CollegeChapter 11: Fulfilling A Promise free porn video

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"Don't you ever gain any weight?" I asked Alice when she came out of the office building where her dad's firm was located. She was wearing a business suit, gray tweed with a below-the-knees skirt. Her only jewelry was small pearl earrings. She looked around to see if anyone was looking before leaning in to offer her lips.

"Sammy, you know better than to discuss a woman's weight. Don't you ever wear anything else?" she answered, sounding like an attorney arguing her case.

"It's not the same one," I said of my blue blazer.

"I'll have you know I've gained two pounds since we were lovers," she said as she got into my car.

"When's the big day?" I asked as I took my seat behind the steering wheel.

"I don't know. It depends on you," she said, making me turn my head.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm in no rush but Carter's pressing me to set a date. I've got it in my head that I would like to be pregnant with our first child on my thirtieth birthday. That would mean I will have two years in law practice before I have to stay home for awhile."

She looked over at me to see if I was paying attention.

"That doesn't explain how it pertains to me."

"I want to make sure you're there to see me get married. I asked your uncle when you would be home this summer. Mr. Oldham said you will only be here two weeks, the week after your school ends and one week before you go back."

"That's news to me."

"I'm sorry, Sammy. I thought you knew." Alice said, reaching across the center console to touch my arm.

"Knew what? Where am I going to be?"

"That's all he told me. Anyway, your being away most of the summer was a relief to me. I told Carter that I couldn't possibly have the wedding either of those weeks. We agreed to wait until... when's your next school vacation?"

"We're on the quarter system. I'll be home for Thanksgiving."

As soon as we were seated in the restaurant, Alice searched her bag, retrieving the thin-wired spectacles that I had seen her wear before and a day-timer. "You'll be home all of that week before Thanksgiving?"

"That's right."

"Then it's settled. I'm getting married the Friday after Thanksgiving."

"Good," I said. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?"

The waiter brought menus and asked if we wanted something to drink, letting suspicion creep into his voice when he looked at me. I grinned and shook my head. Alice removed her spectacles and ordered a glass of chardonnay.

"That's not what I wanted to ask you but it can wait. You go first; I'm all ears."

"You're going to need more than your ears for this," I said, handing her a folded copy of my 'women' file. She put her glasses back on and glanced at the paper.

"Number one and two were what led to number three. That's what I wanted to talk to you about," I said.

1. Why did Tracy attack me in front of the group?

a. She became embarrassed when she thought I was going to kiss her and didn't?

b. She had designs on me and became angry when she found out about Karen and Wanda?

c. She wanted to get back at me for something else she perceived I had done?

2. Why did Wanda ask me to tell her what to wear tonight?

a. Is she so insecure that she can't decide what to wear on her own?

b. Is she trying to tell me something?

1. She likes me.

2. She likes having me tell her what to do?

3. Why is my love life so fucked up?

a. Why do I let them treat me like a kid? Do they all see me as their baby sitter and nothing more?

1. Why did Karen play that horrible trick on me on New Years?

b. Why can't I have a normal relationship where we are both equal?

1. Alice is great but she treats me like a younger brother.

2. Becky and I were equal but we've become strangers.

3. Ann was on again, off again and I let her dictate the time and place. How lame is that?

4. Cindy was a manipulative bitch. I'm glad we're over.

5. The groundskeepers were fun but there's got to be more than sex, doesn't there?

6. Karen, hmmm, I still get goose bumps thinking about her doing a split. Was she playing dumb when she said she believed in the domino? I think so.

7. Wanda snaps her fingers and I jump. Why did she agree to go with me tonight?

8. Are Marcie and I equal?

"May I keep this, Sammy?" Alice asked as she removed her glasses, folded the paper and reached for her bag.

"Of course you can keep it but I don't know why you would want it," I said. The paper was already in her bag, along with her glasses.

"Ten years from now, when we're sitting at this very same table I'll show you the paper and we'll discuss your women. The issues will be the same only the names will change. I'll still treat you like my kid brother, Becky will still be a stranger, there'll be a new on again, off again Ann, a bitch to take Cindy's place, you will have met new groundskeepers, there'll be someone like Karen, a Wanda to make you jump and you'll still be asking if you and Marcie are equal."

"Did you just memorize my list?" I asked astounded at how she had repeated what she referred to as my women issues.

"I see you're still using your dominoes very effectively. Which one did Karen believe in?" she asked with a knowing grin.

"The double-six," I said, grinning back at her.

She gave me a stern look and shrugged her shoulders before she continued.

"You'll be twenty-eight; I'll be thirty-eight, the mother of three and married to Carter. You'll call and say you have to see me. We'll come here for dinner and I'll look at your new list. But the issues will be the same, only the names will have changed."

"You're scaring me," I said, not really believing her.

"I know you, Sammy Oldham," Alice said, taking a sip of wine from the glass that had just been delivered. "You've made a list that you think is unique to you but really, it's no different than what we all experience. It shows that you've thought about each relationship but have you really analyzed what went wrong? It looks to me that you're blaming the woman for the short duration of your relationships."

"That's not true. I blame myself for letting women take advantage of me."

The waiter returned and we ordered quickly. Alice wanted soup and a salad and I said I would have the same just to get rid of him.

"Do you believe that I took advantage of you?" she asked, showing no emotion whatsoever.

"No, I didn't mean it that way, not with you," I answered, defensively.

"I know that but I must point out that you knew going in that we were just helping each other out. If you remember, I made it quite clear that we were both going through a tough time."

"Alice, you taught me more than how to dance. I'll never forget how patient you were with me. You didn't take advantage of me and I hope I didn't take advantage of you."


"Yes, equals," I said and we smiled at each other.

"What would it take to make every girl on your list an equal?"

"I don't know. I never thought about it that way. To tell you the truth, being equal with most of them was never important to me."

"Being equal with Becky was obviously important."

"I'm impressed. You really did memorize my list, didn't you? Not just the names but you remember my comment about each one."

"I remember Becky because we've talked about her. What about Ann? Was it important that the two of you be equal?"

"No, not really, she was a taker and I felt cheated that I gave more than I got. I let her intimidate me and I shouldn't have."

"Just remember, ten years from now there'll be another Ann," Alice predicted, smiling.

Our salads arrived and she ordered another glass of chardonnay. I ordered a Coke.

"I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm going to treat women differently. I'm going to stop trying to get every girl I meet in bed but I'm also going to stop being their slave."

"Were you being Karen's slave over the weekend?" Alice asked, grinning at me, knowingly. I grinned back at her.

"No, I'm not her slave. We're mostly equal but it's going to be over soon."

"You sound resigned to having it end, but you're not sad about it?"

"The end was planned from the beginning. We entered it with that understanding although she's showing signs of wanting to keep it going a little longer. She's hung up on respectability and wants to dictate when and where we get together. No, I'm not sad."

"And the groundskeepers; did they take advantage of you?"

"Not at all, we all knew what we wanted from the beginning. I guess you could call it the most equal arrangement, ever," I had to admit.

"What happed to turn you against Cindy?"

"She called me Otto."

Alice pushed her salad to the side and looked at me, questioning.

"While we were..."

"Oh," she laughed, "Oh!"

"That was only part of it. She warned me from the beginning that it would end and she even told me when. I knew that she intended to move on but later I began to think that she was changing her mind. It kind of surprised me when she didn't extend our 'arrangement.'"

"That leaves Wanda and Marcie," Alice said, shocking me.

I waited until the waiter placed the soup in front of us. It was a strange mixture of cream of mushroom with small chunks of broccoli floating on top. I stirred the soup until the waiter was out of earshot before answering her.

"Please don't mention those two names in the same sentence."

"Sorry, Sammy, I didn't know."

"Marcie's a dear friend, probably my best friend. We haven't had sex and doubt that we ever will, not that she wouldn't like to. I'm afraid it would destroy what we have. We talk on the 'phone every week and tell each other everything. Marcy keeps me sane and out of trouble."

Alice smiled and her eyes became soft. "Is that what you mean about turning over a new leaf? I never thought I would hear you say you would turn down sex for the sake of friendship."

We finished our soup at the same time. I was still hungry but Alice was satisfied so I didn't order anything else.

"There's someone else," I said.


"No, it's not Wanda," I said, leaning across the table and cupping my hand to my mouth. "I'm going to shave Wanda's pubic hair."

Alice didn't crack up as I expected her to. "That sounds contrary to what you claimed about turning over a new leaf. Does Wanda, by any chance want you to shave her or are you doing it to humiliate her because she tells you what to do and you jump?"

"Wanda's a little different. I don't think she would mind if she knew I was trying to humiliate her. She would probably enjoy the attention."

Alice looked at me and shook her, sadly. "You're just fooling yourself, Sammy. You haven't changed at all," she scolded.

"Yes, I have," I insisted. "Wanda wants me to shave her. I'm doing it for her and for Marcie."

"You just mentioned both girls in the same sentence," Alice reminded me. "What does Marcie have to do with you shaving Wanda?"

"Marcie says that I have to do Wanda before I turn over a new leaf. She wants to hear all about it."

Alice shook her head again. "I'm right, aren't I? You're not going to change. We'll come here ten years from tonight and you'll have the same issues, only the names will change."

"I told you there was someone else. I'm going to change for her. Everything's going to be different with Shirley."

Alice rolled her eyes and smiled but the smile didn't look genuine. As I got up to help her out of her chair I wondered what she was seeing.

We were half way to her house. "What was it that you wanted to talk to me about? You're not getting cold feet about Blondie, are you?"

She laughed and said no, she was thoroughly in love with Carter and looking forward to being married and having children with him. "It's Brenda. I think she's getting cold feet. She likes Carter and he's good with her but I can see that she'll never accept him as her father. Jim is her real daddy."

"Do you think it will get any better by Thanksgiving?"

"I was hoping that you would talk to her. She adores you and she might listen to you. I'm not asking that you tell her everything is going to be hunky-dory. I trust you to know what to say."

I knew Alice was looking at me. I turned my head and saw an anxious woman. She was scared and I didn't know how to comfort her.

"Did I ever tell you that I fell in love with you the first time we met?"

"You did?"

"Yeah, you and Ned were talking about Jocie and then you played tennis while Brenda and I watched. I'll never forget how you looked that day, a little skinny but beautiful and hell-bent to win."

Alice was quiet. She looked straight ahead and I thought I heard her sniffle. "You were fourteen and I was twenty-four. Now look at you. You're in college and so mature. I wish it could be different but we'll always be out of reach from one another. Do you understand?"

"I hope it will always be like it is between us tonight. You may be out of reach but you're still touching me."

"You're still touching me too, Sammy."

I parked in front of her house and started to open my door. Alice reached out and grabbed my hand, looking into my eyes.

"I'm leaving on Saturday. Will it be alright if I talk to Brenda when I'm home from school?"

She had both of my hands in hers. "I'll tell her you're going to have a little talk with her. She'll have something to look forward to."

"Thanks for talking to me tonight."

For a thin woman she had incredibly strong hands and she held on tightly. Her eyes were holding my eyes steady too.

"I hope I was some help to you," she said, loosening her grip on my hands and releasing my eyes from her stare.

"You were. I knew you would make me see things more clearly. We'll go to dinner ten years from now and you'll have to admit that I've changed."

"I just hope it doesn't take that long," she laughed.

"Please tell Carter thanks for letting you go to dinner with me."

I walked her to the front door and there was a brief goodnight kiss before I turned to leave.


I turned.

"I love you," Alice said just before she disappeared behind the door.

It was a dark cold night and there was a cloud of fog hovering over the park, making it appear forlorn and forbidding. I stopped the car and walked over to the split rail fence that separated the running track from the grassed area. The rail was damp and cold to the touch. I stood there and let the quiet darkness invade my mind.

It was a community park but for a few minutes my memories took possession. Many of my teenage hours had been spent on the running track, the tennis courts at the far end of the park and at the other end, inside the three cottages. But the voices I heard that night came from the flower bed where I had first met Jessica Baldwin, from the gazebo where I had taken girls to talk and the grassed areas where I had thrown the ball around with Josh and Curtis. Alice's voice was the one that spoke the loudest, "I love you."

"I love you too, Alice," I said as I walked back to my car.

I talked to Shirley on Thursday and Friday mornings. She wouldn't tell me the subject of the paper she wanted me to read but she did say she was looking forward to seeing me on Saturday.

"What have you been doing?" she asked on Thursday morning.

"Not much. Most of my friends are in school this week. I went to dinner last night with a friend and I'm going to see another friend before I leave. I'm glad I came home for the wedding but other than that it's been kind of dull."

"Thanks again for letting me use your computer," she said, changing the subject without inquiring if my friends were male or female.

On Friday morning she sounded excited that I would be back to school the next day. She said that she had already bought the tickets to the play we were going to see. "That's what I'm giving you for your birthday, so please don't buy me anything expensive," she said.

I tried to get her to give me a hint as to what I could give her but she wouldn't say.

"Okay then, don't be surprised if I give you an extra-large nightgown."

She laughed but still wouldn't give me any suggestions.

I wanted to ask Mr. Oldham about his plans for my summer, but knowing his 'all-in-good-time' policy I decided to wait for him to tell me what it was. Should I tell Karen that I was only going to be home for two weeks?

On Friday afternoon I tried to find a birthday gift for Shirley. Nothing I saw appealed to me. Her warning about nothing expensive made it difficult. What did she consider inexpensive. I settled on a locket, simple and elegant and not expensive.

It took several minutes to be admitted at the Parker's front gate. Had they forgotten my name or was it because of what I had done to their son's hand? I couldn't help but wonder if I was being filmed as I drove through the gate.

If Karen held any resentment toward me for canceling our Wednesday night 'time' together she put it aside for the evening. From the moment she opened her door and welcomed me into her house until she rode down to the gate with me to send me away at two am, she kept our state of arousal high.

"Did you win the game last night?" I asked as I walked through the door.

"We lost. I don't want to talk about it," she said as she pushed my jacket off my back so it would drop to the floor. She was wearing the two-piece leisure suit that resembled pajamas.

Same as College
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Cocksucking Fulfilling a desire

This is a true on going story of fulfilling my desire to meet up with another guy and have sex with him, particularly sucking his cock.I have been on xhamster and another daddy meeting site for sometime, during that time I did meet up with a few guys for a coffee and a chat. They were all nice guys but things just didn’t click and we went no further. About two weeks ago I got a message from this guy, saying hello and sending a dick photo, to see if I had any interest in getting together, I...

3 years ago
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He Fulfilled His Promise

Age: 21. Height: 5.7. Very fair. Statistics: 36′ 26′ 33′. Hi. This is my first story to ISS. Frankly, most of the stories I read seem fake due to the exaggeration of the enjoyment in them. Real sex is not quick strokes and simultaneous ejaculation, at least not always. It’s building up that moment together, which happens mostly from the effort of the man. The experience I am going to share is not as a virgin, but I feel this experience was the most enjoyable so far. It was with a internet...

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SelfFulfilling Son

Michelle struggled to walk in the snow, stumbling from dead, frozen tree to dead, frozen tree. The full moon, huge, pale-blue amongst a starry night sky lit her way. Light reflected off the snow with an equally pale-blue hue. The air was so cold and still, almost like a vacuum; she could hear no sound. She paused at a black, frozen tree, her hand resting on the side. The tree was hard like cold concrete to the touch - as if it were petrified, frozen in time. Michelle exhaled. Her...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling Desires 8211 Part 2

Hi friends ….This is jay here with 2nd part of my story. In my first part i told that how we started enjoying to fulfil our long time desires. Actually in first part, starting introduction was cut. So for the new readers. This is the story for such couples who stay in family and kids and love sex very much and like to enjoy many ways like roaming nude around in home, doing naughty things and all but not possible for them because of family. So we are one of them and we decided to go to Goa on...

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Fulfilling Girlfriend8217s Fantasy In Boys Hostel

Hi to all iss reader, i am Bunty from Navi Mumbai regular reader of iss. But today first time i am going to share my experience with iss. About my self Bunty, age 32, 5.6’ height, average build. This is real story of me and my g f poo (short name). This story is of time when we were studying in final year of engineering, in Aurangabad, about Poo , she is the most hot girl of our batch, typical Guajarati girl fair ,hazel eyes slim and good pair boobs and tight ass. Every guy from college like to...

1 year ago
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Fulfilling Lust Of Sexy Girlfriend

Hi SexStories readers, I am back with a new exciting story that you wanted. I am Dhruv’lovesx’ your very own playboy! As a very good response for my earlier stories i have decided to publish an another sensuous story based on a thrilling plot. Let me tell you about myself first , i am fair looking average guy with height of 5’11 feet and strong build. I am always aimed high in my life, i love to explore excitement and i bring my excitement to you by my thrilling stories. 1 year ago i had a...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Indian Moms Sons Sexual Fantasies

One day I was talking to my frined about my mom and told him how sad she felt. He advised me to take her out whenever possible and spend some time with her. That day I got back home and asked my mom if she was interested going out for a movie. But she told no she was fine. Suddenly she recalled about a drama (Guj Play) which she loved watching. I told her we can go on Sunday and I will book tickets for her. She got very happy and I saw smile on her face. That day we sat and chatted for almost...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling a Fanrasy

I called her over and put her hands in my trousers... She honestly never been more turned on. Her pussy was wetter than it's ever been, and all because not only was I tall, older, muscular build and rugged looks, but my cock was fucking HUGE! It must be at least 11 inches of long, hard, 4 inchs thick, rippling muscle, and all she could think of was me bending her over and sliding that big, juicy, throbbing cock inside her. She couldn't wait to see it, but was apprehensive also. As she...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Fantasy

Jayne and I had been good friends for a few years, having met at work. She's lovely with long shiny brown hair and a figure to die for. I was always very jealous of her large 36D boobs and they were often a source of amusement between us, always comparing them to my 32B ones.She was married to Jerry and I had a boyfriend at the time. I consider myself bisexual.When one of our partners was away for work, which was quite often, we would meet at one of our houses for an evening meal and a movie....

2 years ago
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Miss Tiffany Fulfilling Her Dream

Ever since I was a little boy, I had always thought my neighbor Steven was extremely handsome and sexy. At 6 feet 3 inches, Steven is exactly what described as tall, dark, hard tone and muscular. Tonight, I would finally have my chance to fulfill a fantasy to show him just how much I wanted him. When I was growing up, I always heard he was ladies man with many women lusting and chasing after him. So I always lusted every time I seen him with a women or in passing but not as boy but...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling a Fantasy

A few years back when I was still in college I started to fantasize about having sex with a random woman. I’ve always been a bit shy though, so I wasn’t sure how to make that fantasy a reality. I was 20 at the time and couldn’t get into any of the bars downtown, so I thought I’d try posting an add on Craigslist. I didn’t expect much to come from it, and I started getting a lot of fake replies, as well as a couple guys offering blowjobs. But there was one woman who was real and we start...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling a Couples Sexual Fantasy

Happy hour on a Friday night at our local neighborhood bar outside of Pittsburg was always crowded and fun. I would normally meet Jerry and Jennifer there after work on Friday evenings. I was closer to the bar with my drive home from the office while Jennifer and Jerry would arrive separately since they worked in different locations. This Friday night, I walked in knowing I was there before either Jerry or Jennifer. There happened to be a couple of seats open at the bar as I made my way in...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling his urges

Jay knew from a young age. After finding that “Playgirl” magazine in a field near his house, he knew. As his eyes excitedly washed over the photos of nude men, he could sense his desires welling up, he could feel his attraction and lust swell his cock within his pants. Jay had seen naked girls in magazines before and been turned on, but this was something different, something altogether more powerful. He was drawn to the cock’s in the pictures. He found them beautiful and sexy, yes, but it was...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling a Fantasy

A few years back when I was still in college I started to fantasize about having sex with a random woman. I've always been a bit shy though, so I wasn't sure how to make that fantasy a reality. I was 20 at the time and couldn't get into any of the bars downtown, so I thought I'd try posting an add on Craigslist. I didn't expect much to come from it, and I started getting a lot of fake replies, as well as a couple guys offering blowjobs. But there was one woman who was real and we start...

3 years ago
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Selffulfilling mom and son

Jeyalaxshmi (aka Jeya), a widow of 40 years, lives in a beautiful town in Southern Tamil Nadu along with her son Jegan who is now 25 years old. She lost her husband when her son was 15 years old. Since then her son has worked as hard as he can to keep the family afloat. They have no relatives and only had each other’s back for emotional support.Speaking of Jeya, she is an average looking South-Indian woman, who wears only saree even at home. She was skinny when she married her husband but now...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling The Desires Of My ISS Reader

This incident happened between me and my ISS readers. She was impressed with my story. She took a bold step to meet in her home and had fulfilled our desires. About myself, I live in Tirupathi alone in flat in an apartment which is easier for the girls out there to approach me. I am slim and fit with a 6-inch tool which can satisfy any women and with bearded. Coming to the story, I had a mail from Keerthi. She had read my previous story and had enjoyed. She loved the entire story. In reply to...

2 years ago
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Selffulfilling Prophecy

Jeyalaxshmi (aka Jeya), a widow of 40 years, lives in a beautiful town in Southern Tamil Nadu along with her son Jegan who is now 25 years old. She lost her husband when her son was 15 years old. Since then her son has worked as hard as he can to keep the family afloat. They have no relatives and only had each other’s back for emotional support. Speaking of Jeya, she is an average looking South-Indian woman, who wears only saree even at home. She was skinny when she married her husband but now...

2 years ago
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Miss Tiffany Fulfilling Her Dream

Finally, I had everything I needed to dress up for a little fantasy today.  I had always thought my neighbor Steven was extraordinarily handsome and sexy.  At six-feet-three inches, Steven is precisely what described as tall, dark, hard tone and muscular.  Tonight, I would finally have my chance to fulfill a fantasy to show him just how much I wanted him.   When I was in my teens, I always heard he was a ladies man with many women lusting and chasing after him.  So I always lusted every time I...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling fantasy part 1

My wife Brittney was asleep. She really got a kick outof the flowers I sent her this afternoon. It wasn'teven a holiday or her birthday. Just red roses and aspecial love note written by me. It was the thirdbunch of roses I sent my wife in the past four weeks.Last week I took her shopping for a brand new dress.We stopped at this little specialty shop in the mallwhere I encouraged her to try on the most sexiestrevealing dresses I could see hanging on the racks.Brittney is a size 3 petite and I...

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Its Time For A Family Swap 8211 Part 4 Fulfilling A Lifelong Dream

This is a fictional story about the lifelong dream of 2 boys to fuck their moms. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at [email protected] So far, we have seen how Rahul and...

4 years ago
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Wonder Womans Most Fulfilling Adventure

The day began like many others had for our superheroine friend with the usual easy capture of common criminals and petty thieves. But it would end like no other, for on this day our sexy super heroine would begin an adventure like no other, one that would change her life completely. On edge of the steamy jungles of South America a volcano erupted with astounding ferocity, shooting ash and lava as far as the eye could see. The lava's roaring torrent ate away at the landscape as it rushed down...

2 years ago
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Paying For the Broken Promise

I was barely in the door. Friday evening after a week on the road. A big hug and a kiss from Lisa and then WHAM. "Okay drop your pants" she commanded. "What? What on Earth are you talking about?" I replied. Since Lisa had decided that her favorite activity in life was cock teasing, she had become rather unpredictable, but this was very strange. "Don't argue with me, just do it. I want to be sure about something." I've learned that arguing about Lisa's demands just causes me all the more...

3 years ago
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The Promise

THE PROMISE by J R D It was a little before 2 on a Tuesday when he got the call. He answered with his usual, "Parker residence." The voice on the other end of the line said, "Mister Shawn Parker, this is officer James of the city police. There's been an accident. Your wife has been seriously injured. You need to come down to Mercy General. Now." He almost missed the cradle returning the phone to its base. He didn't even shut off the computer where he was coding a...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Destiny

My sex life drastically changed lately. I’ve never been too outgoing in that department, but recently my wife and I discovered a mutual kink. Well, I might be getting ahead of myself. In order for you to understand my situation I’ll give you some background. I’m a real quiet dude. I don’t have many friends, I’m not social, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’m practically a 31 year old kid. That may be a turnoff to most, however I am extremely kind and generous. The few friends I have absolutely...

3 years ago
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SelfFulfilling Void

Chapter 1 So many women he made love to. They were mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, nieces, sisters, single, married, two at once, three at once, sometimes even five at once, all white, with the exception of a hand full of Latinas. They all climaxed in his arms, their pussies contracting, coating his black cock in vaginal fluids, shaking with orgasmic tremors as he held them. He loved white women, having been around them, even raised by one, most of his life. He loved their...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling a Rape Fantasy pt1

Just before the meeting time she sent me a picture so I knew who to look for in the coffee shop only a mile or so from my house. She was an attractive black female in her late 30s, but I couldn't tell much more, as it was only a head shot. I walked in and found her immediately, it helped that she was the only black woman in the coffee shop. She had a better body than I expected, with a curvy shape and big tits for a small frame. I thought it would be awkward, but the conversation flowed...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Casual Lovers Second Impregnation Wish

I ran some more hot water to make sure the suds covered my erection. Shelly came into the bathroom putting the tray down on the floor before resting on the edge of the tub, I could smell her perfume. Her gown slipped open revealing smoothly crossed thighs, she absentmindedly pulled it back over her knee. She looked very tired and sad but more beautiful than ever, tall and slim with an attractive face, piercing blue eyes, full red lips on a very pale but flawless complexion, and long straight...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Her Fantasy

I heard the front door shut from her upstairs bedroom. I softly made my way to her closet and closed the door without latching it. I went over my supplies again in my pocket just to make sure I had everything I needed. Sally, according to the mail on her kitchen counter, came up the stairs to her bedroom. Through the slats of the closet door I watched as she removed her work jacket and placed it on a chair back next to the bed. Her red hair was short and straight coming to just above her...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Lust

Victoria let out a loud moan of pleasure “OOOOO” as she rode Evaron up and down his cock slipping in and out of her making slurping sounds from the constant plunging down on him. This elf was something else, the words kept echoing through her head, at times images of Allen, whom she knew had feelings for K'lara. Occasionally images of the time she spied on Allen as he would dive in and out of her sister would flash in her mind. The man she had loved and still might love had chosen her sister...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

"Kat's having a party next weekend," she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got on with pretty well. "Will you be able to come?" "Yeah, of course." I replied. "Her parents will be away," she continued, not looking at me and starting to fidget with the carpet, "so we were talking about what we could do, and..." "And what?" I asked when she came to a halt and began toying with her new tongue piercing. "And... well, they know about, you know,...

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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 1

"Now Jack," she said, kneeling at my feet and rummaging in the bag, "This is a fantasy I've had for a long time, so please let me do this. I'm going to shave you, so keep very still." She pulled out a razor and some shaving cream. Applying it to my left leg she quickly began shaving it with smooth, confident strokes. In no time my left leg was bare up to the hip, tingling, and she started on the right leg. That done, she turned me around to do my arse. I was quite enjoying all this,...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling my boyfriends fantasy

I am standing at your front door, wearing a not-so-long black coat, that ends suggestively mid-thigh. You invite me in, licking your lips in anticipation. My sexy heels straighten my back and gently push my ass out, and as I slowly turn around to close the door, you catch a glimpse of the bottom of my ass cheeks. I turn back to look at you, expecting a gentle, yet passionate welcome, but instead you grab me around the throat and snap a collar around my neck. “You’re mine today bitch, and you...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

Since our first meeting had gone so well, Jennifer and I started going out together. Other than the fact that in the bedroom I was the ‘man’ only about half the time, it was a fairly normal relationship, apart from possibly being even more open with each other about our desires. One day a couple of months after our first encounter, we were both in her room talking and listening to music. ‘Kat’s having a party next weekend,’ she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got...

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