt, my ass and pussy were sore and I walked funny for a couple of days.
The night was also memorable because one of the kinkiest things I'd ever had happen to me happened at that party. Halfway through it one kid said he would like to see me take cum in every body opening I had; mouth, pussy, ass, ears and nostrils. I wasn't paying all that much attention to what he was saying because I had three cocks in me at the time and was in the process of having a rather large orgasm. A couple of guys decided that they would like to help the kid make it happen and they almost did. They couldn't get the nose because of the cock I had in my mouth, but they made the rest happen. I was sitting on a cock cowgirl, bent forward so another cock could plow my ass and I had a cock in my mouth. The guy I was sitting on was holding my body up so I could use both hands to make a half-hearted effort to jack off two guys (half-hearted because coordination was difficult with three cocks moving in and out of me). While I was taking care of those five cocks two other guys stood beside me jacking off with their cock's only inches from my ears. They didn't all cum at once, but they all came and I ended up with cum in my mouth, pussy, ass, both ears and cum on both hands. It was wild!
For the next nine days I said no to Ralph, Bruce, Bob, Abby and Patty as I got ready to greet my husband when he got home. Stan's home coming was a joyous affair and the seven days he was home with me were like a second honeymoon. He had planned on being home ten days, but he received a phone call, told me a crisis had developed and he had to hurry back. I fucked him senseless on his last day and then told him that I wasn't going to wait another three months before I saw him again. I might not want to live up there, but I could damn sure visit. He told me that I wouldn't like it there and that rather than subject me to the conditions there he would just tough it out.
Stan wasn't gone a day before Bob asked me if I had a free evening and for the next month it was life as usual – my life anyway – as I took care of Bob's customers, Ralph and Bruce and did a couple of frat house gangbangs with Abby and Patty.
When the end of the month came I cut off everybody for a week and then flew up to Alaska to visit Stan and got my surprise. Stan walked me around the site and introduced me to a lot of people. From the looks I got from the crew I got the definite impression that if I lived up there and could hide it from Stan I'd never get off my back.
The big surprise came when he took me to the house trailer that was the on-site office and introduced me to Lisa. Lisa was a local who had been hired to be secretary and general odd job girl. I immediately could tell from the way her eyes moved when she shook my hand that she was fucking my husband. I felt a burst of white hot anger surge through me and I wanted to snatch my hand back, slap her face and then claw her eyes out. How dare she fuck MY man! How dare he have anything to do with that fucking bimbo! Now I know why he told me not to come up; that I wouldn't like the conditions and rather than subject me to them he would just tough it out. Yeah! Right! Tough it out with that fucking husband stealing skank.
But I managed to control myself and I didn't think I gave what I was thinking away. I held it together for the five days I was there and I did my absolute best to fuck Stan senseless to show him that the skank wasn't half the woman that I was. On the flight home I sat in my window seat and stared out the window at the empty sky and thought bad thoughts about the cheating bastard I was married to.
Looking back on it now I realize how totally irrational I was. Not once did I think "Get a grip girl! How can you get pissed at him given what you have been doing for most of your married life?" Not once did I relate what I was doing to what he was doing. I was pissed and by God I'd show him! Cheat on me would he? Yes fucking indeed, I would show him and it was that irrationality that caused me to make my biggest mistake.
I had never – never ever – let any of the men I fucked come into my house. That was Stan's house and Stan's bed and I WOULD NOT defile them. Until the bastard cheated on me. To spite the unfaithful asshole, two nights after I returned from my visit to Stan I went out bar hoping with Patty and we hooked with a couple of college kids who were out celebrating passing their mid-terms. Patty took her guy home with her and I took mine home with me. I was going to do him in Stan's house and on Stan's bed. Yes indeed! I'd show the cheating bastard!
I did it all with the kid who was at least fifteen years younger than I was. I sucked his cock and then fucked him. I sucked him hard and took him in my ass. I took him into the bathroom, washed his dick, sucked him hard again and took him back to the bed. My legs were up on his shoulders, his cock was buried in my pussy and I was just coming down from an orgasm when I heard:
"Well, well well. Isn't this just a marvelous sight."
I looked over at the bedroom door and saw Stan's dad and Stan's two brothers standing there. Ronny, the guy fucking me turned and looked at the three men standing there and I felt his cock start to go soft in me. My father in law said:
"You need to get out of here boy; I need to have a long talk with my daughter in law about why she is cheating on my son."
Ronny set land speed records on grabbing up his clothes and getting the hell out. As soon as he was gone Roger looked at me and I waited for the verbal abuse that would be heaped on me by my outraged father in law. Roger, Terry and Mark looked at me and then Roger said:
"Just how do you think Stan is going to take it when he hears about this?"
That was the wrong thing to say. If he had attacked me for being a slut or a whore I probably would have lain there and cringed, but when he hit me with that "What is Stan going to think" shit I got my back up and said:
"I don't give a rat's ass what Stan will think. If he says anything to me about it I'll just tell him if he can fuck that bimbo he has up there in Alaska I can fuck someone here and if he doesn't like it tough shit!"
"You telling me you were doing that kid to get even with Stan for screwing around on you? This is just getting even? Payback?"
"That's just what I'm saying."
He looked at me in silence for a bit and then he said, "You should at least try to keep it in the family" and he pulled his zipper down and moved toward the bed. Terry looked at Mark and Mark just shrugged and started undressing and a few seconds later Terry followed suit.
I sat up and took Roger's cock in my mouth and sucked it while he shed his clothes and then he pushed me back on the bed and fucked me. He finished and Mark mounted me and when he was done it was Terry's turn. By the time Terry was done Roger was ready again. I wanted to take all three of them at once, but I didn't think it would be wise. They thought I was just getting even with Stan and that is where I wanted it to stay. Talking them into making me 'airtight' would show them what a slut I really was.
Roger told the boys that they needed to hurry home before their wives started to wonder where they were. Then Roger, who was a widower, said:
"I'll stay here tonight and protect our property from claim jumpers." The he turned to me and said, "That all right with you sweetie?"
For an answer I reached out, grabbed his hard cock and tugged on it. He got the message and climbed aboard. He rode me hard and after we had both climaxed he told me why he and Stan's brothers had been there. Stan had ordered a new 23 cubic foot chest style freezer and he had asked his dad to move the old one out of the basement before the new one was delivered. Roger had used the key we had given him so he could watch the place when Stan and I were on vacations to let the three of them in. While he was telling me that I was fondling him and he started to come back to life so I went down on him to hurry him along. We made it one more time and then fell asleep and for the first time ever another man spent the night in my husband's bed.
I was alone when I woke up and I smelled coffee. I found my father in law sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the morning paper. He looked up and said:
"Good morning."
"Yes it is."
"We good?"
"I'd have to say we are much better than good."
"No need for you to be going out looking anymore. Me and the boys will take care of you. We need to come back tonight and move that freezer anyway. Might come a little earlier so the boys can stay longer. That okay with you?"
"I believe I can handle that. It goes without saying that Stan never finds out, right? I mean you will make sure that Terry and Mark keep it quiet right?"
"No sweat sweetie. We know how to protect a good thing."
He finished his coffee and said, "See you tonight" and left.
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Erotic Massage SitesI am discreet gay bottom from Hyderabad and through this story I am sharing one of my fantasies. My name is Ankit. ****************Story************* It was raining and I was very horny wanted something more than the usual logged into planet romeo and started chatting with guys. I came across a 29 year old guy decent looking and felt he meets my criteria. His name is Akhil. We both decided to meet, eat, drink and have fun. He said he will pick me up. I had an hour with me and I got ready. He...
Gay MaleI’m not prone to tears. It takes a lot to make this girl cry. I know that people look at me and think of me as a small, submissive little girl, but let me tell you, buster, there’s a lot of fight in this little cookie! I don’t give up easily, but the day I met Mike, I was just about ready to throw in the towel. ‘What’s the matter, couldn’t they find you a broom closet? If this is too spacious for you, I can get you one.’ ‘I beg your pardon?’ I nearly jumped out of my chair, he startled me so....
Hello dosto aap ye maat soch na ki me mere bua ke baare me bol raha hoon,par mere bua ab mere bua hooke nahi rahi woab us budhe ke sath live in relation me rehe rahi hain, Toh aap sab toh mere bua ko jan te hain, jo ki maine pehle article me likha tha,toh baat hui yesi kii Jab unki pregency ki report do -tin saal baad doctor ne diya, toh unho ne sabse use chupaya, uske baad kisi se wo itni baat nahi ki,par sab soch rahe the ki, sasur ke medical condition kharap hone se ,wo upset hain,isli ye...
Hi friends i love you.muje aapka mail mila aur apka call b aya.iske liye thanks, aapko meri story pasand ayi, mera name hai atul main mumbai me rahata hu, muje aurton ke sath sex karne me maza ata hai, lady ki chut chatane me aur uska nipple chusane me khub maza ata hai. Kya aap me se koi aurat ( lady ) ya girl mujse uski chut chatwana chahati ho to muje mail karen. My mail id is ….. Muje mail kare aapko jarur mail (reply ) karunga. Ab jo mein story likh raha hu meri ek sachi hakikat kahani...
Keith Flanders was a really important client and for Jim, securing him as a client for the firm was a real feather in his cap. Now Keith wasn’t an easy customer to deal with he was well known in the industry that you didn’t say ‘no’ to him if you wanted to do business again. No definitely not an easy customer but a lucrative one. Operating worldwide he had one of the largest private firms out there and they needed lot of components with Jim’s firm was now supplying some of them. But you had to...
On the drive home I began to reflect on what I had done. I knew that I had taken on a huge task and I hoped that it wouldn't cut into my studies too much. The apartment building needed a lot of work but I figured that I could have it fixed up in two years or less. In a few weeks the college students would be moving in. I had to get started. I stopped by the Dan Longren's office to quit my job. I wouldn't have time to work for him and also fix up the building. It would hurt not having the...
I called Troy to put the plan in motion; he needed to change parts of his planned 0900 news conference. I sent him the three modesty pictures Jenny had taken. Troy was going to rush the tech department to set up an MTEC screen and camera in the press room. Marcy, Jenny and Lorrie joined me as we waited for and then watched as Troy and Harry walked to the podium to begin. “Good morning, a lot of things have happened in the last twenty-four hours so let’s start at the beginning. Yesterday at...
For the longest time my husband Jack has wanted to see me sexually with a girl. Specifically he wants to watch me eating a girl's pussy. I have always been a total slut for cock, not a bi curious bone in my body, but when I hit my forties my already high sex drive went off the charts and I started to crave a little additional excitement in our sex life. I started to think trying some pussy wasn’t that bad of an idea especially if I could find a couple where the guy was hot to satisfy my strap...
Group SexI laid awake deep in thought. Someone was immune to my will inside my fantasy world. It was no longer a place of pure fantasy without consequences, those events now affected the real world even if it was just one girl. Could her immunity explain my fascination with her or was I genuinely infatuated with her. Maybe both. The frustration of not knowing began to get to me so I decided to release some aggression and the best way to do it was with my powers. An older couple lived below me. Well not...
Once Upon A Time In Las Vegas by The Rebel Adam Hughes checked into the Starglow Hotel in Vegas and he found his room dull, and without charm. Two Double beds, TV set chained to a bureau, bathtub, bathroom and a couple of nightstands. Done in a tacky turquoise shade of blue green, God. "All the rooms in rooms in this town look alike," he sighed as entered. 5'11" and just a little overweight at 32 he felt his body complaining about the weeks constant on- the -go activity. He...
When she calmed enough, she got off the chair and went into the bathroom."That is the effect of our new vibrating panty," Tammi said. "In this case, I had the remote control, but if you wish, you can carry the remote in an inconspicuous place to keep yourself in a pre-organic state for as long as you want. It's great to watch other's reactions to your obvious self pleasure."There were so many different styles of vibrators that she chose to split them into two groups, one before the break and...
Lee was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He dreamed about Penny, about going for long walks with her and driving around Signal in his FJ40. And he dreamed about bacon... bacon? Wait he thought, that wasn't a dream that was a smell. Lee woke up and slipped his pants on and went to the bathroom across the hall and took a quick shower. After putting on the clean clothes he had brought in last night he followed his nose to the kitchen. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Brown," Lee said...
I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin. Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder. With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the...
Thursday Later After all of the swimmers had left, once the showers were checked and completely turned off, when the doors were all locked and the alarm set, Cal returned to the girls' locker room and from there into the lady coaches' office, where Sue was waiting for him. "Well, that's everything. We can go..." His voice stopped in mid-sentence; Sue was waiting for him -- she was semi-reclining on the massage table, completely nude, her legs hanging over the bottom edge and widely...
This happened when I just joined in a software firm after my graduation. Reshma is the heroine of the story (not real name ), she is a Bengali girl with sexy boobs. By the way, this is pranay a Telugu guy from Vizag. You might have read my previous story “how I made love with my crush like bhabhi”. Thanks for response and I’m sure who asked for suggestions got it. You can get back to me at Me and others who are about to join the firm created a group on WhatsApp to ask suggestions to senior who...
After a stressful meeting at work, Bastian goes to the car workshop to check the ongoing repairs to his car. While there, he meets Tomas, the gorgeous mechanic that lures him in his work area as he fixes the car. Tomas’ inescapable sex appeal builds some erotic tension in the air, and Bastian takes advantage to get the overhaul he always wanted from his mechanic.Bastian takes a few moments to catch a breath after a long, yet productive meeting with his staff.. The day was far from over, though,...
All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventures - Part Seven - The...
"Hi, Angela, this is Jerry, Brenda's husband. She's telling me you like to do something that she doesn't like to do but that you just love it, is that true?" "Oh, is it ever. I just love taking a hard cock in my mouth and sucking the head while I rub my wet tongue all around. I'll bet you like something like that, right, Jerry?" "You are making me so hard, Angela. I just can't wait for you to have my cock in your mouth. I promise I'll have at least two days worth of cum saved up...
In the morning, we rose for the last full day and night. The awards would be tonight. There were no events today. We planned to walk and maybe spend some time at the pool. We went down for breakfast dressed for walking and met the other two couples. We all ate together. One of the wives noticed that we prayed. “Belinda, Steve, you were praying! Is that your habit?” Belinda smiled, “It’s one of our principles. We are Christians. We will miss church Sunday but will have breakfast, spend time...
Introduction: Casey loved this house… Casey had babysat for the Smith family now for the past year. She remembered the first time she had met Andrew and Jane Smith for the initial interview. She knew she would like the job from the beginning. There would be perks and lots of them. Casey would steal drugs, money and material items from the home. The biggest bonus was the sex. When Andrew caught her stealing he would fuck her silly for hours to teach her a lesson. Sometimes he would also have...
Laura tried to control herself, but she just couldn't help quivering with anticipation. Don had gone around all day muttering darkly about some kind of punishment. The very word made her tremble with a masochistic kind of excitement. Her husband's actions puzzled her, but out of love for him, she had found she was quite capable of adapting to his new personality. "It's only a passing phase, no doubt," she told herself while sitting under the drying machine at the hairdresser's. She...
I awake to find him gone, already missing the warmth and comfort of his body. Leaving the bedroom, I hear the water running, he’s in the shower. I grin as a sinfully wicked idea enters my mind. Slowly, I open the door and quietly close it behind me. I see his profile, his head is leaned back into the spray of water as he lets the water cascade over him. I can see myself licking the water off him. I strip off the shirt I’m wearing before pulling back the curtain and sneaking in. If his eyes were...