Mom Ko Sleeping Pills Dekar Choda 8211 Part 2
- 4 years ago
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A few days later, the winds increased in force. The wind's voice changed and rose to a high-pitched whining, irritating the ears of women and beasts alike.
The movement of the tall grasses went from a gentle oscillation, to a violent whipping, much like confused ocean waves during a storm.
Added to the high winds were faint smells, nothing identifiable but ... something. All the animals and birds that the women saw were moving in the same direction as their little wagon train.
After several days of ever-strengthening winds, the women's ears ached and the smells became stronger. This caused the still skittish mules' behavior to grow to the point of being unruly.
Even the usually unflappable Maeve was getting edgy. She pulled her wagon into a one hundred and eighty degree turn, and stopped, facing the way that they had come.
This maneuver caused the mules to stamp and fidget even more than before. Once the wagon was stopped and the brake set, Maeve stood up on the seat and shielded her eyes against the morning sun with her hand. There were large black clouds all across the horizon. Strange ... those clouds and the sun together like that.
Then she smelled it! Those weren't weather clouds! They were SMOKE clouds! There was a FIRE behind them, and it was heading their way!
Maeve turned the wagon back onto the trail and looked ahead. With a sickening feeling in her stomach she saw that there was no shelter to run to on the flat prairie plain.
"What's the matter?" called Shaylee.
Maeve didn't answer, her mind was working furiously, searching for a way out of their deadly predicament. If the fire caught them here on the open range they were dead!
Because of the look she saw on her sister's face, Shaylee called again, more urgently this time,
Maeve just held up a hand, in the universal symbol for stop.
Now Shaylee was really frightened!
Looking in all directions brought no relief. There simply was no place to take shelter.
"Ok ... we can't outrun the fire ... and there's no shelter anywhere near us ... what to do? Ok! Ok! What does a fire need? Ok ... it needs fuel ... and air ... and a spark or some sort of flame. Ok ... what do we need? A place that is missing one of those things ... but what? Well we both need air but ... Ooooo! Ooooo! Another fire! One in front of us! If the wind holds, we can cause a burn that will move away from us and consume all the fuel ... then the fire in back of us will not have anything to burn. If we then move into the burned out area we just might survive this mess."
Mave motioned for Shaylee to come to her.
"Look, girl, we're in deep trouble! There's a big fire behind us, and there's no place to hide, so we have to make our own place. If we burn enough of the grasses off in front of us, we can move the wagons into the middle of that space and just maybe we'll survive this," said Maeve as she jumped from the wagon.
With eyes as big as moons, Shaylee locked her wagon's brake, jumped down and ran to join Maeve. She met her sister struggling with one of the big cans of kerosene.
"I'll get this, you unhitch two of the mules and saddle them," said Maeve.
The younger woman ran to do her sister's bidding. Shaylee found that it was no mean feat to unhitch and then saddle the skittish, unruly mules.
Maeve gathered two big bundles of grass and then soaked them with the kerosene to make drag torches. Long ropes that were tied to the saddle horns were attached to the bundles. Soon the two women were mounted. Galloping in opposite directions, they now had flaming bundles dragging along behind them. The bundles kindled a large grass fire that grew and moved away from them, driven by the wind.
The two women and all that they possessed were now standing between two huge roaring fires, each with pillars of smoke of biblical proportions. They re-hitched the team to the wagon again, and then wrapped the hooves of the four animals in pieces of thick rawhide that had been soaked in water. The ground would be hot after the fire and might cripple the animals if they weren't protected. As soon as they were able, they moved into the burned out area. After about half a mile Maeve called a halt and got down to check the mules' feet. She then went and filled a bucket with water and wet the animals down, paying special attention to their wrapped feet. Shaylee did the same to her team and then the two women wet their clothes. Finally they covered the mules' eyes—this calmed the animals a bit, but not much, after all they could still smell the fire. Next the women stationed themselves at the animals' heads with buckets at the ready and hands locked onto the harnesses.
The sky filled with smoke, sparks and ash. The stench of the fire choked the women and animals alike. Though the wind carried large sparks, there was no fuel to set alight. Nothing except the canvas on the wagons, that is. Maeve held and comforted the animals while Shaylee dowsed whatever caught fire.
By nightfall, the fire had passed the wagons by. They were alive but not yet safe. They had expended almost all of their water fighting the fire.
That night, soot covered and with holes burned into their clothes and the wagons' canvases, the two exhausted women slid down the front wheel of Shaylee's wagon and just sat there. They spent the night coughing up soot filled mucus and wiping soot filled snot from their noses. It was a very long cold, uncomfortable night. The mules fared no better and stood with hanging heads and labored breathing and black mucous streaming from their muzzles.
In the morning the women took a bucket and some rags and used a bit of the remaining water to wash the muzzles of the suffering animals. The mules smelled the water in the bucket and tried to drink the fouled stuff.
Maeve took pity on the suffering creatures and gave each animal a small drink of clean water from the dwindling supply.
Shaylee looked around at the ash filled scene and asked, "Are we still in trouble?"
"Yep," said her sister, laconically.
Shaylee moved to her sister's side and said very softly, "Maeve? Thank you for saving me."
Maeve looked at her sister in surprise and said, "Hell, girl, we saved each other! That was a doozie of a fire!"
Shaylee lowered her head and said, almost in a whisper, " No! I don't mean here. I mean back at home. I don't think that I could have taken being raped by all those men. It would have done me in, in my head, ya know?"
Maeve reached over and took her sister's hand and held it as tightly as she could. She couldn't speak, as there was a lump in her throat the size of the Rock of Gibraltar. Along with that lump went a steel band around her heart and lungs. The pressure was so great that the older woman was near to swooning. Filled with emotions but still unable to speak, Maeve began to shake her sister's hand up and down then she pulled the younger woman into a tight embrace.
The two stood that way for a long time, as Maeve tried to clear her throat and get her lungs back into their normal rhythm.
Finally, able to speak again, she said, "I love you, sister. I couldn't take it if I lost you, too. Now girl ... We need to find water, and soon!"
Shaylee nodded understanding, broke the embrace and said, "Remember a ways back there were bushes in that little gully? I bet if we went back and dug there, we'd find some water."
"No I don't. You think that there's anything left of the bushes to find?"
Shaylee shrugged, "Ya got any other ideas?"
"Well, let's try for it, then."
"Ok, if you think you can find the place."
Great clouds of soot and ash lifted into the air with each step that the mules took. If it were not for the ever-present wind, the six would soon have succumbed to suffocation on the fine black powder. It soon became evident that the women could not ride in the wagons because of the clouds of ash kicked up by the animals. Even with the ever-present winds the women were now driving back into, the winds carried the ash right into their faces. Thus the women had to walk at the heads of the mules, leading them by hand.
Strangely that fact worked to their advantage. Since they were walking they found the tiny burned stubs that remained of the bushes. They would have ridden right by if seated high up in the wagons, so small were the stumps.
It was Maeve that found the spot. She let out such a whoop that her mules reared up. After calming the animals, the chagrinned Maeve pulled two shovels from her wagon and the women commenced to digging.
Several feet down the earth began to ooze like loose batter in a bowl. With renewed vigor the exhausted women dug deeper, their effort was soon rewarded when the hole filled with sweet, fresh water.
The animals smelled the water and strained against the wagon brakes to get at the life giving liquid.
Shaylee took pity on the poor mules, and filled a bucket. She watered each animal in turn.
They stayed at the new pool for the rest of the day and refilled the water barrels along with any containers that had tight covers—they were unsure as to when or where they would find water again. They also washed themselves, their clothes and the animals.
With re-energized spirits they set off again the next morning.
As the weeks passed Jake stopped grieving for his wife and began a slow burn of anger against the Irish 'invaders that caused all of this trouble.' The anger drove him to work hard at getting out of bed and walking again. Each day he forced himself to stand and flex the muscles that remained.
In the middle of the forth week after he'd learned of the destruction of the town, Jake gave out a cowboy yell so loud that it startled the cook. With a scream of surprise she dropped a whole pot of stew on the floor—there were bits and pieces of meat and vegetables all over the kitchen AND Cookie. She was not well pleased!
With stew dripping from her hair and garments, she walked into Jake's room and screamed, "Ya stupid, bitter ol' man! There ain't gonna be a dinner tonight 'cause o' ya shenanigans! Ya can just clean up that mess ya self. I AIN'T GONNA DO IT!"
She then turned on her heel and went back to the kitchen and out the back door to the well, muttering all the while how nasty it was to work for such a bunch of unruly, disrespectful men.
Once at the well she stood and caught her breath and let some of her pique drain away. She drew two buckets of water for a bath and headed back to the house. No one asked to assist her. After she put the water on the stove to heat, she returned to the back porch where she struggled to take down the bathtub that hung on a big nail.
She managed to unhook the ungainly thing. It was one of those things with a high backrest at one end, and it was quite heavy. It crashed to the floor with metallic sounds similar to an out of tune bell, Cookie managed to dodge the large piece of metal and then drag it to her room, again no one offered help to the old woman, though many were watching her struggles.
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Jan 20, 1857 In the morning, Madison joined Dawn and me again. A light mist began falling just before we mounted up, so we pulled out our canvas ponchos to help keep the rain off. Madison didn’t have a warm hat, but Dawn hurried back to her wagon and returned with the new hat she’d made for me from the bobcat pelt. I traded and gave Madison my rabbit fur hat, getting a smile bright enough to rival a beautiful sunrise. We made good time since we didn’t have to hunt today. The rain got...
It was another one of those days when I knew my desires would take me over the top, it started when I met up with a nice young fella for some mutual fun, but to my suprise things were gonna be so hot I would almost lose my mind.I met with him wearing a pair of my sweet pink panties with lace on the front but I had a suprise for him, I bought him a pair of burgandy thongs to put on and put a show on for me.As he pranced around for me I felt my dick growning in my own panties and he noticed it,...
I am sharing my real life experience with all of you. Pls bear with my grammatical error if any. The story started in the year 2004 & is still continuingI am a 40 year old woman with not so good looking features. I have a very tiny boobs & very slim body & hence not much of the men were staring at me. The incident happened at my age of 31 years when I was employed with a company in Cochin. My husband works in a CO’ in Gulf & I have a son aged 7 years. Once in a year husband...
With a quickness Sam was straddling my head as she lowered her hairless wet slit onto my awaiting,eager mouth.My tongue was everywhere,flicking at her blood engorged clit,then licking and tunneling into her juicy fuck hole lapping up all her sweet cunt nectar while Sam ground and bucked her hips and flooded my face with copious amounts of gooey juice "ohhh Daddy....her tongue.....oh god yes slut....thats it....unfff...gonna..ahhh..gonna...fucking....ahhhhhhhhfuckkkkkkkkk..." Sam squealed and...
I quite enjoyed being master and Jan played her part well, then I told her to remove and pack away the doona cover off the bed before going for a shower, I would join her there shortly. I went and took the wine cask out of the warm water and filled the enema bag before joining her in the shower, on seeing the enema bag Jan’s curiosity got the better of her and she asked “what’s that?” Instantly I applied a smack to her right buttock whilst reminding her that slaves do not question their...
“It’s an honor to meet you, sir. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us,” I said as I shook Senator Dixon’s hand. Jim had arranged the meeting after sending both of our senators and our congressman letters explaining the pattern of harassment the FBI seemed to be pursuing. “It’s my pleasure,” the senator said. “You are an impressive young man, Mr. Taylor, and the incidents you reference are troubling in their own right.” We all sat down and he pulled out a thick file folder. “I’ve...
Here’s my latest offering. Hope this makes you guys hard and the girls wet!!! I have just returned from a well-earned holiday with my girlfriend to the Canary Islands. We were lucky enough to have the week in a private villa on the island of Tenerife, courtesy of a friend of a friend. The whole thing was arranged at fairly short notice so Laura and I took the opportunity to buy new bikinis a couple of days before the trip. Not that I don’t have plenty of swimwear and the like but you know a...
My wife Julie and I have been married for 12 years. We have eight c***dren and she is currently pregnant for the eighth time. Yes that's number nine in the oven. One of the previous seven pregnancies was a set of fraternal twins, hence the eight k**s.Our family is rather large for a modern family, but we are quite happily married and the k**s add another loving dimension to our relationship. My wife and I, like many married couples, have had our little differences and spats over the years, but...
August slipped by with surprises heaped upon surprises. Rachael woke me up in the early morning before the sun was up when she took her pain meds. She noticed me awake and informed me she was horny. I wasn’t. She solved that problem by pulling skimpy yellow panties off and waving them at me, grinning, whispering, “Wanna?” Somehow, with her expert hand fondling me, an erection formed and before I knew it we were having sex, no preliminaries. My granddaughter proved she was indeed horny. But...
"Don't say anything Mitch, not now. I want you to call me next week in my office, and we'll have lunch."I had to ask. "Nikki, did Cassie put you up to this?"She smiled and walked over to the bed, kissing me soundly. "No, you amazing man, she didn't."I could have sworn just as she closed the bedroom door after walking out, she whispered, "Sara did..."I laid in bed for a bit musing over the best sex I had had in two years. I had some extraordinarily quick, but satisfying, sex with my sister in...
When we first started seeing each other her daughter was in her teens which made it hard meeting up. One day I had gone round to my friend’s house for a fuck but her daughter was there and no matter what we did she wouldn’t go out. Therefore, we decided we would go out. At this time we both lived in north east London so we drove into the countryside, but it took us quite a while to find a place where we could park in a secluded place. It was a warm summer evening so was still bright so it...
When I was younger, I heard stories about how there were places you could go and have men would suck your cock. There were even stories of them paying boys, paying to suck cock. I never went to any of those places, but I was curious. Like every other young boy, I was horny 24/7, and would love to have someone give me a blowjob. Late at night, I even thought about sucking cock. Now, years later, those stories gave me the idea, the inspiration, and here is what happened...Older now, with young...
It was nine a.m. Sunday morning when I knocked on Mary's front door. The door opened and Clarity said, "Hi you," in an excited voice just before she leaped into my arms and kissed me as though she had missed me. "Hmmm..." I moaned into her mouth enjoying the taste of her lips and tongue. "Hmmm, yourself," she laughed taking my hand and dragging me inside. "Mom's taking a shower right now. God! You're not going to believe what you've done to her. All she wanted to talk about last...
I had been dating Danielle for about a month and things were so hot I decided to invite her on my trip to Rio. She's 22 years old and works in my building. NOrmally I don't mess around with girls this close to my business but Danielle is smoking hot; 5'6", long blonde hair, medium sized firm tits and an incredible ass. She is also up for the freaky things, she flashes me, she wears sheer tops and never wears panties when we go out.We landed in Rio and headed to the beach soon after. I noticed...