MistakesChapter 2 free porn video

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My name is Phillip Morris. I'm 42 years old and until about six weeks ago thought I had a good grip on the world and what I thought was a great family life. My soon to be ex-wife is Sally, a cute five foot five inch honey blonde (natural) with a good figure after two kids. My kids are Elan, a twenty year-old second semester sophomore, and Ellen, an eighteen year-old first semester freshman. They both attend Florida State University.

I'm an orthopedic surgeon at the local hospital. Sally is a RN working at one of the local nursing home facilities.

Until five months ago we lived next to Elaine and Jerry LaBonte. He's an IT manager and his wife is a RN also working at the same nursing home as Sally. Actually, Sally still lives there (with Elaine) and I live with Jerry next door at his house.

Both of us previously supposedly happy couples are now spiraling in flames toward divorce. And it's all because of that television psycho-babble bitch, Dr. Phyllis.

If you read the first chapter of my story, you know it ended with me making my decision to divorce my wife and dialing my attorney.

Let me quickly fill you in on what has transpired to bring you up to date on this damn circus I found myself trapped in.

First, I did contact the attorney and start divorce proceedings on the grounds of mental cruelty. I'd dropped the adultery charge only because I thought I would spare my children the embarrassment of having this lesbian business made public. At first I'd thought I could believe Sally when had said that they really didn't have a lesbian affair and it was all a front to get us hot for them. But then ... I'd given up my hotel room and moved into Jerry's place since he had filed against Elaine for divorce, too. Elaine still lived in my old house with my soon to be ex.

At first we thought it was platonic relationship, but then they started doing the touchy-feely stuff in front of the bedroom window again. In fact, the worst evening, Jerry and I watched in horror as Sally pulled a stocking covered leg up onto the window sill and Elaine began to run her tongue under Sally's hemline and above the nylons. She kissed her way to Sally's crotch and then turned and smiled out of the window. She turned back to Sally and together they peeled off Sally's panties. Elaine went down on her right there in the window. I was shocked to see Sally's cunt had been shaved clean.

And I knew it was for real when I saw Sally's body shudder. I'd seen that shaking and quivering more than once when she orgasmed from one of our sexual romps.

Sally lifted Elaine's face to hers and they soul kissed for what seemed hours. Jerry and I both stomped into the house and slammed the back door. We muttered under our breath, "damned bitches, cheating lying whores" and any other derogatory name we could come up with.

A few minutes later the phone rang and I heard Jerry answer it, "What the hell you do you want bitch? No I don't want to talk to you. I SAW what you did tonight. Nothing like rubbing salt in the wound is there? See ya in court sweetheart." And with that he slammed the phone down.

The next day at my office, I was waiting for my 2 PM consult. It had been a tough day; my normal nurse assistant had taken the day off. I was using a temp and the morning had been hectic with the normal problems temps can cause who are unfamiliar with their bosses' idiosyncrasies.

The chart said it was for a chest problem that was causing extreme pain. It was with a S. Withers. I mused for a moment. Withers had been Sally's maiden name. Then it hit me! She's trying to get in to see me! I looked at the clock – it was 2 PM. The door opened as my temp ushered Sally through the door. I froze in my chair as she took her seat across from me.

Neither of us said a word for what seemed an eternity. I finally broke the silence, "So Sally, what brings your cheating ass down here today? Want to rub my face in your nasty little lesbian affair like Elaine did to Jerry last night? Well don't bother. I saw it all and I'm finished with you. Roll me over and stick a fork in me because I'm done.

And oh, yes, I'm calling the attorney today and having him modify the causes for our divorce to include adultery. Now, if you please, I've got real patients to see and you're taking up my valuable time."

She slowly shook her head and replied in an even tone, "No. I'm not going until we have it all out there. Do you have any idea how much I love you? Do you have any idea how much I miss you? Do you have any idea how sorry I am for the stupid shit I've done for the last six weeks?"

She stopped for a moment and took a breath, "Look, I was wrong about everything. I don't want to be a lesbian."

I snorted with laughter, "Well you sure could have fooled me with the way Elaine had her tongue up your cunt last night. You certainly seemed to enjoy it."

"Damn you, Phillip. You know when I get my sexual motor started I get really hot and bothered. It was just sex for Christ's sakes. And I really don't enjoy returning the favor on her. I'm just not wired that way. She demands me to do it and I just do. I really don't know why."

I never realized how subservient and submissive Sally's persona truly was. "So what do you want Sally?"

"I want us to be together again. I'll do whatever it takes. If you want me to go to counseling, I will. I know I hurt you badly, tried to manipulate you with no respect as to who you were in my life, and the night you were in jail is a serious black mark on my decision making. But I love you. Give me another chance to prove it."

I thought for a moment tapping my fingers on my desk, "I don't know Sally. Too much crap has gone under the bridge to just kiss and make up. You'll have to come up with some beaut of a way to convince me to drop the divorce action and take you back. It's up to you -- the ball is in your court."

She wailed, "But how do I do that? I don't know..."

I held up my hand and stopped her, "I don't know either and I really don't give a shit right now. I KNOW one thing and that is if I see a replay of you getting your pussy lapped like I saw last night, NO amount of pleading will work. Stay on the straight and narrow and let's see what happens."

She nodded and came around the desk to hug me which I let her do. She bent down to kiss me and I pulled back. "For shit sakes Sally, you were lapping Elaine's cunt not twelve hours ago. I certainly don't want to kiss you right now!"

She snapped back as if I'd hit her. She mumbled, "Sorry. Shit ... It seems like I'm always sorry for something or other now. But Phillip, I'm truly sorry for having put you through all of this. After listening to Dr. Phyllis, we really thought we knew what you guys wanted, and how to kind of control you some."

I stood up, "Control us? What do you mean by that? Control as in to connive and manipulate with no regard or respect for me? Or control as in be in charge of or have power over. Which is it?"

Sally stammered, "N ... Neither! I guess I meant I wanted to have a little sway over you and influence your decisions once in a while."

I sighed trying to gain control of my growing anger. "What decisions are you speaking of? Hasn't our marriage always been a partnership? When did one of us ever do anything of major importance without consulting and gaining the approval of the other?"

She nodded, "Well, yeah, but Dr. Phyllis said we would be much stronger if the woman took more of the day-to-day decisions away from the man. So, I was just trying to strengthen our marriage."

"You picked one hell of a way to go about it." I sharply replied.

I looked at my watch and said, "Go. I've got physically sick people to tend to. Not this mental retardation horseshit you and Dr. Phyllis are spreading around."

She left with no fanfare. She didn't even look back.

I sat in my chair and placing my fingertips together I thought about what to do. I'd lied to Sally; I had no more appointments today.

After about twenty minutes I'd made some decisions and a plan was taking form. In fact, two distinct parts of one plan were gelling.

The first item of business was to get this Dr. Phyllis discredited to the extreme no one would ever watch another of her programs nor seek her advice.

The second item was I thought I would probably stay married to Sally. She'd done some things in very stupid ways. I would need to rein her in and keep a short leash on her for the foreseeable future.

But she would need to experience the pain and humiliation I had. The pain being the so called lesbian affair and the humiliation being the night I spent in jail.

If this plan worked, I could accomplish both goals and return to a happy life once more.

It took me the rest of the day to build the plan into a fairly bulletproof scheme. I needed a couple of more pieces to fall into place to make it work. One thing that I knew was I would use Sally's obvious subservient nature against her in my plan.

The next morning I explained my plan to Jerry and he laughed until he cried. "It might just work! Count me in!"

At the hospital I had a busy day with hip and knee replacements and consults on bone related injuries. I didn't get out of my office until after 7 PM.

Grabbing a quick dinner, I began the first action in my scheme of revenge against Dr. Phyllis my wife Sally, and Elaine.

I sat up a new website and blog, The I_HATE_DR_PHYLLIS.com and an associated blog to be exact. I paid an exorbitant amount to have it quickly listed on the first page of every search engine when anyone did a search on Dr. Phyllis.

Jerry had come home by this time and he began proofreading the web content, nodding his head in the affirmative as he did so.

The site was explained simply. I explained that the doctor's advice had cost me my happy home and marriage and I didn't think the doctor was qualified to advise anyone. Anyone that had experienced similar family disruptions as a result of advice given by the good doctor should post their story on the blog.

Taking the website and blog live took us until after two AM. I yawned, Jerry turned off the light and we went upstairs for a short night's rest in our respective bedrooms.

Light shone brightly through the bedroom window when I awoke. I sat up, yawned and stretched as I threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Today was the next steps of the plan! I eagerly contemplated getting them in motion.

I called Sally and asked her to meet me for dinner if she would. She quickly accepted and asked if I would want to come to our house and she would fix something. I said I would but I wanted to bring Jerry because we both needed to talk with Elaine and her. She said she sure it would be fine with Elaine since she had wanted to talk with Jerry for some time now in hopes of getting back together. Seems that eating at the "Y" was no longer such a big turn on.

My first knee replacement surgery wasn't scheduled until noon so after preparing myself for the day, I went to my computer and began typing the letter that was the key to my plan.

It read:

Dear Dr. Phyllis,

Our wives religiously watch your show and agree with your views that women can get along just fine without men. In fact, after a very bad fight where we males badmouthed your views, our women have over the last few months proven they can get along just fine without us.

They have moved easily into a lesbian relationship and we, their husbands are on the outside looking in.

We really don't believe you meant to completely destroy our marriages and we would like you to have us and our wives on your show and help us rebuild our relationship. We do realize that we will have to admit publicly that your views are right and ours are wrong. This we will gladly do if you can help us save our marriages.

We'll even let our wives continue their lesbian relationship and lovingly except that we need them more than they need us.

Can you help us?

I signed my and Jerry's names to it and sticking it in an envelope addressed it to the Dr. Phyllis show. I hummed as I walked down the sidewalk and placed it in the mail box.

I then checked the new blog. I was astounded to see several hundred posts from ardent Dr. Phyllis fans calling me all sorts of names for dissing her. I scrolled down the blog becoming more depressed with each entry haranguing me for disrespecting the good doctor.

I was about to give up and turn off the computer when I spotted a blog entry that caught my eye. It read:

Yes, I hate Dr. Phyllis. She ruined my marriage. My wife of only eighteen months now spends four nights a week with a woman she works with. They've been in a lesbian relationship for months now. She gives me an occasional mercy fuck and says she still loves me, but men just don't know what a woman needs for sexual gratification. I know we were both in-experienced when we married, but instead of talking to me about what she thought was missing, she listened to that bitch on TV and turned to this other woman.

She's with her lover tonight. Tomorrow when she gets home, I'm putting my foot down and telling her to end it or I'll start the divorce action.

[email protected]

I replied to Beenhurtbad with a quick description of what our plan was and how we would implement it. I asked him if he wanted to join it and if he knew any other men with similar stories that he could forward the blog info to so they could post to me. I also asked him to delay his confrontation with his wife if he bought into our plan. That way we could all deal with our spouses at exactly the same moment and in the same way.

I turned off the computer and went to the hospital to handle my three scheduled surgeries. On the way in, I called Jerry on his cell and told him of the dinner at my house with our two lesbian wives. He laughed and said great, he would be there.

After a grueling set of surgical procedures, I washed up, changed to my sports shirt and jeans and headed to my house (or had been my house). Sally had pulled out all the stops and we had T-bone steaks, baked potatoes, and green beans. Jerry and I dug in as did our spouses and we passed the dinner hour in mundane conversation.

After dinner, we each took our spouse's hand and wondered off to a different part of the house to talk.

Per my scripted plan, I started at once and said, "Sally, I'm miserable without you. Please let me come home. I know now that Dr. Phyllis was right. Women don't need men. But men sure do need women. I'm so horny my balls ache."

Sally's eyes were filled with tears, "You silly man. I love you. While, I admit the lesbian thing is not bad, it's not really for me. I want you inside me ... tonight!"

Jerry pretty much said the same and Elaine said she was becoming tired of the lesbian adventure with Sally and also wanted Jerry -- again. All though both women now expressed their wishes to occasionally have sex each other since they had developed some close attachment during their games in trying to make us jealous and win us back with that crazy idea of telling us fictional lesbian encounter stories to keep us "hot" as they put it. Now they wanted to continue it for real, but only 'occasionally' as they put it.

I had to push Sally back as she tried to get me to the bedroom. "No Sally, not tonight. Tomorrow night. I want to move my stuff back in and feel at home again first, Okay?"

She looked so randy I thought she would jump on the doorknob, but she agreed to wait for one night. I planted the longest, wettest, tonsil touching kiss I could on her and yelled for Jerry that I was leaving for the night.

Jerry followed a few minutes later. Elaine would be moving back to their house the next morning. Our groveling had worked and now our wives thought they would rule the roosts.

Jerry and I had a drink and discussed the plan. I told him of the first blog entry that described something similar to what we were going through.

He nodded as said, "I hope we get enough cases like this to do what we need to do."

I replied, "Me, too."

I logged into the web and sifted through another deluge of hate mail from loyal Dr. Phyllis supports. But my efforts were rewarded with four more relationship disasters that read pretty much like ours. I replied to each as I had to Beenhurtbad and awaited their responses. I had a private email from Beenhurtbad that indicated he bought into our scheme and would delay his confrontation until all was ready to spring our plan on the good doctor.

The next morning I returned my clothes and personal items to my house and Elaine moved her items back to hers. We barely spoke as we passed each other on the ten or twelve trips it took to move everything. I hated the woman for basically starting all of this shit by taking my wife away from me for some form of "we'll show you" spiteful actions.

I did have sex with Sally the first night and every night after that for the first few weeks. The first night, I really wanted to just prove my masculine side and I think I hurt her but she never complained. The more I asked her to do, the more she did. Apparently Elaine had exposed a long hidden submissive vein in Sally's personality. Now, it appeared Sally was sliding more into a submissive role with each passing day.

Four days after returning home, I had over one-hundred cases reported of wives taking up lesbian relationships based on the Doctor's aired advice.

Each and every one of them was ready to dump their spouses and move on with their lives. Each and every one bought into our plan for revenge.

I'd seen a flamboyant attorney, Eric Lyman, on TV using the media as his own personal jury to convince the public and potential jury pool of his client's innocence in a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme.

He was very adept at using TV for his own purposes. I laughed quietly to myself as I considered the justice of choosing him to represent us.

I contacted his office and arranged an appointment to discuss our plan's legal attack.

Arriving at his office and cooling my heels for thirty minutes passed my appointment time, I was ushered into his swank inner chambers. A large mahogany desk with one flat screen monitor and keyboard was the most prominent piece of furniture. Behind his desk were displayed the required framed photos of him with various celebrities and dignitaries.

Sitting there was a young attorney of about thirty-five years of age. His physical appearance was quite ordinary and almost non-descript, but his aura was one of extreme sureness and he oozed his position as an "alpha male."

He didn't rise but waved me to one of the two large overstuff chairs in front of his desk. He had one manila folder lying open on his desk. He glanced at it and said, "Doctor Morris? So nice to meet you! I believe you repaired my uncle's hip. He sings your praises! Would you care for something to drink?"

I shook my head in the negative and placing his fingertips together he pursed his lips and asked, "So what brings you to me today?"

I quickly outlined what had happened and what our plan entailed. He made some notes and after my short presentation he didn't say anything for almost a minute.

He turned and looked at me, "And you want me to represent you and the others in this?"

"Yes for at least the parts against Dr. Phyllis, her network and Jerry's and my divorce petitions. I'll have to inquire of the others if they want you to represent their various marriage dissolutions or if they will hire local attorneys. These people are scattered all over the country."

"How many of these people are we talking about?"

"At last count as of midnight last night, we had one-hundred and eighty-eight confirmed cases. Of course, based on our blog's activity, I would say, we'll cross two-hundred and fifty within the day."

He smiled as I could see the wheels turning in his head. What a chance to put major notoriety into his law practice. This would be a national case with heavy coverage in all of the media!

He laughed and said, "I'll give them all a volume discount rate for handling the entire group's divorce petitions. My group will be co-counseled for those in other states. We'll divide the plaintiffs into two groups. Group one will be for the ones that will follow through on dissolution.

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My Best Friends Cock

“Do you want to touch it?”My best friend stands in front of me, his hard cock arc-ing above the waistband of his boxers. He takes a step towards me, and it bobs up and down.I suppose this should feel weird. We know each other so well that we’re practically brother and sister. And although I had always hoped that my first time would be with someone I loved and trusted, I never thought it would be with him. But here he is, with his dick standing up hard for me, and I want him too.I’ve only ever...

First Time
4 years ago
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Atep Mother

Atep Motheri am a 18 year old young boy.es my own step Mom….The Day when I first look her on my father’s wedding after the separation of my parents, I decided to fuck her and always looking to get a chance to fuck her as she was very attractive with huge boobs and huge but nice round ass and white body like milk…Finally the day come and I fucked her and fulfill my all wishes.It was going to be my birthday on 3rd of November. Nearly 5 days ago she asked me that what I wanted on my 18th birthday....

3 years ago
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How Could I Refuse

Plans changed when Christine discovered that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. He begged for forgiveness, saying the secret relationship didn't mean anything, but Christine wasn't the forgiving type (especially when it came to cheating). Christine refused to take him back, but she didn't want to waste the tickets either. Plus, she was genuinely excited for the trip, which included fun outdoor activities and beautiful scenery. Our parents overheard Christine asking me to go, and...

1 year ago
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Lady Bell

Tonight lady was ready to have some fun with her sex slaves. She matched the girl with several male guards. The girl was used a lot in Lady's games. She had long hair and huge DDD tits. She was obedient and never complained. Lady had pierced her nipples and her clit and pussy lips. The guards were lined up naked. The had already had their cocks jerked and had cum so that when they next fucked they would last longer. No cock was under ten inches and extremely thick. These games were the only...

2 years ago
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How Did This Happen

How Did This HappenI sat looking into the vanity's mirrors. Reflected back was the face ofa pretty but not beautiful girl. Long strawberry blond hair piled up incurls held in place by a white feathered band. Pillow soft strawberrycolored lips. The nose a bit too big but not that detracting, archedbrows, smoky eyelids and large golden hoop pierced earlobes stared backat me.What the mirrors didn't show was my attire. I was wearing a whitecrystal beaded square necked leotard with spaghetti...

1 year ago
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Valerie carefully slid her fingers across the bumps that protruded from the pages on her book, ocassionally stopping to pick up the micro cassette recorder to make some notes for tomorrow's world history class!!! Every so often she would also reach down and scruff Sparky's ears just to reassure herself that he was still there by her side, because having been blind from birth, Valerie's life line to the outside world had at first been her parents and siblings, but as she became older and more...

2 years ago
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An Unsinkable LoveChapter 11

Danny: Danny looked at Lizzie standing there looking at him. On one of her hands her fingers were wet and a tantalizing aroma was leaking out of her wet cunt. I knew why her fingers were wet and what she had been doing. Danny smiled at Lizzie's display of innocence and winked at her. He then dropped to his knees and crawled forward grabbing the backs of her thighs. Danny licked her aromatic folds and then her hard clit. His hands held her upright as his tongue pleased her. Danny almost...

1 year ago
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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 1

So here I was, walking into a bar to have my first bit of “me time” since arriving in the USA nearly two years ago. There was just the one available stool at the bar, as I was on my own that was all I needed. The Bar seemed to have a bit of a buzz going on, with most of the seats being occupied and a few groups engaged in animated conversation, but it wasn’t so full that you couldn’t move. A live band played at one end of the room and I have to admit they were pretty good. I settled into the...

1 year ago
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Show and TellChapter 2 The Sun

The lights burned bright in the Art Deco administration building of Sunshine Studios Tuesday night. All of the administration assistants had headed home long ago, the sun had set, but still the Board of Directors met in closed session. There was only the one topic: the senior executives' meeting that afternoon with senior officials – VERY senior officials – of the FCC. "Could they carry through on their threat? Or is it, could they enforce their promise?" board member and pediatrician and...

3 years ago
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Broken WitchChapter 7

As we approached the ward around the Villa, I checked it more carefully and discovered that it was a Witch ward that had been cast using ordinary Magic, the kind that Josh and others used, and NOT Witch Magic or Ley Line Magic. “That’s a very strong ward,” Josh told me, after reading it also, as we approached the ward. I smiled at him before drawing on the nearest Ley Line. There were many to choose from, as so many passed through and crossed in the Atlanta area. Having drawn sufficient...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 626

This Compliments of Smokeyjoe Cop pulls over a car that was slowly driving along at about 20 Kph. He notices that there are 4 old ladies in the car, the 3 in the passenger seats looked terrified with pale faces. The driver asks why he stopped her and the cop says because your only doing 20Kph and holding up following traffic. “Well I as only obeying the speed limit” she explains, pointing at a street sign. “But that sign is showing the route number ‘B20’” “Oh! “ she said, “We’ve just come...

3 years ago
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Alberts FantasiesChapter 6

Albert and Jason had taken the drugged beauty to the Mandeville Arms Apartments. They had put Emma in a special apartment that had been designed to be escape poof. It had soundproofing and no windows. The entrance door was solid steel interior covered with wood panel exteriors. It would be where she would be kept until such time that they deemed it safe to let her out. After getting naked, Will stroked his cock and brought it to full erection as he looked over Albert’s beautiful and...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Jewelz Blu Vanna Bardot My Step Sisters Masturbate Together

Brad Sterling is hanging out with his stepsister, Vanna Bardot, and their adopted sister, Jewelz Blu. The girls can’t keep their hands off their titties and their twats. The girls share a room, so they have a codeword to say if they want to be alone to masturbate. Since they said it at the same time, they eventually decide to share the room. They don’t want Brad to get suspicious, so they return to the living room together and offer to do Brad’s chores so he can leave and go...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 2 CatalystChapter 10

Dusty and Lori managed to get to the farm in question and find what they needed. After convincing the farmer and his wife they weren't nuts and they did have a valid reason for why they wanted the stuff, they managed to get them to help them distill plant into a pure liquid form. Dusty promised that the Mayor would take care of the cost and that they just needed to let him know what to pay Asking for the use of a horse and wagon to carry back the large barrel, it was well into the...

1 year ago
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The Internet is a fucking amazing place. I’m always seeking out the seedier, dirtier, kinkier places out there on the web, and sometimes I’m really surprised where I find pornography. I recently discovered an extensive and growing collection of really freaky-ass porn art on an online community for artists. I guess I shouldn’t have been that surprised about all the hentai, since this Internet art community is based in Japan. Once again, I have to extend my gratitude to The Land of the Rising Sun...

Hentai Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 32

Waking Sunday morning after the win was one of the joys of coaching. Jared only wished Meg had felt better the night before. She wondered if she had eaten something bad at the game, but was unable to pin it down. Jared had fallen asleep massaging her troubled belly hoping to calm it enough for her to fade away herself. As his eyes adjusted to the room he realized he was alone in the bed and the clock read 10:10. He heard the din of the TV and knew Declan had gotten up and probably woke his...

2 years ago
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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 7 Jeddie 2

They finally finished their meal and arrived back to Jade's house a little after nine o'clock. The teens felt mildly exhausted with all the running around they had done during the day, but both were content in their tiredness as they made their way to their respective rooms and bathrooms so they could take quick showers and change into their s!eepwear for the evening with the intention of spending the rest of it watching a movie.Earlier, while Freddie was dropping his stuff off in the guestroom...

1 year ago
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MrPOV Arianna Jade Liz Jordan Busted

Cheer camp. Liz Jordan and Arianna Jade are competitors. And they’re naughty girls. Very naughty. Even though the girls cheer for different teams, they became fast friends at camp. Liz, with a whole lot of experience under her belt, and Arianna, well…not so much. It didn’t take long for Coach to catch them defying curfew with some dudes from town, and when he gets the two girls back to the office, it’s time for an explanation. The best Liz and Arianna can come up with...

2 years ago
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The Carpet Cleaner Part 3

I must say that Katie had an arse I would die for and knew how to use it, we walked back to the kitchen and I pulled the clothes out the dryer while she looked on, I picked out her panties first and gave them a good sniff to make sure they were dry before handing them back to her and she slipped them back on, she did look hot in just her panties.She pulled on her shorts and again they were tight and I slipped my tatty old shorts back on and then poured her another drink and got a beer out for...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 5

Rhea sighed. This was the fourth letter from Chiltern Bank in the last three weeks. They didn't normally write to them so much and she put it by the kettle. She wanted to open it. She deliberated. It was addressed to both of them but Simon dealt with the financial stuff. There was a knock at the door and Rhea strode towards it. If she didn't leave soon she would be late for work and bars didn't open themselves. "Miss Williams?" A tall suited gentleman with short hair and fashionable...

4 years ago
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Santa Mrs Claus

Note: My stories usually include pics that makes it more enjoyable to read and look at. Unfortunately Xhamster says that photos can't be uploaded right now due to technical reasons. So I used my videos instead. I hope this is fixed soon and that you enjoy this story anyways and am able to use your imagination. Thanks! Kisses!-Chrissy In my story called "Santa Likes Femboys," here: https://xhamster.com/stories/santa-likes-femboys-10061474 I explained that I discovered that last Christmas when...

4 years ago
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Forgotten Princess

Princess Serenity screamed in frustration. She was to be wed to an ally in order to keep the truce. It was not at how Serenity had imagined her marraige to be. For one, she thought that she would be marrying for love. When she told her parents this, they laughed and told her love is just an emotion used as an excuse to get married or to enjoy the lust of the flesh. You don’t need love when you have money and power, they reminded her. ‘I do not wish to be a princess or rich any longer if it...

1 year ago
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Your Dark Elf

[[Hi! I work 60 hours a week most weeks, and as a result am often too tired to update. If you want more updates, or you want to contribute, or you have a character you want to cameo in the story, drop me a message!]] Mizuki of the clan Yonomori. You met her just a few weeks prior, skulking around a seedy tavern in town, dipping her fingers into people's pockets. You'd watched her intently as she made herself a small fortune in loose copper coins lifted from stranger's purses. That is, until...

2 years ago
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Fun With A Couple In Goa 8211 Part 2

Friends…now I could write Part 2 of my Goa Experience. As narrated in Part I, I met one couple in Air Flight from Delhi to Goa. The sexy lady Nila was quite romantic type, but her husband was quite passive, and therefore she was not able to enjoy the Goa trip much. When we meet and tried to be quite close as we stayed in same hotel and had more time together while her husband and son used to be away on one pretext or other. I was on 4 day trip including 3 day meeting and 4th day for some Goa...

3 years ago
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Suman Ki Choudai Uske Ghar Me

Hi dosto mera nam harry age 25 hight 5.10 or mera lund ka sige 8.5 hai me ek computer enng hu job tarta hu bhubaneswar odisha ka rahane wala hu me ek punjabi family se hu me ess sid pe 5 saal se stories para hu to mane socha ki me vi ek apni sachi gatna aap sab ke saat share karu umid hai aap sab ko yea pasand aaye to mujhe kare mail id hai koi vi larki aunty bhabi jo 40 age ke ander ho mujhe mail kare me aap ki sawa jarur karuga ,aab aap ka jada time na lete huwe storie pe aata hu 3 months...

2 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 6

August and Lisa treat Sasha to a lunch at a Tex-Mex grill by the mall. After last night’s adventures which carried on this morning, all three women are hungry. They order enough food for an army and miraculously put it all down. When they finish they decide on a stroll through the mall. “How about we check this place out,” Sasha offers as they pass a lingerie storefront. “A little expensive here,” August says. “Girl, don’t you know that she has Jonathan’s credit card?” Sasha smiles and...

2 years ago
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EdChapter 8

On Monday morning Ed went into a computer store and purchased a computer just exactly like the one he had in his basement office. They didn't have the same type of printer but he found one that would be simple to operate. Ed thought he would wait two weeks before seeing Sally again, but decided he didn't have any reason not to go north this weekend. Ed burst out laughing when Bill came into his office on Wednesday and asked Ed what he should wear. "I don't want to be overdressed and I...

2 years ago
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Incest Runs In My Family 8211 Part 1

My name is Rajan, a typical Hyderabadi who stays near kukatpally. My family consists of my father Krishna(age 48) he works in a government bank. My mother Priya(42) housewife with a smoking body of (38-36-40) she is, in fact, chubby but in kind of sexy milf way. My sister Sneha, 2 years younger than me, she has perfect figure but I like her cute smile even more. My mom and dad are very close to each other. I had caught them kissing a couple of time which does not happen in a normal family. Both...

3 years ago
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Fucking Mona

My name is Bittu, and i have done love marriage. Since the time I got married and I had been eying my elder sister in law. I am a big breasts fan and my wife’s 32 size breasts were not good enough to satisfy my hunger. My elder sister in law, Mona , 39 ,who was 8 years elder to my wife had size 36 C and I always wanted to taste her pussy. Mona lived in Bhagalpur, asmall district in Bihar, while we were in Ranchi at that time. I am a salesman working with one of the leading mobile company. Mona...

4 years ago
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The First Time

Here’s a little something I dreamed the other night while sleeping with my girlfriend! Couldn't resist myself and had to write it down, hope you enjoy it!I parked the car in the nearly empty lot. It was Sunday and the only cars around belonged to the mall’s maintenance staff, security guards, and possibly people who might be in the nearby lake. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked my girlfriend, looking her in the eye. “I don’t want you to feel forced to anything…” “Hush now… I guarantee...

4 years ago
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Dominating and Owning a Punk Ep2 Natalie Dominates Sam

Adam - (myself) 23years. 7” long dick, 7” girth. It had been a few days since I broke Sam in. After that night I moved back in with her. The other housemates were surprised, but we played it off. There wasn’t anything Sam could do anyway. She knew her place and regardless I blackmailed her to silence with the video and pictures. I had been letting her ass and cunt heal up since that night but was getting very restless. Yesterday I rearranged the furniture in her room so I could install a...

3 years ago
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Edge of ReasonChapter 9

The next day Alma and Fiona make their scheduled visit to Dr. Carr’s office again. Leah is pleasantly surprised by the older sister’s appearance. Her hair is pulled into a two pony tails with both in large curls. Her make up emphasizes her full and pouty lips. She is in a large oversized sweater and her large round breasts are very prominent beneath it. It is a contrast to Fiona who is dressed in a matching oversized sweater. Her raven hair is in a single braid and she is wearing a hairband....

4 years ago
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Keeping it in the family

Meet the Fillato family. We have the father Jeff, 6'1" with thick brown hair and in pretty good shape for a 42 year old, the workhorse of the family, sometimes is too busy to give his wife enough attention The wife, 39 year old Alyssa a tall blonde haired blue eyed trophy wife with large fake 34D breasts, a tanned body, and long luscious legs. She's also is a little wild. Her parents have a tough time controlling her and she always finds her way into trouble The oldest daughter Sara, a 21 year...

2 years ago
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Magnificent Megan

Introduction: This is my second story. It is by no means true at all, but Mike is based on me and Megan is based on a girl I work with that I think the world of. I was just finishing up my typical 6am to 2pm shift at the local McDonalds that Ive worked at for over a year, when one of the managers introduced all of us to four new-hires. They looked to be typical 17 and 18 year olds just looking for a part time job, but one person in particular caught my eye. She had shoulder length reddish...

4 years ago
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Dulcie and DeliaChapter 8

It just isn't possible to comprehend what Gerry Westwood was experiencing; we can only try to imagine. A young man – in his thirties, anyway – in the prime of his life, who had all his life been fit and active, able to look after himself ... and others that he was responsible for. An officer in one of the pre-eminent special ops units in the world, so tough, highly trained, self-reliant but a team player ... reduced to almost total dependence on nurses who for the most part were young women....

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