On the Rocks
- 2 years ago
- 32
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Rich had gotten home that night and Choung Suk and Britney had explained to him what was going on at Barbara's house, as they knew it from Naomi's visit.
"What" he exclaimed. "Mike Simmons, the local sex for sale king that the cops don't seem to bother, is now Naomi and Barbara's Master? They may go to work for him at the strip club and the glory holes?" Choung Suk noted an excitement in his voice just as he had noticed the lust in his wife and daughter's eyes. His daughter having those thoughts bothered him, he wasn't sure he wanted her grown up yet, but the lust in his wife's eyes fascinated him.
Rich was unhappy at work, while he had 2 promotions in the past year, he had not received a pay raise. If his wife was this excited maybe he could talk to Mike Simmons and offer him his wife for whatever he wanted to use her for, glory holes, street corners, anything, if he offered him a job as security for her. Maybe he'd be ok with her just being a free lance whore in town. They had enjoyed bestiality sites on the internet together but she had always refused to fuck either one of their two Siberian Huskies. Rich thought the two pure white dogs would look good on his wife's back. Of course if he was ready for his adopted daughter to be grown, they'd look magnificent mounted on her black body. Or Naomi would look good under one of them. Maybe he could get Mike Simmons to bring that slave over and order her to do it because he'd like to see it also.
"Britney, you're close to Naomi because she was best friends with your mother," Rich said. "I want you to go over and talk to her, see if you can get anything more than this afternoon's information. I want to talk to your mother alone." Britney stood and started for the door and stopped and looked at her dad.
"He was driving a Ferrari dad," she said. "Fire engine red and it was so cool." Rich looked at her and doubted his daughter would know the model but they were all expensive so this man must have a lot of money. His daughter had been flashing her panties lately, sitting with legs spread on the couch, bending over to pick up something she had "accidently" dropped. He looked at her little skirt and had an idea.
"See if Naomi knows what kind of Ferrari," he said. Taking a chance that he would embarrass her he added, "Show her your panties while you're talking to her. Spread your legs wide for her."
"Oh daddy, you have been looking," Britney gushed. "Mom said you still hadn't said anything to her about my unladylike actions, so I didn't know. You like?" Britney then pulled up her skirt and showed him her zebra skin patterned panty and slowly rotated showing it was a thong. Blowing her father a kiss she went out the door and ran across the street. Rich looked at his wife, thought a minute and decided what he wanted to do.
"I'm going to call in sick tomorrow and we are going to go back to the arcade for you to suck cock. I'm going to see if I can arrange with Mr. Simmons for you to be one of his sluts and I can work as security for you or somewhere in his organization," he said and saw how his wife's breathing increased and the smile spreading across her face. He knew she had enjoyed their first trip the other night and it seemed she wanted to do it again so he smiled back at her. "Happy?" he asked and she jumped up and came across the room and sat in his lap.
"Yes, I want to do that. You know I had 2 orgasms last time because it felt so naughty and I didn't even touch myself" she replied. "Not knowing who is on the other side is as exciting as my blindfold and being strapped to the bench so I never know where you are going to touch or enter me at. I also wonder if you have ever brought someone home and let him fuck me when I can't see." Squirming in his lap to get his cock where she could feel it and it's reaction to her question she asked the big one "Will you take our daughter with us? You know she is an exhibitionist like me and would love to go to the club and learn how to dance like that and then get on stage to do it. She would cum and cum while she danced from the men watching her." Choung Suk got the answer she was looking for as she felt her husband's cock grow below her. He had not thought about having someone fuck his wife while she was blindfolded, but the seed was now there.
"She came to me about sex right after her 11th birthday and I have been teaching her the female side of it and we have a lesbian relationship going on. This weekend she wants to offer you her human cherry and have you teach her the male side of it after her birthday party. So I think you should consider asking the man if he has use of a 16 year old anywhere as she would love to do something like that." Rich couldn't believe what he was hearing, this is why she was flashing him, to get him to have sex with her when she turned 16 and then have a sexual relationship with him. He felt his wife stand and looked up as she fell to her knees before him. She unfastened his belt and pants then unzipped them and tugged. Rich lifted himself and his wife pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles and then licked his cock.
"What about Britney, what if she comes back and catches us" he asked as his wife licked the precum oozing from his cock.
"She'll have her first lesson in male-female human sex" Choung Suk said and then engulfed his cock and took the entire shaft into her mouth and then down her throat. Rich moaned as he felt her throat muscles on his sensitive head as she swallowed. It was like the muscles were a hand, stroking his cock, jacking him off. Through his lust clouded brain he remembered she had twice said human sex, what was that about?
"Oh fuck CS that feels good," Rich said, calling her by her nickname. "But you have twice said human sex for Britney, what do you mean?" Choung Suk took a few more swallows and then eased his cock from her mouth. Grabbing his legs she pulled him to the edge of the chair, removed her shorts, knelt over him and grabbing his cock, guided it into her wet cunt.
"I mean my husband that while I haven't done what you have asked in front of you, those dog and horse fucking women videos on the computer turned me on so much that about six months ago I brought King in and let him fuck me. Oh baby, it felt so good I went back outside with King's cum running down my leg and called Duke in and had him fuck me. I now occasionally suck one as the other fucks me and to put you in the mood for your daughter, I was going to take them both, one in my ass and one in my pussy for you after all the guests had left. While you were watching me, Britney was going to approach and free your cock and suck for a bit and then get down in doggy position and beg you to take her human cherry." Choung Suk had been bouncing up and down his shaft and tightening then relaxing her muscles as she talked to him and the picture in his mind of his wife under one of the dogs was too much.
"OH FUCK YES" he gasped. "I'M GONNA CUM UP YOUR DOG LOVING PUSSY ... OH FUCK YOU DOGGY BITCH ... OH FUCK I'M CUMMINNNNGGGGGG!!!" He felt his cock fire shot after shot of cum into his wife's body and as his spurts grew further apart and in less volume he happened to turn his head and there was Britney and Naomi, still in just her lingerie, standing at the door and both were masturbating with their hands in their panties. Rich's cock tried to erupt again at the sight but his balls were empty, his weapon was out of ammo.
"Oh fuck CS, that is so exciting that you fuck your dogs," Naomi moaned as she came down from her self induced orgasm. "I want to watch you with them and then I want to fuck the other. I fuck Barbara's German shepherds with her and have been having a lesbian sexual relationship since just after she moved in. Oh fuck we need to get you into our group; I'll ask Master about it."
"NO!" Rich barked. "I don't want anyone to ask your Master about it. I will talk to him about my family if you please." Naomi looked hurt at the harsh words and her friend felt sorry for her.
"Naomi, Rich wants to talk to him because he wants a job with him so he can quit what he does now," Choung Suk explained and Naomi smiled. "When will I see you with King or Duke and then take the other one myself?"
"Not yet, first I want to know about Britney's human cherry and human male-female sex," Rich stated. Britney came over to her dad and helped her mom off his lap and looking at the mixed juices coating his cock, licked her lips.
"Would you like me to suck your cock clean Daddy while mommy tells you, or would you like mommy to suck it clean while I tell you, or maybe Naomi to suck it clean, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." The members of the Black family looked at the black woman at the door who hurried over and fell to her knees. Rich was tempted but thought better of it.
"No, Naomi can't do it," he said. "Her Master has not ordered her to and I don't want him on my ass for using one of his slaves without permission. CS, you clean me, I want to hear this from Britney herself." His wife dropped to her knees as Naomi crawled across the floor to the sofa giving Rich a very nice view. Naomi got on the sofa and sitting on the edge leaned back and spread her legs for him. She knew she'd be finger fucking herself as Britney told her story.
"I guess mom explained that I wanted to give you my virginity after my birthday party and she was going to put on a dog sex show for you to help get you to where you'd say yes to taking it?" she asked her dad and as he nodded yes, she smiled at him. Choung Suk had her husband's entire cock in her mouth again as she sucked and licked their juices from it. Thinking of the glory hole tomorrow, she orgasmed and had fresh juices running down her leg. It was too bad Rich wouldn't let Naomi get involved, she could be cleaning CS up with her tongue. Britney continued...
"About a week ago, the day before school ended, I came home and went up to my room and stripped to take a shower. I was headed to the bathroom nude, hoping you'd come home early and catch me, but I heard a noise from your bedroom. The door was open a crack and I went to peek in because it was definitely mom panting and whispering. When I got to the door I could hear her begging someone to fuck her, harder. Knowing mom would not cheat on you I thought she was masturbating and fantasizing it was you. I was going to go take my shower when I thought she'd like my tongue to help her and so I pushed the door open but mom wasn't on the bed but when I stepped into your room I saw her. She was on her hands and knees and it was King she was begging to fuck her. I couldn't believe it at first, I was shocked. My mom was a dog fucker? She played the part of a bitch for our 2 male dogs? But then as I watched King's ass hammering his cock into her at a speed that made it a blur, I realized it was a hot scene and my pussy had a river of juices flowing from it. I had to get closer and see it. I crossed to them but mom was cumming and then cumming again and didn't realize I was there. Thinking about how the dog's cocks looked when they were horny in the back yard, I had to get closer, so I got on my hands and knees beside her. Since my pussy was so fucking wet already, I began to rub my clit as I leaned forward for a better look." Naomi had her thong around her ankles as she thrust 3 fingers in and out of her cunt listening and Rich realized he thought he knew where this was going and felt his cock grow erect in his wife's mouth.
"So what happened baby" he asked his daughter as he imagined her going to find Duke.
"I was watching King and mom and didn't know Duke was in the room. Suddenly he landed on my back and I screamed for him to get down. Even though I wanted him to fuck me, I wanted you to take my virginity. I felt him cumming all over my crotch and later found out it was his precum and he was lubricating me, as if I needed it as wet as my pussy was. But no matter how badly I wanted that cock, it wasn't yours daddy and so I tried to get up. Duke's head was beside my face and he growled. It was the first time either of the dogs had growled at me and suddenly I was scared so I just tried to relax. Then his cock entered my pussy and I felt it hit my hymen and it hurt. He pulled back and then thrust again and I felt a tear as he broke my cherry, and then incredible pain. I had never had anything in me that was so deep or so wide. I was being stretched and felt like I would split in two. My scream broke through mom's bliss and she looked back and saw Duke on me. She tried to give me instructions, told me to relax and that the pain would end and it would feel good but I didn't believe her and cried. How could this ever feel good?" Rich interrupted her
"CS, get off my cock, I want Britney to climb on me and ride it as she tells me how she lost her cherry as she gives me her human cherry," Rich said and his wife obediently moved and Britney knelt over him in the chair and as she lowered herself her mother guided her father's cock to and then into her pussy before pulling her hand away.
"Oh daddy, that feels so good," Britney moaned as she got her father's cock entirely sheathed in her body and her ass settled onto his lap. She just rotated a little and ground herself on him. "Like mommy had said the pain began to lessen and I felt the warmth in my belly that I knew was an orgasm starting to build. I couldn't believe I was going to have my first cock induced orgasm from a dog. King got off mom and she came back to me and we kissed for a minute and then she got on her back and scooted under me and I screamed as she bit on my clit. A bolt of electricity shot through me and exploded in my brain like fireworks. I screamed out I was cumming; I'm surprised the entire neighborhood didn't hear me. Oh fuck that nut was so intense daddy. It was the best I had ever had and as mom continued to suck on my clit and Duke slammed into my cunt I came again and again, one right after another. They were turning me into a cum machine."
"OH FUCK ... I'M FUCKING CUMMINGGGGG!" Naomi shouted and Choung Suk hurried to her friend and dove into her crotch and began to suck up the sweet nectar as it poured in a river out of the woman. Britney was now riding her dad's cock like a woman possessed listening to her friend and mom across the room and feeling her dad's cock fill her cunt.
"OH DADDY THIS FEELS SO GOOD" she cried. "Oh fuck where was I? I was cumming like crazy from Duke and mom and then I looked down. There was moms pussy before me, legs spread and King's cum leaking out and I dove down to suck his cum from mommy, I had to know what it tasted like. It was so good that I have sucked both the dogs off daddy. I let them cum in my mouth and suck it down. I've fucked both of them since then. I'm a doggy cock loving bitch daddy and I want to be a daddy fucker also. I'm already a motherfucker and want to be a fatherfucker. OH FUCK DADDY I'M CUMMINNNGGG!!! OH DADDY FUCK YOUR LITTLE BITCH OF A DAUGHTER!" Rich couldn't hold back and felt his cock firing jet after jet of cum into his daughter's cunt. She was so hot and her story was so erotic he had never thought about pulling out but it suddenly hit him when it was too late. Was she on the pill? Had they taken that precaution since she wanted him to fuck her for her birthday?
"OH FUCK DADDY ... I'M CUMMING AGAIN ... I FEEL YOUR CUM FIRING INTO ME ... CUM IN ME DADDY, CUM!" Britney begged and Rich continued until he had no cum to give her. He was shocked by the amount of cum he had put in her after loading her mother's cunt so soon before. Choung Suk and Naomi both came to them and helped a quivering Britney off her father and laid her on the floor. Naomi began to tenderly suck the cum from the girl as her mother sucked her father's cock clean. Rich was exhausted and couldn't wait for tomorrow but he had one question before taking his wife and daughter to bed together.
"The pill? What about the pill" he said. Britney looked over at her dad as she held Naomi's face in her crotch.
"I've been on the pill for 6 months daddy so you can fuck me any time you want" she said. "If telling Mr. Simmons that he can have me as a slave along with mommy will help you get a job, I'm willing to do what he wants, with what he wants, and when he wants. Dogs, boys, men, I'll even go to the senior center and dance and strip for the men there, if he'll let me learn how to do it so it's really sexy, and then suck off any who can get it up. Tell him I'll be his biggest slut, if he gives you a good paying job, more than that fucking company you work for now pays you." Rich smiled at her and thought that they were definitely going to start a new life tomorrow.
4 The next morning
When Britney found out mom and dad were going to the bookstore so that mom could suck cocks through a hole in the wall, Britney had to have glory holes explained to her, then had to be denied her request to go and do it also. She finally gave in, mom and dad kept telling her she wasn't old enough to go in and no; she could not offer to suck cocks in the parking lot while they were inside. At 9:30 they left and Britney thought about Barbara and Naomi's attire yesterday. She stripped her skirt and top off and taking a deep breath, walked out onto the front porch in just her white thong.
She had just sat on the top step when she heard a vroom from a powerful engine and saw a baby blue Corvette coming up the street. Whoever was driving was waving at the boys up the street and she wondered if it was Naomi's Master. If it was, she was safe sitting here almost naked and her tits on display but if someone else ... she decided to get up and be prepared to run into the house when she recognized the man from yesterday.
"Hi Mr. Simmons," she called and waved as she jumped up and down to get his attention. It also got the boys attention from up the street but they decided Mike might not be happy if they came up and bothered him again today. But it was amazing, how many hot cars did he have? A Trans Am, a Ferrari, and now a Corvette?
Mike stopped in front of Barbara's again and the door opened. She had on a lime green lingerie set with a g-string, a sheer nylon coat that almost covered her crotch and ass, but not quite and black knee high boots with 6 inch stiletto heels.
"Coffee ready bitch?" he growled as he climbed from the car looking at Britney and then waving to her.
"Fuck that girl only has her panties on" Barbara exclaimed when she saw her.
"Yeah, looks that way," he said. "I need to talk to her parents so bring me a cup of coffee and tell Naomi to come over here as soon as I'm with her." He patted his jacket pocket to insure he had the DVD he'd made of them at the bookstore. Hell, he'd fuck that girl's mom before he left today. Barbara had just gotten there with the coffee when his cell phone went off. He considered ignoring it but checked the caller ID and saw it was Bobby at the bookstore.
"Bobby, I'm going to be busy in a minute so make it quick" he ordered.
"Boss, remember that Oriental amateur that worked the glory hole a couple nights ago?" Bobby asked and getting an affirmative he said, "She and her man just walked in the door, what should I do?"
"If they try to go in back stop them. Tell them to go to booth 5; it's got the entire new camera equipment installed right?" Mike asked and at Bobby's affirmative he continued. "Tell them that she has to fuck as well as suck today. Give her a pair of crotchless panties from the shelf and tell them what the prices are and that she'll be treated like a pro. You'll collect the money and they have to fulfill the services paid for when the receipt is handed in. They will be allowed to turn in the receipts for whatever money she makes but make them both sign the model release and tell them that we'll be selling the tape of her performance there and that they'll be given a free copy of the DVD when it's ready. Make her strip in the store for the customers and put on the panty there and take a Polaroid to advertise her like the other girls. If they can't do that, throw them out of the store. If they do, call me back after they go in the back. Also Bobby, her clothes stay out front, she's only to wear those crotchless panties into the back."
"You got it boss, I'll call you either way" Bobby said and closed his cell.
"Excuse me folks" he called as they approached the doorway to the rear and the bouncer there. The bouncer, hearing Bobby, refused to let them enter the backroom. Bobby walked over to them and told them what the boss had said were the conditions of their staying and while Choung Suk thought she wanted to leave, Rich said yes. He had to prove that his wife was capable of working here or anywhere else the boss wanted. Choung Suk grabbed his arm and led him away a little.
"You want me to strip here in public, put on a pair of crotchless panties and sign a release that they can sell a movie of me here? You want me to let other men shove their cocks into both my rear holes and my mouth" she asked.
"Yes, you know you want to do it," he answered. "Fuck, I bet if the customers gather around for your taking your clothes off, you'll cum all over yourself. This is an exhibitionist's wet dream and you need to show Mr. Simmons that you'd be a good slut for his organization." Choung Suk smiled at him.
"I know I just wanted to make sure it was ok with you" she said and went back to Bobby. "I want blue panties and I get to keep them and a red pair." Bobby sent the bouncer to get them and Choung Suk looked around the store. There were about a dozen customers who had been watching the exchange and wondering what was going on.
"Everybody come here," she called laying on her Oriental slang. "I take off my clothes for you and show you what you can buy, because all of me is for sale here." She waited for the crotchless panties package and then stripped naked and took her time opening the panties and facing away from the customers bent over and shook her ass at them as she pulled them up. Staying bent over she got them adjusted and stuck a finger through the hole and into her pussy. "Yes that hole big enough and my pussy wet enough, so who be first to come fuck this Asian pussy? I fuck you long time, short time, all time you pay for." She allowed Bobby to take a picture with the Polaroid camera and waited for it to develop to make sure it was a good one and then she went back to booth 5 with her husband and waited. The customers fought to get to the door and buy the first token to fuck that fresh meat. Bobby called the boss and told him they went for the deal and were working.
Mike was at Britney's house when the call came, watching Naomi cross from her house to Barbara's in a red lingerie set, no jacket and black shoes with a 5 inch heel. He had arrived there just as he hung up from Bobby and stopped before the steps and looked at the semi-nude girl.
"Is your mom or dad home, I need to talk to them about something," he said. Britney looked at the man and felt a spasm in her pussy. He was big and looked dangerous and she knew she wanted him to throw her down and just fuck her right here.
"No sir, Mr. Simmons" she said. "They are at your bookstore so mom can work a glory hole, but they wouldn't let me come with them.
"So you want to do that, do you" he asked as she nodded he asked, "How old are you?"
"16 Saturday," she said.
"Well you can't get in there or my club at that age unless I say so, but your mom was there the other night and I have a DVD of it and I wondered if your dad and she wanted to watch it" he said. "Since they're not here I guess, oh look, there's Naomi." That's when she had made her appearance from her house and she was halfway to Barbara's when Bobby called. When she had reached the house and sat beside her friend Mike looked back at Britney.
"Are you trying to emulate their attire" he asked. "Is that why you are out here like this?" Britney turned to him with a thoughtful expression.
"I don't know" she answered. "I was mad because they wouldn't take me and so I thought about it. Then I decided I'd do it because you might come by today to see your two sex slaves over there. Then when I saw your car and wasn't sure it was you, I got up to run in the house. It was as so I had to get your attention. I wanted you to see me like this because I want to talk to you about being a slut for you. I know, I'm too young, but how about Sunday when I'm 16?"
"Britney, your mom was at the glory hole the other night, sucking cock" Mike said.
"Yeah, I know" the girl replied.
"The DVD is of security tape footage of her doing it and I wanted to show it to them to entice your mother to work for me" Mike told her.
"I have some things I could tell you, but not until you come in and show me the movie," Britney said and went to the door and opened it. "Please Master; let this slut see her mother sucking cocks for money." Mike smiled at her and as he climbed the steps he said, "Are you a virgin Britney? The boys up the street say you don't date."
"That's something else I'll discuss, maybe after seeing the movie and maybe after you do something else for me" she teased and smiled at him. Mike smiled at her and then laughed.
"OK slut Britney, let's watch your mom suck cock" he said and entered the house. Once inside he handed Britney the DVD and watched her go place it in the player. Mike sat in a chair, probably her father's and when Britney grabbed the remote and saw him there she crossed the room and sat in his lap.
"My house, my rules," she said as she rubbed her ass over his cock. "I get to sit where I want after the guests are seated and today, that's your lap." Thinking he'd shock her and get her to move, he didn't want that hot little ass rubbing on him the whole time, Mike grabbed a breast.
"My rule is I can play with anything I'm holding," Mike said and squeezed. The girl surprised him. She didn't jump or scream, she just moaned in contentment and grabbed his hand in hers and crushed it to her breast. Moaning again the girl looked up at him.
"Kiss me Master," she said and then closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly. Wondering what the hell he was doing Mike leaned down but as soon as his lips touched hers, her tongue darted into his mouth and tried to enter his throat. Her free hand grasped his head and mashed their lips. Then Mike wondered what she was up to as she wriggled in his lap and out onto his legs. A second later her hand left his at her breast and Mike gasped into her mouth as she grabbed his cock through his pants and stroked on it.
She was a teen girl and he was a grown man, she didn't stand a chance. Mike jumped out of the chair, spilling her to the floor.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" he roared looking at her sprawled on the floor but the little minx rolled onto her back, drew her knees up and spread her legs and then pulled the crotch of her thong aside.
"Come on Master, fuck this cunt and make me your slut" Britney begged. "I want you in me and to feel your cum spurt into me. Please Master, please fuck me."
"No Britney, I can't and I won't" Mike said. "Now if you can be good, we'll watch the movie and if you sit still, you can sit in my lap."
"Will you pull your pants down so I can sit on your cock? I won't move, ride or grind on it, I promise" she asked. "I just want your cock up my cunt or my ass if you want that."
"You had no way of knowing I would be here in your house so I can't believe you are trying to set me up with your jail bait ass," Mike said but still looked around for a blinking red light to show a camera taping them. "If you are good and behave yourself, if you want I'll let you have my cock for your birthday present."
"Really," Britney exclaimed as she jumped up and hopped in his lap. "I can fuck you for my birthday present?" Mike laughed.
"Yes, you can fuck me for your birthday and I'll make you one of my sluts on Sunday," he promised. Britney started the movie and a few minutes later he felt a wet spot on his pants that continued to grow. He hated to embarrass the girl by telling her she was pissing on him but was about to do just that when she groaned and her whole body trembled. Mike looked down but she was not playing with herself, the little bitch had cum watching her mom suck stranger's cocks. She had another orgasm just before the end and Mike knew his pants were going to look like he had pissed himself. When the movie ended she cuddled up on Mike, laying her head on his chest.
"That was so fucking hot wasn't it" she asked. "Just open your mouth and take any cock that comes through the hole in the wall and suck it off. Or back up to it and hump it. When will you let this slut go to the bookstore and work the back room?"
"I had thought about starting an outcall business, you know private parties, bachelor and stag parties but I want younger girls for it" Mike explained. "Would you be interested in doing that, I'll provide security for the parties to ensure you don't get hurt."
"I might be interested in that but I still want the glory hole work. Let me prove to you how good I am," she said. "Let me suck your cock right now and show you my skills and I'll quit asking you to fuck me until my birthday, and I know a few girls I could talk to and try to recruit. But, I get to suck your cock and swallow your cum now." Britney got off his lap and knelt between his legs and then looked up at him. Mike took a deep breath and gave in. He nodded his head and Britney smiled as she attacked his belt and then zipper. Mike cooperated to the point of raising his ass off the seat and she pulled his pants and shorts down as one. Britney gasped as his cock sprang up inches from her face and she drooled as she reached for the nine inch monster. It was the longest and, except for the dog's knot, fattest cock she had seen. Her pussy spasmed as she touched it and thought Saturday this was going to be in her pussy.
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Jennifer and John have planned for a three week trip to Ireland for the past three years. It was the home of her ancestors. This year, their dreams would come true; they booked the tour through Magical Escapes. On the fifth of March they'd fly to Dublin, see the sites, look up distant relatives, and immerse themselves in Irish culture. She could hardly contain her excitement as they boarded Delta Airlines, destination: Dublin, Ireland. They quickly found their seat and when the plane took...
Before this happened D and her friends Phil and Jo were good friends and used to go out for drinks quite often D fancied Phil and he fancied her and didn't try to hide it always coping a cheeky feel of her sexy arse and being very touchy and telling her how fit she was, on one occasion he asked her if she wanted to get together later when everyone had gone she refused because of her friendship with Jo. Phil always said Jo said it was OK for them to do anything he...
It was my 19th birthday. Usually, I won’t go to college on my birthdays. But I had a test that day, so I was forced to go. Thankfully we had a few free periods on that day, so I spent most of the day roaming around the college with my friends. Just before the last class was about to end, Akash came to my bench and sat beside me. He was the nerd of our class. “What do you want?” I asked. “Are you free tonight after 8?” he asked. “That’s none of your business,” I said. “Please...
"Why haven't we killed her yet?" Harry muttered, standing under the shower with Carol, Margo and Nicki. "We love her too much," replied Margo. "We wouldn't be whole without her," Carol added. "She's incredibly fun in bed," Nicki said. "Good reasons all," Harry agreed, "but there are times, like this morning, when I really wonder if they're enough." In the kitchen the woman who had managed to soak all four of her lovers with one cannonball was faced with the daunting task...
Our day at the fair was wild. I must have looked like Hugh Hefner walking around with seven gorgeous babes hanging off me. They were doing their best to embarrass me. When Rose told everyone that our first time at the fair, I'd won a little teddy bear for her, everyone wanted me to go shoot a basketball and win her a teddy bear. It was a different guy this year and I could tell that the whole set-up was different. He had only one size of teddy bear on display and it was pretty big. It was a...
Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Tuesday, January 5th, 1932 The next morning, Bethany Rose stood by the car, nervously waiting for him to come out. He saw her standing there, watching through his library window. ‘Well, how about that?’ He finished dressing and went downstairs. He grabbed a doughnut from the plate and now found both women next outside, Bethany still at the car and Eliza waiting in the doorway. ‘Who’s going to watch the children? Can’t just leave them...
Adventures at an Artists’ Colony Sisyphus Chapter 2 Angel’s idea to get our writing done during the day and sharing fantasies in the evening was intriguing, so the next morning I slipped a note under her door telling her what my fantasy was in case she wanted to prepare for it. I wrote, “You’re the farmer’s daughter alone on the farm and I show up at your door. I’ll be there at 7.” For some reason this fantasy of working on a farm and getting seduced by the horny farmer’s daughter in the barn...
A PANTYHOSE CHRISTMASThe year of my twelfth Christmas was the first one in which both my parents worked and therefore Mom had asked me to help more this year with getting the house decorated. We seldom decorated more than a week before Christmas other than Dad and a neighbor putting up the outdoor lights over the Thanksgiving weekend.After arriving home from school one afternoon I raced up to my room, jumped out of my shoes, socks and briefs and slipped on a pair of off-black STW pantyhose Nick...
( First month at work. ) My first week at work was rough but not as bad as I thought it would have been. I felt like everyone that looked at me knew about my gender switch. It was quite the opposite though. Most people just saw me as a girl working the register like on any other day. I was still getting used to this life myself and each day posed a new challenge, yet seemed to get easier. I know that sounds weird. While ringing up customers, my mind focused on that and pretty much nothing...
Holly and Ivy. This is a tale of holiday fluff and fun. I must thank Eleanor McClay for sticking this story in my mind. Hello everyone. My name is Kate. This tale takes place at Christmas time longs ago. My cousin Morgan and I were getting things ready for Christmas at my mom's place. We also were ready to decorate Morgan's place. My brother Mike walked in with his friend Leo. Leo was also Morgan's brother. Mike said, "Hey you Cheese Wieners. What are doing to the living...
"Screw him!" Jess said down the phone and I knew she was right. "I have two tickets in my hot little hands to a concert tonight and we have to go!"Jess was my best friend since as long as I could remember. We were always there for each other no matter what. She wasn't a fan of Darren when we first hooked up eight months ago and was pretty vocal about me moving on. Darren cheating on me was the clincher. "I really want to have a quiet one." I said in a tone that told Jess if she asked one more...
Epilogue Everyone was gathered in the reception hall, as they have done for the past many years. Only, this time, TK and Scott arrived together and never left each other's side. Jack Harmon interrupted a conversation he was having with Tiffany to go over and greet the couple when they arrived. He felt nothing less than a father's pride as he watched the couple together. "Clarisse is so thrilled to be watching baby Jason while you two are here. She enjoys doting on that baby since it...
With Ricky's cock almost constantly hard, Kay had enough to keep her happy until Friday night arrived. She and her son had sucked and fucked each other into erotic bliss each night, with each session showing Ricky to be more and more dominating, taking control of his mother and using her body in whatever way suited him. Kay enjoyed each new plunge into sexual degradation and wondered where it would all end. She was indeed a slave to the boy's cock, and she prayed that he would not get...
Back in High School, it was the 12th grade, this girl I knew got pregnant and her boyfriend dumped her. He didn’t want a baby, so he left. Katie, she was 7 months pregnant and she was looking hot. Her now ex-boyfriend left her when she was almost a month pregnant. I have a girlfriend, Jennie, she was good looking girl. Jennie and I didn’t have sex, she wanted to save that part for marriage, she did give me a blow job and I ate her out. I asked Jennie if it was alright to take Katie out to a...
A few years ago we met a random couple at a nearby waterpark - the husband was in his early forties and his wife in her late thiertiesthey had two k**s one girl and a boy - the girl was around 7 and the boy 4we small talked with the couple about k**s - because my wife was interested in the k**s and she mentioned in the convesation that she would like to give birth to a c***d very soon.She wanted to become a parent too.After a few minutes during the conversation his wife went with the k**s to a...
Copyright Oggbashan October 2004 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * I was hot, irritated and annoyed with myself for being hot and irritated. I had come to Jean’s Halloween Party dressed as a Ghostly Monk in brown cloth habit, a cowl drawn over my head and a...
Officer Lori Hunt had just gotten off working a long shift in a small mid-west town where few things of note ever happens and everyone knows your name or at least your face. It was a hot June evening just after dusk. She was tense and wanted to unwind so she thought she would go for a jog then take a long bath to celebrate her week vacation starting tomorrow and she may even sleep in she thought to herself. She turned on the radio to listen to some country while she changed but instead...
On the levels of controlSwiss College VignetteThis is a vignette (although you could also call it a short story) set in the Swiss College, an environment about and inside of which I propose to write more in the future. The dangling threads have been left intentionally so, in order to provide hooks for more vignettes and short stories. You may also want to read Swiss College: a classroom vignette at http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=8403 Wrong Assumptions: a ponygirl story...
For It Was Laura... by Marci Manseau Part One - Meeting and Falling in Love The day I met Barbara in the university book store, I knew I'd found my mate for life. We talked for hours and hours that wonderful day, and it seemed that the more of our personalities we revealed, the more we had in common. We were both very amazed that there was another person in the world our same age that loved Baroque music as well as the Blues. We loved all the same...
I was playing Madden when Kitt Lacey came into the room with a special outfit on. I tell her I’m busy trying to win the Super Bowl. She starts rubbing my cock and tells me she wants her face fucked. We start kissing and I take my cock out and shove it down her throat. I slap her face and fuck it more and she jumps on my cock and rides it and squirts multiple times. I put her on a stool and rub oil all over her and slap her tits then fuck her hard. I flip her upside down on the couch and...
xmoviesforyouI came in from work one evening and discovered that my estranged husband and his roadie, Danny were back in town. My husband was a traveling musician and I was never quite sure when he might arrive back from a tour. When he was in town, he typically let Danny stay with us. When I walked through the front door, Danny was passed out on the floor in his boxer shorts with an empty Jack Daniels bottle lying beside him. My husband, Sam were sitting on the couch with a towel wrapped around his waist...
MatureHello dosto, ummeed hai aapko meri pichli story pasand aayi hogi. Aaj mai aapko pichle hafte ki rangeen kahaani sunaata hu. Kisi bhi aunty ya ladki jisko full satisfaction chaahiye ho wo mujhe mail kare Mai saari service k liye available hu aur privacy ki poori gurantee hai. Ye kahaani hai avantika ki jo mujhe subah park mai cricket khelte hue mili. Mai mere dosto k saath har saturday sunday cricket khelne park jaata hu. Hum har weekend subah 6-8 cricket khelte hai park mai. Tabhi waha aas...
When Bjorn stepped back on to the streets of Ulm to head back to the hotel he did indeed feel like a new man as predicted by Olivia Kent. He had just had his first ever Tantric Massage and what it did for him was amazing. He now felt like he could face anything the world could throw at him and win. Whatever mood Jessie was in when he got back to the others he could handle! Whatever the outcome of all that Carrie was going through he could handle! Whatever fate this unborn child was destined...
For the third straight night I had to listen to my friend fucking. As I lay on the couch of my best friend’s Chicago apartment, I tried to ignore the rhythmic thumping of their headboard against the wall. The constant bam, bam, bam accompanied by my friend's annoying cries of pleasure. I missed my man. Though we hardly had sex as much as these two did, I did miss him. I guess it was to be expected from Nicole. She was always the hornier of us girls and she had only been married to her high...
Chris Explorers By sexycd13 As I listened to the familiar voice of the phone service I thought back on the past few months and how they had changed my life since I first called this system. Let me introduce myself, my name is Tanya, however it wasn't always this it used to be Christopher. I was a good-looking young man, 5'8" tall, 160 pounds and with some muscle mass, long brown hair and brown eyes. I was 18 when everything started to go wrong for me. I made a phone call to a...
Bueno esta historia debo comenzarla explicando quien soy. Me llamo Susana pero me dicen Susy, nací dentro de una familia de 3 hombres y 2 mujeres (donde doy una de ellas). Tengo 2 hermanos que son gemelos, Rafa y Neto (así les digo de cariño), ellos tiene 28 años ahora y yo 21.Bueno esta historia paso hace 4 años cuando yo tenia 18 años y mis hermanos 24. En ese momento yo conocía poco de sexo, bueno mis papás normalmente organizaban unas vacaciones anuales, que cada año cambiaban de lugar,...
"Hello?" "Hi sweetie. It's so great to hear your voice. I have to tell you, I had a heck of a time finding a new phone number for anyone there. So ... how are you all doing?", Linda gushed while trying to keep from sounding breathless and trying to hide the fear and longing that she really felt. Stacy hesitated and decided to play it safe, "Ummm ... I'm sorry, who is this?" "For crying out loud, Stacy. This is your mother! I'm ... I'm sorry I haven't called before now but, jeeze,...
“Sir! This is Lydia” said the voice over the phone. It was early morning, and I was woken up by the shrill of the phone ring. “Hi! What a surprise, and so early in the morning. Is all well with you?” I asked. ‘She was silent for a few minutes and I thought we were cut off. “Are you there?” I said. “Yes” and then her voice broke and she was sobbing away. “What happened Lydia? Is everything OK there? You need any help?” I queried. Again she was quiet. Finally she spoke. “Nothing is right here. I...
Cruise Ship Regeneration 05 The cruise ship and a fraternity initiation gone wrong. 05.01 Ethan and Shawn: 05.02 Ethan and Shawn board the Cruise Ship: 05.03 Ethan, Body Preparation and Semen Extraction: 05.04 Ethan, Plant, Preparation: 05.05 Ethan, Plant, Rectal Vagina and Labia: 05.06 Ethan, Plant, Breast Growth: 05.07 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 05.08 Ethan, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 05.09 Ethan, Plant, Shemale Testing: 05.10 Ethan, Plant,...
Mindy might have been so enamored with Bobby that she’d ignore the danger of having unprotected sex with him, but it only took her two days to nag him into contacting the official owner of the property that had been destroyed. She wouldn’t have characterized it as “nagging” and, to be honest, he probably wouldn’t have either, but that’s what it was. To be fair to Mindy, though, there wouldn’t be many issues in the future she felt strongly enough about to do that again. She was actually the...
Hi dosto aaj mai apni new story likh raha ho didi ke sasu ma ki chudai mera nam raja hai mai nepal mai rahta ho abhi hal mai hi meri didi ki sadi hui hai mai unke ghar gya tha didi haneymoon ke lia bahar gyi thi wahan ki dekhbhal karne ke lia bulaya gya tha mai wahan pahuncha to meri didi ki saas kafi khus hui ghar bada tha islia ek hi kamre me sone ka programe bana rat me sasu g ne kaha beta thak gye honge lao me body ki malish kar do mai bola thak to gya ho pure 300 km gadi chalake aaya ho...
The Female Orgasm (Conclusion) by Charlee White Even though i eagerly anticipated spending an evening at our favorite club to celebrate the six month anniversary of the start of my feminizing treatments, i still felt uncomfortable when the night actually arrived. i always get a little anxious when it's time to put a new phase of my emasculation on display. You would think that i would have gotten used to it by now, but i still find every new reveal to be intensely unnerving. i...
It was summer and she was laying in the sun on a Mediterranean beach. She heard the sounds of the sea crashing on the shore, children laughing and shouting in the distance and adults chatting closer by. She strained, trying to hear their conversation. They were young men who had walked past twice and then stopped nearby where they had spread out towels on the sand and stripped to their shorts. She had observed them through half-closed eyes and admired their fit, suntanned bodies and muscular...
I just had an incredible experience with Amanda. She's a senior at the Florida Institute of Technology where I just completed my freshman year. Amanda has taken an unusual interest in me since I met her in a computer programming class. She calls me her "Little man". I find Amanda very attractive, but she towers over me. She's at least 6' tall and is stacked like a volleyball player. I've always been a small guy. I'm just 5'4 and 130 pounds. Every time I run into her, she puts me in a headlock...
ReluctanceI woke up and found that they had again rearranged us so that I was again spooning Bianca. I felt stickiness between my legs. That meant my period was due. This was a mixed blessing. My monthly visit was always a hassle, and being trapped here naked it would be even worse. I guess I’d have to use wadded toilet paper, and hope the supply held out for the day. On the plus side, for the first time since I got here, I knew what day it was. We have been confined for about two weeks, which was...
Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 1 - Dressing Up By Farleven "You're never going to get in." Max laughed as I looked over towards fraternity row. All of the frats were lined up there, one stately building after another. All of those opportunities hiding behind brick walls and Greek columns. "Well, at least I'm going to try," I replied. When I'd started at the University I laughed at the whole fraternity thing like a lot of people. It all seemed too chummy, and I wasn't a wild partier....
When the first guy arrived, I led him to the living room so he could watch the porn. I pulled down his pants and underwear. He soft cock popped out. I began licking it and it quickly came to life. I began to suck on it and after just a minute or 2, he said he was ready to cum. I kept sucking and he grunted as he shot his load of cum down my throat. I swallowed and kept sucking until he went soft. He pulled his pants up and said thanks as he left. After about 15 minutes, the other guy arrived....
My mother was smirking. “Well son, has the bureaucracy finally beaten you down?” she said. “Almost mom, almost,” I said. I fell into a chair at our dining room table and dropped my briefcase onto the floor beside my chair. “So, are you in school?” she said. “Yes, yes, and now to get ready for work. It’s all in the office today,” I said. “That’s a plus.” She smiled. “I would imagine,” she said. “But why are you here. You should be home with your wife?” she said. “I will be after work....
I woke up two hours later and could hear my husband and Max softly talking in the other room. I looked over at Shelia on the other bed but couldn’t tell if she was asleep or not because the lights were out in the bedroom. I just lay there waiting to see what those two men were up to. I didn’t need to wait long. I watched as they walked back into the bedroom, but my husband started for Shelia and Max was heading in my direction. Max walked up to the bed where I was laying and put out his hand....
Michelle thought she had been careful; she thought she had covered her tracks well enough. She had waited for her husband to leave to go to work and given him time to get well on his way.She had driven to the next town over so she wouldn't bump into anyone she knew. She had even given James a cover story in case he called the house and she didn't answer. She had her bases covered. Well, almost.Michelle Stewart looked like the stereotypical American housewife. At twenty-eight years old, she had...
Wife LoversSTRAIGHT MARKY ...PART2Hey guys, WOW, I cant believe all the supportive emails ive received insuch a short amount of time. Thanks to all. So, here's the continuationof "Straight Marky".Ok, after dropping Marky off at his house, i went back home and got somemuch needed sleep. A couple of hours into my "c***", i heard the doorbellringing and knocking on the door at the same time non stop....PISSING MEOFF! I opened the door cussing like you wouldnt believe and there standingbefore me was ....yep,...
I started working in a small office in lancashire back in the 80s as an 18year old. There were only six of us then plus Vicky the secretary, a woman of 41years of age, absolutely gorgous in looks with slim tight body and small pert breasts. Vicky was married but as it turned out not very happily and she liked nothing better than to flirt with the males. In summer time she would wear very short tight low cut flimsy dresses with open light footwear, in winter short skirts white blouses, always...
The Torment 9 What To Do Now? By Talent Scout The morning had been one of the most bizarre of Son Gohan's life. He was still trying to get his mind to accept the fact that he was mated, in fact, married, to Piccolo, for life. Even as his thoughts rejected it, his emotions played for him the surging, confused maelstrom of Piccolo's heart. She was as confused as he was. He also had a good idea of what Vegeta had meant by saying the week would be 'interesting'. Even as he stood there,...
"Hey, do you want some help?" I looked up and saw a large man towering over me. "Excuse me?" I asked him. "Well, I could spot you if you wanted to do more than just free weights," the man offered. I looked up at the guy. He looked huge! Especially with me sitting on the bench. The guy easily stood over six feet tall. Maybe six feet four inches, a couple of inches taller than me. And he was easily larger than me. But not by a lot. I may be only 18, but I've been lifting weights for the past two...
LOVE SHARING M & M A fantasy about Mandy & Mary I have two amazingly beautiful friends names Mandy & Mary who I’ve known for several years. Lately I’ve been fantasying about what it might be like to have sex with them both at the same time. As it’s my fantasy so I’m going to make the way it would be if it were like it is in my fantasies/dreams. For starters we’re all several years younger and all are able to enjoy sharing experiences in the lifestyle as we choose. I’m married to...
Damn him! Damn! Damn! Damn! Charley drove her car angrily, her tits heaving with rage. She was still mad. She was still boiling with anger. The stupid kid was about to blow everything for them. Despite all her warnings Greg was still determined to try out Beth Roberts. She had heard him this afternoon as he talked with the woman on the phone. She had heard him agree to meet Beth. The damn fool would ruin everything just to try out that little punch-bowl. She would have been even more...
Finally, it’s Friday and I only have two big yards to do today. I know I’ll be done before 2 o’clock and I’ll get to go home to get my weekend started early. I was excited as I dressed and grabbed my paper work for the day. Getting to the first yard, I zipped through it like nothing. The second yard took a bit longer, because they wanted a little more detail then usual. Apparently they were having a huge get together this weekend, and needed it to have extra attention. So I did just like the...
I heard Mr. Ford blow his whistle, indicating the end of another practice. Over the last few days, I'd been spending more time with Lauren. After that amazing night, I'd thought of her every time I masturbated. I even sometimes forgot that I had had sex with Becca. After Mr. Ford dismissed us, I walked up to Lauren. She smiled when I came up to her. "Hey, Matt!" She said, reaching out to touch my arm. "Hi, Lauren! What's up?" I said, looking into her beautiful brown...
Wesley looked at the hat as he pulled it down off the hat rack. It’d hung there for well over two months, the silent prayer hanging in the air that the girl he’d loaned it to would come back. But as it stood, it had been nearly three months. He ran his thumb across the buckle on the hat band and sighed, tucking the hat back into the box he’d dug it out and put it back up in the closet where it’d been for years. Even in the three months she’d been gone, Wesley couldn’t get Lacey King out of his...
A ranch is work. Work kept the Bell Family sane. Cole drove by way of the Forest Road to the upper pasture to meet with the Forest Service and the oil company. Ashley went to the Wyoming Cattlewomen’s Association meeting she presided over and encouraged the members to call their congressman and senators. Trail riders were checked in, their horses saddled, and sent out on the trail. Kyle and Ramie rounded up the eighty rescues and drove them to the corral with the assistance of their four...
Derrick was a gentle man who loved his wife , it wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, this would soon change. As Derrick sat in his office after a meeting, his heart felt as if someone had ripped it out of his chest and sat on the desk in front of him so he could slowly see it beat no more. It was end of the business day and he continued to stare into space totally oblivious to his phone ringing, Tisha is secretary quickly knocked on his door then opened it hoping one day to catch him...
Group SexBelieve it or not, this is a true story, some of it told from my recollections and some from my wifes. First let me say, I am a truly blessed man, my wife would rather fuck than eat and she is sexually submissive. It took me four months to get in to her pants, but since that time, she will fuck anytime, anywhere or any place and our best I think, was in a department store fur coat section. The first time we watched porn together, one of the tapes was a lesbian tape and it didn't take long after...
Bisexual“You should go as a sexy nurse,” one of my co-workers told me.“Yeah, and get fired,” I replied.We were chatting about our company Halloween-themed costume party. I had worked at Moore Construction for about a year- a small company of about 100 employees; mostly hormone-driven guys who wanted nothing more than to take a company secretary home.Sammy was my co-heart in crime and she always had my back. We both worked in the accounting department, so we knew just about everyone in the company, from...