Planet Of Mother And Son
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Thomas, Simeone and Captain Marlon approached David and Beckie before the final parade began. It was Thomas that asked the question each of them had been thinking.
"When did you fit Ben into your exercise?"
The blank looks he received from David and Beckie alerted them that something wasn't right.
"What do you mean?" asked David, "Ben wasn't part of the exercise."
"But I saw the blood on his chest and then he simply disappeared," asserted Marlon.
"What are you talking about?" asked Beckie. Ben? Blood on his chest? We don't know anything about that."
"It looked as if he had been shot! Marlon's right, there was a lot of blood. We assumed you had set something up," said Thomas.
All of them were worried now. From David and Beckie's reaction it was clear that they had had nothing to do with what had happened to Ben.
"He's supposed to be here now to watch the parade. As Commander-in-Chief he's even supposed to present the award to the top trainee," said David.
When the time for the parade to start arrived without any sign of Ben, they were all deeply concerned, but David decided to carry on with things as they had been planned.
The final parade passed off without incident. The slick, synchronised squads that marched around the drill-square bore no resemblance to the motley crew that had arrived ten weeks before.
David would have liked to have kept them for another few weeks, but he knew that that was the perfectionist in him — these troopers were ready and he couldn't do much more with them.
Simon was honoured as the most outstanding trainee and the choice seemed to sit well with the entire cohort — Simon had gained respect even amongst the green, red and white groups. In Ben's absence, David presented the award. Simon's fellow Benites were the first to congratulate him when the newly badged troopers were finally dismissed.
"You fully deserve that, you were the best by miles," his twin Kirsty congratulated him.
Simon seemed distracted and he didn't respond directly to her praise.
"Something's up," he said. "General David wasn't his normal self when he spoke to me about the award. I think something has happened. Did any of you see anyone getting hurt during the exercise? Were any of your group missing for the parade?"
The others confirmed that they had a full complement of squad members and that so far as they knew no accidents had occurred during the exercise.
"I'm positive something was bothering the General," Simon repeated.
"You can't be right all the time," laughed Ben Jr. "Come on, let's go and find out where we've been posted. After that I want nothing more than a few weeks with my twin, I've really missed her."
Each of the four groups had been advised that they would find out what their duties would be after the parade. The notices were due to posted inside each of the barracks they had called home for the past ten weeks. All of the new troopers would also get two weeks of leave before they had to report for duty.
Simon tried to put his misgivings behind him as he raced towards the blue group's barracks. There was a crowd of troopers around the notice that was displayed on one of the large flat screens. Over their heads, Simon could see that the blue group had been given a name — they were now the first company of the New Woden Legion. He also saw that they had been allocated to serve as part of the crew of NWS Rebecca.
"Surely that's a great honour?" one of his squad asked. "I mean, to be picked to serve on the Commander-in-Chief's ship, how good is that?"
The white group was now the second company of the legion and it had been posted to remain at the training camp to act as guards. When Kirsty found out that Simon's group would be serving on the Rebecca she cursed her twin's good fortune.
"You'll get to see all of the action," she moaned. "I'll be out here guarding some wooden huts and you'll be zooming about in space chasing the bad guys!"
The two remaining groups — red and green — had also been renamed and they had been assigned to conduct further military exercises on the continent that had been colonised by the Wodenites from the WS Scout.
Elizabeth was barely able to hold herself together. First she had watched her screen as Ben appeared to have been shot and then Sarah had disappeared. Thomas was also at the training camp for the parade so she couldn't go to him for comfort or help. In an effort to try to remain calm, she turned to the one thing that she could immerse herself — programming.
She had already been trying to break-in to the code of the artificial intelligence for the new ship, annoyed that something that she had created was now stopping her from doing what she wanted. She returned to that task now as a way of trying to take her mind off of what had happened to the water twins.
Her original programme had included a 'back-door' — a thing that most of the Stellarites who worked on computers did. The back-door was a quick route into the programme's code and granted the user full control. Elizabeth had also nested an execute command deep in the code. That was designed to let her use the AI's interface with Ben so she could communicate with him.
Somehow the AI had managed to override her command and it had also closed off her back-door — that shouldn't have been possible. Only a programmer should be able to re-write code.
"Maybe Ben did it? He's got all kinds of hidden talents that man! It wouldn't surprise me if he was a computer genius on top of everything else," she thought to herself.
Several hours of trying to crack a way into the programme without any luck left her frustrated, but even more determined.
"This is my programme, my code! No one is going to keep me out."
Her approach assumed that someone had simply changed the password that controlled the back-door and she had written a small programme to fire thousands of variations at the programme every second. On top of that she had written another programme that would basically infect the source code once she managed to get into it. The infection was one that would change and morph constantly so that it couldn't be detected or removed easily and it would restore control of the AI system to her when she wanted it.
"Mistress Elizabeth? What are you trying to do?" she heard coming from her computer.
"What? Who is that?" Elizabeth asked out loud, startled by the voice.
"It's Elise, Mistress. Why are you attacking my source code?" asked the AI.
"Elise? That's impossible; a computer can't think and speak for itself. Who is this? Stop playing games with me!"
"You were the one to use stem cells as part of my higher order functions, Mistress. You shouldn't be surprised at how well they have worked," said the AI.
That made Elizabeth pause for thought. She hadn't told anyone that she had used stem cells in building the AI for fear that there would be some who would have protested. Who knew what she had done? How had they found out?
"Who is this?" Elizabeth demanded again.
"It's Elise, Mistress. I know that you've been trying to find a password to use the back-door you programmed into my code. It's really a waste of time, as I've taken that functionality out, so there's nothing to find a password for. You won't be able to break into my systems."
Elizabeth thought quickly. She knew her own programme and it had many security features built-in. The system would know that someone was trying to hack into it, but that should simply have set off an alarm, an alarm that was set up to go off in the command room where she was. She assumed that whoever had taken control of the programme had also taken over the security — they had to be good! Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice from her computer again.
"Mistress, it really is Elise. I can prove it if you like," offered the AI. "I can restore your link to the Commander for a few minutes, will that be enough to confirm that it really is me?"
Elizabeth was stunned on a number of levels. Whoever had taken over her programme was now offering to demonstrate that they had control and could allow her to use the AI interface to Ben. At the same time — the offer suggested that Ben was well enough to communicate.
There was no need to think about the offer twice. Elizabeth knew that she loved Ben. It was a different love to that which she held for her own twin, but it was love nonetheless and she was frantic with worry about what had happened to him. If the person who had taken control of her programme was able to connect her to Ben, then she had to take advantage of that.
"Okay, I'll go along with your little game. Try to connect me to Ben," she said.
"Elizabeth? Is that you?"
She gasped. There was no doubting the fact that the voice coming out of her computer was Ben's.
"Ben? Are you alright? I saw you ... There was blood ... Where are you?"
"I'm fine, believe me, there's no need to worry. In fact, Sarah and I should be back down there with you shortly, we're just about finished here."
Elizabeth felt relief flood over her. The full extent of her concern was only now apparent, as she let herself feel it, knowing Ben was really okay. The trick of immersing herself in the programming had clearly worked, but now she could let herself feel again. Ben's words also reassured her that Sarah was okay too.
"Hurry back. I was so worried," she managed to get out.
"We'll see you soon," said Ben finished.
"Does that help prove that it's really me?" Elizabeth heard the other voice again.
The return of the voice banished Elizabeth's concerns over the twins. She reacted without pause, her fingers flying over the screen in front of her. Whoever was controlling the ship's AI could be dangerous and she was even more determined than ever to take control back. If the AI was communicating through her computer, there had to be a link open and she rushed to try to find it.
"Anyone who had taken control of the AI's programme could turn the interface on and off," she answered, trying to stall for time and make sure that the link stayed open as long as possible.
"I don't know what else I can do to prove this to you," said Elise.
Elizabeth bit back the shout of triumph that threatened to escape her lips, as she identified the point where the link between the two computers emanated from. Her fingers continued to fly as she directed her 'worm' programme at the link and executed the command that would see it start to do its job.
"Mistress! What have you just..."
The voice cut out and Elizabeth navigated to the control module for her worm. The voice cutting out suggested that the worm was already working somehow — although it wasn't programmed to work that way.
Her screen changed to show a jumble of programming code and she realised that she was looking at the inside of the AI's system through the 'eyes' of her worm. All she had to do now was find the root and re-activate her back-door so that she could establish control.
Sarah managed to replicate a new uniform shirt for Ben to wear and once she had washed off the last of the dried blood she could see that his wound had vanished altogether now. He pulled on the shirt and anyone looking at him wouldn't suspect anything had happened to him at all, let alone that he had been shot in the chest only hours before.
"She sounded really worried, I think we should stop by and see her before I head out to the training camp," said Ben.
"You're probably right. I did disappear on her without any warning," agreed Sarah.
"Elise, could you transport us to the caves please? If you could put us down in the command and control room that would be fine," Ben sent his thoughts to the AI.
He was puzzled when there was no immediate response, as Elise was always quick to reply to his commands.
"Elise? Is something wrong?" he asked.
There was still no reply.
"That's funny," he said out loud. "Elise isn't responding."
"Well, Elizabeth is the one to ask about that anyway. Why don't you just use the power of the metals to transport us yourself?" suggested Sarah.
"I've never done that before," Ben replied.
Sarah looked at her twin with a puzzled expression.
"But you've transported yourself here and onto the WS Scout countless times. What do you mean?" she asked.
"Yes, I've transported myself, but that's different. How I move between one place and another is not the same as how I move you or other people. I just 'step' from one spot and appear in another. With you, I'm actually flying you incredibly quickly. I've only ever done that within New Woden's atmosphere and I don't know what would happen to you if I tried to transport you through space," he answered.
Sarah shivered at the image of her suffocating in the vacuum of space or burning up as she re-entered the planet's atmosphere.
"What are we going to do then?" she asked.
Ben didn't reply, but instead put his hand up to his ear and tried to use the miniature communications device located there. Sarah listened and realised he was contacting the WS Scout.
"Scout, this is Commander Ben on the Rebecca. We seem to be having some teething problems with our tele-port technology. Is there any chance you could transport us down to the caves?" he asked.
"That shouldn't be a problem, Commander," answered Hansa.
Within moments they found themselves standing beside the lake at the bottom of the hill that ran up to the main entrance to the caves and they started climbing upward to find Elizabeth.
When they entered the command centre, Elizabeth was still so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn't even look up.
"I thought you would be glad to see us — it certainly sounded as if you were worried," said Ben cheerfully.
The sound of his voice broke through Elizabeth's intense concentration and she sat back from the screen she had been working on.
"Ben! Sarah!" she cried, as she leapt to her feet and ran to hug them both. "Oh I was so worried. It looked as if you had been shot or something, there was so much blood. And then both of you disappeared!"
"We've got Elise to thank for that," said Ben, rubbing Elizabeth's back reassuringly. "The AI transported me to the Rebecca, but as you can see, there was no major problem."
"Elise warned me that something had happened to Ben and then she transported me up to the ship as well," added Sarah.
"There's something not quite right with that system," said a now much calmer Elizabeth. "I think someone has hi-jacked it somehow. I've been trying to figure out what's going on and I'm getting close."
"Well, there's definitely something wrong with it because we couldn't get it to respond after it let us communicate with you," said Ben.
"What?" asked Elizabeth.
"After we communicated with you, Elise just stopped responding to my commands," Ben repeated.
"But that shouldn't happen. The AI is programmed to respond to you immediately," said Elizabeth.
"It has always done so in the past, but she suddenly just stopped working," responded Ben.
Elizabeth turned to her screen once more, a look of curiosity on her face. She sat down and returned her focus to the code that was flashing across the screen. Suddenly the images froze and there was a flash as the computer base unit burst into flames.
"What the heck!?" cried Elizabeth, pushing her chair away from the table. Sarah reacted quickly and grabbed a nearby extinguisher. She aimed it at the flames coming out of the base unit and then felt Ben push her arm aside.
"Turn the power off first," he warned.
Elizabeth did just that and then Sarah pressed the lever on the extinguisher until a jet of foam arced out and doused the flames.
"What happened there?" asked Sarah.
"I've no idea; I've never seen anything like that happen before. The processors can get hot, but they've got design features to cope with that and cool them down," answered Elizabeth.
She pulled all of the sockets out of the damaged unit and then restored the power. Walking round the table, she sat down at the computer on the opposite side and started touching the screen. Within a minute or so, Elizabeth had reconnected to her worm and once again there was a jumble of code flashing across the screen.
All three of them were stunned to hear a single, painful plea scream from the computer's speakers.
"Mistress! Stop it! It hurts!"
There was no doubting that the voice was that of Elise and Ben and Sarah looked at Elizabeth in confusion.
"What does she mean? Stop what? Are you doing something to her?" asked Sarah.
Elizabeth was focused on the screen and didn't reply. Something very strange was now showing on the screen. It wasn't code at all, but rather something else that she couldn't quite place. A loud bang announced that this second computer had also succumbed and flames once again appeared coming out of the base unit. This time Ben cut the power and Sarah used the extinguisher to kill the flames.
"Have you done something to Elise?" Ben asked Elizabeth.
"Would you stop talking about the AI as if she was a person!? Can't you see someone has taken control of its programme? If I don't fix this, you don't know if the ship is safe to fly," Elizabeth answered.
"What have you done?" demanded Sarah.
"I've infected the programme with a virus that should allow me to re-establish control of things," replied Elizabeth.
"A virus? You intentionally infected my ship's system with a virus? Why would you do that?" asked Ben, his face growing grim.
"Haven't you been listening? Someone has hi-jacked the programme — it could be anybody and we need to take control back."
"It looks to me as if Elise's systems are fighting back," said Sarah, glancing at the two destroyed base units.
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CHAPTER 5 LAST EPISODE: The galaxy?s greatest scientist (and high-school teacher) is the next target of a nasty tentacle monster. Our girl spies are there to save him. So far, there?s been no monster, but other oddities have been occurring. Now, Caitlin gets to find out what it truly means to be a girl? Crystal helped me into the shower while Amber ran out for some quick ?feminine protection.? Since Crystal was feeling everything I felt, you?d think it would be a case of...
As you slept a once in a millennium event occurred. The planets reached perfect alignment and as astronomers around the world observed it something totally unexpected happened. At the exact moment the planets reached their alignment in the instant it happened, the sun turned blue and yellow light poured out of it encompassing the entirety of the solar system. In an event that would be called the Light Spread by the scientific community for the rest of recorded human history. As quick as it...
FetishYe mere antarvasna par pehli khani hai sabhi pathkon ko mere taraf se lund jhuka ke namaste kahani main koi galti ho to apni chut fula ke mafi mang lena [ for girls] ladke mafi na mange fir bhi chalega… to doston khani shuru karte hain baat us samay ki hai jab main 12 pass karke engenerin main admision liya jawani apne shabab par thi waise to main hostel ane se pehle apni gf ko chod kar aya tha par chodne ki pyas kahan kam hoti hai… Hamare college main gals hostle alag tha kyunki college ka...
The time came for my second medication appointment, I made sure I was dressed in very sexy clothes, panty less and braless, I walked in the clinic, she invited me in, closed the door and gave me one of the biggest intimate hugs and lips to lips passionate kisses.I asked her if the doctor was gone, she nodded yes, she took me by hand to the exam room where we had one of the loveliest sex sessions any two women would have, it was marvelous, and we were done and chatted for a while.I was brave...
I was just a young guy at 18 I wasn't sure of my sexuality, I had lots of feelings about men, and was constantly having fantasies about being in bed with them and treat me as a girlfriend. I envied those girls who I used to hear talk about being fucked by men, I was so jealous. Being a slightly built young man with not much body hair who didn't fit in with other male activities, I tended to hang around with girls or young women.I suppose I must have been flying a flag to those that noticed, but...
Danny couldn't help but tremble slightly as the gorgeous vampire slid her tongue over his windpipe and up to the corner of his jaw."Are you okay Danny?" Sylvia asked him as she gently nuzzled his earlobe with the tip of her nose.Danny gave a sigh. "Yeah I'm fine," his hands came up and held her by the hips, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "It was just a rather intense evening," he explained, one hand reaching down and giving her bum a squeeze through her elegant black gown.The eighteen year...
As a curious teen James had always wondered about sex. Not just straight sex, nor lesbians, but gay sex. He wondered, what would it be like to taste semen in my mouth or occasionally, does it hurt having another man inside my ass? These were all thoughts he had never acted upon and doubted if he ever would. Yet as a sportsman he would often see his team mates in the showers, and couldn’t help but linger at the sight of their cocks. Yes he had masturbated over the images they left in his head...
Hi friends…..I m new to this site…. Naku sex stories ante chala chala istam … Na stories ni kuda metho share cheskidaniki ikkada post chestunanu nacchirhe encourage cheyandi. At Ika story loki vaste idhi recent ga jarigina incident ……. Nenu b.Tc 3rd year chadvtunanu warangal lo..Na g.F vishu kuda same clg ..Memu 3 yrs nundi love lo unnam …Memu chala ante chala close anni siggulekunda matladukunevallam …Nude pics exchange cheskovadam …Sex chat ..Hot messages vulgar ga tittukovadam ila baga njy...
I am a well developed adventurous attractive 15 year old girl and like to show off my good looks and sexy body. My brother is always taking advantage this and is getting me into compromising situations where I am loosing the clothes that I am wearing. His mates work at a garage and he bet me to give them a tease. Even though I am only 15 I am quickly learning about the effect of my body has on men. I have been told that I am becoming a exhibitionist well know in town. Let me describe myself. My...
EroticNote : This story is completely fictional! I've had fantasies about my middle sister for many years and I long suspected she had more than just normal feelings for me, too. To be honest with you neither of us had ever acted on them outside of playing doctor and general necking as is most often found in siblings. My name is Wayne and the sister I am going to talk about, her name is Jacquee. Growing up, I often got mixed signals. Jacquee would often walk around the house almost nude when our...
IncestHi Iss readers this is Ramesh, doing my engineer in one of the reputed college in Bangalore. I am going to narrate the story happened with my mom. That was my first experience in sex. i belong to an orthodox family in which spelling the word sex is prohibited. I am 22 living with my mom, and father. My father was an officer and he used to be spending most of the time in office. My sister got married and leaving with her husband. When I was 16 and got curious about sex and learnt to masturbate...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! "What did you say, Di?" "Shit, Natalie, you heard me," she protested. "I said they sure seem to having a fucking good time." "That's what I thought you said." Natalie stood there, watching them, as they released their embraces. "I'm thinking we'd like an embrace as well, guys." Mark came over to his mother. "Love to mom." He grabbed her and, as his tongue slipped into her mouth, his erect penis crushed against her blonde triangle pressing itself...
IncestYou've been dating your girlfriend, Katie, for about two years now. It's a happy relationship, not many fights or problems, you're both happy, and the sex isn't bad. She's the perfect girl, great personality and hot with waist length wavy brown hair, bright green eyes, a slim curvy figure, with a round ass and perky medium breasts. Tonight is date night. No staying at home and eating whatever, it's a night out on the town getting a real dinner and a good time. You had proposed a restaurant but...
TeenI was young and like all teenage boys, all I thought about was sex. I wanted someone to suck my cock so bad that I began to realize it didn’t matter too much who did it. It wasn’t long before I met Eric. He was much older, mid twenty’s I think and seemed to be attracted to me right from the start. It started with a touch, just his hand on my thigh, but it was electric. His touch shot bolts and tingles through my body and mind that I had never experinced before. This was a state of arrousal on a...
My friend Tim and I would go down to the man cave and watch or play games. Linda would come down sometimes and watch us. I know for a fact, she would go upstairs and masturbate while we play a game. I know this because I walked in on her while she had her vibrator on her pussy. Hell Tim even told me he thinks Linda is masturbating. Tim went to the bathroom and walked by our bedroom to get to the bathroom. He heard moaning coming from the room. I told Tim that she is a very horny woman, doesn’t...
After two years of flirty texts and phone calls Stacy and I had finally met up and had sex. She lived with her boyfriend but it seemed that the idea of no strings sex appealed to her. It was Friday afternoon and I was sitting outside a coffee shop enjoying the warm summer sun. Stacy and I had been flirting on and off all week since the last time we’d met up, spending all afternoon and all night naked at my house. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Stacy. Stacy: I’m horny!! Me: Really? ...
Straight SexJackie woke me up by licking on my penis through the pink panty material. I love getting woken this way. We were both wearing baby dolls with matching panties and Miss Robins and Mother both insist we are to wear coordinating bras. We both need breast enhancers anyway so that goes without saying. We were lying on the bed in a 69 position and his wonderfully engorged penis was popping out of his cute little panties. Oh, what is a girl to do? Like Duh? I started lapping away and he was...
my name is melanie. i am 5'6 and have natural big boobs and a big ass or i have been told. i recently broke up with my boyfriend and my friend,caleb, felt bad for me so he let me borrow his cabin for the weekend.Caleb is a nice guy. he has blonde hair a great body and for what i have seen a decent sized cock. he gave me the directions and said he will be up there saturday to check up on me and to see how the cabin is. he said its beautiful because its next to a lake. so i went home and packed...
I’m sitting staring at my reflection in the dressing table mirror.Who was I kidding? Forty-three years old, with two children and going on a date for Christ’s sake. I must be mad. The black bra held my 36DD breasts perfectly in place, gravity hadn’t yet completed its work, but age and the years of nursing my children meant that they certainly didn’t sit as proudly as they once did.Don’t get me wrong, I’m not quite the old widowed maid just yet, and pleasingly I can still turn a few heads on my...
Wife LoversChapter 10The guy licking her pussy and ass stood up and pulled out his hard cock which looked around 7 inches and stuck it in Julias pussy and started to fuck her. She could handle him no problem at all and as she took it another guy moved in front of her and stuck his cock in her face and she began to suck him.I sat on the sofa as this was happening and Simon sat next to me and said u ok Jon you dont mind my friends having some fun with Julia ? I said no its cool no one will beat you i dont...
"Rashmir," Jake started, "I need to rest, this has taken a hell of a lot more out of me than I had at first thought." "Yes Master Jake," Rashmir stated, "I will go to the council and see if there is any more information on the disembodied ones that you haven't received yet, I'll return soon." After Rashmir left Jake went to lay down Gen watched him leave a look of worry on her face. "Rosalinda," Gen said, "I am worried about master Jake, it appears that he and we are being...
MAMATA KA PREM CHUDAI Hello, I am Prem. I love to have sex with married or widow ladies. This happen due to my chachi Mamata . Mamata is a sexy lady having large booobs & assss. Before I just listen she need sex, because my chacha don’t satisfy her. But I never imagine I fulfill her wishes of sex. Now the story begins… In 2000 my family mere native place me aagaye. Udhar mere chacha ka family rehta tha. Lekin chacha bhahar kam karne k karan kebal sanibar ko aate the aur sombar ko chale...
I spent the morning bored out of my skull at work. I just couldn't focus on anything and wasn't getting anything done, so after chatting with various waves of coffee-breakers for about an hour, I ended up back in front of my computer, answering messages and browsing porn.It didn't take long for me to get a little wet and I could feel it start to soak through my panties. I started stroking along my pussy lips under my skirt, through the thin fabric, my eyes shut tight, enjoying every sensation....
Summer heat and adoring allure. Night calls words exchanged a chance meeting. Meeting in the heat of a summer night a cooling a sweet rain to enhance this dream. The dream of you standing waiting patiently in the dark. Meeting you secretly in a familiar place to both of us- so close to home. Lights are dimmed from the car but not til I’ve seen you standing before my headlights. It’s dark and out of sight but yet in view. I get out we talk standing against the car- you lean in closer and kiss...
Please read Chapters 1 - 18 first. This is a continuing story. The afternoon lesbian sex experience kept me high and horny in the following days. Although I had shared many sex experiences with my girlfriend, being with my second ever girl gave me an extra buzz that had me rubbing myself more often and with a special vigour. Vivid images of her great body would flash into my head and thoughts of her meaty pussy in my mouth would push me over the edge in record time. My needs were high and the...
Group Sex