CovetingChapter 5 free porn video

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Danny & Vince

"We're in deep shit, buddy, let me tell you," Danny said as he poured them each another shot of scotch.

"Margie hasn't said a word to me," Vince said with a puzzled expression.

"She knows, damn it. I'm tellin' you she damn well knows. Tessa told me she was going to tell her everything."

"But Margie hasn't said shit. That's not like her. I mean, look what I got her to do. She didn't want to pose. I forced her to do it. And now ... now you say she knows all about our scheme, but hasn't said shit?"

"Could be they're planning to spring something on us."

"Danny, you don't mean lawyers?"

"Why else? It's too quiet on my end too, Vince. We had it out once, but that's nothing. I expected to be harped at every fucking minute we were together. But nada, nothing further."

"Jesus ... maybe I should bring it up," Vince said, "You know, air it out."

"You might try it, see what happens," Danny agreed.

"I ... um, I've talked to Mark Elliot, my attorney."

"No!" Vince barked. "You figure it's that bad?"

"Hold on, Vince. I talked to him to get a grasp of how serious this situation is. You know the financial ramifications and all."

"What'd he say?"

"They can hurt us bad. But only if we admit to what we did. I ... I've erased everything from my computer. I had a guy come in and clean it up so there's no trace of any of the photos. You want; I'll give you his name and number."

"I ... I don't know," Vince said. "Margie's always home and all; I don't see how I could get a guy in to do it."

"Well don't admit anything. Don't sign or write anything that's an admission of guilt either," Danny said.

Both men remained glum and worried for the remainder of the week, and were more than a little surprised when their wives informed them that they were getting together Saturday night at the Morgan's.

The Swap

Tessa began to shed her inhibitions when she chose to wear the red and white flowered, backless, and thus necessarily braless, scooped necklined sun dress she'd never had the nerve to wear anywhere to the Morgan's that evening.

Margie went complexly overboard, having purchased a very short, skin-tight, black dress from which her breasts all but hung out of. She would never have worn it in public, for it kept riding up her thighs any time she sat down. But this was a 'special' night for her and her man and she wanted to look especially sexy.

Vince and Danny, completely puzzled by their wives actions, went along with the idea of a party grateful for any break in the week-long silent treatment they'd received. Although both men knew their behavior was being monitored by their respective spouses, they still couldn't help but gawk at the women and their scanty, revealing attire when they had gathered together at the Morgan's.

After greeting Danny, Vince carefully weighed his every word, "I have to say you ladies look especially good this evening."

"Thank you, Vince," Tessa said as she glanced a second time at Margie. My God, her tits are going to pop out of that dress before we put the plan into motion, she thought.

Margie followed with, "Vince has an eye for nice things; he always has," she winked at Tessa, thinking, and if Vince gets his hands anywhere near your dress he'll have a hand on your boobs before you can say Happy New Year. But look at me ... the pot calling the kettle black.

Both women giggled. Tessa over Margie's comment and Margie over her last thought.

Making certain neither man was looking in her direction; Margie quickly adjusted her breasts so that a tiny bit less cleavage showed. She received a knowing smile from Tessa, and laughed.

Danny was having a problem keeping his eyes off Margie's tits that threatened to spill out of her dress at any moment.

Vince was having similar problems with Tessa's dress, which kept providing revealing glimpses of her breasts when she turned or leaned forward. He knew Danny was mesmerized by his wife's tits because he had been bowled over when he'd walked into their bedroom and gotten his first look at her in the black dress. In fact, he'd attempted to pry them out to suck on them beforehand, but Margie had slapped his hands away, and laughed at him. "No touché," she'd said, and he knew she meant it, but was puzzled all the more as to why she would wear such a skimpy dress to a get together with Danny and Tessa.

Margie had cobbled together some fruit and cheese to go with the wine Danny had presented to Margie on arriving. Vince put on some music and Danny immediately invited Margie to dance.

As Vince and Tessa looked that direction Tessa said, "I haven't seen that 'hunting' look in Danny's eyes since we were dating."

Vince replied, "Looks like Margie has given him back the thrill of the chase."

Tessa nodded in agreement, for Margie and Danny seemed totally oblivious to their spouses who sat watching them as they danced a Cha-cha.

After several drinks it seemed to Danny that Vince and Margie were eager to be wild and naughty. Margie kept bending over and showing off her breasts which all but fell out of the dress each time she handed her guests a drink or passed a tray of hors d' oeuvres' around. And Vince had already made several off-colored remarks very uncharacteristic off him.

So when Vince cupped Tessa's rear when they were alone in the kitchen briefly, keeping it there for much longer than warranted, Tessa wondered if her friend had told her husband what they were up too. Later it turned out it was only nervousness on their part. Still, their enthusiasm and the succession of tropical drinks containing more powerful portions of alcohol with each serving proved infectious in removing any barriers to what was to come.

Danny tried, but couldn't keep his eyes off Margie's tits, and when she sat down her dress rode up and provided him with a view of her crotch. Danny would have sworn she wore nothing underneath. What the hell is going on? He wondered.

Vince was worried because he now had a raging hardon and wasn't sure what would happen if Margie saw it. He snuck a glance at Danny's crotch and saw that he too had one. He figured they were both in deep trouble.

At ten after eleven, Tessa sent Margie their secret sign and the swap was underway.

Tessa glided over to Margie's husband Vince and teasingly asked, "So, Vince, do you like the way I'm dressed?"

"I love it," he whispered back, hoping Margie wouldn't hear him. He had been concerned about how Tessa would react to his grabbing her ass earlier, but wasn't worried about offending Danny at all, for they had shared too many confidences about their wives to worry about any flirtation.

"Then why don't you ask me to dance?"

"Just stupid, I guess. Come on. Let's give it a whirl."

As Vince put his arm around Tessa and began to dance with her, facing each other a few feet apart, she realized for the first time that she was a little wet. She noticed it mostly because of the movement of her own body. As she moved her hips to the beat of the music she could feel that her panties seemed very tight against her labia, meaning they were swollen with excitement.

Tessa looked into Vince's eyes, took a step towards him and put her arms around his neck. She let their bodies synchronize and press against each other, teasing him with her breasts resting against his chest. She let his leg slide just slightly between hers so that if the desire struck her, she could grind on him a little bit. She smiled as his muscular arms dropped to her lower waist and teased the top of her hips and butt. He smelled good, a pleasant musk to his cologne that drew her close enough to him that she could hear his words.

Margie walked over to Danny and leaned over, letting her tits all but hang in his face. "What about you, Danny, gonna sit there like a log when the music is so sweet?"

Moments later, both couples were dancing. Danny caught sight of Tessa across the room, dancing with Vince; even seeing her molded against his friend for the first time brought a twinge of jealousy, but he was quickly distracted by the way Margie was mashing her tits against his chest, and then he felt her crotch against his thigh. She's actually rubbing her pussy against my leg! He thought, and her hip is pressing against my crotch! What the fuck? I wonder if she feels my boner.

Margie could feel him all right; other than Vince she hadn't danced with anyone who'd had a hardon since her sophomore year in college. Of course, she'd met Vince at the start of her junior year and that had been that, until tonight.

After another minute or so of intimate contact between them, Margie innocently inquired, "Are you enjoying this as much as I am, Danny?"

"You bet I am," and then he looked around guiltily for Tessa, only to see her dancing even closer to Vince.

Something vibrated to life between Tessa's legs and she involuntarily pressed her hips hard against his leg. A gentle sigh of pleasure escaped her lips as she pulsed to the rhythm of the music in his arms. It felt so good she actually was concerned she might stop dancing and just grind against him, but to her surprise as her clit throbbed to the beat, she found it impossible to stop dancing. It was as though the music was moving her pussy from the inside and in doing so, forced her hips to sway to the music.

She felt her face getting hot, her breathing quickened, not just because of the movement of dancing, but because of the excitement that seemed to be pulsing through her body.

Dear Lord, please tell me Marge and I are doing the right thing. Nervously, Tessa glanced around and saw Danny dancing just as close to Margie as she was with Vince. Her guilt vanished instantly, and she had to hide the rush of pleasure she felt when Vince pressed himself against her belly.

She pressed her body hard against his, moving full into his arms and hiding her face on his shoulder. She had never been so turned on dancing before, and she tried hard to hide the fact that dancing with him felt the way foreplay did with most people. She saw Danny glance her way and she smiled at him and received a smile back. Reassured that he was okay with what was going on, Tessa gave herself to the music's beat, felt it being absorbed by her body and grew wetter.

As they moved about the floor, Tessa watched Vince's eyes. They were all a glitter with excitement. Vince had found Tessa's dress revealing from occasional side views of her breasts when she turned this way, or that. It was obvious she was naked under it. Her tits, though firm and tight-looking, jiggled slightly with every movement.

His hands patiently explored her bare back, and when he pulled her even tighter against him she countered by grinding her pelvis into his crotch and felt his erection prodding her stomach.

Tessa whispered, "Do you like?"

"Oh my, yes!" Vince croaked, "I ... I've always thought of you as a beautiful, sexy woman."

"Oh, you're so sweet," she said and kissed his cheek, and feeling his erection prodding her pelvis, "I see that you're still keeping in shape."

The comment through him for a loss and he blurted, "Huh?"

Tessa could only respond with a small bump and grind into his tumescence. He understood that less than subtle message and replied, "Well, you kinda bring out the best in me, Tessa."

"Oh, you are a sweet man, Vince," and gave him another bump and grind.

Margie pulled away from Danny's arms and turned around, afraid she might just start humping his leg if she stayed pressed up against him. She wanted to show him her tits and bent forward letting them all but spill out of her dress.

She bent over, shaking her ass to hide the fact that she could swear she was being fucked right there, in the middle of the dance floor. Part of her was saying that she should be embarrassed for being so turned on by just dancing, and part of her was so excited by it that she didn't care. She decided that she would just try to hide the pleasure she was feeling, after all, as long as she kept dancing, no one would ever know.

Margie whispered into Danny's ear, "Oh, my, you've got a hardon!"

"I'm sorry, Marge," he said, "I just couldn't help it."

"Don't apologize," she giggled. "I think of it as a compliment." As she said this, she reached down and boldly rubbed her hand over the outline of his hardon.

Danny gasped with pleasure.

"Do you like my tits? I bought this outfit with you in mind?"

"Fantastic," he said as she gave his member a light but unmistakable squeeze; which prompted him to amend himself, saying, "I mean they're fantastic, Marge, but I have a confession to make."

Margie briefly wondered if he was going to chicken out and force them to call the whole thing off. "Oh, really?"

"I ... I've been lusting after you for several months now. I mean, I always thought you were sexy as hell, but lately I ... well at the company outing I got a good look at your ass and thought it was the greatest I'd ever seen. I mean, I thought for sure your ass was your best asset."

"My ass?"

"Yes, but tonight ... this dress ... it's your tits that set you apart from other women."

"OH... "He had definitely moved her with the compliments, still, Margie pressed him further. "But what about Tessa?"

"Tessa is the love of my life. She's the perfect woman for me ... but I also desire you, and I think tonight I'm going to possess you. Of course I also think that Tessa wants Vince."

"And you know this how?"

"I'm not sure, but I suspect the two of you have set out to swap husbands for tonight. Am I right?"

"I ... I don't know how to answer that," she said, cursing herself inwardly for giving their plan away.

She felt his hands on her ass and it sent shivers down her spine.

"Turn around, Margie," he said while his hands squeezed the globes of her ass.

Margie turned and immediately felt his erection bear down on the cleft that separated her asscheeks.

She looked back at his smiling face, only barely aware of the ravenous look on her own, "Oooo! Danny ... what are you doing?" she murmured over the pulsing beat of the music; her body now moving in ways she had never even tried while alone in her room as a teenager. Moved as she had witnessed a stripper dance once while in college.

Danny was beside himself, fighting off the urge to let loose; to cum while dry humping her magnificent ass. He knew of guys who had done it while supposedly dancing, but while he had had some enormous boners, even a case of blue balls while courting Tessa, he had never cum in his pants. Yet he knew he was close to doing just that, and he began looking for a means to end the dance while still keeping Margie close; perhaps even getting her to go off into the house somewhere and fuck her brains out.

Encouraged by Tessa's actions thus far, Vince sent his left hand inside her backless dress. Realizing that he was halfway to her breast, Tessa shrugged her left shoulder and brought the underside of her breast into contact with his greedy hand.

"Oh, my, how did that happen?" she asked innocently, "Thank goodness your hand is warm."

"Mmmm," Vince croaked, "Not the only part of my body that's warm," he said, and added,

"You're much friendlier than usual tonight, Tessa."

"Am I? I suppose that's a compliment?"

"It is," he replied. Vince's hand was now cupping her breast.

Tessa's right hand moved between his legs and gripped his balls. "Well then, let me compliment you, big boy. That's some heavy equipment you're lugging around down there."

They stopped dancing and with her eyes fixed on his, Tessa licked her lips and glanced down at her chest. Her nipples were hard and visible under the light material.

"I bet you asked Margie," he croaked hoarsely.

"Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't."

Having no verbal response to that, Vince flicked her nipple with his thumb.

"Mmmm, nice," Tessa purred and ground her pelvis into his. His cock aligned itself with her steamy slit and she moaned, "Oh, God!" and widened her stance while thrusting back at him. In a moment they were dry humping, not caring what their spouses thought.

It was as though the beat of the music slid up inside her and throbbed, then slid back out and vibrated. Then back in, filling her, and back out making her ache for more. Each beat of the bass felt as good as real sex. The tightening, throbbing and pulsing inside became so intense that she buried her face in his shoulder again to hide the pleasure she was feeling.

But even as she hid her face, her body said everything to him on its own. Her hips rocked to the beat, teasing her wet panties against his leg in little dancing circles. She could feel his dick rock hard against her thigh. Her breasts felt hot and swollen against his chest and yet, even in the heat, her nipples were as hard as though it were freezing outside.

As the beat pounded inside of her she began to feel her pussy responding to it uncontrollably. As she ground her wet pussy against his leg a particularly strong beat pounded against her g-spot and her pussy involuntarily twitched. A chill ran the entire length of her back and she moaned slightly into his ear as her hips shivered against him. It was in this moment she decided the term "dry humping" was a misnomer.

"I want you," Vince croaked.

"Do you? What about..."

"I want you, and nothing's going to stop me. Understand, Tessa?"

"I ... I know you're hot, Vince. I mean, I am too ... but..."

"No fucking buts. Look at them, they're practically fucking on the dance floor." he said heatedly, hardly able to contain himself from picking her up, tossing her on his shoulder and carrying her off to his cave.

His words had more than there intended effect.

Something pounded her g-spot. She couldn't help but press up against him, her clit throbbing against his leg to the beat of the music. His body seemed to vibrate against hers wherever they touched and it sent tingles and chills down her spine.

She let her breasts bounce and press against his chest as she moved her body in closer to his. She pulled her head back and looked into his eyes with pure astonished lust, her hands locking behind his neck as she lost all control of everything happening below her belly button.

They kissed and the world faded away. Tessa was no longer encumbered by a marriage certificate. She wanted Vince to ravish her; to bring her to orgasms undreamed of prior to this moment and she couldn't care less if Danny was offended by her actions.

Tessa managed to blurt out, "We should go to your bedroom, Vince," before he actually scooped her up in his arms and moved quickly toward his bedroom, leaving his wife, Margie and Tessa's husband, Danny still grinding into one another.

"They left us," Danny said quietly. So quietly that Margie had him repeat himself.

"They're gone?" she said.

Danny nodded. "Why don't we go out on the patio where we can be alone?" he suggested. "Besides, it's cooler out there."

Margie took his hand and led him out to the patio where the hot tub bubbled away several feet from them.

"Will you take them out for me, Marge? I like to really get a good look at them."

"What did you just say, Danny?"

"I ... um, asked if you'd show me those fantastic tits of yours," he said then blushed like a schoolboy.

"My tits? I'd be honored, Danny." And with a deft, feminine movement she scooped her breasts from her dress, letting them rest on the material so that they pointed straight ahead, with no sag whatsoever.

Danny licked his lips and went for her right breast. Margie cradled his head to it with both hands, murmuring softly, "Suck it, baby. Suck it good," and moments later she was squeezing his cock and rubbing its tip with her thumb, chanting, "Suck 'em good, baby, suck 'em good."

However, once Vince deposited Tessa on her feet in the bedroom, he had a rush of guilt.

"Tessa, I ... I can't."

"You certainly can, Vince," she said, cupping his package with her right hand and giving it a healthy squeeze.

"No, you don't understand. I mean we can't do it on the bed. I think Margie would resent it. I don't think she'll mind us fucking each other's brains out ... but not on her ... I mean our bed. Do you understand where I'm coming from?"

"Yes I do, Vince, and I'm glad to hear you say it. I'd feel the same if the situation was reversed."

"So what do you suggest?" Vince said, noticing for the first time exactly where Tessa's hand was.

"The patio seems the logical place," she said. "There's the hot tub and chaise lounges. The neighbors can't see or hear us. Yeah, I think the patio."

And so, Vince and Tessa made their way out to the patio to join the other couple.

"Jesus, look at them!" Vince gasped as Tessa squeezed his hand.

Danny and Margie were hurriedly stripping as if in a race to see who would finish last. That honor went to Danny, who had trouble removing his remaining sock while standing.

Soundlessly, Tessa took a step back and began removing her sundress. All she wore beneath it was a tiny thong with a very obvious wet spot at its center. As she stepped out of her shoes, she sat down on the chaise lounge and calmly said to Vince, "What are you waiting for?"

But he was staring at her tits, for they really were gorgeous: grapefruit sized, symmetrical, round and perky, with big pale areola, and little upturned nipples.

Vince snapped out of his lust filled daze, took off his shirt, and then slipped off his shoes and socks, finally removing his trousers. He was standing between her legs, his Calvin Klein's level with her face. It was evident that he was working out regularly, his flat hard stomach and his muscle definition providing ample evidence of the fact. But it was his bulge that commanded her attention. She grasped the waistband of the CK's, and carefully eased them over his erection.

Tessa appeared to be mesmerized by the sight of his erection. She had of course seen other men, but other than Danny, her husband, she had not seen one since they first met. Vince wasn't longer than Danny, but he was thicker; and thick cocks were the food that fueled her masturbatory fantasies.

While Tessa stared hungrily at Vince's tumescence, Margie was more energetic. She reached out to fondle Danny's erection, afraid that when she did it would disappear and that she would wake up from what had to be an erotic dream.

But Danny's shaft was scalding hot in her hand and she knew it was no dream, and she began to slowly stroke it, sliding her hand up and down the length of his shaft, from its base amid the forest of black hair to the smooth head that was already glistening with his anticipatory juices. Her forefinger played in them leaving a damp trail as it circled his crown. She was intrigued by the size of his testicles and she cupped each one in turn, as if trying to gauge their weight. And then she was again holding his shaft.

They all ended up in the hot tub, filled to the brim with a lust they probably hadn't felt since their hormones raced out of control as teen agers. They were all more than half drunk; not realizing the heated waters would accelerate the speed with which the alcohol would race through their respective systems.

It seemed fitting that Vince would make the first risqué remark. "Ain't she got great tits?"

Being a good husband, he of course, meant Margie, but Tessa stood up, cupped her breasts and displayed them for all to see, while Margie remained seated, only revealing portions of her breasts in the ever swirling waters.

It wasn't long before the women, led by the slightly inebriated Margie, commented on their husband's appendages. Naturally, both men stood up unsteadily on the hot tub's bench to show off their erections. The women kidded them, but all remarks were complimentary to say the least as they hungrily eyed the other's husband with the same intensity that the men eyed them.

Then Margie threw any pretense aside – telling herself that she could always blame it on the booze and left Danny's side to move next to Tessa pressing her breast into her arm. A moment later she was sitting on Tessa's lap. Vince's eyes were bulging in disbelief.

"What the fu..."

"Let it go, Vince," Danny said coldly. "Let them play."

Tessa immediately piped up with, "Yeah, let's everybody play!"

What Vince heard was, "Let us play," what Danny heard was, "We want to play."

Tessa put an end to the momentary confusion by grabbing Vince's cock and squeezing it just as Margie kissed her. She returned the kiss, but guided Margie's hand to Danny's midsection. Margie took it from there and began jerking him off as they held their torrid kiss.

When Vince felt Tessa's hand grip his cock he sent a hand between her legs. Tessa widened them as much as she could under the circumstances, and he began fingering her.

In short order, Tessa was cupping Vince's balls and Margie was sucking at Tessa's right breast. Not to be left out, Danny maneuvered himself so that he could play with Margie's tits, rolling her nipples and tweaking them while she moaned happily into Tessa's mouth.

Abandoning Tessa's breast, Margie ran her hands from Tessa's neck to her thighs where she encountered her husband's hand, fingering Tessa, and she laughed, and said, "Oh, my, we are going to be naughty and nasty tonight!"

Tessa started to giggle at that and said, "Vince, you have a very sexy wife."

"I know it," he admitted. "And so does Danny."

Tessa squeezed his cock again, and replied, "Thank you, kind sir."

Then Danny entered the conversation, saying, "So, Marge, how does it feel to kiss Tessa?"

Margie giggled then replied, "She has the softest lips imaginable." As she uttered the words, her fingers went between Tessa's legs brushed her clit then slid inside her.

"Which lips were you referring too?"

"All of them, Danny. All of them," Margie answered.

"What?" Vince blurted, suddenly understanding more than he wanted to.

"Evidently our wives go both ways, Vince," Danny said and laughed, finding it funny that he'd never suspected anything between the two women.

"That's not even funny, Danny," Vince said as he bristled with anger.

"Oh, get off your high horse, Vince," Margie spat out. "Here you are in the hot tub, feeling up his wife, even fingering her before I took over..."

"And doing a fine job," Tessa said happily.

" ... and you're pissed because we want to do to each other what you two gonnifs want to do to us. Well, fuck you, Vince!"

"Hey, hey! Calm down everybody," Danny said putting his arm on Vince's shoulder.

"Here, this may help," Tessa said, and reaching with her right hand, she pulled Vince in to her and kissed him hard. He didn't act surprised or shocked, but went with the flow, responding to her tongue when it entered his mouth with his own.

"Attaway, brother," Danny laughed.

"You go, girl!" Margie chirped and added a second finger to Tessa's pussy.

Tessa tapped Vince on the shoulder, signaling him to end the kiss, which he did. Tessa struggled to stand, exposing Margie's hand between her legs.

"Ooop's," Margie giggled, "You weren't supposed to see that," and she slowly removed her fingers and placed her hand in her own lap.

Both men were staring at Tessa's breasts as rivulets of water dripped down her neck and shoulders before skiing zigzag down the slopes and falling back into the hot tub. Danny could see why Vince had lusted after his wife. She was beautiful standing there with the water cascading from her magnificent breasts.

He took a deep breath and told her so. "Tessa, you are truly beautiful, and I love you."

Tears filled Tessa's eyes as she told him that she too, loved him, loved him more than life itself, and they kissed. Margie turned to her husband and said, "That was so beautiful, Vince."

"Yeah, it was. But, hey, Marge..."


"You're pretty good looking yourself, you know?"

"As always, Vince, you have a way with words," and she kissed him passionately, loving her man more than ever.

Following the kissing session, the couples began to banter each other, taking pleasure in both humorous and inane remarks. Vince hopped out of the tub, made another round of drinks and brought them back to the others still sitting in the hot tub.

A few minutes later all barriers dropped. Suddenly Margie was sucking Danny; and in an act that surprised her, Tessa took Vince in her mouth. Even alone, in their bed, she seldom did that to Danny. Both men had plopped down on the edge of the tub when engulfed by the women's hungry mouths.

When Tessa looked across Vince's body at Margie, her friend's head hid Danny, but the steady to and fro was quite adequate to signal what was happening. Then, in almost dreamlike slow motion, Margie turned toward her and stretched out her hand to Vince's groin, drawing his erection away from Tessa and engulfing it in her own mouth. Two quick sucks later, she pushed it back to Tessa, who calmly resumed her fellating without a glance at Margie.

Same as Coveting
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He mets a girl, Tori. Tori is a 18 black bombshell. Black hair. Green eyes. D chest, small waist and a bouncy butt. She takes Tom virginity and he is in love with her. They begin having sex on a regular basis. One night Tori tells Tom to come to her house, he arrives at midnight. As soon as he is inside she commands him to strip, excited by her aggressiveness Tom is naked in seconds. Tori tells him to turn around and put his hands behind his back. She handcuffs him, and blindfolds...

1 year ago
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Georgie Girl Ch 1921

Chapter 19 The Big Step The morning after we returned from Sacramento, I was on the phone to Dow. ‘Bob, I wanted to let you know that the tests we conducted with the state water resources board were a complete success. Your filter material performed perfectly and we’re having some of it sent to you today for your inspection.’ ‘That’s great, John. Congratulations. I’m sure Rex will be delighted to hear that too. He convinced us to listen to you, so he gets a lot of credit as well.’ ‘I’ll...

2 years ago
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A Night of Discovery Pt 1

I guess it was a normal thing for siblings to think and wonder about having sex with each other. The loving bond between most brothers and sisters can easily spill over into sexual thoughts of the other. I knew I was attracted to my brother but other than the looks he gave me each time he became aroused while listening to my mom and dad he never indicated an interest in me. I am quite shy sexually but I always know I have an inner slut that I try my best to keep hidden even today. My...

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gropping my passed out friend

so last week end i was at a party at a friends house and we were all doing extasy and getting fucked up. one of my friends clair was there and was looking really hot. she was wearing a nice tight baby blue sweater and a jean skirt. i could also tell she was wearing a black bra because i could see it through her sweater. so all night any chance i got i was staring at her tits and that sexy at about 4am i went down to the basement to get m jacket to leave an clair was passed out on...

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The OldMan Part 2

By Docker5000 Part 2 Introductory. Joseph Montgomery now left the hotel where he had been staying for the last few weeks. He was now heading for somewhere new. He still didn't have any idea where he wanted to go. But this was Joseph all over. He would just pick a destination and go. Joseph was now in the small railway station of the small seaside town where he had been staying for the last few weeks. He had enjoyed his time in this small quiet seaside-town. But it was time for him...

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Always Taken Advantage Ofpt2

Daniel stood up behind me and slowly rubbed his hands up my buttocks, I stood there with my gym shorts and underwear piled up around my ankles. I cupped my hands over my genitals more such to hide my penis and balls than to protect them. I could not help but glance over at Bruce and Charlie, the two of them were removing their pants and underwear. Bruce's cock was rigid and stiff, Charlie was semi rigid and hanging. I had to return my attention to Daniel as he was beginning to nibble on my...

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My first time on a trip to Mexico

I was recently lucky enough to travel to Mexico for study, where I had the greatest experience of my life! Basically everything about that country is amazing, the girls, the food and the culture! Anyways one day I went alone to a small taco bar for lunch, Mexican food is the best! I decided to order literally almost everything on the menu, there was an old dried up little woman sitting behind the counter she shouted "Anita" and then this gorgeous beautifully tanned Mexican waitress came out...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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Eye Witnesses

(This is my first submission.I hope it meets the guidelines.) Eye Witnesses Deviant1  Jenna turned the key to the front door lock and followed her younger sister, Amy into living room. They had just returned from the police station following Amy’s arrest for destruction of private property. It was another in a long line of offenses for the seventeen-year-old and Jenna knew she had to take matters into her own hands. “I have had it with you. You have gone too far this time!” Jenna fumed as she...

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BBC for Us Both

My wife Vanessa and I got married 2 years ago. She is such a cutie 25 years old about old 5'2" brunette nice perky C cup boobs, and a real nice big booty. When she wears a tight pair of jeans she really turns heads. What is what first attracted me, I saw her walking to her car after work, and I knew I had to have a piece of that. As for me I am now 28 years old, 6 foot tall, skinny, blonde hair blue eyes. Some people say I am attractive, well at least I looked good enough to attract Vanessa and...

2 years ago
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Mens Club

Hey! Hey! Hey! Today was a good one. I'm that guy that fools around across the line. You may think of it as queer or weird, or off beat, or just plain ain't normal but let me tell you there are a lot of men out there that are tired of the bitchy women that wish to withhold their lovin' pussies so they can control their guy. Me? I gave up on having steady pussy a long time ago. When I can't score with some split tail, I can usually get invited to suck and fuck some very decent looking...

3 years ago
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Starting Over Chapter 40

Prologue This is the fourth chapter about the sexual rebirth of Jack a senior citizen who learns it’s OK to enjoy sex again after the tragic loss of his bride and lover of 50 plus years. In this chapter, I’ve tried to spend a little more time developing characters and describing their surroundings. I’ve divided the chapter into sections. Those of you who are looking for the hard core sex, may want to skip directly to the “The VIP Room” section. Thanks to the 40s Couple, Deb and Allen...

3 years ago
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Rebecca in trouble part 6

Part SixRebecca screamed as her burnt and punctured asshole was stretched wide to accept his large cock. Her anus clamped tightly on his cock. The Judge pulled his cock out, allowing Rebecca's asshole to clamp shut, but abruptly pushed it back in again, forcing a new scream of pain from Rebecca's lips as she had to relive the stretching of her anus. This time he pushed in further, burying two inches of hard, erect cock in her asshole. He pulled out and forced Rebecca to accept four inches,...

2 years ago
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Not a Normal Shopping Trip

As I am packing for my weekend getaway I realize I need a new bra to go with this new dress, and knowing me, if I am getting a new bra I need a pair of matching panties.I get to my favorite store, grab a cute low cut lace bra and a pair of black lace cheek panties. After trying the items on I decide to try a different bra, so I throw on my little dress and head out of the dressing room. After picking a few different bras I head back into the dressing room, close the door and lock it. As I am...

Oral Sex
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Driven To the Breaking Point

I had never cheated on my husband in twenty-three years of marriage, but he was absolutely convinced that I was having an affair and obsessed with the idea of getting me to admit it. The Inquisition had worn on all summer and after spending the last couple months of getting grilled about it on a near daily bases, I found out that he was having an affair of his own.When I confronted him about it, he insisted that his affair was perfectly justified since I was already having one, and refused to...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 34

Andy hoped he'd find Rico still on the corner but the guy was gone. He had seen the kids off to school and now he was back in bed, Andy figured. The majority of Rico's business came after the sun was down for the evening. He re-entered the building he'd left only 45 minutes earlier and walked to Rico's first-floor apartment. Tomas, Rico's top lieutenant and enforcer, opened the door and gave Andy a questioning look. "Why are you here, Andy?" he asked. "Is Rico around?" Andy...

2 years ago
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Mom and MeChapter 11

She helped Linda steer her wobbly father into Danny's room and put him to bed. "He'll be all right, dear. If you'd rather stay with Glenn and me--" "No,, mom. I'd like to be with you, but later, okay? I want to get used to daddy, to see that he feels really comfortable with me. And I get so turned on, because I can order him to do anything I want, and he does it. Besides, there's poor Danny--" "He's waiting in my bed, " Betty said. "When Glenn finishes taking his shower, I'll...

3 years ago
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seeking to make friends I am looking for true lov

LOVE IS THE BEST THING IN THE LIFE- I am looking for deep, true love and happy marriage. ♥♥ I am looking for true love and happy marriage. Committed Relationship,Intimate Encounterو Searching for love and tenderness. affection.Hi, Fall greetings from Egypt and from me to you!.Is not it nice to have someone so far away looking for you ?!. My name is Mohamed El-Sayad, I am strong Egyptian gentleman, handsome, good looking, attractive, my birth date is 27th January, 1967, Young at heart and look...

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Part 2 of my mother in law experience

Around a two weeks had passed since my experience with Helen (my mother in law) and her friend Susan. I had hadn't seen my either of my inlaws since then and wondred how awkward things might be if they visted us or my wife and I visited them. Luckily I was in no rush to visit them and my wife was on the second day of a week long business trip so that gave more time before we may visit them.Around mid morning I decided to mow the lawn which needed doing. After mowing the lawn I went back into...

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EROS is clear of the traffic lanes, with clear horizons and no blips marring the radar screens. Captain Laura dismissed the extra lookouts for the time being. It’s been a hectic time for all, and confusing for nearly everyone. No one has really relaxed for days. For the first time in days, everything is now calm and peaceful. With one exception. High above it all, an intense meeting of fanatical geniuses is underway. Each member contributes her own genius in a different area. Each has her...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Andi Rose Caitlin Bell Arranged Swap Family Marriage

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Caitlin Bell and Steve Holmes walk in on their swap daughter Andi Rose in the bathroom with their swap son Alex Mack. The swap kids have their pants down so they can explore each other’s private parts. Just as Andi is really getting into a handie for Alex, their swap parents stop them. As punishment, Caitlin and Steve tell their swap kids that they can play at being the...

3 years ago
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Holy Godfather Of My School

Its Seema . so much to tell about Godfather. Its old story of my school days. Some where in 2005-06. I was in seventh standard. So much excited to tell this story that I forget one thing. Many asked for my all stories links. Click on author name , in my case seema930, you will get all my names. So where we were …….. Old school days. Wow !!!! What days were those. All freshness in atmosphere, cool head, no knowledge of sex and bad things. I was so decent in those days. I love those days for many...

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Note from the Author: Hello! This story was originally meant to follow just Victor and Ashley on their perverted adventures. But as you may have noticed I've shaken things up a bit. In the interest of reaching a wider audience and in the interest of having a place where I can develop new stories about mundane characters having interesting relationships, I decided to do a little remodeling. Victor and Ashley's story will still be available as one of the threads down below, but now I plan to add...

4 years ago
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Me Too

"Yes, Mr. District Attorney, I will tell you what transpired to the best of my recollection.When I got to the University I was a very naïve girl from a small town. In high school, I had been a member of the band. It was one of the high points of my senior year to be the lead and solo trumpet player.I noticed on my dorm bulletin board a flier asking for experienced musicians to try out for the college band.I registered my interest and was called for an audition. I showed up at the appointed...

College Sex
2 years ago
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The Bodysuit

“The process is actually very simple Mr. Smith,” she said.“It is very much like 3D printing, just using different materials and in a printer that prints on your body. We can print anything on top of your body to make you look however you want. The technology was originally developed for use in movie special effects, but we have seen there are, well, more personal uses that some of our clients like to use the service for.”How could I pass on this I thought. The chance to have a body in effect...

1 year ago
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In Wonderland Pt 3

‘Tilly’ spent the night at Chris Smith’s house, waking to find it impossible to avoid Leila Smith, a friend, peer and beauty queen. She was not best pleased about the situation, but helped to protect Tilly’s true identity in lending out a girls uniform, one purposefully as feminine as she owned. Chris was just about to give them a lift to school… I shuffled down the stairs, surprised I could move at all with the weight in my stomach. Leila was bouncy and excited as she followed her brother...

1 year ago
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The Nature Experience

I was on summer break from my first year at college at my grandparents' house. It was a very rainy and gray day. Boredom had begun to sink in. And, as I have a tendency to do, I began to fill the bored time with self pleasuring. I put my hand down my pants and began to make myself horny. I thought I'd take a shower and release some of the tensions that I had built up. On the way to the bathroom, however, I looked out the window at the rain. I then had a brilliant idea: I would do this in the...

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Dragons KnowledgeChapter 5

Tal was shocked that Karen would try to help the man but then she used that power of hers again and knew it was something very rare and very impressive. When he saw Karen curl up and start to cry it nearly broke his heart. Tal worked his way back to the others, as he knew that Angel would be coming in soon. When he came back into camp he had an unfriendly surprise. As two of the men grabbed him from behind and held knives to his throat. "So where did you go and who are you working...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Arietta Adams Snitches Get Blowjobs STOOPID

Arietta is trying to enjoy some private time with a few masturbation sessions. Unfortunately for her, her pervert step brother can’t stop sneaking in and watching her. After the third time catching her, he decides that he’s gonna snitch on her and tell their step mom. She begs him not to snitch, offering a blowjob in exchange for him to keep his mouth shut. When she goes to take off his shirt she sees that he’s wearing a wire. All of a sudden, SNITCH MODE has been activated....

2 years ago
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For BustyBecca18

'Miss Green, is Becca in class yet?' 'Yes Mr Keys, will I show her in?' 'Yes please, and you can head off for an early lunch, take your time as well. I feel she needs to feel some proper discipline and it could get unpleasant.' You walk in, and you look just stunning in the regulation school uniform with black seamed stockings and knee boots. Your hair is tied in two pony-tails and your black bra is clearly visible, holding its sweet cargo under your see-thru blouse. My cock start throbbing....

4 years ago
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Jas The Second Meeting

Jas: The Second Meeting My second meeting with Jas was a spur of the moment, come spend the night with me, I ship out in two days, quick, hot as hell good time. Jas is a soldier I met online. He’s sweet, sexy, and has muscles in all the right places, and top it all off, he has one hell of sexy deep voice. That deep voice gets him what he wants every time. Just the sound of his voice makes me wet. It makes my clit twitch and my nipples go hard. There’s nothing he would ask of me that I wouldn’t...

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Pervert cousins

Sue twisted strands of her shoulder length brunette hair around and around her finger as she talked on the phone. “A movie and then something to eat? That sounds nice Jim.” She listened for a second and then said, “Cool, I’ll see you at six-thirty then.” Sue hung up the phone and then fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She had an honest to goodness date with a hot guy. A car date. She jumped off the bed and looked at herself in her bedroom mirror....

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e7 Siobhan

Series 4, Episode 7: SIOBHAN We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a grim street of residential blocks – skinny kids running around as exhausted looking single mothers carry the shopping home ... Then we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags. Now we’re in the middle of a busy food-court - restaurants...

3 years ago
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He Fixed More Than Just My Cable TV

Television sucks. I've had more fucking problems with cable television than it's worth. I don't know why I keep it, but here I am again, waiting for the cable repair man to show up. Bored, and when I'm bored I start getting horny. I'm sitting on the couch waiting and I start playing with my nipples. Flicking, making circles with my fingertips, squeezing. My cock is starting to come alive when the doorbell rings. Shit. Interrupted by the fucking cable guy. I get up and open the door. Surprise,...

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the park bench

The Park BenchThe day I met Arthur, I was taking a stroll on my way home from work, and the day was so warm I chose the longer park route over my normal direct one.  I had stopped at the cafe for a guilty ice-cream and was leaning over a wall admiring the fountains and sunken gardens as I licked it.  From behind me I heard his voice “That’s a sexy butt if ever I saw one”.  I turned round wondering if it were someone I knew, and prepared to give an abusive riposte if it weren’t.But I was met...

4 years ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 11

A Change of Lifestyle Part 11 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Chris tries out his new ballet boots and goes out to dinner, as a guy. Chapter 32 - Ballet boots practice The following week was a bit crazy with work and social events. That weekend I did some maintenance work outside the house and did mundane tasks like servicing the cars and shopping. There was little or...

1 year ago
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The OutsiderChapter 6

Jenny cornered Brock before school on Monday morning. “What’s all this shit about?” she demanded. Brock looked at her with a bored expression on his face. “You’ll have to be a little more specific,” he said. “I have a lot going on right now and your little dramas are far down on my list.” Jenny’s face turned crimson. “Fine, I’ll be specific,” he snarled. “What is that shit with you threatening to beat up my date? What is that shit with telling my mom and sister your big secret but...

4 years ago
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fantasies of my friends for my sexy mother

well, u know these days when you are out of luck? but let me begin some days before that day. your mom won a trip to the east usa because she was the 1.000.000 customer in her local store. she was quite happy because she wanted so hard to take a trip to the beautiful country. she had some problems at home with her work (got fired) her house (got sold because of outstanding depts) and she paned to think about her future while taking her vacationtrip. she sold nearly everything she got at home....

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Grandmas Farm

Grandma Hazel had four siblings; all boys. She was the third child and the only female of the five children. Thomas was the oldest child followed by, George, then Grandma Hazel, later Earl and Walter, the youngest boy. Her brothers were very protective of her and chased off any boyfriend that didn’t meet the high standards they had set for her. Grandma Hazel worked the farm right alongside her brothers and was considered by most as being a tough, but beautiful girl. She could toss a bale of...

2 years ago
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Summer Of Addictive Saturdays Part III

We lay side by side on our backs at the pool’s edge, spent and out of breath, our nakedness streaming with rivulets of water and sweat. Faint patterns of reflected light shifted rhythmically over our skin with the rise and fall of respiration as heart rates slowly stabilized.I stared raptly up at the leaf mosaic framing the hazy night sky. Cricket songs increased their cadence as a mockingbird added his brash triplicate choruses to the audio mix. The textured cradle of the cool concrete deck...

3 years ago
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Siblings Were Born For Each Other Chapter 1

First off, I need all of the readers and moderators here to know that this is not fraudulent material. I have asked the author for permission to use his stories to make mine. All credit is shared with the original author, nivek_88 who wrote 'An Incest Birthday' chapters 1 through 16 (so far). Also I would like to thank my advisor, fjdjf54 for discussing the ideas with me. It was greatly appreciated. Thank you. Well......Here goes nothing. "Who are you calling?" Chris asked. "Shhhh! Quiet! Its...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Carmen Caliente Penny Pax After Hours Massage

Masseuse Carmen Caliente asks her co-worker Penny Pax to demonstrate her famous deep tissue technique. It’s after hours at the spa and Penny already has plans, but Carmen insists it will only take a few minutes. Since the spa closed early today, maybe they can use those extra minutes. The good-natured redhead agrees to help her out. Carmen insists on being naked for the tutorial. She wants the real massage experience. Once she’s comfortably lying down on her tummy, Penny starts off...

3 years ago
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Surprise Bedfellows Part 2 updated

by DarkRide Chapter 2 - Mike's Perverted Posts My life was turning upside down, for the second time this year. First covid, and now... my own son was having sex with his mom, my wife. And perverts on the internet where encouraging him. I couldn't believe what I was reading on the forum - it truly shocked me. hot4mom -- glad u all liked the vid of mom getting changed. i did like u said #nikkisDAD and pretended to be playing a game on my phone as i talked to her. she had no idea i was...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Classmate

I lost my virginity when I was 18. Before I start with my narration, I want to advice you all to practice safe-sex. I spent most of my childhood bred in an upper-middle class family. Both my parents work, so I spent most of my time with my friends or at school. This incident happened when I was in the final year of my school. To give you a better picture of how I look, I am 5? 8? black hair, hazelnut eyes, well toned arms, a broad chest, 4-pack abs, and endowed with a 7.5? Tower of pure...

1 year ago
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My Wifersquos Filthy Humiliation ndash I

It was one of the rainy days in Mumbai when Richa had to travel in a public transport bus during the rush hours. She had put up a yellow color transparent saree with a black blouse inside off course a sleeveless one with deep cuts on either of the sides. There were no heavy rains but it was drizzling all the while making the traffic a bit slow and the rush to increase. Richa managed to get into the bus and reached over to ladies seat which were all occupied. As always there were men standing...

3 years ago
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Mother Lust

My mom and dad got divorced when I was thirteen, at first I was shocked and frightened and was sick with worry that I'd never see my dad again.He got caught out having an affair with a woman at work, and I remember thinking WHY ?Cos she was slightly older then him and definitely not very good looking.I couldn't work out why he'd "played away" with someone like her, I'd heard the stories about middle aged men going with young sexy women to get their youth back but HER !My mom wore glasses, and...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 18 Grafton to Moree

After dinner I called Patrick and spoke to Rachel about invading her parents. With her encouragement, I called Chaz in Canberra. He was quite enthusiastic about a visit and wanted to know when I’d arrive. “It’s Monday. I won’t leave before Wednesday. I thought I’d cross the Dividing Range, look at the MacIntyre in Inverell and stop in Moree. Then through Narrabin to Dubbo and from there to Canberra. But I want to stop in Cowra. I was there when I was a grad student, but the woman I was with...

1 year ago
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Ragna the old neighbour lady

Hi,first of all this is a true story happend some years ago, when I was in m*d t***ns, living with my parents. We had a summer house by the coast of Sweden and most weekends we spent there, and also most of the summer holiday. the house was like pair house, with two flats connected to each other. Our neighbour called Ragna was a lady around 60 I would guess, a bit religious they said, never drinking any alcohol as far as we know. She was always very friendly and my mom and Ragna seems to be...

3 years ago
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262 A cucks distress. Part one Micky was a married man, been married for oh about 5 years in all, he was married to a woman who had had a phantom pregnancy and had requested he married her after a one-night stand. At the time it hadn’t seemed too bad an idea, and though love was perhaps not the word they would use, they had a steady if barren relationship and they would say, if asked, that they were happy enough, perhaps “content was the best you could hope for in this world” he used to say,...

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Coffee at the conference room

I was sitting at my office, getting ready for the weekly meeting with all senior managers, when those three young yuppies came in to the conference room. I had met them some months ago, when they joined the company. The eldest, Jimmy, looked at me and asked for some cups of coffee.The other guys were Samuel and George, two stupid men that only could think with their “other head”…Soon they sat comfortably around the mahogany table, as I got the coffees.I went over to deliver them their cups. As...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Kylie Rocket Loves Teasing Her Man with Yoga

Kylie Rocket loves doing yoga a few minutes before her husband, Jax Slayher, comes home. She always stretches her body by the front door so that Jax can immediately see her sexy poses as soon as he enters the house. The sight of the beautiful brunette doing yoga never fails to make Jax horny. He immediately lets the all-natural cutie feel his lust for her body. Jax gives Kylie a wet kiss before going down on her. After the sensual pussy licking, Kylie gives Jax a sloppy blowjob. She then...


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