Granddaughter s Questions
- 3 years ago
- 69
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"This is it. I don't have much. Daddy would never buy many clothes so I have never had much of anything. What we purchased last night are the most new things I have received in years."
My heart goes out to Leeza. If I had such a wonderful daughter; her life would be as full as I could make it. When my wife and children were living at home, they were my life. All the fruits of my labor went to making sure they were comfortable and wanted for very little. Holding my arms open Leeza snuggles to me sobbing. My hands are running up and down her torso.
"This will be the start of a new phase in your life."
Holding her tight, I softly kissed the top of her head. The trembling in her body diminishes. The sooner that permanent guardian ship is awarded the better it will be, better still is the adoption. She will be protected for the rest of my life.
"Do you want to see your room?"
That comment brings a sparkle to her eyes. Her face is radiant, even with the traces of the bruising, her makeup has been disturbed. The pool water rearranged some of it. Leeza still looks like an angel, in spite of the changes. This is the happiest she has been tonight.
"Oh, Yes."
"Well, there are three unused bedrooms. You can have your pick."
The house has been professionally decorated and furnished. Rather than leave the money in the bank I poured some into the house and contents. The spare rooms have never been used. Not having any guests, but that will change tonight.
Leeza is like a kid in toy land. She runs from room to room then repeating the adventure about four times.
"I'll take that one Don."
"As long as you are happy, it is yours."
Leeza squeals with delight. Downstairs retrieving her items then entering her bedroom looking like a beast of burden, she runs to me.
"I feel better now having made the decision."
"You have no idea how happy I am that you chose to move in. You are going to give real purpose in my life once again."
"All these changes make me feel safe, but now I need a bath then I want to model the other Speedo suits for you."
"You really don't have to tonight, we can watch television. You have had a lot to accept in such a short time."
"Don. I have never felt so happy and sad at the same time."
"Ok, enjoy yourself. Tomorrow we will go back to the mall for additional items we may have forgotten."
"You have done so much for me already."
"I enjoy doing things for you. We will get you some more new clothing and lingerie. You can also get some bubble bath and whatever you require."
Downstairs making coffee, I can hear the water running. I would love to bath Leeza; my mind is wandering again. The last thing Leeza needs is an old leach pawing her. I feel ashamed of myself, but only just a little bit. It is nearly an hour later before Leeza presents herself.
"Here I come."
Leeza descends the staircase. She is wearing one of the new Speedo's. The suit hugs her body accenting her breasts with bold strips. The same strips narrow as they point to her crotch. The effect is very erotic. Leeza nipples are hard. They seem oversized for her breasts. Leeza's pubes are outlined by the tight suit. She wasn't short changed in that department. Leeza has re-applied new make-up. I am tingling all over.
"You look overwhelming, that suit brings out your complexion."
"So glad you like it Don, I can model another one for you."
"One a night is fine; you don't want me to have a heart attack. Tomorrow you will have more to model after our trip to the mall. Why don't you sit down beside me or would you rather go for a swim?"
"We can sit. I can swim tomorrow before you come home."
Leeza approaches but instead of just sitting she is on her knees and lies across my body facing me. Her breasts snug in the Speedo push against me, her arms around my neck her lips on mine.
"Thank you, Don or should I call you daddy."
The effect of her kiss, her scent and just feeling her against me has my Woody extending his interest into her soft tummy. She has to be aware of it.
"Call me daddy."
The kiss seems to last forever her arms squeezing me close. I am powerless to restrict my cock from embarrassing me, Leeza doesn't seem to mind.
"Daddy, I am so tired. Today has been very stressful for me, I am so grateful for what you and your friends have done. You are the best thing that has happened to me."
"Good night, Leeza. There is an alarm clock on the bedside table. I will be gone when you get up. There is an extra key for the front door on the telephone table, make sure you lock the doors when you leave and again when you come home. Don't answer the door for anyone. I will be home as early as possible so we can go shopping after dinner."
"Night Daddy."
Watching Leeza move is a vision the Speedo has ridden into the crack of her bum cheeks. My eyes are glued to her crease until she disappears upstairs. What wonders are hidden beneath that narrow expanse of cloth? My erection hasn't been this insistent for years.
It is difficult keeping my train of thought at work, her face and her body flashes into my mind every time there is a lull. She is safe in the house but my concern is her father may return and look for her. He may assume Leeza is visiting me and that possibility has me worried. My lawyers have assured me everything is tracking as planned. One good note, my guardianship of Leeza was formally approved today.
The next two days are repeats. We go shopping. Leeza can't believe the amount of money that we spend on new clothing and accessories including costume jewelry, several matching outfits of fine lingerie, plus four pairs of new shoes in the latest styles. Arriving home each night Leeza is beside herself. Her closets are filling up.
When Leeza is clad in the trendy fashions and with fresh make-up she is a living wet dream. Her complexion complements all her outfits. I am so proud of her. My hidden desire of her continually intensifies. Wisely keeping my distance, accepting what is offered; not asking or suggesting anything else. This time is for her. In time perhaps she will realize how much I love her. It is a joy coming home after a heavy work day. Leeza is the greatest thing that has happened to me.
Arriving home early on Thursday night it is obvious Leeza is upset.
"My dad is home. He pounded on the door a couple of times but I never left the bedroom. He has been drinking."
"You stay upstairs. I will call the sheriff and my lawyer. We might as well get this over with."
After calling I sit down and wait. It isn't long before a police cruiser pulls into the driveway. Two officers stay in the cruiser waiting for the lawyer. Moments later he arrives. The three of them approach the front door. The door opens and all go inside. Now the wait, every minute seems like an hour. Then the door opens and they leave. The telephone rings scaring the shit out of me. It is my lawyer.
"Well, it is all done. Her dad signed a release and accepted the restraining order."
"What release?"
"He signed the release stating he will not dispute any guardianship or adoption proceedings for Leeza. When we left he was packing. He is moving to be closer to his job so you should see a for-rent sign on the house shortly."
"Why would he sign anything?"
"Well we had papers drawn up to charge him with assault. I used that as a lever. He called Leeza a slut and said anything that happens to her is what she deserves. He ranted on and on telling us how wonderful a father he has been and Leeza is an ungrateful bitch and he's glad to see the last of her. The sheriff's officers witnessed all the documents so they will stand up in any court. You can tell your ward that all is done."
"Thank you so much. I don't know how to repay you."
"Hey, we are repaying a little of what we owe you. Your suggestions saved my firm more than eighty-five thousand dollars in the last six months. This is just a small repayment. I will have my staff follow this through to make sure you get all the documents awarding you full guardianship of Leeza until she is of legal age. We will also pursue the adoption. However, that will take time."
"Thank you. I know Leeza will be pleased."
After hanging up I feel wonderful. Everything is finally falling into place. Leeza is now my legal ward, soon to be my legal daughter.
"Leeza; please come down there is good news."
Appearing she is dressed in one of her new outfits, very short shorts and a tube top. Unable to control myself; I just stare my mouth open, mentally undressing this creature in my mind. My thoughts at the moment are not as a daddy but that of a dirty old man.
"What happened?"
"Well, your dad was served. He made a little fuss but when he saw he was going to be charged with assault he cooled down."
"He accepted the restraining order. He also signed a release that he would not protest any motion for your guardianship. Mind you it is after the fact but it is good to know we will have no legal challenges. It couldn't have ended better; he will be out of your life for good."
"Oh Daddy, I am going to cry. This last week has been a whirlwind of change for me. Just look at me. I'm a woman. These clothes make me feel so good. I am so happy you are going to be my new Daddy."
"Another thing your dad is moving away. He was packing his belongings when the police and lawyer left. He didn't even ask where you were. He is a real gem."
Both of us hear a car door slam. Then a car starts and leaves with tires squealing. Leeza and I watch it drive out of sight.
"Well Leeza, this is really the first day of the rest of your life, the best part is I know you will make a big difference in mine. I never realized how lonely I was until I met you. I will be proud to call you my daughter."
"Oh Daddy."
Leeza is in my arms kissing me, tears of happiness flowing. Her tongue finds my mine. Again she is moving her body against my raging erection. My hands are on her soft bum kneading her cheeks. We break both breathing heavily, looking at each other.
"A cold shower is in order. It is bed time for you."
Again she is in my arms hugging me tight.
"A large weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I will be the best daughter any daddy could have."
Before she leaves she leans over and gives me a father daughter kiss leaving me gasping for air. Heading for the kitchen, I need a small drink. Pouring myself a glass of wine and walking to the patio, I consider the events of the day; there is a lot to think about.
The next month develops our routine, leaving the house early while Leeza is still sleeping. In the evening arriving home regardless of the hour, Leeza is waiting. The welcome kiss is that of lovers. Her body is so vibrant, continuing her habit of rubbing her body against my lower extremities. She knows exactly what she is doing and enjoys taunting me; I have to admit it feels great. Treating her like a daughter at all the times; never suggesting or even attempting anything more. My deprived thoughts are my own.
Although Leeza looks great in the Speedo, she looks devastating in a bikini. One evening we return to the mall. At Victoria's Secret I suggest she look for a bikini for use at home. Actually I suggest two; one that contrasts with her skin colour and the other light beige that would accent her skin tone.
"Get some fancy bras and thongs as well."
Leeza just looks at me with her arresting smile, shakes her head in mock disgust and disappears into the store. Sitting on the bench waiting is not a hardship as many varieties of humanity walk by. Mind you there are a large number of young females but none compare to Leeza's beauty in my eyes. Right in the middle of imagining Leeza's shapely body in a bikini; I hear.
"Daddy, the lady wants to see you."
My duty as a new daddy is to pay not that I mind. The look on the clerks face when she sees Leeza's daddy is priceless, but she accepts my card without a comment. Seeing Leeza in one of the sexy outfits will certainly make my day. After paying Leeza stacks the purchases in my arms and we head home.
"Daddy, I want to show you the bikinis I bought."
"Did you get two?"
"Actually three, two are the colors you suggested and then a light blue one."
"That is fine with me. Do you get some lingerie?"
"Yes Daddy, wait till you see the matching sets. I have never had so many pairs of under things in my life. And these are so soft I know they will feel great against my skin."
Leeza reaches to the back seat of the van and brings a bag forward.
"Wait till you see me in this daddy."
There is hardly anything to see, I have seen more material in a handkerchief. There is that tingle again. Seeing Leeza in that bikini will be worth all we spent today. Unfortunately, when we arrive home it is too late. There is another grueling day tomorrow besides Leeza has school.
"You can show this tired old man your new suit tomorrow. I think the shock will put me in a trance."
Every evening Leeza tells me about her day in school. She is doing well. Her marks are all in the mid eighties. With the right equipment she is now a permanent member of the swim team. Her coach is encouraging her to do more; stating with her talent she has great promise. He is hopeful that with her training schedule she can possibly compete in the state completions for a chance to challenge for the Olympic swim team.
"Leeza, I'm so proud of you."
"I'm so happy with the changes in my life Daddy. I never realized how wonderful things could be until you came into my life. Daddy, I love you so much."
"And I love you, Leeza."
Again we are hugging; our lips locked. My body is trembling with excitement. We hold each other tight. Leeza's perfume and shampoo fills my nostrils. These feelings should never end. We finally break the embrace.
"Well, I think it is time for dinner. What would you like tonight?"
"You daddy, I want to show you how much."
Looking at her dumbfounded, she is sincere her face radiates warmth and love. Her arms slide around my neck again pulling me toward her body. Leeza kisses me and I return them. Her hands are gently caressing the back of my head. My hands, with a mind of their own, run up and down her back then knead her soft bum. My fingers feel the outline of her lingerie. She is wearing a thong. My heart is pounding.
"Time out."
Breaking our hug pushing away, I am panting from excitement.
"Leeza we have to stop. Things can get out of hand. Let's go to the kitchen and make dinner."
"But daddy I want you."
"You have me for as long as you want me."
"Daddy, you have no idea how I feel right now, look how my body is trembling. I tingle all over. When we are this close, I can't describe the feelings for you."
"I feel the same way. That is why we are going to make dinner right now."
Once in the kitchen; the feeling of excitement slowly drains from my body. That was too close for comfort. As much as I want to have her it can't be the result of Leeza thinking she owes me something. Her reason for this affection has to be from the heart.
I still haven't seen all the bikinis. The only time we have together recently has been during our meals. Leeza has swimming practice every night. With the swimming competition next week her coach had the full team practicing in the morning and the evening.
"What would you like to do on the weekend?"
"Could we stay home? I want to show off my new clothes."
"Tomorrow after work we can go and get supplies for the weekend some steaks and all the trimmings. Did I tell you I got a call from the lawyers this morning?"
"No. Daddy you didn't. What did they want?"
"In ninety days you will be my daughter. The lawyers had your dad sign all the waivers and claims when they confronted him."
"Oh daddy I love you."
Leeza is in my arms. Hugging her tightly, we kiss and kiss again, her lips feel so soft. There are no words to tell the world how proud I will be to become her dad. Leeza will be my reason for living. Running my hands over her back enjoying the warmth of her skin while she rotates her body against my erection. Then she starts moving her pubic region against me.
"Daddy, I want you so much."
"Want me?"
"Yes. I want you like a girl wants a man, like a wife. You told me you haven't had a lady friend in years. I want to be the woman in your love life. I am old enough."
"You are the only woman in my life. Maybe we should call it a night."
Shit another close call, as my feeling for Leeza gets stronger, it won't take much to push me over the edge. Leeza is now the daughter I have never had and admittedly she would be a perfect lover but not as payment for being what a dad should be, there is a need to be very carefully and control my urges. All through the night my thoughts are about Leeza, her innocent beauty, her tasty lips. Every time my eyes close, her smiling face fills my mental screen and her words continue to haunt me. My gut feeling tells me irregardless how much the urge is suppressed something is going to happen.
Friday is a day from hell. Everything that could go wrong does. The only thing that helps me keep my sanity is the knowledge of my weekend with Leeza. During my only coffee break for the day I make a list of things we will need for the total weekend. It is amazing to believe that Leeza has only been a part of my life for such a short time, but her presence fills a large void in my life, giving me a reason to come home. Finally the day ends, dragging my ass out of the office; it is six thirty when my tired body crosses the threshold. Leeza greets me like I have been gone for a month.
"Oh daddy I'm glad you are home, my homework is done, we are going to have a great weekend together."
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My name is Ron and like all men I have an almost uncontrollable urge for sex. It’s just the way we are built and just the way the chemicals in our minds work. At an experienced age of 41 my sex life has always been good. I tried marriage once for a few years, and battled with the whole settling down thing. However, my wife at the time didn’t understand my need for sexual adventures and things fizzled out. The only thing that came out of the marriage that I care about and love is my daughter...
Introduction: Anita seduces her Dad, the only real man in her life This started out as the first of a four-part storyline that I wrote some time ago. I’ve complied it here as a stand-alone story. Consider it as a tease, or a trailer, until the original is fully edited and ready for publishing.His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother...
His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much of a father for the first 4 years, resulting in Anita almost bringing herself up. Now that she was 18 (almost 19),...
Daughter’s Debt….The story goes on a bit at the beginning, but I feel it needs telling, if you have time, please read.I know some of you like it when I ad a password for an album, just so you know what I look like, might help story along. Password for Album….hi, this is me….is….tina.Let me tell you a little about myself.My name is Tina Jones, I am 49 years old, at the age of 27 I became pregnant by my then boyfriend and I had a baby girl, before she was born her father left me for someone else...
Daughter Looking Mighty Fine I never thought that this day would ever arrive. I got sexually excited over my own daughter. Why not, she was much better looking that most girls her age. Let me back up just a little bit. My daughter graduated from high school with very good grades but decided to marry her sweetheart instead of going to college. The wedding was nice but he didn’t have much of a future so he joined the Navy. Less than two years later she has a child and is back...
Over the last two weeks, Jim and Anita’s life had developed a routine that included oral sex for breakfast and as much sex as their bodies could stand for dessert after dinner. Anita was pleased that her continued attentions to her Dad‘s libido was extending his stamina. It wasn’t breaking Jim’s heart either as he found the ability to love his daughter gave them both that much more delectation. As they sat down to dinner one evening, Jim opened the conversation by dropping an unexpected...
Daughter Lap Dancer Let me start out by telling you about my wife Skyler. She likes to be called Sky. Her parents were hippies back in the late sixties and the early seventies. She could have been called Moon, Flower, Wind, or River for that matter. When I first met Sky she was an exotic dancer at a very nice bar in upstate New York. She was the headliner. She could do things with her body that no other girl on stage could, plus she could actually dance. Sky had taken dance lessons...
Okay now to daughter...she just left the house, came over to drop off some items. I was sitting in my chair with just a towel around me, folded in half so I can play as I surf the net....I sit this way every day during my alone time. So she pulls up in the drive I hear the car and before I had a chance to go get my robe she comes in the house. She is wearing a short short little jumper or romper. I can see that she of course has NO bra on.I say to her "You surprised me, I didn't expect you" she...
Daniel peeked out the window and watched his daughter standing next to a car, chatting with the young man who owned it. Though the day's outing was a civil protest against a factory releasing contaminated wastewater, he could see in the manner of the couple that there was far more than a sense of civic duty motivating their time together. Though she was dressed in a conservative manner, it could do little to hide her natural allure. She had her mother's willowy, shapely figure, and the same...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was one of those nights were I just couldn't sleep. The air was warm and it was too hot. So I had turned my bed side lamp on to watch television. But of course, at 1AM there was nothing good on so I was feeling a bit horny so I went and put a porn dvd on. 'Cum Baby' was one of my favourites. I laid back down on my bed and watched it and I could feel my nipples growing erect under my skimpy nightgown and I could feel a moist feeling between my legs....
IncestA nice weekend on the couch enjoying my coffee and thinking of the days to do list. Clean house and what to make for dinner? The usuall stuff. As I sit on the couch watching my western, my 18 year old daughter is getting ready for work. I hear her fumbling around in the bathroom getting herself ready. She comes out in her tigth skin hugging black pants that show off her nice round beautiful ass, gauranteed to get big tips. Also an all black curve hugging shirt that shows off her pert B cup...
Daughter's Little SecretBy boytoy68 and billy69boy(This story is a collaborative effort by two friends who also happen to be erotic story writers.)I approached the door with a scowl as I hate loud, obnoxious barking dogs! Walking up the stairs, I picked up the newspaper on the stoop. I probably did not need to with the dog sounding the alarm that I was approaching the house, but I rang the doorbell anyway. She was there only seconds later. I smiled my salesman smile and handed her the...
DAUGHTER OF THE HAREM By Annie James Jimmy was not a drug user. Furthermore he had heard about the penalties for drug smuggling and would have had the good sense to refuse if his newfound friends in Rome had asked him to transport any parcel or package for them. Therefore it came as a total surprise to him when the customs search in the tiny Arab state revealed a half kilogram package of white powder, clearly visible as soon as his suitcase was opened. Later as he sat alone in a...
"Stay clear of that piece," his friend cautioned. "That's off limits. She's the owner's daughter." "So she's John Phillips' daughter," the first snapped back, "so what? John fucks every unmarried cunt around and half the married ones. I hear his son does the same." "Sure, sure," his sandy-haired companion soothed, "but his delicious little daughter is not part of the game around here. Old John protects her like she was the Virgin Mary herself." "A few more years," the...
This is a story of this summers event on the water with my daughter. 100% fiction!It was a hot day in july and we decided to take a day out on the water with the boat. My daughter Lauren, now a 18 year old long blonde hair beauty with firm B cup breasts and long legs and her friend Katelyn a somewhat shaplier young woman of 19 with brown hair and D-cup breasts. My friend Joe and my son William were also along. We set off on a day on the river. We packed a cooler of beer and some snacks to munch...
Lucy woke up when her mother threw her into the bathtub. The last thing thelittle girl remembered was everything going black as Carl pissed into her mouth.Her mother was angry."Wake up, you fucking slut. WAKE UP!....Dumb bitch. I let you sleep as long as Ican, whore. I can't believe you passed out when Carl crammed his pissing cockdown your fucking throat! You ungrateful little cunt! It's lucky for you Carl issuch a nice man. He thought you should get some rest, cunt. But don't you...
Hi, I am Ramesh, 45 years old, and I have a wife and daughter. My wife is 42 years old, a bit healthy but still looks young for her age. She is fair. After pregnancy, her assets grew, and they were like that since then. My daughter Riya is 21 years old. She studies in college, and she is an engineering student. She resembles her mom but with a very sexy figure. Well, she is 21 what else can you expect. To describe her, I would say that she is taller than her mother, about 5’5″. She has a very...
IncestI never thought that this day would ever arrive. I got sexually excited over my own daughter. Why not, she was much better looking that most girls her age.Let me back up just a little bit. My daughter graduated from high school with very good grades but decided to marry her sweetheart instead of going to college. The wedding was nice but he didn’t have much of a future so he joined the Navy.Less than two years later she has a c***d and is back living at home because her husband is out to sea...
Daughter Wife Jim Calderon took his 18-year-old daughter to a restaurant near the end of the school year. She had just graduated a couple of months before and was not going to college right away. Instead, she was going to work for a year or two before deciding what career she wanted to follow. Jim had been searching for another job, and had a couple of interviews lined up, both of them in towns hundreds of miles away. “I hope you get the one in Portland,” Stacy said to him as she finished...
IncestDfD aka Daughter For Dessert! Sometimes, when I’m deep in the depths of a week-long masturbation binge, I forget to eat. It’s kind of ironic, given all the cherry popping and creampie filling I see on an hourly basis, but the body just forgets all about sustenance when it’s trying to clean the pipes of all that built-up, sticky sex goo. Daughter for Dessert is a perverted videogame that addresses the issue head-on, with hopefully some head-giving included.Daughter for Dessert is hosted by...
Free Sex GamesThe morning found Carolyn and her pretty daughter and lover Sharon entwinedtogether in Carolyn's bed. There was a pillow on the floor and the sheetswere tangled. Sunlight streamed cheerfully through the lace curtains. Aclock ticked sweetly. Carolyn opened her eyes, and a smile curved her lips. She tracedSharon's neck with her red fingernails, and softly kissed her sleepingc***d. 13-year-old Sharon stirred sleepily and cuddled even closer to herMom, sighing happily. Carolyn swung over on...
-= Chapter 1 =-Jolyne Crawford was an exceptionally attractive young blonde teenager. Her parents were divorced, and she lived with her mother who spent most of her time in bed with various men whom she brought home with her.The highlight of Jolyne's life was the one weekend of the month that she stayed with her dad. Shortly after her parents were divorced, Jolyne's father had taught her how to suck him off. Although she was a virgin, the cute little blonde and her dad had been enjoying oral...
Raj and his friend shyam sat down on the couch with a can of beer each and started to watch the basketball. Raj was a married 55 year old who lived with his wife of 30 years out in the countryside. Raj was a slightly overweight man who had a large beer belly, and had gone completely bold. Since he retired five years ago, he would spend most of his days, and night drinking with his buddies. His wife had gone to her friends for the night, so raj had invited shyam over to watch the basketball with...
Heather had to leave the Goldsteins' shortly after the phone call from Jenny because her father called and wanted her to return home. She arrived home shortly before ten that evening and was met at the door by a naked daddy with an erection. She was scooped into his arms and carried giggling into the master bedroom where she was stripped and fucked properly by one of the masters. After a proper incestuous fucking, he told her about his new secretary/whore, Dawn, but did not tell about her...
I was getting out of the shower when I heard something that will just about stop a father's heart. I heard a male voice, muffled by two closed doors yell, "Oh shit! I'm about to cum!" I had already wrapped a towel around my waist, and was getting ready to kick some ass when I heard my daughter Lynn yell back, "Just pull out and I'll suck you off." A pretty daughter is both a blessing and a curse. You don't wish ugliness on your child, but you don't want boys drooling over a...
Diana opened the buttons of her blouse. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her small, well formed breasts stood straight out. Topped with lovely pink nipples. My mouth dropped open as I stared at my daughter’s tits. “Diana,” I said, “button your blouse.” But she just smiled as she slowly removed it! Then she walked over to me and placed her slender hand on my lap, gently squeezing my erection. “Dad,” she said. “You want me as much as I want...
Daughter of FriendNudity has never been a big deal in our household, it’s just the way we are. We live in a hot tropical country and at home – we prefer to be clothing minimal or sometimes clothing optional. I designed our house to be a private enclave where we didn’t need to feel confined by other people’s cultural habits. The house is three pavilions arranged around a central swimming pool, it’s very private. At the top, facing onto the street, we have a 2 storey pavilion with garage, entry,...
At the time me and Sarah had only been married for 2 years. We got married when I was 24 and she was 22. We were not child sweet hearts. In fact we met through our old relationships. I was with her friend at the time and somehow we ended up on our own and we just clicked and before we knew it we had been together for 3 years and decided we should tie the knot as they say. I had landed myself a well paid job at a law firm as I was making my way in the world of law. So well paid we had managed...
Dan let his daughter-in-law in, "My better half isn't here right now." Shit, Cheri thought, now I have to ask him and he doesn't like me. She sat in a chair opposite her father-in-law. "Adair and I need about a $1000 to get some stuff." "Of course you do, why else would you fucking come here?" Cheri felt her face burning with embarrassment, "What do you mean by that?" "The only time you or my fucking useless stepson comes here or calls is when you want something." "That's...